Attal Et Al. (2008)

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1029/2007JF000893, 2008

Modeling fluvial incision and transient landscape evolution: Influence

of dynamic channel adjustment
M. Attal,1 G. E. Tucker,2 A. C. Whittaker,1 P. A. Cowie,1 and G. P. Roberts3
Received 8 August 2007; revised 6 March 2008; accepted 1 April 2008; published 5 August 2008.

[1] Channel geometry exerts a fundamental control on fluvial processes. Recent work has
shown that bedrock channel width depends on a number of parameters, including channel
slope, and is not solely a function of drainage area as is commonly assumed. The present
work represents the first attempt to investigate the consequences of dynamic, gradient-
sensitive channel adjustment for drainage-basin evolution. We use the Channel-Hillslope
Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) model to analyze the response of a
catchment to a given tectonic perturbation, using, as a template, the topography of a
well-documented catchment in the footwall of an active normal fault in the Apennines
(Italy) that is known to be undergoing a transient response to tectonic forcing. We
show that the observed transient response can be reproduced to first order with a
simple detachment-limited fluvial incision law. Transient landscape is characterized by
gentler gradients and a shorter response time when dynamic channel adjustment is
allowed. The differences in predicted channel geometry between the static case
(width dependent solely on upstream area) and dynamic case (width dependent on both
drainage area and channel slope) lead to contrasting landscape morphologies when
integrated at the scale of a whole catchment, particularly in presence of strong tilting
and/or pronounced slip-rate acceleration. Our results emphasize the importance of
channel width in controlling fluvial processes and landscape evolution. They stress the
need for using a dynamic hydraulic scaling law when modeling landscape evolution,
particularly when the relative uplift field is nonuniform.
Citation: Attal, M., G. E. Tucker, A. C. Whittaker, P. A. Cowie, and G. P. Roberts (2008), Modeling fluvial incision and transient
landscape evolution: Influence of dynamic channel adjustment, J. Geophys. Res., 113, F03013, doi:10.1029/2007JF000893.

1. Introduction be extracted from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), the

dimensions of active channel width are often lower than the
[2] The occurrence and magnitude of fluvial processes
DEM resolution. For that reason, empirical relationships are
such as erosion, sediment transport, and deposition, depend
frequently used to estimate channel width, for example to
strongly on the stream power available per unit area of the
estimate the downstream distribution of specific stream
river bed. Stream power is defined as the rate of potential
power in either natural rivers or for fluvial channels in
energy expenditure of a body of water moving downstream.
landscape evolution models. Typically, it is assumed that
The stream power per unit area of the bed, or specific stream
channel width W scales with the square root of the discharge
power, is equal to rgQS/W where r = density of water, g =
Q, i.e.:
gravitational acceleration, Q = water discharge, S = channel
slope and W = channel width. Channel geometry (e.g.,
slope, width) therefore exerts a fundamental control on W ¼ kw Q1=2 ; ð1Þ
fluvial dynamics and, as the river system is itself coupled
to adjacent hillslopes, changes to channel geometry also where kw = constant. This relationship was originally
influence the rate and style of landscape evolution as a defined for self-formed channels in alluvial rivers [Leopold
whole [e.g., Burbank et al., 1996]. While channel slopes can and Maddock, 1953]. In bedrock rivers, similar scaling
relations have been observed [Montgomery and Gran, 2001;
Snyder et al., 2003a; Whittaker et al., 2007b] but
Institute of Earth Sciences, School of GeoSciences, University of equation (1) has been shown not to be valid when the
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. relative uplift field is heterogeneous [Harbor, 1998; Lavé
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, and and Avouac, 2001; Duvall et al., 2004; Finnegan et al.,
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2005; Amos and Burbank, 2007], when contrasting
Colorado, USA.
Research School of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Birkbeck
lithologies are exposed [Wohl and Achyuthan, 2002] or
College, and University College London, London, UK. when the landscape is in a transient state, i.e., readjusting to
a change in external boundary conditions [Whipple et al.,
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. 2000a; Whittaker et al., 2007a]. In these contexts, equation

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Figure 1. Location of the Rio Torto catchment analyzed in this study (modified from Whittaker et
al. [2007b]). (a) Location map of the central Apennines, Italy. (b) Geology map of the central
Apennines; star shows location of the Rio Torto catchment. (c) Map of the Rio Torto catchment.
Contour spacing = 100 m.

(1) makes inaccurate predictions in terms of channel width may tend to remain constant, which implies a slope (S)
and consequently of erosion rates. Whittaker et al. [2007a] dependency on channel width:
showed for example that using equation (1) results in the
underestimation of the real specific stream power by up to a W ¼ kwf Q3=8 S 3=16 ; ð2Þ
factor of three along the Rio Torto, a river that flows across
an active normal fault in the Apennines (Italy). where kwf = constant. Such a relationship (called ‘‘Finnegan
[3] Recent studies have focused on the geometry of bed- equation’’ hereafter) implies that a channel narrows
rock channels, analytically [Finnegan et al., 2005; Stark, following a slope increase. It successfully predicts the
2006; Wobus et al., 2006], experimentally [Shepherd and evolution of channel width along steady state bedrock rivers
Schumm, 1974; Wohl and Ikeda, 1997; Carter and experiencing uniform uplift (King Range, California) or
Anderson, 2006; Turowski et al., 2006; Johnson and Whipple, differential uplift (Yarlung Tsangpo River, Tibet) [Finnegan
2007; Finnegan et al., 2007; Douglass and Schmeeckle, et al., 2005], ‘‘steady state’’ in this case referring to rivers
2007] and in the field [Lavé and Avouac, 2001; Montgomery along which the rate of rock uplift relative to some datum,
and Gran, 2001; Snyder et al., 2003a; Duvall et al., 2004; such as mean sea level, equals the river incision rate.
Amos and Burbank, 2007; Craddock et al., 2007; Whittaker Equation (2) is also supported by a simple physically based
et al., 2007a, 2007b]. They all stress the dynamic nature of model of self-formed bedrock channels [Wobus et al.,
the shape of bedrock channels and show that channel 2006]. In field studies of transient landscapes, it improves
dimensions depend on a number of variables, including the predictions of channel width relative to equation (1)
discharge, slope, uplift rate, vertical erosion rate, lithology, [Whittaker et al., 2007a], even if it does not fully capture the
sediment supply and bed roughness. Because water tends to changes in channel properties associated with transient
flow faster in steeper reaches and therefore occupy smaller response, such as modification of the width-to-depth ratio
channel cross sections, an increase in channel slope should and bed roughness (due to variation in sediment caliber)
lead to a reduction of channel width [Finnegan et al., 2005; which have been documented in the field [e.g., Whittaker et
Wobus et al., 2006; Cantelli et al., 2007]. Finnegan et al. al., 2007a] and experimentally [Turowski et al., 2006].
[2005] further hypothesized that the width-to-depth ratio and Whittaker et al. [2007a] also proposed a modified version of
the Manning’s roughness coefficient in a bedrock channel

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generic information on the effect of dynamic width adjust-

ment for different tectonic scenarios (sections 4 and 5). In
particular, we characterize the differences between the top-
ographies generated using equation (1), (2), and (3) for fault
uplift which is varied temporally, spatially and in magni-
tude, and discuss the consequences of using inappropriate
hydraulic scaling relationship on channel profile evolution,
response time and landscape morphology.

2. Field Data
[5] A well-studied catchment in the footwall of an active
normal fault in the central Apennines (Italy) is used as
template in the present study (Figure 1). The Rio Torto
catchment (drainage area = 65 km2) is located in the
footwall of the Fiamignano fault. For this catchment,
Figure 2. Long profile of the Rio Torto and field extensive data are available on channel and catchment
measurement of channel width along the channel (mod- morphology, on dominant erosion processes [Whittaker et
ified from Whittaker et al. [2007b]). Prediction of channel al., 2007a, 2007b] and on the tectonic history of the fault
width using the typical hydraulic scaling relationship [Roberts and Michetti, 2004; Whittaker et al., 2007b].
(equation (1)) is shown. Predictions are poor in the zone Mesozoic platform limestone is exposed in the footwall of
which has responded to fault acceleration (steepened reach, the Fiamignano fault, which is a tilted fault block [Roberts
see Whittaker et al. [2007a]). and Michetti, 2004; Whittaker et al., 2007b]. The fault
initiated 3 Ma with a throw rate of 0.3 mm/a. The
equation (2) to account for the reduction of width-to-depth throw rate increased from 0.3 to 1.0 mm/a at 0.75 Ma, due
ratio with increasing slope that they documented in a to fault interaction and linkage [Roberts and Michetti, 2004;
catchment responding to a tectonic disturbance: Whittaker et al., 2007b]. Whittaker et al. [2007a, 2007b]
showed that the Rio Torto catchment is undergoing a
transient response to the fault acceleration, and that this
W ¼ kww Q0:38 S 0:44 ; ð3Þ response is characterized by the development of a steep-
ened, convex reach in the river’s long profile upstream of
where kww = constant. This empirical relationship (called the fault while the upper part of the catchment is progres-
‘‘Whittaker equation’’ hereafter) implies that slope may be sively uplifted and back-tilted (Figures 1 and 2). The upper
as important as drainage area for determining width in part of the catchment exhibits a broad, open valley while
transient channels. channel narrowing has led to the formation of a gorge along
[4] Equations (1), (2), and (3) clearly make different the steep lower reach. The width-discharge scaling relation-
predictions of the spatial and temporal evolution of channel ship (equation (1)) makes poor predictions in terms of
geometry in response to changing tectonic (or climatic) channel width within this gorge (Figure 2) [Whittaker et
boundary conditions and thus imply that there may be al., 2007a]. The development of a steepened reach in
substantive (but currently unquantified) differences in the response to an increase in fault throw rate is consistent with
wider landscape as a result. Consequently, to successfully detachment-limited stream erosion theory, which defines
understand the influence of dynamic channel adjustment on fluvial erosion rate as a function of specific stream power
landscape evolution, we need to know the extent to which or boundary shear stress (see section 3). In addition, large
these competing equations affect the magnitude, style and and abundant bedrock exposures in the channel and fluvial
timescale of landscape response to tectonic perturbation. In Shield stress well in excess of the critical shear stress for
this paper we address this challenge. We use the Channel- particle entrainment suggest that the catchment behavior is
Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) close to the detachment-limited end-member [Whittaker et
model [Tucker at al., 2001] to analyze the transient evolu- al., 2007b].
tion of a catchment in response to a tectonic perturbation
and we perform a sensitivity analysis to investigate the
consequences of using a static expression for channel width 3. Fluvial Erosion: Theory
(equation (1)) compared to relationships that allow for a [6] In this study, we are interested in isolating the effect of
more ‘‘realistic’’ dynamic adjustment of channel width to a dynamic channel adjustment on landscape development. All
change in slope (equations (2) and (3)).We calibrate the the erosion parameters are consequently set to values that are
model to the Rio Torto catchment, Central Italian Apennines kept constant between runs. A detachment-limited fluvial
(section 2), which is known to be undergoing a transient incision law is used in the model. In this case, CHILD
response to accelerated fault motions, and the morphology computes the rate of vertical channel erosion E as follows:
of which has been characterized in the field [Whittaker at
al., 2007a]; equation (3) was also initially derived from E ¼ kb t p ; ð4Þ
measurements made along the Rio Torto. We exploit these
data set to provide a robust initial template for the model, where kb = erodibility coefficient and t = fluvial shear
while varying key model boundary conditions to extract stress. We consider that the rate of incision is proportional to

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Table 1. Values of Parameters Used in the Model stream power [e.g., Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Whipple and
Parameter Value Tucker, 1999]. When equation (2) is used to define
Grid spacing 250 m channel width, a similar expression with different
Mean storm precipitation rate P 0.75 mm/h exponents can be derived from equation (6):
Mean storm duration Tr 22 h
Mean interstorm duration Tb 260 h
Catchment drainage area A 65 km2 E ¼ K3 A0:56 S 1:22 ; ð8Þ
Mean flood discharge at the outlet 13.6 m3/s
Erodibility coefficient kb, 8.106 m1/2 kg3/2 s2 where K3 = constant. When equation (3) is used to define
kb value used for runs with shear (l = 0.15 m), channel width, equation (6) becomes:
stress threshold (section 5.4) 10.106 m1/2 kg3/2 s2
(l = 0.12 m)
Manning’s roughness coefficient nm 0.025 E ¼ K4 A0:56 S 1:45 ; ð9Þ
Channel width coefficient 4.6 m1/2 s1/2
kw (equation (1))
Channel width coefficient 3.2 m1/8 s3/8
where K4 = constant. Note that the difference between
kwf (equation (2)) equations (7) and (8) is not dramatic; essentially a 20%
Channel width coefficient 1.2 m1/8 s3/8 increase in the slope exponent in the latter case. On the
kww (equation (3)) other hand, the difference between equations (7) and (9) is
Exponent p (equation (4)) 3/2
notable, with a slope exponent 40% larger when
equation (3) is used to define channel width. In the
following sections, we analyze the consequences of these
differences for the predicted response of a catchment to a
the rate of energy dissipation per unit bed area and set p to tectonic disturbance.
3/2 [Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Howard et al., 1994; Whipple
and Tucker, 1999]. More specifically, we hypothesize that 4. Model Setup and Steady State Topography
the rate of mass detachment per unit bed ffi Em = sE,
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [7] The set of parameters used in the model is presented
scales as Em = t 0U*/lg, where U * ¼ t=r, r is fluid
in Table 1. We emphasize that the wider aim of this
density, s is bedrock bulk density, g is the acceleration due
modeling is not to reproduce in detail the evolution of the
to gravity, and l is an erosion parameter that represents
Rio Torto catchment itself but to gain general insight into
the work per unit weight required to detach rock. This
how this type of footwall catchment (which is typical of an
latter parameter has dimensions of length, analogous pffiffiffi to a active extensional setting) might evolve in response to a
hydraulic head, and is related to kb by 1/kb = lgs r. The
tectonic disturbance, depending on the hydraulic scaling
scaling implied would be appropriate for determining
law chosen to define channel width. In CHILD, rainfall is
erosion rates in a fluvial system dominated by plucking
generated over the catchment according to a Poisson rect-
driven by bed load impact flux [Whipple et al., 2000b]. By
angular pulse rainfall model [Eagleson, 1978; Tucker and
assuming steady, uniform flow in a relatively wide
Bras, 2000]. In the model, three parameters are specified:
channel, and applying Manning’s roughness formula, the
rainfall intensity P, storm duration Tr and interstorm dura-
cross-section averaged boundary shear stress can be
tion Tb. We use values for P, Tr and Tb typical of a
written as:
Mediterranean climate, based on data from the US west
3=5 7=10
coast [Hawk, 1992] (Table 1). Note that climate has been
t ¼ rgn3=5
m ðQ=W Þ S ; ð5Þ changing dramatically over the Quaternary, an era charac-
terized by glacial-interglacial periods alternating relatively
where Q = discharge = product of the runoff rate P by the frequently. However, testing the effect of varying climate on
drainage area A (Q = PA), r = fluid density (1000 kg.m3), landscape development is beyond the scope of this study:
g = gravitational acceleration (9.81 m.s2), and nm = climate parameters are kept constant over the length of the
Manning’s roughness coefficient, fixed to 0.025 in this runs and the same parameters are used in all the runs. For
study [for derivation, see, e.g., Howard [1994]]. Combin- simplicity, no critical shear stress for particle entrainment
ing (4) and (5) gives: (and thus erosion) is specified in this study. However, we
performed several tests using a critical shear stress repre-
E ¼ K1 ðQ=W Þ0:9 S 1:05 ; ð6Þ
sentative of the measured average median grain size along
the Rio Torto, the results of which are presented in
section 5.4. The real topography of the Rio Torto catchment
where K1 = rg1/2n3/5
m /(ls) = constant. Note that, in the
was extracted from a 20-m-resolution DEM and trans-
case in which equation (1) is used to define the channel formed into a triangulated irregular network with a grid
width, and because Q is assumed to be proportional to the spacing of 250 m (Figure 3); this grid size represents a
drainage area, equation (6) can be written: good balance between the size of the landscape features that
are analyzed and the size that allows runs to be performed in
E ¼ K2 A0:45 S 1:05 ; ð7Þ a relatively short amount of time. The boundary condition
represents a tectonic scenario that is based on the recon-
where K2 = constant. Equation (7) is a version of the structed history of the Fiamignano fault which initiated
commonly used stream power incision law, which implies 3 Ma and the throw rate of which increased from 0.3 to
that the general slope-area form can be derived from 1.0 mm/a 0.75 Ma [Roberts and Michetti, 2004; Whittaker
et al., 2007b]. The tectonic setup is illustrated in Figure 3. It

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our results are due to arbitrary selection of model coeffi-

cients. First, static case runs were performed, using the
initial and boundary conditions outlined in the previous
paragraph; kw was set to 4.6 m1/2s1/2 (l = 0.15 m) to
produce values of W which fit the measured values in the
upper part of the real catchment which has not responded
yet to the fault acceleration (Figures 2 and 4b). The
erodibility coefficient kb was then calibrated to produce,
after fault acceleration to 1 mm/a, an average channel slope
that matches the average slope over the segment of the Rio
Torto that has responded to the fault acceleration (steepened
reach with S  0.1, see Figure 2 and section 5.1) [Whittaker
et al., 2007a]: a value of 8.106 m1/2 kg3/2 s2 was used
for all the runs presented in this study, unless otherwise
stated. Using these parameters, a steady state topography
with a fault throw rate of 0.3 mm/a was generated for the
static case (Figures 3, 4). The ‘‘modeled steady state Rio
Figure 3. Model setup. The Rio Torto catchment, in the Torto’’ has a channel width W = 17 m and a channel slope
footwall of the Fiamignano fault, is used as a template for S = 0.025 at the outlet (Figure 4). To produce a channel
the study. The boundary of the catchment is kept fixed. The with similar geometry at steady state when equations (2)
topography shown is in steady state with respect to the and (3) were used, the coefficients kwf and kww were set to
footwall uplift field associated with a fault throw rate of 3.2 and 1.2 m1/8s3/8 respectively. The hydraulic scaling
0.3 mm/a (see text). In the model, uplift decreases linearly coefficient values presented above were then kept constant
from fault to fulcrum (located 10 km away from fault), in this study. To summarize, three steady state topogra-
except for runs presented in section 5.3 in which the effect
of varying pivot distance is tested. W, C, and E refer to
Western, Central and Eastern channels respectively.

consists of a back-tilting footwall block associated with a

relative footwall uplift rate that decreases linearly from fault
to fulcrum. The use of the block-tilting model (as opposed
to a flexural model) is justified in the Central Apennines by
the small spacing between faults [Anders et al., 1993], on
average 10 km [Roberts and Michetti, 2004] (Figure 1).
The fulcrum position was chosen to reflect this average fault
spacing. We allowed the landscape to reach a topographic
steady state (i.e., erosion rate matches uplift rate at all points
of the landscape) with respect to a slip-rate on the fault of
0.3 mm/a prior to imposing any fault acceleration. This is
consistent with evidence from the Apennines where rivers
and footwall drainage networks had become established to
fault slip rates of 0.3 mm/a over a time period of 2 Ma
[Whittaker et al., 2007b]. Because the geometry of the
fluvial network in the catchment was probably already
established prior to fault acceleration, we applied to the
modern topography the uplift field associated with a fault
throw rate of 0.3 mm/a until the topography reached steady
state. The response of the catchment to an increase in throw
rate was then analyzed. Three cases were considered,
depending on the equation chosen to estimate channel width
W along the channel: the STATIC CASE refers to runs
performed using the simple width-discharge scaling rela-
tionship (equation (1)); the DYNAMIC CASE refers to runs
performed using the Finnegan equation (equation (2)); the
DYNAMIC CASE_II refers to the runs performed using the
Whittaker equation (equation (3)). Figure 4. Characteristics of the modeled Eastern channel
[8] To calibrate the hydraulic scaling coefficients kw, kwf, in steady state with a fault throw rate of 0.3 mm/a, using the
and kww (equations (1), (2), and (3) respectively), and the typical hydraulic scaling relationship (equation (1), static
erodibility coefficient kb (equation (4)) for which constraints case), using the Finnegan equation (equation (2), dynamic
are barely available, it makes sense to select values which case), or using the Whittaker equation (equation (3),
provide a match to the geometry of our field template dynamic case_II). (a) Long profiles and (b) channel width
(section 2). This allows us to exclude the possibility that along profile.

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phies with a fault throw rate of 0.3 mm/a were produced in differ upstream, due to minor difference in channel width
the static case, dynamic case and dynamic case_II. The (Figure 4).
three topographies are characterized by identical width and [9] Starting from these similar steady state topographies,
slope at the outlet, but the steady state profiles slightly the transient response of the landscape to a throw rate
increase on the fault from 0.3 to 1.0 mm/a was analyzed
(section 5.1). Four series of runs were performed: the
channel width was defined either by the typical hydraulic
scaling equation (equation (1), static case), by the Finnegan
equation (equation (2), dynamic case) or by the Whittaker
equation (equation (3), dynamic case_II); the fourth series
was performed to examine the first-order effect of varying
channel width on landscape development, imposing a
constant channel width throughout the channel network.
In this case (W = constant), the initial topography generated
using equation (1) was used.
[10] Finally, three additional series of runs were per-
formed with varied tectonic forcing and with a shear stress
threshold for erosion (sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4). The
purpose of these runs was to analyze the effect of dynamic
channel adjustment in different conditions and draw more
generic conclusions which can be applied to any kind of
landscape. For these runs, the static case was compared to
the dynamic case, the validity of the Whittaker equation
(equation (3), dynamic case_II) having been demonstrated
only along the Rio Torto.

5. Model Results
5.1. Reference Case
[11] Fault acceleration from 0.3 to 1.0 mm/a causes a 3.3
fold increase in uplift rate over the catchment. The channel
responds by increasing its slope (Figures 5a and 5b): from
the fault, a steepened reach extends upstream, along which

Figure 5. Eastern channel evolution after fault accelera-

tion to 1 mm/a. (a) Profile evolution, using equation (1)
(static case). Initial profile in steady state with fault throw
rate of 0.3 mm/a is shown at t = 0.0 Ma. Time between
profiles is 0.05 My. Black thick lines at t = 0.0 and
0.75 Ma. Dashed line at t = 0.5 Ma; the part of the profile
which is re-equilibrated at this time with respect to the
new uplift field is indicated (re-equilibrated length Lequ,
see Figure 5b). Stars indicate negative slope leading to
drainage reversal. (b) Evolution of the rock-uplift-to-
erosion-rate ratio along the profiles shown in Figure 5a.
Time between curves is 0.05 Ma. The length of the re-
equilibrated reach (uplift = erosion) increases through
time; arrows show the propagation of the ‘‘wave of re-
equilibration’’. Black thick lines at t = 0.0 and 0.75 Ma.
Dashed line at t = 0.5 Ma (re-equilibrated length Lequ).
(c) Evolution of channel width along profile when equation
(2) is used (dynamic case). Time between curves is 0.1 Ma.
Numbers indicate time in Ma. Black thick lines at t = 0.0 and
0.75 Ma, dashed line at t = 0.5 Ma. Thick grey line indicates
channel width using equation (1) (static case). (d) Evolution
of channel width along profile when equation (2) (dynamic
case) or equation (3) (dynamic case_II) is used. Curves at
t = 0 (dashed lines) and 0.5 Ma (solid lines) are represented
in both cases, showing the importance of channel narrowing
associated with increase in slope. Thick grey line indicates
channel width using equation (1) (static case).

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tions (2) and (3) which allow for dynamic channel

adjustment. Over the 2-km-long reach located 1 to 3 km
upstream of the fault, the average slope produced in the
dynamic case and dynamic case_II is respectively 10 % and
30 % lower than the slope produced in the static case,
leading to difference in elevation of 20 m and 70 m
over a length of 2 km respectively. Note that we chose to
present our results (e.g., Figure 5a) as a function of
downstream distance, using linear axes, rather than as
slope-area log-log plots. The reason for this is that the
log-log plots of our results are noisy and thus difficult to
interpret, partly because of the limited range of drainage
area that we model and also because the rivers do not flow
exactly perpendicularly to the fault so the uplift field does
not decrease regularly upstream. Whittaker et al. [2008]
analyze slope-area log-log plots for various catchments in
the Apennines (including the Rio Torto catchment) and
discuss the problems associated with this type of represen-
tation in this context.
[12] Channel width also exerts an important control on
the response time of the system. Equation (7) can be written
as follows:

dz=dt  K5 ðQ=W Þdz=dx; ð10Þ

where z = elevation, t = time, x = longitudinal distance and

K5 = constant. This is a wave equation in which the wave
Figure 6. Modeled profiles 0.5 Ma after fault acceleration, speed is given by C = K5(Q/W): consequently, the narrower
using different hydraulic scaling relationships: (a) equation a channel, the faster it responds to the disturbance [see also
(1) (static case), and W = constant (W in meter is indicated Stark, 2006]. This is illustrated by Figure 7 which shows the
on the profiles). Initial steady state profile before fault evolution of the length of the re-equilibrated reach (see
acceleration is also displayed (t = 0 Ma). To produce the Figures 5a and 5b) through time. The steeper the slope of a
same erosion rate, a narrow channel requires lower slopes curve in Figure 7, the faster the wave of re-equilibration
than a wide channel, because it focuses more of its erosive propagates upstream. The re-equilibrated reach produced in
power. (b) equation (1) (static case), equation (2) (dynamic
case) and equation (3) (dynamic case_II). Initial steady
state profiles before fault acceleration are also displayed
(t = 0 Ma). Channel narrows when slope increases in the
dynamic cases: slopes lower than in the static case are
consequently produced, particularly in the dynamic case_II
which predicts a more dramatic narrowing than the
dynamic case.

steady state is attained with respect to the new uplift field

(called the re-equilibrated reach hereafter). The length of the
re-equilibrated reach increases through time, while the
upper part of the profile is uplifted and back-tilted, poten-
tially leading to drainage reversal. In the static case, the
increase in erosion rate to a value that matches the new
uplift rate is axiomatically achieved only by an increase in
slope. In the dynamic case and dynamic case_II, the
increase in slope is also associated with a narrowing of
the channel in the lower reach, while the back-tilting of the Figure 7. Evolution through time of the length of the re-
upper reach results in a slope reduction and a subsequent equilibrated reach upstream of fault, for the Eastern channel,
channel widening (Figures 5c and 5d). Note that the using different expressions for channel width. Channel
channel narrowing in the dynamic case_II is more dramatic width is indicated on top right corner for the curves
than in the dynamic case (Figure 5d). The influence of corresponding to the case W = constant. For comparison,
channel width on the development of the profile is shown in dashed lines refer to a wave of re-equilibration propagating
Figure 6: to produce the same erosion rate, a narrow upstream at a constant rate. Response time of the system is
channel requires lower slopes than a wide channel, because highly dependent on channel width. The same seed for
it focuses more of its erosive power. Consequently, equa- random storm generation is used for all the runs and is the
tion (1) predicts higher channel slope compared to equa- main source of noise in this diagram.

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channels. If instead water entering closed basins was

assumed to either evaporate or exit along the watershed
perimeter, there would be an immediate reduction in the rate
of incision along the beheaded channel and a consequent
decrease in the rate of headward migration of the steep
[14] In the static case, the Eastern channel experiences
drainage reversal at t = 0.525 Ma, that is 25 % earlier than in
the dynamic case and 30 % earlier than in the dynamic
case_II (Figure 9a). The drainage area lost is also more
significant in the static case: 37 %, versus 22 % and 10 % of
drainage area lost in the dynamic case and dynamic case_II
respectively (Figure 9b). The time needed for the channel to
restore its initial drainage area in the static case is also 70 %
longer than in the dynamic case and 150 % longer than in
the dynamic case_II (Figure 9b). Note that these differences
Figure 8. Modeled morphology of a catchment which has are mostly associated with the propagation of the wave of
experienced drainage reversal (e.g., 0.65 Ma after fault
acceleration in the static case). Shaded area represents
internally drained basin. Drainage reversal is equivalent to a
shift in drainage divide (dashed line) toward the fault.
Circled C with arrow illustrates the capture event occurring
at t = 0.875 Ma in the static case (see text). W, C, and E
refer to Western, Central, and Eastern channels respectively.

the static case is systematically shorter than the one produced

in the dynamic case (up to 25 % shorter, e.g., at t = 0.15 Ma),
as the equation (2) allows the channel to narrow as the slope
increases. The difference in length reaches 1 km at t =
0.75 Ma. When the static case is compared with the dynamic
case_II, the differences are doubled: the re-equilibrated reach
is 50 % shorter at t = 0.15 Ma and the difference in length
reaches 2 km at t = 0.75 Ma.
[13] The differences above influence significantly the
resulting landscape morphology. In particular, we focus on
the drainage reversal (channel slope < 0) that happens in
the upper part of the catchment as a result of back-tilting
(Figure 8, see also Figure 5a). Such an event, which has
been documented in extensional settings including the
Apennines [e.g., Whittaker et al., 2007b], can have a
significant impact in terms of landscape development,
because the river loses a significant part of its contributing
drainage area and has consequently much less stream power
to incise. Figure 9 describes the timing and magnitude of the
drainage reversal event. Data produced using a constant
channel width shows that the narrower the channel, the later
the event occurs (Figure 9a). If the channel is narrow
enough, no drainage reversal occurs (e.g., Eastern channel
with W = 5 or 6 m). The drainage area lost is also a function
of channel width (Figure 9b): narrow channels tend to lose
less drainage area than wide channels, i.e., they involve a Figure 9. (a) Timing of drainage reversal as a function of
less dramatic shift in drainage divide toward the fault the method used to derive channel width: static case
(Figure 8). In our model, the drainage divide subsequently (equation (1)), dynamic case (equation (2)), dynamic
migrates away from the fault after drainage reversal oc- case_II (equation (3)), or W = constant. Box is interrupted
curred, due to regressive erosion. Narrow channels drive a when the upper part of a subcatchment becomes internally
faster rate of divide migration than wide channels and drained. ‘‘C’’ represents the capture event illustrated in
manage consequently to restore their initial drainage area Figure 8. (b) Evolution through time of lost drainage area
earlier than wide channels (Figure 9b). Note that these with respect to initial contributing drainage area for the
model runs assume that lakes form in closed depressions Eastern channel (Eastern channel is used because of its
and spill out at the lowest available point on the lake stability). Channel width is indicated on curves correspond-
perimeter, which in this case routes water down the main ing to the case W = constant. Note the change in scale on the
x axis.

8 of 16

of the Western catchment has been internally drained for

more than 0.2 Ma and water eventually overflows the
drainage divide between the central and Western channel, a
result of back-tilting and slow erosive regression along the
Western channel. In this case, the central channel becomes a
more important fluvial feature than the Western channel
which is reduced to a second order tributary. A windgap
remains where drainage reversal occurred initially (star in
Figure 10). It stays perched over time because of a low
erosion rate. This leads to very distinct morphologies for the
Western part of the catchment, according to the equation used
to derive channel width (Figure 10).
5.2. Influence of Uplift Rate After Fault Acceleration
[15] In this section, we analyze the transient response of
the landscape to fault acceleration, from 0.3 mm/a to varied
throw rates ranging between 0.5 and 1.25 mm/a. The
topographies generated in the static case and in the dynamic
case are compared. In both cases and as in the reference
case, the initial topographies are in steady state with the
uplift field associated with a fault throw rate of 0.3 mm/a.
The throw rate is then increased to 0.5, 0.75, 1, or 1.25 mm/a
(1 mm/a representing the reference case). In response to
fault acceleration, a steepened reach extends upstream, as
observed in the reference case (Figure 5a). The slope of the
steepened reach depends on the new uplift rate (Figure 11a):
the higher the uplift rate, the steeper the channel. As a result,
the differences between the static and dynamic cases are
accentuated with increasing uplift rate: in the static case,
the average slope of the steepened reach is just a few
percent higher than in the dynamic case for a throw rate
of 0.5 mm/a; this difference reaches 15 % when the throw
rate is 1.25 mm/a, due to steeper channel and thus more
Figure 10. Modeled catchment morphology 1.2 Ma after dramatic channel narrowing in the dynamic case.
fault acceleration, in (a) the static case and (b) the dynamic [16] Despite dramatic differences in channel slope, the
case. Shaded area represents internally drained basin. velocity of the wave of re-equilibration is independent of
Circled ‘‘C’’ with arrow illustrates the capture event the new uplift rate: all runs in the static and dynamic cases
occurring at t = 0.875 Ma in the static case; star represents produce plots identical to the ones shown in Figure 7 in the
the resulting windgap. W, C, and E refer to Western, static and dynamic cases (section 5.1). The occurrence and
Central, and Eastern channels respectively. Dynamic magnitude of drainage reversal events is controlled by the
channel adjustment favors headward erosion along the competition between headward erosion and the progressive
mainstreams, leading to smaller internally drained basin on uplifting and back-tilting of the upper part of the catchment.
the Eastern side of the catchment and preventing the capture Increasing throw rates on the fault leads to more significant
event from occurring on the Western side of the catchment. uplifting and back-tilting of the upper part of the catchment.
Because, for a given case, the velocity of the wave of re-
equilibration is nearly independent of throw rate, high throw
re-equilibration through the catchment, which is faster when rates tend to promote drainage reversal (Figure 11b), leading
the channel dynamically adjusts. Indeed, dynamic channel to early and large drainage reversal events. No drainage
adjustment in the back-tilted upper part of the catchment reversal occurs when the fault accelerates to 0.5 mm/a. For a
promotes drainage reversal, as channel slope reduction leads throw rate of 0.75 mm/a, the Eastern catchment loses 13 %
in this case to channel widening (Figures 5c and 5d) and of its drainage area in the static case, whereas a faster
consequently to less focused erosion and more dramatic response of the landscape in the dynamic case prevents the
reduction in erosion rate than in the static case. Comparison event from occurring. For a throw rate of 1 mm/a (reference
for the Western channel is more complex. Drainage reversal case), drainage reversal occurs later and drainage area lost is
occurs sporadically in the dynamic case_II: the Western much smaller in the dynamic case than in the static one
channel loses less than 10 % of its contributing area but (section 5.1). Finally, a throw rate of 1.25 mm/a leads to a
recaptures it almost ‘‘instantly’’ at t = 0.65 and 1.05 Ma dramatic drainage reversal event 0.3 Ma after fault acceler-
(gaps in the Western channel box in Figure 9a). Drainage ation, during which the catchment loses more than 60% of
reversal occurs at approximately the same time in the static its drainage area in both cases. In a real setting, such an
and dynamic cases. However, the central channel captures the event is likely to compromise the river’s ability to flow
upper part of the Western channel’s contributing area at t = across the fault (see section 6.1), and neither the static case
0.875 Ma in the static case (Figures 8, 9a, 10). The upper part

9 of 16

case in Figure 12b. For clarity, dynamic case steady state

profiles are not represented but, for each pivot distance, the
dynamic case profile is slightly above the corresponding
static case profile (see Figure 4a for comparison in the
reference case with pivot distance = 10 km). Increasing pivot
distance is equivalent to increasing the uplift rate in the upper
part of the catchment with respect to the lower part of the
catchment. As a result, the slopes required to produce erosion
rates that match higher uplift rates in the upper part of the
catchment are higher. Whereas all steady state profiles are
similar near the outlet, they all diverge upstream, the profile
with the highest slopes and highest elevations corresponding
to the case with the largest pivot distance: uniform uplift
(Figure 12b).
[18] In response to fault acceleration, a steepened reach
extends upstream of the fault, while the upper part of the
catchment is uplifted and back-tilted (Figure 12b). For each
case, the profiles 0.5 Ma after fault acceleration are similar

Figure 11. (a) Modeled profiles for the Eastern channel in

the static case (grey lines) and dynamic case (black lines),
using different values of fault throw rate after acceleration
(indicated on the profiles). Initial steady state profiles with
fault throw rate of 0.3 mm/a are shown in dashed lines.
Profiles 0.5 Ma after fault acceleration are shown in
solid lines. Star represents drainage reversal (slope < 0).
(b) Evolution through time of lost drainage area with respect
to initial contributing drainage area for the Eastern channel,
in both static and dynamic cases, for different values of fault
throw rate after acceleration (indicated on the curves). The
course of the Eastern channel is never reversed in the
following cases: dynamic case and throw rate = 0.75 mm/a,
static + dynamic cases and throw rate = 0.5 mm/a.

nor the dynamic case allows the catchment to re-equilibrate

fast enough to prevent the event from occurring.
5.3. Influence of Pivot Distance
Figure 12. (a) Normalized uplift rate as a function of
[17] In this section, we analyze the transient response orthogonal distance from fault for runs using different pivot
of the landscape to fault acceleration from 0.3 mm/a to distances (indicated on curves). (b) Modeled profiles for the
1 mm/a, using different values for pivot distance: the Eastern channel for different pivot distances. For clarity,
distance between fault and fulcrum is fixed to 10 (reference initial steady state profiles are represented only for the static
case), 15, 20, 30 km, and infinity (equivalent to uniform case (solid grey lines). Profiles 0.5 Ma after fault
uplift) (Figure 12a). Because the uplift field has changed with acceleration are represented in the static and dynamic cases
respect to the previous runs, new steady state topographies (solid black lines and dashed grey lines respectively). The
were generated with a throw rate of 0.3 mm/a for each pivot results of 5 runs with different pivot distances are
distance, in the static and dynamic cases. The steady state represented: 10 km (lower profile), 15 km, 20 km, 30 km,
profiles of the ‘‘modeled Rio Torto’’ are shown in the static and uniform uplift (upper profile) respectively.

10 of 16

case), as described in section 5.1. However, it never

happens for values of pivot distance equal to or larger than
15 km. The width of the tilted block exerts consequently a
major control on the occurrence of such event: only narrow
block are likely to experience drainage reversal, despite a
dramatic increase in uplift rate. Finally, pivot distance does
not influence the velocity of the wave of re-equilibration: all
runs in the static and dynamic cases produce plots almost
identical to the ones shown in Figure 7 in the static and
dynamic cases (section 5.1).
5.4. Influence of Shear Stress Threshold for Erosion
[19] It is now widely recognized that thresholds for
fluvial erosion exist in nature and that they can modulate
erosion rates, mostly when associated with stochastic rain-
fall distribution [e.g., Snyder et al., 2003b; Tucker, 2004;
Lague et al., 2005]. In this section, we analyze how the
introduction of an erosion threshold affects the transient
response of our catchment as it responds to fault accelera-
tion. In this case, equation (4) (section 3) becomes:

E ¼ kb ðt  t c Þp when t > t c ð11aÞ

E ¼ 0 when t < t c ; ð11bÞ

where t c = critical shear stress (Pa). No erosion occurs if

the fluvial shear stress t does not exceed the critical shear
stress t c.

t c ¼ t *c :DrgD50 ; ð12Þ

where t c* = dimensionless critical shear stress (Shields

stress) commonly assumed to be 0.045 for turbulent rough
flows [see Buffington and Montgomery, 1997], Dr =
difference in density between the fluid and the sediment
(1650 kgm3 for typical crustal rocks), g = acceleration due
to gravity and D50 = median grain size of the sediment. Using
Figure 13. (a) Modeled profiles for the Eastern channel in a median grain size of 5 cm as an upper limit for the
the static case (dashed lines) and dynamic case (solid lines), representative grain size for the Rio Torto [Whittaker et al.,
using different values of critical shear stress (t c): t c = 0 Pa 2007b], we obtain t c = 38 Pa. The introduction of this value
(grey lines) and 38 Pa (black lines). Initial steady state into the model reduces dramatically the erosive efficiency of
profiles (t = 0 Ma) and profiles 0.5 Ma after fault the river and leads consequently to significantly steeper
acceleration (t = 0.5 Ma) are shown. (b) Evolution through slopes if the values of all the other parameters are kept
time of the length of the re-equilibrated reach upstream of constant. Because we wished to keep similar channel
fault, for the Eastern channel, using different expressions geometries with respect to the runs performed without
for channel width and different values of critical shear critical shear stress (previous sections), we did not modify
stress (t c). For comparison, dashed lines refer to a wave of the hydraulic scaling coefficients kw, kwf, and kww
re-equilibration propagating upstream at a constant rate. The (equations (1), (2), and (3)). Thus the only way to
same seed for random storm generation is used for all the increase the channel erosivity in order to produce, after
runs and is the main source of noise in this diagram. fault acceleration to 1 mm/a, an average channel slope that
matches the average slope over the segment of the Rio
at the outlet and diverge upstream to compensate for the Torto that has responded to the fault acceleration
difference in uplift rate induced by varying the pivot (steepened reach with S  0.1, see Figure 2) [Whittaker
distance. Because slopes are relatively similar along the et al., 2007a], was to increase the erodibility coefficient kb;
steepened reach, whatever the pivot distance is, differences the match was achieved for kb = 10.106 m1/2 kg3/2 s2.
in slope between the static case and dynamic case profiles [20] The introduction of a critical shear stress induces a
are approximately constant: slope predicted in the static case strong nonlinear behavior between slope and erosion rates
is systematically 10% steeper than slope predicted in the (Figure 13a): although runs with and without threshold
dynamic case. In the upper part of the catchment, drainage produce similar slopes over the steepened reach after fault
reversal occurs for a pivot distance of 10 km (reference acceleration, the initial topographies in steady state with

11 of 16

respect to the uplift rate associated with a fault throw rate of bed roughness are constant within the fluvial network
0.3 mm/a strongly differ. When a threshold is used, the [Finnegan et al., 2005], produces slopes 10% lower than
probability for the shear stress associated with a flood to the slopes predicted using the width-discharge scaling rela-
exceed the threshold and produce erosion decreases with tionship (equation (1), static case). The use of the Whittaker
decreasing drainage area. Consequently, although kb has equation (equation (3), dynamic case_II) which additionally
been raised, steeper slopes are needed to compensate for the accounts for the reduction of width-to-depth ratio with
loss in stream erosivity induced by the introduction of the increasing slope documented in the Rio Torto catchment
threshold, mostly in the upper part of the catchment, where [Whittaker et al., 2007a] produces slopes 30% lower than
the effect of the threshold is more important (small drainage in the static case. These differences depend on the amplitude
area). The relief of the initial steady state catchment is of the increase in relative uplift rate: a high increase in uplift
consequently more important when critical shear stress is rate promotes the development of steep slopes after fault
specified (Figure 13a). acceleration which in turn produces dramatic channel nar-
[21] The transient response of the landscape to fault rowing in the dynamic cases; the more dramatic the channel
acceleration is very similar to the response documented in narrowing, the more significant the differences in slope
the previous runs: a steepened reach extends upstream of the between static and dynamic cases (section 5.2). In terms of
fault while the upper part of the catchment is uplifted and response time, systematic differences are observed as well,
back-tilted. The relative differences between the static and as narrow channels respond faster than wide ones
dynamic cases along the steepened reach are essentially (equation (10)). At a given time after fault acceleration, the
unaffected by the threshold (Figure 13a): average slope in length of the re-equilibrated reach, which represents how far
the dynamic case remains 10% lower than average slope in the catchment the wave of re-equilibration has propagated,
in the static case. In the upper part of the catchment, the is systematically larger when the channel dynamically
enhanced relief produced when a threshold is used delays or adjusts (Figure 7): the length is up to 25 % shorter in the
prevents drainage reversal (Figure 13a): the Eastern catch- static case than in the dynamic case, with the difference in
ment loses 9% of its drainage area at t = 1.1 Ma and length reaching 1 km at t = 0.75 Ma; this length is up to 50
regains it in less than 0.1 Ma in the static case; the Western % shorter in the static case than in the dynamic case_II, with
catchment also loses 20% of its drainage area at t = 0.9 the discrepancy reaching 2 km at t = 0.75 Ma. Importantly,
Ma in the static case, whereas drainage reversal does not these differences are not significantly influenced by the rate
happen at all in the dynamic case. This difference between of uplift after fault acceleration, by the pivot distance or by
static and dynamic cases can be explained by the fact that the use of a critical shear stress for erosion (sections 5.2, 5.3,
the response time of the landscape is shorter when dynamic and 5.4 respectively).
channel adjustment occurs (Figure 13b). The introduction [23] Our results demonstrate that these differences can
of the threshold leads to a faster response of the landscape have a significant impact on the pattern of landscape
in both static and dynamic cases but the differences evolution predicted for a catchment experiencing an uplift
between the two cases in terms of length of re-equilibrated field typical of many extensional settings. In our example,
reach and consequently of response time are very similar, large differences in the timing and magnitude of the
whether a threshold is used or not. This can probably be drainage reversal arise for the Eastern channel (Figures
explained by the fact that, over the steepened reach, high 8 and 9). For the Western channel, drainage reversal occurs
slope and relatively high discharge result in high fluvial at the same time in both static and dynamic case, while the
shear stress which minimizes the effect of the threshold for catchment responds fast enough in the dynamic case_II to
erosion. For example, the average discharge along the prevent the event from occurring; in addition, a capture
reach between 1 and 4 km upstream of the fault is roughly event by the central channel occurs only in the static case,
constant 4.7 m3/s, as drainage area does not vary which profoundly affects the morphology of the catchment
significantly. Introducing this value and a slope of 0.1 in (Figures 8 and 10). These differences result from the fact
equation (5) produces a cross-section averaged boundary that, in a normal fault setting, transverse drainage is subject
shear stress of 140 Pa, which is around four times the to a delicate balance between base-level lowering at the
threshold value. fault, which drives headward erosion, and back-tilting,
which drives the progressive reduction of the slopes in the
6. Discussion upper part of the catchment and may lead to drainage
reversal [see also Humphrey and Konrad, 2000; Douglass
6.1. Effect of Dynamic Channel Adjustment
and Schmeeckle, 2007]. This balance is consequently highly
on the Transient Response of the Landscape
dependent on the tectonic forcing experienced by the
to Fault Acceleration
catchment. The theory predicts that headward erosion is
[22] In our example, the integration of dynamic channel favored if a channel narrows in response to increased
adjustment mostly affects the slope exponent in the stream gradient (equation (10)); this is verified by our numerical
power law (equations (7), (8), and (9)). While this change solutions, as the catchment responds faster in the dynamic
does not dramatically affect the steady state topographies and cases than in the static case. Our results show however that
channel widths (Figure 4), it generates different responses the velocity of the wave of re-equilibration is not signifi-
when the landscape experiences a tectonic disturbance. The cantly influenced by the tectonic setting. It is thus not a
first effect can be seen in channel gradient: in response to surprise that the propensity for a catchment to experience
fault acceleration from 0.3 to 1 mm/a, the use of the Finnegan drainage reversal depends mostly on the rate of relative
equation (equation (2), dynamic case) which allows dynamic uplift and degree of back-tilting experienced by its head-
channel adjustment assuming that width-to-depth ratio and waters. All else equal, narrow fault blocks with strong slip-

12 of 16

rate acceleration have the greatest potential for drainage time. However, it is neither informative nor surprising to
reversal [see also Whittaker et al., 2007b]. demonstrate that differing combinations of model param-
[24] In the setting considered in this study, we show that eters can generate similar looking landscapes or replicate
dynamic channel adjustment has a significant impact on the time-specific field examples. Instead, the strength of our
modeled transient response of the landscape. This impact is approach is that we generate in our three cases (static,
expected to be even larger when considering the regional dynamic, and dynamic_II), for a given tectonic forcing,
response of a landscape to active tectonics, where the similar steady state topographies with similar channel
competition between catchments is strong and where acts geometries (section 4), using the field data to determine
of drainage piracy are likely [Bishop, 1995; Brocard and a ‘‘realistic’’ set of parameters; we then analyze in these
van der Beek, 2006; Cowie et al., 2006, Douglass and three cases the response of the catchment to fault acceler-
Schmeeckle, 2007]. In the present study, the catchment ation (section 5). This means the time-dependent transient
boundary is kept fixed. In reality, a river which experiences channel geometries evolve without having to fix key
drainage reversal is likely to lose completely the upper part model coefficients to reproduce the present-day geometry,
of its catchment, due to capture by incising streams from allowing us to compare the effect of dynamic channel
adjacent catchments. The loss of the headwaters would adjustment more effectively. By characterizing and quan-
significantly reduce the stream power and hence erosivity tifying the differences between the time-dependent
of the lower part of the river. In response to this sudden drop responses generated in each case, we also generate wider
in stream power, the river would need to steepen and/or insights into the effects that channel-geometry dynamics
narrow to keep pace with ongoing uplift and back-tilting. have on landscape evolution in extensional settings. This
Clearly, drainage reversal events leading to a significant is important because while we know that dynamic channel
reduction in catchment size (e.g., 60% drainage area loss adjustment is a reality [e.g., Finnegan et al., 2005; Wobus
predicted as fault accelerates to 1.25 mm/a, section 5.2) are et al., 2006; Cantelli et al., 2007], in particular in the
likely to fatally compromise the channel’s ability to incise studied catchment [Whittaker et al., 2007a], the geomor-
across the fault. The result would be a small, steep catch- phic implications of this on timescales >105 years have,
ment eroding the proximal footwall. In such a scenario, the until now, not been recognized.
timing of drainage reversal is thus crucial in controlling [27] In terms of the ‘detachment-limited’ fluvial erosion
landscape evolution. Importantly, this scenario also influ- law (equation (4) and section 3), no consensus exists on the
ences the deposition patterns in the hanging wall basin, as degree to which this law accurately represents erosional
the location of a depocenter depends on whether or not a dynamics over geologic time, or on the value to which the
river is able to transport the sediments across an active fault, exponent p should be set. Two main models exist: the ‘‘unit
from the footwall to the adjacent basin [e.g., Cowie et al., stream power’’ model in which p = 3/2, which implies that
2006]. the rate of incision is proportional to the rate of energy
dissipation along the channel, and the ‘‘shear stress’’ model
6.2. Model and Reality in which p = 1, which implies that the rate of incision scales
[25] Because models are not as complex as nature, it is with fluvial shear stress [e.g., Whipple and Tucker, 1999].
important to discuss the simplifications inherent to the In this study, we chose the ‘‘unit stream power’’ model (p =
model we have used, and the extent to which they influence 3/2) for its simple, near-linear form. Using the ‘‘shear
the outcomes of our analysis. In this section we therefore stress’’ model (p = 1) would lead to a 33 % reduction of
outline some of the key limitations of the model and we the exponents in the erosion equations (6) to (9); such
discuss the extent to which our conclusions are directly change would be equivalent to or more significant than the
comparable to field studies. change induced by the introduction of channel adjustment.
[26] While the first-order similarities between the actual However, as this change would systematically affect both
and modeled profiles for the Rio Torto (Figures 2 and 6b) the slope and drainage area exponents, the importance of
are satisfying, there are some interesting discrepancies. For slope with respect to drainage area in terms of controlling
example, the best match to the present-day long profile erosion rate would not be modified. We consequently
happens for model runs at t = 0.5 Ma, while we know that suspect that our conclusions regarding the importance of
the Fiamignano fault accelerated 0.75 Ma. Moreover, one dynamic channel adjustment would not be dramatically
could argue that the static case appears to fit the present- different if the p exponent were set to unity. Indeed our
day long profile better than the dynamic cases, and that the conclusions have significant implications for any erosion
predicted present-day channel is too narrow in the dynam- law that explicitly or implicitly includes channel width.
ic case_II (Figures 2, 5d, and 6b). These observations [28] For the sake of simplicity, we derived boundary
result from the way our calculations were performed: we shear stress using the ‘‘wide channel’’ assumption. How-
did not try to simply fit the field data alone, as this could ever, calculations of bed and bank shear stress with ray-
be done relatively easily by adjusting the less well con- isovel models suggest that peak bed stress is overestimated
strained model parameters. For example, if a kww value of by equation (5) in channels with width-to-depth ratio (W/D)
1.6 m1/8 s3/8 is used instead of 1.2 in the dynamic equal to or lower than 7 [Shimizu and Itakura, 1989;
case_II, a channel width of 9 m and a slope of 0.1 C.W. Wobus et al., Modeling the evolution of channel
are obtained over the steepened reach after fault acceler- shape: Balancing computational efficiency with hydraulic
ation, in agreement with field data (Figure 2). A good fit fidelity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008]. In the Rio
could be obtained with the Finnegan equation as well, and Torto, W/D ranges between 4 and 12 meaning the shear
the differences between the three cases would then be very stress is probably overestimated in the narrowest reaches.
subtle, in terms of catchment morphology and response For a ratio W/D = 5, the peak bed shear stress is 75 % of

13 of 16

the shear stress estimated using the wide channel assump- along the upper reaches, which were already low prior to fault
tion [Shimizu and Itakura, 1989; Wobus et al., submitted acceleration due to uplift rate (and thus erosion rate) decreas-
manuscript, 2008]. However, we emphasize that the differ- ing with increasing distance from fault, progressively
ences in channel width (and thus W/D) between the static decrease. This reduction of down-cutting rate is seen by
case and dynamic case are not large (Figure 5c) so the tributaries and hillslopes as a reduction of base-level low-
effect is approximately the same in both cases: i.e., the ering and leads to a decrease in erosion rates all over the
differences observed between the two cases would not be upper part of the catchment. As a result, sediment flux also
dramatically affected by the use of an expression of bed decreases progressively, at a rate which is a function of the
shear stress adapted to narrow channels. The amount of response time of the hillslopes and tributaries to adjust to
narrowing in the dynamic case_II is somewhat larger the reduction in down-cutting rate along the trunk channel.
(Figure 5d) and so the differences documented between Just before drainage reversal occurs, slope angle approaches
the dynamic case_II and the other cases are maximum zero in the main channel, upstream of the steepened reach.
estimates. Erosion rate is consequently also negligible and aggradation
[29] The use of a constant value of critical shear stress might occur, due to the low transport capacity of the
representative of the average median grain size in the Rio channel. This aggradation could actually favor drainage
Torto catchment did not significantly modify our findings reversal, as it would be localized where the slope is very
(section 5.4), but there are two limitations to note here. low. Subsequently, aggradation might occur in the now
First, using the size of loose bed sediments in the Rio Torto internally drained basin. However, as erosion rates are
to estimate a basin entrainment threshold t c represents a now very low in the upper part of the catchment, sediment
minimum choice: the effective threshold stress for detaching fluxes are low as well and the aggradation is unlikely to
or abrading intact bedrock may well be larger. Second, the counterbalance the effect of continuous back-tilting, partic-
analysis neglects the possibility of space-time variations in ularly if the throw rate on the fault is large and/or the tilted
t c. The transient response of the landscape in the Rio Torto block narrow. Field evidence in the Apennines support this
catchment is, in reality, characterized by a change in history: in the upper part of the Rio Torto catchment, for
sediment grain size associated with a change in the nature example, hillslopes dip gently and tend to exhibit convex up
of sediment supply to the channel [Whittaker et al., 2007a, profiles testifying to low erosion rates; in addition, there is
2007b]. Along the steepened reach, a large proportion of little evidence for significant sediment supply and transport
the sediment is supplied to the gorge through rockfall and along the channel [Whittaker et al., 2007a, 2007b]. We also
deep-seated landslides, compared to shallower and more commonly observed internally drained or reversed basins in
diffusive processes in the upper part of the catchment. As a the Apennines and we suspect that the upper part of the Rio
result, grain size is larger along the steepened reach than in Torto catchment will experience drainage reversal within a
the headwaters. This phenomenon might explain the change few hundreds of thousands of years [Whittaker et al.,
in width-to-depth ratio documented along the Rio Torto, 2007b]. In some settings, internally drained basins would
which led to the definition of equation (3): an increase in be filled with water; the lake would overflow over the zone
grain size provokes an increase in bed roughness, resulting where S < 0 and the water gathered in the upper part of the
in a decrease in flow velocity and thus width-to-depth ratio. catchment would contribute to runoff at the outlet of the
However, such change in grain size should also lead to an catchment. However, in scenarios where the bedrock is
increase in critical shear stress for erosion along the steep- permeable and where the climate is characterized by short-
ened reach. We suspect that such a phenomenon would lived intense rainfall events (such as the Apennines), we
enhance the effect of dynamic channel adjustment. Indeed, a suspect that internally drained basins will not contribute to
higher critical shear stress along the steepened reach would runoff until they are captured by neighboring incising
have to be counterbalanced by higher slopes. Higher slopes streams. Indeed, similar morphologies have been docu-
would make channel narrowing more dramatic in the mented in other limestone-dominated landscapes in compa-
dynamic cases, leading to larger differences in slope, width rable tectonic settings with a Mediterranean-style climate,
and thus response time between the static and dynamic such as the South side of the Gulf of Corinth [e.g., Armijo et
cases. Further work is needed to characterize and quantify in al., 1996]. We therefore emphasize that the use of a detach-
detail the changes in sediment caliber associated with the ment-limited fluvial erosion law in this study (see above)
transient response of the landscape and to analyze the limits the applicability of our results to sediment-starved
effects of these changes on landscape development. rivers such as the Rio Torto, as it has been shown theoretically
[30] In our study, deposition is not modeled. One can [e.g., Sklar and Dietrich, 2006; Whipple and Tucker, 2002;
consequently question the representativeness of the drain- Gasparini et al., 2006] and in the field [Cowie et al., 2008]
age reversal events documented, aggradation being a way that a large sediment supply can considerably affect the way
by which rivers can avoid being dammed or diverted river systems respond to a disturbance.
[Humphrey and Konrad, 2000; Douglass and Schmeeckle,
2007]. However, we suspect that, in our context, aggrada- 7. Conclusion
tion is limited by a given number of factors. Prior to fault
acceleration, the rivers are eroding at a rate matching the [31] This study demonstrates the potential importance of
initial uplift rate associated with a fault throw rate of dynamic channel-width adjustment, particularly when the
0.3 mm/a. When fault acceleration occurs, the upper reaches relative uplift-rate field is nonuniform. In our example, the
of the transverse channels (i.e., upstream of the steepened transient response of a catchment in the footwall of an
reach) are progressively back-tilted because of the geometry active normal fault that undergoes an increase in throw rate
of the normal fault (Figure 5a). As a result, the erosion rates is modeled using a detachment-limited fluvial erosion law.

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