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Abaqus Users - Questions about VDISP http://abaqus-users.1086179.n5.nabble.com/Questions-about-VDISP-td1...

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fu-5 Jul 17, 2010; 5:19am Questions about VDISP Reply | Threaded | More


I am writing a VDISP subroutine and I have a question about it.

Suppose my simulation time is 1s, and I want to control a node's
displacement in the first 0.5s and then let the node move freely in the rest of
4 posts time. Control the displacement is not hard but my difficulty is "How can I let
the node move freely?" I must make all these happen in one step instead of
using two steps to do this.
Anyone here has any suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks a lot.


Dave Lindeman Jul 20, 2010; 4:05am Re: Questions about VDIS Reply | Threaded | More

There's no way to activate or deactivate a boundary condition from

within VDISP. Why can't you use multiple load steps?

1417 posts Dave Lindeman
Lead Research Specialist
3M Company
3M Center 235-3F-08
St. Paul, MN 55144

On 7/16/2010 4:19 PM, fu wrote:

> Hello,
> I am writing a VDISP subroutine and I have a question about it.
> Suppose my simulation time is 1s, and I want to control a node's
> displacement in the first 0.5s and then let the node move freely in the
> rest of time. Control the displacement is not hard but my difficulty is
> "How can I let the node move freely?" I must make all these happen in
> one step instead of using two steps to do this.
> Anyone here has any suggestions, please let me know.

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Abaqus Users - Questions about VDISP http://abaqus-users.1086179.n5.nabble.com/Questions-about-VDISP-td1...

> Thanks a lot.
> Boshen
... [show rest of quote]


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fu-5 Jul 20, 2010; 5:18am Re: Questions about VDIS Reply | Threaded | More

Hello, Dave:

In fact, I have posted a message to ask a question about my problem days
ago. I
did not receive any solution since then. In this case, I am thinking I have to
4 posts head to subroutine to solve it. However, it seems I made no progress using
subroutine either. Maybe you did not get a chance to read my previous
message. I
will describe my problem again and I hope you can give me some

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Abaqus Users - Questions about VDISP http://abaqus-users.1086179.n5.nabble.com/Questions-about-VDISP-td1...

I build my model using shell elements, to be simple, just consider a flat film
created using shell elements but the film is relatively long. The flat film is
going to move straightly along one direction and passes three locations which
are named as Location 1, 2 and 3 respectively. I need to execute 2 different
movements in the simulation. To make it simple, the film starts to move at
Location 1 and passes 2 and 3 as follow. If I call the moving direction is x,
between Location 1 and 2, I want to block y and z movement; when the film
into the area between Location 2 and 3, I will release all the DoF. Now the
problem is the film is very long, when some of the part move into area
between 2
and 3, there are still some in area between 1 and 2. Location 2 is just like an
on/off switch for boundary conditions, whenever some parts of film pass
2, the constraint (y and z) is going to be removed. But Location 2 is only a
certain location selected in the moving direction in space, and does not belong
to the part.

I hope I explain it clearly. Please let me know your suggestions.

Thank you very much.


From: Dave Lindeman <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 3:05:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Abaqus] Questions about VDISP

There's no way to activate or deactivate a boundary condition from

within VDISP. Why can't you use multiple load steps?

Dave Lindeman
Lead Research Specialist
3M Company
3M Center 235-3F-08
St. Paul, MN 55144

On 7/16/2010 4:19 PM, fu wrote:

> Hello,

3 of 4 7/6/2018, 10:37 PM
Abaqus Users - Questions about VDISP http://abaqus-users.1086179.n5.nabble.com/Questions-about-VDISP-td1...

> I am writing a VDISP subroutine and I have a question about it.
> Suppose my simulation time is 1s, and I want to control a node's
> displacement in the first 0.5s and then let the node move freely in the
> rest of time. Control the displacement is not hard but my difficulty is
> "How can I let the node move freely?" I must make all these happen in
> one step instead of using two steps to do this.
> Anyone here has any suggestions, please let me know.
> Thanks a lot.
> Boshen
... [show rest of quote]


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