Computer Aided Technique For Energy Estimation
Computer Aided Technique For Energy Estimation
Computer Aided Technique For Energy Estimation
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 32 – 35
Computer Aided Technique for Energy Estimation
Abstract—.In this paper, the estimation of electric energy output for a wind farm is carried out by using a computer aided technique which uses
unpublished collected field data for 3 years 10 months from October 2010 to August 2014 at Satara, India. The inputs for this analysis are such
as temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction and wind turbine power curve. The results demonstrate that this is an efficient methodology
for taking techno commercial decisions.
Keywords- wind energy estimation; energy output; computer aided technique; wind energy prediction
There are different types of models available for wind
Increased energy consumption, rising fuel costs and energy estimation. They are classified as Statistical, Intelligent
environmental concerns have led the mankind to look at systems, Time series, Fuzzy logic. Models constructed based
alternative sources of energy apart from conventional fuels. on meteorological, topological data and wind turbine technical
One of the promising renewable energy sources is wind information using numerical methods, are suited for long term
energy. To maximize the use of wind generated electricity, predictions.
when connected to the electric grid, it is important to estimate Many techniques have been emerged to estimate the power
and predict power produced by wind energy converter. The produced by wind turbines. The estimation of power generation
power generated by the wind turbines changes rapidly because is carried out by comparing generated power to the
of continuous fluctuation of wind speed and wind direction. manufacturers rating for a given wind speed[6]. Many input
Wind power can be affected by many factors such as air variables can be used that are related to weather at site,
density, vertical wind profile, time of a day and seasons of a geography and operational aspects[7].Variables such as 10
year and usually fluctuates rapidly, imposing considerable minutes average wind velocity, its standard deviation, wind
difficulties on the management of combined electric power direction, air density, seasons of a year, time of a day are used
system. It is important for the power industry to have a as input parameters for energy estimation[8],[9],[10]. Input
capability to perform prediction for diagnostic purposes and variables such as longitude, latitude, altitude and tower height
schedule for maintenance of the system. Scheduling and are used to estimate wind energy potential by the authors of
forecasting of power generation from wind are critical for [11].
economic viability, system reliability and long range planning. In this paper, the estimation of energy output is carried out
Proper siting in windy locations, away from large obstructions, by using a computer aided technique. The inputs for these
enhances the wind turbine performance. It is vital to assess the analyses are such as temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind
wind power potential of the place as much as accuracy as direction and wind turbine power curve. It presents a
possible, taking in to account of seasonal as well as yearly methodology to estimate the output energy which can be
variations in the local wind climate. For proper and beneficial predicted well in advance and can be used for taking techno
development of wind power at any site, wind data analysis and commercial decisions.
accurate wind energy potential assessment are the key This paper present a method to evaluate the long-term wind
requirements. An accurate wind resource assessment is an resource and energy production potential of the Satara Wind
important and critical factor to be well understood for Project. This paper presents the results of the analysis and
harnessing the power of the wind. The reason is that an error discusses the methods used to develop the wind resource,
of 1% in wind speed measurement leads to a 3% error in energy production. Unpublished collected field data for a
energy output since energy is proportional to the cube of wind period of 3 years 10 months from October 2010 to August
speed [1-3] 2014 for UTM coordinates E437812, N1972521 near Satara is
During the past two decades, wind energy technology has used in this model.
evolved to the point where it can compete with conventional II. WIND MEASUREMENT
forms of power generation at good sites [4]. Costs have
declined 12–18% for each doubling of global capacity. The Meteorological data is provided from a 78m tower.
average cost of wind-generated electricity has fallen. The Information about the mast including its geographic
Global Wind Energy Council [5] states that wind energy coordinates, elevations, periods of record, sensor heights are
developments have occurred in more than 70 countries around as mentioned in Table 1.
the world.
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 32 – 35
Raw binary files which contained 10- minute average wind The Weibull function is an analytical curve that describes the
speed, direction, barometric pressure, mast details and wind speed frequency distribution, or number of observations
temperature records, along with their standard deviations are in specific wind speed ranges. Its two adjustable parameters
used. allow a reasonably good fit to a wide range of actual
The data is verified for completeness and reasonableness distributions. A is a scale parameter related to the mean
where the main issues addressed were sensor failures and wind speed while k controls the width of the
missing data. The characteristics include the average and distribution. Values of k typically range from 1 to 3.5, the
annualized average wind speeds, data recovery, shear higher values indicating a narrower distribution. The
exponent, turbulence intensity, Weibull parameters, air observed k value at the mast is 2.50. This value indicates a
density, and wind power density. The observed mean wind mostly consistent wind resource with occasional high wind
speed is 5.94 m/s. The annualized mean speeds, which take events. Fig.1 contains charts showing the observed
into account repeated months in the data record and weight frequency distribution and the fitted Weibull curve.
each calendar month by its number of days, were 6.00 m/s. Monthly patterns of variation are also useful indicators of
The wind shear exponent represents the rate of increase of the wind resource. The observed pattern of monthly mean
wind speed with height above ground according to the power wind speed is shown in Fig.2. The period of record at the
law. The observed shear exponent is 0.178. The shear was masts indicate that the strongest winds normally occur during
calculated from the mean wind speeds at the monitoring the summer while the weakest winds occur during the winter.
levels based on concurrent valid records at both heights. Only The range of variation in the monthly average wind speeds at
wind speeds greater than 4 m/s, the range of interest for the mast is about 2.9 m/s
energy production, were used in the calculations.
The turbulence intensity measures fluctuations in the wind
speed recorded by the anemometer in each 10-minute interval
as a fraction of the average speed. The observed turbulence
intensity values at 15 m/s, 0.114 is consistent with the sites
surrounding terrain and surface roughness.
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 32 – 35
where where
ρ = Air density (kg/m³)
Po=Standard sea-level atmospheric pressure in U=unknown wind speed at height Z above ground
Pascals (101325 Pa) U0=the known speed at a reference height Z0
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 32 – 35
[7] Mabel, M. C.,Fernandez E. Estimation of Energy Yield From
The main challenge is to determine the shear exponent Wind Farms Using Artifical Neural Networks. IEEE Trans.
Energy Convers., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 459–464, Jun.2009.
between the top anemometer on the mast and the turbine hub [8] T. G. Barbounis, J. B. Theocharis,M. C. Alexiadis, and P. S.
height. Dokopoulos,“Long-term wind speed and power forecasting
The resulting shear exponent used to extrapolate the mast using local recurrent neural network models,” IEEE Trans.
top speeds to the 95-m hub height is 0.178. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 273–284, Mar. 2006.
[9] S. Li, D. C.Wunsch, E. A. O‟Hair, and M. G. Giesselmann,
“Comparative analysis of regression and artificial neural
C. Long –Term Energy Production networkmodels forwind turbine power curve estimation,” J.
Solar Eng., vol. 123, pp. 327–332, Nov. 2001.
The energy production is estimated using a tool called [10] S. K´elouwani and K. Agbossou, “Nonlinear model
openWind The primary input into openWind is a wind identification of wind turbine with a neural network,” IEEE
resource grid formed by site wind. Other inputs include details Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 19,no. 3, pp. 607–612, Sep. 2004.
of the project design such as the turbine locations, hub height, [11] E. Cam, E. Arcaklıoglu, A. Cavusoglu, and B. Akbıyık, “A
power curve, and thrust coefficients. Once the wind resource classification mechanism for determining average wind speed
and power in several regions of Turkey using artificial neural
model has been run, the resource grid file is imported into networks,” Renewable Energy, vol. 30, pp. 227–239, 2005.
openWind to define the wind resource for the project area. The [12] D. A. Bechrakis and P. D. Sparis, “Correlation of wind speed
Weibull parameters in the file are converted to directional between neighboring measuring stations,” IEEE Trans. Energy
speed-up ratios relating the wind speed at each grid point to Convers., vol. 19,no. 2, pp. 400–406, Jun. 2004.
the speed at a reference mast. By associating the model data to [13] G. N. Kariniotakis, G. S. Stavrakakis, and E. F. Nogaret, “Wind
power forecasting using advanced neural networks models,”
a wind speed histogram file for the reference mast, the IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 762–767, Dec.
program is able to adjust the modeled speed distribution to the 1996
true speed distribution observed at a point. This method
produces a more accurate estimate of the energy production
than relying on the modelled distributions alone.
The energy production was simulated for aV100, 1.8 MW,
100-m rotor diameter turbine model at a 95-m hub height for
54 MW. The average air density was calculated from the wind
speed and temperature data and adjusted to the mean elevation
of the turbines using a standard atmospheric lapse rate. The
result was 1.048 kg/m3 at the average turbine elevation, with
a range from 1.046 kg/m3 to 1.050 kg/m3 .
The long-term wind resource was estimated using data
from an onsite monitoring mast. The site‟s energy production
was simulated using a wind resource grid and the openWind.
The expected average capacity factor of annual net production
for the plant is 26.1% and the predicted average wind speed is
6.21 m/s.
The above results are in fair agreement with the measured
output and the above methodology is best suited for making
techno commercial decisions.
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[4] J.L Swain, “Mainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st
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[5] Global Wind Energy Council: „Latest news: global wind energy
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[6] S. Li, D. C.Wunsch, E. A. O‟Hair, and M. G. Giesselmann,
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IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @