Article Understanding and Preventing Turbine Overspeed
Article Understanding and Preventing Turbine Overspeed
Article Understanding and Preventing Turbine Overspeed
William E. Nelson
Turbomachinery Consultant
Dickinson, Texas
Consulting Engineer
Houston, Texas
William E. (Ed) Nelson is a Turbo
Destructive overspeeding of steam turbines due to poor
machinery Consultant based in Dickinson,
component design, inadequate maintenance, and improper
Texas. He retired from Amoco Oil
operating practices are all too common. The total cost of a turbine
Company, after more than 36 years in
runaway can run into the millions of dollars and often include lives
various engineering, materials management,
lost. Determining the root cause of the failure afterwards is
and maintenance positions. He is the
confusing. Because so many v ariables contribute to an
author of 75+ technical papers, a seminar
uncontrolled turbine, assessing all of them i s difficult. Design ideas
speaker, a contributor to several handbooks,
of the trip systems for the many turbine manufacturers are varied
and has received six patents. He is the
and span many years. Frequently, the causes of an overspeed
coauthor of Centrifugal Pump S ourcebook.
disaster are not fully understood even after an exhaustive study is
Mr. Nelson was a founding member on
completed. Little hard data are available because things happen
both the Turbomachinery and the International Pump User's
very fast. The accounts of eyewitnesses are highly unreliable,
Symposium Advisory Committees. Other affiliations include the
because so much happened that one individual could not see it all.
Vibration Institute, IMI, and ASME.
No one wants to talk about the event due to legal entanglements.
He received a B.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering) from Texas
Most conclusions must be based on an event reconstruction done
A&M University and is a registered Professional Engineer in the
by looking at some broken parts, w ith limited information from
State of Texas. He has received numerous awards and honors. In
data s ources and witnesses. The unfortunate result is little
1995, he was awarded the ASME Henry R. Worthington medal for
movement among either users or manufacturers toward improving
"Outstanding Achievement" and in 1997, the South Texas Section
equipment to reduce the possibilities of an overspeed episode.
of ASME awarded him with the Dean W.R. Woolrich Engineer of
Engineering design and application of the steam turbine and its
the Year.
appendage devices are important factors in the reliability of the
machinery train. Lack of training for maintenance and operating
personnel are also big factors in the possibility of a runaway.
Perry C. Monroe, Jr., in 1989, formed
Nearly half the more than forty destructive overspeed failures
Monroe Technical Services, which
encountered by the authors occurred during periodic testing
specializes in all aspects of
activities. Considering that only a few hundred turbines are
turbomachinery. He resigned from Exxon
involved in the authors ' experience, overspeed failure represents a
Chemical Company after serving as a
maj or problem.
Senior Staff Engineer. He p rovided
worldwide services on rotating machinery
design, troubleshooting, new installations,
and repairs. Prior to joining Exxon, Mr. Over the last few years, planned maintenance (PM), predictive
Monroe worked in Borneo with Roy M. maintenance (PdM), and reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
Buffington, Incorporated, and at the P.T. have been developed to promote reliability, reduce cost, and
Badak LNG Plant. eliminate catastrophic failures. Very little information i s available
ln 1966, Mr. Monroe graduated from Auburn University with a on occurrence frequency or severity of overspeed episodes.
B.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering) and has worked for more However, it is believed that these improvement programs have not
than 30 years on turbomachinery repair techniques. Prior to reduced steam turbine overspeed problems. Data and experiences
graduation, he worked as a designer of rocket engine components of one insurance company in several areas of failure for steam
for NASA at Redstone Arsenal. turbines were presented by Clark [1]. Examined more closely
Mr. Monroe is a member of ASME and of Texas A&M herein are the characteristics of a steam turbine ' s components and
University 's International Pump User 's Symposium Advisory evaluation as to possible involvement in loss of control of a
Committee. He is an active lecturer for ASME, the International machine. These characteristics may seem small but can loom large
Maintenance Institute, the Vibration Institute, and is a registered in some failures. Mostly, U. S. systems design will be discussed,
Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. although the principles apply equally to European and A sian
control design intentions is very important. Speed control systems to be lifted from their seats, in the proper sequence, as the entire
for steam turbines consist of three basic elements: sensing, bar is moved. Motive force to move the valves in the closing
transmitting, and correcting. Sensing elements include fly ball direction comes only from the weight of the valve itself and the
weights, electric generators, and positive displacement pumps. unbalanced steam pressures across it.
Transmitting elements may be mechanical linkage, hydraulic or
pneumatic pressure, electrical signals or, as is most common, a
combination. Sometimes an amplifying device such as a pilot,
convertor, or servomotor is necessary to boost the sensing element
signal to a point where it can do useful work. The correcting
element of the governors' system is the valve or valves that control
the flow of steam to the turbine.
Fundamentals of Inlet Control Valves
The flow of steam into the steam turbine is regulated by inlet
control valve(s). Controlling the turbine steam flow with a
minimum pressure drop through the control valves is very
important. Any pressure drop caused by the steam flow through the
co�trol valves is a loss of thermodynamic energy. The valve design
will influence response and how well speed control is
used to divide the steam flow to nozzle groups. These valves have Valve Lifting
superior flow-lift characteristics, as compared with the double
seated single valve. Steam flow through each valve is proportional
to the lift of the valve from its valve seat. An increase in steam flow
through the turbine is accomplished by opening the valve on
successive nozzle groups, increasing the nozzle area. Valves
function in sequence. Only one valve is throttling or controlling at
a time. All other inlet valves that are passing steam are operating at
a minimum pressure drop. Two styles of lifting mechanisms are
employed to move the valves.
Lifting Bar Type of Control Valves-On some multivalve
machines, venturi valves are lifted by a bar mechanism, as shown
in Figure 3. The valves have different stem lengths to allow them Figure 4. Cam Lift for Multivalve Turbines [10].
In multivalve installations, the force required to operate the maintenance. Testing and other checks can be done with the stear
valve racks can approach two and a half tons for a mechanical turbine in full operation, with little chance of losing control an
drive turbine. Higher pressure hydraulic oil can be used to provide placing the turbine at risk.
the motive force but multiplying action slows valve movement
response time. The type of valve lifting device can influence the
tendency for a machine to approach overspeed.
Governor Classifications
Governors are classified by the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) SM-23 into four groups, as
shown in Table 2. Speed variation permitted by a governor is also
influenced by the inlet valve design, as discussed previously.
• :·eare::n�.:l! IUPIJIY
Table 3. Comparative Features of Turbine-Drive Governing
Systems (Modified from [11]). • Varlabtlt-J)I'eeeure COftli'OI Olf
Transition from startup to Mechanical transfer from a servo Electrical actuator controls servo
operating conditiooo. positioner limiter to speed governor. � :'J:: � governor
Figure 6. Overspeed Trip System-Large Turbine [10].
control or PoSitionlimir
Control oil required Yes-5 to 10 gpm to a governor pilot Yes-0.05 gpm to an actuator
Overspeed Sensing Devices
Some overspeed sensing devices are:
is also a major step. This arrangement will permit testing of • Pivoted lever weight-The lever weight is pivoted about a stud
overspeed circuits without overspeeding the turbine, reducing the and is limited in its movement by a spring as shown in Figure 7 [9] .
risks for the turbine and personnel during this activity. This type device is used for moderate speeds (up to 4500 rpm) and
generally will be found on single stage turbines. Pivoted lever
Case History devices can have about ±3 percent spread between the trip speed
on one attempt, and the subsequent trip speed on another attempt.
Failures of the precision oil relay governor gear drive on a
Use of a Teflon® bushing on the lever weight pivot and a stainless
turbine (10,000 hp, 8450 rpm, 110 psig to condensing) driving a
steel material for the stud is recommended.
hydrogen recycle compressor on a hydrocracker occurred three
times during the first year of operation. The gear reducer was • Pin type weight-The pin type weight trip is used for higher
precision manufactured with silver babbitt bearings, but alignment speed (>3600 rpm) single stage trips and on the larger multistage
problems to the turbine rotor caused the failures. In addition, the turbines as a standard, as shown in Figures 5, 8, and 9. Movement
mechanical/hydraulic govenor did not properly control the turbine of the trip pin is limited to about 1/8 to 3/16 in, The tripping speed
during unit upsets even when the gear box was functioning is adjusted by changing the compression on the emergency spring
correctly. A conversion was made to an inhouse designed and built adjusting screw opposite the pin in most systems. In this scheme,
analog-electronic governor in about four days time. The electronic the moment balance on the pin is not changed during normal
governor eliminated the need for the gear drive and improved operation. Usually, the weight balance adjustment nut is on the pin
control under all conditions. No further governor problems were side of the shaft and opposite the spring compression nut
encountered with the driver of the compressor train. adjustment. In other schemes, the emergency weight adjusting
screw is for altering the balance of the pin weight to change
OVERSPEED TRIP SYSTEMS tripping speed. The spring compression is not used to set the
The overall control scheme of a steam turbine consists of an tripping speed under this arrangement. A pin type trip of a cartridge
operating speed governor, as discussed previously, and a separate design is shown in Figure 9. This permits setting of the trip off the
shutdown system to prevent overspeed. Such a system for a turbine by using an air motor drive, microswitch contacts on the
mechanical (MHC) governor is shown in Figure 6 [10] . In the striking arm, and an electronic tachometer. This is a highly
event the speed regulating governor fails to control the speed of the desirable feature on a turbine because of the time and labor savings
turbine, a fraction of a second is all the reaction time available to from not having to run the turbine for adjustments.
sense an overspeed, start, and complete the correction process.
Overspeed shutdown systems generally begin to function at 1 10
percent of design speed and must function to stop the steam flow
in less than one second completely if no damage is to occur, as
shown in Figure 1.
Trip valves separate from the governor valve(s) should shutoff
the steam supply completely. Speed measurements, set points, and
steam control mechanisms for the speed regulating governor and
the overspeed trip should be independent of each other [9, 10, 11,
12] . The standard shutdown system consists of three sections:
• A weight, in the main shaft or in a stub attached to it, with spring
--.,. ...:,:-�o:'-:
. �'"'" 1 I
I l Turbine
+ .11... ____=TI
---- -1 :1I ,I
I I1 Shaft
--.t"'\.'1..'1..'\/U....._ ,I
�� =�-�---------
, _)__
Figure 10. Dished Disk Speed Sensing System [10].
critical speed locations on higher speed machines. Long col:mecting Latching Systems
piping runs use lube oil as hydraulic fluid, a fire hazard. Electronic
An all mechanical overspeed system, shown in Figure 11, is
systems require only short shaft overhangs, can be easily tested
frequently used on single-valve small machines. A trip pin is
without running the machine, and give a high degree of repeatability.
mounted in the turbine shaft with its center of gravity slightly off
Wires go directly to the solenoid valve, so much shorter trip header
center and possible movement of 118 to 3/16 in. When a
piping is needed. It does, however, require an additional reliable
predetermined speed is reached, the unbalanced plunger or pin
power source and may require explosion-proof classification.
overcomes a spring force. As it moves outward about 1/16 in, it
Case Histories strikes the trip-lever, causing release of a spring loaded butterfly
valve that stops the steam flow.
A recent investigation into an overspeed situation that involved
a fatality and serious injuries to two other individuals revealed that
the governor proper of the turbine had been upgraded from the
original design but not the trip system. An all new turbine from the
same manufacturer was examined. The overspeed trip system and
the butterfly type stop valve were identical in all respects to the one
on the nearly 50-year-old turbine involved in the mishap. This lack
of improvement in the systems over that many years does not
speak well of the machinery industry's and the collective process
industry owner's attention to safety matters.
Two of the more destructive runaways encountered by the
authors were caused by stuck hydraulic relay valves as discussed
under the pin type trip. A stuck hydraulic relay valve prevented
closing of the steam inlet valve in a two-case ammonia plant
refrigeration train driven by a steam turbine. The relay valve
problem was not properly corrected during the investigation of the
first runaway. One of those details that can become large, the relay
valve struck again, causing another destructive overspeed of the
same machine three years later. Figure 11. Typical Overspeed Trip System-Small Turbine.
Since the hydraulic relay valve used in the trip system is dead
ended, a small amount of contamination of the oil can cause the On mechanical/hydraulic systems, the unbalanced plunger or
piston to stick. The oil pressure on the trip/throttle valve or the pin strikes the trip lever and causes the draining of the trip circuit
nonretum valves will not be dumped, and the trip/throttle valve oil pressure, as shown in Figure 6. When the trip circuit oil
will remain open. pressure drops below about 45 to 50 percent of normal pressure, a
piston-spring combination in the trip/throttle valve becomes
Trip Tolerances unbalanced. Force of a spring and the steam pressure above the
Most of the trip systems have about 20 to 24 trips available valve disk slams shut the trip/throttle valve. The dished disk
before the system components must be disassembled for inspection system accomplishes the striking of the oil release device by
and repairs. Often, these "good trips" are expended in striving for movement in an axial direction rather than radial; the remainder of
accuracy in setting the overspeed trip and other testing before the the action is identical. All these actions in the va lve must occur
unit is placed in service. To avoid this potential problem, trip repeat within about one quarter second, so that the total time of action for
tolerance limits should not be too tight. the three components of the trip system does not exceed about one
No single standard for trip tolerances exists. The total system is second.
not designed for greater accuracy than the repeatability on the trip Misalignment between the centerline of the trip lever and the
sensing weight. One source, API-617 (Centrifugal Compressors for trip plunger or pin in the axial plane can cause the system to
Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Service industries, Sixth Edition) become inoperative. As the trip pin or plunger moves out, it strikes
calls for trip speeds of 115 percent of rated speed for compressor empty air.
drives. This is 110 percent of maximum continuous speed. On some turbines, the inlet steam valves can also be closed
Tolerances are not explained clearly. Using the ±2 percent tolerance besides the trip/throttle valve, when any device attempts to trip the
of a pin type overspeed trip gives ranges as shown in Table 4. machine. This closing action is slow and should not be relied upon
to prevent an overspeed if a 100 percent load loss is encountered.
Table 4. Trip Tolerances. It is, however, a step in the right direction.
Case History
Operating Speed Trip Speed Speed Tolerance
3,600 3,960 ± 70 rpm (spread 140) The drain line on the trip/throttle valve hydraulic piston must be
large enough that the oil moves instantaneously from under the trip
6,000 6,600 ± 120 rpm (spread 240)
piston. In one case, a cost cutting measure by the turbine
9,000 9,900 ± 180 rpm (spread 360) manufacturer involved reducing the drain oil tubing size from one
etc. inch to 5/s inch in diameter (less than two feet of drain line). The
greater restriction to the oil flowing from the latching cylinder
increased the trip system functioning time up to about seven
Two or three repeats within these ranges are adequate. More seconds. The extra time required to trip could have caused serious
trips can damage the bolt, linkage, and/or trip/throttle valve, damage to the tUrbine if the situation had not been detected and
thereby reducing the long term reliability of the overall system. corrected on the manufacturer's test stand before running of the
Other Trip Systems
Solenoid valves can be used to shut the turbine down in response STOP VALVES
to low lube oil pressure, remote push buttons, or abnormal process The valve that closes off the main steam flow can be one of
conditions as shown in Figure 5. several different designs:
Because these valves are not positive shutoff devices, they are
sometimes placed between the governor valve and the steam chest
to reduce how much steam is trapped there after a trip off. This
location also simplifies the mechanical latching linkage.
• A spring loaded single or double seated poppet type valve (small
to medium turbines).
• An hydraulically latched single seated valve designed by the
closing force on the valve stems and split coupling are frequently
Figure 13. Fully Oil Operated Trip/Throttle Valve Pull onto Seat not adequately designed to withstand the impact load generated by
Built in Exerciser [15]. this high closing force and any misalignment. Frequently, damage
occurs to stems or the split coupling with the plug pushed onto a
No matter what the design, these valves must close completely seat design. This can cause sticking or retarded movement of the
to stop the steam flow in much less than one second, including the steam valve plug, as shown in Figure 12.
• Disk is pulled onto seat design-The design that "pulls" the plug
take place in the last one-third of the plug travel. Any exerciser
onto the seat without a lower guide is the preferable design, since device might not move the plug far enough to clear the area of
the two stems and the split coupling operate in tension. This seems obstruction. However, even this limited movement can give some
to limit the mechanical damage to the valve components during the assurance that the hold of steam deposits is broken on the valve
closing action [13, 14]. Details of construction are shown in Figure parts. It is a very worthwhile feature on a trip/throttle valve. Limit
13. Also, fewer tight fitting stem areas where steam deposits can switches for lights to show the valve is open, closed, or in the test
collect exist. position should also be installed.
• Latch type stem nut holder design-In this design, the bracket is Case History
spring loaded to push it in one direction and has a knife edge latch
During trip setting and testing activities, a turbine (2550 hp,
mechanism to hold it and the stem nut in the proper position as
8610 rpm, 415 psig inlet steam to 185 psig exhaust, single control
shown in Figure 12. When the valve is called upon to act as a
valve, forged rotor) went to overspeed. At first, no cause of the
throttle valve, the stem nut is latched in place and operates in the
problem could be identified. The trip valve functioned perfectly
manner of a conventional globe valve, permitting raising and
during investigative tests. Finally, someone noted that when the
lowering of the plug. When the valve is called upon to act as a trip
right hand was used to relatch the knife edge as intended by the
valve, the stem nut and bracket are released from their operating
manufacturer, the valve worked. When relatched with the left
position on the knife edges by a small hydraulic piston. Spring
hand, distortion of the connecting linkage took place and jammed
force pushes the stem nut downward to close the valve. "Hang up"
the knife edge linkage. As luck would have it, a left-handed
of the hydraulic release piston in its cylinder caused by corrosion
operator was conducting the test that resulted in the overspeed.
is frequently encountered. Since this is a dead ended point of the
Further analysis of the failure determined that the linkage
hydraulic system, accumulation of water and sludge is difficult to
connecting the hydraulic trip piston and the knife-edge latch
predict or prevent, causing a major problem [16].
holding the stem nut bushing was constructed very flimsily. The
Because of the extensive sliding and pivoting actions needed to
linkage could easily be distorted to the point that the trip piston
release the stem nut for the tripping action, lubrication of the valve
could not unlatch the valve on every test. The trip/throttle valve
upper works is critical. The grease used tends to attract dirt and grit
was designed and manufactured by the turbine manufacturer. A
and/or retain moisture near tight fitting components. Exposure to survey of that same manufacturer's installations in the refinery
high steam temperature also "cooks" out the lubricant, leaving
revealed that the flimsy linkage could disable the tripping action on
"soap" or base material. All these problems can cause binding of five more machines. Replacing all of the trip/throttle valves was
the linkages. necessary. In only a few cases have a poorly designed trip/throttle
The latch type trip/throttle valve cannot be exercised readily. By valve conrt ibuted so directly to a destructive overspeed. Obviously,
using a special gag, the valve can be moved to do some testing. a lack of training for operating and maintenance personnel also
• Piston-type stem nut holder design-Another type of contributed. A training film was made as a result of the episode
trip/throttle valve does not have the knife edge latch device. A [17].
larger oil cylinder that holds the stem nut directly is substituted.
This is a globe type valve of inverted construction with the Nonretum Valves
operating mechanism below the disk and a semibalanced disk Extraction-induction/extraction connections remove steam from
arrangement. In this valve, the force for closing the valve is intermediate stages of a steam turbine for process uses, heating
provided by a main spring above the oil piston and the steam boiler feedwater or to drive auxiliary turbines. The;: steam flow to
pressure above the disk. The details are shown in Figure 13. the lower pressure sections of the turbine is controlled by
After the valve has been tripped shut, it is reset by turning the additional valve racks. Design considerations allow a minimum
hand wheel clockwise. The rotation of the screw spindle will raise cooling steam flow to the low pressure end of the turbine, even
the main piston and compress the spring. The hand wheel will be when the readmission valves and the valve racks are completely
turned until the piston comes to rest against the cover and stop in closed. This cooling steam flow is more than enough volume to
an upward direction. overspeed an unloaded turbine. A swing disk check or nonreturn
This design admits oil through an oil inlet connection and orifice valve is installed in the extraction or induction/extraction line. The
to the main oil cylinder with a relay valve. When the oil supply valves are the equivalent of the trip/throttle valve on the extraction
pressure is less than that required to reset the valve (generally systems. If the nonreturn valve does not close after a turbine trip,
about 45 to 50 percent of trip header pressure), the relay valve is steam will flow back into the tripped turbine and cause an
unseated. The chamber below the main piston is opened to drain. overspeed condition.
When the oil pressure is increased to the reseated pressure, it The nonreturn valve, like the trip/throttle valve, has a dual
overcomes the force of the relay spring, thus seating the relay valve function:
and closing the passage from below the piston to the drain.
• It functions as a free swinging check valve to prevent reverse
Pressure then builds up on the main cylinder.
flow of process steam into the extraction stages of the turbine
To open the valve, the hand wheel is turned counterclockwise.
during normal operating conditions.
The oil pressure will hold the main piston against the cover, and the
rotation of the screw spindle will lift the pilot valve off the seat. • It serves as a positive closing device that prevents reverse flow
After the pilot valve moves its full stroke, it contacts the disk of steam into the extraction stages of the turbine when:
flange and further movement unseats the disk. The valve should be • The emergency or overspeed governor action is started and
backed off about two turns from the wide-open position. closes the inlet steam stop valve.
A mechanical or test bypass on the hydraulic piston should be
• The turbine is manually taken offline because of operational
installed, so that the valve can be exercised to approximately one
third closed position as frequently as needed. Free motion of this
distance virtually guarantees positive tripping action in an In older, smaller turbines, these valves can be simple check
emergency. The test bypass is so arranged that motion beyond one valves, actuated only by gravity and the back pressure in the
third travel cannot be achieved in the test mode, since the hydraulic extraction line. To raise the reliability of nonreturn valves, power
piston covers the leakage port. Tripping action can take place when assisted valves, as shown in Figure 15, are used in larger turbines.
in the test mode. The details of how this can be accomplished are A lever arm with a positionable counterweight and a hydraulic
shown in Figure 13. Some small percentage of valve "hangups" power cylinder provides the needed closing force. The hydraulic or
pneumatic power-assisted device is tied into the main overspeed to overspeed. During the subsequent failure investigation, it wa:
trip system hydraulics. determined that operating personnel were not aware of the
existence, location, or the function of the nonreturn valve. Again, l
lack of training of operating and maintenance personnel set the
stage for the runaway.
Valve monitoring options In another situation, a fourteen stage (400 psig, 7000f inle
steam, 150 psig and 50 psig extractions, condensing) 7500 KV\
turbogenerator was destroyed during a heavy rainstorm. The trii
system appeared to function correctly and in a timely manner afte
an electrical problem developed. However, a section from the
middle of the rotor exited the casing. No stretching of th e roto
wheel bores took place as occurs in an overspeed. This stretchin1
is the "litmus test" of an overspeed. The two extraction line:
literally ran all over the plant to serve process needs. Insulation an<
trap maintenance on steam lines is a very low priority item in mos
plants. This fact permitted the rapid accumulation of condensate
during the sudden high rainfall. The turbine problem appeared t<
have been caused by large quantities of condensate that ha<
collected in the lines during the chilling deluge of the rainstorm
The condensate pockets in the extraction lines flowed backward:
during the tripping process. A vacuum present in the condense
flashed some condensate into steam but not all of it. After the tri1
Figure 15. Nonreturn Valve Monitoring Options {18, 19]. off, the back flowing condensate "slugged" the rotor, breaking the
shaft at the first wheel of each of the two extraction sections. The
Valves that have a weighted arm to aid in providing a closing disk of the 150 psig nonreturn valve immediately in front of the
force also have a negative aspect in that they must use a hydraulic first rotor shaft break was damaged and did not seat properly. I
relay valve to begin the power-assist feature. This relay can stick, could not be determined if the disk had been damaged during the
as discussed earlier, and reduce the reliability of the nonreturn trip off or was damaged before the event occurred. Again, testinJ
valve. and inspection of the nonreturn valves contributed to rotor damage
Frequent inspection and exercising of nonn:i turn valves is vital to Poor maintenance of the steam piping system also was a majo
assure that they are in perfect working order. It is even more contributor.
difficult to test these valves than it is to test the trip device and the
Vacuum Breakers
trip/throttle valve. The valves can be disabled by steam deposits on
the valve stems, the most frequent cause of failure to close. The When a condensing turbine is tripped, a vacuum condition cru
deposits may cause the valve stems to bend. Stem packing that is exist in the turbine casing up to the inlet valves. Rapid pressure
too tight may bind up the weight-arm. drops will cause any condensate present in the casing, and/or the
Many turbine design engineers recommend the installation of connected piping in admission/extraction machines, to flash inte
two power-assisted check valves in series. Only a few higher speed steam that will reenter the turbine's steam path. With enougl
machines currently have this feature. Questions exist about condensate present, the flash steam will accelerate the turbine aw
whether that series of positions would increase the reliability of the an overspeed condition can be reached. To prevent this conditio1
system without other concurrent major improvements. from occurring, it is good practice and required by most industr:
Experience with nonreturn valves has not been good, because a standards to install a vacuum breaker activated by the primary tri]
high steam velocity through them is required to raise the check system on the turbine exhaust.
disk enough to reduce the pressure drop across the valve. Wear of
hinge pins, disk studs, hydraulic or pneumatic pistons, and other
mechanical parts is rapid because of flow impacting. In the past, Serious doubts exist if most trip/throttle device designs cru
the primary diagnostic technique has been to disassemble the valve remain on the line for more than two years and still be free te
or to await failure of the valve to function properly. The Electric operate in an emergency, for several reasons as discussed below.
Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Institute of Nuclear Power
Operations (INTO), and the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Lack of Training
(NRC) recently funded research into nonintrusive valve diagnosis. The original design ideas of older trip/throttle valves were basee
Results of the studies offer considerable improvement in the ability on the premise that the valve would be exercised and/or testee
to monitor the condition of a critical valve [18, 19] . As shown in through its full travel, on a three to six months (with a one yea
Figure 15, accelerometers are attached externally on the nonreturn maximum) interval. Refineries and petrochemical plants do no
valve to detect structure-borne vibrations caused by impacting and currently operate in this mode. A lack of training ane
rattling of valve parts or flow noise. Digital filtering of the data understanding by both maintenance and operating personnel ha
identifies the source of the noise. The sensors can withstand made all parties afraid to do any kind of overspeed testing for fea
temperatures up to 550°F. This approach may be the best way and of losing control of the turbine and causing a facility outage. Th
perhaps the only way to detect the mechanical condition of a result is that testing is simply not done as frequently as it shoule
nonretum valve while in service. be. The fears of testing are based more on the older and les
reliable mechanical governor and trip systems than on the newe
Case Histories all electronic designs.
In one overspeed case, the lagging or blanket insulation on the
Water in the Lube Oil
turbine casing sagged enough to interfere with the movement of
the weight arm arc on the extraction nonreturn valve. A casual In one wrecked turbine, water in the lube oil was a majo
inspection should have noted the problem. When the turbine contributor to the failure. Water in the lube oil, even at low levelf
tripped, steam continued to flow through the jammed open generates sludge in the oil and corrosion of the metallic parts of th<
nonretum valve. Enough energy was available to take the machine governor control system and the overspeed trip system. Stickin1
Steam Quality
Many refinery and chemical process units have waste heat
recovery system s . Feedwater quality supplied to these boilers is
often questionable. B oilers frequently have steam drums with poor
moisture internal separation systems that permit carryover. Dirty
steam caused by poor operating practices and/or poorly designed
generation equipment, can also cause the sticking of the trip/throttle
valve. Without proper operating and maintenance practices, these
marginal boiler designs can cause catastrophic machinery failures .
The biggest problem with all of the trip/throttle valve designs is
that the valve stem must be free to close rapidly, but it also must
limit leakage from the steam path along the stem. Thi s is done with
soft packing sometimes or with a hardened steel leak-off bushing
that permits controlled leakage between the stem and the bushing.
Steam deposits present a problem either in the design that pulls the Figure 16. Trip/Throttle Valve Screen with Heavy Carryover
valve plug on the seat or the pushing on the seat design. The Deposits.
pushing force valve design quite often has an upper and lower
guide bushing with tight fitting clearances as shown in Figure 1 2.
percent to 80 percent) load to be lost. With a greatly reduced load
B oth designs are subject to movement retardation clue to a
imposed on it, the turbine starts to accelerate rapidly. As little as a
collection of steam deposits on the stem that must enter a tight
10 percent loss, coupled with a poor control system, have triggered
fitti ng hardened bushing. In addition, the guide sleeve for both
a runaway.
designs can warp and offer restraint to plug movement.
• The overspeed pin weight or the latching device can be frozen,
Case History due to sludge from the lube oil and/or corrosion, and fails to initiate
The screen shown in Figure 16 i s from the trip/throttle valve of the valve closing action.
a turbine ( I 0,000 hp, 5 100 rpm , topping, 4 15 psig t o 115 psi g) • If the overspeed trip pin does actuate, the trip/throttle v alve and
running in tandem w ith a Frame 5 gas turbine. B oth machi nes drive the governor valve, or the e x.traction nonreturn valve, may not
a catalytic cracking unit two-case wet gas compressor train . The close completely because of steam deposits on their stems or other
steam turbine used steam generated in two waste heat boilers by moving parts . The "coupling" block connecting the rotating and
e x.haust gases from this gas turbine and another one. The turbine sliding stems of the trip/throttle valve is subject to damage in
was just downstream of the waste heat boiler. The boiler steam normal use and c an cause problems w ith alignment of the two
drums had very poorly designed dry pipes. Moisture separation stems .
internals in the steam drum consisted of a small area of a w ire
• As the turbine speeds up past about 120 percent of operating
mesh-screen over the dry pipe. Moisture and solids c:m-yovers
speed, critical speeds are encountered and severe vibration occurs .
were very high. Steam quality analyzers were installed on the two
What happens nex.t is dependent upon the turbine manufacturer ' s
waste heat boilers outlet pipes. The analyzers alerted operating
design and what tl1e weak link in the design i s . At 125 percent of
personnel to the carryover problems, but no con·ective actions
were taken. Poor steam drum intemals and a lack of training for the
operating, all rotor stresses are 56 percent above normal. In some
designs, white metal bearing failures and ex.haust end and
operating personnel to respond to correct the carryover lead to this
interstage seal rubs occur.
problem. It was necessary to shutdown the entire process unit to
clean the steam system. A mnaway situation was avoided only • In s ome designs , cast iron housings with weak bolting fail at a
because the flywheel effect of the gas turbine on the train much lower speed than cast steel housings . The bearing housing
prevented it. Operating independently, thi s turbine would have cap is especially susceptible to fracture. The housing design
been a catastrophe looking for an opportunity to happen. represents part of the bearing stiffness discussed in all
The effective area of the screens (or perforated plate) should be rotordynamic s papers.
at least twice the cro s s sectional area of the turbine inlet
• As the turbine approaches twice normal speed, the
connection. The strainer should be capable of withstanding a
blading/wheel stress level is about four times nonnal .
pressure differential at least equal to 25 percent of the maximum
inlet pressure. • The shaft rotational speed of a n impulse design will level out
just below twice design speeds because of the limiting ex.iting
PROBABLE OVERSPEED velocity of the steam from the nozzle s and the increased friction o f
SEQUENCE OF EVENTS the rub s , failed bearings, o r broken bearing housings . Centrifugal
force at this speed causes severe yielding of blading dovetails .
If both the governor system and the overspeed system should
Disk dovetail grooves a t the periphery of the disk o n a forged rotor
fail to function conectly, the turbine can go to destructively high
design and the disk bores of a stacked rotor design begin to yield.
speeds . Investigation into the base cause is vital. Every case is
The disk bores increase by 112 in or more, disengaging the keys that
different and must be investigated carefully. The sequence of
transfer torque from the disks to the shaft.
events in a runaway as described by Sohre [20], i s probably the
best discussion and guide to failure investigation available. His • The turbine disks yield and/or disintegrate (built up rotor
ex.periences and comments, paraphrased and summarized for design) . This massive yielding is the "litmus test" of overspeecl.
brevity are as follows . Without the yielding, the cause of failure i s not overspeed. The
disks now spin on the shaft free of any drag from the damaged
• The turbine load i s I 0 0 percent lost when the generator trips
bearings or bearing brackets.
electrically, or for a mechanical drive machine, when the coupling
between it and the driven machine breaks . A compressor goes into • The turbine shaft breaks, most generally inboard of the exhaust
a violent surge or the pump loses suction causing considerable (50 end bearing.
• Instead of the single shaft break discussed above, multiple shaft Two accurate and independent means of determining the correc
fractures may occur if a critical speed and the accompanying turbine speed should be used. By registering confusing readings
vibration levels are encountered. Sometimes, the turbine shaft has resonating reed and strobe light tachometers have contributed t1
broken into as many as five pieces. several overspeeds. They should not be used for testing.
steam to take the machine to destructive speeds. A well-written valve is preferable. Even limited movement of the valve stem i:
instruction sheet that documents the periodic testing procedures better than doing nothing over run extended periods.
should be used during the periodic testing. • The present overspeed sensing devices should be upgraded fo
Many overspeeds take place during testing because personnel are greater reliability. The dished disk and some eccentric ring design:
not properly trained. Ignorance is the base cause. Good training aids are adequate. Most of the pin and offset pivot designs should be
are available [19]. The tendency during investigations is to place the
upgraded to electronic devices when the EHC governor upgrade i:
blame on the trip system rather than the personnel involved. Placing done.
the blame on an individual who may have been severely injured or
killed during an overspeed situation is difficult emotionally for the • Training and testing-Intensive training should be done fo
investigating group. While it is true that equipment can be defective, operating and maintenance personnel on how the current trti
most runaways are a result of personnel error. When slow rolling, systems function, including testing programs. It is very importan
test running, or overspeed testing the turbine while uncoupled from that these protective devices function when needed. The hot, we
the load, control should be by the trip/throttle valve only or a bypass atmosphere around a turbine causes corrosion and minerals in the
around the inlet valve. The slightest movement of the governor steam plate out on moving parts. In addition, normal wear and tea
valve in an uncoupled situation can result in tremendous changes of will cause parts to stick or malfunction. For these reasons, all of the
speed. A sticking governor valve or linkage, which was not various steam turbine protective devices must be cleaned
corrected before testing, can be very dangerous. To prevent calibrated, and checked at regular intervals.
maximum steam flow to the trip/throttle valve, a one inch bypass • Hydraulic relays in the trip system should not be permitted.
line, with a globe valve around the steam turbine inlet block valve
(not the trip/throttle valve) should be installed. This bypass valve • Coupling selection for mechanical drive trains should be done
can be used for a turbine warm up or overspeed testing. To prove out very carefully to ensure an adequate rating.
the governors' system, limit the maximum speed with the hand • Long term, the whole function of a trip/throttle valve should be
wheel of the trip/throttle valve or the bypass line and control the reviewed. The push for dual functions of the trip/throttle valve ha:
speed downward with the governors' system. reduced the present valve design's value as a positive shutof
against overspeed. For larger turbines (500 hp and up), of the Twenty-second Turbomachinery Symposium,
hydraulically operated, positive closing, single function stop Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College
valves should be used. This would be essentially an unbalanced Station, Texas, pp. 65-72 ( 1 99 3 ) .
main valve and a pilot valve held open by hydraulic forces
7. Wharton, E. B . and S troh, C . G . , "An Experience With
generated in a large cylinder. When oil pressure is released through
Nonstandard Coupling Application," Proceedings of the
action of the relay valves, closing or tripping action results .
Twenty-first Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery
Closing forces are a combination of both the steam and spring
Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College S tation, Texas,
component. A back seating device should be provided for the valve
pp. 97- 1 02 ( 1 992).
in the open position s o that greater clearances can be used between
the hardened stems and bushings without concern for steam 8. Schneider, E. L . , "Troubleshooting High Speed Couplings,"
leakage and deposits . This mechanism would not have the problem Proceedings of the Nineteenth Turbomachinery Symposium,
of coupling a rotating and stationary stem together. The stem could Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College
be one long length and alignment would not be a problem. S tation, Texas, pp. 3-8 ( 1 990).
While there is need for improving the governor and overspeed
9. Dufour, J . W. and Nelson, W. E., "Maintenance of S mall Steam
trip ' s systems, the major problem area is the training and
Turbines," Sawyer s Turbomachinery Maintenance Handbook
understanding of the personnel that operate steam turbines. In
2, Turbomachinery International Publications ( 1 980).
these days of instant solutions, steam turbines still require constant
attention while operating and a high level of maintenance 10. Elliott Company, Turbine S eminar and S ales B rochure s ,
expertise. If good practices are not followed, a failure i s almost "Governors and Control S ystems, " Reprint 1 35A ( 1 976).
sure to result. Poor steam quality, water or dirt in the lube oil, poor 1 1 . Kamath, A. S . , "New Feedpump-Drive Controls Meet Needs
maintenance of the overspeed trip s y stem proper, and the of Cycling B oilers," Power Magazine (July 1 98 8 ) .
governors' system combine to create failure conditions . These
1 2 . Pilicy, F . X . a n d Dundas , R . E . , "Insurance for S team
comments are summarized in Table 5 .
Turbines," Sawyer 's Turbomachinery Maintenance Handbook
Table 5. Factors Related to Steam Turbine Overspeed Problems. 2, Turbomachinery International Publications ( 1 980).
1 3 . Nelson, W. E. and Wright, R . M., "Reengineering of Rotating
ractor Short Tenn Fix Term Solution
Equipment Through Maintenance," Presented at the 3 7th
Steam turbine (1) Use vibration analysis to detect {1) Evaluate coupling applications carefully
loses load rapidly coupling problems lo prevent (2) lmpmve condition monitoring system�; Petroleum Mechanical Engineering Workshop and f.1.iture where nt�cled
(:?.) Proper coupling, tiurgt;
protection inr;trunll'lll mamtemmce
��a�ftffi"�1�:ch�ft]�l �)� tection system to bt'ot Conference, ASME, Dallas, Texas ( 1 9 8 1 ) .
(3) Operate proct<w; to avoid unit
upst>t� and compreS."•OY surge
���t.�rade proce.<>.<l runb:ul system wht..-re 1 4 . Nelson, W. E. and Wright, R. M., Turbomachinery
(4) Intensify tr<Jining for >lll ph<'!'es
�:��...!]rad e electric,ll di:""tti.bulion syste1n a:,; Maintenance Newslette1; Turbomachinery International
Publications, Parts l -4, (January, February, March, and April
Failun• nf (1) Frequent testing and training Upgrade governor to e-lectronic and owrspet>d
•.wempeed senwr (2) Improved nMint-�nance and sensor to dishcchiisk t>r d�ctronic Issues 1 98 3 ) .
( I ) Improve steam quality/ (1) Steam qu.llity-install continuous monitorB
Trip valve fail$ to
dot;c completely <lnd alarms on steam, f�>�::d-w,,ter, cnndensate
1 5 . Gimpel Corporation, Langhorn e , Pennsylvania, sales
sysh>m�, etc.; upg;adc boiler intemal steam
(2J J.irt'lluent testing/t!xcrci:;ing separation eqmpment; upgrade st�·am process
valve control systems.
(3) Improve maint�nanc-e/training (2) Rcplact� trip valve with improved design to 1 6 . Coleman, W. L . , "Water Contamination of S team Turbine Lube
permit ::;omE' ext.'J·dsing
(3) Install parallel hip valves to permit testing Oils and How to Avoid It," Ptvceedings of the Seventeenth
whi.!e turbine is in normal o )emtion
Extracti(lfl (l J Frequent L�xerdse/training (1) Hcplace nonreturn valve with improved
Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory,
nonrettun v..llve!i
faiJ to dm;('
(2) Improve mainll:'�/ training design Texas A&M University, College S tation, Texas, pp. 5 1 -5 6
(2) Install monitorillf; equipment ns per EPRf
I practices ( 1 988).
Ovempet'd occurs (1) Increased t-rnining (1) Upp;r01dc to ':""ell design�.cxi ek�tronit;
during governor nnd tnt' syslcm thJt can be b.!Stl!d
(2) Detailed written procedures
without unloadmg turbine.
17. "Fundamental Principles of S team Turbine Trip/Throttle
load testing (:1) Use small manual bypass Vi'\lYe
for s 1L>ed control durin r k>s{ Valves for Larger Turbines, Parts 2 & 3 , " Training Film,
Governor system (1) Improve steam quality I operator (1) Upgrade to well designed ele�tronic Hughes Technical Communications C o . , Inc . , Houston, Texas
fails training gov12nmr system ,md decrem>e acting time of
(2) hnorove m.:'lintenance/trainin � governor valves.
( 1 979, revised 1 989).