Deterioration of Compressor Performance Due To Tip Clearance of Centrifugal Impellers
Deterioration of Compressor Performance Due To Tip Clearance of Centrifugal Impellers
Deterioration of Compressor Performance Due To Tip Clearance of Centrifugal Impellers
Introduction O GTCP 1 8 5 . 1
In many turbomachines impellers are not shrouded and the VTPE331.301 2ND STG TEST 184
ATPE331.301 2ND STG t e s t 186
performance is deteriorated by the pressure loss due to the O TPE 2ND STAGE TEST 135
clearance between the shroud casing and the tips of impeller
blades. For the design of turbomachines, therefore, it is im-
portant to estimate effects of tip clearance correctly, and
several empirical equations have been published in the
literature. Pampreen [1] collected data of six different cen-
trifugal impellers and correlated the efficiency drop to the tip-
clearance ratio at the exit of impeller, and he drew an average
correlation line with an inclination of 0.3 in Fig. 1. In the jj 0 0.05 0.10 0.15
literature usually the relationship has been published as an em- w clearance/rotor exit width variation
pirical formula Fig. 1 Effect of tip clearance on efficiency drop in the literature [1]
A?; lac
t\ b1+b2 ficiency at zero clearance.1 Since it is not possible to test an
Eckert and Schnell [2] chose a = 0.9 while Pfleiderer [3] recom- impeller at zero clearance, the reference efficiency at zero
mended a = 1.5 — 3.0. Pampreen's average line roughly agrees clearance is dubious, but the inclination of each broken line is
with Eckert and Schnell's equation providing that b{/b2=4 not influenced by one particular datum of reference, therefore
and 57 = 0.8. the inclination is reliable. Since the inclination of broken lines
In Fig. 1 four broken lines are drawn to connect data which is different from one impeller to another, it is clear that the ef-
belong to respective impellers. Inclination of these lines is dif- ficiency drop due to tip clearance can not be decided only by
ferent from each other and all of them are considerably larger the parameter in the abscissa or the clearance ratio at the im-
than that of Pampreen's full line. It is also noticed that none peller exit.
of these broken lines passes through the origin. In Fig. 1 the In [5], the present authors have proposed a new approach
ordinate is the decrement of efficiency in comparison to the ef- regarding the tip-clearance loss. It consists of the pressure loss
induced by the leakage flow through the clearance and the
It is experimentally demonstrated that the performance of an unshrouded
impeller with small tip clearance was superior to that of a shrouded impeller
with identical geometry in a wide flow range except at a large flow rate [4]. It is
generally understood that motion of the stationary shroud relative to the blade
Contributed by the Gas Turbine Division of T H E AMERICAN SOCIETY OF prevents boundary layer fluid from accumulating at the blade suction surface
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS and presented at the 31st International Gas Turbine and consequently reduces pressure loss. Therefore, the performance of a
Conference and Exhibit, Diisseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, June 8-12, shrouded impeller is different from the performance of an unshrouded impeller
1986. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters January 24, 1986. Paper No. with zero tip clearance and the latter can be estimated only by extrapolating data
86-GT-123. of the impeller with different values of the tip clearance.
Table 1 Predicted pressure loss and efficiency drop due to tip clearance
Fig. 5 Effect of shaft speed on tip-clearance loss, Compressor A
^ ^ %
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
° Equivalent mass flow rate, kg/sec dynamic pressure
Fig. 3 Change of stage pressure ratio due to tip clearance, Com- is reevaluated
pressor A [7] 0.74 I I
0.70 0.80 0.90
o 7.6 Clearance. Percent at design Equivalent mass flow rate, kg/sec
D 115 percent equivalent speed
A 16. S
- •' 3.7 <o* 10
Fig. 6 Change of impeller efficiency due to tip clearance, Compressor
s Surg* 80 90 A [71
5 0.75 60
J*\/ ^1/y sl^^aTvf curately measured. However, if the pressure loss in the dif-
fuser is not equal for the tests with different values of tip
Dverall compressor
J i? 1 mance due to tip clearance can not be evaluated from the stage
ss 0^ performances. In order to minimize variation of the diffuser
II performance in different experiments, the inlet flow angle
- must be far from the angle for stall and far from the angle for
1 1 i 1 " I 1 1
choke, and furthermore the flow rate must be adjusted in dif-
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ferent experiments so that the inlet flow angle to the diffuser is
Equivalent mass flow rate, kg/sec identical.
Fig. 4 Change of stage efficiency due to tip clearance, Compressor A As the tip clearance increases, the blade loading and the
[71 tangential velocity component at the impeller exit decrease
while the radial component increases because the gas density is
lower and the blockage is larger, consequently the direction of
Comparison With Experimental Data flow tends to be away from the tangential direction.
Therefore, in cases of high-pressure-ratio compressors, in
Accuracy of Total Pressure. The relative flow pattern at order to keep a constant flow angle at the diffuser inlet, the
the impeller exit is not axisymmetric due to blades and the pat- mass flow rate should be slightly reduced as the tip clearance
tern rotates with the impeller; therefore, the velocity relative increases.
to a fixed probe changes the magnitude and the direction
periodically, and the measured time-mean total pressure is not Test of Compressor A. A centrifugal compressor was
equal to the mass-averaged total pressure. The axial distribu- tested with four different values of tip clearance [7]. It was
tion of velocity is also distorted. That is, the meridian compo- designed for a pressure ratio of 6 and a specific speed of 0.769
nent of velocity is very low in a thin layer near the shroud due at 80,000 rpm. The impeller diameter was 136.5 mm, the exit
to the effect of tip clearance of the impeller, and the layer width was 4.67 mm, and there were, 24 blades with an exit
changes the thickness with the tip clearance; therefore, it is blade angle of 59.2 deg from circumference.
quite difficult to measure the mass-averaged total pressure. Variation of the input head due to change of the tip
The wall static pressure at the exit of the impeller may be the clearance is presented in Fig. 2 where four straight lines are
best parameter to accurately demonstrate the change of im- prediction based on equation (2) assuming that a = 0.655 or
peller performance due to tip clearance, but it is seldom the blockage factor I-a = ( 2 a - 1 ) X2 = 0.31 X2. The as-
presented in the literature. sumed value of k in equation (3) is 0.0258 which is smaller
than the value usually adopted. That is, in this experiment the
Corresponding Flow Rates of a Compressor With Different input power is considerably larger than what is usually ex-
Values of Tip Clearance. At the exit of diffuser, the flow is pected and it may be the cause for the low efficiency of the
almost steady and the dynamic pressure is small; therefore, the impeller.
stage performance including the diffuser can be easily and ac- Figures 3 and 4 are characteristic of the compressor with a
k=0. 0258
a=0.655 y*
' ///>
/#' A-' 3 -
- w 80000 rpm
(100 %)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
7 ' i
° Equivalent mass flow rate, kg/sec
0.05 0.10
AA2 Fig. 9 Change of stage pressure ratio due to tip clearance, Com-
pressor B [8]
Fig. 7 Effect of flow rate on tip-clearance l o s s , Compressor A
0.65 3
Running Clearanc
G(kg/s)Expt.Predicted k=0.072S
0.86 O a=0.8
0.84 A
0.82 O •
A\2 AA 2
Fig. 11 Effect of shaft speed on tip-clearance loss, Compressor B Fig. 13 Effect of flow rate on tip-clearance loss, Compressor C