for Nurses
This booklet was written by Scott Brunero, CNC, Liaison Mental Health Nursing,
Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney; Darrin Cowan, CNC Liaison Mental Health
Nursing, Greater Southern Area Health Service; Alan Grochulski, CNC, Mental
Health Northern Sydney and Central Coast Health Service; and Angela Garvey,
Professional Officer, NSW Nurses’ Association.
We wish to thank the following people for their help and support in the production
and editing of this booklet:
Marianne Goodwin, Peter Newman, Terry Joyce, Ben Neilson, Salih Ozghul,
Patricia McDermott, Beverley Raphael, and the many nurses who shared
their stories.
Copyright © 2006
New South Wales Nurses’ Association
PO Box 40, Camperdown 1450
New South Wales. Australia
Telephone: 02 8595 1234
Facsimile: 02 9550 3667
This work was funded by the NSW Department of Health under the
Mental Health Nursing Enhancement Fund.
Brett Holmes
Introduction 4
What is Stress? 8
Coping Strategies 17
Relaxation Techniques 27
Useful Contacts 30
Recommended Reading 32
This booklet has been written by
nurses for nurses to help promote
awareness and understanding of
our own mental health needs.
It is widely recognised that nurses,
like many others in the caring
professions, have mastered the
art of anticipating and attending to
the physical and emotional needs
of others. Unfortunately, nurses
tend to forget how to take care
of themselves and each other.
committed, the list goes on. These Inevitably nurses find themselves
expectations are put on us by in situations where the source of
society, managers, organisations their stress is difficult to eliminate,
and sometimes ourselves. How like finding that extra nurse to
do we as nurses react to these cover the shift, stopping that extra
demands, what choices do we have patient turning up on the ward, or
and how do we put ourselves first? not having enough experienced staff
rostered on the shift. Frustrating
In the same way as mental health
as it may be, there are some
issues have struggled to make
sources of stress that we have
it on the broader social agenda,
limited ability to change, and this
they’re also struggling to make
can lead to people feeling stressed,
it on the agenda at work. The
anxious, angry and depressed.
profession has made a lot of
progress in managing many of The coping strategies and relaxation
the physical risks associated techniques explained in this book
with our work: we use safe lifting have been evaluated and they work.
techniques, we’ve adopted universal They are simple, effective and
precautions and many other helpful in managing anxiety levels,
practices to ensure our physical anger and depressed feelings.
safety at work. Unfortunately, we
However, it is critical that we all
haven’t made the same level of
recognise that individual stress
progress where hazards to our
management is only part of the
mental health are concerned.
answer to looking after nurses’
One of the most significant risks mental health. When we consider
nurses are exposed to in their work workplace mental health, we must
is stress. This booklet will highlight adopt the same approach that we
some of the signs and symptoms have adopted for the management
that indicate when stress might be of other occupational health and
becoming a problem. It offers some safety concerns. That is, with a risk
skills and strategies to assist you management approach that focuses
to overcome some of the pressures on prevention. For this reason, we
associated with nursing work. have included a brief overview of
the occupational health and safety It is hoped that nurses who read
laws in NSW and the obligations this book will benefit, not only
of both employers and employees from practising the strategies and
to work together to maintain safe exercises, but also by developing
and healthy systems of work. a better awareness of our own
mental health needs and those of
It is also important that all nurses
our colleagues. Most of all, it is
are aware of NSW Health’s
important that we accept that there
commitment to the mental health
is no shame in acknowledging that,
and wellbeing of staff at work in
at times, the demands placed on us
public hospitals. A confidential
at work can become overwhelming
employee assistance program (EAP)
and that the best thing we can do
has been available to all public
for ourselves, our families and our
sector nurses for some time. Many
patients is to take care of ourselves
of the nurses who provided personal
and seek help if we need it.
insights for this project reported a
high level of satisfaction with the
service provided by local EAPs.
what is stress?
You would think that defining
stress would be relatively easy.
Yet those who have spent most of
their professional lives studying
it still have trouble defining the
term. Despite efforts over the
last half-century to define the
term, no satisfactory definition
of stress exists. Defining stress
is much like defining happiness.
Everyone knows what it is, but no
one can agree on a definition.
event or situation as only mildly What are the signs and
challenging, you will probably feel symptoms of stress?
only a little stress; however, if you
perceive the situation or event as The signs and symptoms of stress
threatening or overwhelming your can range from a major physical
coping abilities, you will probably crisis like a heart attack, to more
feel a lot of stress. Importantly, minor symptoms like tiredness
your perception of how negative an and disrupted sleep patterns.
outcome could be will significantly The more serious stress-related
determine what degree of stress problems usually emerge in the
you experience. So, having to context of prolonged periods of
wait for a bus when you have exposure to intense stress. It
all the time in the world triggers is important therefore to be
only a little stress. Waiting for able to recognise and manage
that same bus when you are the early signs and symptoms
running late for an appointment of stress, in order to avoid the
triggers much more stress. more serious effects of stress
on your health and well-being.
The difference between the
demands of the situation and Think about how you have been
your perception of how well you feeling in the last few months.
can cope with that situation How many of the physical and
is what determines how psychological signs of stress
much stress you will feel. listed on the following page
have you experienced?
signs and symptons of stress:1
• nausea ____________________
• nail-biting ____________________
• ambivalence ____________________
health & safety
Nurses confront a range of
occupational health and safety
(OHS) risks in their roles providing
care and comfort to the sick and
aged. While much has been
done to identify and control the
physical risks associated with
nursing work, such as manual
handling, ergonomics, chemical
and biological hazards, we have
been less successful in recognising
the very real psychological risks
encountered by nurses.
occupational health & safety
occupational health & safety
Compliance with the NSW Health
policy for Employee Assistance
Programs is mandatory for all
public health organisations in NSW.
The policy defines an employee
assistance program (EAP) as a
“work-based, early intervention
strategy which provides appropriate,
timely, professional and confidential
counselling and referral services
for staff (and their families) in
order to assist them to identify
and resolve professional, personal,
health or work-related issues.”4
employee assistance programs
coping strategies
“Grant me the courage to
change the things I can change,
the serenity to accept those
that I cannot change and the
wisdom to know the difference”
Reinhold Niebuhr
coping strategies
strategies are effective in reducing that you also feel about them.
your personal levels of stress.
By identifying and then modifying
Cognitive-behavioural interventions those thoughts which produce
are designed to help people live negative feelings, you are then
longer, feel better and avoid having able to reach your goals and
self-defeating thoughts. They assist make changes in the way that
people to understand themselves you perceive and feel about life
so that they may live a more situations. It sounds easy but this
fulfilling and happier existence.6 takes some practice to change
the way you react to situations.7
Developed in the 1950s by Aaron
Beck and Albert Ellis, these The model is as easy
interventions are designed to to use as A.B.C.
increase your emotional self-
A = Activating event (what
management to allow you to change
happened) An occurrence,
the things you can change and
which triggers an emotional
accept (though not like) those
things you cannot change.
Eg: My bus is running late, I
This type of intervention targets won’t make it in time for work
the individual thoughts as a
cognitive (thinking) process. It is B = Belief (what you are thinking,
based on the theory that changes self talk) An evaluation and
in our emotions and behaviours judgement about the demands
are determined by our thoughts on your self, demands about
about events that occur. People others and demands about
are often disturbed by their view the world or life conditions.
or perception of events rather These may be rational and
than the events themselves. By realistic or irrational.
being able to change the way Eg: People will look down on me
that you think about things you for being late. They will think
then are able to change the way I’m stupid and unreliable
C= Consequence (outcome) an Consequences (C) Write down
emotional and/or physical your behaviour and your
consequence linked to a belief. negative emotional stress
Eg: Anxiety reactions/feelings, which
regularly occur in the face of
It is easier to work out the the above activating event (A).
Activating event (problem) and
Consequences (outcome) first, as Beliefs (B) Write down your beliefs,
the Beliefs (what you are thinking) thoughts, attitudes and self
are not always so obvious to us. talk about the activating event
(A), which are irrational, not
To help us resolve a problematic true or useful that lead to your
situation we can use these steps. self defeating behaviour.
Activating Event (A) Write down a Goals Write down how you would
problem which has happened like to behave and feel about
or may happen in the future, the Activating Event (A) the next
which leads you to perform time a similar problem occurs.
ineffectively and/or experience
a negative emotional reaction.
now apply these steps to a real example from your
own life:
Step 5: How would you like to feel and behave (C) the next time the same
event occurs?
coping strategies
3. Overgeneralising
Our thoughts or types of thinking (B
- beliefs) directly affect our feelings. When people build up one
Some of our thoughts are healthy thing about themselves or their
while some are not beneficial to circumstances and end up thinking
us. By addressing and changing our that it represents the whole
thinking we can then influence and situation or happens all the time or
change our emotions and physical is part of a never ending pattern.
wellbeing. Eg: “No-one here knows
what they are doing.”
Some examples of errors
in thinking are: 4. Mind reading
I can’t find anything I like about There are some good days and bad
working here. Nothing goes right. days in every job. Today is one of
(filtering) the bad days, but not all my days
are bad.
I know everyone in the team thinks No one has said that I am useless.
I’m an idiot. Everyone is actually really friendly
(mind reading) and supportive.
Things are only going to get worse. No one knows the future but I know
(fortune telling) I have coped with worse things in
the past.
I haven’t been given the shifts I Sometimes I get the roster I ask
asked for because she hates me. for, so maybe she doesn’t hate me
(personalising) afterall.
now try this:
Step 4: Write down what you did (how did you behave or feel following your
irrational thoughts/beliefs?)
Step 5: Now answer the following questions.
Did your feelings help you to deal with the upsetting event?
Yes________________________ No________________________
3. Beliefs (B) – Irrational, false thoughts – the things you said to
yourself following the activating event (A) (eg: Everything is so unfair.)
Relaxation is a skill. With frequent
practice you will improve these
skills to control your emotions and
improve your physical well being.
These techniques can be practiced
either day or night to assist you to
relax and feel in control. It is really
important to practice regularly.
relaxation techniques
out for 3 seconds. Repeat 2. Make sure your body, feet and
saying “relax” to your self arms are supported, feet in
every time you breathe out. front of you, arms by your sides.
10 things every
nurse should do
Although we cannot avoid stress, we
can learn to deal with it efficiently,
adjust and live with it, rather
than letting stress overwhelm us
and effect our quality of life.
Try to:
1. Keep things in
perspective, prioritise
useful contacts
Employee Assistance Programs
Every Area Health Service has
an EAP program available free of
charge to its employees. Many
of these services provide free
access to external providers.
Contact your Area administration
office for contact details.
General Practitioner
Maintain regular contact with your
GP and be sure to discuss any
concerns you may have with your
doctor. Your doctor will also be able
make appropriate referrals to assist
you with your recovery such as:
• Anxiety Clinics
• Counselling Services
• Relaxation and Stress
management Courses
• Health Promotion Units
There are also now a number of Bush Crisis Line
allied health services covered by
Medicare. Your GP may be able to
1800 805 391
refer you to a health professional for
A 24 hour crisis line that provides
sessions rebatable under Medicare.
confidential telephone support
Local Community Health Centre and debriefing services to rural
Contact your local community and remote practitioners.
health centre (white pages, Centre for Cognitive Behaviour
under “community health”) Therapy
Alcohol & Drug Information
Service (ADIS)
24 hr advice
1800 422 599
Information, help and support for
Beyond Blue people who have Depression
St. Vincent’s Anxiety
beyondblue is a national, Disorders Clinic
independent, not-for-profit
organisation working to address
issues associated with depression, New South Wales
anxiety and related substance Nurses Association
misuse disorders in Australia.
Black Dog Institute 1300367962 8595 1234
Welcome to the Black Dog
Institute, a clinical, research
and educational body dedicated
to improving understanding,
diagnosis and treatment of
depression and bipolar disorder
From Thought to Action:
A self-help manual, (2nd ed)
– Dr Antony Kidman, 2001
1 Stress Management for Dummies (1999) Allen
Elkin, IDG Books Worldwide Inc, California.
2 This section adapted with permission from Occupational
Health and Safety Essentials for Nurses, WorkCover
NSW, NSW Nurses’ Association, 2004.
3 Statistical Bulletin 2000, WorkCover
4 Employee Assistance Programs: NSW Health Policy
and Better Practice, NSW Health, March 2005.
5 Mimura C & Griffiths P (2003) The effectiveness of current
approaches to workplace stress management in the
nursing profession: an evidence based literature review,
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Jan (60)1.
6 Kirkness, A & Grochulski, A (2001) “Living with an Implantable
cardioverter defibrillator” Royal North Shore Hospital and
Community services (Reproduced in part with permission).
7 The RET resource book for Practitioners. Michael.
E Bernard and Janet Wolfe, editors. New York, N.Y:
Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, 1993.