Measuring For The Art Show
Measuring For The Art Show
Measuring For The Art Show
Measuring Masterpieces
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 45 min
Overview of lesson
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the Measuring for the Art Show unit, through a discussion of
what is to come within the unit. Following the introduction, students will be hooked to the lesson through strategic
questions, utilized to formatively assess prior knowledge. Following which students will be introduced to
measurements, and using non standard units. (SLO 4) During this time, students will interact with a smart
board activity to ensure opportunity to collectively practice skills prior to individual exploration. Following the
interactive activity, students will be dismissed to work in pre determined pairs, to measure art papers using cubes
provided. (This paper will be filled with art created in the hook of each lesson)
Critical Questions
Unit Inquiry Question:
- How can we measure objects?
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- What do we call it when we use something that is not in centimetres, metres or inches to measure
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Measure items using non standard units of measurements
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.)
Hook / Attention Grabber – To hook students into the lesson, students will be asked the following questions;
- Have you every measured something?
- What did you measure?
- How did you measure it?
- Is there another way to measure it either that using a measuring tape?
- What do we call it when we use something that is not in centimetres, metres or inches to measure
These questions will be asked to formatively assess student’s prior knowledge and prompt students to begin
thinking about what measurements.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body - To transition to the SMART board interactive activity, the educator will start by leading a
brain break. For this brain break, students will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure
student engagement for the remainder of the interactive activity.
Body (30 min.)
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies
White Board Activity (15 min) For the “Smart Board Activity” the
- For this portion of the lesson, students will participate in cooperative learning strategy will be utilized
an interactive lesson introducing them to measurements,
to aid in implementing visualization in the
and using non standard units. (SLO 4)
- During the introduction, students will be shown how to classroom. This will be done to ensure the
use cube blocks to measure different items. opportunity for students to verbally express
- The introduction will start by the teacher demonstrating
ideas and respond to the ideas of others.
how to use the cubes to measure the length and width of
an object, Whole group discussion is also utilized during
o During this time, the educator will acknowledge the activity, to offer an opportunity for
the difference between the length and the width. formative assessment. Modeling and practice
o From there, the educator will acknowledge that
the length of the item is ____ and the width of the will also take place during this time, to ensure
item is _____. validity and reliability in the decision to move
- Students will then have an opportunity to practice the onto the worksheet.
measuring and identification of length and width.
For the “Work Sheet” portion of the lesson,
- This will continue for 5 students to have an opportunity to
practice inquiry based instruction will be utilized to
- The teacher will then thoroughly go over the worksheet. give students the opportunity to not only
o Acknowledge the terminology for length and width
demonstrate their learning, but investigate
o The spot for both names
§ Pairs will only have one worksheet their own ideas. This work sheet will also be
- Then students will be dismissed to gather their resources collected for formative assessment purposes.
and work on the work sheet at their spot. The implementation of elbow buddies for the
o The star of the week will hand out the work
sheets. work sheet has also been utilized for this
aspect of the lesson, as the skills being
Individual Practice (15 min)
taught are complex, and the pairing of
- Students will work in pairs to work through a measuring
students provides an opportunity for peer
learning. An emphasis on peer lead learning
has been implemented following the positive
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- During the worksheet, students will be measuring feedback received from Tricky Patterns. This
different art papers, which will be continuously completed is as students appreciated the opportunity to
throughout the week (in period before lesson is taught) talk through their issues and teach each
- Students will be reminded to work collaboratively other. Thus promoting person by in to the
together and respectfully lesson.
- While students are at work, the educator will walk around
the class, observing success and performing sampling
check ins to ensure understanding of the task.
- Upon completion, students will hand their worksheets in
and be dismissed to play math games.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an introductory
lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and practiced. Skills being
taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
This lesson was created to ensure differentiation was at the foundation of the learning activity. This is primarily
due to the vast learning and literacy skills within the classroom.
- For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales.
Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to
meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a
verbal breakdown of how to utilize jump number lines.
- For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The
worksheets provided include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of using an open number line.
- This lesson provides little opportunity for kinesthetic learners. However, a manipulative portion of the
activity is provided so students can physically interact with the equation at hand.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Transition to Next Lesson(s): Students will be asked to clean up their math games and return to their
desks, where they will be dismissed for lunch.
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Master Measure
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 1 hour
Overview of lesson
Following the math lesson, Measuring Masterpieces, this lesson will be taught to cement proper approaches to
measuring lengths and widths of various things. During this lesson student will have the opportunity to focus on
the idea of measurement as a distance of iterated units, by using landmark numbers to keep track of non
standard measurements. To hook students to this lesson, students will be lead in an activity to get their wiggles
out. Following which, students will explore an interactive activity, in which a list of measurements will be compiled
and agreed upon by doing a master measurement, of a particular paper. Following which, students will be
dismissed to re-measure the papers according to the new strategies demonstrated in class. Once completed,
students will be reconvene at the carpet, where they will agree on measurements, as these measurements will
be utilized in the next lesson. Students who finish the tasks early will be free to finish art work which will be used
in the art show (Final Project).
OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies
Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
g. Know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study, and interactions
with others;
h. Think critically: conceptualize, apply, synthesize, and evaluate to construct knowledge:
i. Identify and solve complex problems;
j. Manage information: access, interpret, evaluate and use information effectively, efficiently, and ethically,
k. Innovate: create, generate and apply new ideas or concepts;
l. Create opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition, with an
entrepreneurial spirit.
Learning Objectives
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
I can …
• Measure items using non standard units of measurements
• Verify my results through inquiry
Lesson Procedure
Introduction ( 5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students into the lesson, the educator will start by leading a brain break.
For this brain break, students will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure student
engagement for the remainder of the interactive activity.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body – The class helper will return measurement paper, which was filled on during the
previous class. Students will then have asked to sit beside their partner which they did the
measurement tasks with.
Body (50 min.):
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Interactive Activity (20 min)
For the “Smart Board Activity” the
- During the whole group portion of our activity, students
will be seated with their partners. Once students are cooperative learning strategy will be utilized
seated, the educator will ask students to share their to aid in implementing visualization in the
measurements for each coloured paper
- These shared measurements will be recorded on the classroom. This will be done to ensure the
board opportunity for students to verbally express
o All measurements will be written on the board,
ideas and respond to the ideas of others.
even if they were not correct.
- Following the sharing period, ask students to explain Whole group discussion is also utilized during
their process, using the following questions: the activity, to offer an opportunity for
o What were some strategies you used in
formative assessment. Modeling and practice
measuring the paper?
o What were some difficulties you have when will also take place during this time, to ensure
measuring the paper? validity and reliability in the decision to move
- Following this, as a class, begin counting a paper using
the cubes provided in the following class. onto the worksheet.
- Express to student’s confusion over whether or not you For the “Work Sheet” portion of the lesson,
should have counted the corner cube during the
inquiry based instruction will be utilized to
measuring process.
- Discuss as a class why the corner cube would not be give students the opportunity to not only
counted for the measurement demonstrate their learning, but investigate
- Dismiss students to re-measure the rest of the papers
their own ideas. This work sheet will also be
Individual Practice (20 min) collected for formative assessment purposes.
- Students will work in pairs to work through a measuring
worksheet The implementation of elbow buddies for the
- During the worksheet, students will be measuring work sheet has also been utilized for this
different art papers
aspect of the lesson, as the skills being
- Students will be reminded to work collaboratively
together and respectfully taught are complex, and the pairing of
- While students are at work, the educator will walk around students provides an opportunity for peer
the class, observing success and performing sampling learning. An emphasis on peer lead learning
check ins to ensure understanding of the task.
has been implemented following the positive
Closure (10 min) feedback received from Tricky Patterns. This
- Once students are completed, students will gather back
is as students appreciated the opportunity to
at the carpet and make a master list of agreed upon
measurements which will be utilized in the next class, talk through their issues and teach each
during the creation of the blue prints. other. Thus promoting person by in to the
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
A check list (provided below) will be utilized following the lesson, while analyzing student’s worksheets to ensure
validity in the lesson taught and establish proof of learning within all students.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an introductory
lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and practiced. Skills being
taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
- For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales.
Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to
meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a
verbal breakdown of how to utilize non standard measurements.
- For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The
worksheets provided include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of using non standard measurements
- This lesson provides little opportunity for kinesthetic learners. However, a manipulative portion of the
activity is provided so students can physically interact with the equation at hand.
- Differentation is likewise provided for students who may find the lesson simple, as students have to
opportunity to move on to other tasks upon completion. Tasks which maintain the journey of learning
without stalling the learner.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Blue Print Building
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 30 min
Overview of lesson
This lesson was created for a grade 2 math class, scheduled to follow the Master Measuring Lesson.
To hook students into the lesson, the class will form a circle at the carpet, and practice adding 10 to
various numbers and record the results. Following the adding, students will remain seated on the
carpet. The educator will then acknowledge that today, the class will be building blue prints just like in
the story, Measuring for the Art Show. The teacher will then explain putting the measurements on to a
strip of adding paper. The class will then collectively track the measurements on adding paper. Once
completed, student will be dismissed to do an art project (Winter lights or Snow Flakes) which will be
used for the art show.
Shape and Space (Measurement) GLO /GLE 4. Measure length to the nearest nonstandard unit by:
Use direct and indirect measurement to solve • using multiple copies of a unit
• using a single copy of a unit (iteration process).
Critical Questions
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Create blue prints using information gathered
- Measure items using non standard units of measurements
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students into the lesson, the class will form a circle at the carpet, and
practice adding 10 to various numbers and record the results. The numbers used in the hook will be starting at 3,
4, 8, 10
Expectations for Learning and Behavior- The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Transition to Body –To transition the educator will start by leading a brain break. For this brain break,
students will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure student engagement for the
remainder of the interactive activity.
Body (20 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
For the “Whole Group Activity” the cooperative
Whole Group Activity (20 min)
learning strategy will be utilized to aid in
- Once reseated The educator will then acknowledge implementing visualization in the classroom. This
that today, the class will be building blue prints just will be done to ensure the opportunity for
like in the story, Measuring for the Art Show. students to verbally express ideas and respond
- The teacher will then explain putting the to the ideas of others. Whole group discussion is
measurements on to a strip of adding paper. also utilized during the activity, to offer an
o Demonstrating by recording the measurement opportunity for formative assessment. Modeling
of 10 cubes on the add paper. and practice will also take place during this time,
o During this time, the teacher will discuss why to ensure validity and reliability in the decision to
length and not width is recorded for the signs, move onto the worksheet.
which will be created with the measurements
recorded on the paper.
- The class will then collectively track the
measurements on adding paper.
o This will be done through choosing students to
record measurements.
o Students will be chosen through popsicle
sticks, in the cup at the front of the class.
- Once all measurements are completed, student will
be dismissed to do an art project (Winter lights and
Snow Flakes) which will be used for the art show.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an introductory
lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and practiced. Skills being
taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as
rationales. Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also
utilized to meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as
well as a verbal breakdown of how to utilize measure with non standard units.
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The
worksheets provided include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of recording non standard unit measurements.
Differentiation is likewise provided for students who may find the lesson simple, as students have to
opportunity to move on to other tasks upon completion. Tasks which maintain the journey of learning
without stalling the learner.
Transition to Next Lesson(s): Students will be asked to clean up their art supplies and return to their
desks, where they will be dismissed for lunch.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Beyond 100
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 1 hour
Overview of lesson
To hook students, students will play the adding 10s game. In this game, students will be encouraged to
go beyond the standard limit of counting, going up to 150. Following the hook, in pairs, students will be
asked to measure things in the classroom, using strips of 10, and record their findings. Students will
then hand their findings in to the educator and move on to the art lesson planned for the following.
Shape and Space (Measurement) GLO /GLE 4. Measure length to the nearest nonstandard unit by:
Use direct and indirect measurement to solve • using multiple copies of a unit
• using a single copy of a unit (iteration process).
Critical Questions
Unit Inquiry Question:
- How can we measure objects?
Learning Objectives
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
I can …
- Measure objects using non standard measurements using multiple copies.
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber- To hook students into the lesson, the class will form a circle at the carpet, and
practice adding 10 to various numbers and record the results. The numbers used in the hook will be starting at 2,
5, 9, 10. This will go until students count till above 122/5/9/0
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body –To transition the educator will start by leading a brain break. For this brain break,
students will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure student engagement for the remainder
of the interactive activity.
Body (20 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Whole Group Activity (10 min) For the “Whole Group Activity” the
cooperative learning strategy will be utilized to
aid in implementing visualization in the
classroom. This will be done to ensure the
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- Following the hook, students will be seated on the opportunity for students to verbally express
carpet. Students will be shown how to measure objects ideas and respond to the ideas of others. Whole
group discussion is also utilized during the
in the class room using strips of 10. activity, to offer an opportunity for formative
o During the demonstration, the class will assessment. Modeling and practice will also
collectively measure the carpet. take place during this time, to ensure validity
and reliability in the decision to move onto the
- Following the demonstration, students will be grouped
into pairs. For the “Collaborative” portion of the lesson,
inquiry based instruction will be utilized to give
Collaborative Practice (10 min) students the opportunity to not only
- In pairs, students will be asked to measure things in demonstrate their learning, but investigate their
the classroom, using strips of 10, and record their own ideas. This work sheet will also be
collected for formative assessment purposes.
findings. The implementation of elbow buddies for the
o They can record anything in the room, work sheet has also been utilized for this aspect
however, no two groups can measure the of the lesson, as the skills being taught are
complex, and the pairing of students provides
same thing.
an opportunity for peer learning. An emphasis
- Upon completion, students will then hand their findings on peer lead learning has been implemented
in to the educator and move on to the art lesson following the positive feedback received from
Tricky Patterns. This is as students appreciated
planned for the following.
the opportunity to talk through their issues and
teach each other.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an introductory
lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and practiced. Skills being
taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as
rationales. Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also
utilized to meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as
well as a verbal breakdown of how to utilize measure with non standard units.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The
worksheets provided include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of recording non standard unit measurements.
Differentiation is likewise provided for students who may find the lesson simple, as students have to
opportunity to move on to other tasks upon completion. Tasks which maintain the journey of learning
without stalling the learner.
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Strips of Ten 2.0
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 40 min
Overview of lesson
To hook students, students will participate in a counting by 10 video from YouTube. Following the video,
students will gather at the carpet, and be seated next to their partners from the previous day. Once seated, the
start student will hand out worksheets completed the day before. With the worksheets, the class will
collaboratively fill in a three column chart which will represent the overall results in both units and groups of ten.
As students fill in the chart, the educator will ask students if they notice any patterns. Once all the measurements
have been filled in on the chart, students will break off with their partners and another set of partners, and
measure the papers from day 1, with the measuring strips. Once completed, students will return to the carpet and
fill in the chart with the new measurements. Following which, the lesson will close and students will move into an
art lesson. (The art will be utilized for the art show at the end of the unit)
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- How else might we record our results?
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Measure objects using non standard measurements using multiple copies.
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students, students will participate in a counting by 10 video from
YouTube. This video will hook students into the lesson, while not only acting as a brain break opportunity to get
their wiggles out, but also activating their prior knowledge regarding counting by tens and grouping tens.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body - Following the video, students will gather at the carpet, and be seated next to their
partners from the previous day. Once seated, the start student will hand out worksheets completed the day
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Body (40 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Whole Group Activity (10 min) For the “Whole Group Activity” the cooperative
- Once seated, the start student will hand out learning strategy will be utilized to aid in
worksheets completed the day before. implementing visualization in the classroom. This
- With the worksheets, the class will collaboratively will be done to ensure the opportunity for students
fill in a three column chart which will represent the to verbally express ideas and respond to the ideas
overall results in both units and groups of ten. of others. Whole group discussion is also utilized
- As students fill in the chart, the educator will ask during the activity, to offer an opportunity for
students if they notice any patterns. formative assessment. Modeling and practice will
o Thinking all the way back to our last math also take place during this time, to ensure validity
class, when we discussed patterns, do we and reliability in the decision to move onto the
see any trends with measurements and the worksheet.
tens place value? For the “Collaborative” portion of the lesson,
- Once all the measurements have been filled in on inquiry based instruction will be utilized to give
the chart, students will break off with their partners students the opportunity to not only demonstrate
and another set of partners, and measure the their learning, but investigate their own ideas. This
papers from day 1, with the measuring strips. work sheet will also be collected for formative
assessment purposes. The implementation of
Collaborative Practice (10 min)
elbow buddies for the work sheet has also been
- In groups of 4, (two pairs) students will be asked to
utilized for this aspect of the lesson, as the skills
measure one of the pieces of paper laid out from
being taught are complex, and the pairing of
day 1, using strips of 10, and record their findings.
students provides an opportunity for peer learning.
o Groups can choose which paper to
An emphasis on peer lead learning has been
measure, however, no two groups can
implemented following the positive feedback
measure the same thing.
received from Tricky Patterns. This is as students
- Upon completion, students will gather back at the
appreciated the opportunity to talk through their
carpet and report their findings to the educator
issues and teach each other.
- Once completed students will move on to the art
lesson planned for the following.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an introductory
lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and practiced. Skills being
taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as
rationales. Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also
utilized to meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as
well as a verbal breakdown of how to utilize measure with non standard units.
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The
worksheets provided include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of recording non standard unit measurements.
For kinesthetic learners, an interactive, manipulative portion has been created, to provide students
with the opportunity o physically interact and explore the concept of measuring with non-standard forms
of measurement.
Differentiation is likewise provided for students who may find the lesson simple, as students have to
opportunity to aid others in their learning experience. (This is why students have been grouped
together) This has been implemented to maintain the journey of learning without stalling the learner.
Consolidating and Closure (5 min)
Transition to Next Lesson(s): Students will be asked remain seated at the carpet. Once gathered,
students will participate in a brain break, followed by which, an art lesson will take place.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Exploration of Addition
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 40 min
Overview of lesson
To hook students into the lesson, students will gather on the carpet and sit in a circle. Once of the students
will be selected to choose a measurement from the chart on the board (made in the pervious class). The
number will be written on the top of the board. The educator will then go around in a circle having each
student add ten. During this time, the educator will be recording each response on the board. Following the
hook, students will explore using an open number line to add tens to a baseline number. Following the whole
group exploration, students will break off and independently practice adding 10s, using a chart provided to
record their answers. (Worksheets will be handed in for formative assessment) Once completed, students will
hand in their worksheets, and the educator will transition to an art lesson.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Organize my thoughts by using an open number line.
- Use an open number line to solve addition equations
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students into the lesson, an adding 10s game will be played. In the
game students will gather on the carpet and sit in a circle. Once of the students will be selected to choose a
measurement from the chart on the board (made in the pervious class). The number will be written on the top
of the board. The educator will then go around in a circle having each student add ten. During this time, the
educator will be recording each response on the board.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body - Following the hook, students will remain seated at the carpet, and the educator will
move on to the lesson.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the
right check and do not need assistance.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- The check list (provided below) will be utilized following the lesson, while analyzing student’s
worksheets to establish proof of learning within all students.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an
introductory lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and
practiced. Skills being taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales. Class
discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to meet the
needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a verbal breakdown
of how to utilize jump number lines.
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on each
slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to estimation being reviewed. The worksheets provided
include the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true practice of using an open
number line.
This lesson provides little opportunity for kinesthetic learners. However, a manipulative portion of the activity
is provided so students can physically interact with the equation at hand.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Adding Skills
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 40 min
Overview of lesson
This is a grade 2 math lesson, created to follow “Exploration of Addition.” To hook students, students will
be asked the riddle, what does leap frog and open number lines have in common? Following the hook,
students be split in groups of 6, and compile answers to equations, using a number line, which will then be
used for a “helpful wall”. Following this, a math congress will take place, in which groups will pick two members
from their group to come to the front and explain their process. Once the math congress is completed,
students will break off into partners and play a math game titled “Leap Frog.” Following the math game,
students will clean up their games and the educator will transition to an art lesson.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Learning Objectives
I can …
- use an open number line to solve equations.
- solve addition equations using a variety of skills (Jumping, open number lines, base points)
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (2 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students, students will be asked the riddle, what does leap frog and
open number lines have in common?
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body – To transition to the lesson, the educator will give students the solution to the riddle,
then direct a brain break activity.
Body (40 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Collaborative Experience (15 min) For the “Collaborative Experience” the
- Following the hook, students be split in groups of 6, cooperative learning strategy will be utilized to
and compile answers to equations, using a number
line, which will then be used for a “helpful wall”. aid in implementing visualization in the
o Equations include classroom. This will be done to ensure the
§ 26 + 10
opportunity for students to verbally express
§ 26 + 12
§ 26 + 22 ideas and respond to the ideas of others.
§ 44 + 30 Whole group discussion is also utilized during
§ 44 + 39
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
§ 57 + 39 the activity, to offer an opportunity for formative
- Following this, a math congress will take place, in assessment.
which groups will pick two members from their group
to come to the front and explain their process. For the “Game Based Learning” portion of
- Once the math congress is completed, students will the lesson, inquiry based instruction will be
break off into partners and play a math game titled
utilized to give students the opportunity to not
“Leap Frog.”
only demonstrate their learning, practice the
Game Based Learning (25 min)
- Prior to breaking off into partners, the educator will skills taught to increase opportunity for
explain the math game Leap Frog mastery. This game process will also be
o Students will take turns rolling the di (2 dice)
collected for formative assessment purposes.
o The roll of the di determines the number of
steps to move The implementation of partners for the game
o For example, is a player rolls a 3 and a 4, the has been utilized for the lesson, as the skills
player will take 7 jumps and the player writes
7 in the corresponding box on the board. being taught are complex, and the pairing of
o Then, the student will take a card from the students provides an opportunity for peer
deck which will tell them how many leaps of
10 the student will take.
o The students will then take that many leaps of This emphasis on peer lead learning has
10. been implemented following the positive
o Play 2 will then commence their turn,
following the same actions as the first feedbacks received since the lesson titled,
student. Tricky Patterns. This is as students appreciated
o The game continues until both frogs reach
the opportunity to talk through their issues and
the end of the track.
- Following the math game, students will clean up their teach each other. Thus promoting person by in
games and the educator will transition to an art to the lesson.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the right
check and do not need assistance.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an
introductory lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and
practiced. Skills being taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales. Class
discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to meet the
needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a verbal breakdown
of how to utilize jump number lines and play the game at hand.
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on each
slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to addition being reviewed. The helpful wall created in
the lesson ensures the inclusion of the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the true
practice of using an open number line.
This lesson provides little opportunity for kinesthetic learners. However, a manipulative portion of the activity
is provided so students can physically interact with and solve the equation at hand.
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 40 min
Overview of lesson
To hook students, students will play a relay game against the teacher, in which students must take leaps of
ten to solve an equation on an open number line. Following the hook, a mini lesson will take place to get
students thinking about how they would take large jumps in the event that the jumped which need to be taken
are not a whole multiple of 10. Once the mini lesson is completed, students will break into pairs and play the
leap frog game. In this various, students have the opportunity to capture a fly, each time they land on a
multiple of 10. Once students have enough time to complete the game, students will be asked to gather their
things and return to the carpet, where they will be given instructions for the art project awaiting completion.
(Time permitting)
Learning Objectives
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
I can …
- use an open number line to solve equations.
- solve addition equations using a variety of skills (Jumping, open number lines, base points)
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students, students will play a relay game against the teacher, in which
students must take leaps of ten to solve an equation on an open number line.
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this lesson
are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body – To transition to body, expectations will be reviewed and students will be
reminded of Ms. J vs The Class rules. Following which students will remain seated and a mini lesson
will take place.
Body (30 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Mini Lesson (10 min) For the “Mini Lesson” the cooperative learning
- Following the hook, a mini lesson will take place to strategy will be utilized to aid in implementing
get students thinking about how they would take visualization in the classroom. This will be
large jumps in the event that the jumped which need done to ensure the opportunity for students to
to be taken are not a whole multiple of 10. verbally express ideas and respond to the
o During the mini lesson, students will be ideas of others. Whole group discussion is
exploring the following equations to answer also utilized during the activity, to offer an
the question: opportunity for formative assessment.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
o “What might you do if you are taking jumps in For the “Game Based Learning” portion of
the game, but the jump being taken is not a the lesson, inquiry based instruction will be
multiple of 10 (i.e. 15)?” utilized to give students the opportunity to not
§ 59 + 1 only demonstrate their learning, practice the
§ 59 + 11 skills taught to increase opportunity for
§ 48 + 12 mastery. This game process will also be
§ 58 + 22 collected for formative assessment purposes.
§ 58 + 33 The implementation of partners for the game
has been utilized for the lesson, as the skills
Game Based Learning (20 min)
being taught are complex, and the pairing of
- Once the mini lesson is completed, students will
students provides an opportunity for peer
break into pairs and play the leap frog game.
- In this variation, students have the opportunity to
This emphasis on peer lead learning has
capture a fly, each time they land on a multiple of 10.
been implemented following the positive
o The game is complete when a student has
feedbacks received since the lesson titled,
captured 5 flies.
Tricky Patterns. This is as students
- Once students have enough time to complete the
appreciated the opportunity to talk through
game, students will be asked to gather their things
their issues and teach each other. Thus
and return to the carpet, where they will be given
promoting person by in to the lesson.
instructions for the art project awaiting completion.
(Time permitting)
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the
right check and do not need assistance.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity as this is an
introductory lesson and students have not yet had the opportunity to master the skills being taught and
practiced. Skills being taught in the lesson will like wise be assessed in the final project for the unit.
For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales. Class
discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to meet the
needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a verbal breakdown
of how to utilize jump number lines and play the game at hand.
For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on each
slide. Each visual is presented to support an approach to addition being reviewed. The helpful wall created in
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
the last lesson ensures the inclusion of the visual opportunity for visual practice, providing students to see the
true practice of using an open number line.
This lesson provides little opportunity for kinesthetic learners. However, a manipulative portion of the activity
is provided so students can physically interact with and solve the equation at hand.
Reflective Notes
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reviewing Measurements
Grade: 2 Subject: Math Unit: Measuring for the Art Show Lesson Duration: 50 min
Lesson Goals
- Implement strong buy in
- Maintain engagement
- Control volume and behaviour (Classroom Management)
Overview of lesson
To hook students, students will participate in a counting by 10 video from YouTube. Following the video,
students will gather at the carpet. Once seated at the carpet, the teacher will review the following
concepts with students, using a smart board slide show to remind students of concepts previously
explored. Following the review, students will have time to review their worksheet from last class.
Once students have finished fixing any mistakes, students will return to the carpet where they will
participate in a math congress, where they will share how they approached and answered the
questions. Following the math congress, students will be dismissed to either finish outstanding art
work, or play math games.
Critical Questions
Unit Inquiry Question:
- How can we measure objects?
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Lesson Guiding Questions:
- Thumb to your chest if you know how to use an open number line to do addition?
- When else might you use an open number line in math?
- What is your process of thinking when solving a math equation on an open number line?
Learning Objectives
I can …
- Solve addition equations
- Show my knowledge on an open number line
- Take jumps on an open number line through jumps of 1/2/5/10
Lesson Procedure
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook / Attention Grabber - To hook students, students will participate in a counting by 10 video from
Expectations for Learning and Behavior - The expectations for Learning and Behavior for this
lesson are as follows:
- Try your best (quality of work)
- Stay on task
- Respect your classmates
- Be helpful
- Use supplies and time wisely
- Get help when needed
Transition to Body - To transition to the SMART board interactive activity, the educator will start by leading
a brain break. For this brain break, students will perform the ‘shakes out’ activity. This will be done to ensure
student engagement for the remainder of the interactive activity.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Body (40 min.):
Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies:
Group Discussion - Review (15 min) For the “Group Discussion” the
- Once seated at the carpet, the teacher will review the cooperative learning strategy will be
following concepts with students, using a smart board utilized to aid in implementing visualization
slide show to remind students of concepts previously in the classroom. This will be done to
explored. ensure the opportunity for students to
o How to use an open number line (a student will verbally express ideas and respond to the
be chosen to demonstrate this skill)? ideas of others. Whole group discussion is
§ Emphasis on: which number comes first, also utilized during the activity, to offer an
numbers on the bottom on the line, proper opportunity for formative assessment.
amount of jumps Modeling and practice will also take place
- Following the review, students will have time to review during this time, to ensure validity and
their worksheet from last class. reliability in the decision to move onto the
o The special helper will handout the the papers worksheet.
Math Congress (25 min) For the “Math Congress” portion of the
- Once students have finished fixing any mistakes, lesson, inquiry based instruction will be
students will return to the carpet. utilized to give students the opportunity to
- Once every student has returned to the carpet, students not only demonstrate their learning, but
will all participate in a math congress, investigate their own ideas. Key aspects
- During this time, students will share how they from the Jigsaw strategy will also be
o To start the math congress, the teacher will be presenting a different idea. This is done to
the first person to share their findings. not only cover multiple aspects of open
number lines and addition, but also ensure
o This will be done to provide students with an
engagement throughout the congress.
example of expectations.
- Following the math congress, students will be dismissed
to either finish outstanding art work, or play math games.
Formative: Formative assessment will be utilized in the form of observation, check ins, and check lists to
ensure ability throughout the lesson.
- Observation will take place throughout the entirety of the lesson to survey class understanding as a
- Check ins will be utilized during the work sheet and solving activities to ensure students are on the
right check and do not need assistance.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
- As this is the final lesson of the unit, the check list (provided below) will be utilized following the lesson,
to analyze student’s worksheets, while establishing proof of learning within all students.
Summative Assessment: Summative assessment will not be utilized for this activity.
This lesson was created to ensure differentiation was at the foundation of the learning activity. This is primarily
due to the vast learning and literacy skills within the classroom.
- For auditory learners, the hook is utilized for students to hear different strategies as well as rationales.
Class discussion and direct instruction from the teacher in the SMART board activity is also utilized to
meet the needs of auditory learners as they get a clear, verbal dictation of expectations, as well as a
verbal breakdown of how to utilize jump number lines.
- For visual learners, the SMART Board activity ensures students can connect with visuals provided on
each slide. The worksheets provided in the previous class has been included to ensure opportunity for
visual practice, providing students to see the true practice of using an open number line.
- For Kinesthetic learners, an interactive SMART board application has been created to ensure students
have the opportunity to physically interact with the equations being demonstrated. Manipulatives have
also been provided in the following lesson, to ensure students can physically make sense of the
equations which are presented in the math congress.
Measuring for the Art Show November 2019 Johnston
Reflective Notes