The Dark Throne

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Greetings fellow Fugitive, I bid you welcome to this the Dark Throne campaign weekend. With a brand new edition of Warhammer now with
us, this is our most extraordinary campaign weekend yet and I am delighted that you join us for our latest adventure. The Tempus Fugitives
have designed this campaign weekend to be (we hope) as enjoyable as possible. If you are expecting anything other than to just have fun – turn
17:00   Pre‐Registration Begins  back now!
21:00  Mordheim Challenge  
08:30   Doors Open and Registration  OPPONENT RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM.
10:00  Introductions 
10:30  Round 1 Briefing  Games Workshop has a really fantastic Throne of Skulls Grand Tournament programme and should you want to get involved in a
11:00  Round 1: War Party Doubles   true test of your skill at Warhammer please contact Direct Sales on 0115 91 40000 or see the events page at
13:00  Lunch Buffet
14:00  Round 2 Briefing 
14:30  Round 2 Battalion   The Dark Throne campaign weekend presents Games Workshop hobbyists with an opportunity to play in a different style than they may be
17:00  Army Nominations  used to. Tempus Fugitives’ campaigns are about trying out new ideas and contributing to an adventure. In fact the story is almost as important
17:30  Round 3 Briefing  as the actual games themselves and players should be prepared to get into the mindset of the army they have brought to battle with. If you and
18:00  Round 3 Battalion  your opponent have a great game, the actual outcome of the battle becomes far less important. Once more (with feeling), you are playing with
20:00  Dinner & Evening Entertainment  your opponent – not against them.

The team running the event is there to help describe the campaign story as it unfolds and they will work out what impact your games have upon
it. Most importantly they are there to ensure everybody has a great time. Remember – it’s only toy soldiers!
10:00  Recap 
10:30  Round 4 Briefing  Games will be driven by the narrative of the campaign. This means that during the course of the event various games may appear quite
11:00  Round 4 Battalion  challenging when viewed from the usual gaming perspective. In any war generals have to deal with what might appear unfair or unbalanced
13:30  Lunch Buffet   situations, using cunning and skill to prevail against overwhelming odds, and the same may be true for you. However, whatever the scenario or
14:30  Round 5 Briefing  battlefield conditions, your game and your story will always count in the grand scheme of things; the Tempus Fugitives will always try to make
15:00  Round 5: War Party Doubles   sure that you are not asked to play a game you simply can't win before any dice are rolled. There will always be critically important mission
17:00  Closing Ceremony  objectives that you will need to strive to achieve. Your armies may meet annihilation in the face of an enemy with vastly superior numbers or
power, but trying to hold the line in the face of such odds is what legends are all about.
IMPORTANT! This material is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by 
Games Workshop Limited 2011. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo,  Most importantly remember that, as this is a team event, even if you lose your individual battle your taskforce or
Warhammer,  Warhammer  World  and  all  associated  marks,  logos,  names, 
races and race insignia, vehicles, locations, units, characters, illustrations and  faction may still do well overall; don't worry about 'winning', just think about having a good time. It is our hope
images from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universe are either (R), 
TM and/or © Games  Workshop Ltd 2000‐2010, variably  registered in the UK 
that we can repay some small part of the kindness that the gaming community has shown us over the years and
and other countries around the world, used without permission. No challenge  organise a top notch event that everyone can enjoy.
to their status intended. All Rights Reserved. THE DARK THRONE


It is the year 2145. The Dark Throne pits Taskforces of up to eight players in a campaign to seize the Dark Throne of the Warhammer
World by controlling as much territory as they can in the chaotic Old World. Each taskforce is themed to a particular faction and each
faction is pitted against taskforces belonging to one of a number of factions available over the weekend. The factions are:


The Warhammer World is not a place where absolute purity exists in any significant quantity, however there are nations and peoples whose actions
In addition to your fully painted army and this are not solely motivated by greed or ambition. The stalwart Kislevites and staunch Dwarfs fight and with grim determination while The Empire fights
campaign pack you will need the following: enemies from within and without. The nobles of Bretonnia ride to glory while the court of the High Elves visits the Old World once more.

The English language version of the Warhammer THE FORCES OF DESTRUCTION

8th Edition rulebook The forces of Destruction count amongst their number the ever present Orc and Goblin menace, savage Beastmen, dire Daemons and brutal Chaos
Warriors while beneath the world, foul Skaven burrow and chitter in the Dark. From the seas come the corsairs of the Dark Elves and from the
Dice, Templates and a Tape measure crypts and secret places come the Vampire Counts.

Superglue and poly cement THE UNALIGNED POWERS

From the proud Wood Elves of Athel Loren to the armed convoys of Cathay not all warriors concern themselves with notions of Good or Evil,
The appropriate English language version of your seeing balance of both in all things. Others such as the secretive Cult of Nagash, the vengeful Tomb Kings of Khemri or the mercenary Ogre
Warhammer Armies book. No photocopies! Kingdoms care not for the anarchy of the Old World for they have their own ends to achieve. The Unaligned Powers are apart from all others and
only co-operation with each other is rare and fleeting.
At least two copies of your army roster (one to be
handed in during registration)
A Tray to carry your models Each Taskforce will have their own agendas, strengths and weaknesses. Before the first game on Saturday you will be asked to gather at one of the
task force muster points and nominate a Taskforce Commander. The role of the Taskforce Commander is of crucial importance to the team and it is
Pen and paper. the Commander's responsibility at the end of each game to collate results and hand them to the Event Coordinator. Additionally, throughout the
campaign there will be additional information and decisions that will need to be taken on behalf of the Taskforce. Although a good Commander is
Somewhere to sleep overnight. (For details on encouraged to listen to their Taskforce and discuss their decisions fully, it is ultimately the Taskforce Commander who makes the choices that the
discounted hotel rooms please contact Maelstrom team will face. It is important that the Taskforce Commander be prepared for all of these challenges and it is not a role that should be taken lightly.
Games on 01623 629425)
Money for refreshments. Lunch on both days and Your campaign points determine the outcome of the campaign. Players earn Campaign Points depending on how they perform in each round.
dinner on Saturday is included as part of your Players earn 3 Campaign Points for a Win, 1 for a Draw and nothing if you lose. As your games finish you must report the result (Win, Lose or

Greasus Goldtooth, the "Overtyrant of the Ogre Kingdoms", is leader of many tribes all of which pay him tribute. He was the Ogre who started the incursions outside The
Mountains of Mourn, and he was the one who "persuaded" the Orcs of the Dark Lands to pay him tribute. When he was a teenage Ogre, he ate his father.

His full name and title is Tradelord Greasus Tribestealer Drakecrush Hoardmaster Goldtooth the Shockingly Obese. He is so fat that he has to be carried around on a throne
by Gnoblars. As his name implies, Greasus has replaced all his teeth with new ones made of the one thing that he loves more than anything else in the world: gold. He's also
unbelievably fat, easily the size of two Tyrants.

There is some controversy over why other Ogre Tyrants do not try to overthrow Greasus: is it because he has become too powerful
(his magical weapon, the Sceptre of the Titans, apparently grants him more than enough magical strength to wield it properly, even
though he has become too fat to wield ordinary Ogre weapons), or is it because he has bribed so many other Tyrants into allegiance
with himself? It may be, however, that because in Ogre society a large gut is a sign of nobility and grandness, Greasus has earned his
reputation thanks to his enormous gut (or, perhaps, fear it, as Greasus once broke the neck of another tyrant, in his youth, by diving
and landing belly-first on the tyrant).

A Task Force gains 5 gold pieces for each win in each game, a draw 3 and a loss earns 1 gold. During the
weekend you can use gold to purchase ‘interesting things’ or horde the gold. The Gold used in the campaign
will be represented by chocolate coins. You may eat these coins if you wish, but any so devoured count as being
spent on the upkeep of the army.


The role of the Taskforce Quartermaster is more than simple book-keeping for the team. It is the Quartermaster’s
responsibility at the end of each game to visit the Trading Post and collect any Gold earned. With that income the
Quartermaster must then work out what to spend the hard earned currency on.


Between each game the Task Force Quartermaster may spend the Task Forces hard earned gold on assassins,
saboteurs, reinforcements and other more unusual benefits for their task force. Greasus’ vendors are not the
most kind hearted of people to deal with and you may find yourself offered bargains that turn out to be far
from it, or even threatened if you do not purchase his ‘special’ of the day. Be warned! THE DARK THRONE

At the beginning of each round, the taskforce must study the signs and portents to decide on a Strategy to use for the round. Each Strategy can only be used once over the weekend and must be clearly indicated
on the Declaration of War sheet held by the Taskforce Commander. As you must decide your Strategy before you play your games each round you have to rely on your judgement as to its outcome. Choose
carefully as picking Death or Glory makes your draws worthless, while defensive stance squanders any bonus from winning.

1 Clear Plan: This strategy enables players to re-roll any dice rolls that determine unit deployment, including who deploys first.
2 Cry Havoc: This strategy allows a single unit held in reserve (of any type except Independent Character) to enter play from the opponents board edge when it arrives.
3 Give No Quarter: This strategy awards 2 Campaign Points for each Win or Draw but nothing if you lose.
4 The Upper Hand: This strategy enables players to gain +1 to the dice roll to see who gets first turn.
5 Death or Glory: This strategy awards 4 Campaign Points for each Win but nothing if you draw or lose.
6 Feint: At the end of the round, the Task Force Commander may swap this strategy for Death or Glory or Give No Quarter (even if already used).

All models MUST be painted and representative of the appropriate type of troop. You cannot use a model that does not meet these criteria. If you are planning a conversion that you think may need clarification
please contact us before the event. You cannot represent units with models that are smaller than the Citadel equivalent. For example, a Warmaster scale greater daemon on a Warhammer monster base is not
acceptable. Because we believe that due credit should go to players that have painted their own armies, only players who have painted their armies themselves may be eligible for the coveted award of Best Army.
We ask all participants to be honest if shortlisted. A number of armies will be shortlisted on the Saturday lunch break and then will be voted on by the players during the Sunday lunch break. The winner will be
announced at the end of the Campaign Weekend.
During the Dark Throne Campaign Weekend we will give an award for the Best Army. This is given to the player who participates in the weekend with a force that, in the opinion of both players and judges, is the
best in terms of painting and character. To qualify as the Best Army particular attention will be paid to well themed armies which reflect the theme of the weekend. Only armies which contain at least one campaign
unit can be considered for Best Army.
Painting is a key part of the hobby. If you do not paint your models for the weekend to at least a basic standard (undercoated, three colours and based), then models which
are painted to at least a basic standard will be filled with an indignant hatred for your lack of effort or poor time management.


You must have enough models in your army to field any of these two forces. You may use the same models in each force and many players that do so may find it
easiest to plan their War Party and then expand it into their Battalion.

War Parties are small forces sent ahead of the main army to scout out enemy positions and disrupt lines of communication and supplies. War Parties are selected
using the rules found in the Warhammer Rulebook and your Warhammer Army Book with the following additional restrictions:
? May be no more than 1500 points
? Must contain at least one hero or lord.
? Choose your army bearing in mind you will most likely be using it to play the Watch Tower scenario.

The Battalion represents your main force sent to crush your enemies and see them driven before you. Battalions are selected using the rules found in the Warhammer
Rulebook and your Warhammer Army Book with the following additional restrictions:

? May be no more than 3000 points

? May contain your War Party THE DARK THRONE


When choosing an army to fight for the Alliance of Order, you must use one of the Alliance of Order Sub-Faction lists on the following pages. In all cases the most recent edition of the army
book will be used. These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before
the weekend and check the forums at

The published Army Books used in this campaign for the Alliance of Order are: Bretonnians; Dwarfs; High Elves and The Empire. Furthermore the Kislev army book found on the Tempus
Fugitives website is used. All supplementary rules to your Army Book can be found in this pack.

There are several units which may be taken by the Alliance of Order during the Dark Throne campaign. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this
campaign weekend. However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Dark Throne campaign weekend. Where a unit is restricted to one sub-faction, it is clearly
indicated in the unit entry. THE DARK THRONE

Bretonnia is the second largest realm in the Old World. It is a vast land, upon which the civil war which has divided the Empire has
had limited impact. The rolling hills and serene valleys of Bretonnia produce abundant crops, animal stockbreeding and fine wines,
whilst the forestlands provide solid timber and good hunting.

Bretonnia is a feudal land, its many peasants ruled by their noble overlords. When war threatens, it falls to every Bretonnian noble to
muster his peasants for battle, don his armour and ride. The Bretonnian army is formed around a core of brave knights and chivalrous
heroes, accompanied by a mass of peasantry on foot. A Bretonnian army is an impressive sight; ranks of knights with fluttering
pennants adorned with personal heraldry, backed up with scores of filthy, low born peasants.

The Knights of Bretonnia are renowned for their skill at arms, their bravery and chivalry. But this skill is part of an ancient bargain;
the Knights of Bretonnia fight and defend the weak and the weak serve the Knights of Bretonnia. Now as conflicts on the Empire’s
northern and eastern boarders draw away much of its military might, The Empire’s southern villages and towns are vulnerable to Orc
and Beastmen raids. Bretonnia will not allow such suffering in sight of their lands and gallop out to defend the Empire. Of course,
once a Knight has fulfilled his part of the bargain it is only proper that those new lands be considered his…


Army Selection: Chosen from the Bretonnian army book. The army may include any of the units listed in Warhammer Armies
Bretonnia as normal. No characters other than The Green Knight; the Fay Enchantress or Iron Who are permitted.


Cuirass of Iron A mysterious knight seen as a hero to the peasants of
Iron Who 4 7 3 4 4 2 6 4 10
This enclosed suit of armour masks his identity as much as Bretonnia. The warrior known as Iron Who is commonly
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 protects his body and grants Iron Who an armour save of a seen attired in votive charms and trinkets gifted to him by
4+ and the Regenerate ability. the village-folk he rescues from corrupt nobles and
Unit Type: Cavalry Special Rules marauding Beastmen herds.
? Knight’s Vow (meaning he cannot join units of Shield of the Commoner
Equipment (See WA: Bretonnia) Questing Knights) This shield is stylised in the same form as a Bretonnian
? The Heartwood Lance ? Purebreed Warhorse Man-at-Arms and in addition to giving Iron Who a 6+
? Hand weapon ? Stubborn (applies to unit he leads) armour save, it also give him a 5+ Ward Save.
? Shield of the Commoner ? Magic Resistance (1)
? Cuirass of Iron
? Barded Warhorse THE DARK THRONE

The Dwarfs are an ancient and industrious race that is long past its prime. Their once-great empire of Karak Ankor now lies in
ruins and many of the Dwarfs' mighty mountain holds have been abandoned or conquered by Orcs and Goblins, with whom
the Dwarfs have warred for centuries. It is not uncommon to hear a Dwarf wistfully recall the great glories of the past, observing
bitterly that nothing the Dwarfs do in this day and age can compare to the majesty of what once was.

In fact, the only thing that the Dwarfs love more than a good mug of ale is gold. A Dwarf in the throes of goldlust is a thing to
behold. The race's legendary drive and stamina is brought into sharp relief when they are presented with the opportunity to
acquire gold. As miners and experts on ore and metals, the Dwarfs are without peer. Items of Dwarf craftsmanship and
engineering are the most valuable in the entire world, revered even by the Elves.

The fates of the Dwarfs and men of the Empire are inextricably intertwined. Ever since the day Sigmar united the tribes of men
in the defence of the Dwarfs at the Battle of Black Fire Pass, the stout warrior-folk have honoured their oath to come to the aid
of men in times of need. With the fate of the Empire now hanging in the balance, it seems that this old debt may soon come
to call.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Dwarfs army book. The army may include any of the units listed in Warhammer
Armies Dwarfs as normal.


Options: Provided the unit contains at least three Aerial Attack: If a Gyrocopter squadron moves over an unengaged enemy
models, one Gyrocopter may be upgraded to an Iron unit in the Remaining Move phase, that enemy unit suffers an automatic
Gyrocopter 1 4 4 4 5 2 2 2 9
Eagle for +65pts Strength 4 hit per Gyrocopter that has passed over the unit. These hits are
Iron Eagle 1 4 4 4 5 3 2 3 9
treated as missile hits. More than one unit can be affected in this way each
Steam Gun: The Gyrocopter is armed with a steam turn, but each unit can only be affected once by the same Gyrocopter
Unit Equipment powered gun that unleashes a hail of lead bullets squadron. Units in buildings or woods are not affected by this attack.
• 1 - 5 Gyrocopters ? Steam Gun similar to a cannon's grapeshot. To represent the blast Note that Gyrocopter squadron can change direction or zigzag as they
? Aerial Grenades of the steam gun, use the Flame template. Place the move, potentially passing over several enemies.
Unit Type (count as Blasting Charges) template with the broad end over the target and the
• Flying Unit on a 40mm base narrow end touching the muzzle of the gun. Any Iron Eagle: Larger gyrocopters with twin rotary blades, the Iron Eagle
Special Rules
? 4+ Armour Save models touched by the template are automatically hit mounts an Organ Gun underneath its body in addition to the Steam Gun.
? Fly at Strength 2 with the Armour Piercing special rule. It may fire one or the other. It may move and fire the Organ Gun. A roll
? Cause Fear You may not Stand & Shoot with a steam gun. of a 1 – 2 on the misfire chart destroys the Iron Eagle. THE DARK THRONE


Whirling Death! When a Doomseeker moves Doomseekers march in to battle alongside their
through an enemy unit it immediately inflicts D6 brothers in the Slayer Cult until the enemy is
Doomseeker 2D6 - - 4 4 1 3 D6 10
hits from his Slayer Axes (at Strength 6) on the close at hand. Then, before combat begins, the
unit, distributed as for shooting. Units may move Doomseekers plough recklessly into the enemy,
Upgrade: Each Slayer unit in a Dwarf Brotherhood of Grimnir: Doomseekers are not placed on the table at the start and flee through Doomseekers, but any foolhardy whirling their weapons madly around their heads.
army may include up to 3 Doomseekers of the game as are other troops. Instead you must make a written note of any enough to do so will take hits as described above. They are armed with axes on the end of chains,
at +40 points per model. Slayer units that include Doomseekers. These are referred to as concealing A unit that suffers 25% casualties from which they spin about themselves, slicing through
units. Doomseekers remain inside concealing units, marching along with their Doomseekers must immediately take a Panic test. their foes with surprising speed.
Unit Type: Infantry fellows, until they are ready to be unleashed on the enemy. Doomseekers Units failing this test flee directly towards toe
cannot be charged. They may, however, be targeted with missile fire or spells. closest table edge (potentially moving through the The Slayer axes carried by the Doomseeker are
Equipment same Doomseeker that triggered the test, suffering just as lethal to the Doomseeker himself. Not
? Slayer Axes (always count as great Get stuck in! Doomseekers are always released when the concealing unit a further set of hits). every Slayer chooses to be a Doomseeker because
weapons) comes to within 6" of the enemy or vice versa. The moving unit stops there is no guarantee that you will die at the hands
immediately (fliers land). Once Doomseeker movement has been resolved, the Glorious Death: The life of a Doomseeker is of a great enemy. Almost as likely the
Special Rules unit can continue moving if the controlling player wishes, although chargers guaranteed to be a short and violent one – in other Doomseeker will realise his whirling axes are
? Unbreakable – but still hate must complete their charge unless panicked (the laws of momentum are words, an ideal end for a Slayer. A Doomseeker is going to bring him into contact with a friendly
Greenskins particularly harsh). Doomseekers can be released in any direction, from any immediately removed as a casualty when he comes unit or a clump of trees. Instinctively a
? Slayer point on the concealing unit and move 2D6-1". They do not have to be aimed into contact with a friendly unit, a terrain feature of Doomseeker will try and avoid this trajectory but
? Brotherhood of Grimnir in the direction of the enemy that activated them. If ever a Doomseeker's move any kind or a table edge. Or when an enemy unit by fighting momentum he will invariably end up
? Get Stuck In! would end in the middle of a unit, then he automatically bounces through it finishes its move over the Doomseeker. The unit mortally wounded by his own spinning axes.
? Whirling Death place the Doomseeker model 1" beyond the unit, in the direction he was takes D6 Strength 6 hits from the Slayer axes for
? Glorious Death moving. moving into the Doomseeker, and a further D6
hits before the Doomseeker is brought down and
The Doomseeker moves moving 2D6-1" in a random direction (determined by slain.
the scatter dice) in the compulsory part of the movement phase.


Special Rules A Champion’s Duty: Any time a character with Royal Blood within the unit fails a "look
? Unbreakable out sir!" test the King’s Champion will automatically take the hit instead.
The King’s Champion 3 6 3 4 5 2 3 2 9
? Bodyguard
Unit Type: The Gate Keeper in Equipment (See WA: Dwarfs) ? A Champion’s Duty Defend the King!: Having has spent his life defending his lord, the King’s Champion will
a unit is replaced by the King’s ? Great Hammer with the Master Rune of Alaric the Mad ? Defend the King die at his feet before any harm comes to him. Such dedication is inspiring to those around
Champion ? Gromril Armour with the Champion’s Rune ? Killing Blow him. The King’s Champion and the Hammerer unit are Unbreakable while joined by a
? Shield character with Royal Blood.
Your army can only include one Champion’s Rune: He must always issue or accept a Challenge in
King’s Champion model. combat and benefits from the Always Strikes First special rule in the
challenge. THE DARK THRONE


The High Elves are an ancient people with a history that spans millennia. While the ancestors of man were little more
than cave-dwelling primitives, the Elves built magnificent cities of glittering silver and white marble on their island home
of Ulthuan. Elven scholars and explorers were the first to chart the stars and sail the world's oceans.
Early in their struggles against the Ruinous Powers, the Elves discovered that negative emotions such as fear, rage,
jealousy and greed serve to fuel and strengthen the power of Chaos. Since that time, the High Elves have struggled to
keep their intense passions tightly under control. In order to suppress this dangerous and unpredictable aspect of their
psyche, the lords of Ulthuan continually strive to eliminate all extremes of emotion; in High Elf society, to surrender to
anger or lust is to show weakness. As a result, the High Elves live by a strict regimen of rules and codes and embrace a
way of life that emphasizes harmony, balance and inner peace.
As Prince of Eataine, Finubar has been sent to the Old World by the Phoenix King, Bel-Hathor. His mission is to
evaluate the strength of the realms of men and to judge their worth as potential allies. He has already travelled
extensively in the Old World and has been thoroughly impressed by what he has seen. Expecting to find people living in
primitive huts he has found instead powerful kingdoms with mighty cities protected by disciplined armies able to defeat
the Orcs and to turn back the armies of Chaos. He realises that though they are an ambitious and greedy people, the
humans have the potential to surpass the fading power of the High Elves in time. Prince Finubar has even managed to
visit the Forest of Loren and reconnected with the Wood Elves, declaring them kinsmen to the High Elves. The Wood
Elves remain wary of the lording, but the seeds are sown for a future alliance.


Army Selection: Chosen from the High Elves army book. The army may include any of the units listed in
Warhammer Armies High Elves as normal except for named characters of which only Alith Anar may be used.
Additionally Korhil may be taken to represent Korhian Ironglaive, Captain of the White Lions at this time and
Caradrayan may be taken to represent Captain Moraelir of the Phoenix Guard.


Special Rules Respected Diplomat: Finubar’s reputation for fairness and honour is well known and
Finubar the Seafarer 5 7 7 4 3 3 8 4 10
?Valour of Ages well founded. Neither Finubar’s unit nor any unit in combat with Finubar may benefit
Unit Type: Infantry mounted Equipment (See WA: High Elves) ?Speed of Asuryan from the Hatred special rule.
on a 20mm base ? Bow of the Seafarer ?Respected Diplomat
? Blade of Sea Gold ?Seafarer Seafarer: In his role as envoy of Ulthuan, Finubar has developed a close association
Your army can only include one ? Dragon Armour and Shield with the Seaguard of Lothern. Many of those who fight alongside him have journeyed at
Finubar model. ? Vambraces of Defence his side for centuries in the Old World. All Lothern Seaguard units are Stubborn. THE DARK THRONE


Of the human nations of the Old World, the most important by far is that of the Empire of Man, forged by the warrior-king and
ascended deity Sigmar from the primitive human tribes of barbarians who inhabited what became the lands of the southern Empire
more than 2500 years ago. Although not as skilled in craftsmanship as the Dwarfs or in magic as the High Elves, the people of the
Empire are not held back by tradition to the same extent as the Dwarfs or High Elves and continue to progress culturally,
technologically and magically. Having yet to succumb to any threat, external or internal, it is the faith, the sense of righteousness, and
the unconquerable spirit of its citizens which gives the Empire its strength, as well as the ruthless efficiency of its military and religious
orders. But this strength is in peril as the Empire is assailed unlike ever before.

This threat is an internal one and can be traced to the state of Talabecland. As one of the more aggressive regions of the Empire it has
been largely responsible for the current civil unrest which has divided the once united nation. Known as the time of the three Emperors,
it began when Countess Ottilia of Talabecland declared herself Empress. Since that time, though the Countess herself is long dead,
there were two Emperors one being the Elected Emperor and the other the ruling Elector of Talabecland. The situation has now come
to a head as the Elector count of Middenheim has declared himself Emperor (making three claimants) and civil unrest has bloomed
into full scale civil war.


Army Selection: No other named characters are permitted. Handgunners may not be taken as a Detachment. The Empire may
only include any of the units listed below which are found in Warhammer Armies Empire (units marked with a * are found in this
campaign guide):

CHARACTERS: General of the Empire; Templar Grand Master; Captain of the Empire; Warrior Priest; Hedge Wizard*

CORE: Halberdiers; Spearmen; Swordsmen; Crossbowmen; Archers; Huntsmen; Free Company; Knightly Orders

SPECIAL: Knights of the Inner Circle; Pistoliers; Greatswords;

RARE: Handgunners; Great Cannon; Mortar; 0-1 Steam Tank Prototype (counts as Steam Tank) THE DARK THRONE


M WS BS S T W I A LD Options In these times before the founding of the Colleges of Magic the Empire
Hedge Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 ? Upgrade to a Level 2 Wizard +30 pts. must call on the talents of the healers and mystics who otherwise peddle
? May choose magic items in total up to +50 pts. their wares and services at the Festag Morning Market.
Unit Type Equipment
• Single Character on a 20mm base Hand weapon Mount In battle they provide much needed, though unpredictable, magical support.
? Warhorse +10 points. The sense of unease and disgust by some of the citizenry of the Empire has
Magic caused several Hedge Wizards to end up victims of a public lynching or
Hedge Wizards are Level 1 Wizards unfortunate accident an so many prefer to hide their talent rather than risk
their lives for an ungrateful public.
Hedge Magic
Untrained and undisciplined, Hedge Wizards are unpredictable in their use of magic. Once both sides have finished deployment, roll 2D6 to see what Lores the Hedge Wizard knows. Level 1 Hedge Wizards only know the signature
spell in one randomly determined Lore. If the Hedge Wizard is Level 2 then the second spell is generated from a random Lore but the spell is determined as normal. Hedge Wizard spells do not count towards any limit of a
particular spell being in play. Hedge Wizards channel an additional power dice on a 4+ but if they do so they cannot channel a dispel dice.

2 Life 3 Light 4 - 5 Heavens 6 - 7 Fire 8 – 9 Beasts 10 Metal 11 Shadow 12 Death

Example: After deployment a Level 2 Hedge Wizard rolls a 6 and so receives Fireball (the first spell) from the Lore of Fire. As he is a Level 2 Wizard he rolls again and gets an 8, the Lore of Beasts. He then rolls a dice on the
Lore of Shadow and gets a 6 – Transformation of Kadon (which he could swap for the signature spell in that Lore as usual). The Hedge Wizard knows Fireball and the Transformation of Kadon for that battle. THE DARK THRONE


The province of Nuln is respected across the Empire as the home to the finest handguns and war machines, save for those
constructed by the Dwarfs. This makes them a desired commodity for any Imperial army using cannonry and as such graduates from
the Imperial Gunnery School are highly prized for their skills in training artillery on vulnerable targets with unerring accuracy and
maintaining the war machines.

Perhaps the most surprising fact is that the Imperial Gunnery School does not create new weapons of war. Such tasks are executed
by the neighbouring College of Engineering in Nuln where luminaries as von Meinkopt (creator of the Hellblaster) and Pfielmann
(Grenade Launching Blunderbuss) were taught. Founded over five hundred years ago, the Imperial College of Engineers was the
brainchild of Leonardo of Miragliano, a mad genius from the fractious land of Tilea, and his patron, the Prince of Altdorf. Once the
Colleges of Engineering create a war machine, the Imperial Gunnery School then start training gunners to use them. In the field of
warfare this makes Nuln particularly influential and as a result during the Time of the Three Emperors, it was to Nuln that much of the
authority of the fragmented Empire became invested.


Army Selection: No other named characters are permitted. The Engineers of Nuln may only include any of the units listed below which
are found in Warhammer Armies Empire (units marked with a * are found in this campaign guide):

CHARACTERS: General of the Empire; Captain of the Empire; Master Engineer; Warrior Priest

CORE: Halberdiers; Handgunners; Spearmen; Swordsmen; Free Company; Outriders

SPECIAL: Great Cannon; Mortar; Pistoliers; Steam Tank Prototype (counts as Steam Tank); Greatswords

RARE: Helstorm Rocket Battery; Helblaster Volley Gun; Venerable Steam Tank* THE DARK THRONE


M WS BS S T W I A LD Building Up Steam Points: See the Steam Tank A true symbol of the might of the Empire, the Venerable Steam
Venerable Steam Tank special - - 6 10 10 - special - entry on pg 50 of the Empire army book. Tank is a leviathan of metal and motion. Each one is a unique
Engineer Commander - 3 4 3 - - 3 1 10 creation and each carries with it the hopes and dreams of the nation.
Using Steam Points: Steam points can be used In these fractured times, even these potent symbols are used for petty
Unit Type: Chariot Options: during the movement phase to move the tank, in the displays of power and for personal aggrandisement.
The Venerable Steam Tank may be equipped with a hull shooting phase to fire its guns or in the close combat
Special Rules: mounted Helstorm Rocket Battery in addition to its phase to grind opponents into a bloody mess. All Shooting and Combat: See the Steam Tank entry on pg 50 of the
unused SP are lost at the end of the turn, so use as Empire army book. Remember that Models covered by the template
? Unbreakable other weapons for +50 points. A misfire destroys the
many as you can! are hit automatically.
? Large Target Rocket Battery but causes no other damage.
? Terror
Movement: Each SP allows you to move the Steam Altar of Sigmar
? 1+ Armour Save The main cannon may be replaced with a Helblaster
Tank 3". To charge with a Steam Tank, first declare The Venerable Steam Tank may replace its turret and steam gun to
? D6 Impact Hits (+D3 per SP) Steam Gun for +25 points. The weapon costs 3 SP to
the charge as normal, and then specify how many SP carry an Altar of Sigmar for +50 points. Usually styled as a snarling
? Steam Points fire and has the following profile:
you are using to charge with. The charge range of the griffon or statue of the God-King himself, the Altar of Sigmar gives
Steam Tank is equal to 3" per SP that is spent. In the Venerable Steam Tank a 4+ Ward Save and allows it to cast a
Equipment: The Venerable Steam Range: 18” Strength: 5 Armour Piercing
addition, each SP spent on the charge adds D3 to the single spell from the Lore of Light each turn as a bound spell power
Tank is armed with a main cannon in Artillery dice = number of shots
number of Impact Hits inflicted by the Steam Tank level 4.
the hull and a steam gun in the turret.
The Engineer Commander is armed A misfire causes the tank to suffer D3 wounds and not in the Close Combat phase. Note that you do not
with a repeater pistol (see page 47). fire the Helblaster Steam Gun that turn but otherwise add the roll of 2D6 to the charge range when a Steam
has no effect. Tank charges, and that the target unit may make a
charge reaction as normal.


Master of Ballistics: A Master Engineer aboard an Iron Strider is allowed Invented by the prolific Johann Weisman,
to take a ‘Look Out Sir!’ roll as if he was within 3" of a unit of five or the Iron Strider is a terrifying construction
Iron Strider 7 2 - 7 10 5 1 2 - more models. In addition, the Iron Strider or one war machine that is of metal and steam. Clanking across the
Engineer Students - 3 4 3 - - 3 1 7 within 6" of a Master Engineer on an Iron Strider may re-roll either one battlefield on it six steam-pistoned legs,
scatter dice or one artillery dice per turn. This may not be used to re-roll the Iron Strider is the ultimate personal
Unit Type: Chariot Equipment: The Iron Strider is armed with a cannon in the hull. The two the distance bounced by a cannonball. If the Engineer uses his re-roll transport for a Master Engineer in the
Engineer Students are armed with Repeater Hand Guns. ability, he cannot shoot with his own missile weapon in the same Shooting field.
Special Rules: phase.
? Unbreakable Options: While surveying the battlefield from his
? Large Target The Hull Cannon may be upgraded to a Hellblaster Volley Gun or Hull Weapon: The Iron Strider may fire its Hull Weapon each turn. In observation pulpit, the Master Engineer is
? D6 Impact Hits Helstorm Rocket Battery for +40 points the event of a misfire, ignore the normal rules for the weapon. Instead the suitably supported by two of their most
? Terror weapon jams and cannot be fired the following turn. promising students who man the firing
? 1+ Armour Save Either of the Engineer Students may replace their weapons with any of the posts atop the machine.
Marksman options (pg 77 Empire army book). THE DARK THRONE

Kislev is the nation beyond the northern border of the Empire in the Old World. It is bordered by the Empire to
the south and west, the Sea of Claws to the west, the Troll Country to the north and the Worlds Edge Mountains
to the north-east and east. A land of endless rolling plains and steppes, Kislev sits between the Empire and the
Chaos Wastes to the far north. A near constant flow of Northmen Marauders raiding the farms and villages of this
unforgiving land have forced the Kislevites to adopt a lifestyle which is geared to constant war against the forces of
Chaos. And the Kislevites have become a hardy people who are never willing to back down from a fight.

The capital of Kislev is the eponymous city "Kislev" and it's rulers are the Tsars and Tsarinas. The symbol of
Kislev is the bear, and the Kislevites have their own patron god known as Ursun, the Father of Bears. Kislev uses
the Kislev Calendar.

Known by the Kislevites as Kyazak, Northmen raiding parties are an ever-present threat to settlements and caravans
north of the Lynsk, and some even venture as far south as to cross the Lynsk itself. The incursions are short-lived,
lasting perhaps only for a season at a time, and either end when winter draws in, or they are driven back by the
armies of the Kislevites.

These armies are drawn from the scattered stanitsas and towns of the Kislev oblast, which each provide a standing
force of warriors, much like a militia. Ungol horse archers patrol the most northern reaches of the country, while
settlements with a great Gospodar heritage pool their resources to create squadrons (or rotas as they are known) of
the famed Winged Lancers. This tradition is continued by the cities, and the Tzarina can command a large number
of Winged Lancers drawn from the richest families and their household troops. A particularly famous regiment is
the Gryphon Legion.

Occasionally, a particularly powerful chieftain or warlord will rise in Norsca, or amongst the tribes of the Kurgan people. They weld together a rough confederation of several tribes and launch attacks into Kislev.
At these times, the various rotas of Kislev are drawn together into larger army groups called pulks. These pulks are invariably under the command of a noble of Gospodar heritage and are the closest Kislev has
to a standing army. Sometimes, a single pulk is enough to see off the threat, but other times two, three or more pulks may combine their forces to counter an ambitious Marauder warlord.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Kislev army book which can be downloaded from the Tempus Fugitives website. The army may include any of the units listed in Warhammer Armies Kislev as normal. THE DARK THRONE


The Sigmarite Witch Hunters are members of the Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar (Order of Sigmar for short), which serves as one of the
militant arms of the Cult of Sigmar, and as a law enforcement organization for the Empire. As such, the Order of Sigmar operates under the joint
supervision of the Grand Theogonist (although the Theogonist's many duties often makes this post more official than practical when dealing with day-to-
day policy) and the Emperor (although the same restrictions apply and during this fractious times who to call Emperor is up for debate). This
arrangement prevents either the Church or State from gaining too much power through misuse of the powers of the Witch Hunters.

The Witch Hunters of Sigmar are dedicated to the eradication of heretics, be they warlocks, witches, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, necromancers,
worshippers of the dark gods, deviants, mutants, blasphemers, sinners, utterers of profanities, servants of Daemons, or composers of corrupting music.
Indeed, there are few who altogether escape the suspicions of the Witch Hunters with the possible exception of other Witch Hunters. It is wise to
remember that the practice of magic in all its forms is deemed a most heinous crime in the Empire. Death by fire is the proscribed punishment for this
particular heresy. Many of the Witch Hunters’ victims treacherously avoid their fate by perishing under torture before making a full confession. In these
troubled times the Witch Hunters are kept busy as more and more men turn to the dark arts. The most dangerous of all these heretics are the followers
of the Chaos gods. These depraved individuals practise Daemon worship and (it is claimed) even offer human sacrifices in the name of their vile masters.
Of all the enemies of Sigmar they are the most abhorrent!

Witch Hunters of Sigmar Special Rules

Army Selection: No Detachments or other named characters are permitted. The Witch Hunters of Sigmar may only include any of the units listed
below which are found in Warhammer Armies Empire (units marked with a * are found in this campaign guide):

CHARACTERS: Witch Hunter Captain*; Arch Lector; Witch Hunter*; Warrior Priest

CORE: Crossbowmen; Archers; Free Company; Zealots*; Warhounds*

SPECIAL: Flagellant Warband; Huntsmen (no restriction)

RARE: Knights of the Inner Circle; Witch Smeller*; Altar of Judgement*

Magic Items: No model in the army may take any items with the exception of Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors (who are
assumed to be sanctified enough for such questionable devices to be of use).

Dispel Dice: Witch Hunters of Sigmar are naturally suspicious of all forms of magic. This distain for sorcery has a very real
effect on the battlefield. The army receives +2 dispel dice each magic phase. THE DARK THRONE


How DARE You?! Driven by fanaticism, Witch

A Witch Hunter Captain believes they receive their mandate from Sigmar himself and are Hunter Captains are obsessed with
Witch Hunter Captain 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 9
filled with indignation and fury if their enemies attempt to fight back to prevent them from cleansing the Empire and bringing
Unit Type: Infantry carrying out their judgement. Should the heretics actually try and strike them, the Witch the justice of Sigmar to all.
Special Rules Hunter Captain can incite such rage and petty revenge that they begin to kick, stamp and Carrying the edict of the Grand
Equipment ?Hatred club at their enemies wildly. The Witch Hunter and their unit gain the stomp special rule. Theogonist himself, they have the
? Hand Weapon ?Stubborn divine right to judge and execute
?Magic Resistance (2) Options: warlocks, witches, Chaos
? Truesilver Crossbow
?Burn the Witch! ? May ride a Warhorse for +10 points which may be barded for a further +4 points. worshippers… in fact all who dare
?How DARE You?! ? May wear Light Armour for +2 points, Heavy Armour for +4 points or Full Plate for to oppose them.
?Killing Blow (against Wizards) +10 points. May also carry a shield for +2 points.
? May take a Coldiron blade at +10 pts or a Truesilver Witchslayer at +20 pts.


I Smell You, Heretic! Witch Smellers are charismatic rabble-rousers who

Witch Smellers tend to be at the vanguard of any crusade to cleanse the can soon turn a crowd to their own ends. They are
Witch Smeller 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 9
tainted from the land. The Witch Smeller and an accompanying unit of universally dreaded, for everyone has something or
Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules Zealots or an Altar of Judgement gain the Scout special rules. someone to hide, something that the Witch
? Hatred Options: Smeller can sniff out instinctively. And on the rare
? Stubborn ? May wear Light Armour for +2 points. May also carry a shield for +2 occasion that they cannot detect the secret, there
? Hand Weapon
? Magic Resistance (2) points. May take a Coldiron blade for +10 points or a Truesilver are countless individuals who would willingly and
? Truesilver Crossbow
? I Smell You, Heretic! Witchslayer for +20 points. enthusiastically hunt down and burn their own kin
Up to Two Witch Smellers were a Witch Smeller to command them to do so.
may be purchased for each rare Difficult Company: A conversation with a Witch Smeller is a ? May be mounted on a Warhorse for +10 points or an Altar of
choice taken. They are to all times bizarre and at other terrifying. As a result there are few, Judgement for +100 points.
intents and purposes separate even within the Order who will share their company for long.
units on the battlefield. Witch Smellers may only join units of Zealots or an Altar of


Note: Warhounds do not count towards Witch Hunters often keep packs of ferocious hunting dogs. With their huge jaws
your minimum core unit requirements. and powerful bite, they are perfect for hunting down and tearing apart any heretics,
Warhound of Sigmar 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5
mutants, deviants and witches.

Unit Size: 10+ Warhounds Equipment Coldiron Blades & Truesilver Crossbows and Witchslayers: Against undead, daemons and Wizards these sanctified weapons have the
? Slavering Jaws (hand weapon) Killing Blow rule (even the ranged attack of the Truesilver Crossbow). Additionally a Coldiron Blade counts as a hand weapon and a
Unit Type: Warbeasts
Truesilver Witchslayer counts as a Great Weapon. Against Ethereal targets Truesilver weapons count as magical attacks. THE DARK THRONE


M WS BS S T W I A LD Burn The Witch!
May ride a Warhorse for +10 points which may be barded for a
Witch Hunter 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 9 The Witch Hunter and their unit gains the Frenzy rule if
further +4 points.
their unit is in combat with a unit containing a Wizard. If
Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules a unit containing a Wizard is within charge range, the
May wear Light Armour for +2 points or Heavy Armour for +4
?Hatred Witch Hunter and their unit must declare a charge against
Equipment points. May also carry a shield for +2 points.
?Stubborn them if possible
? Hand Weapon
? Truesilver Crossbow ?Magic Resistance (2) May take a Coldiron blade for +10 points or a Truesilver
?Burn the Witch! May Carry the Battle Standard for +25 points. See
Witchslayer for +20 points.
Warhammer Armies: Empire for details.


Special Rules When a man loses his family, home and all he cared for, religion is often the last
?Hatred refuge left to him. Such men become wandering pilgrims, bitter and dangerous
Sigmarite Zealot 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6
?Stubborn fanatics who are prepared to avenge their loss at any cost. These men are called
?Skirmishers Zealots. Zealots have forsaken their former lives and exist only to destroy evil and
Unit Size: 10 + Equipment the minions of Chaos. Whilst they might have been peasants and craftsmen before
Zealots are armed with a variety of simple weapons but for game Options: The Zealot unit may replace and thus may not be as dangerous in a fight as seasoned mercenaries, their
Unit Type: Infantry purposes they count as being armed with two hand weapons. their hand weapons with a Great weapon determination and fanaticism should not be underestimated.
for +3 points per model.


Pulpit of Judgement: The Witch Smeller, even if engaged in combat, may The Altar of Judgement is both a
scream canticles of hatred and paranoia from the Pulpit at the top of the place of fiery oratory and a place of
Altar of Judgement - - - - 7 4 - - -
Altar. At the start of the Movement Phase pick a single friendly unit within fiery retribution. While its Zealot
Witch Smeller 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 9
24” containing at least one model with the Hatred special rule. They are crew launch blazing comet-like
Sigmarite Zealot 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6
whipped into a frenzied fervour of spite and vengeance. The unit gains the explosives into the enemies’ ranks
Unit: 1 Witch Smeller & Equipment (Zealots) Frenzy special rule and their Hatred applies in every round of combat, not from the mighty catapult in the heart
2 Zealots. ? Truesilver Witchslayer just the first. This effect lasts until the start of the unit's next turn. This is of the altar, the Witch Smeller
not a spell and cannot be dispelled or otherwise stopped. delivers hate-inciting sermons to
If a Witch Smeller chooses an Judge, Jury and Executioners: The two Zealots are treated as a war nearby allies. The result of both is
Altar of Judgement they machine crew. Remove one Zealot when the first wound is inflicted on devastating.
become part of the unit and Twin-Tailed Retribution
the Altar of Judgement , the second Zealot when the second wound is
cannot leave it. The Altar of Judgement is a stone thrower and uses the rules as laid out in
inflicted, but only remove the Witch Smeller when the fourth wound is
the Warhammer rulebook. The fiery twin-tailed projectiles launched by the
Unit Type: War Machine inflicted as, unlike the other crew, they have two wounds not just one.
Altar are Flaming Attacks.
Use the best armour and ward saving throw available to any surviving
Special Rules :Hatred crew against all wounds that are suffered by the Altar of Judgement. THE DARK THRONE


When choosing an army to fight for the Forces of Destruction, you must use one of the Forces of Destruction Sub-Faction lists on the following pages. In all cases the most recent edition of the
army book will be used. These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers
before the weekend and check the forums at

The published Army Books used in this campaign for the Forces of Destruction are: Beastmen; Daemons of Chaos; Dark Elves; Orcs & Goblins; Skaven; Vampire Counts; Warriors of
Chaos. All supplementary rules to your Army Book can be found in this pack.

There are several units which may be taken by the Forces of Destruction
during the Dark Throne campaign. They are detailed on the following pages
and are considered fully usable for this campaign weekend. However, they
are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Dark Throne
campaign weekend. Where a unit is restricted to one sub-faction, it is
clearly indicated in the unit entry. THE DARK THRONE

Beastmen are partly human and partly animal creatures. Their minds too are a hybrid of man and beast; although they have
the intelligence of humans, they employ it with the savage cunning of a wild animal. Throughout the world, Beastmen thrive
upon the edges of civilization, raiding isolated farmsteads, villages, and other settlements. They are most numerous towards
the north, such as the dark forests that cover The Empire and the harsh wildernesses of Kislev. They are found in the
greatest numbers throughout the Chaos Wastes of the northern and southern polar regions.

The Cloven Ones, as they like to call themselves, belong to Chaos in both body and soul. Unlike humans who need to be
tempted and brokered into serving the Dark Gods, or even the hardy men-folk residing in the North who are indoctrinated
from the moment they are born, the Beastmen are creatures of Chaos with every fibre of their being. They have no more
choice in this than a fish has a choice whether to live under the water.

Above all, though it is the trappings of progress and civilisation that Beastmen abhor more than anything else. The sight of
a proud flag or coat of arms, a pristine uniform or a magnificent statue elicits a powerful reaction – a rabid bloodlust – for
the things of order are anathemas to the true Children of Chaos. The Beastmen make no historical records but all hold a
collective memory of an age when man was nothing more than quarry and the Beastmen ruled the world. With the coming
of empires, kingdoms and tribal unification, then advances in culture and technology, man thought it had beaten back the
wild. They are wrong and while they sit behind walled cities, deep down they know that the Beastmen will burst forth from
the woods in uncountable hordes, sunder civilisation and bring it back to a more primal, chaotic age when the Cloven Ones
ruled supreme.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Beastmen book. The army may include any of the units listed as
normal. All named Beastmen characters are permitted.


Bestial children born to human parents or humans who at a later stage of life began to develop mutations are ostracised and despised by humanity. Many of them become renegades and some manage to
join a Beastmen tribe who will accept them as slaves or even Ungors. Some parents abandon their mutant babies near a forest, or set afloat in a river on a raft of reeds, to die of hunger and exposure. These
creatures rarely die however, as the ears of Beastmen are always alert to the cries of their own kind. Many of these foundlings are adopted and raised by Beastmen, who consider such a child a ‘gave’, a gift of
the dark gods.
Gaves: A single character may be upgraded to a Gave for +35 points. The resentful model and any unit they lead count as rolling a double 1 on their Primal Fury test if facing humans. Furthermore Gaves
are considered favoured by their army and count as a Battle Standard Bearer (but may not be given a standard). A Gave may be the army general.
Turnskins: A single unit of Ungors may be downgraded to Turnskins for no additional cost. The resentful unit count as rolling a double 1 on their Primal Fury test if facing humans. Turnskins may never
benefit from any leadership bonuses. As mutants rather than true Beastmen they should be modelled appropriately. THE DARK THRONE


Options A strange breed apart from even the savagery of the
Khornegor 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 1 8
? Upgrade one Khornegor to a Bloodhorn +16pts Bestigors, the kin of the Khornegors are utterly
Bloodhorn 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 2 8 dedicated to the lord of brass and skulls. Defined
? Upgrade one Khornegor to a Musician +8pts
? Upgrade one Khornegor to a Standard Bearer +16pts notions of the Gods of Chaos are beyond the world
Unit Size Equipment ? The Standard Bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to view of most Beastmen, but for these dedicated
• 10+ Khornegors ? Chaos Armour (4+ Save) +50 points. warriors, they answer the call to war but serve no
? Hand weapon master but the skull-god.
Unit Type ? Great Weapon
• Infantry on 25mm bases Dedicated: Unit cannot be joined by any characters without the
Special Rules Blood Greed special rule.
? Primal Fury
? Blood Greed
? Despoilers


Options Though many of the Beastmen do not understand
Pestigor 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 1 8
? Upgrade one Pestigor to a Plaguehorn +16pts the Pestigor herds, they respect them for their
Plaguehorn 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 2 8
? Upgrade one Pestigor to a Musician +8pts remarkable fortitude and aura of corruption that
? Upgrade one Pestigor to a Standard Bearer +16pts pervades even the soil beneath their feet. Pestigors
Unit Size Equipment ? The Standard Bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to will always carry the best weapons from the pile,
• 10+ Pestigors ? Heavy Armour +50 points. although these will inevitably start to rot and rust
? Hand weapon while being wielded by these warriors of the Plague
Unit Type ? Great Weapon Dedicated: Unit cannot be joined by any characters that do not God
• Infantry on 25mm bases cause fear or terror.
Special Rules
? Primal Fury
? 5+ Scaly Skin
? Despoilers


Beyond the boundaries of space and time, the Chaos Gods watch the mortal world with ancient and hungry eyes. Most feared of the servants of
the Dark Gods are the Daemons of Chaos, warlike fragments of divine will, loosed upon the world. Daemons are destruction incarnate; they exist
only to tear civilisations asunder. Where the Daemons of Chaos walk, anarchy is loosed, reason collapses and carnage untold is visited upon the

Daemons are creatures of raw Chaos made manifest, their appearance reflecting the personality of the god they serve. Daemons of Khorne, the
Blood God, are red-skinned, ferocious creatures. Daemons of Slaanesh, the god of pleasure, are lithe and sinuous. Nurgle's servants are pox-
ridden and decayed. Tzeentch, the god of change, has Lesser Daemons that are as mutable as the whims of their master. Since Daemons are
made of pure magical energy, they are difficult for weapons of the physical world to destroy. However, certain rituals (such as those performed by
warrior-priests) can much more easily defeat them. Also, as the winds of magic fade, so do the daemons; this can even happen during a battle. If
the daemons are overcome by their foes in combat, the magic binding them to the world begins to scatter, and the daemons can be banished back
to the Realm of Chaos.

An army of Daemons on the battlefield is a sanity destroying sight, rank upon rank of impossible creatures cavorting and delighting in the
torment of others. The Daemons only invade the mortal realms when Chaos is on the ascendant and the Realm of Chaos waxes strong.
Sometimes they march south, from the gateway in the north, at other times they simply manifest in the midst of the lands of Men, splitting
reality asunder as they burst into being.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Daemons of Chaos book. The army may include any of the units listed as normal. All
named Daemon characters are permitted.


Options Plagueriders are Beasts of Nurgle that have been
Plaguerider 6 3 0 4 5 3 1 D6+1 7
? Upgrade one Plaguerider to a Musician +10pts adapted to carry Plaguebearers on their slime
Plaguerider Champion 6 3 0 4 5 3 1 D6+2 7
? Upgrade one Plaguerider to a Champion +20pts seeping backs. Plagueriders are armed with long
Unit Size Equipment ? Upgrade one Plaguerider to a Standard Bearer +20pts filth encrusted lances and are adept at goring even
• 1+ Plaguelance (counts as a spear) the most heavily armoured victim, releasing
The Standard Bearer may carry a one of the following banners: countless diseases deep into their bodies.
Special Rules
Unit Type ? Standard of Seeping Decay + 25 pts
? Daemonic
• Monstrous Cavalry ? Icon of Eternal Virulence +25pts
? Poisoned Attacks
? Regenerate
? Slime Trail (DoC: pg 94) THE DARK THRONE


The scion of one of Naggaroth's greatest houses, Lokhir Fellheart has been marked for glory from his youth. Cunning and ruthless
beyond the norm, even among a cruel and duplicitous race like the Dark Elves, Lokhir has wasted no time in cementing his position
of power and influence - dominating his family's prized Black Ark Tower of Blessed Dread within mere days of his father's untimely
death and swiftly executing all of the senior officers aboard it. This simple act solidified his hold on the vessel and appeased the
sinister Dark Elf gods to whom he dedicated their slaughter.
In the years since he grasped control of the Tower of Blessed Dread, Lokhir's infamy has spread far and wide. From the Temple of
Gilgadresh in farthest Ind, where Lokhir butchered the priests of that distant god to the coastline of Ulthuan where the crew of the
Blessed Dread have reived and plundered without restraint or remorse the name Fellheart is one that evokes dread and wary respect in
equal measure.

Tower of Blessed Dread: This Black Ark is a mighty floating sea-fortress. Created and maintained by dark sorcery, the vessel
acts as a mobile stronghold for Lokhir and his warriors when they go to war. The sheer scale of the Black Ark is hard to
conceive. Externally it resembles a fortified town, bristling with scores of dark menacing parapets. The Tower of Blessed Dread
is capable of barracking an entire army of Dark Elf corsairs, along with all the auxiliary war machines, mounts, enchanted
creatures and slaves that accompany them. The tallest sections act as homes for harpies, manticores and other flying beasts,
while below the waterline gigantic sea monsters such as kraken and leviathans are harnessed. Like others of her kind, the Tower
of Blessed Dread is usually accompanied by a fleet of small, swift, ships which prowl the surrounding seas for opportunities to
raid for plunder and fresh slaves.


Opening Salvo: After both sides have deployed, but before the first turn has begun, the Dark Elf player may fire any Bolt Throwers they have deployed. This preliminary salvo suffers an additional -1 penalty as the crew rush to get
their warmachines deployed. Once casualties have been determined and any panic checks made and any Corsair units have made their free move, the dice is rolled to determine first turn.

Daring Raid: Once the Opening Salvo has been fired, any Corsair or Reaver units in the army may make a free move to represent them darting forward under the cover of the Bolt Throwers. Once the units have made their free
move, the dice is rolled to determine first turn. Units that have performed a Daring Raid may not charge on the first turn if the Dark Elves go first.

ARMY SELECTION: Chosen from the Dark Elf army book. No named Dark Elf characters are permitted except for Lokhir Fellheart who must be taken in the War Party and is always the army General. The Dark Elves
may only include any of the units listed overleaf: THE DARK THRONE

1 Lokhir Fellheart (See WA: Dark Elves) *note that Lokhir Fellheart has a reduced cost of 200 points in this campaign list
CHARACTERS: Dread Lord (has a Sea Dragon Cloak for free - See WA: Dark Elves); Sorceress (has a Sea Dragon Cloak for free); Master (has a Sea Dragon Cloak for free)

Black Ark Corsairs (all models in the unit may exchange both hand weapons for a repeater crossbow for 1pt per model - See WA: Dark Elves); Slaves*; Harpies; Assassins (May also hide in Reaver
CORE: units. See WA: Dark Elves)

Reavers*; Shades (equipped with Sea Dragon Cloaks for free - See WA: Dark Elves); Dark Riders (equipped with Sea Dragon Cloaks for free - See WA: Dark Elves); 0-1 Cold One Knights
SPECIAL: (equipped with Sea Dragon Cloaks for free - See WA: Dark Elves)

RARE: Reaper Bolt Thrower (crew equipped with Sea Dragon Cloaks for free - See WA: Dark Elves); War Hydra; Dahgon*; Krakenspawn*


Options Reavers are veteran Corsairs, hardened fighters who have spent
? Upgrade one Reaver to a Musician +6pts their whole lives plundering the lands of others. Lauded
Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8
? Upgrade one Reaver to a Standard Bearer +6pts amongst Dark Elf society for their daring and bravery, Reavers
Reaver Captain 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 2 8 May take a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts embody the drive for a Dark Elf to earn riches and glory. They
Unit Size 10+ Reavers ? Upgrade one Reaver to a Reaver Captain +12pts are armed with a wide variety of vicious cutlasses, serrated
Equipment May take a Magic item worth up to 25 pts blades and handbows. An inspiration to Corsair bands and
Unit Type: Infantry ? Hand weapon highly sought after by Captains and Dread Lords alike, it is a
? Hand Bow Hand Bows: The unit may swap their hand weapon for a powerful Druchi who can command the services of more than a
Special Rules ? Heavy Armour dozen of these bloody pirates.
second hand bow at +2pts per model. Such is their skill
? Eternal Hatred ? Sea Dragon Cloak that hand bows also count as hand weapons.
? Slavers


The Tower of Blessed Dread is accompanied on her slave raids

Special Rules by a dozens of sea monsters corralled by the Beastmasters and
Krakenspawn 6 3 0 5 5 5 2 2d6 5 ? 4+ Scaly Skin used as weapons of war as well as for transporting raiding
? Large Target parties on their backs. Krakenspawn are the coastal roaming
Unit Size: 1 Petrifying Ink Spray: When threatened a Krakenspawn has a breath weapon attack which involves a ? Causes Terror offspring of the massive squid-like creatures from legend.
noxious inky spray. If one or more models are hit then the unit must take a Leadership test with a -2 ? Poisoned Attacks Krakenspawn have a tough rubbery body scaled like a great
Unit Type: Monster penalty. A failed test causes the unit to be paralysed. The models in the unit cannot move or be moved in ? Flammable Wyrm and held up by clawed flippers that drag it with
the Movement phase and cannot shoot, attack in close combat or cast or maintain spells. They are hit ? Breath Attack surprising speed across the ground. Its giant clawed tentacles
Equipment automatically in close combat. The target unit is Unbreakable. At the start of each subsequent turn, the ? Water Strider are wickedly sharp and drip in the same venom which coats its
? Claws and teeth unit may attempt to shake off the effects by passing a leadership test with a -2 penalty. The effects last until vicious beaked maw. Its greatest weapon is a noxious inky
the affected unit passes a leadership test. spray which causes paralysis in its victims and makers them
easy prey. THE DARK THRONE


Special Rules Masses of slaves that are too weak to be of any other
? Eternal Hatred (Slave Master only) practical use are often pushed at the head of a Corsair
Slave Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
? Immune to Psychology raiding force as a missile screen or to test the strength of
Slave 5 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 2
? Mixed unit (Slave Masters are always placed at the back of the the enemy.
unit where possible. Missile hits are always resolved against
Unit Size Equipment (Slave Master) Slaves) Expendable: Slaves do not count towards your minimum
• 1 Slavemaster and 19+ Slaves. ? Beastmaster’s Scourge number of Core choices in the army and do not cause panic
? Light Armour Meat Shield: Should a friendly unit be targeted by a missile weapon checks in other friendly units.
Unit Type attack (including magic missiles) the Dark Elf player may instead
• Infantry Equipment (Slaves) nominate a Slave unit within 6” of the targeted unit to take the hit in Enslaved: Should the Slave Master be killed for whatever
? None their place. reason, the unit counts as destroyed. Slave Masters always
refuse a challenge if possible.
Revenge! Should the Slave unit fail a rally attempt, the slaves use the
confusion to turn on the Slave Master and tear him apart. The unit
scatters and counts as destroyed.


Dahgon 6 5 0 7 6 6 2 8 9

Unit Size (Unique): 1 Dahgon Special Rules

? Large Target
Unit Type: Monster ? Eternal Hatred
? Scaly Skin (3+ Armour Save)
Dahgon may also be taken as a Mount for either ? Terror
Lokhir Fellheart, or a Dreadlord. He remains a Rare ? D6+1 Impact Hits
Choice but is otherwise considered a Monstrous ? Thunderstomp
Mount. ? Regenerate
? Fiery Breath (see War Hydra)
? Dahgon has teeth, claws and a bad attitude

Though Hydra are an ancient line of creatures, Dahgon is by far the most ancient roaming the world today. His progeny
are the most aggressive and powerful of the native Hydra and are highly sought after by Beastmasters. Never tamed,
Dahgon has been known to permit a kindred spirit to ride on his mighty back behind his many heads. Dahgon’s presence
amongst the army of Lokhir Fellheart shows that the deep gods are with the Corsair king. THE DARK THRONE


The Orcs and Goblins have been an ever present threat to the civilised nations of the world. Recent times have seen that pressure mount as
attacks originating in the south are increasing While most orcs have a modest grasp of technology and take advantage of developments in
weapons and armour, the southern tribes are predominantly comprised of savage orcs and have a more primitive, neolithic type society.
Shunning these advances the Savage Greenskin tribes fight with little regard to their own personal safety. They originate in the Southlands,
where the constant heat and bright light has a deleterious effect on Orcish brains. Savage orcs use weapons made of stone or bone and do not
wear armour, though their bodies are marked with ritual tattoos.
The Forest Goblin tribes have swarmed from the dank grottos and forests at the base of the World’s Edge Mountains atop their colossal
Arachnarok Spiders. Towering over houses and settlements alike, these gargantuan creatures are goaded into battle by the Goblins who worship
it as living gods.
Under the Savage Great Shaman Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu, the tribes in the south have flocked to his totem and now present a very real threat
to the nearby nations. It is difficult to parlay with a culture that is said to have a vocabulary consisting entirely of the word "Waaagh!" with
variants in volume, pitch, and accents making up for individual words. This is untrue but it is a reputation that Wurrzag is keen to promote as
he continues his quest to find the ‘Once and Future Git’.


Army Selection: Chosen from the new hardback Orcs & Goblins army book. The army may include any of the units listed in Warhammer
Armies Orcs & Goblins as normal. All named Orcs & Goblins characters are permitted.


Options The savage goblins from the south are known as
Red Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 6
? Upgrade one Red Goblin to a Musician +4pts Red Goblins owing to the bright warpaint the
Red Goblin Boss 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 6
? Upgrade one Red Goblin to a Standard Bearer +8pts daub their little naked bodies with.
Unit Size Equipment ? Upgrade one Red Goblin to a Boss +8pts
• 20+ Red Goblins ? Hand weapon ? Unit may replace their hand weapon with spears for +1pt per model
? Unit may be given shields for +1pt per model
Unit Type Special Rules
• Infantry on 20mm bases ? Frenzy
? Warpaint (6+ Ward save)

Skaven are hideous, hunched creatures with sharp teeth and cruel claws and long, worm-like tails – a dark, twisted and rat-shaped parody of humanity, a
race of unscrupulous and cruel creatures whose sole ambition is to usurp the civilised realms of the Warhammer world and take up residence in their
tattered remains.

Skaven culture, if it can be truly called such, is a vicious and despicable similitude of the society of men, where dishonesty and cruelty are virtues and where
those Skaven who are considered the most skilled in betrayal, the cruellest and most underhand are raised to positions of leadership, the Warlords of the
vast armies of Skaven.

These armies, more so than even their vile appearance and sinister scheming are the greatest of the Skaven's menaces for, in spite of their natural cowardice
and relative physical weakness, they plan and scheme to conquer the surface realms. In chittering hordes so multitudinous that they carpet the ground in a
seething mass of dark, mangy fur and evil red eyes that spreads as far as the eye can see. Individually weak and cowardly the Skaven find strength in
numbers, and will fight with an animalistic frenzy when suitably confident of their chances.

The Skaven fight with rusty spear and notched sword, slings and thrown daggers. They unleash sorcerous energies and they seek to enslave all in their path.
Their cruel Under-Empire spreads from one end of the Old World to the other, and few if any places are safe from its touch. These then are the Skaven –
the stuff of nightmares, unleashed upon the world.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Skaven army book. The army may include any of the units listed in Warhammer Armies Skaven as normal. All
named Skaven characters are permitted.


Reality Bomb Prototype (one use only): The Reality Bomb will be the trump card of the
Lords of Decay… assuming anyone survives the prototype phase. Taking an unhealthy interest in Clan
Meek Gnawdoom 5 3 3 3 4 3 5 1 7
Skryre’s Warlock Engineer District in
Unit Type (Unique) Equipment At the start of a Skaven turn Meek may teleport the bomb anywhere on the battlefield – their capital of Skavenblight, Meek
? Hand Weapon use a bomb marker to indicate where. Once the marker is placed the bomb is primed. Gnawdoom has convinced the Lords
Magic ? Warlock Augmented Weapon (staff) The Skaven player rolls a die at the start of each player turn. On a 1-4 the bomb teleports of Decay that he can successfully field
Meek Gnawdoom is Grey Seer and as such is ? D3 Warpstone Tokens itself 3D6” in a random direction (re-roll if it teleports off the table). Move the bomb to test this supposed ultimate weapon.
a Level 4 Wizard. He only uses the Skaven
Special Rules the new location. On the a 5-6 the bomb detonates. All units (friend or foe) that are Whether this permission implies real
spells of Ruin.
? Scurry Away!
within 12” of the bomb are hit. Every model in each unit hit, even those models not faith in his abilities, or whether Meek
? Strength in Numbers
touched by the blast, take a Initiative test or are slain (ward saves only). has proven himself the most
Mount expendable remains to be seen.
? Verminous Valour
Screaming Bell +200 points With My Last Breath I Spit at Thee: If Meek is slain and has yet to prime the bomb he
? With My Last Breath I Spit at Thee!
immediately primes the bomb on himself. THE DARK THRONE


In mist-shrouded Sylvania, in the eastern provinces of the Empire, lurks an insidious threat to the lands of the living. For there, in castles and
isolated towers, disguised in the finery befitting the grandest of nobility, lair the Vampire Counts of Vlad Von Carstein and his progeny.
Powerful lords of the dead, the Vampire Counts plot the demise of the civilised lands, seeking to rule over it all with the living as their cattle.
Vampires are powerful Undead creatures, stronger, tougher and faster than any mortal. Enhanced by exotic abilities and magical powers they
lead armies of fearsome Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls in damned campaigns against the realms of Men. To lead a Vampire army is to lead
an army fuelled by magical power, driven to worldly domination.
Meanwhile, to the east, another Vampire lord plots her next move. The haven of Queen Neferata is situated on the highest peaks of the Worlds
Edge Mountains, and is called the Silver Pinnacle. At the heart of the maze of the Silver Pinnacle are situated the quarters of Neferata. Her
opulent chambers are an echo of the splendour of her royal palace in Lahmia. Forgotten treasure of old golden masks and rare gemstones glitter
in the dark, illuminated only by the dim light of the silver coated skulls that serve as her lamps. Here Neferata lies on a divan, drinking the
blood of handsome youths from golden cups and listening as her undead courtiers play harps, pipes and lutes to amuse her. Vampires of the
Lahmian Sisterhood are her eyes and ears in the outside world and using the information from their reports she plots and weaves a web of
intrigue. For the Queen dreams of enslaving all the Vampires in the known world and returning to ancient Lahmia at the head of an undead
army, reclaiming her throne and rebuilding the great Temple of Blood.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Vampire Counts book. The army may include any of the units listed as normal.
All named Vampire Counts characters are permitted.


Opportunist: Fritz has a weakness for women that may yet prove
Fritz is ever the opportunist (but not as clever as he thinks). He may take up his undoing as already Queen Neferata has seeded
Fritz Von Carstein 6 6 4 5 4 2 6 3 7
to 50 points of Vampiric Powers and/or Magic Items several of her handmaidens into his harem. When the
Red Eyes 6 6 0 6 5 6 2 5 4 time is right he may find himself at her beck and call,
Unit Type (Unique): Special Rules Magic and that may give one of his brother counts the
Infantry on Monstrous Mount ? Undead Fritz Von Carstein is a Level 1 Wizard and knows spells from the Lore of opportunity to remove him from the undead court
? Vampire the Vampires. entirely...
? Fly
? Blood Drinker Red Eyes: Fritz has acquired the service of Red Eyes, a bloated zombie
? Terror
? Heavy Armour dragon. Paranoid at the creature being less than wholly subservient to him,
? 5+ Scaly Skin
? Shield Fritz has had cast powerful binding rituals. If Fritz is slain, Red Eyes will
? Pestilential Breath
? Red Eyes (Zombie Dragon) also be slain as the rituals melt the creature from within.
? Cloud of Flies THE DARK THRONE


Physically, Neferata is said to be divinely beautiful. Her plaited black tresses flow around her
Neferata 6 7 5 5 5 3 7 4 10
lovely face and she is as enchanting now as she was in her youth, though her skin is as white as
alabaster, and the long years of evil have washed all trace of pity and compassion from her face.
Unit Type DAGGER OF JET She has the appearance of a young maiden and only in her yellow eyes can one read her ageless
? Single Character on a 20mm base This dagger took countless lives on the altars of Lahmia when Neferata and corrupt wisdom and cruelty, for her memories reach back to ancient times when Quatar and
was the high priestess of death. It was used to cut the throats of those who Numas were still sprawling metropolises and the people of Khemri still built pyramids. Neferata
Equipment were condemned to feed the Vampire aristocracy of that cursed city. finds few equals in combat for she is the Queen of Mysteries of old and is terrifying in her wrath.
? Hand Weapon She holds much of the magical knowledge that was lost during the destruction of Lahmia, ancient
Attacks are +1 Strength and Poisoned. rituals and mysteries that only she will ever know.
Neferata is a Level 4 Wizard and knows spells RUBY OF LAHMIA BASTET
from the Lore of the Vampires. The mark of her dominion over the City of Vampires, Neferata’s diadem This black furred feline is anything but fortunate for a wizard whose path she crosses.
is a golden snake which rests over her cruel and beautiful face, and carries a
Special Rules huge ruby in its jaw. This unique jewel pulses with the power of eternal life Neferata may opt to modify any rolls on the Miscast table made by any Wizard on the battlefield
? Undead and feeds Neferata with almost unlimited energy. by up to D3. For instance, an enemy Wizard miscasts, and Neferata rolls a 1 on her D3, allowing
? Vampire the Sisterhood of Lahmia player to add or subtract up to 1 from the miscast result the enemy
At the end of each turn of the game the Ruby of Lahmia automatically Wizard rolled.
Mount (may choose one only) restores a Wound that Neferata has suffered in that turn (own or enemy).
? Nightmare +35 points The Jewel stops working if Neferata is killed. Additionally the Jewel SISTERHOOD OF LAHMIA: If you include Neferata in your army, you may instead create a
? Hellsteed +50 points provides Neferata with a 4+ ward save. variant Vampire Counts force known as The Sisterhood of Lahmia. If you do so you may not
? Lahmian Chariot +130 points choose units or characters that are only permitted in a Vampire Counts army.


Army of the Queen: A Sisterhood of Lahmia army must contain at least one unit of Skeleton Warriors armed with bows. Any unit of Skeleton Warriors may replace their shield and hand weapon for a bow
for no additional cost. Skeleton Warriors armed with bows always hit on an unmodifiable 5+ with their shooting attacks.

Army Selection: Chosen from the Vampire Counts army book. No named Vampire Count characters are permitted. The Sisterhood of Lahmia army may include any of the units listed below:
CHARACTERS: Neferata – Queen of Mysteries*; Lahmian Vampire Lord*; Lahmian Vampire*; Wight King - may not be general (WA: Vampire Counts); Fritz Von Carstein*
CORE: 1+ Skeleton Warriors; Jackal Pack*
SPECIAL: Grave Guard; Black Knights; Spirit Host (WA: Vampire Counts), Lahmian Chariot*
RARE: Cairn Wraiths; Sisters of Balefire (Blood Knights which must take the Balefire Spike for their Kastellan - WA: Vampire Counts) THE DARK THRONE


Mount (may choose one only) All Lahmian vampires are descended from Neferata, who is said to despise men, and
Lahmian Vampire Lord 6 7 5 5 5 3 7 4 10
? Nightmare +20 points consequently very few Lahmians are male. The presence of the Lahmians is seldom
Unit Type Equipment ? Hellsteed +30 points noticed, but their hand is certainly felt. They may lack the brute strength and martial
• Single Character on a 20mm base ? Hand Weapon ? Lahmian Chariot +130 points skill of the von Carsteins, but in subtlety they are un-matched. They can achieve
their aims with politics and planning, and are hedonistic, self-indulgent creatures
Magic Magic Items who love splendour, wealthy and luxury, and will stop at nothing to get what they
Special Rules
A Lahmian Vampire Lord is a Level 2 ? Common / Vampire Counts items up to a desire - but they cannot taste food or enjoy the warmth of the sun. Their cold hearts
? Undead
Wizard and knows spells from the Lore of total of 100 points. can feel no deep emotion, for their lovers rarely last a night, and though their youth
? Vampire
the Vampires. and beauty is eternal, they are abhorred by people once discovered. Their joys are
Vampiric Powers
? May be upgraded to a Level 3 Wizard May choose from the Courtly and the Master hollow, and material, and for most, that is all for which they wish.
for +50 points. powers up to a total of 100 points.


M WS BS S T W I A LD Mount (may choose one only)

Lahmian vampires are as fast as quicksilver, even more so than their cousins of other
Lahmian Vampire 6 6 4 5 4 2 6 3 7 ? Nightmare +10 points
bloodlines. They can move so quickly that they are but a blur to the mortal eye, and
? Hellsteed +30 points
Unit Type Equipment only the sharp-eyed and quick-witted can follow their actions, though their martial
? Blood Bath +130 points
• Single Character on a 20mm base ? Hand Weapon skill is inadequate compared to their Blood Dragon counterparts. Their talons reach
? Lahmian Chariot +130 points
to all levels of human society, and the Lahmians take an active interest in state
Magic Magic Items affairs, and, as a result, many eccentric noblewomen, widows of princes and dukes,
Special Rules
A Lahmian Vampire is a Level 1 Wizard and ? Common / Vampire Counts items up to a and high-born ladies who shun the light of day and lock themselves away in tall
? Undead
knows spells from the Lore of the total of 50 points. towers and opulent palaces, are in truth undead. They have a great talent for art and
? Vampire
Vampires. diplomacy, and their powerful personalities hold an irresistible charm for mortals,
Vampiric Powers
May Carry the Battle Standard See
? May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard May choose from the Courtly and the Master for hot-blooded males and gullible women alike. However, a Lahmian’s temper
Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts
for +50 points. powers up to a total of 50 points. matches her bodily quickness, and is very easy to anger, and hard to appease.
for details.


Note: Jackal packs do not count towards Jackals are renowned as vile carrion feeders, but under the influence of the Lahmian
your minimum core unit requirements. Sisterhood the creatures are fed on the corrupted flesh of ghouls and other unliving
Jackal 10 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 3
wretches. The resultant transformation provides fast moving guards for the dusty
Unit Size: 5 – 20 Jackals Equipment Special Rules borders of Lahmia.
? Slavering Jaws (hand weapon) ? Undead
Unit Type ? Fast Cavalry
? Cavalry on Cavalry bases THE DARK THRONE


M WS BS S T W I A LD Special Rules: Of the original vampiric bloodlines of the Warhammer World, the one which to this day
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - ? Undead remains closest to its ancient roots is Neferata's own. Having fled with her sisters of the Cult
? Vampire of Blood she was already far to the north and safe from the purging wrath of the Nehekharan
Lahmian Charioteer - 5 3 5 - - 4 2 7
? Chariot armies when their attack struck the city of Lahmia. As a result of this her armies include
Nightmare 8 3 0 4 - - 2 1 - chariots, a form of warfare lost by the rest of the Vampire bloodlines. Manned by lesser
Unit Size Equipment (Crew) Character Mount members of the Sisterhood, these chariots combine the fearsome power of the Vampires with
1 Scythed Chariot ridden by 2 Lahmian ? Spear If the Chariot is used as a mount for a speed and range.
Charioteers and drawn by 2 Nightmares ? Hand weapon Lahmian Vampire then the Vampire replaces
one of the crew.
Unit Type Options (one choice only):
Chariot on Chariot base ? Balefire +25 points The chariot has a 5+ armour save.
? Unholy Lodestone +25 points.


Power in Vitae: The attendants, even if engaged in combat, may invoke the The Blood Baths of Lahmia were infamous in
power of the Blood Bath in their Start of Turn phase. Pick a single friendly the lands of Nehekhara. The sanguine fluids
Blood Bath - - - - 10 4 - - - they contained in their large marble or golden
unit within 30” containing at least one model with the Vampire special rule to
Lahmian Vampire 6 6 4 5 4 2 6 3 7 basins were of such power that Neferata and the
be affected by the chosen power. The chosen effect is applied to the entire unit
Hand Maiden 6 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 7 and lasts until the start of the unit's next turn. This is not a spell and cannot be Sisterhood would immerse themselves in them
dispelled or otherwise stopped. A unit may only be affected by a single power to cool their passions.
Unit: 1 Lahmian Vampire & Equipment (Hand Maidens) per turn, even if you have more than one Blood Bath.
2 Hand Maidens. ? Hand weapon The richness of the blood allows a skilled
Celerity: All models in the unit gain + 1 Attack. member of the Sisterhood to invigorate their
If a Lahmian Vampire chooses a Blood Attendants: The two Hand Maidens are treated as a war machine crew. members to greater acts on the battlefield.
Bath she becomes part of the unit and Remove one Hand Maiden when the first wound is inflicted on the Potency: All models in the unit gain killing blow.
cannot leave it. Blood Bath, the second Hand Maiden when the second wound is
inflicted, but only remove the Lahmian Vampire when the fourth wound
Unit Type Fortitude: All models in the unit gain a 5+ ward save.
is inflicted as, unlike the other crew, she has two wounds not just one.
War Machine
Use the best armour and ward saving throw available to any surviving
attendant against all wounds that are suffered by the Blood Bath.
Special Rules (Hand Maidens):
? Undead
? Vampire

Range 24". The bearer can pick any target it can see including specific models in units. The targeted model may not use the "Look out sir" special rule.  Hits are resolved at Strength 4 and have 
the killing blow and poisoned special rules. Penalties for range and shooting at single models apply as normal. THE DARK THRONE


The Warriors of Chaos are the servants of the Dark Gods, brutal killers whose every action is committed to honour their vile patrons. For the
Warriors of Chaos, glory upon the field of battle is prized above all things, as the Chaos Gods take clear delight in the murder and carnage of
combat and there is no surer way to attract their gaze than to slaughter in their names. As such, the Warriors of Chaos live exceptionally violent
lives, steeping themselves in depravity and death, seeking the adoration and exaltation of the Gods of Chaos in all that they do.

In the far north of the world, beyond the great land of the Empire, past even ice-bound Kislev, lie the Chaos Wastes, a blighted, vile place where the
whispers of the Dark Gods can be heard upon the howling wind. At the heart of this ruinous territory is the realm of Chaos, the place where the
stuff of nightmares seeps into the material world. Here the power of the Chaos Gods is strongest and only the insane or the damned would dare its
bounds. Living as they do upon the borders of this monstrous domain, the tribes of the north are a hardy and resilient folk. To that end, all
Northmen are ferocious warriors, hardened from their youth by duels with rivals within their villages and by the constant conflict with neighbouring
tribes. Those Northmen who excel in combat, whose skills in battle rise above their peers and whose devotion to the Gods of Chaos is utterly
unwavering, find themselves becoming something more than their peers. These hardened fighters feel the pull of Chaos more strongly, and they
abandon the mortal concerns of hearth, home and family and become Chaos Warriors - exchanging their very humanity for a lifetime of warfare in
the name of their Dark Gods.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Warriors of Chaos book. The army may include any of the units listed as normal.
All named Warriors of Chaos characters are permitted with the exception of Archaon.


Options The Eternal do not dwell in the Northern

Unit may have a single Mark of Chaos: Wastes for they are the ultimate knights of
Eternal 4 6 3 4 4 2 5 2 8
?Mark of Khorne +20 pts darkness who have triumphed in the
Daemonic Mount 8 4 0 5 5 1 3 2 8
?Mark of Nurgle +20 pts hellish Realm of Chaos and been raised
? Mark of Tzeentch +20 pts above all others of their kind. Riding
Unit Size: 1+ Special Rules ? Mark of Slaanesh +10 pts monstrous steeds from the nightmares of
? Eye of the Gods One Eternal may be upgraded to a standard bearer for +20 points. men and answerable to no mortal it is
Unit Type: Monstrous Cavalry ? Stubborn May take a magical banner of up to 75 points. unknown what bargain has been struck to
? Chosen of the Dark Gods (WoC: pg 47) bring them forth upon this world once
Equipment ? Cause Terror Eternal units taking a Chaos Mark may replace their Daemonic Mounts with a Juggernaut more. Can there be a price too high for
? Ensorcelled weapons ? Eternal Champions – every model can for units with the Mark of Khorne, Steeds for units with the Mark of Slaanesh, Discs for the carnage they reap?
? Chaos Armour & Shield issue and accept challenges as if it were a units with the Mark of Tzeentch or Palanquins for units with the Mark of Nurgle (WoC:
? Daemonic Mount champion. pg 54). These Mark specific mount upgrades have no additional cost. THE DARK THRONE


When choosing an army to fight for the Unaligned Powers, you must use one of the Unaligned Powers Sub-Faction lists on the following pages. In all cases the most recent edition of the army book will be used.
These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at

The published Army Books used in this campaign for the Unaligned Powers are: Araby; Cathay; Cult of Nagash; Ogre Kingdoms; Tomb Kings and Wood Elves. All supplementary rules to your Army Book
can be found in this pack.

There are several units which may be taken by the Unaligned Powers during the Dark Throne campaign. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this campaign weekend.
However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Dark Throne campaign weekend. Where a unit is restricted to one sub-faction, it is clearly indicated in the unit entry. THE DARK THRONE


Cripple Peak is a giant mountain at the shore of the Sour Sea which has been split in two after a piece of warpstone
plummeted from the sky into the peak. To the east lie the Broken Teeth and the Plain of Bones, to the west the Sour Sea,
to the north and south the Worlds Edge Mountains. Nagashizzar, the fortress city, was sculpted and excavated from the
mountain. It highest spire, the mountain top, rises nearly half a mile over the surrounding desert, the Desolation of Nagash.
Nagashizzar is a fortified mountain, within countless leagues of corridors, a multitude of chambers and the most horrifying Undead
things which dwell within. Alchemical laboratories, barracks, foundries and armouries and the largest library of necromantic lore.
Hundreds of great towers bristle from the mountain side and four black gates guard the city's entrances, protected by flesh golems,
bolt throwers and catapults.
There is a great throne room where upon a pile of skulls is placed Nagash's throne. The Great Necromancer's husk is said to be
seated there, brooding for more than a millennium. From here he is conscious of all what happens within the city and steers the
puppets that are its undead inhabitants if necessary. There are also living beings within Nagashizzar: disciples of Nagash who
sought him to learn more about Necromancy and cultist who worship him as a god and await his arising. Their activity can be seen
as green witchlights flicker behind windows at night.

Throughout the fractured Empire, in shadowed doorways and tainted cellars the Cult of Nagash grows in power. The mighty
machinations of the Great Necromancer require vast quantities of flesh and forbidden artefacts – quantities that are not easily
obtained directly. Through this secretive cult, Nagash extends his hand across the Old World permitting raids and skirmishes by
his followers so that the needed materials can be secured. To achieve these ends Nagash has been known to lend a fraction of his
power to the cause, brining to life terrifying monstrosities and scourging his foes with arcane bolts of eldritch sorcery.
Undead Marching: A Cult of Nagash army follows all the rules for Undead as laid out in the Vampire Counts army book. However, Undead in the Cult of Nagash army may not march unless
within 6” of a Necromancer or 12” of a Necromancer Lord or Wight King or within 24” of the Visitation of Nagash.
Necromancer Lords and Necromancers: Supremely confident under the tutelage of Nagash, though Necromancers learn to command greater forces of darkness, it can lead to them being
consumed by those forces. When casting a spell, a ‘free’ power dice is added to the casting attempt. The extra dice causes a Miscast or Irresistible Force result as normal and can cause the caster
to use more dice than normally allowed. Necromancers count as having the Summon Ghouls Bloodline Power and only when all Necromancers, Necromancer Lords and the Visitation of
Nagash in the army are no longer in play does the army count as having lost its General.
Zombies: References to Zombies instead apply to Ravening Zombies. As they are skirmishers ignore any reference to rank. As they are more complex to raise than their slower kindred found in
other armies, Ravening Zombies cannot be increased above their maximum unit size in a Cult of Nagash army. THE DARK THRONE

Visitation of Nagash: Casts on a 12+ Necromancy spell. A particularly devout or desperate practitioner of Necromancy can invoke the Visitation of Nagash. To complete this ritual, the Necromancer
must have a fetch or other token from the Great Necromancer himself. Once invoked, the Visitation of Nagash cannot be stropped until it has run its course. The Necromancer’s soul is used as fuel for
this ghastly apparition and for a brief moment Nagash is once again whole and present on the field of battle. Once the soul’s fire has been spent, the Visitation disappears leaving the summoner’s withered
husk as the only residue of its passing.
If this spell is successfully cast it transforms the target into the Spirit of Nagash as described below until the Spirit of Nagash is destroyed. The spell may not be cast again while it is in play. The targeted
Necromancer or Necromancer Lord is immediately moved out of any unit it is within or if it is mounted its mount is destroyed. The Necromancer or Necromancer Lord is removed from play, all magic
items are lost and the model counts as slain. It is replaced by a model representing the Spirit of Nagash and has the profile as detailed below. The Spirit of Nagash receives +d3 wounds if it replaces a
Necromancer or an additional d3+2 wounds if it replaces a Necromancer Lord. The Spirit of Nagash is not a Remains in Play effect. The Spirit of Nagash may never gain more than eight wounds. This
spell may be purchased by a Necromancer as normal.

  Special Rules
? Undead Magic: Nagash is a Level 4 Wizard. He knows all the Spells from the Lore of the Vampires, the
Spirit of Nagash 6 6 4 6 5 3 4 4 10 ? Ethereal Lore of Death and Dark Magic (see Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves). All successful spells cast
? Terror on a roll which includes any double count as irresistible force (but only a double 6 causes a
Unit Type Equipment ? 5+ Ward Save miscast).
• Monster on a 50mm base Hand Weapon

ARMY SELECTION: Chosen from the Vampire Counts book. No named Vampire Count characters are permitted. The Cult of Nagash may include any of the following units:
CHARACTERS: Necromancer Lord*; Necromancer; Wight King - may not be the army general (WA: Vampire Counts);
CORE: Crypt Ghouls (Must be Compulsory Choices - WA: Vampire Counts); Ravening Zombies*; Dire Wolves; Bat Swarm; Corpse Cart (WA: Vampire Counts)
SPECIAL: Spirit Host (WA: Vampire Counts); Ghoulgoyles*; Flesh Golems*; Ghoul Guard*
RARE: Screaming Skull Catapult – has three Ghoul Guard as crew (WA: Tomb Kings); Flesh Titan*


Mount (may choose one only)
? Nightmare +15 points Out of the shadow of a capricious Vampiric master some Necromancer’s
Necromancer Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 8
? Hellsteed +30 points make their way to Nagashizzar and strive to learn the ultimate secrets from
? Corpse Cart + 55 points the Great Necromancer himself. Most perish on this journey or once they
Unit Type Equipment enter Cripple Peak find themselves bound by a lesser duty on the dark path
? Abyssal Terror + 135 points
• Infantry ? Hand Weapon
? Zombie Dragon +275 points of Necromancy. For a rare few, Nagash senses potential in their twisted
minds and allows them a position of seniority within his halls. As the
Magic Magic Items Necromancer Lord becomes deeply steeped in the black art they stand
Special Rules
A Necromancer Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. He ? Common / Vampire Counts items up to a betwixt the living and the dead, neither wholly alive nor one of the Undead.
? Undead
knows all the Necromancy spells including total of 100 points.
? Summon Ghouls (see WA: VC pg 83)
the Visitation of Nagash. ? Ghoulkin (see WA: VC pg 82) THE DARK THRONE


Zombie Rampage: Unlike other forms of Undead, the Zombies found in The Zombies created by the highest levels of
Zombie 4 1 0 2 2 1 3 1 2
the army of Cult of Nagash are both fast and focussed on tearing open Necromancy are far more active than the
the skulls and gorging on the brains of their victims. Ravening Zombies shambling masses created by second or third
Unit Size Equipment may not be March blocked and so may always make a March Move hand copies of the forbidden texts. The secrets
• 10-20 Zombies ? Hand Weapon unless in combat or other wise unable to move. of the true corpse reanimation are closely
guarded within the halls of Nagashizzar, but as
Special Rules Insatiable Hunger: So keen are the Zombies to feast on brains that they the ravenous packs of zombies that race down
Unit Type
? Undead will chew on each other if there are no fresher sources to hand. At the the slopes of Cripple Peak attest, the results are
• Infantry ? The Newly Dead start of each turn (including the first) that the unit is not in close combat for all to receive…
? Skirmishers with the enemy, the unit suffers d3+1 wounds.
? Scouts


Zombie-Rig: Much of the damage to a Flesh Golem can be countered by Created from the corpses of recently slain larger
Flesh Golem 5 2 0 5 5 3 1 3 5
resurrecting the corpses of their victims and grafting it to the damaged creatures and stitched together to form a
areas. Any spell which can raise Zombies may instead be cast on the Flesh patchwork of skins and limbs, the Flesh
Unit Size Equipment Golems. Each Zombies raised in this manner is then immediately applied Golems are the shock troops of Nagash’s army.
• 3+ Flesh Golems ? Hand Weapon to the unit to repair a Golem and restore a lost wound. The unit cannot Capable of absorbing a great deal of damage
regain more wounds than it started the game with, but Flesh Golems that and in turn able to smash down their foes with a
Special Rules have been previously destroyed may be returned to the unit. meaty slap, the Flesh Golems are formidable
Unit Type
? Undead foes indeed.
• Monstrous Infantry


M WS BS S T W I A LD Options The battlements and inner levels of Nagashizzar are

Ghoul Guard 4 4 0 4 4 1 3 2 6 ? Upgrade one Ghoul Guard to a Ghast Seneschal +12pts patrolled by heavily armoured ghouls. Trained in battle
Ghast Seneschal 4 4 0 4 4 1 3 3 6 ? Upgrade one Ghoul Guard to a Musician +6pts and bred for strength and aggression, these dank
? Upgrade one Ghoul Guard to a Standard Bearer +12pts creatures receive their wages in flesh and are even found
? Unit may take shields +1pt per model. in some numbers in the Cult of Nagash.
Unit Size Equipment
• 10+ Ghoul Guard ? Heavy Armour
? Hand weapon
Unit Type
Special Rules
• Infantry ? Undead
? Poisoned Attacks THE DARK THRONE


Ghoulgoyle 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 2 5 Options The experimentation on the ghouls of
Ghoulgoyle Ghast
? Upgrade one Ghoulgoyle to a Ghoulgoyle Ghast +12pts Nagashizzar bore early fruit in the form of the
4 3 0 3 4 1 3 3 5
Ghoulgoyle. Combining the already fearsome
Unit Size Equipment Flight from the Light: Uncomfortable in daylight, the Ghoulgoyles have traits of the Crypt dwelling ghouls with the
• 5+ Ghoulgoyles ? Filth Encrusted Claws (hand weapon) a particular aversion to light from magic – particularly Light and Fire. winged range of the large bats that dwell in the
Any spell from the Lore of Light or Fire cast within 12” of the unit causes caverns of the Cursed Pit, Nagash has created a
Special Rules it to take an immediate panic test even though not normally affected by fearsome aerial attacker for his armies.
Unit Type
? Undead such tests. The unit must test to rally as normal.
• Infantry ? Poisoned Attacks
? Fly


M WS BS S T W I A LD Special Rules If there was ever a doubt that Nagash was deserving of the title of the Great
Flesh Titan 6 2 0 6 5 8 1 * 5 ? Undead Necromancer, the Flesh Titan smashes it aside in an instant. A creature so
? Causes Terror massive that it fills the graveyard or charnel pit where it is constructed. The
Unit Size Equipment ? Giant Stride (ignore obstacles such Flesh Titan is a fusion of the corpses of hundreds of the cult’s victims. Raised up
• 1 Flesh Titan ? Balefire (see Vampire Counts pg 43) as walls and hedges) on at least four mighty limbs each created from dozens of bodies grafted
Unit Type ? Unholy Lodestone (see Vampire Counts pg 43) ? Regenerate together and imbued with the Black Art, the Flesh Titan is both an awesome
• Monster ? Miasma of Deathly Vigour ? Titanic Attacks assault engine as well as a symbol that the Cult truly carries the Great
(see Vampire Counts pg 43) ? D6+1 Impact Hits on the charge Necromancer’s favour.
Titanic Attacks: The Flesh Titan does not attack in the same way as other creatures, though he may select his targets as normal. After resolving any impact hits if the Flesh Titan charged, roll a D6 and
consult the following table at the start of each Combat Phase.
1 Dark Wail. The hundreds of faces studding the limbs and torso of the Flesh Titan begin to wail and moan simultaneously, dreadful energies from the words of the Books of Nagash coursing through the
air. Neither the Flesh Titan nor models in contact with it fight if they have not already done so this round. Additionally, the Flesh Titan’s side automatically wins the combat by 1.
2 - 4 Trample. The Flesh Titan mashes an enemy unit in base contact beneath its mighty limbs. The enemy unit sustains 2D6 Strength 6 hits allocated as shooting hits.
5 – 6 Pick Up and… The Flesh Titan’s limbs swing down towards a man-sized model (including cavalry but excluding models on monstrous mounts or chariots) that is within base contact or touching a
model in base contact. The target may make a single attack to try to fend off the Flesh Titan. If this attack hits and wounds, then the Titan’s attack fails. Otherwise, it grabs the model. Roll a D6 to see what
he does next. If the enemy model is larger than man-sized then treat the roll as a Trample attack instead.
1 - 2 Throw Back into Combat. The victim is hurled back into his own unit like a living missile. This causes d3 Wounds on the victim with no saves of any kind allowed and D6 Strength 3 hits (saves as normal) on the unit.
3 – 5 Absorption. The Flesh Titan grabs the model and melds its flesh and bone with its own. The model is removed from the game. The Flesh Titan regains d3 wounds.
6 Pick Another. The Flesh Titan Absorbs its victim as described above and attempts to pick up another. The second victim makes a single attack (as above) to avoid being picked up. If the victim fails to avoid the Titan’s
grasp roll again on the Pick Up And… chart. THE DARK THRONE


Far to the east of the Old World past the Dark Lands and within the craggy valleys and cave networks of the Mountains of
Mourn lie the Ogre Kingdoms. It is a savage region consisting of frozen and desolate mountains, predominantly inhabited
by large clans of Ogres. These Ogre Kingdoms are loosely organized into a number of small empires and kingdoms, each
separate from the others.

These brutish monsters foray into the outside world in their hundreds to find food and war. Ogres believe that might makes
right, excelling at two things: eating and fighting. Individually, an Ogre is more than a match for a unit of Men, for these
creatures stand over ten feet tall and are almost as wide. They are aggressive brutes ruled by their stomach and lust for
violence, their Ogre Bulls gathering together into huge stampedes.

The anarchy of the world today is the best environment for a successful Tyrant with wealth and goods beyond measure for
the Ogre with the stomach to do what it takes to earn it. So the Ogre Kingdoms have sent forth armies as massive, blunt
instruments that smash into enemy lines with the force of a charging mammoth. These hard-hitting forces launch
devastating charges into the foe, overwhelming them with brute force and big clubs and delivering the victory that the
paymasters so desperately need.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Ogre Kingdoms book. The army may include any of the units
listed as normal.


Options Single-Minded: Once a Rhinox has started

? Any model may be given an ironfist for +10 points per model. to move it is quite difficult to get it to
Rhinox Rider 6 3 2 4 5 5 2 4 7
? Upgrade one Rhinox Rider to a Musician +12pts stop. A unit of Rhinox Riders may not
Thunderlord 6 3 2 4 5 5 2 5 7
? Upgrade one Rhinox Rider to a Thunderlord +24pts change formation at all unless they spend
Bull Rhinox 7 4 0 6 - - 2 3 5
? Upgrade one Rhinox Rider to a Standard Bearer +24pt their entire movement phase reforming.
? The Standard Bearer may carry a Magic Banner worth up to +50 points. They may not wheel more than once in any
Unit Size: 1-3 Special Rules
given turn with the exception of their free
? Thick Skinned (+2 to armour save for
Bad Tempered: Even those Rhinox that have been broken by their Ogre riders have a wheel to align a combat.
Unit Type Monstrous Cavalry being mounted)
temper shorter than a Gnoblar’s thumb. If there is an enemy model that is an eligible
? Cause Terror
target for the Rhinox Riders to charge during the Declare Charges part of the
Equipment ? Large Targets
movement phase, it must immediately pass a Leadership test or declare a charge – if
? Heavy Armour ? D3 Impact Hits each
there is a choice of models to charge, then the controlling player may choose freely
? Ogre Club
between them. THE DARK THRONE


Settra the Imperishable was the first of the great kings of Nehekhara and remains the greatest of the Tomb Kings of Khemri. His plans for immortality
would have made his dynasty the greatest and eternal but for the twisted schemes of the Great Necromancer. As Nagash’s powerful spell coursed across the
lands of Nehekhara, legions of warriors and kings from ancient times stirred and rose from their sepulchres.
Where Settra had been promised eternal life in a paradise where he would reign supreme, he instead awoke to find himself clad in rotted vestments and
desiccated flesh with his land in ruins. The fire of pride and ambition still burned fiercely within his chest and he set about reclaiming what remained of his
kingdom. After smashing the lesser kings of Khemri into submission and casting from his realm the priests and hierophants who had failed him he swore
vengeance against the foul forces loyal to Nagash. He would remain awake, king of a devastated land and ready to begin the reconquest of the vast empire
that was once his.
Much of Settra’s former wealth and the trappings of his dynasty had been taken long ago by archaeologists and explorers to reside in museums and private
collections across the Old World. Summoning his mighty navy, desiccated barges of the dead, Settra’s command was simple. Return unto me what is mine!
Tomb Kings Special Rules
Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Tomb Kings book. The army may include any of the units listed as normal with the exception of Settra.


M WS BS S T W I A LD Unwilling Slave: Before battle a character in the army must be designated as Legends speak of the forefather’s of the desert peoples
Sphynx 7 4 0 5 6 5 2 5 10 carrying the Sphynx’s canopic jar. While this jar is intact the Sphynx must travelling on great quests to seek an audience with the
act as the Tomb King player wishes. However, the Sphynx suffers from Sphynx. For it was said that these noble beasts held
Stupidity which represents the creature fighting the control of the Tomb great wisdom, often hidden in riddles. The destruction
Unit Type: Monster Special Rules
Kings. of Nehekhara and the miasma of death that swept the
? Undead
land caused even these great creatures to perish. Years
Magic: A Sphynx may cast incantations in ? 3+ Regeneration
Should the model carrying the jar be slain the jar is broken and the Sphynx later the Liche Priests and Tomb Kings of Khemri
the same manner and ability as a Liche ? Large Target
loses the ability to Regenerate and cast magic (except for Gaze of the bound the cadavers of these beasts to serve them in
Priest. May not be the army Hierophant ? Causes Terror
Sphynx) and instead becomes subject to the ‘Raaargh!’ Result on the undeath. A Sphynx is not normally a creature of
and cannot generate dispel dice. ? Flammable
Monster reaction table. It will charge the nearest visible unit (friend or foe). malice and only seek eternal slumber. They must be
? Magical Attacks
compelled to serve the armies of the Tomb Kings and
Equipment ? Unwilling Slave
Gaze of the Sphynx: Bound Spell Power Level 4. May be cast into combat. this is usually achieved by a Liche Priest holding the
Powerful limbs (counts as a hand weapon) ? Stupidity The Sphynx transfixes its enemies with an inscrutable gaze. A targeted unit Sphynx’s heart in a canopic jar with the threat that
within 12” must take a Leadership test. A failed test causes the unit to be should the Sphynx turn against them, the jar would be
paralysed and cannot be moved, cannot shoot, attack in close combat or cast smashed and the Sphynx soul ever denied the eternal
or maintain spells. The paralysed unit are hit automatically in close combat rest it greatly desires.
and is Unbreakable. The effects last until the start of the next friendly turn. THE DARK THRONE


The inhabitants of Athel Loren are mysterious and secretive beings, rarely straying beyond their woodland home. When danger threatens,
Elves and forest fight as one, both deadly and unforgiving in defence of their borders. The Wood Elves are agile and stealthy, able to stalk
swiftly through dense undergrowth as easily as a Man might walk down the paved streets of Altdorf. Wood Elves are unparalleled archers
whose disciplined volleys ruthlessly cut down intruders, leaving corpses riddled with arrows, their mouldering bodies remaining as a warning
to any who would follow in their wake.

The Wood Elves do not fight alone, however. The spirits of the forest awaken in defence of their realm. Towering Treemen, mighty enough
to crush entire phalanxes with their wooden limbs stride through the forest supported by malicious Dryads and the merciless Tree Kin. An
enemy of the Wood Elves must face the full fury of Athel Loren, a powerful woodland realm that has resisted the depredations of Men,
Dwarfs and Beastmen for thousands of years.


Army Selection: Chosen from the Warhammer Armies Wood Elves book. The army may include any of the units listed as normal.


It is said that Skaw dwells in an eyrie in the topmost branches of an old pine
tree, hidden away on the slopes of the Grey Mountains. Here, he speaks
Skaw the Falconer 9 6 6 4 3 2 9 4 9
with the birds of prey that dwell within the forest of Athel Loren, from the
lowliest falcon to the mightiest of eagles. Though he cares little for the
Unit Type (Unique) Hawks. Skaw has three birds of prey that he uses as
company of other Elves, Skaw shares their tie to the great forest and fights
• Infantry Character missile weapons and as weapons in hand-to-hand combat.
alongside them in its defence. In battle, Skaw directs his falcons against the
The range of each bird is 24", and they will always hit on
foe, their razor-sharp claws and beaks tearing away gobbets of flesh with each
Equipment a 2+ at Strength 4. In hand-to-hand combat, the birds
strike. These keen-eyed living missiles are more deadly than arrows and
? Lash of Claws (hand weapon) give Skaw an additional 3 Attacks at Strength 4.
always return to their master with blood dripping from their wicked hooked
? Cape of Feathers beaks and sharp talons. Once the foe is vanquished, Skaw always returns to
(4+ ward save vs missile attacks.) Special Rules:
his mountain perch without a word. Indeed, many of the Asrai believe him to
? Hawks ? Alter Kindred
have forgotten the Elven mode of speech; so long it has been since Skaw was
heard to utter any word in a tongue other than that used by the birds of prey.
? Loner – cannot use the General’s leadership and
cannot be the General.

? Lash of Claws – Always Strike First THE DARK THRONE THE DARK THRONE

“Bring me men to match my mountains: Bring me men to match my plains:

Men with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains.”

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