Age of Sigmar Trials of The Oighear Complete Pack v.2

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Welcome to the pack for the Trials of the Oighear Campaign Day at
Warhammer World. This event is all about having a great time playing
some fantastic games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar in a narrative
setting against some like minded opponents. Designed for players of
all ages and abilities, Campaign Days are perfect ways to meet new
players, see some great armies and spend a day indulging in your

The Oighear
Deep in Chamon, the Realm of Metal, lies the Silverglades. A frozen
land of perpetual snowstorms, it is a barren waste, uninhabitable to
all but the most hardy of folk. There reside the Oighear, a tribe of
Mages who have learned to manipulate the primal forces of the
Winds of Izotz, the powers of Ice.
Unaffected by the trivial pursuits of other inhabitants of Chamon, the Oighear have made the Silverglades
their home for countless millennia. It is thought that some of the tribal eldars have been alive for as long as
the tribe has been in existence, kept alive by some unseen and unnatural force.
Few have lived to see an Oighear Ice Mage alive, but what is known is that they can change their appearance
at will. Reports of hulking Ogor-esque creatures, lithe feminine figures and monstrous hunchbacks have been
made by those lucky enough to escape the Silverglades alive.
But every thousand years, the Great Storm arrives and covers the land in snow. It is this time when the Oighear decide upon their new tribal leader. Seeking aid from mercenary armies, they march to war upon one
another in an effort to expel their rivals from Chamon and take control. Now is that time; the Great Storm approaches and the Oighear march to war...

Event Essentials

Date: Saturday 19th December 2015

Entry Price: Free
Times: 10:00am-5:00pm (see more detailed
schedule on the right)
Army Size: No more than 30 models with
some restrictions (see Your Mercenary Army
Number of games: 3
Battleplans in use: Custom Battleplans; see
end of this pack.
Publications in use: All Warhammer Age of Sigmar publications and Warscrolls from Games
Workshop, including Black Library, Forge World,
the Games Workshop website and White Dwarf.

10:00am Warhammer World Doors Open.
10:30am Welcome briefing
10:45am-12:15pm Game 1: Battle on Loch Reothardiar
12:15pm-1:15pm Lunch Break
Voting for Best Army takes place

1:15pm-2:45pm Game 2: Into the Yhetees Lair

2:45pm-3:00pm Break
3:00pm-4:30pm Game 3: The Storm Cometh
4:30pm-4:45pm Break
4:45pm-5:00pm Award Ceremony
5:00pm Event ends
6:00pm Warhammer World closes

Your Mercenary Army

In order to attend this event, youll need to bring with you a collection of miniatures and all of the Warscrolls you need to use
them in the game. Your games will be an hour and a half long,
so bring enough miniatures to play for that long. You will be expected to have a quick chat with your opponent before deployment takes place to roughly balance your forces ensuring you
both have a fun game. There are a couple of guidelines we ask
you to abide by in your games, just for the duration of this
You may bring as many models as you like: select up to 30
models of your choice for each game.
You may only use 1 model with the Monster keyword in each
You may not take any models with the Wizard keyword, as the
Oighear do not take kindly to rival magic-users...
Your models do not need to be fully painted for this event, but there will be some
Campaign bonuses available for those players who manage to fully paint and base
their force.

The Oighear Ice Mages

Every player is invited to take advantage of a new, exclusive Warscroll, created especially for this event,
included at the end of this pack. You may take an Oighear Ice Mage in addition to the 30 models they are using
in their force. Youll need a suitable model to represent your Ice Mage, and it must be obvious to your
opponent which model this is. Feel free to use a wizard model you already have painted, but why not go to
town creating your own Oighear from your favourite Warhammer Age of Sigmar wizard model?
There will be a prize available to the player we feel has the best modelled and painted Oighear Ice Mage
model, so theres your excuse to grab that wizard model youve always wanted to paint.

During the Campaign Day, you will get to play 3 games against a randomly determined opponent, each game
lasting up to one and a half hours. You will be playing with specially written battleplans, which will include a
number of objectives for you to achieve.

At the end of the game, we will ask you to record two things: result of the game (eg, Major Victory, Minor
Victory, Draw or Loss) and how many of the battleplan objectives you managed to achieve. The Events Team
will hand you a results slip; fill in the results and hand it in at the end of each game.

Campaign Bonuses
We know how much of a challenge painting an army can be, so we will reward any
players who have managed to get all their models fully painted and based with
additional objective points, which will obviously go a long way to helping you win the


During Game 1, the Events Team will look at each army
and select a number they feel are the best presented at
the event.
We will ask the owning players to display them during
lunch, and ask the rest of the players to vote for their
favourite. The player who receives the most votes will
earn the Best Army prize at the Award Ceremony


Every Ice Mage is looking to become the next leader of the Oighear tribe. To do so, you must complete as many battleplan objectives as you possibly can. The winner of Campaign will be the
player who manages to complete the most objectives throughout
the course of the day, so make sure you keep a record during
your games of how many you completed and record it on the
results slips given out on the day.


At the end of the event, we will ask each player to fill out a Favourite Opponent slip to let us know
who you most enjoyed playing against. The players that receive the most votes will receive the
Most Sporting Opponent prize at the end of the event.
To show how much we value getting these votes, each player who makes a vote for one of his or her
opponents will receive additional campaign objective points.


At the end of the event, we will take the time to recognise the achievements of some of the players. We will
be awarding the following prizes:

Most Sporting Opponent for the player who earns the most Favourite
Opponent votes.
Mage of Legend to the player the staff deem to have the best painted
Oighear Ice Mage miniature.
Best Army for the player who receives the most votes in the Best Army
The Oighear Tribal Leader to the player who earns the most battleplan
objective points over the day.

Want to know how you did over the day? We will be giving out results sheets at the end of the day, as
well as posting loads of pictures on our Facebook page. Make sure you go and check it out (details at the
back of this pack).

It is the eve before the Great Storm

strikes, and the Oighear go forth to
elect a new leader through trial by

Defenders Objectives
You must hold your ground and prove
you are worthy to lead the tribe. This is
not a time for retreat. Your mercenaries are expendable, but you must kill
your rival and escape with your life...

The mages have disbanded to seek

allies and return to claim what is

The Battlefield

Your army at your back, you have

come to the huge frozen expanse of
Loch Reothadiar. As you step carefully
out onto the ice, ready to cross it, you
see an enemy Oighear on the far bank.
You cannot miss this opportunity; despite the risk of falling through the ice,
you must attack...

The Armies
Each player selects their army as per
the Trials of the Oighear event pack.
Decide who will be the attacker and
who will be the defender.

Attackers Objectives

This battle takes place on a vast frozen

lake. The surface of the battlefield is
barren and as smooth as glass, though
on the Northern fringe, the bank of the
lake promises secure escape for the
attackers. The battlefield will be all
but bare of scenery...

Do not use the set-up instructions on
the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules
sheet. Instead, the players take it in
turns to set up units. The defender can
set up his/her units anywhere within
24 of the northern edge of the
battlefield. The attacker can set up his
units anywhere within 8 of the
southern edge of the battlefield.

You must prove you are worthy to lead

the Oighear; you cannot back down.
First Turn
But the ground underfoot od not stable. You must fight through the enemy, Use the instructions on the
Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules
kill your rival and reach safety on the
sheet to determine who takes the first
far bank...
Lake Bank



Unstable Ground
As the battle continues, the ice beneath your feet begins to break away,
dragging the unwary to a watery
At the end of each battle round after
the first, each player rolls a dice for
each of their units and consults the
table below to see if their warriors fall
through the ice into the lake.
Heroes and Monsters that fall into the
ice unable to move at all in the next
battle round as they work themselves
free. Remove D3 models from all other
units to represent those who have
fallen through the ice and drowned in
the lake.

Battle Round

Unit falls through

the ice on roll of

5 or more

4 or more

3 or more

2 or more

Safety of the Skies

Units that are described as being able
to fly on their warscroll can avoid
these effects by remaining airborne.
Do not make unstable ground rolls for
these units.

Raised on the Ice

Oighear Ice mages have grown up
living on ice and know how to tread
upon it without falling through.
Do not make unstable ground rolls for
your Oighear Ice Mage.




Battleplan Objectives

This is the first battle the

Oighear have fought amongst
themselves in almost a
thousand years. There is no
triumph bonus in this game.

Do not use any of the victory

conditions on the Warhammer
Age of Sigmar rules sheet.

In addition to the victory conditions on

the left, you earn Battleplan Objective
points for completing the following
tasks. It is these objective points that
will determine the winner on the
day. Record how many you have
scored on the results slips and hand
them in after the game.

Game Length
The battle lasts for six battle
rounds, or one and a half
hours whichever comes first.

Instead, the attacker wins a

major victory if all the models
in the defenders army are slain
or have fled. The defender
wins a major victory if he/she
wipes out all the models in the
attackers army.
However, if the battle ends
and the attacker has one or
more units within 5 of the
edge of the central Realm of
Battle tile in the defenders
territory (see deployment
map). He/she immediately
wins a major victory.



At the end of the game, your

opponents Oighear Ice mage is

At the end of the game, your

Oighear Ice Mage is still alive.

You killed one unit with the

monster keyword.

Your Ice Mage cast Lake of Ice

on an enemy unit before a
different friendly unit charged it
in the same battle round.

Attacker only: more than one or

your units is within 5 of the lake
bank at the end of the game.

Defender only: there are no

enemy units within 12 of the
lake bank at the end of the game.

During the game, you had a

drink with ice in it.

As your Ice Mage and the survivors of

your mercenary army escape Loch
Reothadiar, they head deep into a
frozen forest. Your Ice Mage recognises
this place... It is the lair of the Sianach,
known more commonly as Yhetees,
monstrous denizens of the frozen
wastes. Every Oighear knows the
stories of the Yhetees of the
SIlverglades only too well.
You know to tread silently and move
through this place as quickly as you
can, but ahead, in the trees, your
scouts spot the army of another rival
Ice Mage. You cannot afford to let
them go.. You must risk the Yhetee lair
and launch an ambush...

The Armies

Defenders Objectives

First Turn

You were making your way through

this perilous forest quietly as you know
what dwells here. But the shout went
up from the rear of your force...
Ambush! You need to fight off this
attacking force and escape the
accursed forest quickly...

In the first battle round, the

Defender decides who will have the
first turn (there is no need to roll).

The Battlefield
This battle takes place in a dense
forest, home to a pack of slavering
Yhetees. The table will be covered in
trees and little else.

Do not use the set up instructions on
the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules

Each player selects their army as per

the Trials of the Oighear event pack.
Decide who will be the attacker and
who will be the defender.

Determine the exact centre of the

table (36 along the long edge and 24
in). The defender sets their models up
within 12of this spot.

Attackers Objectives

The attacker then sets

their models up within
12 of any table edge,
and not within 12 of
any of the defenders

Your scouts have reported an enemy

Ice Mage and his retinue ahead. They
must be eliminated, quickly and
quietly, lest you are attacked by
wandering Yhetees...



Wandering Yhetees
At the start of each Battle Round,
(except the first) when rolling to
determine which player gets the first
turn, if the result is a tie, your forces
are attacked by a pack of wandering
Yhetees which lurch at you from the
Each player nominates an enemy unit
which is in a forest. If no enemy unit is
in a forest, pick any enemy unit
instead. That unit takes D3 mortal
wounds after being gored by the
savage Yhetees.
Once this is resolved, roll again to see
who goes first as normal... and pray
you dont roll another tie...

Did you managed a Major
Victory in the previous game,
Battle on Loch Reothardiar? Your
troops are lucky to have survived
being attacked by the enemy and
avoid the falling to their dooms.
Once during this game, if your
Oighear Ice Mage is your
General, you may extend the
range of the Shield of Ice
Command ability to 18.

Game Length
The battle lasts for six battle
rounds, or one and a half hours
whichever comes first.

Leaving the Battlefield

Models in the Defenders army
can leave the battlefield at the
end of the battleshock phase of
the Defenders turn. To leave the
battlefield, a model must be
within 6 of any table edge, and
cannot be engaged in combat.

Defenders Total
Model Count

Do not use any of the victory
conditions from the Warhammer
Age of Sigmar rules sheet.
Instead, after set up is complete,
count up the number of models in
the Defenders army. The Defender
achieves major victory if a third of
these models manage to leave the
battlefield as described earlier. If a
quarter of those models have left
the battlefield when the battle
ends, the Defender achieves a
minor victory.
If no models have left the battlefield when the battle ends, the
attacker achieves a major victory.
In any other case, the attacker
achieves a minor victory.
Use the tracker below to record
how many models the defender
starts the game with and how many
leave the table.

Battleplan Objectives


At the end of the game, your

opponents Oighear Ice mage is

At the end of the game, your

Oighear Ice Mage is still alive.

You killed one or more units

with the Hero keyword, other
than the Oighear Ice Mage.

Your managed to wound the

enemy Oighear Ice Mage with
the Frosty Blast spell.

Attacker only: more than one

unit is within 5 of the lake bank
at the end of the game.

Defender only: during the

course of the game, your Oigear
Ice Mage left the board using
the Leaving the Battlefield rules.

If youre wearing a snow or ice

themed top.

You wore a Christmas

jumper for the duration of
this game

Defenders models that left the table (tally)

Escaping the forest, your Ice Mage and

his followers find themselves on the
great frozen tundra of Caraich. The
night has drawn in and the wind grows
ever stronger. The Great Storm is here,
and it threatens to engulf all. There are
few Ice Mages left alive now... but
across the tundra stands one last rival
and his warband. He is all that stands
between you and the leadership of the
Your Ice Mage must use his powers to
their fullest to quell the storm and
force it upon your enemies. Survive the
battle...and the storm..and victory is

The Armies
Each player selects their army as per
the Trials of the Oighear event pack.

The Battlefield

The Storm Front

This battle takes place on a vast frozen

plain. The ruins of an unknown, once
powerful civilisation lay scattered
about, acting as a reminder to the long
forgotten history of the Silverglades.

The skies above the battlefield heave

as the Great Storm approaches, its
unearthly might driving the warriors
below to fight with even more fervour.

Do not use the set up instructions on
the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules
Instead, split the battlefield into two
halves across its width (as shown below). Players choose which half will be
their territory by rolling a die; highest
score chooses. The player who won
this roll off sets up his entire army,
more than 12 from enemy territory.
Then, his opponent does the same.

First Turn



Storm front

This is it; the Great Storm is here. Its

coming heralds your victory and your
ascendance to the head of the Oighear
tribe. Master the Storm, slay your rival
Mage and take your place in tribal

Use the instructions on the

Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules
sheet to determine who takes the
first turn.

The dividing line between the two

players territories is the storm front,
the point where the clouds roll and the
rains drives down hardest. As the battle progresses, this will move, causing
one players territory to grow and the
others to shrink as the Ice Mages push
the storm front back towards one
At the start of each battle round,
before rolling to see who takes the
first turn, each player rolls a dice and
adds 1 to the result if their Oighear Ice
Mage is still alive. If one player rolls
higher, the storm front moves 6 away
from their edge of the battlefield (see
map), increasing the size of their
territory. The storm front can also be
moved if the enemy Ice Mage is killed
or wounded (see Avatar of the Storm).
Both players may add +1 to the result
of any wound rolls made by friendly
models that are entirely within their


The Avatar of the Storm

As the Great Storm
approaches, the true powers
of the Oighear are realised.
The very forces of nature
bend to their will...
At the end of each players
battleshock phase, the
storm front moves 6 away
from their edge of the battlefield if any of their models
inflicted any wounds on the
enemy Oighear Ice Mage
during the turn. If they slew
the enemy Ice Mage during
the turn, the storm front
moves 18 instead of 6.

Do not use any of the victory

conditions from the
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
rules sheet.
If the storm front ever
reaches one players battlefield edge, their opponent
immediately wins a major
If this has not happened by
the end of the sixth battle
round, or when the timer
runs out, the player whose
territory is the largest wins a
minor victory. If both players
have equally sized territories,
the result is a draw.

If you want to ask us questions, discuss the
models you wish to bring, or want to find out
more about the Campaign Day please feel free
to get in touch with us:
Phone: 0115 9004994

Battleplan Objectives




At the end of the game, your

opponents Oighear Ice mage is

At the end of the game, your

Oighear Ice Mage is still alive.

You reduced the opponents

Oighear Ice Mage from 6
wounds to 0 in the same turn.

You used the Ride the Storm

spell to get your Oighear Ice
Mage within 12 of an enemy
model. Then, you charged your
Ice Mage into combat in the
same turn.

You did not use the Shield of Ice

Command ability throughout
the entire game.

During the game, you managed

to make a terrible ice or snow
related pun that amuses your

Follow the event on our Facebook page

for all the latest news. Why not show us
your Ice Mage model as it progresses?
Find us at

Games Workshop: Warhammer World

Oighear Ice Mage


Icy Breath




Tribal Frost Relic







Lake of Ice

An Oighear Ice Mage is a single

model. They take on many
different appearances , but
usually armed with a frostencrusted sword, staff, hammer
or club, all of which are tribal

An Oighear Ice Mage is a

wizard. It can attempt to cast
up to two spells in each hero
phase. It knows the Frosty
Blast, Lake of Ice and the Ride
the Storm spells.

Command Ability

Frosty Blast has a casting value

of 8. If successfully cast, pick a
visible unit within 18. That
unit takes D3 mortal wounds.
In addition, any unit hit by this
spell has its movement value
halved during their next
movement phase. If targeting
another Oighear Ice Mage, this
spell instead causes D3
standard wounds (eg not

Shield of Ice : If this model is

your General and uses this ability, pick one friendly unit within
12. The target unit AND the
Oighear Ice Mage receive +2 Save
until the beginning of your next
hero phase.

Lake of Ice has a casting value of

5. If successfully cast, pick a
visible, unit within 14, which is
not in combat That unit immediately moves D6 inches in a
randomly determined direction.

Ride the Storm


Ride the Storm has a casting

value of 6. If successfully cast,
pick up your Oighear Ice Mage
miniature and place it anywhere
you like within 20 of its original


Modelling your Oighear Ice Mage

Every Oighear Ice Mage looks different, so
you really have a free reign when it comes
to modelling and painting your model.
The staff here at Warhammer World have
turned their hands to creating their models using their favourite wizard models
from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Some of
us decided to use a model from the same
race as their army, but others used this as
an excuse to paint up a model they had always wanted to paint. Why not grab that
model you love and get painting!

See more examples overleaf

Queen Banrigh

the current leader of the Oighear

By Nick Bayton

Iomlaid Dearg

Garg Bruideil

Beithir Ainmhidh

By Owen Pattern

By Joe Naber

By Alex Day

Bana Bhuidse

Luch Radanach

Droch Deamham

By Emma Ayres

By Jay Clare

By James Perry

Trom Bodach

Cearc Eireag

Slaod Fledragan

By James Bragg

By Martin Stanley

By James Rose

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