Big Data

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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 3 Issue: 12 409 – 411


Big Data

Jushmita Mishra
Lecturer, MCA & BCA Deaprtment
MPC(A) College, Baripada ,Orissa, India

Abstract: Big data implies performing computation and database operations for massive amounts of data, remotely from the data owner’s
enterprise .Since a key value proposition of big data is access to data from multiple and diverse domains, security and privacy will play a very
important role in big data research and technology. Making effective use of big data requires access from any domain to data in that domain, or
any other domain it is authorized to access.
Big data to date has been all about the technologies-NOSQL databases, HADOOP in memory processing etc. However at the end
of the day, Big data is about how to create value from data.


I. INTRODUCTION are used to identify certain elements within the data, but the
data does not have a rigid structure. For example word
Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex.
processing software now can include metadata showing the
The term “Big Data” often refers simply to the use of
author’s name and the date created. With the bulk of
predictive analytics, user behavior analytics, or certain
document just being unstructured text.XML and other
other advanced data analytics methods that extract value
markup languages are often used to manage semi-structured
from data.
The term has been in use since1990’s, with some giving
II. WHAT IS BIG DATA credit to John Mashey for coining or at least making it
Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data popular. Big data usually includes data sets with sizes
structured, semistructured and unstructured. beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to
Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field capture , manage and process data within a tolerable elapsed
within a record or file. This includes data contained in time. The main focus of big data is on unstructured data.
relational databases and spreadsheets.
Structured data first depends on creating a data model of the
types of business data that will be recorded and how they
will be stored, processed and accessed. Structured data is Big data is often characterized by 3Vs: the extreme volume
often managed using Structured Query Language(SQL) a of data, the wide variety of data types and the velocity at
programming language Created for managing and querying which the data must be processed. Although big data doesn’t
data in relational database management systems. equate to any specific volume of data, the term is often used
Unstructured data is all those things that can’t be so readily to describe terabytes, petabytes and even exabytes of data
classified and fit into a near box: Photos and graphic, captured over time.
images, videos, streaming instrument data, web pages, PDF Velocity is also meaningful, as big data analysis expands
files, power point presentations, emails, and word into fields like machine learning and artificial intelligence.
processing documents.
Semi-structured data is a cross between the two. It is a type
of structured data, but lacks the strict data model structure.
With semi-structured data, tags or other types of markers

IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 409 – 411

IV. WHY WE NEED BIG DATA Collect:- Collecting the raw data transactions, logs ,mobile
Many organizations don’t realize they have a big data devices and more is the first challenge many organizations
problem or they simply don’t think of it in terms of big data. face when dealing with big data. A good big data platforms
In general an organization is likely to benefit from big data makes this step easier allowing developers to ingest a wide
technologies when existing databases and applications can variety of data-from structured to unstructured at any speed
no longer scale to support sudden increases in volume, from real time to batch.
variety and velocity of data.
Failure to correctly address big data Store:- Any big data platform needs a secure scalable and
challenges can result in escalating costs, as well as reduced durable repository to store data prior or even after
productivity and competitiveness. On the other hand, a processing tasks. Depending on the specific requirements,
sound big data strategy can help organizes reduce costs and we may also need temporary stores for data in-transit.
gain operational efficiencies by migrating heavy existing
workloads to big data technologies. Process & Analyze:- This is the step where data is
transformed from its raw state into a consumable format-
V. HOW DOES BIG DATA WORK usually by means of storing, aggregating , joining and even
With new tools that address the entire data management performing more advanced functions and algorithms. The
cycle ,big data technologies make it technically and resulting data sets are then stored for further processing or
economically feasible, not only to collect and store large made available for consumption via business intelligence
data sets, but also to analyze them in order to uncover new and data visualization tools.
and valuable insights. In most cases, big data processing
involves a common data flow from collection of raw data to Consume & Visualize :- Big data is all about getting high
consumption of actionable information. value, actionable insights from the data assets.
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 409 – 411
The importance of big data doesn’t resolve around how
much data we have, but what we do with it. We can take
data from any source and analyze it to find answers that
1)cost reductions 2)time reductions 3)new product
development and optimization 4)Smart decision making.
When we combine big data with high powered analytics we
can accomplish business-related tasks such as:
 Determining root causes of failures, issues and
defects in near real time.
 Generating coupons at the point of sale based on
the customer’s buying habits.
 Recalculating entire risk portfolios in minutes.
 Detecting fraudulent behavior before it affects the

Big data with predictive analytics, high performance
computing systems machine learning, and other strategies
have been used in the past and will continue to be used
heavily in the future of computational physics. By using
these big data related systems, engineers and scientists have
been able to more easily design cars, airplanes and other
vehicles. They have also been able to more accurately
predict daily weather as well as natural disasters. Big data
analytics has affected the field of computational physics
almost since computational physics was created.
Computational physics with big data will continue to
improve the quality of everyday life even though there will
always be challenges.


IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @

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