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Movie Analysis Assignment

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AP Psychology

Mr. Loveday
Psychology at the Movies!

DIRECTIONS: The medium of film and the subject of psychology have combined many times to produce often
deeply moving portrayals of the ways our minds function and sometimes dysfunction. Your assignment is to
select TWO movies from the lists provided (a maximum of one film from List A) and, after viewing them, to
write an essay about one of them and provide an in-class presentation about the other. Your main focus will be
the extent to which your selected films succeed or fail in accurately portraying mental illness.

The Essay
 750 – 1,250 word summary and critical analysis of the film.
 While you will be expected to explain the plot of the film, your primary task is to critically analyze the film
and to offer your response to it. If you turn in only a plot summary, your grade will not be one with which
you will be pleased.
 Essay must be submitted to Turnitin.com by Thursday, 5/23 at 8:00AM (A) or Friday, 5/24 @ 8:00AM (B)

Basic Requirements
Introduction Paragraph:
 Clearly state the title (underlined), director, and year of your film.
 Briefly describe the genre of the film (is it a comedy, drama, or thriller?).
 Briefly introduce what you believe to be the main theme(s) or idea(s) of the film.
 Include an underlined thesis statement that offers a sense of the direction your critical analysis will take
(Focus should be on depiction of psychological disorder but may also include general critique of the film as
being good/bad/mixed).

Body Paragraphs:
 These paragraphs should consist of a combination of plot and character explanation and summary along
with a discussion of the psychological concepts illustrated in the film.
 Clearly indicate what conflict(s) the characters confront and how psychological concepts play a role.
 What is your detailed assessment of the film? Is it a good film or not? Did you find it interesting, moving,
boring? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Why? (these will be your own opinions but you must
support them with evidence from the film)
 You may want to discuss any/all of the following, based on what you find most relevant in your
discussion of the film:
o Cinematic techniques (lighting, camera angles, editing, music, etc.) that you think are important in
understanding the film.
o Are there certain actors that stand out in their ability to convey emotions and ideas?
 MANDATORY: What specific psychological concepts are illustrated in the film? Are they accurately
presented or not? Offer as detailed of a discussion as you can in support of this question. You MUST
reference and cite relevant portions of the DSM-5 in writing this part of your essay (PDF copy of DSM-5 is
posted on my Moodle page). You do not need to include a list of works cited since you can only use this
one single source. Each time you reference the DSM-5 you must provide a simple in-text parenthetical
citation of the relevant page(s) of the DSM-5, using the page number(s) of the PDF version linked on my
Moodle page. For example, if you were referencing the “Diagnostic Features” paragraph from the DSM-5’s
section on obsessive-compulsive disorder, a sentence from your essay might read as follows:
o “While the character in the film claims to suffer from severe OCD, her behavior is not at all in
alignment with the diagnostic features of that disorder as indicated by the DSM-5” (238).

Conclusion Paragraph:
 Here is where you pull all of your thoughts together and reemphasize your general assessment of the film.
You also must give the film a “grade” of 1 – 5 stars with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest.
Rubric For Essay

Thesis and Focus Thesis is clear, focused, and underlined. /5 (CA&S)

Paragraphs are complete, well-developed, and

Organization and Structure contain only one topic each. The ideas within each /5 (CA&S)
flow logically from one to the next.
Ideas are clearly communicated to reader.
Command of English language and style is
demonstrated through the proficient and even
Clarity and Style /5 (CA&S)
impressive use of relevant vocabulary, sentence
structure, and sentence variety. Word choice is
Essay presents a critical discussion of the content of
Critical Analysis the film, clearly expressing the reasoning behind /10 (CA&S)
the assessment of it.
Standard American English is employed correctly
Grammar/Mechanics throughout. Generally free from errors in editing, /5 (CA&S)
including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Essay demonstrates a clear mastery and
understanding of the psychological concepts
Grasp of Material /10 (K&U)
contained within. Relevant portions of the DSM-5
are referenced and cited.

/30 (CA&S)
Total Points Earned
/10 (K&U)
The Presentation
 5 – 7 minute summary and critical analysis of the film presented orally.
 You will also be required to present 2 – 3 minutes of clips from the film. This may consist of anywhere
from 1 – 2 separate clips.
 While you will be expected to explain the plot of the film, your primary task is to critically analyze the film
and to offer your response to it. If you present only a plot summary, your grade will not be one with
which you will be pleased.
 You may use notes to guide your presentation but you may not simply read from a paper the entire time.
 Presentations will be made in class on Thursday, 5/23 (A) or Friday, 5/24 (B).

Basic Requirements
Introductory Statements:
 Clearly state the title, director, and year of your film.
 Briefly describe the genre of the film (is it a comedy, drama, or thriller?).
 Briefly introduce what you believe to be the main theme(s) or idea(s) of the film.
 Include a clearly stated indication of the direction your critical analysis will take (Focus should be on
depiction of psychological disorder but may also include general critique of the film as being

Body of the Presentation:

 This should consist of a combination of plot and character explanation and summary along with a
discussion of the psychological concepts illustrated in the film.
 Clearly indicate what conflict(s) the characters confront and how psychological concepts play a role.
 What is your detailed assessment of the film? Is it a good film or not? Did you find it interesting, moving,
boring? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Why? (these will be your own opinions but you must
support them with evidence from the film)
 You may want to discuss any/all of the following, based on what you find most relevant in your
discussion of the film:
o Cinematic techniques (lighting, camera angles, editing, music, etc.) that you think are important in
understanding the film.
o Are there certain actors that stand out in their ability to convey emotions and ideas?
 MANDATORY: What specific psychological concepts are illustrated in the film? Are they accurately
presented or not? Offer as detailed of a discussion as you can in support of this question. You MUST
reference and cite relevant portions of the DSM-5 in this part of your presentation (PDF copy of DSM-5 is
posted on my Moodle page). This will be done just as if it were a written citation but delivered orally. For
example, if you were referencing the “Diagnostic Features” paragraph from the DSM-5’s section on
obsessive-compulsive disorder, a sentence from your presentation might sound as follows:
o “While the character in the film claims to suffer from severe OCD, her behavior is not at all in
alignment with the diagnostic features of that disorder as indicated by the DSM-5 on page 238.”

 Here is where you pull all of your thoughts together and reemphasize your general assessment of the film.
You also must give the film a “grade” of 1 – 5 stars with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest.
Rubric For Presentation

Thesis is clearly stated and the majority of your

Thesis and Focus /5 (CA&S)
presentation focuses on supporting it.

Presentation is clearly structured and well-

Organization and Structure organized with ideas flowing logically from one to /5 (CA&S)
the next.

Student presents a critical discussion of the content

Critical Analysis of the film, clearly expressing the reasoning behind /10 (CA&S)
the assessment of it.

Presentation was 5 – 7 minutes in length (+/- 30

Presentation & Film Clip Length seconds). Selected film clips supported the thesis /5 (P&A)
and were 2 – 3 minutes in length (+/- 15 seconds).

Ideas are clearly and confidently communicated to

audience. Command of English language and style
is demonstrated through the proficient and even
Clarity and Style /5 (P&A)
impressive use of relevant vocabulary, sentence
structure, and sentence variety. Word choice is
accurate. Volume and speed are appropriate.
Essay demonstrates a clear mastery and
understanding of the psychological concepts
Grasp of Material /10 (K&U)
contained within. Relevant portions of the DSM-5
are referenced and cited.

/20 (CA&S)

Total Points Earned /10 (P&A)

/10 (K&U)

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