Washburn Equation
Washburn Equation
Washburn Equation
Washburn method
This theory note reviews Washburn method and how it can be
utilized to study powder wettability.
Figure 1. Schematic of the Washburn method Equation (3) is called Washburn equation. The porous bed is
considered as a bundle of parallel capillaries of constant radius.
Capillary rise method is based on the Poiseuille law related to the The use of this equation would require a visual observation of
liquid flow through a capillary. the moving liquid front. Since this is much more difficult to do
than measuring the gained weight, the weight w is related to the
height in the cylinder by
density of the liquid, and R the inner radius of the tube. Finally also been utilized to study of other materials like fabrics [3], soil
combining the equations (3) and (4) [4] and carbon fibers [5,6].
, which leads to [1] B. Neirinck, J. van Deursen, O. van der Biest and J. Vleugels,
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[2] S. Kirdponpattara, M. Phisalaphong and B. Z. Newby,
Equation (6) is often referred as modified Washburn equation. “Applicability of Washburn capillary rise for determining contact
The term c is a geometric factor and is constant as long as angles of powders/porous materials”, Journal of Colloid and
packing and the particle size remains similar [2]. It has to be Interface Science 397 (2013) 169.
experimentally determined to each type of packing and powder [3] M. Cieslak, D. Puchowicz and H. Schmidt, “Evaluation of the
combination. Precise and accurate determination of the constant possibility of using surface free energy to study protective fabrics”,
c is critical for the correct application of the Washburn equation. Textile Research Journal 82 (2012) 1177.
In practice, to solve the material constant the measurement [4] P. Hallett, “A Brief overview of the causes, impacts and
has to be done first with the completely wetting liquid such amelioration of soil water repellecy – a review”, Soil & Water
as hexane, heptane or octane. The contact angle can thus be research 3 (2008) S21.
assumed to be zero (cos0 =1) and the material constant c can be [5] M. Inagaki, M. Toyota, N. Iwashita, Y. Nishi and H. Konno,
calculated if the properties of the liquid are know. After definition “Exfoliated graphite for spiller heavy oil recovery”, Carbon science
of the material constant the contact angle measurement with the 2 (2001) 1.
liquid of interested can be done. A powder packing method has [6] Y. Nishi, N. Iwashita, Y. Sawada and M. Inagaki, “Sorption
to be repeatable and carefully controlled since it is not possible kinetics of heavy oil into porous carbon”, Water research 36 (2002)
to measure the material constant and then re-use the same 5029.
powder for actual contact angle measurement. A typical powder
wettability curve is presented in Figure 2. Washburn method has