What Keeps Sandcastles Standing

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What Keeps Sandcastles Standing?

Article in Nature · June 1997

DOI: 10.1038/42831

319 2,500

5 authors, including:

Ivander Albert Liestyo Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Binus University Northeastern University


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What keeps sandcastles standing?

ny child playing on the beach knows
A that the physical properties of wet and
dry sand are very different. Wet sand can be
used to build sharp-featured sandcastles
that would be unstable in dry sand. We have
now quantified the effect of adding small
quantities of liquid to a granular medium.
Nanometre-scale layers of liquid on milli-
metre-scale grains dramatically increase the
repose angle (the steepest stable slope that
the substance can form) and allow the
development of long-range correlations, or
Moisture-induced changes in granular
media are primarily caused by adhesive
forces associated with interstitial liquid
bridges between grains. Such effects are sig-
nificant in industries as diverse as pharma-
ceuticals, construction and agriculture. Figure 1a, The angle of repose (Q R) as a function of the average liquid-layer thickness on spheres (750 g
Liquid-induced forces also affect experi- samples, sphere diameter 0.8 ± 0.2 mm). Draining apertures, d, are listed. Data have been corrected for
mental studies of the physics of granular changes in relative humidity (40—50%) which had a small (~1°) effect on Q R. Experimental uncertainty is thus
media1–4. Previous studies of moisture in roughy 1°. Solid curve, one-parameter theoretical fit. Deviation from the theoretical values for small aper-
granular media have examined only rela- tures and large t liq, is due to clumping. b, The distribution width of measured Q R as a function of pump-oil
tively large quantities of water added to layer thickness. Width corresponds to variations in roughness of the crater surface, which increases with
highly irregular, porous or water-soluble cluster size, as seen with larger t liq.
materials such as coal5,6, sugar7, seeds or
rock chips8,9. The resulting data are difficult surface particles and hence QR. Taking into t liq (*40 nm) when the size of the clusters
to analyse and do not aid understanding of account the observed surface roughness (~1 approached the aperture size.
the physics of wetted granular media. mm) of the spheres, we calculated the inter- Small quantities of wetting liquid can
We have studied the effects of the addi- particle adhesive force as a function of liq- thus dramatically change the properties of
tion of small quantities of corn oil and uid content11. We then calculated the angle granular media, leading to a large increase
vacuum-pump oil (which both have low of repose for the wet material using a in the repose angle, clustering and correla-
vapour pressures) to spherical polystyrene method based on the stability of the surface tion in grain motion. Our results indicate
beads, which are insoluble in these oils. We particles12. This model fits the data with a that interstitial liquids can alter many
measured the angle of repose by the drain- single free parameter corresponding to the aspects of pattern formation, self-organiza-
ing-crater method10, with varying draining volume of liquid in a typical bridge. The fit tion1–4 and segregation13 in granular materi-
apertures and liquid content. Our maxi- indicates that the typical volume of a liquid als, potentially leading to new physical
mum liquid content, (40 times less than the bridge is ~3210117 m3 for our maximum phenomena not encountered in dry matter.
minimum moisture content of previous t liq, implying that 99.9% of the liquid does D. J. Hornbaker, R. Albert, I. Albert
studies) corresponds to a liquid coating not contribute to the adhesive force, possi-

A.-L. Barabási, P. Schiffer

thickness (t liq) of less than 50 nm on the bly because of the surface roughness. Department of Physics,
spheres. We found an enormous increase of As liquid was added to the spheres, cor- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
the angle of repose (QR) with t liq (Fig. related particle clusters (clumps) formed, Indiana 46556, USA
1a). One surprising feature is that QR the size of which increased with liquid con- e-mail: peter.schiffer.1@nd.edu
seems to increase linearly with t liq up tent. The presence of such clusters leads to 1. Jaeger, H. M., Lui, C.-H. & Nagel, S. R. Phys. Rev. Lett. 62,
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type and aperture (except for the opment of clustering is also shown by 3. Umbanhowar, P. B., Melo, F. & Swinney, H. L. Nature 382,
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1259–1273 (1996).
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In dry sand, nm the craters were noticeably asymmetri- 6. Wolf, E. F. & von Hohenleiten, H. L. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.

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the attractive properties are associated with the dynamics Phase Sintering (Consultants Bureau, New York, 1970).
12. Albert, R., Albert, I., Hornbaker, D. J., Schiffer, P & Barabási,
forces due to of individual grains to a situation where
A.-L. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
interstitial liquid long-range correlations dominate. Our 13. Makse, H. A., Havlin, S., King, P. R. & Stanley, H. E. Nature 386,
bridges increase the stability of the apparatus entirely failed to drain for larger 379–382 (1997).

NATURE | VOL 387 | 19 JUNE 1997 765

Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
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