Eee407 Fa09 DSP
Eee407 Fa09 DSP
Eee407 Fa09 DSP
Course (Catalog) Description: Time and frequency domain analysis, difference equations, z-transform,
FIR and IIR digital filter design, discrete Fourier transform, FFT, and random sequences. Lecture and
online laboratory.
Textbook: Oppenheim and Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999
Prerequisites by Topic:
1. Laplace and Fourier transforms
2. The sampling theorem
3. Continuous-time linear systems
4. Convolution, ordinary differential equations
5. Transient and steady-state response
6. Frequency response, transfer function
7. Linear algebra fundamentals, matrices, inverses, eigen-decomposition
Course Objective:
1. Students will be able to apply time and frequency domain analysis and solution techniques to signal
processing problems
Course Outcomes:
1. Students understand the issues and methods associated with the sampling of continuous time signals
2. Students are proficient in Z transform analysis
3. Students can design FIR and IIR digital filters
4. Students can use the FFT
5. Students understand elements of discrete-time random signal processing
Course Topics:
1. Difference equations
2. Digital filters and BIBO stability
3. Z-transforms and frequency response
4. FIR and IIR digital filter design
5. Impulse invariant methods and the Bilinear transformation
6. Frequency-domain analysis, DTFT, DFT, FFT, STFT basics
7. Multi-rate signal processing, Σ-Δ A/D, simple sub-band QMF design
8. Deterministic versus random sequences
9. Stationary and ergodic sequences
10. The mean and the autocorrelation
11. Signal processing application algorithm design and implementation
Computer Usage: Students use the computer to perform several on-line NSF-sponsored J-DSP
laboratories on key DSP topics including design of FIR, IIR, and QMF filters. Laboratories are outlined
below. Students execute a computer project involving C or MATLAB programming.
Laboratory Experiments:
EEE 407 has both on-campus and distance learning students. Students execute a series of computer
laboratories using the NSF-funded online software Java-DSP. The software enables students to perform
comprehensive on-line simulations of DSP algorithms. Laboratories include:
Lab 1: Continuous and discrete-time convoolution
Lab 2: The z-transform and frequency responses
Lab 3: Pole-zero plots and frequency responses
Lab 4: Linear phase, FIR filter design by windowing/IIR filters design
Lab 5: Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
Lab 6: Multirate signal processing and QMF banks
A TA coordinates the laboratory, grades electronic lab reports, holds office hours for students.
Person preparing this description and date of preparation: A.S. Spanias, Feb. 2003.