Course Syllabus: CSC747 - Digital Signal Processing: Description

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Course Syllabus: CSC747 – Digital Signal Processing

Analysis and design of computer-based digital signal processors. Statement of the digital signal
processing problem and its applications. Topics may include: Stochastic models of random
signals; spectral factorization; adaptive filters; microcomputer implementation of digital signal
processors. Discrete Fourier Transform, FFT parallel processing of discrete operation.
Morphological signal processing.
The class has an online component equivalent to 1 credit/hour of work.

 To give the students a comprehension of the concepts of discrete-time signals and systems
 To give the students a comprehension of the Z- and the Fourier transform and their inverse
 To give the students a comprehension of the relation between digital filters, difference
equations and system functions
 To give the students knowledge about the most important issues in sampling and
 To make the students able to apply digital filters according to known filter specifications
 To provide the knowledge about the principles behind the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
and its fast computation
 To make the students able to apply Fourier analysis of stochastic signals using the DFT
 To be able to apply the MATLAB program to digital processing problems and presentations
 To be able to apply DSP concepts, methods and algorithms in applications such
communication networks, image processing and data science.

Course outline:
Part I - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (5 lectures)
 Discrete-time sequences and systems
 Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems
 Stochastic models of random signals
 Impulse response and convolution
 The Z-transform and its inverse
 Difference equations and system functions
 Fourier transforms and frequency response
 Periodic sampling and reconstruction of band limited signals

Part II - Filter design and Fourier signal analysis (5 lectures)

 Up- and down sampling
 Morphological Signal Processing
 Digital filter structures (direct, cascade, parallel and lattice)
 Filter transformations
 All-pass, minimum phase systems
 The discrete and fast Fourier transform
 Circular convolution, block convolution
 Fourier analysis, the effect of windowing
Part III – Digital Signal Process in Selected Applications (3 lectures)
 Digital communication and networks
 Image processing
 Data science and marching learning

Required text:
 Joh G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing – Principles,
Algorithms, and Applications” (4th edition). Prentice Hall/Pearson, New Jersey, 2007, ISBN
 Oppenheim, A.V., Schafer, R.W, "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Second Edition,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1999, ISBN 0-13-083443-2.
 John G. Proakis and Vinay K. Ingle, “Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB”, Prentice
Hall/Pearson, New Jersey, 2007, ISBN 0-13-199108-6.
 Steven W. Smith, “The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing”,
California Technical Publishing, 1997, ISBN 0-9660176-3-3. (You can download the entire book!)
 Kermit Sigmon, "Matlab Primer", Third Edition, Department of Mathematics, University of

 In Class/Online participation – 10%
 Lab assignments – 30%
 Midterm – 20%
 Final – 40%

Instructor: Zhanyang Zhang:; Tel. 718-982-3175.

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