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Pre-Test For Polsci

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Test III. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read the hypothetical political scenarios presented below. Select the letter of the correct answer
by writing the answer on the answer sheet provided.
Scenario 1 (Number 1-3)
By virtue of Philippine National territory, Spratly group of island is under the Philippine territory however, the
government of China claimed this group of islands as part of its territory.
This territorial dispute led to the declaration of war by the Chinese Government against Philippines.
1. Under these circumstances, can the Philippine government declare war against China?
a. No, because the Philippine Constitution prohibits the declaration of the existence of war.
b. Yes, because our national territory is at stake without us declaring war against China.
c. No, because China is superior military.
d. Yes, because declaring a defensive war is legal in our Constitution and in the International Law.
2. Being a physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. Filipino citizen, you are called by the Philippine President
to join the active military service to defend the country from the invasion of the neighboring state. What
is the best constitutionally best decision for you to take upon the situation?
a. You will join because war is inevitable.
b. You will not join because war is part of politics and you hate politics!
c. You will join because war is promoted in our constitution as one of the principles of our
d. You will join because it is your prime duty to defend the state against foreign aggression
3. Presuming that your religion prohibits you from going to war because it is part of your religious doctrines.
Is the defense valid?
a. Yes, because the constitution acknowledge the freedom of religion
b. Yes, because there is the separation of church and state under the constitution
c. No, because there is no established religion having such doctrine
d. No, because military and civil service is compulsory under the Constitution
4. The following are the manifestation of a democratic and republican state, except one:
a. The existence of bill of rights
b. The observance of the rule of majority
c. The exercise of the executive, legislative and judicial power by the President
d. The presence of election through popular will

Scenario 2 ( For questions 5-8)

King Aziz ruled his kingdom without restraints. Whatever be his word becomes a law hence, he is very
powerful that he is feared by most of his soldiers and subjects. Despite his being powerful, he satisfied the
needs and the aspirations of his constituents thus, maintaining the stability of his kingdom economically and
5. If King Aziz’s government will be classified by the political science students of Saint Columban College
according to the 6-fold classification of government of Aristotle, then his government will be:
a. Tyranny c. Aristocracy
b. Monarchy d. Oligarchy
6. If such government is classified according to the number of persons exercising sovereign power
according to De Leon, then the government will be:
a. Aristocracy c. Absolute monarchy
b. Limited monarchy d. Direct monarchy
7. Under the kingdom of King’s Aziz, how did he derived his authority being the head of his
a. By popular election c. By divine right
b. By the appointment of the Pope d. By the power of the Holy Spirit
8. Presuming that King Aziz’s government failed to deliver the services expected from him being the
ruler of his kingdom, what will be the type of his government?
a. Despotic government
b. Tyrannical government
c. Dictatorial government
d. Corrupt government
9. The following are the requisites of a good written constitution according to form, except one:
a. Broad c. Brief
b. Vague d. Definite
10. It is the prologue of the Constitution. What is it?
a. Pre-amble
b. Preamble
c. Preambles
d. Introduction
11. The removal of a government official before his term of office ends.
a. Impeachment c. Plebiscite
b. Referendum d. Recall
12. The power of the President to disapprove proposed laws from the Congress.
a. Rider c. Veto
b. Appointment d. Designation
13. An international agreement is called-
a. Executive Agreement c. Treaty
b. Pact d. contract
____4. It is the imposition of an additional work upon a person already in the public service.
a. Designation c. Removal
b. Appointment d. Termination
____5. It is the authorization made by law directing payment out of Government funds.
a. Law c. Appropriation
b. Rider d. Budget
____6. It is the expression of the intent or will of an assembled body.
a. Resolution c. Bill
b. Law d. Appropriation
____7. It is the reduction of sentence to a lesser punishment.
a. Amnesty c. Reprieve
b. Pardon d. Commutation
____8. The head of the Supreme Court.
a. President c. Chief Justice
b. Ex Officio Chairman d. Associate Justice
____9. The department which is authorized to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
a. Executive c. Judiciary
b. Legislative d. Supreme Court
____10. The department authorized to declare Martial Law.
a. Executive c. Judiciary
b. Legislative d. Supreme Court
____11. An international agreement made by the President but not ratified by the Congress.
a. Executive Agreement c. Treaty
b. Pact d. Contract
____12. This is an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, directed to the person detaining another,
commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner at the designated time and place, and to show
sufficient cause for holding in custody the individual so detained. This is a right to arbitrary
a. Writ of Habeas Corpus c. Subpoena Duces Tecum
b. Subpeona d. Warrant of Arrest
____13. This refers to the rights of citizen to participate directly or indirectly on matters of public concern,e.g.,
right of suffrage.
a. Civil Rights c. Natural Rights
b. Political Rights d. Social Rights
____14. This is the submission of a proposed law to the electorate of a country for their ratification or
of an important political question.
a. Referendum b. Suffrage c. Election d. Constitutional
____15. This is the introductory statement of a statute stating the reasons and the intent for the enactment of
a law and the objectives to be attained.
a. Preamble b. Title c. Body d. Effectively

____16. The power of the Chief Executive to postpone the execution of a death sentence.
a. Pardon b. Reprieve c. Immunity d. Communication
____17. This is a method of national inquest into the conduct the president involving culpable of the violation,
. treason, bribery, graft and corruption and betrayal of public trust.
a. impeachment b. imprisonment c. censure d. reprimand
____18. This is a method of acquiring citizenship through blood relationship.
a. Jus sanguinis b. Jus soli c. Jus loci d. Naturalization
____19. This is a political method by which an elective official may be removed by popular vote before the end
of his tenure.
a. Impeachment b. Recall c. Reprimand d. Ousted
____20. The power to administer the laws translated into practical operation and enforcing their due
a. legislative power b. executive power c. judicial power d. none of the above
____21. No president can be elected unless his age is-
a. 35 b. 42 c. 40 d. 25
____22. The vice president is qualified to run for-
a. two terms b. one term c. three terms d. none of the above
____23. In case of serious illness of the president the following should be informed of his health except-
a. Chief of AFP
b. Sec. of National Security and Foreign Relation
c. Sec. of Health
d. none of the above
____24. No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and effective unless concurred in by the senate
a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. ½ d. none of the above
____25. The following are the powers of judiciary except-
a. to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
b. to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
c. to review, alter and repeal laws
d. to implement laws which are enforceable
____26. The Supreme Court shall be composed of Chief Justice and-
a. 12 justices b. 14 justices c. 5 justices d. 8 justices
____27. A person who enjoys a special legal status which may be acquired at or after birth, including all the
obligations and benefits in relation to a sovereign state who enjoys full civil and political rights.
a. Foreign b. Citizen c. President d. Ambassador
____28. This is a draft of law submitted for consideration to a legislative body for its adoption.
a. Bill b. Statute c. Legislative d. Legislative
____29. This is an act of the sovereign power granted in favor of certain classes of persons who have
committed crimes against the state, e.g., treason, rebellion or sedition.
a. Amnesty b. Immunity c. Pardon d. Reprieve
____30. This is a political exercise whereby the sovereign people choose a candidate aspiring for elective
a. Election b. Referendum c. Plebiscite d. Recall
____31. This is a form of government in which the state confesses upon the legislative the power to
terminate the tenure of office of the chief executive.
a. Presidential b. Parliamentary c. Unitary d. Federal
____32. The power of the President to disapprove proposed laws from the Congress.
a. Rider c. Veto
b. Appointment d. Designation
____33. An international agreement is called-
a. Executive Agreement c. Treaty
b. Pact d. contract
____34. The executive power is vested by the constitution in the-
a. congressmen b. senators c. president d. none of the above

____35. The president in order to be qualified to run must be a resident of the Philippines for
a. at least 5 years b. at least 6 years c. at least 8 years d. at least 10 years
____36. The president’s term expires on-
a. noon of May 30 b. noon of June 30 c. three terms d. none of the above
____37. Election canvassing for president and vice president is being done at the-
a. COMELEC b. congress c. Court d. none of the above
____38. The president shall nominate the following with the consent of the commission on appointment
a. heads of the executive dept. c. barangay officials
b. ambassadors d. officer of the armed forces
____39. The president may declare martial law under the following conditions except-
a. lawless violence c. invasion or rebellion
b. demonstration d. when public safety requires it
____40. The president may grant the following except-
a. amnesty c. in impeachment cases
b. reprieves d. commutation and pardon
____41. It is the imposition of an additional work upon a person already in the public service.
a. Designation c. Removal
b. Appointment d. Termination
____42. Due to rebellion and for public safety, President Lourdes declared Martial Law in Maguindanao. The
proclamation may be revoked by-
a. Supreme Court c. Majority of Congress voting separately
b. Supreme Court en banc d. Majority of Congress voting jointly
____43. The following are not allowed to exist in a law except-
a. Rider c. Log-Rolling Legislation
b. Hodgepodge Legislation d. none of the above
____44. The Congress has the power to enact laws in the exercise of its-
a. Inherent Power c. General Power
b. Specific Power d. Implied Power
____45. With the situation in Zamboanga City called Zamboanga siege, the President may declare-
a. Martial Law c. State of Emergency
b. State of War d. Suspend the Privilege of the Writ of
Habeas Corpus

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