AT02KEY - Philippine Politics and Governance
AT02KEY - Philippine Politics and Governance
AT02KEY - Philippine Politics and Governance
b 4. What can we infer from this phrase: “Men by nature are political animals”?
a. Only politicians exercise politics
b. Everyone is subject to politics
c. Those in politics are animals
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c 7. When was the Philippines became a de facto government?
a. During the American occupation when they established a military
b. After the Japanese occupation when McArthur came back to the
c. After the People Power I EDSA Revolution when Marcos was ousted
a 8. Sen. Abi sponsored a law, with Sen. Sheryl as co-author, which prohibits the
President of the Philippines to make and prepare for the annual budget of the government.
According to the constitution, the President can do so. Which shall prevail?
a. The constitution that gives the power to the President to prepare for the
annual budget
b. The law made by Sen. Abi and Sheryl for it was their power to make
c. Both laws shall be studied which is better among the two
c 9. Which principle can best explain the question and answer in no. 9?
a. Separation of Church and State
b. Ours is a Government of Laws, Not of Men
c. Supremacy of the Constitution
II. Modified True or False (R x 2 = 20 points). Read each statement carefully. Write the word
TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, underline the word/s that make the statement
incorrect and write the correct word/s on the space provided before the number.
commonwealth 6. During the American regime, pursuant to an act of the United States
Congress commonly known as the Tydings-McDuffie Law, the civil government was
TRUE 7. The datu is the chief executive, legislator and judge of the barangay.
presidential 8. The Philippines has a federal system of government, hence, President
Duterte is referred to as the Chief Executive of the country.
cabinet 9. Legislative members are alter-egos of the Chief Executive.
TRUE 10. In a democracy, the courts enjoy independence in performing their
functions without interference from the executive or legislative departments.
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III. Matching Type (R x 1 = 10 points). Match the descriptions found in Column A with the
terms in Column B. No items may be used more than once. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided before the number.
Column A Column B
IV. Completion Test (R x 1 = 10 points). Supply the missing terms to complete the given
statement below. Write your answer on the space provided.
6. The president who declared the 5th Martial Law in the Philippines is Rodrigo
Duterte .
7. The doctrine and practice of dispersing political power and creating mutual accountability
among the three branches of the government is also known as checks and balances.
8. The main function of the Congress is to make/enact laws.
9. The present Republic is operating under the 1987 Constitution.
10. This calls for the other branches of the government to be left alone in discharging their
duties as they see it is called the doctrine of separation of powers .
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V. Essay. Provide what is being asked by the given statements. Be brief, concise and direct to
the point.
1. Determine what political ideology best describes the nature of democracy in the
Philippines. Explain why (5 points).
2. Below are statements about the historical transition of the Philippine government.
Choose one and state whether you support or oppose it. Explain your position by
providing evidences to support your claims (5 points):
a. The government which Spain established in the Philippines was defective.
b. The First Philippine Republic under Gen. Aguinaldo was not recognized by the family
of nations.
c. The revolutionary government under C. Aquino was illegal.
3. Classify the Philippine government according to the principal forms of the government (5
4. Show the relationship of the three (3) branches of the Philippine government (5 points).
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