PrePeg XC110 210g 450g
PrePeg XC110 210g 450g
PrePeg XC110 210g 450g
XC110 prepreg is laid into a temperature stable Once laminated, the part is vacuum bagged and The cured part has a pin-hole free ‘class A’
mould. This part uses only 2 plies in total. cured in an oven at 120°C under vacuum. surface finish straight from the mould.
XC110 prepregs can be backed-up with unidirectional reinforcement 4 120°C Soak 01:00 120°C 06:15
(from the XC130 range) and are fully compatible with our XA120 5 120°C Natural Cool -- ~20°C 07:15
adhesive film meaning that even the most complex composite
structures - including honeycomb cores - can be achieved out-of-
autoclave. 140
Temp (°C)
XC110 is the recommended system for both structural and cosmetic 20
applications where components will be cured without an autoclave. 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The combination of excellent mechanical performance, visual quality Time (hours)
appearance and class-A surface finish make XC110 prepregs suitable
for a wide range of applications from large-scale structural components For detailed information, including alternative cure cycles from 85°C see
to high-precision cosmetic parts. the XC110 Processing Handbook.
This material contains uncured epoxy resin which can cause allergic
reactions with skin contact. Repeated and prolonged skin contact
much be avoided.
Please refer to the product safety data sheet before working with this
XT180 Autoclave cure tooling prepreg with low CTE, long out-life Easy Composites Ltd shall be in no way responsible for the proper use and service
and 180°C service temperature. of the product, nor for the safeguarding of personnel or property, all of which is
XT210 Aerospace industry autoclave cure tooling prepreg with low the duty of the user. Any information or suggestions are without warranty of any
CTE and very high 210°C service temperature. kind and purchasers are solely responsible for any loss arising from the use of such
information or suggestions. No information or suggestions given by us shall be
deemed to be a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any existing
patent rights. Before using any of our products, users should familiarise themselves
with the relevant technical and safety datasheets provided by Easy Composites Ltd.