Fire Fighting Valves
Fire Fighting Valves
Fire Fighting Valves
Al-Madar-Mechanical- Sprinkler heads and Accessories and Valves– DAB, OCC
Document number
Project Originator Discipline Location Doc Type Stage Doc. Number Revision
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Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
1. Supplier's Name
2. Supplier's Address
6. Applicable Standard
13. Catalogues
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Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
1) Supplier's Name :
2) Supplier's Address :
6) Applicable Standard :
15 years
Mashaaer Mugaddassah MMMP-SL-CR18G-MECH-DEPOT-TRM-I- FF-01,FF-07, FF-09-A03
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Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
(1) See Attached.
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CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Compliance statement
Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 General Wet fire fighting systems shall comprise the following:
* Water tank.
* Standpipe system
* Sprinkler system.
* Foam – water sprinkler pre-action system
* Pumps and motors.
The complete system shall be in accordance with the requirement of Saudi
Complied - As per NFPA Standard
Civil Defence (SCD).
Whenever the word "provide" is used it shall mean "furnish, install, test &
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
commission complete and ready for use".
Equipment capacities and performance requirements shall be as listed in
Under Al-Madar Co.
the schedule of Equipment shown on the Drawings.
The proposed fire fighting system as shown on the drawings or the one to
Under Al-Madar Co.
be provided shall be submitted for approval to SCD.
Civil Defence inlet breeching pieces shall be provided at each station for
Under Al-Madar Co.
the use of the Saudi Civil Defence to pump water into the system.
The location of the breeching inlet shall not be more than 30.5m from the
hard standing location. Hard standing location shall be designed by the
Under Al-Madar Co.
Architect considering the road accesses with appropriate turning radius as
required by NFPA and local authorities.
3.2.3 Sprinklers;
Fire water reserve shall be maintained for one hour operation of fire pump
Under Al-Madar Co.
as required by NFPA.
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
The entire assembly & components in the fire pump room like but not
limited to pressure relief valve with waste cone, flow testing Under Al-Madar Co.
arrangements, venturi, shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 20
Diesel tank shall be located with in a bund wall & the bund wall shall be
sized for 110% of the fuel tank capacity. Diesel storage tank shall have level Under Al-Madar Co.
indicators to monitor the fuel level in the tank
Diesel tank area shall be provided with a modular type foam water
Under Al-Madar Co.
sprinkler pre action system complying with NFPA 16
3.2.4 Codes and Standards;
The works described in this section shall comply fully with the
requirements of the applicable “Code and Standards” section of this Complied
3.2.5 Pipe Work;
Potable pipe and fittings shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Pipe
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
work” section of this specification
Pipes used in Fire Portection system shall be Hot dip galvanised SEAMLESS
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
steel pipe confirming to ASTM A53, Grade B
3.2.6 Valves;
Valves shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Valves” section of this
specification Under Al-Madar Co.
(2.16.3 through 2.16.17).
Fire protection valves shall all be UL listed and or FM approved with 1380
Complied, we submit OS&Y gate valve with 250 PSI (17.2
kpa (200 psi) minimum pressure. Valve shall have 2070 kPa pressure rating
Bar), UL Listed FM Approved.
if valves are components of high pressure piping system
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
OS & Y gate valves have a tamper switch & shall be monitored electrically Complied, with model (OSY2), SYSTEM SENSOR Brand, UL
through a supervisory switch in the fire alarm panel. Listed FM Approved.
Supervision switches shall be installed for all fire protection valves. The
devices shall be electrical; single pole, double-throw; with normally closed
contacts and include design that signals controlled valve is in other than
normal position
Check valves shall be swinging type or split clapper type with flanged /
Complied, with model (F-908-W), NIBCO Brand, Check
grooved ends. The valve body shall be cast iron. The valve shall be UL / FM
Valve, Cast Iron, Flanged Ends with 175 PSI (12.1 Bar), UL
approved and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure (or 1725 KPa where
Listed FM Approved.
Butterfly valves shall be Grooved type with tamper switch. The valve body Complied, with model (GD-4765-8N), NIBCO Brand,
shall be made of ductile Iron coated with nylon-11. The valve shall be UL / Butterfly Valve, Ductile Iron with 300 PSI (20.7 Bar), UL
FM approved and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure. Listed FM Approved.
Riser Check Valve : Grooved Riser check valve Black Enamel Painted,
Ductile Iron Body to ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12 4”-8”, Grade E EPDM
Complied - with model (E2), RELIABLE Brand, Grooved Type
encapsulated Ductile Iron disc, stainless steel spring and shaft, rated to
Riser (Alarm) Check Valve, Color Black, 300 PSI (20.70 Bar),
300psi (1370kPa). Suitable for Anti Hammer service and horizontal or
Horizontal OR Vertical Installation, 2" Drainage Outlet, UL
vertical installation. Provided drilled, tapped and plugged stream for 2” Listed and FM Approved.
drainage outlet and ½” pressure taps both upstream and down stream of
disc. UL Listed and FM approved.
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
All pipes used for fire fighting water distribution shall be hot galvanized
steel iron seamless schedule 40 confirming to ASTM A53 Gr. B assembled
Under Al-Madar Co.
with GI threaded fittings for pipe sizes 2" and smaller and with grooved
mechanical fittings for pipe sizes 2½" and larger.
The fire fighting water piping system shall be provided with valves on all
mains and branches for sectionalizing the system for maintenance and Under Al-Madar Co.
All valves used in the fire fighting water piping system (Pump Suction,
Discharge, Risers) shall be of the rising stem type to clearly indicate
whether the valve is in the open or closed position. All these valves shall
Complied - With all valaves used in the fire fighting water
be provided with tamper switch with and shall be monitored through fire
piping system and in the zone control valve shall be OS&Y
alarm system. All valves in the zone control valve shall be butterfly valve
Gate Valves 250 PSI with supervisory switch.
with supervisory switch and shall be monitored through fire alarm system.
The valves shall conform in all other respects to the specifications given
under Valves.
All over ground pipe fittings up to 50mm shall be of malleable iron
threaded joint confirming to ASTM / ASME B16.3 & piping of 65mm and
Under Al-Madar Co.
above shall be of mechanical grooved type confirming to ASTM F1476 &
ASTM F-1548
A 2" drain valve of the globe type shall be provided at the base of every
riser as referred in NFPA13 & 14. Piping shall be sloped not less than 2% Under Al-Madar Co.
towards the drain valves.
The fire fighting water pipes shall not be used in any way to supply water
Under Al-Madar Co.
for other purposes.
All valves shall be supervised electrically in the Fire Alarm Panel. Under Al-Madar Co.
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
The installation shall be a Wet Sprinkler System and the flow of water to
Under Al-Madar Co.
the sprinkler pipe work shall be controlled by installation control valves
The system shall be charged with water under pressure up to the sprinkler
heads so that when one or more of the sprinkler heads operates the wet
Under Al-Madar Co.
alarm valve is actuated allowing water to flow from the open sprinkler
The water from the storage tank shall be used as the suction supply for the
electrically driven pumps. Pumps shall be automatic in operation and shall
Under Al-Madar Co.
be designed to comply with the performance characteristic of automatic
pumps as specified in the relevant section of the NFPA Rules.
A jockey pump shall be installed to maintain pressure in the system pipe
Under Al-Madar Co.
The fire water storage tanks shall be located as shown in drawings. The
tanks shall be of concrete construction as detailed on the structural
drawings. High grade corrosion resistant hot deep galvanized steel puddle Under Al-Madar Co.
flanged sleeves shall be used and the velocity in the suction pipe shall not
exceed 4.57m/s.
Water tightness is to be assured by caulking the space between the two
Under Al-Madar Co.
pipes. Provide caulking rings on the inner pipe.
The water tanks shall be lined with a laminated non toxic plastic liner or
equivalents, factory made, with all necessary pipe openings ready formed.
Under Al-Madar Co.
The liner material shall be approved by water authorities for the storage of
potable water.
electrically, flow switch (connected to the fire alarm system) test and drain
valve, pressure gauge, etc to comply with NFPA 13. The outlet of the drain Under Al-Madar Co.
valve shall be connected to the nearest floor drain.
Each sprinkler riser shall be connected with an alarm check valve &
isolation valve. The zoning of the sprinkler system shall comply with the Under Al-Madar Co.
requirements of NFPA 13.
Alarm check valve shall be provided with pressure switches to monitor the
pressure drop in the downstream. An alarm motor gong shall be connected
Complied - with model (E2), RELIABLE Brand, UL Listed and
to the alarm check valve which shall generate mechanical alarm upon flow
FM Approved.
across the alarm check valve. The location of the gong shall be near to the
location of breeching inlet.
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
Where the void height exceeds 800mm above the false ceiling shall be
Under Al-Madar Co.
considered as a separate zone and shall be provided with sprinkler system.
All the isolation valves shall be provided with a supervisory switch which
shall be electrically supervised in the Main fire alarm panel. There shall be Complied
an individual address for each isolation valve.
Provide fire alarm panel to indicate all sprinkler zone control valve -
monitoring , solenoid valves, FM 200 gaseous fire suppression system and
Under Al-Madar Co.
flow switches. The alarm panel shall be prepared to be connected to the
fire alarm panel of the station or the concerned building (if any).
Both the wet and dry type CVs shall have the following components. Select
the trim as appropriate.
All bronze, Y type strainer with screwed ends, screwed cover and 30 mesh Complied - with Y Type Strainer 3/4" 24 mesh.
stainless steel screen for alarm supply line.
* Pressure Switch
Complied, with model (EPS10-2), SYSTEM SENSOR Brand,
Normally closed, pressure switch with contacts rated for 5amps. The unit Contacts Rated at 10.0 Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 Amp @
shall be fully enclosed with tapped conduit entry. 6/12/24 VDC, UL Listed FM Approved.
* Flow Switches
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
Provide vane type flow switches with volt free, normally open contacts Complied, with Flow Switch model (WFD), SYSTEM SENSOR
rated for 5amps and enclosure with tapped conduit entry. The flow switch Brand, Contacts Rated at 10.0 Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5
shall be adjustable, to give contact at flow equal to that of one sprinkler. Amp @ 6/12/24 VDC, UL Listed FM Approved.
The unit shall be complete with pipe size saddle, clamp, sealing gasket etc.
3.2.10 Sprinklers
with the ceiling with ceiling plate cover. The visible parts shall be of satin Complied, with Chrome Finishe for Cover of Pendent Fusible
finish chrome. Element Quick Response Concealed Sprinkler.
The deflector and retaining parts shall be concealed in the sprinkler body . Complied
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
Body: Brass
Complied - with model (G4A-R5415), RELIABLE Brand,
Body cap: Brass Pendent Fusible Element Quick Response Concealed
Sprinkler, 1/2" NPT, 1/2" Orifice, K5.6, 74°C for Sprinkler,
Deflector: Copper
57°C for Cover Plate, Brass Finishe for Body, Deflector &
Deflector pin: Stainless steel Deflector Pin, Chrome Finishe for Cover Plate, UL Listed and
FM Approved.
Fusible link assembly: Nickel alloy and eutectic solder
Sprinkler selection, type, temperature shall comply with NFPA 13.
Sprinklers shall be pressure rated to suit the selected fire pump’s shut off Complied.
Sprinkler guards shall be provided to sprinklers located with in escalators
and locations where there are possibilities of mechanical damage to the Complied - with models (C & D), RELIABLE Brand.
Complied - with Sprinkler models (G4A-R5415) & (G XLO-
R2921) are UL Listed & FM Approved.
Sprinklers shall be UL listed, FM approved & approved by Saudi Civil
defence Complied - with Sprinkler model (JL112 ECLH/ECOH-R7326)
is UL/ULC Listed.
The fire pump shall be of the base mounted, single stage, centrifugal type,
horizontal split case directly connected to an electric motor through a
heavy duty flexible coupling for main pump & diesel engine for stand by
pump. Pump and driver shall be mounted on a common cast iron base
plated provided with drip rim, drain tapping, bolt holes and grouting hole.
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete with pump, driver, and
accessories as described below. The pumping unit (Pumps, drives, Under Al-Madar Co.
controllers, couplings, etc) shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories
and FM approved shall meet all requirements of the National Fire
protection Association, 20, 2007 Edition. The pump capacity and pressure
shall be as shown on the Drawings. The pump shall deliver not less than
150% of rated capacity at a pressure not less than 65% of rated pressure.
The shut-off pressure shall not exceed 120% of rated pressure.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron having a minimum tensile strength of
35,000psi and shall be designed for a working pressure of 250 psig and
hydrostatically tested at the factory to not less than 250 psig. Bearing Under Al-Madar Co.
housing supports and suction and discharge flanges shall be integrally cast
with the lower half of the casing. Removal of the upper half of
The impeller shall be of the enclosed type and shall be of vacuum cast
bronze. It shall be dynamically balanced, keyed to the shaft sleeves. The
shaft sleeves shall extend the entire length of the seal boxes to protect the Under Al-Madar Co.
shaft and shall be key locked and threaded so that they tighten with the
rotation of the shaft
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
Teflon gaskets shall be provided between the impeller hub and the shaft
sleeves to protect the pump shaft. The pump shall be equipped with
Under Al-Madar Co.
renewable casing wear rings which shall be locked by dwelling to prevent
The pump rotating element shall be supported by two heavy duty grease
lubricated ball bearings mounted in machined moisture and dust proof
Under Al-Madar Co.
cast iron housing and bolted to the pump casing with register fits to ensure
permanent alignment.
Grease seals and water stingers shall be provided to protect the bearings
from contamination. Bearing housings shall be so designed as to flush
lubricant through the bearing. Easily accessible grease fittings shall be
provided for positive bearing lubrication. The pump shaft shall be of high
strength steel accurately machined to give a true running rotating element.
Under Al-Madar Co.
The shaft shall be sealed by split packing glands designed for easy removal
for inspection and maintenance. The packing shall consist of
INTERWOVEN, GRAPHITED asbestos, diagonally cut packing rings with
lantern ring connected to the pressure side of the pump by a cored
passage in the parting flange of the pump.
The electric motor shall be of the drip-proof, squirrel cage, induction type
with permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor speed shall
not exceed 2900rpm. The pump shall be provided from the factory with Under Al-Madar Co.
lifting lugs, coupling guard and tapped holes in the suction and discharge
flanges for pressure gauge connections
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete from the factory with the
Under Al-Madar Co.
following accessories:
* Suction and discharge pressure gauges, not less than 3½" dial,
reading in P.S.I. and having arranged equal to twice the rated design Under Al-Madar Co.
working pressure of the pump complete with gauge valves.
* Main relief valve, size 3" minimum, factory set to open at a
pressure slightly greater than the rated design working pressure of the
Under Al-Madar Co.
pump with capacity to pass all the water discharged by the pump without
developing excessive pressure on the system.
* Casing relief valve sized to prevent overheating of the pump
when operating at shutoff, factory set to open just higher than the rated
Under Al-Madar Co.
design working pressure of the pump and lower than shut-off discharge
* Automatic air release valve on the casing vent. Under Al-Madar Co.
* Suction and discharge matching flanges Under Al-Madar Co.
Each fire pump unit shall be supplied from the factory with controller, for
floor mounting, of water tight construction and marked Fire Pump Under Al-Madar Co.
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
The pump shall be provided from the factory with one suitable starter of
the totally enclosed, wall mounted, direct on line type with low volt and Under Al-Madar Co.
overload protection in each phase and suitable for automatic operation.
No pipe serving automatic sprinklers shall be less than 1" even if serving
only sprinkler. All connections of sprinkler pipes shall be made to the top
of cross mains and feed mains to keep dirt and sediment out of sprinklers
and sprinkler pipe. The ends of all the cross of feed mains shall be
provided with a flush and test connection comprised of 1" gate valve and Under Al-Madar Co.
1" hose adapter to allow fitting a 1" rubber hose for manually discharging
the water to the nearest bathroom of sanitary fixture. No test outlet shall
be made less than 1" in order to give a test flow equivalent to the flow
from one sprinkler.
A Hydraulic Calculation to be submitted by the specialised contractor
Under Al-Madar Co.
complying with NFPA 13 &14.
3.2.14 Hangers And Supports
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Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
Page 11 of 12
Sela Company ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺻﻠﺔ
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﻯ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
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CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Sprinkler System Components
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Model JL112 & J112 ECLH/ECOH Upright SIN RA 7326 is Corrosion Resistant with
(SIN R7326 – Link and RA7326 – Bulb) White Polyester Coating.
• Quick Response for Light Hazard
(16' x 16', 18' x 18' and 20' x 20' spacing)
• Quick Response for Ordinary Hazard
(12' x 12' and 14' x 14' spacing)
• Standard Response for Ordinary Hazard
(16' x 16', 18' x 18' and 20' x 20' spacing)
1. Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard protection to
400 ft2 (37.2m2) per sprinkler.
2. Nominall K = 11.2 (160).
3. Available in brass, chrome and polyester coated
4. For applications as per NFPA 13. Model JL112 Upright Model J112 Upright
(R 7326) - Link (RA 7326) - Bulb
Approvals Organizations
1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
2. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (cULus) This ECLH/ECOH sprinkler is available in various
3. NYC MEA 258-93-E finishes, which includes a white polyester corrosion
resistant finish.
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford NY 10523
Sprinkler Model Specifications
Temperature Rating Max. Ceiling Temp. Maximum Maximum
Sprinkler Model Type Sprinkler Coverage THD Size Approvals
°F °C °F °C Spacing Area
JL112 ECLH/ECOH- R7326 Upright 165 74 100 38
20' 400 ft2
JL112 /ECOH- R7326 Upright 212 100 150 66 ¾"
J112 ECLH/ECOH- RA7326 Upright 155 68 100 38 NPT
20' 400 ft
J112 ECLH/ECOH- RA7326 Upright 200 93 150 66
For metric equivalent see Conversion Table.
Conversion Table
1 in = 25.4 mm 1 gpm = 3.785 lpm
1 ft = 0.3048 m 1 gpm/ft2 = 40.74 mm/mim
2 2
1 ft = 0.093 m 1 psi = 0.6895 bar
J1 Wrench Sprinkler Finishes
White Polyester Coated
Ordering Information
1. Sprinkler Model
2. Temperature Rating
3. Finish
Minimum Flow Requirements For Earlier Editions of NFPA 13 - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
NFPA13 - 1991 Requirements NFPA13 - 1989 Requirements "K" Factor
Ordinary Hazard 1 Ordinary Hazard 2 Ordinary Hazard 1 Ordinary Hazard 2 Ordinary Hazard 3
Spacing 0.15 gpm/ft2 0.20 gpm/ft2 0.16 gpm/ft2 0.19 gpm/ft2 0.21 gpm/ft2
Area US Metric
Density Density Density Density Density
*Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure
14' x 14'
196 ft2 30.2 7.0 39.2 11.9 31.4 7.6 37.3 10.7 41.2 13.0
and less
16' x 16' 256 ft2 38.4 11.4 51.2 20.2 41.0 12.9 48.7 18.2 53.8 22.3 11.4 164.4
18' x 18' 324 ft 48.6 18.2 64.8 32.3 51.9 20.7 61.6 29.2 68.0 35.7
20' x 20' 400 ft2 60.0 27.7 80.0 49.3 64.0 31.5 76.0 44.5 84.0 54.3
Location of Deflector to Horizontal Obstruction
Maximum Allowable Distance
Distance from Sprinkler
Deflector Above Bottom of
to Side of Obstruction
Fig. 1
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances, whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by RELIABLE have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled Paper
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data. Internet Address EG. Printed in U.S.A. 09/08 P/N 9999970311
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Finishes Maintenance
Standard Finishes Model G XLO Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and
the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA
25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or
Chrome any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush
Special Application Finishes or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been
Lead Plated (1) - 165°F (74°C), 212°F (100°C) and
painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A
286°F (141°C) Temp. Ratings stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick
Wax (1) (2) - 165°F (74°C) Clear Wax, 212°F replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to instal-
(100°C) Brown Wax lation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons
Wax/Lead (1) (2) - 165°F (74°C) Clear Wax, 212°F
(100°C) Brown Wax
and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage
to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-opera-
UL Listed only.
212°F (100°C) Brown wax may be used on 286°F (141°C) Sprinklers tion.
when maximum ambient temperatures do not exceed 150°F (66°C)
Ordering Information
The UL SpeciÞc Application Listing is: Specify:
The Model G XLO upright sprinkler is intended for use in accor- 1. Sprinkler Model
dance with NFPA 13* standards when installed in accordance 2. Temperature Rating
with the standard sprinkler positioning and area/density flow cal- 3. Finishes
culation requirements as specified in each respective standard.
Model G XLO upright sprinklers may also be installed to protect
single, double and multiple – row and portable rack storage of
Class I–IV, Groups A and B plastics, cartoned, expanded or un-
expanded, as well as exposed unexpanded with a maximum Model H Sprinkler Use only the Model H
storage height of 20 ft. (6.5m), maximum ceiling height of 25 ft. sprinkler wrench for sprinkler
(8.2m) or 27** ft (8.8m) maximum ceiling height, 36” (914mm) removal and installation. Any
other type of wrench may
minimum deflector to top of storage clearance, design density damage the sprinkler.
of 0.60 gpm/ft2. (24.7 L/min/m2), and a design area of 2000 ft2.
(186m2) for wet systems and 2600 ft2. (242m2) for dry systems.
The Model GXLO sprinkler meets the NFPA 13* code stan-
dards for approval by Factory Mutual and listings by Underwrit-
ers Laboratories & Underwriters Laboratories of Canada.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Productsmanufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly
qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Internet Address EG. Printed in U.S.A 11/09 P/N 9999970022
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
1. Cover plate attachment with 12² (13mm)
assembly adjustment.
2. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile.
3. Factory installed protective cap.
4. Available in brass, chrome or black
plated and white painted finishes.
5. Ordinary temperature rating.
6. Multiple orifices for design flexibility.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. , 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Installation Ordering Information
Do not install the G4A Concealer in ceilings which have 1. Sprinkler Model
positive pressure in the space above. 2. Nominal Orifice
• Cut a 25 8 inch (67mm) diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the 3. Flat Cover Plate
sprinkler is easily installed with the Model G4 Wrench. The Assembly Finish
wrench has drive tangs which insert into the cup slots. 4. Inlet Type
When installing a sprinkler the wrench is first positioned into
the sprinkler/cup assembly until the wrench tangs engage
the drive slots in the top of the cup (there are two sets of Cover Plate Finishes
drive slots in the cup). The sprinkler is then tightened into
the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from Standard Finishes
the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent Bronze
damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY Chrome
Install the cover plate by hand turning the cover in the Wrench
clockwise direction until it is tight against the ceiling. Special Application
A protective cap is provided to protect the drop-down sprinkler Finishes
deflector from damage which could occur during construction UL Listing Category
Bright Brass
before the cover plate is installed. The cap is factory installed Black Plating Sprinklers, Automatic and
inside the sprinkler cup. Remove cap to install sprinkler, then Black Paint Open
re-install cap until the cover plate is installed. Off White Quick Response Sprinkler
Maintenance Satin Chrome UL Guide Number
â (1)
The Model G4A Concealer should be inspected quarterly Other finishes and colors are VNIV
available on special order.
and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA Consult factory for details.
25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any
other cleaning fluids. Remove any sprinkler that has been
painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A Temperature Rating
stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick Classification Sprinkler Cover Max. Ambient
replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to Plate Temp.
installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original Ordinary 165°F/74°C
165 F/74 C
F/74°C 135°F/57°C
135 F/57 C
F/57°C 100°F/38°C
100 F/38 C
cartons and packaging to minimize the potential for damage to
sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Intermediate 212°F/100°C 165°F/74°C 150°F/66°C
Technical Data
Total Nominal Nominal K Factor Sprinkler
Sprinkler Inlet Adjustment Orifice Thread Approvals Identifcation (SIN)
US Metric
Non Adjustable ½² (13mm) ½² (15mm)
½ 5.6 80 ½ NPT (R½)
½² 1,2,3,4 R5415
Non Adjustable ½² (13mm) 7
16² (11mm) 4.2 60 ½ ²NPT (R½) 1,2,4 R5413
Non Adjustable ½² (13mm) 3 ² (10mm)
8 2.8 40 ½ ²NPT (R½) 1,2,3,4 R5411
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) ½² (15mm) 5.6 80 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5418
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) 7 ² (11mm)
16 4.2 60 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5413
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) 3 ² (10mm)
8 2.8 40 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5412
Fig.1 - ½² NPT Non-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 2 - 1² NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 3 - 1² NPT Female-Adjustable Inlet
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified
and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Internet Address EG. Printed in USA 4/07 P/N 9999970150
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Sprinkler Guard
Model C & Model D
Bulletin 208 Rev.F
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. • 525 North MacQuesten Parkway • Mount Vernon • New York • 10552
Model C-1 Guards
Model D-1 Guards Model D-3 Guards
Guards are approved to be used with sprinklers listed below.
Pendent Intermediate
D-4 G, GFR, F1, F1FR ½”, 17/32 R3115, R3117
(Large Shield)
R1616, R5314,
C-2 F3, F3QR Pendent ½” R5314, R5714
R5714, R4216
R1015, R1017,
C-5 G, F1, F1FR Pendent Intermediate ½”, 17/32” R3615, R1715,
R1712, R3612
(1) MEA approval on D-1, D-3, D-4, D-5, C-2, and C-3
(2) SSL approval on C-1, C-2, and C-3
(3) Model GFR does not have FM Approval.
(4) Sprinkler guards are listed and approved only for use with specific sprinklers. The use of any other
guards on these sprinklers may impede their operation or distribution and negate all approvals and warranties.
Overall Cage Size: • Model D Guards
Before a sprinkler is installed into a fitting, assemble
Models C-1, C-2, C-5 the guard on the sprinkler using the same technique
27 8² (73mm) High X 23 4² (70mm) Diameter described above for the Model C Guards. Then
install a ½² or ¾² locking nut on to the NPT threads
Models C-3, D-3, D-6 until the nut is tight against the guard. Each guard is
supplied with both size of locking nuts. The
23 4² (70mm) High X 4 12² (114mm) Diameter assembly of sprinkler and guard is then wrenched
into place using an adjustable wrench maximum
Models D-1, D-5 size 8² and a jaw opening of 1 18² (for D-1, D-3, D-4
25 8² (67mm) High X 3² (76mm) Diameter or D-5) or an adjustable wrench maximum size 10²
and a jaw opening of 1516² (for D-6).
Model C-4
Wrench must be placed over the guard. Do not
27 8² High X 4 12² Diameter use the wrench directly on the sprinkler wrench
boss. The sprinkler wrench boss requires a
special wrench.
Installation Instructions
• Model C Guards
With both cups unhooked, slightly spread open the Finish
guard. Insert steel plate into the installed sprinkler Standard Finish—Zinc with chromate dip.
between the threads and the wrench flats. The steel Other finishes, quoted on request.
plate tabs should face the sprinkler wrench flats and four
contact points engage the sprinkler neck.
For Model C-2, the steel plate fits into the groove in Ordering Information
each wrench flat and the guard is located by the notch in • Guard Type (D-1,D-2 etc.)
both steel plates. • Finish (Standard or other)
Snap the farther locking clip into place, then close the
near clip. The guard is now securely installed in place. If • Sprinkler Inlet Thread Size,
locking clip requires too much force to snap closed or D-4 & D-5 Guards Only.
open, slightly flex the wires on both sides of the clip and • Optional: Consult Factory for assembly on
either close or open the clip. sprinkler.
Specify Sprinkler:
- Type.
- Temperature Rating.
- Finish.
• Wrench: Not supplied by Reliable
Reliable...For Complete Protection
Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many
precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly
qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Water Flow Detector (WFD) -WFD30-2
WFD Series
Waterflow Detector
UL ULC/Canadian
Models Models WFD40
WFD30-2 WFD30-2A
Replacement Parts
Product Overview
New WFD30-2 models install in 2″ System Sensor’s WFD series is compatible with schedule 10 through 40 steel pipe,
hole sizes sizes 2″ through 8″, and can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position.
UL models are NEMA 4 rated Robust Construction. The WFD series consists of a rugged, NEMA 4 rated enclo-
Sealed retard mechanism assures that sure. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, the WFD series operates across
the retard is not contaminated by dust a wide temperature range, from 32°F to 120°F.
and dirt when the cover is removed
Reliable Performance. UL listed models are equipped with tamper resistant cover
Visual switch activation permits installer screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form C) syn-
to accurately set retard under noisy chronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable
conditions performance.
Rugged, dual SPDT switches are
False Alarm Immunity. The WFD series incorporates a mechanical retard feature,
enclosed in a durable terminal block
which minimizes the risk of false alarm due to pressure surges or air trapped in
Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire the sprinkler system. In addition, the mechanical retard’s unique sealed design is
100% synchronization activates
immune to dust and other contaminants.
both alarm panel and local bell
Simplified Operation. The WFD series is designed to simplify installation. Two
conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard
mechanism and dual SPDT switches are field-replaceable.
S739 7770-1209:140
167-93-E 1W9A2.AH
Engineering Specifications
Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawing and/or as specified herein. Detectors
shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate nominal size, either a vertical upflow or horizontal run, at least 6″ from any
fittings which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24″ from a valve or drain. Detectors shall
have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 450 psi* for 2″ - 8″ pipes. The detector
shall respond to waterflow in the specified direction after a preset time delay which is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be
a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane
inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual
SPDT switches (Form C contacts). Two conduit entrances for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided
on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. Unless noted, enclosures shall be NEMA 4 listed by Underwriters Laboratories
Inc. All detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for indoor or outdoor use.
Standard Specifications
Static Pressure Rating Conduit Entrances Service Use
450 PSI* Two openings for 1⁄2″ conduit. One open, one knock- Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA-13
out type One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D
Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate) Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R
4–10 GPM Operating Temperature Range
32ºF to 120ºF (0ºC to 49ºC) National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA-72
Maximum Surge Warranty
18 Feet Per Second (FPS) Enclosure Rating*
NEMA 4 – suitable for indoor/outdoor use 3 Years
Compatible Pipe: U.S. Patent Numbers
Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40 Cover Tamper Switch 3,845,259
Standard with ULC models 4,782,333
Contact Ratings Optional for UL models, part no. 546-7000 5,213,205
Two sets of SPDT (Form C)
10.0 A, 1/2 HP @ 125/250 VAC Shipping Weight
2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC WFD20: 4.2 lbs. WFD40: 5.2 lbs.
WFD25: 4.3 lbs. WFD50: 6.3 lbs.
Overall Dimensions Installed: WFD30-2: 4.5 lbs. WFD60: 6.8 lbs.
WFD35: 4.7 lbs. WFD80: 7.5 lbs. T16-0010-XXX
B AWAY FROM NOTE: Common and B connections will
COM close when vane is deflected, i.e.,
Delay Adjustment Dial: CO A
when water is flowing. Dual switches
3.75″ M M permit applications to be combined
•READY• STATE on a single detector.
$)!, )3 !002 SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2
$ELAY /. ).
2 $%,!9 3%#/ /8)-
"% % .$ !
U bolt nut 1.6″ To nonsilenceable end-of-line resistor
initiating zone of
Pipe saddle
Plastic vane
Model Width Model Width To power source
WFD20 4.6″ WFD40 6.8″ with bell bell Break wire as shown for
U bolt WFD25 4.6″ WFD50 7.8″ COM supervision of connection.
DO NOT allow stripped wire
WFD30-2 5.2″ WFD60 9.0″ WFD leads to extend beyond
WFD35 5.7″ WFD80 10.8″ switch assembly switch housing. DO NOT
Width: See Table loop wires.
Typical Local Bell Connection
Ordering Information
UL Model Numbers ULC/Canadian Model Numbers Pipe Size Hole Size Part Number Description
WFD20 WFD20A 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ A3008-00 Retard mechanism
WFD25 WFD25A 2 1⁄ 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ A77-01-02 Terminal block
WFD30-2 WFD30-2A 3″ 2″ 546-7000 Tamper proof switch kit
WFD35 WFD35A 3 1⁄ 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ WFDW Tamper proof wrench for cover
WFD40 WFD40A 4″ 2″ WFDN4 Gasket kit
WFD50 WFD50A 5″ 2″
WFD60* WFD60A 6″ 2″
WFD80* WFD80A 8″ 2″
*Maximum pressure rating 400 psi as approved by Factor y Mutual.
Supervisory Switch (Model: OSY2)
Product Overview
Sensitivity adjustment wheel, System Sensor EPS10 Series switches are designed for use in wet, dry, deluge, and pre-
no tools required action automatic sprinkler systems to indicate a discharge from a sprinkler. The EPS10-1
has a single SPDT switch while the EPS10-2 model contains two SPDT switches.
Reinforced diaphragm resists
pressure spikes
The EPS10 Series features field adjustable pressure sensitivity to provide an alarm
Two conduit entrances provided response between 4 and 20 psi. It is factory set to respond at 4 – 8 psi on rising
pressure. The pressure adjustment wheel requires no special tools and does not
NEMA 4 rated
affect switch synchronization on the EPS10-2.
Pressure Switch Basic Dimensons Electrical Connections for EPS10-1 and EPS10-2
©2003 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0176-008•6/03•#1037
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Supervisory Switch
Models Available
OSY2 OS&Y Supervisory Switch
Replacement Parts
OSYRK Replacement Hardware Kit
546 -7000 Cover Tamper Switch Kit
S07- 66 - xx Tamper Screws for Cover
WFDW Cover Wrench
HEXW Replacement Hex Wrench
Product Overview
NEMA 3R rated enclosure System Sensor’s OSY2 is used to monitor the open position of an Outside Screw
and Yoke (OS&Y) type gate valve.
User-friendly mounting bracket
fits newer valve yokes Robust Construction. The OSY2 consists of a rugged housing, intended for
indoor and outdoor use. When installed with the actuator in the vertical
Single side conduit entry does not position, the OSY2 is NEMA 3R rated per UL.
require right angle fittings
Application Flexibility. The OSY2 features a user-friendly mounting bracket
Adjustable length actuator eliminates and adjustable shaft to permit mounting to most OS&Y valves, ranging in
the need for cutting the shaft size from 1″ to 12″. Its right angle design and wide bracket span provides
maximum clearance for valve components, to accommodate troublesome
Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire valves. Removing the OSY2’s gate valve bracket allows the unit to monitor
side-bracket style pressure reducing valves.
Three position switch monitors
vandal and valve close signals Simplified Operation. Installation is made easier with the OSY2’s single side
conduit entrance. By providing a direct conduit pathway to the electrical
Two SPDT contacts are enclosed in a source, right angle fittings are not required. Installation is further simplified
durable terminal block for added strength by the OSY2’s adjustable length actuator, which eliminates the need for
cutting the shaft.
100% synchronization activates both
alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Reliable Performance. The OSY2 is equipped with tamper resistant cover
screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form C)
synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure
reliable performance.
OW6A8.AY 167– 93 – E
Engineering Specifications
Model shall be model number OSY2 supervisory switch as manufactured by System Sensor. OSY2 shall be installed
on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere
with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control
or when the stem has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be
contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2″ conduit and incorporate
the necessary facilities for attachment to the valve. A grounding provision is provided. The switch assembly shall include
two switches each with a rated capacity of 10 Amp @ 125/250VAC and 2.5 Amp @ 24VDC. The cover shall contain
tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be provided with each switch. The OSY2 shall be Underwriters
Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The OSY2 shall be Factory Mutual, CSFM, and MEA approved.
Standard Specifications
Contact Ratings Operating Temperature Range Ser vice Use
Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 32ºF to 120°F ( 0ºC to 49ºC) Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13
10.0 A @ 125/250VAC NOTE: The OSY2 will operate from – 40ºF to 120ºF One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D
(– 40ºC to 49ºC); however UL does not test control Residential Occupancies up to 4 stories: NFPA 13R
2.5 @ 6/12/24VDC valve super visor y switches below 32ºF (0ºC). National Fire Alarm code: NFPA 72
Overall Switch Dimensions Enclosure Rating Warranty
5 3/4″H x 3 1/2″W x 3 1/4″D UL indoor/outdoor 3 years
(14.6cm x 8.9cm x 8.2cm) NEMA 3R when mounted with the actuator ver tical
U.S. Patent Nos.
Bracket Span Cover Tamper Switch 5,478,038; 5,213,205
2 1/4″H x 6 3/4″W x 1″D Standard with ULC model
(5.7cm x 17.1cm x 2.5cm) Optional for UL model, par t no. 546 -7000
Maximum Stem Extension
25/8″ (6.7cm)
Electrical Connections for OSY2
Shipping Weight
2.8 lbs. (1.3 kg)
Top View
125/250 VAC 10 AMPS
Strip Gauge 24 VDC 2.5 AMPS
OSY2 Mounting
Sup. Switch Sup. Switch
THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES OF THE FOLLOWING MOUNTING to nonsilenceable initiating end-of-line resistor
zone of listed FACP
to power source
compatible local
with bell bell Break wire as shown for supervision
COM of connection. DO NOT allow stripped
ACTUATOR ACTUATOR ACTUATOR VERTICAL wire leads to extend beyond switch
Ordering Information
Model Number Description
OSY2 Outside Screw and Yoke valve super visor y switch
OSY2A Outside Screw and Yoke valve super visor y switch (ULC model)
©2004 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0196-008•07/04•#1309
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
High Pressure Alarm Check Valve (E3)
Bulletin 410 Rev. D
Bulletin 410
Model E3 High Pressure
Alarm Check Valve
4² (100mm), 6² (150mm),
Rev. D
165 mm & 8² (200mm)
1. 300 psi (20,7 bar) ratings. Factory tested
hydrostatically to 600 psi (41,4 bar).
2. Grooved seat design ensures positive
water flow alarm operation.
3. Precision retard chamber minimizes false
alarms under variable pressure conditions.
4. External by-pass minimizes false alarms
under all supply pressure conditions.
5. Grooved inlet and outlet connections.
Less weight than flange valves.
6. Vertical and horizontal trims available.
7. Three compact galvanized trim styles
• Individual part trim
• Segmentally assembled trim
• Factory trimmed valve
8. TestANDrainâ valve with pressure relief,
• Exercises the clapper with alarm test.
• Functions like the Inspector’s Test
Port with greater convenience.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Operation Valve Description
Variable Pressure 1. Rated working pressure: 300 (20,7 bar).
The Reliable Model E3 High Pressure Alarm Valve 2. Factory hydrostatic test pressure: 600 psi (41,4 bar).
in it’s closed and open positions is shown in 3. End and trim connections:
Figures 1 and 2. The closed position is maintained • Threaded openings per ANSI B 2.1 or ISO 7/1 R.
as long as the water pressure in the sprinkler
system piping above the alarm valve is greater • Grooves per ANSI/AWWA C606.
than, or equal to, the supply pressure. A flow of 4. Color: Black.
water in the system piping, resulting from the Red (E3A*)
discharge through one or more fused automatic Red (Metric)
sprinklers, causes the clapper to rise off its
grooved seat and permits water from the supply to Groove Dimensions
enter the system for distribution on the fire.
Water now flows through the uncovered groove Face To
Valve Outlet Groove Groove
Groove Valve
and alarm line into the retard chamber. Once the Size Dia. Dia. Width
retard chamber is filled the water flow activates the
mechanical and electrical alarms (Figs. 3 & 4). in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in mm
Virtually all sprinkler system piping contains 4 100 4.500 114.0 4.334 110.1 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3 & E3A*
confined air. If a water hammer or pressure surge 6 150 6.625 168.0 6.455 164.0 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3
occurs in the supply line, the increased pressure
will compress the confined air and cause the alarm 6 165 6.500 165.0 6.330 160.8 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3A*
valve clapper to lift intermittently which may result 8 200 8.625 219 8.441 214 716 11 3 4 19 E3 &E3A*
in false alarms. The Reliable Model E3 Alarm Valve * “A” designates valves made for Australia
minimizes false alarms under these conditions by
two features:
a. The by-pass connection with check valve (Figs. 3 & 4) Model E3 Trim Description
allows pressure surges from the supply to by-pass the The basic trims for the Reliable Model E3 High
Pressure Alarm Valve (Figs. 3 & 4), are arranged for
alarm valve clapper. An excess system pressure is rapid, easy and compact attachment, and serve as
thus created which steadies the clapper. Should a connection points to Reliable alarm and other
heavy surge unseat the clapper and permit water to devices. They also act as a means for testing the
flow into the alarm line, the retarding chamber then operation of the alarm devices without causing the
comes into action. system to operate. The Model E3 high pressure alarm
valves are available in two trims and may be installed
b. Two Drain Orifice restrictions on the supply side of in the vertical or horizontal position in the main supply
the Retard Chamber allow intermittent flow to be to the wet pipe system:
drained before the Chamber fills and activates the • Constant Pressure Closed Drain – Retard chamber
alarms. not required. This trim set is used where water supply
Constant Pressure pressure does not vary such as a gravity tank. The
The operation of the Model E3 Alarm Valve in mechanical sprinkler alarm line automatically drains
installations where the water pressure is constant to the 2² (50mm) main drain line.
is the same as described above, with this • Variable Pressure Closed Retard Chamber Drain –
exception: The retard chamber is not required and Retard chamber required. This trim set is used where
water passing through the groove in the alarm water supply pressures vary. The retard chamber and
valve seat flows directly to activate the mechanical mechanical sprinkler alarm line are drained through a
and electrical alarms. closed, checked connection to the 2² (50mm) main
drain line. Only one drain connection is required.
• The trim set permits both vertical
and horizontal installation.
• A TestANDrain valve segment is optional, to
be purchased separately, as a replacement to
Model E3 High Pressure Alarm Valve (Figs. 1&2) the valve (Figs. 3 & 4).
Model E3 Vertical & Horizontal Trim Illustrations
Installation Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Valve A B C D E F G H I J K L M
4² 7² 10½² 15² 6² 16¾² 15² 3½² 5¾² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 8¼²
(100mm) (178) (267) (381) (152) (426) (381) (89) (146) (305) (114) (165) (254) (210)
6² 75 8 ² 11½² 16² 7² 15¼² 16½² 4¼² 7² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 6¾²
(150mm) (194) (292) (406) (178) (387) (419) (108) (108) (305) (114) (165) (254) (172)
8² 75 8 ² 11½² 16² 7² 15¼² 16½² 4¼² 7² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 6¾²
(200mm) (194) (292) (406) (178) (387) (419) (108) (108) (305) (114) (165) (254) (172)
Installation must be made with 300 psi (20,7 bar) minimum rated grooved couplings, such as the Star Fittings Model C-2 LW. To
mate with ANSI Class 250 or Class 300 Flanges, use listed grooved flanged adapters having appropriate pressure rating.
Variable Pressure, Variable Pressure,
Vertical Trim — Top View Horizontal Trim — Top View
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the
most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by:
Iron Body Check Valves (500 PSI WWP)
AHEAD OF THE F L O W® Revision 4/20/2009
1. Body Bolt Steel ASTM A 307
2. Identification Plate Aluminum
3. Bonnet Cast Iron ASTM A 126 Class B
4. Body Gasket Reinforced Graphite
5. Body Nut Steel ASTM A 307
6. Side Plug Brass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000
7. Hanger Pin Brass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000
8. Hanger Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
9. Disc Nut Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
10. Disc Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
11. Seat Ring Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
12. Body Cast Iron ASTM A 126 Class B
Dimensions F-968-B
Size A B D E Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 11.50 292 5.83 149 7.50 191 1.00 25 62 28
3 80 12.50 318 6.31 160 8.25 210 1.13 29 77 35
4 100 14.00 356 7.56 192 10.00 254 1.25 32 129 58
6 150 17.50 445 8.50 216 12.50 318 1.44 37 225 102
* Proper machining facilities required.
Flg x Flg
NIBCO Iron Body Check Valves may be installed in both horizontal and
vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position.
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
38 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm (Model C)
Bul le tin 612 Rev. I
Model C
1. Dependable − Pelton Wheel Type.
2. Prompt − Positive Operation.
3. Nylon Bearings − No Lubrication
4. Compact − Lightweight − Easily
5. Rust-Free Cast Aluminum Gong.
No Gong Cover Needed.
6. Gong Available in Red and Bright
Metallic Finishes. The Re li able Model C Me chan i cal Alarm, also called
a water motor and gong, is the hydro-mechanical
7. Self-Setting After Operation alarm of Re li able Wet and Dry Pipe Au to matic Sprin -
kler Sys tems. Usually mounted on an out side build -
Eliminating Need of Removing ing wall and energized by water flowing from the
Cov ers, Plates, Etc. to Re set In ter nal alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve, it au to mat i cally sounds
Mechanisms. a con tin u ous pierc ing alarm when the sprin kler sys-
tem op er ates to ex tin guish a fire.
1. Listed by Un der writers Lab o ra tories, Inc. (UL).
2. Listed by Un der writers Lab o ra tories of Can ada (ULC).
3. Ap proved by Fac tory Mu tual Re search Cor po ra tion, (FM).
4. Verband der Schandenversicherer eV. (VdS).
5. Loss Pre ven tion Coun cil (LPC).
6. NYC BS & A No. 587-75-SA.
The Re li able Au to matic Sprin kler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Park way, Mount Vernon, New York 10552
The drive shaft is furnished in a standard length of 18”
When an alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve is operated by the for a 14” (355mm) wall. Longer shafts for thicker walls are
fusing of one or more automatic sprinklers due to fire, furnished on request. The drive shaft can be installed by
water flows through the ¾ inch strainer, and ¾ inch removing the body cover and pelton wheel from the
piping that connects the mechanical sprinkler alarm to body.
the alarm or dry pipe valve. On entering the mechanical
sprinkler alarm inlet, the water passes through the The gong has a raised boss at its center so that
nozzle and impinges against the pelton wheel blades identification nameplates can be retained by the 3 8” gong
causing the pelton wheel to rotate. The striker assembly bolt. A standard fire alarm identification sign for
connected to the pelton wheel by the drive shaft also at tach ment be low sprin kler alarm gongs can be sup plied
rotates causing the striker to impact against the gong by Re li able.
producing a continuous piercing alarm. The water, after The Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm shall be located as
impinging against the pelton wheel, drains off through near to the alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve as practicable to
the 1-inch drain outlet in the body housing. avoid long runs or many fittings in the piping that
The alarm continues to sound as long as water is flowing connects to such devices. Galvanized or brass pipe of a
through the sprinkler system. It may be shut off by closing size not less than ¾” (19mm) is to be used. The ¾”
the alarm control valve located in the piping line (19mm) Strainer, provided with the Mechanical Sprinkler
connecting the mechanical sprinkler alarm with the alarm Alarm, must be installed at the alarm outlet of the water
(wet) or dry pipe valve. flow detecting device. When a retarding chamber is
used in connection with an alarm valve, the strainer shall
Reliable Model C Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm is self be located at the outlet of the retarding chamber.
setting after each operation, eliminating the need of
removing cover plates, etc. to reset internal mechanisms. The 1-inch drain outlet should discharge into an open
drain. For installation instructions, refer to the separate
Installation bulletins, “Instructions for Installation, Operation, Care
and Maintenance” for Reliable Mechanical Sprinkler
The Reliable Model C Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm is Alarms, Alarm (Wet) Valves and Dry Pipe Valves.
easily installed. As illustrated in the figure below, a ¾”
(19mm) support pipe of appropriate length runs through
the wall supporting the pelton wheel body on the inside
wall surface and the gong assembly on the exterior wall
surface. The entire assembly can be secured and
aligned by simply screwing the body onto the support
pipe, compressing the wall support washer.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
www.reliablesprinkler .com Internet Address E.G.. Printed in U.S.A 08/01 P/N 9999970059
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Ductile Iron Body Swing Check Valve (Class 150)
AHEAD OF THE F L O W® Revised 9/28/2009
Size A B D E Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2 50 8.00 203 3.94 100 6.00 152 .63 16 24 11
2¹⁄₂ 65 8.50 216 4.50 114 7.00 178 .69 17 35 16
3 80 9.50 241 5.13 130 7.50 191 .75 19 47 21
4 100 11.50 292 6.13 156 9.00 229 .94 24 81 37
5 125 13.00 330 6.81 173 10.00 254 .94 24 100 45 F-938-31
6 150 14.00 356 8.00 203 11.00 279 1.00 25 146 66 Flg x Flg
8 200 19.50 495 9.44 240 13.50 343 1.13 29 255 116
10 250 24.50 622 12.06 306 16.00 406 1.19 30 426 193
12 300 27.50 699 16.13 410 19.00 483 1.25 32 660 299
Lever and Weight/Spring Options available. (see page 99)
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
84 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.234.0557 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Size A B C D Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 10.00 254 6.44 164 7.00 178 .69 17 53 24
3 80 10.25 260 6.63 168 7.50 191 .75 19 62 28
4 100 13.00 330 8.00 203 9.00 229 .94 24 103 47
5 125 15.00 381 9.19 233 10.00 254 1.00 25 145 66 Ball Drip
6 150 16.25 413 10.31 262 11.00 279 1.00 25 174 79
8 200 19.50 495 11.50 292 13.50 343 1.13 29 290 132
An automatic ball drip is available for NIBCO
10 250 22.00 559 13.31 338 16.00 406 1.19 30 490 223 Underwriter's check valves. The ball drip is
12 300 27.50 699 15.56 395 19.00 483 1.25 32 683 310 installed at boss location "C" on the check
valve of the fire department connection. It
NIBCO Iron Body check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with will close against pressure, but will open
upward flow. when pressure is off allowing water to drain
from the fire department connection.
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 31
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Butterfly Valve (300 lb. WWP)
Revision 11/19/2009
Size A B C D E F G
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In.
mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm.
2¹⁄₂ 65 2.88 73 2.72 69 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.42 61 11.94 303 2.91 74
3 O.D. 76.1 3.00 76 2.84 72 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.42 61 11.94 303 2.91 74
3 80 3.50 89 3.34 85 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.86 73 12.48 317 2.91 74
4 100 4.50 114 4.33 11010 0.38
0.63 16 4.56 116 3.84 98 14.18 360 2.91 74
5 125 5.56 141 5.39 13710 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 4.79 122 15.17 385 2.91 74
6 150 6.63 168 6.45 16410 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 5.73 146 17.54 446 2.91 74
6 O.D. 165.1 6.51 165 6.32 16110 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 5.73 146 17.54 446 2.91 74
8 200 8.63 219 8.44 21411 0.44
0.75 19 5.26 134 7.71 196 19.42 493 2.91 74
10 250 10.75 273 10.56 26813 0.50
0.75 19 6.29 160 9.56 243 24.03 610 3.90 99
Size J K L M N P Q R Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.67 144 4.19 106 3.25 83 5.9 150 3.46 88 22 10.0
3 O.D. 76.1 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.67 144 4.19 106 3.25 83 5.9 150 3.46 88 22 10.4
3 80 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.94 151 4.44 113 3.54 90 5.9 150 3.97 101 23 10.4
4 100 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 6.31 173 5.33 135 4.35 110 5.9 150 5.03 128 28 12.7
5 125 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 7.32 186 5.83 148 4.84 123 5.9 150 6.27 159 31 14.1
6 150 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 8.62 219 7.11 181 5.93 151 5.9 150 7.25 184 41 18.6
6 O.D. 165.1 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 8.62 219 7.11 181 5.93 151 5.9 150 7.25 184 41 18.6
8 200 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.91 201 9.80 249 8.05 204 6.87 174 9.8 250 9.25 235 53 24.1
10 250 3.98 101 3.03 77 9.49 241 11.61 295 9.86 250 9.17 233 11.8 300 18.00 457 88 40.0
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 41
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Gate Valve (Model-18)
714 S. Main St., Randleman, NC 27317
Tel: 800-334-3035 Fax: 800-498-4696
1 Set Screw Steel
2 Hand Wheel Iron
3 Yoke Bushing Brass
4 Stem Brass
5 Packing Gland Brass
6 Cap Screw Steel
7 Packing Graphite Non-Asb.
8 Bonnet Bronze
9 Spirol Pin Stainless Steel
10 Wedge Bronze
11 Body Bronze
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
H Style Strainer (X43H)
H Style Strainer
• Low Pressure Drop
• Ductile Iron Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Construction
with a 316 Stainless Steel Strainer
• Large Flow Area H-Style Design
• Service Without Removal From Line
The Cla-Val Model X43H H-Style Strainer offers an effective means of
removing unwanted solid particles in pipeline flow. These strainers are
ideal for preventing fouling, debris and particle buildup in Cla-Val
Automatic Control Valves. The large flow area design, with a flat stainless
steel strainer mesh perpendicular to flow, is optimized for low pressure
drop applications. Maintenance is fast and easy with the compact H-pat-
tern, requiring only top cover removal. The strainer may be installed in any
position, however, installation with cover up is recommended.
Sizes (Inches): 11⁄2, 2, 21⁄2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24
Ends: Flanged, ANSI Class 150 and 300
Max Pressure Rating: 150# - 250 psi • 300# - 400 psi
Fluids: Compatible with Materials of Construction
Temperature: Maximum 180°F
Body & Cover: Ductile Iron ANSI B16.42; Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating Standard
Cover Seal: Buna-N® Synthetic Rubber
Strainer:: 316 Stainless Steel; Ductile Iron, Epoxy Coated Frame
Strainer Mesh Sizes: Standard 10 mesh / 2000 Micron / Openings 0.078 inch
Optional .039 and .059 inch openings available
Drain/Blow-Off Connection Furnished with Stainless Steel Plug as Standard.
Cover Fasteners: Stainless Steel
Strainer Size (inches)1 1⁄2 2 2 1⁄2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
A 150 ANSI 9.06 9.06 9.06 11.81 11.81 15.75 19.69 22.83 24.02 25.59 31.50 37.40 43.31
AA 300 ANSI 9.13 9.13 9.13 11.89 11.89 15.83 19.76 22.91 24.09 25.67 31.57 37.48 43.39
B 150 ANSI 3.26 3.26 3.66 4.06 4.33 5.63 6.69 8.86 8.88 10.24 12.20 19.09 19.09
BB 300 ANSI 3.26 3.26 3.66 4.06 4.33 5.63 6.69 8.86 9.56 10.94 12.20 19.09 19.09
C Max. 150 ANSI 3.78 3.78 3.78 5.91 5.91 7.52 8.82 11.61 15.16 14.96 19.69 23.98 23.98
CC Max. 300 ANSI 5.20 5.20 5.35 6.22 6.22 7.99 9.33 12.79 15.67 15.67 19.69 23.98 23.98
D Dia. 150 ANSI 7.87 7.87 7.87 9.25 9.25 15.74 18.11 22.05 26.77 26.77 35.43 46.85 46.85
DD Dia. 300 ANSI 7.99 7.99 7.99 9.37 9.37 15.86 18.23 22.17 26.85 26.85 35.43 46.85 46.85
G Drain/Blow-off Plug 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 2 2 2 3 3 D
Approx. Ship Wt. Lbs. 33 36 39 59 73 143 212 432 626 683 970 1175 1962
Strainer Size (mm) 40 50 65 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600
A 150 ANSI 230 230 230 300 300 400 500 580 610 650 800 950 1100
AA 300 ANSI 232 232 232 302 302 402 502 582 612 652 802 952 1102 C CC
B 150 ANSI 83 83 93 103 110 143 170 225 228 260 310 485 485
BB 300 ANSI 83 83 93 103 110 143 170 225 243 278 310 485 486
C Max. 150 ANSI 96 96 96 150 150 191 224 295 385 380 500 609 609
CC Max. 300 ANSI 132 132 136 158 158 203 237 325 398 398 500 609 609 B BB
D Dia. 150 ANSI 200 200 200 235 235 400 460 560 680 680 900 1190 1190
DD Dia. 300 ANSI 203 203 203 238 238 403 463 563 682 682 900 1190 1190
G Drain/Blow-off Plug 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 2 2 2 3 3
Approx. Ship Wt. (kg) 15 16 18 27 33 65 96 196 284 310 440 810 890
Model X43H Flow Chart
2 1/
Pressure Drop (psi)
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 200,000
Flow (gpm)
CV Factor
Strainer Size (inches) 1 1⁄2 2 2 1⁄2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
CV (Gal/Min. - gpm.) 96 150 254 367 654 1644 3922 4566 6800 8949 11692 18264 26302
CV (Litres/Sec - l/s.) 23 36 61 85 157 395 702 1097 1580 2150 2809 4388 6319
Cv in gpm = gpm @ 1psid head loss • Cv in l/s = l/s @ 1bar head loss
Constant Downstream
P.O. Box 1325 • Newport Beach, CA 92659-0325 • Phone: 949-722-4800 • Fax: 949-548-5441 • E-mail: • Website
CLA-VAL © Copyright Cla-Val 2010 Printed in USA Specifications subject to change without notice.
E-X43H H-Style Strainer (R-1/2010)
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
UL Listed Cast Iron Flanged End Strainer (Model: 911U)
Model: 911U
U.L. Listed Cast Iron Flanged End Y Strainers
for Firelines
Sizes: 21⁄2" – 12" (80 – 300mm)
Model Material Rating Strainers provide economical protection for costly pumps, meters, valves, and other similar
CWP mechanical equipment by straining foreign matter from the connected piping system.
911U Cast Iron 175psi @ 150°F
12 bar @ 66°C
125psi @ 406°F
Typical Service
These strainers are UL approved and are used to prevent clogging in fire service systems such
as automatic sprinkler systems and various spray systems.
Pressure Drop
Model 911U
21⁄2" 2.31
3" 3.27
4" 3.18
5" 3.62
6" 3.59
8" 3.08
10" 3.29
12" 2.79
911U 21⁄2" – 12" 304SS .250 perf
Body Cast Iron ASTM A126 Grade B
Cover Steel ASTM A515 Grade 70
Gasket Compressed Fiber
Dimensions and Weights
Mueller Steam Specialty product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measure-
ments, please contact Mueller Steam Specialty Technical Service. Mueller Steam Specialty reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction,
specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Mueller Steam Specialty products
previously or subsequently sold.
A Division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. USA: 1491 NC Hwy 20 West St. Pauls, NC 28384;
Tel: 910-865-8241 Fax: 910-865-6220
Toll Free Phone 1-800-334-6259 Toll Free Fax: 1-800-421-6772
ES-MS-911U 0715 © Mueller Steam Specialty, 2007
A Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
Stage 1 alarm
Stage 2 alarm
All sounds are to be distinctive, separate noises with the general building alarm being
common to the other areas of the buildings.
Each room shall be fire rated and air tight from other room. The room integrity test shall be
conducted for each room protected with gas suppression system, complying with the
requirements of NFPA 2001.
Fire detection actuation & alarm system provided for each gas suppression system shall be
standalone. Min.2 no of detectors with a combination of ionisation & optical type smoke
detectors shall be provided with actuation for gas release shall be based on 23 sq. m /
There shall be a maximum time delay of 60 seconds for the discharge of gas from the time of
double knock of detectors. However this time delay shall be decided by the operatives
Where the rooms have raised floor or raised ceiling, the volume of these shall be considered
for calculating the gas quantity. There shall be dedicated detectors & nozzles for these area
and all the design requirements shall be the same as described former part of the sub section.
Response indicators shall be installed & connected at room level for the detectors installed in
raised floor or raise ceiling for monitoring the detector status.
Gas shall be discharged within 10 seconds after the actuation of the solenoid valve. Piping
shall be designed accordingly.
A specialised fire contractor approved by the authorities having jurisdiction for design,
supply, install & commissioning of the system shall submit a flow calculation for FM 200
system. The software used for the calculation shall be UL listed & shall be approved by AHJ.
4.2.1 General
Wet fire fighting systems shall comprise the following:
Water tank.
Standpipe system
Sprinkler system.
Foam – water sprinkler pre-action system
Pumps and motors.
The complete system shall be in accordance with the requirement of Saudi Civil Defence
Whenever the word "provide" is used it shall mean "furnish, install, test & commission
complete and ready for use".
Equipment capacities and performance requirements shall be as listed in the schedule of
Equipment shown on the Drawings.
The proposed fire fighting system as shown on the drawings or the one to be provided shall
be submitted for approval to SCD.
4.2.2 Standpipe System
Standpipe systems shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 14, 2007
Mashaaer Mugaddassah MMMP-SL-EMDD-GEN-GEN-DSP-D-3003-A02
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A Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
Standpipe system water shall be supplied from the fire water storage tanks. Fire pumps shall
supply the water to supply the standpipe outlets and hose reels.
Civil Defence breeching inlet shall be provided at each station for the use of the Saudi Civil
Defence to pump water into the system.
The location of the breeching inlet shall not be more than 30.5m from the hard standing
location. Hard standing location shall be designed by the Architect considering the road
accesses with appropriate turning radius as required by NFPA and local authorities.
4.2.3 Sprinklers;
The installation shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 13 ordinary hazard 2 and shall
comprise of an incoming water main to a storage tanks, duty and standby sprinkler pumps,
Installation control sets, distribution pipe work, control valves and sprinkler heads.
Fire water reserve shall be maintained for one hour operation of fire pump as required by
Centrifugal pumps arranged as duty and standby each designed to cater the 100% demand of
the fire protection system. Each fire pump shall have its own dedicated controller located at
fire pump room. Duty fire pump shall be of electrical motor driven & standby fire pump
shall be of diesel engine driven with a diesel storage tank located within the fire pump room.
The fuel capacity shall be as required for 8 hours operation of the fire pump. The
requirements of electrical & equipments shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 20,
2007 Edition & NFPA 70, 2007 Edition. The system pressure shall be maintained by jockey
pump. Jockey pump capacity shall be 5 – 7% of the main fire pump
The entire assembly & components in the fire pump room like but not limited to pressure
relief valve with waste cone, flow testing arrangements, venturi, shall comply with the
requirements of NFPA 20
As required by SCD, the diesel tank shall be located within a fire rated enclosure. Diesel
tank shall be located with in a bund wall & the bund wall shall be sized for 110% of the fuel
tank capacity. Bund wall shall be a drain pipe connected with an isolation valve which shall
be used to drain the diesel spilled within the bund.
Diesel storage tank shall have level indicators to monitor the fuel level in the tank. Diesel
tank shall be provided with vent pipe which shall be terminated to ground level. Vent pipe
shall be sized as required by SCD. The diesel tank shall be connected to a fuel filling
connected from ground level. The pipes shall confirm to ASTM A53 Gr B seamless Sch 40
painted to the local requirements. The filling pipe shall be sized to the requirements of SCD
& shall be routed in a fire rated enclosure to protect from any mechanical damages and to
avoid any exposure to heat and fire.
The Fire rated room enclosing diesel tank shall be provided with an extract system with a
dedicated duct work which shall terminate to atmosphere. The fan used for the extract shall
be suitable for the purpose which shall not produce any spark or fire.
Diesel tank area shall be provided with a modular type foam water sprinkler pre action
system complying with NFPA 16
4.2.4 Codes and Standards;
The works described in this section shall comply fully with the requirements of the
applicable “Code and Standards” section of this specification.
4.2.5 Pipe Work;
Potable pipe and fittings shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Pipe work” section of
this specification
Mashaaer Mugaddassah MMMP-SL-EMDD-GEN-GEN-DSP-D-3003-A02
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A Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
Pipes used in Fire Protection system shall be Hot dip galvanised SEAMLESS steel pipe
confirming to ASTM A53, Grade B
If welding is undertaken during installation of the fire suppression systems (Sprinkler piping,
Standpipe, breeching inlet, etc) then Non Destructive Testing shall be carried out on the
welding. The welder qualification, welding & testing shall comply with the requirements
stated in AWS, ASME Section IX as stated by NFPA 13.
Any portion of Fire suppression piping which is casted in concrete or buried shall be coated
& wrapped to protect again corrosion.
4.2.6 Valves;
Valves shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Valves” section of this specification
(2.16.3 through 2.16.17).
Fire protection valves shall all be UL listed and or FM approved with 1380 kpa (200 psi)
minimum pressure. Valve shall have 2070 kPa pressure rating if valves are components of
high pressure piping system.
Valves controlling water flow in fire protection piping shall be O.S&Y-Outside Screw and
Yoke type, except as noted, and shall be UL Listed, FM approved.
Gate valve shall be OS& Y type as indicated in the drawing. Sizes up to 50 mm and below
shall be threaded type. The valve body shall be cast bronze and wheel shall be cast iron. The
valve shall be UL listed and rated for 1380 KPa (200 psi) working pressure.
Sizes 65 mm and above shall be Cast Iron OS&Y Gate valves where indicated. The valve
body shall be cast iron with grooved or flanged ends. The valve shall be UL / FM approved
and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure (or 1725 KPa where required).
Use class 1725 KPa OS&Y gate valves where required. The valve body shall be cast iron
and shall be designed & manufactured according to AWWA standards.
OS & Y gate valves have a tamper switch & shall be monitored electrically through a
supervisory switch in the fire alarm panel.
Supervision switches shall be installed for all fire protection valves. The devices shall be
electrical; single pole, double-throw; with normally closed contacts and include design that
signals controlled valve is in other than normal position
Check valves shall be swinging type or split clapper type with flanged / grooved ends. The
valve body shall be cast iron. The valve shall be UL / FM approved and rated for 1380 KPa
working pressure (or 1725 KPa where required).
Use class 1725 / 2070 KPa check valves where required. The valve body shall be cast steel
and shall be designed & manufactured according to AWWA standards.
Butterfly valves shall be Grooved type with tamper switch. The valve body shall be made of
ductile Iron coated with nylon-11. The valve shall be UL / FM approved and rated for 1380
KPa working pressure.
Y–Type Strainer: Y Type Strainer consist of Ductile Iron Body , ASTM A-536 grade 65-45-
12 , Type 304 Stainless Steel cylindrical removable baskets with 1/16” perforations and 41%
open area for 2-3” strainer size. 1/8” (3.2mm) diameter perforations and 40% open area 4”-
12” strainer size.
Riser Check Valve : Grooved Riser check valve Black Enamel Painted, Ductile Iron Body to
ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12 4”-8”, Grade E EPDM encapsulated Ductile Iron disc, stainless
steel spring and shaft, rated to 300psi (1370kPa). Suitable for Anti Hammer service and
horizontal or vertical installation. Provided drilled, tapped and plugged stream for 2”
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drainage outlet and ½” pressure taps both upstream and down stream of disc. UL Listed and
FM approved.
Flexible Joints: Flexible Couplings in series shall be installed near the pumps to reduce the
noise and Vibration if recommended by the pump manufacturer
Building Expansion Joints: Flexible couplings shall be used to accommodate any movement
in the pipe due to Building expansion or contraction. A proper study and calculation needs to
provide by the Manufacturer.
Hangers and Supports;
Hangers and Supports shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Hangers and Supports”
section of this specification (2.15.15 and 2.15.23).
Pipeline Identification and Labelling;
Pipelines and equipment shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Identification”.
4.2.7 Fire Fighting Water Piping – General
All pipes used for fire fighting water distribution shall be hot galvanized steel iron seamless
schedule 40 confirming to ASTM A53 Gr. B assembled with galvanised malleable iron
threaded fittings for pipe sizes 2" and smaller and with grooved mechanical fittings for pipe
sizes 2½" and larger.
The fire fighting water piping system shall be provided with valves on all mains and
branches for sectionalizing the system for maintenance and operation.
All valves used in the fire fighting water piping system (Pump Suction, Discharge, Risers)
shall be of the rising stem type to clearly indicate whether the valve is in the open or closed
position. All these valves shall be provided with tamper switch with and shall be monitored
through fire alarm system. All valves in the zone control valve shall be butterfly valve with
supervisory switch and shall be monitored through fire alarm system. The valves shall
conform in all other respects to the specifications given under Valves.
All over ground pipe fittings up to 50mm shall be of malleable iron threaded joint
confirming to ASTM / ASME B16.3 & piping of 65mm and above shall be of mechanical
grooved type confirming to ASTM F1476 & ASTM F-1548
A 2" drain valve of the globe type shall be provided at the base of every riser as referred in
NFPA13 & 14. Piping shall be sloped not less than 2% towards the drain valves.
The fire fighting water pipes shall not be used in any way to supply water for other purposes.
All valves shall be supervised electrically in the Fire Alarm Panel.
4.2.8 Sprinkler System Description
Installation of sprinkler systems shall comply with NFPA 13, standard for the installation of
sprinkler system, or as directed by the civil defence authorities.
The installation shall be a Wet Sprinkler System and the flow of water to the sprinkler pipe
work shall be controlled by installation control valves.
The system shall be charged with water under pressure up to the sprinkler heads so that when
one or more of the sprinkler heads operates the wet alarm valve is actuated allowing water to
flow from the open sprinkler heads.
The water from the storage tank shall be used as the suction supply for the pumps. Pumps
shall be automatic in operation and shall be designed to comply with the performance
characteristic of automatic pumps as specified in the relevant section of the NFPA 20.
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A jockey pump shall be installed to maintain pressure in the system pipe work.
The fire water storage tanks shall be located as shown in drawings. The tanks shall be of
concrete construction as detailed on the structural drawings. High grade corrosion resistant
hot deep galvanized steel puddle flanged sleeves shall be used and the velocity in the suction
pipe shall not exceed 4.57m/s.
Water tightness is to be assured by caulking the space between the two pipes. Provide
caulking rings on the inner pipe.
The water tanks shall be lined with a laminated non toxic plastic liner or equivalents, factory
made, with all necessary pipe openings ready formed. The liner material shall be approved
by water authorities for the storage of potable water.
The sprinkler system shall be zoned & each zone shall be provided with an isolation valve
supervised electrically, flow switch (connected to the fire alarm system) test and drain valve,
pressure gauge, etc to comply with NFPA 13. The outlet of the drain valve shall be
connected to the nearest floor drain.
Each sprinkler riser shall be connected with an alarm check valve & isolation valve. The
zoning of the sprinkler system shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 13.
Alarm check valve shall be provided with pressure switches to monitor the pressure drop in
the downstream. An alarm motor gong shall be connected to the alarm check valve which
shall generate mechanical alarm upon flow across the alarm check valve. The location of the
gong shall be near to the location of breeching inlet.
Sprinklers shall be provided at the escalators truss with dedicated isolation valve (with
supervisory switch) & flow switch to monitor in the Fire alarm panel. A drain valve shall be
provided at the lower most level of the fire pipe network.
Where the void height exceeds 800mm above the false ceiling shall be considered as a
separate zone and shall be provided with sprinkler system.
All the isolation valves shall be provided with a supervisory switch which shall be
electrically supervised in the Main fire alarm panel. There shall be an individual address for
each isolation valve.
Provide fire alarm panel to indicate all sprinkler zone control valve - monitoring , solenoid
valves, FM 200 gaseous fire suppression system and flow switches. The alarm panel shall
be prepared to be connected to the fire alarm panel of the station or the concerned building
(if any).
4.2.9 Fire Protection Specialties
Installation Control Valves
Both the wet and dry type CVs shall have the following components. Select the trim as
System Isolation Valve
Iron body, bronze mounted (IBBM), Outside Screw and Yoke (O.S&Y) construction with
solid wedge and flanged ends.
Alarm Check Valve
Cast Iron body, Flap type construction with flanged/grooved ends, metered bypass with ball
valve for pressure maintenance flow, test and alarm flow arts, bolted access cover, pressure
gauges, pressure switch at inlet and outlet etc. UL listed & FM approved
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Test And Drain Valve
All bronze, angle valve with screwed ends complete with metering orifice, discharge turn
dish etc.
Alarm Test Valve
All bronze, multi port plug valve with screwed ends, operating lever, engraved position
indicator attached to body.
All bronze, Y type strainer with screwed ends, screwed cover and 30 mesh stainless steel
screen for alarm supply line.
Water Motor Alarm
All bronze construction of through the wall type with threaded inlet and outlet connections,
wall sleeve, drive shaft and bell.
Pressure Switch
Normally closed, pressure switch with contacts rated for 5amps. The unit shall be fully
enclosed with tapped conduit entry.
Flow Switches
Provide vane type flow switches with volt free, normally open contacts rated for 5amps and
enclosure with tapped conduit entry. The flow switch shall be adjustable, to give contact at
flow equal to that of one sprinkler. The unit shall be complete with pipe size saddle, clamp,
sealing gasket etc.
4.2.10 Sprinklers
All sprinklers shall be one of the following types.
Concealed fast response type with chrome plated cover for front of house areas as indicated
on drawings.
Upright fusible bulb fast response type as indicated on drawings.
All sprinkler indicated on the drawings as concealed type shall be of a decorative style flush
with the ceiling with ceiling plate cover. The visible parts shall be of satin finish chrome.
The deflector and retaining parts shall be concealed in the sprinkler body.
All sprinklers indicated on drawings as pendent, upright and side wall, concealed shall be of
the fusible solder fast response type constructed of high quality bronze with ½" male
threaded inlet and standard ½"
Return bends arrangement to be followed for any Pendent sprinkler installation
Sprinkler Material:
Body: Brass
Body cap: Brass
Deflector: Copper
Deflector pin: Stainless steel
Fusible link assembly: Nickel alloy and eutectic solder
Sprinkler selection, type, temperature shall comply with NFPA 13. Sprinklers shall be
pressure rated to suit the selected fire pump’s shut off head
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Sprinkler guards shall be provided to sprinklers located with in escalators and locations
where there are possibilities of mechanical damage to the sprinkler
Sprinklers shall be UL listed, FM approved & approved by Saudi Civil defence
4.2.11 Fire Pumps
The fire pump shall be of the base mounted, single stage, centrifugal type; horizontal split
case directly connected to an electric motor through a heavy duty flexible coupling for main
pump & diesel engine for stand by pump. Pump and driver shall be mounted on a common
cast iron base plated provided with drip rim, drain tapping, bolt holes and grouting hole. The
fire pump unit shall be supplied complete with pump, driver, and accessories as described
below. The pumping unit (Pumps, drives, controllers, couplings, etc) shall be listed by
Underwriters Laboratories and FM approved shall meet all requirements of the National Fire
protection Association, 20, 2007 Edition. The pump capacity and pressure shall be as shown
on the Drawings. The pump shall deliver, not less than 150% of rated capacity at a pressure
not less than 65% of rated pressure. The shut-off pressure shall not exceed 120% of rated
The pump casing shall be of cast iron having a minimum tensile strength of 35,000psi and
shall be designed for a working pressure of 250 psig and hydrostatically tested at the factory
to not less than 250 psig. Bearing housing supports and suction and discharge flanges shall
be integrally cast with the lower half of the casing. Removal of the upper half of the casing
shall allow removal of the rotating element without disconnecting the suction and discharge
The impeller shall be of the enclosed type and shall be of vacuum cast bronze. It shall be
dynamically balanced, keyed to the shaft sleeves. The shaft sleeves shall extend the entire
length of the seal boxes to protect the shaft and shall be key locked and threaded so that they
tighten with the rotation of the shaft.
Teflon gaskets shall be provided between the impeller hub and the shaft sleeves to protect
the pump shaft. The pump shall be equipped with renewable casing wear rings which shall
be locked by dwelling to prevent rotation.
The pump rotating element shall be supported by two heavy duty grease lubricated ball
bearings mounted in machined moisture and dust proof cast iron housing and bolted to the
pump casing with register fits to ensure permanent alignment.
Grease seals and water stingers shall be provided to protect the bearings from contamination.
Bearing housings shall be so designed as to flush lubricant through the bearing. Easily
accessible grease fittings shall be provided for positive bearing lubrication. The pump shaft
shall be of high strength steel accurately machined to give a true running rotating element.
The shaft shall be sealed by split packing glands designed for easy removal for inspection
and maintenance. The packing shall consist of INTERWOVEN, GRAPHITED asbestos,
diagonally cut packing rings with lantern ring connected to the pressure side of the pump by
a cored passage in the parting flange of the pump.
The electric motor shall be of the drip-proof, squirrel cage, induction type with permanently
lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor speed shall not exceed 3600 rpm. The pump shall
be provided from the factory with lifting lugs, coupling guard and tapped holes in the suction
and discharge flanges for pressure gauge connections.
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete from the factory with the following
accessories: -
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Suction and discharge pressure gauges, not less than 3½" dial, reading in P.S.I. and
having arranged equal to twice the rated design working pressure of the pump
complete with gauge valves.
Main relief valve, size 3" minimum, factory set to open at a pressure slightly
greater than the rated design working pressure of the pump with capacity to pass
all the water discharged by the pump without developing excessive pressure on the
Casing relief valve sized to prevent overheating of the pump when operating at
shutoff, factory set to open just higher than the rated design working pressure of
the pump and lower than shut-off discharge pressure
Automatic air release valve on the casing vent.
Suction and discharge matching flanges
Each fire pump unit shall be supplied from the factory with controller, for floor mounting, of
water tight construction and marked Fire Pump Controller.
The controller shall be of the combined manual and automatic, across-the-line type and shall
contain the following: Externally operable disconnect switch, circuit breaker with an
interrupting capacity to suit the motor magnetic starter, pressure switch, pilot lamp to
indicate circuit breaker closed and power available, ammeter test link, voltmeter test studs,
and a two position selector switch marked automatic and non automatic.
The controller shall be completely assembled, wired and tested at the factory, ready for
installation and operation with simple external electrical connections. The controller shall
comply with the requirements of NFPA 20 & NFPA 70
Fire Pump controllers are to be located within the Fire pump room which is to be sprinklered,
hence the controllers shall be drip proof as well
The pump shall be given a complete performance test at the factory with positive suction
pressure and with a 15 foot suction lift.
NPSH shall be calculated and considered for designing the pump.
All fire pumps shall be designed to be suitable for the prevailing climatic conditions in Saudi
Arabia. Factory visit shall be provided by the contractor at no extra cost to the client for
employer’s representative/s to witness the factory testing with performance of fire pump sets
before shipment to the project site.
A diesel tank confirming to the requirement of NFPA 20 & Saudi Civil Defence shall be
provided for each engine driven fire pump. The material of construction, piping, level
indicators, connections shall confirm to the requirements of NFPA 20. Diesel tank shall have
a vent connection which shall terminate to atmosphere.
4.2.12 Jockey Fire Pump
The Jockey fire pump shall be vertical multi stages stainless steel construction.
The electrical motor shall be close-coupled to the pump and shall be of the drip-proof,
squirrel cage induction type with permanently Lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor
speed shall not exceed 3450 rpm.
The pump shall be provided from the factory with one suitable starter of the totally enclosed,
wall mounted, direct on line type with low volt and overload protection in each phase and
suitable for automatic operation.
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4.2.13 Sprinkler Piping
No pipe serving automatic sprinklers shall be less than 1" even if serving only sprinkler. All
connections of sprinkler pipes shall be made to the top of cross mains and feed mains to keep
dirt and sediment out of sprinklers and sprinkler pipe. The ends of all the cross of feed
mains shall be provided with a flush and test connection comprised of 1" gate valve and 1"
hose adapter to allow fitting a 1" rubber hose for manually discharging the water to the
nearest bathroom of sanitary fixture. No test outlet shall be made less than 1" in order to give
a test flow equivalent to the flow from one sprinkler.
A Hydraulic Calculation to be submitted by the specialised contractor complying with NFPA
13 & 14.
4.2.14 Hangers and Supports
Horizontal pipes shall be supported by hangers of the universal pipe loop type. The hangers
shall have rods that are adjustable in length and washer type ceiling plates. The hanger shall
be attached to the concrete of the ceiling by means of expansion shields of size to suit the
hanger rod size.
The hangers shall have the thickness and width of flat steel and the size of hanger rod as
given in the following table: -
Pipe Dimensions Size of Rod
Size of Flat Steel
1" - 2" 1/16" x 5/8" 3/8"
2 1/2" & 3" 3/32" x 3/4" 1/2"
4" & 5" 1/8" x 3/4" 5/8"
6" 1/8" x 1" 3/4"
All pipe sizes shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 3 metres. Cross mains of
automatic sprinkler piping shall be supported independently of the branch line hangers.
One hanger shall be provided on each length between branch lines. Hangers shall be
installed without regard to the locations of pipe sleeves through walls. The pipe shall be
centred in the sleeve and not supported by it. Vertical pipes shall be supported at every floor
by means of clamps bolted around the pipe with legs on both sides that rest on the concrete
4.2.15 Standpipe
Standpipes shall be UL listed oblique pattern globe type with non-rising bronze spindle,
fitted with a leather strap and padlock with two keys. The hand wheel shall be marked to
show direction of rotation and the valve shall be complete with blank plug and chain. Inlet
size shall be 40mm for stations & EEP (SCD requirement) and 65mm for depot buildings
and the outlet 40mm for stations & EEP (SCD requirement) and 65mm for depot buildings
both female threaded outlet. The Standpipe shall include an adjustable pressure-reducing
device to ensure an outlet pressure of 6.9 bar (100 psi) for 65mm outlets and 4.5 bar (65 psi)
for 40mm outlets, as per NFPA requirements (as acceptable to the Saudi Civil Defence).
4.2.16 Automatic Hose Reel
The swing type automatic Fire Hose Reels shall be designed and manufactured as per
EN671-1. Hose Reel drums shall be made of 1.2mm thickness pre-treated electro-
galvanised steel sheet, painted with electrostatic powder coating confirming to RAL 3001
and oven baked at 180º. Hose Reel drum shall have additional ribs to give extra strength
and avoid twisting, Hose used has three ply with two synthetic rubber layers and a textile
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reinforcement approved to BS EN-694:2001 with working pressure 12.1 bar (175 psi).
Every unit has hydrostatically tested to 18 bar pressure. Hose Reel valve shall open
automatically within three revolutions of the reel. There shall be a pressure reducing valve
installed in the piping connecting the hose reel which shall restrict the pressure to 175 psi.
4.2.17 Breeching Inlets
Breeching Inlets shall be UL listed and of vertical or horizontal pattern having a 150mm
flanged outlet and four 65mm instantaneous male inlets complete with blank caps and chains.
Breeching inlets shall be equipped with a 25mm drain valve to drain the riser. The entire
breeching inlet shall be enclosed in a suitable flush mounted box with a labelled wired glass
Breeching Inlet location for stations shall be placed diagonally at 2 locations along the
perimeter of the premises and the location shall be not more than 30.5mtrs from the fire
brigade hard standing location.
4.2.18 Portable Fire Extinguishers
Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as required by NFPA 10, 2007 Edition. The
stored pressure extinguishers shall be 4.5 kg, ABC dry powder or 5 kg carbon dioxide type
or 2 kg ABC dry powder. The extinguisher shall include a gauge for indication of pressure.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed at a suitable height and in the hose cabinets.
Where fire extinguishers are installed on the wall, they shall be complete with wall mounting
The fire extinguishers shall be designed and constructed as per the latest BS 5423, shall be
UL/FM approved.
All the equipments used in fire fighting system shall be UL/FM approved & shall also be one
approved by local authorities.
Pipes, fittings and all the valves, sprinklers, equipments used in Fire fighting system shall be
pressure rated to suit to the operation of shut of pressure of the pumps
Pre action Foam water Sprinkler System shall be of Double knock type confirming to the
requirements of NFPA 11, 2007 Edition, NFPA 13, 2007 Edition & NFPA 16, 2007 Edition
Foam concentrate shall be of 3% AFFF. Water for the foam water sprinkler system shall be
drawn from the sprinkler network. Deluge valve shall be provided with pneumatic head with
trim assembly. Isolation valves shall be provided at downstream & upstream of the deluge
valves. By pass valve (isolation valve) for Deluge valve shall be provided
Bladder type Foam tank shall be located near the deluge valve with foam proportioner. The
foam proportioner shall be suitable for proportioning 3% of foam concentrate. A foam
concentrate sensing line shall be there in the foam proportioner to monitor the flow of foam
concentrate & to avoid the flow of water alone into the area being protected. Downstream of
the deluge valve shall be normally filled with Compressed air.
Foam concentrate carrying pipe shall be of stainless steel SS 316. All fittings & valves used
in foam concentrate network shall be of stainless steel SS 316
Double knock system shall be with 1) sensing of heat (bulb fuses) by the sprinkler & 2)
detection of smoke / fire through detectors
Bladder tank size & foam concentrate quantity shall be as referred by NFPA 11 & shall
include 100% standby reserve for operation of the system. In addition to that the suitable
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In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Submitted To :
Submitted by:
DATE:20 April 2010 J091205FF
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th ,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Sprinkler Guard
2.2 Model C
Model D
2.3 Water Flow Detector (WFD) -WFD30-2
2.5 Valves
3 Strainers
Section 1
A Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project
Document Number
Project Originator Discipline Location Doc Type Stage Revision
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Table of Contents
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2.3.7 Refrigerant circuit.................................................................................................................. 46
2.3.8 Control................................................................................................................................... 47
2.3.9 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 47
2.3.10 Testing and start-up ............................................................................................................... 48
2.4 FAN COIL UNITS…………………………………………………………………..........49
2.4.1 General Requirements: Chilled Water Fan Coil Units ......................................................... 49
2.4.2 Filter and Grille ..................................................................................................................... 50
2.4.3 Fan and Motor ....................................................................................................................... 50
2.4.4 Coils....................................................................................................................................... 51
2.4.5 Drain Pans ............................................................................................................................. 51
2.4.6 Casings/Plenums ................................................................................................................... 52
2.4.7 Casing/Plenum Insulation ..................................................................................................... 52
2.4.8 Fresh Air Connection ............................................................................................................ 53
2.4.9 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 53
2.5.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 54
2.5.2 Cabinet construction.............................................................................................................. 55
2.5.3 Refrigerant system................................................................................................................. 55
2.5.4 Safety device and control ...................................................................................................... 56
2.5.5 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 56
2.6 AIR-CONDITIONING UNIT (SPLIT-TYPE)…………………………...………………57
2.6.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 57
2.6.2 Cabinet construction.............................................................................................................. 57
2.6.3 Compressor............................................................................................................................ 58
2.6.4 Refrigerant circuit.................................................................................................................. 58
2.6.5 Evaporator coil ...................................................................................................................... 58
2.6.6 Air-cooled condenser ............................................................................................................ 58
2.6.7 Filter....................................................................................................................................... 59
2.6.8 Electrical accessory and control............................................................................................ 59
2.6.9 Condensate drain pan ............................................................................................................ 59
2.6.10 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 60
2.7 ROOF TOP SELF-CONTAINED UNIT…………………………………………………60
2.7.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 60
2.7.2 Cabinet construction.............................................................................................................. 61
2.7.3 Compressor............................................................................................................................ 61
2.7.5 Evaporator coil ...................................................................................................................... 62
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2.7.6 Air-cooled condenser ............................................................................................................ 62
2.7.7 Evaporator fan and motor...................................................................................................... 63
2.7.8 Condenser fan and motor ...................................................................................................... 63
2.7.9 Filter....................................................................................................................................... 63
2.7.10 Electrical accessory and control............................................................................................ 63
2.7.11 Condensate drain pan ............................................................................................................ 64
2.7.12 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 64
2.8.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 65
2.8.2 Blower and Motor ................................................................................................................. 65
2.8.3 Filter....................................................................................................................................... 65
2.8.4 Refrigeration System............................................................................................................. 66
2.10 DESERT COOLER………..……………………………………………………………..68
2.10.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 68
2.10.2 Type of Desert Cooler ........................................................................................................... 70
2.10.3 Interconnecting Pipes ............................................................................................................ 72
2.10.4 Painting.................................................................................................................................. 72
2.10.5 Testing ................................................................................................................................... 72
2.11 CHILLED WATER PUMPS……………………………………………………………..72
2.11.2 Standards ............................................................................................................................... 72
2.11.3 Constructional Requirements ................................................................................................ 73
2.11.4 Performance........................................................................................................................... 74
2.11.5 Pump Installation................................................................................................................... 75
2.11.6 Pump Set Auxiliary Equipment ............................................................................................ 76
2.11.7 Shaft Coupling Alignment .................................................................................................... 77
2.11.8 Type of Shaft Misalignment:................................................................................................. 77
2.12 DUCTING AND FITTINGS………..……………………………………………………78
2.12.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 78
2.12.2 Hangers and Supports............................................................................................................ 81
2.12.3 Flexible Duct Joints............................................................................................................... 82
2.12.4 Flexible Ductwork................................................................................................................. 82
2.12.5 Access Doors......................................................................................................................... 83
2.12.6 Grilles and diffusers .............................................................................................................. 84
2.12.7 4 way Blow Ceiling Diffusers............................................................................................... 84
2.12.8 Control Dampers ................................................................................................................... 86
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2.12.9 Damper Components............................................................................................................. 88
2.12.10 Butterfly and Multi Leaf Dampers........................................................................................ 88
2.12.11 Self-Closing (Non-Return) Dampers .................................................................................... 89
2.12.12 Fire dampers .......................................................................................................................... 90
2.12.13 Motor Operated Dampers (MOD)......................................................................................... 91
2.12.14 Motorized Smoke and Fire Dampers (MSFD) ..................................................................... 93
2.12.15 Test Points ............................................................................................................................. 94
2.12.16 Fire Rated Ductwork ............................................................................................................. 94
2.12.17 Turning Vanes ....................................................................................................................... 95
2.12.18 Ductwork Installation............................................................................................................ 96
2.12.19 Diffusers, Registers and Grilles Installation ......................................................................... 96
2.12.20 Cleaning of Air System......................................................................................................... 97
2.12.21 Access Panel.......................................................................................................................... 97
2.12.22 MOD and MSFD Installation................................................................................................ 97
2.13 THERMAL INSULATION.……………………………………………………………...98
2.13.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 98
2.13.2 Application – Ductwork and Air Handling Plant ................................................................. 99
2.13.3 Application – Chilled Water Pipe work and Equipment ....................................................100
2.13.4 Vapour Barriers ...................................................................................................................101
2.13.5 Identification of pipework...................................................................................................102
2.13.6 Identification of ductwork...................................................................................................103
2.13.7 Identification of valves........................................................................................................103
2.13.8 Labels ..................................................................................................................................103
2.14 PAINTING………………………...…………………………………………………….104
2.14.1 General requirements ..........................................................................................................104
2.14.2 Ferrous Surfaces ..................................................................................................................105
2.14.3 Copper Surfaces ..................................................................................................................105
2.14.4 Insulated Surfaces................................................................................................................105
2.15 PIPE WORK…………………………………………………………………………….106
2.15.1 General ................................................................................................................................106
2.15.2 Standards .............................................................................................................................106
2.15.3 Protection and Storage.........................................................................................................108
2.15.4 Cutting and Handling of Pipe..............................................................................................108
2.15.5 Installation General .............................................................................................................108
2.15.6 Cleaning Procedures............................................................................................................110
2.15.7 Installation ...........................................................................................................................111
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2.15.8 Expansion Bellows..............................................................................................................111
2.15.9 Jointing – general requirements ..........................................................................................111
2.15.10 Jointing of Welded Steel Piping..........................................................................................113
2.15.11 Screwed Steel Joints............................................................................................................114
2.15.12 Jointing of Copper Piping ...................................................................................................114
2.15.13 Flanges.................................................................................................................................114
2.15.14 Gaskets ................................................................................................................................115
2.15.15 Pipe work Hangers and Supports ........................................................................................115
2.15.16 Protective Coatings and Linings - General .........................................................................119
2.15.17 Protective Coatings and Linings - Particular ......................................................................119
2.15.18 Pipe work Insulation............................................................................................................119
2.15.19 Welding ...............................................................................................................................120
2.15.20 Brazing of copper tubing.....................................................................................................120
2.15.21 Testing .................................................................................................................................121
2.15.22 ECS Pipe work ....................................................................................................................121
2.15.23 Hanger rods .........................................................................................................................124
2.16 PIPELINE EQUIPMENT……………………………………………………………… .125
2.16.1 General Requirements .........................................................................................................125
2.16.2 Standards .............................................................................................................................126
2.16.3 Globe Valves .......................................................................................................................127
2.16.4 Isolation Butterfly Valves ...................................................................................................127
2.16.5 Isolation Gate Valves ..........................................................................................................128
2.16.6 Check Valves.......................................................................................................................129
2.16.7 Balancing Valves.................................................................................................................130
2.16.8 Motorized Control Valves...................................................................................................131
2.16.9 Automatic Air Relief Valves...............................................................................................132
2.16.10 Ball Float valves..................................................................................................................133
2.16.11 Expansion Tank...................................................................................................................133
2.16.12 Strainers...............................................................................................................................133
2.16.13 Pipework Cleaning Procedures ...........................................................................................134
2.16.14 Gauge Cocks........................................................................................................................134
2.16.15 Dirt Pockets .........................................................................................................................135
2.16.16 Drain Cocks.........................................................................................................................135
2.16.17 Safety and Pressure Relief valves .......................................................................................135
2.16.18 Escutcheons .........................................................................................................................136
2.16.19 Thermometer .......................................................................................................................136
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2.16.20 Pressure Gauges ..................................................................................................................136
2.16.21 Pipe Sleeves.........................................................................................................................136
2.16.22 Expansion Loops .................................................................................................................136
2.16.23 Expansion Joints..................................................................................................................137
2.16.24 Pipe Anchors .......................................................................................................................137
2.16.25 Pipe Guides..........................................................................................................................137
2.16.26 Installation of Equipment ....................................................................................................137
2.16.27 Anchoring and Grouting Equipment...................................................................................138
2.16.28 Levelling and Aligning........................................................................................................138
2.16.29 Lubrication ..........................................................................................................................139
2.16.30 Service Penetrations through Building Fabric ....................................................................139
2.17 WATER TREATMENT……...…………………………………………………………140
2.17.1 General requirements ..........................................................................................................140
2.17.2 Water Treatment for ECS Water Systems ..........................................................................140
2.17.3 Chemical Treatment to prevent Corrosion and Algae Formation.......................................141
2.17.4 Chemical Feed Pump ..........................................................................................................141
2.17.5 Chemical Tank ....................................................................................................................142
2.17.6 Liquid Level Switch. ...........................................................................................................142
2.17.7 Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................142
2.17.8 Installation ...........................................................................................................................142
2.17.9 Field Quality Control Chemical tests..................................................................................143
2.18 VALVES………………………………………………………………………………...144
2.18.1 Pressurisation Unit ..............................................................................................................147
2.19 NOISE CONTROL………………………………………………………………………148
2.19.1 General Requirements .........................................................................................................148
2.19.2 Standards .............................................................................................................................149
2.19.3 Materials and Construction .................................................................................................150
2.19.4 Quality Control....................................................................................................................150
2.19.5 Noise – Design Data............................................................................................................151
2.19.6 Commissioning....................................................................................................................151
2.19.7 Noise Measurement.............................................................................................................151
2.19.8 Duct Internal Lining ............................................................................................................151
2.19.9 External Duct Acoustic Lagging.........................................................................................152
2.19.10 Acoustic Lagging. ...............................................................................................................153
2.19.11 Sound Attenuators and Acoustic Louvres...........................................................................153
2.19.12 Installation ...........................................................................................................................155
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2.19.13 Acoustic Performance .........................................................................................................156
2.20 VIBRATION CONTROL……………………………………………………………….156
2.20.1 General Requirements .........................................................................................................156
2.20.2 Pipe work Vibration Isolation .............................................................................................156
2.20.3 Ductwork Vibration Isolation..............................................................................................157
2.20.4 Flexible Connectors.............................................................................................................157
2.20.5 Flexible Metallic Hose ........................................................................................................158
2.21 MOTORS………………………………………………………………………………..158
2.21.1 General ................................................................................................................................158
2.21.2 Standards .............................................................................................................................160
2.21.3 Technical and Installation Requirements ............................................................................160
2.22 MOTOR STARTING……………………………………………………………………162
2.22.1 Above 0.37kW ....................................................................................................................162
2.22.2 Below 0.37kW.....................................................................................................................162
2.22.3 Control Gear General ..........................................................................................................162
2.22.4 Enclosures............................................................................................................................162
2.22.5 Contactors............................................................................................................................163
2.22.6 Overloads.............................................................................................................................163
2.22.7 Fuses ....................................................................................................................................163
2.22.8 Isolators ...............................................................................................................................163
2.22.9 Indicating Lamps.................................................................................................................163
2.22.10 Terminations and Wiring ....................................................................................................164
2.22.11 Control Gear ........................................................................................................................164
2.22.12 Control Circuits ...................................................................................................................165
2.23 CONTROL SYSTEM…………………………………………………………………...165
2.23.1 General requirements ..........................................................................................................165
2.23.2 Control Equipment Features................................................................................................166
2.23.3 Ancillary Items ....................................................................................................................166
2.23.4 Additional Features .............................................................................................................166
2.23.5 Sensors.................................................................................................................................166
2.23.6 Controllers and Switches.....................................................................................................168
2.23.7 Actuators..............................................................................................................................169
2.24 BMS CONTROL SYSTEM……………………………………………………………..170
2.24.1 General ................................................................................................................................170
2.24.2 Local Area Network……………………………………………………………………..170
2.24.3 Main Control Panel .............................................................................................................170
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2.24.4 Main Machine Interface……………...................................................................................171
2.24.5 Fail Safe...............................................................................................................................171
2.24.6 Power Supply ......................................................................................................................171
2.24.7 Remote I/O Outstation Panel...............................................................................................171
2.24.8 Outstation Interfaces with sensors and Operating Devices.................................................172
2.24.9 Transmission System...........................................................................................................173
2.24.10 Power Failure – Alarms and Restoration ............................................................................173
2.24.11 Plant Start/Stop Programme................................................................................................173
2.24.12 Interlocking..........................................................................................................................173
2.24.13 Sensors…………………………….....................................................................................174
2.24.14 Control Valves.....................................................................................................................174
2.24.15 Damper Motors…………………………….. ....................................................................174
2.24.16 Control Functions ................................................................................................................175
2.24.17 Control Panel.......................................................................................................................175
2.24.18 Fire Alarm Interlocks…………………………………......................................................175
2.24.19 Interlinks with other Systems…………...............................................................................176
2.25 INSTRUMENTATION…………………………………………………………………176
2.25.1 General requirements ..........................................................................................................176
2.25.2 Pressure Gauges ..................................................................................................................176
2.25.3 Thermometers......................................................................................................................177
2.25.4 Airflow Measurement Grids ...............................................................................................177
2.26.1 General………………………………………………………………………………...178
2.26.2 Testing and Commissioning - Definition……………………………………………...179
2.26.3 Testing and Commissioning - General………………………………………………...180
2.26.4 Off-Site Tests…………………………………………………………………………..180
2.26.5 Site Tests……………………………………………………………………………….181
2.26.6 Inspection and Testing During Construction Period…………………………………..181
2.26.7 Documents and Data Requires for Hand-Over Meeting………………………………182
3.0 FIRE SERVICES SYSTEMS General Requirements .................................................. 183
3.1 FM 200 GASEOUS FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM…………………………..……...183
3.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................183
3.1.2 Design..................................................................................................................................184
3.1.3 System Parameters ..............................................................................................................185
3.1.4 System Type and Configuration..........................................................................................185
3.1.5 Gas Release Panels..............................................................................................................186
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3.1.6 Manual Gas Release Points.................................................................................................187
3.1.7 Hold Off Button...................................................................................................................188
3.1.8 Interface Units .....................................................................................................................188
3.1.9 Gas Cylinder Installation.....................................................................................................189
3.1.10 Power Supplies ....................................................................................................................189
3.1.11 Installation ...........................................................................................................................190
3.1.12 Pipework..............................................................................................................................190
3.1.13 Control.................................................................................................................................191
3.2 WET FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM………...……………………………………………193
3.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................193
3.2.2 Standpipe System ................................................................................................................194
3.2.3 Sprinklers;............................................................................................................................194
3.2.4 Codes and Standards; ..........................................................................................................195
3.2.5 Pipe Work;...........................................................................................................................195
3.2.6 Valves ..................................................................................................................................195
3.2.7 Fire Fighting Water Piping – General.................................................................................196
3.2.8 Sprinkler System Description..............................................................................................197
3.2.9 Fire Protection Specialties...................................................................................................198
3.2.10 Sprinklers.............................................................................................................................199
3.2.11 Fire Pump ............................................................................................................................199
3.2.12 Jockey Fire Pump ................................................................................................................201
3.2.13 Sprinkler Piping...................................................................................................................201
3.2.14 Hangers And Supports ........................................................................................................202
3.2.15 Standpipe .............................................................................................................................202
3.2.16 Breeching Inlets...................................................................................................................202
3.2.17 Portable Fire Extinguishers .................................................................................................203
3.4 INDENTIFICATION…………………………………………………………………..203
3.5 FLUSHING………………………………………………………………………….....203
3.6 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING………………………………………….............204
3.6.1 Factory Tests and Off-site Tests………………………………………………..............204
3.6.2 Visual Inspection and Checking………………………………………………………..204
3.6.3 Setting to Work, Safety and Quality Tests……………………………………………..204
3.6.4 Commissioning, Regulations, Tuning and Adjustment…………………………………205
3.6.5 Functional Tests…………………………………………………………………………205
3.6.6 Performance Tests………………………………………………………………………206
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3.6.7 Final Mock-up Tests…………………………………………………………………...210
3.6.8 Statutory Tests & Inspection…………………………………………………………..210
3.7.1 General…………………………………………………………………………………211
3.7.2 Test Certificates………………………………………………………………………..211
3.7.3 Installation Completion, Testing & Commissioning Certificates……………………...211
3.7.4 As Built Drawing………………………………………………………………………211
3.7.5 Operation and Maintenance and Services Manuals……………………………………211
3.7.6 Manufacturer's Name Plate…………………………………………………………… 211
4.0 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES………………………………………………………..212
4.1 DRAINAGE……………………………………………………………………………. 213
4.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................213
4.1.2 Excavations & Backfilling for Drainage Works.................................................................214
4.1.3 Supports for Excavation ......................................................................................................216
4.1.4 Trench Widths .....................................................................................................................216
4.1.5 Excavations in Rock............................................................................................................217
4.1.6 Pipe Materials......................................................................................................................218 General ................................................................................................................................218 Schedule of Pipe Materials..................................................................................................218
4.1.7 Pipe Laying..........................................................................................................................218
4.1.8 Refilling Excavations containing Pipe work.......................................................................220
4.1.9 Underground Drainage Identification Caution Markers.....................................................220
4.1.10 Testing and Inspection of Drainage Works.........................................................................221
4.2 HOT AND COLD WATER SERVICES………………………………………………..222
4.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................222
4.2.2 Cutting and handling of pipe and accessories.....................................................................223
4.2.3 Protection and storage of pipe and accessories ...................................................................223
4.2.4 Schedule of Pipe work Materials ........................................................................................223
4.2.5 Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe work.........................................................224
4.2.6 Pipe Erection .......................................................................................................................224
4.2.7 Air Vents and Drainage.......................................................................................................224
4.2.8 Unions..................................................................................................................................225
4.2.9 Flanges.................................................................................................................................225
4.2.10 Flexible Connections...........................................................................................................226
4.2.11 Anchors................................................................................................................................226
4.2.12 Guides..................................................................................................................................226
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4.2.13 Expansion Joints..................................................................................................................226
4.2.14 Pipe Sleeves.........................................................................................................................227
4.3 VALVES……………………………………………………………………………….. 227
4.3.3 Valve and Strainer Schedule ...............................................................................................228
4.3.4 Gate Valve;..........................................................................................................................228
4.3.5 Ball Valve;...........................................................................................................................229
4.3.6 Butterfly Valves; .................................................................................................................229
4.3.7 Check valve; ........................................................................................................................229
4.3.8 Float Valves.........................................................................................................................229
4.3.9 Strainers...............................................................................................................................229
4.3.10 Automatic Air Vents; ..........................................................................................................230
4.3.11 Gauge/Test Cocks ...............................................................................................................230
4.3.12 Gland Cock;.........................................................................................................................230
4.3.13 Drain Tap;............................................................................................................................230
4.4 PIPE WORK SUPPORT………………………………………………………………..230
4.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................231
4.4.2 Testing of Hot and Cold Water Services.............................................................................232
4.4.3 Sterilization of Hot and Cold Water Services .....................................................................233
4.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................234
4.5.2 Schedule of Pipework Materials .........................................................................................235
4.5.3 PVC – U Pipework..............................................................................................................235
4.5.4 Galvanized Mild Steel Pipes ...............................................................................................236
4.5.5 Rainwater Goods .................................................................................................................236
4.5.6 Pipe work Supports .............................................................................................................237
4.5.7 Testing .................................................................................................................................238
4.5.8 Gutters .................................................................................................................................238
4.5.9 Pumping Mains ...................................................................................................................238
4.5.10 Test Certificate ....................................................................................................................238
4.5.11 Sanitary Appliances.............................................................................................................239
4.6 PLUMBING FIXTURES………………………………………………………………..240
4.7 REINFORCED CONCRETE WATER TANK……………………………………….....240
4.8 PUMPS…………………………………………………………………………………. 240
4.8.1 General ................................................................................................................................240
4.8.2 Water Booster Pumps……………………………………………………………………241 Anti Vibration Mounts and Isolation ..................................................................................241
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4.8.3 Dewatering Sump Pumps………………………………………………………………..243
4.9 ELECTRICAL WATER HEATERS……………………………………………………244
4.10 PIPELINE IDENTIFICATION………………………………………………………….244
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FM Factory Mutual
UL Underwriters' Laboratories
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API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
ASTM A181 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-
Purpose Piping
ASTM A216 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for
Fusion Welding, for High-Temperature Service
BS 21:1985 Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-
tight joints are made on the threads (metric dimensions)
BS 143:2000 Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy.
BS 499-2C:1999 Welding terms and symbols, European arc welding in chart form
BS 1449:1991 Specification for steel plate (not exceeding 5⁄16 in.) sheet and strip.
Specification for cold rolled narrow strip supplied in a range of
conditions for heat treatment & general engineering purposes.
BS 1560:1989 Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings (Class designated).
Steel, cast iron and copper alloy flanges. Specification for steel
BS 1663:1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non-metallic
BS 1965 Butt welded fittings. Wrought carbon steel for general use
BS 2494:1990 Specification for elastomeric seals for joints in pipe work and
BS 2633:1987 Specification for Class I arc welding of ferritic steel pipe work for
carrying fluids
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BS 2971:1991 Specification for class II arc welding of carbon steel pipe work for
carrying fluids
BS 3601:1987 Specification for carbon steel pipes and tubes with specified room
temperature properties for pressure purposes
BS 4190:2001 ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Specification
BS 5153:1974 Specification for cast iron check valves for general purposes
BS 5154:1991 Specification for copper alloy globe, globe stop and check, check
and gate valves
BS 5316-2:1977 Specification for acceptance tests for centrifugal, mixed flow and
axial pumps – Class B Tests
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BS 5839:2008 Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings. Code of practice for
system design, installation and servicing.
BS EN15423:2008 Ventilation for buildings. Fire precaution for air distribution systems
in buildings.
BS EN 545:2006 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water
pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 598:2007 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 681:1996 Elastomeric seals. Material requirements for pipe joint seals used in
water and drainage applications. Vulcanized rubber
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BS EN 837-1:1998 Pressure gauges. Bourdon tube pressure gauges. Dimensions,
metrology, requirements and testing
BS EN 877:1999 Cast Iron Pipes And Fittings, Their Joints And Accessories For The
Evacuation Of Water From Buildings - Requirements, Test Methods
and Quality Assurance
BS EN 969:1996 Specification for ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their
joints for gas pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1092-2:1997 Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings
and accessories, PN designated. Cast iron flanges
BS EN 1461:1999 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles.
Specifications and test methods
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BS EN 80416:2003 Basic Principles For Graphical Symbols For Use On Equipment -
Part 1: Creation Of Symbol Originals
ISO 2531 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water or
gas applications
ISO 2857 Ground thread taps for ISO metric threads of tolerances 4H to 8H
and 4G to 6G coarse and fine pitches -- Manufacturing tolerances on
the threaded portion
ISO 4633 Rubber seals -- Joint rings for water supply, drainage and sewerage
pipelines -- Specification for materials
ISO 7005-3 Metallic flanges -- Part 3: Copper alloy and composite flanges
ISO 7240-1 Fire detection and alarm systems -- Part 1: General and definitions
ISO 7483 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005
NFPA-14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems, 2007
NFPA-20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection,
2007 Edition
NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their
Appurtenances, 2007 Edition
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NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2007 Edition
NFPA-70D NFPA Standard for Warning Sign and it's Color code & Size, 2007
NFPA-72D NFPA Standard for Fire Detectors and Alarm System, 2007 Edition
NFPA-2001 NFPA Standard for Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System, 2007
NFPA 90A NFPA standard for the installation of Air Conditioning and
Ventilating Systems, 2007 Edition
NFPA 92A Standard for smoke Control systems using barriers and pressure
difference, 2007 Edition
NFPA 92B Standard for Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria and Large
spaces, 2007 Edition
NFPA 204M Guide for Smoke and Heat Venting, 2007 Edition
2.1 FANS
2.1.1 General
The ductwork system external total pressure resistance figures specified on the Equipment
Schedules and/or Drawings are based on design drawings and, as such, are calculated on
assumed resistance figures of equipment. When selecting fans, the Contractor shall include
for any “System Effects” at the fan inlet and discharge which may affect the fan
aerodynamics and vender catalogue performance data inaccurate for the actual installation.
The exact fan total pressure based on the Contractors installation drawing duct run and the
offered equipment shall be carefully checked and re-calculated, including the additional of
the selected fan outlet dynamic / velocity pressure for each fan system before ordering the
All fans shall be selected with appropriate speeds and outlet velocities of not higher than
14.5 m/s unless otherwise specified to keep the noise level to a minimum.
Proprietary bell mouth and wire guard shall be provided for fans without ductwork
Fans shall be designed and constructed in accordance with BS 848 Part 4/AMCA 99-3001/N
type tested as per ISO 5801/BS 848 Part 2/AMCA 210/N and capable of handling the
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specified air flow rate, taking into account all pressure losses in the corresponding louvres,
grilles, air duct and fitting etc. which are to form a complete and workable ventilation system.
All fans should be constructed to a fully developed design and shall be capable of
withstanding the pressures and stresses developed during continuous operation at the
selected duty. Additionally, all belt driven fans shall be capable of running continuously at
ten per cent in excess of the selected duty speed.
Where specified, fans shall be fitted with variable inlet vanes, which shall be matched to the
fan performance to give stable control. Vanes shall be closely interlocked to ensure
movement in unison. Operation shall be manual or automatic as specified. Where manual
control is specified, the operating device shall facilitate positive locking in at least five
different positions. Vane blades shall not vibrate or flutter throughout their operational
The shaft and impeller assembly of all centrifugal, axial flow and roof extraction fans shall
be statically and dynamically balanced. All propeller fans shall be statically and
dynamically balanced where the impeller diameter is 750 mm or greater. Limits of vibration
severity shall be in accordance with BS 7854 Part 1 or suitable equivalent.
Fan bearings shall be of a type suitable for the installed attitude of the fan. They shall be
grease/oil ball and/or roller type or alternatively oil lubricated sleeve type. All bearing
housings shall be precision located in position and arranged so that bearings may be replaced
without the need for re-alignment. Bearing housing shall be protected against the ingress of
dust and, where fitted with greasing points, they shall be designed to prevent damage from
over-greasing. For grease lubricated systems the bearings shall be provided with grease in
amount and quality recommended by the bearing manufacturer. For oil lubricated systems
the housings shall provide an adequate reservoir of oil and shall include a filling plug and be
oil tight and dust proof. Systems other than total loss types shall include an accessible drain
plug. All bearing lubricators shall be suitably located to facilitate maintenance.
Fans shall be installed using bolts, nuts and washers with all `as cast' bearing surfaces for
bolt heads and washers counter faced. Holding-down bolts for fans and motor shall be
provided with means to prevent the bolts turning when the nuts are tightened. Anti-vibration
mountings shall be provided.
V-belt drives shall comply with BS 3790 and shall be capable of transmitting at least the
rated wattage output of the motor with one belt removed. Unless otherwise specified not less
than two belts per drive shall be used. Pulleys shall be exactly aligned. Any holding down
bolts grouted in are positioned to ensure correct alignment. Provision shall be made for
positive adjustment of the tension in V-belt drives.
Wire mesh guards shall be provided for all open unprotected intakes to centrifugal flow fans;
for unprotected intakes to exhausts from axial flow fans; for open, unprotected and easily
accessible intakes to and exhausts from propeller fans; for V-belt drives; for drive couplings
and elsewhere as specified.
Unless otherwise specified, all fan speeds shall not be higher than 1800 rpm.
Drive shaft shall be designed such that the first critical speed of the shaft shall be not less
than 130% of the nominal fan speed.
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Motors shall be TEFC, cast iron or steel round frame, induction type, continuous duty, and
variable torque. The fans, motors and components shall be capable of withstanding sudden
temperature changes as a result of fire between the extremes of ambient and plus 250 °C in
20 seconds. Fan-motor unit performance shall be rated for the airflow and total pressure at a
maximum air density of 1.2 kg/m3. Bearings shall have a minimum L10 life of 100,000
Fans shall be capable of continuous operation at specified design points. During continuous
operation, motors shall be insensitive to line voltage variation of 10% above or below the
rated voltage and to normal frequency variation. Fan rotating components shall be designed
such that no measured or calculated stress level shall exceed 60% of the components
materials yield strength at design temperature. Blades shall be manufactured of a
homogeneous material and shall have no cast-in or embedded materials. Lifting eyes shall
be provided on each fan assembly heavier than 25 kg.
Electrical power input required by the fans shall not exceed the nameplate kilowatt rating of
the motors at any point on the fan performance curve. The motor nameplate kilowatt rating
shall be the actual continuous brake kilowatts developed. Motors shall be able to accelerate
to full speed at rated load with starting voltage (dip) of 25% below rated voltage of the motor.
The motor shall be designed for accelerating the fan impeller from standstill in not more than
15 seconds to operating speed without exceeding the rated temperature rise of the unit.
• Centrifugal fans more than 15kW in power shall have backward inclined airfoil
• Forward inclined airfoils fans shall be limited to 1200rpm while backward inclined
fans shall be limited to 2000rpm
Centrifugal fans shall be backward bladed type, having a fan total efficiency not less than
Fan casings shall be constructed to permit withdrawal of the fan impeller after fan
installation. Fans other than those in factory constructed air handling units shall, unless
otherwise specified, be provided with flanged outlet connections and spigoted inlet
connections suitable for flexible joint connections except that for negative pressures greater
than 500 Pa inlet connections shall be flanged.
Fan casings shall be heavy gauge GSS. All fan casings of 1200 mm dia. or greater shall be
provided with removable access panels which shall incorporate purpose made air seals. The
sizes of access panels shall enable visual checking of the impeller.
Permanent indication shall be provided to show the correct direction of rotation of the fan
Impellers shall be of mild steel welded construction, with spiders or hubs of robust design,
and shall be capable of running continuously at ten per cent in excess of normal operating
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Impellers shall be keyed to a substantial mild steel shaft and the impeller complete with shaft
shall be statically and dynamically balanced plus tested for satisfactory overspeed
performance before leaving the maker's works.
Shaft bearings of belt driven single inlet fans shall be truly aligned and rigidly mounted on a
pedestal common to both bearings. Double inlet, double width fans shall have a pedestal
mounted bearing at each side of the fan. Fan bearings shall be ring oiling sleeve bearings, or
ball or roller type. Where silence is important the bearing pedestal shall not be attached to
the fan casing also the ring oiling type sleeve bearings shall be supplied.
Unless otherwise specified centrifugal fans shall be driven by electric motor through V-belt
drives having a minimum of two matched belts and rated at not less than 150% of the actual
full load capacity. Unless otherwise specified, fans shall be driven by totally enclosed fan
squirrel cage induction motors of IP 44 or better.
Unless otherwise indicated, centrifugal fans consuming more than 7.5 kW at the fan shaft
shall be of the backward bladed type having a fan total efficiency not less than 65%.
Centrifugal fans with shaft power exceeding 15 kW shall be of the aerofoil backward curve
Fan Casing
Fan casing shall be of sheet steel construction adequately stiffened and braced and shall be
entirely free from vibration or drumming during normal operation.
Fan casings shall be fitted with flanges on the outlet connection suitable for connection of
discharge ductwork and flexible connections as shown on the Drawings.
Where the inlet side of the fan is connected to ductwork, matching flanges for connection of
flexible connections shall be provided.
Fan enclosure shall be provided to enclose the entire fan as shown on the Drawings. The
construction of such enclosure shall be in accordance with Sections concerned with Acoustic
Treatment and Vibration Control of this Specification.
Fan Impellers
Impellers shall be double inlet, double width or single inlet, single width as shown on the
Equipment Schedule and/or Drawings and shall be mounted on substantial hubs.
Impellers shall be rigidly fixed to solid bright steel shafts adequately sized and proportioned
to ensure that the maximum operating speed is not more than 60% of the first critical speed.
The shaft shall be protected by reliable anti-rust coating.
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Impellers shall be of steel, electro-galvanized after fabrication (or aluminium where
indicated), of riveted or welded construction, with spiders or hubs, of robust design and shall
be capable of running continuously at 15% in excess of normal speed.
All forward curved fans shall be selected for use with speed not exceeding 1200 rpm and
backward curved fans shall be selected not to exceed 2000 rpm, unless otherwise specified.
The fan and motor shall be mounted on rigid galvanized steel channel base. Provide slide
rails for adjustable mounting of motors.
The driven V-belt shall be rated at 150% of the operating motor power input. Belt speed
shall not exceed 25 m/s.
Type of V-belt shall be in accordance with the "Standards for Light-duty or Fractional-
Horsepower V-Belts" of Rubber Manufacturers Association.
Belt guards shall be of heavy gauge steel framing with expended metal. mesh screen.
All belt guards shall have access openings at the shaft ends to enable tachometer readings to
be taken.
Vibration isolators shall be provided in accordance with "Acoustic Treatment and Vibration
Control" of this Specification.
The shafts shall be carried in ring lubricated self-aligning sleeve bearings for shafts of
150mm diameter and larger. Each bearing shall have large oil storage capacity to ensure
efficient lubrication. On shafts of sizes smaller than 150mm diameter, grease lubricated self-
aligning ball bearings resiliently mounted to reduce noise transmission shall be used.
The shafts shall be extended beyond the drive-side bearing and keyed for overhung pulley in
all cases.
For centrifugal fans used in air handling units (AHUs) and primary air handling units
(PAUs), one coat of corrosion-proof coating shall be applied to all non-working surfaces of
shafts at the factory.
The average bearing life of the fan shall be at least 80,000 hours.
Provide axial flow, direct drive aerofoil fans as specified on the Equipment Schedules and/or
Axial flow fans shall be of either the single stage type or the multi-stage contra-rotating type
with each impeller mounted on an independent motor, and having an overall efficiency of
not less than 60%.
Casing shall be rigidly constructed of mild steel stiffened and braced to obviate drumming
and vibration. Cast iron or fabricated steel feet shall be provided where necessary for bolting
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to the base or supports. The complete casing shall be hot-dipped galvanized after
manufacture. Inlet and outlet ducts shall terminate in flanged rings for easy removal.
The length of the casing shall be greater than the length of the fan impeller(s) and motor(s) in
order that the complete section may be removed without disturbing adjacent ductwork.
Impellers shall be of steel or aluminium; the blades shall be secured to the hub or the blades
and the hub shall be formed in one piece. The hub shall be keyed to a substantial mild steel
shaft and the whole shall be statically balanced. Blades shall be of airfoil section. Shaft
shall be carried in two bearings, which may be ball, roller or sleeve type. Extended
lubricators outside the casing shall be provided if sealed for life bearings are not
The drive shall be provided inside the fan casing. An access door of adequate size to
facilitate inspection, cleaning and other maintenance shall be provided in the air ductwork.
Where axial flow fans of bifurcated type are specified the motors shall be out of the air-
stream and shall normally be placed between the two halves of the bifurcated casing in the
external air. Where hot gases or vapours are being handled the motor and the bearings shall
be suitable for operation at the temperature they may experience and the bifurcated section
containing the motor shall be mounted vertically in order to maximise convection airflow
over the motor.
Proprietary fan inlets and discharges wire screen guards shall be provided for fans, which are
not connected directly to air ducts.
Fan Casing
Fan casings shall be fitted with matching flanges on the inlet outlet ends with spigots for
attachment of flexible connections.
Terminal boxes welded to the casing shall be provided for electrical connection using
metallic flexible conduits to fan motor complying with BS 4999: Part 20 for dust and
weatherproof conditions.
Grease nipples shall be brought to the outside of the casing in the most accessible position
and fitted with lubrication tube made of copper or other suitable material.
Gasketed access doors shall be provided in each fan housing or connecting ductwork,
suitable for access to adjust or replace blades. For smoke extraction fans, the gaskets shall be
suitable for continuous operation in an air stream temperature of 250 °C for not less than one
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For hub size of 315 mm diameter and above, blades shall be manual adjustable without
removing the wheel.
Positive locking shall be provided for securing the impeller blades into the hub. Spun
aluminium hub caps shall be fitted.
The blades and hubs shall have index marks which show the design operating blade setting
and a minimum of three increments of stagger angle both larger and smaller than the design
operating blade setting and stops at hub to prevent overload of the motor.
Except smoke extraction fans and unless otherwise specified, drive motors shall be of class F
insulation (BS 4999 and BS EN 60085) totally enclosed type and rated for continuous
operation in ambient temperature of 40 °C. Performance and rating shall comply with BS
5000 and IEC 34-1 with protection to IP 54.
Factory bell mouth shall be provided where no duct connection is required. Fans shall be
fitted with bell mouth inlets. Flow cores and bell mouth inlets shall be fabricated in steel and
provided with flanges drilled and rigidly bolted to the fans.
Provide wire guards on fan outlet/inlet not connected to ductwork and shall be made freely
accessible for maintenance.
The average bearing life of the fan shall be at least 80,000 hours.
Stationary, curved guide vanes shall be located on the outlet side of the fan to straighten the
motion of the air leaving the blades to improve operating efficiency if required.
For smoke extraction fan, adequate clearance shall be provided between blade tips and
housing at all points to allow for expansion and contraction over a continuous operation in an
air stream temperature range from 0 °C to 250 °C without developing interference to the
specified flow capacity. The fabrication/shop drawings shall show the clearance at over a
continuous operation in an air stream temperature range from 0 °C to 250 °C as well as any
point of minimum clearance in between.
Impellers shall be of steel or aluminium. The blades shall be fastened to the hub or the
blades and hub shall be formed in one piece. The bearings may be ball, roller, or sleeve type.
Wall mounted fans may be ring mounted or diaphragm mounted in a casing.
Where wall mounted fans are to be mounted in a casing the casing shall, be longer than the
length of the fan impeller and motor. The casing shall be of galvanised steel or aluminium
sheet and shall have flanged ends and an inspection door. A terminal box shall be mounted
externally on the casing.
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The tip speed shall not exceed 20 m/s. All ring mounted fans which are exposed, i.e. not
installed within an air duct or other enclosure shall be adequately protected by guards.
Unless otherwise specified, motors shall be totally enclosed with IP 44 and with permanently
lubricated bearings. Louvre shutters shall be fitted to extract fans mounted on external walls.
The fan motors shall be capable of continuous operation without overheating or damage
under no flow condition.
The impeller shall be designed to give maximum volume with minimum noise level and
minimum power consumption and shall be made of steel or other suitable material. The hub
shall be steel with grey stove epoxy finish. The fan shall be complete with anti-vibration
The motor shall be dust and moisture protected to IP 54 and of a totally enclosed
construction with permanently lubricated ball bearings suitable for running in ambient
temperatures of up to 50 °C and relative humidity of up to 75%.
Wire guards made of heavy gauge steel wire or rod with all joints and crossings welded and
shall be fitted to impeller side or motor side or both where appropriate.
Propeller fans shall be diaphragm mounted on not less than 3mm thick steel mounting plate
with stove epoxy grey finishes.
The fan casing and fan blades shall be of all plastic construction.
All fan motors shall be totally enclosed in aluminium alloy cases and protected by a thermal
overload cut-out.
Motor bearings shall be self-aligning oil impregnated porous brushes with an ample oil
Back draught shutter shall be provided and the fans shall be operated through an ’ON/OFF’
Smoke exhaust fans in stations shall be of axial flow type. Fans for ancillary areas shall be
either axial or centrifugal.
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Characteristic curves
• Performance curves shall ensure that a 15% increase in static pressure (from duty point)
will not decrease air flow rate by more than 15%
• A variation of 300 Pa from duty point shall not induce movement of fan operating point
along the curve into the region of unstable operation
• For fans with a hub size higher than 315mm, blades shall be manually adjustable without
removing the wheel
• For fans used in smoke exhaust purpose, a suitable clearance between blades and casing
shall be provided for expansion and contraction purpose
• Ratio of hub diameter to fan housing diameter shall not be less than 0.35. Motors
• Motors rating shall be at least 15% more than motor operating point at specified duty
• Accessories used for smoke exhaust purpose shall be fire rated 250°C for 1hour
• Fans shall comply with IEC 34-1,34-5, 34-6, 34-7, 34-8, 34-9, IEC 85, IEC 892 and ISO
281,1680,5135 and 8821 (not exhaustive list) or equivalent and any other relevant
In addition to the aforesaid requirements, all fans used for smoke extraction and
pressurization shall comply with additional requirements specified as below.
Fans for smoke extraction and pressurization systems shall have non-overloading
All finishes shall be factory-applied and certified by the respective manufacturer that the
finishing materials are capable of withstanding exposure continuously to an air stream
temperature of 250 °C for not less than one hour without producing smoke or toxic fumes.
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Motor winding of smoke extraction fans shall be insulated to permit motor operation at
design conditions for continuous operation in an air stream temperature of 250 °C for not
less than one hour. The smoke extraction fans shall be performance tested at factory for the
performance and operating condition before delivery. Type test certificates shall be provided.
For duty/standby pressurization fans, devices that sense the effective operation of the
pressurization fans shall be provided. An adjustable time delay control in the range of 30
seconds to 2 minutes in steps of 1 second shall also be provided for changeover to standby
motor when the duty motor cannot be actuated after a predetermined time interval as
governed by the time delay control.
Fan coil unit fan shall be direct driven of the centrifugal type and forward curved blades
fabricated from mild steel treated for corrosion and painted with anti corrosive paint
mounted to a solid steel EN8 shaft. Coil fans shall be mounted directly on the extended shaft
of the motor with a positive locking arrangement. Fans and fan motors shall be dynamically
Motor speed shall not exceed 1800 r.p.m. and the motors shall be three speed (low, medium,
high) suitable for single phase supply. Motors shall be quiet running and have sleeve
bearings factory lubricated for life. Motor windings and electrical components shall be
impregnated or protected to avoid trouble from condensation
Nameplates: Securely attached on each fan showing manufacturer's name, serial and model
numbers and date of manufacture.
Fans shall have non-overloading characteristic, except for forward curved centrifugal, over
their entire operating range. The characteristic curves shall be such that the fan operating
point falls between the no flow static pressure and the maximum mechanical efficiency. The
fan characteristic shall also be such that for a 15% increase in static pressure over the
specified value, the fan shall deliver not less than 80% of the specified air volume flow rate.
The stability of fan operation shall not be affected under such situation.
Each fan unit including motor and drive shall be supplied from the manufacturer as a
completely factory-assembled package and all guarantees and test certificates shall be
deemed to apply to the entire assembly.
All fans shall be capable of withstanding the pressures and stresses developed during
continuous operation at the selected duty. Additionally, all belt driven fans shall be capable
of running continuously at 15% in excess of the selected duty speed.
All centrifugal fan shafts shall have the ends drilled to receive a tachometer.
With the exception of wall mounted fans and unless otherwise specified, motor speed shall
not exceed 1800 rpm.
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Nominal motor nameplate rating shall be higher than the peak operating power of the
selected fan curve for non-overloading characteristic. The motor rating shall be a minimum
of 15% higher than the motor operating point at design conditions unless otherwise specified.
2.1.10 Installation
All belts, pulleys, chains, gears, couplings, projecting set screws, keys and other rotating
parts shall be adequately guarded so that any person can safely come in close proximity
Fit fans and appurtenances to the space provided and make readily serviceable.
Provide support beams, support legs, platforms, hangers and anchor bolts required for the
proper installation of equipment as shown on the Drawings or as recommended by the
Provide permanently attached lifting eyes of sufficient number for on Site installation and
future dismounting of fan units.
Where corrosion can occur, appropriate corrosion resistance materials and installation
methods shall be used including isolation of dissimilar metals against galvanic interaction.
Thoroughly clean the entire system before installing filters or operating the fans.
For systems containing filters, install filters and permanently seal the filter frame air-tight
before operating the fans. Replace all dirty filters and filter media before handing over the
system to the Employer.
Means of protection against over current in the motor shall be incorporated in the control
equipment when the motor rating exceeds 0.37 kW.
A hole in the blanking off plate shall be provided for the cables leading to the fans. The hole
shall be sealed around the cables with material suitable for sealing the hole effectively
against being continuously exposed to an air stream temperature of 250 °C for not less than
one hour rating, if the fans are used for smoke extraction.
2.1.11 Standards
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• BS 5000: Rotating Electrical Machines of Particular Types or for Particular
• All fans, drives and accessories shall be designed, constructed, rated and tested in
accordance with the recommendations and standards of AMCA.
This Section specifies the manufacture and installation of factory-built air handling units
with cabinet, fan, coil and filter sections; and prefabricated insulated casings for building up
air conditioning systems.
The construction of AHUs shall comply with ARI 410 and 430.
During parallel operation of AHUs, their fans shall not operate within the stalling range of
the fan performance curve.
Each unit shall be designed and constructed for ease of handling and replacement or addition
of sections. Where a single air handling unit is serving a particular area, each such AHU
shall have twin blower arrangement, with each blower providing 50% of the AHU capacity.
For areas served by multiple AHUs, single blower units are acceptable. Each AHU shall
have a fan section, coil section, filter section and return air plenum section.
Each section shall be of the same construction type and present a smooth internal appearance
to ensure even airflow through the components and prevent dirt build up. The cross section
of the unit should be based on the plant room configuration proposed, taking full account of
maintenance access requirements. Each section of AHU shall be provided with interior
lighting. A micro switch shall be provided in each door/panel to operate the light, when the
door/panel is opened.
Prior to despatch each section shall be shrink wrapped, using heavy gauge polythene
sheeting to provide protection during both shipment and the erection period.
The unit shall be of framed construction for strength and rigidity. Frames shall be
structurally rigid and provided with Galvanised Sheet Steel (GSS) to BS EN 10142 channel
bases under all units. These shall be a minimum of 100 mm high, the actual height being
individually calculated for each unit to ensure structural integrity during lifting and moving.
The frame members shall be of 2 mm thick (min) extruded aluminium. All individual
components and sections shall be assembled using proprietary and suitable fastening
techniques. Locking devices shall be used with all fastenings that are subject to vibration.
Where AHU sizes permit, provide complete factory fabricated assembly including
centrifugal fans, coils, filters, cabinet, insulation, drain pan, V-belt drive and accessories. For
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larger units, where installation constraints demand the units shall be delivered to site for final
erection. Any defective elements or components shall be replaced with new.
Casing shall completely enclose the coils, fans, filter sections and return air plenum.
Panels shall be removable for access and complete with access door for inspection of the fan,
coil and filter.
Galvanized steel bolts, screws and washers shall be used for the assembly of the units.
Fabricate structural frame with members rigidly braced to hold all parts in line and to prevent
change in shape when operating.
Unless otherwise specified, structural frame of welded construction shall be painted with two
coats of primer, followed by two coats of aluminium epoxy paint.
Finish exterior surfaces with factory applied enamel coating in addition to the standard shop
applied paint.
Frame members shall be mechanically fixed and sealed with fire retardant gaskets (Surface
spread of Flame Class 1 to BS 476 Part 7) to give the necessary structural strength and air
leakage integrity. All metal surfaces must be properly treated and painted in the
manufacturer's works as standard provision.
The casing panels shall be of rigid double-skinned modular construction, corrosion resistant
and structurally adequately to be free from distortion and drumming in operation. They shall
be insulated with polyurethane foam of 38 – 40 kg/m3 density, with 0.6 mm
GSS/Aluminium inside and pre coated/powder coated 0.6 mm GSS outside casing. The
insulation shall be injected between the outer and inner casing. Insulation shall have a
thermal conductivity no greater than 0.02 W/mK. Thermal insulation shall be securely fixed
to all sections handling cooled air and, where appropriate, a vapour barrier shall be provided.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure surface protection of internal insulation in areas
where free moisture may be present and to avoid damage in sections having walk-in access.
Thermal insulation shall be selected and applied to prevent surface condensation at design
conditions and to maximize noise attenuation. Insulation for panels and all structural or
reinforced members shall be 50 mm thick. Surface condensation shall not occur even when
the AHUs are in operation or are exposed to outdoor ambient temperature and humid
conditions. The complete unit design including framework, panels, access door handles, and
hinges shall be designed such that there shall be no thermal bridge.
The design of the unit shall be free from cold bridges. There shall be no direct metallic
contact between the inside and the outside of the cabinets. Vapour barrier rating shall be
0.015 ng/sm2Pa
Lifting lugs shall be provided such that each unit shall be capable of being lifted as both a
complete assembly, and as sub sections to facilitate handling and installation,
Access doors or readily removable panels with air seals shall be provided to facilitate access
to be made to upstream and downstream faces and all internal parts such as the cooling coils,
drain pans, filter, fan and bearings etc. Floors at all accessible sections shall be designed for
a 5 kPa loading The doors/access panels shall be 600 mm (minimum width) and at least 1500
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mm high and shall be secured with a minimum number of fastenings consistent with
effective air sealing.
Air handling unit panels shall be protected by galvanizing for anti-corrosion protection or a
similar finish in the internal surfaces of the units liable to be affected by any moisture.
Corrosion resistant drain trays of adequate size complete with thermal insulation to collect
water shall also be provided.
• Extended over the full width and depth of the coil sections and the coil headers; and
• Of sufficient clearance from the coil header to facilitate maintenance and cleaning.
Provide air handling units in compliance with the specified sensible and latent cooling loads,
chilled water flow, water temperature rise/drop, maximum water pressure drop, air velocity
and maximum air pressure drop as shown on the Equipment Schedules and/or Drawings.
Fan section shall follow the requirements stipulated in “Fans" of this Specification and shall
be mounted on galvanized structural steel base with vibration isolators.
Temporary filters shall be required for testing and commissioning of equipment before site
All access doors shall be double wall type which shall be positively closed and seated with
mechanical fasteners which do not need tools to remove. Access door shall be hinged with
full length zinc plated hinges, brass or stainless pins and fastened with a minimum of two
ventlock handles. Handles shall be made of hard nylon and be operated from both inside and
outside of the unit.
Factory built capped test holes and other facilities shall be provided to suit testing and
This Section specifies the manufacture and installation of chilled water coils for air handling
units and fan coil units.
The resistance to air flow through a cooler battery shall not exceed 250 Pa for AHUs taking
into account of wet air condition and the face velocity shall not exceed 2.5 m/s.
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Reference Codes and Standards
Quality Control
• Factory test water coils at 1550 kPa for low pressure system as specified for system
operating pressure less than 1035 kPa (typically for fan coil units). Factory test water
coil at 2100 kPa for system operation up to 1750 kPa (Typically for AHUs).
• Seamless de-oxidised 12.5 mm outside diameter copper tubes for AHUs and PACs and
9.5 mm for FCUs with minimum 27 gauge wall thickness brazed copper return bends
shall be used.
• Aluminium plate fins mechanically bonded to the tubes or aluminium helical fins
mechanically bonded to the tubes shall be used. Minimum thickness of fins shall be
0.16 mm minimum.
• Unless otherwise specified, headers shall be seamless steel or heavy gauge copper tube
with supply and return connections, drain and vent on each header.
• Coil casing shall be flanged with minimum 18 gauge galvanized steel. Top and bottom
casing flanges shall be formed into a reinforced galvanized steel channel (for AHUs
and PACs).
• Coil having effective height greater than 1.2 m shall be horizontally divided into two
sections and an intermediate drain pan with two drop tubes to the main drain pan shall
be provided. Coils shall be designed with no bypass between coil sections (for AHUs
and PACs).
• Coil with 1 m to 1.8 m tube length shall be provided with one centre tube support. For
longer coils up to 3 m tube length, it shall be provided with two intermediate supports
and over 3 m long tubes shall be provided with three intermediate supports (for AHUs
and PACs).
• Fin spacing shall not be more than 12 fins per 25.4 mm of tube. Coil shall be of 8 rows
deep maximum. However, FCU coil shall be of 4 rows deep maximum.
• Unless otherwise specified, water velocity shall be minimum 0.6 m/s and maximum 2.5
m/s throughout the tube length. Chilled water coils shall be selected so that water flow
remains turbulent at 40 % of the design flow rate.
• Design shall be with continuous circuit from one header to the second header.
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• For built-up coil bank, intermediate drain pan and main drain pan shall be galvanized
steel. Main drain pan shall be 14 gauge steel sheet all welded construction, hot dipped
galvanized after fabrication.
2.2.3 Installation
• Mount and arrange components to permit expansion without strain on tubes, headers or
casing and with all guides and supports necessary to insure proper alignment and
unimpaired drainage.
• Make supply and return connections to headers to give counter flow of air and water.
• For stack coil, separate drain pan below coil shall be provided and condensate shall be
drained from upper coil to drain pan below.
• Support stack coils so that each coil can be removed without disturbing the remaining
Cooling coils shall be designed to operate at the design chilled water temperature. Coils shall
be manufactured from copper tubes. The tubes shall be expanded to permanently bond them
to the fins. Cooling coils shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standard 410. There shall
not be less than 4 rows of cooling coils in an air handling unit.
Casings for the air cooling coils shall be of galvanised sheet steel not less than 1.2 mm thick
with flanged ends drilled to receive counter flanges on connecting ductwork or other
associated equipment. The bottom of the casing shall be made in the form of a watertight
drip tray from sheet steel galvanised after manufacture, or be otherwise equally corrosion
resistant. Water shall not be carried over from cooling coils into the system and an
eliminator section shall be provided where required to prevent such carry over. Each cooling
coil shall be fitted with an air vent at the highest point, cocks for pressure gauge connections
and drawn outlet at the lowest point.
The cooling coil drip tray shall be extended or a separate tray shall be provided to collect
water from an eliminator if installed. Drip trays shall be sloped toward a drain connection
and pipe work shall be installed from each connection to the nearest sump or gully. The
drain pipe work shall include a water seal of adequate depth to prevent entry or exit of air to
or from the system. A separate drip tray shall be provided for each 1.2 m depth of coil.
Sealing devices shall be provided at tops and bottoms of coils to minimise air bypass and
water carry over.
Cooling coils shall be constructed from copper tubes with aluminium fins. Fins shall be of
sinusoidal waveform pattern and shall have extended collars for spacing and bonding
mechanically to the tube. Particular care shall be taken to avoid the use of dissimilar metals
in the construction of tubes and extended surfaces and to avoid contact between dissimilar
metals in the presence of free moisture.
Tube thickness and fin thickness shall be respectively not less than 0.41 mm and 0.16 mm,
with fin spacing of 12 fins maximum per 25.4 mm. Coil tubes and extended surfaces shall
always be of the same material. The secondary extended surfaces shall be in firm and
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continuous mechanical contact with the primary tubes to ensure maximum heat transfer. The
resistance to air flow through cooling coils shall not exceed 250 Pa taking into account of
wet air condition and the face velocity shall not exceed 2.5 m/s.
All coils shall be compressed air pressure-tested under water to twice the working pressure,
to ensure that they are leak free.
Coil sections shall be arranged to provide removal of coils from the access side(s) of the
section. Coils shall be split where necessary to achieve this, with opposite side pipe work
connections. Coils shall be mounted on the nylon roller bushes for easy removal. Cooling
coils shall be supported such that their weight is not transmitted to ductwork and they can be
removed without disturbing adjacent ductwork. Headers shall normally be contained within
the coil casing. Where this is not the case they shall be contained within airtight and gasketed
covers outside the casing.
Drain pans shall be incorporated inside all cooling coil sections and shall extend underneath
the headers and beyond the fin block to ensure adequate collection of condensate. They shall
be of sloping design. Drain pans shall be manufactured from galvanised steel with 12 mm
thick polyurethane foam/polyethylene insulation shall be provided. Drain pans shall be
connected via dedicated pipe work to the nearest gully, or sump appropriate for condensate
drainage. The drain shall be fitted with a water seal to prevent the ingress and discharge of
air to and from the system. The drainpipe shall be discharge into the nearest gully or sump
via a U-type trap arrangement. Traps shall be designed, constructed supplied and installed
so that they operate correctly during operation of the AHU, taking due account of the
internal air pressure of the unit.
Filters shall not be fitted into the filter frames until necessary for commissioning.
All supply air systems shall be provided with a filtering system as shown on the Equipment
Schedules and/or Drawings.
Filters within AHUs shall be of a disposable type. Filter assemblies shall operate with at
least the efficiencies specified in this Section. Filters shall be complete with robust
enclosure, holding frames and housing constructed of non-corrosive metal or if of mild steel
galvanised. The enclosure shall be constructed and assembled in such a manner that a rigid
and durable enclosure for the filter pack is affected. The periphery of the filter pack shall be
continuously bonded to the inside of the enclosing frame thus eliminating the possibility of
air bypass.
Holding frames shall be factory fabricated and shall be equipped with gaskets and a
minimum of four heavy duty positive sealing fasteners. The gaskets shall be able to prevent
air bypass between the filter and frame, between the adjacent frames and between the frames
and housing. The fasteners shall be capable of being attached or removed without the use of
tools. All gaskets shall have the same fire property requirements as the air filter.
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The housing shall be factory fabricated and assembled. Type test certificates for each type of
filter media intended for use on the installation shall be submitted.
Filter sections shall consist of automatic roll type filters. Dust arrestance of the filter media
shall be in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52-1 dust spot test method.
Automatic roll type filters shall be synthetic fibre. The efficiency shall be 85% down to 10
microns. Filter motors shall be of single phase if the capacities of the motors are less than
0.375 kW, otherwise they shall be three phase. All the filters shall be tested as per latest
international standards. The test certificates shall be provided along with the filters.
The filter shall comprise the complete assembly of filter frame, motor, drive, pressure
differential sensor and filter medium. The filter shall operate automatically to maintain
operating resistance within a range suited to the filter medium and the required operating
efficiency. Provision shall also be made for manual starting and stopping of the filter
movement; automatic movement shall be controlled by the resistance across the filter, unless
otherwise specified. Visual or audible warning that the end of the clean filter shall be
provided. The driving motor shall be automatically switched off when the end of the filter
medium is reached.
The initial (clean) resistance of the filter shall not exceed 100 Pa and a mean of 200 Pa under
design operating conditions. The air velocity through the filter medium shall not exceed 4.0
m/s or the manufacturers recommended maximum face velocity.
The motor, drive and associated control equipment shall be accessible for maintenance
without disturbing the filter medium or roll. The medium shall be provided with an effective
seal to minimise air leakage around it.
Quality Control
Filters shall be complete with robust enclosure, holding frames and housing constructed of
non-corrosive metal or mild steel galvanized in accordance with the Section ‘Painting and
Finishes' of this specification.
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The enclosure shall be constructed and assembled in such a manner that a rigid and durable
enclosure for the filter pack is affected.
The periphery of the filter pack shall be continuously bonded to the inside of the enclosing
frame thus eliminating the possibility of air bypass.
Holding frames shall be factory fabricated and shall be equipped with gaskets and a
minimum of four heavy duty positive sealing fasteners. The gaskets shall be able to prevent
air bypass between the filter and frame, between the adjacent frames and between the frames
and housing. The fasteners shall be capable of being attached or removed without the use of
The housing shall be factory fabricated and assembled by the filter manufacturer. The
housing shall incorporate access doors, extruded aluminium tracks and individual holding
frames designed to accommodate standard size filters. Efficiency and construction rating
shall be as specified for the installation.
All filter sections shall be designed and constructed in such a way that both washable and
disposable filters can be used.
2.2.6 Washable Air Filters (Washable, Aluminium Filter Media and Frame)
The washable filter, unless otherwise specifies, shall be fitted for all fan coil units and fresh
air intake fans.
Flat panel-type filter units shall be of the cleanable cartridge-corrugated strips of expanded
aluminium mesh design.
Maximum air flow through filter shall not exceed manufacturer's published rated capacity.
Design to fit the space available and construct so as to prevent the passage of unfiltered air.
Provide filter box with air-tight access panels for filter replacement, complete with
corrosion-resistant steel filter frame, clamps, gasketed and sealed to prevent air bypass.
Face velocity of filters for all fresh air intake fans shall be according to manufacturer’s
Face velocity of filters for fan coil units shall be according to manufacturer’s
For filter cells installed inside air handling unit, separate housing is not required. However,
the holding frames shall be factory mounted in the air handling unit casing and installed to
provide service from the air side.
This type of filter shall be constructed of aluminium to withstand washing by water or steam.
The filter panel shall be constructed from multiple layers of expanded aluminium mesh with
the layers being corrugated or plain and arranged alternately at right angle at one another.
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Filter media shall be supported on both sides with a rigid and thicker aluminium expanded
metal mesh.
Filters shall be 50, 25 or 12.5 mm thick with a rolled or extruded aluminium frame. The
frame section shall be ribbed for stiffness and its inner edges treated to prevent sharpness and
increase strength. Corners shall be mitred and riveted where it is necessary. Folding handles
shall be applied to the short side of all washable filter panels for easy removal and cleaning.
The filter support frame shall be suitable for the installation of either side.
Filter shall have the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) by ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 52.2-1999 and initial resistance at 2.5 m/s face velocity as shown in Table
below, unless otherwise specified in the Equipment Schedule. The filter shall operate to a
final resistance of 150, 100 or 75 Pa for 50, 25 or 12.5 mm thick panels respectively.
50 mm 5 50 Pa
25 mm 4 30 Pa
12.5 mm 3 25 Pa
Where coated filtration media is specified, each layer of expanded aluminium shall be
furnished with a thixatropic flame resistant filter coating before assembly into a pack. The
adhesive shall have a flash point exceeding 180°C. Performance data for expanded
aluminium filter panels oiled with a thixatropic adhesive shall have the minimum efficiency
reporting value by ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999 and initial resistance at 2.5 m/s face
velocity as shown in Table below, unless otherwise specified in the Equipment
Schedule. The filter shall operate to a final resistance of 150, 100 or 75 Pa for 50, 25 or 12.5
mm thick panels respectively.
Table MERV and Initial resistance of coated washable panel filters
50 mm 6 55 Pa
25 mm 5 35 Pa
12.5 mm 4 30 Pa
The holding frames shall be equipped with at least four heavy duty spring type positive
sealing latches for each filter cell to ensure a positive seal against leakage of unfiltered air.
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For filter cells installed inside air handling unit, separate filter housing is not required.
However, the holding frames shall be factory mounted in the air handling unit casing and
installed to provide service from the air side.
The air filter shall be of high efficiency, extended area, deep pleated, disposable type. The
media shall be of microfine glass fibre and reinforced by a laminated synthetic backing. It
shall have a nominal thickness of 600 mm and the minimum efficiency reporting value shall
not less than 13 by ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999 and initial resistance not exceeding
100 Pa at 2.5 m/s face velocity, unless otherwise specified in the Particular Specification.
The air filter shall be designed for air velocity of 1.0 to 3.5 m/s and shall operate to 250 Pa
final resistance.
The filter package shall be factory assembled as a complete set readily for site installation.
The filter assembly shall consist of a holding frame, sealer frame, media retainer, and the
disposable element.
The sealer frame shall be constructed of galvanized steel of sufficient thickness and equipped
with suitable airtight sealing gasket and sealing mechanism on the sealer frame flange. The
media retainer shall be designed to match the filter elements to provide sufficient support for
the multiple pleats of the filter element against the direction of the airflow. The media
retainer shall be suitably coated and designed to totally eliminate the possibility of oscillation
and sagging. The bag or packer shall inflate fully, shall not sag or flutter or be obstructed by
contact with other filter faces or ductwork surfaces when operating between 60 - 110% of
design air volume flow rate for constant volume system.
Each AHU shall be provided with a return air plenum. The plenum shall be of same
construction as the AHU. The return air plenum shall be provided with either manually or
motor operated dampers suitable for isolation of the unit for maintenance or the like.
2.2.10 Installation
Fit equipment and appurtenance to the space provided and make readily serviceable.
Provide galvanized supporting steelwork, legs, anchor bolts required for the proper
installation of equipment as recommended by manufacturer or as shown on the Drawings.
Where corrosion can occur, appropriate corrosion resistant materials and assembly methods
shall be used including isolation of dissimilar metals against interaction.
Where in contact with the air stream, protect insulation against erosion or flaking by a
factory applied facing.
Mount grease fittings of copper or other suitable materials directly to bearings unless the
latter are not readily accessible. Where equipment bearings are not visible or are inaccessible,
provide easily accessible extensions to bearing lubrication fittings.
For systems containing filters, install filters and permanently seal the filter frame air-tight
before operating the fans.
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Thoroughly clean the entire system before installing temporary / permanent filters or
operating the fans. Temporary filters shall be used for setting to work operation for the pre-
commissioning operation.
Replace and dispose of all dirty or temporary filters and filter media before handing over of
the system.
Install adequate bracing or supports to eliminate any distortion or vibration when the systems
are operating or under tests.
All penetrations through the casing for sensors, wirings or other accessories necessary to
complete the installation shall be provided with proprietary sleeves and caps to prevent air
leakage and the whole unit shall be factory finish to the same standard.
Chillers shall be the products of a manufacturer who has made this type of equipment and who
can show evidence of having completed at least 10 installation projects of approximately the
same capacity that have been in successful operation for at least 5 years.
Refrigerant of zero or low ozone depletion potential, such as R134a or R410a, shall be used.
Each air-cooled chiller shall be a single package type fully weather-proof outdoor unit, suitable
for desert climate, completely factory-assembled, piped, wired and charged with refrigerant.
The unit shall include compressor(s), evaporator, air-cooled condenser, starters, controls, and
weather-tight electrical equipment cubicle all mounted on a continuous structural steel base.
Capacities of each unit shall be as specified.
Chillers shall comply with the Specifications of ARI Standard 575, ARI Standard 590, ARI
Standard 210, and Codes/Regulations of any authorities having jurisdiction.
Each chiller shall have a nameplate on which the manufacturer's name, serial number, model
number, input power and power supply etc. shall be clearly indicated.
The power consumption of the chiller shall not exceed the specified value at full load (and
partial load where stated) performance
Certified characteristic curves shall be provided to indicate performance of the chiller over the
entire operating range. The performance characteristics shall include chiller noise levels in each
of the eight octave bands based on readings taken and reported in accordance with ARI 575 and
at 100 % full capacity.
All factory applied acoustic and thermal insulation, including facing and adhesives, shall be fire
resistant and shall conform to the requirements of NFPA and the local authorities
Materials of fittings and equipment used on the refrigerant and water circuits shall not corrode
or set up corrosion with the respective liquids and/or other materials within the circuits.
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Motors, belts, filters, coils, other components and accessories shall be located so that they are
accessible for repair, maintenance and replacement.
Grease fittings shall be mounted directly to bearings unless the latter are not readily accessible.
Where equipment bearings are not visible or are inaccessible, easily accessible extensions to
bearing lubrication fittings shall be provided.
Bracing and supports specified are the minimum acceptable. Additional bracing or supports
shall be installed to eliminate any distortion or vibrations when the systems are operating or
under tests.
The chiller electrical power supply shall be suitable for 3-phase, 1-phase, as specified, with
declared limits at the consumer mains incoming terminals as follows:
Voltage : ±6%
Frequency : ±2%
The casing of the chiller shall be constructed of minimum 1.9 mm thick heavy gauge galvanized
mild steel panels.
Each panel shall be bonderized to remove grease and dirt after fabrication.
All external parts shall be coated with zinc phosphate and finished with a baked enamel coating
in an approved colour.
Panels shall be of interlocking design and shall be securely bolted to the frame and reinforced at
the critical points to form a rigid and durable structure.
The structural base frame shall be fabricated with members rigidly braced to hold all panels in
place and to prevent any change in shape or deformity when operating.
The structural base frame shall be of welded construction with slag and splatter removed after
welding. Welds shall be painted with two coats of an approved primer, followed by one coat of
aluminium epoxy paint.
The structural base frame shall support casing panels and all internal chiller components and
condensing coils. The base frame shall have provisions for fitting the manufacturer's vibration
isolators which shall be supplied with each chiller and shall be suitable for the mounting method
and location. The base frame shall have built-in lifting points
Screw compressors shall be semi-hermetic direct-drive type complying with ARI requirements.
Male and female rotors shall be constructed from ductile cast iron having a tensile strength
higher than 60 kg/mm².
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Rotors shall be supported in radial roller bearings. All bearings shall have an average life
expectancy of 50 000 hours minimum.
Lubrication shall be provided by a differential refrigerant pressure oil pump with oil separator
and filtration devices. The lubrication system shall be arranged to ensure adequate oil pressure
at all bearings before the compressor starts. A replaceable or thermostatically controlled oil
cooler shall be used to remove the heat gained by the oil in the rotor chamber. The oil sump
shall have a thermostatically controlled electric heater which operates when the compressor is at
The compressor shall have a refrigerant gas cooled, hermetically sealed motor with built-in
protection against inadequate cooling.
Capacity control shall be provided by slide valves. The compressor shall automatically start in
unloaded condition. The refrigeration system shall be capable of modulating down to less than
15 % of full refrigeration load without surge or excessive vibration.
• Thermal overload protection for compressor motor by solid state sensors located in
the discharge side of each compressor to automatically shut down compressor due
to high discharge temperature.
• Three leg protection for compressor motor by circuit breakers with manual reset to
guard against single phasing.
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2.3.4 Reciprocating compressor
The casing shall be constructed of high grade cast iron. The entire assembly air tested at 2 270
kPa, and the discharge side shall be further air tested to 3 100 kPa. The bearing, seals and oil
pump shall be accessible without major dismantling. Cylinder sections shall have removable
cast iron cylinder heads and motor housing.
Reciprocating compressors shall comply with the requirements as to piston speed, rotating
speed, pressure tests and all other specifications set out by ARI or a similar authority for
manufacture standards.
Lubricating system shall be monitored by self-priming gear type oil pumps. Oil heaters shall be
provided to prevent refrigerant migration on shut-down. Oil shall be cooled by refrigerant
before lubrication of bearings.
Each compressor shall have built-in suction gas-cooled part-winding start motor and electro-
hydraulic capacity control system allowing reduced load start.
The refrigeration system shall be capable of modulating down to 33 % of full refrigeration load
without surge or excessive vibration.
For multiple-compressor units, the system shall be such that one compressor can be serviced
while the other compressors are operating without shutting down the whole system.
• Thermal overload protection for compressor motor by solid state sensors located in
the discharge side of each compressor to automatically shut down the compressor
due to high discharge temperature.
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2.3.5 Evaporator
The evaporator shall be matched with all other components for cooling requirements and
The evaporator shall be of direct expansion shell and tube type with two separate refrigerant
The evaporator outer shell and suction line shall be insulated with minimum 25 mm thick
flexible closed cell plastic insulation to BS 476: Parts 5 & 7, of maximum K factor 0.26 W/mK.
The maximum water velocity shall not exceed 3.1 m/s with a fouling factor of 0.088 m2K/kW.
The refrigerant side shall comply with ASME code for pressure vessels of the unfired type for
the refrigerant used.
Unless otherwise specified, the water side shall be designed for 1 035 kPa working pressure,
and be hydraulically tested to 1.5 times of the working pressure.
Tubes shall be seamless copper tubes rolled into the tube sheets.
One water pass shall be provided on the shell with a series of internal baffles. Each shell shall
have a drain connection.
The air cooled condenser shall be matched with all the chiller component requirements and
The condenser shall be forced or induced draft type by either belt drives or direct drive fans.
For belt driver fans, the belts shall be able to withstand twice the operating power.
Coils shall be fabricated of seamless copper tubing with mechanically bonded copper plate fins
of 0.12 mm minimum thickness. Maximum fins spacing shall be 473 per metre. Coils shall be
complete with sub-cooling circuits.
Coil frames shall be steel, galvanized and shot blasted after fabrication. Frames shall be painted
on site with two coats of weather resistant enamel on all exposed surfaces, except the coil,
which have been properly cleaned and primed
Fans shall be suitable for outdoor applications with static pressure as specified. Fan wheels
shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Fan motors shall be weather-proof of permanently
lubricated type.
Bearings shall be selected for average life expectancy of not less than 50 000 hours.
Fan motors shall be sized for a minimum of 25 % greater than the fan shaft power requirements.
Motors shall be equipped with built-in automatic reset thermal overheat protection.
Each condenser coil shall be fitted with inlet and outlet shut-off valves.
Condenser coil shall be factory tested at 2 930 kPa air pressure under water.
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The operation of condenser fans shall be interlocked with the compressors such that the
condenser fans shall be started before starting the compressors. When cooling demand
decreases, condenser fans shall be shut down accordingly.
The whole system shall be dynamically and statically balanced after assembly.
50 mm high efficiency panel filters shall be provided in the air intake areas of chillers.
Each refrigerant circuit shall have liquid line solenoid valve, filter-drier, sight glass with
moisture indicator, refrigerant charging valve, refrigerant strainer, and electronically controlled
thermostatic expansion valve.
Each compressor shall have suction and discharge isolator valves for maintenance purposes.
2.3.8 Control
All chiller operating and safety controls and motor-starter equipment etc. shall be housed within
a weather-tight control panel cubicle mounted within the chiller casing. The control panel shall
be mechanically interlocked with the power supply so as to ensure that no power will be
supplied to the control equipment, accessories and wiring etc. within this control panel cubicle
when the control panel is opened.
Refrigeration circuit controls shall be separated from the power supply. The power supply
section shall house the main power supply connection provisions (e.g. isolator and main
disconnect switch), starters, non-cycling compressor overloads, and oil pressure cut outs. The
refrigeration section shall contain reset relays, compressor service switches, motor protection
devices, differential oil pressure control, high low pressure controls, and microprocessor control.
Provisions shall be made in the control cubicle for remote sequencing control and monitoring of
chiller functions including alarms, the following shall be allowed as a minimum:
• 10 % to 100 % capacity control by sliding valve (for chillers with screw compressors
• Chiller on/off control
• Compressor trip alarm
• Low oil pressure
• Low water temperature cut out alarm
• Loss of water flow through the evaporator
• Leaving chilled water temperature control
• Ice cut out
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Chillers shall be started with compressors unloaded unless compressors started at lowest steps
or minimum capacities.
2.3.9 Installation
Foundation, platforms and hangers required for the proper installation of equipment shall be
Control panels shall be fitted with factory wire terminals for the remote connection of all alarm
functions, set points and start-stop switches.
Belt guards to permit the use of tachometer, oiling and testing shall be arranged with the guards
in place.
The proposed method of transporting the chillers to the site including all necessary structural
provisions required, loading points etc. shall be submitted for approval.
• Charging.
• Start-up.
• Field testing.
Leak test
• Units shall be dehydrated by producing vacuum to 100 microns with high vacuum
pump. Vacuum shall then be maintained for 4 hours. At end of 4 hour period, the
pump shall be stopped. Vacuum shall be maintained in the refrigeration unit for 24
hours without losing more than 50 microns.
• The tests shall be certified, and 6 copies of the certificates shall be submitted before
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• The manufacturer shall submit certification to certify completion of
charging, start-up and field testing, and that the unit is ready for proper
Safety device
All safety devices for all chillers shall be tested and certified during the commissioning period.
• BS 476: Part 6: Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures, Method of test for
ignitability of products by direct flame impingement.
• BS 4856: Methods of Testing and Rating Fan Coil Units; Unit Heaters and Unit
• All capacity and noise data shall be noted in accordance with ARI Standard 440.
Fan coil units shall have casings manufactured from powder coated steel sheet of thickness
not less than 1.2 mm (bottom) and 0.7 mm (all other sides). All casing joints shall be sealed.
Casings shall be suitably stiffened to minimise drumming and vibration and shall be
protected against corrosion and finished inside and outside with stoved primer. All corners
shall be without sharp edges. Casing shall be properly sized to house all components and
shall include space for pipework connections and valves. Access panel shall be provided to
the fan and motor, filter, damper, drain pan, pipework connections and valves, for
maintenance purposes. The outside air spigot shall be located between the coil and filter
Fan coil units shall be standard products supplied by the same manufacturer and rated in
accordance with ARI Standards 410 and 430. Fan coil units shall each be complete with a
rigid casing, cooling coils, fan(s), motor(s), condensate drip tray, air filter, electric heaters
where specified and all necessary control and accessories to from a workable unit to cool the
return and outside air, and to deliver the supply air to the air conditioned area.
The thermal, volumetric and acoustic performance of fan coil units shall meet the
requirements of this specification, and testing and rating shall be in accordance with BS 4856
or other equivalent standard.
Fan coils are to be controlled through locally set thermostat, and via four position controller
(off, low, medium, high speeds) within the room served.
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Nameplate: Securely attach on each fan coil unit showing manufacturer name, serial, model
Provide complete factory fabricated fan coil units complete with fans, coils, motors,
insulated condensate drain pan, manual air vent and accessories. Provide also factory
fabricated cabinet and insulated return air plenum with air filter.
Units shall be horizontal furred-in recessed blow-through type, unless otherwise specified.
All fan coil units shall be selected based on performance of the units at medium fan speed
and the required external static pressure.
In selecting fan coil units, the resistance imposed on the air flow of the units due to ducts and
special grilles shall be allowed for.
All fan coil units shall be of minimum vibration and noise level during operation. Should the
vibration and noise level be excessive and not within the acceptable standards, provision of
adequate vibration isolation and sound attenuation shall be provided.
All fan coil units shall be of the highest commercial standard and the noise level shall be
rated and tested by a suitable authority.
The maximum sound power level (dB) of the fan coil units at high and medium speed
reference 10-12 W shall be not more than 70 dB at a distance of 1 metre from the unit.
All fan coil units shall be demountable from the ceiling void for maintenance purposes
without causing damage to the associated ductwork and insulation.
All fan coil units shall be selected to suit the limited space within the false ceiling with due
considerations to access for maintenance and servicing. Coordinate with all involved parties
on Site for the provision of maintenance access panels for the units mounting inside false
Fans shall be direct driven centrifugal forward curved type. Fan wheels and housings shall be
of metal construction, statically and dynamically balanced.
• The filter shall be at least 5 mm thick, permanent, flameproof, dry type, washable,
expanded aluminium foil filter or synthetic non-woven.
• The filter shall have a minimum average arrestance efficiency of 60 % to ASHRAE 52.1
-1992. Initial air resistance shall not be more than 15 Pa at fully rated flow condition.
• Exposed type fan coil units shall be complete with the manufacturer’s standard air filters.
• The return grille shall be of hinged type with the air filter clipped to the grille using
quick release fasteners of an suitable type.
• The fan shall be constructed with double inlet double width, forward curved centrifugal
aluminium blades mounted to a solid steel shaft and shall be direct driven designed for
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smooth and quiet operation. The fan motor shall have sleeve or ball bearings factory
lubricated for life.
• Motor shall be resiliently mounted to the fan tray or scrolls. Motor and fan assembly
shall also be resiliently mounted to the casing structure.
• Motor shall be of the permanent split-capacitor type for direct-on-line starting, and
factory wired to a terminal block inside a factory installed junction box. Motor shall be
provided with thermal overload protection if necessary. Motor windings and electrical
components shall be impregnated or protected to avoid trouble from condensation.
• Connection unit or socket outlet shall be provided near each fan coil unit. Location of
these electrical power points shall be coordinated so that the connection unit or socket
outlet shall be positioned within 1 m from the fan coil unit.
• Electrical wiring connection including cables and wiring accessories between the
connection unit or socket outlet and the fan coil unit shall be provided.
• Electrical cables or wirings installed outside the casing and inside the air stream shall
be protected by metallic flexible conduit.
2.4.4 Coils
• Coils shall be as described in the chilled water cooling coils section of this
• Every fan coil unit shall be provided with a drain pan which shall be situated beneath
the coil and arranged so that all moisture will be collected in the pan. The pan shall
project under the entire length and width of the coil including all headers and bends.
• Drain pans shall be constructed from galvanised steel of not less than 0.8 mm thick and
insulated with manufacturer’s standard to prevent any condensation.
• Each drain pan shall be fitted with an insulated drain pipe which shall be connected via
suitable runs correctly laid to fall to the drainage system as shown on the Drawings.
Drain pans shall have copper or galvanised steel male connectors for connection to the
condensate drain pipes.
• Drain pans shall be large enough to collect all condensate from the coils, return bends
and pipework connections. For units catering for load including a high proportion of
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latent heat, the size of the drain connection shall be adequate to deal with the
• The pan shall be removable and have a slight fall towards the drain connection.
• Double drain pans shall be provided for each fan coil unit installed inside electrical
plant rooms and on top of electrical equipment within non-plant room areas.
2.4.6 Casings/Plenums
• Each unit shall be complete with plenum and factory manufactured casing to enclose
the entire coil, fan, motor, and filter sections. Casings shall include space for pipework
connections and valves, and shall allow easy access to the fan, motor, filter, damper,
drain pan, pipework connections and valves for maintenance purposes. Supply and
return air plenum casing shall be provided for concealed ceiling type fan coil unit.
• Casings/plenums shall be provided with supply and return duct connections unless
otherwise specified. The casing/plenum shall be of galvanized steel construction of at
least 1.2 mm thick for the bottom and 0.7 mm thick all around. Corners shall be
without sharp edges.
• Return air duct connections shall be provided at the rear or the bottom of the unit to suit
the installation. The design and construction of the plenum shall be such that the
bottom and rear panel can be interchanged to facilitate duct connection at Site.
Sufficient access doors shall also be provided for filters, coils and fans. Access to filters
for cleaning shall generally be achieved by opening the hinged central core of the
return air grille. A mounting frame shall be provided for the grilles for fixing the filter.
• Where mounted above false ceiling and in other areas concealed from view, fan coil
units shall be of galvanized mild steel and shall be corrosion resistant. All edges of the
casings/plenums that have been cut during its manufacture shall be wire brushed and
cleaned free from rust, and given one coating of chromate oxide paint.
• Where mounting in a position exposed to view in non-plant room areas, fan coil units
shall generally be as specified above but finished with an suitable decorative casing and
neatly painted with at least one coat of anti-rust paint and two top coats. All painting
shall be factory applied. Standard decorative casing as per manufacturer’s standard.
• Exposed fan coil unit shall be complete with factory manufactured supply and return
air grilles.
• Provisions for hanging the fan coil units shall be provided by slots in the top wrap of
the basic housing.
• The motor and fan shall be mounted on a detachable mounting plate that can be
removed from the fan coil unit enclosure as one assembly. The cable connections to the
fan motor shall be of sufficient length to facilitate the mounting plate and the assembly
shall be opened up for cleaning the fan and motor. It shall also be possible to remove
the fan impeller scroll casing in order to clean the fan blades.
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2.4.7 Casing/Plenum Insulation
• A single blade regulating damper shall be installed in the insulated fresh air duct
connected to each fan coil unit. The damper shall be adjustable to give up to 25% of the
fan capacity drawing from the fresh air source.
2.4.9 Installation
• Fit equipment and appurtenance to the space provided and make readily serviceable.
• Make supply and return connections to headers to give counter flow of air and water.
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The VRV air-conditioning system shall be of multi-zone modular split type. Each zone shall
consist of one air-cooled outdoor condensing unit with plural indoor fan coil units in one single
refrigerant circuit. Each fan coil unit shall be capable of independently serving and controlling the
air conditioning load as required by the room space.
The air-conditioner shall employ R410a as refrigerant and shall be of "Inverter" type to allow
variable refrigerant volume for energy saving capabilities.
The refrigerant piping shall be capable of extending up to 500 m length with 50 m level difference
without any oil trap and with 40 m level difference in the case where the outdoor unit is to be
located below the level of the indoor fan coil unit. The total allowable refrigerant pipe length shall
be up to a minimal of 150m.
Fan coil units shall have sizes vary from 2.5 kW to 25kW for selection.
The outdoor unit shall have two hermetically-sealed reciprocating type compressors, at least one of
which shall be incorporated with inverter control to achieve the optimum flow of refrigerant in
response to the actual load requirement of the individual fan coil unit in the system. The outdoor
unit shall be controlled to operate within 15-100 % in 21 steps.
Compressors shall be provided with high/low pressure cut-outs with manual reset.
Compressor motors shall be protected by overload relays, internal winding thermostats, and low oil
pressure contacts.
Each condensing unit shall be provided with a weather-proof type emergency stop device of stay-
put type installed adjacent to the unit and in a conspicuous location.
The outdoor unit shall be capable of being connected up to eight numbers of fan coil units in one
refrigerant circuit having a total capacity up to 130 % of nominal capacity of the outdoor unit.
The fan coil unit shall be operational at least at two speeds, of in- ceiling type, and suitable for
concealed installation.
Fan coil units shall have sufficient pressure to deliver the required amount of air into the air-
conditioned spaces via delivery ducts, filters, coils and diffusers as specified.
All necessary control circuits and associated wiring shall be provided and installed in concealed
conduit system including fan selector switches, temperature sensors, controllers and respective
metal enclosures as specified.
Insulated drain pipes shall be connected from each fan coil unit to the main drain system. An
insulated corrosion resistant galvanized steel drain pan shall be properly installed to each fan coil
unit for collection of possible drain.
VRV air-conditioning systems complete with all necessary accessories shall be supplied by a
single proprietary manufacturer who has proven record for its products.
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2.5.2 Cabinet construction
• The cabinet shall include junction boxes, polarized sockets and plugs for chassis electrical
• Front panels and return air grilles shall be assembled to be removable for cleaning and
• The cabinet shall be finished with a high quality baked-on enamel paint in an approved
colour. Proper primer and undercoat shall be applied prior to applying finish coats.
• Removable panels or access doors shall be provided for access to all accessories.
• Galvanized screws, bolts and nuts shall be used for panel fixing.
The refrigerant circuit shall include a factory-assembled accumulator, plural electronic expansion
valves, one or two oil separators, a receiver and liquid shut-off valves, filter drier(s) and crankcase
heater(s). The indoor fan coil unit shall be equipped with an electronic control to regulate the
refrigerant flow individually.
Pipe work for the refrigerant system shall be of copper pipes and refrigeration quality (i.e. material
C106 to BS 2871: Part 2 Table 2), and internally degreased and cleaned. Joints in copper pipes
shall be flared or brazed up to the requirements of the HVCA Code of Practice.
Refrigerant piping shall be arranged and sized as recommended by manufacturer, and all joints and
headers with insulators in the system shall be factory supplied.
After completion, the refrigerant pipe work shall be pressure tested by nitrogen gas in two or more
steps up to 2 800 kPa and then maintained for at least 24 hours. Prior to charging any additional
refrigerant as necessary into the system, it shall be properly vacuum dried. All these tests shall be
witnessed by the Engineer’s representative and shall be certified as satisfactory by the
manufacturer before charging refrigerant.
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The system shall be equipped with an effective oil recovery system to automatically control the
return of refrigerant oil due to the significance of long refrigerant piping and plural fan coil units.
For systems with two compressors, an oil equalized system shall be equipped with the outdoor unit
to avoid any unbalance between them.
The system shall incorporate safety devices including high pressure switches, compressor safety
thermostats & over current relays, fan motor safety thermostats, inverter overload protectors, and
fusible plugs.
The VRV-System shall be equipped with computerised PID control and a self-diagnosis circuit to
accurately maintain individual room temperature and facilitate inspection of function mode and
maintenance service.
Each fan coil unit shall be equipped with a microprocessor thermostat and an electronic expansion
valve to control the room temperature and fan speed.
The remote controller for the fan coil unit shall be of liquid crystal display (LCD) type, with an on-
off switch, operational features such as fan speed selection, timer setting, temperature setting, and
self-diagnosis function.
• The system operates only at an outdoor temperature lower than a preset value
which can be adjusted from 10 °C to 50 °C.
• Fan coil units can be automatically restarted, with time delay, after power
Control wiring between the outdoor unit and each indoor fan coil unit shall be of a 2-wire
multiplexed signal system, such that a single wiring link is connected to the first indoor unit from
the outdoor unit, then each additional indoor unit is connected only to the one before in this address
setting to distinguish between indoor units in the same system to be automatic. Control wiring
shall be of twin-core sheathed cords or cables with cross-sectional area of 1.5 mm² minimum, and
shall be subject to approval.
Inter-unit control wiring shall be kept away from power cables to prevent electrical noise.
2.5.5 Installation
Hangers and supports shall be provided for the proper installation of equipment.
After completion of testing on piping and accessories, the system shall be charged with refrigerant
in accordance with the manufacturer's published data.
The unit shall be adjusted so that it will operate without noticeable vibration after installation.
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2.6.1 General
Units shall be designed for operation single phase or 3-phase power supply. All accessible metal
parts together with the casings and cores shall be earthed.
Split-type air-conditioning units shall consist of indoor evaporator units, filter sections, outdoor air-
cooled condensing units, control and interconnecting wiring, piping and accessories.
Units shall be provided as a package completely piped, wired, charged, and factory tested.
Units shall have the specified design capacities. The evaporator units shall be completely matched
with the condensing units.
All components shall be dehydrated, sealed and shipped with holding charge/refrigerant.
Belts, pulleys, chains, gears and other rotating parts shall be properly guarded so that any persons
can safely come in close proximity.
Units shall be of minimum vibration and noise level during operation. If these are excessive and
not within normal acceptable standards, adequate vibration isolation and sound attenuation shall be
All accoustic and thermal insulation including facings and adhesive shall be fire-resistant and
conform to the requirements of the local authorities
• Galvanized screws, bolts and nuts shall be used for panel fixing.
• Intake filters shall be provided for condensing units located in dusty station
public areas.
• Drain pans shall be installed below condensing units located in station public
areas to collect condensate from suction pipes next to compressors which are
not normally properly insulated and to collect water during coil cleaning.
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2.6.3 Compressor
Reciprocating or scroll type, hermetically sealed, refrigerant cooled, suitable for operation
with R-410a or other approved environmentally friendly refrigerant.
Compressor motor protected by means of overload relays and internal winding thermostat
and low oil pressure contact.
The refrigerant circuit shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Thermostatic expansion valve and remote bulb for direct expansion coil.
Sight-glass and moisture indicators which shall be installed at outlet of dryer-filter, and
expansion valve.
Isolation valves at both sides of the refrigerant circuit, namely the condenser and
evaporator, for ease of isolation during maintenance.
The evaporator coil shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Direct expansion type, fabricated of seamless copper tubing with aluminum fins,
mechanically bonded to tubing.
Tested for leakage at minimum 2500 kPa gas pressure with all devices isolated
The air-cooled condenser coil shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Air-cooled type fabricated of seamless copper tubing with mechanically bonded aluminum
plate fins.
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Capable of a total heat rejection based on condensing temperature and ambient
temperature of 52°C and 43.8°C respectively.
2.6.7 Filter
Air Filters shall unless otherwise specified be of the washable panel type. The filter
performance shall be referred to filter section of this specification. Higher filter efficiency shall
be adopted to meet with the IAQ objective designed.
The electrical accessories and controls shall conform to and be provided with the following:
• Unit equipped with compressor motor running and start contactors and start
• Temperature controller.
Auto restart control with adjustable time delay of 0-5 minutes after power surge shall be provided
for air-conditioning units without remote control in the Main Control Room.
Drain pans shall be constructed of galvanized steel sheets to form inner and outer pans with a
continuous blanket of fibreglass insulation between them.
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Drain pans shall be extended under complete coil sections. For short coil sections, drain pans shall
be extended under complete fan and coil sections.
Drain pans shall be constructed from 18 gauge galvanized steel together with the following:
• Both internal & external pan surfaces and joints shall be coated with
corrosion-resistant elastomeric base materials.
The drain pan shall be installed in a pitch position towards the drain coupling.
The drain pipe shall be of minimum diameter 25 mm if size of pipe is not specified by the
manufacturer and shall be connected to the nearest suitable floor drainage system.
2.6.10 Installation
Hangers and supports shall be provided for the proper installation of equipment.
After completion of testing on piping and accessories, the system shall be charged with refrigerant
in accordance with the manufacturer's published data.
The unit shall be adjusted so that it will operate without noticeable vibration after installation.
2.7.1 General
Units shall be designed for operation single phase or 3-phase power supply. All accessible metal
parts together with the casings and cores shall be earthed.
Units shall be self-contained, packaged, factory assembled and pre-wired consisting of a cabinet
and frame, supply fan, control, air filter, refrigerant cooling and compressor, condenser coil and
Units shall be provided as a package completely piped, wired, charged, and factory tested.
The evaporator units shall be completely matched with the condensing units.
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All components shall be dehydrated, sealed and shipped with holding charge/refrigerant.
Belts, pulleys, chains, gears and other rotating parts shall be properly guarded so that any persons
can safely come in close proximity.
Units shall be of minimum vibration and noise level during operation. If these are excessive and
not within normal acceptable standards, adequate vibration isolation and sound attenuation shall be
All accoustic and thermal insulation including facings and adhesive shall be fire-resistant and
conform to the requirements of the local authorities.
• The cabinet shall include junction boxes, polarized sockets and plugs for
chassis electrical connection.
• Front panels and return air grilles shall be assembled to be removable for
cleaning and access.
• The casing shall be provided with condensate drain pan insulated with
minimum 25 mm thick fibreglass insulation faced with aluminium foil vapour
barrier with 25 mm drain.
• The interior casing shall be lined with moisture, vermin and rot-proof
mat-faced minimum 25 mm thick fibreglass or approved equivalent.
• The return air grille shall be constructed in louvre form with frame for
holding filters. In case of ducted return systems, the filter holding frame with
permanent washable filter externally to the units shall be provided, the details
of which shall be submitted for approval.
• The cabinet shall be finished with a high quality baked-on enamel paint in an
approved colour. Proper primer and undercoat shall be applied in the factory
prior to applying finish coats.
2.7.3 Compressor
Reciprocating or scroll type, hermetically sealed, refrigerant cooled, suitable for operation
with R-134a or other approved environmentally friendly refrigerant.
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Compressor motor protected by means of overload relays and internal winding thermostat
and low oil pressure contact.
The refrigerant circuit shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Thermostatic expansion valve and remote bulb for direct expansion coil.
Sight-glass and moisture indicators which shall be installed at outlet of dryer-filter, and
expansion valve.
Isolation valves at both sides of the refrigerant circuit, namely the condenser and
evaporator, for ease of isolation during maintenance.
The evaporator coil shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Direct expansion type, fabricated of seamless copper tubing with aluminum fins,
mechanically bonded to tubing.
Tested for leakage at minimum 2 500 kPa gas pressure with all devices isolated.
The air-cooled condenser coil shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Air-cooled type fabricated of seamless copper tubing with mechanically bonded aluminum
plate fins.
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2.7.7 Evaporator fan and motor
The evaporator fan and motor shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Fan and motor having permanently lubricated type ball bearings with average life
expectancy of 50 000 hours.
Motors equipped with built-in automatic reset device for protecting against overloading
and overheat.
The condenser fan and motor shall conform to and be provided with the following:
Fan protected with heavy gauge welded wire fan guards galvanized after fabrication for
split type air-cooled units.
2.7.9 Filter
The electrical accessories and controls shall conform to and be provided with the following:
• Unit equipped with compressor motor running and start contactors and start
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• Overload protection for motors.
• Temperature controller.
Auto restart control with adjustable time delay of 0-5 minutes after power surge shall be provided
for air-conditioning units without remote control in the Main Control Room.
Pressure gauges for the refrigerant circuit shall be provided for packaged air-conditioning units.
Drain pans shall be constructed of galvanized steel sheets to form inner and outer pans with a
continuous blanket of fibreglass insulation between them.
Drain pans shall be extended under complete coil sections. For short coil sections, drain pans shall
be extended under complete fan and coil sections.
Drain pans shall be constructed from 18 gauge galvanized steel together with the following:
• Both internal & external pan surfaces and joints shall be coated with
corrosion-resistant elastomeric base materials.
The drain pan shall be installed in a pitch position towards the drain coupling.
The drain pipe shall be of minimum diameter 25 mm if size of pipe is not specified by the
manufacturer and shall be connected to the nearest suitable floor drainage system.
2.7.12 Installation
Hangers and supports shall be provided for the proper installation of equipment.
After completion of testing on piping and accessories, the system shall be charged with refrigerant
in accordance with the manufacturer's published data.
The unit shall be adjusted so that it will operate without noticeable vibration after installation.
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2.8.1 General
(a) The unit shall be self-contained, factory assembled and tested, arranged for down flow air
delivery with return air grilled panel at the top / front of the unit.
(b) The cabinet of the unit shall be constructed based on a frame and panel principle with
removable panels for maximum service access.
(c) The framework shall be fabricated by 16 gauge cold-formed steel to provide maximum strength.
(d) All panels shall be formed and welded from 18 gauge steel and insulated with 25mm (1") thick,
24kg/m3 (1.5 lb/ft3) density fiber-glass insulation.
(e) All service panels shall be hinged and locked with 1.-tur captive fasteners to facilitate quick and
easy internal access.
(f) The entire unit shall be finished with epoxy powder paint to ensure proper surface adhesion.
(a) The unit shall have twin blower operating at a speed below 1150 rpm to deliver airflow rate as
specified m the equipment schedule.
(b) The blower shall be the double inlet, double width, forward cure, centrifugal type dynamically
and statically balanced.
(c) All parts of the fan shall be painted, galvanized or corrosion treated.
(d) The fan bearings shall be of a pillow block type having a minimum life span of 100,000 hours.
(e) The fan shall be belt driven by dual drive belts which are sized for 200% of the motor horse
(f) The speed of the fan shall be adjustable by means of a variable pitch motor pulley.
(g) The fan motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type having class F insulation, IP54 standard.
2.8.3 Filter
(a) The filter chamber shall be an integral par of the system, located at the entrance of return air
path and should be serviceable from the top of the unit for down flow configuration and from the
front for up flow configuration.
(b) The filters shall be a standard capacity, 100mm (4") deep, pleated type having a 25-30%
efficiency, 90-92% arrestance to ASHRAE 52-76.
(d) The filter chamber shall have the provision to house l52mm (6") high efficiency filters.
Mashaaer Mugaddassah MMMP-SL-EMDD-GEN-GEN-DSP-D-3003-A01
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2.8.4 Refrigeration System General
(a) The unit shall have dual refrigeration circuit designed for operation on non-ozone depleting
refrigerant, such as R407C, R410A & R134A.
(c) All refrigeration circuits shall be pre-piped and leak tested ready for field connection.
(e) After completion of testing on piping and accessories, the system shall be charged with
refrigerant m accordance with the manufacturer's published data.
(f) A refrigerant charging valve shall be installed at the suction side of the compressor. Compressor
(a) The compressor shall be of the scroll type. Compressors casing shall have no gaskets or seals to
eliminate the possibility of refrigerant or oil leakage into the critical facilities.
(c) The compressor shall be located in a separated compartment apart from the air path, so they
may be serviceable without disturbing the operation of the unit.
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(d) An automatic compressor lead/lag sequencing feature shall be provided to equalize the rug time
of the two compressors.
(e) Compressor positive start feature shall be provided to avoid compressor short cyc1ing and low
pressure lockout during winter star-up.
(a) The coil shall be of A-frame configuration with galvanized steel end plates and ½" OD copper
tubes expanded into aluminium fins.
(b) The coil shall be split to allow for a rapid dehumidification cycle when required.
(c) The coil shall have a sufficient face area in the direction of the airflow and have a maximum
face velocity of 2.5 m/s.
(d) The refrigerant shall be distributed over the entire face of the coil from either refrigeration
(e) A stainless steel, corrosion free condensate drain pan shall be provided under the coil.
(a) The air-cooled condenser shall be low-profiled and constructed of heavy gauge aluminium.
(b) The condenser shall be factory-matched to handle the heat rejection of each compressor at
43.8°C ambient temperature.
(c) The condenser shall be constructed of aluminium fins and copper tubes staggered in direction
of airflow and arranged for vertical air discharge.
(d) The winter control system for the air cooled condenser shall be variable speed control,
refrigerant temperature actuated. The variable speed control system shall be complete with
dual input speed controller to vary fan speed via refrigerant pressure.
(e) The air cooled condenser shall be suitable for 380V/3/60Hz power supply.
(a) Unit shall be rated in accordance with ASHARE Standard 70-2006 and Air Diffusion Council
Test Code 1062R4. The performance data shall be certified by a recognized laboratory. The
casing of the VAV terminal unit, bypass box with balancing damper and multi-outlet box shall
be manufactured from galvanised steel sheet of thickness comply with DW/144:1998.
(b) Unit shall be of the pressure independent type throughout the entire range and shall be capable
of resetting the air flow to ±5% of the nominal air flow regardless of the change in the system
(c) The unit shall be capable of being reset to any airflow between zero and the rated air volume
automatically to compensate for duct pressure fluctuation.
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(d) The air velocity sensor shall measure the true velocity across the inlet of the unit and be
unaffected by changes in duct air temperature and humidity. The sensor shall be field
replaceable without opening the associated ductwork.
(e) The entire package shall be calibrated and factory-set for the maximum and minimum flow
rates as specified but shall be capable of easy re-adjustment in the field. Each terminal box
shall be provided with factory-calibrated, direct reading air flow indicator. Separate gauge taps
shall be provided for field re-calibration and commissioning.
(f) The velocity controller and the damper actuator shall be of an integral unit directly mounted
onto the damper shaft. The actuator shall be capable of operating in the stalled position without
overheating or mechanical damage. Mechanical limit switch will not be accepted. The damper
shall remain in a fixed position when electrical power source is interrupted. The control
equipment must be easily accessible through an access door provided with quick-release
(g) The damper shall be made of heavy gauge galvanized steel with peripheral gasket, pivoted in
self-lubricating bearing. In the fully closed position air leakage past the closed damper shall
not exceed 2% of the nominal rating at 250 Pa inlet static pressure.
(h) VAV terminal unit shall be pneumatic, electronic or DDC controlled as specified. One
thermostat shall be provided for each VAV terminal unit unless otherwise specified. The
thermostat offered shall match the unit and include temperature set point and velocity
adjustment point located inside. The thermostat shall have a calibrated scale showing set point
temperature with a constant approximately 1 oC proportional band regardless of minimum and
maximum velocity settings. Air flow set point shall be adjusted by screw and voltmeter tap in
the thermostat or by other approved means for both high and low air volume limits. The
location of the thermostat shall be determined on site.
(i) VAV terminal unit shall be suitable for 220V/1/60Hz power supply.
(j) VAV terminal unit shall be a single duct pressure dependent air terminal unit. Temperature
control is achieved by supplying enough conditioned air to the space to satisfy room
thermostat demand. Excess air is bypassed directly to the return air duct. Airflow to each
occupied zone will vary on thermostat demand, from full flow to shut-off or to a mechanically
set minimum air volume. A by-pass box handles a constant supply of primary air through its
inlet and uses a diverting damper to bypass part of the supply air into the return air duct. The
damper is directly controlled by the room thermostat in the occupied space to provide the
volume of air required to meet the thermal demand. The pressure requirement through the
supply air path to the conditioned space is set with an inlet balancing damper. A second
manual balancing damper in the bypass is field adjusted to match the resistance in the
discharge duct in order to minimum airflow to the space, maintain supply air from the primary
system at a constant volume and ensure smooth modulation of the supply airflow volume.
(k) The unit shall not be selected at the top of the catalogue range in order to ensure it meets with
the specified room noise level requirement.
2.10.1 General
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Desert Coolers shall be of the industrial, heavy duty type. A single type shall be used for every
zone of the station.
Units shall be designed for operation single phase or 3-phase power supply. All accessible metal
parts together with the casings and cores shall be earthed.
ASHRAE 52.2 (2007; Addenda B 2008) Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning
Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
ASHRAE 55 (2004; Interpertation 1: 2005; Errata 2006; Interpertation 2:2007; Errata 2007;
Addendas a & B 2008) Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
ASHRAE 62.1 (2007; INT 2007; INT 2-15 2008; Errata 2008; Addenda a, b, e, f and h 2008)
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
ASTM A 123/A 123M (2008) Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on
Iron and Steel Products
ASTM A 653/A 653M (2008) Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or
Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
ASTM B 117 (2007a) Standing Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM D 202 (2008) Sampling and Testing Untreated Paper Used for Electrical Insulation
ASTM E 2129 (2005) Standard Practice for Data Collection for Sustainability Assessment of
Building Products
NEMA ICS 2 (2000; Errata 2002; R 2005; Errata 2006) Standard for Industrial Control and
Systems: Controllers, Contractors, and Overload Relays Rated Not More than 2000 Volts AC or
750 Volts DC: Part 8 - Disconnect Devices for Use in Industrial Control Equipment
NEMA ICS 6 (1993; R 2006) Standard for Industrial Controls and Systems Enclosures
NFPA 90A (2008) Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
SMACNA 1966 (2005) HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible
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TAPPI T404 CM (1992) Tensile Breaking Strength and Elongation of Paper and Paperboard
(Using Pendulum-Type Tester)
TAPPI T410 OM (2008) Grammage of Paper and Paperboard (Weight Per Unit Area)
TAPPI T456 OM (2003; Corrected 2005) Wet Tensile Breaking Strength of Paper and Paperboard
("Wet Tensile Strength")
Units shall be Fill Type or Spray Type as indicated on drawings and identified in the Equipment
It is preferable that cooled air is discharged from the desert cooler’s bottom.
Units shall be of minimum vibration and noise level during operation. If these are excessive and
not within normal acceptable standards, adequate vibration isolation and sound attenuation shall be
All accoustic and thermal insulation including facings and adhesive shall be fire-resistant and
conform to the requirements of the Local Authorities.
The Desert Cooler shall be draw through type with minimum 80% saturation efficiency with
imported cellulose paper pads.
Unit housing shall be double skinned panel with 23mm thick made of stainless steel, pressure
injected with foam insulation (density 40 kg.m3) with K factor not exceeding 0.02 watt / M Deg C
shall be fixed to 2.5 mm thick aluminium alloy twin box section structural framework with
stainless steel screws. Alternatively rigid board insulation shall also be accepted with prior
approval by the Engineer. Outer sheet of panels shall be made of stainless steel of minimum 1.2
mm thick, and inner sheet shall be made of stainless steel of minimum 0.6 mm thick.
The entire framework shall be mounted on an aluminium alloy channel base. The panels shall be
sealed to the framework by heavy duty ‘O’ ring gaskets held captive in the framed extrusion. All
panels shall detachable or hinged. Hinges shall be made of die cast aluminium with stainless steel
pivots, handles shall be made of hard nylon and be operational from both inside and outside of the
units. Units supplied with various sections shall be suitable for on site assembly with continuous
foam gasket. All fixing and gaskets shall be concealed.
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Units shall have hinged quick opening access door in the fan and filter section. Access doors shall
be double skin type.
Recirculation tank shall be fabricated from 18 gauge stainless steel sheet with all corners weld and
fibre-reinforced-plastic lined.
Fill shall be of imported cellulose paper pads and of cross fluted configuration assembled in self-
supporting pads in a light weight construction. The pads shall be able to redistribute the water and
shall be impregnated with insoluble antirot salts, rigidifying saturants and wetting agents with built
in eliminators. The velocity across the fill shall not exceed 1.8 m/s and shall not allow carry over of
water. Minimum thickness of fill shall be 200 mm and minimum efficiency of pads 80%.
Filter section shall incorporative synthetic washable filters of at least 50mm thickness in suitable
aluminium frame. Velocity of air across the filters shall not exceed 1.8 m/s.
The Desert Cooler shall be with spray nozzles, draw through opposed type with minimum 80%
saturation efficiency.
Unit housing shall be double skinned panel with 23mm thick made of stainless steel, pressure
injected with foam insulation (density 40 kg.m3) with K factor not exceeding 0.02 watt / M Deg C
shall be fixed to 2.5 mm thick aluminium alloy twin box section structural framework with
stainless steel screws. Alternatively rigid board insulation shall also be accepted with prior
approval by the Engineer. Outer sheet of panels shall be made of stainless steel of minimum 1.2
mm thick, and inner sheet shall be made of stainless steel of minimum 0.6 mm thick.
The entire framework shall be mounted on an aluminium alloy channel base. The panels shall be
sealed to the framework by heavy duty ‘O’ ring gaskets held captive in the framed extrusion. All
panels shall detachable or hinged. Hinges shall be made of die cast aluminium with stainless steel
pivots, handles shall be made of hard nylon and be operational from both inside and outside of the
units. Units supplied with various sections shall be suitable for on site assembly with continuous
foam gasket. All fixing and gaskets shall be concealed.
Units shall have hinged quick opening access door in the fan and filter section. Access doors shall
be double skin type.
Recirculation tank shall be fabricated from 18 gauge stainless steel sheet with all corners weld and
fibre-reinforced-plastic lined.
(Distribution Plate shall be 24 gauge galvanized sheet distribution plate with hot dipped galvanized
angle iron frame and minimum 50% free area shall be provided on intake side of the desert cooler.
Spray washer shall be 2 banks air washer with 3mm bore bronze nozzles shall be 1 per sqft face
area. Face velocity not to exceed 2.5 m/s.
Eliminator plates shall be bend made from 24 gauge galvanized sheet steel or PVC.
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2.10.3 Interconnecting Pipes
Desert Cooler shall be complete with interconnecting GI piping from pumps to desert cooler,
valves, gauges, fitting, strainers…etc. as per the installation detail drawing.
2.10.4 Painting
Shop coats of paint that have become marred during shipment or erection shall be cleaned off with
mineral spirits, wire brushed and spot primed over the affected areas, than coated with paint to
match the finish over the adjoining shop painted surface.
2.10.5 Testing
Efficiency of desert cooler shall be computed from the measurements of the air flow and dry and
wet bulb temperature of air entering and leaving the desert cooler and ambient temperature.
2.11.1 General
Pump performance requirements for the chilled water pumps shall be as indicated in the
Equipment Datasheets.
Provide pumps with duties, quantity and types as shown on the Drawings and/or Equipment
The pump heads specified on the Drawings and/or Equipment Schedules are for guidance and
information only, and are calculated based on assumed equipment pressure drops. The exact
pump head based on the pipe run and the offered equipment shall be carefully checked and re-
calculated for each pump before ordering the equipment.
Pump sets shall each be complete with pump casing, impellers, electric motors and all
necessary accessories to form a complete installation. The pump and motor shall be direct
coupled and mounted on a substantial machined base plate of cast iron or of fabricated mild
steel. Couplings shall be flexible pin and bush type, accurately aligned, and fitted with guards.
2.11.2 Standards
• BS 1400: Copper Alloy Ingots and Copper Alloy and High Conductivity Copper
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• BS EN ISO 9906: Rotodynamic pumps. Hydraulic performance acceptance tests.
Grades 1 & 2.
• BS EN ISO 5198: Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Axial Pumps- Code for Hydraulic
Performance Tests- Precision Class.
Pumps shall be complete with all necessary water seal connections, vents, drains and priming
plugs, and all installation materials including foundation bolts and anti-vibration mountings.
Drain pipe work shall be in galvanized iron and shall be run to a nearby drain gully or as
directed on site.
Pump installations shall be complete with adequate facilities for maintenance and future
replacement of plant. Lifting eyes shall normally be provided upon pumps, motors over 25 kg.
Details of any requirements for overhead run-ways, hoist, etc., required for installation and
maintenance shall be submitted.
The pumps shall be capable of providing the full range of duties required. The selected
operating point shall be at a position on the pressure volume curve such that stable operation is
achieved and no undue fluctuation of flow quantity is experienced for small pressure changes.
The efficiency at the operating point shall be within 5% of maximum efficiency.
Pump sets must be complete with baseplate shall be mounted upon a floating reinforced
concrete inertia block supported on suitable spring-type isolation mountings. The inertia block
shall have a minimum thickness of 150 mm and a minimum weight of 1½ times that of the
pumpset. In the case of engine driven pumps the inertia block and its mountings shall be of
design approved by the manufacturer.
Alignment: At the time of start-up, using dial indicator with accuracy of plus or minus 0.05 mm.
All pumps and motors shall be of minimum vibration and noise level during operation so as to
meet the respective noise criteria as specified in this Specification.
Pipes and conduits to the plant mounted as above shall include suitable flexible connection
arranged so as to permit freedom of movement.
Pumps shall be suitable for the operating temperatures and pressures of the system on which
they are to be incorporated and the environment to which they will be exposed.
Each pump unit including motor and drive shall be supplied from the manufacturer as a
completely factory-assembled package. Otherwise all guarantees and test certificates shall
apply to the entire assembly.
All pumps shall be factory painted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Any damage to finishes shall be made good in the manner recommended by the manufacturer.
Pump casings shall be close grained cast iron grade 180. Impellers shall be of cast iron.
Impeller shafts shall be of stainless steel grade 316 statically and dynamically balanced after
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assembly to BS ISO1940 or other equivalent. Impeller rings shall be of cast iron and renewable
secured from relative movement by stainless steel end rotation ring.
Pump seals shall be of the mechanical type with rubber “O” ring, carbon seal, SS thrust ring
and spring. Mechanical seals shall be rated for 1.5 times the working pressure of the pump.
Glands shall be of cast iron or bronze. Bearings shall be of ball or roller type having an
adequate safety factor to ensure long life. Housing shall be easily removable for servicing.
Grease nipples shall be provided on the pump casing adjacent to each bearing for lubrication of
the bearings.
Pump case shall be designed for minimum 1000 kPa working pressure or the figure specified in
the Drawings which ever is the greater, tested and guaranteed to withstand 1.5 times the
specified working minimal bore as the pipe work in which they are installed.
If for any specific application stuffing box type of shaft seal is proposed, it shall be of
appropriate depth to prevent leakage. Low pressure stuffing boxes shall be water sealed.
Pumps shall be finished painted at the supplier’s works in accordance with the operating
requirements of this specification.
Nameplate: each pump and motor shall have an identification plate showing the code number
and a specification plate showing full details of the pump size, rated speed, rated kW, class of
insulation, impeller diameter, lubricants, pump characteristics, flow and any other pertinent
information required by NFPA or local authorities.
2.11.4 Performance
For pumps in parallel operation at any particular time, the pumps selected shall have a steep
characteristic. For single pump operation at any particular time, the pumps selected shall have a
flat characteristic. Pumps with curves indicating excessive shut off head shall not be used. The
maximum speed shall not exceed 1800 rpm for chilled water and condenser water pumps, or as
specified in this Specification, Particular Specification and/or on the Drawings.
Capacity of each pump and motor shall not be less than that specified, and designed for parallel
operation. Each motor shall be of sufficient capacity to operate over the head capacity of its
respective pump without exceeding the nameplate power rating.
Pump characteristic curves shall rise continuously from maximum capacity to shutoff. Shutoff
head shall be approximately 20% greater than the design head. Pumps shall operate at or near
point of peak efficiency and shall permit operation at capacities of approximately 25% beyond
design capacity without exceeding break ff point. The diameter of impeller shall not exceed the
90% point of difference between minimum and maximum of impeller diameters published for
the respective pump.
Renewable shaft sleeves shall be suitable for use with mechanical seals.
Bearings shall be self-aligning, radial thrust type and oil lubricated. The bearings for chilled
water pumps shall be rated at L10 life of not less than 50,000 hours. Bearing housings shall be
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separated from the pump case and bolted and dowled to the pump case. Top half of bearing
housing shall be removable. Bearing housings shall incorporate overflow holes to prevent
flooding of bearings. The bearing shall be packed in the factory with high-quality grease on
lithium-soap base, free of resin and acid, not liable to crumble or be brittle.
Mechanical seals shall be specifically designed for pump working pressures and shall be of
stainless steel construction with stainless steel springs and tungsten carbide seats. Provide one
extra set in accordance with BS 21.
Flexible spacer coupling if applicable shall be self-aligning, all metal type, of suitable design,
between pump and motor, to enable removal of impeller without disturbing the drive motor or
its mountings.
The casing feet shall be integrally cast with the lower casing and be immediately adjacent to
suction and discharge flanges in order to transmit pipe loads to the base and foundations.
Drive motor
Drive shaft
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• Y strainer on suction side
Closed type expansion tank shall be provided on suction side of the pump header of suitable
capacity. This system is used for maintaining constant water flow in the system. Long life
membranes shall separate the pressurising part of the system. The closed expansion tank shall
be installed in chilled water plant room.
Air separator of suitable capacity shall be provided on suction header of the chilled water
pumps for removing air in the system. Float vents shall be provided on the air separators for
removing air collected. Drain valve shall be provided on the bottom of the tank for removing
A coupling shall be provided between the pump and motor, and shall be semi-flexible, of steel
pin/rubber bush type and accurately aligned.
The coupling shall be provided to reduce shock to the bearings and not to compensate for
misalignment. The pin and bush coupling require the same accuracy of alignment as rigid
couplings. Demonstrations of correct alignment shall be provided.
• Each pump set shall be provided with the following auxiliary equipment.
• Discharge and suction pressure gauges each complete with isolating cock.
• Drains, vents, primary plugs, all necessary water seal connections and all installation
materials including fixing bolts and anti-vibration mountings.
• Pressure gauges tappings at suction and discharge pipe works shall be provided.
• Fit pumps and appurtenances to the space provided and make readily serviceable.
• Provide hot-dipped galvanized steel framework, hangers, anchor bolts and vibration
isolators for pumps except vertical multi-stage pumps where heavy duty neoprene
pad shall be provided for vibration mounting purposes. Vertical split casing pumps
shall be directly mounted on concrete. Unless otherwise specified, inertia blocks with
mass concrete shall be provided.
• Provide flanges and flexible pipe connectors to the suction and discharge connections
of pumps.
• Each pump shall be fitted with air cocks, drain plugs and a pressure gauge on both
suction and discharge sides of the pump. The pressure gauges shall be installed on
the suction and discharge lines. Suitable permanent labels in English shall be affixed
to each pressure gauge to indicate its function.
• Except in the case of glandless pumps, provision shall be made for collecting gland
leakage via a galvanised steel pipe fitted from the pump to the nearest gully or drain
point. A tundish shall be used to collect the drips at the gland packing.
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• Pump installations shall be complete with adequate facilities for maintenance and
future replacement of plant. Lifting eyes shall be provided for pumps and motors.
• Pipe connections to the pump should not impose any load on the pump which is
liable to disturb shaft and bearing alignment. The pump/pipe work connection ends
shall be of final closure joints, and thus ensuring the pipe work is independently
• Demonstration of free pump rotation before and after pipe connection shall be
• All necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that noise and vibration are not
transmitted from any part of the installation to any part of the structure at such a level
as deemed to be objectionable.
• Equipment shall be selected for minimum noise and vibration, and rotating
machinery shall be fully statically and dynamically balanced.
• Pumps shall be isolated from their associated pipe work by means of flexible pipe
work vibration isolators, of suitable stiffness, and mounted with the isolators axis at
right angles to the direction of maximum vibration amplitude. These isolators shall
be mounted as close as possible to the pump, and as such may be used as the final
closure joint. However, the isolators should not be used to compensate for misaligned
pipe work.
• Automatic priming equipment shall be included where necessary to ensure that the
pumps are primed at all times.
• Long radius reducing elbows or reducers at the locations where pipe size decreases
shall be provided. Provide support to pipe work adjacent to pumps such that no
weight is carried on pump casings. Provide supports under elbows on pump suction
and discharge line of 100 mm diameter and over.
• The straight pipe length for the suction side shall be a minimum length of 5 diameters
of the suction pipe work size.
• Carefully and accurately align shafts of all machinery, utilizing shaft couplings
between drivers and speed reducers and the equipment. Test the direction of rotation
of the driver before final shaft coupling connection is made.
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This Section specifies the manufacture and installation of ductwork, diffusers, registers, grilles,
dampers, guide vanes, cleaning of air system, access panels and accessories.
All ductwork and distribution accessories delivered to Site shall be new and indelibly stamped
to identify different grades, materials and manufacturers.
All materials used including ductwork, insulation, adhesives, flexible connections gaskets,
sealant and fibreglass boards shall fully comply with the following standards:
• HVCA, DW/144: Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork, Low, Medium and High
Pressure/Velocity Air Systems.
• BS EN 10142: Continuously Hot-Dip Zinc Coated Low Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip
for Cold Forming-Technical Delivery Conditions.
• NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating
Systems (Note: NFPA Standards shall be applied only if any part of the duct
installation standards are not covered by DW/144 or DW/151).
• SMACNA: HVAC Duct Construction Standards, metal and Flexible and Rectangular
Industrial Duct Construction Standards (Note: SMACNA Standards shall be applied
only if any part of the duct installation standards are not covered by DW/144 or
• SMACNA: HVAC Air Duct Leakage Manual (Note: SMACNA Standards shall be
applied only if any part of the duct installation standards are not covered by DW/143,
DW/144 or DW/151).
Diffusers, registers and grilles shall be selected to meet the requirements of noise control as
described elsewhere in this Specification.
The ECS ductwork layout shall form a complete air distribution system. Ductwork layout is
indicated on the Working Drawings and the Equipment Datasheets.
The ducts that are used for normal air conditioning and ventilation system are termed non-fire
rated ducts. Ducts used for both normal air conditioning/ventilation and smoke extraction
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purpose are termed fire rated ducts. Such ducts shall be exposed to airflow at 250 °C for 1
hours. Where such ducts form part of a fire compartment or pass through a fire wall, the fire
integrity shall be at least equal to the wall/compartment. Fire rating shall be in accordance with
BS 476 Part 24 and should follow the ISO time-temperature curve. This shall be achieved by
the use of fire rated materials or some form of composite system using Building Regulations
Class O faced mineral/fibre glass fire resistant cladding. The support arrangements for fire rated
ducts shall also be fire rated.
Ductwork shall be manufactured from GSS of lock forming quality to BS EN 10142. The zinc
coating shall not be damaged during fabrication and installation. The construction shall comply
with DW 144 or latest international standard. For fire rated ducts testing shall be comply with
BS 476 part 24, ISO 6944. The ductwork at some places is of RCC/builders work construction
as indicated in drawings. Where any part of the installation is not covered by the above then the
recommendation of the latest edition of “Low Pressure Duct Construction” and “High Pressure
Duct Construction” standards issued by SMACNA shall be applied. Bends and branch vanes,
dampers etc. shall be of the same material as used for the ducts and/or of heavier gauge,
securely mounted.
Fire dampers shall be installed where ductwork penetrates fire compartment walls or floors.
Fire rated ductwork, or any enclosure provided, should be rated such that the external
temperature of the installation shall not pose a risk of flashover. Insulation breakdown shall be
considered to have occurred when the spot and average surface temperature exceed ambient
plus 180 °C and 140 °C respectively. Ductwork local to fire dampers shall be installed and
jointed so that structural failure of the duct results in breakage of the duct away from the fire
damper and leaves intact the union of the fire damper and the fire-rated wall.
All duct sections shall be joined as per DW/144 and SMACNA requirements. All nuts and bolts,
washers shall be galvanised. Duct sizes shall be selected on the basis of maximum pressure
drop of 1.25 Pa/m of duct. The recommended maximum velocity in ducts is 7m/s in public area.
The maximum air velocity in duct near the AHU (but excluding the public area) is 14.5 m/s
Air intakes and outlets, such as supply registers, diffusers and transfer grilles, shall be sized for
throw and noise criteria based on the net area. The maximum face velocities at the louvres and
grilles shall be as in the table below;
All air ductwork passing through walls, floors or ceilings shall be sleeved and packed with a
sound absorbent material to eliminate noise transmission to and from the structure and from
room to room.
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All air conditioning ductwork shall be insulated to control condensation. RCC/builders work t
be insulated.
The ducts shall be properly and correctly constructed with all necessary accessories to minimise
waste of energy and pressure losses due to eddies, vortices etc. and shall not create, amplify or
transmit any noise or vibration. Any necessary sound attenuators to reduce noise transmission
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements in this Specification.
Internal roughness and obstructions to air flow (other than dampers, splitters, vanes etc.) shall
not be accepted for ductwork constructed from sheet materials. Sharp edges or corners on the
outside of ductwork, fittings and supports shall not be accepted.
At each point where a duct passes through a roof or external wall, a weather `cravat' or other
purpose made arrangement shall ensure a waterproof and weatherproof fixing.
Duct connections between individual components of an air handling assembly and connections
between an assembly and a ductwork system shall be made with angle flanged joints. All
curves and elbows in ducts shall have as large a radius as conditions permit. Full cross
sectional areas of ducts shall be maintained.
All joints shall be lapped, creased, and secured for air tight connection. All slip-joints shall be
lapped in direction of air flow. Joints in air chambers and plena shall be caulked air tight.
Bottoms of all such air chambers resting on a masonry floor shall be gasketted or caulked to
prevent air leakage.
Ducts containing air exhausted from toilets, where located in return air spaces or masonry
return air risers, shall have all joints and seams soldered air tight. Where ductwork is spot
welded, all welds shall be wire brushed and the prepared surface shall be treated with cold
galvanizing paint.
On bends and offsets, the centre line radius shall be 1.5 times the duct width unless space
considerations preclude this. Where long radius bends are not possible turning vanes or splitters
shall be fitted. Similarly, square bends and splitters shall be used where desirable for sound
attenuation or space saving purposes. Branches shall generally be taken at 45° from the side of
the main duct with taper connection.
All sheet metal ducting shall be constructed to the recommendations of DW/144. The pressure
class rating shall also be in accordance with DW/144.
Steel metal duct sizes shown on the Drawings are clear internal dimensions and allowance shall
be made for insulation where applicable.
Provide splitter dampers, complete with adjusting handle or similar device to all branches of the
supply air ducts to regulate air flows along the main duct and the branch ducts, whether they are
specifically shown on the Drawings or not.
Provide opposed blade type volume control dampers to all branch ducts where indicated on the
Drawings or not.
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Provide fire dampers as indicated on the Drawings. Fire damper construction shall comply with
the requirements of NFPA and local authorities.
Provide flexible connectors of not less than 100 mm long between air handling units/fans and
related ductwork or where shown on the Drawings to prevent transmission of vibration to
adjacent elements. Flexible connectors shall also be provided at building/station expansion and
movement joints as indicated on the Drawings.
The material used for the flexible connections shall withstand the specified conditions of
temperature and air pressure, and shall comply with the standards of air-tightness. The material
shall be fire resistant and comply with the requirements of local authorities.
Provide access doors in ducts where required to gain access to fans, silencers, dampers, filters
or controls for cleaning and future maintenance.
Access doors and panels in ductwork shall be quick release type with handles. The doors shall
be of air-tight construction with gasket mounted on the periphery of door frame.
All flanged joints in ductworks shall be made up with rubber gaskets or suitable mastic material
in accordance with local authorities requirements.
Apply sealant, adhesives, tapes to joints for sealing. All such material shall comply with the
requirements of DW/144 and local authorities.
Balancing dampers of appropriate types shall be provided for air balancing whether shown on
the Drawings or not.
Short radius rectangular and square elbows in air ducts shall be equipped with double thickness
turning vanes. Long radius elbows shall be used wherever possible.
Only standard proprietary fittings shall be used with circular and oval ductworks.
The use of heat or adhesive applied sealing tapes shall not be permitted.
All ductwork shall be securely supported by hangers, brackets and other appropriate forms of
support according to the HVCA publications. Noise and vibration must not be transferred to
the structure or any other element through hangers and brackets.
Supports shall be located close to all dampers, diffusers and other in duct equipment.
Duct supports shall be provided with rubber gaskets to thermally isolate support frames.
During construction the duct openings shall be temporarily closed with covers to avoid debris
entering ducts.
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2.12.3 Flexible Duct Joints
Flexible joints shall be provided on all in line fan inlet and outlet connections and elsewhere on
ductwork where specified. Flexible joints shall be of the same cross-sectional area as the
mating fan inlet/outlet or duct section. The centre lines of flexible joint connections shall be
Flexible ducts shall be jointed either by circular plain or flanged spigot ends. Joints shall
restricted to between 50 mm to 250 mm maximum length. When installed in fire rated ducts,
the flexible joint must provide the same level of fire resistance as the duct itself to BS 476 Part
Flexible joints shall consist of, or be externally protected by, material which shall comply with
DW144 Class B and/or BS 476 Part 7 Class 1 (surface of very low flame spread).
Where flexible ductwork is specified, or required between rigid ductwork and items of
equipment, the internal diameter of the flexible duct shall be equal to the external diameter of
the rigid duct and equipment spigot. Flexible ductwork shall be kept to a minimum length and
shall not be used between rigid sections of ductwork to change direction. The maximum length
of any individual flexible duct shall not exceed 1500 mm.
The flexible duct shall have a liner and a cover of tough tear-resistant fabric. The fabric shall
not give off any toxic smoke or fumes and should be reinforced with a bonded galvanised
spring of stainless steel or other suitable wire helix between the liner and the cover. An outer
helix of glass fibre cord or equal shall be bonded to the cover to ensure regular convolutions.
Flexible ductwork without a liner may be used subject to compliance with all other appropriate
requirements of this Section.
Alternatively, flexible ductwork shall consist of flexible corrugated metal tubing of stainless
steel, aluminium, tin plated steel or aluminium coated steel. The metal surface(s) may be
coated with a plastics material.
Flexible ductwork used on tempered air systems shall be insulated where the conventional steel
ductwork used for the same purpose is insulated.
Joints at flexible duct connections shall be made with a sealant which permanently retains
adhesion and elasticity throughout the design working temperature range. The sealant and
method of application shall be in accordance with the ductwork manufacturer's
recommendations. Flexible ductwork up to and including 140 mm diameter shall be secured
with a worm drive type hose clip complying with BS 5315. Ductwork over 140 mm diameter
shall be secured with a band clip.
The frictional resistance to air flow per unit length of flexible duct shall not exceed 150% of the
frictional resistance per unit length of galvanised steel duct of similar diameter.
The radius ratio R/D for bends shall be not less than 2, where R is the centre line radius and D
is the diameter of the flexible duct.
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The leakage from any section of flexible duct shall not exceed 1% of the local design air flow
rate at the local maximum static pressure.
Provide flexible ducts where required or shown on the Drawings. Flexible ducts shall be neatly
fixed and adequately supported.
Flexible ducting used to connect the air distribution accessories and main ductworks as
indicated on the Drawings shall comply with Part 7 of DW/144.
Flexible duct shall not be used for any system which is designed for handling smoke or being
part of a smoke control system.
Access doors shall be installed at every air chamber, filter section, fire damper, automatic
damper, valves, temperature control equipment, filters, fan bearings, entering side of cooling
coils, to permit inspection operation and maintenance.
Access holes for pitot tubes shall be provided at each fan suction and discharge at each main
branch take off, wherever it is necessary to measure performance. Such holes shall be located
to enable accurate measurements to be taken.
Access doors in ductwork, casings, or sheet metal partitions shall be of double construction
with insulation of the same general character as adjacent sections of ductwork, of not less than
22 gauge sheet metal and shall have not less than 12 mm wide fire resisting neoprene gaskets
around their entire perimeter. All fittings and screw shall be made of brass or galvanised steel.
Access doors in sheet metal ducts shall be hung on heavy brass flat hinges and shall be secured
in the closed position by means of hard chromium wedge type fasteners. All hinges shall be
placed to enable the doors to remain open without additional support.
All doors shall be hinged with two hinges, and two latches shall be used on doors over 450 mm
x 450 mm or larger. Where it is impractical to use hinged doors, such as in false ceiling spaces,
access doors shall be fixed in position with hard chromium wedge type fasteners on opposite
sides. A minimum of 4 catches shall be used to 450 mm x 450 mm access doors and 2 catches
for 350 mm x 350 mm access doors.
Access doors providing entry to interior of air conditioning unit casings or through sheet metal
partitions shall open against air pressure and shall be secured by two heavy chromium plated
refrigerator door type catches with internal and external handles, and joined by a metal handle.
Adequate stiffening shall be provided in metal partitions where securing hinges.
In no case shall any access door require the removal of nuts, bolts, screws, wing nuts, wedges
or any other screwed or loose device. Access doors shall have a fire rating equivalent to that
required for the adjacent construction when located in such construction. Unless otherwise
specified, access door sizes shall not be less than 450 mm x 450 mm or 50 mm narrower than
the duct whichever is smaller.
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2.12.6 Grilles and diffusers
All grilles and diffusers shall be designed and rated in accordance with ASHRAE 32-7.
All grilles and diffusers shall be of dry powder coated aluminium unless otherwise specified.
All supply, return and exhaust diffusers shall be complete with opposed blade dampers, suitable
for mounting with appropriate diffuser and shall be fitted with concealed adjustment devices.
Straightener grids are required before diffusers except for the last diffuser on the route. Each
supply air grille shall be complete with an opposed blade multi-leaf damper. One set of tools
for every 10 grilles or diffusers shall be provided for volume adjustment.
The inside of all components and surfaces of all diffusers and grilles shall be painted matt black.
The drawings show provisional locations of diffusers and grilles but in each instance outlets
shall be installed in accordance with the final detail drawings and reflected ceiling plans.
Velocities, net airways and distribution patterns shall give satisfactory air distribution and
temperature equalization, be free of draughts, stratification or noise nuisance. Make final
adjustments to air patterns when balancing.
The sizes of grilles (including linear grille) indicated on drawings imply the neck sizes of the
fittings, whereas the sizes of ceiling diffusers on drawings imply overall external dimensions.
• Diffusers with removable cores shall have square necks or alternatively round necks.
Diffuser sizes are shown on the Drawings.
• Provide aluminium or steel opposed blade volume control dampers of black colour
with concealed adjustment lever. In general, dampers will not be required for fan coil
unit system having single supply diffuser.
• Provide galvanized steel sheet painted black at the front view to seal off the dummy
part of diffuser.
• Diffusers rings or frames shall be compatible with the ceiling construction in which
they are installed. A transition piece shall be provided to connect the diffuser to the
duct. All edges exposed to view shall be rolled or otherwise stiffened and rounded.
Internal parts shall be removable to permit cleaning of the diffuser and provide access
to the duct.
• Baffles, turning vanes or other devices shall be provided for the required air
distribution pattern. Equalizing grids shall be provided for ceiling diffusers.
• Volume control damper shall be equipped and factory fabricated by the diffuser
manufacturer. The adjustment position shall be easily accessed.
Supply and Transfer Air Grilles and Registers for General Use
• Double deflection supply air grilles/registers shall be tapped from side or bottom of
ducts with provision for tamper-proof adjustment of air pattern spread along its width.
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Adjusting tool shall be provided by the manufacturer. Grilles/registers shall have a
minimum of 80% free area.
• Provide grilles/registers to meet the size and capacities as shown on the Drawings.
Provide gaskets to obviate air leakage.
• Grilles and registers shall be factory assembled with opposed blade volume control
dampers operable through the grille face. The adjustment shall be by a key through
the face of the register and the volume control damper shall be group-operated or
opposed blade type. The operating mechanism shall not project through any part of
the register face.
• All grille cores shall be capable of being removed easily from the ductwork for
access to dampers.
• All edges exposed to view shall be rolled or otherwise stiffened and rounded. All
edges shall be equipped with airtight, non-combustible neoprene, or sealing strips to
prevent leakage. The register rings or frames shall be compatible with the ceiling
construction in which they are installed.
• Grilles shall have single set of fins which shall be vision-proof to effectively mask
the return opening. Grilles shall have 45o inclined fins spaced approximately 19 mm
• Return air diffusers shall match the supply diffusers in appearance and shall be
constructed of the same material and identical in surface finish.
• Register rings or frames shall be compatible with the ceiling construction in which
they are installed.
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• Number of slots and lengths of diffuser and capacity shall be as indicated on the
• Provide air boot to the diffusers as shown on the Drawings. Air boot casing shall be
constructed of 0.6 mm thick galvanized steel with interior surfaces insulated to
prevent erosion. Insulation and air boot shall be extended to cover the collar of
diffuser. Volume control damper shall be provided in the air boot spigot.
• Subject to the ceiling panel design, the flanges of the diffusers shall be designed to
support ’drop in’ ceiling panels.
• Provide suitable support points independent of the suspended ceiling for the air boots
and the associated diffusers.
• Air boot spigot location and dimensions shall generally be as indicated on the
• Provide galvanized steel sheet painted black at the front view to seal off the dummy
part of diffuser.
Nozzle/Jet Diffusers
• Nozzle/Jet diffuser assembly shall consist of round diffuser elements which shall be
fitted to square or rectangular back plate, opposed blade volume control damper and
duct collar.
• Each nozzle/jet diffuser assembly shall consist of the diffuser element and shall be
compatible with the architectural design in which they are installed.
• Individual diffuser element shall be capable of adjusting the air deflection up to 30o
from any plane perpendicular to the face. Adjustment shall be accomplished from
front or back of the diffuser without tools.
The control dampers to be used for the ECS system are included in this section of the
All ECS supply and return air ducts shall be provided with dampers arranged to close when the
systems are shut down and to divert and control airflow dependent on the required
configuration of the system.
The respective functions, types and general constructional requirements of dampers shall be in
accordance with the HVCA ductwork specification DW/144 unless otherwise specified.
Sufficient dampers shall be provided to regulate and balance the system. Dampers on grilles or
diffusers shall be used for fine control. All dampers shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent
fluttering. Unless otherwise specified the air leakage past dampers in the fully closed position
shall not exceed 5% of the maximum design air flow in the duct. All manually and
automatically operated dampers shall include a means for indicating externally the position of
the blades. Manual dampers shall include a device for positioning and locking the damper
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blades. The positions of all dampers `as-set' after final regulation shall be indelibly marked at
the adjusting device.
Each air volume control damper in the ductwork shall be marked to which the damper has been
closed in order to achieve the design or actual air flow.
Damper casings shall unless otherwise specified, quadrants and operating handles shall be of
die-cast aluminium with the works “OPEN” and "SHUT" cast on the quadrant.
Quadrants shall be securely fixed and the damper spindles shall be close fitting in the quadrant
hubs to prevent any damper movement when the damper levers are locked.
Access opening with readily removable air sealed covers shall be provided adjacent to all
dampers. Subject to limitations of duct size the dimensions of access openings shall not be less
than 300 mm x 300 mm and they shall be located so as to afford easy access for inspection and
Damper types shall be as indicated on the Working Drawings and as indicated in the Equipment
Datasheets. The dampers are categorised according to their functional requirements.
• Smoke Exhaust Volume Control Dampers: The application and material of these
dampers is similar to VCD, but shall be installed in those ducts which are required to
carry smoke. The damper temperature rating shall be 1 hr at 250 °C.
• Fire Dampers (FD): Fire dampers shall be installed wherever ducts pass through fire
compartment walls, ceilings and floors. Fire dampers shall be fusible link type. They
shall be supplied and built into the walls with installation frames as recommended by
the damper manufacturer and with adequate access for resetting and for inspection.
Fire dampers shall close off the duct at 68 °C air temperature / local authorities
approved temperature limited. Fusible link type fire dampers shall be arranged such
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that the airflow assists the closing of the damper. All dampers shall be grouted in a
separate duct section stiffened for mounting of the damper. The material of
construction shall be GSS. These dampers shall comply with UL 555/DW142/BS 476
Part 20.
• Manual Dampers (MD): These dampers are to be placed in non-fire rated ducts.
These are parallel blade type of GSS construction.
Dampers shall be provided complete with damper mounting frames for each damper module
including all operating components, all structural support elements and hardware required for
installation of the damper modules into composite damper units. Damper casings shall
fabricated from GSS not less than 1.6 mm thick.
Each damper module shall be factory assembled complete with frames, blades, shafts, bearings,
seals, linkage, and all accessories required to erect the modular panels into composite damper
Motorised dampers shall be electric motor operated to two blade positions of either fully open
or fully closed. Each damper shall be furnished complete with electric actuators of sufficient
number and capacity to actuate all modular panels in a damper unit in unison. Dampers shall
be suitable for continuous operation in either open or closed position.
Motor actuators shall be installed on a rigid GSS mounting plate fixed outside the damper
casing clear of the air stream. Motor actuators for smoke control duties shall be suitable for
continuous operation for 1 hr at 250 °C.
Each motorised damper module shall be provided with two blade-mounted limit switches for
remote indication of the damper position, one for fully open position and one for fully closed
position. Switches shall be provided with independent contacts mounted to positively detect
fully open and fully closed positions.
In the case of multiple module composite dampers, and dampers that operate in a group, limit
switches shall be wired in series to provide a common open or closed indication for each
composite damper unit, or damper group.
Butterfly dampers shall be used for air dampers up to a width 200 mm in the plane of rotation.
Each damper shall consist of two plates, edge seamed, of at least the same thickness of material
as that from which the associated duct is made, and rigidly fixed to each side of a like steel
operating spindle, the ends of which shall be turned and housed in non-ferrous bearings.
Multi-leaf dampers shall be used for air dampers for width larger than 300 mm in the plane of
rotation. Each leaf shall be streamlined and rigidly constructed of galvanised sheet steel of not
less than 1.6 mm thickness free of all buckles. Each leaf shall be fitted with a 15 mm bright
steel spindle at each end, carried by sealed ball bearing or other suitable type bearing. Bearing
shall be accessible for cleaning and lubrication purposes and shall be mounted in a rigid
galvanised frame.
Each leaf shall be linked inside by a rigid linkage or externally by gear wheels which shall
ensure complete closing of all blades in unison.
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The maximum length of each leaf without a central bearing shall be 1,000 mm. The maximum
width of each leaf shall be 225 mm.
Extension shaft which pass through ducting and/or the vapour seal shall be carried in neat holes
in the ductwork. Where ductwork is externally insulated and not metal sheathed a 1.3 mm
galvanised steel plate shall be fitted of sufficient size to prevent damage to the insulation
vapour seal.
Automatic dampers shall have an operating spindle or linkage for connecting to the automatic
control mechanism. Special care shall be taken to ensure that all automatic dampers are airtight
on shut-off and that three is no slack or spring in any of the linkage.
Construction shall be such as to eliminate air noise or rattling in the closed or nearly closed
position and blades shall be fitted with felt seats or "U" shaped rubber sections.
Automatic dampers shall be sequence operated so that the air volume is under positive control
at all times.
Automatic damper section shall not be greater than 3.2 m² and the selection of damper motors
shall be considered when sizing each damper section.
Dampers shall be opposed counter-rotating type if used for volume control. Volume control
dampers shall be of the opposed blade, multi-leaf type with overlapping blades. Single blade
volume control dampers may be used for duct smaller than 300 mm by 300 mm.
All dampers shall be constructed with no vibration or rattling under all operating conditions.
The setting of the damper shall be clearly indicated and marked permanently after the system
has been regulated. The lever shall be aligned with the damper.
Dampers shall be capable of being held in position by means of a Butterfly nut to fix the
position of the lever after regulation.
The air leakage through the dampers shall not be more than 5% at the maximum system
pressure when fully closed.
Self-closing dampers shall present a minimum resistance to air flow under running conditions
and take up a stable position in operation. Maximum resistance shall be presented under
reverse air flow conditions such that they shall be forced to close and remain so. Resilient
strips or other purpose made devices shall be provided to prevent the damper rattling and as an
aid to air sealing under reserve flow conditions.
Blades shall be rigidly constructed of steel or aluminium sheet of not less than 0.8 mm and shall
be free of all buckles. Blades less than 300 mm in height shall be fitted with a 6 mm bright
steel spindle at each end. Blades 300 mm in height and over shall be fitted with a 8 mm bright
steel spindle at each end.
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Spindles shall be carried by sealed ball bearings or other suitable type bearing. Bearing shall be
accessible for cleaning and shall be mounted in rigid galvanised steel frames.
The maximum length of each blade without a central bearing shall be 1,000 mm.
Either the edge of the frame or the damper blade shall have continuous felt seats and leakage
through or around the damper when closed shall not exceed five percent of the maximum air
flow. All blades shall be effectively counterbalanced.
• Wherever a non-fire rated duct passes through an element which is expressly built for
the purpose of preventing the spread of fire.
• Wherever a non-fire rated duct passes through an element which is expressly built for
the purpose of preventing the spread of smoke (i.e. smoke barrier).
Fire dampers used singly or in combination shall have an overall fire rating not less than that as
required and certainly not less than that for the wall or floor slab in which they are located. Fire
dampers shall be constructed of either a corrosion resistant material such as stainless steel or be
galvanised or otherwise treated to minimize corrosion. The dampers shall be housed in a
corrosion resistant casing constructed to avoid distortion due to stress in fire conditions.
Provision shall be made to accommodate expansion of the damper blade(s) within the casing in
fire conditions. A fire damper installation frame shall also incorporate provision for expansion
within the surrounding structure together with masking flange for building into the structure.
Each fire damper casing shall be clearly marked with a permanent indication of the correct
fixing attitude of the damper, the direction of air flow and the side at which the
access/maintenance opening is located.
The folded continuous interlocked blade type of damper may be used for vertical or horizontal
duct applications. The closing force for these type of dampers shall be provided by a stainless
steel spring or springs. An automatic locking device shall be provided to ensure that the blades
are held in the closed position after release. Spring actuated pivoted single blade or multi-
bladed dampers may be used for vertical or horizontal duct applications. Multi-bladed dampers
shall be provided with a means to ensure that all the blades close simultaneously.
Gravity operated multi-bladed fire dampers shall not be used in vertical ducts. Gravity
operated single bladed dampers may be used for horizontal ducts provided means, which ensure
reliable and positive closure when operating in maximum air flow rate conditions, are
Where gravity acting off-centre pivoted dampers incorporate spindle bearings long term
corrosion effects shall be minimised by choice of materials and bearings shall be sealed or
capped to excluded dirt and dust. Damper blades shall close to comply with the stability and
integrity requirements of BS476 Part 8.
For high velocity air systems fire dampers shall be of the type where damper blades, in the open
position, give minimum interference with the air flow.
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Unless otherwise specified, each fire damper shall be held in the open position by a corrosion
resistant retaining device incorporating a fusible element which shall operated at a temperature
of 68 °C. Fire dampers shall be located in such a position and be of a type which facilitate
periodic manual release and re-setting for test purpose. Provide fire dampers in air ducts where
ducts penetrate fire compartments as shown on the Drawings.
Fire dampers shall fully comply with the requirements of local authorities and DW/144.
Fire dampers shall be constructed to the same standards of air tightness as the rest of the
ducting system.
Fire damper casings shall be flanged to suit the ductwork which they are fitted and the cross-
sectional area shall not be less than that of the ductwork.
Blade and fusible link shall be accessible for servicing through air-tight inspection doors placed
upstream or downstream of the air path whichever provides the better access.
Provide suitable fusible link set at 68 oC to all fire dampers unless otherwise specified. Fusible
link shall be arranged in an exposed position and at upstream of the damper.
Install thermal heat sensor type fusible link in suitable locations as specified on the Drawings.
The bare wire link shall be provided adjacent to the damper unless otherwise indicated.
Provide all necessary fixing frame work for the installation of fire dampers.
Provide fire rated material to seal off the clearance between the fire dampers and wall.
All motor operated dampers shall be suitable for installation in either a vertical plane or a
horizontal plane as shown on the Drawings.
The dampers shall be operated by electric actuators as shown on the Drawings and shall be
readily assembled on Site from modular panels. Each motor operated damper panel shall be of
the multiple-parallel-blade type, with an independent channel frame; and shall be factory-
assembled complete with frames, blades, shafts, bush, seals, linkage, and all accessories
required to erect the panels into composite dampers. Motor operated dampers shall be provided
with all structural support members and hardware required for installation as indicated on the
Drawings with additional framing or trims as required to complete the installation.
Motor operated damper shall be arranged for motor operation to two (2) blade positions (fully
open and fully closed) or more than two (2) positions, or modulating, as indicated on the
Motor operated damper actuator shall be mounted outside of the damper frame.
Spring-return type damper actuator shall be provided either to open or close damper as required
in the event of power failure. The position of each damper on power failure is indicated, as
applicable, on the Drawings.
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All motor operated dampers shall be the product of a single manufacturer; and all like
components shall be provided by a single supplier.
Motor operated damper module assembly shall have a net free face area of not less than 80%
measured to the inside of the frames.
Dampers shall be based on standard air having a density of 1.2 kg/m3. This shall apply to MOD
The motor operated damper manufacturer shall carry out factory test to verify that when the
dampers are fully-closed and holding against a differential pressure of 500 Pa, air leakage
through the damper shall to UL 555S, class III.
When the dampers are in the fully-open position and air is flowing across the damper at a
uniform velocity of 10 m/s and the static-pressure drop across the damper shall not exceed 38
The motor operated dampers and their associated structural-supporting systems shall, when the
dampers are in the fully-closed position, be capable of withstanding a differential pressure
across the dampers of not less than 1.5 kPa.
The motor operated damper blade and shaft assemblies shall be supported at each end by means
of heavy duty, permanent self-lubricating bronze or stainless steel bush.
All motor operated damper-blade seals and damper-frame seals shall be fabricated of a flexible
material suitable for the specified operating conditions. The seals shall be factory-installed in
dove-tail grooves incorporated for this purpose in the design of the blade and frames to
facilitate a tight closure between the blades, and between the blades and frame. All seals shall
sit securely in the closed damper position. Noise due to resonance of spring-type seals or any
other source shall be rejected.
Each module of damper with only two operating positions should have one limit switch with
two contacts to monitor its open/closed status. If any one module of the damper fails to operate,
the damper shall be considered not functioning properly. For each module of damper with three
operating positions, two or more limit switches shall be provided.
Motor operated damper linkage shall consist of MS chrome plated rods not less than 6.4 mm in
diameter, extending through bush inserted in brackets fabricated of galvanised steel. The
linkage bearings shall be fabricated from bronze or other material suitable for the specified
operating conditions. The linkage brackets shall either be attached to the damper-blade shafts or
be side-mounted and mechanically inter-connected with the shafts. Set screws shall not be used
in the linkage assembly.
Motor operated damper frames shall be a channel cross-section with not less than a 100 mm
web and 50 mm flanges, and shall be fabricated of hot-dipped galvanized steel plate to BS EN
10142 extruded to a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. Reinforcing bosses and dove-tail grooves
for mounting frame seals shall be integral parts of the channel configuration. The corners of the
frames shall be either welded or reinforced by means of riveted gusset plates.
All screws, bolts, nuts, washers, expansion anchors, and/or other hardware required to complete
the installation shall be fabricated from galvanised steel, and all intermediate supports, framing
members, and hardware required for assembly/installation of the damper shall be fabricated
hot-dipped galvanized steel to BS 729.
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The motor operated dampers shall be installed using fastening devices and structural support
elements herein specified, and in accordance with the published instructions of the damper
Motor operated damper blades shall have an aerofoil cross-section, and shall be fabricated of
hot-dipped galvanized steel plate to BS EN 10142 to a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. The
width of the blades, measured in the direction of airflow shall not be less than 100 mm and
shall not be greater than 250 mm (as per manufacturer standard).
Motor operated damper-blade shafts shall be fabricated of MS chrome plated, and shall not be
less than 6.4 mm in diameter. The design of the shafts shall incorporate the devices required for
securely locking the blades onto the shafts.
MSFD ventilation and smoke extract dampers shall comply with the following: -
• Motor operated damper module assembly shall have a net free face area of not less
than 80 % measured to the inside of the frames.
• When the dampers are in the fully-open position and air is flowing across the damper
at a uniform velocity of 10 m/s, the static-pressure drop across the damper shall not
exceed 38 Pa
• The motor operated dampers and their associated structural-supporting systems shall,
when the dampers are in the fully-closed position, be capable of withstanding a
differential pressure across the dampers of not less than 1.5kPa.
• Motor operated dampers shall be so designed that the dampers will be fully
operational in accordance with the performance requirements specified herein after
exposure to an air stream temperature of 250 degrees C for one hour
• The width of the blades measured in the direction of airflow shall not be less than
150 mm and shall not be greater than 300 mm.
• The motor operators shall be capable of actuating the dampers as specified herein
against differential pressure of 2500 Pa across the dampers
The operators shall be capable of changing the position of the dampers from fully closed to
fully open, or from fully open to fully closed within a period of not more than 30 seconds
MSFD shall comply with local authorities requirements and as specified above for MOD, with
the following additional requirements:
MSFD frames and other components made of steel shall be hot-dipped galvanized to BS EN
10142 and shall not be painted. Damper blades shall be fabricated of galvanized steel to BS EN
10142. All unprotected edges shall be touched up with a suitable paint-on type zinc-based
protective coating.
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MSFD shall comply with BS 476: Part 20 or UL 555 and Class III to UL 555S. MSFD shall be
tested in accordance with the procedure specified in UL 555S with respect to the requirements
of elevated temperature and air leakage of the MSFD.
MSFD shall have a minimum fire rating to match with the FRP requirement of the structural
elements where the MSFD is mounted.
All materials used for the construction of the MSFD shall be so selected and all components
and accessories of the dampers shall be so designed that the dampers will be fully operational in
accordance with the performance requirements specified when fully exposed in an air stream
temperature of 250 °C for not less than one hour. Accessories shall include electrical actuators,
limit switches and any other damper status sensing devices.
Actuator shall be of sufficient torque to ensure tight closure of the damper, and shall be capable
of being detached with ease to allow manual operation of the damper. The actuator shall be
provided with spring return to close or open as required by the design in case of power failure.
The actuator linkage shall be capable of being adjusted so as to allow the damper to function as
a volume control damper.
The entire damper and associated actuator shall meet local authorities requirements and be of
fail safe type. The fail safe positions of the dampers shall be as indicated on the Drawings.
Provide test points for measuring air flow at the following locations: at all fans (in the straight
section of duct near to the outlet); at main branches after the regulating dampers, at cooling
coils, (both before and after the coil), and any other position as indicated on the Drawings.
On insulated ductwork these holes shall be boxed out for the thickness of the insulation.
Test holes shall be 25 mm diameter and fitted with an effective removable seal of a suitable
proprietary type.
After balancing, the insulation shall be fitted to the test hole positions.
Where shown on the Drawings, fire rated ductwork or equipment enclosure shall be fabricated
from fire rated material to the requirements of local authorities, BS 476 or relevant UL
All the ducts used for smoke exhaust purpose shall comply with the following requirements: -
• The ducts used shall have a max thickness of 40 mm, consisting of self-supporting
panels of mineral material: -
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• Particular attention shall be paid to the assembly mode of the panels, their joints and
their supports.
The fire rated ductwork shall follow the latest Code of Practice (DW/144) of Fire Resisting
The construction of the ductwork or enclosure shall take into account the structural strength,
noise isolation as required and the requirements of Class B duct in accordance with DW/144.
All necessary supports, cover strips, aligning strips and other accessories required for the
complete installation of fire rated ductwork shall be supplied by the same manufacturer as the
duct sheets and shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation to
the required fire rating and complying with local authorities requirements. Approval letter
regarding the construction details and test certificates from a recognized laboratory shall be
The fire rated ductwork system shall be made up of sheet metal duct or fire rated board, thermal
insulation (if required), and fire resistant to BS 476: Part 24, for both vertical and horizontal
duct arrangement, inside and outside fire exposures. Restriction of the duct due to twisting or
buckling after the fire test shall not cause 25% or more reduction in cross-sectional duct area.
Whether BS 476 thermal insulation criterion is applicable or not, fire rated air-conditioning
supply, return, and exhaust ductwork shall be complete with thermal insulation and aluminium
foil vapour barrier not lower than the standard as specified in Section of this Specification
concerned with thermal insulation.
The fire resistant board shall not attract pests and shall not rot or support the growth of mould.
All fire resistant ductwork or enclosure, apart from its fire resisting quality, shall be capable of
resisting accidental damage and shall require to pass the hard body impact test section of BS
5669: Part 1 with the weight being dropped through not less than 1 m.
Fire resistant and acoustically sealed access panels shall be provided in the above-mentioned
enclosures for the access and maintenance of equipment and fire dampers.
Turning vanes shall be provided as required to maintain an acceptable system pressure loss.
All blanking plates and sealing plates shall be provided for a complete installation.
Vanes, supports, stiffeners, flanges, washers, bolts and welding filler shall be of galvanized
steel and constructed to the recommendations of DW/144.
Vanes shall be of continuous seam screwed construction, except for stiffening ribs, which may
be stitch welded. Welding shall be in accordance with relevant British Standards.
Curved sections shall be rolled or alternatively formed by a series of creases in a break press as
long as the creases are closely spaced, not obstructive and form a smooth profile of air flow.
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2.12.18 Ductwork Installation
Provide complete ductwork systems and ensure that the installation can be adjusted to the
designed flow rates.
Check all the Drawings provided in regard to structural requirements and other finishes before
detailing the ducting system. Allowance shall be made for the detailed development and on Site
Duct sizes given on the Drawings are clear internal dimensions and allowance shall be made for
insulation where applicable.
Provide hangers and supports, fabricated of hot-dipped galvanized steel, for the proper
installation of ducts in accordance with DW/144. Hanger rods shall be 10 mm or 13 mm in
diameter, depending on size of duct. All such hangers shall be provided with screwed lengths
on lower end for adjustment of ducting runs to level. All nuts shall be provided with washers
and with lock-nuts, and projecting ends of bolts shall be cut off.
Install dampers and splitters in a manner so that they can be adjusted at any time after
completion of the work.
Adjust dampers and splitter adjusting rods to operate freely, between the open and closed
All ductwork shall be manufactured according to the dimensions taken on Site. Provision shall
be allowed to accommodate any discrepancies between the Drawings and the Site dimensions.
All branches and openings in ducts shall be purpose made prior to erection of the ductwork.
Cross-breaking shall be permitted on low velocity ductwork only and in no case where rigid
external insulation shall be applied.
Internal roughness, sharp edges or obstructions to air flow shall not be allowed.
External edges and corners formed from cleated joints shall be neatly dressed down with air
tight joints.
Provide at least 75 mm clearance from ductwork to walls, ceiling and obstructions where a high
standard of cleanliness shall be maintained.
Install diffusers, registers and grilles so that they can be key adjusted from the face directly
without special tools.
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Unless otherwise specified, install vanes, volume control dampers and multiple-blade extractors
so that they can be removed through the diffusers and registers for access to the duct.
Install diffusers, grilles, registers and louvres with frame connected to the ductwork and
provide soft gaskets inserted under the frame or otherwise so arranged so as to avoid air leakage
around the diffusers and grilles.
Cleaning of air systems shall be by means of industrial type vacuum cleaners to effectively
remove dust and foreign material from surfaces swept by the air stream. Cleaning shall be
carried out in sections as the installation progress.
Clean exposed ductwork and leave in satisfactory condition, free from dust, grease, oil or
foreign material for application of insulation or finish painting.
Each change of direction (90o or greater) shall be provided with an access panel at the turning
elbow of air ducts for ductwork maintenance where shown on the drawings.
For every 15 m of straight air duct, where there is no air grille, one access panel shall be
provided. The openings in ductwork for air grilles can be utilised for gaining access.
Access panels shall be provided in the inlet and/or discharge side(s) of equipment.
Generally access panels shall be of size 450 mm by 450 mm and shall be provided in an
accessible horizontal position.
Each damper shall be installed so as to provide smooth operation, opening and closing without
shock in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Undue flexing or bending of connecting rods and linkage will not be acceptable. Such
connecting rod or linkage shall be replaced with either a corrected design, higher strength
material or increased size of such a component.
Wall and floor mounted dampers: All slight, unavoidable spaces and purpose-provided spaces
between the damper frames and the structure shall be sealed as required. Blanking-off plates for
such purpose shall be considered as part of the damper assembly and shall be provided.
Damper module installations shall be fully sealed by gaskets between the module frame and the
mounting frame. The gasket material for MSFD shall meet the continuous operation in an air
stream temperature of 250oC for not less than one hour criteria and shall be subject to local
authorities approval if required.
Identification of damper position is required on easy visible and accessible position, and the
damper setting position after balancing shall be marked in a permanent manner.
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Thermal insulation shall be provided for all air conditioning ductwork and chilled water pipe
work (including valves, flanges, strainers), refrigerant pipe work, chilled water pumps,
expansion tanks and condensate drain pipes. Thermal insulation materials shall not contain
asbestos. Thermal insulation shall comply with the requirements of BS 476, BS 874, BS 4370,
BS 5422 and BS 5970.
Thermal insulation materials shall conform to the fire property requirements of one of the
following standards: -
• Flammability – BS 476 Part 6 - Method of test for fire propagation for products and
BS 476 Part 7 - Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of
flame of products. criteria, Class 1.
• Smoke emission – BS 6853 1999; Annex D and Toxicity – BS 6853 1999; Annex B -
NF X 70-100-1 & -2 - Analysis of pyrolysis and combustion gases or prEN 2826 -
Aerospace series - Determination of gas components in the smoke.
Insulation materials and finishes shall be inherently proof against rotting, mould and fungal
growth and attack by vermin, be non-hygroscopic and in all respects be suitable for continuous
use throughout the range of operating temperatures and for the environment conditions.
All insulation shall be applied so as to give an acceptable looking smooth surface of uniform
thickness. All insulation material shall be fitted tight to the surfaces to which it is applied, and
edges or ends of sections shall butt close to one another, being mitred, chambered or shaped as
necessary. Any minor interstices left in insulation shall be filled with granules embedded in a
suitable and adhesive compound.
Insulated pipes and ducts shall be supported on the outside of the insulation, with load
spreading metal plates of suitable size and thickness between the insulation and supports to
prevent the insulation being crushed. The insulation at the support points shall be of heavy
density load bearing form in pre-formed or slab sections made to the same thickness and
external finish as the adjacent pipe or duct insulation. At all points of support, both insulation
and outer covering shall be continuous and shall not be punctured or fouled by the supports.
The insulation at supports shall be material of sufficient compressive strength to take the loads
transmitted to the supports. The load-bearing insulation shall be extended on each side of the
Where ductwork insulation material is hardboard, moulded section or slab type, the insulation
material shall be provided with factory backed vapour barrier of aluminium foil. Where the
insulation material is the soft type, a separate vapour barrier of aluminium foil and aluminium
cladding shall be provided. In plant rooms all pipe insulation material shall be provided with a
vapour barrier and aluminium cladding.
Split boxes type arrangement shall be provided for easy removal /access to the valves, flanges
etc with out damaging the general run of insulation. Special arrangements shall be made at
chilled water pumps for easy access and maintenance.
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2.13.2 Application – Ductwork and Air Handling Plant
All ductwork (including recirculation air ductwork) conveying chilled air through
unconditioned spaces or the open air shall be insulated. Distribution systems conveying
untreated fresh air and exhaust air through conditioned spaces shall be insulated to prevent
condensation or heat gain to the space.
Pre-formed slab/blanket type thermal insulation shall be applied to air distribution ductwork
and to components within distribution systems such as fans, heater and cooler casing which
convey conditioned air within plant rooms and up to and including all terminal points in the
Fixing methods for insulation shall provide a minimum of direct metal paths, which thermally
bridge the insulation. At all points of support the insulation, vapour barrier, al. cladding/ foil
shall be continuous and shall not be pierced or fouled by the supports. The insulation shall be
fastened to the duct using adhesive spread over the entire surface in combination with piercing
fasteners finished flush with the insulation surface. All circumferential and longitudinal joints
sealed with the same material of highly compatible with the main insulating facing. After fixing
the insulating material, vapour barrier, and al. foil/ cladding, they shall be wrapped with
adhesive tapes or plastic fabric.
Flexible connections on air conditioning air ducts shall be insulated with flexible blanket type
non-inflammable material with attached vapour barrier facing. The blanket shall be wrapped
around the flexible connection, overlapped and secured in place by metal bands at both ends to
the rigid ducts. Flexible insulation shall have all circumferential and longitudinal joints sealed
with tape of the same material of highly compatible with the main insulation facing. The
external surface of the insulation shall be wrapped and galvanised wire netting of 25 mm mesh,
1 mm diameter, and the netting joints shall be secured with a lacing of 1 mm galvanised wire.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the insulation material is not crushed during this application.
Insulation on the fan casings and ductwork shall be neatly finished around access doors.
Access doors shall be separately insulated. Unless otherwise specified, the thermal insulation
should comply with BS 476, BS 874, BS 4370 and BS 4522 and be of minimum thickness 30
mm and minimum density 50 kg/m3, maximum thermal conductivity 0.020 Kcal/hr to
0.038 Kcal/hr at 25 °C mean temperature and maximum moisture absorption 2% by volume.
External duct insulation may be of hard (i.e. rigid lining boards), or soft (i.e. blankets).
All air handling units which are of double skin modular construction shall be insulated with
internal thermal insulation which shall have a thickness not less than 25 mm with density of
minimum 32 kg/m3 to 40 kg/m3. Facing used on insulation materials to provide vapour barrier
shall be not more than 0.8 mm thick, and Class 1 for very low surface spread of flame when
tested in accordance with BS 476 Part 7.
Thermal insulation shall be applied to the insides of ductwork only where specified on the
Working Drawings. The insulation material shall be cut to accurately fit the internal duct
surfaces. The insulation shall be fastened to the duct using adhesive spread over the entire
surface in combination with piercing fasteners finished flush with the insulation surface.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure that the edges of all internal insulation materials,
whether exposed or butted against similar edges, are sealed and secured to the internal surfaces
of the duct. They shall be protected with channel sheet metal of not less than 0.8 mm thickness
and 13 mm width. Alternatively they may be provided with other suitable means of protection
to prevent erosion, peeling and delamination up to maximum duct air velocity of 20 m/s.
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Where internal thermal insulation is required, it shall have a minimum acoustic performance as
follows: -
63 0.05
125 0.10
250 0.35
500 0.60
1,000 0.70
2,000 0.75
4,000 0.80
8,000 0.75
At insulated duct entries /exits through an external building the insulation shall be
weatherproofed for a distance not less than 100 mm beyond the outer face of the wall and be
sealed watertight.
Thermal insulation shall be applied to chilled water pipe work and condensate drain water pipe
work. Thermal insulation shall also be applied to pipe work for refrigerant except that on the
high pressure side located in unconditioned space.
Segmental sections of insulation shall be applied which shall fit closely to the pipe work and
other surface without gaps between joints. Each section of the pre-formed insulation shall be
secured to the pipe by means of adhesive and over the insulation circumferential bands of non
ferrous metal, plastic fabric or adhesive tape. Where more than one layer of insulation is
required the joints shall be staggered.
Pipe work insulation shall comply with BS 476, BS 874, BS 4370 and BS 5422 and shall be
rigid pre-formed section with integral reinforced aluminium foil laminated vapour barrier jacket,
of suitable internal size to match the external dimension of piping to be insulated. It shall be
capable of accommodating the temperature range for the system without structural failure of the
fibres or the bonding agency. The insulation shall have a minimum density 64 kg/m3, a
maximum thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/mK at 20 °C mean temperature. and a maximum
moisture absorption 2% by volume.
Pumps, valves, flanges, strainers, glands, etc. shall be provided with insulation of similar type
to that employed on rest of system (if appropriate to this purpose). These shall be fitted into
aluminium sheet split boxes arranged for easy removal so that access to the pumps, valves,
removable sections of insulated equipment etc., can readily be gained without damaging the
general run of insulation.
Special arrangements shall be made at pumps and similar places so that easy access can be
obtained for maintenance without damaging the insulation. Such removable covers shall be
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separately secured and two vapour barriers shall be provided, one to totally enclose the main
insulation and the other to cover the removable insulation.
Flanges and other protrusions shall be insulated by fabricating oversize pre-formed sections
ordered to suit the diameter of the flange or adjacent pipe insulation whichever is the greatest.
The oversized section shall overlap on to the adjacent pipe insulation by a minimum of 75 mm
on each side.
Insulation of pipe work in plant room shall be treated with two coats of an elastomeric polymer-
based heavy duty mastic with reinforcing membrane to give a weather resistant finish. The
approximate dry film thickness should not be less than 1 mm. Water vapour permeability
should not be higher than 0.02 perms to ASTM E-96, Class 1 surface spread of flame to BS 476
Part 7.
Pre-formed slab materials shall be secured to chilled water containers and flat surfaces in the
same manner as specified for ductwork
At insulated pipe work entries/exits into external buildings the insulation shall be
weatherproofed for a distance not less than 100 mm beyond the outer face of the wall and be
sealed watertight.
Where thermal insulation is applied to the outside of piped and ducted services, equipment and
plant used to convey, store and generate fluids or gases at temperatures lower than the design
ambient dew point temperature, a water vapour barrier shall be provided. The separate type
vapour barrier where employed shall be applied such that it is continuous and gives protection
to the whole surface of the insulation which it protects.
Unless otherwise specified the vapour barrier shall have a permeance value not exceeding 0.05
The material chosen for the vapour barrier and its method of application shall be as specified
and compatible with the thermal insulation which it is to protect.
Where the vapour barrier is not specified the following may be used:
• Metal foil used alone or laminated to building paper, building sheet or plastics film
with all joints adequately lapped and continuously vapour sealed,
• Elastomer sheets with all joints adequately overlapped and continuously sealed,
• Sheet metal with all joints adequately overlapped and continuously sealed to a
vapour-tight condition,
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• Wet-applied vapour barriers of the cut-back bitumen type, bitumen emulsions with or
without elastomer latex, vinyl emulsions and solvent based polymers.
Facing materials used on insulation materials to provide vapour barrier shall be not more than
0.8 mm thick and of class 1 surface spread of flame when tested in accordance with BS 476
Part 7.
Identification coding for pipe work, including thermal insulation shall be in accordance with BS
1710. The colour specification for the paints shall be selected from the range of colours
contained in BS 4800.
Insulated and uninsulated pipework that is painted or unpainted shall be identified by bands at
least 25 mm wide or colour equilateral triangles of at least 150 mm side. The bands or triangles
shall be placed and located to permit ready identification as follows: -
• at all junction points and branches (unless end of branch is visible from junction),
• on all lines passing through walls and floors where lines are accessible and not
visible from an identified main.
In addition to colour bands or triangles all pipe work and duct work in plant rooms and service
areas, whether insulated or not shall be legibly marked with black or white letters and triangles
to show the type of service and the direction of fluid flow. Direction-of-flow arrows and
graphical symbols shall be stencilled in black on a regular white background.
Closed circuit condenser cooling and chilled water pipes shall be prefixed with S and R to
indicate 'SUPPLY' and 'RETURN' as applicable.
Letters and symbols shall be pipe nominal bore or 50 mm in height, whichever is the lesser.
Identification colour schemes and a pipework service schematic shall be included in the O&M
Pipework identification banding shall be applied after covering and/or protective and decorative
painting is complete.
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2.13.6 Identification of ductwork
Identification coding for ductwork including thermal insulation shall be in accordance with
DW/144. The colour specification for the paints shall be selected from the range of colours
contained in BS 4800.
In addition to colour bands or triangles all pipe work and duct work in plant rooms and service
areas, whether insulated or not shall be legibly marked with black or white letters and triangles
to show the type of service and the direction of fluid flow. Direction-of-flow arrows and
graphical symbols shall be stencilled in black on a regular white background.
• Supply Air SA
• Return Air RA
• Fresh Air FA
• Exhaust Air EA
• Smoke Extract SE
Identification colour schemes and a airflow schematic shall be included in the O&M manuals
Ductwork identification banding shall be applied after covering and/or protective and
decorative painting is complete.
All valves, except where adjacent to draw-off points, shall be fitted with a 60 mm diameter
'Traffolyte' disc. This shall either be arranged to fit above the hand wheel held in place with a
locknut for all wheel operated valves or/and, in the case of plug cocks and other types of valves,
attached to the valve by means of a brass chain or ring. The disc shall be engraved as required
for coding purposes, the engraving being black on a white background.
2.13.8 Labels
Provide labels for marking all valves, pipework, dampers, fuses, terminals, lamps, switches,
handles, keys, instruments, gauges, control and other equipment, etc. and elsewhere to facilitate
maintenance with engraved multi-layer Formica or similar labels.
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The labelling shall include instructions for oiling and/or greasing of all bearings, motors, etc.
which shall be attached to the relevant greasing or oiling point.
All labels shall be of adequate size to give clearance between lettering and fixings so as to
ensure an aesthetic arrangement on completion. Pipeline labels shall generally be not smaller
than 100 mm x 20 mm.
Where applicable, labels shall be fixed utilising C.P. brass round head bolts and nuts or
woodscrews. Adhesives or P.K. screws are not acceptable.
For pipelines or valves where applicable, labels shall be fixed by means of a key ring in each
upper corner suspended from chain loops over the relevant pipe.
All lettering used on labels shall be "Helvetica Bold" capitals (except where indicating metric
units or directed) with black letters on white labels for normal purposes. Where special colours
or details are required these will be particularly specified or directed.
For electrical panels or other items lettering shall be black on white for normal purposes, red
letters on white where connected to essential supply or green letters on white where operated by
direct current.
• Door cabinets 8 mm
Where proprietary rail mounted terminals are utilised in electrical cabinets the manufacturer’s
standard "clip-in" identification tabs shall be used.
All pipes, ferrous supports, gantries, brackets and steelwork in the Contract works other than
those indicated to be left as finished such as stainless steel, anodised aluminium etc. shall be
painted in accordance with this section of the Specification. All painted surfaces shall receive
at least one primer coat and two coats of the finishing colour unless otherwise specified.
Comply with the manufacturer's instructions for the use of any product.
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Insulated pipes and ducts concealed in false ceilings or ducts not normally accessible need not
be painted but must be colour coded.
Uninsulated pipes, whether concealed or normally visible, must be painted in the appropriate
colour code and appropriate colour code bands.
All pipes and ducts supports where not exposed shall be given double coating of primer. All
pipes and ducts supports that are exposed and in the plant rooms shall be coated with one under
coat of primer and two coats of the finishing colour.
Primer coats shall be brush applied. Topcoats may be brush or roller applied. Due to the nature
of the surfaces to be painted, spray painting shall not be allowed unless this is carried out at the
works. Any limitations on temperature and humidity for paint application , as advised by the
paint manufacturer, shall be adhered to.
Surfaces painted prior to delivery to site shall be repaired as necessary after erection.
Unless noted otherwise, topcoats for all surfaces shall be oil based paint with a semi-gloss
Ferrous metals shall be primed before delivery to site. After all welding, drilling and
fabrication, but before installation, the surfaces shall be prepared, thoroughly wire brushed to
remove all scale and loose rust and painted with one coat of zinc rich primer to BS 4652. After
installation the primer shall be touched up, one under-coat and two finishing coats of oil paint
shall be applied.
Galvanised surfaces shall be primed using an etch primer suitable for the surface. Painting and
preparation procedures shall be as for other ferrous surfaces.
Where exposed copper is specified to be painted, it shall be washed with soap and warm water,
rubbed down with coarse emery cloth and one coat of a solution of 1 part acetone to 2 parts
benzole shall be applied prior to priming. Unpainted copper surfaces shall be polished bright
and coated with a suitable heat resisting clear synthetic varnish.
Thermal insulation exposed to view (including that within plant rooms) shall be painted except
where the insulation is protected by aluminium foil or self coloured sheet, plastic film or a
weather-proof finish.
An undercoat and not less than two finishing coats shall be applied. Absorbent surfaces shall
also receive an initial coat of priming paint. All paints shall be compatible with the surfaces to
which they are applied.
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2.15.1 General
This Section specifies the manufacture, installation and material requirements of pipe work
The scope of the works for the pipe work systems shall include for the design of all elements of
the works inclusive of system pressure losses, supports, expansion and structural movement etc.
Areas of commonality to all pipe work systems are described first, followed by the specific
requirements for particular pipe work materials and applications.
2.15.2 Standards
• ASTM A234: Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel
and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Services
• ASTM A181: Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General –
Purpose Piping
• ASTM A53: Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-
Coated, Welded and Seamless
• ASTM B16: Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and Shapes for
use in Screw Machines
• BS 143 & 1256: Malleable Cast Iron and Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Pipe Fittings
• BS 416: Discharge and Ventilating Pipes and Fittings, Sand-Cast or Spun-In Cast
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• BS 437: Cast Iron Spigot and Socket Drain Pipes and Fittings
• BS 864: Capillary and Compression Tube Fittings of Copper and Copper Alloy
• BS 1387: Screwed and Socketed Steel Tubes and Tubulars and for Plained End Steel
Tubes Suitable for Welding or for Screwing to BS21 Pipe Threads
• BS 2871 Part 2: Copper and Copper Alloys, Tubes Part 2: Tubes for General
• BS 3505: Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U) Pressure Pipes for Cold Potable
• BS 3600: Specification for Dimensions and Masses Per Unit Length of Welded and
Seamless Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes
• BS 3601: Carbon Steel Pipes and Tubes with Specified Room Temperature
Properties for Pressure Purposes
• BS 4346: Joints and Fittings for use with Unplasticized PVC Pressure Pipes
• BS 4504: Circular Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings (PN Designated)
• BS EN 545: Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings, Accessories and Their Joints for Water
Pipelines - Requirements and Test Methods
• BS EN 598: Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings, Accessories and Their Joints for Sewerage
Applications - Requirements and Test Methods
• BS EN 1057: Copper and Copper Alloys - Seamless, Round Copper Tubes for Water
and Gas in Sanitary and Heating Applications
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2.15.3 Protection and Storage
All ungalvanised steel pipework shall be delivered to site painted with one coat of protective
zinc phosphate primer.
All stored pipes shall be properly supported clear of the ground on stable and secure pipe racks
and suitably covered to protect them from the weather (vinyl sheet or similar).
No pipe or material of any kind shall be placed inside another pipe or fitting if any lining or
coating has been applied to either.
Rubber or compound gaskets, sleeves and adhesives not for immediate installation shall be
stored in a cool area and protected from direct sunlight.
During storage all pipes shall have end covers fitted to prevent the ingress of any unwanted
particles or waste.
Transport of pipe lengths to the point of installation shall be so arranged that neither spigots nor
socket ends nor flanges become damaged.
Care shall be taken not to damage pipe lining and coatings. Any pipes damaged in cutting or
handling shall be rejected. Use of pinch bars and tongs for aligning or turning pipe will be
permitted only on the barrel of the pipe. The interior of pipes, valves and fittings shall be
thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter before being placed in position and shall be kept clean
during laying or fixing operations by plugging or other suitable method.
Cuts in all pipes shall be made square to the axis of pipes and all burrs and other irregularities
removed by reaming and filing before fixing.
Pipe cuts at valves and special castings shall be accurately made to bring all valves, castings
and other fitments to their correct positions.
At the end of the working day all exposed pipe work ends should be covered or wrapped to
avoid the ingress of dust.
Cuts in, or damaged areas of, galvanised pipe work shall be repaired utilising a zinc rich repair
Material specifications and standards for the pipe work for the various parts of the chilled water
circuit are contained in the ECS Equipment Datasheets. Design and construction of pipelines
shall be in accordance with CP 2010: Part 2 and BS EN14161 or equivalent standard.
All chilled water and condenser pipe work shall be steel pipe jointed as indicated in this
specification. Pipe work up to NB 65 shall be to BS 1387 or API 5L. Above NB 65 pipe work
shall be API 5L or ASTM A53/A53M.
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All chilled water and condenser pipe work in service trenches shall be galvanised to the same
specification. In addition, chilled water pipe work shall be insulated and metal clad (in plant
rooms only) after pressure test.
All refrigerant pipe work shall be installed in accordance with the Safety Code of the Institute
of Refrigeration. Interconnecting refrigerant pipe work shall be as described in Section of this
The pipe work installation for the ECS system shall be neat and tidy, with adequate spacing
between pipes, valves and joints. Pipe work shall be run parallel whether running in straight
routes or turning through bends. No formed bends shall be made that shall alter the internal
diameter of the pipe.
Particular care shall be taken that all pipe work is erected and secured truly parallel with the
building structure, clear of obstructions, preserving head room and keeping passageways clear
and that all vertical drops are plumb.
Wherever possible, horizontal pipes shall be fixed to ’fall’ to aid venting and draining down of
the pipe work. Eccentric reducing sockets shall be used on horizontal runs of pipe to prevent
the formation of air pockets. On vertical pipes, concentric reducing sockets shall be used. Drain
outlets shall be provided at low points of the system to enable emptying and to facilitate
maintenance and repair of the pipe work.
Automatic air vents shall be provided at each high point of the water line and discharge pipe
shall be terminated at 50 mm above floor drain.
All pipes shall be provided with sufficient floor clearance to permit cleaning beneath them.
Where pipes pass through walls and floors, sleeves shall be fitted to allow free axial movement
of pipes. Sleeve shall be of a material compatible with the pipe.
Pipe runs, where exposed, shall be positioned at least 25 mm from the finished wall surfaces, so
as to enable subsequent cleaning and painting of all surfaces. Where pipe runs are installed at
an angle, they shall be positioned 40mm from the finished surfaces. Multiple pipe runs shall
ensure that adequate access is provided to access flanges and equipment for maintenance.
Accessible pipes shall be flanged or union connected in sections of three nominal lengths of
pipe for ease of dismantling. Pipes with screwed joints shall be installed with hexagon unions at
suitable positions for easy removal of equipment. All pipe installations shall be provided with
removable sections to assist in pipe-cleaning operations.
Where pipes pass through walls and floors, sleeves shall be fitted to allow free axial movement
of the pipes. Sleeves shall be of a material compatible with the pipe and of length to finish flush
with the finished wall and where passing through floors of a length to protrude 50 mm above
and below the finished floor and soffit.
Chromium wall and floor plates shall be fitted where appearance is of importance to provide a
neat appearance and close any penetration gaps.
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All pipes passing through the roof shall be provided with 2.24 mm lead flashing sandwiched
between the layers of waterproofing roofing membrane, and secured to the pipe with a
galvanised spring clip. In the case of pipes passing through external walls and into water-
containing chambers, puddle flanges shall be provided with the water bearing side of the flange
adequately caulked. Puddle flanges shall also be installed at each end of service trenches.
All site welding shall be carried out with pipe work unrestrained followed by application of
appropriate protective coating, externally. Site welding shall be applied with pipework
unrestrained and each joint hydraulically tested at 1.5 times working pressure plus 350 kPa for
60 minutes without loss of pressure followed by application of appropriate protective coating,
both internally and externally, prior to final installation.
All pipes on straight runs shall be lined up with facilities for pipes to be rotated for the process
of welding joints in order to exclude bottom welding as far as possible.
Wherever possible, horizontal pipes shall be fixed to a ‘fall’ to aid venting and draining down
of the pipe work. Eccentric reducing sockets shall be used on horizontal runs of pipe to prevent
the formation of air pockets. On vertical pipes, concentric reducing sockets shall be used.
Pipe work shall rest freely upon supports and be carefully aligned prior to final connection.
Damage to coatings or linings during material transport or site handling shall be repaired before
installation of the pipework and fittings commences. All pipe runs when not buried
underground shall be concealed as far as possible by careful positioning or shall be chased into
walls, or laid in screeds except inside plant rooms. All pipes which are to be concealed shall be
tested before being covered.
All incoming supply water pipes connected to the water supply network shall be provided with
an appropriate length of UPVC pipe as specified on the Drawings to isolate stray current being
transmitted to other areas.
All overflow and warning pipes of all water storage tanks shall be unplasticized PVC pipe to
BS EN1452
• Precautions shall be taken to avoid introducing foreign matter such as welding beads
and slag or dirt into the piping system. Completed welds shall be hammered to loosen
debris. Prior to assembly, all piping, valves and fittings shall be internally cleaned of
oil, grease and dirt by wire brush and swabs.
• Following fabrication and installation, all piping shall be cleaned by flushing with
clean water, run to waste, until thoroughly free of all dirt, oil and cuttings. Generally,
each size of pipe shall be flushed separately before being joined with larger size
• All cleaning operations shall be continuous throughout the piping system, except at
joints required for final jointing of various sections of cleaned piping. After cleaning
and until final joints are made, the end of sections of piping shall be tightly sealed off
to prevent any dirt, water and other foreign matter from entering the pipes.
• All strainers shall be inspected and thoroughly cleaned. Temporary strainers shall be
provided where required for cleaning and flushing operations.
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• Prior to start-up, final cleaning out of chilled water systems shall be carried out by
circulation with chemical solution.
2.15.7 Installation
Steel welded fittings shall be of the same weight as the piping with which they are to be used
complying with ANSI B16.9 and ASTM A234. Welded elbows shall be used at changes in the
direction of the pipe work. Welded tees shall be used for branches of the same size as the main
pipe. Long radius reducing elbows shall be used at pumps. Reducing outlet tees shall be used
for branches of smaller size than main pipe. Where the branch size is three or more pipe sizes
smaller than the main pipe, steel gussets to provide full pipe strength shall be used. Where a
branch is connected to screwed piping, a steel welded threaded socket shall be used. Eccentric
welding reducing fittings shall be used at changes in pipe size for horizontal piping, with top
level for water piping.
Bellows expansion joints shall be provided for expansion and contraction in the pipe work and
also provided where the pipes cross construction expansion joints, construction interfaces such
as station/back of house areas and any other construction areas of differential expansion. The
expansion joints shall be capable of absorbing axial and lateral movements.
Confirmation shall be obtained from the proposed expansion joint manufacturer on the suitable
choice of joints.
Expansion bellows shall be of the axial pattern and shall be provided with screwed or flanged
ends as appropriate. They shall incorporate internal liners if required and shall be
manufactured from stainless steel or other suitable material appropriate to the duty and shall be
designed to withstand the test pressure of the system. Bellows shall be capable of not less than
12,000 complete cycles of movement over the designed working range without failure.
All bellows expansion joints shall be provided with external protection where exposed to
Bellows shall be installed so that they are not subjected to stresses other than those for which
they are designed. They shall be installed so that they are in their free position at a temperature
midway between high and low limits of normal service.
Articulated joints shall be provided by two sets of bellows with ends joined by hinged links.
Linkages shall be free moving and via bushed holes and SS pins/bolts. Articulated joints may
be made up of two sets of angular joints with a length of straight pipe in between. Brackets and
supports shall be designed to ensure that sufficient movement is provided for the full capability
of the joint.
Bellow expansion joints shall be provided for expansion and contraction in the pipe work and
also provided where the pipes cross construction expansion joints. The expansion joints shall be
capable of absorbing axial and lateral movements.
Jointing of steel pipes below 65 mm diameter shall be carried out using screwed joints. Welded
joints shall be used for steel pipes above 65 mm and welded fittings shall be used for all
changes in direction of piping
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Pipes shall be cut in a neat manner without damaging the pipe. Cutting shall be done with a
suitable type of mechanical cutter. Wheel cutters shall be used when practicable. Pipe ends
shall be reamed to remove burrs.
Joints shall be in accordance with Clause 3.2.3 of CP 2010: Part 2 and BS EN14161 or
equivalent standard.
For special applications in which couplings are required for jointing plain end pipes, slip-on-
type couplings specified in CP 2010: Part 2 Appendix B or similar couplings shall be used.
Electrically insulated joints shall be provided to all piping entering the stations, connections to
the city make up pipes.
Branch connections shall be made with welding tees or forged welding branch outlets.
All pipe jointing systems used shall comply with the requirements of the following clause.
Flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings shall comply with BS 4504: Part 1 PN16, or to
other higher ratings as required by the system for which they are used.
Flanges and unions shall be faced true. Flanges shall be provided with suitable gaskets, and
made square and tight.
Where flanged joints are required for jointing galvanized steel pipes, galvanized steel screwed
boss flanges complying with BS 4504: Part 1 Table 16/4 or galvanized malleable cast iron
screwed boss flanges complying with BS 4504: Part 1 Table 16/13 shall be used.
Screw joints shall be made with tapered threads properly cut. Joints shall be made tight with a
stiff mixture of litharge and glycerine, or polytetrafluoroethylene tape, or other suitable thread
joint compound applied to the male threads only. Not more than three threads shall show after
the joint is made up.
Before welding, the component parts to be welded shall be aligned so that no strain is placed on
the weld when finally positioned. Align the height so that no part of the pipe wall is offset by
more than 20% of the wall thickness. Flanges and branches shall be set true. Alignment shall be
preserved during the welding operation.
All defective welds shall be removed and replaced. Repairing of defective welds by adding new
material over the defective welds or by peeling will not be permitted.
Electrodes shall be stored in a dry area and kept free of moisture or dampness. During
fabrication operations the electrodes shall be stored in a heated container. Electrodes that have
lost part of their coating shall not be used.
Joints of the plastic covered pipes shall be made strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Soldered joints, unless otherwise specified shall use, 95-5 solder, and suitable flux.
Refrigerant and control air piping: Silver brazing alloy with suitable flux and AWS, class
BCuP-5 shall be used.
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Flanges and unions shall be faced true. Flanges with suitable gaskets shall be provided and
made square and tight. Except where copper tubing is used, union or flange joints shall be
provided in each line immediately preceding the connection to each place of equipment or
material requiring maintenance such as coils, pumps, control valves, and other similar items.
Gaskets shall conform to ANSI B16.21 and ASTM D 2000 or equivalent IS codes.
Welded joints shall be fusion-weld in accordance with ANSI B31.3, unless otherwise stated.
Welded fittings shall be used when changing direction of piping. Mitring or notching pipe to
form elbows and tees or other similar construction shall not be permitted.
Steel welded fittings shall be of the same weight as the piping with which they are to be used,
ANS1, D-16.9 and ASTM, A-234. Welded elbows shall be used at changes in direction of
piping. Welded tees shall be used for branches of the same size as the main pipe. Long-radius
reducing elbows shall be used at pumps. Reducing outlet tees shall be used for branches of
smaller size than main pipe. Where the branch size is three or more pipe sizes smaller than the
main pipe, steel gussets to provide full pipe strength, shall be used.
Where a branch is connected to screwed piping steel welded threaded sockets shall be used.
Eccentric welding reducing fittings shall be used at changes in pipe size for horizontal piping,
with top level to enable adequate air venting of the pipe work.
Field and shop bevels shall be in accordance with the recognized standards and shall be carried
out be mechanical means or flame cutting. Where bevelling is carried out by flame cutting, the
metal surfaces shall be cleaned of scale and oxidation prior to welding.
Weld spacing on all butt welds shall comply with the following table:
Nominal pipe
Spacing Bevel
wall thickness
6.35 mm or less 3 mm 37 ½ °
Over 6.35 mm
5 mm 37 ½ °
to 19.5 mm
Before starting any welding, all corrosion products and other foreign material from surfaces to
be welded shall be removed by scraping, brushing, chipping and swabbing as may be required.
The component parts to be welded are to be aligned so that no strain is placed on the weld when
finally positioned. Align the height so that no part of the pipe wall is offset by more than 20%
of the wall thickness. Flanges and branches shall be set true. Alignment shall be preserved
during the welding operation.
After deposition, each layer of weld metal shall be cleaned to remove all slag and scale by wire
brushing and grinding and chipped where necessary to prepare for deposition of next layer.
Welded reinforcement shall be not less than 1.6 mm nor more than 3.18 mm above the normal
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surface of joined sections. Reinforcement shall be crowned at centre and tapered on each side
of surfaces being joined. Exposed surfaces of weld shall present workmanlike appearance and
be free of depressions below surface to joined members.
Weld metal shall be thoroughly fused with base metal at all sections of weld. Penetration of
weld shall include unbevelled portion and extend to inside walls of pipe.
Electrodes shall be stored in a dry area and kept free of moisture or dampness. During
fabrication operations the electrodes shall be stored in a heated container. Electrodes that have
lost part of their coating shall not be used.
Screw joints shall be made with tapered threads properly cut. Joints shall be made tight with a
stiff mixture of litharge and glycerine, or polytetra fluoroethylene tape, or other suitable thread
joint compound applied to the made threads only.
Copper tubing shall use union or flange joints in each line immediately preceding the
connection to each piece of equipment or material requiring maintenance such as coils, pumps,
control valves, and other similar items. Gaskets shall conform to ANSI B16.21 and ASTM D
Joints in copper tubing shall be cut square, ends shall be reamed, and all filings and dust wiped
from the interior of pipe. Solder joints shall have solder applied and drawn through the full
fitting length. Excess solder shall be wiped from the joint before the solder hardens. Soldered
joints, unless otherwise specified shall use, 95-5 solder, ASTM B-32, and suitable flux.
Joints for copper piping shall be by lap joints in general, and shall use standard jointing sleeves
for pneumatic piping of diameter less than or equal to 9.6mm. There shall be no leakage of
fluid at the joint under normal operating pressures.
Unless otherwise specified, soldered joint fittings shall be used on hard-drawn and annealed
tubing. Compression or flared fittings shall be used on annealed tubing only.
Joints to copper or steel connections shall be made using the appropriate adapters. Connections
between ferrous piping and copper piping shall be electrically isolated from each other with
dielectric couplings or fittings.
2.15.13 Flanges
Flanges and unions shall be faced true. Flanges with suitable gaskets shall be provided and
made square and tight. Except where copper tubing is used, union or flange joints shall be
provided in each line immediately preceding the connection to each place of equipment or
material requiring maintenance such as coils, pumps, control valves, and other similar items.
Gaskets shall conform to ANSI B16.21 and ASTM D 2000 or equivalent IS code.
Flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings shall comply with BS 4504-3.1 PN16, an
equivalent standard, or to other higher ratings as required by the system that they are used in.
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Flanges and unions shall be faced true. Flanges shall be provided with suitable gaskets, and
made square and tight.
Flanged joints for jointing steel screwed pipes, galvanised steel screwed boss flanges
complying with BS4504-3.1 Table 16/4 or galvanized malleable cast iron screwed boss flanges
complying with BS4504-3.1 Table 16/13 shall be used.
Flanges for welded steel piping shall be steel, welding neck pattern, 150 (1035 kPa) or 300
(2070 kPa) WSP class, ASME B-16.5, ASTM A181, Grade 1, or BS 4504 shall be used.
Flanges and flanged fittings on screwed wrought-iron piping shall be cast iron, standard weight,
ASME B-16.1; Extra-heavy weight ASME B-16.2 shall use used.
Flanges for copper tubing shall be copper slip-on flanges for brazing, to BS 4504.
2.15.14 Gaskets
Gaskets shall be suitable for the temperature, service and pressure of system, installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Made up flanged joints shall be
fabricated from one-piece ring gaskets, 3 mm thick, neoprene rubber.
Flanged joints between dissimilar metals or insulating flange joints: Insulating gaskets, sleeves
and washers between flanges, bolts and nuts respectively shall be used. Insulating material:
similar to “Teflon” or suitable equal shall be used.
Joint rings and gaskets shall comply with the requirements of BS 2494, BS 10 Table E or BS
EN 1514 but other materials may be used if they have been proved to be more suitable for their
duty as recommended by the manufacturer.
Supports General
• Unless otherwise specified or indicated, all brackets, stays, frames, fixed and roller
supports and hangers necessary to carry and support all pipes and valves shall be
• Structural steel required for proper installation shall be provided. All pipe supports
shall be steel, adjustable for height and prime coated with rustoleum, except copper
tubing which shall have brass or gun metal brackets.
• Piping shall be supported independently from all equipment so that equipment is not
stressed by the weight of the pipe or expansion.
• Valves or other heavy items of pipe work equipment shall be fitted as near as
practicable to a point of support, or fitted with their own supports.
• In general, all supports, hangers, anchors and fixing accessories shall be hot-dipped
galvanized. Galvanized iron bolts and nuts shall not be used for fixing copper flanges.
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All pipe work shall be supported adequately in such a manner to permit free movement due to
thermal expansion and contraction by means of clips, hangers, and brackets, except as
otherwise noted on the Working Drawings.
All brackets, stays, frames, fixed and roller supports and hangers, necessary to carry and steady
all pipes and valves shall be supplied and installed.
Hanger support intervals not exceed the spacing given in the ECS Equipment Datasheets for
pipes and fittings.
All pipes supports shall be steel and coated with zinc rich primer.
Supports shall only be attached to structural framing members. Where supports are required
between structural framing members, a suitable intermediate metal framing shall be provided.
Piping shall be supported independently from all equipment so that equipment is not stressed by
piping weight or expansion. Valves or other heavy items of pipework equipment shall be fitted
as near as practicable to a point of support, or fitted with their own supports.
Hangers, supports, guides and anchors all of a design to allow expansion and contraction within
stress limits of codes for pressure piping shall be in accordance with Power Piping, ANSI B-
31.1. Section 1. Supports shall be located to ensure that pipe work branches of fittings are not
restrained by the support during expansion or contraction of the pipe work service.
Contact of dissimilar materials shall be avoided. Mild steel piping shall have steel supporting
member actually in contact with the pipe. Copper piping shall have contacts of copper or
copper alloy or where mild steel clamp saddles are used, a plastic lining interposed. Copper of
copper alloy supporting members having plastic linings. Pipes shall be supported on either side
of changes of direction and pipeline mounted equipment.
Vertical piping shall be guided or supported in the centre of each riser with steel to brackets to
prevent swaying, sagging, vibration and resonance. Strain that causes lines to snake or buckle
between supports or anchors shall be avoided.
Where piping is subject to a vertical movement due to thermal expansion of 3mm or more,
hangers shall be of variable spring design. Variations of hanger force during operation shall
range between 85% and 120% of actual load.
Pipe work shall be supported so as to permit free movement due to expansion and contraction
and also permit piping runs to be readily dismantled. Pipe work supports shall be arranged as
near as possible to joints and changes in direction. Each support should take its due proportion
of the load. The spacing of the supports shall not exceed the centres given.
The pipe work and anchor system shall be designed to resist the maximum stresses including
test pressure. The anchor fixing points for steel pipe work shall preferably be welded to the pipe
work. Where it is impractical to weld the anchor fixings to the pipe work, cast iron/steel
clamps with at least two stirrup bolts shall be provided with sufficient thread to ensure an
effective grip on the pipe. The point (building/steelwork) to which the pipe is to be anchored
shall be provided with all necessary cleats, brackets and steelwork required for anchor points.
Where there are two or more pipes are to be supported together, the support spacing shall be
based on centres required by the smallest bore pipe work. No more than two pipes may be
supported from a single drop rod support. Lateral supports to be provided where necessary.
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All supports shall be fixed so that full thickness of lagging can be applied in all places where
Pipes fixed to walls or floors both vertically and horizontally shall be supported by brackets
fixed to walls or supported from the floor.
All pipes in ducts shall rest on rollers and chairs, hangers and as such shall be suitably arranged
and supported to allow for expansion and contraction. All supports shall be fixed so that the
full thickness of lagging can be applied in all places.
Pipe work supports and hangers shall be generally to BS 3974 Parts 1 and 2. The installer may
use a substitute for the described support hangers, a proprietary system of pipe supports and
Generally, all supports, hangers, anchors and fixing accessories shall be hot-dip galvanised
after fabrication and provided. For items which are required to be attached to the surface of the
building fabric provide competent labour and suitable equipment for drilling and securing the
support of fixing accessory.
Hangers shall be provided with the compatible size, or nearest manufactured size available as
the pipe or tubing for which they are to be used.
The supports shall be of sound construction and shall be adequate for the weight to be carried
and shall permit free expansion and good appearance and also permit piping runs to be readily
dismantled where appropriate.
Insulated pipe shall be supported using galvanized steel half round protective shields. Angle or
plate type insulation supports, welded to pipes at approximately 3.5 m intervals for vertical
piping 100 mm, and larger, shall be provided. Where hangers and/or supports occur along a
run of chilled insulated pipes, a segmental section of hardwood or high density phenolic
insulation approximately 100 mm long shall be inserted, the outer diameter being identical to
that of the insulated pipe and the ends thereof facing tight to the pipe.
15 2.5 1.8
32 3.0 2.7
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150 and above 5.5 4.5
15 2.5 1.8
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Buried steel pipes shall be protected against corrosion by treating with two coats of good
quality bituminous paint and fully wrapped with a suitable weatherproof tape before laying.
Under special circumstances, such as in ground containing industrial wastes, refuse, ashes,
clinker, or in aggressive water-logged clays, additional external protection shall be provided.
After installation, sections of surface mounted pipeline including pipe supports shall be
painted in accordance with the Section concerned with Painting of this Specification.
Where the pipeline is intended to convey corrosive liquids, an internal bituminous coating or
cement mortar lining shall be provided.
For buried ductile iron pipes complying with BS EN 545 or BS EN 598, bituminous coating
against corrosion shall be provided for the pipes and at joints where steel is used for bolts and
Pipes and fittings shall be coated by either dipping in a bath containing a composition having
a tar base or dipping in a bath containing a cold solution consisting of a mixture of natural
bitumen with a suitable hardener and natural asphalt.
Where copper pipe work is required to be chromium plated, such pipe work shall b e sent to a
specialist for plating after all pulled bends and soldered joints are completed.
Insulation for ECS pipe work shall be provided in accordance with the Section concerned
with Insulation of this Specification.
Thermal insulation shall be applied to all hot water circulation pipe work and storage heaters.
Insulation shall not be installed on any pipe work prior to pressure testing.
Immediately prior to applying insulation, all pipe work surfaces shall be cleaned free of dust,
rust, scale and grease, and then thoroughly dried. Under no circumstances shall insulation be
applied to wet surfaces.
Sections shall be butted firmly together at all joints ensuring that fibres in connected sections
interlock to form a continuous barrier to heat transmission.
Sections shall be secured to pipe work using aluminium fixing bands. Insulation damaged by
cutting or distortion due to being pulled up too tight will be rejected.
The insulation at bends shall be cut into segments and fixed by bandaging with fibreglass
scrim glued in position.
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Where valves, flanges or strainers are not insulated, insulation shall be coned down providing
sufficient clearance from fixing bolts to permit their removal without damaging the insulation.
For all concealed pipes, the insulation shall be of a non-combustible material in accordance
with BS 476 and as follows:-
2.15.19 Welding
Welding of steel
Before starting any welding, all corrosion products and other foreign material from surfaces
to be welded shall be removed by scraping, brushing, chipping and swabbing.
Welding process: Welding shall be carried out by either manual shielded metallic arc process
or automatic submerged arc process using direct current. All pipeline welding shall conform
to Chapter 4, Section VI, "Welding of Pipe Joints", of ANSI Code for Pressure Piping, ANSI
B31.1, and in accordance with latest accepted practice applicable to the particular service.
Welding operation: Electrodes, voltage, current, thickness and number of passes or beads,
shall be as previously specified. After deposition, each layer of weld metal shall be cleaned to
remove all slag and scale by wire brushing and grinding and chipped where necessary to
prepare for deposition of the next layer. Welded reinforcement shall be not less than 1.6 mm
nor more than 3.18 mm above the normal surface of sections being welded. Reinforcement
shall be crowned at centre and tapered on each side of surfaces being jointed. Exposed
surfaces of weld shall present workmanlike appearance and be free of depressions below
surface of jointed members.
Weld metal shall be thoroughly fused with base metal at all sections of weld. Penetration of
weld shall include unbevelled portion and extend to inside walls of pipe.
Inspection: All welds shall be inspected both visually and using water pressure tests.
Silver brazed joints for refrigerant and compressed air piping. Nitrogen in tubes shall be used
to prevent oxidation during brazing. Joints for other system shall be made with 95-5 tin
antimony or 95-5 tin-lead solder.
The outside of the tube and the inside of the fitting shall be tinned at the point of contact
before joining. Overheated tubes shall be cleaned and fittings shall not be overheated before
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joining. Solder type valves shall be disassembled before silver brazing and valve bodies shall
be kept cool by use of damp cloths.
2.15.21 Testing
All pipe work, except chilled water pipe which is specified below, including valves and
fittings shall be hydrostatically pressure tested to 1.5 times the duty head of the system or 1.5
times the closed delivery valve pressure of the pump, whichever is the highest. The pressure
shall be held for a minimum period of 24 hours.
Hydrostatic testing shall be carried out on all piping. Preliminary tests shall be carried out to
demonstrate that the work is satisfactory. Testing shall be carried out before insulating or
concealing any piping takes place. Defects disclosed by tests shall be repaired and the
complete test repeated. If required tests shall be carried out in stages facilitate work of others.
Unless otherwise specified, chilled water piping shall be tested hydrostatically to 1553 kPa.
Tests shall be for a two hours duration, during which time piping shall show no leaks and
during which time no sealing of leaks shall be permitted. Equipment not capable of
withstanding test pressures shall be isolated. Blind flanges, bypass valves and piping shall be
used as required during testing.
Refrigerant pipe work when completed shall be pressure tested by nitrogen gas in two or
more steps up to 28 bar and maintained for at least 24 hours. Prior to charging any additional
refrigerant as necessary into the system, it shall be vacuum dried. A vacuum test of 1 mm of
mercury shall be applied to the pipe work and held for 8 hours. The vacuum shall not rise
beyond 2 mm of mercury during the 8 hour test.
The following pipe work material shall be used for systems listed below:
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Pipe work Material Class
200 & above Heavy grade, Class C, min. thickness 6mm, IS3589
D 6-150 Note 2
Note 1
Black carbon steel manufactured by electric resistance welded (ERW) using 430 MPa grade
steel to BS 3600 and BS 3601 for 200 mm diameter to 500 mm diameter; and manufactured by
submerged arc welded for 600 mm diameter and above Minimum wall thickness for pipes to
BS 3600/3601 shall be:
Note 2
Copper pipe of refrigeration quality to BS 2871: Part 2 table 2 for refrigerant pipe and
compressed air/pneumatic control pipe. Main air piping between compressed air plants,
electric/pneumatic panels, etc. shall be of hard tempered copper. Pneumatic piping inside E/P
panels and for final connection to equipment shall be of soft tempered refrigeration type copper
piping. All copper piping for pneumatic control shall have LSHF oversheath for protection
against moisture.
Pipe work
Class Joint
A Screwed sockets or welded joints for sizes up to 50 mm. Butt welded joints for
pipe work 65 mm and above.
B Screwed socket joint for sizes up to 50 mm. Screwed flanges for pipe work 65
mm and above to BS 4504.
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D Size up to and including 65 mm shall be of the capillary or compression type to
BS 864 Part 2. Size of 76 mm to 108 mm shall be flanged. Size above 108 mm
shall be flanged or welded.
Pipe unions or flanges shall be installed to facilitate future removal of pipe work in sections and
where connected to fixed items of plant or valve.
Pipe work
A Black malleable iron, bronze to iron spherical seat unions for pipe work up to
50 mm diameter.
Black mild steel welding flanges to BS 4504 in accordance with the specified
working pressure for pipe work above 50 mm diameter.
B Galvanized malleable iron, bronze to iron spherical seat unions for pipework
up to 50 mm diameter. For pipes of 65 mm diameter and above, galvanized
malleable iron, bronze to iron spherical seat unions or galvanized steel screwed
boss flanges to BS 4504 Part 1.
Pipe work
Class Fittings
A Black malleable iron screwed fittings to BS 143 & 1256 (or equivalent Indian
standard), or purpose made heavy weight welding fittings to BS 1965: Part 1
for pipes up to 50 mm diameter.
Purpose made heavy weight welding fittings to BS 1965: Part 2 for pipes 65
mm diameter and above. Thickness and outside diameter of the pipe fittings
shall match with the straight pipe.
D. Silver brazed heavy duty copper capillary fittings to BS 864: Part 2 (or
equivalent Indian standard) for pipes up to 54 mm diameter. Silver brazed
gunmetal fittings for pipes of 67 mm diameter and above.
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Supports and hangers for ductile-iron pipe shall be placed as close as possible to joints. When
hangers or supports are not within 300 mm of a branch line fitting, additional hangers or
supports shall be provided at the fitting.
Steel hanger rods shall be provided, threaded with two removable nuts at each end for
positioning rod and hanger and locking each in place.
Except as otherwise noted on the Working Drawings, hanger rods shall be of the following
sizes: -
15 to 50 inclusive 10 10
65 and 80 13 10
150 20 15
Hanger rods for piping over 300 mm and multiple line supports shall be individually designed
using a safety factor of 5, based on the ultimate strength of the material used.
Hangers fixed from concrete work shall have metal inserts cast into the concrete comprising
expanding metal sleeves fitted with captive tensioning nuts and loose bolts, or captive bolts
with loose nuts. Where inserts are not available attachment by one of the following methods
shall be used.
Hangers fixed from steelwork shall be by means of metal clamps, hooks, bolts or equivalent
system where the method of fixing does not require any drilling or cutting of the steelwork.
Hanger fixings for light/small diameter pipes to brick or concrete shall be screwed into a plastic
or metal expansion plugs drilled in the structure. Fixings to cavity constructions shall be by
means of spring toggles, or screwed into expanding rubber sleeves.
Hangers shall be placed close to the point of change of direction of a pipe in either a horizontal
or vertical plane.
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Valves shall be arranged such that they are fully accessible for ease of operation, inspection,
maintenance and removal.
This Section specifies the manufacture and installation of globe valves, gate valves, check
valves, butterfly valves, motorized valves, gauge cocks, automatic air valves, strainers, dirt
pockets, stopcocks, pressure reducing valves, double regulation valves, drain cocks, ball float
valves, safety and pressure relief valves, escutcheons, thermometer, pressure gauges, flow
measuring elements, pipe sleeves, expansion loops, expansion joints, pipe anchors, pipe guides
and gaskets for pipe separation.
All valves, taps and cocks shall be of the types and working pressures suitable for the systems
to which they are connected and shall be of a type approved by the local Authorities. Valves
shall be rated to withstand the system hydraulic test pressure.
Brass, bronze or cast iron valves shall generally be of 16 bar pressure rating (test pressure) type.
In addition, all valves at discharge side of transfer water pumps shall be of minimum 16 bar
pressure rating.
Where valves are provided at the discharge side of 2 or more pumps, each valve shall be so
selected to withstand effectively the anticipated system pressure under the worst case scenario.
All valves shall comply with British Standards or equivalent International Standards in respect
of tests and working pressures, dimensions and materials of construction.
Wheel head valves shall be arranged for clockwise operation of the handle to close the valve.
Screwed valves shall have taper threads to BS 21. Flanged valves shall have dimensions and
bolting in accordance with BS 4504.
Connections shall be made between each valve and the adjoining pipework or equipment with
flanges for 65 mm size pipework and above. Flanges shall be selected to suit working pressure
and temperature.
Screwed connections shall be made between each valve and the adjoining pipework or
equipment for 50 mm size pipework and below. A union shall be fitted on each side of all
screwed valves.
All drain outlets and manual air vents shall have connection pipes leading to the nearest drain.
Valve packing shall be suitable for the service intended. Valve packing consisting of asbestos
or asbestos based materials shall not be used.
Valves of identical make, size, type and duty shall be fully interchangeable.
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All valves provided for manual operation shall have a handwheel or other suitable device which
shall be fixed to the valve. Handwheels shall be rotated clock-wise to close the valves and shall
be clearly marked with the words "OPEN" and "CLOSE" and arrows pointing in the
appropriate directions. The rims of handwheels shall be machined to a smooth finish. All
handwheels which may be dangerously hot to touch when the system is in use shall be provided
with a suitable heat insulation on the rim and spokes.
Chain-operated handwheels shall be provided including rustproof chain and chain guide for
valves installed three metres or more above finished floor.
2.16.2 Standards
• BS 21: Pipe Threads for Tubes and Fittings where Pressure-Tight Joints are made on
the Threads (Metric Dimensions)
• BS 759: Valves, Gauges and other Safety Fittings for Application to Boilers and to
Piping Installations for and in Connection with Boilers
• BS 853: Calorifiers and storage Vessels for Central Heating and Hot Water Supply
• BS 1010: Draw off Taps and Stopvalves for Water Services (Screwdown Pattern)
• BS 1400: Copper Alloy lngots and Copper alloy and High Conductivity Copper
• BS 2456: Floats (Plastics) for Floated Operated Valves for Cold Water Services
• BS 4346: Joints and Fittings for Use with Unplasticized PVC Pressure Pipes
• BS 4504: Circular Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings (PN Designated)
• BS 4514: Unplasticized PVC Soil and Ventilating Pipes, Fittings and Accessories
• BS EN 13789 Cast Iron Globe and Globe Stop and Check Valves for General
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• BS EN 12288: Copper Alloy Globe, Globe Stop and Check, Check and Gate Valves
• BS 7350: Double Regulating Globe Valves and Flow Measurement Devices for
Heating and Chilled Water Systems
• Bronze bodied valves shall be cast to BS 1400, valves with cast iron bodies shall be
made to BS 1452. The bodies shall be of an even thickness throughout, clean and free
from scale and flaws. Generally, valves up to and including 50 mm nominal bore
shall have bronze bodies and valves of 65 mm bore and larger shall have cast iron
bodies, though bronze bodied valves may be used at any size.
• Globe valves when used for circuit regulation shall have characterized plug discs.
The discs shall be free to rotate, readily removable from the valve stem and
renewable. Discs may be manufactured using proprietary composition type materials
if suitable.
• Valves shall have packed stuffing boxes or alternatively shall be fitted with ’O’ rings.
• Valves up to and including 50 mm nominal bore shall have BS 21 taper screwed ends,
valves of 65 mm nominal bore and larger shall have BS 4504 flanged connections.
• Regulating valves shall be fitted with a lockable indicator on the spindle to show the
proportional opening.
• 1600 kPa tight closing, wafer type, with resilient seats. Provide seats that cover inside
surface of body and extend over body ends; or provide O-rings so that the valve body
may be bolted and sealed between raised faced flanges with minimum bolt loading
and without additional gaskets; or provide integral pipe ends to suit piping used, with
pipe end faces concentrically grooved to seal against concentric protrusions in seat.
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• Seats : EPDM or Buna-N, and shall be suitable for the temperature rating of the
systems served.
• Discs : Ductile iron or stainless steel grade 316 for fresh water.
• Shaft Stems : Stainless steel to ASTM A167, Type 304/410 for fresh water.
• Control Handles/Levers : Suitable for locking in any position, or with 10° or 15°
notched throttling plates to hold valve in selected position. Provide worm gear
operators with large size handwheel for size 200 mm and larger.
• A short piece of pipework with flanged ends shall be coupled to the butterfly valve to
facilitate future isolation and dismantling of equipment for servicing.
The isolation valves 50 NB and above shall be butterfly type of the wafer pattern in accordance
with the dimensions in BS EN 593 and suitable for flanges to BS 4505. The body shall be
manufactured from cast steel to ASTMA 216 Gr WPC or SG iron to BS EN 1563. The disc
shall be epoxy coated SG iron, EN plated cast iron or stainless steel. The shaft shall be
manufactured from 304 stainless steel.
Gate valves generally shall be used on service pipework where isolation plant, equipment and
system circuits are required, and shall be fitted as necessary. Valves shall be rated, designed
and tested in accordance with BS EN 12288 for bronze valves and BS EN 1171 or BS EN
1074-2 for those of cast iron manufacture. Valves shall be of non-rising stems and same size as
the nominal bore of pipeline in which they are indicated.
Bronze bodied valves shall be cast to BS 1400, valves with cast iron bodies shall be made to BS
1452. The bodies shall be of an even thickness throughout, clean and free from scale flaws. Up
to and including 50 mm nominal bore shall be bronze, 65 mm nominal bore and larger may be
bronze or cast iron.
Valve wedges may be of cast iron, bronze, nickel alloy or stainless steel. Cast iron wedges shall
have bronze trim and seating, slide valves shall be fitted with stainless steel springs. Wedges
shall be renewable and free to rotate on the valve spindle.
Valves shall have packed stuffing boxes, or alternatively shall be fitted with ’O’ rings.
Gate valves of 80 mm nominal bore and above for use in flushing water system shall be of cast
iron body with nickel alloy faces and stainless steel spindle or with nitrite resilient facing
wedge gate and aluminium bronze stem and shall be entirely suitable for use with sea water.
Gate valves of 65 mm nominal bore and below shall be of UPVC, ABS or polyproperlene
bodied stopvalves.
Gate valves shall be tested as follows at the place of manufacture prior to dispatch to Site:-
Body Test
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• With both ends closed and the gate in the open position, the body shall be tested to
one and a half times the maximum working pressure for a minimum of 30 minutes.
There shall be no visible leakage.
Seat Test
• With one end open to the atmosphere and the gate in the closed position, the seat of
the valve shall be tested for tightness when one and a half times the maximum
working pressure is applied to the other end of the valve for a minimum of 30
minutes. The seat test shall be carried out in both directions. There shall be no visible
leakage past the gate.
Isolation valves shall be of the gate type conforming to IS-778 up to 50 NB and conforming to
BS EN 1171 above 50 NB. They shall have non-rising spindles and close in a clockwise
The valves shall not contain any brasses more than 5% zinc. They shall incorporate ductile iron
bodies and gates fitted with gunmetal (BS EN 1982-LG2) aluminium bronze or nickel copper
alloy components. Flanges shall be to BS 4505.
Check Valves shall be installed in the specified locations. Care shall be taken to ensure that the
valves provided are suitable for installation in the plant required. In general, non-slam globe
type silent check valve shall be used unless otherwise specified. Disc shall be centre guided and
operated with stainless steel spring and trim to insure smooth, positive opening and closing of
valves with minimal pressure drop. Check valves shall not be installed in vertical pipes with a
downward fluid flow. Valves shall be generally rated, manufactured and tested to BS EN 12288
and shall be of the same nominal bore as the pipework in which they are installed.
Check valves generally shall be of 16 bar nominal pressure rating (test pressure).
Bronze bodied valves shall be cast to BS 1400, valves with cast iron bodies shall be made to BS
1452. The bodies shall be of an even thickness throughout, clean and free from scale and flaws.
Valves up to and including 50 mm nominal bore shall be of bronze. Valves on 65 mm nominal
bore and larger shall be of cast iron.
Valve discs and hinges shall be manufactured from the following materials. Cast iron bodies
shall have cast iron discs with bronze faces or be wholly manufactured from bronze. Bronze
bodied valves shall have discs of a nickel alloy, bronze, or bronze with a composition face.
Disc with nickel alloy faces shall be designed to be easily removed for regrinding. Bronze
valves shall have machined and screwed bonnets providing easy access to the operating disc,
whilst cast iron valves shall have cast iron covers retained by steel studs or nuts and bolts. A
purpose designed gasket shall be located between the cover and the body.
Valves up to and including 50 mm nominal bore shall have BS 21 taper screwed ends. Pipes of
65 mm nominal bore and larger shall have BS 4504 flanged connections.
Check valves shall be tested as follows at the place of manufacture prior to dispatch to Site:-
Body Test
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• With both ends closed the body shall be tested to one and a half times the maximum
working pressure for a minimum of 30 minutes. The pressure shall be applied to the
inlet side of the body. There shall be no visible leakage.
Seat Test
• With the inlet open to atmosphere, the seat of the valve shall be tested for tightness
when one and a half times the maximum working pressure is applied to the outlet end
of the valve for a minimum of 30 minutes. There shall be no visible leakage.
Valves of identical make, size, type and duty shall be fully interchangeable.
Check valves shall be of the wafer type dual plate type and conform to API-594 and tested to
The valves shall not have any brasses containing more than 5% zinc.
They shall have cast iron bodies to BS EN 1561 / IS 210 Gr. 220.
With the exception of wafer split disc check valves, valves shall be suitable to accommodate
between BS 4504 flanges.
The valve design shall ensure closure in the shortest possible time following deceleration of the
water column, ideally reaching its seat without slamming at the instant forward motion of the
column ceases.
Balancing flow control valves shall be of the double regulating two way type conforming to IS-
778 Class 1 Edition 1984 with facility for measurement of pressure drop and flow rate. Valves
shall be capable of full isolating.
Where valves are used for circuit regulation they shall have characterised plug discs. The discs
shall be free to rotate, readily removable from the valve stem and renewable. Valves shall
include setting device and indicator. Discs shall be SS with cast steel body plug.
Double regulating valves shall be provided as shown on the Drawings to ensure proper
balancing of water circuits.
Balancing is to be carried out to meet specified water flow rate with a tolerance of ±10 %.
Flow measurement shall be with accuracy better than ±5% in the normal measuring range of the
valve. To enable accurate and practical operation, measurement of flow and differential
pressure shall be made with a microprocessor instrument which enables the operator to read the
flow directly without the use of diagrams or tables.
Pressure measuring nipples shall be provided for measuring differential pressure and be integral
with the valve body and incorporated with suitable means for positive leak tight shut-off when
not in use.
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Valves shall be of globe valve design with a profiled plug for improved flow control, to reduce
noise and cavitation.
Adjustment and presetting of the flow shall be made with a multi-turn handwheel using a
digital scale with a resolution better than 2.5% of the full scale.
The setting shall be lockable with a mechanical stop, which allows the valve to be closed but
not to be opened further than to the adjusted value. The mechanical stop shall be concealed
from view as far as possible.
Valves shall offer the possibility for water-tight shut-off against the same water pressure as the
body pressure rating.
Valves with thread connection in sizes from 10 mm to 50 mm shall be bronze, complete with
regulating disc having a logarithmic flow characteristic, position, indicator and reinforced
nylon hand wheel. Body pressure rating shall be of at least 20 bar at 150 °C and in compliance
with BS 7350, BS EN 12288 and threaded to BS 21.
Valves with flanged connections from size 65 mm diameter and above shall be made of cast
iron equivalent to BS 1452 for a body pressure rating of at least 16 bar at 80 °C and in
compliance to BS 7350, BS EN 13789 and flanged to BS 4504. The stem, seat and disk ring
shall be of stainless steel.
Valves shall be sized to operate in a nominal measuring range of 50 % to 100 % of full opening
to ensure maximum accuracy and shall. comply with manufacturers’ recommended valve sizing
One set of measuring instrument shall be provided. The measuring instrument shall be
microprocessor based with an accuracy of 1% of displayed value. The computerized balancing
instrument shall be powered by re-chargeable Ni-Cd batteries suitable for operation single
phase power supply. The instrument shall be user-friendly with self-prompting menu to guide
the user. Units of measurement shall be selectable as specified below:
The instrument shall have memory storage space to store up to a minimum of 200 measured
values and a minimum of 400 log values. These stored measured values and log values can be
directly viewed from the instrument or printout on a printer or viewed on a computer.
Three way mixing valves shall be used for controlling the flow of the chilled water to the AHU
and fan coil units at 6.67°C supply and 12.22°C return water temperature. Operation shall be
via a room return air thermostat through a single phase AC proportional acting actuator with a
speed of between 6 rpm to 8 rpm.
Valve body brass for sizes up to 65 mm and cast iron for valves 80 mm and above with
stainless steel stem, plug and seat. Flanges shall be BS4505 and an easy to read valve position
indicator shall be fitted.
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Provide for each controlled system motorized control valve, as indicated on the Drawings,
comprising of a two or three port valve, depending on application, complete with a motorized
valve operator, attached to and supported by the valve.
Provide a large size handwheel for each valve operator, which shall automatically de-clutch
when motor is activated.
Motorized valve operator shall be either side or top mounted. The power circuit shall operate on
3 phase power supply while control circuit shall operate on single phase power supply.
Motorized valve operator shall consist of motor, magnetic motor controller, control circuit
transformer, built-in reversing contactors, opening and closing torque and limit switches, built-
in open-close-stop momentary contact pushbuttons and open-closed position indicating lights.
Terminal posts shall also be provided for field wiring of remote momentary contact open-close-
stop pushbuttons and open-closed position indicating lights. All components shall be factory
prewired in single enclosure.
Motor shall be of high speed and high torque type, of adequate capacity, specially suitable for
valve operation. Motor winding insulation shall be to IEEE standard Class B. Provide built-in
thermal overload protection. Closing time of all motorized valves shall be set with an adjustable
timer control which can be set to not less than one minute nor more than two minutes.
Electrical connections, disconnect switches, conduit and power wiring for motors and remote
pushbuttons and indicating lights shall be provided.
Valve body material shall be brass with stainless steel or brass working parts and should be
suitable for a maximum temperature of 80 °C and maximum pressure of 10 bar.
These shall be of the single/double orifice type. The large orifice shall work on the aero-kinetic
principle and the small orifice shall be float operated. The branch size shall be 20 mm and
flanged to BS 4504. The valve shall be supplied with a lever-operated ball valve to enable
isolation for maintenance.
Automatic air vents shall be provided as specified and at all high points of the system or as
indicated on the Drawings.
Connections to the service pipes shall be made at the highest point to ensure complete venting.
Automatic air vents shall be mounted so that the inlet connection is in an exact vertical plane. A
lock shield valve shall be located between the service pipe and the automatic air vent.
Automatic air vents for water systems shall have bodies of brass, gunmetal or malleable iron,
non-ferrous or stainless steel floats and guides, and non-corrodible valves and rubber seats.
All automatic air vents shall be 20 mm diameter unless otherwise specified and shall be of the
single large-orifice type suitable for the release or admission of air during system filling or
draining. Automatic air vents bodies shall be constructed of cast iron to BS 1452 Grade 14 and
float guides from grade 316 stainless steel. Connections to the pipework shall be via a screwed
BSP connection.
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Automatic air vents shall be designed to open to discharge air or air/fluid mixture and to
close firmly against fluid.
Level controllers size 15 mm shall be brass bodied float operated valves of the diaphragm type
with discharge component to effectively prevent back-siphoning of water, all in accordance
with BS 1212 Part 2. Copper floats shall be to BS 1968, and plastic floats to BS 2456 or
Valves shall be gunmetal bodies double seat balanced equilibrium type of full bore pattern with
inlet screwed end.
Ball float valves of the delayed action type shall incorporate an equilibrium type ball valve with
the float operating in an auxiliary chamber within the storage tank, cooling tower, etc. A
second float below the base of the chamber shall operate a quick-operating valve, which shall
provide open/shut control.
Ball float valve installations shall be complete with water stilling pipes to minimize the effect
of the water inflow on the operation of the floats and the level controllers.
Ball float valves of 50 mm and below shall conform to BS 1212 of appropriate low, medium or
high pressure type as specified or in accordance with the calculated system pressure
Ball float valves of 65 mm and above shall be of cast iron body with nickel alloy and stainless
steel working parts. Ball float valves shall be capable of withstanding 1.5 times of the
maximum working pressure of the system.
The chilled water system shall include for a pressurised closed type expansion tank of 150 litres
capacity. The tank shall be rated for a pressure 10bar and a temperature range between 10 °C to
50 °C. The tank shall be fitted with a safety valve
The tank shell shall be heavy gauge carbon steel and the replaceable membrane shall be of
butyl/EPDM material.
2.16.12 Strainers
Strainers shall be of the full flow Y type and suitable for the working pressure of the pipeline
system in which they are to be installed. The baskets or screens shall be located so as to be fully
accessible for inspection and maintenance.
Strainers bodies shall be cast iron with filter material of 3 mm perforated brass sheet with
magnetic plug.
Strainers shall be provided in pump suction pipes, water tank outlets and in the locations
specified. Strainers shall be of the same nominal bore as the pipeline in which they are fitted.
Strainers shall be installed in a plane to ensure that filtered matter is retained within the screen.
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Strainers shall be full line size, "Y" or "BASKET" type as specified and readily removable for
Strainers at the pump suction inlet shall be fitted with removable channel magnets, secured to
the screen or basket by stainless steel retaining lugs and threaded rods, and placed to provide a
continuous magnetic field around the entire circumference of the screen. They shall be fitted
with a breech-locking arrangement to maintain the screen in place when removing the cover
plate. The screen cover plate shall be bolted using studs with hexagonal headed nuts and shall
be fitted with a special hinge. Initially each strainer shall be fitted with mesh lined baskets,
reinforced on both sides with an open bottom. After initial cleaning, the baskets shall be
replaced with a standard basket, suitable for the service required. All Y type strainers shall be
complete with screw plug for drain or blow-off.
Strainers of up to and including 50 mm shall be bronze bodied and have screwed end caps with
a brass drain plug. Strainers of 65 mm and over shall be cast iron bodied to the requirements of
BS 1452 with cast iron cover and mild steel stud bolts. The cover shall be complete with a 25
mm bronze drain valve, the outlet of which shall be capped with a brass plug.
Strainer connections shall be as for the pipeline in which they are installed.
Screens and baskets shall be of brass or stainless steel to suit the service intended. The total free
area of the installed screen shall be not less than 3 times of the internal cross sectional area of
the inlet pipe. Openings in the screen or basket shall not be less than 1.2 mm in diameter.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid introducing foreign matter such as welding beads and slag
or dirt into piping system. Completed welds shall be hammered to loosen debris. All piping,
valves and fittings shall be internally cleaned of oil, grease or dirt, prior to assembly by wire
brush and swabs.
Following fabrication and erection, all piping shall be cleaned by flushing with clean water, run
to waste, until thoroughly free of all dirt, oil and cuttings. Generally, each size of pipe shall be
flushed separately before being joined with larger size piping. Brushes and swabs may be used
prior to flushing.
All cleaning operations shall be continuous throughout piping system, except at joints required
for final joining of various sections of cleaned piping. After cleaning and until final joints are
made the end of sections of piping shall be tightly sealed off to prevent any dirt, water or other
foreign matter from entering the pipes.
All strainers shall be inspected and thoroughly cleaned. Temporary strainers shall be provided
where required for cleaning and flushing operations.
Prior to start-up, final cleaning out of chilled water systems shall be carried out by circulation
with chemical solution in accordance with the Water Treatment section of this Specification.
Gauge instruments shall be fitted with a gauge cock between the instrument and the service
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Gauge cocks bodies shall be constructed from bronze and have a polished finish.
Gauge cocks shall be of the straight pattern ground plug type with lever handle.
All gauge cocks shall be of the 3 port type with the pipe work on the drain/vent port extended
to discharge clear of all equipment and insulation.
Dirt pockets shall be located at the bottom of each chilled water riser. They shall not be smaller
than the full size of the riser and shall be approximately 200 mm long.
Isolation valves shall be fitted to the dirt pockets to enable them to be removed for cleaning.
A 20 mm bronze hose gate valve shall be provided at each dirt pocket, with a hose cap and
chain for working pressures up to 1035 kPa. For higher pressures, a double 20 mm bronze
globe valve with drain piping extended to nearest open drain shall be used.
Drain cocks up to 25 mm diameter shall be manufactured from non dezincifiable copper alloy
to comply with BS 2879, gland type lockshield pattern. Outlets shall be suitable for hose
Drain cocks of 40 mm and 50 mm diameter shall be key operated gland cock manufactured
from non-dezincifiable copper alloy with screwed inlet to BS 21, detachable hose union outlet
and bolted bonnet.
Safety and pressure relief valves shall be provided for pressure vessels and be located in the
positions as indicated on the Drawings or as specified in British Standards or local regulations
for pressure vessels.
Valves shall be constructed in accordance with BS 759 and shall have stainless steel trims.
The valve size shall be carefully selected to match the plant and to give the appropriate degree
of protection.
Safety valves shall be of the totally enclosed spring loaded type with padlock.
Relief valves shall be mounted with the centre line of the valve spindle in a vertical position to
ensure that the valve reseats properly after operation.
Relief pipe connections shall be of equal bore to the vessel connection or as specified.
Relief pipes from valves shall be run in full bore tubing of the same quality as the service vessel
or pipeline with which the valve is associated. The piping shall be carried clear of any
insulation and arranged to discharge to a visible and safe position.
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2.16.18 Escutcheons
Pipe escutcheons shall be provided at all surfaces where exposed piping, bare or covered,
passes through walls, ceilings, floors, or partitions. The escutcheons shall be cast or stamped
sheet metal. Escutcheons shall be fastened securely to pipe sleeves or to extensions of sleeves
without any part of the sleeve or extension being visible; bare pipe shall be held in place by set
screws and on covered pipe by internal spring tension.
Where sleeves of fittings project slightly from the walls, partitions, floor or ceiling, special
deep-type escutcheons to cover each case shall be provided.
2.16.19 Thermometer
225 mm scale thermometers shall be of the dial type as suitable and shall be provided as
indicated in the Particular Specification or on the Drawings. The thermometers shall have V-
shape cases, glass fronts, mercury-filled red reading columns, detachable socket connections
complete with stainless steel wells and be of an appropriate range for the service intended.
Thermometers shall be installed with the bulb completely immersed in fluid. If necessary, an
extension neck shall be provided.
Pressure gauges shall have black enamel iron casing of at least 100 mm in diameter while for
using inside chilled water pump rooms and chilled water plants shall be at least 150 mm in
diameter, threaded chromium-plated brass ring with heavy glass, bronze spring tube, red
pointer, precision movement and micrometer adjustment. Provide pulsation dampeners, steel
pipe fittings and shut off cocks of needle point globe type, all brass, for 1035 kPa positive or
those negative working pressure as required for the installation. Where gauges are installed on
thermally insulated surfaces, stand-off mounting devices shall be provided.
Provide steel pipe sleeves where pipes pass through walls, floors or as indicated on the
Drawings. Sleeves shall be of sufficient size to allow free movement of pipes. The space
between pipe sleeves and the pipe or insulation shall be completely caulked with a soft, non-
setting waterproof mastic compound to give an air tight seal.
Pipe shall be free to move in pipe sleeves which shall not be used as pipe supports.
Where pipes pass through fire compartmentation walls and floor slabs, a fire stop or not-
combustible material shall be provided in the annular space between pipe and pipe sleeve.
Provide expansion loops of either U or L shape or change in direction of pipe route for allowing
expansion and contraction of pipe work wherever possible and necessary.
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2.16.23 Expansion Joints
Provide expansion joint (axial, hinged and gimbal type) wherever expansion loops or change in
direction of pipe work expansion and contraction of pipe work where otherwise expansion and
contraction of pipe work is not feasible.
Provide expansion joint at all building expansion joints, and wherever else expansion joints are
specified, additional allowance shall be made by the provision of stainless steel articulated
bellows type expansion compensators complete with all necessary guides as recommended by
the manufacturer to give a working life of not less than 25 years. Each compensator shall
maintain at least the same cross-sectional area as adjoining pipe work for its entire length.
Ensure the expansion joints are adequately tied, anchored or removed to avoid damage to the
bellows during sectional testing.
Expansion joints shall have stainless steel membrane and carbon steel fittings.
Design working pressure shall be as specified on the Equipment Schedules and/or Drawings
while the testing pressure shall be at least twice of the working pressure.
Provide anchor points constructed from channel iron bolted or welded to the building structure.
Anchors shall be positioned in association with pipework change in direction, expansion joints
and loops so as to absorb stresses due to pipework expansion and internal pressures by
transmission of such forces to the structure at appropriate points.
Anchors shall be constructed to withstand the highest thrust during piping hydraulic pressure
Pipe guides shall be provided for all horizontal and vertical piping for proper control of thermal
movement and proper performance of expansion loops and expansion joints.
Mechanical installation of equipment shall include installing the units of equipment, alignment,
shimming as required, grouting and making ready to operate.
All lifting and handling shall conform to the manufacturer’s instructions or the instructions
printed on the shipping container. All handling and positioning techniques employed, including
lifting, skidding, and jacking, shall be performed in a manner that will avoid subjecting the
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equipment to undue flexure and stress. Hooks and slings shall not be attached in any manner
that may result in bending, damaging, or breaking any part of the equipment. Pallets, cradles,
and skids shall be used wherever necessary to safely handle equipment. Lifting eyes and lugs
provided on equipment shall be used when lifting the equipment. Saddles, spreader beams or
other special lifting equipment required shall be used.
Bolts shall be plumb, aligned and securely anchored to foundations, the floor or other
supports. Where grouting is required the equipment shall be carefully aligned on shims and
grouted in accordance with the following clauses:
• Location levelling and aligning shimming shall be carried out with a minimum
number of blocks and shims. The number of blocks and shim packs, their size and
location shall be in strict conformance with the manufacturers’ requirements.
Levelling blocks and shims, if required, shall be placed on each side of anchor bolts
and at locations where the base could sag.
• Blocks and shim stocks shall be of mild carbon steel, saw cut or sheared with all
burrs and rough surfaces removed by filing. Wedges for shimming are not acceptable.
• Equipment with levelling screws shall have a steel levelling plate under each
levelling screw. Plates shall not protrude beyond the edge of the equipment base.
When levelling screws are used, equipment shall be shimmed or blocked to relieve
the load on the screws prior to grouting. The equipment shall then be lowered making
the adjustments with the levelling screws.
• Equipment without levelling screws shall be placed with rectangular steel levelling
blocks on the foundation bolts. Additional steel levelling blocks shall be placed under
all parts of the bases which carry direct heavy loads. Levelling blocks shall be placed
close enough to give uniform support, to avoid projecting excessively beyond the
edge of base. With the unit resting on levelling blocks, the unit shall be adjusted to
establish alignment and elevation. The level shall be checked in both directions.
Shims shall be installed as required to maintain even weight distribution on all
levelling blocks. If wedges are temporarily used in adjusting elevations, the base
shall be supported in the final level position entirely by the levelling blocks and not
partially by wedges. Grout pads may be substituted for steel levelling blocks.
Levelling blocks and shims shall not be positioned in a manner that will interfere
with the placing of grout.
• Preparation of Surfaces: All loose or defective concrete, dirt, oil, and grease shall be
removed from the foundation by "bush" hammering or chipping until sound, clean
concrete is exposed. All caking and dirt shall be removed from the anchor bolt
sleeves where provided for freedom of movement. Surface of the foundation shall be
cleaned with water before grouting. There shall be no free water remaining on the
surface, in the bolt holes, or in the bolt sleeves before grouting. No adjustment shall
be made to anchor bolts. Prior to positioning the equipment on the foundation, the
underside of the equipment shall be cleaned of all dirt, oils, grease, rust and loose
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• Placing: Grout shall be rodded and worked whilst being placed to insure complete
filling of cavities, elimination of air pockets, and in full contact with the supported
surfaces of the base plate. All nearby equipment causing vibration shall be shut down
until the grout has initially set. Grout shall be placed in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
• Finishing: After grout has initially set between the base plate and the foundation, a
shoulder if required, shall be constructed.
• Final Alignment: After the grout has set for a minimum of five days, the equipment
shall be checked and adjusted for level and alignment as necessary. Where
practicable, shims shall be installed as required for adjustments between component
parts of the equipment without disturbing the bond between the grout and the
underside of the equipment base. Where the necessary level and alignment
adjustments require breaking of the bond between the equipment base and the grout,
remove the original grout and regrout the base after completion of levelling and
• The foundation bolt nuts shall be securely tightened after confirmation or correction
of equipment level and alignment on the seasoned grout. Levelling screws shall be
backed off at this time so that equipment will be supported on the grout.
• After the equipment has been lubricated, the rotating parts of the equipment shall be
slowly turned and carefully checked for clearances and improper alignment which
shall be corrected. After final alignment is achieved, the equipment shall be operated
for a period of time in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation and operating
instructions and the alignment re-checked and adjusted if necessary.
2.16.29 Lubrication
• All machinery and equipment shall be lubricated prior to running the machinery and
equipment. The lubricants and hydraulic fluids shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations and shall be used in strict accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer.
• Bearings shall be protected at all times against the possible entrance of foreign matter.
Bearings into which foreign matter has penetrated shall be thoroughly cleaned with
kerosene and re-lubricated.
Where pipework penetrates the building fabric the penetration shall be prepared as
• An oversize sleeve shall be built into the construction leaving a consistent clearance
of 15 mm to 25 mm all round the pipe when installed. This gap shall be packed
carefully with 80 kg/m3 mineral wool and the ends of this packing are to be caulked
using a non-settling sealant.
• Where the piped service is to be thermally insulated, the insulation shall terminate at
both ends of the sleeve and a seal between the surface of the thermal insulation and
the end of the sleeve shall be provided by the use of a single bellows arrangement
using a flexible material having a minimum surface weight of 5 kg/m2.
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• All PVC-U pipes passing through fire rated walls and floors shall be fitted with an
intumescent pipe sleeve. Full details shall be submitted to The Engineer prior to the
commencement of works.
The precise form of water treatment at each station shall depend on analysis of the particular
borehole water supply and the minimum specified requirements of the equipment and materials
manufacturer with which the treated water will be operational.
Water treatment for the water circulating systems shall be provided to control corrosion and
algae. Chemical cleaning of the systems shall comply with the requirements of the BSRIA
Application Guide.
This Section specifies the furnishing and installation of complete and operable water treatment
for ECS water systems.
The water treatment plant shall consist of chemical solution tanks, mixers, solution pumps, foot
valves, check valves, strainers, injection nozzles, solution tubing and PVC drain valves for
condenser water systems. Fine strainers shall be provided before the chemical dosing pumps.
The tanks shall be supported on concrete plinth 100 mm above floor level. Drain pipes shall be
extended to the nearest gully. The total tank capacity shall be sufficient to hold a 10 day supply
of chemical solutions.
Make Up Water used in the systems shall be supplied from raw water mains and local bore
wells shall be used for making up the ECS water systems.
Submit calculations showing total quantities of various chemicals required for 12 months
operation of the water treatment system.
The quantity of chemicals shall be based on 7,000 hours of operation per annum for chilled
water plant.
Supply the quantity of chemicals adequate for one (1) year’s consumption from the issuance
date of the Certificate of Completion.
Chemicals used shall be compatible and neutral to piping and other in-line accessories materials
and equipment.
The pre-cleaning and flushing out of the ECS water systems shall be carried out in accordance
with the requirements given for Testing and Commissioning. However the following sections
are indicative of the procedure required:-
The ECS water systems shall be flushed out using appropriate chemical dispersant, detergent
and defoamer of type and strength recommended by a chemical water treatment specialist.
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The chemicals shall remain in the system for 72 hours including a minimum of 24 hours with
the pumped circulation in operation, unless otherwise recommended by the specialist.
The system shall then be completely drained and flushed until tests at all drain point’s show
that traces of suspended matter have been substantially removed.
After the completion of initial cleaning and flushing, the system shall be refilled with clean
water and shall be chemically treated immediately.
Water treatment systems shall be provided by a water treatment specialist in the supply,
installation, maintenance and monitoring of water conditioning equipment and programmes to
control corrosion and algae.
The electrical conductivity of the re-circulated water shall be used to control the cycles of
concentration and chemical feed.
Chemicals used for water conditioning and the methods to store and feed the chemicals shall
comply with local Municipality by-laws and applicable health regulations. The chemical agent
employed shall be a combination of chemicals that will provide corrosion protection, and
microbiological inhibition to the metal pipelines and the construction material forming the
complete installations.
The agent shall be a liquid chemical such as molybdate, a phosphate-based agent blended with
anti-foulant and amine based biocide or a nitrite based agent blended with corrosion inhibitor
that can provide such protection to the metal of closed circuit pipelines, system and equipment.
Chemicals used for the water conditioning shall have no detrimental effect on non-metallic
materials, such as elastomeric or plastic products used in the system. Chemicals shall be low
toxicity, non-flammable, suitable for the application and the system operating conditions.
Where applicable, chemicals shall be injected into the system by means of flexible plastic
piping and an injector fitting.
Overall corrosion rate shall not exceed 5µm per year for steel components of the circuit in
continuous contact with the conditioned water.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the water treatment provided does not form deposits on the
heat transfer surfaces which cannot be removed during periodic flushing
Feed pumps shall be of positive displacement diaphragm type providing fully adjustable output
capacity over the operating range.
Pump housings shall be of corrosion resistant glass reinforced polypropylene and all
electrical/electronic components shall be encapsulated. If necessary, anti siphon/pressure
release valve mechanisms shall be provided to ensure anti-syphon protection and easy priming,
even under pressure.
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The pumps shall have acrylic moulded pump head, PVC/polypropylene fittings, Teflon seal
rings and spring anti-syphon mechanism. The discharge tubes shall be 10 mm internal diameter
and of suitable PVC to transport the solutions involved.
The pump suctions shall be mounted into the tank using a PVC suction tube assembly. The end
of the pump suction tube shall not extend beyond the bottom of the PVC tube shield.
Pumps shall be timer controlled and programmed to provide required dosage to the system.
Each chemical tank shall be ultra violet resistant round moulded fibre glass or polyethylene
chemical mixing tanks with a capacity sufficient for not less than 10 days operation.
The tanks shall be complete with cover of high rigidity fibre glass or polyethylene having a
suitable moulded recessed or other suitable arrangement to support mountings of a metering
The tanks shall be suitable for mixing the chemicals specified. Although the tanks normally
operate at about ambient plant room temperatures they shall be suitable for solutions at
temperatures of up to 52 °C.
Each tank shall have a strong flat bottom providing adequate support when the tank is full such
that the perimeter of the tank shall not be forced by water pressure causing the bottom to bulge.
Provide a suitable liquid level switch into each tank cover in order to prevent the feed pump
from running should the mixing tank become empty.
It shall be suitable for the combined current of the pump and shall interrupt the power supply to
both through direct switching or by relay.
The liquid level switch shall be contained in a corrosion resistant assembly of glass reinforced
polypropylene. It shall have PVC float tube, foamed polypropylene float and encapsulated reed
In each case, there shall be a float protector to prevent false actuation due to turbulence. A 12 V
transformer shall be incorporated to provide the supply to the level switch for safety.
The liquid level switch casing shall be manufactured from non-ferrous metal or otherwise be
protected against corrosion.
2.17.7 Miscellaneous
Provide all power and control cables complete with isolating switches to all equipment.
2.17.8 Installation
Fit equipment and appurtenances to space provided and make readily available.
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Provide waste connections for all water treatment equipment.
All chemical diffusers shall be suitable for removable or installation without interruption.
Determine the chemical status of the water with respect to the requirement of the water
treatment specialist.
Analyze the solution at the end of the 48 hour operation and provide corrective action if
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Isolating Flow 15-50 PN16 isolating gate valve or to other higher ratings
Measurement as required by the system that they are used in and
kite marked to BS EN 12288 close coupled to a flow
measuring device to be kite marked to BS 7350.
Manufactured in DZR style copper alloy. Fitted
with two double action pressure test points.
Threaded to BS 21.
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Application Size MM Specification
BS 7350.
Double Regulating 15-50 PN16 oblique pattern double regulating globe valve
Only or to other higher ratings as required by the system
that they are used in and with a characterised disc to
be kite marked to BS 7350. Body material DZR
style copper alloy with DZR stem. Threaded to
Double Regulating 15-50 PN16 oblique pattern double regulating globe valve
Variable Orifice or to other higher ratings as required by the system
Measuring Valve that they are used in and with a characterised disc to
be kite marked to BS 7350. Body material DZR
style copper alloy with DZR stem. To be complete
with two double action isolating test points.
Threaded to BS21.
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Application Size MM Specification
required by the system that they are used in and
body gun metal. Fitted with stainless steel basket to
20 mesh screen. Threaded to BS21.
Non Return Valves 15-50 PN16 swing pattern non return valve or to other
higher ratings as required by the system that they
are used in and to BS EN12288. Body in gun metal.
Threaded to BS21.
Drain Cocks for 15-50 Hose union straight pattern gland cock in gun metal.
major plant and Threaded to BS21 and complete with captive cap.
plant rooms
Isolating Flow 15-20 PN16 isolating gate valve or to other higher ratings
Measurement as required by the system that they are used in and
conforming to BS EN12288 close coupled to a flow
measuring device to BS 7350 principles.
Manufactured in DZR style copper alloy. Fitted
with two double action pressure test points.
Threaded inlet compression outlet.
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Application Size MM Specification
alloy. Fitted with two double action isolating test
points and threaded to BS21.
Double Regulating 15-50 PN16 oblique pattern double regulating globe valve
or to other higher ratings as required by the system
that they are used in and with a characterised disc to
be kitemarked to BS 7350. Body material DZR
style copper alloy with DZR stem. Threaded to
Double Regulating 15-50 PN16 oblique pattern double regulating globe valve
Variable Orifice or to other higher ratings as required by the system
Measuring Valve that they are used in and with a characterised disc to
be kitemarked to BS 7350. Body material DZR
style copper alloy with DZR stem. To be complete
with two double action isolating test points.
Threaded to BS21.
By-Pass Regulation 15-20 PN16 Allen key operated nickel plated regulating
valve in DZR material. Ends threaded to BS21 but
capable of using Kombi compression couplings.
Strainers 15-20 PN16 ‘Y’ type strainer or to other higher ratings as
required by the system that they are used in and
body in bronze fitted with stainless steel 20 mesh
basket. Threaded ends.
The system pressurisation unit shall consist of a break tank complete with a lid and ball
valve to BS 1212, twin system pressurisation pumps (duty/standby) controlled by low
pressure and high pressure control switches, system high pressure and low pressure alarm
pressure switches, pump starter complete with o/loads, system pressure gauge, indicating
lights showing status of plant, No Volt contacts to give the facility for remote indication of
plant status to an Building Management System.
All of the above shall be complete with all interconnecting pipe work and electrical wiring
and shall be contained within a purpose-made sheet metal casing. All electrical connections
shall terminate at a numbered terminal strip within the cabinet; all wiring shall comply with
the requirements of the current Electrical Regulations and Local Authorities’ requirements.
All gauges and plant status lamps shall be mounted on the front panel.
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A “quick fill” connection shall be install.
A system expansion vessel shall be installed. The vessel shall consist of an enclosure with
domed ends and be complete with either brackets for wall mounting or feet for floor
A flexible diaphragm shall be fitted within the vessel to separate the cooling system fluid
from the air, on the air cushion side of the vessel, a valve shall be fitted to enable the air
pressure to be raised, lowered, or replaced as required by the system design. The air pressure
initially shall be set by the manufacturer to suit the requirements of the system fill and
operating pressures.
The vessel shall be of the same manufacture as the system pressurisation unit, the pressure
switches on the pressurisation unit shall be set to match the operating conditions stated above.
This Section specifies the requirement of the noise control materials, their use and
installation and sound attenuation equipment.
All equipment selected shall meet the sound level requirements. Noise calculations for all
fans, AHU’s pumps, compressors, fan coil units, split type A/C units and equipment.
The total noise level resulting from the simultaneous operation of all systems, including
regenerated noise, breakout noise, structure-borne noise shall generally meet the
requirements specified here in.
The sound attenuators, acoustic louvers and other noise treatment materials selected shall be
suitably matched to the system and shall present as little resistance as possible to the air
system. Sound attenuators with pressure drops exceeding 80 Pa at normal system duty shall
not be used. The geometry of selected sound attenuators shall not result in requirements for
sharp transformations in adjacent ductwork, shall not interfere with adjacent services
including reasonable access to services and shall not affect adversely the aerodynamic
performance of the system or encourage regeneration of noise local to the sound attenuator.
Deliver acoustic equipment and materials securely wrapped, packaged and labelled for safe
Label each item with manufacturer’s name, brand, and equipment designation number, the
reference specification and characteristics of application.
Store equipment and materials in dry and dust free areas, within a secure storage facility, to
avoid caulking of the infill. The material and products shall be free from scratch or corrosion.
Noise generated from the selected and installed equipment together with the air ducts,
louvers and silencers shall not exceed the permitted noise level nor contribute towards a
combined noise level which exceeds the permitted noise level.
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The acoustic treatment for the ECS system shall follow the principles outlined in the
ASHRAE Applications Handbook 1999 Chapter 46, 1-36
Supply and install sound attenuators in air distribution ductwork and noise enclosures as
required to ensure that the noise due to the operation of the mechanical equipment and
systems shall not exceed the noise criterion levels as stipulated below:
2.19.2 Standards
• ASTM E477: Test Method for Measuring Acoustical and Airflow Performance of
Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers.
• BS 5588: Part 9: Fire Precautions in the Design and Construction of Buildings Part
9: Code of Practice for Ventilation and Air Conditioning Ductwork.
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• BS 8313: Code of Practice for Accommodation of Building Services in Ducts.
Rectangular or square type attenuators shall be installed using perforated internal splitter
elements in common plenum /ducts / shafts at either end of the ECS equipment fans.
The sound attenuators shall be designed in conjunction with the particular supplier(s) of the
fans to ensure that the sound generated by the fan-motor unit and the dynamic insertion
losses achieved by sound attenuators meet the sound level requirements under all operational
conditions/equipment combinations. Maximum face velocity shall not exceed 8.0 m/s.
The internal baffles or splitters shall be not less than 0.5 mm thick galvanised perforated
steel having a nominal open area of 30%.
All internal components shall be spot welded in place with welds on centres not exceeding
100mm. All spot welds shall be treated after with anti-corrosive epoxy resin or other coating.
Alternatively, support channels may be secured with nuts bolts and (lock) washers.
Manifold silencers shall be installed with continuous metallic nosing crimped in place.
Nosing pieces and tails shall be as per supplier’s design. The silencer shall be leak-proof at a
differential air pressure of 2 kPa.
Acoustic fill material for silencers shall conform to the fire property requirements of one of
the following standards: -
• Flammability - BS476 Part 6 - Method of test for fire propagation for products
and BS476 Part 7 - Method of test to determine the classification of the surface
spread of flame of products. criteria, Class 1.
• Smoke emission - BS6853 1999; Annex D and Toxicity - BS6853 1999; Annex B
- NF X 70-100-1 & -2 - Analysis of pyrolysis and combustion gases or prEN 2826
- Aerospace series - Determination of gas components in the smoke.
Conduct tests for sound attenuators on dynamic insertion loss performance in accordance
with BS 4718 or ASTM-E477 “Duct to Reverberation Room” method with air flowing
through the sound attenuator at rated capacity, with forward and reverse flow direction. The
test section shall be in the middle of a long straight duct run to reduce the effect on random
incidence of the sound wave and to obtain a more reliable pressure loss rating of the air
downstream of the attenuator.
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Conduct tests for acoustic materials including sound transmission loss performance and
sound absorption coefficients in accordance with ASTM E90, E413 and ASTM C423 as
Predictions of the exterior noise levels at noise sensitive receivers and local to the Station
and Ancillary Buildings on individual octave ban pressure levels and the A weighted overall
sound pressure level, and
Predictions of the interior noise levels on individual octave band for comparison with noise
A brief description of the prediction method and how the predictions were carried out
including any assumptions made shall be submitted.
2.19.6 Commissioning
Measurements of plat noise on the platform and concourse levels shall be made at 3 m from
each end of the platform and 1 m from the platform edge. The microphone shall be 1.5 m
above finished floor level.
Four (4) additional measurements along the platform shall be made under the diffusers where
The resultant noise levels shall be calculated as the logarithmic average of all six (6)
measurements. Corrections shall be made for background noise effects where appropriate.
Noise levels in areas other than concourse and platform shall be measured in the centre of
the room at 1.5 m above finished floor level. At least two measurement locations shall be
taken in rooms of more than 8 m in any one plan dimension, the logarithmic average of these
measurements shall be compared with the criteria. All measurements shall be made with the
system operating at design flow conditions, with additional tests at emergency flow
conditions as required. The measurements shall be made with all final finishes in place.
Acoustic duct internal lining shall be provided where shown on the Drawings, called for
elsewhere in this Specification or where necessary. The material used for acoustic duct
internal lining shall be incombustible, non-hygroscopic, vermin proof and moisture proof.
Fibre erosion shall not occur with air velocities upto 30 m/s. The material shall not impart
any odour to the air stream. The absorbent media shall be faced with a permeable covering
such that no fibre erosion occurs at the rated air velocities, and shall have minimum density
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of 48 kg/m3 and minimum thickness of 50 mm. The lining materials shall provide minimum
random incidence sound absorption coefficients to BS EN 20354 or ASTM C423 as follows:
ABSORPTION 0.22 0.79 0.99 0.99 0.85 0.97
The lining shall comply with BS 476 Part 6 and the requirements of Local Authorities,
including the associated fastners, adhesives, tapes etc.
Where duct internal lining is provided, the lining shall be applied to all internal surfaces of
the ductwork. The duct internal lining shall be fixed to the duct with 100 % coverage of fire-
resistant adhesive. The liner shall also be additionally secured with mechanical fastners on
maximum 400 mm centres on all sides. Mechanical fastners which pierce the ductwork will
not be accepted.
The leading edge of the lining exposed to the air stream shall be sufficiently protected to
prevent erosion. All other ends of the duct internal lining shall be coated before assembly
with cementing material that will prevent de-lamination, leakage or erosion.
For duct bends installed with internal lining, the lining shall be a minimum of 25 mm thick,
48 kg/m3 fibreglass with protecting surfaces. The duct lining shall extend for at least 3 m on
both arms of the elbow.
The external thermal insulation to internally lined ductwork may be omitted, provided that
the seams and joints if the internally lined ducts are sealed with a fire resistant sealant, and
the thermal insulation effect of the lining is equal to or exceeds the insulation effect specified
for external thermal insulation.
External duct acoustic lagging shall be provided where identified on the Drawings or when
necessary to avoid break-out or break-back of noise through ductwork. The lagging shall
take the form of either:
Construction of a separate enclosure whereby a support is taken from the ductwork and the
surface weight is adequate to resist the expected break-through.
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2.19.10 Acoustic Lagging.
The external duct acoustic lagging shall be fixed to the duct wall using 100% coverage of
fire retardant adhesive. The lagging shall additionally be fixed using GI steel bands at not
less than 600 mm centres. No pin type fastners linking the external layer of the lagging to the
duct wall shall be used. No fixings which pierce the duct wall shall be used.
The fire rating of the lagging shall comply with BS 5588 Part 9 and BS 8313. The lagging
inside A/C plant rooms and that exposed indoors shall have BS 476 Class 1 surface spread of
flame rating.
Provide and install where necessary sound attenuators and acoustic louvers to obtain, over
the full range of system operation and within the space allocated, dynamic insertion losses
sufficient to ensure that the noise criteria specified is not exceeded, without detriment to the
system performance and with due attention to the contribution from other services noise.
The selected acoustic specialist manufacturer shall be provided with full certified details of
air handling plant, sound power spectra and copies of installation drawings giving final
routing for ductwork and grill schedules sufficient to permit the specialist manufacturer to
confirm the compatibility of attenuator and acoustic louver performance with the design
noise criteria.
Sound attenuators shall be located such that noise break-in to ductwork on the ‘quiet’ side of
the attenuator or duct breakout between the noise source and the attenuator is adequately
controlled. Where this is not achievable, the affected duct ductwork shall be acoustically
lagged to control noise breakout/break-in.
The steel sheet for the outer casing and the perforated sheet of the splitters shall be made
from continuous sheet. No joining in any way of the steel sheets will be permitted.
The inlet and discharge ends shall be bell mouth shape with the intake bell mouth made from
not less than 0.8 mm galvanized steel, properly jointed to the perforated sheets.
The splitters shall be attached to the casing with reinforcement such that any part of the
splitter shall not vibrate nor detach from the casing during operation. The perforated sheet
shall be properly stiffened to avoid deformation due to weight of other splitter modules.
The air passage shall be straight so that the rated pressure drop and insertion loss rating will
not be exceeded.
All cut surfaces of the sheet metal and welded spots shall be coated with zinc rich paint.
All seams of the sound attenuators shall be ‘lock-formed’ and sealed with a duct sealing
compound or mastic and shall be air tight when operating at 1.2 kPa and shall be suitable for
250 °C for not less than one hour for use in smoke extraction system.
The design for pressure drop shall not exceed nominal pressure drop and insertion loss shall
be equal to or greater than specified.
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In cases where the sound attenuators are built from modules, the attenuators shall be fixed
according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
All splitter sound attenuators shall be designed with splitters standing vertically and forming
a tight fit within the casing. The splitters shall incorporate faired leading edges.
Should the sound attenuation be used in smoke extraction system, the entire units including
the infill shall be suitable for continuous operation in an air stream temperature of 250 °C for
not less than 1 hour at the rated capacity.
The sound attenuators shall be specially treated/designed with appropriate coating to suit
corrosive or explosive environments.
Sound absorbent materials used within sound attenuators and acoustic louvers shall be inert,
non-hygroscopic, incombustible, rot proof and vermin proof, and shall be capable of carrying
passage velocities of up to 25 m/s without surface erosion or other forms of material
migration. The infill shall be of minimum 40 kg/m3 and packed under not less than 10%
compression to eliminate voids due to settling. Splitter and the lower face of acoustic louver
blades shall be faced with perforated post galvanised steel sheet of not less than 0.6 mm
The fire rating of the filler material, membranes and sealants shall comply with BS 5588 Part
9 and BS 8313 or equivalent IS codes.
Sound attenuators and acoustic louvers shall be adequately protected during delivery, storage
and installation. This shall include delivery to Site with blocked ends. The direction of air
flow through each sound attenuator and acoustic louver shall be clearly labelled and marked
with the reference number and supplier’s type number.
The sound absorbent materials in silencers and acoustic louvers used as part of an extract
system for food preparation areas shall be bagged in an imperforate material and shall be
capable of being regularly cleaned by steam or otherwise without causing any damage.
Acoustic louvers shall be tested to BS 2750: Part 3. Surface finish shall be constructed from
aluminium or painted.
Acoustic enclosure panels shall be constructed of a material suitable for use in the
environment in which they are installed. The materials used for the panel structure shall be
adequately stiffened to avoid damage during all weather conditions and by personnel
walking on the roof of the enclosure. The materials used shall have a sound transmission loss
of not less than:
MIN SOUND 23 30 42 51 59 58 58
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The enclosure panels shall have an outer skin of galvanized steel of minimum 1.2 mm
thick suitably reinforced and internally lined with inert, non-hygroscopic, non-flammable
glass or mineral fibre of minimum 40 kg/m3, stabilized by bonding with resin. The surface
of the fibres shall be protected with a smooth layer of woven or tissue faced fibreglass or
mineral wool and a layer of perforated galvanized mild steel having a thickness of not less
than 0.8 mm, and an open area of at least 35%.
Enclosures shall be provided with a minimum of two access doors. The acoustic properties
of these doors shall be compatible with the enclosure panels. All doors shall be fitted with
a latching mechanism to ensure the airtight seals are correctly compressed when closed.
Any windows provided in the enclosure shall incorporate multiple glazing or laminated
glass design that will not degrade the overall sound insulation performance of the
Provision shall be made for the drainage of any rain water that could enter the enclosure
and any condensate. The drainage provided shall not degrade the acoustic performance or
vibration isolation provided by the enclosure.
The enclosure panels shall be demountable and capable of being used for installation in
other locations.
Roof channels, apron and corner joiners shall be made of minimum 1.5 mm thick
galvanized steel formed to prevent a direct path for sound and air leakage. Floor panels
shall be made of 1.2 mm thick galvanized steel. Panel joiners shall be formed from 1.0 mm
galvanized steel.
2.19.12 Installation
Sound attenuators shall be installed in the space available without restricting the flow.
Sheet metal transitions, suspensions, vibration isolators or supports and concrete pads shall
be provided as necessary.
Duct internal lining shall be provided where specified or required for proper installations.
If any leakage of acoustic energy through any sound attenuator casing is found to degrade
the performance of the sound attenuator, the sound attenuator shall be coated with plaster at
least 25 mm thick.
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2.19.13 Acoustic Performance
The vibration isolation treatment for the ECS system shall follow the principles outlined in
the ASHRAE Applications Handbook 1999 Chapter 46, 37-48. The minimum equipment
deflections shall not be less than those indicated in Table 45 of this Handbook.
All dynamic machinery, pipework and ducting shall be isolated from the building structure
by vibration isolators and/or vibration isolation materials which shall be specifically selected
for the application. Where mat type isolation materials are used, care shall be taken to ensure
that they are correctly positioned and installed. The inlet and outlet connections of all
vibrating equipment shall be fitted with either flexible connectors or flexible hoses as
Vibration from all equipment shall comply with ISO 1940 Parts 1 and 2 for mechanical
All horizontal and vertical pipework throughout the building that has connection to vibrating
equipment shall also be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and vibration
isolation guides and supports. All piping located in equipment rooms and connected to
vibrating equipment shall be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and
vibration isolation hangers for a distance of at least 15 m or 100 times the pipe diameter from
the vibration equipment, whichever is the greater.
All piping to be isolated shall freely pass through walls and floors without rigid connections.
Penetration points shall be sleeved or otherwise formed to allow passage of piping, and a
clearance of 10 mm to 15 mm around the outside of the piping shall be maintained. This
clearance space shall be packed with insulation material and sealed airtight after installation
of piping. Alternatively, factory fabricated split wall/floor seals may be used.
Where horizontal pipe isolation is required, the first three pipe hangers in the main line near
the mechanical equipment shall be of pre-compressed spring hangers and the hangers for the
horizontal run in all other locations shall be of spring hangers or spring and double deflection
neoprene hangers.
Pre-compressed spring hangers shall have the same static deflection as that of the mountings
under the connected equipment. Spring hangers and spring and double deflection neoprene
hangers shall have a minimum deflection of 20 mm.
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Where pipe riser isolation is required, the pipe risers to be isolated shall be suspended from
pre-compressed spring hanger or supported by restrained spring mountings and anchored
with pipe anchors or guided by pipe guides. Steel spring deflections shall be a minimum of
20 mm except in those expansion locations where additional deflection is required to limit
deflection or load changes to plus or minus 25% of the initial stress.
Flexible connections shall be provided between the vibrating equipment and the ductwork
and shall be made of suitable materials such as lead vinyl or similar of minimum surface
density of 1.5 kg/m² and installed such that airflow is not obstructed. The material used must
be in compliance with local statutory requirements for fire retardant period but this period
shall not be less than 2 hours.
Unless otherwise specified, all discharge duct runs for a distance of 15 m from the connected
vibrating equipment which has a discharge pressure of 1 kPa or above shall be isolated from
the building structure by means of spring hangers. Spring deflections shall be a minimum of
20 mm.
Except in the case of ducts passing through compartment walls requiring a fire damper, all
ductwork to be isolated shall freely pass through walls and floors without rigid connections.
Penetration points shall be sleeved or otherwise formed to allow passage of ductwork, and a
clearance of 20 mm to 32 mm around the outside surface of the ducts shall be maintained.
This clearance space shall be packed with insulation material and sealed airtight after
installation of the ductwork.
In cases where a fire damper is required, ductwork to be isolated shall be fitted with a
flexible joint on the side of the fire damper from where the vibration originates.
Flexible connectors shall be fitted to the inlet and outlet connections of all pumps, and any
other vibrating equipment.
Flexible connectors shall be the full line size of the equipment connection and fitted as close
to the source of vibration as is practical. Straight connectors shall, where practical, be
installed in a position that is parallel to the equipment shaft, as equipment vibration tends to
be most severe in a direction radial to the shaft.
For use in water, the rubber type shall be EPDM. For other duties, a suitable rubber shall be
selected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Flexible connection shall be installed at all fancoils, AHU’s, fans and from duct branch
takeoffs to risers in platform area.
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Straight connectors connected to resiliently supported equipment must be equipped with
acoustic control cables to prevent excessive elongation of the connectors if the system
operating pressure is in excess of the value recommended by the manufacturer for use
without control cables.
Acoustic control cable assembly shall consist of four large triangle anchor plates, two control
cables with large swaged-on end fittings and 13 mm thick acoustic washer bushings of
sufficiently large load bearing area to isolate the end fittings, axially and laterally.
For higher operating temperatures and pressures, vibration movement generated by pumps,
air handling units and the like shall be accommodated by nitrile rubber flexible connections
having single elbows and tee rods.
2.21.1 General
This Section specifies the manufacture and installation of motors for Building Services and
ECS equipment.
All motors shall respectively comply with BS 5000 Part II as appropriate. The motors shall
be wound for the declared supply voltage and shall be capable of developing full load torque
at the required speed.
Motors shall be of the totally enclosed pattern unless otherwise specified. Class E insulation
shall be used throughout and all windings made damp proof.
Unless otherwise specified, all motors shall be of the totally enclosed fan-cooled type with
Class F insulation to BS 4999 and BS 2757, impregnated with non-hygroscopic oil-resistant
insulating varnish. Motors for fire services pumps shall be of class H insulation and of IP 54
construction. Motors designed for continuous operation in an air stream temperature of
250°C for not less than one hour shall be totally enclosed squirrel cage induction, fan cooled
guarded to IP54 as defined in BS 4999: Part 20 with Class H insulation to BS 4999 and BS
2757, impregnated with non-hygroscopic oil-resistant insulating varnish. Insulation materials
shall be suitable for the climatic conditions.
Motors shall be adequately rated to meet the service demands of associated driven units
under all conditions and as limited by electrical and mechanical protective devices. The
cooling fan of the motor shall be aluminium and protected by a metal fan cover.
Motors powered by AC shall comply with BS 4999 and BS 5000: Part 99 and shall be of
squirrel cage, induction type. Unless otherwise specified motors shall be suitable for direct-
on-line starting at full voltage. Motors shall be suitable for single phase or 3 phase power
The starting current shall not exceed 5 times of the full load current when direct-on-line
starting at full voltage is applied.
All motors shall be capable of accelerating the driven plant from standstill to rated speed
with a terminal voltage of 80% of the nominal supply voltage at 60 Hz in less than 15
seconds. All motors shall be capable of operating continuously or, for short-time rated
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motors, for the duration of the short-time period, at rated torque at any supply voltage
between 90% and 106% of the nominal supply voltage at 60 Hz. They shall be capable of
delivering the rated torque when running at 70% of the nominal voltage for a period of 10
seconds without injurious overheating and under these conditions the slip shall not exceed
All motors shall be capable of operating continuously without injurious effect and capable of
driving the driven units at their rated output at any voltage between 90% and 106% of the
nominal voltage.
All bare steel internal parts except bearings shall be painted unless otherwise protected
against corrosion.
Motors shall be designed for low shaft current and shall have adequate provision to prevent
bearing damage by shaft current.
An auxiliary marshalling box, electrically and mechanically separated from the power supply
terminal boxes, shall be securely mounted on the motor frame for marshalling all small
wiring for motor control or monitoring.
For axial fans, external copper grease leads shall be provided for lubrication of motor
bearings unless totally sealed bearings are used.
The maximum motor efficiency shall be at the normal operating condition. Motors in all
cases shall be entirely suitable for the duty intended. A margin of not less than 5% for
compressors, 15% for fans and 10% for water pumps shall be provided for equipment over
the continuous rating of the motor (without over-loading) under the normal operating
condition unless otherwise specified. The motor efficiency at normal condition shall be
greater than 85% for motor rating below 15 kW and 90% for motor rating of 15 kW and
The power factor of motors shall not be less than 0.85 lagging at the operating condition.
Otherwise suitable power factor correction facilities shall be provided to improve the power
factor. For two-speed fans, the requirement shall be achieved at both high speed and low
speed operating condition.
Motors for smoke extraction equipment shall be capable of continuous operation in an air
stream temperature of 250 °C for not less than one hour without electrical, mechanical or
structural failure, where specified on the Equipment Schedule and/or Drawings. All steel
works, supporting brackets and members which are required for the pump motor installation
shall be hot-dipped galvanized to BS 729. Motors shall be factory-painted to the appropriate
finish. The paint used shall be capable of withstanding continuous operation in an air stream
temperature of 250 °C for not less than one hour without emitting smoke or toxic fumes.
Motor bearings for fans shall be of the self-lubricated type and suitable for continuous
operation at an air stream temperature of 250 °C for not less than one hour.
Motor bearings for smoke extraction equipment shall be of precision grade anti-friction type,
packed at the factory with special lubricant designed for maximum radial and thrust loads
and to permit continuous operation in an air stream temperature of 250 °C for not less than
one hour.
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In normal ambient conditions bearings shall be designed for, unless otherwise specification
in this Specification, 50,000 hours operating service (L10 life, Anti-Friction Bearing
Manufacturer's Association) and provided with a grease outlet connection for in service
lubrication. Grease fittings shall be brought to outside of fan housing and provided with
covers which shall effectively exclude water and dirt.
Motor terminals shall preferably be of the stud type, totally enclosed both from atmosphere
and from the motor winding and be fully insulated from the frame. Rubber insulation shall
not be used for connections between the windings and the terminals.
Each motor terminal box shall be fitted with sealing chamber, conduit gland or adaptor plate,
as required, together with the necessary fittings to suit the cable entry. Terminal markings
and rating plates shall be in accordance with BS 4999. The terminal box shall be large
enough for the specified cable sizes of the respective motor.
2.21.2 Standards
Motors of intake and exhaust fans of the axial type taking in 100% outside air shall be
suitable for operation in atmosphere of up to 75% RH.
The degree of protection of the motors shall conform to IP54 defined in BS 4999: Part 20
with the following additional requirements:
• Motor frames shall be steel or aluminium alloy for motors inside station areas as
• Motor frames shall be cast iron for motors in tunnels and Ancillary Buildings.
• Unless otherwise specified, red oxide zinc chromate primer with two finish coats
of grey paint shall be painted.
• All motors shall be squirrel type and shall be suitable for DOL or reduced voltage
starting as specified on the Equipment Schedules and/or Drawings.
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Termination boxes of adequate size shall be die cast aluminium alloy or cast iron diagonally
split type and suitably gasketed to prevent ingress of moisture and dirt with the following
additional requirements:
• Internal wiring connections to the main terminal boxes and auxiliary marshalling
• Bearings shall be double shields and have the following additional requirements:
• Ball or roller bearings with grease fittings and minimum pressure relief fittings for
in service lubrication.
• Lifting eyes shall be provided for motors with a weight of 20 kg and above.
Tests shall be carried out before shipment to demonstrate that the equipment complies fully
with specified requirements.
Type tests shall, as defined in BS 5000: Part 99, be carried out on the first motor of each type
and rating supplied. For motors of the same type having different ratings but identical in all
essential details, motors with the highest rating shall be subject to type tests whereas the
remainder shall be subject to routine tests.
If tests to determine the starting current are under-taken at reduced voltage, due allowance
shall be made for the effects of saturation and the estimated value of starting current at full
voltage shall be stated on all test certificates.
Where two-speed motors are specified, they shall be in compliance with the following
• The two-speed motor shall conform to all other requirements where appropriate as
specified in this specification.
• The motor shall be of variable torque and horsepower. Rating shall be assigned for
each of the two-speeds.
• The motor shall have speed ratio as shown on the Equipment Schedule and/or
Drawings, regulated by pole-changing of the stator winding.
• The motor shall be suitable for Star Delta or DOL starting at 3 phase power supply,
and for frequent speed switching.
• The motor shall have six terminals properly accommodated within the terminal
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• Each motor shall be provided with an emergency stop push button except single
phase in the immediate vicinity of the associated motor drive at a suitable location.
For outdoor installation, all emergency stop push buttons shall be of weatherproof
• All moving or rotating parts of motors which can be accessed by personnel shall
be properly covered by steel wire mesh guards.
Unless otherwise specified, motors at or above 0.37kW shall be 3 phase continuous rated and
controlled by suitable triple pole contactor starters with fuse protection and single phase
operating coils.
Unless otherwise stated, motors below 0.37kW shall be 220 volt, single phase, protected by
fuses and controlled by suitable switch, minimum rating 15 ampere.
All control gear shall comply with the appropriate BS Specifications where applicable, and
in particular with the following:-
2.22.4 Enclosures
The motor starters/control units shall unless otherwise specified be an integral part of the
equipment and shall be of the totally enclosed dust protected pattern (IP54).
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2.22.5 Contactors
All contactors shall be of the Block Pattern to BS EN 60470. The minimum size of
contactor shall be rated at 3.7kW. Auxiliary contacts shall be fitted to suit the control system
2.22.6 Overloads
Each contactor for controlling a motor shall have a suitably rated thermal overload device of
the hand reset pattern with ambient temperature compensation and inherent single phasing
2.22.7 Fuses
Each starter or circuit shall be protected by suitably rated HRC fuses to BS 88 Class Q1.
Control circuits shall be protected by a separate HRC fuse.
2.22.8 Isolators
All starter/control units shall be provided with a fully interlocked isolator with padlocking
facilities in the "Off" position. Operation of the isolator shall remove all incoming supplies
from the equipment.
A positive mechanical interlock shall be fitted to prevent access to live terminals when the
isolator is in the "On" position.
Indicating lamps and lamp holders shall be arranged so that replacement of lamps and the
cleaning of glasses and reflectors employed can be readily effected.
To reduce heating and fouling of the panels, lamps which are continuously alight shall have
the minimum consumption consistent with good visibility of indications in a brightly lit
Indicating lamp glasses on control and relay panels shall conform to the following standard
colour code.
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(Amber) permissible maximum or signal for an
automatic cycle.
Blue All functions not covered Indication of remote control, selector switch
above in "set up" position.
All indicating lamps, instruments and controls shall be, as far as is practicable of the same
manufacturer and style to provide uniformity of appearance and to facilitate maintenance.
Externally visible equipment shall be flush mounted with minimum protection and fixed
securely to the front panels or other members. Internal equipment shall be secured to
purpose made rails or mounting bars. All fixings shall incorporate shake proof washers or
other vibration resistant fastenings.
Indicator lamps shall be 24volt 8watt with MES clear and shall be supplied from a 6 volt
output transformer complying with BS 3535. Glasses of not less that 25mm diameter shall
be fitted. Indicator lamps shall be clearly labelled. All indicator lamps shall be suitably
All electrical wiring within equipment shall be of stranded copper halogen free cable
colour coded as required by the IEE Regulations, 16th edition. All wiring required for
connection to external services shall terminate on a suitable connector block. Each
connection shall be numbered. A suitable gland plate shall be provided.
All materials used for the work under this Specification shall be of the highest grade of
their respective.
All materials, sub-assemblies, etc not otherwise specified shall be in accordance with
British Standards Specification where such exists.
Panels, cases, covers and all other main ferrous, components shall be manufactured from
zinc plated and passivated sheet steel.
The frames shall be constructed from folded sheet angles and reinforced with horizontal
and vertical folded channels and gusseted at the corners where necessary. Alternatively
angle iron framing of adequate size may be used. In either case the cubicles shall be self-
supporting, rigid and free from any whip.
Front, rear and covers shall be "dished" or otherwise reinforced to provide extra rigidity.
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The panel shall be complete with anti-vermin screens at cable entry points to be cut to suit
the installation.
Control circuits shall be configured so that failure of the control results in the equipment
maintaining its operation unless it is unsafe for it to continue running without its protective
devices. Restoration of the supply shall result in the re-starting of plant, automatically if
previously stopped.
The control circuit design shall incorporate the necessary relays, lamps and ancillary
equipment to give alarm and control facilities as detailed elsewhere in this Specification.
Where control is by a remote device, facilities shall be provided for manual operation
under emergency conditions.
Control relays shall be of the plug in type, robust in type, robust in construction and
mounted on a terminal base. Relays and their bases shall be located in a separate
compartment of the control panel. Each relay shall have its coil rated for the control
voltage, and with the number of contacts commensurate with the duty it is to perform.
All station central air conditioning systems shall be provided with control systems which as a
minimum shall indicate and annunciate normal/abnormal operating conditions in the local
control panels, including temperature (supply, return, outdoor), humidity, and pressure
(system or filters).
All items of control equipment for the station air conditioning system shall be compatible
with, and interface with, other associated control systems on the project.
The control system to be provided for the ECS, Chilled Water and Condenser Water systems
shall preclude the concurrent starting of all large motors above 20 kW installed for these
systems. A 15 second delay shall be provided between the starts of such motors.
All controllers shall be mounted in a stand alone cabinet in each plant room near the
electrical switchboards and have a face mounted readout panel to monitor all equipment in
that plant room. The panels on each level shall allow communication between each monitor
to any item of equipment for that level.
Furnish all necessary items to make the installation complete in every respect and safe and
ready for regular operation and use.
All items of control equipment shall wherever possible be compatible within any system and
between systems.
The sitting of items of control equipment shall always be such that access for adjustment and
maintenance purposes is not impeded. However, where items of control equipment are
mounted in accessible positions in normally occupied areas these control items shall be
provided with means to discourage unauthorised interference.
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Construction and material of the control equipment shall be compatible for use in the
environmental conditions that the equipment encounters.
All sensors and switches, unless otherwise specified, shall be selected so that the set point of
the variable being controlled or measured falls within 50% to 75% of the full scale reading.
Basic adjustments for original setting (such as control characteristic, wind and sun effect
settings, set-back, boost etc) shall be concealed and tamper proof and housed within lockable
panels. Temperature setting scales shall be clearly marked in degrees Celsius.
Wherever specified, the signals from the controlled devices with unfiltered and unregulated
power supplies shall be filtered. Shielded cable shall be used when it is necessary to install
DC signal leads in the same conduit with other types of wiring.
The control system to be provided for all the ECS systems shall preclude the concurrent
starting of all large motors above 20 kW installed on these systems. A 15 second delay shall
be provided between motor starts of such motors.
When items of equipment are installed as listed below the following ancillary items shall
comply with the following criteria: -
Pipe work immersion: Corrosion resisting pockets of a length suitable for the complete
active length of the device, screwed ½” or ¾” BSPT suitable for the temperature, pressure
and medium.
Duct Mounting: Mounting flanges, clamping bushes, couplings, lock nuts, gaskets, brackets,
sealing glands and any special fittings necessitated by the device.
All two position switching devices shall have concealed adjustment unless there is a specific
requirement for a ‘Hand Reset’ feature.
All accessible live parts shall be shrouded to IP 2X and an earth terminal provided.
2.23.5 Sensors
Control and measuring devices shall have the following limits of accuracy:
• Temperature: ±0.5 °C
• Humidity: ± 5% RH
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Temperature sensors shall be of the thermistor (NTC) type with a high linear resistance
change versus temperature change to insure good resolution and accuracy. Sensors shall be
available for room, duct or well mounting. Sensors shall connect to remote controller by
means of a suitable cable. Room type sensors shall be available with a built-in set point
potentiometer. Sensors shall be available in various ranges to properly suit the application.
• Provided with means for withdrawal for calibration, servicing, etc, without the
need for draining the system;
• Positioned so that the active part of the element is wholly within the liquid.
• Positioned so that the element is not less than 10 pipe diameters downstream from
a point of mixing, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.
• If used for determining the dew point, the air adjacent to the element is known to
be saturated within acceptable limits.
Elements sensing the temperature of a solid surface shall be positioned and fixed so as to
give good thermal contact.
Elements sensing the temperature of a room or other such space shall be in a representative
Elements sensing the temperature of air external to a building shall be positioned generally
as indicated and away from the influence of direct solar radiation and local heat gains.
Where special requirements are indicated (e.g. the determination of solar gain, and/or wind
influence), the control sensor manufacturer’s recommendations for positioning the elements
shall be followed.
Humidity sensors shall be of the solid-state type sensing element. The sensor shall vary the
output voltage with a change in relative humidity. Sensor shall be available for room or duct
mounting. Sensors shall connect to remote controller by means of a suitable cable. Room
type sensors shall be available with built-in set point potentiometer.
• Such that the air velocity is within the range required by the sensing element;
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• Arranged to ensure that the air reaching the element is free from airborne
Combination temperature and humidity sensors shall have elements mounted in a common
enclosure. Sensors shall connect to remote controllers by means of a cable.
Absolute humidity (dew point) sensors shall utilise an active element to sense the actual
quantity of water vapour per volume of dry air when the relative humidity is from 10% to
100%. The sensor shall be highly repeatable and change resistance with a change of
moisture content in the air. The sensor shall connect to the controller by means of a suitable
Duct mounted averaging capillary type temperature sensors shall utilise a nickel resistance-
sensing element. The sensor shall vary the output resistance with a change in temperature.
The sensors shall connect to the remote controller by means of a suitable cable.
Differential pressure sensors shall vary the output voltage with a change in differential
pressure. The sensor shall connect to the remote controller by means of a suitable cable.
Outdoor air sensors shall be of the thermistor (NTC) type with a high resistance change
versus temperature change. The sensors shall be suitable for outdoor or duct mounting and
shall connect to remote controllers by means of a suitable cable.
Contamination sensors shall vary the conductivity as the degree of gas or smoke
concentration changes. The sensor shall connect to the remote controller by means of
suitable cable.
Air velocity sensors shall be capable of linear indication of the velocity of air in a duct from
0 m/s to 15 m/s, and shall vary its output voltage with a change in air velocity. The sensor
shall have range selection for low velocities. The sensor shall connect to the controller by
means of a suitable cable. Accuracy shall be ±0.15 of range and reproducibility shall be
±0.1% of range.
• A sensor tube made of stainless material carrying a scale to indicate the immersion
length and;
• the location and immersion length shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Pressure switches for pipe work shall be bellows operated, the bellows being suitable for the
medium and the working temperatures and pressures. The pressure switch shall be capable
of withstanding a hydraulic test pressure of 2 times the working pressure. Connections shall
be made with 8 mm OD. copper tube
The set point shall fall within 30% to 70% of the scale range.
They shall have differentials adjustable over 10% to 30% of the scale range.
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Pressure switches for air systems shall be diaphragm operated. Switches shall be supplied
with air connections permitting their use as static or differential pressure switches.
Airflow switches shall be selected for the correct air velocity, duct size and mounting
attitude and shall be suitable for mounting in any plane.
Where special atmospheric conditions are detailed in the Equipment Schedules the parts of
the switches shall be suitably coated or made to withstand such conditions.
Water flow switches shall be selected for the correct water velocity and pipe size and
mounting attitude.
Level switches shall be selected for the fluid type, system pressure and have adjustable
differentials. They may be:
• Capacitance type;
• Conductivity type.
Where conductivity types are offered they shall include all probes (including earth).
2.23.7 Actuators
Actuators shall have a sufficient torque to open and close valves and dampers against the
maximum pressure drop across then and shall be complete with position indicators.
Control damper actuators shall be of the type where the damper spindle passes through the
actuator and is secured by a U clamp. Each damper shall be capable of closing against a
differential pressure of 400 Pa.
Actuators for two hour-rated fire and smoke dampers shall be of three-position (open, closed
and normal) operation. The complete damper and damper actuator assembly shall comply
with local statutory requirements.
Actuators shall have the additional features described below where applicable:
• Auxiliary switches for modulating motors shall have auxiliary switch packs
containing at least two electrically independent switches, one for each end of the
motor travel, adjustable for operation over at least half the motor travel. Auxiliary
switches for two-position motors shall have one electrically independent switch. In
each case, the switch shall have changeover contacts having a minimum rating of 5
A resistive.
Both fail-safe devices shall have sufficient torque to open or close valves and dampers
against the maximum pressure drop across them.
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2.24.1 General
The BMS control system shall be provided for all plant and equipment, the system shall
consist of a Main control panel housing redundant PLCs and distributed I/O Outstation
panels I/O linked to the SCADA network through an open protocol interface. Other
applications may utilise DDC controller.
The BMS control system at this section provides a description of the general system
requirement. The detail BMS control system will be defined and specified in the detail
design documents and drawings. The final installation shall be durable, cost effective and
provide an aesthetically pleasing engineering solutions that will provide and maintain the
environment and service requirement of the building.
In general a single LAN shall be provided to all stations, the exception being for fire related
items, which shall have a dual LAN, in this case the failure of one LAN shall not affect the
operation of the plant and equipment.
The MCP shall house the BMS controllers, the controller shall be programmed using
software based algorithms, to achieve on/off, proportional plus integral plus derivative
control loops. The software shall be capable of sustaining control at all times. The control
parameters shall be adjustable by keyboard entry at the central control station and locally at
the outstation either via an integral keyboard or a portable plug in keyboard. Motor control
panels shall include panel mounted keyboards and the installation shall have a plug for a
portable lap top computer.
Within the MCP the controllers shall be configured as hot standby to ensure system
reliability. Failure of one unit shall still permit the plant and controls associated with the
BMS to continue to operate normally with all outstations continuing to communicate with
one another.
The controller shall contain sufficient resident software and data storage capability to fulfil
the operational functions detailed in the Specification. The MCP shall contain all the
interfacing equipment between plant and equipment such that the outstation software is fully
compatible with any such plant and equipment.
The controller shall be provided with capacity and memory for future additions of at least
20% of which a minimum shall be 5% of each type of point. The memory shall be sufficient
to allow all programmes associated with these points to be run in the outstation.
The controllers shall be provided with their own internal battery back up power supply
capable of maintaining the memory for not less than 100 hours. Should the outstation go off
line for any reason this shall be reported immediately.
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2.24.4 Man Machine Interface (MMI)
A BMS MMI shall control and monitoring the MEP systems and provide the operator with
sufficient functions and features to fully maintain the BMS. The MMI shall be fully
interactive and totally graphic and icon based and include but not limited to Dynamic
Graphical displays, Dynamic objects, icons and text, User Security, Navigation keys, Alarm
& Events, Trending, Database and Data log and archiving. The MMI shall run on an
industrial standard desktop computer with flat screen monitor and laser printer located and.
The system shall be designed to fail safe in the event of power failures and incorporate
memory backup of software.
The equipment supplied shall be suitable for operation on single phase power supplies.
In order to avoid the corruption of the ECS equipment operation by electrical interference,
all wiring shall be installed to minimise coupling of electromagnetic and electrostatic
interference to low voltage signal and data wiring. The preferred method of achieving this
shall be by ensuring a physical separation of greater than 50mm between the power supply
cables and the signal and data cables. Where mixed wiring is unavoidable, braided screen
mains cable, dressed close to metalwork is preferred but the tender shall clearly specify the
methods by which he intends to eliminate any such interference with his signal and data
The BMS shall be protected from interference by the operation of hand held radio
transmitters, radio pagers etc within 1m of the equipment.
Outstations are distributed around the station and contain the BMS remote I/O modules.
They are intermediate units in the BMS control system providing the major interface
between plant and equipment. The outstations collect and transmit data from the plant and
All outstations having a command or control function shall have a standalone capability such
that a failure of any one unit shall still permit the plant and controls associated with the
outstations to continue to operate normally with all outstations continuing to communicate
with one another.
New outstations shall be provided to house all the decoding devices, interface relays where
required, transducers and reset devices.
New outstations shall be able to provide the central control station with status information
concerning their internal operations. This information shall include but not be limited to:-
• Internal status.
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• Battery condition where applicable.
The outstation shall be capable of accepting digital and analogue, pulse and pulsed inputs
and providing digital and analogue outputs. The outstation shall also perform as follows
Digital Inputs Shall monitor the change of state and volt free contact.
Pulsed Inputs Pulses originating from flow meters and electrical kWh or
kVA meters shall be accumulated into registers readable by
the relevant outstation. The registers shall be capable of
counting pulses into the main register and transferring its
contents, as a result of an external contact closure (such as a
demand period timing pulse), to back up register. The
outstation shall have the capability of reading and resetting
either register.
Each outstation shall be provided with capacity for future additions of at least 20% of which
a minimum shall be 5% of each type of point. The memory shall be sufficient to allow all
programmes associated with these points to be run in the outstation.
The outstations shall be enclosed within the floor or wall mounted control panels. These
panels shall meet IP55 specification and comply with the Control Panel Specification. The
cabinets shall be provided with a key lock and all cabinet locks shall use the same key
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Analogue Input Outstations shall be able to accept standard input ranges (4-
20mA, 0-10 volts DC). Any transducers required to produce
suitable signals shall be provided and installed. Conversion to
engineering units and alarm levels shall be provided by the
system software in the outstation. Overall resolution between
sensors and outstations shall be better than + 1% of the input
range span of the sensor transducer combination.
Analogue Outputs Output signals shall be either (4-20mA, 0-10 volts DC).
The transmission system shall be configured to provide the lowest possible communication
times between the outstations.
Switching back up power supply by any unit in the system shall initiate a critical alarm.
Recovery from a power supply failure to any part of the system shall be fully automatic
and a return to normal indication reported to the operator's terminal.
The software shall permit each new item of plant or new plant system where applicable to
be assigned individual start/stop times, as a result of time or interlock sequences.
At the request of the operator a system summary of all programmed points shall be
obtainable with status conditions. It shall be possible to obtain summaries for individual
systems or all systems displayed on either the VDU or the printer.
2.24.12 Interlocking
All plant interlocking with the exception of safety interlocks shall be achieved through
software. In the case of safety interlocks these shall be carried out via hard wiring and also
through software to prevent 'mismatch' alarms. It shall be possible to change the
interlocking scheme via the operator keyboard at any time via password access. The
interlock chain for each device shall be displayed in a simple and easily understood format
so that the method of control of that device may be understood by reading the VDU.
2.24.13 Sensors
Temperature sensors shall be generally of the NTC (thermistor) type for 2 wire unscrewed
connection to the controllers. They shall not be susceptible to interference even when run
alongside lighting or power cables.
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Combined temperatures and humidity sensors shall plug into a common base plate. To
achieve minimum susceptibility to dust the actual sensing of the relative humidity shall be
mechanical rather than electrical.
Temperature, pressure and humidity sensors shall be capable of set point adjustment over
their full range.
Sensors in water systems shall be of the immersion type and shall be mounted in a
stainless steel pocket inserted into the pipework of sufficient length to ensure complete
immersion of the sensing element.
Control valves shall be of the plug and seat type with spring return and fast variable speed
response. Valves shall have linear characteristics and a turn down ratio of not less than
100:1. Plant valves are all to be provided with a hand wheel for manual override for
testing and balancing purposes on start up. Connection between the valves and the
controllers shall be 2 wire unscreened interference free.
Valves shall be screwed up to and including 50mm nominal diameter and flanged BS 4504
65mm diameter and above.
Control valves for chilled water systems shall be suitable for a working pressure condition
of 4 bar.
Under power failure conditions three port valves shall cycle to the full bypass position.
Damper motors shall have linear action with simple mounting brackets and linkage for
connection to modulating dampers. Connection to the controller shall be 3 wire
unscreened and interference free. The movement of damper motors shall be a function of
the output signal from the controllers irrespective of the friction and hysteresis of the
damper itself of air pressure on the blades. Maximum stroke time shall be not more than
two minutes.
All the control equipment shall require no preventative maintenance and shall not be
susceptible to drift.
The BMS control system shall provide control and monitoring of the following MEP
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Exhaust Air Fan Control & Monitor
Supply Air Fan Control & Monitor
Gas Purge Fan Control & Monitor
Motorized Smoke Fire Damper Control & Monitor
Motorized Damper Control & Monitor
Variable Air Volume Monitor
Room Temperature Sensor Monitor
Drainage Sump Pump Monitor
Drainage Sump Level Sensor Monitor
Escalator Sump Pump Control & Monitor
Lift Sump Pump Control & Monitor
Booster Pressure Pump Monitor
Cold Water Circulation Pump Monitor
Air Circuit Breakers Monitor
Main Circuit Breaker Monitor
Digital Multifunction Meter Monitor
Uninterruptible Power Supply Monitor
Central Battery System Monitor
Generator Monitor
Foh Lighting System Control & Monitor
Main Fire System Monitor
Fire Alarm Zone Monitor
Fire & Jockey Pump Monitor
Fire Water Compartment Level Switch Monitor
Gas Release Panel Monitor
Motor control centre panels shall be provided as detailed on the drawings and generally as
follows: -
• MCC 1
• MCC 2
• MCC 3
Fire alarm interlocks shall be provided to each control panel to shut down equipment as
Gas clearance panels shall be supplied and installed to all rooms with fire suppression.
The panels shall display the following: -
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• Extract air damper status Open/Closed
The BMS control systems acts as an interface with the data transfer system to the
SCADA. The Term SCADA refers to the main Rail control system used for control and
monitoring all rail and sub-systems across the railway. The BMS shall interface with the
SCADA at each station using a modbus TCP/IP protocol. The BMS interface shall
provide SCADA with MEP monitoring & alarm points and remote control of the station
lighting and ventilation modes.
The BMS system shall be complete with the appropriate interfaces to accommodate the
above data transfer systems.
All instrumentation shall be mounted such that it can be read from a normal access position.
Orientation and sizes of gauges etc. shall be such that the readings can be observed from
normal standing position at floor level or fixed walkways etc. Where this is not possible due
to mounting height or congestion of services, remote gauges shall be used, mounted in
groups on a panel and clearly labelled to identify the function and location of the sensor etc.
Instrumentation shall not be installed in any location that protrudes into designated access
ways, restricts access, and becomes a tripping or snagging hazard.
Pressure gauges shall be installed at the locations indicated on the Working Drawings or at
all major pieces of equipment in the chilled water plantroom such as chilled water pumps,
condenser pumps and headers.
Gauges installed on chilled and condenser water piping shall be provided with a gauge cock
of straight pattern, ground plug type with lever handle. Gauges installed adjacent to pumps
or other locations where rapid pressure fluctuations are likely, shall be fitted with pressure
snubbers to limit oscillations of the needle and prolong the life of the gauge.
The pressure gauge range shall be chosen in such a way that the indicator will be situated
near a middle position during normal operating conditions. The gauge shall have an
adjustable pointer.
Gauges shall be Bourdon tube type to BS EN 837-1 or equivalent standard 100 mm diameter,
except those installed in plantrooms, which shall be 150 mm diameter. Gauges shall have
enamelled mild steel case with chrome bezel, substantial glass face, and phosphor bronze
Bourdon tube. Dial face shall be white with black scale graduations and numbering.
Gauges shall have overall accuracy of ±1% of scale range and shall comply with the
following requirements: -
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Pressure (bar) 10 4.5 3.0 2.5 1.5
2.25.3 Thermometers
Thermometers shall be provided and installed in pipeline services in the locations indicated
on the Working Drawings or at all major equipment points in the chilled water plantroom on
condenser water, chilled water headers, and each chilled water heat exchanger flow/return.
Thermometer pockets shall be located and shall be of sufficient depth to ensure a true
reading of the fluid temperature. Pockets shall be filled with oil or special conducting paste
and the thermometers fixed so that the tails are truly subjected to the temperature to be
measured. Pockets shall be installed in wall plantroom equipment (pumps etc) and at all
AHU coils, etc.
No thermometer pocket shall be fitted to pipework less than 50mm diameter. If required in
smaller pipes, the pipe shall be enlarged and a straight section of 50mm diameter pipe fitted
to take the thermometer pockets shall be screw fixed to a box in the pipeline to enable them
to be removed for cleaning.
Right angle or obtuse angle thermometers shall be provided for fitting to vertical faces.
Thermometers fitted more than 1,500 mm above floor level shall be the 100 mm diameter
dial type, having brass/SS304 cases with polished and lacquered finish. Thermometers fitted
below 1500 mm above floor level shall be of the Mercury/Alcohol in Glass type complete
with a protective mild steel powder coated case.
All thermometers shall be calibrated in degrees Celsius and be suitably labelled to fully
identify its function.
Where specified, airflow measurement grids shall be installed in the ductwork. Airflow
measurement grids shall be of the multiple sampling type measuring total and static
pressures with all points connected to a common header thus enabling the air velocity to be
measured. Airflow measurement grids shall be located in a straight length of duct free from
any obstructions with a minimum of 5 times the largest duct dimension of straight duct
upstream and 2 times the largest dimension downstream.
Airflow measurement grids shall be as the Cambridge Airflow Measurement Station or equal.
An alternative will be the Wilson Flow Grid, but suitable tappings to enable static pressure
readings to be taken shall be provided upstream of the grid.
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2.26.1 General
Throughout the execution of the installation, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring
compliance with the Local Regulations and shall notify CRCC of any infringement which
directly or indirectly detracts from the safe and satisfactory operation of the installation(s)
whether or not such infringement relates to the works covered in the Contract or to those
associated with others. and requirements for the testing and commissioning works are listed
should be in accordance to:-
(a) Statutory Obligations and other requirements, Specifications in other parts of this
document and Government Standards specified by Local Authorities; It is necessary to require the Contractor to provide, at no cost to the Employer, all
necessary equipment, apparatus, tools and materials for carrying out of testing and
commissioning works.
The Contractor is required to be responsible for provision of all labour and both consumable
and non-consumable materials for carrying out testing and commissioning works at their
expenses. Electricity supply, water and LP gas and town gas for carrying out of testing and
commissioning works shall also be arranged and provided by the Contractor at no cost to the
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(d) Supply of Inspection, Measuring and Testing Equipment
The Contractor is required to supply the calibrated equipment and instrument for testing and
commissioning works.
"Type-test" for equipment shall be carried out at the manufacturers’ works or elsewhere
appropriate in order to demonstrate their compliance with the Local Regulation or
requirements. "Type-test" certificates together with the corresponding drawings, sketches,
reports and any other necessary documents shall be submitted to the CRCC for approval
before delivery of the equipment. Contractor is required to provide advanced notice for inspection, testing and
commissioning works as follows:-
(a) Off-site Inspection and Testing
An advanced notice of at least one week before commencement of the inspection or test shall
be provided.
For the purpose of this Specification the following definitions shall apply:- Setting to work: the process of setting a static system into motion. Off-site Tests: tests carried out on items of equipment at manufacturer’s works or
elsewhere to ensure compliance with the requirements of Specifications and/or relevant
Standards or Codes of Practice (or other standards specified).
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hydraulic testing of pipe work, etc.) to ensure correct and safe installation and operation. Regulation: the process of adjusting the rates of fluid flow and heat transfer in a
distribution system within specified tolerances as stated in the relevant CIBSE
Commissioning Code. Performance Testing: the measuring and recording of the performance of the
commissioned installation. The entire testing and commissioning procedure shall be undertaken by the
Contractor’s own competent specialist staff or by a competent Independent Commissioning
Specialist nominated by and acting for the Contractor and approved by CRCC. At the appropriate time in the Contract, usually within the first three months, the
Contractor shall furnish the Provisional Testing and Commissioning Programme, methods,
procedures and formats of test records to CRCC. This shall be updated as the work
progresses towards completion. Unless otherwise indicated, all electricity, main water and other fuels, such as town
gas, necessary for the operation of the plant during preliminary runs and for full adjustments
and commissioning tests will be provided at no cost by the Contractor unless otherwise
specified in the Contract. Fans: "type-tests" Certificates showing fan characteristic curves (ISO 5801:1997),
"type-tests" Certificates for sound power levels (ISO 5136:2003), fan dynamic balancing test
Certificates completed with a method of statement from manufacturer on testing to Grade 2.5,
4 & 6.3 on appropriate fan types in accordance with ISO 1940-1:2003 and ISO 1940-2:1997.
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ISO 9906:2000 as appropriate). Low voltage starter switchgear and control gear assembly : "type-tests" Certificates
for starter (e.g. auto-transformer) and control panels assembly as a whole in accordance with
BS EN 60439-1:1999. High voltage switchgear and motor control switchboard : "type-tests" Certificates
for high voltage switchgear and switchboard in accordance with IEC 62271-100:2006. Other electrical equipment, such as air heaters (but excluding thermostatic control
equipment): "type-tests" Certificates in accordance with BS EN 60335-1:2002, BS EN
60669-1:2000, BS 5733:1995 and BS 6220:1983 as appropriate. Refrigeration plant: "type-tests" Certificates for hydraulic and air pressure testing at
works in accordance with BS EN 378-1:2000 to BS EN 378-4:2000. The Contractor shall carry out "on-site" tests in respect of all static systems to
ensure safe and proper operation as conforming to the design intent. Such tests shall include
test of welds and pressure tests on the hydraulic systems. All ductwork shall be tested for air leakage in accordance with DW/143 - A
Practical Guide to Ductwork Leakage Testing.
Site inspections of "work in progress" will be made by CRCC or the representative from
time to time. The Contractor shall keep such inspection record for checking from time to
time. Works to be permanently covered up shall be subjected to inspection and test before
cover up. During the inspection, if the CRCC discovers any work that has been covered up
before inspection and testing, this work shall be uncovered for inspection and testing to
CRCC. The cost involved in uncovering the work, inspecting, testing and re-concealing the
work together with any consequential losses shall be paid by the Contractor at no additional
cost to the Employer.
The Contractor shall note that CRCC may require to witness tests and inspections of locally
and/or overseas manufactured equipment during construction at the manufacturer’s works.
Where this requirement is indicated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall allow
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for making the necessary arrangements; including and indicating the CRCC travel and
subsistence expenses in the Bill of Quantities. General
The Contractor shall note that the system cannot be handed over until all the foregoing
requirements (where applicable) have been carried out to the satisfaction of CRCC.
Before the handover inspection, the Contractor shall provide the follow test/record
certificates where applicable:-
(a) Copies of manufacturer’s works tests/record certificates on plant items comprising heat
generating plant, heat exchangers, chillers units, packaged air conditioning units, tanks,
vessels, motors, fans, pumps, etc.;
(b) Copies of hydraulic and pressure test/record certificates for works carried out on site;
(c) Copies of boiler and/or refrigeration plant efficiency test/record certificates;
(d) Copies of Registered Surveyor’s test/record certificates for pressure vessels (if any);
(e) Copies of all performance test/record certificates including water balancing, air
balancing, room conditions, etc. These certificates shall be accompanied with all
appropriate chart sand diagrams; and
(f) Copies of all noise test/survey records on every noise emitting plant and machineries,
individual room/space and a statement of compliance with the statutory requirements
under the current Local Ordinance.
All necessary copies of "As-built" drawings as detailed in the Contract Documents and this
General Specification. (*settings of all the sensors are to be indicated)
All necessary copies of Operating and Maintenance Manuals as detailed in the Contract
Documents and associated documents. The Contractor shall include functional spare parts
and contact lists of the suppliers in the manual. (*settings of all the sensors are to be
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Every item of plant supplied by a manufacturer shall be fitted with a clearly engraved,
stamped or cast manufacturer’s name plate properly secured to the plant item and showing :-
- Manufacturer’s Name;
- Serial and/or Model No.;
- Date of Supply;
- Rating/Capacity; and
- Test and Working Pressure (where applicable).
All labelling and the related equipment user instructions shall submit to CRCC for approval.
3.1.1 General
Automatic standalone gaseous fire suppression system design and installation shall comply
with the requirements of NFPA 2001
Each room protected with gas suppression system shall have its own cylinder with the agent
within the same room it is protecting.
The installation and design shall be made in strict accordance with the drawings,
specification and applicable standard stated below. All mechanical equipment shall be
manufactured under ISO 9001 approval.
Provide audible alarms and visual alarms, distinct from the building main fire alarms, to
achieve the required sound levels.
Provide integral control facilities and effect interfaces with the fire alarm systems and other
systems including the ECS, Ventilation Control and Smoke Damper Control Panel.
The battery capacity shall be designed for the 24 hours operation of the panel & the system
during the non-availability of main power source and a 30 mins alarm period as required in
Ensure that all components are of the same manufacture and are fully compatible with the
Fire Alarm System.
Provide dedicated power supplies to the Fire Suppression Control Panels including
independent standby battery-charger facilities.
Undertake all testing and commissioning of the system in accordance with standard and
regulatory criteria, and to the specialised manufacturers standards and to the satisfaction of
the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as required. Undertake all testing and commissioning to
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an integrated programme with other systems to ensure that all necessary power supplies are
available, and that the correct operation of all interfaces with ancillary systems can be proved.
Provide full record information, including testing results, operational and maintenance
manuals, record drawings, zonal designations and certificates. The operational and
maintenance manuals shall explain any special knowledge or tools the owner will be
required to employ, and all spare parts that needs to be readily available.
Provide information outlining the warranty of each component or device used in the system.
Employ an independent testing company to undertake a room integrity pressure test of each
of the gaseous fire suppression protected rooms.
3.1.2 Design
Provide a gaseous fire suppression system complying with the following relevant standards
(use latest edition):-
2007 edition.
Pt1 2002
BS 6266: 2002 Code of practice for fire protection for electronic data processing
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TBSISO 14520 Gaseous Fire Fighting – Physical Properties & System Design.
eNFPA 130 STD for Fixed Guideway Transit & Passenger Rail Systems, 2007
iManufacturer Relevant Design Manual
ment shall be provided by a local civil defence accredited company.
The gaseous fire suppression system shall be a total flood scheme, clean agent, designed and
installed with a flooding factor to provide uniform concentration in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations and the standards listed above for the protected areas. For
rooms indicated on the schedule as ‘dedicated’ cylinder banks and manifolds shall be
provided for each room and dedicated to that room. For the rooms indicated as ‘central
bank’ these shall be fed from a single set of cylinders, located generally in the position
indicated on the drawings, and each protected space shall be fed through a directional valve
fitted on to the common manifold and separate pipework shall feed to the protected space
from that point.
The gaseous fire suppression system is to comprise at least the following items:-
• Gas Release Panel (GRP). Alarm circuits connected to audible, visual or combined
alarms such as the beacon, the sounder (siren) and the bell. Manual control
• Distribution pipework.
• Discharge nozzles.
• Mounting brackets
• Control devices.
• Horn Strobe
• Flasher
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• Signage
• Abort switch
The Fire Suppression System is to form a totally separate element from the total building fire
alarm system.
The provisional location for over pressure relief dampers is indicated on the tender drawings.
Provide Fire Suppression analogue addressable multizone main control and indicator panels
located at the entrance to the protected spaces as indicated on the tender drawings. The panel
should be of rigid construction and shall be either surface mounted or semi-recessed.
Liquid crystal display, back-lit, providing up to 80 characters per alarm condition, to enable
all alarm and fault conditions to be reported. A “help” button should be available to further
detail the text displays.
• Mains on
• Trouble
• Zone 1 Fire
• Zone 2 Fire
• Gas discharged
• Battery healthy
• Hold Activation
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• Supervisory buzzer.
• Visual warning sign circuits to control entrance into the protected space.
Interfaces for the external monitoring of the following conditions (to be made available in
station/depot MAIN FIRE ALARM panel):
• Actuation of second point detector and commencement of gas release sequence (i.e.
‘second knock’)
• Gaseous fire suppression system control panel common failure or fault condition
There shall be a selector switch provided for Manual mode / Automatic Mode for the
actuation of the Gas. Even while the system is in Manual mode the detection & alarm system
shall function without any interruption
There are standard signals to be transferred already available in the panels. Any additional
selected interfaces requires a bespoke unit.
• Interface for the activation of the damper control panel to shut down the external
air supply and extract paths prior to gas release.
• The electrical release on the panel, and the mechanical release lever on the
• Field Devices.
Provide manual gas release points made of polycarbonate/moulded ABS material and
finished in yellow. Install the release point with a suitable lift off protective cover to prevent
accidental operation.
Install addressable gas release points at each exit from the protected space and at the Main
Control panel located at the entrance to the protected space. The manual release point may
be incorporated into the status indicator panel. A manual release warning sign shall be
provided and displayed next to each fire suppression release unit. Manual release points
should be outside of the room.
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3.1.7 Hold Off Button
An addressable hold-off push button shall be located on the inside of the protected area near
each exit. This switch type shall be of dead man switch type.
The interface units are to be of the addressable type connected to the local loop circuit and
are to provide the required inputs and outputs for control or indication functions.
Each input/output way is to be fully programmable from the control panel and be fully
monitored for open and short circuit conditions.
Bells are to be of the underdome type with a fully enclosed operating mechanism. Bells are
to be of nominal diameter 150mm or 200mm. Bells are to be polarised to suit monitored
sounder circuit wiring and, where appropriate, an end of line device is to be fitted to the
terminals of the last sounder on the circuit.
Sounders are to be electronic two-tone, red coloured, with an output frequency of 500-
1000Hz, providing a sound level of not less than 104 dBA at 1 metre and to have adjustable
volume control. Ensure that the number of sounders on any one circuit does not exceed the
manufacturer’s recommended maximum. Ensure these units are polarised and suppressed as
a standard. Supply complete with centre disc bearing the legend “Fire” in black.
Red flashing beacons are to operate at all times on second stage alarm warning of impending
gas discharge.
Provide manual delay timer buttons made of polycarbonate/moulded ABS material and
finished in green.
Install the delay timer buttons at each exit from the protected space and at the main control
panel located at the entrance to the protected space.
Provide status indicator units adjacent to each secondary entry point into the protected space
to give visual indication of the system status. The signals shall include system on automatic,
system on manual and gas discharged.
Analogue addressable ionisation and optical type smoke detectors shall be located as
indicated on tender drawings. Detectors shall be connected together within each space to
provide protection.
Total flood type discharge nozzles shall be provided for the system to disperse the
extinguishing gas. The specialist shall determine the final discharge nozzle size and orifice
code by computer hydraulic analysis, prior to mechanical installation. The discharge nozzle
shall be installed and co-ordinated so they stay clear of all other objects and throw the gas in
the direction required.
A large sign shall be displayed informing the occupants and emergency services of the type
of gas to each of the entrance doorways in the protected areas.
The rooms dedicated for fire suppression shall be sealed to avoid any leakage of the gas to
adjacent rooms at both high and low level.
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A fireman’s switches on the control panel shall operate the exhaust fan from the fire-
compressed rooms.
The fresh air make-up being supplied to the rooms with fire suppression must have a damper
fitted, which is controllable via the fire panel. This damper shall be normally open, and close
automatically in the event of fire.
Wherever multiple cylinders are used for single system, master & slave logic shall be used.
Agent design concentration & fill density to comply with UL, FM, NFPA & local authority
requirements. Signage & flasher to be provided at the room entrance to restrict people
entering the room when gas discharge occurs.
• Cylinders shall be floor mounted and securely fastened back into purpose made
racking and braced installation.
• Each cylinder shall be provided with a certificate provided by the company who
charged the vessel with the gaseous fire suppression system gas mixture. The
certificate shall be secured around the cylinder with a chain fastener.
Each cylinder shall be fitted with a dial faced type pressure gauge.
Each cylinder shall be interconnected with a galvanized steel manifold. Each branch
connection from the manifold to a vessel shall be fitted with a brass non-return assembly.
• Gas Release Panel (GRP), including ancillary control and indication equipment.
• Interface Units
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Connect each supply to equipment via a local unswitched fuse connection unit, suitably
labelled. Final connection to the equipment is to be in heat-resistant LSF cable of a suitable
rating enclosed within steel conduit. Label fuse connection units with details of equipment
served and include wording ‘Fire Alarm - Do not switch off’.
Ensure each supply is dedicated to particular equipment item (and does NOT feed any non-
fire alarm device).
Label appropriate MCB’s in Distribution Boards to emphasise supplies are serving Fire
Alarm Equipment. The power supplies shall be taken from the distribution equipment
detailed in the electrical specification.
The secondary power supply is to comprise a fully encapsulated low maintenance type
NiCad or sealed lead acid battery to BS 6290. The battery must be able to sustain full
system operation for 24 hours in quiescent mode, and thereafter operate sounders in all zones
for 30 minutes continuously in the event of mains failure.
Where power supply units are required for sounder circuits, ensure that they are suitably
sized to cater for any reasonable future requirements. Ensure that the units are in full
compliance with the requirements of B.S. 5839. It should be noted that loop powered
devices are the preferred option.
Battery chargers shall be high quality constant potential type, with temperature
compensation. Charging voltages and currents are to be checked and recorded during
Do not take delivery of any batteries until the complete system is ready for test. The
intention is to ensure that the batteries do not degrade during the construction stage of the
3.1.11 Installation
Ensure that the installation and wiring requirements referred to in that document are
observed in connection with all installation and wiring of the alarm and detection elements
of this installation.
All system wiring shall be carried out in mineral insulated copper cable with FP 400/600,
fixed to medium duty cable tray and/or clipped direct to the building structure with metallic
plastic coated cable clips. Where ever possible cabling shall be concealed from normal view,
run within ceiling voids and floor voids, where applicable.
3.1.12 Pipework
Provide all pipework and nozzles to ensure total gas flood discharge at the required
concentration and maintained in the space for 10 minutes minimum to the room space of
each protected areas. Ensure that nozzles are directed to minimise damage to the building.
Pipework routes and sizes shall be designed to achieve the gas conditions and concentration
required to extinguish the fire and in accordance with the gas manufacturers
All pipes shall be to ASTM A 106 Schedule 80 SEAMLESS painted to RAL 3001. Fittings
used shall be # 300 rating complying with ASTM / ASME B16.3 for fittings 50mm & below
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and fittings 65mm and above shall be wrought iron butt welded complying with ASTM /
ASME B16.9.
Comply fully with all aspects of the manufacturers design manual in respect of pipework and
nozzle arrangements.
No room shall be exposed to an over pressure of more than 250 Pascals. Each room shall be
studied by the specialist to establish it’s suitability to withstand the internal pressure without
damage and identify any changes necessary. If it is not possible for the room to withstand
the stated pressure then dampers which will limit the pressure to a satisfactory value shall be
provided. In the calculation of the required damper sizes it shall be presumed that the natural
leakage from the room will be zero. This will ensure that any improvements made to the
integrity of the room subsequent to the completion of this installation will not adversely
effect the ability of the over pressure dampers to achieve their objective.
The number, size and location of dampers necessary to achieve a satisfactory relief of over
pressure shall be detailed on drawings and schedules and shall be issued to all interested
parties for agreement prior to ordering materials or commencing work. The dampers shall be
issued to a designated person for building in to the construction but full technical
information and designs shall be provided by the specialist on how this work is to be carried
In the event that a room can not be relieved directly to the atmosphere, the following options
to be applied:
• another adjacent room, which is at least the same size if not larger than and does
not have any fire suppression equipment.
3.1.13 Control
The system shall incorporate two modes of operation, manual and automatic, controlled from
a key switch located on the main panel. The status of the system (i.e. automatic/manual)
shall be indicated at the entrance to every internal entry point into the space.
When on automatic the system shall follow the control sequence detailed below:-
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‘Second knock’ of i) Area/device affected is indicated on the gaseous
Detection Activated on fire suppression system control panel and the
Panel main fire alarm panel.
Note b): Status indication to be provided in space via lamps and sounders and Xenon
Provide the following visual indication in the space and external to each access door from
the building area:-
• Stage 1 alarm
• Stage 2 alarm
• Gas Release
• Automatic/Manual Status
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• General Building Alarm
• Stage 1 alarm
• Stage 2 alarm
All sounds are to be distinctive, separate noises with the general building alarm being
common to the other areas of the buildings.
Each room shall be fire rated and air tight from other room. The room integrity test shall be
conducted for each room protected with FM200 complying with the requirements of NFPA
Fire detection actuation & alarm system provided for each gas suppression system shall be
standalone. Min.2 no of detectors with a combination of ionisation & optical type smoke
detectors shall be provided with actuation for gas release shall be based on 23 sq.m / detector.
There shall be a maximum time delay of 60 seconds for the discharge of gas from the time of
double knock of detectors. However this time delay shall be decided by the operatives
Where the rooms have raised floor or raised ceiling, the volume of these shall be considered
for calculating the gas quantity. There shall be dedicated detectors & nozzles for these area
and all the design requirements shall be the same as described former part of the sub section.
Response indicators shall be installed & connected at room level for the detectors installed in
raised floor or raise ceiling for monitoring the detector status.
Gas shall be discharged within 10 seconds after the actuation of the solenoid valve. Piping
shall be designed accordingly.
A specialised fire contractor approved by the authorities having jurisdiction for design,
supply, install & commissioning of the system shall submit a flow calculation for FM 200
system. The software used for the calculation shall be UL listed & shall be approved by AHJ.
3.2.1 General
• Water tank.
• Standpipe system
• Sprinkler system.
The complete system shall be in accordance with the requirement of Saudi Civil Defence
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Whenever the word "provide" is used it shall mean "furnish, install, test & commission
complete and ready for use".
The proposed fire fighting system as shown on the drawings or the one to be provided shall
be submitted for approval to SCD.
Standpipe systems shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 14, 2007
Standpipe system water shall be supplied from the fire water storage tanks. Fire pumps shall
supply the water to supply the standpipe outlets and hose reels.
Civil Defence inlet breeching pieces shall be provided at each station for the use of the Saudi
Civil Defence to pump water into the system.
The location of the breeching inlet shall not be more than 30.5m from the hard standing
location. Hard standing location shall be designed by the Architect considering the road
accesses with appropriate turning radius as required by NFPA and local authorities.
3.2.3 Sprinklers;
The installation shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 13 ordinary hazard 2 and shall
comprise of an incoming water main to a storage tanks, duty and standby sprinkler pumps,
Installation control sets, distribution pipe work, control valves and sprinkler heads.
Fire water reserve shall be maintained for one hour operation of fire pump as required by
Centrifugal pumps arranged as duty and standby each designed to cater the 100% demand of
the fire protection system. Each fire pump shall have its own dedicated controller located at
fire pump room. Duty fire pump shall be of electrical motor driven & standby fire pump
shall be of diesel engine driven with a diesel storage tank located within the fire pump room.
The fuel capacity shall be as required for 8 hours operation of the fire pump. The
requirements of electrical & equipments shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 20,
2007 Edition & NFPA 70, 2007 Edition. The system pressure shall be maintained by jockey
pump. Jockey pump capacity shall be 5 – 7% of the main fire pump
The entire assembly & components in the fire pump room like but not limited to pressure
relief valve with waste cone, flow testing arrangements, venturi, shall comply with the
requirements of NFPA 20
Diesel tank shall be located with in a bund wall & the bund wall shall be sized for 110% of
the fuel tank capacity. Diesel storage tank shall have level indicators to monitor the fuel level
in the tank
Diesel tank area shall be provided with a modular type foam water sprinkler pre action
system complying with NFPA 16
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3.2.4 Codes and Standards;
The works described in this section shall comply fully with the requirements of the
applicable “Code and Standards” section of this specification.
Potable pipe and fittings shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Pipe work” section of
this specification
Pipes used in Fire Portection system shall be Hot dip galvanised SEAMLESS steel pipe
confirming to ASTM A53, Grade B
3.2.6 Valves;
Valves shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Valves” section of this specification
(2.16.3 through 2.16.17).
Fire protection valves shall all be UL listed and or FM approved with 1380 kpa (200 psi)
minimum pressure. Valve shall have 2070 kPa pressure rating if valves are components of
high pressure piping system.
Valves controlling water flow in fire protection piping shall be O.S&Y-Outside Screw and
Yoke type, except as noted, and shall be UL Listed, FM approved.
Gate valve shall be OS& Y type as indicated in the drawing. Sizes up to 50 mm and below
shall be threaded type. The valve body shall be cast bronze and wheel shall be cast iron. The
valve shall be UL listed and rated for 1380 KPa (200 psi) working pressure.
Sizes 65 mm and above shall be Cast Iron OS&Y Gate valves where indicated. The valve
body shall be cast iron with grooved or flanged ends. The valve shall be UL / FM approved
and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure (or 1725 KPa where required).
Use class 1725 KPa OS&Y gate valves where required. The valve body shall be cast iron
and shall be designed & manufactured according to AWWA standards.
OS & Y gate valves have a tamper switch & shall be monitored electrically through a
supervisory switch in the fire alarm panel.
Supervision switches shall be installed for all fire protection valves. The devices shall be
electrical; single pole, double-throw; with normally closed contacts and include design that
signals controlled valve is in other than normal position
Check valves shall be swinging type or split clapper type with flanged / grooved ends. The
valve body shall be cast iron. The valve shall be UL / FM approved and rated for 1380 KPa
working pressure (or 1725 KPa where required).
Use class 1725 / 2070 KPa check valves where required. The valve body shall be cast steel
and shall be designed & manufactured according to AWWA standards.
Butterfly valves shall be Grooved type with tamper switch. The valve body shall be made of
ductile Iron coated with nylon-11. The valve shall be UL / FM approved and rated for 1380
KPa working pressure.
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Y–Type Strainer: Y Type Strainer consist of Ductile Iron Body , ASTM A-536 grade 65-45-
12 , Type 304 Stainless Steel cylindrical removable baskets with 1/16” perforations and 41%
open area for 2-3” strainer size. 1/8” (3.2mm) diameter perforations and 40% open area 4”-
12” strainer size.
Riser Check Valve : Grooved Riser check valve Black Enamel Painted, Ductile Iron Body to
ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12 4”-8”, Grade E EPDM encapsulated Ductile Iron disc, stainless
steel spring and shaft, rated to 300psi (1370kPa). Suitable for Anti Hammer service and
horizontal or vertical installation. Provided drilled, tapped and plugged stream for 2”
drainage outlet and ½” pressure taps both upstream and down stream of disc. UL Listed and
FM approved.
Flexible Joints: Flexible Couplings in series shall be installed near the pumps to reduce the
noise and Vibration if recommended by the pump manufacturer
Building Expansion Joints: Flexible couplings shall be used to accommodate any movement
in the pipe due to Building expansion or contraction. A proper study and calculation needs to
provide by the Manufacturer.
Hangers and Supports shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Hangers and Supports”
section of this specification (2.15.15 and 2.15.23).
Pipelines and equipment shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Pipeline Identification
and Labeling” section of this specification (4.16).
All pipes used for fire fighting water distribution shall be hot galvanized steel iron seamless
schedule 40 confirming to ASTM A53 Gr. B assembled with GI threaded fittings for pipe
sizes 2" and smaller and with grooved mechanical fittings for pipe sizes 2½" and larger.
The fire fighting water piping system shall be provided with valves on all mains and
branches for sectionalizing the system for maintenance and operation.
All valves used in the fire fighting water piping system (Pump Suction, Discharge, Risers)
shall be of the rising stem type to clearly indicate whether the valve is in the open or closed
position. All these valves shall be provided with tamper switch with and shall be monitored
through fire alarm system. All valves in the zone control valve shall be butterfly valve with
supervisory switch and shall be monitored through fire alarm system. The valves shall
conform in all other respects to the specifications given under Valves.
All over ground pipe fittings up to 50mm shall be of malleable iron threaded joint
confirming to ASTM / ASME B16.3 & piping of 65mm and above shall be of mechanical
grooved type confirming to ASTM F1476 & ASTM F-1548
A 2" drain valve of the globe type shall be provided at the base of every riser as referred in
NFPA13 & 14. Piping shall be sloped not less than 2% towards the drain valves.
The fire fighting water pipes shall not be used in any way to supply water for other purposes.
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All valves shall be supervised electrically in the Fire Alarm Panel.
Installation of sprinkler systems shall comply with NFPA 13, standard for the installation of
sprinkler system, or as directed by the civil defence authorities.
The installation shall be a Wet Sprinkler System and the flow of water to the sprinkler pipe
work shall be controlled by installation control valves.
The system shall be charged with water under pressure up to the sprinkler heads so that when
one or more of the sprinkler heads operates the wet alarm valve is actuated allowing water to
flow from the open sprinkler heads.
The water from the storage tank shall be used as the suction supply for the electrically driven
pumps. Pumps shall be automatic in operation and shall be designed to comply with the
performance characteristic of automatic pumps as specified in the relevant section of the
NFPA Rules.
A jockey pump shall be installed to maintain pressure in the system pipe work.
The fire water storage tanks shall be located as shown in drawings. The tanks shall be of
concrete construction as detailed on the structural drawings. High grade corrosion resistant
hot deep galvanized steel puddle flanged sleeves shall be used and the velocity in the suction
pipe shall not exceed 4.57m/s.
Water tightness is to be assured by caulking the space between the two pipes. Provide
caulking rings on the inner pipe.
The water tanks shall be lined with a laminated non toxic plastic liner or equivalents, factory
made, with all necessary pipe openings ready formed. The liner material shall be approved
by water authorities for the storage of potable water.
The sprinkler system shall be zoned & each zone shall be provided with an isolation valve
supervised electrically, flow switch (connected to the fire alarm system) test and drain valve,
pressure gauge, etc to comply with NFPA 13. The outlet of the drain valve shall be
connected to the nearest floor drain.
Each sprinkler riser shall be connected with an alarm check valve & isolation valve. The
zoning of the sprinkler system shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 13.
Alarm check valve shall be provided with pressure switches to monitor the pressure drop in
the downstream. An alarm motor gong shall be connected to the alarm check valve which
shall generate mechanical alarm upon flow across the alarm check valve. The location of the
gong shall be near to the location of breeching inlet.
Sprinklers shall be provided at the escalators truss with dedicated isolation valve (with
supervisory switch) & flow switch to monitor in the Fire alarm panel. A drain valve shall be
provided at the lower most level of the fire pipe network.
Where the void height exceeds 800mm above the false ceiling shall be considered as a
separate zone and shall be provided with sprinkler system.
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All the isolation valves shall be provided with a supervisory switch which shall be
electrically supervised in the Main fire alarm panel. There shall be an individual address for
each isolation valve.
Provide fire alarm panel to indicate all sprinkler zone control valve - monitoring , solenoid
valves, FM 200 gaseous fire suppression system and flow switches. The alarm panel shall
be prepared to be connected to the fire alarm panel of the station or the concerned building
(if any).
Both the wet and dry type CVs shall have the following components. Select the trim as
Iron body, bronze mounted (IBBM), Outside Screw and Yoke (O.S&Y) construction with
solid wedge and flanged ends.
Cast Iron body, Flap type construction with flanged/grooved ends, metered bypass with ball
valve for pressure maintenance flow, test and alarm flow arts, bolted access cover, pressure
gauges, pressure switch at inlet and outlet etc.UL listed & FM approved
All bronze, angle valve with screwed ends complete with metering orifice, discharge turn
dish etc.
All bronze, multi port plug valve with screwed ends, operating lever, engraved position
indicator attached to body.
All bronze, Y type strainer with screwed ends, screwed cover and 30 mesh stainless steel
screen for alarm supply line.
All bronze construction of through the wall type with threaded inlet and outlet connections,
wall sleeve, drive shaft and bell.
Pressure Switch
Normally closed, pressure switch with contacts rated for 5amps. The unit shall be fully
enclosed with tapped conduit entry.
Flow Switches
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Provide vane type flow switches with volt free, normally open contacts rated for 5amps and
enclosure with tapped conduit entry. The flow switch shall be adjustable, to give contact at
flow equal to that of one sprinkler. The unit shall be complete with pipe size saddle, clamp,
sealing gasket etc.
3.2.10 Sprinklers
Concealed fast response type with chrome plated cover for front of house areas as indicated
on drawings.
All sprinkler indicated on the drawings as concealed type shall be of a decorative style flush
with the ceiling with ceiling plate cover. The visible parts shall be of satin finish chrome.
The deflector and retaining parts shall be concealed in the sprinkler body.
All sprinklers indicated on drawings as pendent, upright and side wall, concealed shall be of
the fusible solder fast response type constructed of high quality bronze with ½" male
threaded inlet and standard ½"
Sprinkler Material:
Body: Brass
Deflector: Copper
Sprinkler selection, type, temperature shall comply with NFPA 13. Sprinklers shall be
pressure rated to suit the selected fire pump’s shut off head
Sprinkler guards shall be provided to sprinklers located with in escalators and locations
where there are possibilities of mechanical damage to the sprinkler
The fire pump shall be of the base mounted, single stage, centrifugal type, horozontal split
case directly connected to an electric motor through a heavy duty flexible coupling for main
pump & diesel engine for stand by pump. Pump and driver shall be mounted on a common
cast iron base plated provided with drip rim, drain tapping, bolt holes and grouting hole. The
fire pump unit shall be supplied complete with pump, driver, and accessories as described
below. The pumping unit (Pumps, drives, controllers, couplings, etc) shall be listed by
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Underwriters Laboratories and FM approved shall meet all requirements of the National Fire
protection Association, 20, 2007 Edition. The pump capacity and pressure shall be as shown
on the Drawings. The pump shall deliver not less than 150% of rated capacity at a pressure
not less than 65% of rated pressure. The shut-off pressure shall not exceed 120% of rated
The pump casing shall be of cast iron having a minimum tensile strength of 35,000psi and
shall be designed for a working pressure of 250 psig and hydrostatically tested at the factory
to not less than 250 psig. Bearing housing supports and suction and discharge flanges shall
be integrally cast with the lower half of the casing. Removal of the upper half of the casing
shall allow removal of the rotating element without disconnecting the suction and discharge
The impeller shall be of the enclosed type and shall be of vacuum cast bronze. It shall be
dynamically balanced, keyed to the shaft sleeves. The shaft sleeves shall extend the entire
length of the seal boxes to protect the shaft and shall be key locked and threaded so that they
tighten with the rotation of the shaft.
Teflon gaskets shall be provided between the impeller hub and the shaft sleeves to protect
the pump shaft. The pump shall be equipped with renewable casing wear rings which shall
be locked by dwelling to prevent rotation.
The pump rotating element shall be supported by two heavy duty grease lubricated ball
bearings mounted in machined moisture and dust proof cast iron housing and bolted to the
pump casing with register fits to ensure permanent alignment.
Grease seals and water stingers shall be provided to protect the bearings from contamination.
Bearing housings shall be so designed as to flush lubricant through the bearing. Easily
accessible grease fittings shall be provided for positive bearing lubrication. The pump shaft
shall be of high strength steel accurately machined to give a true running rotating element.
The shaft shall be sealed by split packing glands designed for easy removal for inspection
and maintenance. The packing shall consist of INTERWOVEN, GRAPHITED asbestos,
diagonally cut packing rings with lantern ring connected to the pressure side of the pump by
a cored passage in the parting flange of the pump.
The electric motor shall be of the drip-proof, squirrel cage, induction type with permanently
lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor speed shall not exceed 2900rpm. The pump shall
be provided from the factory with lifting lugs, coupling guard and tapped holes in the suction
and discharge flanges for pressure gauge connections.
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete from the factory with the following
accessories: -
• Suction and discharge pressure gauges, not less than 3½" dial, reading in P.S.I. and
having arranged equal to twice the rated design working pressure of the pump
complete with gauge valves.
• Main relief valve, size 3" minimum, factory set to open at a pressure slightly
greater than the rated design working pressure of the pump with capacity to pass
all the water discharged by the pump without developing excessive pressure on the
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• Casing relief valve sized to prevent overheating of the pump when operating at
shutoff, factory set to open just higher than the rated design working pressure of
the pump and lower than shut-off discharge pressure
Each fire pump unit shall be supplied from the factory with controller, for floor mounting, of
water tight construction and marked Fire Pump Controller.
The controller shall be of the combined manual and automatic, across-the-line type and shall
contain the following: Externally operable disconnect switch, circuit breaker with an inter
rupting capacity to suit the motor magnetic starter, pressure switch, pilot lamp to indicate
circuit breaker closed and power available, ammeter test link, voltmeter test studs, and a two
position selector switch marked automatic and non automatic.
The controller shall be completely assembled, wired and tested at the factory, ready for
installation and operation with simple external electrical connections. The controller shall
comply with the requirements of NFPA 20 & NFPA 70
Fire Pump controllers are to be located within the Fire pump room which is to be sprinklered,
hence the controllers shall be drip proof as well
The pump shall be given a complete performance test at the factory with positive suction
pressure and with a 15 foot suction lift.
All fire pumps shall be designed to be suitable for the prevailing climatic conditions in Saudi
Arabia. Factory visit shall be provided by the contractor at no extra cost to the client for
employer’s representative/s to witness the factory testing with performance of fire pump sets
before shipment to the project site.
The Jockey fire pump shall be vertical multi stages stainless steel construction.
The electrical motor shall be close-coupled to the pump and shall be of the drip-proof,
squirrel cage induction type with permanently Lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor
speed shall not exceed 2900 rpm.
The pump shall be provided from the factory with one suitable starter of the totally enclosed,
wall mounted, direct on line type with low volt and overload protection in each phase and
suitable for automatic operation.
No pipe serving automatic sprinklers shall be less than 1" even if serving only sprinkler. All
connections of sprinkler pipes shall be made to the top of cross mains and feed mains to keep
dirt and sediment out of sprinklers and sprinkler pipe. The ends of all the cross of feed
mains shall be provided with a flush and test connection comprised of 1" gate valve and 1"
hose adapter to allow fitting a 1" rubber hose for manually discharging the water to the
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nearest bathroom of sanitary fixture. No test outlet shall be made less than 1" in order to give
a test flow equivalent to the flow from one sprinkler.
Horizontal pipes shall be supported by hangers of the universal pipe loop type. The hangers
shall have rods that are adjustable in length and washer type ceiling plates. The hanger shall
be attached to the concrete of the ceiling by means of expansion shields of size to suit the
hanger rod size.
The hangers shall have the thickness and width of flat steel and the size of hanger rod as
given in the following table: -
All pipe sizes shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 3 metres. Cross mains of
automatic sprinkler piping shall be supported independently of the branch line hangers.
One hanger shall be provided on each length between branch lines. Hangers shall be
installed without regard to the locations of pipe sleeves through walls. The pipe shall be
centred in the sleeve and not supported by it. Vertical pipes shall be supported at every floor
by means of clamps bolted around the pipe with legs on both sides that rest on the concrete
3.2.15 Standpipe
Standpipes shall be UL listed oblique pattern globe type with non-rising bronze spindle,
fitted with a leather strap and padlock with two keys. The hand wheel shall be marked to
show direction of rotation and the valve shall be complete with blank plug and chain. Inlet
size shall be 65mm flanged and the outlet 65mm female to suit instantaneous coupling. The
Standpipe shall include an adjustable pressure-reducing device to ensure an outlet pressure
of 6.9 bar (100 psi), as per NFPA requirements (as acceptable to the Saudi Civil Defence).
Breeching Inlets shall be UL listed and of vertical or horizontal pattern having a 150mm
flanged outlet and four 65mm instantaneous male inlets complete with blank caps and chains.
Breeching inlets shall be equipped with a 25mm drain valve to drain the riser. The entire
breeching inlet shall be enclosed in a suitable flush mounted box with a labelled wired glass
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Breeching Inlet location for stations shall be placed diagonally at 2 locations along the
perimeter of the premises and the location shall be not more than 30.5mtrs from the fire
brigade hard standing location.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as required by NFPA 10, 2007 Edition. The
stored pressure extinguishers shall be 4.5 kg, ABC dry powder or 5 kg carbon dioxide type
or 2 kg ABC dry powder. The extinguisher shall include a gauge for indication of pressure.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed at a suitable height and in the hose cabinets.
Where fire extinguishers are installed on the wall, they shall be complete with wall mounting
The fire extinguishers shall be designed and constructed as per the latest BS 5423, shall be
UL/FM approved.
All the equipments used in fire fighting system shall be UL/FM approved & shall also be one
approved by local authorities.
Pipes, fittings and all the valves, sprinklers, equipments used in Fire fighting system shall be
pressure rated to suit to the operation of shut of pressure of the pumps
Pre action Foam water Sprinkler System shall be of Double knock type confirming to the
requirements of NFPA 11, 2007 Edition, NFPA 13, 2007 Edition & NFPA 16, 2007 Edition
Foam concentrate shall be of 3% AFFF. Water for the foam water sprinkler system shall be
drawn from the sprinkler network. Deluge valve shall be provided with pneumatic head with
trim assembly. Isolation valves shall be provided at downstream & upstream of the deluge
valves. By pass valve (isolation valve) for Deluge valve shall be provided
Bladder type Foam tank shall be located near the deluge valve with foam proportioner. The
foam proportioner shall be suitable for proportioning 3% of foam concentrate. A foam
concentrate sensing line shall be there in the foam proportioner to monitor the flow of foam
concentrate & to avoid the flow of water alone into the area being protected. Downstream of
the deluge valve shall be normally filled with Compressed air
Foam concentrate carrying pipe shall be of stainless steel SS 316. All fittings & valves used
in foam concentrate network shall be of stainless steel SS 316
Double knock system shall be with 1) sensing of heat (bulb fuses) by the sprinkler & 2)
detection of smoke / fire through detectors
Bladder tank size & foam concentrate quantity shall be as referred by NFPA 11 & shall
include 100% standby reserve for operation of the system. In addition to that the suitable
quantity of foam concentrate shall be made available within the maintenance facility for
testing & commissioning of the system
All the components use for the system including but not limited to bladder tank, foam
concentrate, pre action valves, isolation valves, sprinklers, foam proportioner, etc shall be
UL listed, FM approved and shall be approved by Saudi Civil Defence
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1. All zone control valves, drain, test, alarm valves, Isolation valves, flow switches, air
release valves, shall be provided with identification signs of the standard design adopted
by the automatic-sprinkler industry, or their equivalent.
2. A hydraulic data information nameplate shall be secured to the riser with chain, directly
above the controlling alarm check valve and shall include the following design data.
i. Building designation
ii. Location of remote area
iii. Design density
iv. Area of application
v. System demand {Gpm (l/s) and psi (kPa) at base of riser}
vi. Data shall be permanently engraved on the nameplate as follows:
vii. Material shall be durable plastic or aluminium. Minimum height of lettering is 1/8".
3. The Contractor shall furnish and place in a clear, plastic envelope attached to each
sprinkler alarm check valve riser: one complete set of typed or printed maintenance and
operating instructions, a set of prints of the as-built working drawings and hydraulic
calculations of the sprinkler system.
4. Contractor shall supply each riser with a cabinet containing maintenance and repair
equipment (spare heads, wrench, etc.)
5. Each Contractor shall affix an identification tag on each system riser indicating:
Name of the Contractor
Business Address of the Installing Contractor
Phone Number
24-hour emergency contact phone number.
Client’s Site manager & Safety manager shall be informed in advance in writing or as per
required documentation before performing the flushing activity
Water shall be discharged at a safer location without any damage for human, properties,
services, etc. All necessary precautions & arrangements shall be taken by the specialized
approved contractor before conducting the test. All required work permit procedures to be
complied with before performing the flushing activity.
The testing area shall be barricaded & sign boards shall be displayed
1. Before connecting sprinkler systems to the main supply, each sprinkler supply line shall
be flushed out thoroughly by the Fire Protection Specialist Contractor in the presence of
the engineer, through an unrestricted opening not less than (100mm) 4 inches in diameter.
Minimum flowing quantities are specified in NFPA 13. Similar flushing process shall be
carried out for the entire standpipe network as specified in NFPA 14
2. Failure to comply with this requirement shall necessitate flushing of the entire sprinkler
system by the Contractor at no additional cost.
3. A (100mm) 4-inch temporary pipe or two 2½-inch fire hoses shall be provided by the
Contractor to discharge water to a suitable location, as designated by the engineer.
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Factory test shall deem to be included. Factory test and off-site tests shall be carried out at
the manufacturer’s works or by an approved independent testing body/laboratory where
specified, or elsewhere as approved. Where indicated, 'type-tests' on items of equipment to
demonstrate compliance shall be carried out. 'Type-tests' certificates shall be submitted to the
Engineer. Factory quality and general inspection test recommended by the manufacturer
shall be required. Where indicated or necessary, factory performance test shall be carried out
for each of the offered equipment before delivery. Factory test certificate certified by
qualified factory engineer shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. This approval
shall normally be required before the materials or equipments are dispatched from the
manufacturer’s works. Factory test shall be witnessed by an independent approved agency
where indicated. The Contractor shall note that the Engineer may require witnessing tests
and inspections of manufactured equipment during construction at the manufacturer’s works.
Where this requirement is indicated in the Contract, the Contractor shall allow for making
the necessary arrangements.
Site inspections of 'work in progress' will be made by the Engineer or the representative from
time to time. The Contractor shall keep such inspection record for checking from time to
time. Works to be permanently covered up shall be subjected to inspection, pressure test and
other tests before cover up. During the inspection, if the Engineer discovers any work that
has been covered up before inspection and testing, this work shall be uncovered for
inspection and testing to the Engineer’s satisfaction. The cost involved in uncovering the
work, inspecting, testing and re-concealing the work together with any consequential losses
shall be paid by the Contractor at no additional cost to the client. Any defective works and
installation of poor workmanship found during visual inspection shall be rectified or
replaced before proceeding with further tests.
Prior to any commissioning and testing works, the Contractor shall check the completion of
the works, the associated builder’s work, the related fire services provisions and the
associated building services installations, to ensure that commissioning can be proceeded
without obstruction.
Before any installation is subjected to commissioning and site testing, it shall be thoroughly
cleaned both internally and externally.
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The Contractor shall be responsible for initially setting the plants to work including: -
(a) Preliminary checks to ensure that all systems and system components are in a
satisfactory and safe condition before start up.
(b) Preliminary adjustment and setting of all plant and equipment consistent with eventual
design performance.
(c) Carrying out pressure test, hydraulic test and other tests required before energising the
equipment and plant.
(d) Checking the proper functioning of the protective devices and safety valves in the
installation and carrying out all necessary safety testing.
(e) Energizing and setting to work on all plants.
(f) Initial regulation and demonstration that the installation delivers the correct rate of flow
at the conditions specified in the Contract.
Hydrostatic pressure testing shall be performed as per the requirement of NFPA 13 before
any ceiling is installed below the sprinkler piping.
Each water control valve shall be fully opened and closed under water pressure proper
Where sprinkler locations are roughed-in, using plugged drop nipples projecting below the
level of finished ceiling; the hydrostatic testing shall be performed two times.
i. First, after the system is completed using the plugged drops, and before the ceiling panels
is installed.
ii. Second, after the plugged drop nipples are cut to length for the finished ceiling, or
replaced with other drop nipples of correct length, and the sprinkler installed
The Contractor shall arrange for any specialist plant or equipment to be commissioned and
tested by the specialist equipment manufacturer’s skilled commissioning engineer and/or
The Contractor shall regulate, balance, tune, commission and adjust the installation and
equipment as appropriate and necessary to deliver the conditions and requirements specified
in the Contract. The Contractor shall allow carrying out such adjustment and re-adjustment
as necessary until all the requirements are met and the installation is accepted by the
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer the functioning of the
installation, system and equipment complying with the operational and functional intent and
the requirements in the Contract. The Contractor shall demonstrate and test the proper
operational mode, control and the sequence of the operation in various parts of the system
and installation.
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3.6.6 Performance Tests
The Contractor shall carry out tests to prove the performance of the installation, system and
equipment in term of flow, pressure, current, sound level, and other technical/design aspects
complying with the requirements in the Contract and the statutory requirements. The
Contractor shall regulate, balance, tune, adjust and modify the installation, system and
equipment as necessary till the performance requirements are met. The final setting and
operational parameters of all equipment shall be recorded. Where necessary, the Contractor
shall carry out full load test by simulation or other approved method to prove the
performance of the installation at full load condition.
Prior to the acceptance of the installation, the Specialist Contractor shall, in the presence of
the engineer, subject the system to the tests required by NFPA for the completion of the
Contractor’s Material and Test Certificate. In addition complete operating test of dry pipe,
water spray, stand pipe and hose system shall be performed.
The system shall be complete, tested and ready for operation and shall include all necessary
and required connections. Testing shall be as required to confirm to current applicable
requirements of NFPA and local code authority. The serving authority having jurisdiction
engineers and owners shall be allowed to conduct such tests as may be required. Any cost in
connection with these, test is borne by the contractor.
Alarm Testing: Contractor shall be responsible for testing new alarms and modified alarms
installed under this contract. Defective alarms shall be replaced immediately.
Installation completion Check List shall be prepared by the contractor & shall be signed off
by the Engineer. The checklist shall include but not limited to the following,
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• Cylinder supports
• Manifold installation
• Discharge pipe connected to cylinder
• Low pressure switch
• Discharge pressure switch
• Detectors & loop test
• Notification devices, IFU, etc
A detailed method statement for installation, testing and commissioning of Sprinkler system,
Stand pipe system, Fire pumps, Gas suppression system and Fire detection, alarm &
actuation system shall be prepared inline with the requirements of NFPA & Authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ) by the specialized Fire contractor who’s registered and approved by
Authority having jurisdiction.
Installation, testing & commissioning shall be carried out as per approved Method statement.
Method statement for Installation, testing & commissioning of Fire pumps shall be prepared
in consultation with the fire pump, drive & controller manufacturer.
i. Check the pump motor assembly alignment. Adjust if necessary. Weld steel cleats on
pump and motor bases to lock them in aligned position. Values achieved at final
alignment (within the permissible limit as recommended by the pump manufacturer)
shall be recorded & signed of by CRCC & the Engineer
ii. Tighten and lock foundation and coupling bolts.
iii. Check pump shaft for free rotation.
iv. Check electrical continuity and insulation of motor and the control panel, by meggering.
v. Ensure that the relief valve is correctly calibrated and installed.
vi. Shut off the system isolating valve/s and open the test line.
vii. Ensure that the circuit breaker trip rate is correctly selected and the elements properly
installed. Adjust the star delta change over timer to the period recommended by the
motor manufacturer.
viii.Check system power supply voltage. Perform all other checks outlined in the controller
operation manual, before energising the controller.
ix. Ensure that the suction lines and the pump casing are full of water. Start Up
i. Check and correct, if necessary, the direction of rotation of the pump, by momentary
operation of the emergency start lever.
ii. Close the valve on the test line partially to avoid the operation of the pump at high
discharge rates.
iii. Start the pump on manual mode.
iv. Check the motor full load current by manipulating the flow.
v. Check the pressure relief valve for proper operation by gradually closing the test valve.
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vi. Check the pump and motor bearings for signs of overheating.
vii. Check the suction line for signs for entry of air and proper suction intake flow.
i. Check the pump head at nominal flow and at 150% of nominal flow and ensure
conformity with design requirements.
ii. Close the test line and stop the pump. Release the system pressure gradually with the test
valve. Check and adjust the pressure switch setting for automatic cut-in. Check and
adjust the pressure switch setting for automatic cut-in and cut-out of jockey pump.
The above procedure shall be carried out & recorded in sequence for all the Zone Control
Supervisory status of all valves in the Fire systems shall be monitored by closing / open in
Fire Alarm Panel.
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Conduct the testing for the operation of sprinkler system by fusing a sprinkler bulb & check
for the following;
• Local Alarm in respective area is actuated
• Signal in Fire Alarm Panel for Flow Switch actuation with specific address with
location, loop, floor, equipment, etc
• Signal in Fire alarm panel for pressure switch ( at Alarm Check Valve) actuation
• Actuation of Alarm Motor gong
• Actuation of Pumps
• Check all parameters inline with a contractor developed Cause & Effect matrix
The testing area shall be barricaded & sign boards shall be displayed.
Ensure Installation is complete & signed off by CRCC & the Engineer.
Before filling & pressurizing the standpipe network, ensure air release valve at elevated
points are ready for operation.
During filling & pressurizing the standpipe network ensure air pockets are vented from the
Ensure the air lock in the hose outlets are vented properly before pressurizing the system.
Ensure cabling is completed for supervisory switch of all valves, flow switches, etc
Ensure programming of Fire alarm system panel is completed.
Once the system pressure is achieved, check for the operation of each fire hose reel & hose
Actual flow test shall be carried out & recorded (witnessed by CRCC & The engineer) at
each Class III system (1” & 2 ½” {or 1 ½”} outlets for required flow & pressure. Water shall
be discharged at a safer location without any damage for human, properties, services, etc. All
necessary precautions & arrangements shall be taken by the specialized approved contractor
before conducting the test. All required work permit procedures to be complied with before
& during performing the testing activity.
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• Ensure the cabling between the gas release panel & Main Fire alarm panel is
performed and tested.
• Remove the solenoid valve from the cylinder. Ensure the operation of solenoid valve
will not discharge gas.
• Check for panel healthiness.
• Perform fire simulation in Zone 1 detectors; check for the Zone 1 fire indication in
Gas release panel & main fire alarm panel.
• Check for Alarm bell actuation.
• Check whether fresh air supply & exhaust system is shut off for the particular room.
• Perform fire simulation in Zone 2 detectors; check for the Zone 2 fire indication in
Gas release panel & main fire alarm panel.
• Check for the operation of Horn / strobe.
• Check for the flasher operation.
• Check for the solenoid operation (probe movement).
• Perform check for Panel fault in GRP by removing a device from the network.
Ensure the annunciation is made available in the main fire alarm panel.
• Cutoff the AC power supply to the GRP & check for AC power failure indication in
the GRP. Ensure the annunciation is made available in the main fire alarm panel.
• Check for the operation of manual release & abort switch
• Check for cylinder pressure low & gas discharge indications by appropriate
simulation process.
• Upon completion & signoff of the commissioning process and ensuring with the
operators, connect the solenoid valve to the cylinder head.
Before arranging statutory inspections with Saudi Civil Defence, the Contractor shall arrange
a final mock-up test with the Engineer to demonstrate all the items required for the statutory
inspections have been completed and tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Before the
final mock-up test, the Contractor shall ensure that all documents required for statutory
inspections shall be available on site. Further mock-up tests shall be required if the
installation fails to meet with the satisfaction of the Engineer in the test. The Contractor shall
not arrange inspection with Saudi Civil Defence till the satisfactory acceptance of the mock-
up test by the Engineer. The Contractor shall allow adequate time in the commissioning and
testing programme for re-testing of the system in case of failure. The Contractor shall
indicate the mock-up test and the inspection by Saudi Civil Defence as the milestone events
in the critical path programme to be submitted to the Architect at the commencement of the
The Contractor in advance to submit the normal procedure adopted by the statutory bodies
during inspection. After reviewing the requirements with CRCC, the Contractor shall draft
an Inspection plan with sequence of tests. The Contractor shall keep available all necessary
tools & equipments, SCD approved drawings, during the statutory tests. The Contractor shall
be ready with adequate number of staff / technician along with required communication
devices for the tests.
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3.7.1 General
The Contractor shall submit the documents detailed in this chapter as a part of work
completion. The Contractor shall note that the system cannot be handed over until all the
foregoing requirements (where applicable) in addition to the acceptance of Saudi Civil
Defence have been carried out to the satisfaction of CRCC & the Engineer.
Before the handover inspection, the contractor shall provide the following test / witness
certificate where applicable;
(a) Copies of Manufacturer’s factory test certificates for Fire pumps, drives, controllers, etc.
(b) Copies of Performance test certificates of Fire pumps
(c) Copies of Type test shall be submitted for motors.
(d) Copies of Engine factory test certificates
(e) Copies of Certificates from UL / FM / equivalent
(f) Copies of Hydraulic & pressure test certificates performed at works shall be submitted
for pumps, valves, portable extinguisher cylinders, FM200 cylinders, diesel day tank, etc.
(g) Copies of Non Destructive Test certificates for Pump casings, portable extinguisher
cylinders, FM200 cylinders, etc.
(h) Copies of Registered Surveyors on pressured containers, etc.
(i) Copies of Certificates of conformity for all products.
(j) Copies of all noise test / survey records on every noise emitting plant and machineries,
individual room / space and a statement of compliance with the statutory requirements
under the current local ordinance.
All necessary copies of Operating & Maintenance Manuals as detailed in the Contract
documents and associated documents. The contractor shall include functional spare parts and
contact lists of the suppliers in the manual.
Every item of plant supplied by a manufacturer shall be fitted with a clearly engraved,
stamped or cast manufacturer’s name plate properly secured to the plant item and showing:
• Manufacturer’s Name
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• Serial Number
• Approval
• Model Number
• Rating / Capacity
• Date of Supply
• Testing & Working Pressure
4.1.1 General
The Contractor shall be responsible for co-ordinating the whole of the drainage works in this
Contract as indicated on the drawings.
The Contractor shall include within the Contract Works for the following:
(a) Demolition and removal from site buildings, walls, gates, fences, hoardings and any
other obstructions and generally clearing of the site and all works necessary to
enable the drainage works to commence.
(b) Secure spoil heaps and stacking of all material deemed suitable for re-use.
(d) Provision of catch pits or other means to maintain excavations free of water and to
prevent contamination of existing drains, watercourses or soak ways, including
regular cleaning out of such catch pits, etc.
The Contractor shall set out all drains in accordance with the drawings and site directives
and provide all necessary items for the complete execution of the works. Any permanent
works constructed in the wrong position and/or incorrect materials and/or level according to
drawings or as directed by the Engineer, shall be demolished and new works fixed in the
proper location, all at the Contractor's expense.
The works under this section of the specification shall include the supply, delivery, and site
storage, erection, testing and commissioning of all necessary pipe work, fittings and
associated materials to provide a complete drainage installation.
The Contractor shall check the invert levels and sizes of existing drains, sewers, catch pits
and manholes before the commencement of any works and shall notify the Engineer
immediately if the declared invert levels or sizes are found to be inaccurate.
The Contractor shall check that the existing ground levels as indicated on the drawings are
correct, and any incorrect levels indicated on the drawings shall be reported to the Engineer
prior to disturbance of the existing ground relevant to the disputed levels.
The whole of the work specified herein, where applicable and except where specifically
stated, shall conform to the requirement of the following British Standards:-
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The Contractor shall give and submit all requisite construction notices to all necessary
Any drainage works carried out prior to the completion of heavy earth moving operations
and/or liable to be subjected to heavy construction traffic or other abnormal loads shall be
suitably protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Failure to do so will render the
Contractor fully responsible for all known and latent defects within the drainage system.
Unless stated to the contrary, any thickness of materials described means the thickness after
full compaction.
All pipes and fittings shall be stacked or stored in accordance with the manufacturer's
Before the commencement of any drainage works, the Contractor shall obtain from the
Engineer the latest proposed final ground levels and if any drain would, due to the levels,
have less than 750 mm cover, inform the Engineer, prior to commencement of the works to
enable revised invert levels to be provided, if deemed necessary.
Failure to comply with this requirement shall render the Contractor liable to all costs
relating to any remedial works to enable the drainage works to be constructed at a depth
deemed by the Engineer to be satisfactory.
Where a specific joint is required that has not been specified, it shall have the approval of the
Damaged protective coatings on drainage pipe work and components shall be rectified to
their original condition as approved by the Engineer or shall be replaced with new
undamaged items.
All materials for drainage works shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
Pipe work and other materials delivered to the site and employed on the works, shall be new
and free from rust and other debris.
Ground water and water arising from construction operations shall not be permitted to enter
the permanent drainage systems, unless via a catch/silt pit in accordance with Municipality
recommendations and in agreement with the Engineer. General
Excavations shall be made for all pipelines and other works to such depths as are shown on
the drawings, or required by the Engineer or are required to permit the proper execution of
the works.
If the Contractor makes any excavations below the level of the drains, foundations, or other
works, he shall refill the excavations with concrete at his own expense.
Drainage of trenches shall be carried out by the Contractor, to ensure that the trench bottom
is at all times free from water.
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Unless agreed otherwise all excavations shall be formed with vertical sides and of not greater
dimensions than stated in this Specification, with allowance for timbering, shuttering or
other necessary temporary work.
Excavations beyond these dimensions for any convenience of the Contractor will not be
permitted and should any excavation accidentally exceed the width or depth stated, to the
detriment of the support or foundation of any of the works or adjacent structures, the
Contractor shall refill such extra width with concrete or as directed, at his own expense.
The formations of all excavations are to be cut and trimmed to the exact lines, levels and
depths shown on the drawings, or to such other lines, levels or depths as directed.
Where a concrete or granular bed or surround is required to the pipeline, manhole etc. the
excavation shall be taken out to the overall dimensions of the bed or surround. The sides of
the trench shall be vertical with no undercutting.
Where pipelines are to be laid at or below existing ground level under fill, and there is less
than 1.2 m of existing ground above the pipe crown, the fill shall be completed to a depth of
1.2 m above the crown of the pipe and the trenches excavated in the fill material.
Where pipes are to be laid within fill, the fill shall be completed and the trenches excavated
in fill material for such pipelines and associated structures.
All soft spots shall be removed from the bottom of trenches and other excavations, which
shall then be refilled to formation level with the same material and compaction as the
permanent work is to rest on that formation. Any void which results from over excavation
below formation level shall be refilled in the same manner.
The Contractor shall remove surplus excavated material from the site unless directed
otherwise by the Engineer.
Trenches for pipelines shall be excavated to a sufficient depth and width to enable the pipe
jointing/bedding/hunching/surrounding to be accommodated.
The Contractor shall design, supply, fix, maintain and remove all planking, strutting and
shoring required for the adequate temporary support of the faces of the excavation for the
duration of the works, which shall be of sufficient strength to ensure the safety of personnel
and to prevent damage to the works and to any new or existing foundations of adjoining
buildings and structures, trench slips or falls shall be made good.
The Contractor shall not backfill excavations until services have been tested and approved as
provided in the section “Testing and Inspection of the Drainage Works". This shall not
absolve the Contractor from final testing after backfilling has been completed.
Timbering supports, sheeting, piling, struts, wailings and bracing for trench walls shall not
be left in place after backfilling without the approval of the Engineer.
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pipe bedding can be adopted to cope with subsequent settlement of the trench fill when the
timbering is finally withdrawn.
Trial holes, if considered necessary, shall be made well ahead of work to ascertain the
positions of existing services and obstructions. All pipes, ducts, cables, mains and other
services exposed by trial holes and/or excavations/utility services, shall be reported to the
Engineer and relevant Authority.
Suitable temporary support shall be provided as soon as possible to avoid damage to the
services. Any damage caused through negligence to observe this clause shall be rectified by
the Contractor at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager and the
owner and/or the relevant Utility Suppliers.
The operations of trench excavation, pipe laying, backfilling and construction of manholes
shall be carried out with the object of minimising the amount of excavations open at any
All excavations shall be cleared of water both by day and by night, and shall be shaped to
prevent any accumulation of water either in or adjoining the excavation or the spoil there
Temporary brick and concrete catch pits shall be built to not less than the specification of a
permanent installation.
Sumps shall be constructed and maintained clear of all excavations for permanent works, so
that water is at all times kept below any permanent works in the course of construction.
Excavated material which is suitable for use as backfill shall be adequately protected to
maintain its suitability for re-use.
Excavated materials or any other materials shall be placed at a safe distance from the
excavations and shall not be placed closer than a horizontal distance equal to the depth of the
excavation, unless suitable working and safety arrangements are made.
All excavations shall be supported and secured to ensure the proper execution of the works
and to prevent any settlement of the adjoining ground or structures thereon.
All supports for excavations shall be inspected and approved by the Construction Manager
prior to commencement of works.
Systems of timbering using poling boards, runner or steel trench sheeting shall be used
according to the ground conditions and shall be designed to prevent loss of ground during
excavation and to ensure that backfilling can be carried out in accordance with the
requirements, leaving no voids.
The maximum permitted trench widths are set out below and shall be strictly followed
without variation except as provided for under the Contract. Widths are soil face to soil face
and include the thickness of timbering or sheeting.
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Trench widths may be reduced provided adequate space is demonstrated for the proper
support of the trench and for the laying, aligning and jointing of the pipes and for the placing
of the bedding and covering materials as required.
Below the transition depth, the trench width specified shall not be exceeded for a minimum
of 300 mm above pipe soffit level, concrete surround or granular surround, whichever is the
If any trench is cut to a greater width than shown in the aforementioned Table the Engineer
shall be informed to enable a suitable alternative structural pipe work bedding to be
All excavations for drainage shall be in open cut unless agreed in writing by the Engineer.
All mud, rock projections, boulders and hard spots shall be removed from the trench bottom
and correct levels made up with a 50 mm thick concrete blinding.
Excavation for any section of the drainage works shall not commence until a complete
supply of all pipes, fittings, bedding material and/or bricks and concrete for manhole
construction, are available on site for that section of works.
'Solid naturally occurring geological strata which cannot be broken up or dislodged either by
using a hand pick or a mechanical bucket type excavator'.
Irregularities and over break of excavations shall, unless otherwise agreed prior to the
commencement of permanent work, be made good to the correct dimensions with concrete
as specified.
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Width of trench excavations for drainage works to be carried out in rock shall be agreed with
the Engineer prior to any excavation in rock by a trial trench excavated in the presence of the
All excavations for drains shall be in open cut unless otherwise agreed in writing by the
Engineer. General
All pipe materials shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation
instructions. General
Every line of drain shall be accurately laid, shall be perfectly true in line and gradient from
point to point.
Bricks or other hard packings shall not be used as temporary pipe supports, nor shall pipe
spigots be permitted to bear on socket inverts in such a manner as to produce uneven
pressure on the joints.
Where provisions have been made for future connection the ends of the pipes shall be sealed
with proprietary stoppers and the position of the ends shall be clearly marked on the surface
with a concrete post or pad. The stopper shall be marked with blue plastic tape for surface
water or red for foul and a galvanised wire shall be installed linking the concrete post and the
stopper to facilitate a location at a later date.
Sockets, where applicable, shall face up the gradient. The spigot of each pipe shall be well
driven home into the socket of the pipe previously laid and the joint completed as described
elsewhere in this Specification. The bore of the pipe shall be cleared of any obstructions
before the next pipe is laid. Care shall be taken that there is no irregularity in the invert at
the point of the junction.
Where it is necessary to shorten any pipe, it shall be cut off square and be free from any
Pipe and channel bends shall be of the long radius pattern unless specifically indicated on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
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No pipes shall be jointed together prior to being laid without the approval of the Engineer.
During the progress of the works, all open ends of drains shall be temporarily sealed off with
suitably shaped sealing plugs or caps of an approved pattern. On completion of the drainage
works, open ends shall remain sealed off with the specified sealing cap end, until such time
as the future building pipe connections are made thereto.
Any damage or inconvenience within the construction and maintenance periods caused by
flooding due to blockages or inconvenience caused by flooding due to blockages within the
drainage services shall be deemed to be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Drains shall be kept free from mud, debris, superfluous cement or other obstructions for the
duration of the Contract and only handed over after the completion of the Contract. Any
mud, debris, superfluous cement or other obstructions found within the drainage system at
any stage of the Contract shall be removed immediately to the full satisfaction of the
Engineer. At the completion of the Contract, all drains and fittings shall be thoroughly
cleaned and each drain length shall be individually rodded and pressure jetted with water to
remove any debris.
Vertical bends, traps and gullies shall be accurately bedded on and surrounded with 150 mm
minimum (C30) mass concrete. The Contractor shall provided and fix all necessary
extension pieces and all requisite fittings.
Where pipes pass through watertight structural walls they shall be fitted with puddle flanges
as indicated on the drawings or as agreed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that they are fixed in the correct positions and at the required levels,
and also that they are watertight after installation.
The Contractor shall ensure and provide that adequate provision is made for the expansion
and contraction of all pipelines, concrete and any other materials used in the execution of the
The Contractor shall set up and maintain temporary bench marks and shall provide all
necessary labour and materials, levelling instruments, boning rods and shall erect and
maintain all sight rails, commensurate with the drainage works.
Site rails shall be truly set to the falls of the proposed line of pipes and the rails shall be
painted in 2 halves, black and white, so as to indicate the intended centre of the pipe. Boning
rods shall be of such a length that when sighted in with the rails the foot of each rod is at the
invert level of the pipe. Timber pegs shall be set in the trench bottom on the centreline of the
pipeline and to the exact invert level. The pegs shall not be more than 2.5 metres apart.
The remaining materials below the top of the pegs shall be excavated by hand, prior to
removal of the pegs. Bedding materials under pipelines shall be placed prior to pipe laying.
Joint holes shall be formed in the pipe bedding, which shall be sufficiently large to receive
the sleeves/collars of the pipe and to permit jointing, but shall be no larger than is required
for these purposes. Boning rods shall be used for grading the pipeline and each pipe shall be
levelled individually.
Sight rails shall be set up for all lines of drains, there being always at least three rails in
position at one time on each line of pipes to any one gradient.
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The allowable tolerance on given invert levels shall be ± 5 mm provided that the as-laid
gradient of the pipe runs between successive given invert levels shall not vary by more than
10% from that shown on the drawings and provided that the relative level differences
between pipes in an individual installation are maintained. Alternative schemes for providing
line and level control may be proposed but shall be subject to submission of full details prior
to implementation.
On completion of the works the excavation shall be refilled as detailed in BS EN 752: 1998
Drain and sewer systems outside buildings, or except where otherwise specified, and, where
applicable, shall have surfaces reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall not backfill excavations until services have been tested and approved as
provided in the section "Testing and Inspection of the Drainage Works". This shall not
absolve the Contractor from final testing after backfilling has been completed.
The initial layer of backfill material shall, unless otherwise specified, be free from stones and
any other material which is undesirable. Backfill shall not be thrown directly onto, but
carefully placed under and around pipes and compacted in thin layers using hand tools up to
at least 300mm above the top of the pipe or special surround.
Filling above the initial layer shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 300mm loose depth,
and compacted to a dry density not less than that of the adjoining soil.
Trench supports shall be withdrawn ahead of the layer to be filled, care being taken to keep
the sides of the trenches solid and to fill all the spaces left by the withdrawn supports.
Mechanical appliances may only be used for compaction of backfill when there is a
minimum of 450mm of material above the crown of the pipe, providing the appliance is
suitable for the conditions and will not damage or displace the pipes.
The Contractor shall supply and install above all drainage pipelines, underground durable
caution marker tape, suitable worded to identify the classification of the drainage pipeline
The caution tape or marker band shall be manufactured at a minimum width of 150 mm and
be polyethylene or polythene heavy gauge strip, coloured red for foul and surface water
The caution tape or marker is to be suitably worded in English and Arabic in block capital
printing. The wording shall be approved by the Engineer before the Contractor orders the
pipe for installation.
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manufacturer and pattern must be approved by the Engineer before ordering or final
The caution tape shall be buried not more than 300 mm from the finished ground levels and
not less than 150 mm unless approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall give written notice at the following stages, to the Engineer, for the
purpose of inspection and measurements:
The Contractor shall provide clean water and all assistance and appliances for testing during
the progress of the Contract and for the final testing procedure.
All works shall be inspected, tested and approved as specified before backfilling of
excavations is commenced.
The Contractor shall locate and remedy all defects found during testing and shall repeat the
test to the satisfaction of Local and/or Water Authorities. The remedying of all defects will
be at his own expense.
The Contractor shall ensure that all sections of the drainage system are completely clear of
any obstructions, debris and superfluous matter before any tests are applied.
To facilitate the general construction programme, tests shall be made of sections as the
works proceeds, such testing, however, shall not absolve the Contractor from his liability for
any subsequent or final testing.
For drain pipe lines up to and including 825 mm diameter an air test shall be applied after
construction but before backfilling, and after backfilling a water test shall be applied.
Manholes shall be separately tested by applying a water test.
The drains shall be further tested for straightness of run by the insertion of a lamp at one end
of the drain and a mirror placed at 45º to the invert at the other end. A full circle of light
shall be observed.
Drain lines 230 mm and over nominal diameter shall have a ball not less than 200 mm
diameter rolled down each length of drain to check for continuous grading of the drain invert.
The Contractor shall keep a record of the results of tests carried out on the drainage
installation throughout the Contract, recording date of test, by whom tested, and witnessed.
The results and two copies of the records shall be sent to the Engineer on completion of the
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For an air test expanding plugs shall be moistened and applied to both ends of the pipe and
all lateral connections. Air shall then be pumped by bellows or manual pump into the pipe at
the lower end until a pressure equal to 100 mm water gauge is recorded on a U-tube at the
upper end. Allow 5 minutes for stabilisation of air temperature.
Without further pumping, the water gauge should not fall by more than 25 mm in a period of
5 minutes.
After the testing period has elapsed the pressure shall be released from the lower end and this
shall be indicated by a fall of pressure in the manometer, proving continuity throughout the
4.2.1 General
Pipes shall be of sizes and general routing as indicated on the Drawings. Valves shall be of
the same size as the pipe run in which it is installed. Piping material shall be as specified
under the respective systems for the particular system concerned.
All pipe work and fittings shall be installed, stored and transported in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations.
All pipe work shall be free from surface or general corrosion and without any scaling pitting,
excess weathering or damage. Any pipe work so affected shall be removed from site and
replaced at no cost to the contract.
Each length of pipe work shall have at least one coloured identification band or identifying
mark when delivered.
All pipe work shall be supplied in the standard manufactured straight lengths but not less
than 6 m long except where shorter specific or flanged lengths between fittings are actually
Prolonged storage in sunlight may lead to degradation of thermoplastic pipe and fittings due
to the combined effect of heat and ultra violet radiation. Therefore temporary covering shall
be used wherever possible to prevent exposure. Pipes should not be subjected to excess of
temperatures variation within the pipe work stack or storage facilities.
All pipe work shall be stored on flat level ground free from sharp stones etc. and stacked to
heights not exceeding manufacturer's recommendations.
Side bracing of pipe storage facilities stacks should be provided to prevent stack collapse.
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Any pipe work installation shall be installed so that the complete system can be drained
down quickly, easily and without disruption to other services.
Where it is required to shorten any pipe, it shall be cut off square and cleanly with an
approved pipe cutting machine.
Transport of pipe lengths to the point of installation shall be so arranged that neither spigot
nor socket ends nor flanges become damaged.
Care shall be taken not to damage pipe lining and coatings. Any pipes damaged in cutting or
handling shall be rejected. Use of pinch bars and tongs for aligning or turning pipe shall be
permitted only on the barrel of the pipe. The interior of pipes, valves and fittings shall be
thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter before being placed in position and shall be kept clean
during laying or fixing operations by plugging.
Cuts in non-metallic pipes shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Cuts in all pipes shall be made square to the axis of pipes and all burrs and other
irregularities removed by reaming and filing before fixing.
Pipe cuts at valves and special castings shall be accurately made to bring all valves, castings
and other accessories to their correct positions.
At the end of the working day all exposed pipe ends shall be covered. Dirt and foreign matter
shall be excluded from pipes by the use of end caps, plugs or rigid plastic covers. A valve
fitted to the open end of a disconnected pipe is not acceptable for pipe sealing.
All pipes shall be properly supported clear of the ground on stable and secure pipe racks and
suitably covered to protect them from the weather.
No pipe or material of any kind shall be placed inside another pipe or fitting if any lining or
coating has been applied to either.
Plastic pipe and components shall be protected from direct sunlight in a ventilated enclosure.
Rubber or compound gaskets, sleeves and adhesives not for immediate installation shall be
stored in a cool area protected from direct sunlight.
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4.2.5 Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe work
All potable hot and cold water pipe work shall be chlorinated poly vinyl chloride.
Dimensions for pipe work shall be based on ASTM F441/ F441 M Schedule 80.
All pipes and fittings shall be jointed by solvent cement in accordance with the
manufacturer’s installation recommendations.
All pipes shall follow the lines of walls as indicated on the drawings, unless the site
conditions prevent this, in which case the runs may be varied to suit the site conditions,
subject to the agreement of the Engineer.
Uncovered pipes shall be located not less than 25 mm nor more than 40 mm clear of walls.
Insulated pipes shall be located so that the insulation is not less than 15 mm nor more than
25 mm clear of walls.
All pipes shall be fitted well clear of the floor when situated in rooms, to permit cleaning
beneath the pipes. Where possible a 115 mm clearance shall be left between the underside of
the pipes and the finished level of the floor and in no case shall the pipe be less than 100 mm
clear of the floor.
The Contractor shall ensure that the installation looks neat and tidy and that there is accurate
spacing between pipes, valves and joints etc., all symmetrically lined up. Similarly all
directional changes in groups of pipes shall be taken from common radius points. Adequate
space must be left for the application of the insulation and for separate insulation of each
Special care shall be taken before final assembly and closing up to ensure that all pipes are
properly cleaned out and free from flux grit, scale and jointing material. Ends of pipes
temporarily unconnected for any reason shall be closed with plastic caps. Plugs shall not be
used for this purpose. No open ends shall be left after working hours. The Contractor shall
accept full responsibility for any damage that may be caused to any plant or its failure in
operation by neglect of such care.
All pipe work shall be installed so as to allow for any possible expansion or contraction of
the pipe work.
PTFE thread sealant tape shall meet the performance requirements of BS.5292: Type C.
All pipes are to be run with appropriate gradients to ensure the free release of air and
drainage at suitable points of the system.
Wherever possible air vents shall be installed in concealed accessible positions and shall be
the automatic type. Where they can not be located in an accessible position they shall be the
air bottle type, with remote manual air release valve.
Drain valves shall be fitted at all low points and where required to facilitate draining the
installation as a whole or in parts and on the system side of all zone isolating valves.
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Manual drain valves shall be provided at all low points of water piping systems irrespective
of whether are indicated on the Drawings or not to permit draining any part of the system for
maintenance and repair. Drain valves shall be of the gate valve type of 3/4" minimum size.
Where necessary drain valves shall be provided with brass serrated hose connectors on their
Manual air vents shall be provided at all high points of water piping systems irrespective of
whether they are indicated on the Drawings or not to permit venting any air collected at the
high point that tends to obstruct flow. Manual air vents shall be of the globe valve type of
1/2" minimum size.
Automatic air vents shall be provided where indicated on the Drawings for venting the air
automatically from the high points of the system.
4.2.8 Unions
Pipe unions or flanges, depending on size and material of piping, shall be provided at piping
connections to equipment and near valves, controls, strainers and other accessories that need
to be taken out for replacement, cleaning or repair. Unions or flanges shall also be provided
at adequate intervals in the piping to permit easy disassembly for alternations and repair.
Unions used on threaded pipes size 2" and smaller shall have female threaded ends and
ground metal to metal seats. Unions shall be of the same manufacture, pressure class and
material as the other pipe fittings specified for the system concerned.
4.2.9 Flanges
Flanges shall always match the flanges provided on valves and equipment as far as pressure
rating, facing, drilling and thickness. Flat face flanges shall never be mated with raised face
flanges. Flanges on black steel pipes shall be black, forged steel of the slip-on or welding
neck type. Flanges on galvanized steel pipes shall be galvanized steel of the threaded type.
Flanged joints shall be made perfectly square with the pipes and shall be fitted with 1.5mm
thick asbestos composition ring gaskets and assembled with steel, square head machine bolts
and hexagonal nuts. The bolts shall be of diameter and length to suit the flanges and to allow
the nuts to utilize the full length of their thread.
Gaskets for flat face flanges shall be of the full face ring type with punched bolt holes.
Joints between dissimilar metals shall be made through dielectric insulated unions and
flanges to prevent electrolytic interaction and corrosion. This applies particularly to joints
between ferrous and nonferrous piping.
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Insulating unions shall be used on threaded piping and insulating flanges on welded piping.
Flanges shall be fitted with insulating gaskets and Teflon sleeves and washers between
flanges, nuts and bolts. The entire insulating joint including the dielectric material shall be
suitable and capable to withstand the temperature, pressure and all other operating conditions
of the service for which they are used.
Flexible connections shall be of seamless bronze tubing with annular corrugations covered
with high tensile strength bronze braid and shall be suitable for 150psi cold water working
Flexible connections shall be of the same as the pipe in which they are installed. They shall
have screwed ends for sizes 2 ½" and larger.
4.2.11 Anchors
Pipe anchors shall comprise a U-bolt of 3/4" diameter shaped to fit the pipe and welded to it
at all points of contact. The U-bolt shall be bolted to an adequate structural angle frame
which be securely fastened to the building structure.
4.2.12 Guides
Pipe guides shall be constructed in the same manner as anchors except that the U-bolt shall
fit loosely around the pipe instead of being welded to it.
Provision for movement due to expansion and contraction shall be made either by loops,
special expansion joints, or by change in direction of the pipe work. Supports at such points
shall be arranged to ensure that all movement is taken up by the loop, joint, or change in
direction of the pipe work. Where pipe work is required to be pre-stressed the extent of the
cold draw will be indicated on the drawings.
Expansion bellows shall be of axial pattern or as indicated and shall be provided with
screwed or flanged ends as appropriate, unions shall be used with screwed ends to facilitate
replacement, unless otherwise approved. They shall incorporate internal liners if required
and shall be manufactured from 18/8 stainless steel or other approved material appropriate to
the duty, also designed to withstand the test pressure of the system. Bellows shall be capable
of not less than 2,000 complete cycles of movement over the designed working range
without failure.
Expansion bellows for angular movements shall be arranged as indicated on the drawings.
They shall be provided with tie rods or hinges to take end thrust.
All bellows expansion joints shall be provided with external protection where exposed to
damage. For axial bellows this shall comprise an external sleeve.
Bellows shall be installed so that they are not subjected to stresses other than those for which
they are designed. Unless otherwise indicated they shall be installed so that they are in their
free position at a temperature midway between the high and low limits of normal service.
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Bellows expansion joints shall be provided with guides to ensure that all movements are
taken up in the designed manner. The manufacturer's recommendations shall be closely
followed. Guides shall be secured rigidly and shall provide free movement for expansion
without undue constraint. Means for lubrication shall be provided where necessary.
For plastic pipe work, loops and/or manufacturers thermal stress units shall be used to
accommodate all expected/calculated contraction/expansion movements.
Where pipes pass through walls, floors and ceilings, sleeves of the same material as the
services pipe shall be used.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the sleeves are in the correct position at
the time they are built in.
The space between the pipes and sleeves shall be packed with a suitable flexible material to
maintain the fire rating of the walls and floors, and finished with an approved mastic sealant.
Where sleeves are on pipe work exposed to view, wall, floor or ceiling plates shall be fitted
at one or both ends of the pipe sleeve.
4.3.1 General
All valves hall be installed so that they may be accessible for inspection and maintenance,
and are fully openable.
All valves shall have the manufacturers name, material designation, pressure rating and size
clearly marked on the valve body. In addition all stop valves, check valves and strainers shall
have arrow indication of flow direction.
Isolation valves shall be installed on the outlets to water storage tanks, branches to main
distribution pipes, adjacent to float operated valves, adjacent to pumps and all other items of
equipment and any locations specified on the drawings.
Valve labels shall be firmly fixed to all valves, pipe, handles, keys, instruments, gauges,
control and other equipment, etc. and elsewhere to facilitate maintenance with engraved
multi-layer Formica or similar labels.
All labels are to be of adequate size as to give clearance between lettering and fixings to
ensure an aesthetic arrangement on completion. Pipeline labels shall generally be not
smaller than 100mm X 20mm.
Where applicable, labels shall be fixed utilising Chrome Plated brass round head bolts and
nuts or wood screws.
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For pipelines or valves where applicable, labels shall be fixed by means of a key ring in each
upper corner suspended from chain loops over the relevant pipe.
Graphical symbols for use on equipment shall be created and applied in accordance with BS
EN 80416-1, BS EN 80416-2, and BS EN 80416-3Valve Identification;
All lettering used on labels shall be "Arial Bold" capitals (except where indicating metric
units or directed) with black letters on white labels for normal purposes. Where special
colours or details are required these shall be particularly specified or directed.
All lettering shall be in English and Arabic, heights for the English lettering shall be as
Gauge/Test 15
Fixture Isolation
Float 15 to 50
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Gate valves of 65mm NB up to and including 90mm NB shall be manufactured to BS5150
rated at a design pressure of PN20. The body shall be of Cast Iron with flanged ends to
BS4505 and seating faces shall be of gunmetal.
Ball valves shall have a nickel-plated DZR copper alloy body with threaded ends to BS21
and a design pressure of PN25. The ball shall be Teflon coated and the seat of a PTFE
Butterfly valves 100mm NB and above shall be “wafer” pattern in accordance with the
dimensions in BS EN 593 and suitable for flanges to BS 4505. The body shall be
manufactured from cast steel to ASTMA 216 Gr. WPC or cast iron to BS 1452 Gr. 250. The
disc shall be nylon coated SG iron or EN plated cast iron. The shaft shall be manufactured
from 410 stainless steel with ‘O’ ring seals
Generally valves up to and including 200mm NB shall be lever operated and valves above
200mm NB shall be gear operated. The gear-operated unit shall include a position indicator.
Check valves 65mm NB and above shall be “swing” pattern to BS 5153 rated for a design
pressure of PN20. The body shall be of Cast Iron with flanged ends to BS4504 and seating
faces shall be of gunmetal.
Float valves shall be of all bronze construction including levers and arms, with cooper float
and shall be suitable for a cold design pressure of PN10. Float valves 15mm NB up to and
including 50mm NB have screwed ends to BS21 and 65mm NB and above have flanged
ends to BS4505.
Float valves shall be of the full bore, equilibrium ball type, designed to close tight against
maximum pressure when float is half submerged. They shall have renewable synthetic
rubber valve disc and balancing piston.
4.3.9 Strainers
Strainers size 2" and smaller shall be screwed, Y - type, bronze body, 150 psi steam working
pressure rating, with 20 - mesh stainless steel screen and screwed cap with ½" tapped hole
for installation of blow down valve.
Strainers size 2 ½" and larger used on water service shall be flanged, basket type, cast iron
body, 125 psi steam working pressure rating, with 20 - mesh stainless steel basket screen,
bolted cap and ¾" tapped hole at the bottom for installation of blow down valve.
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4.3.10 Automatic Air Vents;
Automatic air vents shall be of the float type, with body, base and connection tail of DZR
copper alloy, cover, float and vacuum breaker, temperature resisting, synthetic material
suitable for a working pressure of 6 bars.
Gauge cocks for use with cold water shall be “straight” pattern with a polished bronze body,
parallel threads, ground plug type with lever handle.
Gland cocks shall be “straight” pattern with a hose union connection and complete with a
captive cap. The body shall be of Gunmetal with threaded ends to BS21.
Drain Taps shall be manufactured to BS2879 type 2, “lock shield” pattern. The body shall be
of DZR copper alloy with threaded ends to BS21.
Vortex Inhibitors shall be designed in such a way as to prevent the pump from creating a
vortex and drawing air in to the suction line of the pump when under a low suction head.
The pressure gauge range shall be chosen in such a way that the indicator shall be situated
near a middle position during normal operating conditions. The gauge shall have an
adjustable pointer.
Pressure gauges shall be of the Bourbon tube type of minimum 100mm dial diameter with
flange less back and 15mm male threaded bottom connection.
Gauges shall have overall accuracy of one per cent (1%) of scale range and shall comply
with the following schedule:
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4.4.1 General
All piping shall be supported on steel hangers and supports of adequate strength and design
to carry the weight of piping and concrete without sagging, swaying, vibrating, failing or
deforming, and to allow free movement of pipes due to expansion and contraction without
causing noise, damage to piping or to construction.
Hangers and supports shall be provided complete with all necessary structural steel, rods,
bolts, nuts, turnbuckles and all other necessary components.
The use of wire, metal bands, rope, wood, chain, strap and perforated bar or any other
makeshift device for supports will not be permitted. Hanging pipes from other pipes will not
be permitted.
Pipe hangers and supports shall have smooth flat bearing surfaces, free from burrs or other
sharp projections, which would wear or cut into the pipe.
Hangers and supports shall be of a design that allows adjustment of the required slope in
piping and that permits removal without dismantling the pipes.
Embedded attachments such as insert in concrete shall be provided during the concrete
pouring operations.
Valves and other heavy items of pipe work equipment shall be individually supported and
shall not be suspended from the pipe work. Supports for valves and other heavy pipe work
ancillary items shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Hangers and supports shall be of design and strength to meet all static and operational
conditions to which piping and equipment may be subjected. The calculations for
determining the loads at each hanger or support for selecting the proper type and size of
components shall take into account the weight of pipe, valves, fittings, insulating materials,
suspended hanger components, all appurtenances and the weight of the normal operating
contents, In addition, the extra loadings due to pipe expansion and
Contraction, vibrations from equipment, hydrostatic testing, water hammer, reaction forces
etc. shall be taken into consideration.
Pipe hangers and supports shall be located, in addition to the maximum spans specified
under the respective pipe material; taking into consideration concentrated loads, elimination
of overhung sections or bends and load reaction on terminal connections.
The specified maximum spans between hangers and supports are for straight runs of pipe and
do not apply where concentrated loads such as the weight of valves or heavy fittings exist,
where changes of direction in the pipe occur between hangers and supports.
Hangers and supports shall be placed as close as possible to concentrated loads. Where
changes in direction or branch connections occur, the spacing between hangers and supports
shall be reduced to less than 75% of the maximum spans specified. A hanger or support shall
be located immediately adjacent to any change in direction of the piping and at every branch
connection. Risers shall be supported independently of adjacent horizontal hangers.
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Where a horizontal pipe is subject to considerable movement in the vertical direction or is
subject to vibration from moving equipment, spring cushions shall be used.
Piping shall be routed to use the surrounding structure for support, anchorage, guidance or
restraint, with adequate space provided for use of the prop hanger or support, Parallel lines,
both vertical and horizontal, shall be spaced sufficiently apart to allow room for independent
pipe attachments for each line.
Multiple pipe runs where the bottoms of the various lines are approximately at the same
elevation shall be supported in groups on a trapeze hanger with provisions made to keep the
lines in their relative positions to each other by the use of U-bolts. Lines subject to extreme
thermal expansion shall be free to slide or to roll.
Hangers and supports shall be securely fastened to the building structure by means of
masonry expansion bolts without causing over stress to any part of the construction
Intermediate steel shall be provided where required to transfer the loads to areas where they
can be accommodated safely.
Hangers and supports shall be designed and tested to sustain a load 8 times the actual
supported load.
Masonry expansion bolts shall be of minimum 20mm diameter. They shall be drilled in the
concrete and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
On insulated pipes, special provisions shall be made at the point of support to prevent
damage to the insulation due to pipe weight or movement and to provide a firm attachment
of the pipe.
On hot insulated pipes supported from above, either a pipe clamp may be used directly on
the pipe or the arms of the clamp extended outside the insulation of a larger hanger of clevis
or pipe clamp type may be used lined with insulation protection shields.
The length and metal thickness of insulation protection shields for different pipe sizes shall
be as given on the Drawings.
The maximum spacing of trapeze hangers for multiple pipes shall be the maximum spacing
for the smallest pipe on the trapeze.
All piping located in mechanical equipment room and having connection to vibrating
equipment shall be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and vibration
isolation hangers for a distance of at least 15 m or 100 times the pipe diameter from the
vibration equipment, whichever is the greater. General
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All pipe work shall be tested as soon as practicable after installation and before completion
of shaft walls, access panels, suspended ceilings and applications of any insulation.
The domestic hot and cold water service pipe work shall be tested with potable water to a
pressure of 1.5 times the working head and maintained for two hours without further
application of pressure, and without visible leakage or drop in indicated pressure.
In the event of the failure of any test the defect shall be located and repaired, and the test
A test certificate shall be submitted following successful testing of the complete system.
O Project name:
O Name of trade contractor:
O Service:
O Section under test:
O Nature of test:
O water
O pressure
O duration
O System flushed: yes/no
O Record drawing submitted: yes/no
O Signatures for trade contractor:
O Witness:
O Date of test:
After satisfactory completion of the final testing the following sterilization procedure shall
be carried out.
All hot and cold domestic water services, tanks and water heaters shall be sterilized in
accordance with BS 6700.
The Contractor shall supply all necessary fittings to enable the chlorination to be carried out.
Sterilizing water shall be disposed of in compliance with the requirements of the Local
Water Authority or Authority having jurisdiction.
Protective clothing and goggles shall be provided for the operatives carrying out this work.
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On conclusion of the process, samples shall be taken from each system for bacteriological
analysis, by an independent public analyst, to confirm the water is of potable quality.
Detailed records shall be maintained for all sterilization procedures carried out. a copy of
sterilization certificates for all parts of the system shall be submitted containing the
following information:
o Project name:
o Name of trade contractor:
o Service:
o Section sterilized:
o Method of sterilization:
o Contact time:
o Minimum chlorine level at outlets:
o Signatures for trade contractor:
o Witness:
o Date of sterilization:
4.5.1 General
All pipes and pipe fittings shall be carefully examined before fixing. Defective items shall be
Jointing rings, couplings and adaptors, shall be of types recommended by the manufacturer
of the pipes to be jointed. Joint ring material shall be to BS 2494 and shall be stored in bags
as- delivered and not exposed to sunlight.
Particular care shall be taken that all pipework is erected and secured truly parallel and
plumb with vertical surfaces.
All branch, connections to horizontal pipework shall be swept in the direction of flow.
Long runs of pipework shall be erected so that stresses of expansion and contraction, due to
temperature variation, are taken up by expansion joints. Where small bore branches are made
to mains remote from anchor points, the branches shall be arranged to form a radius arm so
that the axial movement of the main does not stress the connecting fittings.
Where expansion devices are used they shall be of similar material to the pipe, installed in
line with the axis of the pipe, and shall be free from compression, tension or torsion. The
female member of the expansion devices shall be firmly anchored to allow the male member
to take all movement.
Pipes passing through fire compartmentation, walls, floors, and in-fill slabs shall be fitted
with intumescent fire sleeves installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation
Mashaaer Mugaddassah MMMP-SL-EMDD-GEN-GEN-DSP-D-3003-A01
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Proprietary pipe sleeve systems incorporating ring seals and cover plates shall be used as a
finish to pipework, up to and including 50mm diameter in occupied areas other than plant
Union type fittings shall be provided to make up to outlets of basin and sink wastes, drip
cups and dilution receivers, etc, on pipework up to and including 50mm diameter.
Joints in pipework shall not be made within the thickness of walls, floor or roof, or where
they would later be built in wherever this can be avoided.
Jointing material shall not project into the bore of pipes, fittings or appliances.
Access plates shall be fitted at the foot of each vertical stack and also at junctions to
horizontal branches of 50mm diameter and over to enable the complete piping system to be
internally cleaned and rodded.
Access caps/plates shall be fitted at ends of all horizontal pipework, at junctions, and at
changes of direction on branch pipework. At all penetrations of roofs a suitable method of
providing a water seal and weathering shall be used.
Soil, waste and vent stacks above each highest branch shall be continued upwards, at the full
diameter, above roof level to such a height as to afford a safe outlet for foul air and terminate
with a balloon or cage.
Joints between branch soil pipes and WC pan spigots shall be made by the use of a suitable
flexible WC connector.
Fittings and couplings for use with PVC-U pipes shall be jointed with and incorporate
elastomeric rings or utilise a push fit system in accordance with the manufacturer's
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Joints between PVC-U pipes and other materials shall be made in accordance with the
manufacturers installation instruction utilizing patented adaptors.
Joints between small diameter branch pipes to main stacks shall be made using elastomeric
seal rings or gaskets.
A local ring seal expansion joint shall be provided and positioned immediately above branch
connections to main stacks. Provisions shall be made to accommodate thermal expansion. A
support bracket shall be provided immediately below each pipe connector.
All tubes shall be of uniform thickness within the manufacturing tolerances as stated in the
appropriate British Standard and shall have a concentric bore throughout.
Screwed pipes shall be supplied with at least one socket for each length fitted and threads not
fitted with sockets shall be fitted with protectors during transit.
Screwed joints on pipe work shall be made in accordance with the provisions of BS 21.
Where tube is galvanised care shall be taken to ensure that threads are carefully cut so that
the number of exposed threads is minimised. Steel exposed shall be painted with suitable
galvanising paint immediately upon fabrication.
Screwed pipe work joints shall be made using a suitable jointing compound and cleaned off
when joint has been made.
Joints on galvanized pipe from 65mm NB up to and including 150mm NB shall be made
with screw on heavy quality galvanised flanges.
Galvanized pipe fittings shall be bead type, hot dipped galvanised finish, to BS 143 & 1256. General
Gutter systems shall be complete with all necessary angles, outlets, stop ends, and jointing
components to provide a fully watertight system as shown on the Architects drawings.
Gutter lengths shall be jointed using gaskets supplied by the manufacturers and strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
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Offsets shall not be formed from bends of less than 112.5 degree angle.
Rainwater pipes shall be complete with all necessary offsets, bends, branches,
shoes/connections to gulleys or drains to provide a complete rainwater drainage system as
indicated on the drawings.
Pipe work supports shall be provided in accordance with the following table and either side
of bends.
50 1.2 0.6
Multiple pipe supports for pipes of differing sizes shall be spaced at intervals required for the
smallest pipe.
The type of pipe hanger clip or hoop used shall be selected according to the application,
special provision being made in instances where the piping or tubing is subject to axial
movement due to thermal expansion and/or contraction.
Where the Sub-contractor proposes to support pipes on cantilevers of fabricated mild steel
section, either bolted or welded, he shall submit full details of his proposals to the Contractor
for acceptance prior to ordering or fabrication.
Where individual fixings require cutting for and building into the building structure, the Sub-
contractor shall arrange for positions to be marked out on the building for acceptance by the
Contractor before cutting-out and fixing.
Angle section mild steel thrust brackets shall be fitted at vertical bends to prevent axial
movement of suspended pipes.
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Pipes in shafts shall be fixed with two-piece eared type holder bats bolted together with
cadmium plated mild steel bolts and nuts and screwed to shaft walls using 50mm No.10
cadmium plated mild steel screws and plastic wall plugs.
All steel brackets shall be wire brushed clean of rust and then painted with one coat of red-
oxide paint prior to erection. Following erection and installation of the piping the brackets
shall be painted with one additional coat of red-oxide paint.
Exposed pipe work fixed to walls in occupied areas shall be supported on brass or mild steel
pipe rings as appropriate with screw on back plates.
4.5.7 Testing
All internal pipework, and jointed external pipework, shall be tested with air as soon as
practicable after installation and before enclosing with shaft walls and suspended ceilings
Open ends of pipe shall be fitted with plugs, one of which shall incorporate a tee-piece for
connection to air pump and manometer. Air shall be pumped until the manometer indicates
the required pressure.
Pipes shall be tested by air pressure at l00 mm wg held constant for 5 minutes.
On completion of the installation and connection of all sanitary appliances, a further air test
shall be carried out.
Pipes shall be tested by air pressure at 38mm wg (374Pa) held constant for 3 minutes.
4.5.8 Gutters
All gutters shall be filled to overflow level after the outlet has been plugged. After 5 minutes
the gutter shall be inspected for evidence of leaks.
The mains shall be slowly filled with water to exclude air and the supply shall be left running
for sufficient time to ensure that the system is fully purged of air. A test pressure of 1 x
closed head pressure shall be applied and maintained for at least one hour without further
In the event of the failure of any test, the defect shall be located and repaired, and the test
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Test Certificates shall include the following: Requirements
The sanitary appliances shall be fixed only/supplied and fixed as detailed on the Sanitary
Fittings Schedules.
Suites containing more than one component shall be obtained from a single source to ensure
compatibility. All colours including white shall be batched to ensure accurate colour
matching. All metal appliances shall be supplied with tags for electrical bonding.
Protective coverings shall be retained, when practical, during and after fixing.
All packings and protective wrappings, etc, are to be completely removed from inside and
outside of all appliances prior to Practical Completion. General
Where masonry walls are faced with ceramic tiling, wall plugs shall be pushed beyond the
back face of the tiling.
Floor standing appliances shall be bedded in suitable mastic and secured with screws and not
bedded in cement mortar unless so specified.
All tap bodies shall be 'broken' and greased before assembling in the sanitary ware.
Taps and. waste fittings shall be bedded using washers or suitable mastic. Any surplus
mastic shall be cleaned off immediately after installation.
When an appliance is fed with both hot and cold supplies the hot tap shall be fixed on the left
hand side and the cold on the right when viewed from the front, unless otherwise specified
on the drawings.
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For plumbing fixtures materials and workmanship refer to Architects General Specification.
Where shown on the drawings water storage tanks and service tanks shall be constructed in
concrete with a waterproof lining or coating. All lining materials shall be approved by The
Engineer prior to use.
The water tanks shall be complete with all required inlet, outlet, test, drain, overflow,
warning connections and vents (with insect mesh), swivel or hinged lockable manhole covers
over ball float valves and level switches. Where partitions are specified, each section shall
be provided with a set of all required connections, ball float valves, level switches, ladders,
manholes with covers, over flows, vents.
Where indicated on the drawings the tanks shall include valve boxes for accommodating
float valves so as to maximise the useful volume.
Access ladders shall be provided externally and internally at each access manhole into the
tank. Adequate provision shall also be made for access to the inlet connection and top inlet
External access ladders shall be hot dipped galvanised and internal ladders shall be GRP.
The nuts, bolts, washers, tie rods etc shall be of galvanised steel and all tanks more than 1
metre in height shall have internal and external ladders, details as defined above.
The tanks shall be filled with water and allowed to stand for 48 hours. They shall then be
examined for leaks and repaired as necessary.
4.8.1 General
Pumps shall be provided from the factory complete with their electric motors.
Motors shall be either closely coupled to the pump or flexibly coupled to it as specified for
the particular pump concerned. Horizontal base mounted pumps shall have their motor
mounted on a common cast iron or fabricated steel base and properly aligned at the factory.
The pump and motor base shall be supported on an isolated reinforced concrete foundation
as detailed on the Drawings and the base shall be aligned and levelled throughout its entire
length and width.
Piping shall be supported independently of pump nozzles to prevent piping weight or stresses
from bearing on or being transmitted to the pump muzzles.
Drains for packing glands and base shall be piped to the nearest floor drain or sump.
Pump impellers and rotating assemblies shall be satirically and dynamically balanced at the
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Pumps shall be provided from the factory with plugged connections for casing vent, drain
and suction and discharge pressure gauges.
Pumps shall be provided with shaft packing or mechanical seals compatible with the design
of the pump and nature of the liquid pumped, in accordance with manufacturers'
recommendations or as specified for each particulate pump.
Packing rings shall be installed in alternate layers staggered 90 deg, The packing shall be
tightened for seal while permitting the prescribed amount of leakage for lubrication.
The pumping / booster sets shall be of the package type with pumps, all interconnecting
pipework, valves, non return valves, flow switches, diaphragm vessel and electric controls
all pre-piped and pre-wired and mounted on a common base frame.
A panel containing all controls, starters etc., shall be mounted on the front of each unit. The
panels shall have a power on light, run and trip lights and hand/off/auto switches for each
pump. A duty selector switch shall also be fitted to enable to lead pump(s) to be alternated.
Each pump shall be fitted with an hours run meter.
The panel shall be mounted such that no vibration is transmitted into it during operation of
the unit.
The common frame shall be manufactured from mild steel angle or hollow section. The
frame and all major components shall be finished with a quality enamel gloss paint to the
manufacturers standard colours.
The units shall be arranged such that upon a fall in pressure within the diaphragm vessel the
lead or jockey pump shall run. Should this pump not satisfy the demand or alternatively fail,
the second pump shall operate.
The pump casings shall be cast iron to BS 1452, the impellers gun metal to BS 1400. Seal
shall be of the self-adjusting type to DIN 24960.
All components shall be suitable for the operating temperatures and pressures of the systems
in which they are installed.
All flanges shall be in accordance with BS 4504 to the table appropriate for the temperatures
and pressures of the systems to which the units are connected.
All water pressure-boosting sets are to be tested to BS 5316 before leaving the
manufacturer's works and test certificates and performance curves are to be submitted to the
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The units shall be supplied complete with flexibles on all pipe connections. Controls
The booster units shall be complete with all controls necessary for their fully automatic
Each unit shall be supplied complete with facilities to enable the interconnection by others of
float switches arranged to stop operation of the unit should the contents of the associated
storage tanks rise above or fall below pre-set levels.
Each unit control panel shall have an IP55 enclosure and be of the micro-processor or
contactor switching type and be complete with the following
• Isolator
• A volt free three wire contact suitably rated for switching a 24 volt, 50 mA
external sourced circuit to initiate a signal for following faults or lockout
conditions to be remotely relayed to a BMS system
• Power
• The fault signal initiation is not to be affected by electrical isolation of the booster
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4.8.3 Dewatering Sump Pumps
Pump sets shall be provided for the locations and duties as indicated in the Equipment
The pump sets shall be of the sewage or dirty water types in accordance with their duty
requirement. The sewage pumps shall be of the non-clog type with open impellers. The
dirty water (seepage) pumps shall be of the closed impeller or vortex type. The submersible
pumps shall be rated in accordance with IP 68 and shall have corrosion class in accordance
with appendix A of IEC 364-5-51.
The efficiency of the pump set at duty point shall be not less than 90% of the maximum
efficiency for the pump.
The pumps shall be of the centrifugal type vertically mounted close coupled to their fully
submersible electric drive motors. Pump impellers shall be cast iron to GG 25 confirming to
ASTM 35B or cast stainless steel. Shaft, studs, nuts, screws and washers shall be stainless
steel grade 304, S15.
The bearings shall be of the rotating element type, grease packed and sealed for life.
The pump shall have two mechanical seals. The seals shall work independently of each
other, one to seal off the motor, one to seal off the pumped fluid. An oil chamber shall act as
a buffer between the seals and a coolant for the seals. A moisture detection probe in the oil
chamber shall detect the presence of water in the chamber and thus the deterioration of the
lower seal. The probe shall operate a remote alarm.
A lifting chain with shackles, rings etc. shall be fitted to each pump, which shall support the
weight of the pumps during installation and removal from the sump. The chain shall comply
with BS 1663 and be hot-dipped galvanised.
Motors shall be submerged and cooled by the liquid in which it is submerged. The windings
shall be protected against burnout by a thermostat or thermistor arranged to trip the pump.
The submerged cable shall be multi-core and fully insulated LSF to BS 7211. The cable
shall be sealed and glanded into the motor before the pump leaves the factory. The cable
junction box shall be sealed from the outside. The cables shall be supplied long enough to
reach the starters. For all low point seepage sumps the starters are quite far from the nearest
station seepage sump. Therefore the cable shall go into a waterproof isolation socket, which
shall be cabled to the starter. The isolation sockets may be a composite arrangement, but in
either case the Pump Number shall be clearly labelled on the plug and the socket.
The pump sets shall be complete with boltless self-aligning duck-foot assembly, which
allows removal of the pumps without disturbing the pipe work, Guide rails on which to raise
and lower the pumps shall be of galvanised steel and complete with all fittings and support
Pump duties shall be achieved with the impeller shaft speed not exceeding 2900rpm unless
otherwise listed.
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The permissible service pressure of cast iron pump casings shall be generally in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Impellers shall be keyed to the drive shaft, the impeller being retained by a hexagonal nut.
Unvented type electrical hot water heaters shall be provided in the positions shown on the
The water heaters shall be suitable for a working pressure of 600 kpa and 75°C temperature.
The water heaters shall be complete with their standard heater element. The heater shall be
glass lined, and the shell and lining shall be guaranteed for 10 years by the manufacturer.
Each water heater shall be fitted with a 20 dia safety valve with built-in check valve
discharging (through a small bore copper tube) to the buildings drainage system via a floor
The cold water connection to water heaters shall include an additional non-return valve.
Three meters of cold water connection pipe upstream of the NRV shall be of uninsulated
copper tube.
Water heaters shall be suitable for 220V/1PH/60Hz power supply or 380V/3 phase/60Hz
supply as indicated in the equipment data sheets.
The Contractor shall handover to the Owner the following spares at the time of
All water heaters shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for the
installation of heater.
Full details of electrical hot water heaters shall be submitted to The Engineer prior to
Pipe identification banding shall be applied after covering and/or protective and decorative
painting is complete.
Pipes and pipelines shall be painted in colours in accordance with BS1710: 1984 complete
with the identification colour code indicators.
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• At 8m intervals on straight runs,
• At all junction points and branch (unless end of branch is visible from junction),
• All lines passing through walls and floors where lines are accessible and not
visible from an identified main.
Letters and symbols shall be pipe nominal bore or 50mm in height whichever is the lesser.
Identification colour schemes shall be listed in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
All valves, except where adjacent to draw-off points, shall be fitted with a 50mm diameter
1.5mm thick aluminium disc. The disc shall be arranged to fit above the hand wheel held in
place with a locknut for all wheel operated valves or attached to the valve by means of a
brass chain or ring. The disc shall be stamped with numbers or letters and indentation filled
in “black”.
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CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Compliance statement
Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 General Wet fire fighting systems shall comprise the following:
* Water tank.
* Standpipe system
* Sprinkler system.
* Foam – water sprinkler pre-action system
* Pumps and motors.
The complete system shall be in accordance with the requirement of Saudi
Complied - As per NFPA Standard
Civil Defence (SCD).
Whenever the word "provide" is used it shall mean "furnish, install, test &
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
commission complete and ready for use".
Equipment capacities and performance requirements shall be as listed in
Under Al-Madar Co.
the schedule of Equipment shown on the Drawings.
The proposed fire fighting system as shown on the drawings or the one to
Under Al-Madar Co.
be provided shall be submitted for approval to SCD.
Civil Defence inlet breeching pieces shall be provided at each station for
Under Al-Madar Co.
the use of the Saudi Civil Defence to pump water into the system.
The location of the breeching inlet shall not be more than 30.5m from the
hard standing location. Hard standing location shall be designed by the
Under Al-Madar Co.
Architect considering the road accesses with appropriate turning radius as
required by NFPA and local authorities.
3.2.3 Sprinklers;
Fire water reserve shall be maintained for one hour operation of fire pump
Under Al-Madar Co.
as required by NFPA.
Page 1 of 12
Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Centrifugal pumps arranged as duty and standby each designed to cater
the 100% demand of the fire protection system. Each fire pump shall have
its own dedicated controller located at fire pump room. Duty fire pump
shall be of electrical motor driven & standby fire pump shall be of diesel
engine driven with a diesel storage tank located within the fire pump
Under Al-Madar Co.
room. The fuel capacity shall be as required for 8 hours operation of the
fire pump. The requirements of electrical & equipments shall comply with
the requirements of NFPA 20, 2007 Edition & NFPA 70, 2007 Edition. The
system pressure shall be maintained by jockey pump. Jockey pump
capacity shall be 5 – 7% of the main fire pump
The entire assembly & components in the fire pump room like but not
limited to pressure relief valve with waste cone, flow testing Under Al-Madar Co.
arrangements, venturi, shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 20
Diesel tank shall be located with in a bund wall & the bund wall shall be
sized for 110% of the fuel tank capacity. Diesel storage tank shall have level Under Al-Madar Co.
indicators to monitor the fuel level in the tank
Diesel tank area shall be provided with a modular type foam water
Under Al-Madar Co.
sprinkler pre action system complying with NFPA 16
3.2.4 Codes and Standards;
The works described in this section shall comply fully with the
requirements of the applicable “Code and Standards” section of this Complied
3.2.5 Pipe Work;
Potable pipe and fittings shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Pipe
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
work” section of this specification
Pipes used in Fire Portection system shall be Hot dip galvanised SEAMLESS
Installation under Al-Madar Co.
steel pipe confirming to ASTM A53, Grade B
3.2.6 Valves;
Valves shall be as scheduled and specified in the “Valves” section of this
specification Under Al-Madar Co.
(2.16.3 through 2.16.17).
Fire protection valves shall all be UL listed and or FM approved with 1380
Complied, we submit OS&Y gate valve with 250 PSI (17.2
kpa (200 psi) minimum pressure. Valve shall have 2070 kPa pressure rating
Bar), UL Listed FM Approved.
if valves are components of high pressure piping system
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for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Sizes 65 mm and above shall be Cast Iron OS&Y Gate valves where
Complied, with model (F-607-RW), NIBCO Brand, OS&Y Gate
indicated. The valve body shall be cast iron with grooved or flanged ends.
Valve, Flanged Ends with 250 PSI (17.2Bar), UL Listed FM
The valve shall be UL / FM approved and rated for 1380 KPa working
pressure (or 1725 KPa where required).
Use class 1725 KPa OS&Y gate valves where required. The valve body shall
be cast iron and shall be designed & manufactured according to AWWA Complied.
OS & Y gate valves have a tamper switch & shall be monitored electrically Complied, with model (OSY2), SYSTEM SENSOR Brand, UL
through a supervisory switch in the fire alarm panel. Listed FM Approved.
Supervision switches shall be installed for all fire protection valves. The
devices shall be electrical; single pole, double-throw; with normally closed
contacts and include design that signals controlled valve is in other than
normal position
Check valves shall be swinging type or split clapper type with flanged /
Complied, with model (F-908-W), NIBCO Brand, Check
grooved ends. The valve body shall be cast iron. The valve shall be UL / FM
Valve, Cast Iron, Flanged Ends with 175 PSI (12.1 Bar), UL
approved and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure (or 1725 KPa where
Listed FM Approved.
Butterfly valves shall be Grooved type with tamper switch. The valve body Complied, with model (GD-4765-8N), NIBCO Brand,
shall be made of ductile Iron coated with nylon-11. The valve shall be UL / Butterfly Valve, Ductile Iron with 300 PSI (20.7 Bar), UL
FM approved and rated for 1380 KPa working pressure. Listed FM Approved.
Riser Check Valve : Grooved Riser check valve Black Enamel Painted,
Ductile Iron Body to ASTM A536 grade 65-45-12 4”-8”, Grade E EPDM
Complied - with model (E2), RELIABLE Brand, Grooved Type
encapsulated Ductile Iron disc, stainless steel spring and shaft, rated to
Riser (Alarm) Check Valve, Color Black, 300 PSI (20.70 Bar),
300psi (1370kPa). Suitable for Anti Hammer service and horizontal or
Horizontal OR Vertical Installation, 2" Drainage Outlet, UL
vertical installation. Provided drilled, tapped and plugged stream for 2” Listed and FM Approved.
drainage outlet and ½” pressure taps both upstream and down stream of
disc. UL Listed and FM approved.
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for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
All pipes used for fire fighting water distribution shall be hot galvanized
steel iron seamless schedule 40 confirming to ASTM A53 Gr. B assembled
Under Al-Madar Co.
with GI threaded fittings for pipe sizes 2" and smaller and with grooved
mechanical fittings for pipe sizes 2½" and larger.
The fire fighting water piping system shall be provided with valves on all
mains and branches for sectionalizing the system for maintenance and Under Al-Madar Co.
All valves used in the fire fighting water piping system (Pump Suction,
Discharge, Risers) shall be of the rising stem type to clearly indicate
whether the valve is in the open or closed position. All these valves shall
Complied - With all valaves used in the fire fighting water
be provided with tamper switch with and shall be monitored through fire
piping system and in the zone control valve shall be OS&Y
alarm system. All valves in the zone control valve shall be butterfly valve
Gate Valves 250 PSI with supervisory switch.
with supervisory switch and shall be monitored through fire alarm system.
The valves shall conform in all other respects to the specifications given
under Valves.
All over ground pipe fittings up to 50mm shall be of malleable iron
threaded joint confirming to ASTM / ASME B16.3 & piping of 65mm and
Under Al-Madar Co.
above shall be of mechanical grooved type confirming to ASTM F1476 &
ASTM F-1548
A 2" drain valve of the globe type shall be provided at the base of every
riser as referred in NFPA13 & 14. Piping shall be sloped not less than 2% Under Al-Madar Co.
towards the drain valves.
The fire fighting water pipes shall not be used in any way to supply water
Under Al-Madar Co.
for other purposes.
All valves shall be supervised electrically in the Fire Alarm Panel. Under Al-Madar Co.
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for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 The installation shall be a Wet Sprinkler System and the flow of water to
Under Al-Madar Co.
the sprinkler pipe work shall be controlled by installation control valves
The system shall be charged with water under pressure up to the sprinkler
heads so that when one or more of the sprinkler heads operates the wet
Under Al-Madar Co.
alarm valve is actuated allowing water to flow from the open sprinkler
The water from the storage tank shall be used as the suction supply for the
electrically driven pumps. Pumps shall be automatic in operation and shall
Under Al-Madar Co.
be designed to comply with the performance characteristic of automatic
pumps as specified in the relevant section of the NFPA Rules.
A jockey pump shall be installed to maintain pressure in the system pipe
Under Al-Madar Co.
The fire water storage tanks shall be located as shown in drawings. The
tanks shall be of concrete construction as detailed on the structural
drawings. High grade corrosion resistant hot deep galvanized steel puddle Under Al-Madar Co.
flanged sleeves shall be used and the velocity in the suction pipe shall not
exceed 4.57m/s.
Water tightness is to be assured by caulking the space between the two
Under Al-Madar Co.
pipes. Provide caulking rings on the inner pipe.
The water tanks shall be lined with a laminated non toxic plastic liner or
equivalents, factory made, with all necessary pipe openings ready formed.
Under Al-Madar Co.
The liner material shall be approved by water authorities for the storage of
potable water.
electrically, flow switch (connected to the fire alarm system) test and drain
valve, pressure gauge, etc to comply with NFPA 13. The outlet of the drain Under Al-Madar Co.
valve shall be connected to the nearest floor drain.
Each sprinkler riser shall be connected with an alarm check valve &
isolation valve. The zoning of the sprinkler system shall comply with the Under Al-Madar Co.
requirements of NFPA 13.
Alarm check valve shall be provided with pressure switches to monitor the
pressure drop in the downstream. An alarm motor gong shall be connected
Complied - with model (E2), RELIABLE Brand, UL Listed and
to the alarm check valve which shall generate mechanical alarm upon flow
FM Approved.
across the alarm check valve. The location of the gong shall be near to the
location of breeching inlet.
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for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Where the void height exceeds 800mm above the false ceiling shall be
Under Al-Madar Co.
considered as a separate zone and shall be provided with sprinkler system.
All the isolation valves shall be provided with a supervisory switch which
shall be electrically supervised in the Main fire alarm panel. There shall be Complied
an individual address for each isolation valve.
Provide fire alarm panel to indicate all sprinkler zone control valve -
monitoring , solenoid valves, FM 200 gaseous fire suppression system and
Under Al-Madar Co.
flow switches. The alarm panel shall be prepared to be connected to the
fire alarm panel of the station or the concerned building (if any).
Both the wet and dry type CVs shall have the following components. Select
the trim as appropriate.
All bronze, Y type strainer with screwed ends, screwed cover and 30 mesh Complied - with Y Type Strainer 3/4" 24 mesh.
stainless steel screen for alarm supply line.
* Pressure Switch
Complied, with model (EPS10-2), SYSTEM SENSOR Brand,
Normally closed, pressure switch with contacts rated for 5amps. The unit Contacts Rated at 10.0 Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 Amp @
shall be fully enclosed with tapped conduit entry. 6/12/24 VDC, UL Listed FM Approved.
* Flow Switches
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Provide vane type flow switches with volt free, normally open contacts Complied, with Flow Switch model (WFD), SYSTEM SENSOR
rated for 5amps and enclosure with tapped conduit entry. The flow switch Brand, Contacts Rated at 10.0 Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5
shall be adjustable, to give contact at flow equal to that of one sprinkler. Amp @ 6/12/24 VDC, UL Listed FM Approved.
The unit shall be complete with pipe size saddle, clamp, sealing gasket etc.
3.2.10 Sprinklers
with the ceiling with ceiling plate cover. The visible parts shall be of satin Complied, with Chrome Finishe for Cover of Pendent Fusible
finish chrome. Element Quick Response Concealed Sprinkler.
The deflector and retaining parts shall be concealed in the sprinkler body . Complied
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Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
The fire pump shall be of the base mounted, single stage, centrifugal type,
horizontal split case directly connected to an electric motor through a
heavy duty flexible coupling for main pump & diesel engine for stand by
pump. Pump and driver shall be mounted on a common cast iron base
plated provided with drip rim, drain tapping, bolt holes and grouting hole.
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete with pump, driver, and
accessories as described below. The pumping unit (Pumps, drives, Under Al-Madar Co.
controllers, couplings, etc) shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories
and FM approved shall meet all requirements of the National Fire
protection Association, 20, 2007 Edition. The pump capacity and pressure
shall be as shown on the Drawings. The pump shall deliver not less than
150% of rated capacity at a pressure not less than 65% of rated pressure.
The shut-off pressure shall not exceed 120% of rated pressure.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron having a minimum tensile strength of
35,000psi and shall be designed for a working pressure of 250 psig and
hydrostatically tested at the factory to not less than 250 psig. Bearing Under Al-Madar Co.
housing supports and suction and discharge flanges shall be integrally cast
with the lower half of the casing. Removal of the upper half of
The impeller shall be of the enclosed type and shall be of vacuum cast
bronze. It shall be dynamically balanced, keyed to the shaft sleeves. The
shaft sleeves shall extend the entire length of the seal boxes to protect the Under Al-Madar Co.
shaft and shall be key locked and threaded so that they tighten with the
rotation of the shaft
Page 8 of 12
Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Teflon gaskets shall be provided between the impeller hub and the shaft
sleeves to protect the pump shaft. The pump shall be equipped with
Under Al-Madar Co.
renewable casing wear rings which shall be locked by dwelling to prevent
The pump rotating element shall be supported by two heavy duty grease
lubricated ball bearings mounted in machined moisture and dust proof
Under Al-Madar Co.
cast iron housing and bolted to the pump casing with register fits to ensure
permanent alignment.
Grease seals and water stingers shall be provided to protect the bearings
from contamination. Bearing housings shall be so designed as to flush
lubricant through the bearing. Easily accessible grease fittings shall be
provided for positive bearing lubrication. The pump shaft shall be of high
strength steel accurately machined to give a true running rotating element.
Under Al-Madar Co.
The shaft shall be sealed by split packing glands designed for easy removal
for inspection and maintenance. The packing shall consist of
INTERWOVEN, GRAPHITED asbestos, diagonally cut packing rings with
lantern ring connected to the pressure side of the pump by a cored
passage in the parting flange of the pump.
The electric motor shall be of the drip-proof, squirrel cage, induction type
with permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings. Motor speed shall
not exceed 2900rpm. The pump shall be provided from the factory with Under Al-Madar Co.
lifting lugs, coupling guard and tapped holes in the suction and discharge
flanges for pressure gauge connections
The fire pump unit shall be supplied complete from the factory with the
Under Al-Madar Co.
following accessories:
* Suction and discharge pressure gauges, not less than 3½" dial,
reading in P.S.I. and having arranged equal to twice the rated design Under Al-Madar Co.
working pressure of the pump complete with gauge valves.
* Main relief valve, size 3" minimum, factory set to open at a
pressure slightly greater than the rated design working pressure of the
Under Al-Madar Co.
pump with capacity to pass all the water discharged by the pump without
developing excessive pressure on the system.
* Casing relief valve sized to prevent overheating of the pump
when operating at shutoff, factory set to open just higher than the rated
Under Al-Madar Co.
design working pressure of the pump and lower than shut-off discharge
* Automatic air release valve on the casing vent. Under Al-Madar Co.
* Suction and discharge matching flanges Under Al-Madar Co.
Each fire pump unit shall be supplied from the factory with controller, for
floor mounting, of water tight construction and marked Fire Pump Under Al-Madar Co.
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for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 The controller shall be of the combined manual and automatic, across-the-
line type and shall contain the following: Externally operable disconnect
switch, circuit breaker with an inter rupting capacity to suit the motor
Under Al-Madar Co.
magnetic starter, pressure switch, pilot lamp to indicate circuit breaker
closed and power available, ammeter test link, voltmeter test studs, and a
two position selector switch marked automatic and non automatic.
The controller shall be completely assembled, wired and tested at the
factory, ready for installation and operation with simple external electrical
Under Al-Madar Co.
connections. The controller shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 20
& NFPA 70
Fire Pump controllers are to be located within the Fire pump room which is
Under Al-Madar Co.
to be sprinkle red, hence the controllers shall be drip proof as well
The pump shall be given a complete performance test at the factory with
Under Al-Madar Co.
positive suction pressure and with a 15 foot suction lift.
NPSH shall be calculated and considered for designing the pump. Under Al-Madar Co.
All fire pumps shall be designed to be suitable for the prevailing climatic
conditions in Saudi Arabia. Factory visit shall be provided by the contractor
at no extra cost to the client for employer’s representative/s to witness the Under Al-Madar Co.
factory testing with performance of fire pump sets before shipment to the
project site.
3.2.12 Jockey Fire Pump
The Jockey fire pump shall be vertical multi stages stainless steel
Under Al-Madar Co.
The electrical motor shall be close-coupled to the pump and shall be of the
drip-proof, squirrel cage induction type with permanently Lubricated and Under Al-Madar Co.
sealed ball bearings. Motor speed shall not exceed 2900 rpm
The pump shall be provided from the factory with one suitable starter of
the totally enclosed, wall mounted, direct on line type with low volt and Under Al-Madar Co.
overload protection in each phase and suitable for automatic operation.
No pipe serving automatic sprinklers shall be less than 1" even if serving
only sprinkler. All connections of sprinkler pipes shall be made to the top
of cross mains and feed mains to keep dirt and sediment out of sprinklers
and sprinkler pipe. The ends of all the cross of feed mains shall be
provided with a flush and test connection comprised of 1" gate valve and Under Al-Madar Co.
1" hose adapter to allow fitting a 1" rubber hose for manually discharging
the water to the nearest bathroom of sanitary fixture. No test outlet shall
be made less than 1" in order to give a test flow equivalent to the flow
from one sprinkler.
A Hydraulic Calculation to be submitted by the specialised contractor
Under Al-Madar Co.
complying with NFPA 13 &14.
3.2.14 Hangers And Supports
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Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Horizontal pipes shall be supported by hangers of the universal pipe loop
type. The hangers shall have rods that are adjustable in length and washer
type ceiling plates. The hanger shall be attached to the concrete of the
ceiling by means of expansion shields of size to suit the hanger rod size.
The hangers shall have the thickness and width of flat steel and the size of
hanger rod as given in the following table:
Pipe Dimensions Size of Rod Size of Flat Steel
1" -2" 1/16" x 5/8" 3/8"
2 1/2" & 3" 3/32" x 3/4" 1/2"
Under Al-Madar Co.
4" & 5" 1/8" x 3/4" 5/8"
6" 1/8" x 1" 3/4"
All pipe sizes shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 3 meters. Cross
mains of automatic sprinkler piping shall be supported independently of
the branch line hangers.
One hanger shall be provided on each length between branch lines.
Hangers shall be installed without regard to the locations of pipe sleeves
through walls. The pipe shall be centred in the sleeve and not supported
by it. Vertical pipes shall be supported at every floor by means of clamps
bolted around the pipe with legs on both sides that rest on the concrete
3.2.15 Standpipe
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Sela Company شركة صلة
for Power, Automation & Safety Systems ألنظمة القوى والتحكم والسالمة
Specifications Compliance
Client : Al Madar Co. Date: March 18 , 2010
Project: Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project - MAKKAH Our Ref: J091205FF-02L
3.2.1 Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as required by NFPA 10, 2007
Edition. The stored pressure extinguishers shall be 4.5 kg, ABC dry powder
Under Al-Madar Co.
or 5 kg carbon dioxide type or 2 kg ABC dry powder. The extinguisher shall
include a gauge for indication of pressure.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed at a suitable height and in the
hose cabinets. Where fire extinguishers are installed on the wall, they shall Under Al-Madar Co.
be complete with wall mounting brackets.
The fire extinguishers shall be designed and constructed as per the latest
Under Al-Madar Co.
BS 5423, shall be UL/FM approved.
All the equipments used in fire fighting system shall be UL/FM approved &
Complied, with UL Listed or/and FM Approved.
shall also be one approved by local authorities.
Pipes, fittings and all the valves, sprinklers, equipments used in Fire
fighting system shall be pressure rated to suit to the operation of shut of Under Al-Madar Co.
pressure of the pumps
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CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Sprinkler System Components
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Model JL112 & J112 ECLH/ECOH Upright SIN RA 7326 is Corrosion Resistant with
(SIN R7326 – Link and RA7326 – Bulb) White Polyester Coating.
• Quick Response for Light Hazard
(16' x 16', 18' x 18' and 20' x 20' spacing)
• Quick Response for Ordinary Hazard
(12' x 12' and 14' x 14' spacing)
• Standard Response for Ordinary Hazard
(16' x 16', 18' x 18' and 20' x 20' spacing)
1. Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard protection to
400 ft2 (37.2m2) per sprinkler.
2. Nominal K = 11.2 (160).
3. Available in brass, chrome and polyester coated
4. For applications as per NFPA 13. Model JL112 Upright Model J112 Upright
(R 7326) - Link (RA 7326) - Bulb
Approvals Organizations
1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
2. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (cULus) This ECLH/ECOH sprinkler is available in various
3. NYC MEA 258-93-E finishes, which includes a white polyester corrosion
resistant finish.
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford NY 10523
Sprinkler Model Specifications
Temperature Rating Max. Ceiling Temp. Maximum Maximum
Sprinkler Model Type Sprinkler Coverage THD Size Approvals
°F °C °F °C Spacing Area
JL112 ECLH/ECOH- R7326 Upright 165 74 100 38
20' 400 ft2
JL112 /ECOH- R7326 Upright 212 100 150 66 ¾"
J112 ECLH/ECOH- RA7326 Upright 155 68 100 38 NPT
20' 400 ft2
J112 ECLH/ECOH- RA7326 Upright 200 93 150 66
For metric equivalent see Conversion Table.
Conversion Table
1 in = 25.4 mm 1 gpm = 3.785 lpm
1 ft = 0.3048 m 1 gpm/ft2 = 40.74 mm/mim
1 ft2 = 0.093 m2 1 psi = 0.6895 bar
J1 Wrench Sprinkler Finishes
White Polyester Coated
Ordering Information
1. Sprinkler Model
2. Temperature Rating
3. Finish
Minimum Flow Requirements For Earlier Editions of NFPA 13 - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
NFPA13 - 1991 Requirements NFPA13 - 1989 Requirements "K" Factor
Ordinary Hazard 1 Ordinary Hazard 2 Ordinary Hazard 1 Ordinary Hazard 2 Ordinary Hazard 3
Spacing 0.15 gpm/ft2 0.20 gpm/ft2 0.16 gpm/ft2 0.19 gpm/ft2 0.21 gpm/ft2
Area US Metric
Density Density Density Density Density
*Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure *Flow *Pressure
14' x 14'
196 ft2 30.2 7.0 39.2 11.9 31.4 7.6 37.3 10.7 41.2 13.0
and less
16' x 16' 256 ft2 38.4 11.4 51.2 20.2 41.0 12.9 48.7 18.2 53.8 22.3 11.4 164.4
18' x 18' 324 ft 48.6 18.2 64.8 32.3 51.9 20.7 61.6 29.2 68.0 35.7
20' x 20' 400 ft2 60.0 27.7 80.0 49.3 64.0 31.5 76.0 44.5 84.0 54.3
Location of Deflector to Horizontal Obstruction
Maximum Allowable Distance
Distance from Sprinkler
Deflector Above Bottom of
to Side of Obstruction
Fig. 1
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances, whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by RELIABLE have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled Paper
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data. Internet Address EG. Printed in U.S.A. 09/08 P/N 9999970311
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Finishes Maintenance
Standard Finishes Model G XLO Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and
the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA
25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or
Chrome any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush
Special Application Finishes or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been
Lead Plated (1) - 165°F (74°C), 212°F (100°C) and
painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A
286°F (141°C) Temp. Ratings stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick
Wax (1) (2) - 165°F (74°C) Clear Wax, 212°F replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to instal-
(100°C) Brown Wax lation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons
Wax/Lead (1) (2) - 165°F (74°C) Clear Wax, 212°F
(100°C) Brown Wax
and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage
to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-opera-
UL Listed only.
212°F (100°C) Brown wax may be used on 286°F (141°C) Sprinklers tion.
when maximum ambient temperatures do not exceed 150°F (66°C)
Ordering Information
The UL Specific Application Listing is: Specify:
The Model G XLO upright sprinkler is intended for use in accor- 1. Sprinkler Model
dance with NFPA 13* standards when installed in accordance 2. Temperature Rating
with the standard sprinkler positioning and area/density flow cal- 3. Finishes
culation requirements as specified in each respective standard.
Model G XLO upright sprinklers may also be installed to protect
single, double and multiple – row and portable rack storage of
Class I–IV, Groups A and B plastics, cartoned, expanded or un-
expanded, as well as exposed unexpanded with a maximum Model H Sprinkler Use only the Model H
storage height of 20 ft. (6.5m), maximum ceiling height of 25 ft. sprinkler wrench for sprinkler
(8.2m) or 27** ft (8.8m) maximum ceiling height, 36” (914mm) removal and installation. Any
other type of wrench may
minimum deflector to top of storage clearance, design density damage the sprinkler.
of 0.60 gpm/ft2. (24.7 L/min/m2), and a design area of 2000 ft2.
(186m2) for wet systems and 2600 ft2. (242m2) for dry systems.
The Model GXLO sprinkler meets the NFPA 13* code stan-
dards for approval by Factory Mutual and listings by Underwrit-
ers Laboratories & Underwriters Laboratories of Canada.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Productsmanufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly
qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Internet Address EG. Printed in U.S.A 11/09 P/N 9999970022
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
1. Cover plate attachment with 12² (13mm)
assembly adjustment.
2. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile.
3. Factory installed protective cap.
4. Available in brass, chrome or black
plated and white painted finishes.
5. Ordinary temperature rating.
6. Multiple orifices for design flexibility.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. , 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Installation Ordering Information
Do not install the G4A Concealer in ceilings which have 1. Sprinkler Model
positive pressure in the space above. 2. Nominal Orifice
• Cut a 25 8 inch (67mm) diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the 3. Flat Cover Plate
sprinkler is easily installed with the Model G4 Wrench. The Assembly Finish
wrench has drive tangs which insert into the cup slots. 4. Inlet Type
When installing a sprinkler the wrench is first positioned into
the sprinkler/cup assembly until the wrench tangs engage
the drive slots in the top of the cup (there are two sets of Cover Plate Finishes
drive slots in the cup). The sprinkler is then tightened into
the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from Standard Finishes
the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent Bronze
damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY Chrome
Install the cover plate by hand turning the cover in the Wrench
clockwise direction until it is tight against the ceiling. Special Application
A protective cap is provided to protect the drop-down sprinkler Finishes
deflector from damage which could occur during construction UL Listing Category
Bright Brass
before the cover plate is installed. The cap is factory installed Black Plating Sprinklers, Automatic and
inside the sprinkler cup. Remove cap to install sprinkler, then Black Paint Open
re-install cap until the cover plate is installed. Off White Quick Response Sprinkler
Maintenance Satin Chrome UL Guide Number
â (1)
The Model G4A Concealer should be inspected quarterly Other finishes and colors are VNIV
available on special order.
and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA Consult factory for details.
25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any
other cleaning fluids. Remove any sprinkler that has been
painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A Temperature Rating
stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick Classification Sprinkler Cover Max. Ambient
replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to Plate Temp.
installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original Ordinary 165°F/74°C 135°F/57°C 100°F/38°C
cartons and packaging to minimize the potential for damage to
sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Intermediate 212°F/100°C 165°F/74°C 150°F/66°C
Technical Data
Total Nominal Nominal K Factor Sprinkler
Sprinkler Inlet Adjustment Orifice Thread Approvals Identifcation (SIN)
US Metric
Non Adjustable ½² (13mm) ½² (15mm) 5.6 80 ½² NPT (R½) 1,2,3,4 R5415
Non Adjustable ½² (13mm) 16² (11mm) 4.2 60 ½ ²NPT (R½) 1,2,4 R5413
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) ½² (15mm) 5.6 80 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5418
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) 7 ² (11mm) 4.2 60 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5413
Adjustable 1½² (38mm) 3 ² (10mm) 2.8 40 1² NPT Male or Female 1,2,4 R5412
Fig.1 - ½² NPT Non-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 2 - 1² NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 3 - 1² NPT Female-Adjustable Inlet
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified
and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
(914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices Internet Address EG. Printed in USA 4/07 P/N 9999970150
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Sprinkler Guard
Model C & Model D
Bulletin 208 Rev.F
Sprinkler Guards
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. • 525 North MacQuesten Parkway • Mount Vernon • New York • 10552
Model C-1 Guards
Model D-1 Guards Model D-3 Guards
Guards are approved to be used with sprinklers listed below.
Pendent Intermediate
D-4 G, GFR, F1, F1FR ½”, 17/32 R3115, R3117
(Large Shield)
R1616, R5314,
C-2 F3, F3QR Pendent ½” R5314, R5714
R5714, R4216
R1015, R1017,
C-5 G, F1, F1FR Pendent Intermediate ½”, 17/32” R3615, R1715,
R1712, R3612
(1) MEA approval on D-1, D-3, D-4, D-5, C-2, and C-3
(2) SSL approval on C-1, C-2, and C-3
(3) Model GFR does not have FM Approval.
(4) Sprinkler guards are listed and approved only for use with specific sprinklers. The use of any other
guards on these sprinklers may impede their operation or distribution and negate all approvals and warranties.
Overall Cage Size: • Model D Guards
Before a sprinkler is installed into a fitting, assemble
Models C-1, C-2, C-5 the guard on the sprinkler using the same technique
27 8² (73mm) High X 23 4² (70mm) Diameter described above for the Model C Guards. Then
install a ½² or ¾² locking nut on to the NPT threads
Models C-3, D-3, D-6 until the nut is tight against the guard. Each guard is
supplied with both size of locking nuts. The
23 4² (70mm) High X 4 12² (114mm) Diameter assembly of sprinkler and guard is then wrenched
into place using an adjustable wrench maximum
Models D-1, D-5 size 8² and a jaw opening of 1 18² (for D-1, D-3, D-4
25 8² (67mm) High X 3² (76mm) Diameter or D-5) or an adjustable wrench maximum size 10²
and a jaw opening of 1516² (for D-6).
Model C-4
Wrench must be placed over the guard. Do not
27 8² High X 4 12² Diameter use the wrench directly on the sprinkler wrench
boss. The sprinkler wrench boss requires a
special wrench.
Installation Instructions
• Model C Guards
With both cups unhooked, slightly spread open the Finish
guard. Insert steel plate into the installed sprinkler Standard Finish—Zinc with chromate dip.
between the threads and the wrench flats. The steel Other finishes, quoted on request.
plate tabs should face the sprinkler wrench flats and four
contact points engage the sprinkler neck.
For Model C-2, the steel plate fits into the groove in Ordering Information
each wrench flat and the guard is located by the notch in • Guard Type (D-1,D-2 etc.)
both steel plates. • Finish (Standard or other)
Snap the farther locking clip into place, then close the
near clip. The guard is now securely installed in place. If • Sprinkler Inlet Thread Size,
locking clip requires too much force to snap closed or D-4 & D-5 Guards Only.
open, slightly flex the wires on both sides of the clip and • Optional: Consult Factory for assembly on
either close or open the clip. sprinkler.
Specify Sprinkler:
- Type.
- Temperature Rating.
- Finish.
• Wrench: Not supplied by Reliable
Reliable...For Complete Protection
Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many
precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly
qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Water Flow Detector (WFD) -WFD30-2
S p r i n k l e r S y s t e m s M o n i t o r i n g
WFD Series
Waterflow Detector
UL ULC/Canadian
Models Models WFD40
WFD30-2 WFD30-2A
Replacement Parts
Product Overview
New WFD30-2 models install in 2″ System Sensor’s WFD series is compatible with schedule 10 through 40 steel pipe,
hole sizes sizes 2″ through 8″, and can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position.
UL models are NEMA 4 rated Robust Construction. The WFD series consists of a rugged, NEMA 4 rated enclo-
Sealed retard mechanism assures that sure. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, the WFD series operates across
the retard is not contaminated by dust a wide temperature range, from 32°F to 120°F.
and dirt when the cover is removed
Reliable Performance. UL listed models are equipped with tamper resistant cover
Visual switch activation permits installer screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form C) syn-
to accurately set retard under noisy chronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure reliable
conditions performance.
Rugged, dual SPDT switches are
False Alarm Immunity. The WFD series incorporates a mechanical retard feature,
enclosed in a durable terminal block
which minimizes the risk of false alarm due to pressure surges or air trapped in
Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire the sprinkler system. In addition, the mechanical retard’s unique sealed design is
100% synchronization activates
immune to dust and other contaminants.
both alarm panel and local bell
Simplified Operation. The WFD series is designed to simplify installation. Two
conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system. The retard
mechanism and dual SPDT switches are field-replaceable.
S739 7770-1209:140
167-93-E 1W9A2.AH
Engineering Specifications
Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawing and/or as specified herein. Detectors
shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate nominal size, either a vertical upflow or horizontal run, at least 6″ from any
fittings which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24″ from a valve or drain. Detectors shall
have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 450 psi* for 2″ - 8″ pipes. The detector
shall respond to waterflow in the specified direction after a preset time delay which is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be
a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane
inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual
SPDT switches (Form C contacts). Two conduit entrances for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided
on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. Unless noted, enclosures shall be NEMA 4 listed by Underwriters Laboratories
Inc. All detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for indoor or outdoor use.
Standard Specifications
Static Pressure Rating Conduit Entrances Service Use
450 PSI* Two openings for 1⁄2″ conduit. One open, one knock- Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA-13
out type One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D
Triggering Threshold Bandwidth (Flow Rate) Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R
4–10 GPM Operating Temperature Range
32ºF to 120ºF (0ºC to 49ºC) National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA-72
Maximum Surge Warranty
18 Feet Per Second (FPS) Enclosure Rating*
NEMA 4 – suitable for indoor/outdoor use 3 Years
Compatible Pipe: U.S. Patent Numbers
Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40 Cover Tamper Switch 3,845,259
Standard with ULC models 4,782,333
Contact Ratings Optional for UL models, part no. 546-7000 5,213,205
Two sets of SPDT (Form C)
10.0 A, 1/2 HP @ 125/250 VAC Shipping Weight
2.5 A @ 6/12/24 VDC WFD20: 4.2 lbs. WFD40: 5.2 lbs.
WFD25: 4.3 lbs. WFD50: 6.3 lbs.
Overall Dimensions Installed: WFD30-2: 4.5 lbs. WFD60: 6.8 lbs.
WFD35: 4.7 lbs. WFD80: 7.5 lbs. T16-0010-XXX
B AWAY FROM NOTE: Common and B connections will
close when vane is deflected, i.e.,
Delay Adjustment Dial: COM
when water is flowing. Dual switches
3.75″ M SWITCH SCHEMATIC OM permit applications to be combined
•READY• STATE C on a single detector.
$)!, )3 !002 SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2
$ELAY /. ).
2 $%,!9 3%#/ /8)-
"% % .$ !
125/250 VAC 10 AMPS
24 VDC 2.5 AMPS
U bolt nut 1.6″ To nonsilenceable end-of-line resistor
initiating zone of
Pipe saddle
Plastic vane
Model Width Model Width To power source
WFD20 4.6″ WFD40 6.8″ with bell bell Break wire as shown for
U bolt WFD25 4.6″ WFD50 7.8″ COM supervision of connection.
DO NOT allow stripped wire
WFD30-2 5.2″ WFD60 9.0″ WFD leads to extend beyond
WFD35 5.7″ WFD80 10.8″ switch assembly switch housing. DO NOT
Width: See Table loop wires.
Typical Local Bell Connection
Ordering Information
UL Model Numbers ULC/Canadian Model Numbers Pipe Size Hole Size Part Number Description
WFD20 WFD20A 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ A3008-00 Retard mechanism
WFD25 WFD25A 2 1⁄ 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ A77-01-02 Terminal block
WFD30-2 WFD30-2A 3″ 2″ 546-7000 Tamper proof switch kit
WFD35 WFD35A 3 1⁄ 2″ 1 1⁄ 4″ WFDW Tamper proof wrench for cover
WFD40 WFD40A 4″ 2″ WFDN4 Gasket kit
WFD50 WFD50A 5″ 2″
WFD60* WFD60A 6″ 2″
WFD80* WFD80A 8″ 2″
*Maximum pressure rating 400 psi as approved by Factor y Mutual.
Supervisory Switch (Model: OSY2)
Product Overview
Sensitivity adjustment wheel, System Sensor EPS10 Series switches are designed for use in wet, dry, deluge, and pre-
no tools required action automatic sprinkler systems to indicate a discharge from a sprinkler. The EPS10-1
has a single SPDT switch while the EPS10-2 model contains two SPDT switches.
Reinforced diaphragm resists
pressure spikes
The EPS10 Series features field adjustable pressure sensitivity to provide an alarm
Two conduit entrances provided response between 4 and 20 psi. It is factory set to respond at 4 – 8 psi on rising
pressure. The pressure adjustment wheel requires no special tools and does not
NEMA 4 rated
affect switch synchronization on the EPS10-2.
Pressure Switch Basic Dimensons Electrical Connections for EPS10-1 and EPS10-2
©2003 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0176-008•6/03•#1037
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Supervisory Switch
Models Available
OSY2 OS&Y Supervisory Switch
Replacement Parts
OSYRK Replacement Hardware Kit
546 -7000 Cover Tamper Switch Kit
S07- 66 - xx Tamper Screws for Cover
WFDW Cover Wrench
HEXW Replacement Hex Wrench
Product Overview
NEMA 3R rated enclosure System Sensor’s OSY2 is used to monitor the open position of an Outside Screw
and Yoke (OS&Y) type gate valve.
User-friendly mounting bracket
fits newer valve yokes Robust Construction. The OSY2 consists of a rugged housing, intended for
indoor and outdoor use. When installed with the actuator in the vertical
Single side conduit entry does not position, the OSY2 is NEMA 3R rated per UL.
require right angle fittings
Application Flexibility. The OSY2 features a user-friendly mounting bracket
Adjustable length actuator eliminates and adjustable shaft to permit mounting to most OS&Y valves, ranging in
the need for cutting the shaft size from 1″ to 12″. Its right angle design and wide bracket span provides
maximum clearance for valve components, to accommodate troublesome
Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire valves. Removing the OSY2’s gate valve bracket allows the unit to monitor
side-bracket style pressure reducing valves.
Three position switch monitors
vandal and valve close signals Simplified Operation. Installation is made easier with the OSY2’s single side
conduit entrance. By providing a direct conduit pathway to the electrical
Two SPDT contacts are enclosed in a source, right angle fittings are not required. Installation is further simplified
durable terminal block for added strength by the OSY2’s adjustable length actuator, which eliminates the need for
cutting the shaft.
100% synchronization activates both
alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Reliable Performance. The OSY2 is equipped with tamper resistant cover
screws to prevent unauthorized entry. Inside, two sets of SPDT (Form C)
synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block to assure
reliable performance.
OW6A8.AY 167– 93 – E
Engineering Specifications
Model shall be model number OSY2 supervisory switch as manufactured by System Sensor. OSY2 shall be installed
on each valve as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere
with the normal operation of the valve and shall be adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control
or when the stem has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position. The mechanism shall be
contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2″ conduit and incorporate
the necessary facilities for attachment to the valve. A grounding provision is provided. The switch assembly shall include
two switches each with a rated capacity of 10 Amp @ 125/250VAC and 2.5 Amp @ 24VDC. The cover shall contain
tamper-resistant screws for which a security wrench will be provided with each switch. The OSY2 shall be Underwriters
Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The OSY2 shall be Factory Mutual, CSFM, and MEA approved.
Standard Specifications
Contact Ratings Operating Temperature Range Ser vice Use
Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 32ºF to 120°F ( 0ºC to 49ºC) Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13
10.0 A @ 125/250VAC NOTE: The OSY2 will operate from – 40ºF to 120ºF One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D
(– 40ºC to 49ºC); however UL does not test control Residential Occupancies up to 4 stories: NFPA 13R
2.5 @ 6/12/24VDC valve super visor y switches below 32ºF (0ºC). National Fire Alarm code: NFPA 72
Overall Switch Dimensions Enclosure Rating Warranty
5 3/4″H x 3 1/2″W x 3 1/4″D UL indoor/outdoor 3 years
(14.6cm x 8.9cm x 8.2cm) NEMA 3R when mounted with the actuator ver tical
U.S. Patent Nos.
Bracket Span Cover Tamper Switch 5,478,038; 5,213,205
2 1/4″H x 6 3/4″W x 1″D Standard with ULC model
(5.7cm x 17.1cm x 2.5cm) Optional for UL model, par t no. 546 -7000
Maximum Stem Extension
25/8″ (6.7cm)
Electrical Connections for OSY2
Shipping Weight
2.8 lbs. (1.3 kg)
Top View
Conduit Entrances Switch 1
125/250 VAC 10 AMPS
Strip Gauge 24 VDC 2.5 AMPS
OSY2 Mounting
Sup. Switch Sup. Switch
THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES OF THE FOLLOWING MOUNTING to nonsilenceable initiating end-of-line resistor
to power source
compatible local
with bell bell Break wire as shown for supervision
COM of connection. DO NOT allow stripped
ACTUATOR ACTUATOR ACTUATOR VERTICAL wire leads to extend beyond switch
Ordering Information
Model Number Description
OSY2 Outside Screw and Yoke valve super visor y switch
OSY2A Outside Screw and Yoke valve super visor y switch (ULC model)
©2004 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0196-008•07/04•#1309
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
High Pressure Alarm Check Valve (E3)
Bulletin 410 Rev. D
Bulletin 410
Model E3 High Pressure
Alarm Check Valve
4² (100mm), 6² (150mm),
Rev. D
165 mm & 8² (200mm)
1. 300 psi (20,7 bar) ratings. Factory tested
hydrostatically to 600 psi (41,4 bar).
2. Grooved seat design ensures positive
water flow alarm operation.
3. Precision retard chamber minimizes false
alarms under variable pressure conditions.
4. External by-pass minimizes false alarms
under all supply pressure conditions.
5. Grooved inlet and outlet connections.
Less weight than flange valves.
6. Vertical and horizontal trims available.
7. Three compact galvanized trim styles
• Individual part trim
• Segmentally assembled trim
• Factory trimmed valve
8. TestANDrainâ valve with pressure relief,
• Exercises the clapper with alarm test.
• Functions like the Inspector’s Test
Port with greater convenience.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Operation Valve Description
Variable Pressure 1. Rated working pressure: 300 (20,7 bar).
The Reliable Model E3 High Pressure Alarm Valve 2. Factory hydrostatic test pressure: 600 psi (41,4 bar).
in it’s closed and open positions is shown in 3. End and trim connections:
Figures 1 and 2. The closed position is maintained • Threaded openings per ANSI B 2.1 or ISO 7/1 R.
as long as the water pressure in the sprinkler
system piping above the alarm valve is greater • Grooves per ANSI/AWWA C606.
than, or equal to, the supply pressure. A flow of 4. Color: Black.
water in the system piping, resulting from the Red (E3A*)
discharge through one or more fused automatic Red (Metric)
sprinklers, causes the clapper to rise off its
grooved seat and permits water from the supply to Groove Dimensions
enter the system for distribution on the fire.
Water now flows through the uncovered groove Face To Valve
Valve Outlet Groove Groove
and alarm line into the retard chamber. Once the Size Dia. Dia. Width
retard chamber is filled the water flow activates the
mechanical and electrical alarms (Figs. 3 & 4). in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in mm
Virtually all sprinkler system piping contains 4 100 4.500 114.0 4.334 110.1 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3 & E3A*
confined air. If a water hammer or pressure surge 6 150 6.625 168.0 6.455 164.0 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3
occurs in the supply line, the increased pressure
will compress the confined air and cause the alarm 6 165 6.500 165.0 6.330 160.8 3 8 9.5 5 8 16 E3A*
valve clapper to lift intermittently which may result 8 200 8.625 219 8.441 214 716 11 3 4 19 E3 &E3A*
in false alarms. The Reliable Model E3 Alarm Valve * “A” designates valves made for Australia
minimizes false alarms under these conditions by
two features:
a. The by-pass connection with check valve (Figs. 3 & 4) Model E3 Trim Description
allows pressure surges from the supply to by-pass the The basic trims for the Reliable Model E3 High
Pressure Alarm Valve (Figs. 3 & 4), are arranged for
alarm valve clapper. An excess system pressure is rapid, easy and compact attachment, and serve as
thus created which steadies the clapper. Should a connection points to Reliable alarm and other
heavy surge unseat the clapper and permit water to devices. They also act as a means for testing the
flow into the alarm line, the retarding chamber then operation of the alarm devices without causing the
comes into action. system to operate. The Model E3 high pressure alarm
valves are available in two trims and may be installed
b. Two Drain Orifice restrictions on the supply side of in the vertical or horizontal position in the main supply
the Retard Chamber allow intermittent flow to be to the wet pipe system:
drained before the Chamber fills and activates the • Constant Pressure Closed Drain – Retard chamber
alarms. not required. This trim set is used where water supply
Constant Pressure pressure does not vary such as a gravity tank. The
The operation of the Model E3 Alarm Valve in mechanical sprinkler alarm line automatically drains
installations where the water pressure is constant to the 2² (50mm) main drain line.
is the same as described above, with this • Variable Pressure Closed Retard Chamber Drain –
exception: The retard chamber is not required and Retard chamber required. This trim set is used where
water passing through the groove in the alarm water supply pressures vary. The retard chamber and
valve seat flows directly to activate the mechanical mechanical sprinkler alarm line are drained through a
and electrical alarms. closed, checked connection to the 2² (50mm) main
drain line. Only one drain connection is required.
• The trim set permits both vertical
and horizontal installation.
• A TestANDrain valve segment is optional, to
be purchased separately, as a replacement to
Model E3 High Pressure Alarm Valve (Figs. 1&2) the valve (Figs. 3 & 4).
Model E3 Vertical & Horizontal Trim Illustrations
Installation Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Valve A B C D E F G H I J K L M
4² 7² 10½² 15² 6² 16¾² 15² 3½² 5¾² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 8¼²
(100mm) (178) (267) (381) (152) (426) (381) (89) (146) (305) (114) (165) (254) (210)
6² 75 8 ² 11½² 16² 7² 15¼² 16½² 4¼² 7² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 6¾²
(150mm) (194) (292) (406) (178) (387) (419) (108) (108) (305) (114) (165) (254) (172)
8² 75 8 ² 11½² 16² 7² 15¼² 16½² 4¼² 7² 12² 4½² 6½² 10² 6¾²
(200mm) (194) (292) (406) (178) (387) (419) (108) (108) (305) (114) (165) (254) (172)
Installation must be made with 300 psi (20,7 bar) minimum rated grooved couplings, such as the Star Fittings Model C-2 LW. To
mate with ANSI Class 250 or Class 300 Flanges, use listed grooved flanged adapters having appropriate pressure rating.
Variable Pressure, Variable Pressure,
Vertical Trim — Top View Horizontal Trim — Top View
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory
Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the
most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by:
Iron Body Check Valves (500 PSI WWP)
AHEAD OF THE F L O W® Revision 4/20/2009
1. Body Bolt Steel ASTM A 307
2. Identification Plate Aluminum
3. Bonnet Cast Iron ASTM A 126 Class B
4. Body Gasket Reinforced Graphite
5. Body Nut Steel ASTM A 307
6. Side Plug Brass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000
7. Hanger Pin Brass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000
8. Hanger Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
9. Disc Nut Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
10. Disc Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
11. Seat Ring Cast Bronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400
12. Body Cast Iron ASTM A 126 Class B
Dimensions F-968-B
Size A B D E Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 11.50 292 5.83 149 7.50 191 1.00 25 62 28
3 80 12.50 318 6.31 160 8.25 210 1.13 29 77 35
4 100 14.00 356 7.56 192 10.00 254 1.25 32 129 58
6 150 17.50 445 8.50 216 12.50 318 1.44 37 225 102
* Proper machining facilities required.
Flg x Flg
NIBCO Iron Body Check Valves may be installed in both horizontal and
vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position.
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
38 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm (Model C)
Bul le tin 612 Rev. I
Model C
1. Dependable − Pelton Wheel Type.
2. Prompt − Positive Operation.
3. Nylon Bearings − No Lubrication
4. Compact − Lightweight − Easily
5. Rust-Free Cast Aluminum Gong.
No Gong Cover Needed.
6. Gong Available in Red and Bright
Metallic Finishes. The Re li able Model C Me chan i cal Alarm, also called
a water motor and gong, is the hydro-mechanical
7. Self-Setting After Operation alarm of Re li able Wet and Dry Pipe Au to matic Sprin -
kler Sys tems. Usually mounted on an out side build -
Eliminating Need of Removing ing wall and energized by water flowing from the
Cov ers, Plates, Etc. to Re set In ter nal alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve, it au to mat i cally sounds
Mechanisms. a con tin u ous pierc ing alarm when the sprin kler sys-
tem op er ates to ex tin guish a fire.
1. Listed by Un der writers Lab o ra tories, Inc. (UL).
2. Listed by Un der writers Lab o ra tories of Can ada (ULC).
3. Ap proved by Fac tory Mu tual Re search Cor po ra tion, (FM).
4. Verband der Schandenversicherer eV. (VdS).
5. Loss Pre ven tion Coun cil (LPC).
6. NYC BS & A No. 587-75-SA.
The Re li able Au to matic Sprin kler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Park way, Mount Vernon, New York 10552
The drive shaft is furnished in a standard length of 18”
When an alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve is operated by the for a 14” (355mm) wall. Longer shafts for thicker walls are
fusing of one or more automatic sprinklers due to fire, furnished on request. The drive shaft can be installed by
water flows through the ¾ inch strainer, and ¾ inch removing the body cover and pelton wheel from the
piping that connects the mechanical sprinkler alarm to body.
the alarm or dry pipe valve. On entering the mechanical
sprinkler alarm inlet, the water passes through the The gong has a raised boss at its center so that
nozzle and impinges against the pelton wheel blades identification nameplates can be retained by the 3 8” gong
causing the pelton wheel to rotate. The striker assembly bolt. A standard fire alarm identification sign for
connected to the pelton wheel by the drive shaft also at tach ment be low sprin kler alarm gongs can be sup plied
rotates causing the striker to impact against the gong by Re li able.
producing a continuous piercing alarm. The water, after The Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm shall be located as
impinging against the pelton wheel, drains off through near to the alarm (wet) or dry pipe valve as practicable to
the 1-inch drain outlet in the body housing. avoid long runs or many fittings in the piping that
The alarm continues to sound as long as water is flowing connects to such devices. Galvanized or brass pipe of a
through the sprinkler system. It may be shut off by closing size not less than ¾” (19mm) is to be used. The ¾”
the alarm control valve located in the piping line (19mm) Strainer, provided with the Mechanical Sprinkler
connecting the mechanical sprinkler alarm with the alarm Alarm, must be installed at the alarm outlet of the water
(wet) or dry pipe valve. flow detecting device. When a retarding chamber is
used in connection with an alarm valve, the strainer shall
Reliable Model C Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm is self be located at the outlet of the retarding chamber.
setting after each operation, eliminating the need of
removing cover plates, etc. to reset internal mechanisms. The 1-inch drain outlet should discharge into an open
drain. For installation instructions, refer to the separate
Installation bulletins, “Instructions for Installation, Operation, Care
and Maintenance” for Reliable Mechanical Sprinkler
The Reliable Model C Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm is Alarms, Alarm (Wet) Valves and Dry Pipe Valves.
easily installed. As illustrated in the figure below, a ¾”
(19mm) support pipe of appropriate length runs through
the wall supporting the pelton wheel body on the inside
wall surface and the gong assembly on the exterior wall
surface. The entire assembly can be secured and
aligned by simply screwing the body onto the support
pipe, compressing the wall support washer.
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and
reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Recycled
(800) 431-1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848-6051 Sales Fax
(914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated or new data.
www.reliablesprinkler .com Internet Address E.G.. Printed in U.S.A 08/01 P/N 9999970059
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Ductile Iron Body Swing Check Valve (Class 150)
AHEAD OF THE F L O W® Revised 9/28/2009
Size A B D E Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2 50 8.00 203 3.94 100 6.00 152 .63 16 24 11
2¹⁄₂ 65 8.50 216 4.50 114 7.00 178 .69 17 35 16
3 80 9.50 241 5.13 130 7.50 191 .75 19 47 21
4 100 11.50 292 6.13 156 9.00 229 .94 24 81 37
5 125 13.00 330 6.81 173 10.00 254 .94 24 100 45 F-938-31
6 150 14.00 356 8.00 203 11.00 279 1.00 25 146 66 Flg x Flg
8 200 19.50 495 9.44 240 13.50 343 1.13 29 255 116
10 250 24.50 622 12.06 306 16.00 406 1.19 30 426 193
12 300 27.50 699 16.13 410 19.00 483 1.25 32 660 299
Lever and Weight/Spring Options available. (see page 99)
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
84 TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.234.0557 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Size A B C D Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 10.00 254 6.44 164 7.00 178 .69 17 53 24
3 80 10.25 260 6.63 168 7.50 191 .75 19 62 28
4 100 13.00 330 8.00 203 9.00 229 .94 24 103 47
5 125 15.00 381 9.19 233 10.00 254 1.00 25 145 66 Ball Drip
6 150 16.25 413 10.31 262 11.00 279 1.00 25 174 79
8 200 19.50 495 11.50 292 13.50 343 1.13 29 290 132
An automatic ball drip is available for NIBCO
10 250 22.00 559 13.31 338 16.00 406 1.19 30 490 223 Underwriter's check valves. The ball drip is
12 300 27.50 699 15.56 395 19.00 483 1.25 32 683 310 installed at boss location "C" on the check
valve of the fire department connection. It
NIBCO Iron Body check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with will close against pressure, but will open
upward flow. when pressure is off allowing water to drain
from the fire department connection.
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 31
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Butterfly Valve (300 lb. WWP)
Revision 11/19/2009
Size A B C D E F G
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In.
mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm.
2¹⁄₂ 65 2.88 73 2.72 69 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.42 61 11.94 303 2.91 74
3 O.D. 76.1 3.00 76 2.84 72 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.42 61 11.94 303 2.91 74
3 80 3.50 89 3.34 85 8 0.31
0.63 16 3.85 98 2.86 73 12.48 317 2.91 74
4 100 4.50 114 4.33 11010 0.38
0.63 16 4.56 116 3.84 98 14.18 360 2.91 74
5 125 5.56 141 5.39 13710 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 4.79 122 15.17 385 2.91 74
6 150 6.63 168 6.45 16410 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 5.73 146 17.54 446 2.91 74
6 O.D. 165.1 6.51 165 6.32 16110 0.38
0.63 16 5.86 149 5.73 146 17.54 446 2.91 74
8 200 8.63 219 8.44 21411 0.44
0.75 19 5.26 134 7.71 196 19.42 493 2.91 74
10 250 10.75 273 10.56 26813 0.50
0.75 19 6.29 160 9.56 243 24.03 610 3.90 99
Size J K L M N P Q R Weight
In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. In. mm. Lbs. Kg.
2¹⁄₂ 65 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.67 144 4.19 106 3.25 83 5.9 150 3.46 88 22 10.0
3 O.D. 76.1 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.67 144 4.19 106 3.25 83 5.9 150 3.46 88 22 10.4
3 80 3.54 90 2.13 54 5.82 148 5.94 151 4.44 113 3.54 90 5.9 150 3.97 101 23 10.4
4 100 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 6.31 173 5.33 135 4.35 110 5.9 150 5.03 128 28 12.7
5 125 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 7.32 186 5.83 148 4.84 123 5.9 150 6.27 159 31 14.1
6 150 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 8.62 219 7.11 181 5.93 151 5.9 150 7.25 184 41 18.6
6 O.D. 165.1 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.64 194 8.62 219 7.11 181 5.93 151 5.9 150 7.25 184 41 18.6
8 200 3.54 90 2.13 54 7.91 201 9.80 249 8.05 204 6.87 174 9.8 250 9.25 235 53 24.1
10 250 3.98 101 3.03 77 9.49 241 11.61 295 9.86 250 9.17 233 11.8 300 18.00 457 88 40.0
NIBCO INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227
TECH SERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.888.336.4226 • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 41
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
Gate Valve (Model-18)
714 S. Main St., Randleman, NC 27317
Tel: 800-334-3035 Fax: 800-498-4696
1 Set Screw Steel
2 Hand Wheel Iron
3 Yoke Bushing Brass
4 Stem Brass
5 Packing Gland Brass
6 Cap Screw Steel
7 Packing Graphite Non-Asb.
8 Bonnet Bronze
9 Spirol Pin Stainless Steel
10 Wedge Bronze
11 Body Bronze
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
H Style Strainer (X43H)
H Style Strainer
• Low Pressure Drop
• Ductile Iron Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Construction
with a 316 Stainless Steel Strainer
• Large Flow Area H-Style Design
• Service Without Removal From Line
The Cla-Val Model X43H H-Style Strainer offers an effective means of
removing unwanted solid particles in pipeline flow. These strainers are
ideal for preventing fouling, debris and particle buildup in Cla-Val
Automatic Control Valves. The large flow area design, with a flat stainless
steel strainer mesh perpendicular to flow, is optimized for low pressure
drop applications. Maintenance is fast and easy with the compact H-pat-
tern, requiring only top cover removal. The strainer may be installed in any
position, however, installation with cover up is recommended.
Sizes (Inches): 11⁄2, 2, 21⁄2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24
Ends: Flanged, ANSI Class 150 and 300
Max Pressure Rating: 150# - 250 psi • 300# - 400 psi
Fluids: Compatible with Materials of Construction
Temperature: Maximum 180°F
Body & Cover: Ductile Iron ANSI B16.42; Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating Standard
Cover Seal: Buna-N® Synthetic Rubber
Strainer: 316 Stainless Steel; Ductile Iron, Epoxy Coated Frame
Strainer Mesh Sizes: Standard 10 mesh / 2000 Micron / Openings 0.078 inch
Optional .039 and .059 inch openings available
Drain/Blow-Off Connection Furnished with Stainless Steel Plug as Standard.
Cover Fasteners: Stainless Steel
Strainer Size (inches)1 1⁄2 2 2 1⁄2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
A 150 ANSI 9.06 9.06 9.06 11.81 11.81 15.75 19.69 22.83 24.02 25.59 31.50 37.40 43.31
AA 300 ANSI 9.13 9.13 9.13 11.89 11.89 15.83 19.76 22.91 24.09 25.67 31.57 37.48 43.39
B 150 ANSI 3.26 3.26 3.66 4.06 4.33 5.63 6.69 8.86 8.88 10.24 12.20 19.09 19.09
BB 300 ANSI 3.26 3.26 3.66 4.06 4.33 5.63 6.69 8.86 9.56 10.94 12.20 19.09 19.09
C Max. 150 ANSI 3.78 3.78 3.78 5.91 5.91 7.52 8.82 11.61 15.16 14.96 19.69 23.98 23.98
CC Max. 300 ANSI 5.20 5.20 5.35 6.22 6.22 7.99 9.33 12.79 15.67 15.67 19.69 23.98 23.98
D Dia. 150 ANSI
DD Dia. 300 ANSI
9.25 9.25 15.74 18.11 22.05 26.77 26.77 35.43 46.85 46.85
9.37 9.37 15.86 18.23 22.17 26.85 26.85 35.43 46.85 46.85
G Drain/Blow-off Plug 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 2 2 2 3 3 D
Approx. Ship Wt. Lbs. 33 36 39 59 73 143 212 432 626 683 970 1175 1962
Strainer Size (mm) 40 50 65 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600
A 150 ANSI 230 230 230 300 300 400 500 580 610 650 800 950 1100
AA 300 ANSI 232 232 232 302 302 402 502 582 612 652 802 952 1102 C CC
B 150 ANSI 83 83 93 103 110 143 170 225 228 260 310 485 485
BB 300 ANSI 83 83 93 103 110 143 170 225 243 278 310 485 486
C Max. 150 ANSI 96 96 96 150 150 191 224 295 385 380 500 609 609
CC Max. 300 ANSI 132 132 136 158 158 203 237 325 398 398 500 609 609 B BB
D Dia. 150 ANSI 200 200 200 235 235 400 460 560 680 680 900 1190 1190
DD Dia. 300 ANSI 203 203 203 238 238 403 463 563 682 682 900 1190 1190
G Drain/Blow-off Plug 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 2 2 2 3 3
Approx. Ship Wt. (kg) 15 16 18 27 33 65 96 196 284 310 440 810 890
Model X43H Flow Chart
2 1/
Pressure Drop (psi)
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 200,000
Flow (gpm)
CV Factor
Strainer Size (inches) 1 1⁄2 2 2 1⁄2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
CV (Gal/Min. - gpm.) 96 150 254 367 654 1644 3922 4566 6800 8949 11692 18264 26302
CV (Litres/Sec - l/s.) 23 36 61 85 157 395 702 1097 1580 2150 2809 4388 6319
Cv in gpm = gpm @ 1psid head loss • Cv in l/s = l/s @ 1bar head loss
Constant Downstream
CLA-VAL P.O. Box 1325 • Newport Beach, CA 92659-0325 • Phone: 949-722-4800 • Fax: 949-548-5441 • E-mail: • Website
© Copyright Cla-Val 2010 Printed in USA Specifications subject to change without notice.
E-X43H H-Style Strainer (R-1/2010)
CLIENT :AL-MADAR Co. DATE: April 19th,2010
PROJECT :Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro Project Our Ref: J091205FF
UL Listed Cast Iron Flanged End Strainer (Model: 911U)
Model: 911U
U.L. Listed Cast Iron Flanged End Y Strainers
for Firelines
Sizes: 21⁄2" – 12" (80 – 300mm)
Model Material Rating Strainers provide economical protection for costly pumps, meters, valves, and other similar
CWP mechanical equipment by straining foreign matter from the connected piping system.
911U Cast Iron 175psi @ 150°F
12 bar @ 66°C
125psi @ 406°F
Typical Service
These strainers are UL approved and are used to prevent clogging in fire service systems such
as automatic sprinkler systems and various spray systems.
Pressure Drop
Model 911U
21⁄2" 2.31
3" 3.27
4" 3.18
5" 3.62
6" 3.59
8" 3.08
10" 3.29
12" 2.79
911U 21⁄2" – 12" 304SS .250 perf
Body Cast Iron ASTM A126 Grade B
Cover Steel ASTM A515 Grade 70
Gasket Compressed Fiber
Dimensions and Weights
Mueller Steam Specialty product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measure-
ments, please contact Mueller Steam Specialty Technical Service. Mueller Steam Specialty reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction,
specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Mueller Steam Specialty products
previously or subsequently sold.
A Division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. USA: 1491 NC Hwy 20 West St. Pauls, NC 28384;
Tel: 910-865-8241 Fax: 910-865-6220
Toll Free Phone 1-800-334-6259 Toll Free Fax: 1-800-421-6772
ES-MS-911U 0715 © Mueller Steam Specialty, 2007