Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care On The Breastfeeding, Morbidity, and Mortality of Very Low Birth Weight Neonates: A Prospective ...
Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care On The Breastfeeding, Morbidity, and Mortality of Very Low Birth Weight Neonates: A Prospective ...
Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care On The Breastfeeding, Morbidity, and Mortality of Very Low Birth Weight Neonates: A Prospective ...
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Objective: To compare the effect of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) versus conventional mother care (CMC) on growth, morbidity,
mortality, and length of hospitalization in very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates. Study Design: A hospital based prospective
observational study conducted in the pediatric department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Southern Odisha. Materials and
Methods: A total of 100 VLBW neonates were included. The effect of KMC on growth, morbidity, breastfeeding, and length of
hospitalization was studied. The KMC group (n=50) was subjected to KMC for at least 6 h/day. The neonates received kangaroo care
during hospitalization and at home. The control group (n=50) received CMC. Results: The KMC babies had better average weight
gain per day (15.9±4.5 vs. 10.6±4.5 g, p<0.0001). The weekly increments in head circumference (0.75 vs. 0.49 cm, p=0.001), length
(0.99 vs. 0.7 cm, p=0.021), and chest circumference (0.73 vs. 0.45 cm, p=0.004) were higher in the KMC group. Significantly more
neonates receiving CMC suffered from hypothermia (36% vs. 6%), apnea (16% vs. 2%), and other minor illnesses (44% vs. 16%)
than those receiving KMC. There was earlier hospital discharge in KMC group (6 vs. 18 days). More neonates of KMC group were
exclusively breastfed at the end of the study (86% vs. 42%). No mortality was noted in either group. Conclusions: KMC improves
growth, reduces morbidities, improves breastfeeding rates, and reduces hospitalization in VLBW neonates.
Key words: Conventional mother care, Breastfeeding, Morbidity, Kangaroo Mother Care, Very low birth weight
angaroo mother care (KMC) is continued skin to skin The state of Odisha has one of the highest numbers of
contact between the mother or caregiver and the neonate premature deliveries including LBW and VLBW neonates
which has been recognized as an effective method to as well as a high neonatal mortality rate in India. Being a low
provide thermal care and promote breastfeeding. The prevalence cost intervention, KMC has the potential for wider applicability
of low birth weight (LBW) neonates is around 16% globally and and acceptability in resource poor setting in improving various
28% in South Asia (including India) as per the UNICEF [1]. outcomes in VLBW neonates. As there is no previous published
Most (48%) of the neonatal deaths are related to prematurity and data from this part of the country, this study was designed to
very low birth weight (VLBW) [1,2]. There are limited financial study the usefulness of KMC on various outcomes of VLBW
resources for infrastructure and manpower needed for the care of neonates. We planned to study the effect of KMC on morbidity,
all such babies in developing countries like India. As regards to breastfeeding, weight gain, and hospital stay of VLBW neonates
keeping a VLBW neonate warm, Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) (1000-1500 g).
is a cost effective alternative to costly incubator/warmer care in
these settings [3,4]. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Studies have found that besides promotion of euthermia and
breastfeeding in VLBW neonates, KMC has many additional This prospective hospital based observational study was
advantages that include but not limited to facilitation of mother to conducted in the Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU), and
child bonding, improved growth and neurodevelopment behavior, Pediatric Outpatient Department of MKCG Medical College
decreased neonatal morbidity and mortality as well as earlier and Hospital, Berhampur, Odisha, India over 24 months period
hospital discharge or discharge from the Neonatal Intensive (from December 2013 to November 2015). The care provided
Care Unit [5-8]. Besides the mother, any other family member in SNCU includes Level II neonatal care with facility for
including the father can do KMC as Indian mothers are busy administration of oxygen via various non-invasive devices,
doing household work most of the time. temperature maintenance via open care system, continuous
positive airway pressure, and surfactant administration. Ethics The Control or Conventional Mother Care (CMC) Group
Committee clearance was taken before starting the study. After
taking consent from the parents, hemodynamically stable It included 60 age and sex matched VLBW neonates whose
VLBW (1000-1499 g) neonates, both inborn and outborn, were mothers were not practicing KMC, and were mostly delivered
included in the study. Extremely LBW (<1000 g), newborn at home. Mothers were advised to provide usual standard care
with birth weight (>1500 g), with congenital malformations or (diaper/nappy change, massage with oil, paladai/katori-spoon
chromosomal abnormality, and those who died within 72 h of feeding of expressed breast milk or preterm formula 2 hourly).
enrollment were excluded from the study. Recruited neonates The temperature was maintained in the euthermic range by the
were then divided into following two groups (Figure 1). servo mode. The neonates were monitored clinically as well as
through vital sign monitors. The unit protocol for discharge from
The Case (KMC) Group hospital or discontinuation of KMC was followed. After dropout
of 10 cases in each group, 50 cases per each of KMC and CMC
It comprises 60 neonates whose mothers/parents were ready group were followed up till end of the study (Figure 1).
to provide kangaroo care. The eligible neonates were shifted Primary objectives were to compare the growth rate (weight
to KMC ward where KMC was done under the supervision of gain, and gain in length, head and chest circumference) and
trained nurses and residents on duty. Neonates were positioned breastfeeding rate (exclusive breastfeeding rate at 40 weeks post-
between the mother breasts in an upright position dressed conceptional age) in both the groups. Secondary objectives were
properly with a cap, socks/mitten and diaper, and were given to assess the occurrence of various morbidities (hypothermia,
skin-to-skin contact. Mothers were advised to wear front open apnea, and other minor illness), hospitalization (time from birth
gowns, and were provided with comfortable chairs and beds. to discharge), and mortality.
Mothers were advised to continue KMC as long as possible but An electronic weighing scale was used to record daily weight
not <8 h/day. Paladai/katori-spoon feeding of expressed breast with a variability of 5 g. A non-stretchable tape was used to
milk or preterm formula was provided 2 hourly. The neonates measure the occipitofrontal (head) circumference and recorded in
were monitored clinically as well as through vital sign monitors. centimeters. An infantometer was used to record the length to the
The unit protocol for discharge from hospital or discontinuation nearest 0.1 cm. Apnea was defined as the cessation of respiration
of KMC was followed. After discharge, advice was given to for >20, or <20 s in the presence of cyanosis or bradycardia.
continue KMC at home with involvement of family members if Hypothermia was defined as an axillary temperature of <36.5°C.
required. Gestational age assessment was done as per the New Ballard score.
Following data were collected: Detailed maternal history,
socioeconomic status (modified Kuppuswamy scale), birth
events, sex of the baby, weight of the baby, head circumference,
chest circumference, length, hospital stay, any major illness, and
any minor illness were recorded on the prerecorded performance.
Thorough general examination and systemic examination were
done for all the neonates included in the study. Continuation
of KMC at home was ensured through telephonic follow-up.
Follow-up was done till 40 weeks post-conceptional age or
attainment of birth weight of 2,500 g whichever is earlier.
Statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad prism
version 5 software. Continuous date was computed as mean plus or
minus standard deviation. Student’s unpaired t-test was applied for
comparison of means. Chi-square tests were performed to compare
categorical variables. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.
1. UNICEF Data: Monitoring the Situation of Women and Children. Low Birth How to cite this article: Mishra P, Rai N, Mishra NR, Das RR. Effect of
Weight. Available from: http://www.data.unicef.org/topic/nutrition/low- Kangaroo Mother Care on breastfeeding, morbidity, and mortality of very
birthweight. [Last accessed on 2017 Apr 30]. low birth weight neonates: A prospective observational study. Indian J Child
2. Charpak N, Ruiz-Peláez JG. Resistance to implementing Kangaroo mother Health. 2017; 4(3):379-382.
care in developing countries, and proposed solutions. Acta Paediatr.