The document shows the monthly volume received and processed by a company over the course of a year. Volume received was highest in March at 242 and lowest in July at 133, while volume processed peaked in February at 186 and hit a low in October at 115. Overall, the volume received and processed each month varied throughout the year without a clear seasonal pattern.
The document shows the monthly volume received and processed by a company over the course of a year. Volume received was highest in March at 242 and lowest in July at 133, while volume processed peaked in February at 186 and hit a low in October at 115. Overall, the volume received and processed each month varied throughout the year without a clear seasonal pattern.
The document shows the monthly volume received and processed by a company over the course of a year. Volume received was highest in March at 242 and lowest in July at 133, while volume processed peaked in February at 186 and hit a low in October at 115. Overall, the volume received and processed each month varied throughout the year without a clear seasonal pattern.
The document shows the monthly volume received and processed by a company over the course of a year. Volume received was highest in March at 242 and lowest in July at 133, while volume processed peaked in February at 186 and hit a low in October at 115. Overall, the volume received and processed each month varied throughout the year without a clear seasonal pattern.