List of Competitors in Backhoe Loader PDF

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Equipment Focus


Chaitanya Raj Goyal

hat do you say - when you were entirely met by imports in India. joint venture with Escorts but was taken
pass a construction site and However this trend was put to an end by over by JC Bamford Excavators Ltd.
the kids want to know if that big Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. (BEML) in 1964 (UK) in 2003 and is now called JCB India
bright yellow beast with a trunk and a tail with the beginning of domestic produc- Ltd. with its stronghold located at
is 'Scoop' from 'Bob the builder'? Most of tion of earthmoving equipment in India. Ballabhgarh, Haryana. Similarly, CASE
us have an answer for that in terms of In private sector, the Hindustan Motors' India operates a production facility in
how we recognize it; be it a digger, Earthmoving Equipment Division was Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh which was
loader or some other personal argot. If established in 1969 at Thiruvallur near started in 1989 when CASE had a tech-
you know that we are discussing a back- Chennai. This factory was later taken nological joint venture with L&T. It made
hoe loader here, you undoubtedly over by Caterpillar in 2001 for their Indian complete acquisition of the ownership of
belong to our industry! operations. A new production facility in the joint venture last year.
the same region inaugurated in April, Similarly, Terex Corporation started
Exploring the Roots: Brief history of
2012 is now used by CAT for Backhoe manufacturing backhoe loaders in 2004
'Diggers' in India
loader production. at Greater Noida. Thus, owing to the rap-
There was a time when the domestic JCB launched the first backhoe idly developing infrastructure of the
requirements of construction equipment loader in India in 1981 through its then nation, most of the global pioneers of
equipment technology are today pres-
ent in India as joint venture companies,
or have set up their own manufacturing
facilities/ marketing firms. Three major

172 The Masterbuilder - November 2012 ·

Equipment Focus

recent entrants in the market are M&M, loaders manufacturing in India are thus Volvo or Komatsu, as the existing market
Escorts and Leyland Deere (Ashok rethinking product offering strategies to cannot absorb the development costs.
Leyland and John Deere). Other manu- suit the emerging demand order. However, we may see more R&D work
facturers of backhoe loaders in India Also, the government is now picking by world majors in India, taking advan-
include Case Holland, Telcon, Bull India, up again on awarding new infra projects tage of low R&D manpower costs.
and Liugong. and clearing the stuck up processes in
A Bright Future
order to put proposed green field power
Enduring Demand: Still the Messiah of
projects on fast track, and to meet the Construction in India is fast approa-
the Equipment industry
emerging urban and rural infra demands ching international standards. The pro-
This particular machine has been the from remote areas, tier-I and tier-II cities, file of Indian demand is characterized by
superstar of construction equipment which will assure manufacturers that the cost consciousness more than value
industry time and again despite repeated demand for the versatile equipment will consciousness. Contractors want sophis-
attempts by other large and small robots remain quite firm and wide. ticated equipments at Indian prices and
to force retirement upon it! Its sales have they want to use them roughly (in-fact
Technological Developments
been rising consistently in the past few abuse them). Also, there is higher aware-
years thanks to the construction boom in The construction equipment sector ness about the utility of this machine in
the country. in India has evolved over the years and is rural markets and more farmers-cum-
Projection of the Indian economy to at present in an intermediate stage of entrepreneurs are starting to own them.
grow at more than 7% during the 12th development. The industry is trying to Backhoe loaders will remain the
plan period and 1$ trillion ambitious bring in international levels of technol- most popular type of equipment sold in
investment plans of the government, ogy as demand and the scale of opera- the country for some time to come,
seem to make the Indian CE market in tion increases. though already a change in the structure
general and backhoe loaders market in The users are now not looking at only of demand can be seen. Its sales have
particular, lucrative. India is the largest the initial cost of the equipment, but been growing rapidly since 1998 (except
Backhoe Market in the world and Back- focusing on total costing, or cost per ton for a dip during 2008-2009). While it will
hoe loaders contribute approximately of usage. Demand in value is a natural continue to remain the most popular
50% of the total EM sector here. With phenomenon in any maturing market, equipment type amongst plant hirers
record sales exceeding 33,000 units in which needs to be addressed by manu- and small contractors on account of its
2011, production forecast for 2013 is facturers through their products - backed versatility and mobility, it is expected to
placed around 43000 units with an by necessary improvements in produc- be increasingly replaced by more effi-
astounding CAGR of 40%. The market is tion line, allowing both sides to reap, hon- cient and productive - specialized con-
thus witnessing entry of new players est benefits on their investment. struction machines, such as crawler
whereas the existing manufacturers are One of the major factors that add to excavators and wheeled loaders, partic-
ramping up their production capacities. the versatility of a backhoe loader is the ularly on large infrastructure projects.
Ever thought what makes the back- development in number of applications Therefore, the future growth rate of the
hoe loader so popular? Versatility! In an it can work in with the help of attach- backhoe loader industry may decline;
era when equipment manufacturers are ments. Buckets at both the loader end then again, it may well see increasing
designing machines to do as many jobs and backhoe end can be replaced with a applications in rural areas which will sus-
as possible or trying to follow the 'Swiss- host of attachments like pallet forks, tain its strong market presence.
army-knife' approach, the design of the rock breaker, jib crane, sweeper collec-
Sneak Peek: Top manufacturers of
backhoe-loader has long stood as a tor, auger, six-in-one clam shovel
Backhoe Loaders in India
model. The machine is at once a dedi- bucket, ripper tooth, jaw bucket, ditch
cated trenching unit, as well as a front- cleaning bucket, taper ditching bucket, Entry of new players is well likely to
end-loading tool. bucket mounted fork lift etc. Hence, a expand the market. Proper product posi-
It's true, of course, that a comparably construction and earthmoving machine tioning will help the new entrants create
sized hydraulic excavator may 'out- can be used in several other applica- a stand in this highly competitive indus-
trench' a backhoe and that a wheel tions like solid waste management and try. However, viewed from the long-term
loader may 'out-load' it; but no other material handling. prospective, existing brands with wide
machine combines these two basic However, the percentage of sales market base will continue to connect their
earthmoving functions as efficiently as a budgeted for R&D is meager - ranging names with product support, an initiative
backhoe-loader, while offering excellent from 0.5 to 3% of sales. Although many which they will now be making stronger
maneuverability and ease of transport. of the manufacturers have established than before for higher brand recall.
And, everything considered, the back- full-fledged R&D units to update their Shown below are some of the most
hoe-loader is also one of the most products/technologies, the industry in popular models of this versatile machine
affordable earthmovers around. The India does not invest adequately in R&D (with specifications) - manufactured by pro-
existing and new entrants in backhoe activities compared to world leaders like minent market players in the country. · The Masterbuilder - November 2012 173

Equipment Focus

Case Holland Equipment Pvt. Ltd

Product: Case-Holland 770 Loader Backhoe

Engine: Power 76 hp engine

Hydraulic System: Low operating cost and low
hourly diesel consumption
Backhoe Bucket: 0.243 cu.m
Loader Bucket: 1.00 cu.m
Equipment weight: 7.1 T
s Four-wheel drive (4x4 traction)
s Rock-breaker
s Lifting arrangement
s Extending type dipper
s Bbottom dump bucket
s Rripper tooth
s Black fill blade
s Heavy duty tyres-14 x 25 -2.0 PR s Dozer blade
s Lime stone scrape

Caterpillar India
Product: 424B Backhoe Loader

Engine: Power - Net 67 hp, Engine Model KOEL /4R - 1040 T

Turbo Charged, Engine Displacement 244.09 in3
Hydraulic System: The Cat 424B is fitted with unique
technology, Variable Displacement Piston Pump, which
is an efficient system and has longer life.
Operator Station: Spacious and comfortable
operator station.
Power Train: More reliable
and durable power train.
Backhoe: Efficient
backhoe performance.
Ease of maintenance and service.
Work Tools: Cat Work Tools for backhoe
loaders extend the versatility of the machine. Built for
performance and durability, these tools deliver high
productivity, long service and excellent value.
Electrical System: More reliable electrical system.

174 The Masterbuilder - November 2012 ·

Equipment Focus

Escorts India
Product: Backhoe Loader Digmax

Engine: 76 HP
Dig Depth: 4.8 m Loader
Dump Height: 3.00m
Loader Bucket: 1.2 Cu.m
Backhoe Bucket: 0.26
Options: 4x4 option available,
Choice of Bucket: 6 in 1 Trenching
of buckets of 0.12 Cu to 0.18 Cu.m
Rock Breaker Circuit:
Ripper tooth, 90 HP

Product: 3DX

Engine: 92 hp, Turbo Charged, water cooled

JCB engine ecoMAX for better performance in
hot and dusty working conditions.
Four Wheel Transmissions: The JCB
synchroshuttle transmission is designed
to provide high traction forces and
long life for continuous loading duties.
Excellent Loader Performance:
Versatile 6-in-I front shovel with high
breakout forces give extraordinary
loader productivity. Excellent
visibility, improved front reach,
lower turning radius and high tractive
and breakout forces give 'best-in-class' loader
IP 69 Electrics: For increased reliability.
Improved Excavator Performance: Increased
diesel tank capacity, protection on excavator Best-in-class Cabin: Spacious cabin with ergonomic operator
end hoses and improved excavator valve block environment, with instrument console on the operator's side
features ensure even better excavation economics. results in long hours of fatigue free operation.
Quick Inter-site: Movement High road speed of Unmatched Style: Powder coated, curved exteriors in black and
36kph enables quick inter-site movement. yellow color scheme give the machine a very smart look.

176 The Masterbuilder - November 2012 ·

Equipment Focus

Leyland Deere
Product: 435 Backhoe Loader

s Over all length 5867 mm s Dump height 2735 mm s Max dig depth 4569 mm
s Weight: 7697 Kg s Generously-spaced cabin 'H'-Series platform
s Power shift transmission s Higher breakout forces s Greater dig depths
s Innovative customer care package s Strong and rugged
s Service capacity s Controlled Speed Transmission
s Hydraulic Oil 37.9 Lt s Engine Oil 8.5 Lt
s Rear Axle Oil 18 Lt s Transmission Oil 18 Lt
s Engine coolant 20.2 Lt s Diesel 151 Lt
s Hydraulics
s Pump flow 106 lpm
s System relief pressure 250 bar.

Product: Earthmaster Backhoe Loader

Engine: Compact 3.3 liter DITEC Engine

Power: 83 HP
Highly Fuel Efficient:
Turbo Charger and Intercooler
USA Tier III Emission Norms
Two Years Unlimited Hours Warranty
Extensive Service Network · The Masterbuilder - November 2012 177

Equipment Focus

Product: Tata 315-E

Engine: Tata 497 TC IC Horsepower: 76 Ps @ 2200 RPM

Max. Travel Speed: 36 KMPH (F), 13 KMPH (R)
Operating Weight: 7350 kgs
Bucket capacity: Backhoe 0.25 M3
Loader: 1.0 M3
Type: Turbo Charged, Intercooled 4 Cylinder
Diesel Engine

Product: Tata 315 - V

Engine: TATA 497 TC IC Horsepower: 86 PS @ 2200 rpm

Max. Travel Speed: 36 kmph (F), 21 kmph (R)
Operating Weight: 7500 Kgs
Configuration Backhoe Loader
s Bucket Capacity 0.30 cum - 1.00 cum
Available Attachments
s Rock Breaker s Heavy-duty Bucket
s Bottom Dump (6 in 1) Loader Bucket
s Single Point Ripper
s V-shape Trenching Bucket
s Square Hole Cutting Bucket
s General Purpose Bucket
s Ditch Cleaning Bucket
s Fork Lift Attachment
s Crane Attachment

178 The Masterbuilder - November 2012 ·

Equipment Focus

Product: BL 70

Engine: Volvo D5D

Max Power: SAE J1995
Gross*: 94 hp (70 kW)
Net Power*, hp (KW):
90 hp (68 kW)

Max Torque SAE J1995 Gross**:

273 lbf-ft (370 Nm)
Maximum Speed: 21.2 mph (34 km/h)
Bucket Breakout Force (LDR): 12,445 lbf (55.4 kN)
Lifting Capacity (LDR): 6,953 lb (3,154 kg)
SAE Digging Depth***: 14'9" - 18'3" (4,496 - 5,562 mm)
Bucket Digging Force: 13,296 lbf (59.1 kN)
Operating Weight (Min-Max): 17,248 lb - 21,727 lb (7,824 kg - 9,810 kg)

Product: BL61 Plus

Engine: Volvo D5D

Net Power: 68 kW (91 hp)
Max power SAE J1995 gross: 70 kW (94 hp)
Max torque SAE J1995 gross: 400 Nm
Maximum Speed: 36,7 km/h
Bucket Breakout Force: 47,9 kN
Lifting Capacity: 2922 kg
SAE Digging Depth: 4258 - 5321 mm
Bucket Digging Force: 52,8 kN
Operating Weight: 8168 kg

180 The Masterbuilder - November 2012 ·

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