Suelo y Vegetacion en Un Bajial
Suelo y Vegetacion en Un Bajial
Suelo y Vegetacion en Un Bajial
Edaphic and Floristic Variation within a 1-ha Plot of Lowland Amazonian Rain Forest1
Hanna Tuomisto
Department of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland
Henrik Balslev
Institute of Biological Science, University of Aarhus, Universitetsparken, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Several studies in lowland tropical rain forests have documented effects of local-scale topographic variation on plant species distribution and abundance patterns.
Few studies have compared the distribution patterns of more than one plant group, however, and even fewer have related these to measured physical and chemical
soil characteristics. Here, we document such soil characteristics within a square 1-ha plot in Amazonian Ecuador, and compare them to the distribution patterns of
terrestrial pteridophytes, angiosperm ground herbs, and palms. Substantial variation in soil properties was found within the plot. The three plant groups showed highly
correlated floristic patterns within the 1-ha plot even after the effect of geographical distances had been taken into account. Mantel tests yielded significant correlations
between edaphic patterns, as measured by distances in various soil and topographic characteristics, and floristic patterns. For all three plant groups, differences in
elevation within the plot were highly correlated with floristic distances, and for terrestrial pteridophytes and palms, distances in soil calcium content and sand content
were also important. Our results resembled those obtained at wider spatial scales with the same plant groups, which indicates that soil factors may play an important
role for distribution and beta diversity of plants, even at the local scale.
Varios estudios en bosques tropicales lluviosos han documentado los efectos de la variación local de la topografı́a sobre los patrones de distribución y abundancia de
especies de plantas. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han comparado los patrones de distribución en más de un grupo de plantas, y aún más escasas son las investigaciones
que relacionan éstas a medidas fı́sicas y quı́micas de las caracterı́sticas de los suelos. En el presente estudio, documentamos estas caracterı́sticas de suelos en una parcela
cuadrada de 1 ha en la Amazonia ecuatoriana, y las comparamos a los patrones de distribución de pteridofitas terrestres, hierbas angiospermas terrestres y palmeras. Se
encontró una gran variación en las propiedades de los suelos dentro de la parcela. Los tres grupos de plantas presentaron patrones florı́sticos altamente correlacionados
dentro de la parcela aún cuando se tomó en cuenta el efecto de distancias geográficas. Pruebas de Mantel resultaron en correlaciones altamente significativas entre
patrones edáficos, medidos como distancias en varias caracterı́sticas de suelos y de topografı́a, y patrones florı́sticos. Para los tres grupos de plantas, diferencias en
elevación dentro de la parcela fueron altamente correlacionadas con distancias florı́sticas, y para pteridofitas terrestres y palmeras, distancias en el contenido de calcio
y de arena en el suelo fueron importantes también. Nuestros resultados son parecidos a aquellos obtenidos en escalas espaciales mas amplias para los mismos grupos
de plantas, indicando que factores edáficos pueden ser importantes para la distribución y la beta diversidad de plantas aun en una escala local.
Key words: Ecuador; ground herbs; local scale variability; Mantel test; multiple regression; palms; soils; species composition; terrestrial pteridophytes, tropical rain
STUDIES CONDUCTED IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE TROPICS et al. 1997; Ruokolainen & Tuomisto 1998; Tuomisto et al. 2002,
at different spatial scales differ in how much importance they place 2003a, 2003b; Vormisto et al. 2004a, 2004b). At the mesoscale
on environmental factors, especially soil properties, for plant species (1–100 km2 ) in the Neotropics, two studies on trees and palms (ter
distributions. At the landscape scale (100–10,000 km2 ), edaphic Steege et al. 1993; Clark et al. 1995, 1998, 1999) and one study on
gradients have been found to be important for the distribution of herbs (Costa et al. 2005) found that distributions were related to
trees in several studies (Baillie et al. 1987, Duivenvoorden 1995, soil and topography.
Ruokolainen et al. 1997, Ruokolainen & Tuomisto 1998, Pyke At the local scale (<1 km2 ), there seems to be general agreement
et al. 2001, Duque et al. 2002, Phillips et al. 2003), but oth- that topographic factors are important for the distributions of at
ers have reported that most tree species occur in more than one least some tree species (Lieberman et al. 1985, Hubbell & Foster
forest type (Pitman et al. 1999). Studies on palms, Melastomat- 1986, Sabatier et al. 1997, Webb & Peart 2000, Harms et al. 2001,
aceae, and pteridophytes have invariably found that landscape-scale Debski et al. 2002, Valencia et al. 2004). Such topographically
edaphic differences are related to floristic patterns (Ruokolainen determined patterns are also common in palms (Svenning 1999,
2001; Vormisto et al. 2004a) and herbs (Poulsen 1996; Poulsen &
1 Received 14 April 2005; revision accepted 8 September 2005. Balslev 1991; Poulsen & Nielsen 1995; Tuomisto et al. 1995, 1998;
2 Corresponding author; e-mail: Tuomisto & Poulsen 2000).
C 2006 The Author(s)
Journal compilation
C 2006 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Edaphic and Floristic Variation 469
The effects of obvious local soil differences, such as those be- In vegetatively spreading species, such as Geophila and Selaginella,
tween white sand and more fine-textured soils, are generally rec- each rooting stem was counted as one individual. For palms, each
ognized but are rarely quantified (Tuomisto & Ruokolainen 1994, ramet of multistemmed species was counted as one individual.
Vormisto et al. 2000), and documentation of less conspicuous local Several voucher specimens were collected of each species
soil variation is sparse. The study by Johnston (1992) found that and deposited in herbaria in Aarhus (AAU), Quito (QCA), and
soil calcium concentration and pH were correlated with tree species Turku (TUR, pteridophytes only; herbarium acronyms according
composition within one hectare of Tabanuco forest in Puerto Rico. to Holmgren et al. 1990).
This suggests that local floristic patterns may not only be related To document soil conditions within the 1-ha plot, 20 soil
to soil drainage, which topography is usually thought to represent, samples were obtained in 1996. One sample was taken in each of
but also to other soil properties. One study is not sufficient to give the ten subplots along the northern edge of the plot, and another
a general idea of the degree to which soil physical and chemical ten soil samples were taken in a regular manner from the rest of the
properties may vary at the local scale, however. plot (see Fig. 1). Each sample consisted of five pooled subsamples
The present study assesses the variability in soil properties and taken from the top of the mineral soil (0–5 cm), obtained within
floristic composition in a 1-ha study plot in Cuyabeno, Amazonian an area of approximately 5 × 5 m. The samples were air-dried in
Ecuador. Apart from the 0.1-ha plot in Costa Rica studied by Whit- the field and stored in plastic bags until they were analyzed in the
more et al. (1985), the Cuyabeno plot is probably the only tropical laboratory of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Physical
forest plot where an attempt has been made to document the species and chemical analyses were carried out using standard procedures
richness of all plants (Balslev et al. 1998). The tree enumeration in (van Reeuwijk 1993) and included: exchangeable cations (calcium,
the plot set the new World record in single-hectare tree species potassium, magnesium, and sodium in 1 M ammonium acetate at
richness (Valencia et al. 1994), and the total count of more than pH 7), aluminum (in 1 M KCl), soil pH (in 1 M KCl), loss on
900 plant species (Balslev et al. 1998) is unparalleled. These num- ignition at 420◦ C (LOI; a proxy for the content of organic matter),
bers are generally thought of as measures of within-habitat species phosphorus (Bray method), and particle size (% of clay, silt, and
richness (alpha diversity). sand). Most of these factors are known to affect plant growth due
The species count included 96 ground herbs. Many of them to their role as major plant nutrients (Ca, K, Mg, and P), potential
had distribution patterns apparently related to topography, and toxicity (Al), other physiological effects (pH), or as determinants
we suggested that edaphic variation within the plot significantly of soil drainage, water retention capacity, and nutrient fluxes (LOI,
increased the number of species present, although no soil data were texture).
available to test this suggestion (Poulsen & Balslev 1991). We have
since obtained soil samples from the plot to study how much the NUMERICAL ANALYSES.—Most numerical analyses were based on
soils vary in chemical and physical properties within the plot. Here, resemblance matrices. Both the Sørensen index (which is binary,
we present the soil analysis results and relate the edaphic patterns to and hence only takes into account species presence and absence)
the floristic patterns of terrestrial pteridophytes, angiosperm ground and the Steinhaus index (which is mathematically similar, but also
herbs, and palms. takes into account species abundance) were used to measure floristic
similarity between the 0.01-ha subplots. Separate similarity matrices
METHODS were computed for pteridophytes, herbs, and palms, and additional
matrices were computed with all plant groups combined. Both
FIELDWORK.—The 1-ha study plot was situated in Cuyabeno indices are sensitive to sample size and tend to lower values when
(00◦ 00 S, 76◦ 12 W) in lowland (250–300 m elevation), nonin- many species are rare and sample sizes are small (Chao et al. 2005),
undated (terra firme) rain forest in Amazonian Ecuador. The plot but we did not attempt to correct for this error here, as we are only
was 100 × 100 m; divided into 100 square, permanently marked interested in the correlations among the similarities, not in their
subunits, and inventoried for all plants in 1988–1989. The to- absolute values.
pography was measured using a Suunto clinometer taking readings Two sets of similarity matrices were produced. One set con-
between the corners of all subunits. tained all 100 subplots, and the other set contained just the 20 sub-
Three of the plant groups inventoried in the Cuyabeno plot are plots from which soil samples were available. Since soil sampling
considered here: pteridophytes growing on the ground (ferns and was done on a regular grid, some soil samples coincided with the
fern allies; henceforth called pteridophytes), angiosperm ground limits between the original 0.01-ha subplots. For pteridophytes and
herbs (henceforth called herbs), and palms (members of the family herbs, virtual 0.01-ha subplots centered on these soil samples were
Arecaceae). The pteridophyte and herb inventories also included created with the help of the coordinates of each individual plant.
individuals of climbing and epiphytic species, which normally do For palms, individual coordinates were not available; so one of the
not complete their life cycles on the forest floor. neighboring original subplots was used instead. When similarities
All individuals belonging to the target plant groups that were needed to be converted to distances, the formula Distance = 1 −
rooted in the ground, including all size classes, were recorded for Similarity was used.
each subplot. For pteridophyte and herb individuals, but not for Matrices of Euclidean distances based on the measured
palms, coordinates were assigned within the subplot, which allowed soil variables were computed using each soil variable separately.
arbitrary reassignment of subplot limits at the data analysis stage. Concentrations of elements (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Al, and P) were
470 Poulsen, Tuomisto, and Balslev
FIGURE 1. The 1-ha plot in Cuyabeno, Amazonian Ecuador, with 1-m elevational contours. The topographically lowest part of the plot is shaded grey; the lowest
point is in the upper left (northwestern) corner; the highest in the upper right corner (+ c. 19 m). The black circles in the top two rows show both the locations of
the 20 soil samples and the measured values of eight soil variables in them (value being proportional to circle diameter). The black circles in the lowest row indicate
the ordination scores of the 100 subunits along the first axis of a floristic ordination (PCoA).
log-transformed before the distances were computed. Additional Mantel tests were performed to test how much of the correlation
matrices were based on log-transformed geographical distance, dif- between two distance matrices (e.g., floristic and environmental)
ference in elevation, and difference in slope between subunits. The remained after the correlation with a third distance matrix (e.g., ge-
log-transformed geographical distances simulate the effect of ran- ographical) had been taken into account. The statistical significance
dom dispersal (Hubbell 2001), and elevation is usually strongly of each correlation was determined by a Monte Carlo permutation
correlated with drainage. To obtain information of the floristic gra- test using 999 permutations, which allows testing of the statistical
dients within the plot, Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) was significance at the P < 0.001 level.
performed for each plant group. A multiple regression was performed on distance matrices to
Correlations between pairs of distance matrices were computed quantify how much of the variation in each of the floristic distance
using the Mantel test. The standardized form of the Mantel statistic matrices could be explained with a combination of those edaphic
was used, which is mathematically similar to the Pearson correlation and spatial distance matrices that had yielded significant Mantel
coefficient, but is computed between the cell values of two resem- correlations with the floristic distance matrix in question. Backward
blance matrices rather than the measured values of the original vari- elimination was applied to retain, in the final model, only those
ables. Because spatial autocorrelation can be expected to be present variables that had a statistically significant (P < 0.1 after Bonferroni
within a 1-ha plot, and was indeed found in the present case, partial correction) contribution to the proportion of variation explained.
Edaphic and Floristic Variation 471
TABLE 2. Pearson correlations between original variables (lower triangle) and Mantel correlations between distance matrices (upper triangle) for different soil variables.
Statistically significant ( P < 0.05) Pearson correlation coefficients are shown in bold. Mantel correlation coefficients larger than 0.2 are shown in bold, but their
statistical significance has not been tested. x and y are the East–West and North–South coordinates of the sample units, respectively.
Cat sum Ca K Mg Na Al pH LOI P Clay Silt Sand Elev Slope Geo distance
Cat sum 0.84 0.24 0.85 0.57 0.64 0.26 0.01 0.17 0.38 −0.01 0.67 0.39 −0.02 0.17
Ca 0.94 0.12 0.55 0.45 0.72 0.29 0.07 0.02 0.25 −0.10 0.65 0.42 −0.08 0.18
K 0.41 0.25 0.27 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.30 0.51 0.07 0.01 0.03 −0.05 −0.04 −0.04
Mg 0.90 0.73 0.50 0.45 0.46 0.26 0.05 0.17 0.38 0.07 0.43 0.26 0.07 0.15
Na 0.79 0.67 0.23 0.69 0.45 0.12 −0.05 0.07 0.26 0.06 0.69 0.22 −0.06 −0.05
Al −0.71 −0.75 0.13 −0.63 −0.45 0.41 0.33 −0.01 0.19 −0.11 0.58 0.29 0.13 0.24
pH 0.41 0.49 −0.34 0.28 0.33 −0.65 0.42 −0.10 0.03 −0.08 0.27 0.14 0.12 0.05
LOI −0.18 −0.27 0.64 −0.10 −0.16 0.67 −0.59 0.01 −0.09 −0.12 0.01 0.02 0.19 0.06
P 0.46 0.41 0.59 0.35 0.40 −0.13 −0.19 0.35 0.13 0.16 0.00 −0.08 −0.10 0.07
Clay −0.58 −0.49 −0.15 −0.59 −0.51 0.37 −0.19 0.08 −0.09 0.73 0.29 0.19 0.00 0.13
Silt 0.26 0.19 0.13 0.34 0.16 −0.10 −0.07 0.03 −0.08 −0.90 −0.04 −0.02 0.05 0.12
Sand 0.80 0.75 0.10 0.67 0.84 −0.63 0.57 −0.22 0.35 −0.55 0.12 0.36 −0.18 −0.01
Elev −0.62 −0.61 −0.15 −0.59 −0.37 0.56 −0.40 0.33 −0.07 0.52 −0.36 −0.48 0.01 0.34
Slope 0.25 0.18 −0.07 0.42 0.02 −0.50 0.08 −0.33 −0.14 −0.36 0.36 0.13 −0.36 0.05
x −0.50 −0.50 −0.14 −0.44 −0.32 0.42 −0.48 0.35 0.06 0.03 0.15 −0.35 0.73 −0.11
y 0.41 0.40 0.08 0.41 0.23 −0.58 0.27 −0.19 0.28 0.10 −0.28 0.30 0.19 0.24
472 Poulsen, Tuomisto, and Balslev
TABLE 4. Mantel correlations between distance matrices based on floristic, soil and terrain characteristics using twenty 10 × 10 m subunits within a 1-ha plot at Cuyabeno,
Amazonian Ecuador. The floristic distance matrices were calculated separately for each plant group using two different indices (Sørensen index for presence–absence
data, Steinhaus index for abundance data). All distance matrices for soil and terrain characteristics were based on Euclidean distance. Significance levels are based
on 999 permutations ( ∗∗∗ P < 0.001, ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗ P < 0.05). The proportion of statistically significant correlations expected at random at the P < 0.05 level
is one out of 20 tests, clearly lower than found here.
abundance data were used (Table 4; Fig. 2). In the case of palms, relation between floristic and geographical distances. Only ele-
a significant Mantel correlation was only obtained with presence– vation was found to have a clear effect on all the correlations,
absence data. The geographical distances yielded, in most cases, although also cation content and Al content caused the correla-
lower Mantel correlation coefficients than differences in elevation. tions involving pteridophyte or palm abundance data to become
For palm and pteridophyte presence–absence data, geographical dis- nonsignificant.
tances also yielded lower correlations than some of the soil variables. All multiple regression analyses retained elevation in the final
Partial Mantel tests were run to remove the effect of geographi- model. Three of them also retained geographical distance, and two
cal distance in order to determine whether the correlations between retained one of the soil cations (Table 5).
floristic differences and differences in the most important soil and
topographic variables could be explained by the effects of spatial
proximity (Table 4). The Mantel correlations involving the con- DISCUSSION
tent of exchangeable cations or sand content were affected only
marginally, and the correlations involving elevation mainly in the SOIL VARIATION.—The soil characteristics of the Cuyabeno 1-ha
case of herbs. Most correlations involving Al content, however, be- plot can be compared to soil characteristics documented in three
came nonsignificant when the effect of geographical distance was other studies in western Amazonia, one in Yasuni national park (60–
partialled out. 90 km to the south of Cuyabeno; Tuomisto et al. 2003a), one in the
Partial Mantel tests were also run to remove the effect of district of Loreto in northern Peru (500–600 km to the southeast;
the most important soil and topographic variables from the cor- Ruokolainen & Tuomisto 1998), and one in the district of Madre
474 Poulsen, Tuomisto, and Balslev
Multiple regressions on distance matrices using twenty 10 × 10 m
Pteridophytes (Sørensen)
subunits within a 1-ha plot at Cuyabeno, Amazonian Ecuador. The
distance matrices are as in Table 4. Initially, the model for each inde-
pendent matrix included all variables that show a significant simple
Mantel test result in Table 4, and those retained in backward elimi-
nation are included in the final model and shown here. Significance
levels are based on 999 permutations.
Independent matrices in
Pteridophytes (Steinhaus)
reported for the two other regions and Cuyabeno (Phillips et al.
Soil cation content within the Cuyabeno plot ranged between
0.47 and 2.06 cmol(+)/kg, i.e., by a factor of 4.4. In earlier studies,
variation of this magnitude has been found among sites whose
0 floristic differences suggest that they represent different forest types
0 4 8 12 16 10 1 10 1.4 10 1.8 10 2.2 (Ruokolainen & Tuomisto 1998, Tuomisto et al. 2003a). Some of
Elevation difference (m) Geographical distance (m)
this variation seems to be related to catena formation, as many of
the soil variables were correlated with elevation. This underlines the
FIGURE 2. The floristic similarity between the 20 subplots (in which soils importance of collecting soil samples from different topographical
were sampled) within the 1-ha plot at Cuyabeno measured by two indices positions when the purpose is to make comparisons among sites;
(Sørensen and Steinhaus) for three plant groups (pteridophytes, herbs and palms) soil samples from different topographical positions within the same
plotted against elevational differences and geographical distances. hectare may give quite different results.
Edaphic and Floristic Variation 475
SPECIES RICHNESS AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS.—A pat- studies. All of the soil variables studied in the present paper, except
tern similar to the one found in Cuyabeno, with highest species sand and silt, yielded significant Mantel correlations with trees in
richness of pteridophytes and herbs toward the lower part of a the Madre de Dios study mentioned above (Phillips et al. 2003).
slope, has been found both in Amazonian transects (Tuomisto et al. It is interesting to note that, although conducted at different
1995, Tuomisto & Poulsen 2000) and in a 1-ha plot in a Bornean spatial scales, the studies involving pteridophytes yielded relatively
rain forest (Poulsen 1996). In both 1-ha plots, the lower part of similar results as to which soil properties were related to floristic
the slope had about four times as high soil cation concentrations patterns. While the present study was conducted within a plot of
as the higher part, but Poulsen (1996) speculated that water reten- 100 × 100 m, the other studies were conducted at the landscape
tion of the soil might be a more important factor explaining the scale with the largest interplot distances exceeding 25 km. Thus, the
species richness patterns. However, since many of the measured soil same edaphic factors that affect plant distributions at the landscape
properties are correlated with elevation, which in turn is correlated scale may also affect plant distribution at the local scale. Given
with soil moisture and drainage, the relative roles of these factors that each of these factors has well-known direct or indirect effects
as determinants of floristic or species richness patterns cannot be on plant growth, this result is not entirely unexpected, although
separated even in the statistical sense, and proving that there is a our study does not, of course, prove that similar results would be
causal relationship would require experimental studies and more obtained in other hectares of the forest.
study sites. Other factors not included in our study, such as forest Spatial autocorrelation can be expected to be important within
structure and gap formation (both of which influence light inten- a small, square sample plot, which would decrease the unique con-
sity), may also affect the observed species richness patterns. There tribution of soil variation to explaining floristic variation (Legendre
is some evidence that even these factors may be related to topogra- & Legendre 1998). Indeed, geographical distances yielded signifi-
phy (Denslow 1987, 1995; Gale 1997; Trichon 1997), which may cant Mantel correlations with all of the plant groups (except palms,
enhance its prominence in our results. when the Steinhaus index was used), and many of these correla-
Palms in Cuyabeno differed from pteridophytes and herbs in tions remained significant after the influence of edaphic distances
having the highest species richness on the higher end of the slope. was partialled out. However, most of the Mantel correlations be-
Several other studies (Kahn & De Castro 1985; Kahn 1987; Sven- tween floristic and edaphic distances that had been significant in
ning 1999; Vormisto et al. 2000, 2004a) have shown that topo- the simple Mantel test also remained significant after the effect of
graphic and edaphic gradients influence local density and species geographical distances was partialled out. This suggests that these
richness of palms. correlations were not just due to spatial proximity.
An interesting question is whether variation in elevation and Interestingly, in the partial Mantel tests involving both geo-
edaphic properties in the Cuyabeno plot also affect local tree species graphical distance and difference in elevation, the latter showed
richness, as the number of tree species in the plot is among the highly significant correlations with all plant groups, whereas geo-
highest ever recorded (Valencia et al. 1994). The results of Johnston graphical distance remained significant only with herbs and with
(1992) indicate that trees may react to soil variation at this spatial pteridophytes when the Steinhaus index was used. In other words,
scale, and our present results indicate that the Cuyabeno plot is not floristic differences within the 1-ha plot were more related to differ-
perceived as homogeneous by some other plant groups. However, ences in elevation (which correlates with drainage and catena-related
1 ha is a very small plot for analyzing distribution patterns of soil properties) than to geographical distance. This interpretation
canopy trees, for which these questions could better be answered is in agreement with the multiple regression results: all models re-
using larger but equally intensively studied plots, such as the 25-ha tained elevation, but only half of them also retained geographical
plot in Yasuni (Valencia et al. 2004). distance. These results suggest that even at the local scale, floristic
patterns may be more readily explained by environmental patterns
FLORISTIC VARIATION AND EDAPHIC GRADIENTS.—Floristic differ- than by spatially contagious random processes such as dispersal.
ences between subunits in the Cuyabeno 1-ha plot were found It is noteworthy that those soil properties that yielded signif-
to be most consistently correlated with differences in elevation, icant Mantel correlations with floristic patterns, also yielded high
which produced highly significant Mantel correlations with all plant correlations with elevation difference (compare Tables 2 and 5).
groups. Out of the actual soil variables, soil aluminum content, This underlines the difficulty in quantifying the relative effects of
soil cation content (especially Ca), and soil texture (especially sand alternative explanatory factors. However, two of the multiple re-
content) yielded significant Mantel correlations. The latter three gression models retained a soil cation distance matrix in addition to
were also important in both the Yasuni study and the Loreto study elevation difference, which indicates that in spite of their intercor-
mentioned above (Ruokolainen & Tuomisto 1998, Tuomisto et al. relation, both had a unique contribution to explaining the variation
2003a), although the significance of Al varied between plant groups in the floristic distance matrix.
in the Yasuni study; and Na was not a significant factor in either Whereas floristic patterns in all three plant groups were corre-
of the earlier studies whereas K was. The correlations of differences lated with differences in elevation, the herbs differed from the other
in LOI and soil phosphorus concentration with floristic differences two groups by not being correlated with differences in any of the
were significant in one of the two landscape-scale studies but not the soil characteristics. On the other hand, herbs were the only group
other; in the present study, both were nonsignificant. Differences in whose floristic patterns correlated with slope differences (when us-
soil pH produced only nonsignificant Mantel test results in all three ing the Steinhaus index). In Malaysia, certain ground herbs have
476 Poulsen, Tuomisto, and Balslev
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478 Poulsen, Tuomisto, and Balslev
APPENDIX. Species list of the three plant groups inventoried in a 1-ha plot at Cuyabeno, APPENDIX. Continued.
Amazonian Ecuador. Number of individuals is shown for each species. For
palms, it is indicated in parentheses which stratum of the forest (understory,
Costus lasius Loesener 92
canopy) each species reaches in maturity.
Costus scaber Ruı́z & Pav. 11
Terrestrial pteridophytes Costus sp. nov. 131
Adiantum humile Kunze 914 Cyclanthaceae
Adiantum obliquum Willd. 1 Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm. 9
Adiantum terminatum Kunze 1004 Cyperaceae
Asplenium cirrhatum Willd 8 Calyptrocarya bicolor (Pfeiffer) Koyama 14
Cyathea lasiosora (Kuhn) Domin 317 Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brogn.) Urban 188
Cyclodium meniscioides (Kunze) Mett. 16 Hypolytrum scraederianum Nees 32
Danaea lepriuerii Kunze 22 Scleria secans (L.) Urban 22
Danaea sp. aff. nodosa (L.) Sm. 5 Gesneriaceae
Elaphoglossum styriacum Mickel 9 Nautilocalyx ecuadoranus Wiehler 192
Lindsaea cf. divaricata Klotzsch 41 Pearcea sp. 40
Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. lancea 1 Heliconiaceae
Lindsaea sp. 1 Heliconia schummaniana Loes. 3
Lomagramma guianensis (Aubl.) Ching 321 Heliconia spathocircinata Aristeg. 2
Lomariopsis nigropaleata Holttum 177 Heliconia velutina L. Anderss. 208
Microgramma megalophylla (Desv.) Sota 2 Marantaceae
Nephrolepis rivularis (Vahl) Krug 22 Calathea altissima (Poepp. & Endl.) Koern. 11
Polybotrya caudata Kunze 2 Calathea lagoagriana Kennedy 64
Polybotrya osmundacea Willd. 269 Calathea micans (Mathieu) Koern. 11
Polybotrya pubens Mart 690 Calathea microcephala (Poepp. & Endl.) Koern. 88
Saccoloma inaequale (Kunze) Mett. 170 Ischnosiphon hirsutus O. G. Peters 78
Salpichlaena hookeriana (O. Kuntze) Alston 27 Ischnosiphon killipii Macbr. 99
Salpichlaena volubilis (Kaulf.) J. Smith 84 Ischnosiphon obliquus (Rudge) Koern. 1
Selaginella exaltata (Kunze) Spring 72 Ischnosiphon puberulus Loes. 98
Selaginella parkeri (Hook & Grev.) Spring 8 Monotagma laxum (Poepp. & Endl.) K. Schum. 195
Selaginella revoluta Baker 1
Cryptochloa unispiculata Soderstrom 95
Thelypteris biformata (Rosenstock) R.M. Tryon 4
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. 3
Trichomanes pinnatum Hedw. 317
Olyra caudata Trin. 4
Triplophyllum dicksonioides (Fée) Holttum 2
Olyra latifolia L. 12
Triplophyllum funestum (Kunze) Holttum 161
Angiosperm ground herbs Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex Doell in Mart. 1069
Araceae Piresia goeldii Swallen 486
Anthurium acrobates Sodiro 46 Piresia leptophylla Soderstrom 550
Anthurium atropurpureum R.E. Schult. & Maguire 37 Piresia sympodica (Doell) Swallen 108
Anthurium brevispadix Croat 3 Rubiaceae
Anthurium croatii Madison 573 Geophila cordifolia Miq. 120
Anthurium ernestii Engl. var. ernestii 3 Geophila gracilis (Ruiz & Pav.) DC. 587
Anthurium loretense Croat 5 Geophila repens I. M. Johnston 5
Anthurium oxycarpum Poepp. 2 Psycotria ulviformis Steyerm. 6
Anthurium sp. 1 2 Zingiberaceae
Anthurium sp. 2 2 Renealmia asplundii Maas 1
Chlorospatha longipoda (K. Krause) Madison 22 Renealmia monosperma Miq. 28
Dieffenbachia parvifolia Engl. vel aff. 7 Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruı́z & Pav.) Poepp. & Endl. ssp. thyrsoidea 9
Monstera obliqua Miq. 28 Palms
Monstera sp. aff. obliqua Miq. 27 Aiphanes ulei (Dammer) Burret (understory) 6
Monstera sp. 1 8 Astrocaryum chambira Burret (canopy) 23
Philodendron alatum Poepp. 96 Attalea maripa (Aubl.) Mart. (canopy) 65
Philodendron asplundii Croat & M.L.C. Soares 367 Bactris maraja Mart. (understory) 24
Philodendron columbianum R.E. Schult. 20 Bactris simplicifrons Mart. (understory) 14
Philodendron ernestii Engl. 18 Bactris sp. 1 (understory) 39
Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) Kunth 18 Bactris sp. 2 (understory) 49
Philodendron hylaeae G.S. Bunting 5 Desmoncus orthacanthos Mart. (canopy liana) 18
Philodendron linnaei Kunth 7 Euterpe precatoria Mart. (canopy) 94
Philodendron panduriforme (Kunth) Kunth 1 Geonoma deversa (Poit.) Kunth (understory) 98
Philodendron pedatum (Hook.) Kunth 5 Geonoma longepedunculata Burret (understory) 514
Philodendron wittianum Engl. 547 Geonoma macrostachys Mart. (understory) 168
Philodendron sp. 1 18 Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth (understory) 43
Philodendron sp. 2 3 Geonoma polyandra Skov (understory) 222
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poepp.) Schott 4 Geonoma stricta var. piscicauda (Dammer) A. J. Hend. (understory) 59
Syngonium podophyllum Schott 52 Geonoma stricta (Poit.) Kunth var. stricta (understory) 1162
Bromeliaceae Geonoma triglochin Burret (understory) 9
Bromelia plumieri (E. Morren) L.B. Smith 1 Hyospathe elegans Mart. (understory) 480
Genus indet 1 1 Iriartea deltoidea Ruiz & Pav. (canopy) 121
Genus indet 2 2 Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (canopy) 1
Commelinaceae Oenocarpus bataua Mart. (canopy) 2514
Tradescantia zanonia (L.) Sw. 4 Oenocarpus mapora H. Karst. (canopy) 3
Geogenanthus sp. 1 Socratea exorrhiza (Mart.) H. Wendl. (canopy) 1
Wettinia maynensis Spruce (canopy) 18