Project Quality Plan GRC

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The quality manual outlines Metara Company's quality management system and processes to ensure compliance with ISO 9001:2015 standards.

The main sections covered include manual info, table of contents, distribution log, amendment log, terms and definitions, and general quality management system requirements.

Processes described include document control, record control, management review, training, purchasing, monitoring and measurement, customer feedback handling, internal auditing, non-conformance handling, and corrective and preventive actions.

Metara Company Ltd.

Project Quality Plan

ISO 9001:2015

Issue Date :

This Project Quality Plan is the property of METARA and must be treated confidentially. It must
not be duplicated in any form whatsoever, even in extracts, without the written permission of the
Management of METARA .
Project Quality Plan
Metara Company Ltd.

Revision # 01, May 2018

Metara Company Ltd.

Project Quality Plan
ISO 9001:2015
I. Manual Info :

# Description Control #

1 Controlled Copy:
2 Un-Controlled Copy:
3 Manual Revision No: 01
4 This Copy Number: 02
5 Issued to: Engr. Mazin khrais, GM

Activity Name / Designation Signature

Prepared by : Engr. Bader Al-Dahri QHSE Manager

Reviewed by : Engr. Bader Al-Dahri QHSE Manager

Approved by : Engr. Mazin khrais, GM

II. Table of Contents

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I. Manual Info :................................................................................................................................................ 2

II. Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................... 3
III. Distribution Log:...................................................................................................................................... 6
IV. Amendment Log........................................................................................................................................ 7
1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Customer Focus:....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Leadership:............................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Involvement of People:.............................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Process Approach:.................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 System Approach to Management:............................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Continual Improvement:........................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Factual Approach in Decision Making:.................................................................................................... 8
1.8 Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship:.............................................................................................. 9
2. APPLICATION.......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Reference Documents.............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Terms & Definitions................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 List Of Abbreviations Used..................................................................................................................... 10
3. TERMS & DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Terms Relating to Quality:...................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Terms Relating to Management:.............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Terms Relating to Organization:............................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Terms Relating to Process and Production:............................................................................................. 11
3.5 Terms Relating to Characteristic:........................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Terms Relating to Conformity:................................................................................................................ 12
3.7 Terms Relating to Document:.................................................................................................................. 12
3.8 Terms Relating to Examination:.............................................................................................................. 13
3.9 Terms Relating to Audit:......................................................................................................................... 13
3.10 Terms Relating to Quality Assurance for Measurement Processes:......................................................... 13
PROJECT QUALITY PLAN............................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 General Requirements............................................................................................................................. 15
4.1.1 Key Processes......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 Model of Project Quality Plan................................................................................................................ 16
4.1.3 Documentation System............................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Documentation Requirements................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Project Quality Plan............................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3 Control of Documents [QP/4.2.3]................................................................................................... 17
4.2.4 Control of Records [QP/4.2.4]........................................................................................................ 17
5. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY.................................................................................................... 18

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5.1 Management Commitment...................................................................................................................... 18

5.2 Customer Focus...................................................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Quality Policy [Appendix B1].......................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Planning.................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.4.1 Quality Objectives [Appendix B2].................................................................................................... 19
5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication........................................................................................ 19
5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority...................................................................................................................... 19
5.5.2 Management Representative................................................................................................................... 20
5.5.3 Internal Communication......................................................................................................................... 20
5.6 Management Review [QP/5.6]......................................................................................................... 21
5.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.2 Input Review........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.3 Output Review......................................................................................................................................... 21
6. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................ 22
6.1 Provision of Resources [Top Management]....................................................................................... 22
6.2 Human Resources................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.1 Job Description....................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training.................................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 Infrastructure.......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.4 Work Environment................................................................................................................................... 23
7. PRODUCTION REALIZATION............................................................................................................. 24
7.1 Planning of Production Realization........................................................................................................ 24
7.2 Customer Related Processes................................................................................................................... 24
7.2.1 General :................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.2.2 Review of Requirements Related to the Production................................................................................. 24
7.2.3 Customer Communication....................................................................................................................... 24
7.3 Purchasing.............................................................................................................................................. 25
7.3.1 Purchasing Process................................................................................................................................. 25
7.3.2 Purchasing Information.......................................................................................................................... 25
7.3.3 Verification of Purchased Production..................................................................................................... 25
7.4 Productionion and Production Provision................................................................................................ 26
7.4.1 Control of Productionion and Production Provision............................................................................... 26
7.4.2 Validation of Processes for Productionion and Production Provisions................................................... 26
7.4.3 Identification and Traceability................................................................................................................ 26
7.4.4 Preservation of Production..................................................................................................................... 27
7.4.5 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices....................................................................................... 27

8. MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS & IMPROVEMENT............................................................................ 28

8.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 28

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8.2 Monitoring and Measurement................................................................................................................. 28

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction............................................................................................................................. 28
8.2.2 Internal Quality Auditing [QP/8.2.2]............................................................................................... 28
8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes............................................................................................ 29
8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of the Production..................................................................................... 29
8.3 Control of Non Conforming Productions [QP/ 8.3]......................................................................... 30
8.4 Analysis of Data...................................................................................................................................... 30
8.5 Improvement........................................................................................................................................... 31
8.5.1 Continual Improvement........................................................................................................................... 31
8.5.2 Corrective Action [QP/ 8.5.2]........................................................................................................ 31
8.5.3 Preventive Action [QP/ 8.5.3]........................................................................................................ 31
ANNEX A – ORGANIZATION CHART............................................................................................................ 32
ANNEXE B1- QUALITY POLICY................................................................................................................... 33
ANNEXE B2 - QUALITY OBJECTS............................................................................................................... 34
ANNEXE C - LIST OF PROCEDURES & PROCESSES................................................................................ 35
ANNEXE D – WORK FLOW CHART............................................................................................................. 36
ANNEXE E – PROCESS CHART.................................................................................................................... 37

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III. Distribution Log:

Controlled (C) /
Copy Number Authorized Holder Date Issued
Uncontrolled (UC)
Master Copy Management Representative C
1. Productionion Manager C
2. General Manager C

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IV. Amendment Log

Rev. # Description of Revision Date Sign
All 00 First Issue

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1. General
METARA Management developed and implemented the Project Quality Plan (PQP) described in this
manual to help the organization demonstrate its ability to Production, Supply and Installation of GRC
with Different Dimensions, Size, Weights, Shapes, Colours and Surface Finishes.
METARA PQP utilizes the process approach and quality management principles contained in the
International Standard ISO 9001:2015 to enhance its ability to continually improve the system.
The METARA Project Quality Plan is structured to achieve a good internal system and better results of
customer satisfaction & continual improvements.

Scope of Work : Production, Supply and Installation of GRC with Different

Dimensions, Size, Weights, Shapes, Colurs and Surface Finishes.

This Project Quality Plan is based on the following Eight major principles:
1.1 Customer Focus:
METARA PQP is based on understanding and meeting customers’ needs, and exceeding their
expectations. Thourgh understanding of customers’ requirements before starting any ouput, better
communication during execution and after-sale Productions.

1.2 Leadership:
The General Manager is the person who is mainly involved in developing a practical system in order
to lead the organization to meet the stated policy and Objectives. He encourges all manager to develop
short terms objectives and provide necessary resources to achieve these goals. He has delegated
authority to the Management Representative to summerize and follow up continual improvements and
regualar training activities.

1.3 Involvement of People:

Employees at all levels are involved in developing and implementing the system thru ‘suggestion box’
and open house meetings.

1.4 Process Approach:

All activities at METARA are treated as processes, the output of any process will be the input for the
next one, and interrelations between these processes will be clarified.

1.5 System Approach to Management:

Interrelated process are will identified understood, and managed as a system for the purpose of
efficiency increase.

1.6 Continual Improvement:

Policy, Objectives and the integration of the system will be dedicated to organization continual

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1.7 Factual Approach in Decision Making:

All management and strategic decisions will be decided upon statistical and analytical data.

1.8 Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship:

General Control Group and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship
enhances the ability of both to create value.

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2. Application
METARA QSM complies with all applicable requirements contained in ISO 9001:2015 covers matters
of Production, Supply and Installation of GRC with Different Dimensions, Size, Weights, Shapes,
Colours and Surface Finishes.

2.1 Reference Documents

A list of referenced procedures and documents is attached at: [Annex B]

2.2 Terms & Definitions

QSM uses the same internationally recognized terms, vocabulary and definitions as given in ISO
9001:2015 Standard. Acronyms, terms, vocabulary and definitions unique to organization, customers,
sector and region. These are defined in the next page.

2.3 List of Abbreviations Used

METARA Metara Company Ltd.
GM General Manager
OP Operations Manager

LS Lab Supervisor

PM Production Manager

NCR Non-Conformance Report

CAR Corrective Action Report

CPAR Corrective and Preventive Action Report
PQP Project Quality Plan
QP/ Process Description
Mgt Management

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3. Terms & Definitions

3.1 Terms Relating to Quality:

Quality Ability of a set of inherent characteristics of a system or process to fulfill
requirements of customers and other interested parties.
Customer Satisfaction Customer’s opinion of the degree to which a transaction has met the
customer’s needs and expectations.
Capability Ability of an organization, system, or process to realize a Production that
fulfils the requirements for that Production.

3.2 Terms Relating to Management:

Management System System to establish policy and objectives and to achieve those
Project Quality Plan System to establish a quality policy and quality objectives and to
achieve those objectives.
Quality Policy Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as
formally expressed by to management.
Quality Objectives Something sought, or aimed for related to quality.
Quality Planning Part of quality management focused on setting quality objectives and
specifying necessary operational processes and related resources to
fulfill the quality objectives.
Quality Control Part of quality management, focused on fulfilling quality requirements.
Quality Assurance Part of quality management, focused on providing confidence that
quality requirements shall be fulfilled.
Quality Improvement Part of quality management, focused on increasing effectiveness and

3.3 Terms Relating to Organization:

Organizational Structure Orderly arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships
between staff of a company.
Work Environment Set of conditions under which a person operates.
Customer Organization or person that receives a Product.
Supplier Organization or Production that provides a Product.
Interested Property Person or group having an interest in the performance or success of an

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3.4 Terms Relating to Process and Production:

Process System of activities which uses resources to transform inputs into
Product Result of a process.
Service Intangible Production that is the result of at least one activity performed
at the interface between the supplier and customer.
Design and Set of processes that transform requirements into specified
Development characteristics and into the specifications of the Production realization

3.5 Terms Relating to Characteristic:

Quality Characteristics Inherent characteristics of a Product, process, or system derived from a
Traceability Ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under

3.6 Terms Relating to Conformity:

Conformity Fulfillment of a requirement.
Non-conformity Non-fulfillment of a requirement.
Preventive Action Action taken to eliminate the causes of a potential non-conformity or
other potentially undesirable situation.
Corrective Action Action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or
other undesirable situation.
Correction Action taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity.
Concession Authorization to use or release a Production that does not conform to
the specified requirements.
Release Authorization to proceed to the next stage of a process.
Repair Action taken to a non-conforming to make it acceptable for the
intended use.
Rework Action taken on a non-conforming Production to make it conform to the
Re-grade Alteration of the grade of a non-conforming Production in order to
make it conformant with requirements differing from the initial ones.
Scrap Action taken on a non-conforming Production to preclude its originally
intended usage.

3.7 Terms Relating to Document:

Document Information and its support medium.
Specification Document stating requirements.

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Guideline Document stating recommendations or suggestions.

Project Quality Plan Document stating the project quality plan of an organization.
Quality Plan Document specifying the project quality plan elements and the
resources to be applied in a specific case.
Procedure Specified way to perform an activity or a process.
Record Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities

3.8 Terms Relating to Examination:

Objective Evidence Data supporting the existence or verity of something.
Inspection Conformity evaluation by observation and judgment accompanied as
appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging.
Verification Confirmation and provision of objective evidence that specified
requirements have been fulfilled.
Validation Confirmation and provision of objective evidence that the requirements
for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled.

3.9 Terms Relating to Audit:

Audit Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining
evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which
the audit criteria shall be fulfilled.
Audit Program Set of audits to be carried out during a planned time.
Audit Scope Extent and range of a given audit.
Audit Criteria Set of policies, procedures, or requirements against which collected
audit evidence is compared.
Audit Evidence Records, verified statements of fact or other information relevant to the
Audit Findings Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against audit
Audit Conclusions Outcome of an audit decided by the audit team after consideration of all
the audit findings.
Auditee Organization person being audited.
Audit Team One or more auditors conducting an audit, one of whom is appointed as
Auditor Person qualified from a certification body to conduct audits.

3.10 Terms Relating to Quality Assurance for Measurement Processes:

Measurement Set of operations having the object of determining the value of a

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Measurement Process Set of interrelated resources, activities, and influences related to a
Measurement Control Set of operations necessary related to achieve meteorological
System confirmation and continuous control of measurement processes.
Measuring Equipment Instrument, measurement standard, reference material and/or auxiliary
apparatus necessary to implement a measurement process for carrying
out a specified and defined measurement.


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4.1 General Requirements

METARA PQP describes the documented quality policy, and related processes for providing the best
Productions which meet or exceed customer requirements.
METARA has adopted the process and system approach advocated by ISO 9001:2015 PQP, which
means that we shall define and manage:
Processes input, various controls, and outputs to ensure that the desired results are achieved.
Interfaces between interrelated processes to ensure system effectiveness is achieved.
In accordance with the increased customer emphasis advocated by ISO 9001:2015 standard is paying a
particular attention to PQP processes to ensure that desired results are achieved.
recognizes the significant role of its subcontractors in achieving desired results. shall manage all
outsourced processes.

4.1.1 Key Processes

Key processes include:
1. Management and Leadership:
1. Management processes are implemented by the management team which determines an
overall strategy for the company defines and improve the organization in order to
achieve the following desired objectives;
2. Manages and improves business performances.
3. Sets quality objectives and manages its performance.
2. Marketing:
Marketing includes analysis of rival conditions, identifying customers and market
opportunities. The information collected is the key input to the process of improvement.
3. Procurement and Supply Management:
To support Productions activities, the process of procurement and supply management provides
a timely, qualitative and quantitative management for the Production process requirements.
These requirements results in timely delivery and reduction in the total cost.
4. Productions:
The process of Production includes preparation of proper scheduling, arranging all facilities
and equipment and execution. These operations are performed according to procedures and
directives within the defined timing.
5. Delivery :
The process of sale includes all activities of planning for sale, conducting order handlings for
customers, releasing bills, delivery of Production and follow up action for any customer

6. After Sale Productions:

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The process of after sale Productions includes proactive planning to meet and fulfill customer
related needs, collecting their feedbacks on Production quality and reliability, as well as
forwarding this information to the management.

4.1.2 Model of Project Quality Plan

Interaction between the various processes is illustrated at: [Appendix E]

4.1.3 Documentation System

The procedures/ directives which define support activities include:
1. Management review
2. Control of documents and records
3. Identification and traceability of the Product.
4. Calibration and maintain of monitoring and measuring devices
5. Control of nonconforming Production
6. Complaints & feed back
7. Improvement
8. Assessments and audits

4.2 Documentation Requirements

4.2.1 General
A quality policy statement has been defined and published and can be found with the General Manager
endorsement in this manual. Project Quality Plan and Quality procedures been documented for the
purpose of achieving the quality objectives of this Project Quality Plan.
Documentation procedures will sustain the availability and reliability of all documents needed by the
organization to ensure effective planning, operations and control of the processes in addition to the
control of national and international regulations or any other specifications determined by the

4.2.2 Project Quality Plan

This manual defines the scope of and documents the policy, procedures and processes needed to
implement quality policy and achieve quality objectives.
1. This manual also documents the justification for exclusions from ISO 9001:2015 PQP
requirements and defines the overall sequence and interaction between key QSM processes.
2. This project quality plan contains documented statements of quality policy and quality
objectives and references of documented procedures required by ISO 9001:2015 and other
documents needed to ensure effective planning, operation and control of the key processes.
3. The level and type of PQP documentation established for business is continually reviewed to
ensure that it remains appropriate for the complexity and interaction of processes and the
competence of its core management staff.
4. PQP documents and the data collected to ensure complete compliance may be the shape of
hard copy or electronic records.

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5. PQP documentation includes these Project quality Plan, quality procedures, work instructions,
flow charts, and external documents needed to manage, perform and verify work affecting
Production quality.
6. METARA uses Work Instructions to document and define the key PQP processes. uses Flow
Charts to aid in the development and improvement of processes defined in Work Instructions.
7. METARA also issues and control work instructions, job descriptions, and other external
documents and data as appropriate and needed to effectively manage the METARA-PQP.

4.2.3 Control of Documents [QP/4.2.3]

The procedure stated describes the control over preparation, approval, distribution and handling of the
following documents and their subsequent changes and revisions in the Quality System manual,
process descriptions, work instructions, Product specifications, Relevant standards and specifications.
Documents prepared at METARA shall be identified as per the numbering system given as below:
1. Quality System Manual PQP/METARA/001
3. Quality procedure QP/Procedure Number
4. Work Instructions WI/Assigned Number
5. Quality Forms/Formats QF/Assigned Form Number

4.2.4 Control of Records [QP/4.2.4]

1. This sub-section describes the controls employed over preparation, control and retention of
quality records.
2. Records shall be generated and maintained in order to demonstrate achievements of the
required quality of the Productions and effective operation of the documented project quality
3. Records shall be stored and maintained in box files, which would prevent damage,
deterioration or loss and shall be readily retrievable.
4. Authorized persons carry out identification, collection, indexing, filing, maintenance and
specify retention time of the records.
5. Records are stored in legible manner, are identifiable, easily retrievable, and protected from
6. Quality Records will act as inputs for data analysis process.
7. If required by contract, records will be made available to a customer for an agreed period of

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5.1 Management Commitment

1. METARA management is committed to provide direct leadership and resources to ensure
continued conformance with the requirements specified in this Project Quality Plan.
2. The primary evidence in support of Management Commitment is the responsibility of the
Management Representative (MR), who directly reports to the GM.
3. METARA policy of meeting the requirements of the customer and its importance in the
present business situation shall be communicated to the employees.
4. METARA quality objectives shall be clearly defined and communicated to all employees to
make sure that the quality policy is achieved and continuously maintained by the
5. METARA quality system is subjected to regular review by the top management as per
Section 5.6.
6. The resources required for the smooth and effective operation of the system are identified
and made available from time to time. The Process Descriptions for Human Resource
Management, Purchasing, Equipment Maintenance, etc. ensuring the required resources right
in time.

5.2 Customer Focus

Customer’s requirements shall be determined and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction
by analysis of feedback received through a survey of the customers which shall be conducted

5.3 Quality Policy [Appendix B1]

1. METARA shall achieve customer's satisfaction by providing a consistent level of work
performance that meets or exceeds customer requirements.
2. METARA quality policy statement indicates commitment and focuses on what is important
to us as an organization achieving customer satisfaction and it prescribes the method by
which we accomplish this by continually improving processes and Productions to ensure they
consistently meet or exceed requirements. Moreover, quality policy statement acts as a
compass in providing the direction and a framework for establishing key corporate level
performance measures and related improvement objectives.
3. METARA ensures that quality policy is communicated and understood at all levels of the
organization through documented training and regular communication.
4. METARA quality policy statement is controlled by inclusion in this manual, and along with
all policies contained in this manual, is reviewed for continuing suitability during
management review meetings.

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5.4 Planning
5.4.1 Quality Objectives [Appendix B2]
Overall quality goal is to achieve the requirement of quality policy, maintain the integrity of the
system and continually improve its compliance with ISO 9001:2015 QSM. METARA establishes both
corporate level and operational level improvement objectives that are measurable and achievable
within a defined time period. Operational level improvement objectives are determined from process
monitoring activities in each of the following areas:
1. To ensure that approved methods and procedures are in place.
2. To optimize the reliability, operability and maintainability of the facilities.
3. To minimize the wastage during the Production processes.
4. To ensure that safety of the personnel, the facilities and environment have been carefully
5. To comply with International codes and standards while planning and executing the
customer’s projects.
6. To demonstrate the fulfillment of related customers requirements.
7. To maintain an effective and economical program for quality and meet agreed
8. To ensure that quality requirements shall be determined and satisfied throughout all phases
of Productionion & delivery.
9. To ensure that approved practices, procedures, inspection and test plans and audits are in
place and utilized, as they apply, throughout all processes.
10. To provide for early and prompt detection of deficiencies and for timely and effective
11. Management level improvement objectives shall be discussed in management review
meeting and reviewed for continuing suitability.
12. METARA key personnel shall monitor and measure performance of the processes within
their areas of responsibility and, where appropriate, establish measurable operation level
improvement objectives consistent with quality policy.

5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication

5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority

1. The organization chart of METARA is given in this manual at: [Appendix A].
2. The responsibility and authority of different personnel within the organization shall be detailed
in the Job Description issued to each personnel performing the jobs affecting the Production
3. The responsibilities for each task shall be defined in the Process Description.
4. A brief description of responsibilities for effective implementation of the Quality System are as given
# Personnel Responsibilities for Quality Activities

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1. General Manager Quality Policy, Management Review, Contract

2. Management Representative Quality System, Internal Quality Audit, Handling of
Customer Complaints, Training, Instrument
Calibration, Maintenance of Quality Record.
3. Production Manager Production Realization, Measuring and Analysis of
Production, Disposition of Non-Conformances
4. Purchasing Manager Supplier Evaluation, Material Purchase,

5.5.2 Management Representative

Production Manager is designated as Management Representative (MR), responsible for ensuring that
the Quality System as set out in this Project Quality Plan is developed, effectively implemented and
maintained. He reports directly to the GM.
MR shall have the freedom to:
1. Initiate action to prevent occurrence of Process Non-conformance.
2. Identify and record any quality problem.
3. Initiate, recommend or provide solutions after consultation with concerned Manager and
4. Verify the implementation of the agreed corrective actions.
5. Control further processing and/or delivery of non-conforming Productions till the non-
conformance has properly been resolved.
6. Report to the top management regarding the performance and any need for improvement of the
quality system.
7. To ensure that the awareness of the customer requirements throughout the organization.
8. Liaison with customers and any other external agencies on matters related to project quality
9. The Management Representative has the authority to stop any process, which will affect the
quality of the Productions.
10. In the matters affecting quality systems set out in this Project Quality Plan, only the GM can
over-rule the Management Representative.

5.5.3 Internal Communication

1. All employees of have access to the relevant Quality documents of the METARA .
2. Clients’ requirements and expectations shall be identified. The special Production related
documentation is issued during the Product realization and the concerned personnel execute the
process in accordance with the Productionion Order.
3. Periodic meetings shall be organized with the concerned & Management Representative to
discuss the progress and problems (if any) of the Production or the process.
4. During the meeting, the effectiveness of the Project Quality Plan shall be discussed.

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5.6 Management Review [QP/5.6]

5.6.1 General
Management Review is held minimum once a year to monitor the system’s effectiveness. This meeting
shall be chaired by the General Manager and participated by the Management Representative, Human
Resource Manager, Production Manager, Maintenance Manager, Sales Manager, Purchasing Manager
and any other personnel specially invited for discussing any specific issue.

5.6.2 Input Review

The following quality related performance parameters shall be reviewed during the meeting;
1. Implementation of actions initiated during the previous review outputs.
2. Results of the Internal and External Quality Audits results.
3. Feedback from the customers and the customer’s complaints.
4. Performance of Various Processes and conformity.
5. Performance of Suppliers and Sub-contractors.
6. Actions taken for the correction of existing Production non-conformances and prevention of
any potential non-conformance.
7. Suitability of the established project quality plan.
8. Changes made/proposed in the project quality plan.
9. Suggestions for improving the Project Quality Plan and Performance of the Processes.

5.6.3 Output Review

Records of the Management Review Meetings shall be prepared and circulated to all concerned by
MR. It must contain:
1. Improvements discussed regarding the project quality plan and its effectiveness.
2. Improvements discussed and agreed for the enhancement of the Product and Productions.
3. Provision of desired resources by the operational management in order to successfully
complete quality goals.

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6.1 Provision of Resources [Top Management]

1. The required resources in terms of Product knowledge, raw materials, equipments, tools and
manpower shall be identified and made available by the management with the objective of
implementation, maintenance and continually improvement of the Project Quality Plan and
enhancing customer satisfaction.
2. The adequacy of these is reviewed during the Management Review Meetings and any
additional requirements shall be identified and taken care of.

6.2 Human Resources

6.2.1 Job Description
1. Job Description for each personnel performing work affecting the Production/process quality
shall be prepared and issued to the personnel.
2. The personnel required for performing the work affecting Production/process quality shall be
recruited depending on their education, experience and skill as defined in the Job Description.
Additional trainings shall be provided, wherever necessary.

6.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training

1. All new employees shall be given induction training to an extent necessary as per
responsibilities of the individuals regarding business, quality and safety policy and practices.
2. Quality documents relevant to one’s job shall be prepared for to the employees, as necessary.
3. New employees shall be assigned with an existing employee for on-the-job training, if and as
4. The performance evaluation of all employees shall be carried out by the immediate reporting
superior for the review of the concerned department Manager and approval by the General
5. During this evaluation, training needs for the employee shall be identified and necessary
training shall be provided.
6. All personnel shall be trained regarding the Quality System implemented at to the extent of
their position requirement. MR shall arrange such training.
7. The HR Dept & MR shall maintain the training record.

6.2.3 Infrastructure
1. The infrastructure required for the Production, inspection, storage and delivery of the raw
material as well as finished Production shall be identified and enhanced from time to time.
2. The adequacy of the resources shall be reviewed during the Management Review Meeting
and any additional requirements shall be identified and made available.
3. All the major equipments and inspection instruments shall be under preventive maintenance
and calibration as needed in each case.

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6.2.4 Work Environment

1. The work environment, safety and hygiene requirements shall be identified, established and
maintained with the objective of meeting the Production requirements and employees’
comfort. This is achieved at the METARA through providing the most updated machines,
software and hardware, suitable ways of communication, applying a project quality plan to
organize, protect and increase the efficiency of work and employees.
2. To its employees, the company is committed to providing an environment of continuous job
satisfaction and advancement.
3. The Company uses state of the art manufacturing technologies, to produce Productions of
high quality.
4. It is company policy to employ on competitive basis highly motivated, qualified, an efficient
engineers and technicians.

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7.1 Planning of Production Realization

1. The processes that shall be required for the Product realization shall be identified and
established as described in Section 4.1 of this Manual.
2. Resources required shall be identified and made available to complete the Production within
the scheduled delivery period.
3. General Inspection Plan shall be followed for the Inspection requirements for Product at
various stages of Production. The requirements shall be followed and records shall be
maintained as evidence.

7.2 Customer Related Processes

7.2.1 General :
1. Activities such as inquiry receipt, estimation, quotation preparation and order receipt shall be
carried out by the Sales Manager in co-ordination with the General Manager.
2. All relevant information such as price list of the components and cost of the raw materials
and other resources shall be made available during the estimation by the management.

7.2.2 Review of Requirements Related to the Production

1. The Sales Manager shall review & understand the special Production requirements specified
by the customer.
2. All customer enquiries shall be clearly understood, reviewed and documented with signature.
Queries, if any shall be clarified with the customer or internal staff, prior to cost estimation
and preparation of the quotation.
3. Necessary liaison work shall be carried out with the customer to realize a quotation into an
actual Purchase Order.
4. The received Purchase Order shall be reviewed by the Sales Manager to ensure that the order
requirements shall be in compliance with the original quotation proposal and any other
mutually agreed modifications.
5. A Job order is prepared detailing all the Productions requirements required by the customer
and is forwarded to the Production Manager for initiating the Production activities.
6. Changes to the Purchase Orders shall be processed in the same way as the original order.

7.2.3 Customer Communication

1. The Sales Manager shall be constantly in touch with the customer by way of visits,
telephonic discussion, fax messages, etc, in order to get the complete information regarding
their requirements including Production information.
2. Customer Enquiries, Purchase Orders and amendments shall be handled as described in this
Quality System Manual.
3. Customer Complaints shall be collected and analyzed for identifying improvements.
Customer Complaints shall be processed and corrective actions are identified and

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implemented as per the documented procedure. The corrective action implemented is usually
intimated to the customer (if based on the feedback received from the customers).

7.3 Purchasing
7.3.1 Purchasing Process
Raw materials and components shall be purchased based on the stock requirement or based on the
specific orders.
1. All materials shall be purchased from the approved suppliers. Materials and components
shall be purchased only from suppliers who are able to demonstrate capability to meet the
specific material requirements.
2. All suppliers shall be approved based on their previous dealing relations with which include
price, material quality, and delivery schedule promptness in resolving and discrepancy in
material and market reputation.
3. A Questionnaire shall be sent to new suppliers who are interested in working with . However
all suppliers who are working with METARA since the begining shall be considered as
4. An Approved Supplier List (ASL) is maintained and used for all the purchases made. The
process of assessment of suppliers and their inclusion or deletion in the ASL is carried out as
per approved Process Description.
5. Products shall be purchased only from sub-contractors who are able to demonstrate capability
to meet the requirement of the Production.
6. Materials requisitions shall be prepared based on the Minimum Stock for the stock items and
as per the Job Order for the requirement against a specific order.
7. The GM as per the documented Process Description shall approve Purchase Orders for the
materials and Productions.

7.3.2 Purchasing Information

1. All Purchase Orders shall be issued to the suppliers detailing clearly the Production/material
specification, grade, type and description. The delivery and commercial terms and conditions
shall also be clearly detailed in the Purchase Order.
2. Purchase Orders issued to suppliers detail clearly the required proof of quality in the form of
inspection reports, test certificates, etc. (if applicable), which shall be to be furnished by the
3. Revisions to Purchase Order shall be handled and processed in the manner as a new order. In
such cases the obsolete Purchase Order will be withdrawn.

7.3.3 Verification of Purchased Production

1. All purchased items shall be verified, to ensure the conformance to the required
Production/quality requirement.
2. Verification of the materials at supplier’s premises is not generally applicable to the purchase
scope of METARA. However, if required, it will be specified in the purchasing documents.

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7.4 Production Provision

7.4.1 Control of Products and Production Provision
1. METARA initial focus is to assure the quality of process inputs, that is, employees, material,
facilities, equipment, and methods.
2. Employees shall be equipped to perform the process properly through appropriate education,
training, and certification.
3. Material shall meet specified requirements and properly identified, stored, and issued.
Equipment and facilities shall be adequate, accurate, available and properly utilized.
4. Work instructions and other important data shall be current and correct. Methods shall be
appropriate and proven capable of accomplishing the desired results.
5. The METARA appropriateness of all these process inputs shall be assured, measured,
monitored and controlled to assure effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement.
METARA is gearing strategies for the following:
1. Ensuring the competency, awareness and training of employees. Ensuring that only correct
materials and Productions shall be planned, procured and verified.
2. Planning, providing and maintaining appropriate and suitable facilities, equipment and
related support Productions.
3. For developing effective work processes capable of meeting all applicable requirements.
4. The GM has overall responsibility for ensuring all processes shall be planned, scheduled and
carried out in a timely and effective by manner.

7.4.2 Validation of Processes for Products and Production Provisions

The processes shall be reviewed on regular intervals and any non conformances occurring due to
process deficiency, the interrelation of the processes shall be corrected accordingly.

7.4.3 Identification and Traceability

1. The system is followed for indicating identification, traceability and inspection status of a
Product at all stages which are of receiving, storage, Product and delivery.
2. After performing the receiving inspection of the materials and components, the accepted
materials shall be forwarded for storage or issued for Production.
3. Materials stored shall be identified with proper location numbers.
4. Finished Products shall be identified properly with an Identification Tags, Customer
Identification and Item Number etc.
5. Non-conforming Products at any in-process stage shall be suitably identified with a Hold Tag
and reported for initiating corrective action.
6. All the records related to a particular Production order shall be referenced with the
Production date ensuring complete traceability of Productions from receipt of raw materials
to delivery of the Product to a customer.

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7.4.4 Preservation of Product

1. Handling raw material, semi-finished and finished Products are handled and transported in a
suitable way in order to prevent the Product from any damage/deterioration.
2. The Purchase Order received issued to a supplier shall specify any special packing
instruction to protect the raw materials from any damage on receipt.
3. All Handling, Storage operations of materials and Productions shall be carried out in the best

7.4.5 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

Inspection, Measuring and Test equipment shall be selected on the basis of measurement to be made /
test to be performed and the accuracy required as per the Product related requirements specified in the
job order received from the customers.
Change the following according to the actual situation of the company.
1. All inspection, measuring and test equipment which shall be used in the Production and
inspection shall be identified and their record maintained in a master list.
2. All inspection, measuring and test equipment stated in the master list shall be calibrated
periodically. The frequency of calibration for an instrument is determined on the basis of
manufacturer’s recommendation or experience from the usage of the instrument. The
designated frequency of calibration is entered in the master list.
3. Calibration is carried out by trained and qualified personnel against a calibrator traceable to
the National & International standards. The calibrator shall be calibrated at defined
frequencies by an approved calibration laboratory/agency.
4. Marking the instrument with a unique identification number identifies its traceability in the
master list of calibration.
5. The calibration status of instruments is indicated by means of a calibration sticker which states
the calibration date and the next due date for calibration. The calibration stickers shall be
pasted on the instrument. Care shall be taken to prevent an unauthorized person from making
adjustments. No user is allowed to make any adjustment to the instruments without the
knowledge of the MR who will be responsible for its re-calibration/repair and updated the
master list and affixing a new sticker.
6. Only calibrated instruments shall be issued to the Productionion and inspection personnel.
Instruments found out of calibration or damaged during usage shall be withdrawn from usage
for the necessary corrective action.
7. The inspection personnel maintain traceability of calibrated equipments used for inspection
and testing.
8. Handling, preservation, use and storage shall be identified under suitable environmental
conditions and shall be specified for their usage.
9. New instruments shall be purchased and checked for accuracy / calibration before actual
10. If an instrument is reported out of calibration during re-calibration, the previous user is
informed accordingly for the adverse effect, if any. It will be responsibility of MR to verify
the validity of the previously checked results and take appropriate corrective actions, if
required to ensure accuracy of the Productions measured with the instrument in question.

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8.1 General
The inspection of incoming raw materials, in-process materials and final Product shall be performed
by qualified staff.
Internal audits shall be planned and performed to ensure the conformity of the Project Quality Plan.
Corrective and preventive action system, Management Review, Customer satisfaction survey and
analysis shall be planned and implemented to make sure that the project quality plan and its
effectiveness shall be continually monitored and strived for improvement.

8.2 Monitoring and Measurement

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction
1. Customers are the reason for the existence of a company and shall drive its quality policy “to
meet or exceed customer requirements”. The Sales Manager has overall responsibility for
identifying and reviewing customer requirements and for monitoring and measuring
customers’ satisfaction.
2. Data collected from the customers during routine communication and customer feedback
forms received back from them is the primary basis for assessing customer satisfaction. SM
shall use a customer satisfaction survey form to ascertain the customers’ overall perception of
how well is in meeting their requirements.
3. Customer complaints (received in writing or verbally) shall be forwarded to the MR for
action. If MR cannot resolve, the complaint shall be brought to the notice of the GM.
Customer complaints shall be documented and monitored through corrective/preventive
action process.
4. Customer survey data along with other customer feedback (including written or verbal
complaints) shall be reviewed timely by MR to initiate a corrective/preventive actions

8.2.2 Internal Quality Auditing [QP/8.2.2]

1. A good number of Internal Auditors shall be got trained from an appropriate agency. A record
of their training shall be maintained properly.
2. The trained auditors shall be deployed in order to verify the effectiveness of the Quality
System and to ensure that the quality objectives are achieved accurately.
3. A complete internal audit of all facilities shall be carried out at least once a year.
4. Planning and performing internal audits, reporting of non-conformances, implementation of
corrective actions based on audit results and verification of implementation are carried out as
per the documented Quality Procedure by trained internal auditors.
5. Designated auditors shall be selected independent of the processes they have been assigned
to audit.
6. Audits shall be planned to cover the entire quality system functioning. An annual audit
schedule shall be drawn. Checklists shall be prepared and used for conducting audits.
Specified formats shall be used for reporting of audit observations.

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7. Non-conformances shall be discussed with the concerned personnel. Corrective actions and a
time frame for implementation shall be agreed upon in writing.
8. If required, a follow-up audit shall be performed after the stipulated time period to verify the
implementation of the agreed corrective actions.
9. Extra ordinary audits shall be carried out when any of the following conditions exist:
10. When significant changes shall be made in functional areas of the Quality System including
significant re-organizations and revision in the quality procedure.
11. When it is considered necessary to verify implementation of corrective actions which has
taken place as a result of a major non-conformance.
12. The internal auditors shall submit the audit report to the MR and copies sent to the concerned
personnel for initiating corrective action.
13. A management review meeting attended by GM, MR and concerned personnel shall be held
at least once a year to review the effectiveness of the implementation of the Quality System.
Audit reports, non conformance reports and corrective action status shall be reviewed.
Necessary actions shall be taken based on the observations.

8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

1. METARA shall apply suitable methods for monitoring and measuring all QSM processes.
2. QSM processes shall be documented measured, controlled and evaluated to ensure they shall
be effective (i.e. achieve desired results) and to identify opportunities for improvement. GM
has the overall responsibility for the process development Key processes measurement is
used to qualify process effectiveness and efficiency.
3. All managers shall be trained in the development and use of appropriate process management
and control tools and techniques.
4. A process is effective only if the desired results are achieved. Effectiveness can be measured
in terms of Product quality, process accuracy, delivery/schedule performance, cost/budget
performance, employee/function performance against established objectives and customer
5. A process is efficient when resource utilization is optimal. Efficiency can be measured in
terms of total resource utilization, Productionivity indicators, and or waste/rework costs or
hours. Since effectiveness is of primary importance to customers and efficiency is of primary
importance to management, achieving and improving effectiveness and efficiency of all key
QSM processes is critical to success
6. METARA may conduct additional internal audit to obtain more nonconformance’s
opportunity for improvement and use statistical technique to monitor and measurement
processes and improve them.

8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of the Production

1. During manufacturing, in process inspection is carried out at specified points. Any non-
conforming item/Product detected is segregated and marked up accordingly.
2. Selecting a sample form batch to ensure that id conforms to specify requirements tests
finished Productions.

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3. Finished Products are not released for shipment until; records have been verified that all steps
have been completed and all results are documented and accepted.
4. Results are kept for all the tests carried out on raw materials, in process, and final Products.
These results can be used to provide any necessary information as requested by customers.
5. All inspections and test records clearly show status of test samples of every Production batch
according to METARA inspection and tests criteria.
6. International, Local standards will be followed to be referenced to whenever needed.

8.3 Control of Non Conforming Products [QP/8.3]

METARA has established a procedure for Non-Conformance Control to prevent the inadvertent use of
materials, components, Products, etc. that are not conforming to the specified requirements.
1. At any stage the responsibility for non-conformance detection and reporting is that of the
person who handles the materials at that stage.
2. Non-conforming Products observed at every stage e.g., receipt, storage, Production and
delivery is tagged / segregated and recorded on the applicable report.
3. The non-conformed Product or parts are disposed of by taking any one of the following
4. USE AS IS: If the non-conformance is minor and will not affect the Product quality, the
Product or part may be allowed under concession after suitable recording.
5. REPAIR: Items, which can be reworked/repaired to make them meet the specified
requirement, shall be reworked/repaired by the authorized personnel. Repaired/reworked
Productions or parts shall be subjected to re-inspection and records shall also be maintained.
6. SCRAPPED: If the disposition on a non-conforming Product is scrapped, the Product or part
is identified with suitable tag and necessary action is initiated.
7. The records for the disposition of non-conformance shall be recorded.

8.4 Analysis of Data

The data generated and collected during the different stages of the Production shall be subjected to the
analysis by statistical techniques.
The following are the areas where this analysis is carried out:
1. Customer Satisfaction & Customer Complaints
2. Product/Production Non-Conformance
3. Corrective & Preventive Action
4. Supplier’s Performance
5. Internal Quality Audit Process
6. periodic report (at least once a year) based on the above analysis is prepared, circulated to
concerned personnel, and discussed with management for review.
7. The trends shall be reviewed in the Management Review Meeting.

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8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual Improvement
1. Continual Improvement in each area is part of the quality policy and objectives of . These
shall be achieved through analysis of the results of internal audits, Product non-
conformances, and customer complaints and feedback and by identifying corrective and
preventive action.
2. The Project Quality Plan is implemented within all functions and this is accomplished within
a total quality environment, which promotes continuous quality improvement through active
employee involvement and utilization of measurement data from both internal and external

8.5.2 Corrective Action [QP/8.5.2]

3. System/document related corrective actions can be proposed by any person by filling up a
document change request as described in the Section 4.2.3 of this Project Quality Plan.
4. The non-conformance reports requiring system related or Production related corrective
actions shall be attended to immediately and the relevant documents shall be changed
5. Reports of rejection, rework, scrap and returned from the customers shall be reviewed to
identify the causes of the non-conformances and the means of preventing their recurrence.
6. The results of Internal Quality Audits and customer complaints shall be reviewed during the
Management Review Meetings and appropriate corrective actions shall be decided.
7. Product related non-conformance pertaining to purchase Product is reported to the respective
supplier for necessary corrective action. In case of repeated non-conformances, the supplier
is removed from the Approved Supplier List.
8. When the non-conformance is due to inadequate training of personnel, the concerned staffs
shall be provided with necessary training
9. All formal customer complaints regarding Products shall be analyzed and results shall be
discussed in the Management Review Meetings to decide on the corrective measures. Actions
required and time frame for completion is specified in the records of such meetings and is
regularly followed up.
10. The corrective actions implemented shall be verified for their effectiveness during the
Internal Quality Audit and Management Review Meetings.

8.5.3 Preventive Action [QP/8.5.3]

1. Reports on rejection, rework, scrap and return to supplier shall be prepared, reviewed and the
trend is monitored periodically to identify any potential non-conformity and preventive action
2. The results of Internal Quality Audit and Customer Complaints shall be reviewed during the
Management Review Meetings and any preventive action required shall be discussed and
3. The performance of suppliers is monitored and any preventive action like development of
new supplier is identified and carried out.

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Annex A – Organization Chart


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ANNEXE B1- Quality Policy

‫بسم ا الرحمن الرحيم‬


1. Metara Company Ltd. is committed to meeting

the needs and expectations of our clients by the
capable implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Project
Quality Plan. Complying with statutory obligations,
standards, specifications and codes of practice
relevant to quality management.

2. Maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and

continually improving the Project Quality Plan
consistent with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Providing sufficient and suitable resources to
implement and maintain the Project Quality Plan

3. Engaging suitably qualified, skilled and

experienced people. Educating and training in order
to continually improve the skills of our people,
awareness and knowledge of quality issues and
practices. Identifying, reporting, investigating and
resolving all non-conformances and taking action to
prevent recurrence.


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ANNEXE B2 - Quality Objectives



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1 Document control Procedure QP/4.2.3

2 Record Control Procedure QP/ 4.2.4

3 Management Review Process QP/5.6

4 Training Process QP/6.2.2

5 Purchasing Process QP/7.4

6 Control Of Monitoring and Measurement Devices QP/7.6

Customer Feedback Process : Handling of customer QP/ &
complaints QP/
8 Internal Auditing Procedure QP/8.2.2

9 Control of Non-conforming Production Procedure QP/8.3

10 Corrective and Preventive Actions Procedure QP/8.5.2/8.5.3

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ANNEXE D – Work Flow Chart

Work Flow Charts

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ANNEXE E – Process Chart


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