Document No.
0 First Issue
Quality Management Systems
The Project Quality Representative
Organization chart
Responsibility Matrix for Procedures
Responsibility Matrix for Quality Records
Design Input
Design Stages & review records
Design Management Procedure
Construction QA/QC Procedure
Nonconformance Procedure
Corrective & Preventative Action Procedure
Audit Procedure
QMS Improvement Procedure
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Project Quality Plan
a) Endeavour to ensure that the final products are constructed to current international
standards of quality ISO 9001:200.
b) Ensure that all of the services provided by the HEBERGER are carried out in accordance
with the Quality Management System (QMS)
c) Endeavour to ensure that there are no hidden defects. and minimize maintenance
d) Achieve the above at minimum cost and minimum interference with the schedule.
e) Minimize rework
f) And unnecessary correspondence
g) Ensure the quality records are produced, validated and maintained.
h) Continually improve the quality of the system and the works.
The joint venture’s Quality Management System is based on the Heberger’s Quality Management
System and the primary responsibility for its development and implementation lies with the
Heberger’s Senior QA/QC Manager.
Heberger’s Quality Management System is designed to comply with the requirements of ISO
9001:2000. In this regard the Project Quality Plan is not a ‘stand alone’ document; it should be read
in conjunction with the Heberger’s Quality Manual and the relevant procedures.
ISO 9001:2000 is titled “Quality management systems – Requirements”. It applies to all the
processes involved from design through construction and maintenance.
The ISO requirements do not conflict with Client’s requirements, but enhance and provide the basis
of a structure for establishing and running the Quality Management Systems for all parties.
The QMS applies to all processes and services carried out by the HEBERGER. The Scope of
services is identified in section 3 of the plan.
2.1 Purpose
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2.2 Contracts
There will be many and various contracts between Client and various Heberger and contractors.
The contracts relate to:
The steps towards effective Quality Assurance and field Quality Control are:
2.5 References
2.6 Abbreviations
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Scope of work as identified in the agreement between Client and the HEBERGER.
Clause Description
1.1 A Cost control
1.1 B Schedule development
1.1 C Schedule control
1.1 D Document control
1.1 E Monthly cost reviews
1.1 F Monthly reporting
1.1 G Progress reporting
1.1 H Procurement of Critical Materials
1.1 I Verification of Designer’s and Contractor’s Monthly Payment requests
1.1 J Claims management
1.1 K Progress payments
1.1 L Final reports
1.1 M Deliverables
1.2 Additional services as and when instructed by the client
1.3 A-J Designers & contractors’ services – assisting, monitoring & reporting.
Designers & contractors’ services - Furnish a Statement of Compliance with relevant
1.3 K
acceptable standards and codes of practice in all disciplines.
Operate HEBERGER services under a Quality System in accordance with ISO 9001:2000.
1.4 A
Prepare and implement Quality Plans for his own work.
Monitor and supervise the designers’ and constructors’ production and implementation of their
1.4 B
Quality Management Systems.
Require each contractor and design or supervision Heberger to prepare and implement a
1.4 C Project Specific Quality Plan. The Heberger shall review and comment on the plans and
monitor the implementation of them.
Plan, implement and report on audits of the contractors’ and design and supervision
1.4 D
Heberger’ Quality Management Systems.
Prepare feedback reports at suitable intervals on the designers and the contractors, which
1.4 E
shall be based on the audit reports.
Provide schedules for routine and specific monitoring and inspection of the design and
1.4 F
construction processes.
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Permits and Licenses - advice on and monitoring of the process for obtaining and complying
with permits and licenses.
Completion and Handover - Monitor the Client’s contractor’s commissioning completion and
handover of the Works, including punch listing, compilation of all inspection and test
documentation, preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, as-built drawings and
final job reports.
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QA/QC Manager
Buildings Infrastructure
Buildings QA/QC Infrastructure
Contractors Contractors
Project Quality Representative (PQR) for this project will be the Senior QA/QC Manager for the
duration of the Project unless otherwise instructed.
Responsibility Matrix for Quality Management System Procedures
The following is a responsibility matrix for project quality procedures attached to this PQP:-
Generic or
Process Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for
identified Procedure writing upkeep of implementing
in procedure procedure procedure
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The procedures listed below will be developed in accordance with the project specific requirements
and in parallel with the Client’s procedures.
Generic or
Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for
Process special
Procedure writing upkeep of implementing
identified in procedure
procedure procedure procedure
Agreement Cost control procedure Cost mgr. Cost mgr. S Cost mgr.
Agreement Schedule management procedure Controls mgr. Controls mgr. S Controls mgr.
Client Purchased items. There are no Client Purchased items identified at the stage of
preparation of this plan. If at a later stage Client Procured items are required to be introduced this
plan will be revised to include a nominated CPI Manager and a procedure for Management of the
CPI items.
Special Processes. At the time of preparation of this Quality Plan there are no special processes
identified (i.e. construction processes which cannot be validated after completion and require
special procedures)
If at a later stage Special Processes are required this plan will be revised to include a procedure.
The following is a responsibility matrix for all of the quality records required by the Company Quality
Manual and the Project Specific requirements.
For records produced by the HEBERGER maintenance of records means storage for a defined
period (to be determined by the Project Director) in a secure and retrievable system without risk of
deterioration. Records created in electronic format are acceptable.
For records produced by others maintenance of records means ensuring the company producing
the records maintains the records as above.
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Responsible for creation of
Type of Quality Record Responsible for
maintaining record
HEBERGER – Project
Management Review Document Controller
Training, Qualification and Competence records for
HEBERGER – Admin. Mgr. ????????????
Design Input reviews
The Project Director shall ensure that suitably qualified and experienced staff is appointed for each
The CVs of all staff shall be submitted to the Client for approval and verification by interview.
The Design Manager shall produce a detailed Design Management Procedure which shall be
based on the following:
Design Input
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The design stages and review stages shall be decided by the Design Manager and agreed with the
Project Director and the client and incorporated in the Design Heberger’ contracts.
Written records complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 section 7.3 shall be produced
and maintained. (As per the flowchart below)
Design Flowchart
Schedule Requirements
Design Input
& Codes
Concept Design
Change Records
Design stage 1
Design stage 2
The appropriate times to produce detailed Quality control procedures are when the designs are
complete and the contractors are appointed. The methods will be dependent on:
• The design.
• How the projects are split into packages
• How many staff and which designations are to be supplied by the Heberger.
• The locations of the site offices and laboratories.
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Prior to commencement of the Construction Stage this procedure shall be developed and issued
separately. This shall include:
A provisional QA/QC procedure is attached which is to be further developed for each package
when the above factors are known.
Audits will be carried in accordance with the audit procedure and the schedule below. This
schedule will be subject to revision depending on the changing circumstances of the Project.
In the event of change of the Project Quality Representative the Regional Quality Management
Representative will be informed in Writing.
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The distribution list of the PQP shall be determined by the Project Manager and distribution shall be
carried out by the Document Controller.
10.3 Control
Additionally one ‘read only’ electronic copy shall be emailed to the Regional Quality Management
Copies of revised (hard copies and electronic copies) PQPs shall be destroyed or clearly marked as
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• To establish the Client’s requirements and to develop a Management Design strategy for the
total project (design input)
• To control, manage and direct the Designers responsible for design
• To ensure that the Designers meet their contractual obligations (design output)
• To ensure the design output meets the Client’s requirements (design verification)
• To manage design change effectively by evaluation of technical, time and cost effects of
proposed changes while maintaining the required Quality
• To control design costs
• To manage the design schedule.
Completion, receipt and verification of a satisfactory design product is the objective of the Design
Management Phase of the Project Management Team.
This procedure defines the actual management process of the Design Heberger during the design
phase and provides design input and output criteria by way of checklists. These checklists are not
meant to be comprehensive and all-encompassing but rather guidelines to be developed as the
design progresses.
Heberger Project
Heberger Design
Design Design
Consultant 1 Consultant 2
Project Quality Plan
The HEBERGER will ensure that Designers to design works with defined stages and submittals as
appropriate to the contract requirements.
The Design Team will arrange the design phase of the project into the stages pursuant to the
requirements of the Heberger contract. Each stage will be sub-divided into activities, as necessary,
and the objective of each stage and activity will be clearly defined by the Project Manager. Each
stage and /or activity will then be allocated to a Designer to complete. The following general stages
of design are suggested:
b. Initial concept Design - Obtain information about the site and prepare outline proposals.
c. Scheme Design - Develop scheme design from approved proposals. The scheme design will
illustrate the layout and standard details of the project in sufficient detail to enable the client to
agree the principles.
d. Detailed Design - Develop detailed design from approved scheme design. The detailed design
will include the design drawings, the type of construction, quality of materials and standard of
At each stage design input are required by the Heberger and design output items are expected
from the Heberger as a result of his works. Reviews of these inputs and outputs will be carried out
by the Heberger Design Manager and records kept.
During each stage of the design a “Design Interface Matrix” will be completed by the Heberger
Design Manager to identify which elements of the design are liable to have interface problems.
The Design Heberger responsible for each design element are to report back in writing to the Lead
Designer that the interface in question has been checked and all problems cleared. Any interface
problem that cannot be cleared will be recorded.
7.1 Design review meetings should be held at a frequency determined by the Project Manager or
Lead Designer for each design stage. The minimum requirement for design review meetings shall
be at the stages in item 10 below.
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7.2 Agendas based upon the outstanding and unresolved issues, design changes and the input and
output criteria shall be prepared and distributed prior to each meeting. A suggested standard
agenda follows:
1. Client’s Instructions
• Received
• Awaited
2. Briefing Documents
3. Value Analysis
4. Surveys
5. Approvals
6. Designers Reports
• Structural
• Civil
• Utilities
• Others
7. Information Required
• By the Client
• By Designers
• By Contractors
8. Schedule (Program)
• Strategic Design Program
• Detailed Design Program
• Design Activities
• Deliverables
• Packages
9. Costs
10. Any other business
7.3 The minutes of design review meetings shall be prepared by the chairman and issued to all present
for comment within 3 working days of the meeting. The final agreed minutes for the stages in 10.
below shall constitute the record of that stage
The Project Management Team will maintain a formal register for identification, documentation and
review of changes and modifications to the design requirements.
The Project Manager should define the format for the issue of information to support the tender
process and construction program. This will include:
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1. Design Input
2. Design output – Initial concept design
3. Design output – Schematic design
4. Design output - detailed design validation
5. Design Verification
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a. Review site setting out for compliance with established site boundary, local authority
b. Review requirements and co-ordination with setting out and the location of the footprint.
c. Crosscheck alignment between various packages
d. Review general arrangement plans, sections and elevations for compliance with the project
brief, cost plan and statutory requirements.
e. Review general arrangement drawings for co-ordination with one another (including
construction interface and dimensions).
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Design Verification
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1. OBJECTIVES Responsible
The Heberger’s role is to verify that the works and services, including engineering design,
procurement, manufacturing, fabrication, and construction, installation, commissioning and
handing over activities are performed by the Heberger, Suppliers, Contractors and
subcontractors to construct safe, operable facilities meeting all specified requirements.
To achieve this we will monitor all activities of the Heberger, and of the Contractor and
This is a summary of the Quality System implemented by Heberger and indicates the measures
taken in monitoring the activities.
• Verify that the quality of the works and the products meet the Contract Requirements, the
Specification, relevant Standards and functional and aesthetic needs of the Clients.
• To achieve the objectives within the requirements of the health, safety and environmental
• To continually improve the functionality and efficiency of the individuals, departments and
systems within Heberger’s project organization.
This procedure applies to the construction stage of projects. Design Management is covered by
a separate procedure.
All of the above documents are required to be reviewed and approved and filed and maintained
for the duration of the project.
Those marked in bold and with * relate to verification of the conformity of the products and are
required to be archived for a duration to be agreed with the Client.
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Project Quality Plan
Quality Documents
PQP Review PQP
approval &
Procedures Procedures
Design review
Tender Quality
drawings Records Archive
Specification N C Rs
To Heberger for
review, Materials &
approval & Technical
archive Submittals
As Built
Audit Reports
Internal use
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Project Quality Plan
QA/QC Manager
Buildings Infrastructure
Buildings QA/QC Infrastructure
Contractors Contractors
3.2 Responsibilities
All members of the Project Management team have a responsibility for quality.
Quality applies to the Contractors’ and Subcontractors’ works at site, the Heberger’ processes
and the internal processes within Heberger’s organization.
The QA/QC Manager or designated Project Quality Representative has the following
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• To continually maintain and update the project procedures and plans. PQR
• To prepare the monthly QA Report
• To chair Quality regular Quality meetings with the Heberger and Contractors
• To review and approve the Contractors’ and Heberger’ QA submissions
• To prepare internal and external Audit Schedules
• To verify the audit schedules are implemented
• To establish an effective tracking system for NCRs and CARs
• To initiate nonconformance reports as and when necessary
• To provide the necessary information to the Regional Quality Management Representative
[for Heberger ?]for the QMS Improvement system.
• To implement the Audits as per the schedule provided by the Quality Manager.
• To report the audits to the Quality Manager and the Project Manager.
• To carry out audits in a planned and objective manner.
The Design Manager has the following quality related responsibilities:-
• To monitor and continually endeavor to improve the quality of the works at site
• To ensure that their staff implement the project procedures
• To verify that required documentation and approvals are in place before start of any activity
• To verify that procedures are implemented by the contractors and subcontractors
• To initiate nonconformance reports and corrective actions as and when necessary
• To monitor known non-conformances and corrective actions and verify their follow up. CM
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All Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers are required to submit their Project Quality Plans
in accordance with the minimum requirement of the Specification. These will be checked for PQR
compliance with the contract documents and effectiveness by the PQR before approval. The
implementation will be monitored and audited.
The PQR will monitor and verify that the Heberger, Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers PQR
issue and effectively implement Inspection & Test Plans that identify the following:
• applicable standards
• test method
• Witness and Hold Points
• test laboratory and/or Inspector
• the Responsible Person for the Contractor
• the pass/fail criteria
4.3 Process control
The Construction Managers, their assistants and the QA/QC Manager will monitor and verify CM,
that the Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers effectively implement documented ACM
procedures that make provision for ensuring that all manufacturing, fabrication, construction, PQR
installation, commissioning and turn-over activities are carried out under controlled conditions
that include the following:
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The Construction Managers, their assistants and the PQR will monitor and verify that the CM,
Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers effectively implement documented procedures that ACM
make provision for the following: PQR
• Identifying the product during all stages of production, delivery and installation.
• Identifying the Inspection & Test status.
• Maintaining and recording unique identification of individual product, where this is a
contract requirement.
4.5 Nonconformance
The Construction Managers, their assistants and the PQR will monitor and verify that the
Heberger, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers effectively implement documented CM,
procedures that ensure that any product that does not conform to specified requirements is ACM
prevented from unintended use or installation. The Contractors are required to: PQR
• Identify, document, evaluate and segregate or clearly mark non-conforming products,
• Inform all affected parties.
• Propose the disposition to the Heberger.
• In the case of proposed disposition by client concession to propose to both Heberger and
the Heberger.
• Re-inspect/re-test repaired or reworked product in accordance with the Heberger’
requirements and/or documented procedures.
In situations where the Contractor’s and Heberger’s NCR procedures are ineffective or not
being applied the Heberger Nonconformance Procedure (GP-007) will be implemented.
The Heberger’s Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure (GP-009) will be implemented
for repeated or potential non-conformances.
4.6 Audits
As part of ISO 9001:2000 procedures Internal Quality Audits will be carried out in accordance
with a schedule agreed by the Regional Quality Manager. The results of these audits are for
internal use.
The HEBERGER will carry out quality audits on all of the Heberger and Contractors in
accordance with the Heberger Audit Procedure (GP- 009) and the audit schedule which is to be
approved by the Regional Quality Manager.
The Contractors are required to carry out their own internal audits in accordance with their
Company Quality Systems.
Quality meetings will be held twice monthly with Quality Managers from all of the Contractors
and Heberger to assess the current issues, the quality system and its continual improvement
for the duration of the Project.
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These meeting will be the primary mechanism for communicating quality issues on the project.
The agenda for these meeting will be prepared and this agenda will be continuously adjusted to PQR
suit the conditions associated with the current construction phase and it will not be limited to:
• Quality records
• Non-conformance reports
• Materials
• Method statements & ITPs
• Supervising Engineer’s complaints
• Issues of concern
• Improvements
Representatives from the Client will be invited to attend. Minutes will be issued to all contractors
and Heberger
4.8 Technical submittals.
The Heberger have the initial responsibility for review and approval. CM
The Heberger’s Project Manager has the responsibility for releasing or questioning the PQR
Heberger’ approvals/rejections for reconsideration/justification.
Technical submittals will be reviewed by the concerned Construction Manager and the PQR.
The Construction Manager and the PQR will also review the Heberger’ comments. If the
Heberger’s comments are satisfactory the sheet will be initialed as “observed” and filed. If
further comments are required the Heberger and Contractor will be notified and the necessary
actions verified.
4.9 Quality records
The PQR will monitor and verify that the Heberger, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers
implement equivalent procedures for the identification, collection, indexing, access, filing,
storage, maintenance and disposition of quality records.
• Quality records are legible and are stored in a readily retrievable manner in facilities that
provide a suitable environment to minimize deterioration or damage and to prevent loss.
• Retention times of quality records are established.
4.10 Evaluation of Subcontractors & Suppliers
Evaluations of suppliers and subcontractors will be carried out prior to approval in accordance
with the Procedure for approval of subcontractors/suppliers.
The subcontractor/supplier quality systems will be monitored to verify that the products and
workmanship comply with the relevant Standards and Contract Requirements.
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If considered necessary, the Client or other Authority will be informed of areas of conflict or
• Documents and data that relate to the Quality System and all revisions are reviewed and
approved by authorized personnel and are controlled to ensure that the pertinent issues of
the correct documents are available at locations where operations essential to the effective
functioning of the Quality System are performed.
• Documents issued by the HEBERGER and the Employer to the Contractors and other
relevant documents of external origin are received, filed and, where applicable, distributed
to appropriate personnel.
• A master list or equivalent is established and maintained to identify the current revisions of
• Changes to documents are reviewed by the same function or organization that performed
the original review unless specifically designated otherwise.
• The reviewing organization has access to pertinent information on which to base
Obsolete documents are destroyed or are removed from use and clearly marked to prevent
their misapplication.
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• The Contractor identifies and submits for approval the Method Statements and Inspection
and Test Plans necessary to cover the project construction and installation scope of works.
• Method Statements and Inspection & Test Plans shall be prepared by the Contractor (or
Subcontractor) and approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the works.
• Copies shall be routed through document control for review of the Method Statements and
the Heberger’s comments by the PQR and the Construction Managers.
• Each Method Statement is prepared in accordance with a standard format and layout.
• The site works are carried out in accordance with the Method Statement.
7.1 The Method Statements will be required to contain the following information:-
• Scope: The precise field and limit of application of the MS is described in this section. CM
• References: This section shall list the other documents used to produce the MS. E.g.
contract documents, drawings, technical specifications, standards etc.
• Responsibilities: To identify responsibilities of personnel involved (who is responsible for CM
what and with whom they interface). PQR
• Tools and Equipment: List of Tools and equipment required to successfully and safety
complete the works including inspection, test and measuring equipment.
• Materials: List of material to be incorporated into the works; reference shall be made to
material approval to ensure that only materials approved by the Engineer are incorporated
into the works.
• Procedure: This section shall detail the method statement in a concise and precise
manner, and whenever possible, aided by sketches to simplify the works. The prime object
is to detail the activity sequence in such a manner that the work is carried out correctly,
efficiently and in accordance with the specified requirements, so that the final quality is
• Health & Safety & Environmental: Reference to special HSE measures and precautions
to be implemented
7.2 The inspection & Test Plans will be required to indicate the nature of inspections as follows:-
S Surveillance Inspection is performed on a sample basis
W Witness Obligatory attendance but if no show work will
H Work shall not proceed until the item is inspected and is in
conformance or corrective action has been agreed
R Document Review only
The inspection & Test Plans will be required to include the following information:- CM
• Test Standard
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• Pass/fail criteria
• Frequency of testing
• Testing laboratory/organization
If Client
HEBERGER required
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Inspection requests
Copy of
Technical submittals
Copy Comments
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Nonconformance Procedure
1. SCOPE Responsible
• Heberger’s Products
• Heberger’ products
• Contractors’ products.
• Other suppliers’ products
• The product of any on or off site based construction process e.g. a building or any part
of it, an excavation, formwork, a batch of concrete etc.
• A material for incorporation into the works manufactured by any supplier.
• The product of a management process e.g. a report, design, program, or any other
The associated Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure (GP-009) apply Contractors’
and Heberger’ processes and to Heberger’s internal processes.
A Nonconformance Report (NCR) is to be issued for any product or process which does
not comply with the required Standards. The Standards applicable are The Contract
Conditions, The Specifications, the relevant Standard (BS, ACI etc.) The Approved
The Initiator is the person in the Heberger Organization responsible for supervision of the
item of work which is nonconforming.
The Responsible Person is the manager of the Contractor’s department designated to deal
with the nonconformance.
The Relevant Authority is normally the Heberger responsible for the design of the item. In
certain circumstances it may be others.
3.1 Heberger will only initiate NCR’s for contractors’ items which are not adequately being
covered by the Heberger’s NCR issuances.
3.2 The NCR can be initiated by any qualified project staff. In normal circumstances it will be
the supervisor for the relevant section. If any supervisor observes any major All
nonconformance on works outside his scope he should notify the relevant supervisor or
the Project Quality Representative (hereafter referred to as the PQR) who should inform
the relevant supervisor to initiate the NCR.
3.3 The Initiator will fill out section 1 of the form which identifies the nonconformance, the
document with which the item does not comply and the cause of the nonconformance. He
will discuss with the QA Manager who will decide if the item should or should not be the
subject of NCR. If the issuance of a NCR is adjudged to be the correct procedure a serial
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Nonconformance Procedure
number will then be assigned and the NCR will be logged. Initiator
3.4 The PQR will be responsible for maintaining the NCR log. PQR
3.5 The Initiator will meet with the Responsible Person to obtain the proposed disposition i.e.
Rework, Re-grade, Reject/scrap or Approve by concession. The responsible person will Initiator
also propose the detailed method of disposition. This can be on an attached sheet or
method statement. The document number must be referenced on the NCR form. The
initiator will then return the NCR to the PQR.
3.6 The PQR will identify the Relevant Authority required to approve the proposed disposition. PQR
These will be marked on the NCR form. The distribution and action list will be stamped on
the form.
3.7 If the proposed disposition is reject or scrap further authority may not be necessary in
some circumstances.
3.8 The original will be sent to the Relevant Authority under by transmittal for their approval,
rejection or comments on the proposed disposition. The Relevant Authority will be
requested to note whether or not he will require to carry out inspection of the disposition. DC
3.9 The document controller will distribute a copy with the Relevant Authority’s comments to
the Heberger Construction Manager and the PQR. DC
3.10 The Construction Manager will issue instructions to proceed to the contractor.
3.11 When the Relevant Authority has commented on the proposed disposition a copy of the CM
NCR will be sent to the Contractor by transmittal noted to carry out the disposition without
3.12 The Initiator will be responsible for tracking the disposition works and for ensuring the
required inspections are carried out.
3.13 When the initiator considers the disposition is complete he will inform the PQR who will
check the works, documentation and necessary approvals. He will then propose the close
out for the Project Managers final approval. He will also note any recurrence prevention Initiator
measures taken. PQR
3.14 The Project Manager will give the final signature to the close out and note if any further
action is required such as training, revision of procedures or other action. He will also
designate a person responsible for the further action. This will be undertaken in a
Corrective Action Procedure. PM
Nonconformance Report
Nonconformance log.
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Nonconformance Procedure
Proposed disposition not accepted
Proposed disposition
Manager Contractor
Instruction to proceed 5
PQR Propose
close out
Project Manager
Approve close out
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This procedure applies to Contractors, Heberger and Heberger’s Quality Management Systems
A Nonconformance Report (NCR) is a format to be applied to any product or process which does
not comply with the required Standards. The Standards applicable are The Contract Conditions,
The Specifications, the relevant Standard (BS, ACI etc.) The Approved drawings.
The Initiator is the person in the Heberger’s Organization responsible for supervision of the item of
work which is nonconforming.
3.15 The Department Manager is the manager of the department designated to deal with the
3.1 The PQR has the overall responsibility for the operation an maintenance of this procedure
3.2 The PQR is responsible for following-up all Corrective Action Requests (CARs), coordinating all the
activities needed to deal with them and keeping the related records.
3.3 All Project Staff, Heberger, contractors & suppliers detecting any non-conforming process or
product covered under the scope of this procedure are required to notify the PQR in accordance
with this procedure.
3.4 All employees are responsible for dealing with the Corrective Action Request (CARs) and/or
Preventive Action Requests (PARs) delegated to them by the PQR. .
3.5 All employees are responsible for initiating Preventive Action Requests when they identify potential
4.1.1 Corrective Action Requests issued as part of the Audit Procedure shall be processed in
accordance with the Audit Procedure.
Project Quality Plan
4.1.2 Other Corrective Action Requests can be initiated by any qualified project staff. In normal
circumstances it will be the supervisor for the relevant section. They may be applied to the QMS
of Heberger, the Heberger or the Contractors.
4.1.3 If any supervisor observes any major or repeated nonconformance on works outside his scope he
should notify the relevant supervisor or the Project Quality Representative (hereafter referred to
as the PQR) who should inform the relevant supervisor to initiate the CAR.
4.1.4 Reasons for Initiating CARs may be (but are not limited to):
• An error in or omission from the Quality Management System which allows non-
conformances to occur.
• Determining the causes of non-conformances.
• Evaluating the need for action to ensure that non-conformances do not re-occur.
4.1.5 Before issuing, the initiator shall discuss with potential CAR the Project Quality Representative to
confirm the need and, if agreed, shall initiate the CAR and pass it to the PQR.
4.1.6 The PQR shall identify the Department Manager responsible for dealing with the CAR. This may
be a Heberger Department Manager or in the case that the CAR is issued to a contractor or
Heberger it will be the Project Manager.
4.1.7 The PQR shall register the CAR in the Document Control System and give email a copy to the
Project Manager and the Regional Quality Management Representative.
4.1.8 The Department Manager shall discuss and agree a proposed Corrective Action and complete
section 4 of the form and return it to the PQR for approval. This shall be done by email. It shall
include an agreed date for completion of the action.
4.1.9 Following completion of the approved Corrective Action the PQR shall verify and collect evidence
and attach to the form. This evidence shall be referenced on the form.
4.1.10 To close out the CAR the PQR shall personally take the form to the other 3 signatories on the
bottom of the form for signing.
4.2.1 Preventative Action Requests can be initiated by any qualified project staff. In normal
circumstances it will be the supervisor for the relevant section. They may be applied to the QMS
of Heberger, the Heberger or the Contractors.
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4.2.2 If any supervisor any potential nonconformance on works outside his scope he should notify the
relevant supervisor or the Project Quality Representative (hereafter referred to as the PQR) who
should inform the relevant supervisor to initiate the PAR.
4.2.3 Section 2 of the attached form identifies the reason the initiator considers the problem may occur.
This may be in simple narrative form and is the opinion of the initiator.
4.2.4 The initiator shall discuss with potential PAR the Project Quality Representative and, if agreed,
shall initiate the PAR and pass it to the PQR.
4.2.5 The PQR shall identify the Department Manager responsible for dealing with the PAR. This may
be a Heberger Department Manager or in the case that the PAR is issued to a contractor or
Heberger it will be the Project Manager.
4.2.6 The PQR shall register the PAR in the Document Control System and give email a copy to the
Project Manager and the Regional Quality Management Representative.
4.2.7 The Department Manager shall discuss and agree a proposed Preventative Action and complete
section 4 of the form and return it to the PQR for approval. This shall be done by email. It shall
include an agreed date for completion of the action.
4.2.8 Following completion of the approved Corrective Action the PQR shall verify and collect evidence
and attach to the form. This evidence shall be referenced on the form.
4.2.9 To close out the PAR the PQR shall personally take the form to the other 3 signatories on the
bottom of the form for signing.
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Project Quality Plan
Audit Procedure
The Audit Manager is the person who manages the audit schedule, procedure and process. This
will normally be the Project Quality Representative unless special circumstances require otherwise.
The Auditor is the person delegated by the Audit Manager to carry out the detailed planning and
implementation of the audit. The Audit Manager and auditor may be the same person.
A CAR is a Corrective Action Request to be issued for major nonconformities in the auditee’s
systems or implementation.
• Management systems.
• Organization
• Responsibilities
• Plans
• Procedures
• Method statements (for contractors)
• Inspection & Test Plans
• Specifications
• Drawings
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Project Quality Plan
Audit Procedure
3.1 The Audit Manager will notify the auditee two weeks in advance of the audit date and agree the
time and location of the audit and ensure facilities and responsible persons are available. The audit
agenda will be prepared and issued to the auditee and the Auditor. This will include:
• opening meeting each day
• time schedule for subject to be audited
• Closing meeting
3.2 The Audit Manager will select the Auditor on the basis of his experience in the field of works to be
audited. The independence of the auditor will also be considered. If the auditor’s experience is not
sufficient the Audit Manager will brief the Auditor fully.
3.3 The Audit Manager will consider the function of the Auditee’s Organization in the implementation of
the Project and prepare The Audit Checklist Form (copy attached) and issue it to the Auditor.
Result of previous audits shall also be taken into account.
3.4 The Auditor will familiarize himself with the relevant documents, procedures, standards etc. and
prepare detailed audit questions in advance of the audit.
4.1 The opening meeting be chaired by the Audit Manager and will cover:
• introductions of the personnel
• The scope and objectives
• Description of the methods and procedures
• Confirm the auditee’s personnel and resources are available
4.2 The auditor will interview the relevant department staff and inspect documents. He shall collect
evidence (photocopies are acceptable) both of compliance and non-compliance during the audit
4.3 The closing meeting will be chaired by the Audit Manager and will inform the auditee of the number,
subject and type of nonconformities.
4.4 The Audit Report and CAR’s will be issued to the Auditee within one week of the audit closing
5.1 The audit report and CAR’s will be issued by the Audit Manager to Heberger’s Project Manager and
the relevant Department Manager in the Heberger site organization.
5.2 The Department Manager (or a delegated person) will monitor the progress of the CAR’s and report
to the Auditor when the Auditee considers the CAR’s ready for close out.
5.3 The Auditor will check the close-out of the CAR’s and review the evidence. The Auditor will
recommend to the Audit Manager whether to close-out or take further action.
5.4 The Audit Manager will maintain the log of CAR’s and monitor the trends and effectiveness of the
Auditee’s systems.
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Project Quality Plan
Audit Procedure
The audit schedule below will be updated and maintained by the Audit Manager as required by the
project circumstances
Attached are copies of the following forms to be used. The same forms are to be used for audits
and internal audits as defined in section 1.
External Audits will use the auditing organization’s forms.
• Audit checklist
• Audit report
• Corrective Action Request (CAR)
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Project Quality Plan
This procedure defines the way in which information on the Quality Management System is
collected by the departments and Projects and issued to the Quality Management Representative
for continual improvement of the System.
It also covers the Management Review process
Has responsibility for ensuring that this procedure is implemented and that suitable staff, training
and working environment are provided.
The PQR reports to the Project Manager and is responsible for but not limited to the following:
5.1 Frequency
The attached form is to be completed by the PQR and emailed in ‘Read Only’ form to the Regional
Quality Management Representative by the last day of each calendar month.
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Project Quality Plan
5.2 Non-conformances
The contractors and Heberger will be responsible for maintaining and updating their own NCR
registers. Once per month the registers will be issued as part of the monthly report. The PQR will
enter the details on the attached form.
Customer complaints for the purpose of this procedure are complaints related to Heberger’s
performance of our responsibilities. Complaints about the contractors or Heberger are not to be
included unless the customer states that we are failing in our responsibilities to control them.
5.3 Audits
The numbers of Corrective Action Requests and their status issued in Audits are to be recorded in
section 3.
The numbers of Preventative and Corrective Action Requests and their status issued outside Audits
are to be recorded in section 4.
5.7 In the event of any serious failure of the QMS the PQR will notify the PQR IN writing without delay
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6.1 The Regional Quality Management Representative will collect the QMS information form from all
projects and departments at the end of every month.
He will also collect the feedback from customers as per procedure GP-013
He will collate and analyze the data.
6.2 The Regional Quality Management Representative shall issue a monthly report to the Senior Vice
6.3 In the case of any serious failure of the System which may enable similar failures on more than one
project. The QMR shall notify the Senior Vice President in writing within 24 hours of receipt of the
6.4 Following analysis of the data the QMR will carry out further investigations if he considers it to be
6.5 The QMR will draft the proposed revision and/or addition and forward to the Senior Vice President
for Approval.
6.6 Upon receipt by the Senior Vice President, the draft will be forwarded to no less than three Senior
Project Managers of his choice for review and comment.
6.7 Upon receipt of the Review Team comments, the Sr. VP will either approve the document or return
to the drafter for incorporation of approved comments.
6.8 The competed revision or addition, including incorporation of Review Team comments, will then be
approved and issued by the QMR.
6.9 Upon issue by the QMR, the addition or revision is sent to each vice president, project manager,
PQR and department head for incorporation into the QMS documents.
6.10 The replaced section or document of the Quality Manual is to be destroyed or stamped
‘superseded’ as is the previous ‘Revision Status’ document
7.1 The Quality Manual will be reviewed annually for applicability and effectiveness by a team of no
less than three senior project management personnel and the QMR as determined by the Senior
Vice President.
7.2 The selected senior project managers and QMR will be tasked by the Sr. VP for review of the
document sufficiently prior to a scheduled annual meeting of the review team.
7.3 The review team will convene at a location determined by the Sr. VP to conference the review
comments and determine the steps necessary to implement the changes, additions, and revisions
determined necessary by the review team.
7.4 A schedule for implementing the modifications and assigned personnel to effect the modifications is
to be determined prior to adjournment of the annual review meeting.
7.5 Review Input
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Project Quality Plan
The input to the management review shall include information collected through procedure GP-012
and GP-013 on:
The output from the management review shall include any decisions and actions related to:
The Review shall be recorded on the attached form and issued electronically in ‘read only’ format
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Nonconformance Report
2. Document of non-compliance :
3. Cause of nonconformity
6. Result of re-inspection
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Corrective Action Request
Filled by Initiator
1. Nonconformity
3. Cause of Nonconformity
Filled by PQR
5. Confirmation of Corrective Action
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Preventative Action Request
Filled by initiator
1. Potential Nonconformity
Filled by PQR
5. Confirmation of Action
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Audit Checklist
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Audit Report
Summary of Audit
CARs Issued
Audit Follow up
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