The Purposes of The Millennial Sacrifices
The Purposes of The Millennial Sacrifices
The Purposes of The Millennial Sacrifices
The Facts behind
Wearing a Kippah
Dealing with Loneliness
the Biblical Way Purposes
Testimony by of the Millennial
Daniel Mann
The "Prophet
Like unto Me"
Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels:
Based on "A Harmony of the Gospels" by A. T. Robertson
Messianic Jewish Perspective
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.
During His ministry to the Jewish people, Yeshua (Jesus) Description: When the theologian and Bible scholar Dr.
journeyed throughout the land promised to the Jewish Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum developed his teaching on the life
patriarchs, presenting Himself to the Jews as their Messiah. of the Messiah from a Jewish perspective, he used A. T.
He was a Jew living in a Jewish land among the Jewish Roberton’s harmony of the Gospels as a basis for his
people, yet, much of the knowledge of this Jewish society, studies. However, he deviated from Robertson’s work
its culture, and traditions has grown dim with the passage whenever the scholar chose not to follow Luke’s sequential
of time. In this work, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum shines a order of Messiah’s life and ministry. Furthermore, Dr.
bright light on the life of Yeshua and the land of Israel Fruchtenbaum chose a thematic, not a geographical,
during the Second Temple period, interpreting the Gospels approach to establish a coherent chronology of the events
from a Messianic Jewish perspective. To achieve this, Dr. depicted in the four Gospels.
Fruchtenbaum has done original research in the Hebrew,
Aramaic, and Greek source texts, and has also drawn on the The basic translation used in the American Standard
works of other scholars and the writings of the ancient Version of 1901. However, the archaic language has been
rabbis. A. T. Robertson’s time-tested A Harmony of the modernized, and the names of persons and places were
Gospels provides the framework for his exegesis. transliterated in accordance with Hebrew pronunciation.
$33.00 20.00
13 27
Cover Story: 19
Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Dr.
Randall Price elaborate on the 24
purposes of the millennial
13 Feature: 22 Feature:
In the third part of his series Nanette Keao tells us what
on items found in or relat- happens when Camp
ed to the Scriptures, Mottel Shoshanahites share the
Baleston discusses the good news of the Jewish
Kippah. Messiah with people in
16 Feature: 24 Feature:
In part two of his series on
Psalms 52 and 142, Bob ASMJS-teacher Mitch
Morris analyzes how to Triestman takes a closer
respond to loneliness. look at the “Prophet like
unto Me” of Deuteronomy
19 Testimony: 18:15.
Bible teacher and apolo-
gist Daniel Mann shares 27 Eye on
how he came to faith in
Messiah Yeshua. Israel:
Christiane Jurik reports on
the interesting results of a
survey among Messianic
IDF soldiers.
“Thank you so much for making me an editor! The only thing that
could beat my love for this work is if I could do it for you and for
your kingdom.”
I prayed this prayer only once, but I never forgot it. There was this curiosity inside of me as
to how God would answer it. The puzzle pieces started falling into place in 2010 when
Ariel Germany needed help with the translation of Arnold’s commentary on the book of
Acts. In 2011, Arnold pointed out that Emily was looking for a copyeditor to help her with
the magazine, a labor of love I happily took on. But the engine was still sputtering. I knew
this was not it yet.
Pages could be filled with all the little details the Lord arranged in my personal life for the
picture to finally fully emerge. Suffice it to say that exactly 15 years after I uttered the
prayer, the ministry, which had taught me the theological foundations of my faith and
meant so much to me personally, asked me to become their editor-in-chief. As such, I
primarily took care of our book publications and translations, all the while helping Emily
with the magazine. When she left, it seemed natural to take over her position. Living up to
her wonderful legacy while allowing room for creative change will be the challenge in the
months to come. Today, I pause for a moment to give thanks to a God who remembers our
prayers. May the magazine continue to bring glory and honor to His name and His name
In His service,
realized that there is a cost involved in being a true biblical disciple.
Currently, she is discipling another young believer who attends the
Here is an update on what’s happening with Ariel in Australia. In training center, and so the cycle goes on.
March, we celebrated Passover with 73 guests. A great time was
had by all. For some, this was the first time they had ever celebrated Being the new kid on the block in Jewish ministry, for the very first
Passover, and for others, this was the first time they understood the time, I was able to attend the 5th Lausanne Consultation on Jewish
significance of the feast. I specifically held it during Easter to help Evangelism AustralAsia, where I was greatly encouraged and
the church to recognize the true significance of the Jewish welcomed by the seasoned veterans in Jewish ministry. I am so
Passover. thankful to the Lord for all His encouragement to me!
There were many who, for the very first
time, were able to identify the true Passover
Lamb with the unleavened, striped, and Don’t we all love a little irony? How about a little leaven to leaven
pierced bread that is used. Out of this night (or lighten) our hearts? Leaven is a rising agent used in the making
came a request to teach a group about the of breads. Leaven has always been a symbol for sin in the Bible.
Jewish background of the Scriptures. So I Spiritually speaking, though, here’s the irony: The less the leaven,
began teaching them my favourite topic, “The Life of Messiah from the better the rise. And so we would like to take a moment and
a Messianic Jewish perspective.” reflect on the rise of interest in Ariel work and the growth of this
ministry over these last few months.
We are continuing to update and equip our Discipleship Training
Centre, which is at our head office in Geelong, Victoria. I am We have seen the broadcasts on (Messianic
hoping to be able to stream on the Internet Perspectives) reach greater territories, with Texas having the
the classes that we run each week. I am very highest listenership. Canada, England, and Australia rank just
focused upon the mission to make disciples. behind, but here is something fascinating: Malaysia, with a 60%
Currently, we are running four weekly Muslim population, has come in a close fifth in listenership to our
training sessions at the center—two Life of Internet program! While we might question whether someone
Messiah classes (two hours each), a one-hour Come and See class, from Malaysia might ever figure out the Texan accent, these two
and a two-hour class on one of the books of the Bible, currently diversely different peoples are united in understanding the
Revelation. We also have an additional Life of Messiah class every language of Messiah!
first and third Monday night of the month. We currently run a
one-day seminar every other month on various topics. Our on-field representative, Jackie Fierman,
has just returned from a very successful trip
Everyone being discipled fully understands their indebtedness and out in western Canada, opening up new doors
their responsibility to the Jew to bring the gospel to them, and they and churches to the Jewish perspective, and is
fully understand the outworking of the Abrahamic Covenant in now planning to return to eastern Canada and
relation to the nation of Israel. By concentrating so heavily upon expand the outreach into new cities. Beth
the discipleship training, we are raising up believers who are Ariel Congregation, which Ariel Canada
committed to what the Scriptures are saying to us and to the task planted twenty years ago, is growing in atten-
of spreading the gospel in the face of adversity. dance and continues to be a platform for
evangelism with our weekday radio broadcast (Ariel Shalom) and community there. It looks like they are moving forward with
our weekly Knock and Talk outreach to Jewish homes. Close to having an evangelistic banquet in 2017 to invite unsaved Jewish
2,000 Bibles have now been distributed through the courage and people to hear the gospel. I also had the opportunity to travel on the
persistence of Gentile believers who love the God of Israel. If you east coast of the US in April and May to speak in different churches
would like to partner with us in prayer and receive our weekly and teach during three Messianic Jewish Passover Seders. Tina and
outreach reports please go to I also had the privilege of representing Ariel Ministries and Ariel’s
Blessings and Shalom from Canada! School of Messianic Jewish Studies at the IFCA Annual Conference
in June and also at the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
Chris Eisbrenner
(MJAA) conference in July. In addition, God has opened up the
opportunity for me to teach a course this fall at Scofield Bible
As a young adult in the 1990s, I had a hunger to know God’s Word Seminary on Jewish history. Please keep all these things in prayer,
better, so I attended Friends of Israel’s one-year Bible college, and and pray specifically that God continues to lay it on the hearts of
for the first time in my life, I was taught the Bible from a Jewish churches and pastors to have us come and minister to them. Thank
cultural and historical perspective. This revolutionized my under- you!
standing of Scripture
and thus transformed my
relationship with God. I The main focus of our work
have never been the for the ministry this year was
same. That is why God the third annual Messianic
has called us to Ariel conference in Hungary,
Ministries, as we seek to which took place in August.
do the same thing with Dr. Fruchtenbaum taught for
students of the Word in five days in Budapest. He brought very important topics to the
the body of Messiah: to table: the five warnings of the book of Hebrews, the reign of
teach and disciple them Emmanuel, the servant of Jehovah, and the Rapture. As we are
in the Scriptures from a writing this branch update, the conference is still in the future, so
Jewish perspective, we cannot tell how well it was attended or if Ivan was able to
which can intensify their properly translate Arnold’s rabbi jokes. However, we are able to
understanding of the say even at this point in time that we are grateful because the
Word and their relation- conference took place in a very central location in Budapest. In
ship with God. As missionaries to the Jewish people, we also want September of last year, we started the “Life of Messiah” teaching
to create a love in the hearts of our students for Israel and God’s series in a biweekly format and successfully finished it in June.
chosen people, so they, in turn, can reach out to the Jewish people Twenty students attended on a regular basis, and many are
God has put in their lives. We cannot reach every unsaved Jewish interested in further studies. Next year, we will be teaching on the
person ourselves, but we can teach others to be a daily witness to end times by following the book Footsteps of the Messiah.
them in their neighborhoods and work places.
One of the four Passover demonstrations we gave this spring fell on
Will you help us do this important work? We are not far away the exact date of Passover, while the others were given on Easter,
from having our support fully raised. We are praying that God the Gentile Christian date of Passover. This gave us a great oppor-
would raise up an additional $1,500 a month toward our monthly tunity to explain some of the crucial differences between these
support. That would only be 15 families sending $100 a month, or dates. Altogether we spoke to some eighty people. While most of
30 families sending $50 a month. Please prayerfully consider them were Gentile unbelievers, we also had four Jews who practice
joining our monthly support team so we can devote all our time to the tenets of Rabbinical Judaism and a few secular Jews. One of
our calling at Ariel Ministries. Please email us (chris.eisbren- them came to our Life of Messiah Bible study when the topic of the or contact Becky at the home office (877-242-7435) resurrection was covered.
if you would like more information about joining our support
team. In our weekly Bible reading group with our Jewish friends, we just
finished reading through the New Testament. We are now reading
In the spring, I had the opportunity to teach three Jewish evange- the Hebrew Bible. We have lively discussions concerning Jewish
lism seminars in local churches in the Keeseville, NY area, and God practices, the Mosaic Law, and the Jewish Messiah. One of the
has laid it on the hearts of these pastors to reach out to the Jewish attendees told us that she is very thankful because she now begins
to understand what saved by grace through faith means as as new titles arrive. Also, if you are hosting Israeli tourists, we
opposed to saved by works. would love to provide you with some free resources for your
wonderful work in proclaiming Yeshua to the Jewish people.
In an email, a brother wrote us that he is in a theological discussion
with other believers about anti-Semitism, amillennialism, and
replacement theology, and that he uses a book titled Theology and
Antisemitism. He asked if we know something about the writer of Over the course of the past few
the book, Rita Nagy. We said, yes! Rita is continuing to translate years, Ariel Germany has slowly
her work into the English language. developed from a “one-man
show” to a team of ten devoted
There will be an important change in our free time in doing Ariel members and a few additional
work. Beginning in September, Ivan will be teaching music full helpers who jump into action as
time at a high school. However, the plan is to continue our service soon as there is a need. One fairly
as before since late afternoons, evenings, and weekends are still new team member is Micha Rau,
available for us to minister to others. a young man whose training in
videography recently opened
New Zealand
newdoors for the ministry. The
first project Micha worked on this year was the recording of
We continue to look at how Ariel New Arnold’s lecture at a conference near Berlin. Teaching the New
Zealand can continue to equip and disciple Testament from a Jewish perspective, Arnold drew a rather large
believers. We receive regular requests for crowd of 150 believers who took copious notes and were eager to
assistance in supporting the establishment learn. Together with Tobias, one of our friendly helpers, Micha
of study groups. The Life of Messiah course filmed the conference and turned the footage into a series of DVDs
remains at the forefront of desired teaching which are now being sold on Ariel Germany’s website.
topics. This brings us to a juncture where
we are looking for more volunteers with a Micha’s father, Walter, a 79-year old retiree who is also one of our
heart for the work of Ariel Ministries. Do invaluable helpers, recently ran a book table for the ministry and
you have one or two hours a month—or was quite happy with the attention the video generated. In a time
even a day a week—and would like to get when people are too busy to pick up large books, videography is
involved in the work of Ariel in New Zealand? If you are interested, certainly a great tool to teach other believers the Bible from a
we ask you to prayerfully consider helping us and get in contact Messianic Jewish perspective.
with us at our office. Let’s have a chat!
We are continuing our dialogue with Henry and Darlene Matarrita Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
from World Outreach Mission about a potential joint outreach This April we completed the inaugural year of the Dallas/Fort
next year with Ariel New Zealand. Furthermore, we are really Worth, Texas Branch of Ariel Ministries. We have established
delighted that our branch office in Auckland is now set up with biblical study centers at two locations. Each site is equipped with
appropriate support systems. This means we can start to dedicate books and other materials from Ariel Ministries that are available
far more time to the work of Ariel Ministries in New Zealand. God for study and research. There were teachings about the dispensa-
continues to bless us and open amazing doors of opportunity. A tions, the covenants, the feasts of Leviticus 23, 1 and 2 Thessalo-
recent example is that we were invited to attend a Christian book- nians, James, Habakkuk, Daniel 9, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Proverbs, the
sellers’ event. This will be a wonderful opportunity to promote Tabernacle, etc. I also spoke at various conferences and represent-
Ariel publications to a wider Christian audience. ed Ariel Ministries at the Southwest Regional Conference of the
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and the Pre-Trib Conference.
We would like to encourage our supporters in New Zealand to This year, we again had the opportunity to share the Passover from
remember to have a look at our new website (, a Jewish perspective with parents and their children in various
particularly when considering a new book to purchase. We churches. Here are some comments we received about the Passover
continue to expand the range of titles that we hold in New presentation:
Zealand, which means you can have a new book in days. We have
just received our first shipment of the Life of the Messiah book, "We enjoyed going back thousands of years to Egypt, then zooming
Yeshua. Keep watching our web page, which we constantly update forward to the first century for a tableside seat with Yeshua. The
teaching was a complex educational presentation by a skilled So instead of being bored with church, today, as I speak in churches,
teacher." I have a passion to introduce the need of sharing the gospel with the
Jewish people. My fellow believers will have far more contacts with
A ten year old girl wrote: "I did not know that the lamb's bones Jewish people than I can ever have as an individual. But if I can
were not to be broken. I see the connection to Jesus' bones not multiply myself by teaching this way, there is much more fruit for
being broken on the cross." my labors. I remember reading an anti-missionary article which said
that if the Christians would get together the anti-missionaries
Another attendee wrote: "Thank you for the Seder presentation. could not handle them because of sheer numbers.
The teaching was clear, thorough, and I learned a lot. Two of my
friends who attended had never been to a Passover celebration and My second passion is to challenge, encourage, and excite the church
thought it was wonderful. You and the teachings are a blessing, in the Living Word of God by teaching it from a Jewish perspective.
and you do this with such diligence and excellence." Although the church has become accustomed to mediocre sermons
that neither challenge nor encourage believers to walk in the Messi-
We are available to visit your congregation or group anywhere in ah or to grow in the grace and knowledge of Yeshua in every area of
the U.S. Contact us at: life of our human existence, the Jewish perspective has the potential
to wake them up and instill in them a new desire to grow.
John Metzger Today, instead of being bored, I have a passion to teach the Scrip-
tures as I see the person of Messiah as being central to the Word
The first church that impacted my life for the Lord also gave me a
very positive attitude toward Jewish people. It was Mclean Bible and then to write concerning the Bible which is the most exciting
Church in Mclean, VA, which was led by Pastor J. Albert Ford. I and uplifting book of all time.
also went to Washington Bible College, which taught the Scrip-
tures from a dispensational perspective. In fact, one of my Bible Editor’s Note: John would be available to speak in your church,
courses was a two-hour class on dispensationalism. However, 25 particularly if you live in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey,
years later I discovered that a very important element of Bible aryland ela are ir inia ort arolina and io. lease
teaching was left out—the teaching of the Scriptures from a Jewish contact him at
During my college years, the Lord developed in my heart a burden
for children, Native Americans, Chinese, and Jewish people. So Just like in other countries, there are many different denominations spo
after graduating, my wife Sharon and I joined Child Evangelism and Christian movements in India. One of them is called “the Jesus
Fellowship. Then I took over a pastorate and later became the Only Movement,” an offspring of Pentecostalism and a centu-
director of a Native American Bible institute in western New ries-old theology called Modalism. Representa-
York. tives of this false doctrine teach that God is not
So how did I get into Jewish ministries? I was bored with church triune with three distinct persons, but a being
and the messages coming from the pulpits. It was the same thing that has three different forms. It is said that
over and over, just warm fuzzies and feel-good messages. How Yeshua is sometimes the Father and sometimes
many ways can you teach the elementary level messages like John the Spirit. Edward R., a Messianic Jew who
3:16? It appears it can be done 316 different ways! I was really attended Camp in 2009, came to visit Ariel India
good at counting the ceiling tiles in the church auditorium. Mind and proposed that we start a congregation for
you, I have nothing against John 3:16. It is a wonderful truth. But people who want to leave the movement. In the
as a mature believer, I needed to be challenged in Scripture as it past few weeks, I had the privilege of discussing
Standing Stron
relates to our walk in Messiah. It was just the same old same old! this idea with some of the leaders of this group, and when I
introduced them to Ariel’s material, they realized that this is the
Wrong Teachin
Being completely bored, I began reading Christian books and correct teaching. Some Jewish people showed interest in joining the
listening to Christian radio. I was fed spiritually by Dr. Charles new congregation if the Lord indeed opens the doors for Ariel India
Stanley’s “In Touch Ministries” radio broadcasts and by Brock and to plant a church.
Bodie Thoene who had written two series of books called The Zion A Q&A with Bakul C
Covenant and The Zion Chronicles. These books, which I highly
recommend, were the agent of change the Holy Spirit used to Branch Leader for A
It is interesting that the more work the Lord provides for us here in
India, the more aggressive the enemy attacks. We are fighting on
direct my life towards Jewish ministries. Through a series of Interview the
multiple fronts, it seems, and unfortunately, by Christiane
family is notJurik
events, the reading of those books led me to get in touch with Ariel excluded. Please feel free to contact us at
Ministries, and the rest is history. for a more personal and detailed prayer list.
Bakul Kumar N. Christia
1984. For the first 18 year
COVER STORY The Purposes of the Millennial Sacrifices
By Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Dr. Randall Price, and Others
everal passages in the Hebrew fourth section (Ez. 44:15-31) concerns the and the kingdom (Matthew 26:29;
Scriptures indicate that animal duties of the sons of Zadok, who will be in Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18), these
sacrifices will be re-instituted charge of the sacrifices of the Temple.2 The sacrifices will warn of future wrath at
during the millennial kingdom, fifth section (Ez. 45:1-8) describes the Holy the coming Great White Throne
the most important one being Oblation or the Mountain of Jehovah’s judgment, especially for those who
Ezekiel 44:1-46:24. Many evangelical and House. The sixth section (Ez. 45:9-46:18) will rebel at the end of the Millennium
Protestant believers struggle with the describes the duties of the prince, David. and join in the satanic attack on the
return of animal sacrifices in a future temple The seventh section (Ez. 46:19-24), finally, Temple Mount (Revelation 20:7-11).3
as they assume that this would “be equiva- concerns the laws of the boiling of the In line with this interpretation is the
lent to a denial of the finality and sufficiency sacrifices. understanding that Old Testament
of Christ’s sacrifice.”1 Dispensationalists sacrifices were only symbolic. The late
have therefore felt compelled to answer the The following are some of the options that commentator Charles Lee Feinberg
question of the purpose of a millennial dispensationalists have offered, and they states: “… the function of Old Testa-
sacrificial system, and the various options may all play a role in the purposes of the ment sacrifices . . . were never effica-
will be summarized here. Before digging sacrifices in the messianic kingdom in cious; they were never meant to be
into the study, it should be pointed out that addition to what God will reveal to us expiatory, that is to care of the penalty
just because we may not know the reason when that time comes. of sin; they were never meant to be
for something in the Scriptures, it does not anything but symbolic of the forfei-
mean we should not take the passage literal- A. Memorial of the Death of the Messiah ture of life for sin. . . .”4 While the
ly. memorial view has much to commend
This view teaches that the sacrifices will it, it does not adequately address the
In summary of Ezekiel 44:1-46:24, we note play for Israel a similar role communion fact that Ezekiel (Ezekiel 43:20, 26;
that these chapters are concerned with the plays for the church. Since the Mosaic 45:15, 17, 20), under the New Cove-
various laws regulating the system of priest- sacrifices looked forward to the sacrifice of nant, clearly says that the blood
hood and sacrifice during the messianic the Messiah, why could not the kingdom sacrifices are for “atonement” in just
kingdom. While there are similarities with sacrifices look back and commemorate the the same way that Leviticus (Leviti-
the commandments of the Law of Moses, sacrifices on the cross? The church has been cus 4:20, 26, 35; 16:27; 17:11) does
there are also some marked differences. For asked to do something very physical, to under the Mosaic Covenant. Further-
this reason, the millennial system of priest- partake of the bread and the cup, to remem- more, nowhere in Ezekiel’s prophecy
hood and sacrifice must not be viewed as a ber the body and the blood of the Messiah. concerning the sacrificial system is it
reinstitution of the Law of Moses which This ceremony is to be terminated with ever implied that the sacrifices are
ended permanently with the death of the Messiah’s second coming (I Cor. 11:26). “memorial” in nature. For this reason,
Messiah. A whole new system of law will be What will Israel use to remember the another literal view has been
instituted for the time of His thousand-year Lord’s death in the messianic kingdom? advanced which attempts to incorpo-
reign on earth. The physical ceremony of the blood rate the concept of atonement in its
sacrifices will help Israel remember the interpretation of the millennial
The Ezekiel passage has seven major body and blood of the Messiah. Dr. Price sacrifices.5
sections dealing with this theme. The first adds:
section (Ez. 44:1-3) concerns the law of the B. The Means of Restoring Fellowship for
outer eastern gate. The passage states that In contrast to the Old Testament the Millennial Saint
in the beginning of the Millennium, the gate sacrifices, which were prospective
will be shut for the remainder of the (looking forward to the fulfillment of It should be kept in mind that the Mosaic
thousand years. The second section (Ez. the cross), these millennial memorials sacrifices never took away sin and were not
44:4-8) contains a message of the Shechinah will be retrospective (looking back at the means of salvation for the Old Testa-
glory which points out Israel’s present sins. the accomplishment of the cross). ment saint (Heb. 10:1-4). The Old Testa-
The third section (Ez. 44:9-14) describes Some have added that since the Lord’s ment saint was saved by grace through
the duties of the Levites, who will be the Supper also proclaimed the future faith. The blood sacrifices were the means
caretakers of the Millennial Temple. The coming of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:26), of restoring fellowship of a saint who had
COVER STORY The Purposes of the Millennial Sacrifices
sinned. In this present age, fellowship for did atonement accomplish in the Old exact punishment for them. In this
the believer is restored by confession (I Jn. Testament, and what will be its light the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the
1:9). The millennial sacrifices will not take function in the Millennial economy? Covenant, called in Hebrew the
away sin either, but they will be the means Two recent Christian studies of this kipporet (from kipper, “to atone”), has
of restoring fellowship for the millennial word in the Old Testament . . . have been explained as a box containing
saint who sins. offered a re-evaluation of its meaning objects connected with Israel’s past
in the context of a theocratic govern- sins—which needed to be hidden
C. Ritual Cleansing for Ritual Uncleanness ment. Their research has determined from the presence of the Lord
that the understanding of the Hebrew enthroned above the cherubim on
Since the Shechinah will reside in the holy term for atonement, kipper, should be either side of the Mercy Seat. . . . The
of holies of the Millennial Temple, it would “to purify” or “cleanse,” based on the concepts of divine wrath and payment
be impossible to approach the temple Akkadian cognate kuppuru, rather than are certainly present in the act of
compound in a state of ritual impurity. the traditionally understood meaning atonement, but the explanation of
Therefore the sacrifices will be for the of “to cover,” borrowed from the propitiation/ransom does not take
cleansing of ceremonial uncleanness. Dr. cognate Arabic kapara or the ransom/- into account the wider range of usage
Price explains: propitiation view, which is based on in Leviticus nor the syntax and
the noun form kopper and sees atone- synonyms of the verb kipper. For exam-
The basis of the atonement view of the ment as the “averting of divine wrath ple, in Leviticus, where the meaning of
Millennial sacrifices is the proper by the payment of ransom.”6 The idea the term is established, God never
understanding of the word atonement. of “cover over,” which has been popu- appears as the direct object of atone-
Since Ezekiel states that these larly expressed in Christian books ment, but only objects and persons
offerings “make atonement,” and it has treating this subject for over a century, (indirectly) that have become ceremo-
been seen that these offerings actually is that the blood “covered up” or “hid” nially impure. Therefore, contrary to
did something, the question that now the offenses from the sight of God so the idea of propitiation and ransom,
must be answered is this: Just what that in not seeing them He would not the act of “atonement” is not exercised
The Purposes of the Millennial Sacrifices COVER STORY
on God nor something that directly create a sanctified status . . . and the the task of washing clothes, ceremo-
affects Him. This is consistent with internal provision of a new heart nial cleansing was an ongoing need.
the purpose of “atonement” as it is necessary to maintain it . . . The same is clearly the case in
used in Ezekiel 40-48. As Hebrew In this light it is necessary to remem- Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 43:20 and 26, the
University professor Moshe Green- ber three facts about life in the Millen- atonement is specifically directed at
berg, author of a scholarly three-vol- nial kingdom. First, the presence of cleansing the altar in order to make it
ume commentary on Ezekiel, explains: God will dwell literally in the midst of ritually fit for sacrifice. The only other
This is done by purgation and whole the people. . . . Second, the unglorified uses of atonement also refer to cleans-
offerings whose function is to kipper human population will be capable of ing objects so that ritual purity may
(purge), hitte’ (decontaminate), and incurring ritual defilement and pollut- be maintained for proper function of
tihher (purify) the altar so as to make it ing the earthly Sanctuary. . . . Third, further worship (Ezekiel 45:15, 17, 20)
fit for the regular worship (43:20, 22, the Millennial population will be . . . Since all the sacrifices of Ezekiel
26). These rites have . . . to do with . . . under the New Covenant and will be relate to purification of the priests for
the very ancient idea that all pollu- regarded as a holy and priestly Nation Temple service, they do not specifi-
tions . . . contaminated the sanctuary.7 just as they [the Jews] were under the cally depict or represent Christ’s
According to this view, sacrifice Mosaic Covenant. . . . the Nation (and atoning sacrifice. The presence and
accomplished the removal of ritual in the future, also the nations) must purpose of sacrifices neither dimin-
impurity in order to restore a worship- maintain a status of ceremonial purity. ishes the finished work of Christ nor
er’s ability to approach God. This As argued above, this kind of sacrifi- violates the normal and “literal”
concept understand that ritual cial “atonement” is not for salvation interpretation of the prophetic
violations (such as those specified in nor for inward sanctification, but to passages. Nothing in Ezekiel 40-48
Leviticus) result in a ceremonial preserve outward corporate “sanctifi- conflicts with the death of Christ or
condition of uncleanness that not only cation” (or ceremonial purification) so New Testament teaching at any
interrupts and restricts the worship of that a holy God can remain in the point. The supposed contradictions
the one who has committed the midst of an unholy people. Since every between a literal understanding of
offense, but by its contagious nature is member of this theocratic kingdom Ezekiel and New Testament doctrine
able to contaminate other people and will be required to conform to the evaporate when examined specifical-
objects, disrupting the required ceremonial requirements, the sacrifi- ly.9
service of God. The possibility then cial system will be necessary in order
exists that not only could the entire to sustain corporate sanctity.8 Dr. Jerry Hullinger of the Piedmont
Nation suffer uncleanness, but that International University reaches the same
also the Temple itself could be defiled. Dr. Thomas Ice expresses it this way: conclusion:
This would create a situation such as
that reported by Ezekiel in chapters Critics of future millennial sacrifices A solution that maintains dispensa-
8-11, which resulted in the departure seem to assume that all sacrifices, past tional distinctives deals honestly
of the Shekinah (divine presence) and future, always depict Christ’s final with the text of Ezekiel and in no way
from the Temple. If this occurred, the sacrifice for sin. They do not! There demeans the work Christ did on the
promise of restoration would be were various purposes for sacrifices in cross. This study suggests that animal
reversed and the people would again the Bible. An overwhelming majority sacrifices during the Millennium will
suffer exile. However, the promise of of sacrifices under the Mosaic system serve primarily to remove ceremonial
the millennial restoration is that this were for purification of the priests and uncleanness and prevent defilement
reversal will never again occur . . . objects used in various rites. This is from polluting the temple envisioned
Therefore, to protect the holiness of why atonement can be said in the past by Ezekiel. This will be necessary
the divine presence and to prevent to be effective, yet still need Christ’s because the glorious presence of
problems associated with the human future sacrifice, because many of the Yahweh will once again be dwelling
condition (unholiness), the safeguards sacrifices did atone ceremonially, on earth in the midst of a sinful and
of the New Covenant include both the cleansing participants and objects in unclean people . . . Because of God’s
external requirements necessary to Temple ritual. Just as we never finish promise to dwell on earth during the
COVER STORY The Purposes of the Millennial Sacrifices
Millennium (as stated in the New conformed. Only faith in God could instituted after the descent of the Shechi-
Covenant), it is necessary that He bring salvation, and this has been nah glory, was the presence of God. This
protect His presence through sacrifice God’s plan in every dispensation. It is a presence had to be protected against man’s
. . . It should further be added that this serious mistake, therefore, to insist sinfulness and uncleanness. When Yeshua
sacrificial system will be a temporary that these sacrifices will be expiatory. resides in the Millennial Temple, sacrificial
one in that the Millennium (with its They were certainly not expiatory in blood will become necessary once more in
partial population of unglorified the Mosaic economy . . . and they will order to protect the divine from the
humanity) will last only one thousand not be so in the Millennium. But their unclean.
years. During the eternal state all symbolic and pedagogic value, unlike
inhabitants of the New Jerusalem will the communion service, will be upheld
be glorified and will therefore not be a by a legalistic system of enforced
Randall Price, The Temple and Bible Prophecy: A Definite
Look at Its Past, Present, and Future (Eugene, OR: Harvest
source of contagious impurities to participation. For example, those who
House Publishers, 2005), p. 535.
defile the holiness of Yahweh.10 decide to neglect the annual Feast of 2
According to Isaiah 66:21, there will also be Gentile
Tabernacles will be punished by a priests.
D. The Privilege of Life and Physical For a defense of this purpose of the memorial
drought or a plague . . . If the true
sacrifices, see A.C.Gaeberlein, The Prophet Ezekiel, pp.
Blessing in a Theocratic Kingdom significance of the five offerings be 239-48.
understood, it is not difficult to see 4
Charles Lee Feinberg, The Prophecy of Ezekiel: The Glory
The relationship between the future how they could serve as effective of the Lord (Chicago: Moody Press, 1969), p. 254.
Price, pp. 549-50.
sacrifices and Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross vehicles of divine instruction and 6
For a discussion of the lexical issues that determine
is characterized by a contrast: “While the discipline for Israel and the nations this preference, see Jerry M. Hullinger, “A Proposed
Old Testament sacrificial system was during the Kingdom age.12 Solution to the Problem of Animal Sacrifices in
effective, it was not expiatory,”11 meaning Ezekiel 40-48” (unpublished Th.D. dissertation,
Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1993), pp.
while it effected temporary ritual E. Conclusion
restoration, it did not take away the guilt of 7
Moshe Greenburg, “The Design and Themes of
sin. While in the future kingdom salvation In the Hebrew Scriptures, animal sacrifices Ezekiel’s Program of Restoration,” Interpretation 38
will still be through grace by faith alone like served as object lessons, showing the (1984): 194.
Price, pp. 554-556.
it has always been, physical blessings and gravity of sin and the necessary conse- 9
Thomas Ice, “Why Literal Sacrifices in the Millenni-
the privilege of life will depend on an quence of death. For those born in the um,” Pre-Trib Perspectives, June 2000, pp. 4-5.
outward conformity to the ceremonial law millennial kingdom, the sacrificial system 10
Jerry Hullinger, “The Problem of Animal Sacrifices
in Ezekiel 40-48,” Bibliotheca Sacra, July-September
of the time. This is a view innovated by Dr. will once again remind people of what it
1995, pp. 281, 289.
John C. Whitcomb. Commenting on the cost the Messiah to bring salvation, since in 11
Price, p. 556.
millennial sacrifices, he notes: those sacrifices there is a remembrance made of sins 12
John C. Whitcomb. “The Millennial Temple of
year by year (Heb. 10:3). John Schmitt Ezekiel 40–48”. The Diligent Workman Journal, May
1994, pg. 22. For a detailed defense of this position,
[They] will not be totally voluntary summarizes it well:
see: “Christ’s Atonement and Animal Sacrifices in
and purely memorial as is true of the Israel,” Grace Theological Journal 6:2, Fall 1985, pp.
Christian Eucharist. Ezekiel says that Ezekiel himself believed [the Temple] 201-217.
God will “accept” people on the basis was a reality and the future home of 13
John Schmitt and Carl Laney, Messiah’s Coming
of animal sacrifices (43:27), and they Messiah. Then, it becomes not heresy Temple: Ezekiel’s Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple
(Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1997), p. 181.
are “to make atonement for the house to believe that a Temple and sacrifices
of Israel” (45:17; cf. 45:15). In other will exist; rather, it is almost a heresy
words, just as in Old Testament times, to not believe this, especially because Dr. Price’s excellent
the privilege of life and physical it is a part of God’s infallible word. The book The Temple and Bible
Prophecy: A Definite Look
blessing in the theocratic kingdom burden on us is to determine how it at Its Past, Present, and
will be contingent upon outward fits—not its reality.13 Future can be ordered
conformity to the ceremonial law. for a short time in our
online store at
Such conformity did not bring Furthermore, we need to remember that the
It is then available
salvation in Old Testament times, but foundational rationale of the sacrificial through
saved Israelites who willingly system of the Mosaic Law, which was
The Kippah FEATURE
By Mottel Baleston
Mottel Baleston
is the director
of the Messen-
gers Messianic
Outreach of
New Jersey
and a teacher
at Ariel’s School
of Messianic
Jewish Studies.
This text is the
third of a series
of articles that
will look at
different items During the very first day of my summer of we needed to wear a kippah. For convenience, the synagogue
and terms living and studying in Jerusalem, the would have a box of inexpensive kippot (plural) just inside the
found in or capital of Israel, the great variety of fellow door for those who arrived without their own.
Jews struck me. If you go back far enough,
related to the
we all originated from Israel, the Holy The kippah is worn at all times by Orthodox Jewish men and boys,
Scriptures, while
Land, but centuries of wandering in the and during any sort of religious service by all other men who are
offering an
Diaspora influenced our appearance. There not religious. In recent years, there has been a small movement to
were many light-skinned Jews like myself wear kippot among feminist women active in more liberal Jewish
of these topics whose ancestors had spent a thousand circles. Thus, it is common to see female rabbis in both the Reform
from the Jewish years in Eastern Europe. There were other and Conservative Jewish movements wearing them while
context and Jews who had never left the Middle East, conducting religious services.
culture of the the Iraqi and Syrian Jews who operated the
first century fruit stands near my Jerusalem neighbor- The small size and round design of the kippah is no more than
and today. hood. There were olive-skinned Yemenite several hundred years old. Older illustrations of religious Jewish
Jews who had lived almost unchanged men show a wide variety of headgear. Modern designs vary. Some
from biblical times in an enclave of the are very colorful and large, covering most of the head. An example
Arabian Peninsula until the 1950s, as well of this is the Bukharan kippah. The strictly Orthodox make sure
as recently arrived Ethiopian Jews, who that their skullcap is large, black, and solid, while the modern
were even darker. There were Jews who Orthodox are often known as the “Knit kippah” faction. In recent
were tall, Jews who were short, some who years, the Orthodox movement has
were wealthy, and a surprising number permitted young boys to have cartoon,
who lived in poverty. One item that many sports team, or pop-culture designs on
of them had in common was the wearing of their kippot, and so it should not
a kippah, a small head covering for men surprise us to see a Superman logo
who are religious Jews. painted on a leather kippah.
Known in English as a skullcap, the If you were to ask knowledgeable Jewish rabbis to explain the
Yiddish term “yarmulke” is what I grew up motivation for wearing a kippah, the answers would all center on
with as a boy in my Jewish neighborhood two factors: the belief that wearing a head covering shows awe
in New York City. As kids we knew that and respect before an almighty God, and the idea that the kippah
Bukharan Kippah whenever we walked into the synagogue, is a universal symbol of Jewish men to identify with their commu-
FEATURE The Kippah
nity. Thus, the basic message a man sends ah 14:3-4, and Esther 6:12. In essence, no before a meal without a kippah, since
when he wears a kippah is that he is strong case can be made from the Hebrew wearing a kippah is only an instance of
religious and observant of the Jewish Scrip- Scriptures for the wearing of a kippah. having an “exemplary attribute.” In other
tures and traditions. words, you were being very pious to wear
Talmud and Jewish Tradition one.1
Old Testament Head Coverings The Talmud is a large set of rabbinic books
The question arises where in the Jewish that covers nearly every aspect of living life It is clear that the practice of wearing a
Scriptures we find the command to wear a as an observant Jew. It was completed head covering, and not just during religious
kippah. This is where things get a bit around the year 500 A.D. and is authorita- ceremonies, while originally a “minhag,”2
controversial. There are some in Rabbinic tive for Orthodox Jews today. However, if was becoming more and more a “din,”3
Jewish circles as well as a few in the Messi- you approach the Talmud expecting to find expected within Jewish circles, as it
anic movement who cite Exodus 28:4 as a set of clear rules, you will be confused and contributed to a group identity and
support for wearing a kippah. The verse disappointed. The majority of the Talmud, strengthened the community. From the
requires the high priest to wear a specific the Gemara section, is written as a narrative Medieval Age through the Enlightenment,
uniform and head covering while minister- of discussions amongst rabbis regarding the Jewish people wore a wide variety of
ing in the Tabernacle, and later in the how to live life as an observant Jew. It is head coverings with little resemblance to
Temple in Jerusalem. A quick glance at the often said that what one page in the Talmud the small skullcaps of today. In some
passage shows that in addition to wearing a supports, the next page rejects. So, it is locations where government was
wrapped turban, the high priest was also to possible to find support for almost any influenced by large institutional churches,
viewpoint. That has led anti-Semites to local edicts would be enacted as anti-Se-
dishonestly use passages from the Talmud mitic measures to force Jews to wear
to support their anti-Jewish viewpoints. certain types of identifying headgear. In
What they do not tell you is that the objec- some cases what was originally meant as an
tionable statement they chose is quickly emblem of shame became in the eyes of the
rejected by other rabbis on the next page of Jewish community a badge of honor as it
the Talmud. All this needs to be kept in showed their willingness to suffer at the
mind when trying to find passages regard- hands of unjust government rather than
wear a metal breastplate and a robe that ing a man’s head covering. There were many converting to the prevailing form of
had a checkered pattern. Two realities need different traditions during the years the apostate Christendom.
to be noted: The instruction was only for Talmud was compiled. With that disclaim-
the high priest, and the garments were to be er, here are a couple of pertinent passages A seismic shift within Judaism during the
worn only during the Temple service. If one and their Talmudic locations: 1800s brought about the liberal Reform
uses this passage to mandate a head cover- movement with its abandonment of many
ing, then why not also wear a checkered Cover your head in order that the fear of Jewish practices. Jews who saw themselves
robe? Why not a metal breastplate with heaven may be upon you. (Shabbat 156b) as full participants in a modern world
precious stones? Rabbi Hunah ben Joshua never walked stopped wearing the kippah daily. Today,
more than 4 cubits (2 meters) with his head while it is still worn by Orthodox Jewish
Still, some would persist and say that the uncovered. He said: "Because the Divine men, all other Jewish factions will wear it
high priest’s head covering was a reminder Presence is always over my head." (Kiddu- only for religious occasions.
of the holiness of God and our willingness shin 31a)
to be submissive to it. They cite the fact New Testament Practice
that the brim of the turban had the words These examples and admonitions were not The core New Testament passage about the
“Holy, Holy, Holy unto the Lord.” Yet, if one universal, but personal, and if you spend head covering, and the one with varied
looks at other Old Testament passages enough time researching the Talmud, you translations and interpretations, is 1 Corin-
where a head covering is mentioned, the will find a variety of practices. For example, thians 11:4-7:
three most prominent refer to the act of the Vilna Gaon, a revered Jewish sage who Every man praying or prophesying with his head
covering one’s head as part of sadness and lived from 1720-1797, said that one can covered dishonors his head. But every woman
mourning. These are 2 Samuel 15:30, Jeremi- pronounce the formal Hebrew prayer praying or prophesying with her head uncovered
The Kippah FEATURE
dishonors her head. For it is one and the same as appearance like a woman and wearing that make his evangelism more acceptable, but
having been shaved. For if a woman does not cover which “pertaineth” to a woman, something also because of personal preference, as seen
her head, let her cut off her hair. But if it is shameful strongly condemned in the Torah. That in Romans 14:5. The entire chapter of
for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, possibility is reinforced by 1 Corinthians Romans 14 shows us that within our
let her cover her head. For surely a man ought not to 11:14, which clearly states that a man is Christian community there are going to be
cover his head, since he is the image and glory of dishonored by wearing his hair in the preferences regarding cultural practices,
God. But the woman is the glory of man. length and style of a woman. Again, the and that is not something to be worried
main issue is that of gender distinctions, about or campaigned against. If a Jewish
Even among conservative evangelical schol- something our modern world is in rebellion believer in Yeshua covers his head, it does
ars there are varied understandings of this against, a foolish position which goes not mean he is going back under the law,
passage. In connection with the subject of a against God’s created order. nor has he “fallen from grace.” Rather,
man’s head covering, several points could wearing a kippah can open doors and be a
be made, though they may not be embraced New Covenant Grace powerful testimony, as a number of newly
by all: Some imagine that Paul is mandating To borrow a phrase from Francis Schaeffer, saved Jewish believers have reported. Now,
a total change for their new Christian “How should we then live?” For those of us if I am in a church setting where it is
practice in order to differentiate it from who are Jewish believers, the question of customary for men not to cover their heads
Jewish practice. However, that view is whether to wear a kippah on certain in the service, I will certainly abide by that,
weak because Paul’s own reasoning is occasions occurs rather frequently. I believe putting aside my own customs in the
related to eternal theological truths, not there are two major Scripture passages that interest of the community fellowship
those that were ushered in by the dispensa- should govern our practice and behavior in described in Romans 14. By the same
tion of grace. Secondly, Paul reminds the this matter: token, when Gentile believers walked into
Corinthians that a woman ought to have an the messianic congregation I led for many
appropriate head covering at all times. That For though I was free from all men, I brought myself years, they most often understood that we
was exactly the practice the Jewish under bondage to all, that I might gain the more. were sound and conservative in doctrine
community already had, so there was no And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain and that our wearing of the kippah was
attempt to create a new doctrine or Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the certainly not an issue.
practice. law, not being myself under the law, that I might
gain them that are under the law; to them that are What about non-Jews wearing a kippah? It
The Greek phrase in verse 4 describing a without law, as without law, not being without law is fine as long as the believer does not
man’s head covering is translated in to God, but under law to Christ, that I might gain imagine that wearing the kippah makes
Vincent’s Word Studies as “having something them that are without law. To the weak I became him a Jew. It also can be a positive testimo-
hanging down from his head.” This rendering is weak, that I might gain the weak: I am become all ny as long as sound, grace-centered
supported by several other Greek studies. things to all men, that I may by all means save some. doctrine is taught in the congregation.
Obviously, this describes something far (1 Cor. 9:19-22)
different than today’s skullcap. That “hang- Let us not allow cultural preferences in
ing down” appearance can be understood as One person regards one day above another, another music, apparel, or similar non-central
either a full veil for mourning or a woman’s regards every day alike. Each person must be fully issues divide us. Let us grant each other the
style cloth head covering. It could also refer convinced in his own mind. (Rom. 14:5) same freedom in these areas that we want
to very long natural hair on a man, obscur- the Lord to grant us. Rather than imagin-
ing his gender. Again, what is being These verses remind us that we are not ing the worst about a fellow believer’s
described is something very different than a under law, but under grace. The prevailing motivation for wearing a kippah, let us
modern kippah. evidence is that the Greek text of 1 Corin- praise the Lord for the fact that so many
thians 11:4 and 14 does not prohibit the Jewish people are coming to a born-again,
As a major theme of Corinthians is the wearing of a kippah, but points out the saving faith in Yeshua, our Jewish Messiah.
gender distinction within creation and the shame of a man being a “gender bender.” 1
See the footnotes for a URL of a document tracing the
New Testament congregation, there is good Additionally, 1 Corinthians 9 shows Paul history of the Kippah dispute within Judaism at 4 Rabinowitz.pdf.
support for understanding the prohibition participating in Jewish style and ritual, 2
Local custom
of verse 4 to apply to a man having an with all its garb and practice, not only to 3
FEATURE STORY A Study of Psalms 52 and 142
Part II: Deserted — Psalm 142:1-7 By Robert Morris
got killed, David sought refuge with
Israel’s enemy, the Philistine king Achish
the of Gath. Achish saw him and turned on
him. David barely escaped with his life
summer issue of from that situation.
safety of the cave of Adullam, David let all interested in what He puts you through as one’s witness or legal counsel stood.6 In
his anguish and fear and bitterness gush He is in your response to what He puts you Psalm 16:8 we are told: I have set the LORD
out audibly to the Lord. There is no value in through. always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I
silence. Very little help lies in the way of will not be shaken. Psalm 109:30-31 says: With
the strong, silent types who stuff their David learned that lesson quite clearly my mouth I will greatly extol the LORD; in the great
emotions under the false piety of muteness. when he was all alone in the dark cave of throng I will praise him. For he stands at the right
On that path lies despair. David’s anguish, Adullam. Honestly, and with no holds hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who
as well as our anguish, finds relief in the barred, he laid out the anguish of his heart condemn him. We learn from Psalm 121:5: The
earnest cry to God. And it is okay to do this before the Lord. In verses 3 and 4, he then LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at
in the privacy of your own need. laid out his need. your right hand. So, David looked to his right,
and there was no one. He had no one to
Why is it okay? First of all, it is okay defend him against the adversaries. He had
because God can handle it. God is not 3. Abandoned—142:3-4 no refuge. He was a refugee for whom no
offended or taken aback by your emotions, one cared.7 He was abandoned, alone,
no matter how intense they may be. utterly deserted. In the midst of this desper-
ate need, David responded in the manner
Second, it is okay because God knows all
When my spirit grows faint God wanted him to respond.
about your problem already. An all-know- within me, it is you who knows
ing God is not caught by surprise and put
off by an unexpected and unannounced
my way. 4. Appeal—142:5-7
explosion of your desperate need. God is In the path where I walk men
well ahead of you and ready for your cry.
have hidden a snare for me. I cry to you, O Lord;
Third, it is okay because God is your Look to my right and see; no I say, “You are my refuge, my
heavenly Father who wants His children to
come to Him in their hour of desperation. one is concerned for me. portion in the land of the living.”
Perhaps that is why He designed little
I have no refuge; no one cares Listen to my cry, for I am in
children to cry. Like our little ones, He desperate need; rescue me from
wants us to come crying to Him so that He for my life. those who pursue me, for they
can pick us up and set us upon His lap and
wrap His strong and comforting arms In verse 3, we get a glimpse into the soul of are too strong for me.
around us. He loves it when we cry our David and the desperate need that he felt in Set me free from my prison,
hearts out on His breast and cling to Him his heart. The word translated “faint” is the that I may praise your name.
for comfort. Hebrew verb ‘ataph, meaning “to be bent
over and enveloped,” “to be feeble and to
Then the righteous will gather
Finally, it is okay to come wailing to God faint away,” “to be overwhelmed, crushed, about me because of your
because in that explosion of emotion, we and fatigued.”3 David’s adversity has goodness to me.
find healing for our souls. There is no brought him to the point of total mental,
conflict between anguish in your soul and physical, and emotional exhaustion.4 In this life, on the human plane, David had
dependence upon God. Nevertheless, even in his state of acute no one; on the spiritual plane, there was
spiritual depression, David turned in faith Someone. At his right hand stood the One in
Your prayer does not have to be formal and to the God who knew all about his whom he could take refuge. David’s heaven-
stilted and proper in form. Your prayer can situation. ly Father was the only one who could stoop
take the form of a moan or even incoherent, down to hear the need of the most pitiful
racking sobs. The all-knowing God of the David asked God to “look to his right.” and pathetic of His creatures.8
universe knows very well what is on your When a man is granted assistance and
heart. God simply wants you to turn to support, this aid is spoken of as coming to In verse 7, God moved to answer the cry of
Him. We need to remember: God is not as his right side.5 It was on the right hand that David’s heart. God’s peace that passes all
FEATURE STORY A Study of Psalms 52 and 142
Part II: Deserted — Psalm 142:1-7
understanding began to envelop his soul, came. Soon he had gathered about him a The next time you find yourself all alone, turn
and David gradually grew more calm. His company of 400 men who would become to Psalm 142. Read it aloud, personalize it,
mind shifted from the situation that he felt the nucleus of his kingdom. God answered and make it your prayer to God. It is a maskil.
imprisoned him to glorifying the name of his prayer abundantly. David was no longer Learn from it. Follow David’s example.
God. Balance was restored to his thinking, alone. This low ebb in his fortunes proved,
and he realized that he was not alone. He in fact, to be the turning point.10 The psalms were written for the purpose of
was not the only righteous man in the land lifting us up when desperate times bring
of Israel. This psalm has instructed us to cry out to utter exhaustion upon us. Use them during
God in the midst of our most desperate your time of need. That is why God put
He also realized that he was only one need, in the midst of intense loneliness. them in the Bible. Turning to God in faith
member of a community whose destiny This is the proper response to our trials and because He is good is the response that will
was interwoven with his. This community tribulations. bring growth and healing to your soul.
of the righteous would glory in David’s Always remember: God is not as interested
deliverance and identify with that deliver- in what He puts you through as He is in
ance as its own. The community of the Part III: Application your response to what He puts you
righteous would express their tender through.
sympathy toward David by gathering about
him. Like a flock of sheep, Have you ever been
they would crowd closely defamed and deserted like
and gently around him.9 David? You know, slander 1
Derek Kidner, Tyndale Old Testament Commen-
No longer did he see and solitude often go taries, Psalms 73-150 (Downers Grove, IL:
himself surrounded, envel- together. Someone lies InterVarsity Press, 1981), pg. 473.
oped, and imprisoned by about you, and then they
Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, entry
enemies, exhausted and follow it up with an attack, number 2199; TWOT (Theological Wordbook of
depressed. Instead, he saw and no one is willing to the Old Testament), vol. 1, entry 570.
himself enclosed and
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, ArtScroll
stand at your right hand
Tenach Series – Tehillim, vol. 5 (Brooklyn, NY:
encircled by the tender and help. It can happen at
Mesorah Publications, 1977), pg. 1665; Strong’s
arms of those who loved work; it can happen at
Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, entry number 5848;
God and loved him. school; it can happen in TWOT ol. . . ereafter uoted as
your marriage; it can happen in your family; ArtScroll Tenach Series – Tehillim.
God went on to answer David’s cry for it can happen right in your congregation. 4
re er on an a id . arland
deliverance in an even more substantial Right where you feel the safest and most eds., The Expositor’s Bible Commentary ol.
manner. Psalm 142 should be placed right secure, defamation and desertion can knock (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012), pg.
et een Sa uel erse and erse . you to the ground. How will you respond? 850. Hereafter quoted as Expositor’s Bible
Verse 1 reads, “David left Gath and escaped Will you grow bitter? Will you strike out Commentary.
to the cave of Adullam.” There David verbally or even physically? Will you run
ArtScroll Tenach Series – Tehillim ol. .
poured out his lonely heart to God, and and hide? Will you turn your back on God? 1665.
God brought him inner peace or shalom. The Or, like David, will you turn to God in trust
Expositor’s Bible Commentary ol. . .
account proceeds in verse 2, revealing how
and pour out your soul before Him? Will 8
ArtScroll Tenach Series – Tehillim, vol. 5, pg.
God continued to respond to David’s you and your heavenly Father face the
1666; Soncino Books of the Bible, The Psalms,
prayer: When his brothers and his father’s attack together and conquer it? The choice
pg. 460
household heard about it, they went down to him is up to you. 9
Johann Carl Friedrich Keil, Franz Delitzsch,
there. All those who were in distress or in debt or Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. 5
discontented gathered around him, and he became The next time slander descends upon your (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers,
their leader. About four hundred men were with life, turn to Psalm 52. Read it aloud, person- 2006), pg. 371.
him. Before too long, David’s family had alize it, and make it your prayer to God. It is 10
Derek Kidner, Tyndale Old Testament
gathered at Adullam to join, support, and a maskil. Learn from it. Follow David’s Commentaries, Psalms 73-150 (Downers Grove,
comfort him. Then, by degrees, others example. IL: InterVarsity Press, 1981), pg. 473
By Daniel Mann
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I
am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Mt. 11:28-30)
questions, but never receiving satisfying the peace of nature. One day, after my wife with a profound sense that there was some-
answers. went to town, I had a life-threatening thing out there far greater than the occult,
One evening while at Kfar Chabod, a young chainsaw injury. Through my clumsiness, but I was clueless about what it was.
American Jewish man approached me: the chainsaw bucked back and struck me in
“Daniel, last year, I was right where you are the head. In terror, I lifted my hands to my Four years later, I was on a train, traveling
now. But there’s a tzaddik2 in Tel Aviv who skull to see if it was still in one piece, or if I from Nahariya to Tel Aviv. I was reading a
can demonstrate to you, beyond a doubt, would have to push my brains back into my story in the Jerusalem Post about a Califor-
that the Tanach3 is the Word of God!” head. When I lifted my hands, I saw that nian who had an encounter with God. In
The next evening, we were in Tel Aviv, one of my hands was hanging half off with response, he built a boat and brought his
where my friend had arranged a private the blood squirting out like a fire hose. entire family to Israel. They had just arrived
consultation with the tzaddik. At first, he in the port town of Haifa that day, after a
studied me intently with his penetrating, Laying in a pool of blood, thinking that any two year voyage. However, he had entered
deeply set eyes. Then, he began shaking his moment would be my last, having lost so illegally and was being held in the Coast
head: “You are not ready to study Torah. much blood, Guard area until a determination could be
There is too much confusion and tension in I suddenly realized that I wasn’t alone. I made about his staying in Israel.
your life. Go find yourself a good Jewish knew that God was with me, and I was
community to live in. Follow their program filled with intense feelings of love, ecstasy, Passing through Haifa, I decided that I had
and come back in a few months, and we’ll and peace. I knew that God loved me and to find out how he could be so certain that
talk again.” that He’d protect me. Even if I died, I would God had called him to Israel. Initially, I was
still be with Him forever. After a miracu- told that I wouldn’t be able to see Mr.
“Talk?” I hadn’t even opened my mouth, and lous rescue, this experience prompted me Harrison (I don’t remember his name)
he had already pronounced judgment! to search for Him, whoever He might be, because the Coast Guard area was off limits
Essentially, he was saying that I had to first but the last place I had wanted to look was to civilians. However, amazingly, I found
get my life together before God could be of Christianity. I had been interested in God, the station-master, and he called the Coast
any use to me. But this was why I had come but He had to conform to my specifications. Guard and got approval for my unusual
to him! I couldn’t get my life together! God Now I was willing to encounter Him on His request.
seemed to be my only hope, but the tzaddik own terms. I knew that this “encounter”
was telling me that God couldn’t help me was not just the product of having lost so I spent the afternoon with Mr. Harrison on
unless I first helped myself. I left feeling much blood in the midst of a NDE. Ten his boat, as his wife and five little
rejected by life itself. However, in my heart years earlier, while I was studying for my blond-haired children walked the wharf. I
of hearts, I knew he was right. Somehow, I finals in my freshman year at UC Berkeley, I asked him a series of questions, mainly
was a loser. put my exhausted head down in my hands concerning how he could be sure about
and closed my eyes. Some minutes later, God and His will. However, he would
What a contrast with the God of Scripture, when I lifted my head, it seemed that every- merely answer me by quoting from both the
who has proved His words to me: thing was different. I was filled with the Tanach and the Brit Chadasha. I
same ecstatic love, joy and peace. I even complained, “You’re wasting time quoting
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, loved myself, but I had no awareness of the Scripture. I don’t believe it, and therefore
and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and presence of God. it’s meaningless to me,” but it seemed that
learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, that was all he was able to do.
and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is As hard as I tried to hold on to this mysteri-
easy and My burden is light. (Mt. 11:28-30) ous visitation, I couldn’t. I had been After it got dark, I arose to leave. He asked
intensely interested in the occult—mind if he could pray with me. I acquiesced. He
Several years later, after trying various over matter. But the occult was clearly had kindly spent hours fielding my critical
kibbutzim, I returned to the States, with a about learning techniques and rituals in questions. This was the least I could do.
wife and infant daughter. We found an order to “plug in.” However, I had done Afterwards, I walked off into Haifa’s night,
Appalachian hill farm at the end of a absolutely nothing to bring about this not knowing where I’d spend the night, but
dead-end road, hoping that if we’d live in experience! It came from nowhere, and it I soon realized it didn’t matter. I was once
harmony with nature, we would experience didn’t seem to lead anywhere. It just left me again in ecstasy by the strange visitation.
Each stranger’s face became an object of there was nothing more important than to
intense love, so much so that I had to lower find out His identity, whatever His identi-
my head, lest the passers-by would see my ty might be. L. Jesse Grace
What had happened to me? Well, it seemed They were very elementary, but they
that it had something to do with my talked about an all-powerful God of love
meeting Mr. Harrison. Perhaps his enthusi- and forgiveness who intervened in our
asm had gotten to me? However, never once lives. The conviction that my Benefactor
did I connect this encounter with his was Jesus began to grow. I resisted this
prayer. I had thought that I was a awareness, but I had made a vow. For the
truth-seeker, but my search boundaries first time in my life, I was determined to
were very confined. know the truth, even if it would cost me
my strongly held identity.
Six years later, while my blood generously
flowed after the chainsaw had severely Faith did not come easily. I was 100%
injured me, I was once again overtaken by skeptic! While I would experience a joy in
the same experience, but this time there believing, I would then tell myself: This is
was one significant difference: I was left ridiculous. How can I believe that some-
with no doubt about my Benefactor. I knew body died on the cross, and magically,
it was God, who had been mysteriously God loves me? I needed more. I joined a The Personal Life Story of
wooing me for years, but I had not been home fellowship group where they were Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder
aware of it. studying messianic prophecy. While I and President of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
found some of the material convincing and
Why did He wait so long to reveal Himself? even satisfying, the skeptic in me contin- Known for his foremost scholarship
Why does the fisherman allow his catch to ued to say “no.” and his in-depth knowledge of the
tire itself before reeling it in? Perhaps I first biblical history and geography of Israel,
I cannot say when exactly I came to faith. Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum has
had to exhaust every other possibility and
become one of the finest Bible exegetes
to spend all of my reserves on false hopes? It was a slow and arduous process. The of our time. The purpose of this biogra-
Perhaps only in a prostrate position would I old leaven had to be burned away. God phy is to present an intimate portrait of
accept what I had always regarded as humbled me exceedingly so that I could this scholar and teacher. His story will
lead you through some of the most
abhorrent? receive His Word and blessings (1 Pet.
dramatic points of world history and
5:6). Now, 40 years later, I can say as take you on a journey around the globe.
The chainsaw encounter alone did not David did: It is good for me that I was afflicted, It is the story of a Jewish man who
bring me to a faith in the Messiah, but just that I might learn your statutes. (Ps. 119:71) came to faith in his Jewish Messiah,
embarked on a unique journey of
the perplexity that the One whom I had Never would I have believed that, one day, servitude to his God, and impacted not
always detested was involved. This threat- I would be ministering a message that I only theologians, scholars, and church
ened my Jewish identity. I had held Christi- had once despised. leaders, but everyday believers alike.
Their progress to maturity, as well as
anity in utter contempt. Too many Jews had
the outreach to his Jewish people, is
been killed in the name of Jesus. what has kept Dr. Fruchtenbaum going
for nearly five decades of ministry—to
However, my bloody chainsaw encounter God’s glory and for the salvation of
brought me to the point of crying out to my (Footnotes)
as yet unknown Benefactor: “I don’t care 1
who You are. I just want to know the truth 2
The holiest of rabbis. $32.00
about You!” And I meant it! I knew that 3
The Hebrew Scriptures.
FEATURE STORY When Camp Shoshanahites Meet Up in Israel
By Nanette Keao
shared and not hoarded, two women, receptiveness of many Israelis to enter
Yoshi Kawabata of Japan and Dorothy into serious discussions about the Scrip-
Callier of Missouri, decided to rendezvous tures.
in Israel in the spring of 2016 to serve with
various ministries throughout the land. Meanwhile, Bena and Ronji Tanielu from
After talking at camp with Henry and Auckland, New Zealand, Camp Shosha-
Darlene Matarrita of World Mission nahites in 2015, included Israel as part of
Outreach (WMO) about their unique their two-year sojourn around the world.
camping outreach and friendship tour in Earlier in the year, they visited and minis-
Israel, Yoshi and Dorothy decided to join tered to the orphans at the Naomi Ruth
the WMO team for the final two weeks of Orphan Center in Mbeya, Tanzania, a
their trip. Neither woman relished the ministry begun by the Matarritas in 2014.
idea of "roughing it" in a Galilee campsite, Now they were visiting Sasha and Lillian
sleeping in tents on the hard ground, but of the Ariel Israel branch on the Mediter-
both felt the calling to meet Israelis, and ranean coast. When Dorothy and Yoshi
Israeli families love to camp. Also joining passed through town in April, they all
the 2016 WMO team were former Camp celebrated Pesach/Passover together.
Shoshanahites John Yerina of California;
Joy Sonne of Israel; and from Hawaii, the Another Camp Shoshanahites conver-
author of this report. gence occurred in Jerusalem with Dr.
Fruchtenbaum, who had just completed
WMO founders Henry and Darlene, who his annual five-week history and geogra-
reside in Jersalem, completed the five year phy tour of Israel. Bena and Ronji arrived
teaching cycle at Camp Shoshanah this in Jerusalem that same day, along with
summer. What they have gleaned from the Lillian, Sasha, and their children. For one
lectures is vital to their work as teachers, afternoon and evening, they all gathered
as they help churches around the world to at the Matarritas’ small apartment to
understand the Jewish perspective and share stories, pictures, communion, tears,
foundation of the Bible and God’s promis- and a great deal of laughter from their
es to redeem Israel. Sometimes someone time in Israel and at Camp Shoshanah.
from camp will join a WMO team to go to
Africa, Nepal, Thailand, or another of the What happens when a group of Camp
nations they visit on a regular basis. This Shoshanahites from five different nations
year, however, Henry and Darlene enticed and three American states meet up in
Who knows
what might happened when a group of
the five Camp attendees mentioned above
to join their annual Shavuot/Pentecost
outreach team in Israel, with an invitation
Jerusalem? An outpouring of love for
Yeshua, for Israel, and for each other,
expressed for all to see! Camp Shoshanah
Camp Shoshanahites gather in Israel, to turn the good teaching they received invites believers to “come and see” (Jn.
inspired to see the land and know the into opportunities for effective interac- 1:39) the love of God revealed by the
people for whom God has promises yet to tion concerning the Bible while camping in-depth study of His Word from a
be fulfilled? Camp Shoshanah in upstate with Israelis on the Sea of Galilee. The Jewish perspective. In turn, believers
New York beckons believers from around understanding of the whole Bible from its discover the diverse family members God
the world for Bible study from a Jewish Jewish roots is a novel perspective to has adopted—a family known by the
perspective; last year alone, no less than many Jews in Israel. They are often world for their love for one another, a
ten nations were represented at camp, surprised to meet evangelicals who know family that just might provoke others to
and friendships formed across the conti- and love the Tenach and consider the New jealousy. They are then inspired to “go
nents. Knowing that the equipping they Testament to be a Jewish book. Likewise, therefore” (Mt. 28:19) and make disciples
received through Ariel was meant to be WMO team members are delighted at the for the Lord.
When Camp Shoshanahites Meet Up in Israel FEATURE STORY
Scripture is inspired
by God and
profitable for
teaching, for reproof,
for correction, for
training in
righteousness; so that
the man of God may
be adequate,
equipped for every
good work.
(II Timothy 3:16-17)
FEATURE STORY A Prophet like Moses
By Mitch Triestman
I took my four year old grandson to a Reading Phillies minor league game The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a
last season. It was my daughter’s idea. He was probably too young. Our Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like
seats were way too good, and I was feeling way too old to deal with climbing unto me; unto him ye shall hearken. (Deut. 18:15)
in and out of the aisles and rows, trying to carry him our food, our drinks,
and his cotton candy from the concession stands without disturbing the I will raise them up a Prophet from among their
genuine fans who were actually trying to watch the game. The minor league brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his
games are really very fan-friendly, and this excursion was probably the mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
beginning of an annual tradition. command him. (Deut. 18:18)
In between innings, the scoreboard displayed a trivia game to entertain the There are many striking prophecies in the
fans. “Who Am I?” flashed on the screen, followed by facts about a popular Prophets and in the Writings which plainly
player. Fun game! Well, here is one for knowledgeable religious Jewish depict the coming Messiah; but Deuterono-
people to be played with their Christian friends: my 18:15 is unique in that it commands the
WHO AM I? For the answers, see text box at the end of this article.
reader to pay heed to the one who is coming. did not think Hillel or Shammai or any of permeates from the pit. The demonized
There could be some question as to exactly the other pre-Christian rabbis were the servants whom the Gentiles seek stand
what the words “like unto me” refer when ones, nor did he refer to Saadia Ben Joseph, drastically distinct from the high calling
we look for a future prophet who is, in some the author of the Halachic literature. And, of the man of God in His mission.
way, similar to Moses. However, there is no thankfully, unlike Mohammed, he also did
question as to the expressions “from the not suggest himself as a candidate to be the The Lord identifies this prophet with the
midst of thee” and “of thy brethren.” The prophet. word miqqirbeka ( ), which means
predicted prophet will have Jewish “from the midst of you.” This prophet will
pedigree, Jewish parentage. The prophecy in Deuteronomy does not be a descendant of the patriarchs, which
speak of a multiple of men. Rashi is known means that he is a man whose genealogy is
The Muslims believe that this is a prophecy to be a learned grammarian. As such, he clearly manifested. He is predicted to be a
referring to Mohammed. As much as we should have been able to recognize and son of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob.
desire to keep with political correctness, we distinguish the difference between singular Some have seen the prophecy fulfilled in
have to insist here that Mohammed was not and plural words, and so, Deuteronomy the life of David. However, David was
entirely Jewish—not on his mother’s 18:15 is not a reference to a succession of certainly more king than prophet.
side—in fact, not either parent. Further- prophets as the great rabbi suggested. Furthermore, there is not one reference
more, if the prophecy would have referred However, it is noteworthy that traditional that compares King David with the
to a prophet who is going to maim, murder, Judaism fails to recognize a single possible Prophet Moses. Samuel, who anointed
and begin a movement of mayhem to candidate amongst the time-honored him as king, had much to say about David.
destroy all Jews and to erase any historical Jewish leaders who might have even Surely, if Deuteronomy 18:15 pre-pictured
evidence of a Jewish presence in the Holy conceivably approached a fulfillment to the David, Samuel would have said so. But
Land, then one could create a case for prophecy. Samuel did not say it to be so, nor did
Mohammed’s credentials. However, that is David’s predecessor, Saul, or his son
not the case, and so we can simply say that A chief critic of Rashi was Nahmanides. Solomon. We do not see it referenced by
23% of the world’s population is just wrong. He was born in 1194 in Spain and died in his dearest friend, Jonathan, or in the
the land of Israel in 1270. He made his eulogies we read of him written by the
Sadly, Jewish scholars also did not interpret living as a physician. He was a philoso- authors of the book of the Kings and the
the passage correctly. One of the most pher, a Kabbalist, a prominent apologist book of the Chronicles. David is
revered commentators in the Jewish for Judaism, and a revered commentator of mentioned 1,139 times in 968 different
tradition is Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki the Scriptures. Unlike Rashi, he was also a verses, but not once is he declared to be
(1040-1105), better known by the acronym poet. Nahmanides suggested the possibili- the prophet like unto Moses. I know
Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki). Many of ty of Joshua being the predicted prophet. because I looked up every one of the 1,139
the leading rabbis see his writings as This concept is eliminated in light of references to David in the 968 verses and
authoritative as the Scriptures themselves. Deuteronomy 34:10, words almost certain- compared them to the 784 references to
Rashi suggested that the promise in Deuter- ly penned by Joshua himself: And there arose Moses in 748 verses! Furthermore, David
onomy is referring to a succession of proph- not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, and Moses are only mentioned together
ets. He wrote in the 11th century, a full 2,500 whom the LORD knew face to face (Deut. once in 2 Chronicles 23:18, and in that
years after Moses. Not having found a 34:10). verse, they are not compared or linked or
suitable fulfillment amongst the Jewish associated as being similar. To summarize,
people during this time span, it is easy to In Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18, God we can say that David was truly king, but
understand how he would stumble onto contrasted the necromancers and wizards not a prophet; even if his authorship of the
some other explanation. It is significant that and sorcerers and shamans mentioned in many psalms gives him prophet status, the
Rashi did not suggest any one person. He the previous verses with His truth-speak- thunderously loud argument from silence
saw no possibility for any biblical character ing spokesman to come. Moses begins the declares he is not “The Prophet” of Deuter-
fulfilling the role of this prophet. Neither prediction with the word nabi ( ), onomy 18. Rashi didn’t think so; Abenez-
did he suggest Judah Ha Nisi, the second which means “prophet” or “spokesman.” ra1 didn’t think so; Maimonides2 didn’t
century compiler of the Mishnah, or Ezra or This prophet of power stands in juxtapo- think so; And come to think of it, I don’t
any of the men of the Great Assembly. He sition to the purveyors of propaganda that think so, either.
FEATURE STORY A Prophet like Moses
The call of Moses was recognized during the stonemason’s son, was indeed the speaks the sternest caution in regards to
his lifetime by the people of his day. We promised Messiah. The reference to the listening to that prophet. The Hebrew term
must find someone of profundity to allow writing of Moses shows that Philip for hearken is shima, the first word in the
for comparison to the substantial and believed Jesus to be the promised prophet undying watchword of the Jewish faith.
significant epic accomplishments of the life of Deuteronomy 18. The word require is in the very next chapter
of Moses. of Deuteronomy, translated with the
After the resurrection of Jesus, one of His phrase make diligent inquisition. People will
disciples, the Jewish fisherman Peter, said: stand before the Creator and have to
For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet answer His diligent inquisition of their
Truly, there is only shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your response to the words of the prophet as
unto Moses, Jesus the Messiah.
one possible brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all
things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it
candidate who shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not
hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among
Abenezra’s full name was Abraham Ben Meir Ibn
Ezra. He was born in Spain in 1089 and dedicated his
dynamic of Moses, many of them which heard the word believed; and
the number of the men was about five thousand ANSWERS
the credentials of (Acts 4:4). Anyone who has ever traveled
across the United States knows that # Moses Yeshua
being recognized thousands and thousands of Jewish people
have become believers in Jesus. If the
Psalm 105:26
Deuteronomy 18:15
Matthew 12:18
John 6:14
3 Deuteronomy 33:5 Acts 17:7
by his generation, first-century Jewish people had rejected
Him, how does one explain the vast
Psalm 99:6
Exodus 2:14
Hebrews 7:24
John 5:27
After the
founding of the
State of Israel in
1949, a law was
ratified that gave the Israeli
Defense Forces, or Tzvah
Hagannah L’Yisrael, the
authority to enlist any
citizen. This law is still the rule
of the land and requires
each man and each
woman over the age of 18
to enroll in the army. Hence,
from the moment of Israel’s
rebirth, the army has
occupied a central role in
the society of the country.
The results of the survey were rather surpris- and issues Messianic Jews face as soldiers in
Purpose Statement
ing: 96% of Messianic soldiers had shared their Israel. For those in the American church who are
Ariel Ministries exists in
order to evangelize Jewish faith with their fellow draftees, and 78% had praying for and supporting Israel, the survey
people and to disciple even told their officers about their life as believ- provides a good insight into the life in the army.
Jewish and Gentile believers ers in Yeshua. The reactions differed only slight-
through intensive Bible
teaching from a Jewish
ly: 64% of fellow soldiers and 65% of officers Jonathan was not surprised at the results of the
perspective. responded positively to the revelation of faith in survey: “The soldiers beside you become your
Messiah. Only 4% of officers responded outright family because you live with them more than
negatively, while among the soldiers the with your family. You eat, sleep, and do every-
Board of Directors: percentage was ten points higher at 14%. thing with them. They see you in good and bad
Mark Adler Interestingly, 57% of the Messianic believers times, so you can’t hide anything. Sooner or later
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum served in combat positions. More than a third of they will discover that you are different and that
Guy Hoffman them attended a local congregation on a weekly you believe in Yeshua.”5
Jake Hogue basis, 40% attended once a month, and 24%
sporadically. Jonathan rejoiced over the fact that the body of
Publication: Messiah is evidently growing in Israel
Publisher Evaluating the results of their survey, and that the willingness to
Ariel Ministries KNI notes: share the gospel message is
Editor-in-Chief “In reading this encouraging strong. Asked what he
Christiane Jurik information about Messianic would request of the
Copy Editor soldiers, it is important to church in response to
Pauline Ilsen remember that over the past the information they
Contributing Writers five months Israel has been just received, Jonathan
Mottel Baleston facing a new type of terror, in answered: “The main
Arnold Fruchtenbaum which lone attackers suddenly request I have is that our
Christiane Jurik try to stab, shoot or run over brothers and sisters stand
Nanette Keao unsuspecting Israelis. Their with us in prayer because the
Daniel Mann preferred targets are IDF soldiers. In the army is a really intense, crazy
Robert Morris midst of these terror attacks are hundreds of time especially for the believers. Pray that
Randall Price Messianic IDF soldiers, serving the State of we will stay strong in the Lord, and that we can
Mitch Triestman Israel, defending its citizens, and most of all, set a good example and be a great testimony for
Art Directors being a tremendous blessing and testimony to our friends, so they can get to know our God and
Jesse & Josh Gonzales their fellow soldiers.”2 join the Messiah family.”6
In response to the survey, the Christian Post (CP)
Home Office Contact: conducted an interview with one of Ariel’s own,
Ariel Ministries Jonathan, the son of Lilian and Sasha Granovsky, 1
Harel, Israel. "The Draft-dodging State of Tel Aviv."
11926 Radium Street who lead our branch in Israel.3 After his battle Haaretz Newspaper Israel, 25 Nov. 2010. Web.
Kehila News Israel Staff. "Survey about Messianic Soldiers
San Antonio, Texas with leukemia, this young man was thrilled to be in t e sraeli r y inds ... Kehila News Israel. Kehila
78216-2713 able to serve in the armed forces and enlisted as Ministries International, 01 Mar. 2016. Web.
(210) 344-7707 a volunteer. Eventually, he became a combat 3
For the full interview, see: Zaimov, Stoyan. "Messianic Soldiers in 'Spiritual Desert' of Israeli Army Sharing Their
fitness instructor. In his testimony published by
Faith in Christ More Than Ever Before." Christian Post. The
KNI, Jonathan commented: “How ironic, right? Christian Post, Inc., 23 Mar. 2016. Web.
Mailing Address: nly a fe years efore laid in a os ital ed 4
For Jonathan’s full testimony, please see Naftali, Hananya.
P.O. Box 792507 and now I train combat soldiers. What a miracle "A Messianic Soldier's Testimony of Overcoming Leukemia."
San Antonio, Texas Kehila News Israel. Kehila Ministries International, 15 Mar.
God performed in my life!”4 Asked by CP about
2016. Web.
78279-2507 the survey, Jonathan explained that its main 5
See CP interview (footnote 3).
purpose was to raise awareness of the struggles 6
in the ro
Bi M vid
bl iss in
al ing g
Ed Lin
uc k
Do you hunger for a io
understanding of
Scripture and a
closer walk with Ariel’s School of Messianic
God? Jewish Studies is available in two
academic tracks: full-time or part-time.
Ariel’s School of Messianic Jewish
Studies may be the ideal one-year 1. The full-time track is designed for those
outlet for who can come the full academic year
you to gain (nine-month) in the residential school.
Completion of the year will earn a certificate
a clear
of Messianic Jewish Studies.
sense of
God’s 2. The part-time track is designed for those
direction in your life. Students of all in ministry or working people that cannot
ages (18 and over) who have a heart to come for the full nine-months but can get
learn the Bible from a Messianic away for just one two-week module.
Jewish perspective are encouraged to
attend. Here you’ll have the privilege A part-time student would enroll in the
classes offered in a particular module of
of learning from the leading Messianic
interest and come just for those two weeks.
Jewish scholar, Dr. Arnold
This allows students to go through our
Fruchtenbaum, and grow in your faith program over time by coming for one or two
and understanding through the many modules a year, as they are able. Thus each
courses offered from our gifted module will be attended by students in both
faculty. tracks, full-time and part-time.
Intensive Bible Teaching from a Messianic Jewish Perspective
11926 Radium Street ORGANIZATION
San Antonio, Texas 78216-2713
San Antonio, TX
Phone: 210-344-7707
Fax: 210-344-1114