Bikol Reporter July 1 - 7, 2018 Issue

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The cost of testing Grade IV pupils, the level proposed by the Dangerous Drugs Acts of It added that the depart-
2002 which authorizes drug ment’s focus is more on en-
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) to be included testing for secondary and ter- hancing its drug prevention
in the mandatory drug testing will amount to P2.8 billion, a tiary level students also. curriculum.
The DepEd also said Drug education and pre-
DEPED report said. that it has its own drug test- vention is integrated in the
The computation is based is 14 million and multiplied through Secretary Leonor ing program which began in subjects of health, and in
on the total population of ten by P200 per pupil, the report Briones said that the PDEA School Year 2017-20-18 and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
year old and above now en- pointed out. proposal will need an amend- will end in the current school (EsP).
rolled in the country which In addition, the DepEd ment to the Comprehensive year. The program covers all Secretary Briones has also
officers and personnel of the ordered the review of the suf-
DepEd’s central, regional and ficiency and responsiveness
schools division offices. of the current curriculum. Sec. BRIONES

More events set for

Bicol Business Month 2018
NAGA CITY – Aside MNCCI, Inc. President chosen the activities based
from the annual Bicol Ferdinand Sia said that he has on the current demands of
Business Month (BBM) always been amazed of how the times and those that are
Exhibits and Trade Fair efficiently PWDs work, some- most fitting in as far as busi-
and the prestigious Halyao times more competent than ness trends are concerned.
Awards, the Metro Naga physically fit individuals. For farm owners, BBM
Chamber of Commerce “PWDs are most often will showcase Farm Tour-
and Industry (MNCCI), neglected, especially as pref- ism opportunities. Interested
Inc., has lined up a bigger erence for a certain position. enthusiasts can attend the
and more exciting set of ac- Others perceive their physical talks at Sonrisa Farm, from
tivities this July. inadequacy as their physical 8-5:00pm on July 10.
For the first time, a Jobs’ disability, but believe me, I Slated on July 13 is the
Historian Dr. Danilo M. Gerona is flanked by members of the Naga Cultural Heritage Movement Fair for Persons with Dis- have known a lot of physically launching of Asia Pacific Al-
Inc., like Nathan Sergio and his wife Nora, US-based Divina Ackerman and Badette Roco, ability (PWDs) will be in- challenged individual who are liance for Disaster Manage-
during his History on Canvas exhibit marking the Fil-Hispanic Friendship Day celebration. cluded for the month-long far better than the others.” ment (A-PAD)-Bicol which
BBM celebration to ensure Bicol Business Month will mark another first in the

Naga moves to ease traffic that physically challenged

individuals will have a
chance to prove their worth
(BBM) Chairman and Execu-
tive Vice President of MNCCI,
Inc. Eleanor Zuñiga Mon-
BBM history.
A-PAD Bicol is an off-
shoot of A-PAD Metro Naga
The Sangguniang Pan- towing guidelines for firms, school zones. as part of the work force. temayor said that they have which was conceptualized in
lungsod (SP) of the City impounding areas, time of Meanwhile, roads along February 2016. MNCCI, Inc.
Government of Naga has payment and auction sale, the circumference of the Naga holds the chairmanship and
recently passed Ordinance wheel- clamp and illegal park- City People’s Mall (NCPM) has made a remarkable im-
No. 2018-018, or ‘The Tow- ing fees, remuneration of tow- has been designated for park- pact in addressing needs of
the vulnerable communities
ing and Expanded Wheel ing firms and accreditation of ing space for free for the first
during the most trying times.
Clamp Ordinance of Naga towing services. two (2) hours or less and a
From nine existing mem-
City’. Wheel clamp areas and charge of P30 for the succeed-
bers, the group will enjoin
The ordinance, meant to tow- away zones for vehicles ing hours. other agencies in Bicol re-
improve the traffic condi- include the Panganiban Drive, The Wheel Clamp and gion whose mission is to
tion in the city,designates Magsaysay Avenue, Roxas Towing Task Group com- lessen the impact of calami-
wheel clamp areas and tow- Avenue along Diversion posed of the Philippine Na- ties to the communities, save
away zones, parking spaces Road, Peñafrancia Avenue tional Police (PNP) and Public lives and minimize damage
and private lots for parking and other streets in the CBD Safety Office (PSO) person-
(Turn to page 6)
with charged parking fees, 1 and 2 and those along the (Turn to page 6)


THAT “STUPID” Tracking-Projects Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN

REMARK (Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan &

Co., CPAs-DFK International – is
P32.9B fiscal gap last month, down
by 2.0% compared with P33.4B in
currency denominations are con-
sidered sufficient, hence there is
It is getting to be a bad habit of the past chair of ASEAN Federation May 2017. May’s budget deficit no immediate need for the print-
President. of CPAs, PICPA past president was also a reversal of the fiscal ing and issuance of bigger de-
and Hall-of-Famer, and ACPAPP surplus registered in the previous nomination P10T bills. We have
Find him talking before one of his speaking Lifetime Achievement Awardee). month. Deficits go against our pro- to be aware of our legal tenders
engagements and in his usual braggadocio, INFRASTRUCTURES: High- gram to further improve our GDP. and currencies so that we may
he will throw brickbats against whoever or level Philippine and Japanese of- During the month, public spend- not be gypped by scoundrels.
whatever comes to his mind, i.e. he shoots ficials have continued to discuss ing increased by 12% to P292B GLOBAL SPORTS: Inter-
first, then explains afterwards. the timelines and possible plans of from P261.7B in May 2017. Of national football competition is
The dirty job is expectedly falls on the action to do away with bottlenecks that amount, interest payments now on-going, with some coun-
Patchwork Trio of Roque, Panelo and and swiftly address concerns on reached P21 billion, while “others” tries already out of contention,
sometimes, Mocha. the preparation and implementa- amounted to P270.8B. Revenues and some assured of continuing
tion of flagship infrastructure proj- meanwhile, amounted to P259B, participation. Some others – big
Recently, it was against the Catholic ects that the Phl government is un- an increase of 13% compared with names in the sports -are still
Church. He said so himself, as a way of dertaking together with Japan. The P228.3B in 2017. Tax collections fighting for their inclusion in the
clarification. Japanese officials expressed their stood at P227B, while non-taxes semi-finals and later in the finals.
government’s intention to provide cornered P32B. Of that total tax Iberian Spain and Portugal are
In a largely Catholic country, what the
indicative datelines for various income, BIR and BOC collected among the seeded teams. Eng-
President did as we Bicol are won’t to say,
PHL projects, including funding P172B and P52.7B, respectively. land and Belgium, together with
“nag-hayup sa lubang.”
provisions. Now it is a matter of controlling our Mexico and Croatia, France, Ja-
The reaction was expected. You don’t Sec. Dominguez said a supple- periodic disbursements! pan and Uruguay are among the
insult one’s faith. It is guaranteed in the mental loan of some 4.47 billion WARNING ON P10T BILLS: remaining favorites.
Constitution. yen for the New Bohol Airport The BSP advises the public that Defending champion Ger-
Construction and Sustainable En- the New Generation Currency many – having been beaten by
Yet, the President did just that and the best vironmental Protection Project is (NGC) Banknote Series of the Mexico – is fighting for dear life
explanation for it was given by one church ready - subject to the necessary bank that are currently in circula- and must beat Sweden to avoid
leader: he has issues to grind against the Phil and Japanese Government tion is comprised of six denomi- elimination. Assured of being
Catholic Church. approval processes. Aside from nations only, as follows: 1000--, booted out are Egypt, Saudi Ara-
Which shows that what the President these, the committee also con- 500--, 200--, 100--, 50—and 20— bia, Morocco, Peru, Argentina,
said was a Freudian slip. He has not firmed the updated list of projects Piso banknotes. BSP has not pro- Iceland, Tunisia, Panama and
“moved over,” from his juvenile experience. to which Japan will provide funds. duced and has not issued 10,000 Poland – teams that are lagging
The President’s slip is one slippery issue They include the PNR North 2 Proj- Piso NGC banknotes. The forgery behind the other teams in their
that the Catholic Church hierarchy should ect, PNR South Commuter Line of Philippine banknotes as well respective groups. The other
be addressing, the transgressions of its and Pasig-Marikina River Channel as the use and/or possession of Asian team in the competition is
clerics. Project. These may become part of forged banknotes are criminally South Korea which suffered the
our Build, Build, Build program! punishable under the law. bad luck of being bracketed with
Old wounds never heal, especially if one LOWER BUDGET DEFICIT: BSP enjoins the cooperation of strong teams – and is now al-
got them from authority or respectable The National government’s budget the public in preserving the integ- most out of the race. Phl – bas-
figures. deficit narrowed in May 2018 - on rity of the Phil. currency through ketball pa rin!
the back of higher revenue collec- sharing of verified and truthful PROVERB: Better is the poor
And this is why the laity, we, in the tions, and this, despite the double information – and against “fake” who walks in his integrity, than
Catholic Church should also be watching digit growth in expenditures. The news. The Monetary Board has he who is perverse in his lips,
and taking care of our priests, just as Christ Duterte administration incurred a reiterated that so far the present and is a fool!
watches His flock. The hierarchy is after all
not only the Church which is a community,
a body of believers. Gov. Felix A. Fuentebella built FROM MY
Whenever a priest’s belly starts to bulge, the Capitol in Cadlan, Pili WINDOW
like policemen, asks him to join you to jog.
Whenever the monsignor starts to be
without incurring debt NENITA FUENTEBELLA PEÑONES

haughty, remind him of Christ washing the Old-timers knew it, but the CamSur by Don Susano Rodriguez. descendants from then on have
feet of his disciples. millennials may not know it that Gov. When he left the office as Provincial been stained by the original.”
For our God is not stupid. He is steady Felix A. Fuentebella’s administration Governor, he left the province, if my President Duterte who said
and steadfast. built the Provincial Capitol in Pili, memory serves me right, with Forty it simply demonstrated God’s
Cadlan, Camarines Sur without One million pesos (P41 million) in the stupidity for creating such idyllic
And us, “piling soldados ni Kristo,” incurring debt. Walang utang. He bank. setting in Eden only to allow Satan
should wage a new Crusade to defend the used local resources. He sold the site ***** working through Adam and Eve to
faith. of the old Capitol located in Naga City, I was informed that the Provincial ruin everything.
that was burned, to the Land Bank, per Chief of offices were invited by Gov. Presidential Spokesperson Sal
suggestion of his son Assemblyman Migz Villafuerte to the launching of Panelo said that is his personal
Arnulfo P. Fuentebella. So we have his new capitol building at the Dusit belief. That individuals are entitled
fund for a new Capitol and the Land Hotel in Manila this June 20, 2018. to. That’s the nature of freedom of
Bank can open a branch here and not This Capitol will cost five hundred religion.
in another province. million pesos (P500 million). Where *****
The Capitol built by Gov. Felix did this money come from? Is it a That is true that we have our
A. Fuentebella was modern of the gain or debt like the CWC which the own individual right of belief as we
1980s. It was not maintained in taxpayers will pay? also have our own individual belief.
order to rot and erase the historical ***** *****
and cultural legacy and names of Why did President Duterte say For me, God is not stupid. He
Fuentebella. The roof of the Capitol God is stupid: Here’s the column of gave us planet earth to live in or
was like the “camarins” of the palay Rina Jimenez David in the Philippine where will we be. He gave His only
farmers in the past where they keep Daily Inquirer dated June 26, 2018 Son, Jesus to redeem mankind in
their palay. Camarines Sur was a rice that is informative: “Mr. Duterte used order to open the gates of heaven
Founder/ Publisher granary of the Philippines. That is as reference the biblical of creation so that we can enter if qualified
why it has many “camarins.” Hence, and how humanity lost its innocence in our next life. God is just and
our province is called Camarines Sur. when Adam and Eve partake of the merciful and He loves us all. I am
It is still a rice producing province. fruit of the tree, became conscious not against President Duterte. We
Gov. Felix A. Fuentebella did not of their nakedness and learned just have our own different religious
spend a single centavo to acquire a remorse the concept of sin. They are belief. I still support Duterte’s anti-
Capitol site. He accepted the offer of then banished from the paradise that illegal drugs and anti-corruption
fifteen hectares of land in Cadlan, Pili, is the Garden of Eden and all their campaign.


CSur Fisheries Office opened Have Loan
PILI, CSur – Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) Bicol
and that is exactly what we
are doing,” del Socorro em-
Regional Director Dennis
del Socorro led the bless-
This is the first ever PFO
to be constructed in the re- SSS Urges
ing and inauguration of the gion.
first Provincial Fisheries PFO Camarines Sur Chief NAGA CITY – In its ef- Wednesday, June 27, here.
Office (PFO) in the Bicol Consuelo A. Sempuego was fort to widely promote its Agsao particularly tackled
region, last June 26 at the overwhelmed realizing that programs and services, the the Loan Re-structuring Pro-
Department of Agricul- after almost 36 years of trans- Social Security System (SSS) gram (LRP) or the condona-
ture’s (DA) compound, San ferring from one province continues to disseminate its tion program being offered by
Agustin, this town. to another, they now have a activities and key messages SSS to its member-borrowers.
“We are here to fulfil place that they can call their to reach their members and “For the second time, we
the mandate given to us by own. clients in the provinces. want to help member-borrow-
President Rodrigo Duterte, “This building is a dream- livered to its clienteles. It in- along Pili’s national highway SSS Senior Communica- ers to pay their unpaid calam-
that is to give what is due to come-true! We now have a clude livelihood support like – now we have the first PFO tions Analyst Quennie Joy ity loans and other short-term
our farmers. The President permanent address, which distribution of fishing gears, here in our beloved town,” S. Agsao, Media Affairs De- loans in full or in installment
directed us that within 2 to means that our clients will giving out of motorized and Bongalonta stated. partment, SSS Luzon Bicol and remove the penalty that
3 years, we have to ensure have easier ways to access non-motorized bancas to its There is a total of 22 Division expounded on the has been attached to it due
that the lives of those in the our services,” Sempuego beneficiaries, technical as- coastal municipalities in the programs offered by SSS dur- to lapses of timely payment.
fishery sector have already added. sistance in seaweed farming, province composed of 133 ing an interview over the pro- Through this, we have light-
improved. He specifically The 3-storey Camarines dispersal of fingerlings and barangays. (LSMacatangay- gram “Radyo Café: Kapihan ened the mode of payment of
orders the bureau to directly Sur PFO will be BFAR’s other assistance to fishpond PIAV/Camarines Sur) sa Radyo Natin kaiba an PIA” SSS loans which they can pay
give the programs of the gov- implementing arm in ensur- owners, among others. over 89.5 Radyo Natin-Naga within 5 years with much low-
ernment to our fishermen – ing that its services are de- The PFO will cater to the er interest of 3% every year,”
Agsao explained.
need of more or less 37, 619
The first LRP was imple-
registered fisher folks in Ca-
mented on April 28, 2016 un-
marines Sur.
til April 27, 2017. The second
Pili Mayor Tomas P. Bon-
period for the LRP which will
galonta appreciated DA’s
run for six (6) months started
move to house the first PFO
last April 2, 2018 and will last
in Pili, the capital of Cama-
until October 1, 2018.
rines Sur.
The second LRP was ap-
“Our provincial govern-
proved by President Rodrigo
ment is here in Pili, the DA Duterte in response to the call
Regional office is also here, of member-borrowers to clear
plus the airport. One of the their credit accounts with
leading agricultural schools SSS.
in the country is also situ- LOAN RESTRUCTURING Actual result of the first
FISHERY SECTOR HELP ated in this town- the Central Quennie Joy S. Agsao, Social Security System (SSS) Senior LRP showed that 856,437
BFAR Bicol Regional Director Dennis del Socorro said that Bicol State University of Ag- Communications Analyst for Luzon Bicol Division explains
the bureau is bent on implementing the mandate of President
availed of the program for the
riculture (CBSUA). Big car the Loan Restructuring Program of SSS during the radio
one (1) year period, and SSS
Rodrigo Duterte to uplift the economic condition of the fisher guesting on "Radyo Cafe: Kapihan sa Radio Natin kaiba an
folks in the region (Photo courtesy of MIO LGU Pili)
companies are all lined up
PIA", June 27 at Radyo Natin-Naga. (JRM-PIA5/Camarines Sur) (Turn to page 7)



kan Nasyon
PUTIKON! An iskular na si Benedict Anderson ang nasyon kun sususugon ta an de-

sanggatos na lenggwahe an Pililpi-

Mambog tea
an nagsabi na an “nasyon sarong pinisyon kaini ni Anderson. Mismong nas.
pigiimahinar na komunidad.” Boot an presupwestong pederalismo pag- Nasa tamang direksyon an nag-
sabihon, an nasyon iyo an komon na midbid kan realidad na ini. tutulod kan pederalismo sa pag-
para sa diabetics pigiisip kan mga namamanwaan kaini
na saindang komunidad asin nag-
Ta an sasarong nasyon sa sarong
multi-kultural na republika sarong
taong atensyon sa isyu kan “di-
versity” o pagkakaiba-iba kan mga
tatao sainda nin pagkamidbidan. pangaturugan. Masakit ining mabi- Filipino. Mantang dai pigmimidbid
Be the reason of someone's happiness never just a
Sa liwat na orolay manongod sa log, dawa ngani may mga nasyon ini, mapadagos an mga oposisyon
part of it and Be a part of someone's sadness but never
the reason for it. pederalismo na sa masurunod na arog kan Singapore o India an na- sa sasarong sentraladong gobyer-
******** mga aldaw iyo na naman tatawan at- pangyari ini. An pagsasaro kaya kan no na an nabebenipisyohan sana
People want to make a difference but only very few of ensyon kan gobyerno (bakong ngan- multi-kulturalismong ini sa sasarong iyo an sentro. Mantang siring an
them would want to be different. ing masagilid an kontrobersya kan depinisyon kan pagkahimanwa nag- kaisipan, mapadagos an kapagtio-
People want to be better but not everyone is willing to istupidong komento kan Presidente), papasagilid kun bako man pigneneg- asan kan mga rehiyon na katubuan
change. an konsepto kan nasyon dai maiibi- aran an realidad kan iba pang mga harayo sa sentro.
Change starts from within & it takes a lot of courage & taran na mapagorolayan. Ini huli ta namamanwaan. Garo iyan pagpa- An imahinasyon kan sarong
determination to take the first step. an Pilipinas bakong sarong nasyon, otob nin sarong pangnasyonal na nasyon sarong deretso asin istrate-
******** kompuesto kita nin mga nagkakapir- tataramon mantang igwang sobra sa hiya nin survival o pagkabuhay.
Champions keep playing until they get it right! It does
not matter how
slowly you go as long as you do not stop. You may The Importance of Study Habit Wanted: School Principal
encounter many By CHERRY V. NGO, Teacher III By ENGR. SHEILA L. GUEVARA, Head Teacher III
defeats to succeed. Sto Niño Elementary School RNTVS, Iriga City
If you cannot fly, run, If you cannot run, walk, If you
cannot walk, crawl, A good study habit routine among children is a great chal- Like other jobs, public school principal aspirants shall pos-
for you are closer today to the goal than yesterday. lenge to both the teacher and the parents. A study habit is sess standard qualifications as required in existing DepEd Or-
Remember problems are not stop signs but guidelines. highly needed by the teacher since the pupil and teacher inter- der as basis for appropriate hiring and appointment.
******** ference in the classroom is only limited. The lesson discussed Aside from complying with qualification standards, principal
An simbahan catolico garo man sana sistema by the teacher should have a follow up study at home so that aspirants should pass the Principal Test conducted annually
federalismo ta an kada arhdiocesis asin diocesis the lesson is retained in the mind and internalized by the heart. by the Department of Education thru the National Educators
kn simbahan sa bilog na nasyon autonomous o To achieve good study habits, parents and teachers should Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) as entry qualification for
work hand-in –hand to develop learners with good study hab- the position to properly screen the technical knowhow of the
independiente sa lambang saro. Alagad an obispo an
its. Below are some tips for the parents. aspirants.
hadi sa diocese ska an cura paroco an pinakapoderoso
Explain to your child the importance of studying. However, technical qualification alone does not guarantee
sa parokya. Vatican lang an pigtutubod kn gabos. Pati that one.may become an effective principal. There are times
Motivate your child to accomplish their homework regularly.
gabos na koleksyon pasiring sa roma. when, what is stated in principle may be different in actual
Assist your child in doing homework.
******** Set a study area where your child can study with focus and situation. Personal attributes must therefore also be taken
Lou salvador sr, ama ni philip, leroy ska mina aragon, be free from any distractions. into consideration. Other issues and concerns may be given
an pinaka original na 3-pt shooter sa basketbol ska mas Set a learning time each day. special attention but not limited to the following qualifications
sikat na drector sa pelikula. Mas sikat ta pinakadakul na Limit your child’s time in watching television. hereunder; viz:
aki ska makuapo. Daog c ramon revilla sr ska roy padilla Expose your child to different reading materials at home. 1. A principal is bound by duty to make appropriate deci-
sr sa bilang kn mga aki. Lolo n maja. C philip kumpadre Find time for a story reading activity with your child before sions and take risks by applying the principle on situational
ni don vg noel de luna. going to bed. management
******** Give simple rewards to your child for studying and accom- 2. He/She builds teamwork among subordinates and prop-
Nobody ignores du30. U either hate or luv him. Or plishing tasks. erly recognizes their efforts and contributions to the organiza-
both! Teachers also have a big role in developing a child’s study tion to achieve the common goal.
******** habits. Below are some of the ways to develop good study 3.A principal considers the best interest of the organization
Kuarta talaga an pnakaimportante sa politika, bko habits in pupils. and sets aside his personal concern.
sana manggana kundi maski paglansar kandidatura. Yan In order not to frustrate the pupils in doing the assignments, 4. He/She is dynamic and helps others more creative
an simbag sa hapot kn kbp advisory board cs, sr citizen teacher must check the assignments religiously. and innovative by providing technical assistance in instruction-
grp & kantong putikon sa mgkaperang media practioners Teachers must also take into consideration the level of diffi- al matters.
past & present, retirees, kofishop habitues, reporters, culty of the assignments given. Take note that the assignments 5. He/She recognizes the.importance of shared purpose,
should not be difficult for the pupils to work on. Challenging due recognition shall always be odserved at all times to his
etc por medyo nin 1-on-1 na orolay & txt brigade.
and workable assignments will give better results. Teachers subordinates
Politika kuarta & vice versa, sbi kn retired politician na
must also commend pupils with good homework. It is one way 6. He/ She must be an ICT expert who adopts the 21st Cen-
habo nanggad mgtapsok pa sa negosyong ini. Mas tury skills, equipped with the mentioned skill as it is indispens-
to motivate, to strive harder in doing homework.
dakul nangangaipo nin kuarta kesa mantiniron an able in his position.
Teachers should let all the pupils participate in class discus-
principio, sbi nin sarong dborsyada. Kuarta! Ika 2 media sions. Everyone should be given a chance to recite n class 7. He/ She communicates well both in written.or oral as-
sbi kn tga media na habong magpabisto. Dapat kuta regardless of pupil’s performance in school. In this manner, pects. Good correspondence is highly expected from him/her.
abilidad, sinceridad, integridad. Sadly mayo na yan sa pupils will be motivated to study at home. With the above mentioned attributes, it can be gleamed
considerasyon ngonian, sgun sa tga casureco. Kuarta, Teachers should extend extra effort and time to have a dia- that excellence in the educational system at the lowest level
media, propaganda, sbi ninda. Tibaad ngani pati fuerza, logue with the parents of the pupils who are often found to have can be achieved at all times.
dagdag pa kn sarong political analyst. Everything must b no homework or not participating actively in class discussions.
converted into cash, sbi kn popular na announcer. Kaya
ta harani na naman an eleksyon, hapi days r hir again!
The teacher must encourage each earner to have the prop-
er attitude towards studying. They should be inspired to have SUNDAY GOSPEL
******** the eagerness to learn knowledge, skills, principles, and tech-
An challenge po dapat dae na pagsantohun kan mga niques which will help them achieve their goals. Gospel: Mk 5:21-43
tawo an kwarta. Kaya importante na gabos kita, lalo na With these tips in mind, parents and teachers may provide Jesus then crossed to the other side of the lake; and
mga taga media, magkasararo na mangamanya na an the adequate amount of support that children need to develop while he was still on the shore, a large crowd gathered
kwarta ilaog sa bulsa, bumoto segun sa konsensiya- good study habits. around him. Jairus, an official of the synagogue, came
cong rodel batocabe up and, seeing Jesus, threw himself at his feet; and

Safety in numbers
Masdan ta an nasa likod kn ciudad sa panguild kn begged him earnestly, “My little daughter is at the point
of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she
pampang kn salog naga . Magsakay sa baroto haling may get well and live.”
tabuco bridge sagkod magsasay bridge asin ydabuelta. By By Gina M. Manaog
Enjoy d unique sights, sounds & smell of naga city's Rinconada National Technical and Vocational School Lectio Divina
backyard! Smile! Sto. Domingo, Iriga City Read: God does not delight in death or destruction;
******** He is the God of life. Paul reminds us of the centrality
4 diabetes: take mambog tea regularly aod twice a Everyone hates numbers. This is a common perception of generous sharing in Christian praxis with the needy.
week take salad pancreas of organic pig or salad pechay that seems to permeate the mind of most people except per- The two miracles of Jesus – raising of Jairus’ daughter
blanch. best f treatment acupuncture haps for businessmen and capitalists, and mathematicians of and the healing of the woman with hemorrhage attest
******** course. This perception is probably a result of the seeming to God’s generous sharing of life.
Sometimes You just have to Stop Worrying, Wondering, difficulty in memorizing basic principles and steps in solving Reflect: Our God is a God of life and He offers this
and DoubTing. math problems; the complexity for some makes it troublesome. life in abundance to us. “I have come that they may
******** However, if we try to go back and retrace the cause of this have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). And,
flawed perception, it can be traced back to the teacher factor. this life is given along with the fullness of joy: “That
Have FaiTh that things will work out, maybe not as my joy may be in you and your joy may be full” (John
It is true that there are several factors that affects learning
How You PLanned, 15:11b). Like the air we breathe, God’s life and joy
of the learners. We have to consider individual differences, the
But just how they're Meant To Be. learning styles of students, environmental factors, the learning envelope us always. We only need to breathe them in!
******** curve of the students, and what not. What most fail to consider If we experience deadness within and feel devoid of
WORDS OF INSPIRATION is the teacher factor. There are teachers that fails to connect joy, perhaps we are refusing to breathe God in. There
Some days are better, some days are worse. math in real life, so students fail to concretize the abstract con- were many people milling around Jesus on the road,
Look for the blessing instead of the curse. cept of numbers, so they stay that way for them; simply num- but only the woman with hemorrhage reached out and
Be positive, stay strong and believe in yourself. bers that has no relevance in their life. There are teachers that touched him with intent, and God’s life passed into her!
You can't do it all, but you can do your best. upon entering the classroom immediately tells the students to Pray: Jesus, be my breath. Be my life and delight.
******** get a one fourth piece of tablet paper without even warming up Act: Visit a sick person today and offer your healing
Have a good day! the students. This terrorizes the students and creates a condi- presence. – CLARETIAN COMMUNICATIONS
God bless you more and more! (Turn to page 7) FOUNDATION, INC.
Naga river transport starts operation Doing what you love
River transportation capacity each— individu- Magsaysay wharf, passing by ways to promote clean river
formally started opera- ally furnished with safety har- the Panganiban and Colgante water as it will inculcate disci- Many have said that she added.
tion in Naga City, June 25, ness— will be utilized in the wharfs, and vice versa. pline among the constituents practice and more prac- Now, from crepe papers,
upon approval of the City water transport. Transport of passengers in in refraining from throwing tice will make you perfect. Escalante is managing her
Ordinance 2017- 092 that In between the scheduled the city via the Naga River has garbage and other waste ma- You may have failed many own flower shop business
permits the operation of time, the boats are open for long since started, however, terials in the waters since the times but because you love in Malita, Davao Occidental
Naga River transport with rental services for those who with no charged fee. river is now being utilized as what you are doing, you’ll where she is the hands-on flo-
individual passenger fare or may want to tour the Naga Engr. Joel Martin ex- an avenue for travel and trans- do it repeatedly whatever it rist.
cash ticket of P5 per route. River at P1,500 per hour plained that the passenger port. takes. "I have no formal edu-
Passenger transport will be route. fee will be used in the main- With water quality of the At the age of 22, Vesitacion cation related to flower ar-
from Mondays to Sundays, at The river transport is be- tenance and other operational Naga river rated at ‘C’ which S. Escalante started to make rangement. I am a commerce
six to nine in the morning and ing seen to help students and expenses of the water trans- indicate the water as not still flower designs out of crepe graduate and my expertise
four to six in the afternoon. early market shoppers avoid portation facility. safe for drinking and swim- papers. Escalante came from is bookkeeping. Yet, I love
Two (2) tourist boats, the rush-hour traffic in the city Aside from transport pur- ming, the City Government of a family who owns a flower doing flower arrangements.
MV Peñafrancia and the MV roads with estimated travel poses, the river transporta- Naga is still working out ways shop. “Being a member of a Maybe being a florist is in our
Divino Rostro, with an esti- time of five to seven minutes tion is being seen by the city for its improvement including family that owns a flower shop family bloodline," she said in
mated 20 passenger-seating from the Market to Balatas- government as one of the the planned wastewater treat- does not mean I am already jest.
ment facility, especially for good in flower arrangement. I "As our flower shop con-
the business establishments also spent trial and error days tinued to grow, we need an ad-
located along the Naga River. and even convinced myself to ditional capital. Then, my best
The presence of sea birds practice more to perfect my friend introduced to me to
have been recently noted in craft,” shared Escalante. CARD, Inc.,” Escalante said.
the river, indicating improve- “After one day, everything She also revealed that hear-
ment in the quality of the seemed to be normal. My ing former President Noynoy
Naga River water. -Armie B. hands were able to create de- Aquino in 2014 during his
Gunay, CEPPIO signs beyond imagination,” (Turn to page 7)

National Disaster Resilience Month

Celebration 2018 to be carried in CamSur
With the theme, “Katata- Various activities on the tion (BFP), Philippine Army,
gan sa kalamidad ay maka- four thematic areas of disaster, and Philippine Coast Guard
kamtan kapag sapat ang namely, disaster prevention through challenges under pre-

Sorsogon rural women starts

kaalaman sa kahandaan,” and mitigation, disaster pre- hospital care, WASAR, rope
the Provincial Government paredness, disaster response, rescue, fire-fighting, and ve-
of Camarines Sur through and disaster rehabilitation hicle extrication.

journey from eggs to riches the Environment, Disaster

Management, and Emer-
gency Response Office (ED-
and recovery will be held in
the celebration. These are the
Incident Management Team
Last 2017, Rescue Mara-
thons were held in each of the
five districts in CamSur: the
LEGAZPI CITY – the breeding stock per year inspired because we can now MERO) will be one with Simulation Exercises, Res- municipality of Del Gallego
Which came first, chicken will be marketed at P120 per help our husbands by simply the nation in celebrating the cue Olympics, and Schools’ won in the 1st district, Pas-
or egg? kilogram. engaging in native chicken National Disasater Resil- DRRM First Aid Olympics. acao in the 2nd district, Cala-
This has been a classic “Native chickens are easy production,” she added. ience Month starting July 1 In the Incident Manage- banga in the 3rd district, Tiga-
question for years but for the to rear, adapted to local con- Arlene Haz, Chairper- to July 5, 2018 at the Provin- ment Team (IMT) Simula- on in the 4th district, and Iriga
rural women of Sorsogon, ditions, prolific breeders, and son of RIC Cagang, is like- cial Capitol Complex, Cad- tion Exercises, participants City in the 5th district. The
both came as part of the mi- command a good price in the wise grateful for the PRDP lan, Pili. will undergo four challenges winning municipalities will
croenterprise subproject fund- market,” Baleza said. microenterprise subproject One of the main highlights caused by a simulation of a now compete in this year’s
ed by the Philippine Rural De- The RIC of Cagang used to especially in empowering of this celebration is the Res- major disaster. The exercises Provincial Rescue Olympics.
velopment Project (PRDP). engage in handicraft making their members to seek more cue MARCH (Mass Assem- include the Water Search and The Schools DRRM First
According to Annielyn projects but typhoon Nona, income-generating opportuni- bly for Rescue and Care for Rescue (WASAR), Collapsed Aid Olympics (SDRRM) will
Baleza, information officer of which hit Sorsogon on De- ties. Humanity), a 13.7 km walk Structures, Rope Rescue, and also be participated by ter-
the Department of Agriculture cember 14, 2015, devastated “First, we were taught how which will start from Basilica Fire-fighting. Representatives tiary schools. The SDRRM
Bicol Regional Agriculture their main source of raw ma- to make proposals- the pro- Minore, pass through Metro from all participating agencies Olympics will include chal-
and Information Sector (DA- terials. cess, how to manage organi- Naga, and end at the Provin- will join the event. lenges under Bandaging Re-
RAFIS), the Native Chicken Thus, the group decided zation, how to make business cial Capitol Complex. The ac- The Rescue Olympics aims lay, Splinting Relay, Transfer
Production and Marketing to pursue the native chicken grow and how to make a liv- tivity is a simulation exercise to test the DRRM skills of Relay, and Basic Life Support
subproject aims to produce project while waiting for the ing on our own,” she said. of infrastructure breakdowns representatives from various (BLS).
live native chicken to be bariw and karagumoy (an- Haz cited that she used to where rescuers are challenged agencies, including the Phil- The Provincial Govern-
reared by chosen beneficiaries other raw materials used by earn only P200 – P250 daily to travel on foot to respond to ippine National Police (PNP), ment of Camarines Sur has
in the province of Sorsogon. the natives to produce native in handricraft making. Now emergency cases. Bureau of Fire and Protec- (Turn to page 7)
“The project aims to pro- products) to recover. she gains P500 additional in-
duce live native chicken with Joreslyn E. Armea, one of come through native chicken.
weighs ranging from at least the beneficiaries of this proj- The RIC Cagang serves as
850 grams to 1.5 kilograms ect, expressed her excitement the owner and manager of the
each. PRDP dispersed a total to become one of the biggest Native Chicken Production
of 35 modules consisting of suppliers of native chicken and Marketing enterprise. The
18 breeder stock, 15 female and eggs in Sorsogon. business manager handles the
and three males, each, to be “It’s very hard for us after microenterprise subproject’s
reared by members of the the storm since our house was production side while its pub-
RIC,” Baleza said. destroyed but when this proj- lic information officers are
The Rural Improvement ect was given to us, it was of responsible in marketing the
Club (RIC) of Cagang, Armea big help since we were provid- products.
along with 35 rural women ed with feeds, net, vitamins for The P1.32 million-worth
in Barcelona, Sorsogon are the chickens, tray and weigh- Cagang RIC Native Chicken
among its beneficiaries. ing scale,” Armea said. Production and Marketing
About 13, 405 live native “We will work hard to is one of the 10 microenter-
chickens to be produced by grow this business. We are so prise subprojects approved by
PRDP for calamity-stricken
areas in Sorsogon under its
enterprise development (I-
REAP) component.
PRDP is a six-year devel-
opment project being imple- THE EFFORT TO ALLEVIATE FROM POVERTY
mented by the Department of Sonia Española, 54, from Bunawan, Agusan del Sur has been an active client of Center for
Agriculture. The World Bank- Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) for more than five years
assisted project is designed now. Sonia started a PHP3,000 loan in 2013 in which she used as a capital for her sari-sari store.
to establish a modern, inclu- Currently, she can now avail a loan up to PHP30,000 for her growing business. To Sonia, CARD,
Inc. has been instrumental in realizing the dreams of her three children, who are now degree
sive, value chain-oriented and
holders. Moreover, she said that it took them so much effort to alleviate from poverty but it was
climate-resilient agri-fishery a relief to come to know CARD, Inc. because it helped them all throughout their journey. CARD,
sector in the countryside. Inc. is a social development organization that offers microloans and microsavings to support
-RGA/LSM,SAA/DA5-PIA5 the livelihood activities of the socio-economically challenged women and families.

NAGA MOVES TO EASE TRAFFIC . . . time, the boats are open for nance and other operational ways for its improvement The presence of sea birds
rental services for those who expenses of the water trans- including the planned waste- have been recently noted in
nel already begun putting up In a related story, river may want to tour the Naga portation facility. water treatment facility, espe- the river, indicating improve-
informative signs on the des- transportation formally start- River at P1,500 per hour Aside from transport pur- cially for the business estab- ment in the quality of the
ignated wheel clamp areas, ed operation in Naga City, route. poses, the river transportation lishments located along the Naga River water. (Armie B.
parking spaces and prohibited June 25, upon approval of the The river transport is be- is being seen by the city gov- Naga River. Gunay, CEPPIO)
parking areas and the dissemi- City Ordinance 2017- 092 that ing seen to help students and ernment as one of the ways
nation of the same before the permits the operation of Naga
start of the full implementa- River transport with individu-
early market shoppers avoid to promote clean river wa- MORE EVENTS SET FOR BICOL . . .
rush-hour traffic in the city ter as it will inculcate disci- to properties. from July 20 to 22 at Vista
tion of the policy this coming al passenger fare or cash ticket roads with estimated travel pline among the constituents For fitness buffs, Oragon Mall; Techno exhibit by DOST;
month of August, 2018. of P5 per route. time of five to seven minutes in refraining from throwing Fun run is slated on July 15. Gastronomical Bicol Food Ex-
Meanwhile, the PSO has Passenger transport will be from the Market to Balatas- garbage and other waste ma- Assembly time is at SM City hibit; Bicol Construction and
been starting to announce its from Mondays to Sundays, at Magsaysay wharf, passing by terials in the waters since the Naga parking area at 6:00am. Building expo from July 25 to
invitation for interested tow- six to nine in the morning and the Panganiban and Colgante river is now being utilized Other big events to look for- 29, Women’s Congress and the
ing service providers to apply four to six in the afternoon. wharfs, and vice versa. as an avenue for travel and ward to include a livelihood fair Philippine retailers Association
for accreditation at the Sang- Two (2) tourist boats, the Transport of passengers in transport. dubbed Angat Kabuhayan hap- seminar on July 27 among oth-
guniang Panlungsod. MV Peñafrancia and the MV the city via the Naga River With water quality of the pening on July 19; a showcase ers. (LSMacatangay-PIAV/
With the strengthened Divino Rostro, with an esti- has long since started, how- Naga river rated at ‘C’ which of hot cars in “Wheels” slated Camarines Sur)
policy on towing and wheel mated 20 passenger-seating ever, with no charged fee. indicate the water as not still
clamp, the city government capacity each— individu- Engr. Joel Martin ex- safe for drinking and swim- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH WAIVER
hopes to maximize the use of ally furnished with safety har- plained that the passenger fee ming, the City Government (Motor Vehicle, including its Franchise)
city roads, streets, alleys and ness— will be utilized in the will be used in the mainte- of Naga is still working out Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the sole heirs
parking spaces to help ease water transport. of the late LUIS DE VILLA FORTUNA who died intestate on
the traffic situation in the city. In between the scheduled
The Satisfaction and April 23, 2018 at the Sta. Maria Josefa Hospital Foundation,
Francia, Iriga City; at the time of his death left a motor vehicle
the Joy of Teaching with CR No. 223239741  issued on 09-02-2016 and OR No.
1255760564 dated 11/13/2017, more particularly described as
ABASOLA published February 4 and 11, 2018 wherein By IDA T. IBARRIENTOS, Teacher III follows: MAKE: HONDA; BODY TYPE: TC HIRE; DENOMI-
the CORRECT NAME is registered in the City Civil Rinconada National Technical Vocational School NATION: TRICYCLE; SERIES: CGX125SHMD; CHASSIS
Registry Office, Quezon City, Metro Manila and the Sto. Domingo, Iriga City No.:KYY00006762; ENGINE No. KYY00E006730; YEAR
PSA copy should be corrected. MODEL: 2014; MV FILE No.: 0524-00000153312; PLATE No.
BIKOL REPORTER Teaching is more than just a job. It’s a calling… a devotion. (Improvised): 051610 (under LTO Authorization dated Feb.
Published: July 1, 2018 Nobody can quantify the amount of work done by good teach- 8, 2018) that the mentioned Heirs of legal age with full civil
ers. It will always be less in comparison to what they give to the capacity to contract, do hereby agree to waive and quitclaim
society. absolutely their rights and interests in the said vehicle in favor
Teachers face many challenges…. sometimes it is difficult of LOUIE M. FORTUNA, JR., as acknowledged before Notary
and exhausting, oftentimes it includes large number of students Public Atty. Leo Arnel M. Caayao., Doc. No. 128, Page No.
in a class, disruptive students and lack of instructional materials. 26, Book No. LVII, Series of 2018.
But, teaching is also gratifying and a humbling experience. It BIKOL REPORTER
offers innumerable opportunities to experience joy --seeing our Published: July 1, 8 and 15, 2018
learners want to learn and seeing them progress is what inspires
teachers to keep on moving on. It is the innocent enthusiasm
of young children that keeps teachers going with a smile even EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE
through the most frustrating moments. Knowing that teachers WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS
touch lives…. making a difference in young lives every day. It Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the
gives an opportunity to transform the future generations into legitimate, sole and exclusive heirs of the late ARNULFO
intellectually, socially and environmentally engaged citizens. PASIBE ENCISO who died intestate on March 18,
Teachers love knowing their students, helping discover their tal-
2017 at Bicol Medical Center, Naga City; at the time of
ents, celebrating their successes and watching them blossom.
All this has given them a sense of satisfaction, more than their his death left a vehicle registered under the name of
salary. VICENTE P. PURPORA, more particularly described as
The act of teaching itself is a joy for many educators. It’s fun follows: MAKE: TOYOTA; PLATE No. VDC387; MV FILE
to talk, demonstrate and start a discussion about something No. 0448-00000098670; CHASSIS No.:LF82-6006349;
interesting. Teaching lets you ignite others with your passion TYPE: WAGON; YEAR MODEL: 2004; ENGINE No.:
for learning and demonstrate how others can become lifelong 2L-5476631; that the mentioned Heirs of legal age with
learners themselves. Successful educators will enjoy years of full civil capacity to contract, do hereby agree to waive
pleasure as they watch their students grow up and blossom as all their rights, shares, interest and possession of the
adults. described property in favor of ARNULFO GAVICA EN-
While teachers spend time in nurturing children, they also
CISO JR., as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty.
find personal fulfillment doing something they truly love and are
passionate about. Teaching is much more than simply transmit- Carlo C. Villanueva Jr., Doc. No. 348, Page No. 62, Book
ting information. It is an opportunity to light a fire and to foster No. 292, Series of 2018.
excellence. BIKOL REPORTER
Being a teacher for 20 years, it is a wonderful experience to Published: July 1, 8 and 15, 2018
see your former students as adults, to hear them express that
what they learned from you
proved to be worthwhile. It is so
encouraging when they say that
they have fond memories of the
years they spent with you.


DOING WHAT YOU LOVE . . . “I could not ever imagine HAVE LOAN RESTRUCTURED SSS URGES . . .
that throughout those years,
State of the Nation Address financial services to socioeco- targets around 250,000 mem- claim,” Agsao added. for the following: Filing of
from making flowers out of
(SONA) thanking CARD nomically challenged women bers to avail of the program During the interview, Ags- sickness notification and dis-
crepe paper for funeral occa-
Mutually Reinforcing Institu- and their families. this year for the 6-month pe- ao also announced that due ability claims, Loan Restruc-
sions, here I am, a florist man- riod.
tions (CARD MRI) encour- Escalante started with a to the on-going renovation of turing Application (LRP), and
aging my own flower shop,” The short-term loans cov-
aged her to join the institution. loan amounting to PhP6,000 SSS Naga Building, all trans- Issuance of SSS Clearance.
said Escalante. ered by the program are: Ca-
CARD MRI is a group in CARD, Inc. With her good actions shall be entertained at Payments can be made at
The flower shop of Es- lamity Loan, Salary Loan, SSS Robinsons Place Service Robinsons Bayad Centers,
of 21 institutions including performance in terms of re- calante is also one of the
CARD, Inc. that aims to erad- payment and business viabil- Emergency Loan, Education- Office located at Lingkod Pi- Super Metro, and LBC Ro-
known shops in Malita. More al Loan (old), Study Now-Pay noy Center, 3rd Floor, Robin- tunda. -PIA
icate poverty in the country by ity, bigger amount of incre- and more orders are placed Later Plan, Voc-Tech Loans, sons Place, Naga City, except
providing financial and non- ment was granted to her loans. everyday and she is more than Y2K Loans, and Investments
happy because she’s one of Incentive Loan. SAFETY IN NUMBERS . . .
ICT: A Solution to Achieve the clients of CARD, Inc. who
was transitioned to CARD
LRP aims to help SSS
tioned reaction of fear in math. They forget that learning should
members especially those af-
Quality Education Bank, Inc., a microfinance- fected by calamities avail the be fun. Positive emotion cements more information.
The key therefore is for the teachers to be more innovative
By CHERRY V. NGO, Teacher III oriented rural bank of CARD full benefits of SSS.
and crafty in their approach in teaching math. There are differ-
Sto Niño Elementary School Mutually Reinforcing Institu- “When SSS loans are ent strategies that one can employ depending on their learners
tions (CARD MRI). paid, one need not worry that and on the topic. Classical or traditional approach is not bad,
The generation of today’s learners is more inclined to mul- “I am happy because the their outstanding loan will be but there are novel and more effective ways in teaching 21st
timedia equipment such as laptop, tablet, iPhone and iPod. bank offers wider financial deducted from their retire- century learners.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that the services that suits to my busi- ment, total disability or death One common approach for students who experienced dif-
use of ICT is a part of learner’s daily routine. A teacher of this ness needs,” Escalante said. ficulty in math is to use cooperative learning. One can provide
group must be well equipped with the latest technology and Escalante is thankful to NATIONAL . . . math problem, say for example a problem in quadratic equa-
software applications in the computer where an educator can tion, allow students to think how to solve the problem and then
CARD, Inc. for guiding her to been consistent in its DRRM
use in their instruction to fully motivate the learners to focus group them into dyads or triads and allow them to share their
manage her business well. “I efforts to ensure that CamSur
their interest in the teaching and learning process since it is ideas or solutions to the problem, and then give the group op-
will always look back to what is ready in times of disasters. portunity to explain their solution. This way student can learn
within their field of concentration.
CARD, Inc. had taught me. The LGU frequently conducts from each other, those students who are fast learners can help
Information Communication Technology offers lots of
Now that I am a member of First Aid, Rescue, Life Sup- those who are slow in math. Another approach is to contextual-
benefits to both the teachers and the learners. A teacher
CARD Bank, I will continue port, and Incident Command ize the math problems. Give them situational problems where
may divert traditional learning method into a more innova-
tive teaching experience where pupils can learn and enjoy
to improve my business so I System (ICS) Trainings in dif- they can apply the mathematical concepts or formula. This way
can be of help to other people ferent areas across the prov- they can see the relevance of math in our day to day life.
with the use of ICT. It is also of great help to teachers to ac- It also helps if students can learn unconventional ways of
cess remote learning resources and no longer rely solely on also,” Escalante concluded. ince. It has also established
solving math problems by using math hacks or shortcuts like
printed books. With the internet and the World Wide Web, the CamSur DRRM Train-
multiplying using their fingers, or using patterns in numbers,
teachers can now access information anywhere at any time CNORTE DILG ... ing Academy to further train and other uncommon ways of basic arithmetic and even other
so it is easy for the teachers to download and upload learn- visible in many parts of the emergency responders from complex mathematics.
ing resources. Teachers can also download an educational province. different agencies and LGUs. Numbers and patterns are inevitable, even the perception
video in accordance with the curriculum guide since it is The advisory is in line The National Disaster Re- of human beauty of face follows a mathematical geometric
very accessible to the LRMDS Learning Portal. Pupils are with the Department of Pub- silience Month is observed proportion, such as the concept of fractals, and the golden
generally more on task and express more positive feelings lic Works and Highways every July to promote disaster ratio. Human anatomy has specific measures and scales to
when they are watching than just sitting in the classroom (DPWH) Department Order resilience. Formerly called determine what is average or what is not. The environment
and listen as the teacher discussed the lesson. It’s implica- the Disaster Consciousness has mathematical patterns that allow us to see beauty in them.
No. 73, series of 2014, signed
tion to the learners is more positive since they are enjoying Without numbers and precision in engineering, life would be
by Secretary Rogelio Sing- Month, this year’s celebration
in like manners learning concepts and skills needs to de- extremely difficult if not disastrous. It allows us to quantify volu-
song on the prohibited uses aims to convey a paradigm minous concept into a figure simpler to understand such as in
velop through a video presented. within the right-of-way of na- shift from a reactive to a pro-
Assurance of quality education is very evident when the statistics. In other words, math is essential in our life, the key is
tional roads. active approach in increasing to help students appreciate it through creative and innovative
teacher uses computer based instruction because it is only
The said order invites the people’s resilience. pedagogies.
way where a teacher can hook the pupils since learners
attention of Local Chief Ex-
are now more engrossed to learn the skills while using
ecutives (LCEs) on the pro-
vincial, municipal, and baran-
NOTICE OF LOSS gay roads whose right-of-way
Notice is hereby given regarding the loss of Pepsi-Cola are being used as terminals
Products Phils., Inc. (PCPPI) Collection Receipts with the of pedicabs, tricycles and
following document numbers: jeepneys; as parking areas for
Collection Receipt August 2017 to May 2018 various vehicles; and used as
10068537 10071482 10076003 tiangges.
10068677 10071575 100076641 The DILG chief also stated
10068839 10071589 100077230 that there are other temporary
10069696 10071609 100077761 or permanent obstructions that
10069996 10071645 100078295 violate the National Building
10070113 10075265 100078553 Code.
10070576 10075395 100079134 They also noted police
10070629 10075396 100080662 outposts and barangay offices
10070905 10075412 100082205 located in the said prohibited
10071253 10075803 areas that require demolition.
The collection receipts with the abovementioned docu- “These prohibitions pre-
ment numbers belong to PCPPI’s Naga Office. vent pedestrians’ access to
Bikol Reporter facilities and causes traffic in
Published: July 1, 2018 some areas,” he stated.
Alaurin cited that the cur-
Republic of the Philippines rent national leadership cast
Province: Camarines Sur BUILD, BUILD program and
City/Municipality: Libmanan they will see to it that govern-
ment infrastructure are put to
good use.
CCE-CCE-0050-2018 R.A.10172
DILG shall monitor LGU’s
compliance regarding the said
In compliance with the publication requirement and matter in support and in co-
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 ordination with the DPWH.
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative -LSM,RBM-PIA5/Cama-
Order No. 1, Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A 10172). Notice is rines Norte
hereby served to the public that FLOREDIE BENAVENTE
GUTIERREZ-FERNANDO has filed with this Office, a Peti- LEGAZPI . . .
tion for correction of entry in the child’s sex from “MALE”
The abattoir's construction
to “FEMALE” in the certificate of live birth of FLOREDIE
BENAVENTE GUTIERREZ-FERNANDO at Libmanan, materialized through Resolu-
Camarines Sur and whose parents are FLORANTE L. tion Number 0027-2016 re-
GUTIERREZ and DIVINA P. BENAVENTE . quested by the city mayor for
Any person adversely affected by said petition may the Meat Inspection Improve-
file his written opposition with this office not later than July ment Program of Legazpi. On
14, 2018. the other hand, Resolution
Number 0028-2016 was ad-
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO opted for the Implementation
Municipal Civil Registrar of the Meat Establishment
Published: July 1 and 8, 2018 Improvement Program. -Em-
manuel Solis/PNA
P381-M irrigation dam
rising in Sorsogon
LEGAZPI CITY -- A PHP381-million small irrigation and drainage infra- implementation this year.
irrigation dam will soon rise in the rich farming structure, and is thus expected He said his office is also
to increase farmers' income looking forward for the
town of Prieto Diaz in Sorsogon to benefit hun-
and uplift their standard of PHP3.6-billion Chico Irriga-
dreds of farmers in 15 villages, the National Irri- living. tion project in Ilocos funded
gation Administration (NIA) in Bicol said. Yu said initially, some by China under the Official
On Monday, NIA Admin- hectares of irrigable land, ben- PHP294 million has been Development Assistance pro-
istrator Ricardo Visaya led efitting 584 farmers. spent under this project in- gram.
national and local officials in Majority of barangays in volving pre-construction fa- “We are still working on
the groundbreaking ceremony the town of Prieto Diaz have cilities of 1.6 kilometers of eight foreign projects from
of the Ibingan Small Reser- no existing irrigation system, access roads, construction China and another PHP11.5-
voir Irrigation Project (SRIP) the reason farmers can only of 39.2 km of line canals, 86 billion project to be funded
in the said town. irrigate their rice fields during units of canal structures, 7.8 by Korea in Isabela,” Visaya
Ed Yu, NIA-Bicol spokes- wet season. kilometers of service roads said.
person, said Tuesday, the The project aims to pro- and 18 road structures. He said for this year, NIA
irrigation dam project is a vide sustainable irrigation Visaya, in an interview on is working on a PHP42-bil-
27.20-meter high zone earth- system to improve agricul- Monday, said the small dam lion funding and is requesting
filled dam with a total stor- tural productivity through the project is among the several for a PHP56-billion budget
age of 0.6591 million cubic provision and improvement of locally-funded projects for for 2019. - (PNA)
meters (MCM) of irrigation
PAGE 8 JULY 1 - 7, 2018 The dam will cover 489

City strengthens towing, wheel clamp

policies, for better road traffic situation
Looking into ways to im- Magsaysay Avenue, Roxas start of the full implementa-
prove the traffic condition Avenue along Diversion tion of the policy this coming
in the city, the Sangguniang Road, Peñafrancia Avenue month of August, 2018.
Panlungsod (SP) of the City and other streets in the CBD Meanwhile, the PSO has
Government of Naga re- 1 and 2 and those along the been starting to announce its
cently passed the Ordinance school zones. invitation for interested tow-
No. 2018-018 also known as Meanwhile, roads along ing service providers to apply
‘The Towing and Expanded the circumference of the Naga for accreditation at the Sang-
Wheel Clamp Ordinance of City People’s Mall (NCPM) guniang Panlungsod.
Naga City’. has been designated for park- With the strengthened
The ordinance designates ing space for free for the first policy on towing and wheel
wheel clamp areas and tow- two (2) hours or less and a clamp, the city government
away zones, parking spaces charge of P30 for the succeed-
hopes to maximize the use of
and private lots for parking ing hours.
with charged parking fees, city roads, streets, alleys and
The Wheel Clamp and
towing guidelines for firms, Towing Task Group com- parking spaces to help ease PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIP
impounding areas, time of posed of the Philippine Na- the traffic situation in the city. MNCCI, Inc. President Ferdinand Sia and Naga City Vice Mayor Nelson Legacion both affirmed
payment and auction sale, tional Police (PNP) and Public -Armie B. Gunay, CEPPIO the strong collaboration between the city and the chamber (JMadrid-PIA)
wheel- clamp and illegal park- Safety Office (PSO) person-
ing fees, remuneration of tow-
ing firms and accreditation of
towing services.
nel already begun putting up
informative signs on the des-
ignated wheel clamp areas,
Legazpi City Abattoir gets Double AA rating
Wheel clamp areas and parking spaces and prohibited
tow- away zones for vehicles parking areas and the dissemi- LEGAZPI CITY -- The The facility received from inspection in all the local gro- es to make sure all the meat
include the Panganiban Drive, nation of the same before the National Meat Inspection NMIS a grade of more than ceries, meat shops and market products are clean before they
Service (NMIS) has declared 90 percent for its butcher- places to make sure that all the bring it to the market.
the slaughterhouse here as a ing process, performance of meat being sold are always The slaughterhouse has
certified Double Class AA butchers, and the facilities, safe and free from any animal a water treatment facility
abattoir and model for its Dr. Nancy Andes, City Veteri- diseases to protect the health for proper disposal of waste
counterpart facilities in oth- nary Officer, said on Wednes- of consumers, she added. materials to prevent the con-
er parts of the country based day. Andes noted that the tamination of water in the sur-
on the result of evaluation Andes said the recognition slaughtering of animals in the roundings.
conducted from March until from the NMIS was a clear barangays is prohibited in this It is located within the
May this year. manifestation that Legazpi's city and only the Double AA one-hectare lot adjacent to the
slaughterhouse has good abattoir of Legazpi is the au- pumping station in Barangay
CNorte DILG practices resulting in clean
and healthy meat that is safe
thorized venue for it, in order
to avoid the spread of animal
San Roque, acquired through
an agreement signed by May-
Clears R-O-W for public consumption, not diseases that can be harmful or Noel E. Rosal with the De-
Muddle only here but even in Metro
Manila and other parts of the
to the health of the people.
She said that they encour-
partment of Agriculture (DA)
and supported with two reso-
DAET, Camarines country. age all meat vendors to bring lutions adopted by the City
Norte – The Department The City Veterinary Office their animals to the city’s ab- Legislative Council in 2016.
of Interior and Local Gov- has been conducting a regular attoir for slaughtering servic- (Turn to page 7)
ernment (DILG) here is-
sued an advisory to all the
Local Government Units Voter registration opens July 2
(LGUs) on prohibited uses
Last Monday, the Com- September 29, 2018, to ac- to apply for new registration,
of right-of-way of national
mission on Elections commodate qualified voters reactivation, transfer or trans-
roads on July 20.
(COMELEC) will be start- for the May 13, 2019 Nation- fer with reactivation, change
DILG Provincial Direc-
ing to facilitate the reg- al and Local Elections. or correction of entry and in-
tor Renato S. Alaurin, CESO
istration of voters until Registrants who may wish clusion or reinstatement or re-
V stated that it is their man-
cords can file for registration.
date to promote peace and
Aside from the Offices of
order, ensure public safety
the Election Officer (OEOs)
NEW CAPITOL BUILDING and further strengthen lo-
in the cities, districts, and mu-
Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte together with his cal government capability
nicipalities which open from
father, 2nd District Representative LRay Villafuerte and aimed towards the effective
his grandfather, former governor and congressman Luis 8AM to 5PM on Mondays
delivery of basic services to
Villafuerte were all present during the unveiling of the scale to Saturdays and during holi-
the citizenry.
model of the iconic Provincial Capitol Building that will soon days, the COMELEC will be
rise at the vast Capitol Complex grounds. Designed by As per DILG observa-
having satellite registrations
Architect Carlos Arnaiz, the 4-storey Pilinut-shaped modern tion, Alaurin said that pro-
in the barangays, public pla-
structure is estimated to cost in the Php500M range and will hibited uses within the right-
source its funds from the provincial coffers and construction
zas and schools to facilitate
of-way of national roads are
will last up to 24 months. jmts/rbmjr/mmec062718 with photos easy registration of voters. -
(Turn to page 7)
and reports from PGOCamSur (Armie B. Gunay, CEPPIO)

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