A Holistic View 19 Century Philippines: Montiman, Kin Ryan BSBM 3-5 2018-100-573

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BSBM 3-5


By the late 18 century, political changes in Europe The decades from 1820 to 1970 were crucial in the In 1863 there was a public education in the
were finally beginning to affect Spain & thus the economic history of the world & produced Philippines, and even the church controlled the
PHILIPPINES. Spain established one central significant changes in the economy of the country,
government many of different barangays of our curriculum. Less than one-fifth of those who went to
an increase in trade & navigation in Asia school could read and write Spanish, and far fewer
ancestors disappeared. One government alone rules
most of the country. Thus, for the first time in accompanied the opening of the Suez Canal. Goods could speak it properly. The limited higher education
history, we became united as one nation called like sugar, fibers, coffee, etc. became the main in the colony was entirely under clerical direction, but
“Filipinas” the rest of the word came to know our export commodities. The Spanish government by the 1880s many sons of wealthy were sent to
country by that name. granted shipping subsidies. Europe to study.


The priest or friars
The Philippines is Women are free There are
The Galleon trade w/ the Filipinos are Women were allowed to have a lot of powers
under the colony of Today, the Philippines stay only in their homes to study in any many
route Maynila-Aculpo is allowed to trade during Spanish period.
Spain & the independent, following & in schools that is schools & take religion &
the trading system. with the other They serve as
monarchy. the democratic Republic exclusively for them up the course the people
Filipinos were not countries following preacher, confessor,
types of government & it under the supervision of they want to are free to
allowed to trade with the the legal process. recorder of deeds, tax
The head of the has three branches nuns. They were not pursue. They can choose.
other countries. There is collector, & diction
Philippines is the namely, the executive allowed to study about
also a monopoly in the choose their inspector, law
governor-general. dept. headed by the different profession or
industry like tobacco. profession. They enforcer, teacher &
president, the legislative field of study that
The wages during are also now not
Only men were dept. w/c includes the requires application in substitute to governor-
Spanish the needs of limited to their
allowed to vote senators & house the society. They only general catholic is
Filipino family. The homes and can
women were not representative, & the teach how to be a good official religion. Other
economy as compared do some works
allowed to take a judiciary headed by the wife & mother. Women sector religion is
today is far greater.
position in the chief justice of the were not free to of men. Women prohibited.
government. Supreme Court. socialize w/ men. are free to
socialize with
opposite sex.

There are system of banking. The feast & occasion about religion is
Child or human sacrifices is Both practice “mano” as respect for
prohibited. elders. still practiced.
There is also a tax collection.
Divorce & polygamy is Pasyon is intended to be sung during
prohibited. Using in cutlery or “kubyertos” in eating Lenten season.
One system of government. Senakulo is still prohibited.

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