Test 212
Test 212
Test 212
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
words/phrases in the passage are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some
of the questions.
The great Acharyas have said that having discovered a great goal, surrender yourself to that
goal and act towards it, drawing your inspiration from that goal whereby you will get a new
column of energy. Do not allow this energy to be dissipated in the futile memories of the past
regrets or failures, nor in the imagined sorrow of the future, nor in the excitement of the present.
And thus bring that entire energy focussed into activity. That is the highest creative action in the
world outside. Thereby the individual who is till now considered most inefficient finds his way
to the highest achievement and success.
This is said easily in a second. But in order to train our mind to this attitude it needs
considerable training because we have already trained the mind wrongly to such an extent that
we have become perfect in imperfections. Not knowing the art of action, we have been master
artists in doing the wrong thing. The totality of activity will bring the country to a wrong end
If each one is given a car to achieve an ideal socialistic pattern and nobody knows
driving but everybody starts driving, what would be the condition on the road? Everybody has
equal right on the public road. Then each car must necessarily dash against the other, and there
is bound to be a jumble. This seems to be the very apt pattern of life that we are heading to.
Everyone of us is a vehicle. We know how to go forward. The point is, intellect is very powerful
and everyone is driving but nobody seems to know how to control the mental energy and direct
it properly or guide it to the proper destination.
51. Which of the following is the source of energy?
I) A column that supports a building
2) Stimulation obtained from a set aim.
3) Highest creative action
4) Proper training of the mind to achieve perfection 5)None of these
52. The author's chief concern is
1) establishment of socialistic pattern
2) the car accidents resulting from lack of driving
3) discovery of a great goal in life
4) regulation of energy in the proper direction 5)None of these
53. Which of the following will cause the country to perish?
1) Directing mental energy to the right direction
2) Driving cars without having proper knowledge and skill
3) Wrong deeds performed without proper knowledge
4) Memories of past regrets and failures 5)None of these
54. Which of the following could lead to success?
1) Cherishing the memories of the past
2) Preparing oneself to face the probable sorrows of the future
3) Bringing all energy into activity
4) Being alert about the excitement of the present 5) None of these
A 35
B 36
C 100
0 80
E 78
F 130
136. What is difference between the total number students passed and the total number of
students getting I st Class in the exam?
1) 1043 2) 1045 3) 1047
4)1049 5)1051
137. Total number of students who got 3rd class is what per cent of the total number of
students passed?
1)26.5% 2)27.5%
138. From which school is the number of students who got 1 st Class the maximum?
l)A 2)B
139. What is
the average
number of students from all the six schools together who got either first class or third class?
I) 170 2) 172 3) 174
4) 176 5) 178
140.Total number of students from school E who got third class is what per cent of the total
number of students from school B who got first class?
1) 45% 2) 50% 3) 55% 4) 60% 5) 65%
140. school B who got first class?
1)45% 2)50% 3)55%
4)60% 5)65%
Following graph shows the ratio of import to export of two companies A and B over the years.
141. If the import of Company Bin 1999 and that of Company A in 1998 are 68 lakh and 43.2
lakh respectively, what is the sum of the export of B in 1999 and the export of A in 1998?
1) 1511akh 2) 1571akh 3) 1611akh
4) 1631akh 5) None
142. For Company B, in how many of the given years was the export less than the import?
1)2 2)3 3)4
4)5 5) None
143. For Company A, if its import is increased by 150% and export by 50% for the year 1998,
what would be the new ratio of import to export for that year?
1)0.6 2)0.75 3) 1.0
4) 125 5)1.75
144. The ratio of import to export of Company A in the year 1999 is what percentage of
import-to-export ratio of Company B in the same year?
I) 88.88% 2) 112.5% 3) 120%
4) 125% 5) 127.5%
145. If in the year 2001, the ratio of export of Company A to that of Company B is 3 : 7, what
will be the ratio of import of A to import of B in that year?
I) 3 : 7 2) 1 : 1
3) I : 2
4)1:3 5)2:3
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Out of 1800 people, 13% invested their money in shares only, 37% invested in fixed deposits
only and 11% in real estate only. The number of people who invested their money only in shares
and fixed deposits is equal to the number of people who invested in shares only. 8% of the
people invested in share and real estate only and 150% of this number is equal to those who
invested in fixed deposits and real estate only.
146. What is the percentage of people who invested their money in shares?
1)130% 2)27%
4) 40% 5) 68%
147. What is the difference between the number of people who invested in real estate and the
number of people who invested in fixed deposits only?
1)362 2)558
3)666 4)720 5)0
148. How many people are there who invested their money in all the three modes- shares,
fixed deposits and real estates?
1) 108 2) 144 3) 216 4)234 5) 198
149. What is the percentage of people who invested their money in fixed deposits?
1)72% 2)68% 3) 52% 4)48% 5)37%
150. What is the ratio of the total number of people who invested their money in shares only
to the number of people who invested only in fixed deposits and real estates?
1)7: 5 2) 9 : 7 3) 11 : 9 4) 13: 12 5) 15 : 13
101. 4; 0.5 X ? / 100 = 4.78 X 1255 / 100 + 3.24 X 440 / 100 = 59.989 + 14.256
?= 74.245 X 100 ?0.5 = 14849
102. 4; ? = (128.5 X 64) + (13.8 X465) / 25 = 8224 + 6417 / 25 = 585.64
103. 1; (22) 3.7 X (23) -1.2 ÷ 925) – 1 ÷ 1/ (23)-3
(22)3.7 X (23)-1.2 ÷ (2)-5 ÷ (2)9 = (2) 7.4-3.6+5-9 = (2)-0.2
104. 2; (?)2 = 4056 X 7776
? = 31539456 5616
105. 4;
106. 4; ? = 65 X 78 = 5070
178 X 1265 2250
107. 5; ? = 6 375
100 600
108. 3; (23)1.2 X (22) 1.4 X (2) 3.6 ÷ (24)1.24
2 3.6 +2.8 +3.6 -4.96 = (2) 5.04 == (2)5 =32
109. 2; ? = 7 X 7.7 X 7.8 = 420
110. 3; ? = 1/7 X 133 X 46/100 X 924 = 8075.76 = 8075
111. 4; series is - 99, -89, -79, -69, -59.
112. 1; Series is X1 +11, X2+21, X3 + 31, X4+41.
113. 2; Series is + 112 + 102 + 92 +82
114. 5; Series is X9+9, X8+8, X7+7, X6+6.
115. 1; Series is +91, +81, +71, +61.
116. 1; I.3x2 -- 59x +210 =0
3x2 -- 45x -- 14x + 210 = 0
3x(x – 15) - 14(x – 150 = 0
(3x -- 14) (x – 15) =0 x= 15, 14/3
II. 2y2 -- 8y - 9y + 36 = 0
117. 3; I. 15x2 - 20x - 21x + 28 = 0
5x(3x – 4) -7(3x – 4) = 0, (5x – 7) (3x– 4) = 0, x = 7/5, 4/3,
II. 7y2 - 14y -15y +30 = 0
7y(y – 2) – 15(y – 2) = 0, (7y – 15) (y – 2)= 0, y = 2, 15/7, x < y.
2Y(y – 4) -9(y – 4) = 0
118. 1; I. 4x2 - 4x + 3x – 3 = 0
4x(x – 1) + 3(x – 1) = 0
(4x +3) (x – 1) = 0 x = 1, -3/4
II. y2 + 4y +4 = 0
(y + 2)2 = 0, y+2 = 0 , y = -2, x>y
(2y – 9 ) (y – 4) = 0 , y = 4, 9/2. X > y.
x 5329
x 73
119. 5; I
II . y 3
y 23
K = 1800 -(234 + 234 +666 + 144 + 216 + 198 ) = 108 Real Estate