Test 212

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TEST 212

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
words/phrases in the passage are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some
of the questions.
The great Acharyas have said that having discovered a great goal, surrender yourself to that
goal and act towards it, drawing your inspiration from that goal whereby you will get a new
column of energy. Do not allow this energy to be dissipated in the futile memories of the past
regrets or failures, nor in the imagined sorrow of the future, nor in the excitement of the present.
And thus bring that entire energy focussed into activity. That is the highest creative action in the
world outside. Thereby the individual who is till now considered most inefficient finds his way
to the highest achievement and success.
This is said easily in a second. But in order to train our mind to this attitude it needs
considerable training because we have already trained the mind wrongly to such an extent that
we have become perfect in imperfections. Not knowing the art of action, we have been master
artists in doing the wrong thing. The totality of activity will bring the country to a wrong end
If each one is given a car to achieve an ideal socialistic pattern and nobody knows
driving but everybody starts driving, what would be the condition on the road? Everybody has
equal right on the public road. Then each car must necessarily dash against the other, and there
is bound to be a jumble. This seems to be the very apt pattern of life that we are heading to.
Everyone of us is a vehicle. We know how to go forward. The point is, intellect is very powerful
and everyone is driving but nobody seems to know how to control the mental energy and direct
it properly or guide it to the proper destination.
51. Which of the following is the source of energy?
I) A column that supports a building
2) Stimulation obtained from a set aim.
3) Highest creative action
4) Proper training of the mind to achieve perfection 5)None of these
52. The author's chief concern is
1) establishment of socialistic pattern
2) the car accidents resulting from lack of driving
3) discovery of a great goal in life
4) regulation of energy in the proper direction 5)None of these
53. Which of the following will cause the country to perish?
1) Directing mental energy to the right direction
2) Driving cars without having proper knowledge and skill
3) Wrong deeds performed without proper knowledge
4) Memories of past regrets and failures 5)None of these
54. Which of the following could lead to success?
1) Cherishing the memories of the past
2) Preparing oneself to face the probable sorrows of the future
3) Bringing all energy into activity
4) Being alert about the excitement of the present 5) None of these

55. What is the effect of wrong training of the mind?

1) To feel that we have become perfect in all aspects of life
2) The art of action is too much emphasised
3) Each of us could become a master artist
4) We could avoid wastage of energy 5) None of these
Choose the word which is most SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the
1) straight 2) correct 3) claim
4) possession 5) erect
1) serve 2) defected 3) dedicate 4) leave 5) defeat
1) protected 2) certain 3) covered 4) tied 5) fastened
1) title 2) thinking 3) governing 4) moving 5) conducting
Select the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the
1) waste 2) conserve 3) organize 4) unite 50 utilise
1) worthless 2) adequate 3) insignificant 4) thoughtless 5) undesirable
1) useful 2) fruitless 3) energetic 4) cherishing 5) forgettable
Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (q, (0), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below.
(A) While we learn most words from informal conversations, the best way of increasing one's
vocabulary is by reading good books and referring to the dictionary whenever one comes across
a difficult word.
(B) But, it is a good habit to look up a dictionary whenever there is some doubt.
(C) Sometimes even a subsequent sentence may throw some light on its meaning.
(D) Sometimes it is possible to know the meaning of a word by studying the context
in which it has been used.
(E) The same word may have different meanings depending upon the way it has been used.
(F) A good dictionary will usually show the variations in the meaning of a word.
63. Mark the sentence which should come FIRST after rearrangement.
l)A 2)B 3)C 4)D 5)E
64. Mark the sentence which should come SECOND after rearrangement.
l)B 2)C 3)D 4)E 5)F
65. Mark the sentence which should come FOURTH after rearrangement.
l)B 2)C 3)D 4)E 5)F
66. Mark the sentence which should come FIFTH after rearrangement.
l)F 2)D 3)C 4)B 5)A
67. Mark the sentence which should come SIXTH after rearrangement.
l)F 2)E 3)C 4)B 5)A
In each sentence below, a word group of words has been printed in the bold. From the five
answer choices given below each sentence, pick out the one which can substitute the bold
word/group of words correctly, without changing the meaning of the sentence.
68. The guard will stop the train before it entered the station.
1) entered into the 2) entered in 3) enters the
4) enters to the 5) No correction required
69. The book does not have their cover.
1) have not their 2) have not that 3) has not their 4) not have its
5) No correction required
70. The soldier jumps to attention when the colonel went by.
l) jumps in 2) jumps with
3) jumped into 4) jumped to 5) No correction required
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any,
will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the
answer is 5), ie no error.
71. 1) He not only comes there/ 2) for swimming but/ 3) also for coaching/ 4) new swimmers./
5) No error
72. 1) There appears to be / 2) very little liason / 3) among the two of the/ 4) various wings of
the party./ 5) No error
73. I) No king in that period/ 2) was so intensely involved/ 3) in the welfare of his/ 4) people as
King Ashoka./ 5) No error
74. 1) A more irrational world/ 2) to this one in which/ 3) we presently live/ 4) could hardly be
conceived./ 5) No error
75. 1) Glimpses to the/ 2) religious side of his/ 3) nature appear in majority of his plays./ 5) No
76. 1) Everyone of the survivors/ 2) of the ill-fated/ 3) aircraft have told/ 4) the same story./
5) No error
77. I) He hoped to finish / 2) the work in the last week/ 3) but in fact/ 4) he could not./
5) No error
78. 1) My neighbour along with/ 2) his children/ 3) are going to see/ 4) the Taj Mahal at Agra/
5) No error
79. I) His ability to / 2) talk to strangers/ 3) is one of his/ 4) stronger points./ 5) No error
80. I) Soon after their child/ 2) was born he/ 3) went of leaving/ 4) her in the lurch./ 5) No error
Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted.
Chose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning ofthe sentence as a whole.
81.__________I feel ____________for
_____________who are cruel to their children.
I) sympathy, him 2) contempt, them
3) anger, those 4) annoyance, everybody 5) None of these
82.______The ________________________of Muhammad, a prophet, brought ____ social
enlightenment among the Muslims.
I) lessons, for 2) teachings, about
3) messenger, over 4) works, into 5) None of these
83._____________________The big banyan tree fallen the road.
I) was, on 2) has, across
3) had, over 4) were, between 5) None of these
84._____________Temples were ________since early morning with the devotees.
I) surrounded, by 2) flocked, for 3) crowed, with
4) mobbed , by 5) None of these

85.The bill ______the Parliament was ____by forty- two votes.

1) of, carried 2) into, accepted 3) at, presented
4) in, introduced 5) None of these
86.After many years in the ____he ______to active politics last year.
1)seclusion, coming 2) cold, returned
2)bewilderment, brought 4) news, restarted
3)None of these
87.___ the last decade, terrorism has ____as a threat to civilised society.
I) from, developed 2) for, some 3) over, emerged
4) since, evolved 5) None of these
88.________Mr Amitabh Bacchan has once again has mettle by his acting as 'Auro'.
1) set, strong 2) done, star
3) proved, phenomenal 4) posted, exceptional
5) None of these
89.A number of organisations have raised____ voices ___ uses of unclaimed dead bodies for
research purposes.
I) their, against 2) its, for
3) strong; stopping 4) much , towards 5) None of
90._______________Will you please _____from interfering my affairs?
1) avoid, to 2) abstain, in 3) stop,
4) desist, by 5) None of these
In the following passage, there are blanks , each of which has been numbered. These numbers are
printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
That several chemical concerns in and around Mumbai have not (91) to (92) their (93) is well
known. Nearly 2000 out of 5000 (94) pay no (95) to the (96) control (97). No wonder that the
respiratory and (98) ailments are on the (99) among the (100) of Mumbai.
91. 1) intended 2) agreed 3) cared 4) responded 5) anticipated
92. 1) close 2) substitute 3) stop 4) limit 5) consummate
93. 1) effluents 2) process 3) production 4) procedure 5) products
94. 1) firms 2) concerns 3) workers 4) unions n5) institutions
95. 1) credit 2) sanctity 3) regard 4) courtesy 5) modesty
96. I) noise 2) contamination 3) sound 4) explosion 5) pollution.

97.1) rules 2) conventions 3) laws

4) for 5) tools
98.1) liver 2) eye 3) intestinal
4) heart 5) ear
99.1) extension 2) expansion 3) decrease
4) increase 5) exuberance
100. 1) residents 2) poor 3) workers
4) visitors 5) rich
2)5616 (55628
108. (8)12 X (4)1.4 X (2) 3.6 ÷ 1/ (16) -1.24 = ?
1) 8 2) 16 3) 32 4) 64 5) 128
What value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following equations?
101. 4.78 % of 1255 + 3.24 % of 440 = 0.5 % of?
1) 14260 2) 14492
3) 14636
4)14849 5)15002
102. (128.5 x 64) + (13.8 x 465) = ? x 25
1)524.48 2)556.02 3) 574.36
4) 585.64 5) 596.16
103. (4)l7X (8)-2+(32)-1 ÷ 1/(8)-3 = (2)?
1)-0.2 2) 1.8 3)2.6
4)3.2 5)4.8
104. 4056 / ? = ? / 7776

1)5612 2) 5616 3) 5620 4)5624

5) 5628.
105 2/7 of 3/11 of 5/9 of 51975 = ?
1) 1980 2)2110 3) 2160 4)2250 5)2300
What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following equations?
106. (0.0078 + 0.00012) x 77.88 = ?
1)5010 2)5040 3) 5070 4)5100 5)5140
107. (178 % of l265) ÷5.96 = ?
1) 125 2) 175 3) 225 4)325 5)375
109. 7 X 7.7 X 7.77 = ?
1) 410 2) 420 3) 430 4) 440 5) 450
110. 1/7 of 133 of 46% of 924 = ?
1) 7075 2) 8025 3) 8075 4) 9025 5) 9075.
Which is the next number in the following number series?
111. 780, 681, 592, 513, 444, 385, ?
1)320 2)324 3)332
4)336 5)340
112. 6, 17, 55, 196, 825, ?
1)4176 2)4212 3)4232
4)4256 5)4281
113. 72, 193, 293, 374, 438, 487,?
1)521 2)523 3)525
4)527 5)529
114. 4, 45, 368, 2583, 15504,?
1)77521 2)77522 3)77523
4)77524 5)77525
115. 180, 271, 352, 423, 484, 535,?
1)576 2)577 3)578
4)579 5)580
For the two given equations (I) and (II) , give answer if
1) x >y 2) x ≥ y 3) x < y 4) If x ≤ y
5).If x = y or no relation can be established between x and y
116. (1).3x2 -59x + 210 = 0 (II). 2y2-17y + 36 = 0
117. (I). 15x2- 41x +28 = 0 (II). 7y2 - 29y + 30 = 0
118. (1).4x2- x - 3 = 0 (II) y2 + 4y + 4 = 0

119.(I). x = 5329 (II) y = 3

120.(I) x2 = -- 14x (II) . y2 + 18y + 80 = 0
In the given pie-chart the percentage distribution of total number on IT employees of six
different companies is shown and the line graph shows the % of female employees among them
(Total number of employees in company B is 940)
121. What is the difference between the total number of male employees and the total number
of female employees in all the six companies together?
1)402 2)404 3) 406
4)408 5)410
122. Total number of female employees of Company A is what per cent of the total number of
male employees of Company D?
1)43.24% 2)78% 3) 120.65%
4) 180.75% 5)231.25%
123. What is the difference between the number of male employees of Company A, Band C
together and the number of female employees of Company D, E and F together?
1)647 2)656
4)672 5)675
124. The total number of employees of Company C is what per cent of the total number of
employees of Company A?
1)84% 2)89% 3)94%
4) 108% 5) 112%
125. What is the ratio of the total number of male employees of Company F to the total
number of female employees of Company 'B'?
1)33:43 2)35:47
4)37:47 5) None
126.The present age of the father and the son are in the ratio of8:3. After 12 years the ratio of
their ages will be 2: 1. What is the sum of the present age of the father and the son?
1) 66 yrs 2)70 yrs 3) 74 yrs
4) 78 yrs 5) 80 yrs.
127.A committee of 4 members is to be selected from a group of 4 men and 3 women. What is the
probability that the committee has at least one woman.
1) 1/35 2) 34/35 3) 3/7 4) 4/7 5) 1/3
128. 25 men can do a piece of work in 24 days. How many men would be required to do the
same work in 10 days?
1.56 2)60 3)64 4)66 5)72
129.The ratio of the length of a rectangular park to its breadth is 13:9. If the length of the park is
72 feet more than the breadth, what is its perimeter?
1) 648 ft 2) 324 ft 3) 792 ft 4)396ft 5)712ft
130.The cost of 87 pens and 29 pencils is ~783. What is the cost of90 pens and 30 pencils?
1)Rs.804 2)Rs.810 3) Rs. 816 4)Rs.824 5)Rs.830
131.The ratio of three numbers A, Band C is 6 : 8 : 15 If A, B and C are increased by 300%,
275% and 100% respectively, what will be the new ratio of A, B and C?
1)5:4:5 2)4:5:5 3)5:4:4 4)3:4:5 5)3:4:15
132.In how many ways can 5 boys be chosen from 6 boys and 4 girls so as to include exactly one
1.2522)210 3) 126 4)90 5)60
133.What will be the accrued compound interest at the end of two years, on an amount of Rs.40
lakh @ 10% pa compounded half-yearly?
1) Rs. 824620 2) Rs.862025 3) Rs.864580 4)Rs.864000 . 5)Rs.846080
134.A sum was lent at simple interest at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been lent at a rate 4%
higher than the previous rate, it would have fetched ~408 more. What was the sum?
1)Rs.700 2)Rs.200 3) Rs.3400 4)Rs.600 5)Rs.900
135.Two trains start at the same time from Chennai and Banglaore towards each other at the
speed of 32 kmph and 48 kmph respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has
travelled 128 km more than the other one. What is the distance between Bangalore and Chennai?
1)600 km 2) 620 km 3)640 km 4) 660 km 5)680 km
Following line graph shows the percentage of students who passed in 1st Class, 2nd Class and
3rd Class in an exam. The table shows the number of students who got 3rd Class in the exam
from different schools.

SCHOOL No. of students passing in 3rd Class

A 35
B 36
C 100
0 80
E 78
F 130

136. What is difference between the total number students passed and the total number of
students getting I st Class in the exam?
1) 1043 2) 1045 3) 1047
4)1049 5)1051
137. Total number of students who got 3rd class is what per cent of the total number of
students passed?
1)26.5% 2)27.5%
138. From which school is the number of students who got 1 st Class the maximum?
l)A 2)B
139. What is
the average
number of students from all the six schools together who got either first class or third class?
I) 170 2) 172 3) 174
4) 176 5) 178
140.Total number of students from school E who got third class is what per cent of the total
number of students from school B who got first class?
1) 45% 2) 50% 3) 55% 4) 60% 5) 65%
140. school B who got first class?
1)45% 2)50% 3)55%
4)60% 5)65%
Following graph shows the ratio of import to export of two companies A and B over the years.

141. If the import of Company Bin 1999 and that of Company A in 1998 are 68 lakh and 43.2
lakh respectively, what is the sum of the export of B in 1999 and the export of A in 1998?
1) 1511akh 2) 1571akh 3) 1611akh
4) 1631akh 5) None
142. For Company B, in how many of the given years was the export less than the import?
1)2 2)3 3)4
4)5 5) None
143. For Company A, if its import is increased by 150% and export by 50% for the year 1998,
what would be the new ratio of import to export for that year?
1)0.6 2)0.75 3) 1.0
4) 125 5)1.75
144. The ratio of import to export of Company A in the year 1999 is what percentage of
import-to-export ratio of Company B in the same year?
I) 88.88% 2) 112.5% 3) 120%
4) 125% 5) 127.5%
145. If in the year 2001, the ratio of export of Company A to that of Company B is 3 : 7, what
will be the ratio of import of A to import of B in that year?
I) 3 : 7 2) 1 : 1
3) I : 2
4)1:3 5)2:3
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Out of 1800 people, 13% invested their money in shares only, 37% invested in fixed deposits
only and 11% in real estate only. The number of people who invested their money only in shares
and fixed deposits is equal to the number of people who invested in shares only. 8% of the
people invested in share and real estate only and 150% of this number is equal to those who
invested in fixed deposits and real estate only.
146. What is the percentage of people who invested their money in shares?
1)130% 2)27%
4) 40% 5) 68%
147. What is the difference between the number of people who invested in real estate and the
number of people who invested in fixed deposits only?
1)362 2)558
3)666 4)720 5)0
148. How many people are there who invested their money in all the three modes- shares,
fixed deposits and real estates?
1) 108 2) 144 3) 216 4)234 5) 198
149. What is the percentage of people who invested their money in fixed deposits?
1)72% 2)68% 3) 52% 4)48% 5)37%
150. What is the ratio of the total number of people who invested their money in shares only
to the number of people who invested only in fixed deposits and real estates?
1)7: 5 2) 9 : 7 3) 11 : 9 4) 13: 12 5) 15 : 13


51. 2 52.4 53.3 54.3 55.5

56. 3 57.3 58.2 59.4 60.2
61. 3 62. I
(63-67); ADCBFE
63. I 64. 3 65. I 66. I 67.2
68.3 69.4 70.4
71. I; 'Comes there not only'
72. 3; 'between the two
73. I; 'No king of'
74. 2; 'than this one'
75. I; 'Glimpses of'
76. 3; 'has told'
77. 2; 'the work last week'
78. 3; 'is going to see'
79. 4; 'strong points'
80. 3; went away
81. 3 82.2 83.2 84.3 85. 5
86.2 87.3 88.3 89. I 90.2
91. 3 92.4 93. I 94.2 95.3
96.5 97.3 98.4 99.4 100. I

101. 4; 0.5 X ? / 100 = 4.78 X 1255 / 100 + 3.24 X 440 / 100 = 59.989 + 14.256
?= 74.245 X 100 ?0.5 = 14849
102. 4; ? = (128.5 X 64) + (13.8 X465) / 25 = 8224 + 6417 / 25 = 585.64
103. 1; (22) 3.7 X (23) -1.2 ÷ 925) – 1 ÷ 1/ (23)-3
(22)3.7 X (23)-1.2 ÷ (2)-5 ÷ (2)9 = (2) 7.4-3.6+5-9 = (2)-0.2
104. 2; (?)2 = 4056 X 7776
? = 31539456  5616

105. 4;
106. 4; ? = 65 X 78 = 5070
178 X 1265 2250
107. 5; ? = 6   375
100 600
108. 3; (23)1.2 X (22) 1.4 X (2) 3.6 ÷ (24)1.24
2 3.6 +2.8 +3.6 -4.96 = (2) 5.04 == (2)5 =32
109. 2; ? = 7 X 7.7 X 7.8 = 420
110. 3; ? = 1/7 X 133 X 46/100 X 924 = 8075.76 = 8075
111. 4; series is - 99, -89, -79, -69, -59.
112. 1; Series is X1 +11, X2+21, X3 + 31, X4+41.
113. 2; Series is + 112 + 102 + 92 +82
114. 5; Series is X9+9, X8+8, X7+7, X6+6.
115. 1; Series is +91, +81, +71, +61.
116. 1; I.3x2 -- 59x +210 =0
3x2 -- 45x -- 14x + 210 = 0
3x(x – 15) - 14(x – 150 = 0
(3x -- 14) (x – 15) =0 x= 15, 14/3
II. 2y2 -- 8y - 9y + 36 = 0
117. 3; I. 15x2 - 20x - 21x + 28 = 0
5x(3x – 4) -7(3x – 4) = 0, (5x – 7) (3x– 4) = 0, x = 7/5, 4/3,
II. 7y2 - 14y -15y +30 = 0
7y(y – 2) – 15(y – 2) = 0, (7y – 15) (y – 2)= 0, y = 2, 15/7, x < y.
2Y(y – 4) -9(y – 4) = 0
118. 1; I. 4x2 - 4x + 3x – 3 = 0
4x(x – 1) + 3(x – 1) = 0
(4x +3) (x – 1) = 0 x = 1, -3/4
II. y2 + 4y +4 = 0
(y + 2)2 = 0, y+2 = 0 , y = -2, x>y
(2y – 9 ) (y – 4) = 0 , y = 4, 9/2. X > y.
x  5329
x  73
119. 5; I
II . y  3
y  23

So, relation cannot be established.

120. 5, I. x2 + 14x = 0
X(x + 14 ) = 0 , x = 0, -14
II. y2 + 10y +8y +80 = 0
Y(y + 10) + 8(y + 10) = 0, (y = 8) (y = 10) = 0, y = -8, -10.
Ie. No relation.
121. 4; total emp = 940 X 100 / 23.5 = 4000
TotalA = 20/100 X 4000 = 800, femalea = 37 /100 X 800 = 296, Malea = 504.
Similarly, for other companies we get total females = 1796.
And total males = 2204, Diff = 408.
122. 5; reqd % = 296 /128 X 100 = 231.25%
123. 2; Male (A + B + C ) = 504 + 517 + 356 = 1377
Female (D + E + F) = 192 + 122 = 407 = 721 , Diff = 1377 - 721 = 656.
124. 2; reqd % = 17.8 /20 X 100 = 89%
125. 4; female = 423 male = 333,
Ratio = 333/ 423 = 37 /47
126. 1; let the present age of the father be ‘x’ and that of the son be ‘y’ Then x/y = 8/3 , 3x = 4y
Further x + 12/ y + 12 = 2/1 x + 12 = 2y + 24
X – 2y =12
From this equation x = 48, y = 18 sum = 66 yrs.
127. 2; Probability of there being all men in the committee is 4C4 / 7C4 = 1/35
Probability of there being at least one woman = 1 – 1/35 = 34/ 35
128. 2; 25 men ---- 24 days ----- 1 work
1 man ---- 1 day ---- 1/ 24X25 work
X men --- 10 days ---------- x X 10 / 24 X 25 work, x X 10 / 24X25 = 1
X = 240 X 25 / 10 = 60
129. 3; Let the length be x and breath be y.
Then, x/y = 13/9 , 9x = 13y
X = y + 72, 13y = 9y + 648, 13y – 9y = 649, y = 648/4 = 162.
X = 162 + 72 = 234.
Perimeter = 2(234 + 162) = 2X 396 = 792 f
130. 2; let the price of a pen be ‘x’ and that of pencil be ‘y’
Then, 87x = 29y = 783
Multiplying eqn by 30/29, we get (87x) X 30/29 + (29y) 30/29 =
783 X 30/29 , 90x + 30y =810.
131. 2; Let the numbers be 600, 800 and 1500. Then the new numbers are 2400, 3000 and
3000. Ratio = 24 : 30 : 30 === 4 : 5 : 5
132. 2; One girl can be chosen in 4C1 = 4 ways and 4 boys can be chosen in 6C4 = 15 ways
Total number of ways = 4 X 15 = 60 ways
133. 2; CI = 40 X (1.05)4 - 40 = 8.62025 lakh = 862025
134. 3; Let the interest rate be ‘r’ and the sum ‘x’ Then x(r+4)X3/100 = x X r X 3 / 100 +408
3xr = 12x - 3xr = 40800, x = 40800/12 = 3400.
135. 3; The difference between the speeds of the trains to make the difference of
128 km = 48 - 32 = 16 kmph
Diff in distance = 128 km
:. time 128 /16 = 8 hrs
ie they meet after 8 hrs.
Total distance = 32 x 8 + 48 x 8 = 256 + 384 = 640 km
136. 4; For A, 3rd class = 20% = 35
. Total = 35/20 x I00=175
:. 1st class = 36% of 175 = 63
Similarly, we will find for other schools also. :. total passed = 1610 and total lst class = 561
:. Diff = 1610 - 561 = 1049
137. 3; Total (3rd class) = 459, Total passed = 1610

% = 459 X 100 / 1610 = 28.5%

138. 4; :. A= 63, B = 120, C = 75, D = 112, E = 126, F = 65

139. 1; Total (1st) = 63 + 120 + 75 + 112 + 126 + 65 = 561
Total (3rd) = 35 + 36 + 100 + 80 + 78 + 130 = 459
:. Total (1st or 3rd) = 561 + 459 = 1020
:. Average = 1020/2 = 170
140. 5,Bst = 36 X 100/15 X 50/100 = 120
EJnl = 78 -
:. Reqd%= 78/120 X 100=65%
141. 2' IA / EA = 0.6 IB / EB = 0.8
EA = IA/ 0.6 = 43.2 / 0.6 = 72, EB = IB /0.8 = 68 /0.8 = 85 lakh
142. 2; For Export <Import, Import / Export >1 ie in the year 2001 and 2003, 1 > E. 1 142.
143.3; 1/E=0.6 = 3/5
I= I1 + 1501 /100 = 25.1 = 2.5 X 3 = 7.5
E1 = E + 50E /100 = 150E /100 = 1.5 E = 5 X 1.5 = 7.5
I1/E1 = 7.5/ 7.5 = 1.0
144. IA / EA = 0.9 IB /EB = 0.8
Reqd % = 0.9/0.8 X 100 = 112.5%
145. 3; IA / EA = 1.4
IA = 1.4 EA Similarly IB = 1.2 EB
IA /IB =EA /EB X 1.4 /1.2 = 3/7X7/6 = ½ = 0.5
146. - 150

K = 1800 -(234 + 234 +666 + 144 + 216 + 198 ) = 108 Real Estate

x = 234 + 234 + 144 + 108 = 720

Y = 666 + 234 + 216 + 108 = 1224
Z = 144 + 198 + 216 + 108 = 666
146. 4 147. 5 148. 1
149.2; Reqd % = 1244/1800 x 100 = 68%
150. 4; Ratio = 234/ 216 = 13/12

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