Yamada Winnewiser Interstellar Molecules
Yamada Winnewiser Interstellar Molecules
Yamada Winnewiser Interstellar Molecules
Volume 241
Managing Editor
G. Höhler, Karlsruhe, Germany
A. Fujimori, Tokyo, Japan
J. Kühn, Karlsruhe, Germany
Th. Müller, Karlsruhe, Germany
F. Steiner, Ulm, Germany
W. C. Stwalley, Storrs, CT, USA
J. Trümper, Garching, Germany
P. Wölfle, Karlsruhe, Germany
Peter Wölfle
Elementary Particle Physics, Editors
Institut für Theorie der Kondensierten Materie
Johann H. Kühn Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie KIT,
Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik Postfach 69 80
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Email: johann.kuehn@KIT.edu
www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~jk Complex Systems, Editor
Frank Steiner
Thomas Müller
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Universität Ulm
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie KIT, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
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Email: thomas.muller@KIT.edu www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/group.html
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Fundamental Astrophysics, Editor William C. Stwalley
Joachim Trümper University of Connecticut
Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik Department of Physics
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Email: jtrumper@mpe.mpg.de Email: w.stwalley@uconn.edu
www.mpe-garching.mpg.de/index.html www.phys.uconn.edu/faculty/stwalley.html
Koichi M. T. Yamada Gisbert Winnewisser
Interstellar Molecules
Their Laboratory and Interstellar Habitat
Dr. Koichi M. T. Yamada Prof. Dr. Gisbert Winnewisser
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Alte Str. 8a
Science & Technology (AIST) 79249 Merzhausen
EMTech Germany
Onogawa 16-1
305-8569 Tsukuba
Ibaraki, Japan
e-mail: kmt.yamada@aist.go.jp
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16268-8
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About 30 years ago, the Cologne laboratories were founded with a design such that
laboratory spectroscopy and appropriate interstellar observations would support
each other by supplying new results. From the very early stage, the Terahertz
spectroscopy has been one of the most important subjects of the laboratory, but it
has remained to be one of the most poorly explored areas of the entire electro-
magnetic spectrum. It was our dream to have a space observatory, with which we
can observe the spectra in Terahertz region without the strong attenuation of the
radiation by the Earth’s atmosphere.
It is a great pleasure of us to publish this textbook for the students who are
learning molecular astrophysics at the occasion when the tremendous amount of
new results for the interstellar molecules in the Terahertz region are reported
successively from the Herschel space observatory.
In the first chapter of this book, the history from ancient days to now is briefly
presented by Gisbert Winnewisser with the editorial help of Koichi M. T. Yamada.
In the second chapter, the molecules observed in the interstellar medium and
circumstellar envelops are reviewed by Karl M. Menten and Friedrich Wyrowski.
Quite large number, more than 150, of molecular species have been detected up to
today, and thus it is impossible to describe all of those molecules. We have limited
ourselves to present only the selected molecules: molecules detected in the early
stage, prototypical molecules, and those detected most recently.
The third chapter accounts for the molecular spectroscopy, which is the irre-
placeable tool for the astrophysics. The basic theory for the spectroscopy of atoms,
diatomic molecules, and polyatomic molecules are briefly presented in Sects. 3.1–
3.3; Sects. 3.1 and 3.2 are contributions of K. M. T. Yamada, and 3.3 of Per Jensen
with the appendix by K. M. T. Yamada. Since many text books have been pub-
lished concerning to the molecular spectroscopy, the descriptions are limited to the
very fundamental level.
The number of molecules with internal rotation observed in the interstellar
space is increasing steadily. The spectra of such molecules are rather complicated
and are of interest not only for astrophysics but also for molecular spectroscopy.
Section 3.4 is a contribution of Nobukimi Ohashi, which accounts for the internal
vi Preface
rotation problems with one- and two-methyl tops. Various methods for the energy
calculation for such molecules are described in detail. The symmetry labeling of
the energy levels are also discussed on the basis of permutation-inversion group.
We wish to acknowledge Prof. Kaori Kobayashi’s assistance to produce many of
the figures in Sects. 3.4.
In the fourth chapter, the most recent progress in the laboratory spectroscopy in
Cologne is presented by Thomas F. Giesen, and the development of heterodyne
mixers, the essential device for the radio observation, is reviewed by Karl Jacobs.
In the last chapter, the molecules observed in the interstellar space are listed on
the basis of the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy (CDMS).
We would like to thank the Cologne students, post doctoral fellows, and all
collaborators, whose enthusiastic and untiring efforts are essential for many of the
beautiful results presented in this book. We would like to express special thanks to
Helga Winnewisser, who has supported Gisbert mentally and physically during the
preparation of this book.
On behalf of the contributors
1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Prelude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 The Ancient Mechanical Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 The Dark Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 The Renaissance of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Discovery of Dark Nebulae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.5 Dawn of Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Interstellar Medium (ISM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 The 21-cm Line of Neutral Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 Recombination Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.4 Atomic Fine- and Hyperfine-Structure Lines . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Interstellar Molecular Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.1 Small Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.2 Large Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.3 Non-polar Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.4 Atomic Carbon and CO Molecule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3.5 Molecular Cloud and Star Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Molecular Spectroscopy: An Irreplaceable Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.1 Scope of Interstellar Atomic
and Molecular Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.4.2 Terahertz Region: Far–InfraRed Domain . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.5 Episodical Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.5.1 Life Story of Fraunhofer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.5.2 Life Story of Herschel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Chapter 1
1.1 Prelude
Claudius Ptolemaeus who lived in the second century (83–161 AD) was an ancient
mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and astrologer in Roman Egypt.1 Ptol-
emy, as he is known in English, was the last great and dominating figure before the
dawn of the renaissance of science during the years 1500–1700. During the life-
span of Ptolemy, arithmetical techniques were developed for calculating astro-
nomical phenomena. Greek astronomers, e.g., Hipparchus, had produced
geometric models for calculating celestial motions. Ptolemy himself contributed to
the fitting of the astronomical data. He had developed elaborate arithmetical
techniques for calculating celestial motions. Ptolemy, however, claimed to have
derived his geometrical models from selected astronomical observations by his
predecessors spanning more than 800 years, though astronomers have for centuries
suspected that his models’ parameters were adopted independently of
K. M. T. Yamada (&)
National Institute of Advanced, Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), EMTech,
Onogawa 16-1, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
e-mail: kmt.yamada@aist.go.jp
G. Winnewisser
Alte Str. 8a, 79249 Merzhausen, Germany
See, e.g., Encyclopedia Britannica: http://www.britannica.com/.
This catalog appeared in the book known later as Almagest (which is a Latin
corruption of the name of the Arabic translation, Al-mijisti). It had 1,025 entries;
the positions of these bright stars had been measured by Hipparchus 250 years
earlier. Ptolemy’s catalog was the only widely used one before to the seventeenth
century, i.e., the renaissance of science. His collected works, amounted to 13
books of the mathematical composition, were written in Alexandria, and these
books comprise the best guide to Ptolemy’s ideas and to the contributions of those
who preceded him. Out of careful observation, logical deduction, and the appli-
cation of basic geometrical principles, without telescopes and with only primitive
measuring devices at hand, the Greeks compiled a tremendous amount of obser-
vational data concerning the motions of the planets with respect to the stars.
Although beclouded here and there with vague philosophical ideas and super-
stitions, the Greek concept of the universe was the prod. The geocentric world of
Ptolemy had as the basic assumption that the Earth is situated at the center of an
un-movable universe. The movement of the moon and the sun on the other hand,
were still described with relative ease as a fairly simple circular motion problem.
Peace and prosperity continued to reign until about the end of the second century
AD. Then, a series of catastrophes dissolved the Roman Empire and all but
destroyed civilization itself. Decadent political and social systems collapsed. The
exhaustion of gold and silver coins, as the Spanish mine ran out of the precious
minerals, paralyzed commerce. A horrible pestilence brought back from Asia by
the military, struck down the population at the rate of 2,000–3,000 persons per day,
rendering wide areas of being completely depopulated. Barbarian tribes pressed in,
conquering and devastating southern Europe. The centuries that followed were sad
times for science. Deprived of comfort in this world, people looked forward to
solace in a better world thereafter, and turned away from the science of the past.
Christianity, the major force during the Middle Ages, brought with it a growing
desire to reconcile science in general and concepts of the universe in particular
with the literal statements of the Scriptures. Lactantius ridiculed the concept of a
spherical earth. Most people came to believe that the earth was flat, square, and
supported by four pillars, one at each corner. Under such circumstance, contri-
butions to science were few. The ‘‘meteors’’ became signs in the sky prophetic of
events, evil or good, about to happen on the earth. Superstition and fear were the
motivating forces in astronomical thought for many centuries.
For some time, the torch of learning passed into hands of the Arabs. They made
few advances, but at least they preserved in the Almagest the writings of Ptolemy
and they continued to make a few observations of the motions of the heavenly
bodies. The Koran, fortunately, was silent on questions that related to concepts of
the earth and the universe. By the end of the twelfth century, interest was rekindled
in learning, in agriculture, craft, commerce, and in science. But an aura of
4 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
Without any obvious or logical reason the fifteenth century undergoes decisive
changes in the lifestyle particularly the way science was handled. This trend
started in Italy, and soon it spread out to the north. As an example of changing, the
mood and the way it can be traced was demonstrated by looking at the setup and
behavior of the imperial court of the Emperor Karl IV (Charles IV) who laid down
in the year 1348, the foundation of Charles University at Prague. Charles IV did
recognize the importance of liberal arts and science at large and in particular for
his fellow country men. By about 1600, the development of modern science
started, which has rendered such a large number of results that we are proud to use
still today. At his residence in Prague, Emperor Karl IV employed two outstanding
experts in the field of astronomy, or as you would nowadays call them, scientists:
Tycho de Brahe (1546–1601), who provided superb quality of the astronomical
measurement, and his successor Johannes Kepler (1571–1630).
Galileo Galilei (1563–1642) and Johannes Kepler, who lived in the same period
but geometrically separated by a large distance, reached to a common conclusion
of the heliocentric movement of the planets, which had been proposed much
earlier by the great pioneer, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543).
The harvest out of their high quality measurements was reaped by Isaac Newton
(1643–1727). Today, the complicated movements of planets, against which
Ptolemy and his successors fought desperately, can be explained by simple prin-
ciples: Newton’s equations of motion and gravitation theory. Newton’s equations
of motion form the beginning of classical mechanics. The observed continuous
nature of macroscopic motion in space and time can be explained by applying
integral and differential calculus to the solution of dynamic problems. The prin-
cipal ideas embodied in the deterministic formulation of classical mechanics.
It consists of the following:
1. The system in question is observationally accessible at all times, and obser-
vations can be executed without disturbing the system under investigation.
1 History 5
2. By defining the state of a system in time, all the mechanical variables of the
system at that particular time can be determined.
3. Combining the specification of the state in statement 2 with the laws of
mechanics allows for a complete description of the system as a function of time.
Dark nebulae, or dark dust clouds, as we designate them nowadays, have been
noticed early on as huge voids in an otherwise star-filled heaven. Clearly, it must
have been an utter nuisance for star counters, like Sir F. W. Herschel, who were
hampered in getting reliable numbers for their star-counting business. If Herschel
would have been able to use his scrutinizing eyes, then he probably would have got
great satisfaction out of the fact that the cold dark clouds also take part in star
formation, more so individually, i.e., as single stars. In contrast to the cold clouds,
with temperatures of around 10 K, the warm dark clouds having temperatures well
over 15 K are heated by external sources or by embedded stars. By choosing the
proper molecules or class of molecules, like symmetric top molecules, the kinetic
temperature can be estimated rather quickly from the level-populations.
Therefore, Herschel investigated all astrophysically interesting phenomena,
stars, nebulae, and star clusters. He discovered something like 2,000–3,000
nebulae and clusters. In his article on the ‘‘Construction of the Heavens,’’ he
presented speculation on the evolution of matter by successive steps from the
nebulous material to the final planetary state.
As it has turned out over the years and very recently with the advent of
molecular spectroscopic investigation of the dark clouds, one is not surprised to
find out that one of the earliest references in the literature addresses the Taurus
Cloud Complex. It is mentioned explicitly in an important publication by Herschel
(1784), entitled: ‘‘Account of some observations tending to investigate the con-
struction of the Heavens.’’ In his description of the nebulae, he noted that ‘‘the
spaces preceding them were generally quite deprived of their stars, so as often to
afford many fields without a single star in it.’’ Here, he clearly refers to the task of
star counting. He found himself, as figuratively expressed it ‘‘. . . on nebulous
ground.’’ He refers in this early publication to those regions in the sky, where no
stars are observable, or where the number and the brightness of background stars is
drastically reduced relative to the surrounding areas. A particularly beautiful
example of these conspicuous dust clouds are the dark dust clouds in Taurus
region, with the truly remarkable sources, like TMC 1, TMC 2, . . .; very cold
ðTkin 810 KÞ; very quiet sources with almost no turbulences within the sources
themselves, and therefore with no indication of any start of star-formation.
In Fig. 1.1, which is an excellent ‘‘historic’’ reproduction of Barnard’s plate No. 5
of the nebulous region in Taurus [1]. In his description of this region, Barnard
comments that ‘‘very few regions of the sky are so remarkable as this one . . .’’ and
6 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
he continues ‘‘. . . and bears strongest proof of the existence of obscuring matter
in space.’’
The very gifted young Joseph von Fraunhofer succeeded in manufacturing high-
quality lenses and constructed one of the finest refractory telescopes ever built. He
invented a heliometer and a diffraction grating for measuring the wavelength of
light precisely. In addition, he acquired great skill in the manufacture of homog-
enous glass prisms, which reached unparalleled quality. These technical achieve-
ments, in particular, his uniquely homogeneous glass prisms, gave him the edge
over all his contemporaries working on similar project in dispersing light. Pointing
his refracting telescope together with his ‘‘self-built spectrograph’’ toward the
sun and some of the close-by stars, he discovered that the sun’s spectrum, when
sufficiently dispersed, was punctuated by a large number of fine dark absorption
lines, about 700 of which he studied in great detail. He collected an atlas of these
lines, naming the strongest features consecutively as A, B, C, D, . . .
Currently, a few of these cataloged lines are still known to spectroscopists by
the famous Fraunhofer notation, such as the two sodium D-lines, which he named
D1 and D2 : We now know that the 3p level of sodium (Na) displays an observable
fine structure, so closely spaced doublet. Thus, the two Fraunhofer lines corre-
spond to the following transitions: D1 ¼ 2P1=2 2S1=2 ¼ 589:5940 nm, and
D2 ¼ 2P3=2 2S1=2 ¼ 588:9973 nm:
About the time when Joseph von Fraunhofer found a large number of fine dark
absorption lines in the solar spectrum, he published his thorough and extensive
research study on the solar spectrum in form of a catalog. This monumental work
1 History 7
The enormously vast spaces between the stars in our Galaxy and in between the
stars of the extragalactic domain are by no means void. On the contrary, they
contain an interesting and highly surprising, but totally unexpected composition of
a rarefied gas and dust, which is very in homogeneously distributed.
The study of ISM started about the turn of the century (about 1904), when
Hartmann noticed that matter must be dispersed among the stars. At that time, he
was checking in great detail the Doppler velocities of stellar absorption lines in
the gas associated with the close binary system d-Orionis. He noticed that some of
the CaII resonance absorption lines did not participate in the system’s periodic
Doppler shift, whereas others did. Subsequently, ‘‘stationary’’ Na-D lines
(Fraunhofer notation) were also discovered in d-Orionis and in other stars.
The main components/constituents of interstellar medium, ISM, consist of
molecular particles and interstellar dust, with a % ratio of gas to dust of about
99–1. The interstellar particles are predominantly in the gas phase in neutral form
and consist of atoms, molecules, free radicals, whereas interstellar dust consists
8 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
H2 molecule forms on the surfaces of dust grains, in the ISM. The dust exerts,
because of its large opacity, a strong influence on the diffuse interstellar radiation
field and undoubtedly it has a fundamental effect on the processes whereby
interstellar clouds collapse to form stars. Energy generated in the stars is absorbed
and re-emitted by the ISM. Molecular hydrogen, H2, stands out to be the most
abundant interstellar molecule. As shown by Spitzer and Zweibel [5, 6], it will be
synthesized rather efficiently on the surface of interstellar dust grains. The dust
contains a significant fraction of the interstellar heavy elements and thereby ties up
important atomic species that can cool the interstellar gas throughout and causes
increasingly excited fine-structure transitions.
1 History 9
Progress in characterizing the nature of interstellar dust will therefore not only
provide important information to secure knowledge about the chemical compo-
sition of significant constituent of the universe forming stars, which in turn
undoubtedly has a fundamental effect to introduce very significant uncertainties in
the energy distributions of astronomical sources located behind dust clouds.
The influence of high mass stars on the ISM is tremendous: during their for-
mation process, they assume various stages of luminosity. Important new results
were obtained within the last 40–50 years. In fact, the early construction of a radio
telescope in the 1930s by K. G. Jansky made him discover with his home-built
telescope in his backyard a completely new era of physics by investigating the
Milky Way in different wavelength regions. The free–free radiation was discov-
ered from a plasma, HII regions were seen for the first time, and most important,
the discovery of the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen, predicted on account of
theoretical calculations by H. C. van de Hulst in 1944.
Approximately 5–10% of the mass of the Milky Way is in the form of interstellar
atomic hydrogen. The study of the physical
properties of this matter is possible
only because the atomic ground state 2 S1=2 can undergo a hyperfine transition
giving rise to the radio emission at the wavelength of 21.1 cm. The transition
occurs when the electron reverses its spin relative to that of the proton. The higher
energy state is the one in which the two spins are parallel to each other. The lower
state is the one where the two spins are anti-parallel. The prediction that this
should be an observable transition was made by van de Hulst in 1944 just before
the end of the Second World War; neutral hydrogen line should emit at a wave-
length about 21 cm, although it is a highly forbidden transition with a spontaneous
transition probability with every twelve million years, because of extremely low
changes in energy when the relative spins of the proton and electron in a hydrogen
atom change. The Doppler effect of the neutral hydrogen line was readily obser-
vable, displayed, and recorded, by producing a frequency shift of the neutral
21 cm atomic hydrogen line.
The use of the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen for mapping the distribution of
low temperature regions opened new vistas on the structure and dynamics of
galaxies. Since then, additional lines were discovered in the cm- and dm-
spectroscopic areas and assigned to high quantum numbers of hydrogen and
helium lines. Furthermore, a fair number of diatomic and polyatomic molecular
lines have been assigned. They came as a certain surprise, and they are a signature
of the low density interstellar clouds.
This famous and fundamental transition (2 S1=2 ; F ¼ 1 0; 1420.405 751
786(1) MHz) was originally detected in space by Ewen and Purcell [7] and by
Muller and Oort [8]. It has since been used to map out neutral diffuse interstellar
10 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
Recombination lines are emitted during the ðfree ! boundÞ capture of an electron
by ions such as Hþ ; Heþþ ; Cþ ; . . .; or during the ensuing bound–bound cascade
processes. These processes typically occur with Dn ¼ 1; 2; 3; where n is the
principal quantum number, and are referred to as alpha, beta, gamma, . . ., tran-
sitions, respectively. According to the Rydberg formula, the position of these
transitions are (in cm1 )
" #
1 1
~mji ¼ Ra 2 2 ð1:2:1Þ
ni nj
where the quantum numbers are given by ni [ nj ; and Ra ¼ 1:097 105 ð1 me =ma Þ
is the atomic Rydberg constant in cm1 , me is the electron mass
ð5:586 104 amuÞ, and ma is the atomic mass. While low-n transitions appear in
the UV (Lyman lines, lower level n ¼ 1; La ; Lb ; . . .; with the suffix a; b; . . .
denoting Dn ¼ 1; 2; . . .), in the optical (Balmer series, n ¼ 2; Ha ; Hb ; . . .), and the
adjoining near-infrared region, high-n (main quantum number *50 and larger)
recombination lines are found throughout the radio region. Transitions with
n [ 110 appear at frequencies lower than 5 GHz. Hydrogen recombination lines
have been used in the last 30 years; see, e.g., Wilson and Filges [10] and Vers-
chuur and Kellermann [11] for detailed studies of ionized regions called Hþ or HII
regions. These ionized regions are always associated with young O- and B-stars
which have recently formed from cool interstellar matter. Thus, recombination
lines, in conjunction with atomic fine–hyperfine-structure lines, as well as
molecular transitions (see below), are now among the tools of astrophysicists
used to study star formation and the interactions of ionized plasma with dense
molecular clouds.
Atoms and molecular ions with unpaired outer electrons can possess a non-zero
electronic orbital angular momentum L and a spin angular momentum S: The
total angular momentum J ¼ L þ S in Russel–Saunders coupling scheme.
1 History 11
The configuration of the atoms outer electron shell determines J and thus the
multiplicity of the fine-structure levels, which arise from the magnetic spin–orbit
coupling. The magnitude of the fine-structure splitting is approximately of the
order of the square of the fine-structure constant a * (1/137)2 times the electronic
energy (10–100 eV) and is largest for low n levels. Fine-structure transitions are
found predominantly in the far-infrared region.
Since the first detection of the forbidden far-infrared lines of neutral oxygen
(O, OI) at 63:2 lm [12, 13], and ionized carbon (Cþ ; CII) at 157:7 lm [14], fine-
structure lines have become important tools in probing the atomic and ionized
portions of interstellar matter. Neutral carbon C (CI), neutral O (OI), and ionized
carbon, Cþ (CII), are used as the main tracers to probe interface regions separating
cool neutral atomic and molecular material from ionized material. In star-forming
regions, the surface layers of the cloud or the individual clumps it may consist of,
facing embedded or nearby young OB-stars, are ionized by the far-UV radiation
emitted by these stars. Photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) are zones where the far-
UV radiation beyond the Lyman continuum (13.6 eV) ionizes atoms with lower
ionization potentials than hydrogen, such as C (11.3 eV), the alkali metals
ð 5 eVÞ; S (10.3 eV), and others. In this way, a portion of the stellar luminosity is
absorbed, leading to local heating and subsequent re-radiation, predominantly in
the far-IR region of the spectrum. In fact, since the discovery of the 2P3=2 ! 2P1=2
CII fine-structure line of singly ionized carbon [14], it has become clear [15] that
the CII emission arises from moderately dense ð 1; 000 cm3 Þ and warm
ðT [ 200 KÞ gas associated with the surfaces of molecular clouds (see, e.g.,
Genzel et al. [16]). For lower density regions where hydrogen is atomic, the CII
line is also predicted to be the main coolant [17]. CII emission has also been
observed toward gas-rich nuclei of luminous spiral galaxies [15, 18, 19] with the
result that this line contributes about 1% of the total far–infrared luminosity. This
radiation has to be longward of the 91.2 nm Lyman limit, because hydrogen atoms
blanket stellar radiation below 91.2 nm. Thus, the 157:7409-lm CII line (labo-
ratory measurements by Cooksy et al. [20]) has turned out to be one of the
brightest fine-structure transitions. It plays an important role in cooling denser
regions by collisions with electrons, translational and rotationally excited hydro-
gen molecules in which the energy is first transferred to the CII species and then
radiated away. The excitation of the hydrogen molecules stems from far-UV
pumping into vibrationally excited states.
Actually, the most important cooling lines arise from neutral oxygen O (the two
fine-structure transitions: 3P0 ! 3P1 at 146 lm and 3P1 ! 3P2 at 63 lm). Other
atomic cooling lines arise from neutral carbon, C, and Siþ : Neutral atomic carbon
has a 1s2 2s2 2p2 electronic configuration, and its two outer electrons give rise to a
singlet and triplet system. According to Hund’s rule for terms arising from
equivalent orbitals, those with largest multiplicity lie the lowest. Thus, the triplet
system is energetically the lowest and therefore of particular astrophysical interest
in low-temperature regions. The 3P electronic ground state is split into three fine-
structure levels of different total angular momentum J, i.e., 3P0 ; 3P1 , and 3P2 in
12 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
The first molecule to be discovered in the ISM were the diatomic radicals, CH and
CN, and the positive ion CHþ : Dunham and Adams [25] found in the high reso-
lution optical spectra toward hot background O-stars in addition to a number of
interstellar atomic lines (Na, Ti, . . .), a few fairly sharp absorption features which
were clearly interstellar in character. Shortly thereafter, these lines were identified
and assigned by Swings and Rosenfeld [26], and by Douglas and Herzberg [27].
For details of these fundamental discoveries, we refer the reader to a personal
recollection and several articles by Herzberg [28]. Optical absorption lines of these
three diatomic molecules as well as optical and ultraviolet spectra of other dia-
tomic molecules detected subsequently are observed in the so-called diffuse
interstellar clouds which have gas densities of about 102 cm3 :
Relatively soon after the discovery of the first three poly-atomic molecules,
NH3 ; H2 O; and H2 CO, in space, it became clear that, by employing high spectral
and spatial resolution programs, the interstellar molecules reside in molecular
clouds where they are synthesized and where the sites for star formation are
located. Although there is nothing like a standard molecular cloud, they are highly
diversified and reach rather different sizes, spanning a size range from close to few
solar masses to several 106 M : Obviously, molecular clouds are not only pro-
ducing a rich and highly diversified chemistry, but they are also exposed to vastly
different physical conditions, which reflect themselves in displaying anomalous
line radiation patterns, as will be discussed later on.
The concept of the diffuse interstellar clouds that they were formed out of gas
and dust took about another 30 years before the medium started getting appreci-
ated slowly.
One of the well-known spectacular sources is in the heart of the Taurus
molecular cloud complex. This Taurus region is one of the many dark dust cloud
complexes containing a sizeable number of small dense and cool low mass frag-
ments. Among them, the most well-studied cloudlet is TMC 1, the Taurus
Molecular Cloud 1, which harbors the longest carbon chain molecules detected in
space. It contains unusually high abundance of cyanopolyynes and other linear
carbon chain molecules, forming a ridge of molecular emission.
The OH radicals can be observed by microwave techniques. Some of the light
hydrides are still followed later. This time, the detection was made at a frequency
of 1.6 GHz using a radio telescope which represents the first radio-line to be
discovered. However, the field of interstellar molecules was opened by the dis-
covery of three polyatomic molecules NH3 ; water H2 O, and formaldehyde H2 CO.
These three discoveries were instrumental to open the flood gates to the more than
150 molecules now known to roam the interstellar space. However, the list of
14 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
The discovery of more than 150 molecular species in interstellar space via their
rotational transitions observed in the microwave, millimeter-wave, and adjoining
Terahertz region has demonstrated investigation of interstellar matter. The dis-
tribution of ISM is far from being homogeneous; on the contrary, the ISM displays
an inhomogeneous distribution, as can be seen and derived from inspection of
results obtained from large scale mappings of molecular clouds. In addition,
mapping of molecular clouds will supply detailed information on local inhomo-
geneity in molecular clouds—densities can reach up to 109 cm3 : It has become
clear that, within the last 20 years of molecular astrophysics, the hydrogen, with
about 50% of interstellar matter being mainly in the form of hydrogen gas, is
molecular and concentrated in extensive molecular–cloud complexes, often called
Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs): gas densities of 104 cm3 and temperatures
below about 100 K.
The majority of the interstellar molecules are carbon-containing organic sub-
stances (they are summarized in tables in Chap. 5). From those tables, you can see
that the largest group of the interstellar species are diatomic molecules and
radicals. It amounts to 34 individual species, most of which have been detected in
the millimeter-wave and adjoining Terahertz regions. The molecules which con-
tain three atoms are linear or bent and produce accordingly more difficult spectra.
The molecules with four atoms are 23 in number while the five- and six-atomic
count up to 18 and 16, respectively. The larger molecules with 7–12 atoms are
rapidly decreasing, and the HC11 N remains up to the present day the largest
molecule by mass. The spectra of the various molecules will be discussed after we
have explained the theoretical background of the various molecules. The close
agreement with high resolution laboratory spectra furnishes the ultimate exacting
test for their definite identifications. Molecules have been detected throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum, predominantly, however, within the last 20 years in the
microwave, sub-millimeter wave, and adjacent far–infrared regions.
The list of interstellar molecules (tables in Chap. 5) is not complete, in the sense
that only polar molecules can be observed by microwave only. Molecules which
do not possess an electric dipole moment are still missing because of a variety of
1 History 15
The fine-structure energy-level separation in carbon is smaller than that for oxygen
and lies in the sub-millimeter region, and the two fine-structure transitions have
therefore been observed with radio-astronomical techniques. The forbidden mag-
netic dipole transitions of neutral carbon 3P2 3 P1 and 3P1 3 P0 have been
measured in the laboratory in carbon discharges [20, 36] to lie at 809 343.5(9) and
492 160.651(55) MHz, respectively. Neutral atomic carbon has been found to exist
throughout molecular cloud cores with an abundance relative to CO of 10–20%
[16, 37, 38]. Very recent observations in the S140 cloud [39] revealed that the CI
emission near the interface between the HII and neutral material region consists of
16 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
narrow and broad velocity components. In the broad velocity material, the relative
abundances of CI and CO are comparable.
The large extent and spatial coexistence of emission from CI, CII, and warm
CO are in accordance with models of PDRs [40, 41, 42]. These models show that
the chemical structure of a cloud illuminated by UV radiation 105 times the local
(near the sun) interstellar value and with a gas density of 2 105 cm3 changes
sharply as a function of the visual extinction Av : Av is a parameter closely
resembling the optical depth and it provides a measure of the penetration depth
into a cloud (see, e.g., [43, 44]). At Av ¼ 1 2 penetration atomic hydrogen
transforms into its molecular form, i.e., H2 with carbon and oxygen remaining in
the form ionic CII and neutral OI, respectively. Deeper into the cloud ðAv 5Þ,
ionized carbon decreases sharply and neutral carbon, CI, peaks giving way further
inward to material in molecular form, mainly CO. The study of these interface
regions is of strong interest, particularly in view of the observed highly clumped
form of the molecular material and its probable connection to star formation in
these areas.
During the past 50–60 years, powerful methods and highly sensitive instrumen-
tation were developed and finally assigned to specific tasks for purposes of analytic
research for studying atoms and molecules. Among these methods are atomic and
molecular spectroscopy. They can reach linear dimensions of several hundreds of
light years which contain total masses of 106 M : The closest GMC to the Solar
System is the Orion molecular cloud complex with a distance of about 450 pc or
1,500 light years.
Molecular clouds are the most massive and in extent the largest individual
objects, both galactic and extragalactic. These clouds can be studied using
molecular transitions as general probes to reveal to us the deep interior of active
sites of star formation. Star formation is an on-going process, and it can be
monitored ‘‘live’’ by radio telescopes. If one accepts for the moment the ‘‘Big
Bang’’ as the beginning of the universe, then all the elements, with the exception
of hydrogen (H), deuterium (D), and helium (He), have been synthesized slowly by
the thermonuclear reactions in the hot interior of stars. During their final thermo-
nuclear stages, stars are known to return part of their processed material to the
ISM, enriching it with elements heavier than the light elements, hydrogen and
helium, which they have synthesized during the various nuclear burning stages. On
the other hand, there is little doubt that the ISM furnishes the raw material for new
stars to form.
However, star formation takes place in the denser parts of molecular clouds,
where hydrogen has been converted to molecular hydrogen, H2 ; and where the
spectra of molecules such as CO, CS, etc. make an important contribution to the heat
balance. Interstellar molecular radiation from more than 150 molecules—together
1 History 17
with some atomic fine structure lines—continues to excite the astronomers around
the world and arouses their fancy. So far, the interstellar molecules serve as the most
powerful tool for probing deep into the interior of molecular clouds. The field of
interstellar spectroscopy has matured to the point that optical absorption spectros-
copy has only rather limited value, since the high dust content of the dark clouds
makes them opaque to visible and ultraviolet light.
Historically, the interdependence of laboratory spectra and those received from the
heavens was made obvious by Fraunhofer in the wake of his first, great spectro-
scopic discovery in 1718. Forty years after Fraunhofer’s original discovery of the
solar spectrum, the power of spectroscopy was clearly demonstrated by comparing
spectra which were obtained in the laboratory with those recorded from stars. This
correlation marked the time (1769) and place (Heidelberg) of the establishment of
spectroscopy as an analytic tool. Kirchhoff and Bunsen, professors of physics and
chemistry at the University of Heidelberg recognized the analytic power of
spectroscopy and the unparalleled capability to study both physical and chemical
processes in the laboratory and in cosmic dimensions. The new tool ‘‘spectros-
copy’’ and its future applications were stated in an article of Kirchhoff and Bunsen
that it would open ‘‘an entirely untrodden field, stretching far beyond the limits of
the earth or even our solar system.’’ They praised the almost inconceivable sen-
sitivity and applicability of spectroscopy that would lead to many new discoveries.
The early spectroscopic techniques of Kirchhoff and Bunsen are basically still in
use, but they have been extended duly refined, and it has become a computerized
assignment process.
The basic spectroscopic technique of matching specific wavelengths or fre-
quencies from distant objects with those spectral features obtained in the labora-
tory has remained in use till date and has supplied us with an abundance of detailed
interstellar vistas of a fascinating information. The enormous technological and
scientific advances which have occurred in the last 30 years have allowed for
bringing forth two developments. First, they have made spectroscopic observations
possible throughout virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum—though with
different resolution and sensitivity—providing access to an overwhelming amount
of spectral features. Second, they have pushed the accuracy of spectral line
identification in some wavelength regions, e.g., at microwave and millimeter
wavelengths, to about one part in 109, thus virtually excluding erroneous identi-
fications. In the optical region, a spectral resolution of about one part in 105 is
achieved and this suffices since the density of a spectrum is not as high as in the
millimeter wave region. Most of the hundred or more interstellar molecules
detected to date have been identified in the microwave, millimeter-, and sub-
millimeter-wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum via their characteristic
rotational transition frequencies. An increased number of new identifications will
18 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
come forward in the Terahertz region. The interstellar carbon complex, CCC or the
linear molecule C3 ; has recently been identified. Other gas phase molecules have
been detected in the infrared via characteristic vibrational frequencies.
Atoms and molecules, both neutral and ionized, exhibit spectral features
throughout most of the electromagnetic spectrum. These spectral lines—in emis-
sion and/or absorption—carry detailed and rather specific information on the
physical and chemical conditions of the sources from which they emanate. In fact,
the heights of the energy levels of the observed transitions together with the degree
of their population furnishes a reliable measure of the excitation conditions and
thus the temperature of the source itself. The relative intensities of various tran-
sitions of a molecule, in conjunction with the principle of statistical equilibrium,
can be used to derive the gaseous number-density of the source.
Since the first discovery of polyatomic molecules in space, the field of inter-
stellar spectroscopy has branched out into many different areas of physics,
astronomy, chemistry, biology, and technology. Despite this astounding diversity,
two major scientific trends dominate the technical developments:
1. The quest for studies of the atomic and molecular distribution on a wide range
of spatial scales from hundreds of degrees down to about 1 arcsec and less. The
aim is to obtain a broad overview of the large-scale galactic distribution of
molecular clouds and a high spatial-resolution picture of the internal cloud
structure with the hope of ultimately resolving the details of star-forming
regions. This wide range of spatial resolution can be achieved by the use of
small and large millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave single-dish telescopes and
telescope arrays.
2. The extension of the presently available frequency region into the Terahertz
band of the electromagnetic spectrum accessible for interstellar spectroscopic
study from the ‘‘standard’’ 10 cm to 1 mm wavelengths into the sub-millimeter
and far-infrared regions. Multiline studies, probing high excitation conditions
of hot and dense star-forming regions, are behind the strong push to open the
sub-millimeter and far-infrared regions to astronomical observation, from
earth-based, airborne, and satellite missions. The two disciplines, laboratory
and interstellar research, of microwave, millimeter-wave and Terahertz spectral
lines have always been intimately connected.
However, quite independently of the wavelength region, the spectroscopic
history tells us that the fascinating interplay of the research started from the very
beginning of spectroscopy, at the time of Fraunhofer, Bunsen and Kirchhoff (the
wavelength region—OPTICAL LINES). It has been exciting to witness the
expansion toward the IR-region and since 1968, with the knowledge of the exis-
tence of the first polyatomic interstellar molecule, NH3 at 23 GHz, a fascinating
1 History 19
The entire infrared domain covers the wavelengths region from k 1 mm all the
way down to k 1lm (or 300 THz) in four wavelengths intervals. From the long
wavelength’s end to that of the shortest wavelength, they are named as follows:
k 1--0:3 mm sub-millimeter wave (Sub-MM) region,
k 0:3--50 lm far-infrared (FIR) region,
k 50--3 lm mid-infrared (MIR) region,
k 3--1 lm near-infrared (NIR) region.
The two long wavelength intervals, the sub-millimeter, or sometimes called the
radio region, and the FIR regions, are of high interest, for they turn out to be the
Terahertz (THz) band.
The THz window of the electromagnetic spectrum is sandwiched between the
two more established areas—the millimeter-wave band and the infrared region. At
the long wavelength end, the THz window joins the microwave region and
accordingly, at the short end of the THz domain, one finds eventually closing up to
the optical region. Thus, the THz-domain covers in total approximately the same
region as traditionally has been covered for the Far–Infrared, FIR. Although there
is no official agreement known to us, which would define the area exactly, the
frequency gap between 1011 Hz and 5 1012 Hz represents the THz region. It is
advantageous to note that 1 THz (=1,000 GHz) corresponds to an energy of
4 meV or 50 K. The THz region, if considered from the infrared part of the
spectrum, has been referred to traditionally as the far–infrared region, FIR, which
bridges the gap between microwave and optical region.
20 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
Being situated between the radio and infrared domains, the THz region bor-
rowed to a large extent its techniques from the established areas. Predominantly, it
relied to a certain extent, but by no means entirely, on the transfer of technology
from the millimeter-wave region. Despite this enormous transfer, the THz region
has become the hunting ground for a rich, scientific prey. But still it remains to be
one of the most poorly explored areas of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The
access to the field is still not an easy one, and two physically very different reasons
are dominating the main causes for these persistent access difficulties:
1. The first one is directly related to the problems encountered in fabricating the
mm-wave equipment and optimizing its sub-mm and THz usage.
2. The second problem is of rather different origin, and is the frequency-dependent
attenuating nature of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The combined effects of these two causes have been in the past the main
obstacles toward a quick and speedy recovery of the THz region. The general
difficulties, encountered in scaling down in a linear fashion the intrinsic sub-
millimeter wave hardware, remain a notoriously difficult task. But, in principle, the
problems of producing accurate pieces of millimeter-wave hardware are slowly
mastered by the quality outcome of an in-depth extensive technological program.
A variety of laboratories, including the Cologne Laboratories, have taken great
benefit from these measures.
Other important prerequisites are beyond any doubt, the availability of high
gain sub-millimeter-wave telescopes on appropriate mountain sites, such as the
KOSMA 3-m-submillimeter-wave telescope on Gornergrat, in the Swiss central
Alps, or the reliable supply of sub-millimeter-wave radiation sources, together
with the proper combination of receivers, detectors, low-noise amplifiers, and
spectrometers. These fairly expensive custom-made pieces of equipment often do
stretch the resources available to the different groups. It is to be noted here that
commercially only very few millimeter and/or sub-millimeter items can be pur-
chased. Some of the most important sub-millimeter-wave components have to be
produced by the research teams themselves. These preconditions are often too
prohibitively high for one group so as to overstretch the resources available.
In this book, we will consider molecular lines detected by laboratory tech-
niques, whereby THz spectroscopy can employ broad band scanning, i.e., about
50 GHz, and the ultimate frequency resolution achieved with our spectrometers is
around 40 kHz at about 1 THz. These laboratory-recorded line-width can be
compared with the same lines emitted from interstellar sources. Interstellar lines
compare in width quite favorably, provided they emanate from quiescent dark
clouds, where no star formation takes place.
Another important group of lines are in the region beyond 2 THz: the vibra-
tion–rotation lines of low bending vibrational bands have recently been discovered
in the case of CCC in the m2 bending mode at about 2 THz.
Finally, the increasing attenuation of the Earth atmosphere, as one progresses
into the THz region, i.e., [1 THz, has to be added to the general difficulties.
1 History 21
However, judged by some of the recently secured results, the Terahertz region
promises to be the band of plenty. In fact, it seems to hold the key for some of the
very important aspects of physics, chemistry, astrophysics, and of laboratory and
interstellar spectroscopy. The reason for this behavior rests in the basic property of
the Terahertz radiation to match the energy level schemes of a large variety of
applications. The Terahertz spectrum is dominated by light molecules containing
hydrogen. They are known as the hydrides.
Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826), German optician and physicist, was born at
Straubing, Bavaria, March 6, 1787.2 The son of a poor glazier, he was apprenticed
at the age of 12 to a lens grinder in Munich. He later went to work at the
Utzschneider Optical Institute near Munich, and rose to become the institute’s
general manager, in 1818. Fraunhofer acquired great skill in the manufacture of
lenses and constructed some of the finest refracting telescopes ever built. He
invented a heliometer and a diffraction grating for measuring the wavelengths of
light. He studied and carefully measured 576 of the dark lines in the solar spec-
trum, previously noticed by W. H. Wollaston. These became to be known as
Fraunhofer lines. Fraunhofer’s studies were cut short by his early death from
tuberculosis at Munich, June 7, 1826.
In all respects, the discovery that the sun and the stars are made up of the same
chemical elements as the Earth is one of the earliest and greatest achievements of
spectroscopy and its first application to astronomical objects. The identification
of the Fraunhofer lines was begun in the years 1859–1861 by the new methods of
spectral analysis introduced by R. W. Bunsen and G. R. Kirchhoff. This correlation
marked the time and place of the establishment of spectroscopy as an analytic tool
with an unparalleled power to study both physical and chemical processes in the
laboratory and in cosmic dimensions. The power of this new tool ‘‘spectroscopy’’
and its potential for future applications were recognized by Kirchhoff and Bunsen,
who stated that it would open ‘‘an entirely untrodden field, stretching far beyond
the limits of the Earth, or even of our solar system’’ and who noted the ‘‘almost
inconceivable’’ sensitivity of spectroscopy that would lead to the detection of
hitherto unknown elements. Indeed many new elements, such Cs, Rb, and He,
were subsequently detected by their atomic spectra, in the laboratory, and in stars.
In 1914, Martin Schwarzschild tried to explain the dark Fraunhofer lines in terms
of widths and shapes with the idea to derive from the stellar lines the structure and
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, München, Germany, provides a biographic document for Fraunhofer:
22 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
evolution of the stars. But a more detailed understanding of the spectra and their
associated energy level diagrams had to await the advent of quantum mechanics in
the 1920s and its application to molecular spectra. These efforts in obtaining
extremely precise data on stars and derived from the observed spectra of 4,000
stars were classified into four spectral types. Finally, all this study culminated in
the famous Harvard classification of stars catalog. Over a time-span of several tens
of years the Henry–Draper Catalog which contains the spectral type of about one
quarter of a million stars. The basic result of this enormous experimental data is
that the Harvard sequence of stars is essentially arranged according to their
A few biographic reports have been published for Herschell, e.g., Millman [45].
1 History 23
In the year 1781, Herschel made a discovery which, as we shall see, soon
completely altered the character of his professional life. In the course of his
systematic examination of the heavens with a view to the discovery of the plan of
their construction, he lighted on an object which at first he supposed to be a comet,
but which, by its subsequent motions and appearance, turned out to be a new
planet, moving outside of the orbit of Saturn. To this planet, he in due time
assigned the name of Georgium Sidus; but this name has by general consent been
laid aside in favor of Uranus.
In the year 1782, in consequence of his fame, Herschel was invited to Windsor
by George III, and then accepted the offer made by the king to become his private
astronomer, and thenceforth devoted himself wholly to a scientific career. The
salary offered and accepted was £ 200 per annum, to which an addition of £ 50 per
annum was subsequently made for the astronomical assistance of his faithful sister.
Dr. Watson, to whom alone the amount of this salary was mentioned, made the
natural remark, ‘‘Never before was honor purchased by a monarch at so cheap a
rate.’’ In this way, the great philosophical astronomer was shifted from Bath first to
Datchet and soon afterward permanently to Slough, within easy access of his royal
patron at Windsor.
It was at Slough in 1783 that he wrote his first memorable article on the
‘‘Motion of the Solar System in Space,’’ a sublime speculation, yet through his
genius realized by consideration of the utmost simplicity. He returned to the
same subject with full details in 1805. It was also after his shift to Slough that he
published his first memoir containing his speculative ideas on the Construction
of the Heavens, which from the beginning had been the chief aim of his tools,
both of mind and body. In a long series of remarkable articles, addressed as
usual to the Royal Society, and extending from the year 1784 to 1818, when he
was 80 years age, he demonstrated the fact that our sun is a star situated not far
from the bifurcation of the Milky Way, and that all the stars visible to us lie
more or less in clusters scattered throughout a comparatively thin stratum, but in
the other two dimensions stretching immeasurably further into space. At one
time, he imagined that his powerful instruments had pierced through this stellar
stratum of the Milky Way, and that he had approximately determined the form
of some of its boundaries. In the last of his memoirs, he had convinced himself
of his error, and he admitted that to his telescopes our stratum of stars is
‘‘fathomless.’’ Over this stratum of stars and their planetary attendants, the whole
being in ceaseless motion round some common center of gravity as the resultant
point of the combined gravitation, Herschel discovered on either side a canopy
of discrete nebulous masses, from the condensation of at least a part of which
the whole stellar universe had been formed, a magnificent conception, pursued
with a force of genius and put to the practical test of observation with an
industry almost incredible. It was the work of a single mind, carried to its
termination with no assistance beyond that of a loyal sister, almost as remarkable
a personage as himself.
Hitherto, we have said nothing about the grand reflecting telescope, of 40 foot
focal length and 4 foot aperture, which is too often regarded as the chief effort of
24 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
his genius and his perseverance. The full description of this celebrated instru-
ment will be found in the 85th volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society.
Gigantic as it really was, we are disposed to regard it as among the least of his
great works. On the day it was finished (August 28, 1789), Herschel saw at the
first view, in a grandeur not witnessed before, the Saturnian system with all its
six satellites, (Pan, Atlas, Pandora, Prometeus, Epimetheus, Janus, and Mimas)
five of which had been discovered long before by Huygens or Cassini, while the
sixth, subsequently named Enceladus, which he had, two years before, sighted by
glimpses in his exquisite little telescope of 6:5 inches aperture, but now saw
in unmistakable brightness with the towering giant he had just completed.
On September 17, he discovered a seventh, which proved to be the nearest of all
the satellites of Saturn. It has since that time received the name of Mimas. It is
somewhat remarkable that, notwithstanding his long and repeated scrutinies
of this planet, the eighth satellite Hyperion, and the crape ring should have
escaped him.
Herschel married the widow of Mr. John Pitt, a wealthy London merchant, on
May 8, 1788, by whom he had only one son, John Frederick William. The prince
regent conferred a Hanoverian knighthood upon him in 1816. But a far more value
and less tardy distinction was the Copley medal assigned to him by his associates
in the Royal Society in 1781. He died at Slough on August 25, 1822, in the eighty-
fourth year of his age, and was buried under the tower of St. Laurence Church,
Upton, within a few hundred yards of the old site of the 40-foot telescope. A mural
tablet on the wall of the church bears a Latin inscription from the pen of the late
Dr. Goodall, provost of Eton College. A collection edition of his astronomical
memoirs would speak of his genius in unmistakable language; but this has not been
Herschel was an indefatigable worker. For many years, he made nightly sys-
tematic surveys of the sky, examining planets, stars, nebulae, and star clusters. By
day he worked over his results or directed the construction of his telescopes. His
sister Caroline was his assistant and became an independent worker of some
standing. Herschel observed sun-spots, confirmed the gaseous nature of the sun,
rediscovered the Martian polar caps, and believed in the possibility of life on Mars.
He announced the trade-wind theory of Jupiter’s belts and discovered two of
Jupiter’s and two of Uranus’ Moons. His main purpose, he said, was a to gain
‘‘knowledge of the Construction of the Heavens.’’ His principal study was on stars,
and it was in this field that he made two discoveries of primary importance: the
movement of the solar system through space, and the evidence that binary stars
move around a common center of gravity. This evidence substantiated the
universality of Newton’s theory of gravitation. Herschel discovered nearly 1,000
double stars. In 1785, he brought out the disk theory of the stellar system, holding
that all nebulae are clusters of stars, which he called island universes. He aban-
doned the idea of the Milky Way as a collection of stars uniformly distributed and
came to believe that it was composed of local groups and clusters. The nebulae, he
thought, were all clusters not yet resolved into stars. Herschel also discovered
nebulae and clusters numbering from 2,000 to 3,000 on which he published catalog
1 History 25
1. E.E. Barnard, E.B. Frost, A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way
(Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, 1927)
2. G.B. Donati, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 25, 31 (1864)
3. W. Huggins, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 34, 148 (1882–1883)
4. A.E. Douglas, Astrophys. J. 114, 446 (1951)
5. L. Spitzer Jr., E.G. Zweibel, Astrophys. J. 191, L127 (1974)
6. L. Spitzer, Physical Process in the Interstellar Medium (Wiley-Interscience, New York,
7. H.I. Ewen, E.M. Purcell, Nature 168, 356 (1951)
8. C.A. Muller, J.H. Oort, Nature 168, 357 (1951)
9. L. Essen, R.W. Donaldson, M.J. Bangham, E.G. Hope, Nature 229, 110 (1971)
10. T.L. Wilson, L. Filges, in Proceedings of IAU Colloq, vol. 125, ed by M.A. Godon,
R.L. Sorochenko (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990)
11. G.L. Verschuur, K.I. Kellermann, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Radio Astronomy (Springer,
Berlin, 1988)
12. G. Melnick, G.E. Gull, M. Harwit, Astrophys. J. 227, L29 (1979)
13. J.W.V. Storey, D.M. Watson, C.H. Townes, Astrophys. J. 233, 109 (1979)
14. R.W. Russel, G. Melnick, G.E. Gull, M. Harwit, Astrophys. J. 240, L99 (1980)
15. M.K. Crawford, R. Genzel, C.H. Townes, D.M. Watson, Astrophys. J. 291, 755 (1985)
16. R. Genzel, A.I. Harris, J. Stutzki, D.T. Jaffe, Astrophys. J. 332, 1049 (1988)
17. A. Dalgarno, R.A. McCray, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 10, 375 (1972)
18. G.J. Stacy, N. Geis, R. Genzel, J.B. Lugten, A. Poglitsch, A. Sternberg, Astrophys. J. 373,
L99 (1980)
19. S.C. Madden, R. Genzel, F. Herrmann, A. Poglitsch, N. Geis, C.H. Townes, G.J. Stacy, Bull.
Am. Astron. Soc. 24, 1268 (1992)
20. A.L. Cooksy, R.J. Saykally, J.M. Brown, K.M. Evenson, Astrophys. J. 309, 828 (1986)
21. A. Omont, Rev. Mod. Astron. 1, 102 (1988)
22. W.D. Watson, Rev. Mod. Phys. 48, 513 (1976)
23. G. Winnewisser, E. Herbst, Top. Curr. Chem. 139, 119 (1987)
24. G. Winnewisser, E. Herbst, H. Ungerechts, in Spectroscopy of the Earth’s atmosphere and
interstellar medium, ed. by K.N. Rao, A. Weber (Academic Press, Boston, 1992)
25. T. Dunhum Jr., W.S. Adams, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 49, 26 (1937)
26. P. Swings, L. Rosenfeld, Astrophys. J. 86, 483 (1937)
27. A.E. Douglas, G. Herzberg, Astrophys. J. 94, 483 (1941)
28. G. Winnewisser, J.T. Armstrong (eds.), in The Physcis and Chemistry of Interstellar
Molecular Clouds. Lecture Note in Physics 331. (Springer, Berlin, 1989)
29. G. Winnewisser, E. Herbst, Rep. Prog. Phys. 56, 1209 (1993)
30. E. Herbst, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 46, 27 (1995)
31. E.F. van Dishoeck, Faraday Discuss. 109, 31 (1998)
32. K.W. Hinkle, J.J. Keady, P.F. Bernath, Science 241, 1319 (1988)
33. P.F. Bernath, K.W. Hinkle, J.J. Keady, Science 244, 562 (1989)
34. A. van Orden, J.D. Cruzan, R.A. Provencal, T.F. Giesen, R.J. Saykally, in Airborne Astronomy
Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, ASP Conference Series, vol. 73 (1995), p. 67
26 K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
35. M. Tuley, D.A. Kirkwood, M. Pachkov, J.P. Maier, Astrophys. J. 506, L69 (1998)
36. S. Yamamoto, S. Saito, Astro. Phys. J. 370, L103 (1991)
37. T.G. Phillips, P.J. Huggins, Astrophys. J. 251, 533 (1981)
38. J. Keene, G.A. Blake, T.G. Phillips, P.J. Huggins, C.A. Beichman, Astrophys. J. 299, 967
39. J. Hernichel, D. Krause, R. Roehrig, J. Stutzki, G. Winnewisser, Astron. Astrophys. 259, L77
40. A.G.G.M. Tielens, D. Hollenbach, Astrophys. J. 291, 722, 747 (1985)
41. A. Sternberg, A. Dalgarno, Astrophys. J. 338, 197 (1989)
42. D.J. Hollenbach, T. Takahashi, A.G.G.M. Tielens, Astrophys. J. 377, 192 (1991)
43. C.W. Allen, Astrophysical Quantities (Athlone Press, London, 1973)
44. B.D. Savage, J.S. Mathis, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17, 73 (1979)
45. P.M. Millman, J. R. Astron. Soc. Can. 74, 134 (1980)
46. G. Winnewisser, C. Kramer, Space Sci. Rev. 90, 181 (1999)
Chapter 2
Molecules Detected in Interstellar Space
The first optical detections of the diatomic radicals CH and CN and the CHþ ion
were already described in Sect. 1.3.1. Here, the first radio detections are discussed.
The late 1960s and early 1970s were an era of great excitement in all branches
of radio astronomy. In spectral line research, 12 years after the detection of the
first line, the 21 cm HI hyperfine structure (hfs) transition [2], finally, the first
molecule was found: the hydroxyl (OH) radical [3].
The OH K-doublet transitions, as well as many other lines at m-, cm- and mm-
wavelengths from a variety of molecules, had been identified as possible astro-
nomical targets in a visionary article by Charles Townes [4].1
see also Shklovsky [5].
Shortly after the detection of OH, Hoglund and Mezger [6] discovered the first
radio recombination line, H109a at 5009 MHz. Molecular radio astronomy started
in earnest in 1968/1969, with the discoveries of ammonia (NH3 ; Cheung et al. [7])
and water vapor (H2 O; Cheung et al. [8]) by a group around Townes,2 as well as
the first complex organic species, formaldehyde (H2 CO; Snyder et al. [9]),
breaking loose a real gold rush that has yet to stop. Even today, approximately 2–4
‘‘new’’ interstellar or circumstellar3 molecules are found each year, totaling to
more than 150 species (not counting isotopomers).4
The early history of ‘‘molecule-hunting’’ is well documented in the review by
Snyder (1972; ‘‘Molecules in Space’’ [10]), which gives a very useful introduction
to molecular radio astronomy, that is still very much readable today. In the same
volume, the review, following Snyder’s by Winnewisser et al. and presents an
equally excellent overview of the laboratory side of ‘‘Millimetre Wave
Spectroscopy’’ [11]
As shown in Table 2.1,5 many of the early molecular detections were made at
low radio frequencies (and toward Sagittarius B2). For a full list of interstellar
molecules detected in space, see Chap. 5.
Almost concurrently with cm-wavelength molecular radio astronomy, shorter
wavelength exploration started. Driven by new high-frequency receiver technol-
ogy and, generally, higher line intensities and a much higher ‘‘line density’’
(i.e., lines per GHz) the ‘‘millimeter explosion’’ started with the discoveries of CO
by Wilson et al. [35] and HCOþ (‘‘X-ogen’’) by Buhl and Snyder [36] both in
1970 (the latter published in 1971), and continues through today, having reached
the submillimeter range in the 1980s.
After the millimeter window was opened, (most) people spontaneously lost
interest in the cm-range because
• Most molecules have the bulk or the entirety of their rotational spectrum at
(sub)millimeter wavelengths.
• Almost all ‘‘simple’’ (di- or triatomic), light molecules have (sub)mm or far-IR
(FIR) rotational spectra.
• Many of the complex molecules were (for a long time) only found in Sgr B2.
Interest remained high in special cm-wavelength lines, including the NH3
inversion transitions near 24 GHz, a number of prominent maser lines from OH
(hfs, 1.7 GHz and higher frequencies), H2O (22.2 GHz), CH3 OH (25, 12.2, and
Both lines were on Townes’ (1957) list [4]!
Circumstellar molecules exist in the envelopes of evolved giant stars. Many species are
detected there which are also found in interstellar clouds, whereas some others, have so far only
been detected in a circumstellar environment.
See http://www.ph1.uni-koeln.de/vorhersagen/molecules/main_molecules.html.
The frequencies are taken from the JPL catalog [33]; see http://spec.jpl.nasa.gov/ or the
Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy (CDMS) [34]; see http://www.ph1.
uni-koeln.de/vorhersagen/molecules/main_molecules.html. Numbers in parentheses are uncer-
tainties in the last significant digit(s).
2 Molecules Detected in Interstellar Space 29
6.7 GHz), as well as the CH hfs lines (3.3 GHz). All of these, except for CH3 OH,
have all or the bulk of their rotational spectra at submillimeter and far-infrared
Considering the mm-wavelength data coming in, soon after the radio obser-
vations, it became clear that the emission from many low-frequency, low-J lines of
complex molecules toward Sgr B2 must be (weakly) inverted. Morris et al. [37]
pointed out that this can be understood if the dipole collision is not the dominant
factor of the collisional process; in such cases, population inversion for the J = 0
30 K. M. Menten and F. Wyrowski
and 1 levels (at least for linear or near-linear species) may occur easily over a wide
range of physical conditions (e.g., [38]). This is borne out by their statistical
equilibrium calculations.
After the first complex molecules were found in Sgr B2, this source turned into
a Bonanza: The described inversion mechanism together with a relatively strong,
extended continuum background ‘‘boosted’’ many otherwise undetectable lines
into ‘‘observability’’. As a consequence, the vast majority of interstellar molecules
was and still is found in Sgr B2, many of the most complex ones only there. All of
the molecules listed in Table 2.1 are found in this source.
Fig. 2.1 The giant molecular cloud G29.9 seen in 13 CO (1–0) emission (grayscale) from the
Galactic ring survey by Jackson et al. [40] overlaid with archival dust continuum observations
from SCUBA at the JCMT
The ground state J = 1 - 0 transition of LiH is near 444 GHz, an atmospherically very
unfavorable frequency. A tentative detection of this line was made in the redshifted (z = 0.68)
dense absorbing cloud toward the B0218+357 gravitational lens system [55].
32 K. M. Menten and F. Wyrowski
The history of interstellar hydrides begins with the detection by Dunhum [58] of
three optical absorption lines at 3957.7, 4232.6, and 4300.3 Å from diffuse inter-
stellar clouds [58], which subsequently were found to arise from CH (4300.3 Å;
McKellar [59]; suggested by Swings and Rosenfeld [60]) and CHþ (the former
two; [61]).
It has been thought for a long time that hydrides might play an important rôle in
cooling the highest density regions of interstellar clouds. Hydrides have, first, large
level spacings, allowing them to emit relatively a large amount of energy per
quantum. Second, their large dipole moments require high critical densities for
their excitation. Thus, their rotational levels are only excited in high-density
regions with n [ 106 cm3 , making them effective coolants in this regime, where
even rare CO isotopes are so optically thick that CO cooling becomes negligible
compared to that of (the hydride) H2 O.
This regime was excluded in the classical study by Goldsmith and Langer [62]
on ‘‘Molecular Cooling and Thermal Balance in Dense Molecular Clouds’’, but
was re-addressed by Neufeld et al. [63], who found that for elevated temperatures,
T ¼ 100K; H2 O cooling dominates, and the hydrides’ contribution is comparable
to that of all other molecules combined, i.e., &30% of the former.
Recent detections of hydride rotational transitions were made by the Caltech
Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), namely H3 Oþ (JK ¼ 1 þ þ þ
1 21 ; 32 22 ; 30
20 =307; 365; 396 GHz, [64, 65]), SiH ( P12 ; J ¼ 2 2/625, 628 GHz; [66]),7 HCl
2 3 1
(J = 1 - 0/626 GHz; [67]), H2 O; H18 2 O (110 101 =557; 548GHz; [68]), HDO (the
101 000 /465 GHz and 111 000 /894 GHz ground-state transitions; [69, 70]),8 and
NH2 (J ¼ 32 32; 12 12; 32 12/462, 459, 461 GHz); [71]). H2 Dþ (110 111 =372
GHz), the deuterated isotope of the key Hþ 3 molecule was discovered with the
James–Clerck–Maxwell telescope [72]. Observations using the Long Wavelength
Spectrometer aboard the Infrared Space Observatory led to the discoveries of HF
(J = 2 - 1/2.47 THz; [74]), HD (J = 1 - 0/2.68 THz and 2 - 1/5.36 THz;
[75]), plus various H2 O; OH, and CH rotational and some H3 Oþ inversion transi-
tions (many toward Sgr B2; [76] and in the proceedings [1]).
A preliminary conclusion is that (for the only two sources observed, Orion-KL
and Sgr B2) the measured HCl and HF abundances indicate that only a low
percentage of all chlorine is in these molecules, suggesting significant depletion. If
this should hold true for other hydrides as well, then their cooling contribution
Tentative detection.
A number of higher excitation cm and mm-wavelength H2 O; H182 O, and HDO transitions have
also been found.
3 itself was finally detected, after many arduous attempts, in absorption at near-infrared
wavelengths by Geballe and Oka [73], benefitting from a monumental body of laboratory
research, mainly gathered by Oka and collaborators (see the proceedings [1]).
2 Molecules Detected in Interstellar Space 33
could be much smaller than that discussed above. More sensitive observations of
more transitions toward more lines of sight are needed and are being observed now
using the APEX telescope and at the Herschel Space Observatory.10
Using the APEX telescope in Chile on the 5000-m high Chajnantor plateau,
several hydrides (SHþ ;13 CHþ ; OHþ , and HCl) have recently been studied from
the ground by Menten et al. [77] and Wyrowski et al. [78] in the absorbing diffuse
clouds towards Sgr B2(M). SHþ and OHþ were new interstellar detections, and the
detected absorption of a continuous velocity range on the line-of-sight showed
these molecules to be an abundant component of diffuse clouds (see Fig. 2.2).
34 K. M. Menten and F. Wyrowski
2.5 Ions
2.5.1 Cation
In 1970, Buhl & Snyder found an unidentified interstellar line during their search
for the HCN (1–0) line at 86.3 GHz and labeled it ‘‘X-ogen’’ [81]. Even before this
article was published in Nature, Klemperer [82] proposed HCOþ as the carrier of
the X-ogen line, but only several years later, this claim could be confirmed by
laboratory measurements and interstellar observations of H13 COþ . This first
detection of an interstellar ion, triggered studies on ion–molecule chemistry as the
basis for the formation of interstellar molecules in the gas phase (e.g., [83]). In
dense molecular clouds, the degree of ionization is determined by cosmic ray
ionization of molecular hydrogen which further reacts with H2 to form Hþ 3 . The
Hþ3 ion, which plays a key role in driving the chemistry in molecular clouds, was
only detected in 1996 by Geballe and Oka by infrared absorption of three rotation–
vibration transitions [73]. About a dozen cations have so far been detected and,
only recently, several anions as well.
2.5.2 Anions
In 1995, Kawaguchi et al. [84] reported in their centimeter spectral line survey of
the circumstellar envelope of IRC+10216 the detection of a series of seven lines
showing a spectral pattern of a linear molecule with a rotational constant of
1377 MHz. Only 11 years later, McCarthy et al. [85] could attribute with new
laboratory measurements these lines to the first anion detected in interstellar space,
C6 H . In addition, the lines from the ions C4 H ; C8 H , and C3 N (and possibly
C5 N ) have been measured in the meantime as well, and these molecules are now
also observed in dark clouds and star forming regions. Very recently, even CN-
was detected in the carbon star envelope IRC+10216 (Agundez et al., [86]). While
based on ion-chemistry models, negative ions have been predicted many years ago,
the new observations have now triggered a new set of chemical models with new
mechanisms for anion formation. A nice review is given by Herbst [87].
2 Molecules Detected in Interstellar Space 35
Besides simple linear molecules, such as CO and HCN, much larger linear mol-
ecules, chain molecules, have been detected over the years mostly in cold dark
clouds, but also in the envelopes of late-type stars and proto-planetary nebula. A
considerable amount of carbon can be locked up in these chains, with the prime
examples being chains such as HCn N; Cn H, and Cn S. The recent detections of
negatively charged chains have been discussed in the previous section. These
carbon chain molecules are highly unsaturated. The current longest detected chain
is HC11 N which was detected toward the cold Taurus Molecular Cloud 1 (TMC-1).
Laboratory frequencies of even longer chains are available. The longest chain
detected in circumstellar envelopes is HC9 N. Carbon chain molecules might be
related to the formation and destruction of carbonaceous compounds such as
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, see also the section about cyclic molecules).
Fig. 2.3 IRAM 30-m telescope observations of the CH3 CCH J ¼ 5 4K ladder in a massive
star forming clump. The temperature is estimated from the Boltzmann plot in the right panel
36 K. M. Menten and F. Wyrowski
As already mentioned in Sect. 2.1, the first symmetric rotor detected in space
was ammonia, NH3 , since ammonia has observable lines in the centimeter
wavelength range. These lines are due to the tunneling of the nitrogen through the
plane of the hydrogen atoms and are called inversion lines. This effect causes a
small splitting in energy of the rotational levels, and the so-called metastable
inversion lines with J = K can be observed in a relatively small frequency range
around 24 GHz. An excellent review of ammonia is given in Ho and Townes [88].
Rotational transitions of ammonia were first observed in its lowest vibrationally
excited state by Schilke et al. [89]. Rotational lines in the vibrational ground state
cannot be observed from the ground. The first detection of the (J, K) (1, 0) –(0, 0)
line at 572 GHz was done with the Kuiper Airborne Observatory by Keene et al.
Slightly asymmetric rotors offer, in addition to their dependence on the clouds’
temperatures, the opportunity to probe the density of the molecular clouds.
Important examples of this class of molecules that are often used in astronomical
investigations are methanol (CH3 OH) and formaldehyde (H2 CO). To determine
the physical parameters T and n of a molecular cloud, a range of transitions with
different dependence on these parameters is observed.
The first asymmetric rotor detected in interstellar space was water, although it is
very difficult to observe thermal water lines from the ground due to the large
amount of water vapor in our atmosphere. Thermal lines of water have been
studied with space observatories. The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) made
important detections of water. Its short-wavelength spectrometer (2–45 lm) cov-
ered mostly ro-vibrational lines, while its long-wavelength spectrometer
(43–194 lm) covered pure rotational transitions, both with crude spectral reso-
lution though. Velocity-resolved observations of the water ortho ground state line
at 557 GHz have been conducted with the small space observatories, Odin and
SWAS. A great progress in our understanding of interstellar water is currently
being made with the Herschel Space Observatory, which allows to make velocity-
resolved observations of many rotational lines of water with much higher spatial
resolution than with the previous space observatories.
The first cyclic molecule detected in space was SiC2 in the carbon star IRC+10216
observed by Thaddeus et al. [91] followed by the first truly hydrocarbon ring
molecule C3 H2 [92], which subsequently was extensively studied in many inter-
stellar clouds. After these detections, only a few new ones joined the group of
interstellar-detected cyclic molecules, namely, C3 H and C2 H4 O, and in 2001,
Benzene (C6 H6 ; Cernicharo et al. [93]) was detected in the infrared with ISO.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be considered as very big cyclic
molecules, but there relation to their smaller siblings and the formation of PAHs
are still not understood. For a recent review on PAHs, see Tielens [94].
2 Molecules Detected in Interstellar Space 37
Science with the Herschel Space Observatory has just started in 2010 has just started,
and the first results are encouraging (see the Astronomy & Astrophysics Herschel and
Herschel/HIFI special issues of 2010). Unbiased line surveys from about 650 to
70 lm that are being performed toward the most fruitful astronomical objects in
search of new detections of molecules in space have revealed already new species
(e.g., H2 Clþ ). Many lines of these surveys will remain unidentified, and more lab-
oratory spectroscopy and systematic computation and collections of frequencies, as
provided by the JPL and CDMS catalogs, will be crucial. For the detections of more
complex molecules, interferometers will be crucial. Besides ALMA, the Expanded
Very Large Array (EVLA) also will play a major role at cm wavelengths, where,
recently again, new heavy species are detected with the Greenbank telescope (e.g.,
the CH3 C6 H detections by Remijan et al. [108] toward TMC-1).
22. M.W. Sinclair, N. Fourikis, J.C. Ribes, B.J. Robinson, R.D. Brown, P.D. Godfrey,
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Chapter 3
Fundamentals of Spectroscopy
for Astrophysics
3.1 Atoms
The hydrogen atom is composed of two particles, a proton and an electron, and the
Hamiltonian describing the state of a hydrogen atom is
^ ¼ p p2
H þ 1 þ Vðjr1 r0 jÞ; ð3:1:1Þ
2m0 2m1
where m; r and p^ represent the masses, coordinate vectors, and their conjugates
momentum operators of the two particles; subscripts 0 and 1 of these variables
indicate the proton and electron, respectively. The potential energy V is the
attractive Coulomb interaction between the nucleus and the electron;
V¼ ; ð3:1:2Þ
4p0 jr1 r0 j
K. M. T. Yamada (&)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), EMTech,
Onogawa 16-1, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
e-mail: kmt.yamada@aist.go.jp
P. Jensen
Fachgruppe Chemie, FB C Mathematik u. Naturwissenschaften, Bergische Universität
Wuppertal, Gaussstr. 20, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany
N. Ohashi
Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kakuma,
Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
where e is the proton charge (electron charge is ‘‘e’’) and Z is the atomic number;
Ze represents the charge of nuclei and Z ¼ 1 for the hydrogen atom.
Introducing the relative coordinate r; the coordinate of the center of mass R;
total mass M; and the reduced mass l; i.e.,
r ¼ r1 r0 ; ð3:1:3Þ
ðm0 r0 þ m1 r1 Þ
R¼ ; ð3:1:4Þ
m0 þ m1
M ¼ m1 þ m0 ; ð3:1:5Þ
m1 m0
l¼ ; ð3:1:6Þ
m1 þ m0
Eq. 3.1.1 is expressed as
^2 p2
^ ¼ P þ^
H þ VðjrjÞ; ð3:1:7Þ
2M 2l
where P^ and ^ p are the conjugate momenta of R and r; respectively. Since the
electron mass is very much smaller than the proton mass, the reduced mass l is
very close to the electron mass m1 as
l ð1 0:000544Þm1 : ð3:1:8Þ
The first term of Eq. 3.1.7 represents the translation energy of the hydrogen
atom, which appears as the Doppler effect by spectroscopic observation. To
describe the internal motion of the hydrogen atom, we can ignore this term.
The Schrödinger equation, i.e., wave equation, for the stationary state of the
internal motion of a hydrogen atom is then
h2 2
r þ VðjrjÞ w ¼ Ew: ð3:1:9Þ
z ¼ r cos h; ð3:1:12Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 45
d2 U
¼ E/ U; ð3:1:15Þ
1 d dH E/
sin h ¼ Eh 2 H; ð3:1:16Þ
sin h dh dh sin h
h2 1 d
2 dR h2 Eh
r ¼ E VðrÞ R: ð3:1:17Þ
2l r 2 dr dr 2lr 2
The first two equations govern the angular motion and are independent of either
the reduced mass or the potential energy; they are applied commonly for angular
motion in space expressed by the polar coordinate system. The third equation rules
the radial motion.
The capital M represents the absolute value of m; i.e., M ¼ jmj: The function PM l in
Eq. 3.1.21 is the associate Legendre polynomial. The product of the functions
Um ð/Þ and Hm l ðcos hÞ is a spherical harmonic function, Ylm ðh; /Þ; which is an
eigenfunction of the orbital angular momentum L ^2 and of its component L ^z ; i.e.,
^Z Ylm ðh; /Þ ¼ m
L hYlm ðh; /Þ: ð3:1:24Þ
The last term in the large bracket on the right hand of the radial wave equation
(3.1.17) is rewritten using the quantum number l as
lðl þ 1Þh2
; ð3:1:25Þ
which represents the effective potential due to the centrifugal effect. Thus the
radial wave equation depends on l: The eigenvalues of the radial wave equation
(3.1.17) represents the internal energy of a hydrogen atom, and are independent of
l; they are [1]
Z 2 e2
E ¼ En ¼ : ð3:1:26Þ
2a0 n2
The value n is a positive integer and called as principal quantum number. Here we
introduce the radius of the first Bohr orbit for hydrogen atom,
a0 ¼ 0:0529 nm: ð3:1:27Þ
To be exact, the definition of the Bohr radius is slightly different from a0 ; the Bohr
radius is obtained by substituting the reduced mass l by the electron mass me in
Eq. 3.1.27.
The Eq. 3.1.26 explains the empirical formula of Rydberg,
En ¼ hc ; ð3:1:28Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 47
where RH is the Rydberg constant for hydrogen.1 The word term is historically
used to specify the electronic states expressed by the Rydberg formula, Eq. 3.1.28,
and the term value is the electronic energy expressed in wavenumber, i.e., E=hc:
The eigenfunctions of the radial wave equation (3.1.17) depend on n and l;
2Z ðn l 1Þ! Zr=na0 2Zr l 2lþ1 2Zr
R ¼ Rnl ¼ e Lnþl : ð3:1:29Þ
na0 2n½ðn þ 1Þ!3 na0 na0
E1 ¼ 13:6 eV: ð3:1:32Þ
For n ¼ 1 the orbital angular momentum quantum number l must be 0 as required
by Eq. 3.1.31. The orbit with l ¼ 0 is denoted as ‘‘s’’ orbit. Together with the n
value, the inner most orbit is denoted as 1s: For n ¼ 2; l can be 0 or 1. The orbit
with l ¼ 1 is denoted as ‘‘p’’ orbit.
Because of the m degeneracy, there are three, i.e., 2l þ 1; p orbits. Altogether
there are one 2s orbit and three 2p orbits for n ¼ 2: For n ¼ 3; l can be 0, 1, or 2.
The Rydberg constant is usually expressed in wavenumber in unit of cm1 : The factor hc is
explicitly written here to adjust the dimension.
48 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
The orbit with l ¼ 2 is denoted as ‘‘d’’ orbit. Thus there are one 3s; three 3p; and
five 3d orbits for n ¼ 3:
The notation s; p; and d are taken from the words sharp, principal, and diffuse,
which represent the spectral characters of the alkali atoms [2]. The l ¼ 3 is denoted
by f ; from the word fundamental, and the orbits with l larger than three are named
alphabetically as ‘‘g’’, ‘‘h’’, and so on.
^sZ n ¼ ms
hn: ð3:1:34Þ
i.e., the total angular momentum for an s electron is j ¼ 12 ; and that for an l [ 0
state are j ¼ l þ 12 and l 12 :
The electron spin contribution to the internal energy of a hydrogen atom cannot
be evaluated by the Schrödinger equation, Eq. 3.1.9. Required is the Dirac equation
where the relativity contributions are properly taken care of. The degeneracy for a
given n state in the Bohr model, Eq. 3.1.26, is thus removed by this interaction and
the energy levels exhibit fine structure. The fine structure is indicated by j in
subscript as nlj ; for example, 2p32 means ðn; l; jÞ ¼ ð2; 1; 32Þ: The fine structure
splitting of the 2p32 and 2p12 is approximately 10.9 GHz. By the Dirac equation, the
2s12 and the 2p12 states are still degenerate, which can be removed by applying the
QED theory resulting with about 1 GHz splitting, which is called the Lamb shift.
Classically speaking, the electron spin couples with orbital angular momentum
via magnetic interaction, i.e., the spin–orbit interaction;
The energy shift due to this interaction can be evaluated, for the first order
correction, with the diagonal element of this operator, applying the vector model,
j 2 ¼ l 2 þ 2l s þ s 2 ð3:1:37Þ
DEso ¼ Aso ½ jðj þ 1Þ lðl þ 1Þ sðs þ 1Þ : ð3:1:38Þ
The proton, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom, has also a spin angular momentum,
nuclear spin I ¼ 12 : The total angular momentum including the nuclear spin, F; is
the vector sum of I and j;
F ¼ j þ I; ð3:1:39Þ
and the energy terms are further split by the nuclear spin–electron spin interaction,
resulting in the hyperfine structure; the interaction operator is similar to that of the
spin–orbit interaction, Eq. 3.1.36,
The Hamiltonian for the hydrogen atom, Eq. 3.1.1, can be extended for an atom
with more electrons; i.e., numbering the electrons by i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N
^20 p2i
^ ¼ p
H þ i¼1
þ Vðjri r0 jÞ þ V 0 ðrj ri Þ; ð3:1:42Þ
2m0 2me i¼1 j[i
50 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
where m0 and me are the masses of the nucleus and an electron, and r0 and ri
represent the coordinates of them. The potential energy V is the attractive
Coulomb interaction between the nucleus and the electron as in Eq. 3.1.2;
V¼ ; ð3:1:43Þ
4p0 jri r0 j
The potential energy V 0 represents the repulsive Coulomb interaction between the
electrons i and j;
V0 ¼ : ð3:1:44Þ
4p0 rj ri
Contrary to the case of hydrogen atom, the Schrödinger equation for the atoms
with more than one electron, derived from the Hamiltonian, Eq. 3.1.42, cannot be
solved analytically. The motion of each electron in such atoms can be approxi-
mated as a motion in the centrally symmetric potential, where the effect of the
other electrons is handled as an effective potential as an average. In this approx-
imation, the motion of an electron can be described by the quantum numbers n; l;
and m; as in the case of a hydrogen atom.
Although the approximation applied above is relatively poor, the number and
type of orbits can be obtained. As in the case of hydrogen atom, the energy
separation between the states with different n is much larger than that between the
different l of a given n: The energy levels with a given n form a cluster which is
called shell. The shell of n ¼ 1 is named K shell, then L; M; and so on for
n ¼ 2; 3; . . .:
Each shell can be further divide into several sub-shells characterized by the l
quantum number. The shell structure and the number of orbitals for each sub-shell
are listed in Table 3.1.
The electrons are Fermions with spin 12 ; and therefore, the wavefunctions should
be antisymmetric to any permutation of electrons. If the two or more electrons
share an orbital, the wavefunction describing those electrons must be symmetric to
the permutation of those electrons. Obviously this is forbidden by the symmetry
requirement for Fermions. Thus, each orbital can be occupied by a single electron.
This is known as Pauli exclusion principle.
Consequently, the orbitals of the K shell, the lowest energy shell, can be
occupied by two electrons and then the shell is closed. The L shell is closed by
eight electrons; two of them occupy the s sub-shell, and the rest occupy the p sub-
shell. For each closed sub-shell, the total orbital angular momentum and total spin
li ¼ 0 ð3:1:45Þ
si ¼ 0: ð3:1:46Þ
The shells are closed for the ground state of rare gas atoms. By indicating the
number of electrons which occupy each orbital, the electron configuration of rare
gas atoms are expressed as 1s2 for He, 1s2 2s2 2p6 for Ne, 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 10 for
Ar, and so on.
The lightest atom of alkali metals is lithium (Li), which has three electrons. In the
ground electronic state, the K shell is closed by the two of them like in He, and
the rest one electron occupies one of the 2s orbitals, i.e., 1s2 2s1 : The motion of
the outermost electron resembles very much that of the hydrogen atom, because
the field caused by the electrons in the closed shell is spherically symmetric in
average. Thus the energy of this outer electron is well approximated by a formula
similar to Eq. 3.1.28;
En ¼ hc ; ð3:1:47Þ
ðn DÞ2
where D is a small correction term, named quantum defect, to the principal
quantum number n: It is clear from Eq. 3.1.47 the energy correction due to the
quantum defect is larger for the smaller n state.
The next larger atom of the alkali metals is sodium (Na), which contains 11
electrons. In the ground electronic state, ten of them occupy the K and L shells,
like in Ar, and one electron occupies one of the 3s orbitals, i.e., 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 :
Before discussing the electron configuration of atoms other than the rare gasses
and alkali metals, we explain the symbols of the electronic term which express the
electron configurations of an atom. First we introduce an important coupling
52 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
which is called total orbital angular momentum. Similarly the spin angular
momentum of each electron couples together, and they form the total electron spin,
S¼ si : ð3:1:49Þ
Those couplings are so strong that the atoms behaves as if they have a single
orbital angular momentum expressed by L and a single spin expressed by S:
Consequently the fine structures due to the spin–orbit coupling is represented by
the total angular momentum J which is the vector sum of L and S;
J ¼ L þ S; ð3:1:50Þ
Now we consider a more complicated atom, the carbon atom for example. The
electronic configuration of the carbon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p2 in its ground state. The K
shell and 2s sub-shell are closed, and thus the vector sum of li vanishes upto 2s
sub-shell and that of si as well, see Eqs. 3.1.45 and 3.1.46. Thus we can completely
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 53
ignore those electrons in the closed shell by calculating L and S in Eqs. 3.1.48 and
3.1.49. In case where no restriction of the Pauli exclusion principle exists, the
value L can be 0, 1, or 2, and the value S can be 0 or 1; i.e., there are six possible
terms, 1 S; 1 P; 1 D; 3 S; 3 P; and 3 D:
Because of Pauli principle, if the two electrons are distributed in the 2p orbitals,
the number of possible terms are less than six. For finding these possible terms, there
seems to be no simpler way than that explained by the Table 3.11 in Herzberg’s book
[2]. The possible terms are only 1 S; 1 D; and 3 P: Among the three, the ground
electronic state of carbon is 3 P; which can be predicted by the Hund rules.
The Hund rules, which can be wonderfully applied to find out the ground state
term symbol for most of atoms (with exceptions), are
1. The term of largest multiplicity is lowest in energy.
2. Within the same multiplicity terms, the largest L term is lowest in energy.
3. Multiplets are regular (the term with smallest J value is lowest in energy) for
the term where less than half of the shell is filled, and are inverted (the term
with largest J value is lowest) for the term where more than half of the shell is
For the carbon case, there is only one triplet state. Thus we can find the 3 P to be
ground state from the rule 1, and no need to use the rule 2. This state is triplet and
there are three fine structure components, J ¼ 0; 1, and 2; 3 P0 ; 3 P1 ; and 3 P2 :
Since the 2p sub-shell is less than half filled (two of six), the Hund rule 3 suggests
for the carbon atom that the multiplets are regular and the ground state should be
P0 : The energy separations of the fine structure are caused mainly by the spin–
orbit interaction. The spin–orbit coupling energy is thus explained in the first order
approximation as
^ ^
^ SÞ;
hso ¼ Aso ðL ð3:1:52Þ
which should be compared with Eq. 3.1.36. As in the case of single electron, the
diagonal element of this operator
DE ¼ Aso ½JðJ þ 1Þ LðL þ 1Þ SðS þ 1Þ : ð3:1:53Þ
gives the energy separations for the fine structure. The fine structure energies of
the carbon atom, 12 C and 13 C, in the ground 3 P state are determined experimen-
tally with high precision by observing the direct transitions between the fine
structure components [3, 4] as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. The energy separation of
P2 3 P1 is observed to be 809 GHz, which is fairly smaller than that expected by
Eq. 3.1.53 from the observed 3 P1 3 P0 separation (492 GHz).
54 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
If the nuclear spin angular momentum I is not zero, the vector sum of the nuclear
spin and the electronic angular momentum J forms the total angular momentum F;
similarly to Eq. 3.1.39 in the case of single electron atoms, we have now
F ¼ J þ I: ð3:1:54Þ
The energy levels split further into several sub-levels denoted by F quantum
number which is the hyperfine structure.
Magnetic Interaction
In the Russel–Saunders coupling case the interaction of the nuclear spin I with the
total angular momentum J is expressed as
hmag ¼ aðJ^ ^IÞ; ð3:1:55Þ
which should be compared with Eq. 3.1.40. The diagonal contribution of this
operator can be evaluated by the vector model as
DEmag ¼ a½FðF þ 1Þ JðJ þ 1Þ IðI þ 1Þ : ð3:1:56Þ
The quantity in the square brackets in the equation above is often expressed by C:
C ¼ FðF þ 1Þ JðJ þ 1Þ IðI þ 1Þ: ð3:1:57Þ
For 12 C atom, there is no hyperfine splitting because the nuclear spin I ¼ 0 for
this isotope atom. On the other hand the nuclear spin I is 12 for 13 C isotope; the
hyperfine levels of 13 C atom in the ground state are illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 55
So far we have assumed that the nucleus is a point mass. It is, however, not the
case; a nucleus has a finite volume, and consequently it may have non-vanishing
electric multi-pole moments, which interact with the electric field caused by the
electrons surrounding the nucleus. Here we explain the interaction closely fol-
lowing the discussion presented Townes and Schawlow [5].
Because the electric dipole moment vanishes in atoms, if the nuclear state is not
degenerate, in most cases the leading term next to the mono-pole (Coulombic)
interaction in the electric multi-pole interaction energy is attributed to the quad-
rupole moment, i.e.,
1 o2 V 1 o2 V 1 o2 V
WQ ¼ qðx; y; zÞ x2 2 þ y2 2 þ z2 2
2 ox 2 oy 2 oz
2 2 2
o V o V oV
þxy þ yz þ zx dv; ð3:1:58Þ
oxoy oyoz ozox
where qðx; y; zÞ is the nuclear charge density and V is the electric potential pro-
duced by the electrons. By removing the spherically symmetric contribution,
which vanishes in a good approximation, the quadrupole interaction energy is
expressed as
1 o2 V o2 V o2 V
WQ ¼ qðx; y; zÞ ð3x2 r 2 Þ 2 þ ð3y2 r 2 Þ 2 þ ð3z2 r 2 Þ 2
6 ox oy oz
2 2 2
oV o V oV
þ6xy þ 6yz þ 6zx dv: ð3:1:59Þ
oxoy oyoz ozox
Since the volume of the nucleus is very small the field gradient V can be con-
sidered constant in the above equation.
Now we introduce an axis system ðxI ; yI ; zI Þ; where zI axis to be parallel to
the nuclear spin angular momentum vector I: Assuming that the nucleus
spins very fast, the charge density can be considered cylindrically symmetric,
56 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
i.e., qðxI ; yI ; zI Þ ¼ qðzI Þ; and the cross terms Eq. 3.1.59 vanish. In addition we
qðzI Þð3x2I r 2 Þdv ¼ qðzI Þð3y2I r 2 Þdv
Z ð3:1:60Þ
1 2 2
¼ qðzI Þð3zI r Þdv;
where the relation
3z2I r 2 ¼ ð3x2I r 2 Þ þ ð3y2I r 2 Þ ð3:1:61Þ
is used.
The quantity
Q¼ qðzI Þð3z2I r 2 Þdv ð3:1:62Þ
is the nuclear quadrupole moment. The quadrupole energy of Eq. 3.1.59 is then,
eQ o2 V 1 o2 V o2 V
WQ ¼ þ 2 : ð3:1:63Þ
6 oz2I 2 ox2I oyI
If the contribution of the electrons in the nucleus region is negligible, the Laplace
equation holds:
o2 V o2 V o2 V
þ 2 þ 2 ¼ 0: ð3:1:64Þ
ox2I oyI ozI
where we apply the Laplace equation, Eq. 3.1.64. By using the angle h between I
and J; the quadrupole interaction energy, Eq. 3.1.65, is rewritten classically as
eqJ Q
WQ ¼ 3 cos2 h 1 =2; ð3:1:67Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 57
o2 V
qJ ¼ : ð3:1:68Þ
oz2J av
where C is defined by Eq. 3.1.57. It should be noted here that the quadrupole
moment vanishes for J ¼ 0; I ¼ 0 or 12 ; because qJ vanishes for J ¼ 0 and Q
vanishes for I ¼ 0 or 12 :
where the effect of spins of electrons and nuclei is ignored, which will be discussed
later. In the Hamiltonian given above, the coordinates of the nuclei A and B are
represented by ra and rb ; their conjugate momenta are ^pa and ^pb ; the coordinates of
electrons are ðr1 ; r2 ; . . .; rn Þ; and their conjugate momenta are ð^p1 ; ^p2 ; . . .; ^pn Þ:
Those two parts of the Hamiltonian in Eq. 3.2.1 are concretely expressed using
individual coordinate and momentum as
2 e2
^ nuc ¼ 1 p
H p2b =mb þ
^a =ma þ ^ Za Zb =jra rb j ð3:2:2Þ
2 4p0
e2 X n Xn Xn
^ el ¼ 1
H p2i =m
^ Za =jri ra j þ Zb =jri rb j 1=jri rj j ;
2 i¼1
4p0 i¼1 i¼1 i\j
where ma and mb are the masses of the nucleus A and B, Za and Zb are the atomic
number of them, m is the electron mass, and e is the electron charge. The first part,
58 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
^ nuc ; contains the kinetic energies of the nuclei and the repulsive Coulombic
potential between the nuclei, and depends only on the nuclear variables. The second
part, H ^ el contains the kinetic energies of the electrons, attractive Coulombic
potential between the nuclei and electrons, and the repulsive one between the
For solving this equation, we assume that the eigenfunction Wðra ; rb ; r1 ; . . .; rn Þ can
be expressed as a product
Substituting Wðra ; rb ; r1 ; . . .; rn Þ in Eq. 3.2.4 by Eq. 3.2.5, and neglecting the effect
pa and ^
of ^ pb on the function Wel ðr1 ; . . .; rn ; ra ; rb Þ; we obtain
Using Eq. 3.2.2 for H ^ nuc ; and considering that ðra ; rb Þ is actually expressed as
ðjra rb jÞ for a diatomic molecule, the equation above is expressed as
p =ma þ ^pb =mb þ Vðjra rb jÞ Wnuc ðra ; rb Þ ¼ EWnuc ðra ; rb Þ;
^ 2
2 a
Za Zb e2
Vðjra rb jÞ ¼ þ ðjra rb jÞ: ð3:2:13Þ
4p0 jra rb j
The quantity V is the potential energy for the nuclear motion. In the terminology of
the molecular orbital theory, the word ‘‘electronic energy’’ implies the quantity V
defined by Eq. 3.2.13, which includes the repulsion energy between the nuclei,
instead of the defined by Eq. 3.2.9.
pk Wel ðr1 ; . . .; rn ; ra ; rb Þ ¼ 0;
^ ð3:2:14Þ
where k ¼ a or b; i.e., the momentum operator for the nuclear motion, ^pa or ^pb ; has
no effect on the electronic wavefunctions. This assumption was introduced first by
Born and Oppenheimer in 1927 to simplify the problem [6], and referred as the
Born–Oppenheimer approximation.
This assumption is considered to be reasonable for most of the molecules
because of the following reason [1]. The electron mass m is 1836 times smaller
than the proton mass mp ; and about twenty thousand times smaller than the mass of
carbon nuclei, so that electrons in molecules move much faster than the nuclei.
When the nuclei change their positions, the electrons can follow almost imme-
diately, and thus it is enough to evaluate the motion of electrons for each
instantaneous positions of nuclei. In other words, the effect of the momenta of
nuclei on the electronic wavefunctions can be neglected; Eq. 3.2.14 is a quantum
mechanical expression for this.
60 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
The ratio of electron mass to nuclear mass is often used to evaluate the order of
magnitude of perturbations in molecular systems [7, 8]. The parameter often called
as ‘‘Born–Oppenheimer parameter’’ is defined as the quartic root of this ratio,
14 1
j¼ ; ð3:2:15Þ
M 10
where M is a typical nuclear mass. Using this parameter, the molecular levels can be
classified into three categories, i.e., the electronic energy ðEel Þ; vibrational energy
ðEvib Þ; and rotational energy ðErot Þ; with following order of magnitude relation:
The electronic energy Eel is not other than V defined by Eq. 3.2.13.
The Hamiltonian operator for the nuclear motions of a diatomic molecule, in the
left side of Eq. 3.2.12, is essentially same as that for the hydrogen atom, Eq. 3.1.1.
As we have done for the case of the hydrogen atom, we introduce the relative
coordinate r; the coordinate of the center of mass R; total mass M; and the reduced
mass l; i.e.,
r ¼ rb ra ; ð3:2:18Þ
ðma ra þ mb rb Þ
R¼ ; ð3:2:19Þ
ma þ ma
M ¼ ma þ mb ; ð3:2:20Þ
ma mb
l¼ : ð3:2:21Þ
ma þ mb
Then the Hamiltonian for the nuclear motion of a diatomic molecule is expressed
^2 p2
^ ¼ P þ^
H þ VðjrjÞ: ð3:2:22Þ
2M 2l
The first term represents the translational kinetic energy of the molecule in the
space, and will be ignored in the following.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 61
2 JðJ þ 1Þ
; ð3:2:24Þ
where I ¼ lr 2 is the moment of inertia of the molecule for the nuclear distance r:
which is the Schrödinger equation for the vibrational motion (bond stretching
vibration) of the diatomic molecule, and E is not other than the vibrational energy
Ev : Equation 3.2.25 can be simplified by introducing
wv ðrÞ ¼ wJ¼0 ðrÞ=r ð3:2:26Þ
2 d2
þ VðrÞ wv ðrÞ ¼ Ev wv ðrÞ: ð3:2:27Þ
2l dr 2
The typical shape of the potential energy VðrÞ for a diatomic molecule is illus-
trated in Fig. 3.3, which is characterized by the three elemental values: (1) the
potential minimum at re ; (2) the dissociation energy measured from the potential
minimum De ; and (3) the infinitely large potential value at r ¼ 0:
If the amplitude of the vibration is small compared to the re ; it is convenient to
express the instantaneous nuclear distance r as
r ¼ re þ q: ð3:2:28Þ
62 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
0 re 10
1 1
Vðre þ qÞ ¼ kð2Þ q2 þ kð3Þ q3 þ : ð3:2:30Þ
2 6
The coefficient kð2Þ is called the quadratic force constant, or the harmonic force
constant. The coefficient kð3Þ is called the cubic force constant, and so on. The
contribution of the cubic and higher order terms is called as the anharmonicity of
the potential. By ignoring the anharmonic terms in the potential, Eq. 3.2.27 is
identical to the Schrödinger equation of a harmonic oscillator,
h2 d 2
1 2 harm
þ kq wv ðre þ qÞ ¼ Evharm wharm
v ðre þ qÞ; ð3:2:31Þ
2l dq2 2
and the eigenvalues, i.e., the harmonic vibrational energy, are well known as
Evharm ¼ ðv þ Þhxharm ; ð3:2:32Þ
where v is a vibrational quantum number and xharm is the angular frequency, or
angular velocity, of the classical harmonic oscillator,
xharm ¼ : ð3:2:33Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 63
The harmonic vibrational frequency mharm in the unit of Hz is thus expressed as2
mharm ¼ xharm =ð2pÞ ð3:2:34Þ
and Eq. 3.2.32 is rewritten as
Evharm ¼ v þ hmharm : ð3:2:35Þ
The harmonic oscillator wavefunction, i.e., the eigenfunction of Eq. 3.2.32, for
the state expressed by v is
1 2 2
v ðre þ qÞ ¼ Nv Hv ðaqÞe2 a q ; ð3:2:36Þ
For the case of J 6¼ 0; the rotational correction term, Eq. 3.2.24, should be eval-
uated. If the nuclear distance of the diatomic molecule is fixed at the point of the
potential minimum (equilibrium position), r ¼ re ; then the moment of inertia I is
independent of the vibrational motion, and the rotational energy correction is
simply given as
Erot ¼ hBe JðJ þ 1Þ; ð3:2:38Þ
where Be is the rotational constant at the equilibrium position in the frequency unit
(Hz), and3
hBe ¼ : ð3:2:39Þ
The nuclear distance changes by the vibrational motion, and therefore, the
evaluation of the rotational energy is not so simple as in Eq. 3.2.28. In many cases,
however, the rotational energy contribution is much smaller than that of the
vibration approximately given in Eq. 3.2.32 as discussed earlier: see Eqs. 3.2.16
and 3.2.17. Thus we can handle the rotational correction term as a perturbation to
the molecular vibration, and the first order correction term given by the diagonal
This value in wavenumber unit (cm1 ), ~m; is expressed as ~m ¼ xharm =ð2pcÞ with c in cm/s.
If the rotational constant is given in wavenumber unit (cm1 ), then hcBe ¼
h2 =ð2Ie Þ with c in
64 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
matrix element of the perturbation operator represents the rotational energy Erot ;
Erot ¼ hBv JðJ þ 1Þ; ð3:2:40Þ
where Bv is the effective rotational constant averaged for the vth vibrational state,
hBv ¼ hwv
h =ð2IÞwv i; ð3:2:41Þ
where x and y are called as anharmonicity constants,4 and D and H are the quartic
and sextic centrifugal distortion constants.
More sophisticated expression was derived by Dunham [9] as
1 i
Ev;J =h ¼ Yij v þ ½JðJ þ 1Þj : ð3:2:44Þ
The relation of the Dunham coefficients with the parameters used in the traditional
expression Eq. 3.2.43 can be found in the textbook by Townes and Schawlow [5].
The expressions of the Yi;j coefficients by the potential parameters, Eq. 3.2.30, are
also listed there; actually Dunham expressed the potential as
V ¼ a0 n2 ð1 þ a1 n þ a2 n2 þ Þ; ð3:2:45Þ
where n ¼ ðr re Þ=re :
For diatomic molecules the anharmonicity constants x; y; and so on are often defined as mharm x,
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 65
S¼ si ; ð3:2:47Þ
are good quantum numbers also for molecules: similar to the Russel–Saunders
coupling discussed for the atomic term expressions, see Sect. In analogy to
the atomic term expressions, we denote the electronic states of L ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . as
R; D; P; . . .; the molecular term symbols are expressed in Greek, whereas atomic
term symbols in Roman. The spin multiplicity 2S þ 1 is indicated as a superscript
on the left of the angular momentum symbol as in the case of atoms. Thus, the
electronic state discussed in the previous section is of 1 R.
For the cases other than the 1 R state, various coupling schemes of angular
momenta caused by molecular rotation, electronic orbital motion, and electron
spin have to be considered. The contribution of the nuclear spins is usually small
and can be considered separately.
We follow in this text the IUPAC recommendation in 1994 for various angular
momenta [10]:
L: electron orbital angular momentum
S: electron spin angular momentum
R: rotational angular momentum
N: total orbital angular momentum; N ¼ R þ L
J: total angular momentum without the nuclear spin; J ¼ N þ S
I: nuclear spin angular momentum.
The electronic states of a diatomic molecule resemble those of a atom perturbed
by the external field generated by another atom nearby. The perturbation should be
axially symmetric along the axis connecting the two atoms, so-called molecular
axis. Because of this symmetry of the perturbation, called ‘‘axis interaction’’ in this
text, not only the total angular momentum and its projection on a space fixed axis,
but also its projection on the molecular axis is conserved, i.e., the quantum number
specifying them are good quantum numbers. As described below the electronic
states of a diatomic molecule can be classified into the Hund’s coupling cases by
the approximate quantity of this projection on the molecular axis.
66 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
If the axis interaction is stronger than the interactions between the various angular
momenta, the electron orbital angular momentum L couples first with the axis. The
vector L undergoes a precessional motion along the axis (in view point of the
molecule-fixed system) and its projection on the axis is conserved, which is
denoted by K; which is a good quantum number; the states with different K are
well separated. The electron spin angular momentum S is then coupled with the
axis by the spin–orbit interaction, and its projection on the axis is represented by a
quantum number R: The K and R are the signed quantities: classically they are
K ¼ L eaxis ð3:2:48Þ
R ¼ S eaxis ; ð3:2:49Þ
where the direction of the molecular axis is represented by an unit vector eaxis :
Thus along with the molecular axis there is an angular momentum components, X;
defined as
X ¼ K þ R; ð3:2:50Þ
which is a good quantum number in this case; the multiplets separation for dif-
ferent jXj; which is caused by the spin–orbit interaction, are much larger than the
typical rotational energy separation.
The vector addition of this axis component and the rotational angular
momentum R forms the total angular momentum J:
J ¼ R þ Xeaxis : ð3:2:51Þ
This requires J X:
Since R is perpendicular to eaxis ; X is the axis components of the total angular
momentum J: The coupling scheme described above is illustrated in Fig. 3.4 by
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 67
the vector model above, which is called as Hund’s coupling case ðaÞ: In case ðaÞ; X
is a good quantum number, and thus we indicate its absolute value, jXj; in the term
symbol as a subscript on the right; for example the term symbol 2 P32 represents the
state of ðS ¼ 12 ; L ¼ 1; jXj ¼ 32Þ:
Since the two angular momentum vectors, R and Xeaxis ; are perpendicular with
each other, the rotational energies in case ðaÞ can be expressed classically as the
sum of the quantity proportional to R2 and X2 : in quantum mechanics we obtain in
the first order approximation,
Erot =h ¼ Bv R2 þ AX2
¼ Bv JðJ þ 1Þ X2 þ AX2 ;
where we employed the vector model, Eq. 3.2.51, to evaluate R2 : Bv is the rota-
tional constant, see Eq. 3.2.41. Since X is purely electronic, the term with A
represents a part of the electronic energy, and thus usually large. This term can be
rewritten as
AX2 ¼ A K2 þ R2 þ 2AKR: ð3:2:53Þ
The cross term on the right originates from the spin–orbit interaction, Aso LS: cf :
Eq. 3.1.52. The diagonal contribution of the interaction is Aso KR in case ðaÞ: Thus
Eq. 3.1.52 can be replaced by
Erot =h ¼ Bv JðJ þ 1Þ X2 þ Aso KR þ A K2 þ R2 : ð3:2:54Þ
The last term of the equation is a constant for a given electronic term, and thus can
be ignored here because it can be included in the electronic energy.5
The energy level diagram of a 2 P state is schematically presented in Fig. 3.5.
For this state, L ¼ 1 and S ¼ 12 ; i.e., K ¼ 1 and R ¼ 12 : Consequently, we have
X ¼ 1 12 ¼ 32 and X ¼ 1 12 ¼ 12 : The states of jXj ¼ 12 and 32 have dif-
ferent energies due to the spin–orbit interaction; the size of splitting is jAso j; if
Aso [ 0; the jXj ¼ 12 level is lower in energy than the jXj ¼ 32 ; and vice versa: the
multiplets split by the spin–orbit interaction with Aso [ 0 is called regular and
with Aso \0 inverted as in the atomic cases, cf : Sect.
It should be noted that the spin–orbit constant Aso is different from A in Eq. 3.1.52 by a factor
of 2.
68 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
4.5 3.5
3.5 2.5
2.5 Π Ω=3/2 J
0.5 −ASO/2
J Ω=1/2
In this coupling case, the orbital angular momentum L couples strongly with the
axis, i.e., K is a good quantum number, but the electron spin S does not couple to
the axis, because of the weak spin–orbit interaction. The rotational angular
momentum R and K form a total orbital angular momentum N as
N ¼ R þ Keaxis ; ð3:2:55Þ
which requires N K:
Then the spin S is magnetically coupled with N; and the total angular
momentum J is formed by the vector addition,
J ¼ N þ S; ð3:2:56Þ
thus the quantum number J should be
J ¼ N þ S; N þ S 1; . . .; jN Sj: ð3:2:57Þ
The vector diagram of the coupling scheme is illustrated in Fig. 3.6
In this case, the spin multiplet components are split by the spin–rotation
interaction, cSN; and the energy is expressed in the first order approximation as
Erot =h ¼ Bv NðN þ 1Þ K2 þ c½JðJ þ 1Þ NðN þ 1Þ SðS þ 1Þ; ð3:2:58Þ
where c is called spin–rotation coupling constant (Fig. 3.7 illustrates an example).
Here we explain two additional interactions which are often un-ignorable. The first
one is the spin–spin coupling. In case of more than one unpaired electrons,
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 69
6 5.5
30 5 5.5
4 4.5
3 3.5
10 2.5
2 1.5
1 1.5
0 0 0.5 0.5
N 2 J
the interactions between the spins of those electrons causes an perturbation to the
energy expressed by
^ SS ¼ k 2 3^
H Sz S^2 : ð3:2:59Þ
The second one is the K-type doubling, which lifts the degeneracy of the
K ¼ þ1 and 1 state in the P electronic state; the interaction is effectively
expressed by the following operator:
H^K ¼ o ^Sþ þ ^S2 =2
p N ^þ^
Sþ þ N ^ ^S =2
þq N ^þ þ N^ 2 =2: ð3:2:60Þ
70 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
The q term exists for all P states. The p term vanishes for 1 P states, and the o term
vanishes for 1 P and 2 P states.
The K-type doubling interaction, Eq. 3.2.60, however, is an off-diagonal
interaction. The couplings discussed in the previous sections also have off-diag-
onal contributions. In the descriptions given to the previous sections are limited to
the diagonal contributions of the interaction terms, assuming that the coupling
scheme (a) or (b) is good. In order to reduce the off-diagonal contributions as
much as possible, coupling schemes other than the case (a) and (b) have been
In order to evaluate correctly the off-diagonal contributions, however, it
becomes common to express the necessary matrix elements (diagonal as well as
off-diagonal) by the case (b) basis and to diagonalize the energy matrix numeri-
cally; thanks to the developments in the computer technology, it works very well
in general, including the hyperfine interactions described in the next section.
If the nuclear spin angular momentum I is not zero for a nucleus of the diatomic
molecule, the energy levels split further into the hyperfine structure denoted by F
quantum number defined by Eq. 3.1.54. As discussed in Sect. there are two
kinds of interactions which contribute to the hyperfine structure: the magnetic
interaction and the electric quadrupole interaction. For simplicity we assume here
that only one nucleus has a non-vanishing nuclear spin.
Similar to the magnetic interaction in atoms, Eq. 3.1.55, there are interactions
between the nuclear spin angular momentum and the other angular momenta.
Assuming the z-axis is the molecular axis, the magnetic interactions can be
expressed as
hmag ¼ að^I LÞ
þ bF ð^I SÞ
þ cðI^z S^z ^I S=3Þ
dðS^þ^Iþ þ ^ S^I Þ=2; ð3:2:61Þ
where the first line in the right is the nuclear spin–orbit interaction, the second line
the Fermi contact interaction, the third line the diagonal contribution of the
electron–spin nuclear–spin dipole–dipole interaction, and the last line the off-
diagonal contribution for the P electronic state between the K ¼ 1:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 71
The quadrupole Hamiltonian H ^ Q for an atom, Eq. 3.1.69, can be applied also for
diatomic molecules. In diatomic molecules, the field gradient is axially symmetric
along the molecular axis, and thus the quantity qJ in the equation can be related to
the molecule axis component qz by as described in detail by Townes and
Schawlow [5]
qJ ¼ qz : ð3:2:63Þ
2J þ 3
^ Q is obtained as
Substituting this into Eq. 3.1.70, the diagonal contribution of H
interaction between the particles, the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation for the
molecule can be written as
T^n þ T^e þ VCoulomb ðRn ; re Þ wne ðRn ; re Þ ¼ Ene wne ðRn ; re Þ ð3:3:1Þ
with the molecular wavefunction wne ðRn ; re Þ and its corresponding eigenvalue Ene :
In Eq. 3.3.1, the operator T^n representing the kinetic energy of the nuclei is given
" #
N 2 2 2
h 1 o o o
T^n ¼ þ þ ; ð3:3:2Þ
2 g¼1 mg oXg2 oYg2 oZg2
the operator T^e representing the kinetic energy of the electrons is given by
n 2
^ h2 X
o o2 o2
Te ¼ þ þ ð3:3:3Þ
2me i¼1 ox2i oy2i oz2i
At the present time, all practical schemes for solving Eq. 3.3.1 are two-stage
procedures: First an ab initio calculation is carried out, that is, the electronic
Schrödinger equation
h i
T^e þ VCoulomb ðRð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ
n ; re Þ we ðRn ; re Þ ¼ VðRn Þ we ðRn ; re Þ ð3:3:5Þ
VðRn Þ we then develop procedures for solving Eq. 3.3.6 in order to obtain the
molecular rovibronic energies Ene and the corresponding wavefunctions wn ðRn Þ: Translation
The first problem that one encounters when developing a method for solving the
nuclear Schrödinger equation (3.3.6), is to choose a suitable set of coordinates for
describing the nuclear motion. This problem does not exist in ab initio theory,
where all existing methods appear to describe the motion of the electrons through
the Cartesian coordinates ðxi ; yi ; zi Þ ½i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n: These coordinates are well
suited to express the atomic-orbital-type basis functions used in ab initio calcu-
lations, and consequently they constitute a rather natural choice for the coordinates
of the electronic problem. However, the analogous nuclear Cartesian coordinates
ðXg ; Yg ; Zg Þ½g ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N are entirely inconvenient for setting up Eq. 3.3.6 in a
form that allows it to be solved in an efficient manner. Consequently, we must
rewrite the total nuclear Hamiltonian
^ total ¼ T^n þ VðRn Þ
H ð3:3:8Þ
In rotation–vibration calculations it is accepted practice to use atomic masses rather than
nuclear masses. As explained by Bunker and Moss [11] this compensates to some extent for the
breakdown of the Born–Oppenheimer approximation; see also Gordy and Cook [12].
74 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
coordinates ðt1;X ; t1;Y ; t1;Z ; t2;X ; t2;Y ; t2;Z ; . . .; tN1;X ; tN1;Y ; tN1;Z Þ through N 1
equations (see Sutcliffe and Tennyson [13])
8 9 8 9
< ti;X = X N < Xg =
ti;Y ¼ Vgi Yg ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N 1: ð3:3:10Þ
: ; g¼1 : ;
ti;Z Zg
Further, it necessary that the Vgi be such that the coordinate transformation defined
through Eqs. 3.3.9 and 3.3.10,
ðX1 ; Y1 ; Z1 ; X1 ; Y1 ; Z1 ; . . .; XN ; YN ; ZN Þ
! ðX0 ; Y0 ; Z0 ; t1;X ; t1;Y ; t1;Z ; t2;X ; t2;Y ; t2;Z ; . . .; tN1;X ; tN1;Y ; tN1;Z Þ ð3:3:10Þ
In this case, the Vgi matrix elements depend on the nuclear masses and hence the
ti;A coordinates become mass dependent or isotope-dependent. This means that
if we consider two isotopic molecules whose nuclei are arranged such that the two
molecules have the same values of the laboratory-fixed coordinates
ðX1 ; Y1 ; . . .; ZN Þ; these two molecules will be described by different values of the
coordinates ðt1;X ; t1;Y ; . . .; tN1;Z Þ: It is not necessary that the Vgi matrix elements
depend on the nuclear masses, and in many cases it is advantageous to choose
them to be mass-independent.
It can be shown that we can write the nuclear kinetic energy operator T^n as
^ h2
o o2 o2
Tn ¼ PN þ þ
2 g¼1 mg oX02 oY02 oZ02
^ o o o o
þ Trv ih ; ih ; i
h ; . . .; ih ð3:3:14Þ
ot1;X ot1;Y ot1;Z otN1;Z
where, as indicated, the kinetic energy operator T^rv (which describes the rotation
and vibration of the molecule) only depends on the momenta iho=oti;A conjugate
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 75
to the ti;A coordinates. Since in the absence of external fields, the effective potential
energy function VðRn Þ cannot depend on the coordinates ðX0 ; Y0 ; Z0 Þ;7 this means
that we can write H ^ total (Eq. 3.3.8) as the sum of two commuting operators,
^ total ¼ T^translation þ H
H ^ rv ð3:3:15Þ
^ h2 o o2 o2
Ttranslation ¼ PN þ þ ð3:3:16Þ
2 g¼1 mg oX02 oY02 oZ02
^ rv ¼ T^rv þ VðRn Þ:
H ð3:3:17Þ
^ total can be written as
Consequently the eigenvalues of H
Etotal ¼ Etranslation þ Erv ð3:3:18Þ
If we let the molecule undergo a uniform translation of all nuclei corresponding to a change in
the center-of-mass coordinates ðX0 ; Y0 ; Z0 Þ; VðRn Þ cannot change.
76 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
• motion of the nuclei relative to each other, which we will call vibration. Such
motion obviously is influenced by the effective potential function VðRn Þ:
When we define the coordinates ti;A as linear combinations of laboratory-fixed
coordinates, Eq. 3.3.10, the displacement of any one of the ti;A coordinates will
normally involve both rotation of the molecule as a whole and some relative
motion of the nuclei. Consequently, VðRn Þ will in general depend on all
3N 3 ti;A ’s. We would like to define a new set of 3N 3 coordinates that reflect
correctly the separation of the nuclear motion into rotation and vibration. The
general strategy for doing this, which is common for all methods of rotation–
vibration calculations, is as follows: A Cartesian axis system (the molecule-fixed
axis system) with origin at the nuclear center of mass is attached to the molecule so
that it follows the rotational motion (in a sense that we shall discuss below). The
orientation of the molecule-fixed axis system relative to the laboratory-fixed XYZ
axis system is defined by three Euler angles ðh; /; vÞ; see Appendix A of Papoušek
and Aliev [16]. We use these angles as rotational coordinates. Further, we define
3N 6 new coordinates ðq1 ; q2 ; q3 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ which are invariant not only under
uniform translation of the molecule [as were the ti;A ’s] but also under uniform
rotation of the molecule.8 Obviously we must select the scheme for attaching the
molecule-fixed coordinate system to the molecule and define the qi coordinates
such that the coordinate transformations
can be carried out in both directions, so that if we know a set of values of the
coordinates ti;A ; we can calculate the values of the coordinates ðh; /; v; q1 ; . . .;
q3N6 Þ and vice versa.
The traditional spectroscopic approach to solving Eq. 3.3.19 [8, 15–21] uses
vibrational coordinates chosen in order to simplify the expression for the kinetic
energy operator T^rv : This operator can be written as
T^rv ¼ T^rot h; /; v; P
^h; P ^/; P^v
þ T^vib q1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 ; P
^ q1 ; P
^ q2 ; . . .; P
^ q3N6
þ T^rest h; /; v; P ^h; P ^/; P
^ v ; q1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 ; P^ q1 ; P
^ q2 ; . . .; P
^ q3N6 ; ð3:3:21Þ
In the ‘‘standard theory’’ for a molecule whose equilibrium geometry is linear, two rotational
coordinates, h and /; and 3N 5 vibrational coordinates are employed [16]. This is a special
case which we discuss further in Sect.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 77
T^rot will commute with T^vib þ V since these two operators depend on different
coordinates. In the event that we can neglect T^rest we thus have the remaining
Hamiltonian written as a sum of two commuting operators whose eigenvalue prob-
lems we can solve separately and then construct the rotation–vibration wavefunctions
as the product
wrv ðh; /; v; q1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ ¼ wrot ðh; /; vÞwvib ðq1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ: ð3:3:23Þ
In practice, we cannot neglect T^rest ; but if we can minimize it through our coor-
dinate choice we might be able to treat it as a perturbation.
The coordinate choice outlined here aims at eliminating rotation–vibration inter-
action terms from the kinetic energy operator. Since these terms depend on the nuclear
masses, the coordinates ðh; /; v; q1 ; q2 ; q3 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ which are chosen to eliminate
them also become mass-dependent. However, the potential energy function is not
naturally expressed in these mass-dependent coordinates. We normally use a param-
eterized function of the nuclear coordinates to express the effective potential function
V; we would typically obtain the values of the parameters by fitting this function
through a set of ab initio energies with corresponding nuclear geometries. As noted by
Hoy et al. [21], the values of the parameters in V are independent of isotopic substi-
tution provided that we express V as a function of 3N 6 mass-independent, geo-
metrically defined coordinates which we might call ðR1 ; R2 ; R3 ; . . .; R3N6 Þ: These
coordinates are typically instantaneous values of internuclear distances (‘‘bond
lengths’’) or angles \(ABC) defined by three nuclei A, B, and C (‘‘bond angles’’). They
are different from the mass-dependent coordinates ðq1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ which we have
introduced to simplify the kinetic energy operator, so before we can solve Eq. 3.3.19
we must express the effective potential function in terms of the coordinates chosen for
the kinetic energy operator through coordinate transformations of the type
Ri ¼ Ri ðq1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ: ð3:3:24Þ
These relations are inserted in the effective potential energy function V and this
function can now be seen as depending on the coordinates qi : It is normally
possible to derive exact relations of the type given in Eq. 3.3.24, i.e., the Ri
coordinates can be expressed exactly in terms of the qj coordinates. However,
inserting these relations in the effective potential energy function leads to a
mathematically intractable form of this function. Consequently, one normally
resorts to an approximate coordinate transformation, in which the Ri coordinates
are expressed as power series in the qj coordinates (see Eq. 3 of Hoy et al. [21]):
3N6 X
X 3N6 ðjkÞ
Ri Ri0 þ Bi q j þ B i qj qk þ ð3:3:25Þ
j¼1 j¼1 k¼1
78 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
In the preceding paragraphs we have outlined the choice of what one might call
‘‘spectroscopic coordinates’’. The form of these coordinates is dictated by the
kinetic energy operator, because they are defined so that they minimize the rota-
tion–vibration interaction term T^rest in Eq. 3.3.21. Thus it is necessary to transform
the potential energy function to make it depend on the spectroscopic coordinates.
In the beginnings of rotation–vibration theory 60–70 years ago, one only had hopes
of calculating approximative eigenvalues for a rotation–vibration Hamiltonian
in which rotation and vibration were separated [i.e., in which T^rest could be
neglected), and consequently this type of coordinates constituted the only
feasible choice. However, the ‘‘standard’’ separation of rotation and vibration is
possible only if the molecule carries out its vibration in one deep ‘‘well’’ of the
potential energy surface. This potential well defines one equilibrium structure, and
the amplitudes of the vibrational motion must be small compared to the linear
dimensions of this structure. In this book we are only concerned with the cus-
tomary, standard approach to molecular rotation–vibration theory. Modern
extensions of this theory, which make use of high-capacity computers, are
described, for example, in Jensen and Bunker [22] and the references given there.
The standard approach to rotation–vibration theory [8, 15–21, 23, 24], describes
molecules whose potential energy surfaces have one minimum only, and the
molecule-fixed coordinate system (see Sect. is defined so that the con-
figuration of the molecule corresponding to the one minimum [the equilibrium
configuration] is rigidly attached to the molecule-fixed coordinate system. Hence
the equilibrium configuration is described in the molecule-fixed axis system
through constant position vectors ag for the nuclei g ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N:
8 9
< agx =
ag ¼ agy : ð3:3:26Þ
: ;
The vector components dgx ; dgy ; and dgz ; g ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N; are the vibrational
coordinates. However, we have seen in Sect. that there exist only 3N 6
independent vibrational coordinates and consequently the 3N components of the
dg -vectors cannot all be independent. Six of the 3N components are redundant, and
consequently there must exist six equations linking all 3N components. We
already know three of these equations: The molecule-fixed coordinate system is
defined to have its origin at the nuclear center of mass (Sect., both when
the molecule is in its equilibrium configuration and when it is in an arbitrary,
displaced configuration. One can easily show that this leads to the equations
m g ag ¼ mg dg ¼ O ð3:3:30Þ
g¼1 g¼1
80 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
where the vector x contains the components of the instantaneous angular velocity
of the molecule and, for an arbitrary quantity x; x_ is the time derivative dx=dt:
The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.3.31 is the Coriolis coupling term
which represents the dominant part of the interaction between rotation and
vibration. We would like to choose the coordinates so that this term disappears
completely, i.e.,
mg rg r_ g ¼ O ð3:3:32Þ
so that the Coriolis coupling term vanishes in the equilibrium configuration when
all dg ¼ O: Since we assume that the molecule carries out small oscillations
around the equilibrium configuration, the angular momentum in the molecule-
fixed coordinate system is then always small and a high degree of rotation–
vibration separation is achieved.
When we insert Eqs. 3.3.28 and 3.3.29 in Eq. 3.3.33 we obtain
mg ag Sðh; /; vÞ Rg R0 ¼ O: ð3:3:35Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 81
We have now defined the rotational Euler angle coordinates through the Eckart
equations (3.3.33). We now need to define the 3N 6 vibrational coordinates,
which we called ðq1 ; q2 ; q3 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ in Sect. Through this definition we
aim at simplifying the vibrational Hamiltonian. The classical vibrational energy is
the sum of the vibrational kinetic energy, which is given through the second term
on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.3.31:
1X N
1X N
Tvib ¼ mg r_ g r_ g ¼ mg d_ g d_ g
2 g¼1 2 g¼1
1X N n 2 2 2
o 1
¼ mg d_ gx þ d_ gy þ d_ gz ¼ d_ T Md_
2 g¼1 2
82 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
and the potential energy VðRn Þ: In Eq. 3.3.38, d is a column vector with 3N rows
containing the components of the vectors dg : d1x ; d1y ; d1z ; d2x ; . . .; dNz ; and M is a
3N 3N diagonal matrix with M11 ¼ M22 ¼ M33 ¼ m1 ; M44 ¼ M55 ¼ M66 ¼ m2
and so on.
In the standard approach the potential energy VðRn Þ is taken to be a Taylor
expansion in the geometrically defined coordinates defined above:
VðR1 ; R2 ; . . .; R3N6 Þ ¼ fjk Rj Rk
2 j;k
1X 1 X
þ fjk‘ Rj Rk R‘ þ fjk‘ Rj Rk R‘ Rm þ
6 j;k;‘ 24 j;k;‘;m
where the coordinates Ri are defined as displacements from equilibrium values so
that the configuration in which all Ri ¼ 0 corresponds to the equilibrium geom-
etry, where all first derivatives are zero and where we choose V ¼ 0:
In order to define the vibrational motion of the molecule, we now define 3N 6
independent, linearized internal coordinates Si through the transformation
Si ¼ Bi;ga dga ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; 3N 6; ð3:3:40Þ
g¼1 a¼x;y;z
the elements of this matrix can be derived using purely geometrical arguments. In
these coordinates the kinetic energy of the vibrations can be expressed as (see [15])
1 T
Tvib ¼ S_ G1 S_ ð3:3:42Þ
with S being a column vector with 3N 6 rows containing the Si coordinates and
G ¼ BM1 BT : ð3:3:43Þ
Through the definition of the B matrix we have for small values of the dga (i.e.,
configurations close to equilibrium) that Si Ri ; and we can then write
1X 1X 1
fjk Rj Rk fjk Sj Sk ¼ ST FS ð3:3:44Þ
2 j;k 2 j;k 2
where the matrix F has the elements fjk : Using a standard technique of classical
mechanics, the GF-calculation, we can change to so-called normal coordinates Qk
given through the transformation
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 83
1 3N6 X
dga ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ‘ga;k Qk : ð3:3:45Þ
mg k¼1
1X 1 T 1 Xn 2
1 3N6 o
Tvib þ fjk Sj Sk ¼ S_ G1 S_ þ ST FS ¼ Q_ k þ kk Q2k : ð3:3:46Þ
2 j;k 2 2 2 k¼1
In Eqs. 3.3.45 and 3.3.46, the kk are the eigenvalues of the matrix GF; they are
related to the harmonic vibration wavenumbers xk of the molecule through
1 pffiffiffiffiffi
xk ¼ kk : ð3:3:47Þ
The coefficients ‘ga;k can be obtained from the eigenvectors of the GF matrix, they
are given by Eq. 3.3.10 of [16]):
In Eq. 3.3.48, l is the 3N 3N 6 matrix with elements ‘ga;k ; and the matrix L
contains the eigenvectors of the matrix GF; that is, it is determined such that
That is, when we neglect expansion terms of third and higher order from Eq. 3.3.39.
84 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Watson [20] showed that when the classical Hamiltonian function described in
Sect. 3.3.2 is expressed in terms of the coordinates ðh; /; v; q1 ; q2 ; q3 ; . . .q3N6 Þ
and converted to quantum mechanical form using the Podolsky trick (see, for
example, Sect. 9.2 of [25]) the following quantum mechanical Hamiltonian for a
non-linear molecule is obtained:
1 X
^ rv ¼ 1
H ^ ^a lab ^
Ja p Jb p
^b þ hc xr ^p2r
2 a¼x;y;z b¼x;y;z 2 r¼1
2 X
l þV ð3:3:52Þ
8 a¼x;y;z aa
Ja component of the total angular momentum along the molecule-fixed að¼ x; y; zÞ
P P3N6 ðaÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
^a ¼
p h 3N6 f xs =xr qr ^ ps ; vibrational angular momentum.
ðaÞ Ps¼1 rsPN
frs ¼ fsr ¼ b;c¼x;y;z g¼1 eabc ‘gb;r ‘gc;s ; where the antisymmetric tensor
elements eabc are defined below and ‘gc;s is defined in Eq. 3.3.48.
Qr normal coordinate (Sect. 3.3.4)
P^ r ¼ i ho=oQr ; momentum conjugate to Qr :
qr ¼ cr Qr ; dimensionless normal coordinate defined in Eq. 3.3.51.
cr ¼ 2pcxr = h; Eq. 3.3.50.
^ r =ð pffiffiffiffi
^pr ¼ P h cr Þ; dimensionless conjugate momentum.
xr harmonic vibration wavenumber, Eq. 3.3.47.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 85
3N6 X 3N6
1 3N6 X X aad adb
ðI 0 Þab ¼ dab Ie;aa þ aab
r Qr þ
r s
Qr Qs ð3:3:53Þ
4 r¼1 s¼1 d¼x;y;z Ie;dd
^ rv ¼ H ð0Þ
^ rot ^ ð0Þ þ H
^ rest ;
H þH vib ð3:3:55Þ
^ rot
where H ¼ T^rot depends only on the rotational coordinates ðh; /; vÞ and their
conjugate momenta, H ^ ð0Þ ¼ T^vib þ V depends only on the vibrational coordinates
ðq1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ and their conjugate momenta, and H ^ rest depends on both rota-
tional and vibrational coordinates and momenta.
^ rot
We obtain H from Eq. 3.3.52 by setting all qr ¼ ^pr ¼ 0 (so that the molecule
is considered to be in its equilibrium configuration) and ignoring the small constant
term ð h2 =8Þ a¼x;y;z laa : The result is
X X ð0Þ
^ rot
H ¼ ^
Ja lab ^Jb ð3:3:56Þ
a¼x;y;z b¼x;y;z
where the superscript ‘‘(0)’’ on lab indicates that this matrix element is calculated
in the equilibrium configuration. It follows from the definition of the matrix l; and
from Eq. 3.3.53 that lab ¼ dab =Ie;aa ; and so
J2 ^
Jy2 ^J 2
^ rot
H ¼ x þ þ z : ð3:3:57Þ
2Ie;xx 2Ie;yy 2Ie;zz
86 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
1 X
T^vib ¼ p2r
hc xr ^ ð3:3:58Þ
2 r¼1
1 3N6 X
1 3N6
Vharmonic ¼ kk Q2k ¼ hc xr q2r ð3:3:59Þ
2 k¼1 2 k¼1
^ ð0Þ ¼ 1
H ^r þ q2r :
hc xr p ð3:3:60Þ
2 k¼1
In order to determine H ^ rest in Eq. 3.3.55, the potential energy function V and the
elements lab of the inverse inertial tensor in Eq. 3.3.52 are expanded as Taylor
series in the dimensionless normal coordinates qr : The resulting Hamiltonian is a
polynomial (of infinite order) in the operators ^ Ja ; qr ; and ^pr : The coefficients in this
polynomial depend on the equilibrium moments of inertia Iaa ; on the zeta con-
stants, on the constants ar and on the potential constants from V:
Traditionally, we solve the Schrödinger equation for H ^ rv by initially neglecting
T^rest : The resulting, zero-order Hamiltonian
^ rv ð0Þ
^ rot ^ ð0Þ
H ¼H þH vib ð3:3:61Þ
is the sum of two commuting terms, and we can obtain its eigenvalues Erv as
ð0Þ ð0Þ
rv ¼ Erot þ E vib ð3:3:62Þ
Once the zero-order Schrödinger equations in Eqs. 3.3.64 and 3.3.65 have been
solved, the eigenpairs ðErv;n ; wrv;n Þ (where n is an index numbering the solutions)
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 87
^ rv (which includes the initially neglected term T^rest ) are generated with the
for H
X ð0Þ ð0Þ
wrv;n ¼ cðnÞ
nvib ;nrot wvib;nvib wrot;nrot ð3:3:66Þ
nvib ;nrot
where we have introduced indices nrot and nvib to label the solutions of Eqs. 3.3.64
and 3.3.65, respectively. With this Ansatz, the molecular rotation–vibration
energies Erv;n are computed as the eigenvalues of a matrix with elements
^ rv wð0Þ 0 wð0Þ 0 ds;
Hðn00vib ;n00rot Þ;ðn0vib ;n0rot Þ ¼ wvib;n00 wrot;n00 H vib;n rot;n ð3:3:67Þ
vib rot vib rot
and the expansion coefficients cnvib ;nrot in Eq. 3.3.66 are components of the
eigenvectors of this matrix. In Eq. 3.3.67, the volume element ds is appropriate for
the total set of rotation–vibration coordinates ðh; /; v; q1 ; q2 ; . . .; q3N6 Þ:
To obtain a qualitative understanding of molecular spectra it is often sufficient
to consider only the solutions of the zero-order Schrödinger equations Eqs. 3.3.64
and 3.3.65 and to approximate the molecular rotation–vibration energies and
wavefunctions by Eqs. 3.3.62 and 3.3.63, respectively. So we discuss in the fol-
lowing sections the theory of the rigidly rotating molecule, corresponding to the
approximations in Eq. 3.3.64, and the harmonically vibrating molecule, corre-
sponding to the approximations in Eq. 3.3.65.
The zero-order rotational Hamiltonian (i.e., the Hamiltonian for a rigidly rotating
molecule or, generally, for the rigid rotor) is given by Eq. 3.3.57:
J2 ^
Jy2 ^J 2
^ rot
H ¼ x þ þ z
2Ie;xx 2Ie;yy 2Ie;zz
; ð3:3:68Þ
J^a2 ^Jb2 ^Jc2
¼ þ þ
2Ie;aa 2Ie;bb 2Ie;cc
where the principal axes abc are a permutation of xyz; ordered such that
Ie;aa Ie;bb Ie;cc :
We now consider various rotor types with different patterns of rotational
• A linear rotor has Ie;aa ¼ 0 and Ie;bb ¼ Ie;cc : Examples of linear rotors are
hydrogen cyanide HCN, carbon dioxide CO2 ; and acetylene HCCH.
• A spherical top has Ie;aa ¼ Ie;bb ¼ Ie;cc : Examples of spherical tops are methane
CH4 ; sulfur hexafluoride SF6 ; and buckminsterfullerene C60 :
88 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
• A prolate symmetric top (Example: Methyl fluoride CH3 F) has Ie;aa \Ie;bb ¼
Ie;cc ; while an oblate symmetric top (Example: Benzene C6 H6 ) has Ie;aa ¼
Ie;bb \Ie;cc :
• An asymmetric top has Ie;aa \Ie;bb \Ie;cc : Examples of asymmetric tops are
water H2 O and formaldehyde H2 CO:
It is customary to introduce three rotational constants Ae ; Be ; and Ce ; expressed
either in frequency (MHz, GHz, . . .) or wavenumber ðcm1 Þ units. In frequency
units, we have
1 h2 h
Ae ¼ ¼ 2
; ð3:3:69Þ
h 2Ie;aa 8 p Ie;aa
1 h2 h
Be ¼ ¼ 2
; ð3:3:70Þ
h 2Ie;bb 8 p Ie;bb
1 h2 h
Ce ¼ ¼ : ð3:3:71Þ
h 2Ie;cc 8 p2 Ie;cc
We have already introduced the three operators ð^Jx ; J^y ; J^z Þ that represent the
components of the molecular angular momentum along the molecule-fixed axes
xyz: The analogous operators ð^JX ; ^
JY ; ^
JZ Þ represent the angular momentum com-
ponents along the laboratory-fixed axes XYZ: We define
J^2 ¼ ^
Jx2 þ ^
Jy2 þ ^
Jz2 ¼ ^
JX2 þ ^JY2 þ ^JZ2 ; ð3:3:73Þ
and it can be shown that the three operators J^2 ; J^z ; and ^JZ all commute, so that it
follows from elementary quantum mechanics that they have simultaneous eigen-
functions. We call these functions jJ; k; mi: They depend on the Euler angles
ðh; /; vÞ and are referred to as rigid symmetric top eigenfunctions or simply
symmetric top eigenfunctions. The jJ; k; mi functions have the properties
with J ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3; . . .;
Jz jJ; k; mi ¼ k
h jJ; k; mi ð3:3:75Þ
For a spherical top molecule, we have Ie;aa ¼ Ie;bb ¼ Ie;cc and, therefore, Ae ¼
Be ¼ Ce : The zero-order rotational Hamiltonian in Eq. 3.3.72 becomes
ð0Þ 1 1
^ rot
H =h ¼ Be 2 J^a2 þ ^ Jc2 ¼ Be 2 J^2 :
Jb2 þ ^ ð3:3:77Þ
h h
Obviously, it follows from Eq. 3.3.74 that in this case, the jJ; k; mi functions are
^ rot
eigenfunctions for H =h with the eigenvalues
Erot =h ¼ Be JðJ þ 1Þ; ð3:3:78Þ
where J ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3; . . .: The energy is independent of k and m; and so each level is
ð2J þ 1Þ2 -fold degenerate, since this is the number of possible values for k and m:
^ rot 1 2 1h i
H =h ¼ Ae 2 ^
Jz þ Be 2 ^Jx2 þ ^Jy2
1 ^2 1
¼ Ae 2 Jz þ Be 2 J^2 ^Jz2 ð3:3:79Þ
1 1
¼ Be 2 J^2 þ ðAe Be Þ 2 J^z2
h h
where we have used Eq. 3.3.73. We now have from Eqs. 3.3.74 and 3.3.75 that for
^ rot
a prolate symmetric top, the jJ; k; mi functions are eigenfunctions for H =h; and
the eigenvalues are
Erot =h ¼ Be JðJ þ 1Þ þ ðAe Be Þ k2 ð3:3:80Þ
90 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
where the degeneracies are as for the prolate top. Since Ce \Be ; the energy con-
tribution ðCe Be Þ k2 is negative for jkj [ 0:
wrot;J;m ¼ ck jJ; k; mi; ð3:3:82Þ
with this Ansatz for the wavefunction, the molecular rotation–vibration energies
Erot are computed as the eigenvalues of a matrix with elements
^ ð0Þ 00
Hk0 ;k00 ¼ J; k0 ; mH rot J; k ; m ; ð3:3:83Þ
since J and m are ‘‘good’’ quantum numbers we only require matrix elements
diagonal in them. It can be shown that for Hk0 ;k00 to be non-vanishing, we must
either have k00 ¼ k0 ¼ k and
1 1 2k2
Hk;k ¼ þ JðJ þ 1Þ k2 þ ; ð3:3:84Þ
4 Ie;xx Ie;yy Ie;zz
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 91
or k00 ¼ k0 2 ¼ k 2 and
2 1
h 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Hk;k2 ¼ JðJ þ 1Þ kðk 1Þ
8 Ie;xx Ie;yy
JðJ þ 1Þ ðk 1Þðk 2Þ: ð3:3:85Þ
In using Eqs. 3.3.84 and 3.3.85 we can identify the axis xyz with the principal axes
abc as we like. However, for a near prolate symmetric top with Ie;aa \Ie;bb Ie;cc
it is most convenient to use xyz ¼ bca since this minimizes the off-diagonal matrix
elements in Eq. 3.3.85. For similar reasons, for a near-oblate rotor with Ie;aa
Ie;bb \Ie;cc ; we use xyz ¼ abc:
^ rot
The matrix representation of H in the basis set of jJ; k; mi functions is block
diagonal in J and m; and the matrix elements do not depend on m; so initially we
can say that we must diagonalize one block, of dimension 2J þ 1; for each J value.
However, Eqs. 3.3.84 and 3.3.85 show that each such block separates further into
one block of basis functions with even k values, and another block of basis
functions with odd k values. All matrix elements connecting an even k value with
an odd k value obviously vanish. It can be shown that if, instead of the basis
functions jJ; k; mi; we use the so-called Wang basis
jJ; K; m; i ¼ pffiffiffi ðjJ; K; mi jJ; K; miÞ ð3:3:86Þ
where K [ 0; and
jJ; 0; m; þi ¼ jJ; 0; mi; ð3:3:87Þ
250 J =5
Ka Kc
5 55,0 0
200 55,1
Ered [cm-1]
150 4 3
3 53,3 4
50 51,4
1 51,5
0 0 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B=C B [cm-1] B=A
Fig. 3.8 The energy levels of a rigid asymmetric top molecule are plotted for J ¼ 5; with
Ae ¼ 10 cm1 and Ce ¼ 1 cm1 ; but with Be varying continuously between Ce and Ae : The
vertical axis represents the reduced energy which is measured from the lowest energy levels for
the J ¼ 5 state
onto the c axis. For a given J; the energy decreases with increasing jkc j: If we plot
the energies of the progression of asymmetric tops as functions of Be varying from
Ce to Ae ; or j varying from 1 to þ1; we obtain a correlation diagram, Fig. 3.8.
Each energy curve extends from the prolate limit to the oblate limit, and so
obviously any energy level of an asymmetric top correlates, in the prolate limit,
with a prolate symmetric top level with a defined value of Ka ¼ jka j and, in the
oblate limit, with an oblate symmetric top level with a defined value of Kc ¼ jkc j:
In addition, it can be shown that for any value of j; where 1\j\ þ 1; the rigid
asymmetric top with a given J-value has 2J þ 1 different energies. Consequently,
the energy curves in the correlation diagram cannot cross. At a j-value where two
of them crossed, there would only be 2J different energies and this cannot happen.
Because of this non-crossing rule, we can unambiguously correlate the energies in
the prolate and oblate limits for a given J value. For example, the highest energy of
the prolate rotor, with Ka ¼ J; must necessarily correlate with the highest level of
the oblate rotor with Kc ¼ 0: Similarly, the lowest level of the prolate rotor, with
Ka ¼ 0; must correlate with the lowest level of the oblate rotor with Kc ¼ J: In
general, we can label any level of the asymmetric rotor as JKa Kc : When, for a given
J value, we
sort the
Kc Þ in ascending
have EðJ0 J Þ\
EðJ1 J Þ\E J1 ðJ1Þ \E J2 ðJ1Þ \E J2 ðJ2Þ \E J3 ðJ2Þ \E J3 ðJ3Þ \ \
E JðJ2Þ3 \E JðJ2Þ2 \E JðJ1Þ2 \E JðJ1Þ1 \EðJJ 1 Þ\EðJJ 0 Þ: For any level,
Ka þ Kc ¼ J or Ka þ Kc ¼ J þ 1:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 93
The theory outlined in the preceding part of this section is concerned with non-
linear molecules, i.e., molecules with a non-linear equilibrium structure (see Sect. For such a molecule, we need three Euler angles ðh; /; vÞ to describe the
rotation. The Euler angle v; however, describes the rotation of the molecule about
the molecule-fixed z axis. For a rigid linear molecule, all nuclei are located on the z
axis, and the rotation about this axis cannot physically take place. Thus the angle v
becomes redundant and we have only the two angles ðh; /Þ which are the usual
polar/azimuthal angles defining the direction of the molecular axis relative to
the XYZ axes. As mentioned above, a rigid linear molecule has Ie;aa ¼ 0 and
Ie;bb ¼ Ie;cc : Its rotational Hamiltonian is
" 2 2 #
Jb ^Jc
^ rot =h ¼ Be
H þ : ð3:3:89Þ
h h
^ rot are the well-known spherical harmonics YJm ðh; /Þ
The eigenfunctions of H
which are related to the jJ; k; mi functions:
YJm ðh; /Þ ¼ 2p jJ; 0; mi ð3:3:90Þ
where, as usual, where J ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3; . . . and m ¼ J; J þ 1; J þ 2; . . .;
J 1; J: The YJm ðh; /Þ functions are simultaneous eigenfunctions of J^2 and ^JZ
^ rot
with the eigenvalues JðJ þ 1Þ h2 and m
h; respectively. The eigenvalue of H
corresponding to the eigenfunction YJm ðh; /Þ is
Erot =h ¼ Be JðJ þ 1Þ: ð3:3:91Þ
The zero-order vibrational energies for a non-linear molecule are the eigenvalues
of the Hamiltonian from Eq. 3.3.60:
^ ð0Þ ¼ 1
H ^r þ q2r
hc xr p ð3:3:92Þ
2 r¼1
where qr is a dimensionless normal coordinate from Eq. 3.3.51 and ^pr ¼ io=oqr
is its dimensionless conjugate momentum. The harmonic vibration wavenumber
xr is defined in Eq. 3.3.47.
94 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Whereas a rigid asymmetric top has a more complicated rotational energy pattern
than a symmetric top, a spherical top or a linear rotor, it has a simpler vibrational
spectrum than any of these molecules. For an asymmetric top, the matrix GF
discussed in Sect. 3.3.4 has 3N 6 different eigenvalues kk ; and the zero-order
vibrational energy is given by
3N6 X
ð0Þ 1
Evib =ðhcÞ ¼ Eð0Þ
vr =ðhcÞ ¼ x r vr þ ð3:3:93Þ
r¼1 r¼1
where /ð0Þ
vr ðqr Þ is a standard one-dimensional harmonic oscillator eigenfunction
(see, for example, [25]. The zero-order vibrational wavefunction for an asym-
metric top is
wvib ¼ /ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ
v1 ðq1 Þ /v2 ðq2 Þ /v3 ðq3 Þ /v3N6 ðq3N6 Þ: ð3:3:95Þ
where vs ¼ vsx þ vsy : The zero-order vibrational state with the energy Eð0Þ vsx ;vsy
is ðvs þ 1Þ-fold degenerate since there are vs þ 1 different values of ðvsx ; vsy Þ
½¼ ðvs ; 0Þ; ðvs 1; 1Þ; ðvs 2; 2Þ; . . .; ð1; vs 1Þ; ð0; vs Þ with a common value of vs :
Instead of the ðvs þ 1Þ product wavefunctions /ð0Þ ð0Þ
vsx ðqsx Þ /vs vsx ðqsy Þ with a
common value of vs ; it is customary to use as zero-order vibrational wavefunc-
tions, obtained as linear combinations of the product functions. These new func-
tions are called /vs ;‘s ðqs ; vs Þ where ‘s ¼ vs ; vs þ 2; vs þ 4; . . .; vs 2; vs ; and
the coordinates qs and vs are such that
qsx ¼ qs cos vs and qsy ¼ qs sin vs : ð3:3:97Þ
The quantum number ‘s is the projection, in units of h; onto the molecular axis of
the angular momentum generated by the vibrational mode s (which, as mentioned
above, also describes the rotation about the molecular axis). The detailed form of
the functions /vs ;‘s ðqs ; vs Þ is given, for example, by Bunker and Jensen [25].
With the definitions introduced here, the zero-order vibrational energy for a
linear rotor is given as
N 1 2N3
ð0Þ 1
Evib =ðhcÞ ¼ xr vr þ þ xs ðvs þ 1Þ ð3:3:98Þ
2 s¼N
N 1 Y
wvib ¼ /ð0Þ
vr ðqr Þ /vs ;‘s ðqs ; vs Þ: ð3:3:99Þ
r¼1 s¼N
whereas for an asymmetric top with the same number of nuclei, we use the
quantum numbers v1 ; v2 ; v3 ; . . .; v3N6 :
n1 nY
1 þn2
wvib ¼ /ð0Þ
vr ðqr Þ /vs ;‘s ðqs ; vs Þ: ð3:3:101Þ
r¼1 s¼n1 þ1
The expression for the zero-order vibrational energy of a spherical top is, in
principle, analogous to Eqs. 3.3.98 and 3.3.100. However, spherical tops have
normal vibrations of higher degeneracy than two. Methane CH4 ; for example, has
triply degenerate vibrations described by three normal coordinates ðqsa ; qsb ; qsc Þ;
all corresponding to the same value of xs : Such a coordinate triple will produce a
contribution of h c xs ðvs þ 3=2Þ to the zero-order vibrational energy.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 97
where ^
S is a hermitian, initially arbitrary operator and the exponential is expressed
as a Taylor expansion
^ 1
^ 2
T^ ¼ ei S ¼ 1 þ i ^
Sþ iS þ ð3:3:104Þ
We use the operator T^ to form a new transformed Hamiltonian
^ rv
H ^ rv T^ 1 ¼ ei ^S H
¼ T^ H ^ rv ei ^S : ð3:3:105Þ
^ rv by solving the Schrödinger
We obtain the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for H
equation in Eq. 3.3.102 which we rewrite as
^ rv T^ 1 T^ wrv;n ¼ Erv;n T^ wrv;n :
T^ H ð3:3:106Þ
Hence H ^ rv
^ rv and H 0 ^ rv
have identical eigenvalues but the eigenfunctions for H 0
given by
^ rv :
where wrv;n is an eigenfunction for H
The basic idea of a contact transformation is now to determine the operator ^S
such that
ð0Þ ð0Þ ^
wvib;nvib wrot;nrot ¼ T^ wrv;n ¼ ei S wrv;n ð3:3:109Þ
ð0Þ ð0Þ ^ rv
where wvib;nvib wrot;nrot is a basis function from Eq. 3.3.66. Ideally, H is diagonal in
ð0Þ ð0Þ
the basis of product functions wvib;nvib wrot;nrot and the rotation–vibration energies
are then simply given by the diagonal matrix elements
D 0 ð0Þ E
ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ
Erv;n ¼ wvib;nvib wrot;nrot H
^ rv w
vib;nvib wrot;nrot : ð3:3:110Þ
^ rv
In general, we cannot in practice obtain a contact-transformed Hamiltonian H 0
Normally, contact transformations are used to reduce the matrix elements, which
are off-diagonal in nvib ; to a degree that these matrix elements can be neglected.
^ rv
0 ð0Þ
Hence, we can average H over one vibrational basis function wvib;nvib to obtain the
effective rotational Hamiltonian
D 0 ð0Þ E
~ rot ¼ wð0Þ H ^ rv w ð3:3:112Þ
H vib;nvib vib;nvib :
Bunker and Jensen [25] have advocated the use of the term Watsonian for the
Hamiltonian H~ rot for any molecule; the development and use of this type of
Hamiltonian have benefited greatly from the work of Watson [27, 28]. The
Watsonian is an expansion in the rotational operators ^Ja (a ¼ x; y and z) and for a
non-planar asymmetric top molecule it has the general form [28] (see also Sarka
et al. [29])
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 99
where we have truncated the expansion in the J^a after the second order (i.e.,
quartic) terms. The quantities Bijk and Tijk in Eq. 3.3.113 are molecular parameters,
and ^ J ¼ ^ Jx i^
Jy : For two operators A ^ and B;
^ the plus commutator ½A; ^ B
^ ¼
A ^þB ^ The eigenvalues of H
^ A: ~ rot are obtained by diagonalization of a Hamil-
tonian matrix set up in a basis of symmetric top functions jJ; k; mi exactly as
described for the Hamiltonian of the rigid asymmetric rotor in Sect.
If we know (an analytical representation of) the potential energy surface and the
equilibrium geometry of a molecule, we can calculate the values of the quantities
Bijk and Tijk in Eq. 3.3.113. However, Watsonians are mostly used in least squares
fittings to experimentally observed transition frequencies; the fittings aim at
determining experimental values for parameters such as Bijk and Tijk (and of the
coefficients of higher order terms in the ^Ja which we neglect here). Initial problems
with determining simultaneously the values of all six Tijk in Eq. 3.3.113 from
experimental data were explained by Watson [27, 28]. There are infinitely many
Hamiltonians H ~ rot ; all of the general form given in Eq. 3.3.113 but with different
values for the Tijk parameters, which have the same eigenvalues and which are
equally well suited for fitting a given set of experimental data. These Hamiltonians
are all connected by contact transformations. Watson [27, 28]: solved this problem
by introducing constraints on the parameters Tijk : For example, for a general H ~ rot
with non-zero values for all six Tijk it is possible to devise a rotational contact
transformation (see also Sarka and Demaison [30]) that produces a transformed
~ rot with T004 ¼ 0: In a notation more familiar than that in Eq. 3.3.113, the
resulting Hamiltonian is given by
1 ^ 1
H rot ¼ ð X þ Y Þ J þ Z ð X þ Y Þ ^
~ 2
Jz2 DJ J^4 DJK J^2 ^Jz2 DK ^Jz4
2 2
1 ^ 2 ^ 2 ^ 2 ^ 2
þ ð X Y Þ dJ J dK Jz ; ðJþ Þ þ ðJ Þ : ð3:3:114Þ
4 þ
dr dr dr 0
GVL ¼ x r vr þ þ Xrr0 vr þ vr0 þ
2 r r0
2 2
þ gtt0 lt lt0 þ ð3:3:116Þ
t t0
FVLJK ¼ BV JðJ þ 1Þ þ ðAV BV ÞK 2 2 Afzta;tb lt k
BV ¼ Be aBr vr þ þ ; ð3:3:118Þ
AV ¼ Ae aAr vr þ þ ; ð3:3:119Þ
Afzta;tb ¼ Ae fzta;tb aAf
v r þ þ : ð3:3:120Þ
all depend on the equilibrium geometry (equilibrium bond lengths and angles) of
the molecule and on the parameters determining the potential energy function; see,
for example [16].
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 101
For linear rotor, in the absence of resonances, the eigenvalues of the Watsonian
for a given vibrational state can be written (in cm1 ) as
TVLJ‘ ¼ GVL þ FV LJ‘ ð3:3:121Þ
where the expression for GVL is identical to that for a symmetric top molecule, Eq.
3.3.116, and
3. Rotational symmetry, i.e., the fact that owing to the isotropy of space, we can
rotate an isolated molecule arbitrarily (so that all particles, nuclei and electrons,
in the molecule are rotated in the same manner) without changing the physical
Each of the symmetry types considered above gives rise to symmetry operations
that commute with the molecular Hamiltonian, see [25, 31, 32].
The mathematical tool that is used to describe the permutation–inversion
symmetry of a molecule is called group theory or, more precisely, representation
theory. An introduction is given by Bunker and Jensen [25, 31]. A group theo-
retical analysis of a molecule, in terms of permutation–inversion symmetry,
involves the following steps:
i. The possible permutations of identical nuclei, the inversion operation and all
operations that can be obtained by combining a possible permutation of
identical nuclei with the inversion operation. These operations constitute a
(symmetry) group for the molecule. Groups are mathematical objects that
satisfy certain group axioms (see, for example, [25], Sect. 1.3). The group
just mentioned is called the CNPI group for the molecule (Complete Nuclear
Permutation Inversion Group, see [25], Chap. 2). In most cases we do not use
the complete CNPI group as symmetry group. Normally it is sufficient to use
only a subgroup of the CNPI group. This smaller group is called the
Molecular Symmetry Group (MS Group, see [25], Chap. 3). There are also
cases where the MS group and the CNPI group are identical.
ii. When the MS group has been determined, its so-called irreducible repre-
sentations can be constructed according to unambiguous, mathematical rules.
For most groups, these irreducible representations are already known and can
be found in textbooks such as [25, 31] in the form of so-called character
tables. An irreducible representation can be viewed as a set of rules that
determine how a wavefunction (that belongs to this irreducible representa-
tion) transforms under the operations of the symmetry group. The irreducible
representation dictates how the wavefunction changes,10 when the operations
in the symmetry group (i.e., permutations of identical nuclei and/or inver-
sion) are applied to it. A given group will normally have a relatively small
number of irreducible representations.
iii. The central statement is now that any wavefunction of a given molecule must
belong to an irreducible representation of the symmetry group. When we
investigate how the various wavefunctions of the molecule change under
symmetry operations (i.e., we investigate how they transform), there are only
a very limited number of possibilities for the possible transformation prop-
erties. These possibilities correspond to the irreducible representations of the
For degenerate irreducible representations, the transformation properties of the generating
wavefunctions are not uniquely determined, but the matrices determining the transformation
properties of the wavefunctions are related by similarity transformations.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 103
symmetry group. For a given molecular state, we can use the irreducible
representation generated by its wavefunction to label this wavefunction.
Further, representation theory can be used to simplify the calculation of
molecular energies, that is, to save computer time and memory.
Obviously we are giving here a very rough sketch of molecular symmetry and
its applications. We will describe the application of these ideas to the water
molecule as an example:
The Symmetry of H2 O
The water molecule H2 O has two identical protons. Consequently, for this mol-
ecule the only possible permutation of identical nuclei is the interchange of these
two nuclei. We label the protons as 1 and 2 (and the oxygen nucleus as 3) and
denote the interchange of 1 and 2 as (12) (this operation is read as ‘‘one-two’’ and
never as ‘‘twelve’’). Another possible symmetry operation is the inversion E
which inverts the two protons, the oxygen nucleus and the ten electrons in the
center of mass of the molecule. Also, we have the combined operation ð12Þ
Rw ¼ vC ðRÞw; ð3:3:124Þ
where the constant factor vC ðRÞ depends on the symmetry operation R and on the
irreducible representation C [= A1 ; A2 ; B1 or B2 ]. The four irreducible represen-
tations correspond to four kinds of water wavefunctions:
A1 : The function is unchanged by all four symmetry operations E; ð12Þ; E
; ð12Þ
A2 : The function is unchanged by the operation E (as all functions are). It also
unchanged by (12) but changes sign under E
: In consequence, the function
must necessarily change sign under the operation ð12Þ
¼ ð12ÞE
B1 : The function is unchanged by the operation E: It changes sign under both of
the operations (12) and E
; and so it stays unchanged under ð12Þ
104 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
B2 : The function is unchanged by the operation E: It changes sign under (12) but is
unchanged by E
: Thus, it changes sign under ð12Þ
These definitions imply that for example vA1 ðEÞ ¼ vA1 ðð12ÞÞ ¼ vA1 ðE
Þ ¼
v ðð12Þ
Þ ¼ 1 and vA2 ðEÞ ¼ vA2 ðð12ÞÞ ¼ 1; but vA2 ðE
Þ ¼ vA2 ðð12Þ
Þ ¼ 1: The
quantities vC ðRÞ are called the characters of the irreducible representations. For a
given group, they are compiled in the character table. Table 3.2 gives the char-
acter table for the group C2v ðMÞ:
Each possible wavefunction of a water molecule belongs to one of the irre-
ducible representations A1 ; A2 ; B1 oder B2 : Thus, the wavefunction is labeled by
‘‘its’’ irreducible representation.
The CNPI group of the PH3 molecule is a group of 12 elements that we call G12 :
3 3
2 2
Inversion vibration
Before we consider the results of this symmetry labeling we should consider the
effect of the inversion motion in PH3 : PH3 has two versions (see Bone et al. [33]
for a discussion of this concept) of the numbered equilibrium structure of the
molecule. An observer sitting on the P nucleus will see the three protons labeled
1–3 so that the rotation from 1 to 2 to 3 is a clockwise rotation for the one version,
and an anticlockwise rotation for the other version. The two versions are mirror
images of each other and are taken into each other by the inversion operation E
On the potential energy surface of the molecule, the two minima corresponding to
the two versions are separated by a very high potential barrier (11300 cm1 ; see
Špirko et al. [34]) so that, on the timescale of a typical experiment, there is no
observable inversion tunneling splitting. Thus the energy levels can be calculated
by just considering the motion in one of the two minima, and we do not need to
consider both minima. The two minima have identical sets of rotation–vibration
energy levels (Figs. 3.9 and 3.10).
If we were to calculate the rotation–vibration energy levels using the double
minimum potential energy surface we would find that well below the barrier, every
energy level would be doubly degenerate to within measurement accuracy for PH3 :
Potential Barrier
(I) (II)
−ρe 0 ρe
ρ [arbitrary unit]
106 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
If we symmetry classified the levels using the group G12 we would find that there
were three types of energy level: Aþ þ þ
1 þ A1 ; A2 þ A2 ; or E þ E : This double
degeneracy would be resolved by inversion tunneling and it is an accidental
degeneracy not forced by the symmetry group G12 : If the inversion tunneling is not
resolved it is not necessary to use the group G12 : There are only three distinct types
of energy levels and yet we have classified them in a group of six irreducible
representations. However, Longuet-Higgins [35] showed how to obtain the
appropriate subgroup of G12 that avoids the double labels. This is achieved by just
using the elements of G12 that are appropriate for a single minimum; we delete
elements such as E
and (12) that interconvert the two versions. Longuet-Higgins
termed the deleted elements ‘‘unfeasible.’’ The group obtained is ‘‘the molecular
symmetry (MS) group.’’ In the case of PH3 ; we obtain the particular MS group
level splittings that can be resolved experimentally (see, for example, Fig. 15-3
of [25]). Thus, for NH3 ; all elements of the group G12 are feasible, and the
molecular symmetry group of NH3 in its electronic ground state is G12 : This
group is isomorphic to the point group D3h and in the literature it is customarily
called D3h (M).
where wn is the rovibronic wavefunction for the initial state of the transition (with
energy En ), wm is the rovibronic wavefunction for the final state (with energy Em ),
lA is the A component (A ¼ n; g; f; where the ngf axis system has axes parallel to
the laboratory-fixed axes XYZ but origin in the nuclear center of mass) of the
molecular dipole moment operator, and dV is the volume element associated with
the rovibronic coordinates.
An important result of representation theory is that the integral in Eq. 3.3.127
can only be non-vanishing (i.e., be different from 0) when the integrand
ðwn Þ
lA wm belongs to the totally symmetric representation of the MS group. The
totally symmetric representation has the character þ1 under all group operations,
and any group has such a representation which, by convention, is always written in
the first line of the character table. A wavefunction that belongs to the totally
symmetric representation is unchanged by all group operations. For the group
C2v (M) (Table 3.2), A1 is the totally symmetric representation.
The dipole moment component lA always belongs to an irreducible represen-
tation with the character þ1 under all ‘‘pure’’ permutations ðijk. . .Þ and the
character 1 under all permutation–inversion operations [E
or ðijk. . .Þ
]. For
C2v (M) (Table 3.2), this representation is A2 ; and any other group has an analogous
irreducible representation.
We consider a transition in the water molecule for which the wavefunction wn
belongs to the irreducible representation Cn of the group C2v (M), while wm belongs
to the irreducible representation Cm : In order that the integrand ðwn Þ
lA wm can
belong to the totally symmetric representation A1 ; the product ðwn Þ
wm must
belong to the irreducible representation A2 : Table 3.2 shows that this will be true
for ðCn ; Cm Þ ¼ ðA1 ; A2 Þ or for ðCn ; Cm Þ ¼ ðA2 ; A1 Þ or for ðCn ; Cm Þ ¼ ðB1 ; B2 Þ or
for ðCn ; Cm Þ ¼ ðB2 ; B1 Þ: These selection rules can be summarized as
A1 $ A2
B1 $ B2
For PH3 ; the molecular dipole moment component lA has the symmetry A2 in
C3v (M) (Table 3.4). The selection rules on the symmetries of the wavefunctions wn
and wm are
A1 $ A2
1 $ A1
2 $ A2 ð3:3:130Þ
Eþ $ E ;
the appropriate MS group is now G12 or D3h (M) (Table 3.3), in which the
molecular dipole moment component lA has the symmetry A 1:
For any molecule, the selection rules obtained from MS group symmetry are
accompanied by the selection rules obtained from rotational symmetry (i.e., from
the fact mentioned above that owing to the isotropy of space, we can rotate an
isolated molecule arbitrarily without changing the physical situation). For electric
dipole transitions these selection rules are, for any molecule, DJ ¼ J 0 J 00 ¼ 1;
0, or 1, and J 0 þ J 00 1: Here J 00 and J 0 are the values of the rotational quantum
number J for the initial and final states, respectively, of the transition considered.
Typical rotational spectra of linear molecules are shown in Fig. 3.11 as a stick-
diagram. The line positions and intensities for HCN, HC3 N; HC5 N; HC7 N;
0.03 HC5N
0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency [GHz]
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 109
Intensity [arbitrary]
HC9 N at 20 K: below 100 0.04
0.02 HC5N
0.01 HC9N
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency [GHz]
and HC9 N are calculated by using PGOPHER,11 with the rotational constants
B; centrifugal distortion constants D; and the permanent dipole moment l found in
literature [37, 38, 39, 40]. The intensities are calculated for T ¼ 20 K. The
intensities for HCN lines are reduced by a factor 4, because they are too large
compared to those of other molecules.
For linear molecules (including diatomic molecules) the line positions for the
rotational spectra are given by
mðJ þ 1 JÞ ¼ EðJ þ 1Þ EðJÞ 2BðJ þ 1Þ ð3:3:131Þ
for each J; where we assume that the energy and the rotational constant are in
frequency unit. Consequently, the spectra are composed of almost equally spaced
lines, as shown in the figure. The line intensity increases with the increase of J
from 0, reaches the maximum at a value of J depending on the temperature, and
then decreases. Details of the intensity calculation are given in textbooks such as
[12]. In the figure the spectra of HCn N with n [ 5 are very densely overlapped at
the low frequency region (0–100 GHz), which are shown in an expanded scale in
Fig. 3.12.
A Program for Simulating Rotational Structure, by C.M. Western, University of Bristol. http://
110 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B=C B [cm ] B=A
2B A C
j¼ ; ð3:3:132Þ
which is 1 and þ1 at the prolate ðA [ B ¼ CÞ and oblate ðA ¼ B [ CÞ sym-
metric top limit, respectively. The relation of the parameter j with the rotational
constants is graphically displayed in Fig. 3.13, for a molecule with A ¼ 10 and
C ¼ 1 cm1 : by definition A B C:
For the molecules close to the symmetric top limit (near prolate or near oblate
symmetric top), the effect of the inertial asymmetry can be evaluated by the
perturbation treatment. In such a case it is useful to introduce other asymmetry
bp ¼ ð3:3:133Þ
2A B C
bo ¼ : ð3:3:134Þ
2C B A
As shown in Fig. 3.13, they take values between 0 and 1 : bp ¼ 0 at the prolate
symmetric top limit, and bo ¼ 0 at the oblate symmetric top limit. Consequently
they can be used as the perturbation parameter near the symmetric top limits.
Figure 3.14 shows schematically the energy level diagram of the formaldehyde
molecule, H2 CO; which is a near prolate asymmetric top. The energies are cal-
culated as a rigid rotor assuming the rotational constants to be A ¼ 9:4053; B ¼
1:22; and C ¼ 1:20 cm1 [41]. All levels with Ka 6¼ 0 are doubled (K-type dou-
bling) due to the inertial asymmetry as indicated.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 111
The molecule is of C2v symmetry, and the a-axis (the molecule-fixed axis along
the smallest moment of inertia) coincides with the C2 symmetry axis, which
corresponds to the permutation operation (12), i.e., exchange of the two protons of
the molecule (see Sect. 3.3.9).
Since the protons are Fermion of nuclear spin I ¼ 1=2; there are four linearly
independent nuclear spin states for H2 CO; noting that the nuclear spin is zero for
C and 16 O. Three of them are symmetric and one is anti-symmetric for the
symmetry operation (12) [25, 14]. For a single permutation of two identical
Fermions, the overall wavefunctions should be anti-symmetric. Thus, for H2 CO;
the rotational states which are symmetric to the C2 operation (even Ka levels of the
ground vibronic state12) can be combined with the one anti-symmetric nuclear spin
state, and the anti-symmetric rotational states (odd Ka levels) can be combined
with the three anti-symmetric nuclear spin states. If the effect of the nuclear spin
on the energy is small (i.e., the hyperfine splitting is small), then the three different
nuclear spin sub-states for a given odd Ka level are energetically degenerate.
Consequently, the rotational spectra of H2 CO behaves as if the odd Ka levels were
three times more populated than the even Ka levels. Such a effect is called as
‘‘nuclear spin statistics’’ or ‘‘nuclear spin weights’’.
The nuclear spin weight is three for the odd Ka and one for the even Ka : States
with larger nuclear spin weight are called ortho states and those with less weight
are para states.
Figure 3.15 shows schematically the energy level diagram of the water molecule,
H2 O; which is a near prolate asymmetric top. The energies are calculated as a rigid
rotator assuming the rotational constants to be A ¼ 27:877; B ¼ 14:512; and
C ¼ 9:285 cm1 [42].
The water molecule is also of C2v symmetry, but different from the case of
H2 CO; b-axis (the molecule-fixed axis along the intermediate moment of inertia)
coincides with the C2 symmetry axis, which corresponds to the permutation
operation (see footnote 12), i.e., exchange of the two protons.
Thus the ortho and para states are distinguished by the parity of Ka þ Kc (see
footnote 12), as indicated by solid and broken lines in Fig. 3.15. Since the ortho
and para states are distributed rather randomly, as compared with the case of
H2 CO (Fig. 3.14), the ortho and para levels are often illustrated side-by-side as
shown in Fig. 3.16.
It should be noted that the parity of the quantum number Ka indicates the symmetry of the
rotational wavefunction for the C2 rotation about the molecule-fixed a-axis. Similarly Kc
indicates that for the C2 rotation about the molecule-fixed c-axis. Consequently, the symmetry
for the C2 rotation about the molecule-fixed b-axis is indicated by the parity of Ka þ Kc :
112 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
250 945
9 946 5
200 7
9 937 6
Energy [cm ]
150 927 4
9 928 7
918 6
909 9 8
9 919 5
100 8 7 4
8 3
7 5
6 4
50 6 3
5 2
5 4
4 3
3 2
1 2 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 3.14 The rotational energy levels of H2 CO in the ground vibronic state are schematically
illustrated. The odd Ka levels are ortho with the spin weight of three, which are indicated by solid
lines. The even Ka levels are para with the spin weight of one, which are indicated by broken
HNCO is an asymmetric top molecule very near prolate symmetric top, and is of
planar structure with non-vanishing dipole moment along the a and b-axis.13
Therefore, we can observe a-type ðDKa ¼ 0Þ and b-type ðDKa ¼ 1Þ transitions.
The spectra, which are of a; b-hybrid type, simulated by PGOPHER (see footnote
11) for T ¼ 50 K are shown up to 3.5 THz in Fig. 3.17, where the molecular
constants given in [43] are used.14 The lower frame shows the spectra as a stick-
diagram, and the upper frame shows the Fortrat diagram, the vertical axis of which
represents the J quantum number for the lower level of the transition.
Strong a-type transitions are indicated as q RK in the lower frame. The notation
Yz is used for indicating the transition, which is defined for symmetric top spectra.
The superscript x is p; q; or r for DK ¼ 1; 0, or þ1; respectively. Y is P; Q; or R
for DJ ¼ 1; 0, or þ1; respectively. The subscript z indicates the quantum number
K of the lower level of the transition. For a near prolate symmetric top, K should
be read as Ka : The details of the q RK transitions are illustrated in Fig. 3.18.
The molecular plane is the a b plane.
The Hamiltonian was truncated for simplicity up to the sextic centrifugal correction terms in
this simulation. Therefore, it does not reproduce the observed spectrum.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 113
532 440
500 533 441
606 606 523
400 514 431
Energy [cm−1]
Fig. 3.15 The rotational energy levels of H2 O in the ground vibronic state are schematically
illustrated. The ortho levels with the spin weight of three, which are indicated by solid lines, and
para levels with the spin weight of one by broken lines
505 515
Energy [cm−1]
300 330 331
414 404
321 322
200 312
221 303 313 220
100 212 202
110 111
Ortho 000 Para
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 3.16 The ortho levels of H2 O are illustrated on the left side, and the para levels on the right.
Since the conversion between the ortho and para levels is very slow, we can handle the ortho and
para states as if they are of ‘‘different’’ molecules
114 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Intensity [arbitrary]
0.004 r
0.003 r
q r r
RK P0 Q1
r r
0.001 P1 R1
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Frequency [THz]
Fig. 3.17 Simulated structures of the a; b-hybrid band of a very near prolate asymmetric top are
displayed: the stick-diagram in the lower frame and the Fortrat diagram in the upper frame
1 l u
Ka=1 Ka=0 Ka=1
10940 10960 10980 11000 11020 11040
The rotational energy of a symmetric top molecule for can be expressed in the
rigid rotor approximation as
EðJ; KÞ ¼ E0 þ Beff JðJ þ 1Þ ð3:3:135Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 115
for each K; where we assume that the energy and the rotational constant are in
frequency unit. The frequencies for the transitions of q RK ðJÞ is thus given by
mðq RK ðJÞÞ ¼ EðJ þ 1; KÞ EðJ; KÞ ¼ 2Beff ðJ þ 1Þ; ð3:3:136Þ
which is similar to Eq. 3.3.131. The effective rotational constant Beff is thus
derived from the observed frequencies as
Beff ¼ mðq RK ðJÞÞ=½2ðJ þ 1Þ: ð3:3:137Þ
This expression can be applied also for asymmetric top molecules, if they are close
to the symmetric top limits, like HNCO or H2 CO:
From the observed a-type R-branch transitions of HNCO the J dependence of
the Beff values are displayed in Fig. 3.18, where effective B values are taken from
[43]. HNCO is an asymmetric top molecule, and thus because of the K-type
doubling, two effective B values can be obtained for Ka ¼ 1 as shown there. If the
molecule is a true symmetric top, we should have a single effective B value for
K ¼ 1; the plot of which should appear near the center of the two Ka ¼ 1 plots.
This doubling should be observed also for Ka [ 1: Indeed we can see such
doubling for high-J transitions of Ka ¼ 2 as shown in Fig. 3.19, where the central
part of Fig. 3.18 are presented in an expanded scale. HNCO molecule is very much
close to the prolate symmetric top limit, the doubling cannot be observed for
Ka 3 at least for J\10:
The structure of the m2 band of H2 CO looks like15 the one given in Fig. 3.20 which
is simulated by PGOPHER (see footnote 11) for T ¼ 150 K with the rigid rotor
approximation: the upper frame shows the Fortrat diagram, and the lower the stick-
diagram of the spectra.
The m2 band of H2 CO corresponds to the vibrational mode of CO stretching,
which induce a change of dipole moment along the molecule-fixed a-axis. Thus
the band is of a-type; DKa ¼ 0 transitions, q PK ;q QK ; and q RK ; appear strongly as
shown there. The spectrum is very similar to that of a parallel band of a prolate
symmetric top molecule, except for the K-type doubling effect: an impressive Q-
branch transitions at the center, and P and R transitions on both side with almost
equal spacing about 2B:
The spectra can be displayed in a different manner as the ‘‘Loomis–Wood’’
diagram [44] as shown in Fig. 3.21. In this diagram, the spectrum given in Fig. 3.20
It does not reproduces the observed spectrum.
116 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
10970 10980 10990
Beff [MHz]
q q q
[arbitrary unit]
Fig. 3.20 Typical structures of an a-type rovibrational band of a slightly asymmetric top (near
prolate) are illustrated. The spectrum is displayed as a stick-diagram in the lower frame, and the
Fortrat diagram is displayed in the upper frame. The spectrum is calculated by applying the rigid
rotor approximation with the rotational constants and band origin similar to those of H2 CO m2
is displayed by plotting the line positions mi (i for all observed lines) measured
from the reference frequencies mm ; which are usually calculated by
m m ¼ a0 þ a1 m þ a2 m 2 ; ð3:3:138Þ
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
ν−νref [cm ]
about a1 which is about 2:4 cm1 in this case. Details of the diagram are described
in [45].
The structure of the m5 band of H2 CO looks like16 in Fig. 3.22, which is simulated
by PGOPHER (see footnote 11) for T ¼ 150 K with the rigid rotor approximation:
the upper frames of each part of the spectrum shows the Fortrat diagram, and the
lower the stick-diagram of the spectra.
The m5 band of H2 CO corresponds to the vibrational mode of anti-symmetric
CH stretching, which induce a change of dipole moment along the molecule-fixed
b-axis. Thus the band is of b-type; DKa ¼ 1 transitions, r PK ; r QK ; r RK ; p PK ; p QK ;
and p RK ; appear strongly as shown there. The spectrum is very similar to that of a
perpendicular band of a prolate symmetric top molecule, except for the K-type
doubling effect: impressive r Q and p Q branch transitions appear with almost equal
spacing of about 2A:
The band is widely spread out compared with the a-type band, and it is in
general difficult to display with a single Loomis–Wood diagram.
It does not reproduces the observed spectrum.
118 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Intensity [arbitrary]
p p p
0.003 Q5 Q4 Q3
2750 2760 2770 2780 2790 2800 2810 2820
Wavenumber [cm-1]
Intensity [arbitrary]
p p p r r
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q1
2800 2810 2820 2830 2840 2850 2860 2870
Wavenumber [cm-1]
r r
Intensity [arbitrary]
r r r
Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2850 2860 2870 2880 2890 2900 2910 2920
Wavenumber [cm-1]
Fig. 3.22 Typical structures of a b-type rovibrational band of a slightly asymmetric top (near
prolate) are illustrated together with the Fortrat diagram
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 119
It is conceptually convenient to describe the principal axis method (PAM) first for
defining a coordinate system and deriving a Hamiltonian operator. The laboratory-
fixed coordinate Ri ; ðXi ; Yi ; Zi Þ; of the ith atom in the molecule with a methyl top
rotor is expressed in a PAM system as follows:
Ri ¼ R þ S1 ðh; /; vÞS1 ðhP ; /P ; vP Þ S1 ð0; 0; sÞ½ai þ di A
¼ R þ S1 ðh; /; vÞrPAM i ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3Þa1 ¼ a2 ; S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3Þa2 ¼ a3 ; S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3Þa3 ¼ a1 : ð3:4:3Þ
The rotation matrix S1 used in the equations above is the usual 3 3 direction
cosine matrix defined as
0 10 10 1
cos / sin / 0 cos h 0 sin h cos v sin v 0
S1 ðh; /; vÞ ¼ @ sin / cos / 0 A@ 0 1 0 A@ sin v cos v 0 A:
0 0 1 sin h 0 cos h 0 0 1
Classical Kinetic Energy Expression. The first step for deriving a Hamiltonian
operator is to express a classical nuclear kinetic energy with internal variables. The
classical nuclear kinetic energy is a sum over the kinetic energies of individual
atoms within a molecule:
" #
X1 dRi 2 dRi 2 dRi 2
T¼ mi þ þ : ð3:4:5Þ
2 dt x dt y dt z
In the present treatment, we ignore the translational energy and the small-ampli-
tude vibrational energy, which are related to R and di in Eqs. 3.4.1 and 3.4.2,
respectively. Then we have the following expression of the velocity vector for the
methyl protons after an algebraic manipulation,
dR 3 2
i dRi
dt x dt X
dRi 7 6
dR 7
6 dt 7 ¼ Sðh; /; vÞ6 i 7 ¼ Sðh; /; vÞ d S1 ðh; /; vÞ rPAM
4 y5 4 dt Y 5 dt i
i i
dt z dt Z
d 1
þ S ðhP ; /P ; vP ÞS1 ð0; 0; sÞ ai
dt ð3:4:6Þ
3 s_ eint r0i PAM
x ri 6 7
x 7 6
x 7
6 PAM 7
¼6 PAM 7
x ri y 5 þ 6 s_ eint ri0
6 y7
x ri 4
z s_ eint r0i PAM
122 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
where r0i PAM is the position vector of the ith methyl-proton in the xyz-axis system
from the center of mass of the methyl group
r0i ¼ rPAM
i þ S1 ðhP ; /P ; vP ÞA: ð3:4:7Þ
where x, angular velocity vector representing the overall rotation of the molecule;
and eint , unit vector along the methyl internal rotation, which is the C3 axis because
we assume the methyl top to be of C3v symmetry.
Substituting Eqs. 3.4.6 and 3.4.8 into Eq. 3.4.5 we have
1 X 1 X
T¼ Ia x2a þ Is s_ 2 þ Is s_ ka x a ; ð3:4:9Þ
2 a¼x;y;z 2 a¼x;y;z
where Ja ða ¼ x; y; zÞ are the total angular momentum operators and ps the inter-
o o
nal-rotation angular momentum operator (Jz ¼ ih ov , etc. and ps ¼ ih os ).
k ¼ S1 ðhP ; /P ; vP Þ S1 ð0; 0; sÞ½ak þ dk A ð3:4:17Þ
k ¼ S1 ðhP ; /P ; vP Þf½ak þ dk Ag ð3:4:18Þ
2 3 2 3
Jx Jx
4 Jy 5 ¼ Sþ1 ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM Þ4 Jy 5 : ð3:4:20Þ
The Eulerian angles ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM Þ are taken so that the transformation
shown in Eq. 3.4.19 or 3.4.20 leads to
X qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qa Ja ! qJz ; q ¼ q2x þ q2y þ q2z : ð3:4:21Þ
X 1 1
HRAM ¼ Ja Jb þ Jb Ja þ Fðps qJz Þ2 þ VðsÞ; ð3:4:22Þ
2I 2
a¼x;y;z ab
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h ps eivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h ¼ ps ð3:4:24Þ
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h VðsÞeivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h ¼ VðsÞ ð3:4:25Þ
we have a relation between the PAM and the RAM Hamiltonian operators
HRAM ¼ ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h HPAM eivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h :
h ihRAM Jy =h ivRAM Jz =h
RAM Jz = e e
qx ps Jx þ qz ps Jz eivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
¼ eihRAM Jy =h qx ps Jx þ qz ps Jz eihRAM Jy =h
¼ ðcos hRAM Þqx ps Jx þ ðsin hRAM Þqx ps Jz þ ðcos hRAM Þqz ps Jz ðsin hRAM Þqz ps Jx :
For arriving at
eihRAM Jy =h qx ps Jx þ qz ps Jz eihRAM Jy =h ¼ qps Jz
q ¼ q2x þ q2z
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 125
so as to remove the term 2Fqps Jz in the RAM Hamiltonian operator. The relations
eisqJz =h Jx iJy eisqJz =h ¼ eisq Jx iJy ; ð3:4:32Þ
k ¼ S1 ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM ÞS1 ðhP ; /P ; vP Þf½ak þ dk Ag ð3:4:39Þ
C1 ðG3 Þ Case
Table 3.6 Transformation properties of variables appearing in Eqs. 3.4.1, 3.4.16, 3.4.17, 3.4.37,
and 3.4.38 for a generating operation (123) of G3
R1 ; R2 ; R3 R (translation) h; /; v (rotation) s (internal rotation)
PAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v s þ 2p=3
RAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v s þ 2p=3
IAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v þ 2pq=3 s þ 2p=3
Cs ðG6 Þ Case
Methanol CH3 OH; shown in Fig. 3.24, is well known as an example of this
category. The character table and the transformation properties of variables are
given in Tables 3.7 and 3.8, respectively.
128 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
G6 for a methanol-like Cs
molecule A1 1 1 1
A2 1 1 1
E 2 1 0
Table 3.8 Transformation properties of variables appearing in Eqs. 3.4.1, 3.4.16, 3.4.17, 3.4.37,
and 3.4.38 under generating operations of G6 for a methanol-like molecule
R1 ; R2 ; R3 R (translation) h; /; v (rotation) s (internal rotation)
PAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v s þ 2p=3
RAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v s þ 2p=3
IAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; v þ 2pq=3 s þ 2p=3
Seen in Tables 3.6 and 3.8, there is no difference of transformations between the
PAM and the RAM system while the transformation properties of the IAM vari-
ables is different with those for both the PAM and RAM systems. A further large
difference exists between the IAM system and the PAM or RAM system: the
operation ð123Þ3 is equivalent to the identity operation in the fRi g space for all the
PAM, RAM and IAM systems, but it is not equivalent to the identity operation for
the ðh; /; v; sÞ space in the IAM system while it is the identity operation also for
the ðh; /; v; sÞ in the PAM or the RAM systems. Accordingly, the boundary
conditions are somewhat complicated when we treat the internal-rotation problem
in the IAM system. One method to avoid the complication is to introduce the
extended PI group idea, but we mention it no more in this article.
A permutation–inversion operation ð23Þ
; which exists in the permutation–
inversion group for such a molecule as methanol and corresponds to the reflection
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 129
Table 3.9 Character table of G12 for a CH3 BF2 -like molecule
E (123), (23)*, (45) (123)(45), (23)(45)*,
(132) (13)*, (132) (45) (13)(45)*,
(12)* (12)(45)*
A01 1 1 1 1 1 1
A02 1 1 -1 1 1 -1
E0 2 -1 0 2 -1 0
A001 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
A002 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1
E00 2 -1 0 -2 1 0
1, 2, 3 represent protons in the methyl group, and 4, 5 represent F atoms
Cs ðG12 Þ Case
An example for this type of molecule is CH3 BF2 ; whose chemical structure is
shown in Fig. 3.25. In Fig. 3.25 the PAM and RAM axes are also indicated (note
that CH3 BF2 is nearly an oblate symmetric top molecule). Although the difference
between the PAM and RAM systems is not essential for the case of CH3 BF2 since
its internal rotation axis coincides with its b-principal axis, we define the PAM and
RAM axes as shown in Fig. 3.25. The character table and the transformation
properties of variables are given in Tables 3.9 and 3.10, respectively.
Symmetry operations which become feasible by internal rotation are (123),
(132), (45), (123)(45), (132)(45), being different with the case of a methanol-like
molecule. Symmetry operation ð23Þð45Þ
corresponds to the reflection in the plane
of symmetry at an equilibrium configuration. Note that the operation ½ð123Þð45Þ6
is equivalent to the identity operation in the fRi g space for all the PAM, RAM and
IAM systems, but it is not equivalent to the identity operation for the ðh; /; v; sÞ
space in the IAM system while it is the identity operation also for the ðh; /; v; sÞ in
the PAM or the RAM system.
130 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Table 3.10 Transformation properties of variables appearing in Eqs. 3.4.1, 3.4.16, 3.4.17, 3.4.37,
and 3.4.38 for generating operations of G12 for a CH3 BF2 -like molecule
R1 ; R2 ; R3 R (translation) h; /; v(rotation) s (internal rotation)
PAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R p h; p þ /; v s 2p=6
RAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; p þ v s 2p=6
IAM R2 ; R3 ; R1 R h; /; p þ v 2pq=6 s 2p=6
where, for simplicity, we consider the cases C1 ðG3 Þ and Cs ðG6 Þ; and we adopt the
potential function VðsÞ of the simplest form
VðsÞ ¼ V3 ð1 cos 3sÞ: ð3:4:43Þ
The energy eigenvalues of Eq. 3.4.42 with Eq. 3.4.43 are expressed by a parameter
s defined as
V3 ¼ Fs; ð3:4:44Þ
since the equation
2 1
Fps þ V3 ð1 cos 3sÞ wðsÞ ¼ EwðsÞ ð3:4:45Þ
d2 w
þ ðb s cos2 xÞw ¼ 0; ð3:4:46Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 131
9 9
2x ¼ 3s þ p; V3 ¼ Fs; E ¼ Fb: ð3:4:47Þ
4 4
Here we do not devote ourselves to describe the procedure of solving the Mathieu
equation Eq. 3.4.46. Instead we discuss the two limiting cases in the next.
Hjvi ¼ Ev jvi;
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 ð3:4:52Þ
Ev ¼ 3 FV3 ðv þ Þ; ðv ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ
where jvi denotes the well-known harmonic oscillator functions. Symmetry
properties of the free-internal-rotor eigenfunctions under the PI group G3 and G6
are as follows:
jmi ðm ¼ 0 mod 3Þ : A symmetry species;
j mi ðm ¼ 1 or m ¼ 2 mod 3Þ : Esep symmetry species;
132 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
for G3 ; and
In Eq. 3.4.56, v is used for representing the vth vibrational state: v ¼ 0 corresponds
to the ground vibrational state, v ¼ 1 to the first excited torsional state and so on.
The three framework functions are expressed as
j1; vi Uv ðsÞ ð3:4:57Þ
where Ea and Eb correspond to Eþ and E for the case of a C1 molecule ðG3 Þ; and
they represent two components of E species for the Cs molecule ðG6 Þ: For a Cs
molecule, jA; vi is replaced by jA1 ; vi for even v or jA2 ; vi for odd v: The three
functions shown in Eq. 3.4.60 are (approximate) eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger
Eq. 3.4.42, and eigenvalues are expressed as
hA; vjHjA; vi ¼ ðh1; vjHj1; vi þ 2h1; vjHj2; viÞ
1 þ 2S
h1; vjH0 j1; vi þ h1; vjH 0 j2; vi;
1 þ 2S
H ¼ H0 þ H 0 ð3:4:63Þ
134 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Fig. 3.27 Schematic diagram of one-top internal-rotation energy levels for cases C1 ðG3 Þ and
Cs ðG6 Þ: (Symmetry species in parentheses are those for G6 )
We describe briefly the tunneling matrix approach for the case of a CH3 BF2 -like
molecule. Although the molecule has a low barrier height to internal rotation, we
consider here a hypothetical case of a CH3 BF2 -like molecule with high barrier. For
this case we have six framework functions expressed as
j1; vi UðsÞ; ð3:4:67Þ
j1; vi ¼ þj1; vi: ð3:4:71Þ
jA01 ; vi and jA002 ; vi should be changed to jA02 ; vi and jA001 ; vi; respectively.
Combining Eq. 3.4.70 with the description for cases C1 ðG3 Þ and Cs ðG6 Þ in
the previous section, schematic energy level diagrams depicted in Fig. 3.28 can be
understood easily. V6 used in Fig. 3.28 is the barrier height parameter of the
potential function
VðsÞ ¼ V6 ð1 cos 6sÞ: ð3:4:73Þ
136 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Fig. 3.28 Schematic diagram of one-top internal-rotation energy levels for case Cs ðG12 Þ
C1 ðG3 Þ Case
We consider at first the case C1 ðG3 Þ; where the Hamiltonian operator is given by
H ¼ AJz2 þ BJx2 þ CJy2
þ Dzx ðJz Jx þ Jx Jz Þ þ Dxy ðJx Jy þ Jy Jx Þ þ Dyz ðJy Jz þ Jz Jy Þ
þ F ðps qJz Þ2 þ V3 ð1 cos 3sÞ: ð3:4:74Þ
As seen in Eq. 3.4.74, we adopt the simplest potential function for simplicity. As a
basis set function, a product form of a free rotor torsional function jmi and a
symmetric top rotational function jJ; K; Mi is used, that is,
jm; J; K; Mi ¼ jmijJ; K; Mi; ð3:4:75Þ
where jmi ¼ ð1= 2pÞ expðimsÞ:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 137
Thus, the Hamiltonian matrix is divided into two blocks with A and
Esep ðEþ or E Þ species. Non-zero matrix elements of hm; J; KjHjm0 ; J; K 0 i are
expressed as
1 1 1
hm; J; KjHjm; J; Ki ¼ ðB þ C ÞJ þ A ðB þ C Þ K 2 þ F ðm qK Þ2 þ V3
2 2 2
1 2 2
hm; J; KjHjm; J; K 2i ¼ J; Kj ðB CÞ Jx Jy þ Dxy Jx Jy þ Jy Jx jJ; K 2
hm; J; KjHjm; J; K 1i ¼ hJ; KjDzx ðJz Jx þ Jx Jz Þ þ Dyz Jy Jz þ Jz Jy jJ; K 1i
hm; J; KjHjm 3; J; Ki ¼ V3 ; ð3:4:81Þ
In a usual spectral analysis, a suitable type of centrifugal distortion terms is added,
and the numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix and the iteration
process of the least squares fit are employed.
The torsional–rotational energy levels of methanol ðCH3 OHÞ in the ground
vibrational state, shown schematically in Fig. 3.29, will help us to understand the
behavior of torsional–rotational energy levels, which are connected with Hamil-
tonian matrix elements described above.
Cs ðG6 Þ Case
In this case, expressions shown above are modified somewhat. Since the
Hamiltonian operator should satisfy ð23Þ
H ¼ H; Dyz and Dxy terms disappear in
Eq. 3.4.74 and a potential function VðsÞ should satisfy VðsÞ ¼ VðsÞ necessarily
138 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Fig. 3.29 Schematic torsional–rotational energy level diagram of methanol in the ground
vibrational state. In order to designate rotational levels, J; Ka ; Kc is used for levels belonging to A-
symmetry species as for those of an ordinary asymmetric top molecule, and J; K is used for E-
symmetry levels
for A2 species,
jA2 ; m; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi jmijJ; Ki ð1ÞJK j mijJ; Ki
ðm ¼ 3n with n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; and K ¼ J; J þ 1; . . .; 0; . . .; þJÞ;
and for E species,
jE; m; J; Kia ¼ jmijJ; Ki; ð3:4:84Þ
In the equations above 1= 2 is replaced by 1=2 when m ¼ K ¼ 0:
In Eqs. 3.4.84 and 3.4.85, jE; m; J; Kia and jE; m; J; Kib represent pair states for
the degenerate E symmetry species.
The matrix element expressions hm; J; KjHjm0 ; J; K 0 i shown in Eqs. 3.4.78–
3.4.81 are available also for this case after setting Dxy ¼ Dyz ¼ 0:
When we treat Hamiltonian matrices for A1 and A2 species separately in writing
a computing program, we have to be very careful since we use Wang-type-like
functions as shown in Eqs. 3.4.82 and 3.4.83, involving a subtle phase factor. The
author recommends to treat the A1 and A2 species simultaneously by using A
species functions such as shown in Eq. 3.4.77 and without using Wang-type-like
functions although the matrix size is doubled.
Cs ðG12 Þ Case
Since the C3 axis of the methyl group is along the inertial b-axis in the CH3 BF2
molecule, the RAM system, in which the axis correspondence is such as b; c; a $
z; x; y; may not be necessarily convenient for such a case. It is thus difficult to tell
which system is preferable for a spectral analysis of the CH3 BF2 molecule, PAM
or RAM. We give anyhow a formulation for a CH3 BF2 -like molecule with the use
of the RAM system. Transformation properties of variables given in Table 3.10
lead to the Hamiltonian operator
H ¼ BJz2 þ CJx2 þ AJy2 þ F ðps qJz Þ2 þ V6 ð1 cos 6sÞ; ð3:4:86Þ
where we adopt the simplest potential function.
Basis set functions belonging A01 and A02 symmetry species are given as follows.
jA01 ; m; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi jmijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJK jmijJ; Ki ;
2 ð3:4:87Þ
with ðm ¼ 0 mod 6; K ¼ even 0Þ or ðm ¼ 3 mod 6; K ¼ odd [ 0Þ;
jA02 ; m; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi jmijJ; Ki ð1ÞJK jmijJ; Ki ;
2 ð3:4:88Þ
with ðm ¼ 0 mod 6; K ¼ even 0Þ or ðm ¼ 3 mod 6; K ¼ odd [ 0Þ;
jA001 ; m; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi jmijJ; Ki ð1ÞJK jmijJ; Ki ;
2 ð3:4:89Þ
with ðm ¼ 0 mod 6; K ¼ odd [ 0Þ or ðm ¼ 3 mod 6; K ¼ even 0Þ;
jA002 ; m; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi jmijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJK jmijJ; Ki ;
2 ð3:4:90Þ
with ðm ¼ 0 mod 6; K ¼ odd [ 0Þ or ðm ¼ 3 mod 6; K ¼ even 0Þ;
140 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
where 1= 2 is replaced by 1/2 when m ¼ K ¼ 0; and m takes values of plus,
minus and 0 within the restriction shown in parentheses.
Basis set functions E0 and E00 symmetry species are given by
jEb0 ; m; J; Ki ¼ ð23Þð45Þ
jEa0 ; m; J; Ki
jEb00 ; m; J; Ki ¼ ð23Þð45Þ
jEa00 ; m; J; Ki
hm; J; KjHjm0 ; J; K 0 i;
1 1
hm; J; KjHjm; J; Ki ¼ ðB þ CÞJ 2 þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2
2 2
þ F ðm qK Þ2 þ V3 ; ð3:4:97Þ
hm; J; KjHjm; J; K 2i 0; ð3:4:98Þ
hm; J; KjHjm 3; J; Ki ¼ V3 : ð3:4:100Þ
The above equations lead to
1 1 1
h3n; J; KjHj3n; J; Ki ¼ ðB þ CÞJ þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2 þ F ð3n qK Þ2 þ V3 ;
2 2 2
1 1 1
¼ ðB þ CÞJ 2 þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2 þ F ð3n þ qK Þ2 þ V3 ; ð3:4:102Þ
2 2 2
1 1 1
¼ ðB þ CÞJ þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2 þ F ½3ðn þ 1Þ ðqK þ 3Þ2 þ V3 ;
2 2 2
h3n; J; KjHj3ðn 1Þ; J; Ki ¼ V3 : ð3:4:104Þ
with n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; for A species, and
1 1
h3n þ 1; J; KjHj3n þ 1; J; Ki ¼ ðB þ CÞJ þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2
2 2
2 1
þ F ½3n þ ð1 qKÞ þ V3 ; ð3:4:105Þ
1 1 1
¼ ðB þ CÞJ þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2 þ F ½3n ð1 qKÞ2 þ V3 ; ð3:4:106Þ
2 2 2
1 1 1
¼ ðB þ CÞJ 2 þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2 þ F ½3ðn þ 1Þ þ ð1 qK 3Þ2 þ V3 ;
2 2 2
h3n þ 1; J; KjHj3ðn 1Þ þ 1; J; Ki ¼ V3 : ð3:4:108Þ
with n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; for E species.
142 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
By noting that (i) since the Hamiltonian matrix elements are defined by indices
n’s for n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; 1 as seen in Eqs. 3.4.101, 3.4.104, 3.4.105 and
3.4.108, the eigenvalues are unchanged for n ! n and/or n ! n 1; and (ii)
n ! n and n ! n þ 1 are equivalent to c ! c and c ! c þ 3 (see Eq. 3.4.110
below for the definition of c), respectively, as shown in Eq. 3.4.103 and 3.4.107,
we have
WC;J;K:l ðcÞ ¼ WC;J;K:l ðcÞ ¼ WC;J;K:l ðc þ 3Þ; ð3:4:109Þ
c ¼ qK ðfor C ¼ AÞ;
c ¼ qK 1 ðfor C ¼ EÞ;
Accordingly, we have
1 1
WA;J;K;l ¼ ðB þ CÞJ þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2
2 2
X1 ð3:4:111Þ
1 2pk
þ V3 þ alk cos qK ;
2 k¼0
1 1
WE;J;K;l ¼ ðB þ CÞJ 2 þ A ðB þ CÞ K 2
2 2
X1 ð3:4:112Þ
1 l 2pk
þ V3 þ ak cos ðqK 1Þ ;
2 k¼0
A rotational Hamiltonian operator effective for a specific vth vibrational state (see
Fig. 3.27 and 3.28) was derived by Herschbach [47] using a second order per-
turbation theory. Such an effective rotational Hamiltonian will be useful for
understanding of the rotational energy level structure in a specific vibrational state.
We put the PAM Hamiltonian operator as
H ¼ H0 þ H0; ð3:4:113Þ
H 0 ¼ 2Fps p; ð3:4:115Þ
where p ¼ a¼x;y;z qa Ja : In terms of the second order perturbation treatment we
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 143
In Eq. 3.4.116 C represents symmetry species: C ¼ A or Esep for case C1 ðG3 Þ; and
C ¼ A1 ; A2 or E for case Cs ðG6 Þ: The C0 in the summation of the last term is equal
to C for C1 ðG3 Þ case. For case Cs ðG6 Þ; C0 ¼ A2 ðA1 Þ for C ¼ A1 ðA2 Þ and C0 ¼ E
for C ¼ E: The wavefunction jv; Ci appearing in Eq. 3.4.116 is an eigenfunction of
a pure internal-rotation problem described by a Hamiltonian operator
s jv; Ci ð3:4:118Þ
¼ hv; Cjps jv; Ci
¼ 0;
Heff ðv; AÞ ¼ W0 ðv; AÞ þ Aeff ðv; AÞJz2 þ Beff ðv; AÞJx2 þ Ceff ðv; AÞJy2 ; ð3:4:120Þ
Heff ðv; EÞ ¼ W0 ðv; EÞ þ Aeff ðv; EÞJz2 þ Beff ðv; EÞJx2 þ Ceff ðv; EÞJy2
þ qeff ðvÞJz þ reff ðvÞJx þ seff ðvÞJy ; ð3:4:121Þ
where the symmetry species notation A is used for A in case C1 ðG3 Þ; for A1 or A2
in case Cs ðG6 Þ; or for A01 ; A02 ; A001 or A002 in case Cs ðG12 Þ; and E for Esep in case
C1 ðG3 Þ; for E in case Cs ðG6 Þ; or for E0 or E00 in case Cs ðG12 Þ:
Coefficients appearing in Eqs. 3.4.120 and 3.4.121 are given by
X jhv; Cjps jv0 ; C0 ij2
Aeff ðv; C ¼ A or EÞ A þ Fq2z 1 þ 4F ; etc. ð3:4:123Þ
v0 6¼v
Ev;C Ev0 :C0
In Eqs. 3.4.123 and 3.4.124, is used in place of = because we take small changes
caused by the coordinate axis rotation for removing the cross terms into
jEþ ; torsioni ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðj1i þ x
j2i þ xj3iÞ; ð3:4:127Þ
3ð1 SÞ
jE ; torsioni ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðj1i þ xj2i þ x
j3iÞ; ð3:4:128Þ
3ð1 SÞ
h1j1i ¼ h2j2i ¼ h3j3i ¼ 1; ð3:4:129Þ
When we use PAM coordinate system written in Eqs. 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, Eulerian
angles ðh; /; vÞ are unchanged under the permutation operation (123), and
accordingly the symmetric top rotational function jJ; Ki is also unchanged.
Therefore, a symmetrized torsional–rotational wavefunction belonging to a sym-
metry species C is given by
jC; J; Ki ¼ jC; torsionijJ; Ki: ð3:4:131Þ
In passing, let us consider case Cs ðG6 Þ briefly. When we put
j1i ¼ UðsÞ; ð3:4:132Þ
we have
j1i ¼ ð23Þ
UðsÞ ¼ UðsÞ: ð3:4:133Þ
146 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
(Note: UðsÞ ¼ UðsÞ for the v ¼ 0 torsional state, UðsÞ ¼ UðsÞ for the v ¼ 1
torsional state, etc.) On the other hand, from Eq. 3.4.125
ðj1i þ j2i þ j3iÞ ¼ ð23Þ
j1i þ ð132Þð23Þ
j1i þ ð123Þð23Þ
j1i: ð3:4:134Þ
ðj1i þ j2i þ j3iÞ ¼ þðj1i þ j2i þ j3iÞ; forð23Þ
j1i ¼ þj1i ð3:4:135Þ
ðj1i þ j2i þ j3iÞ ¼ ðj1i þ j2i þ j3iÞ; for ð23Þ
j1i ¼ j1i ð3:4:136Þ
Accordingly, jA; torsioni shown in Eq. 3.4.126 is the A1 or A2 vibrational wave-
function for case Cs ðG6 Þ according to ð23Þ
j1i ¼ þj1i or ¼ j1i; respectively.
Vibrational functions jEþ ; torsioni and jE ; torsioni shown in Eqs. 3.4.127 and
3.4.128 for case C1 ðG3 Þ become pair functions belonging to the degenerate E
species for case Cs ðG6 Þ:
Jay ¼ Ja ; Ja
¼ Ja ; ð3:4:138Þ
U y ¼ U; U
¼ U; for U ¼ hv ; A; B; C; ð3:4:139Þ
V y ¼ V; V
¼ þV; for V ¼ q; r; s: ð3:4:140Þ
Since the coefficients are of A-symmetry, we obtain the following relations
between tunneling matrix elements by using the relations (3.4.139, 3.4.140)
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 147
hEþ ; J; KjHjEþ ; J; K 0 i ¼ ðh1jhv j1i h1jhv j2iÞdK;K 0 þ ðh1jAj1i
h1jAj2iÞK 2 dK;K 0 þ ðh1jBj1i h1jBj2iÞhJ; KjJx2 jJ; K 0 i
We omit to write the expression for the E species since it produces the same
energies as the Eþ species does. We call h1jAjniðn ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ, etc. the tunneling
matrix elements. We note that there is no contribution from the s term of (3.4.137),
in case Cs ðG6 Þ (the symmetry plane is assumed to be the xz-plane).
For the purpose of using Eqs. 3.4.143, 3.4.144 for the spectral analysis, it is
convenient to use A11 ; A12 ; . . .; q12 ; r12 ; and s12 defined in Eq. 3.4.145 below as
adjustable parameters in the least squares analysis since Eqs. 3.4.143, 3.4.144
include the overlap integral S in addition to tunneling matrix elements. Although
various ways are possible, the definition shown below is considered to be favorable
since they are approximately equivalent to the tunneling matrix elements because
of the small S value.
148 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
ðh1jAj1i þ 2h1jAj2iÞ ¼ A11 þ 2A12
1 þ 2S
ðh1jAj1i h1jAj2iÞ ¼ A11 A12
ðh1jBj1i þ 2h1jBj2iÞ ¼ B11 þ 2B12
1 þ 2S
ðh1jBj1i h1jBj2iÞ ¼ B11 B12
ðh1jCj1i þ 2h1jCj2iÞ ¼ C11 þ 2C12 ð3:4:145Þ
1 þ 2S
ðh1jCj1i h1jCj2iÞ ¼ C11 C12
h1jqj2i ¼ q12
h1jrj2i ¼ r12
h1jsj2i ¼ s12
For examples, A11 and A12 to be determined in the least squares analysis are
connected with the tunneling matrix elements by
1 1 2 1 2 2
A11 ¼ þ h1jAj1i þ h1jAj2i;
3 1 þ 2S 1 S 3 1 þ 2S 1 S
1 1 1 1 2 1
A12 ¼ h1jAj1i þ þ h1jAj2i:
3 1 þ 2S 1 S 3 1 þ 2S 1 S
Another way for avoiding inconvenient non-zero overlap integrals among the
framework functions is to use newly defined framework functions jn : newi
ðn ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ which are orthogonal with each other. The new framework functions
jn : newiðn ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ are obtained by an appropriate transformation from the
framework functions jniðn ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ defined above as the functions localized at
potential minima. In the formalism using jn : newi in place of jni; tunneling matrix
elements h1jAjni, etc. are placed simply by h1 : newjAjn : newi, etc. and all the
overlap integrals vanish in the Hamiltonian matrix element expressions given in
Eqs. 3.4.143, 3.4.144. The transformation from jni to jn : newi is given briefly in
the Appendix (Sect. 3.4.5) for the general case of the tunneling matrix formalism.
The expressions Eqs. 3.4.143, 3.4.144 in the tunneling matrix formulation are
equivalent to the expressions Eqs. 3.4.122–3.4.124 for the effective rotational
Hamiltonian in the traditional treatment. Comparing Eqs. 3.4.143, 3.4.144 with
Eqs. 3.4.122–3.4.124, we have relations
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 149
We mention briefly the overall selection rule of the electric dipole transition.
When the transition jUi i ! jUj i occurs, the electric dipole transition moment
defined by
Mij ¼ hUi jlZ jUj i ¼ U
i lZ Uj dV ð3:4:149Þ
It should be noted that A E splittings cannot be obtained directly from any usual
spectral observation.
Considering a possibility that signals from molecules with two methyl groups are
observed astronomically, we describe torsional–rotational problem of molecules
with two methyl internal rotors in this section. In the present article only asym-
metric top molecules with two methyl internal rotors are treated, and symmetric
top molecules such as ethane (C2 H6 ) are not treated. Molecules with two
inequivalent methyl tops and those with two equivalent methyl tops will be dis-
cussed below separately.
Table 3.11 Character table for the PI group G9 of a C1 molecule with two inequivalent methyl
E (123) (132) (456) (465) Pa Qa Ra Sa
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E1þ 1 x x
1 1 x x x
E1 1 x
x 1 1 x
x x
E2þ 1 1 1 x x
x x
x x
E2 1 1 1 x
x x
x x
E3þ 1 x x
x x
1 1 x
E3 1 x
x x
x x 1 1 x
E4þ 1 x x
x 1 x
x 1
E4 1 x
x x x
1 x x
x ¼ expði2p=3Þ
P ¼ ð123Þð456Þ; Q ¼ ð123Þð465Þ; R ¼ ð132Þð456Þ; S ¼ ð132Þð465Þ
and the four pairs are combined to E1 ; E2 ; E3 and E4 ; respectively. Nine operations
; ð13Þð56Þð78Þ
, etc. in Table 3.12 correspond to the reflection in the
plane of symmetry at an equilibrium configuration of the ethylmethylether mol-
ecule, which is an example of a molecule of Cs symmetry having inequivalent two
methyl groups.
Transition Selection Rules. Overall selection rules are as follows: electric dipole
transitions occur between states with same symmetry species except for A1 $ A2
in a Cs molecule. Accordingly, splittings produced by internal-rotation motion are
not obtained directly from any usual spectral observation.
Coordinate System and Transformation Properties of Variables. Next, let us
consider the coordinate system for the two-methyl top case and transformation
properties of variables appearing in the equations which represent the coordinate
system. We consider only the PAM system since the RAM and IAM systems are
impossible for the two-top problem except for very rare cases. The equations for
the two-top case corresponding to Eqs. 3.4.1, 3.4.2 for the one-top case are
given by
152 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Table 3.12 Character table for the PI group G18 of a Cs molecule with two inequivalent methyl tops
E (123) (456) (123)(456) (123)(465) Pa
(132) (465) (132)(465) (132)(456)
A1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A2 1 1 1 1 1 1
E1 2 1 2 1 1 0
E2 2 2 1 1 1 0
E3 2 1 1 1 2 0
E4 2 1 1 2 1 0
P ¼ fð23Þð56Þð78Þ
; ð13Þð56Þð78Þ
; ð12Þð56Þð78Þ
; ð12Þð46Þð78Þ
; ð13Þð45Þð78Þ
; ð12Þð45Þð78Þ
Ri ¼ R þ S1 ðh; /; vÞ S1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 ÞS1 ð0; 0; s1 ÞSþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ
ai þ di Atop1 þ Atop1 ;
for protons in methyl group 1 (top1: i ¼ 1; 2; 3),
Ri ¼ R þ S1 ðh; /; vÞ S1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 ÞS1 ð0; 0; s2 ÞSþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ
ai þ di Atop2 þ Atop2 ;
for protons in methyl group 2 (top2: i ¼ 4; 5; 6),
for the other nuclei, where ai and di ; represent the equilibrium positions and small-
amplitude displacements with vector components in the PAM x; y; z-axis system.
Atop1 and Atop2 represent centers of mass of three protons in methyl group 1 and
methyl group 2, respectively. We consider the axis system ðx1 ; y1 ; z1 Þ fixed to the
methyl top 1 where the origin is in the center of mass of the methyl top 1 and the
z1 -axis is along the C3 -axis of the methyl top 1. The rotation matrix
Sþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ rotates the ðx1 ; y1 ; z1 Þ-axes so that the ðx1 ; y1 ; z1 Þ-axes are par-
allel to the PAM ðx; y; zÞ-axes. The rotation matrix Sþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ is the cor-
responding one for the methyl top 2. We assume C3 symmetry of the methyl group
and therefore
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a1 Atop1 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a2 Atop1 ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a2 Atop1 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a3 Atop1 ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a3 Atop1 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP1 ; /P1 ; vP1 Þ a1 Atop1 ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a4 Atop2 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a5 Atop2 ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a5 Atop2 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a6 Atop2 ;
S1 ð0; 0; 2p=3ÞSþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a6 Atop2 ¼ Sþ1 ðhP2 ; /P2 ; vP2 Þ a4 Atop2 ;
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 153
Table 3.13 Transformation properties of variables in the right of Eqs. 3.4.152–3.4.154 under
generating operationsa of G9 and G18
R (translation) h; /; v (rotation) s1 (internal rotation) s2 (internal rotation)
ð123Þ R h; /; v s1 þ 2p=3 s2
ð456Þ R h; /; v s1 s2 þ 2p=3
R p h; p þ /; p v s1 s2
Generating operations of G9 are ð123Þ and ð456Þ; and generating operations of G18 are
ð123Þ; ð456Þ; and ð23Þð56Þð78Þ
For a Cs molecule, we set vP1 ¼ /P1 ¼ 0 and vP2 ¼ /P2 ¼ 0; assuming the plane
of symmetry to be the xz-plane. Transformation properties of variables in Eqs.
3.4.152–3.4.154 under generating operations of the PI group G9 and G18 are shown
in Table 3.13. The transformation properties under the generating operations (123)
and (456) are the same for G9 and G18 : We drop small-amplitude displacements di
in Table 3.13 since we consider here only the large-amplitude internal rotation.
A qualitative energy level diagram for the two-top problem is illustrated for J ¼
K ¼ 0 in Fig. 3.32. The J ¼ K ¼ 0 level at the left is first split into an A and E
component by internal-rotation motion of top 1. Each of these levels is then split
again into A and E component by internal-rotation motion of top 2. Finally, the
apparently fourfold degenerate level indicated as EE is split into two degenerate
levels ðE3 ; E4 Þ by top–top interaction.
In the same way that we have obtained Eq. 3.4.9 for a one-top case, we have the
following expression for a PAM classical kinetic energy of a molecule with two
methyl internal rotors
154 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
1 X 1 X 1 X
T¼ Ia x2a þ Is1 s_ 21 þ Is1 s_ 1 k1a x1a þ Is2 s_ 22 þ Is2 s_ 2 k2a x2a ;
2 a¼x;y;z 2 a¼x;y;z
2 a¼x;y;z
where Ia ða ¼ x; y; zÞ are the principal moments of inertia of the molecule, Is1 and
Is2 are the inertial moments of methyl top 1 and top 2 about their C3 axes,
respectively, and k1a and k2a (a ¼ x; y; z) are the direction cosines of the C3 axes of
top 1 and top 2, respectively.
By the same procedure employed in the one-top case, Eqs. 3.4.9–3.4.14, we
have the following classical kinetic energy expression written in terms of
the momenta conjugate to the variables representing the overall rotation and the
methyl internal rotations:
X 1
T¼ Ja2 þ F1 ðp1 p1 Þ2 þF2 ðp2 p2 Þ2
2I a
p1 ¼ q1a Ja ;
p2 ¼ q2a Ja ;
F1 ¼ ; ð3:4:158Þ
2ðR1 R2 Q2 ÞIs1
F2 ¼ ;
2ðR1 R2 Q2 ÞIs2
F12 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
2 ð R1 R2 Q 2 Þ I s 1 I s 2
The relations between three pairs of parameters in Eqs. 3.4.160 and 3.4.161 are
independent of hn ; /n ; and vn :
0 1 0 1
A0 0 0 Axx Axy Axz
@0 B0 0 A ¼ S1 ðhn ; /n ; vn Þ@ Axy Ayy Ayz ASþ1 ðhn ; /n ; vn Þ;
0 0 C0 Axz Ayz Azz
½r1 ; s1 ; q1 ¼ 2ðF1 q1x þ F12 q2x Þ; 2 F1 q1y þ F12 q2y ; 2 F1 q1z þ F12 q2z
Sþ1 ðhn ; /n ; vn Þ;
½r2 ; s2 ; q2 ¼ 2ðF2 q2x þ F12 q1x Þ; 2 F2 q2y þ F12 q1y ; 2 F2 q2z þ F12 q1z
Sþ1 ðhn ; /n ; vn Þ;
When a spectral analysis is made with Eq. 3.4.161, the quantities on the left of Eqs.
3.4.163 and 3.4.164 will be determined in a least squares fit. From the point of
view of the PAM quantities on the right, Eqs. 3.4.163–3.4.164 represent 15 non-
linear equations in the 15 unknowns: F1 ; F2 ; F12 ; A; B; C; q1x ; q1y ; q1z ; q2x ; q2y ; q2z ;
hn ; /n ; and vn : By substituting values of A; B; C; q1x ; q1y ; q1z ; q2x ; q2y ; q2z ; in the
six equations of the first line of Eq. 3.4.159 and by using equality,
we can obtain values of eight quantities k1x ; k1y ; k1z ; k2x ; k2y ; k2z ; Is1 ; and Is2 : Since
we can calculate values of F1 ; F2 and F12 by using these eight quantities and Eqs.
3.4.158 and 3.4.159, a consistency check is possible, and we can estimate to what
extent the PAM model is reproduced by the phenomenological Hamiltonian.
The jet-cooled Fourier-transform microwave spectrum of N-methyl-acetamide
(CH3 NHCð¼ OÞCH3 ), which contains two inequivalent methyl tops with
relatively low barriers to internal rotation, was analyzed successfully with the use
of the phenomenological Hamiltonian operator of type of Eq. 3.4.161, adding
higher order terms of rotation, torsion, and torsion-rotation terms [49]. Since the
N-methyl-acetamide has a plane of symmetry at an equilibrium, the term s1 Jy p1 þ
s2 Jy p2 is eliminated in Eq. 3.4.161, and we can set vn ¼ /n ¼ 0 in Eqs. 3.4.162
and 3.4.164.
In Fig. 3.33, examples of observed transitions of N-methyl-acetamide
(CH3 NHCð¼OÞCH3 ), [49], are shown in a schematic torsional–rotational
energy level diagram in its ground vibrational state.
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 157
Fig. 3.33 The torsional–rotational energy level diagram of N-methyl-acetamide in the ground
vibrational state is shown with observed transitions [49]. In order to designate rotational levels,
quantum numbers J; Ka ; Kc for an asymmetric top molecule are used for levels of A- and
E3 -symmetry species, and J and K are used for E1 -, E2 -, and E4 -symmetry levels
158 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
i.e., a product of a two-top free rotor wavefunction jm1 ð1Þijm2 ð2Þi and a sym-
metric top rotational wavefunction jJ; Ki: Here, free rotor wavefunctions jm1 ð1Þi
and jm2 ð2Þi are given by
jm1 ð1Þi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi expðim1 s1 Þ; ð3:4:168Þ
jm2 ð2Þi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi expðim2 s2 Þ; ð3:4:169Þ
By noting that
ð123Þjm1 ð1Þi ¼ xm1 jm1 ð1Þi; ð123Þjm2 ð2Þi ¼ jm2 ð2Þi; ð123ÞjJ; Ki ¼ jJ; Ki;
ð456Þjm1 ð1Þi ¼ jm1 ð1Þi; ð456Þjm2 ð2Þi ¼ xm2 jm2 ð2Þi; ð456ÞjJ; Ki ¼ jJ; Ki;
where jm1 ; m2 ; J; Ki jm1 ð1Þijm2 ð2ÞijJ; Ki; and n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; n0 ¼ 0; 1;
2; . . .:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 159
jA2 ; m1 ; m2 ; J; Ki ¼ pffiffiffi ½jm1 ð1Þijm2 ð2ÞijJ; Ki
2 ð3:4:173Þ
ð1ÞJK j m1 ð1Þij m2 ð2ÞijJ; Ki ;
Character Table
The character tables for Cs ðG18 Þ and for C2v ðG36 Þ are given in Tables 3.14 and
3.15, respectively. In Table 3.14, E1sep ; E2sep and Gsep represent combined pairs
ðA1þ ; A1 Þ; ðA2þ ; A2 Þ and ðEþ ; E Þ of separably degenerate irreducible repre-
sentations, respectively.
Table 3.14 Character table for a molecule of Cs ðG18 Þ symmetry with two equivalent methyl
internal rotors
E (123)(456) Pa (132)(456) (123) Qa (123)(465) (456) Ra
(132)(465) (465) (132)
A1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0
A1þ 1 1 1 x x x x
A1 1 1 1 x
x x x
A2þ 1 1 1 x x x x
A2 1 1 1 x
x x x
Eþ 2 1 0 2x x 0 2x
E 2 1 0 2x
0 2x x 0
x ¼ expði2p=3Þ:
P ¼ fð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
; ð15Þð24Þð36Þð78Þ
; ð16Þð25Þð34Þð78Þ
Q ¼ fð162534Þð78Þ
; ð142635Þð78Þ
; ð152436Þð78Þ
R ¼ fð153624Þð78Þ
; ð163425Þð78Þ
; ð143526Þð78Þ
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 161
Table 3.15 Character table for a molecule of C2v ðG36 Þ symmetry with two equivalent methyl
internal rotors
E (123)(456) Pa (123)(465) (123) (142635)(78)
Qa (142536)(78) (23)(56)
(456) (152436)(78)
(152634)(78) (23)(46)
(465) (153624)(78)
(153426)(78) (13)(56)
(162435)(78) (13)(45)
(163524)(78) (13)(46)
A1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
E2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
E3 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0
E4 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0
G 4 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0
P ¼ fð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
; ð15Þð24Þð36Þð78Þ
; ð16Þð25Þð34Þð78Þ
Q ¼ fð14Þð25Þð36Þð78Þ; ð15Þð26Þð34Þð78Þ; ð16Þð24Þð35Þð78Þg
The description depends on the orientations of the methyl groups to the PAM axes.
We will take the dimethylamine molecule shown in Fig. 3.34 as an example of
case Cs ðG18 Þ and the acetone molecule shown in Fig. 3.35 as an example of case
C2v ðG36 Þ: The PAM axes ða; b; c ! z; x; yÞ are shown in Figs. 3.34 and 3.35 (the
y-axis is perpendicular to the zx-plane). The transformation properties are obtained
from Eqs. 3.4.152–3.4.154 representing the relation between the laboratory-fixed
coordinates and the internal variables, together with the following structural
hP1 þ hP2 ¼ p; /P1 ¼ /P2 ; vP1 ¼ vP2 ; ð3:4:178Þ
162 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
Table 3.16 Transformation properties of variables in the right of Eqs. 3.4.152–3.4.154 under
generating operations of the group G18 for dimethylamine and G36 for acetone
R h; /; v (rotation) s1 (internal s2 (internal
(translation) rotation) rotation)
ð123Þ R h; /; v s1 þ 2p=3 s2
ð456Þ R h; /; v s1 s2 þ 2p=3
R h; /; v þ p s2 s1
R p h; p þ /; p v s1 s2
Generating operations of G18 are ð123Þ; ð456Þ and ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
; generating operations of
G36 are ð123Þ; ð456Þ; ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
and ð23Þð56Þ
depicted in Fig. 3.36 will be understood by making A=E splittings equal in top 1
and top 2 in Fig. 3.32. Levels of symmetry species A2 ; E2sep for case Cs ðG18 Þ and
A2 ; A3 ; A4 ; E2 ; E4 for case C2v ðG36 Þ; which do not appear for the J ¼ K ¼ 0 in the
ground vibrational state, appear for K 6¼ 0 levels and/or v 6¼ 0 vibrationally
excited states.
Hamiltonian Operator
Basis set functions of each symmetry species for case Cs ðG18 Þ are give as follows:
jA1 i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
jA2 i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ; ð3:4:186Þ
ðm1 ; m2 ¼ 0 mod 3 0 and J K JÞ
with m1 ¼ 3n þ 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 þ 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ, and
J K J:
E1sep -symmetry:
jA1þ i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
ðm1 ¼ 3n þ 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ
jA1 i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
ðm1 ¼ 3n 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 þ 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 165
When m1 ¼ m2 ; the factor 1= 2 in the equations above should be replaced by
E2sep -symmetry:
jA2þ i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
ðm1 ¼ 3n þ 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ
jA2 i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
ðm1 ¼ 3n 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 þ 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ:
When m1 ¼ m2 ; the factor 1= 2 in the equations above should be replaced by
Gsep -symmetry:
jEþa i ¼ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki;
ðm1 ¼ 3nðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 þ 1ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ;
jEþb i ¼ ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
jEþa i ¼ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki;
jEa i ¼ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki;
ðm1 ¼ 3n þ 1ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ;
and J K JÞ;
jEb i ¼ ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
jEa i ¼ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ð3:4:190Þ
Basis functions of E1 ; E2 and G for case C2v ðG36 Þ are equal to those for
E1sep ; E2sep and Gsep in Eqs. 3.4.186–3.4.190 for case Cs ðG18 Þ; respectively. Other
basis functions for case C2v ðG36 Þ are as follows:
jA1 i ¼ ð1=2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
þ ð1ÞJK j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
jA2 i ¼ ð1=2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
ð1ÞJK j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
jA3 i ¼ ð1=2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
ð1ÞJK j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
jA4 i ¼ ð1=2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
: þ ð1ÞJK j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ;
1=ð2 2Þ in the above equations, and when m1 ¼ m2 ¼ K ¼ 0 the factor 1=2
should be replaced by 1=4:
jE3a i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
jE3b i ¼ ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
jE3a i
¼ ð1= 2Þð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki þ ð1ÞJ j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki
jE4a i ¼ ð1= 2Þ jm1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞJ jm2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki
jE4b i ¼ ð14Þð26Þð35Þð78Þ
jE4a i
¼ ð1= 2Þð1ÞK j m2 ; m1 ijJ; Ki ð1ÞJ j m1 ; m2 ijJ; Ki ;
where m1 ¼ 3n þ 1 ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ; m2 ¼ 3n0 þ 1 ðn0 ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ, and
0 K J: When m1 ¼ m2 and K ¼ 0; the factor 1= 2 should be replaced by 1=2
in the above equations.
We describe the tunneling matrix formulation in the case of two methyl internal
rotors. As mentioned in the one-top problem, the tunneling matrix formulation is
effective in the case of a high potential barrier to internal rotation. The description
is somewhat different depending on geometrical symmetry of a molecule. Case
C1 ðG9 Þ of a molecule with inequivalent two methyl tops and case Cs ðG18 Þ of a
molecule with equivalent two methyl tops will be treated below.
The last three terms in Eq. 3.4.198 represent the Coriolis interaction between the
overall rotation and the methyl internal rotation. All the coefficients,
hv ; A; B; C; q; r; and s; are of A-symmetry. The following transformation properties
of the coefficients under the combined operation of Hermitian conjugation and
time reversal (indicated by z) are also useful:
168 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
hz ¼ þh for hv ; A; B and C;
h ¼ h for q; r and s:
Based on the description given above, parameterized expressions for the torsional–
rotational Hamiltonian matrix elements are given as
9 X
hC; J; KjHjC; J; K i ¼ 2
f ðCÞn h1jhv jnidKK 0 þ h1jAjniK 2 dKK 0
NðCÞ n¼1;2;4;6;7
þ h1jBjnihJ; KjJx2 jJ; K 0 i þ h1jCjnihJ; KjJy2 jJ; K 0 i
X pffiffiffi
þ 3gðCÞn ½h1jqjniKdKK 0 þ h1jrjnihJ; KjJx jJ; K 0 i
þ h1jsjnihJ; KjJy jJ; K 0 i ð3:4:200Þ
where f ðCÞn and gðCÞn are numerical factors given in Table 3.17. In Eq. 3.4.200,
the symmetry species C takes A and Eiþ ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ. The Hamiltonian matrix for
Ei ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ produces the same eigenvalues as that for Eiþ does since we
have a relation
h1jhj1i ¼ 0;
h1jhj2i ¼ h1jhj3i; h1jhj4i ¼ h1jhj5i; ð3:4:203Þ
h1jhj6i ¼ h1jhj9i; h1jhj7i ¼ h1jhj8i;
for h ¼ q; r; and s:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 169
The description given above is also available for case Cs ðG18 Þ of inequivalent-
two-top molecules except for that the term is Jy in Eq. 3.4.198 does not contribute
to any Hamiltonian matrix element and that symmetry species A for case C1 ðG9 Þ
corresponds to A1 and A2 for case Cs ðG18 Þ; which distinguish the two K-type
doubling levels (the J ¼ K ¼ 0 level belongs to either A1 or A2 symmetry species
depending on the symmetry property of the torsional state under the symmetry
operation ð23Þð56Þð78Þ
; the reflection in the plane of symmetry in point group).
for h ¼ hv ; A; B; and C;
h1jqj1i ¼ 0;
h1jqj2i ¼ h1jqj3i ¼ h1jqj4i ¼ h1jqj5i;
h1jqj6i ¼ h1jqj9i ¼ 0;
h1jqj7i ¼ h1jqj8i;
h1jhj1i ¼ 0;
h1jhj2i ¼ h1jhj3i ¼ h1jhj4i ¼ h1jhj5i;
h1jhj6i ¼ h1jhj9i;
h1jhj7i ¼ h1jhj8i ¼ 0;
hAðoverallÞ; J; KjHjAðoverallÞ; J; K 0 i
¼ 9NðA1 Þ2 aðAÞn h1jhk jnihJ; KjRk jJ; K 0 i;
n¼1;2;6;7 k¼1;2;3;4
hEa ðoverallÞ; J; KjHjEa ðoverallÞ; J; K 0 i
¼ 9NðEÞ aðEÞn h1jhk jnihJ; KjRk jJ; K 0 i
n¼1;2;6;7 k¼1;2;3;4
þ 3ð2h1jrj2i h1jrj6iÞhJ; KjJx jJ; K 0 i
pffiffiffi i
þ 3ð2h1jsj2i h1jsj6iÞhJ; KjJy jJ; K 0 i ;
hEsep a ðoverallÞ; J; KjHjEsep a ðoverallÞ; J; K 0 i
X X ð3:4:212Þ
¼ 9NðEsep Þ aðEsep Þn h1jhk jnihJ; KjRk jJ; K 0 i
n¼1;2;6;7 k¼1;2;3;4
pffiffiffi i
þ 3ð2h1jqj2i h1jqj7iÞKdKK 0
hGsep a ðoverallÞ; J; KjHjGsep a ðoverallÞ; J; K 0 i
¼ 9NðGsep Þ aðGsep Þn h1jhk jnihJ; KjRk jJ; K 0 i
n¼1;2;6;7 k¼1;2;3;4
3ðh1jqj2i þ h1jqj7iÞKdKK 0
3ðh1jrj2i þ h1jrj6iÞhJ; KjJx jJ; K 0 i
pffiffiffi i
3ðh1jsj2i þ h1jsj6iÞhJ; KjJy jJ; K 0 i
hk Rk ¼ hv þ AJz2 þ BJx2 þ CJy2 ;
aðAÞ1 ; aðAÞ2 ; aðAÞ6 ; aðAÞ7 ¼ ð1; 4; 2; 2Þ;
aðEÞ1 ; aðEÞ2 ; aðEÞ6 ; aðEÞ7 ¼ ð1; 2; 1; 2Þ;
aðEsep Þ1 ; aðEsep Þ2 ; aðEsep Þ6 ; aðEsep Þ7 ¼ ð1; 2; 2; 1Þ;
and aðGsep Þ1 ; aðGsep Þ2 ; aðGsep Þ6 ; aðGsep Þ7 ¼ ð1; 1; 1; 1Þ:
j1i ¼ þj1i and ð23Þð56Þ
j1i ¼ þj1i; ð3:4:213Þ
the symmetrized torsional functions, jA1 ðtorsionÞi; jEðtorsionÞi; jE1sep ðtorsionÞi
and jGðtorsionÞi; shown for the case of a dimethylamine-like molecule in Eq.
3.4.205 corresponds to jA1 ðtorsionÞi; jE3 ðtorsionÞi; jE1 ðtorsionÞi and jGðtorsionÞi;
172 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
eivRAM Jz =h Jx iJy eivRAM Jz =h ¼ eivRAM Jx iJy ;
eihRAM Jy =h ðJz iJx ÞeihRAM Jy =h ¼ eihRAM ðJz iJx Þ; ð3:4:215Þ
ei/RAM Jz =h Jx iJy ei/RAM Jz =h ¼ ei/RAM Jx iJy :
Proof By putting
U ¼ eiaJz =h Jx iJy eiaJz =h ; ð3:4:216Þ
we have
oU i i
¼ Jz U þ UJz
¼ ðJz U UJz Þ
¼ eiaJz =h Jz ; Jx iJy eiaJz =h ð3:4:217Þ
¼ eiaJz =h i hJy i2 hJx eiaJz =h
¼ ieiaJz =h Jx iJy eiaJz =h
¼ iU:
3 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Astrophysics 173
That is
¼ iU: ð3:4:218Þ
2 3
6 7
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h 4 Jy 5eivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
3 2
6 7
¼ Sþ1 ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM Þ4 Jy 5 ð3:4:220Þ
ivRAM i
eivRAM Jz =h Jx eivRAM Jz =h ¼ e þ eivRAM Jx þ eivRAM eivRAM Jy
2 2
¼ ðcos vRAM ÞJx ðsin vRAM ÞJy ;
ivRAM 1
eivRAM Jz =h Jy eivRAM Jz =h ¼ e eivRAM Jx þ eivRAM þ eivRAM Jy
2i 2
¼ ðsin vRAM ÞJx þ ðcos vRAM ÞJy ;
Therefore, we have
2 3 2 3
Jx Jx
eivRAM Jz =h 4 Jy 5eivRAM Jz =h ¼ Sþ1 ð0; 0; vRAM Þ4 Jy 5: ð3:4:221Þ
Jz Jz
Similarly by using the second and the third relations of (3.4.215), we have
174 K. M. T. Yamada et al.
2 3
6 7
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h 4 Jy 5eivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
3 2
6 7
¼ ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h Sþ1 ð0; 0; vRAM Þ4 Jy 5eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
3 2
6 7
¼ Sþ1 ð0; 0; vRAM Þei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h 4 Jy 5eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
3 2
6 7
¼ Sþ1 ð0; 0; vRAM ÞSþ1 ðhRAM ; 0; 0Þei/RAM Jz =h 4 Jy 5ei/RAM Jz =h
3 2
6 7
¼ Sþ1 ð0; 0; vRAM ÞSþ1 ðhRAM ; 0; 0ÞSþ1 ð0; /RAM ; 0Þ4 Jy 5
2 3
þ1 6 7
¼ S ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM Þ4 Jy 5:
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h S1 ðh; /; vÞeivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
¼ S1 ðh; /; vÞS1 ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM Þ ð3:4:222Þ
Proof Using Eq. 3.4.220 and the relation between the molecule-fixed components
Jx ; Jy ; Jz and the laboratory-fixed components JX ; JY ; JZ of the angular momentum
2 3 2 3
4 Jy 5 ¼ Sþ1 ðh; /; vÞ4 JY 5; ð3:4:223Þ
ei/RAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h eivRAM Jz =h Sþ1 ðh; /; vÞeivRAM Jz =h eihRAM Jy =h ei/RAM Jz =h
¼ Sþ1 ðhRAM ; /RAM ; vRAM ÞSþ1 ðh; /; vÞ;
By taking the inverse operation in both sides of the above equation, we obtain the
relation (3.4.222). h
F R1 ; R2 ; R3 ; ra ð1Þ; rb ð2Þ; rc ð3Þ ¼ F R1 ; R3 ; R2 ; ra ð1Þ; rb ð3Þ; rc ð2Þ ;
ð123ÞF R1 ; R2 ; R3 ; ra ð1Þ; rb ð2Þ; rc ð3Þ ¼ F R2 ; R3 ; R1 ; ra ð2Þ; rb ð3Þ; rc ð1Þ ;
ð123ÞF R1 ; R2 ; R3 ; ra ð1Þ; rb ð2Þ; rc ð3Þ ¼ ð23Þ
F R2 ; R3 ; R1 ; ra ð2Þ; rb ð3Þ; rc ð1Þ
¼ F R3 ; R2 ; R1 ; ra ð3Þ; rb ð2Þ; rc ð1Þ ;
¼ ð13Þ
F R1 ; R2 ; R3 ; ra ð1Þ; rb ð2Þ; rc ð3Þ :
assuming h1j1i ¼ 1:
For a simple case of a molecule with one methyl top, Eq. 3.4.226 leads to
0 1 2 1 1 30 1
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j1 : newi 1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S j1i
@ j2 : newi A ¼ 6 1 7@
4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi j2i A
1 1 1 2 1
3 1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S 5
j3 : newi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 1 1 1 1 2 j3i
1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S 1þ2S 1S
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Chapter 4
Laboratory Experimental Methods
4.1 Introduction
The vast majority of molecules detected in space has been identified by rotational
and ro-vibrational spectra in the millimeter- and sub-millimeter wavelength
region. Laboratory studies at sub-millimeter wavelengths or terahertz frequencies
require sophisticated spectroscopic techniques, which have been developed over
the last few decades by worldwide leading spectroscopy groups. In this section
spectroscopic tools for high resolution Terahertz spectroscopy of gas phase mol-
ecules are presented and illustrated by examples from the Cologne laboratories.
of mass almost at the central heavy atom, light hydrides have small momenta of
inertia and accordingly large rotational constants. As a consequence their rota-
tional spectra are predominantly found in the THz region. For example, the ground
state rotational constant of methylidynium, CHþ , is B = 418 GHz. Only recently
accurate laboratory data of the lowest rotational transition J ¼ 1 0 at 835 GHz
were reported by Amano in 2010 [1], and following this CHþ was astronomically
detected in the direction of massive star forming regions by Falgarone et al. [2]
using the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) onboard the Herschel
satellite [3].
Due to the lack of a permanent electrical dipole moment, molecular and pro-
tonated molecular hydrogen, H2 , and Hþ 3 , have no pure rotational spectra to be
observed in the millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wavelength region, but their deu-
terated isotopologues HD, H2 Dþ ; D2 Hþ posses rotational transitions in the Tera-
hertz region thanks to a dipole moment pointing along the axis of symmetry.
Because of their relevance to astronomy they are prime targets for laboratory
investigations. The lowest rotational transitions of para-H2 Dþ at 1.370 THz and of
ortho-D2 Hþ at 1.477 THz were recently revisited by Asvany et al. [4] applying
most accurate laser induced reaction spectroscopy at sub-millimeter wavelengths.
From the list of molecules detected in space, see tables in Chap. 5, it becomes
evident that carbon containing species contribute mostly to the diversity of
interstellar chemistry. Carbon chain molecules terminated by nitrogen, oxygen or
hydrogen groups are present as well as pure carbon chains and carbon hydrogen
rings. Most of them are highly reactive and unstable under terrestrial conditions.
Laboratory studies of carbon species therefore rely on advanced preparatory
methods such as electrical discharge cells and supersonic jet laser ablation sources.
Provided a permanent electrical dipole moment their rotational spectra spread over
the frequency range of a few Terahertz, but at low temperatures, as predominate in
cold interstellar clouds, the maximum of line intensities is shifted to lower fre-
quencies of tens to hundreds of GHz. Pure carbon chain molecules have no per-
manent dipole moment and thus no pure rotational spectra, but thanks to their low
lying vibrational modes they can be identified by ro-vibrational spectra in the
1–5 THz region.
Figure 4.1 shows the stick spectra of a few example molecules relevant to
astrophysics. It is clearly to be seen that H2 Dþ and H2 O have only few rotational
transitions in the Terahertz region. In opposite, pure rotational spectra of heavier
molecules, e.g., the C3 H carbon chain molecule, are more dense and mostly below
1 THz whereas ro-vibrational transitions of lowest bending modes of carbon chain
molecules occur in the Terahertz region, as for example in case of the v ¼ 1 0
transitions of C3 H. Figure 4.1 also shows that spectra of larger, asymmetric top
molecules such as dimethyl ether (DME) are rather complex with spectral line
densities often close to the confusion limit. Beside DME, other organic molecules
have been found mostly in warm regions of the interstellar medium with conse-
quently complicated and dense spectra. It is one of the challenges of laboratory
astrophysics to record and analyze spectra of complex molecules in the Terahertz
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 181
region and to give highly accurate frequency positions for a clear assignment of
spectra from astrophysical observations.
So far laboratory studies led to the large amount of spectroscopic data currently
available in molecular data bases, such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL)
data base [5] and the Cologne Data Base for Molecular Spectroscopy [6]. The
number of molecules under laboratory investigation is still growing and hence the
number of entrances in data bases do as well. Especially the demand for Terahertz
spectroscopic data is tremendous due to the advent of observatories operating at
high frequencies, such as the APEX telescope [7] or the HIFI instrument onboard
the Herschel satellite [3]. No doubt, we currently live in a very exciting and
challenging time for both laboratory astrophysics and astronomical observations.
Fig. 4.1 Calculated stick spectra of specific molecules in the Terahertz region
182 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
4.2.1 Overview
Until recently a major constraint in high resolution Terahertz spectroscopy was the
lack of appropriate monochromatic radiation sources. High frequency electronic
devices, such as Klystrons, Gunn diodes and electron tubes [8] have been used to
generate monochromatic radiation up to roughly 100 GHz and subsequent fre-
quency multiplication techniques by Schottky multiplier devices generate radiation
in the THz region, although with a significant drop in output power. In the 1980th
backward wave oscillators (BWOs) were developed for Terahertz spectroscopy.
They produce radiation from a guided electron beam traveling along a high voltage
periodic structure placed in a resonator tube. BWOs above 1 THz, which are
tunable over a spectral range of a few hundred GHz, and with output powers of
several mW, were developed and successfully applied to spectroscopy. For two
decades, BWOs became workhorse radiation sources in many laboratories until
recently, when multiplier based all solid state sources became more favorable. For
several reasons BWOs did not prevail in the spectroscopic community, major ones
being constraints in handiness, lifetime, and commercial availability. Instead,
commercially available cascaded Schottky multiplier chains fed by highly mono-
chromatic radiation of a synthesizer at typically 10–30 GHz are nowadays widely
in use to cover the spectral range up to 2 THz. Although the optical quality of their
radiation is better in comparison to BWO tubes, the low output power at the end of
the multiplication process is still of concern. Amplifiers for frequencies above
100 GHz and multipliers with smaller losses may ease this constraint and allow to
further extend the spectral range above 2 THz. A promising approach to frequency
multiplication are superlattice devices and first results have been reported recently
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 183
by Endres et al. [9]. Because they generate only odd numbered harmonics the
power-drop at higher harmonics is less drastically compared to Schottky type
multipliers, although at 3.1 THz the output does not exceed a few 10-9 W. While
for frequencies in the mid-infrared region and above quite powerful high resolu-
tion sources are available, the range from 2 to 10 THz is still a technical challenge.
Efforts to bridge the Terahertz gap from the high frequency side have been
reviewed by Siegel [10] and new solutions, such as quantum cascade lasers for
Terahertz radiation, became commercially available recently.1
Lasers have also been used for both frequency down- and up-conversion to
generate Terahertz radiation. Far-infrared gas lasers at fixed frequencies are mixed
with radiation from tunable sources on appropriate mixing devices. By this
manner, tunable laser-sideband radiation is generated at Terahertz frequencies,
which can be used for high resolution spectroscopy. Finally, laser-mixing of
far-infrared and near infrared lasers were used for difference frequency generation
in the Terahertz range. First commercially available systems are offered by Toptica
Photonics AG.2
In cases when less spectral resolution is sufficient, Fourier Transform spec-
troscopy proofs to be a useful tool to record broad scan spectra. The constraint of
commonly used black body radiation sources (globars)—emitting only few pho-
tons in the Terahertz region with low optical beam quality—has recently been
overcome by collimated synchrotron radiation sources for the far infrared, which
emit 2–3 orders of magnitudes more photons than globars do. The French SOLEIL
and the Canadian Light Source synchrotron facilities both have far infrared beam
lines combined with high resolution Fourier-Transform spectrometers. Although
Fourier Transform spectroscopy is of relevance to Terahertz spectroscopy, in the
following section the focus is on spectrometers which make use of monochromatic
radiation sources.
One of the most successfully used sources for monochromatic THz radiation is the
BWO. The device consists of a periodic metallic structure placed inside a reso-
nator tube. Electrons leaving a heated filament are accelerated in a strong electrical
field of several kV. An axial homogenous magnetic field of order of 1 T confines
the electrons to a narrow beam with current densities as high as 300 A/cm2. By
passing the low voltage periodic structure (typically at 20 V) the electron phase
Alpes Lasers, http://www.alpeslasers.ch/.
184 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
Radiation Out
Backward Wave Oscillator OB-44
U/f characteristic
Magnetic Field
f [THz]
H e 0.9
Slow Wave Structure
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Filament Filament + Cathode
Slow Wave Structure Voltage U [kV]
Fig. 4.2 Schematic drawing of a backward wave oscillator (BWO) and typical frequency versus
voltage curve
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 185
Fig. 4.3 rQ3 branch of H2S2 recorded with a BWO spectrometer (upper trace) and with a high
resolution FT-Spectrometer (lower trace). (Modified version of Fig. 4.2 with permission from
[14], Ó 1993, Elsevier)
Fig. 4.4 Schematic diagram of a PLL unit for locking the frequency of a BWO to a reference
frequency. (Reproduction of Fig. 4.3 with permission from [28]. Ó 1998, American Institute of
phase detector and is compared to the precise phase of a reference signal (mREF ),
which can be either a rubidium time standard, the GPS time reference signal, or a
signal of comparable accuracy. The Cologne spectrometers are synchronized to
rubidium standards of either 5 or 10 MHz. The phase comparator detects slightest
deviations of the intermediate signal from the reference and generates an error
signal voltage which is amplified in a high gain fast DC amplifier and fed to the
anode of the BWO to correct the BWO frequency. A review on phase locked BWO
has been published by Krupnov [29].
The phase lock is monitored by a frequency analyzer, which displays the IF
signal (see Fig. 4.5). The quality of the PLL depends on the stability and sufficient
radiation power of the BWO and the synthesizer signal as well. For stable oper-
ation the peak maximum of the IF signal has to be at least 30 dB above the side
lobes. Additional filters can partly reduce the levels of side lobes.
4 K liquid helium cooled InSb hot electron bolometer (QMC Instruments, Cardiff)
with sensitivity of 1011 W= Hz. The detector peak sensitivity can be tuned from
typically 600 GHz up to 2 THz with an inhomogeneous magnetic field. This
allows sensitive detection from 100 GHz up to 2.3 THz. To increase the sensitivity
of the spectrometer the BWO output is frequency modulated at typically 50 kHz to
record signals in second derivative using a fast Lock-In amplifier. A PC records
the output signal of the Lock-In and controls the frequency tuning of the BWO by
continuously stepping the output frequencies of a synthesizer. For the setup shown
in Fig. 4.6 a 110 GHz and alternatively a 18 GHz synthesizer was used. Tuning
the synthesizer frequency the PLL error signal corrects the BWO input voltage
until the error signal is zero. For example, to record spectra at 1 THz the 9th
harmonic of a 110 GHz synthesizer signal is used to generate an IF signal of
350 MHz and slowly scanned to record spectra. By this manner a number of stable
molecules, such as carbon monoxyde (CO), water (H2 O), methanol (CH3 OH),
hydrogen cyanide (HCN), methyl cyanide (CH3 CN), formic acid (HCOOH),
dimethyl ether (CH3 OCH3 ), ethylmethylether(C2 H5 OCH3 ), and many others,
including isotopologues, have been recorded with the Cologne THz spectrometer.
Beside stable molecular species a large number of radicals and unstable molecules,
produced in discharge cells, have been studied with the aid of BWO spectrometers
such as light hydrides, SH, PH, NH, CH2 , chain molecules like C3 ; HC3 ; HC3 N and
HC5 N, the sulfur containing species HSOH and HSSH, and molecular ions, for
example, COþ and HCOþ . A list of recently investigated molecules at Cologne is
given in [30]. Figure 4.7 shows as an example the rQ4 branch spectrum of HSSH at
1.258 THz.
Fig. 4.6 Schematic diagram of the Cologne terahertz spectrometer. (Reproduction of Fig. 4.1
with permission from [28]. Ó 1998 American Institute of Physics)
To record sub-Doppler line profiles part of the incident beam is reflected back by
a mirror or at the detector surface and passes the gas cell a second time but in
opposite direction, thereby depopulating the lower states of molecules with velocity
component -vz. When the spectrometer is tuned to the rest frequency m = m0,
radiation of both incident and back reflected beam is absorbed by the same group of
molecules with velocity vz = 0. Radiation of the back reflected beam now
depopulates the lower state of molecules with vz = 0 and thus less radiation of the
incident beam gets absorbed. As a consequence a narrow dip at rest frequency m0
occurs and in favorable cases underlying hyperfine structure transitions can be
resolved. The high-resolution possibilities of BWO applications have been dem-
onstrated by sub-Doppler spectra of C17 O at 449 GHz [31], DCN up to 942 GHz
[32], H13 CN at 604 GHz and D13 C15 N at 764 GHz [33, 34]. Figure 4.8 shows the
sub-Doppler spectrum of the J ¼ 4 3 transition of DCN in its first excited m2
bending state at 290 GHz. The line width of hyperfine components is 30 kHz with a
corresponding accuracy of 1–5 kHz.
4.2.5 Multiplier-Spectrometer
Above 1 THz the output power of BWOs drops drastically. Electrical and
mechanical constraints restrict the operational range of BWOs for spectroscopic
applications to slightly above 1 THz. To reach frequencies above 1 THz multipliers
are nowadays widely in use to generate higher harmonic output frequencies from
low fundamental input frequencies. The development of multiplier configurations is
subject of current research [10, 35–39]. Multiplier devices make use of the non-
linear current–voltage response of semiconductor materials to generate higher
harmonic frequencies. Today multiplier devices and cascaded multiplier chains are
190 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
Fig. 4.9 Schematic drawing of a multiplier spectrometer. The setup uses a planar Schottky
multiplier. (Reproduced from [44], Ó 2000, with permission from Elsevier)
Virginia Diodes, Inc., 979 Second Street SE, Suite 309, Charlottesville, VA 22902; Radiometer
Physics GmbH, http://www.radiometer-physics.de/rpg/html/home.html
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 191
Figure 4.10 shows a planar Schottky frequency multiplier designed for broad-band
spectroscopy at 1.38 THz. The multiplier generates harmonics of a fundamental
frequency of 110–240 GHz. A planar low-capacitance resistive mixer diode is
adapted to broad-band impedance matching. The planar Schottky diode provides a
junction capacitance of 3 fF, a series resistance of 11 X, an ideality factor of 1.3, a
breakdown voltage of 8.4 V, and additionally a small parasitic capacitance (less
than 1 fF). With these specifications the calculated cutoff frequency is 4 THz. The
anode size of the diode is less than 2 1 lm2 . The anode beam lead is made of
gold and is about 300 lm in length. This offers a very low ohmic resistance at
Terahertz frequencies and a mechanically flexible anode. To minimize the para-
sitic capacitance of the anode, an air bridge approx. 20 lm in length was etched
below an Au-anode finger. To achieve a mechanically stable contact, the volume
of the air bridge is filled with polyimide (r ¼ 2:7) and a part of the finger structure
is additionally fixed with a polyimide layer on the top. The GaAs chip is etched
down to a size of 170 100 lm2 . A GaAs-substrate (doping concentration, n ¼
2 3 1018 cm3 ) with a 2 lm buffer layer (n ¼ 5 1018 cm3 ) and a 50 nm-
thin epilayer (n ¼ 5 1017 cm3 ) was employed. The ohmic contact is made on
the surface of the GaAs crystal and spaced 8 lm from the junction area, thus
reducing effectively the ohmic resistance of the device. The diode definition and its
fabrication were carried out in the Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices, State
University of Nishnii Novgorod, Russia [42]. The polyimide reinforced film-diode
is quite rugged and reliable, with enhanced power handling capability compared to
whisker-contacted diodes. The input waveguide (WR 10) of the multiplier is lin-
early tapered from a full-size rectangular waveguide to a single-ridge waveguide,
which forms a small gap of 300 lm.
Figure 4.11 shows the multiplier block with the planar Schottky diode incor-
porated. The planar diode is mounted across the gap, with the cathode connected to
the planar filter structure. An E - H tuner is mounted on the input waveguide
Fig. 4.10 Design of a GaAs Schottky planar film diode. The overall size of the diode is
500 lm 9 150 lm; the anode size is less than 2 lm 9 1 lm. (Reproduced with permission from
[43], Ó 1999, IEEE)
192 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
flange of the multiplier to improve the input power matching. The planar filter and
the channel cover forms a suspended substrate transmission line. The horn antenna
is a scaled version of a standard-gain rectangular horn antenna and was milled in
four single-plane triangular parts. For a particular backshort setting, a bandwidth
of 1 GHz at the second harmonic is achieved. Sufficient power for molecular
spectroscopy beyond 1 THz can be produced. Compared to whisker contacted
devices planar diodes are easy to handle.
0.2 to over 10 THz. Strong THz laser lines at a few tens mW mixed with
microwave radiation from either a YIG oscillator (2–4 GHz) [46], a frequency
multiplied synthesizer (up to 75 GHz) [47], or a klystron (22–114 GHz) [48]
have been used to generate tunable laser sideband signals up to 3 THz on a
GaAs-Schottky barrier diode. The microwave is either coupled to the mixer
coaxially or via waveguides. The separation of sidebands from the fundamental
laser radiation is achieved by a diplexer in combination with a Farbry–Perot
interferometer or by a grating monochromator. Frequency tuning of the laser
sidebands is achieved by tuning the frequency of the microwave radiation source.
In 1997 the Cologne group presented a FIR sideband laser system using a PLL
locked BWO (280–380 GHz) as tunable microwave source [49]. The high fre-
quency of the BWO leads to sidebands well separated from the carrier frequency
which can easily be extracted by a grating monochromator. Both the optical
coupling of BWO radiation onto the mixer as well as the clearly separated side-
bands have substantially simplified the use of laser sideband techniques for
Terahertz applications. A schematic overview of the layout of the Cologne side-
band spectrometer for Terahertz applications (COSSTA) is presented in Fig. 4.13.
Aside from the traditional absorption cell and the hot carrier liquid-He-cooled
magnetically tuned InSb detector COSSTA consists of three essential units: (a) the
frequency-stabilized FIR laser system, (b) the evacuated optics and mixer arrange-
ment, which serves to superimpose the BWO and FIR beams, and (c) the BWO phase-
lock assembly. The radiation of a frequency-stabilized FIR ring-laser system is
mixed on an open-structure Schottky barrier diode pumped with phase-stabilized
power output from a BWO for generating the sidebands. The tunability of the
system is basically determined by the frequency coverage of the BWOs, which is
about 100 GHz at 330 GHz center frequency. An example of the wide tuning
range and the high frequencies accessible with COSSTA is shown in Fig. 4.14.
The J ¼ 16 15 rotational transitions of CO in different excited vibrational states
194 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
piezo actuator to move the grating of the CO2 pump laser whose frequency is
corrected within the gain profile of a CO2 laser line. By this manner long term
frequency stability (AFC loop error) of 2 kHz and absolute frequency calibration
of the FIR laser was achieved. The BWO submillimeter and FIR laser radiation are
coupled quasi-optically onto a whisker-contacted Schottky diode for generating
laser sidebands. Separation of laser frequency and tunable sidebands are achieved
with a low-loss blazed grating (see Fig. 4.13). Finally the tunable sideband beam
passes the absorption cell and is focused onto a liquid-helium-cooled InSb
bolometer. With a 1T6 Schottky diode (University of Virginia), sideband power
levels of 1:6 lW were reached. To avoid power losses introduced by water vapor
absorption, a vacuum box for the optical system is used to cover the entire side-
band beam and the main part of the laser beam. Various applications of COSSTA
to molecular spectroscopy have been published (see, e.g., [32, 51–55].
4.3.2 SuJeSTA
Fig. 4.15 SuJeSTA Spectrometer is presented as a block diagram. (Reproduction of Fig. 4.1 of
[87], Ó 2009, with permission from Elsevier)
A pulsed jet discharge source at typically 20–50 Hz repetition rate and pulse
duration times of a few hundreds of ls is used to produce reactive molecules from
a mixture of precursor gases (see Fig. 4.15). Flow controller units allow for stable
and reproducible gas flow conditions and constant mixing ratios during the mea-
surements. Fast background subtraction during the off-times of the jet leads to a
substantial reduction of the noise level and allows for corrections of baseline
instabilities due to etalon effects. The amount of radicals and ions strongly depends
on the source conditions such as the length of the discharge pulse compared to the
length of the precursor gas pulse and the time delay between them. A pumping unit
with a two stage roots blower keeps the pressure in the chamber at about
5 9 10-2 mbar.
The jet is probed by radiation of tunable BWOs operating between 300 and
1200 GHz. The BWO spectrometer can be used in two different modes, a phase
stabilized mode for highly precise measurements over a small range of about
500 MHz, and in a free running fast scanning mode, which covers a large fre-
quency range of several GHz but with less accuracy. The fast scanning mode is
used for searching absorption lines of little or even completely unknown species,
whereas the phase stabilized mode is used for highly precise measurements
(10 kHz accuracy) on selected, identified lines and for long integration times to
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 197
harmonic spectrum
mixer analyser
MW frequency
synthesizer meter
spherical mirror
radiation nozzle pulse
pump modulation
plane mirror (anode)
with periodical structure
stability dU/U applied to the periodic structure (anode) and scales with the inverse
of the cavity quality factor Q:
dm dU k
2 ; ð4:3:1Þ
m U Q
where k ^ 100 is the number of ridges in the periodic structure. The high quality
of the Fabry–Pérot resonant cavity (typically about 104) leads to high frequency
At a reasonable voltage stability of 10-5 the frequency stability is dm / m & 10-7
which corresponds to a radiation line width of 10–15 kHz at 100–150 GHz.
Thanks to high Q values the stability of the frequency is not seriously affected by
the instability of the voltage U and therefore active frequency stabilization is not
necessary. In addition simple tunability of the OROTRON spectrometer makes it a
very efficient tool to search for weak transitions of molecules or for highly diluted
trace gases. Initially designed for studies of weakly absorbing stable molecules
[63] and trace gases at concentrations of 0.01–1 ppm in air and water vapor [64], a
most promising new application of the OROTRON is the application to molecular
jet spectroscopy [65]. The potential of the new technique for observation of very
weakly bound van-der-Waals complexes of type R–CO, with R = Ar, Ne, He,
H2 ; D2 ; N2 , and CO have been investigated by Surin and co-workers (see [66] and
references therein). As an example, which demonstrates the sensitivity of the
OROTRON spectrometer, the 107 GHz J ¼ 1 0 transition of 13 C17 O in natural
abundance (4 106 ) is shown in Fig. 4.19a. The observed linewidth of the
hyperfine structure components of 300–400 kHz is caused by Doppler broadening
in a free expanding supersonic jet. The effect of Doppler broadening can partly be
reduced in cases of power saturation. Figure 4.19b shows three saturation dips of
(a) (b)
13 17 17
J 0 J 0
Fig. 4.19 Spectra of 13 C17 O and sub-Doppler spectra of 12 C17 O. (Reproduction with permission
from [65], Ó 2001, American Institute of Physics)
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 201
J = 5, K = 1
J = 4, K = 0
40 kHz
139866,0 139866,2 139866,4 139866,6 139866,8
Frequency, MHz
the estimated uncertainty to the values obtained in the previous Lamb dip and
molecular beam studies.
To measure doppler shifts and line profiles of interstellar molecular lines, some-
times resolutions as high as 106 are needed. Whereas moderate resolution spec-
troscopy can use direct detectors behind grating- or Fabry–Pérot spectrometers,
instruments with resolutions of 103 or higher typically use the heterodyne prin-
ciple. Heterodyne receivers take the RF signal at mRF picked up by an antenna and
combine it with a, usually much stronger, sinusoidal ‘‘local oscillator’’ signal at
mLO . In a nonlinear device known as mixer, the two frequencies are multiplied,
resulting in, among others, the difference frequency mIF ¼ msig mLO which is
called the intermediate frequency or IF. The IF frequency is an exact replica of the
RF frequency. Because mIF mRF , it is easy to achieve high frequency resolution
204 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
2.8 meV for Niobium, a standard superconductor for SIS mixers, corresponding to
a ‘‘gap frequency’’ of 2D=h ¼ 700 GHz. A fundamental frequency limit for the
tunneling process, and therefore for frequency mixing with SIS elements, occurs at
frequencies above twice the gap frequency at 4D=h, 1400 GHz for Niobium. At
this frequency, the photon energy is high enough to produce equal tunneling
currents in both directions of the barrier for all DC bias voltages, effectively
canceling each other. It turns out in practice that above 1200 GHz the DC-bias
range for mixer operation is getting too small for practical mixers. This fre-
quency limit can only be surpassed with tunnel junctions made of superconductors
other than Niobium with higher energy gaps, corresponding to higher critical
The intrinsic mixing properties of an SIS mixer are described by the Quantum
Theory of Mixing introduced by John Tucker in 1979 [74, 75]. This theory in its
three-frequency approximation turns out to be a very powerful instrument for the
practical design of SIS mixers because it only needs the DC I/V characteristic and
the embedding impedance of the junction at the signal-, local oscillator- and IF to
completely predict its RF properties. All higher harmonics can usually be safely
ignored due to the high shunting capacitance of the junction. The theory takes the
non-classical response of the tunnel currents to external fields into account, pre-
dicting the mixer gain and input noise. The non-classical effects include negative
differential resistance with non-classical mixer gain [1 and the possibility of zero
added mixer noise, thus achieving quantum limited heterodyne detection with a
minimum noise temperature of the order of hm/k, corresponding to 4.8 K/100 GHz.
The theory does not address any effects from the tunneling of the Cooper pairs
(Josephson effects), effectively expecting their complete suppression by an external
magnetic field.
As will be shown below, practical SIS mixers have to use high-Q integrated RF
transmission line matching circuits to exploit their full sensitivity. Up to fre-
quencies close to the gap frequency, the same superconductors as for the tunnel
junctions can be used as lossless conductors for these transmission lines.
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 207
Above, the photon energy is high enough to destroy the superconductivity, giving
rise to large losses in the now normal-conducting lines. The loss in the junction
electrodes themselves can become important if the junction area cannot be
assumed to be small against the wavelength in the junction so that the junction
itself is a lossy transmission line. These phenomena lead to the fact that Niobium-
based SIS mixers have a strong decrease in sensitivity above about 750 GHz and
other materials have to be used for the circuits above this frequency.
After the first experience with Pb–Oxide–Pb (lead) based SIS junctions (a spin-off
of the IBM superconducting computer project) in the early 1980s [76], Nb junc-
tions were developed to solve the problems of the mechanically and chemically
unstable lead junctions. The initially achieved tunnel characteristics however were
disappointingly rounded and leaky due to the unfavorable characteristics of
Niobium oxide as the insulating barrier. The discovery of Gurvitch et al. [77] that
a very thin layer of aluminum perfectly wets the Niobium surface and can serve as
an artificial tunneling barrier after oxidation was a breakthrough and resulted in
nearly ideal Nb–Al–Al2 O3 –Nb–SIS junctions with extremely low leakage currents
and high current densities. Figure 4.24 shows a cross section of a typical SIS
tunnel junction.
High quality Nb thin film layers are fabricated by sputtering from a high purity
target. The background pressure must be in the low 10-8 mbar range to avoid the
incorporation of oxygen which reduces the critical temperature. This dictates the
need for a load-locked vacuum system. Care has also to be taken that the Nb
surface has to cool down before sputtering the thin barrier aluminum layer to avoid
diffusion into the grain boundaries of the Nb film. Thermal oxidation produces a
tunnel barrier of Al2 O3 . The thickness and therefore the tunnel current density is
approximately proportional to the product of oxygen pressure and exposure time.
After blanket-depositing the tunnel layers onto the substrate, the (sub)-micron
sized tunnel junctions are defined by either photolithography or direct electron
beam writing, followed by an anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching process using
reactive gases such as SF6 in a plasma discharge. Silicon monoxide or silicon
dioxide layers are evaporated or sputtered to insulate the top wiring layer con-
necting the tunnel junctions to the circuit. The insulation layer also serves as the
dielectric layer for integrated RF circuits described below.
To exploit the quantum limited sensitivity of the tunnel junctions, they have to be
very effectively coupled to the radiation of the telescope. As the typical tunnel
junction size is 1 lm, which is much smaller than the wavelength being received,
an antenna is needed. One approach is the conversion of the free space wave from,
e.g., a telescope to a guided wave using a horn connected to a single-mode
waveguide. A probe then couples the waveguide mode into a thin-film transmis-
sion line on the detector substrate. At sub-millimeter wavelengths, the challenge is
that the device substrate has to be ultra-thin, and only a few groups have the
technology available. The second widely used approach is to integrate the detector
into a planar antenna on the same chip and use a dielectric lens to focus the
radiation onto the antenna. The advantage is that the device substrate can now be
thick, but the coupling to a Gaussian beam is limited in efficiency, whereas cor-
rugated horns can reach 98%.
A major complication to the impedance match of an SIS tunnel junction to
either the waveguide probe or the planar antenna impedance is their large intrinsic
capacitance due to the very thin barrier acting as a dielectric between the two
superconductors. Typical values for Nb-based junctions are 80–90 fF/lm2 ,
effectively shorting out the tunnel resistance even for micron-sized junctions. The
capacitance has to be compensated at the operating frequency by an external
circuit. This limits the intrinsic RF bandwidth of the detector to about
B ¼ 2=xRN CJ , with RN the tunnel junction normal resistance, x the operating
angular frequency, and CJ the junction capacitance. Note that the RN C product is
independent of junction size but is inverse proportional to the current density of
the junction, i.e., for large bandwidths one needs high current density devices. As
RN is approximately the RF impedance of the nonlinear junction characteristic, the
requirement to have RN in a range of 10–50 X for easy matching to waveguides or
other transmission lines leads to junction sizes of microns or submicrons. The
present state of the art allows producing junctions of 0.6 lm2 to 0.25 lm2 with
current densities up to 15 kA/cm2 with Aluminum Oxide as the barrier. At 1 THz,
this translates into a fractional bandwidth of 25% with RN = 20–60 X. Higher
current densities can be achieved with Aluminum Nitride (AlN) barriers.
Early experiments with SIS mixers used waveguide circuits with tunable backshorts
to compensate the capacitance. This approach leads to low coupling efficiencies at
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 209
submm wavelengths due to the waveguide and backshort losses, which are severe
due to the high-Q of the circuit. The breakthrough for SIS junctions at submm
wavelengths came with the integration of superconducting transmission lines,
mostly as microstrip lines, as resonant and/or impedance-transforming elements
together with the tunnel junctions. To meet the desired impedance match conditions
between junction and waveguide of course requires detailed knowledge about the
superconducting transmission lines [78]. The determining parameter is the complex
surface impedance of the superconductor, which can be calculated with the Mattis–
Bardeen theory [79, 80]. The imaginary part of the surface impedance contains a
‘‘kinetic’’ inductance part (caused by the pair current component), the real part
corresponds to power loss. Below the gap frequency of the superconductor, the
losses are extremely small, allowing to design the necessary high-Q circuits with
negligible loss. This is the main reason for the very low noise performance of SIS
receivers up to about 700 GHz. Figure 4.25 shows a microscope photograph of a
typical junction circuit with an integrated tuning structure developed at KOSMA
[81], consisting of a series inductive line next to the junction followed by two k/4
impedance transformer sections.
The SiO2 dielectric layer for the Nb–SiO2 –Nb microstrip line can be the same
as the junction isolation layer, adding no processing steps.
Above the gap frequency of the superconductor, the surface resistance and
subsequently the RF loss increases dramatically, so that even conventional normal
conductors are less lossy than the superconductor. The crossover point is slightly
higher than the gap frequency due to the higher phase velocity in normal metal
microstrip line, leading to longer line lengths. Figure 4.26 shows calculations of
the power loss in a quarter wavelength microstrip transmission line for several
combinations of Nb, NbTiN and Al as studied for the Herschel HIFI band-2 mixer.
It can be seen that Niobium deteriorates above 650 GHz and has a crossover with
the normal metal Aluminum at about 800 GHz. In principle, NbTiN films of
practical quality would allow lossless tuning structures up to 1150 GHz. Above, a
good normal conductor (at 4.2 K) such as Aluminum has to be used.
Very important for low-noise operation of SIS mixers is the complete sup-
pression of the AC-Josephson effects with a (preferably superconducting) magnet
producing a flux of at least one flux quantum in the barrier (0.014 T for a 1 lm2
Nb junction). The AC-Josephson effect produces noise in the vicinity of the
Shapiro steps, occurring at bias voltages of nhm/2e corresponding to harmonics of
the local oscillator frequency. Especially at submillimeter wavelengths, the first
order step is within the bias voltage range of the first photon step, where optimum
mixer performance is usually achieved. Incomplete suppression leads to a smaller
range of available bias voltages and/or additional noise. Trapping of external flux
can be a source of instability.
In the early attempts to match to the small impedance of the capacitively shunted
junctions, waveguide mixers with two adjustable mechanical backshorts had to be
used. For applications in radio astronomy, especially for remote observing or space
instruments, this is very inconvenient, and mechanical elements operating at 4 K
tend to be unreliable. With the incorporation of the junctions into integrated
impedance matching structures, it became possible to use only one backshort, and
with the modern three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software, it is
possible to design mixers with a fixed backshort for instantaneous RF bandwidths
of 35%. Figure 4.27 shows a rendered drawing of the inside of a typical waveguide
mixer block used at KOSMA.
The backshort cavity behind the mixer device is stamped into a copper block
using a steel stencil. The junction is mounted in a channel across the waveguide,
and the horn antenna is flanged to the front surface. The mixer also incorporates
4 Laboratory Experimental Methods 211
Typical local oscillator sources are Schottky diode frequency multiplier chains,
multiplying either a Gunn oscillator source signal at around 100 GHz or the power
of a 10–20 GHz synthesizer multiplied to about 100 GHz, where power amplifiers
are recently available. These chains now operate up to 1900 GHz with output
powers in the few hundred microwatts at low submillimeter wavelengths to less
than 10 lW at THz frequencies. THz sources under development are laser
photomixers and quantum cascade lasers.
With single pixel mixers operating close to their theoretical noise limit, an
effective increase in sensitivity can only be achieved with a combination of
multipixel ‘‘array’’ receivers, an increase of the instantaneous IF bandwidth, and
adding more functionality to the mixer circuit, such as balanced mixers or side-
band separating mixers. Smaller arrays such as the KOSMA/NANTEN dual color
receiver for 490/880 GHz (Sub-Mm Array Receiver for Two frequencies) can be
built by essentially stacking the available single pixel detectors. Present devel-
opments concentrate on introducing new concepts such as SIS mixers on Silicon
membranes with integrated beam lead contacts, making the assembly of mixers
substantially easier. Figure 4.29 shows a micrograph of such a novel SIS mixer
fabricated at KOSMA.
Achieving larger instantaneous IF bandwidth than the present 4 or 8 GHz is
especially desirable at THz frequency because of the increased linewidths, and
certainly for the large Doppler linewidth of extragalactic sources. Matching
between the SIS mixer and the first cryogenic amplifier is the main obstacle here.
A solution needs low-inductance contacting (beam leads) and possibly the inte-
gration of mixer and first amplifier stage.
Another field of present research is pushing the limit of SIS mixers to at least
2 THz, beyond the demonstrated present limit of 1200 GHz. SIS mixers at THz
have the advantage of better sensitivity, wider instantaneous IF bandwidth and
better power stability over their only available alternative at the low THz fre-
quency band: superconducting Hot Electron Bolometers (see below). This devel-
opment mainly needs good quality high-current density SIS tunnel junctions where
at least one of the Nb electrodes is replaced by a compatible material with higher
critical temperature, such as NbN or NbTiN. There is little hope that materials can
be found that could push the limit higher. The high-Tc superconductors found until
today cannot be used to make good hysteretic tunnel barrier junctions, and also
their RF properties at THz are not favourable.
Superconducting HEBs rely on the electron heating and the resulting phase tran-
sition to normal conductor of a small superconducting bridge. With the device
biased at the transition temperature, the local oscillator and signal power heat up
the device. The beat frequency between the two signals consequently causes a
large resistance variation which causes a current at the difference frequency at
constant bias. The HEB mixer is therefore an example of a ‘‘square law’’ mixer,
responding to the square (i.e., power) of the sum of the incident fields but unable to
follow the instantaneous field. The speed or maximum IF of a bolometer is
determined by the heat capacitance and the thermal conductance of the cooling
mechanism. Superconducting bolometers can be very fast, as the radiation power
is directly absorbed by the electrons in the superconductor rather than in a separate
absorber. Using very thin (\ 10 nm) films with the superconductor in the ‘‘dirty
limit’’, only the electron gas is heated up and the heat capacitance is low. Also, the
devices are very small with a device length in the 100 nm range.
In the initial proposals by Gershenzon et al. [82] cooling by phonons (i.e., via the
substrate to the thermal bath) was assumed as the cooling mechanism. For Nb, the
electron–phonon relaxation time is in the nanosecond (100 MHz) range, which is not
fast enough for astronomical applications. However, materials such as Niobium
Nitride (NbN) have small enough electron–phonon and phonon escape time con-
stants, so that IF’s up to several GHz became possible. In 1993, D. Prober proposed a
new type of hot-electron bolometer [83], which uses the diffusion of the hot electrons
into a large (normal conducting) heat sink at the ends of the microbridge as cooling
mechanism. This avoids the slow electron–phonon relaxation time and leads to very
fast bolometers if the bridge is short enough. The IF frequency scales as (length)-2
and is about 2 GHz for a 200 nm long bridge. IF bandwidths up to 8 GHz have been
demonstrated at 20 GHz LO frequency, but practical difficulties in biasing the
devices stably made the phonon-cooled variant more successful up to date.
Using only the heating of the electron gas in the bridge, the mixing response is
not limited by the superconductor gap frequency, so that HEB mixers can be used
214 T. F. Giesen and K. Jacobs
far into the THz range. An enormous advantage from the RF engineering view-
point is that the device is almost purely resistive, thus not requiring any high-
Q (lossy) tuning circuit. Also, there is no need for a magnetic field. The local
oscillator power requirement is below 1 lW coupled power and is not frequency
dependent. At these power levels, solid state local oscillator sources become
feasible even at THz frequencies.
The dominant noise source of the device is the thermal fluctuation noise, a
smaller contribution is from Johnson noise of the device resistance. As the thermal
fluctuation noise has the same roll-off frequency as the mixer gain (thermal
response time), the noise bandwidth is actually larger than the gain bandwidth. The
input noise temperature of the device is frequency independent except for the
quantum limit.
Practical mixers have reached a noise temperature of less than 1000 K at
1.9 THz with an IF bandwidth of over 3 GHz. This can be regarded as a break-
through for high-resolution spectroscopy in the Far Infrared region which came
just in time for the new observatories such as SOFIA or Herschel. Although most
groups have to rely on the technologically less demanding quasioptical techniques
for coupling the radiation to the bolometer, waveguide technology with its
advantages in coupling to a Gaussian beam can even be used at 1.9 THz, if
micromachining technology is available. Figure 4.30 shows a photograph of a
1.9 THz mixer using a NbTiN Hot Electron Bolometer on a Silicon Nitride
membrane fabricated at KOSMA [84].
The waveguide dimension is only 60 9 120 lm. The device is mounted in
‘‘flip-chip’’ technique with the device facing the waveguide, so that it is seen
through the almost transparent Silicon Nitride substrate. The bolometer size is
0.4 9 4 lm and is fabricated with electron-beam lithography. A similar mixer for
1.4 THz was successfully used at the APEX telescope (MPIfR Bonn, Atacama) to
take astronomical spectra. Similar mixers for 1.4 and 1.9 THz were delivered to
the German receiver at terahertz frequencies (GREAT), which is waiting to be
flown on the SOFIA aircraft starting in 2011.
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Chapter 5
List of Molecules Observed in Interstellar
By the end of July 2010, the number of observed interstellar molecules listed in
CDMS (Cologne Database for Molecular Spectra)1 has reached 163.
Many of them are organic molecules. Among them 27 molecules are composed
only of carbon and hydrogen, which are listed in Table 5.1. Table 5.2 lists 51
organic molecules, which contain one hetero atom. Although the populations of
hetero-atoms are much less than that of the carbon atom in the universe, organic
molecules which contain two hetero-atoms have been detected (14 molecules) in
the interstellar space as listed in Table 5.3.
In addition to those organic molecules, fairly many inorganic molecules have
been detected in the interstellar space (Tables 5.4, 5.5, 5.6). Among them 30
molecules contain one or more carbon atoms, as listed in Table 5.4. Table 5.5 lists
23 inorganic molecules which contain one or more hydrogen atoms so far detected.
The rest 18 molecules contain neither a carbon nor a hydrogen atom.
K. M. T. Yamada (&)
National Institute of Advanced industrial Science and Technology (AIST), EMTech,
Onogawa 16-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
e-mail: kmt.yamada@aist.go.jp
G. Winnewisser
Alte Str. 8A, 79249, Merzhausen, Germany
K. M. T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser (eds.), Interstellar Molecules, 219
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 241, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16268-8_5,
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Beff , 114
21 cm, 27 Big bang, 16
Acetone, 162 Biogenic, 15
AFC, 194 Bohr radius, 46
Alanine, 126 Boltzmann plot, 35
Alchemy, 4 Born-Oppenheimer
AlCl, 31 approximation, 59, 71
AlF, 31 parameter, 60
AlH, 31 Brahe, 4
ALMA, 37, 204 Bunsen, 7, 17
Almagest, 2 Butanol, 150
AlNC, 31 BWO, 182, 183
AlO, 198
Amino acetonitrile, 37
Angular momentum C
orbital, 47 CI, 11
spin, 48 CII, 11
total, 48 C1, 150
Angular velocity, 122 C1(G3), 126, 130, 135
Anharmonicity constant, 64 C1(G9), 150, 159, 166
APEX, 33, 181 C2, 7
Ar, 51 C2H4O, 36
Array receiver, 212 C2v, 160
Astrology, 4 C2v(G36), 160
Asymmetric top, 88, 90 C2v(M), 104
near oblate, 91 C3, 7, 15, 186, 198
near-prolate, 91 C3H, 36, 180, 187
asymmetry parameter C3H2, 31
bo, bp, 110 C3N-, 34
j, 91 C3v, 123
C3v(M), 106
C4H-, 34
B C5, 15
B matrix, 82 C5N-, 34
B Star, 10 C6H6, 36
Balmer lines, 10 CCCCCCC-, 15
Barnard, 5 C8H-, 34
226 Index
C (cont.) D
CaII, 7 D/H ratio, 38
CaH, 31 D2H+, 180
Carbon ortho, 180
atom, 52 D2O, 192
ionized, 10 D3h(M), 107
neutral, 11 DCN, 38, 189
Casimir’s function, 71 Deferent, 2
CDMS, 28, 181, 219 Degenerate vibration, 96
Centrifugal distortion, 64, 99 d-Orionis, 7
CH, 13, 29, 32, 179 Difference frequency generation, 183
CH+, 13, 29, 179 Dimethyl ether, 180, 187
CH2, 179, 187 Dimethylamine, 162, 169
CH2NH, 29 Dirac equation, 48
(CH3)2O, 29 Dissociation energy, 61
CH3BF2, 129, 139 Doppler
CH3C6H, 39 shift, 188
CH3CCH, 35 sub-, 187
CH3CN, 35, 187 width, 181
CH3F, 192 Double resonance, 201
CH3OH, 29, 36, 124, 128, 137, Dunham coefficient, 64
187, 192
Character, 104
Character table, 102, 104 E
Charles IV, 4 Eckart equation, 79
Circumstellar, 30 Electric quadrupole, 55, 71
Cloud Energy level
cold, 5 two-top, 153
dark, 5, 17, 35 Epicycle, 2
dense, 12, 34 Equilibrium configuration, 78
diffuse, 13, 30 Esep, 127
giant molecular, 30 Ethylmethylether, 151, 187
CN, 13 Euler angles, 76
CnH, 35 EVLA, 39
CNPI group, 102
CnS, 35
CO, 12, 15, 16, 30, 32, 38, 187, 193, 197 F
solid, 15 F matrix, 82
CO+, 187 FeH, 31
Contact transformation, 98 FeO, 31
Coordinate Fine structure, 8
laboratory-fixed, 120 Fortrat diagram, 114, 115
Coriolis coupling, 80 Framework function, 132, 145, 166
Coriolis interaction, 119 Fraunhofer, 6, 17, 21
CRL2688, 31
CS, 16 G
Cs, 150, 160 G matrix, 83
Cs(G12), 126, 134, 139 G12, 104, 126, 129
Cs(G18), 150, 159, 160, 166 G18, 153
Cs(G6), 126, 127, 130, 137 G3, 126
cyanopolyynes, 13 G6, 126
Index 227
K (cont.) NH2CHO, 29
KCl, 31 NH3, 13, 29, 36, 106, 179
Kepler, 4 Normal coordinates, 82
Kirchhoff, 7 dimensionless, 83
Nuclear kinetic energy, 74
classical, 121
L Nuclear spin
Laboratory fixed axis, 71 statistics, 111
Laguerre polynomial, 47
Lamb shift, 48
K-type doubling, 69
Laplace equation, 56
OI, 11
O star, 10, 13
CO2, 194
OCS, 202
FIR, 192
Odin, 36
sideband, 193
OH, 13, 27, 29, 32, 179
Legendre polynomial, 46
OH+, 33, 179
Li, 51
LiH, 31
atomic, 48
linear rotor, 87
Orbital, 48
LMH, 37
Orion, 12, 16, 38
Loomis–Wood diagram, 115
Orion-KL, 32
LTE, 37
Lyman lines, 10
ortho, 111
neutral, 11
Magnetic interaction, 70
Mathieu equation, 130
Mattis–Bardeen, 209 P
Meteors, 3 PAH, 36
MgCN, 31 PAM, 120, 128, 151
MgH, 31 para, 111
MgNC, 31 Pauli exclusion principle, 50
Molecular symmetry, 101 Permutation-inversion group, 119
Molecule fixed axis, 76 Perturbation theory, 142
MoMeD, 192 PGOPHER, 109
MS Group, 102 PH, 187
Multiplier, 189 PH3, 105
Phase-locking loop, 185
Photo dissociation region, 11
N Planets, 2
N-methyl-acetamide, 156 Potential energy, 59
Na, 51 Potential energy function, 73
NaCl, 31 Principal axis system, 81
NaCN, 31 Ptolemaeus, 1
Na-D, 6 Ptolemy, 1
NaH, 31
NANTEN2, 204
Ne, 51 Q
Neutral element E , 103 Quantum defect, 51
Newton, 4 Quantum number
NH, 179, 187 magnetic, 46
NH2, 32, 179 principal, 46
Index 229
Taurus, 5, 13
TMC 1, 13
multiplier, 182
Terahertz spectrometer
planar, 191
Cologne, 186
Schördinger equation
Term symbols, 53
diatomic molecule, 57
TiO, 198
electronic, 72
TiO2, 198
harmonic oscillator, 62
TMC, 5
internal rotation, 130
TMC-1, 35
molecular, 72
Totally symmetric representation, 107
nuclear, 72
vibrational, 61
electric dipole, 107, 149, 151, 161
Selection rule, 101, 149, 151, 160
Translational coordinates, 73
Sgr B2, 29, 32, 37
Tunnel junction, 205
SH, 187
Tunneling matrix, 132, 144, 167, 169
SH+, 33 Two-dimensional vibration, 95
Shell, 49 Two-photon transition
closed, 50 Doppler free, 202
sub-, 50
SiC2, 36
SiH, 32
SiO, 30 U
SIS, 204, 211 Unfeasible, 106
SOFIA, 204 Unit antisymmetric tensor, 85
Solar specrum, 6 Unitary operator, 97
Fourier transform, 183
Terahertz, 181 V
Spherical top, 87, 89 V3, 130
Spin V6, 135
electron, 48 van-der-Waals complex, 200
nuclear, 49 Vector model, 49, 67
230 Index
V (cont.) S-reduced, 99
Vibration, 75 Wavefunction
Vibrational coordinates, 81 angular, 45
Vibrational energy electron spin, 48
asymmetric top, 91 free-internal-rotor, 131
linear rotor, 94 harmonic oscillator, 62, 131
molecular, 72
nuclear, 72
W radial, 45, 47
Wang basis, 91, 139 rotation–vibration, 76
Watsonian rotational, 93
A-reduced, 99 symmetric top, 88