Puetz - Relativistic Geodesic
Puetz - Relativistic Geodesic
Puetz - Relativistic Geodesic
Dirk Puetzfeld
Claus Lämmerzahl Editors
Foundations and Applications
Fundamental Theories of Physics
Volume 196
Series editors
Henk van Beijeren, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Philippe Blanchard, Bielefeld, Germany
Bob Coecke, Oxford, United Kingdom
Dennis Dieks, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Bianca Dittrich, Waterloo, Canada
Detlef Dürr, Munich, Germany
Ruth Durrer, Geneva, Switzerland
Roman Frigg, London, United Kingdom
Christopher Fuchs, Boston, USA
Domenico J. W. Giulini, Bremen, Germany
Gregg Jaeger, Boston, USA
Claus Kiefer, Cologne, Germany
Nicolaas P. Landsman, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Christian Maes, Leuven, Belgium
Mio Murao, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Hermann Nicolai, Potsdam, Germany
Vesselin Petkov, Montreal, Canada
Laura Ruetsche, Ann Arbor, USA
Mairi Sakellariadou, London, UK
Alwyn van der Merwe, Denver, USA
Rainer Verch, Leipzig, Germany
Reinhard F. Werner, Hannover, Germany
Christian Wüthrich, Geneva, Switzerland
Lai-Sang Young, New York City, USA
The international monograph series “Fundamental Theories of Physics” aims to
stretch the boundaries of mainstream physics by clarifying and developing the
theoretical and conceptual framework of physics and by applying it to a wide range
of interdisciplinary scientific fields. Original contributions in well-established fields
such as Quantum Physics, Relativity Theory, Cosmology, Quantum Field Theory,
Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics are welcome. The series also
provides a forum for non-conventional approaches to these fields. Publications
should present new and promising ideas, with prospects for their further
development, and carefully show how they connect to conventional views of the
topic. Although the aim of this series is to go beyond established mainstream
physics, a high profile and open-minded Editorial Board will evaluate all
contributions carefully to ensure a high scientific standard.
Relativistic Geodesy
Foundations and Applications
Dirk Puetzfeld Claus Lämmerzahl
University of Bremen University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany Bremen, Germany
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Recent years have seen the advent of high precision measuring methods, in par-
ticular, modern clocks reached an unprecedented level of accuracy and stability.
This was accompanied by important developments in the fields of atom and laser
interferometry. Laser interferometers improved by several orders of magnitude and
interferometry in space nowadays is a mature technology ready for practical
applications. All this is of direct importance for many fields of physics, and con-
sequently for geodesy.
The high precision of these new experimental capabilities made clear that
geodesy can no longer rely solely on Newtonian concepts, which are still used
within the field. Geodetical models and the interpretation of data within these
models therefore inevitably require concepts which go beyond the Newtonian
picture of space and time. The theoretical underpinning of geodesy should therefore
be based on the special and the general theory of relativity, the latter still represents
the most successful gravity theory to the present date. This new “relativistic geo-
desy” is the topic of the present volume.
In 2016, we organized1 an international conference in Bad Honnef (Germany) on
the Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Applications. The conference brought
together the leading experts in their respective fields and was very well received by
the speakers as well as by the audience. We would like to thank the WE-Heraeus
Foundation for the generous support of this conference. Our thanks also go to the
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef where the conference took place.
The positive reception and the feedback after the conference made clear that
there is a strong demand for an up-to-date volume, covering the methods employed
in current research in the context of the relativistic geodesy. This book intends to
give such a status report. It hopefully is of value for the experts working in this field
and may also serve as a guideline for students. At the same time, we should warn
potential readers that it is not intended to serve as a replacement for a textbook on
either of the subjects of gravitational physics or geodesy. But we hope that it
bridges some of the gaps between the relativity and the geodesy communities, in
vi Preface
D. P. acknowledges the support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the
grant PU 461/1-1.
viii Contents
xii Contributors
Andreas Bauch
Abstract A status report is given on current practice and trends in time and frequency
metrology. Emphasis is laid on such fields of activity that are of interest in the context
of relativistic geodesy. In consequence, several topics of a priori general relevance
will not be dealt with. Clocks and the means of comparing their reading are equally
important in practically all applications and thus dealt with in this contribution. The
performance of commercial atomic clocks did not change significantly during the
last 20 years. Progress is noted in the direction of miniaturization, leading to the
wide-spread use of chip-scale atomic clocks. On the other hand, research institutes
invested considerably into the perfection of their instrumentation. Cold-atom caesium
fountain clocks realize the SI-second with a relative uncertainty of close to 1 × 10−16 ,
and with a relative frequency instability of the same magnitude after averaging over
a few days only. Optical frequency standards are getting closer to being useful in
practice: outstanding accuracy combined with improved technological readiness can
be noted. So one necessary ingredient for relativistic geodesy has become available.
Satellite-based time and frequency comparison is here still somewhat behind: Time
transfer with ns-accuracy and frequency transfer with 1 × 10−15 per day relative
instability have become routine. Better performance requires new signal structures
and processing schemes, some appear on the horizon.
1 Introduction
From the author’s perspective, relativistic geodesy requires the following actions:
Two “super-clocks” have to be operated simultaneously. Their frequency accuracy
and stability, and the frequency difference or frequency ratio prevailing when both
are operated side-by-side need to be determined at the outset. Then one of them is
kept at a known “height”, the other one at an unknown “height”. Now they need to be
A. Bauch (B)
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee100,
38116 Braunschweig, Germany
e-mail: andreas.bauch@ptb.de
URL: http://www.ptb.de/time
(a) Development of quartz oscillators and atomic clocks and their operation;
(b) Characterization of the properties of oscillators and clocks;
(c) Realization of time scales, e.g. national legal time;
(d) Time and frequency comparison of clocks and time scales, locally and remotely;
(e) Dissemination of time-of-day, time interval, and standard frequency to the public.
This brief section is intended to introduce the vocabulary used further on and to
introduce the two quantities used in the characterization of frequency standards and
clocks. The devices will then be described subsequently. Let us start with statistical
signal properties. The frequency of oscillators and clocks is subject to systematic
and random variations with respect to their intended nominal output value. Many
measures for quantitative characterization are extensively covered in the literature
[3, 4],1 but all are based on the following formal description of the observed signal.
1 Note:Although this is a review article, my intention was not to provide an exhaustive list of
references, but rather to limit myself to text books and previous review articles of other authors with
few exceptions.
Time and Frequency Metrology … 3
where ν0 , φ(t), V0 , and e(t) are the nominal frequency, the instantaneous phase fluctu-
ations, the nominal signal amplitude, and its temporal variations, respectively. Further
practical quantities are the instantaneous phase-time variations, x(t) = φ(t)/(2π ν0 ),
and the instantaneous normalized frequency departure y(t) = (dφ/dt)/(2π ν0 ). Both
can be analyzed in the time domain and in the frequency domain. For the remainder
of this article the restriction to time-domain quantities is justified, which are based on
mean frequency values ȳ(τ ) measured during an averaging time τ . The most popular
measure is the Allan variance
σ y2 (τ ) = ( ȳk+1 (τ ) − ȳk (τ ))2 /2. (2)
Here the ȳk -values are understood as a contiguous (no dead time) series of data, and
the brackets signify an infinite time average, including normalization. In practice,
a finite sum of terms is only available. Ideally the number of samples at the longest
averaging time τ should be ten or larger. A double-logarithmic plot of σ y (τ ) versus
τ helps to discriminate among some causes of instability in the clock signal because
they lead to a different slope of the plot. If shot noise of the detected atoms is
the dominating noise source, the frequency noise is white and σ y (τ ) decreases like
τ −1/2 . In this case, σ y (τ ) agrees with the classical standard deviation of the sample.
Long-term deviations from this τ −1/2 -behaviour are quite common and indicate that
parameters defining ν0 are not stable. In such a case the classical standard deviation
would diverge with increasing τ and increasing observation time. In Fig. 1 I show
schematic examples of the frequency instability expected or observed for a variety of
atomic frequency standards. More detailed plots of that kind are shown subsequently
as Figs. 2 and 3.
With the exemption of the active hydrogen maser, the following expression relates
the observed σ y (τ ) to operational parameters of a frequency standard typically for a
wide range of averaging times τ :
η 1
σ y (τ ) = ×√ . (3)
Q × (S/N ) τ/s
Here η is a numerical factor of the order of unity, depending on the shape of the
resonance line and of the method of frequency modulation to determine the line
center. Q is the line quality factor (transition frequency / line width of the observed
transition), and S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio for a 1 Hz detection bandwidth.
The frequency standards discussed subsequently differ in the combination of the
quantities Q, S and N . To understand the leap from microwave to optical frequency
standards seen in Fig. 1, a look at Q is helpful.2 In a caesium fountain clock the
2 In
order to understand the word “leap”: Only very few fountain clocks achieve an instability as
shown, see discussion in Sect. 3.2.
4 A. Bauch
Fig. 1 Relative frequency instability σ y (τ ) of different atomic frequency standards, from top
to bottom: (typical) rubidium standard (grey); commercial caesium standard type 5071A, high-
performance option (long dash); PTB primary clock CS2 (solid); passive hydrogen masers (short
dash); active hydrogen maser (dash-dot); PTB CSF2, state 2016 (dash-dot-dot); single ytterbium
ion optical frequency standard (bold dots); strontium optical lattice clock (dots)
Time and Frequency Metrology … 5
3 Atomic Clocks
Atomic properties such as energy differences between atomic eigenstates and thus
atomic transition frequencies are believed to be natural constants and thus not to
depend on space and time (apart from relativistic effects). They are governed by
fundamental constants which describe the interactions among particles and fields.
This basic principle governs all kinds of atomic clocks. The most detailed treatment
of the underlying physics is given in the books of Vanier and Audoin [6] and Vanier
and Tomescu [7], in less depth in Audoin and Guinot [8] and in [9], where the reader
can also find detailed explanations of their function.
For completeness they have to be mentioned here, as they are produced in large quanti-
ties and are indispensible in the fields of telecommunication, power grid management,
navigation, just wherever the performance of a quartz oscillator is insufficient. The
atomic reference transition is the 6.84 GHz hyperfine splitting frequency in 87 Rb.
Several manufacturers share the large market. The devices differ in performance,
size, power consumption, and we give in the following some performance figures as
a guideline: As we will see, they have little importance in the context of relativistic
geodesy, maybe just in the background to keep the infrastructure functioning.
Rubidium gas cell frequency standards come in packages between half a liter
and less than 100 cm3 and have a power consumption between 5 and 20 Watt. The
relative deviation of the output frequency (typically 10 MHz) from its nominal value
is of the order 10−9 and difficult to predict. During a month the value may change
by 1 to 30×10−11 due to aging. The relative frequency instability is of order 10−11
at τ = 1 s and white noise characteristics prevail up to 1000 s or even 10000 s of
averaging, depending very much on the stability of the environment. Unless very
special care in the packaging is taken, the devices are sensitive to external magnetic
fields and temperature changes. A very important application is their use as so-
called GNSS-disciplined oscillators: The offset as well as the long-term aging and
sensitivity to external perturbations is suppressed by steering the output frequency
to a reference signal received from a GNSS, today still most common from the US
Global Positioning System GPS (see Sect. 5.1). Because of their low weight and
power consumption rubidium clocks appeared particularly suited for use on board of
satellites. Space qualified versions are today operated in the navigation satellites of
all global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), serving as the source for the synthesis
of the GNSS signals, i.e. carrier frequency and modulation.
So-called chip-scale atomic clocks are on the market since a number of years
and represent an attractive alternative to the rubidium clocks. The atomic reference
6 A. Bauch
transition is the 9.19 GHz hyperfine splitting frequency in 133 Cs that has tradition-
ally been used in the caesium beam clocks discussed in the following section. In
a very compact package and at a power consumption of order 100 mW they out-
perform quartz oscillators and almost reach the rubidium performance [10]. Their
main application is in battery-powered and hand-held devices. Their development
was sponsored by the US military for future use in hand-held GPS receivers. But in
fact, they are now deployed in thousands as part of undersea reflection seismology
sensor installations deployed by oil exploration companies.
Caesium atomic beam clocks have been produced commercially since the late 1950s,
starting with the so-called Atomichron of the National Company [11]. When design-
ing commercial clocks, a compromise between weight, volume, power consumption,
and performance and cost is unavoidable. Several manufacturers have participated
in this business over the years [12], but today essentially all production of instru-
ments for civil use is in hands of Microsemi (www.microsemi.com). 25 years since
its first appearance on the market, the model 5071A, initially developed by Hewlett-
Packard, then branded as Agilent, later produced by Symmetricom, a firm taken
over by Microsemi recently, is the work horse in the timing community. Standard
and high-performance versions of this clock are on the market. Part of the improved
specifications of the latter versus the former are due to a larger atomic flux employed
which entails a larger S/N ratio. The price to be paid (literally) is a faster depletion
of the caesium reservoir, thus a reduced period of warranty. Recently Oscilloquartz
(ADVA Optical Networking, www.oscilloquartz.com) announced the forthcoming
release of a commercial beam clock, using the technique of optical pumping for state
selection and detection. An instability lower by a factor of three than for conven-
tional commercial caesium clocks was reported at conferences, but no experience on
accuracy and long-term performance has been published yet.
I give examples of the observed performance of clocks of type 5071A operated
at PTB in laboratory environment during 2015. In Fig. 2 (left) records of the clock
rate with reference to UTC(PTB) are shown. The clocks designated C1, C8, and
C9 are high-performance versions, C6 is a standard performance version. In this
context, UTC(PTB) can be regarded as an ideal reference, its scale-unit being very
close to the SI-second (see Sect. 4). The maximum rate we note is that of the clock
C9 of about 4400 ns/360 days, corresponding to a relative frequency difference of
142 × 10−15 . This is a typical value for this type of clock, for which the manufacturer
specifies the magnitude of the offset from the nominal frequency (accuracy) as below
500 × 10−15 . We note in case of clock C8 that its rate (slope of the plot) changed
during the year. The relative frequency instability values of the four clocks are shown
in the right part of Fig. 2. The clocks’ frequency instability is governed by white
frequency noise for averaging times up to a few days of averaging. The so-called
flicker floor is substantial for the device C8 and also noticeable for others. The specs
shown are from a current sales brochure whereas the clocks C8 and C9 are more than
Time and Frequency Metrology … 7
Fig. 2 Left: rate of four 5071 commercial caesium atomic clocks with reference to UTC(PTB)
during 2015 (Modified Julian Day number MJD 57384 corresponds to 2015-12-28): C1 (solid
line), C8 (dotted line), C9 (dashed line), C6 (dash-dot-dot line). Right: relative frequency instability
of the clocks derived from the data shown left, specifications from the 2015 brochure of Microsemi
for the standard performance clock (open square) and the high-performance clock (open circle)
20 years old and each already needed beam tube replacement twice. So the slight
violation of the current specs is not surprising. The standard performance clock
C6 is substantially more stable than the current specs predict. In summary one can
say that the performance of these devices is remarkable and very useful in general
time-keeping activities, but nevertheless their instability is prohibitive to use them in
serious quantitative tests of relativity and also in the context of relativistic geodesy.
PTB continues to operate its legacy CS1 and CS2 caesium atomic beam clocks
as the last ones world-wide of a previously larger ensemble of that kind. They were
developed with the intention to surpass the limitations of commercial clocks and are
each unique specimen. Their uncertainty for the realization of the SI second has been
well developed and published. It amounts to 8 × 10−15 for CS1 and 12 × 10−15 for
CS2 [13]. Their relative frequency instability is not so different from those of the
commercial devices at short averaging times, but in the long term no flicker level
above (1-2)×10−15 can be noted. CS1 and CS2 constitute a back-up reference for
the realization of PTB’s time scale UTC(PTB), see Sect. 4.
The ground state hyperfine splitting of the hydrogen atom corresponds to a transition
line at a frequency of 1.4 GHz. Research into the use of this atomic transition in a
frequency standards started at Harvard University in the 1950s. In the active maser, as
it is called, stimulated emission inside a high-Q cavity which encloses the hydrogen
atoms kept in a storage bulb is used to detect the atomic transition [14]. In the passive
maser the transition is probed by injecting radiation into the cavity and observing the
effect on the atoms. Limited by the difficulty to control a variety of perturbing effects,
the maser output frequency reflects the unperturbed hyperfine splitting frequency of
hydrogen atoms only with an uncertainty of order 10−11 . But, as already shown
8 A. Bauch
Fig. 3 Left: Frequency steering applied to the PTB active hydrogen maser used for generation
of UTC(PTB) during one year, ending at MJD 57709 (2016-11-17); right: Relative frequency
instability of the data from the second half of the period shown in the plot left; original data (solid
symbols), frequency drift removed (open symbols)
stability. For this period the combined frequency instability is shown in the right
plot, based on the original data and with the linear drift removed, respectively.
Active masers constitute also an important infrastructure in laboratories operating
optical frequency standards. Direct comparisons of remote masers, however, cannot
answer questions in the context of relativistic geodesy because of the lack of accuracy.
Laser cooling to μK temperature is the key to the success of the fountain concept [16].
In a fountain the laser cooled cloud of atoms is launched upwards with a velocity vs
and the microwave excitation is performed during the ballistic flight, as illustrated in
Fig. 4. The atoms come to rest under the action of gravity at a height of H = vs2 /(2g).
With a height of the fountain setup of about 1 m and vs = 4.4 m/s the total time of
flight, back to the starting point, is about 0.9 s. On their way the atoms interact twice
with the field sustained in the microwave cavity, on their way up and then on their
way down, separated in time by the so-called interaction time. This is typically 0.5 s,
leading to a width of the observed resonance of 1 Hz. During clock operation, the
transition probability is determined changing the probing frequency f p from cycle
to cycle alternately on either side of the central resonance feature. The difference
of successive measurements is numerically integrated and represents the difference
Fig. 4 Operation of a fountain frequency standard, illustrated in a time sequence from left to right.
Arrows represent laser beams (white if they are blocked); a Loading of a cloud of cold atoms; b
Launch of the cloud by de-tuning of the frequency of the vertical lasers; c Cloud expansion during
the ballistic flight; d Second passage of the atoms through the microwave cavity and probing of the
state population by laser irradiation and fluorescence detection
10 A. Bauch
between the frequency source that drives the synthesis electronics producing the
probing signal and the observed caesium transition frequency.
The relative difference between the observed and the unperturbed transition fre-
quency due to several systematic effects amounts to about 10−13 only, much less than
the 2 × 10−10 in beam clocks, and evaluation of several caesium fountains proved that
they realize the SI second with an uncertainty in the low 10−16 range. See [17] for an
overview on fountains and [18] for a detailed uncertainty evaluation for PTB’s second
fountain clock CSF2. In details, its uncertainty depends on the operational conditions
that slightly change from period to period. During September 2016, CSF1 and CSF2
were operated with a stated uncertainty of 3.5 × 10−16 and 2 × 10−16 , respectively.
During the last 24 months, including October 2016, data from 10 caesium fountain
frequency standards were published in the context of collaboration with the Bureau
International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), see next section, with stated uncertainties
ranging between 0.17 × 10−15 and 2 × 10−15 . Data are shown in Fig. 5 in the next
The frequency instability of caesium fountain clocks depends largely on the oper-
ational parameters, mostly on the atom number in the cloud, but also on the source
of microwave radiation that irradiates the atoms. A few fountains are operated inten-
tionally with very low atom numbers, thereby minimizing the frequency shift due to
cold-atom collisions [7, 17]. On the other hand, low frequency instability is desir-
able, in particular when the frequency of reference transitions of optical clocks shall
be measured in SI Hz as realized with the fountains. Here PTB has pioneered the
routine use of an optically stabilized microwave oscillator [19] instead of a quartz-
oscillator based microwave synthesis. The short term stability of the microwave
signal is provided by a 1.5 μm cavity-stabilized fiber laser via a commercial femto-
second frequency comb. In the long-term, the microwave oscillator involved is locked
to the hydrogen maser to enable fountain frequency measurements with respect to
the maser (see Fig. 3). In this setup the instability contribution of the microwave
oscillator via the so-called Dick-effect [7, 17] becomes negligible and the overall
instability is mostly limited by the number of detected atoms. The respective curve
(CSF2 2016) in Fig. 1 represents this situation.
Fountains operated in several institutes have been compared among each other
over years, and the comparison uncertainty is the combined statistical and system-
atic uncertainty of the standards and the comparison techniques. In the most recent
long term study [20] FO-2 of SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris (OP) was compared
with NIST-F1 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA,
between 2006 and 2012, just to give one example. The difference FO2 - NIST-F1 was
determined as −0.12 × 10−15 , based on 24 scattered data sets over periods where
both fountains were operated simultaneously or quasi-simultaneously. The uncer-
tainty that accompanies this value is not trivial to determine as the properties of the
fountains and of the time transfer changed over the years. From [20], Table 1, I esti-
mate 0.51 × 10−15 for the systematic part and 0.22 × 10−15 for the statistical part,
where I assume the statistical contribution to decrease with the square-root of the
number of comparisons. Each fountain frequency was corrected for the gravitational
red shift, so as if both were operated at zero height. The corrections amounted to
Time and Frequency Metrology … 11
6.54 × 10−15 for FO-2 and 179.95 × 10−15 for NIST-F1 (Boulder, Colorado, height
some 1600 m above sea level). So the comparisons represent an - even quite crude -
type of relativistic geodesy experiment, although it was never named like that. Deter-
mination of the red-shift correction at the Boulder site is quite challenging and was
described in [21].
In fact, the French FO-2 is a double-fountain in which also rubidium atoms (87 Rb)
are launched and their ground-state hyperfine transition at 6.8 GHz is observed. The
use of Rb atoms instead of Cs is motivated by the fact that at a given number density
of atoms in the cloud, the frequency shift due to cold atom collisions is considerably
smaller. This would allow a better frequency stability, and this was the impetus for
the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) to build a group of Rb-fountains that
has shown indeed excellent performance [22].
Frequency standards in the infra-red and in the visible range of the electromagnetic
spectrum have been developed and used since decades. The most prominent use
is as wavelength standards in practical length metrology and for the realization of
the meter. Since the new definition of the meter became effective in 1983, this SI
unit should be realized according to a mise-en-pratique. One method is the use of
radiations whose wavelength in vacuum or whose frequency is stated in a list that
is periodically updated and that can be retrieved from the BIPM web-site and found
in the Appendix 2 of the BIPMs SI-brochure [23]. Detailed account of frequency
standards used for this purpose can, e.g., be found in [24] .
It has been predicted for quite some time that the performance - in terms of accu-
racy and frequency instability - of a laser as a frequency standard, when stabilized
to a suitable and narrow optical transition between a metastable state and the ground
state, might surpass that of a frequency standard in the radio-frequency region. Rea-
sons for that are at hand and were mentioned before (Sect. 1). The increase in Q-factor
leads to a much reduced frequency instability at short averaging times which paves
the way to explore systematically frequency shifting effects in a conveniently short
measurement time. In addition, the magnitude of systematic energy level shifts is
of the same order as in microwave atomic frequency standards, so that the relative
uncertainty is dramatically reduced.
Three ingredients for an optical frequency standard to become feasible have been
perfected during the last years: the required stable interrogation oscillator (clock
laser), the optical frequency comb for counting the cycles of optical frequencies
(glorified with the Nobel prize given to T. Hänsch in 2005 [25]), and confinement
of laser-cooled atomic species to a range whose dimensions are smaller than the
wavelength in radio-frequency or laser traps. The basic technology was described
in the textbooks [7, 24], and a detailed survey on optical frequency standards with
more than 200 references included was recently provided by Ludlow et al. [26].
12 A. Bauch
Two distinct kinds of optical frequency standards have been developed, differing in
the kind of trap used. Charged atoms (ions) can easily be trapped with electric fields
without significantly disturbing their atomic energy levels and thus the resonance
(clock) frequency. A “single ion at rest in free space” [27] represents the ultimate
isolation of a spectroscopic object and thus the smallest systematic frequency shifts.
But the frequency control of the clock laser is inevitably based on the (weak) signal
obtained from one ion only. Neutral atoms need to be trapped using forces exerted by
attacking the charge distribution inside the atom, which inevitably has an influence
on the electronic structure. Seminal work of H. Katori showed how to set up a trap
made from standing laser fields which shifts the two energy levels defining the clock
transition equally [28]. In such an optical lattice ensembles of several thousands of
atoms can be cooled and stored.
The storage and laser cooling methods are applicable to a great variety of atoms
and ions in different charge states. When selecting an atom for an optical clock, the
properties of the reference transition therefore play an important role as is described
in detail in [26]. The most significant results from trapped ion frequency standards
up to now have involved the ions 27 Al + , 40 Ca + , 88 Sr + , 115 I n + , 171 Y b+ (Q), 171 Y b+
(O) (see explanations below), and 199 H g + . Neutral-atom based frequency standards
employed 87 Sr , 88 Sr , 171 Y b, and 199 H g. Measurements of the optical transition fre-
quencies of these species with respect to caesium fountain clocks in the relative
uncertainty range of 1016 have been reported (except for 115 I n). In PTB, two dif-
ferent experiments (with the ions Y b+ and with Sr atoms) succeeded in reaching
this accuracy range. The 171 Y b+ possesses two suitable transitions, the 2 S1/2 - 2 D3/2
quadrupole transition at 436 nm (Q) and the 2 S1/2 - 2 F7/2 octupole transition (O) at
467 nm. At the time of writing, the octupole transition frequency can be realized
with an uncertainty of 3 × 10−18 [29], and the ratio between the two transition fre-
quencies is known with a relative uncertainty of about 10−16 . The uncertainty for the
realization of the clock transition frequency in 87 Sr was estimated as 2 × 10−17 , and
measurements of the frequency ratio 171 Y b+ (O)/87 Sr have been performed several
times during the last years. This kind of ratio measurements are instrumental in fun-
damental physics studies, as discussed at the end. A transportable variant of the Sr
optical frequency standard has been developed at PTB [30] and was recently used in
a kind of demonstration exercise for chronometric leveling. Publication of results is
This subsection was written as the last one of the manuscript, but nevertheless it
will inevitably fail to be up-to-date at the time of its publication. The rate of progress
is very high and the number of groups actively involved is quite large. Whether
1 × 10−18 relative uncertainty will have been reached already? I dare not make a
Time and Frequency Metrology … 13
Fig. 5 Comparison of primary frequency standards with TAI during two years, ending MJD 57689
(2016-10-28), data taken from Circular T [32]. The standards are operated at Istituto Nazionale di
Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy (IT), LNE-SYRTE / Paris Observatory, NIST, National Institute
of Metrology (NIM), Beijing, PR China, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, UK,
PTB, and VNIIFTRI, Mendeleevo, Russia (SU)
reference, such as a fountain clock. PTB was the first institute to go this way [35],
starting in 2010. Figure 6 illustrates the success of this strategy that was adopted two
years later also by the French laboratory LNE-SYRTE / OP.
The comparison of distant clocks has always been an important part of time metrol-
ogy. A comparison on a local and regional scale can be achieved with electrical
signals transported in cables. Unsurpassed accuracy could be demonstrated during
recent years by using optical fibers to transport either stabilized laser radiation or
modulated laser signals [36, 37] even over 1000 km distances (see the contribution
by G. Grosche in these proceedings.). On a global scale, however, the use of radio
signals from or via satellites remains the first choice [38, 39]. Subsequently, two
satellite-based methods are presented, the reception of signals of Global Naviga-
tion Satellite Systems (GNSS), and Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
The primary purpose of all Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is to serve as
a positioning and navigation system. But each system relies on accurate timing, more
precise, the satellite ranges used to calculate position are derived from propagation
time measurements of the signals transmitted from each satellite in view. The sig-
nals broadcast by GNSS satellites are derived from onboard atomic clocks (caesium
beam, rubidium gas cell frequency standards, passive hydrogen masers). Details of
16 A. Bauch
signal properties and on-board configuration of the existing GNSS are inter alia well
explained in [39] and in text books on GNSS, e.g. [40]. A brief description of the
usage of the signals follows, adapted to GPS and the European counterpart Galileo,
and noting that the Russian system GLONASS differs in many details [39]. The
GNSS carriers are phase modulated with pseudo-random noise codes (PRN-codes).
These are binary codes with different chip codes, unique for each satellite. All satel-
lites transmit their signals on the same frequencies. A receiver generates a local copy
of the PRN-code derived from its internal oscillator. This local copy is electronically
shifted in time by δt and correlated with the incoming antenna signal. If the received
satellite PRN-coded signal and the shifted replica match, the receivers tracking loops
can lock to the satellite signal. When this has happened data, usually called the navi-
gation message, can be read by the receiver, reporting the almanac, orbit parameters
and parameters that refer the individual satellite clock to the underlying GNSS time.
In this contribution we neglect the type of receiver that has de facto the widest
general use, but that is inappropriate for accurate clock comparisons. It combines
the recorded value δt with the navigation message to discipline the frequency of its
inbuilt quartz oscillator to GNSS time and delivers standard frequency output and
a one pulse per second electrical signal (1 PPS) representing GNSS time. Called
GNSS disciplined oscillator (GNSSDO)3 it is the common instrumentation in cali-
bration laboratories, industry, wherever such signals are needed. Another variety of
such instruments outputs the time-of-day information, converted from the navigation
message, either in a clock display, in standard electrical time codes like IRIG, or for
distribution in the Internet or in local area networks using the Network Time Protocol
In what might be called “scientific” timing receivers, the measured time offset δt
for each satellite in view with respect to the local reference signal connected to the
receiver is stored. The information contained in the navigation message is used to
provide output data in the form of local reference (local time scale) minus GNSS
time. Modern receivers are capable to measure also the phase difference between the
received carrier signal and the local reference once code lock had been established.
Such GNSS carrier phase measurements are two orders of magnitude more precise
than the code data. Code and carrier phase measurement results are usually output
in the so-called receiver independent exchange format (RINEX) [41]. The current
version that is adapted to the multitude of GNSS and transmitted signals is 3.03, but
older versions (GPS + GLONASS only) are still common.
Precise point positioning (PPP) is a code and carrier phase-based analysis tech-
nique that has become very popular and most often combines GPS observations at
the two transmit frequencies f 1 = 1575.42 MHz (L1) and f 2 = 1227.60 MHz (L2).
PPP builds on the precise satellite orbits and clock products generated by the Inter-
national GNSS Service IGS (see www.igs.org). The position of the antenna of an
isolated GPS receiver is provided by PPP with high accuracy on a global scale. At
the same time, the difference between local reference clock and IGS time, a time
3 For improved hold-over capability, some models include a Rb frequency standard (see Sect. 3.1)
that is steered with a few hours time constant.
Time and Frequency Metrology … 17
scale generated by IGS, is calculated and reported in the output data. A software
package in frequent use has been developed by National Resources Canada and the
software has been generously made available to several timing laboratories for local
installations, and an online service is also available [42].
Code-based time transfer in the popular common-view (CV) method has been used
already for decades and has still its merits. It is built upon simultaneous reception of
the transmitted signal from the same satellite by two receivers on Earth. Thereby the
impact of common errors in the GPS signals caused by errors in the satellite position,
instabilities of the satellite clocks, and the effects of the intentional degradation
(known as “selective availability”) that had been applied to the GPS signal until May
2000 are strongly reduced. Receivers of the first generation used for time comparison
were single-channel, single-frequency (L1) receivers.4 The propagation of GNSS
signals are affected by atmospheric effects. The ionosphere provokes delays that
can be modeled on a global scale only to a limited extent. Substantial errors occur,
particularly during periods of high solar activity and when the receiver is at low
latitude. As the ionosphere shows dispersion, group velocity and phase velocity are
affected with opposite sign and depend on the carrier frequency. This property is
used in advanced receivers that receive and process signals on both frequencies f 1
and f 2 to determine the ionospheric delay in situ. Data generated in this way are
labeled as L3P-data.
With increasing availability and accuracy of IGS products, the common-view
method has almost been replaced by GPS all-in-view (AV), which is in practice
simpler to implement. After exchange of the (standardized [43]) data files among the
laboratories, the individual observation data are corrected for the above mentioned
effects based on IGS products before averages over convenient intervals are formed.
Subtraction of corresponding data allows the comparison of the local time scales or
frequency standards. Comparisons within Europe practically give the same results in
CV and AV, even without the use of external products. AV is, however, particularly
useful in intercontinental comparisons and thus widely used today by BIPM in its
undertaking to realize TAI. Directives on a common format and standard formulae
and parameters for code-based data evaluation were developed jointly by the BIPM
and the CCTF [43].
Figure 7 illustrates the advantage of dual-frequency reception in a comparison
between PTB Braunschweig and IMBH Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Data collec-
tion happened during 2014 in support of the operations establishment and receiver
calibration of the time laboratory at the Bosnian NMI. L3P data are more noisy on
short averaging times, but are free from daily variations seen in the single frequency
data. Daily patterns can be explained with insufficient modeling of the ionosphere.
4 As an aside, I remember well that my start as PhD student at PTB in 1983 coincided with the
installation of the first receiver of this kind in the PTB time-unit laboratory, a single-channel GPS
receiver for time transfer provided by the then National Bureau of Standards (now NIST). This
receiver is now at display in the Deutsche Uhrenmuseum (German clock museum), Furtwangen,
Black Forest.
18 A. Bauch
Fig. 7 GPS CV time comparisons between the NMI of Bosnia-Herzegovina, IMBH, Sarajevo, and
PTB; open symbols: L1C single frequency data, full symbols: dual frequency L3P data obtained
from the same receivers. The offset is due to incomplete delay calibration of the IMBH receiver at
the time of data taking in 2014
Fig. 8 GPS comparison T = U T C(O P) − U T C(P T B), evaluated by BIPM, GPS P3 (black)
and PPP (grey) data (left), frequency comparison instability (right)
The second example,5 shown as Fig. 8 contrasts L3P (code-based) and PPP eval-
uation of data collected with receivers at Observatoire de Paris and PTB during
October 2016. The kink in the PPP data around the middle of the period points to an
interruption of continuous recording of observations at one (or both) receivers. The
PPP solution then continues with a new estimate of the integer phase offset which is
affected by the more noisy code-based measurements. The instability (kink removed)
achieved with both methods converges at averaging times exceeding one day which
reflects the instability of the two time scales that are compared (see also Fig. 6).
The so-called Modified Allan variance (modσ y ) is a variant of the Allan variance
explained in Sect. 2 [4]. In general, it has been found that frequency comparisons
between distant clocks using PPP links show an instability of about 1 × 10−15 at
1 day averaging time and a few 10−16 at 5–10 days averaging.
Joint work of BIPM and the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
has led to improved capabilities of PPP for longer averaging times than one day. Their
approach is called Integer PPP (IPP) and avoids the treatment of a priori unknown
number of carrier cycles between the space craft antenna and the receiver on Earth
(the “phase ambiguities”) as floating point numbers as it is done in the “standard”
PPP [44]. They demonstrated comparisons with an instability of 2 × 10−15 at 5 h
averaging and 10−16 at 4 days. The data analysis is currently still quite laborious,
but work is ongoing to make IPPP a useful tool, potentially also in the context of
relativistic geodesy. As a demonstration of IPPP performance, a comparison between
two fountains during 60 days could reveal whether the 10−17 region could be reached.
But this has not happened yet.
Two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT) is based on the exchange of
signals between two active terminals A and B. Signals propagate between A and B in
both directions, simultaneously, and at each terminal the time-of-arrival of the signal
from the other side is recorded. All propagation delays cancel to first order when the
two measurement results are combined to provide the time difference between the
clocks connected to the two terminals. To connect terminals on Earth, TWSTFT is
made using fixed satellite services in the Ku-band and the X-band, and geo-stationary
telecommunication satellites serve as relay [38, 39, 45]. There are still several effects
causing non-reciprocities which are discussed in detail in the literature [46]. Most
of the propagation related effects can, however, account for small non-reciprocities
only, typically not exceeding 0.1 ns, depending on the geometry of the locations of
the stations and the satellite, and the transmission frequencies.
A brief description of the established services follows. Pseudorandom noise (PRN)
binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulated carriers are transmitted. The phase
modulation is synchronized with the local clock’s 1 PPS output. Each station uses a
dedicated PRN code for its BPSK sequence in the transmitted signal. The receiving
equipment is capable to generate the BPSK sequence of each remote station and to
reconstitute a 1 PPS tick from the received signal. This is measured by a time-interval
counter (TIC) with respect to the local clock. Following a pre-arranged schedule, both
stations of a pair lock on the code of the corresponding remote station for a specified
period, measure the signal’s time of arrival, and store the results. After exchanging
the data records the difference between the two clocks is computed. Within Europe,
both stations are within the same antenna footprint of the satellite, and signals are
routed through the same transponder electronics. In this favourable case, the link
delays can be calibrated and time transfer with uncertainty of 1 ns or even slightly
below is feasible. Satellites rarely have an antenna footprint that is wide enough
20 A. Bauch
UTC(PTB)-UTC(k) during
September 2016, looking at
the plots from top
downwards: “k” = INRIM
(Torino, Italy), NIST,
to cover both Europa and US or Europe and Asia, respectively, so that the above
condition is not fulfilled. Here another method has to be used, and for many links
between the Europe, the US and Asia GPS data have been used for delay calibration.
TWSTFT has as well proven to provide a relative uncertainty for frequency transfer
of about 1 × 10−15 at averaging times of one day [47]. TWSTFT is therefore used in
the international network of time keeping institutions supporting the realization of
TAI [32].
On the other hand, admittedly, TWSTFT as used today has some weakness, as
can be identified by looking at some time transfer results shown in Fig. 9. Each of
the data points represents the result of a two-minute data collection of time scale
comparison between PTB and a remote institute, two in Europe and two in the US.
Nominally there are 12 such measurements per day per link. In the plots we note
different levels of noise, and apparently systematic variations with daily period, the
strength of which is not constant with time. A lot of studies went into the cause of such
“diurnals”, and the above mentioned non-reciprocities were suspected as causes. But
recently evidence was found that they are likely caused by the receiving electronics
which cannot always cope with the changing receive frequency. It is modulated in
a daily rhythm due to the classical Doppler effect proportional to the (small, order
m/s) line-of-sight velocity of the geostationary satellite with respect to the receiving
antenna. This effect and a good part of measurement noise could be suppressed or
reduced if a larger phase-shift keying rate would be used. This would spread the
signal power in a wider band, but would require a larger portion of the transponder
bandwidth reserved - and paid for - for the application. But the cost is currently
prohibitive to establish a continuous all-year service of such kind.
In addition to the routine comparisons with institutes in Europe and the USA, PTB
supported recently two experiments aiming at improvements of the performance of
TWSTFT links. One experiment involved European institutes in a collaboration
funded by the European Commission, and consisted of the transmission/reception
of signals with a 20-fold wider spectral distribution in the Ku-band region for a
Time and Frequency Metrology … 21
few weeks, thereby circumventing some limitations mentioned before. The results
showed a good part of the expected reduction in short-term measurement noise, but no
significant improvement in the long term. The other one was managed and evaluated
by National Institute of Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. Here it could
be demonstrated that transmission of signals in a quite small spectral band, but using
the carrier phase as the measurement quantity provides frequency comparison with
less than 10−15 instability when averaging longer than 20 000 s at quite favorable
operational cost, which is considered as important as the performance itself. Research
on that subject is ongoing.
The “Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space” (ACES) unfortunately remains “on the
horizon” only. The launch of the scientific mission that relies on the availability
of the International Space Station (ISS) experienced once more delay into 2018.
The ACES project will involve a space segment and a complex ground segment
[48, 49]. The space segment will comprise PHARAO (Projet d’Horloge Atomique
par Refroidissement d’Atomes en Orbite), a primary frequency standard based on
laser-cooled caesium atoms, and an active hydrogen maser. An on-board time scale
will be generated that should reflect the short-term instability of the maser and the
long-term characteristics and accuracy of PHARAO. Connection to the ground is
going to be provided by the so-called Microwave Link (MWL) and the European
Laser Timing (ELT) space terminals. All that will be installed on the Columbus
External Payload Facility. The MWL follows the principle of TWSTFT, now between
space and ground, but the transmitted signals are going to occupy a hundred times
wider bandwidth than those used routinely in these days. The MWL shall be used
to compare the space clocks with high-performance ground clocks at seven sites
worldwide where ground terminals are going to be installed. The ACES campaign
of 18 months duration shall be used for a couple of fundamental physics studies and
international clock comparisons. The projected frequency transfer capabilities are
competitive with the uncertainty of a few optical frequency standards and could be
used to verify the relativistic red shift of the frequency standards at the sites at the
10−17 level.
In general, satellite-based time and frequency transfer serves plenty of applica-
tions, and in particular with the advent of new freely available signals and newer
modulation schemes on GNSS some improvement can be expected. But it seems
unlikely that the gap in performance (stability) between optical frequency standards
and the GNSS comparison techniques can be significantly reduced. The GNSS all-
in-view technique is unique: it allows comparisons among laboratories wherever
they are located on Earth, and installation of receiver and antenna is quite simple.
TWSTFT can bridge approximately 10 000 km because both sites must simulta-
neously be in the field of view of the same satellite. The synchronization of the
ground stations of the deep space tracking networks maintained by NASA and ESA
22 A. Bauch
has practically to rely on GNSS comparisons as they are separated by about 120
degree in longitude on the globe. For sure, TWSTFT offers high potentials in terms
of achievable measurement noise and accuracy, but it remains open to see who is
going to pay the bill.
“More accurate clocks - What are they needed for?” has been partially answered
in [50], and many publications demonstrate the interdependence of metrology and
fundamental science. The research into atomic frequency standards and time and
frequency dissemination can help improving our understanding of the laws of physics
in general. Without any pretension of completeness let me first mention pulsar timing
as a fascinating branch of radio-astronomy [51]. Although I doubt that pulsar time
scales [52] are going to have properties adequate for replacing atomic time scales, we
remember that pulsar timing was the basis for the indirect proof of the existence of
gravitational radiation emitted by the binary system of two neutron stars [53, 54]. The
emission of gravitational waves was predicted and the accompanying orbital energy
loss became observable as an orbital period change. A very active field of study in
these days is search for variations of fundamental constants. Several parameters that
are usually designated as “constants”, such as charge and mass of the electron as well
as the fine structure constant α are predicted to vary on cosmological time scales,
and laboratory searches of the - if at all - tiny temporal variations today involve
atomic frequency standards [55]. As explained in [55], atomic transition frequencies
depend in a different way on these constants. Measurement of the ratio of atomic
transition frequencies of different atomic species (or of transition frequencies in the
unit Hertz as realized with caesium fountain clocks) repeatedly over time allows
under certain circumstances to determine limits on the temporal variations in our
days. The uncertainty of such ratio measurements got lower and lower with time
during recent years, mostly due to the dramatic improvement in the performance of
optical frequency standards, as laid out in Sect. 3.3. Just to give one example, at the
time of writing (April 2017), the tightest limit of variation of α is in the low 10−18
per year, and not statistically significant [56]. Complemented by searches involving
astrophysical data, such laboratory searches may in the future point to new physics
beyond the standard model.
The mentioning of individual products and their manufacturers is not to be understood
as endorsement by PTB. Data obtained at PTB reflect the properties of the selected
equipment and its installation conditions and may deviate from observations made
at other sites.
Acknowledgements This review paper reports mostly on achievements of colleagues from all over
the world. The fruitful collaboration belonged to the pleasures of the author’s business life. Special
thanks go to Ekkehard Peik, Dirk Piester and Stefan Weyers of PTB for critical reading of the
Time and Frequency Metrology … 23
29. N. Huntemann et al., Single-ion atomic clock with 3 × 10−18 systematic uncertainty. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 116, 063001 (2016)
30. S.B. Koller et al., Transportable optical lattice clock with 7 × 10−17 uncertainty. Phys. Rev.
Lett. 118, 073601 (2017)
31. B. Guinot, E.F. Arias, Atomic time-keeping from 1955 to the present. Metrologia 42, S20
32. BIPM Time Department. Circular T. BIPM, http://www.bipm.org/en/bipm-services/
33. P. Gill, F. Riehle, On secondary representations of the second, in Proceeding of the 20th
European Frequency and Time Forum (2006), p. 282
34. G. Petit et al., UTCr: a rapid realization of UTC. Metrologia 51, 33 (2014)
35. A. Bauch et al., Generation of UTC(PTB) as a fountain-clock based time scale. Metrologia 49,
180 (2012)
36. C. Lisdat et al., A clock network for geodesy and fundamental science. Nat. Commun. 7, 12443
37. Ł. Śliwczyński et al., Fiber-optic time transfer for UTC-traceable synchronization for telecom
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38. J. Levine, A review of time and frequency transfer methods. Metrologia 45, S162 (2008)
39. ITU Study Group 7, ITU Handbook: Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer and Dissemination
(International Telcommunication Union, Geneva, 2010)
40. E.D. Kaplan, C.J. Hegarty (eds.), Understanding GPS, Principles and Applications, 2nd edn.
(Artech, Boston, London, 2006)
41. RINEX Working Group and RTCM-SC104, RINEX The Receiver Independent Exchange For-
mat Version 3.02. International GNSS Service (2013), https://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/igscb/data/
42. J. Kouba, P. Heroux, Precise point positioning using IGS orbit and clock products. GPS Solut.
5(2), 12 (2002)
43. P. Defraigne, G. Petit, CGGTTS-Version 2E: an extended standard for GNSS time transfer.
Metrologia 52, G1 (2015)
44. G. Petit et al., 10−16 frequency transfer by GPS PPP with integer ambiguity resolution. Metrolo-
gia 52, 301 (2015)
45. D. Kirchner, Two-way satellite time transfer. Review of Radio Science 1996–1999 (1999), p. 27
46. A. Bauch, D. Piester, M. Fujieda, W. Lewandowski, Directive for operational use and data
handling in two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT). BIPM, Rapport 2011/01,
2011 (2011)
47. A. Bauch et al., Comparison between frequency standards in Europe and the USA at the 10−15
uncertainty level. Metrologia 43, 109 (2006)
48. L. Cacciapuoti, Chr. Salomon, Space clocks and fundamental tests: the ACES experiment. Eur.
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49. L. Cacciapuoti, Chr. Salomon, Atomic clock ensemble in space. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 327, 012049
50. E. Peik, A. Bauch, More accurate clocks - What are they needed for? PTB-Mitteilungen 119(2),
16 (2009)
51. I.H. Stairs, Testing general relativity with pulsar timing. Living Rev. Relativ. (2003), http://
52. G. Hobbs, Development of a pulsar-based time-scale. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 427, 2780
53. R.A. Hulse, The discovery of the binary pulsar (Nobel Lecture). Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 699
54. J.H. Taylor, Binary pulsars and relativistic gravity (Nobel Lecture). Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 711
55. N. Huntemann et al., Improved limit on a temporal variation of m p /m e from comparisons of
Y b+ and Cs atomic clocks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 210802 (2014)
56. C. Lisdat, Private communication (2017)
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods
and Applications
1 Introduction
The theory of general relativity (GR) was born more than one hundred years ago,
and since the beginning has striking prediction success. Einstein proposed three
effects for its experimental verification, all verified shortly after their prediction:
the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun,
and the gravitational redshift of spectral lines of stars. Other predictions from GR
had to wait decades before being confirmed experimentally. It is only in 1959 that
the gravitational redshift is confirmed in a laboratory experiment by Pound, Rebka
and Snider [1–4]. Two gamma-ray emitting iron nuclei at different heights were
compared, verifying GR prediction with a relative accuracy of 10% (and later <1%).
In parallel, the era of atomic time began in 1955 with the caesium frequency standard
built by Essen and Parry at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) [5, 6]. Since then,
the accuracy and stability of atomic clocks were constantly ameliorated, with around
one order of magnitude gained every ten years (see Fig. 1).
In this context, the unit of time of the International System of Units (SI), the
second, was officially defined with respect to a specified hyperfine transition of the
caesium atom in the year 1967–1968.1 Moreover, as local atomic timescales were
1 Resolution 1 of the 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) [7].
P. Delva (B)
SYRTE Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université,
LNE 61 avenue de l’Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France
e-mail: pacome.delva@obspm.fr
H. Denker
Institut für Erdmessung, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH),
Schneiderberg 50, 30167 Hannover, Germany
G. Lion
LASTIG LAREG IGN, ENSG, Univ Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité,
35 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris, France
Fig. 1 Accuracy records for microwave and optical clocks. From the first Cs clock by Essen
and Parry in the 1950’s, an order of magnitude was gained every ten years. The advent of optical
frequency combs boosted the performances of optical clocks, and they recently surpassed microwave
2 Thisis based on the numbers given in table 1 of [10] and table √ 1 of [11]: the relative accuracy of
the gravitational part of the relativistic shift effect is taken as ( 182 + 102 + 72 ns)/(179 ns).
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 27
Following the Hafele and Keating experiment, Briatore and Leschiutta did the first
experimental measurements of the gravitational redshift with a direct comparison
of ground caesium beam atomic frequency standards [12]. The two clocks were
separated in heights by h = 3250 m, predicting a desynchronization of t/t ≈
gh/c2 ≈ 30.6 ns d−1 , where g and c are the local gravity and the velocity of light
in vacuum. The measurement gave (36.5 ± 5.8) ns d−1 , giving a relative accuracy of
around 20%. Now, we can say that this experiment is amongst the first demonstrations
of chronometric levelling (see Sect. 2.4): the clock comparison measured a difference
of altitude between the two clocks of (3880 ± 620) m, to be compared with the
otherwise measured value of 3250 m.
Now that the atomic clock accuracy reaches the low 10−18 in fractional frequency
(see Fig. 1), and can be compared to this level over continental distances with optical
fibres (see Sect. 3.3), the accuracy of chronometric levelling reaches the cm level
and begins to be competitive with classical geodetic techniques such as geometric
levelling and GNSS/geoid levelling. Moreover, the building of global timescales
requires now to take into account these effects to the best possible accuracy. It is
the topic of this chapter to explain how atomic clock comparisons and the building
of timescales can benefit from the latest developments in physical geodesy for the
modelization and realization of the geoid, as well as how classical geodesy could
benefit from this new type of observable, which are clock comparisons that are
directly linked to gravity potential differences.
In Sect. 2 we introduce fundamental concepts of GR concerning the measurement
of time, relativistic reference systems and we review the recent literature of chrono-
metric geodesy. In Sect. 3 we introduce the theory of frequency standard comparisons,
beginning with the Einstein equivalence principle, followed by the description of the
frequency techniques, and finally, we describe clock syntonization and the realization
of timescales. Section 4 describes the geodetic methods for determining the gravity
potential, namely the geometric levelling approach and the GNSS/geoid approach, as
well as considerations about the uncertainties of these methods. In Sect. 5 we describe
the European project International Timescales with Optical Clocks (ITOC) where
unified relativistic redshift corrections were determined for several atomic clocks
in European national metrology institutes. Finally, in Sect. 6 we present numerical
simulations exploring what could be the contribution of clock comparisons for the
determination of the geoid.
and energy distribution tells how spacetime geometry is curved. This is a non-linear
process and the link between geometry on one side, and matter/energy on the other
side is given by the Einstein equations. Gravitation is no longer a force as in New-
tonian theory, but the manifestation of the variation of the background geometry.
Variations of spacetime can be induced by a choice of coordinates, causing inertial
effects, which act in a way similar but not equivalent to gravitation. The presence
of energy/matter gives rise to curvature of the background geometry, and therefore
gravity. However, gravitational effects can never be completely disentangled from
inertial effects.
A spacetime is formally described by a four-dimensional differentiable manifold
M endowed with a pseudo-Riemannian metric g. A point of the manifold is called
an event. Let us define an open subset U ∈ M and an event P in this open subset. A
chart or coordinate system {x α }α=0...3 can be defined in U; it maps point P ∈ U to a
point {x αP } ∈ R4 . The four real numbers x αP are the coordinates of event P. Generally
a coordinate system cannot be defined on the whole manifold. An atlas is a collection
of charts with some properties, which cover the whole manifold.
As the manifold is smooth, the difference vector dx between two infinitesimally
close events may be defined. Then each event P is associated to a vector space
T P (M), called the tangent space, which contains the set of all possible four-vectors
dx . A basis {eα } of the tangent space is usually called a frame. The introduced
coordinates induce a coordinate basis eα = {∂ α } P ≡ {∂/∂ x α } P . However, a frame
does not need to be associated with any coordinate system.
The metric tensor g is a symmetric bilinear scalar function of two vectors. Given
two vectors v and w, the metric tensor returns a scalar called the dot product:
= v · w
g(v , w) =w · v = g(w,
v ). The metric can be characterized by its action
on a basis of the tangent space. For example, gαβ ≡ ∂ α · ∂ β are the components of
the metric tensor in the natural frame associated with the coordinate system {x α }.
The infinitesimal interval
ds 2 = −c2 dτ 2 , (2)
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 29
which is Euclidean, and therefore time is absolute, i.e. independent from the observer.
However, in GR proper time is defined only along the worldline of the observer and
is not a global property of spacetime. Only the light cone is a fundamental element
of a given spacetime. The light cone is the collection of vectors v ∈ T P (M) which
satisfies v · v = 0. It is independent of the observer and divides the tangent space
in three parts, past and future containing time vectors which satisfy v · v < 0, and a
third part containing space vectors which satisfy v · v > 0. It is supposed here that the
metric tensor has a signature (−, +, +, +), i.e. at least one basis of the tangent space
exists for which v · w = −v 0 w 0 + v 1 w 1 + v 2 w 2 + v 3 w 3 , where v , w
∈ T P (M).
With the notion of the light cone, spacetime can be time-oriented, but it does not
say which set of events can be considered simultaneous. Indeed in GR simultaneity
can only be conventional and not an intrinsic property of spacetime. Einstein has
suggested an operational definition of simultaneity. Suppose that an observer O is
equipped with a clock and a system to send and receive electromagnetic signals. A
signal is sent at event A ∈ C, received and reflected with no delay at event M and
finally received at event B ∈ C (see Fig. 2). The proper times along C corresponding to
events A and B, respectively τ A and τ B , are measured with the clock. By convention,
the event M which is simultaneous to M along the observer trajectory corresponds
to the proper time:
1 1
τ= (τ A + τ B ) = τ A + (τ B − τ A ) . (5)
2 2
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 31
Fig. 3 Einstein
synchronization convention
is not transitive: events B
and C are defined as
simultaneous with A thanks
to the convention, while D is
defined as simultaneous to
C. However, events B and D
do not coincide
Fig. 5 Coordinate
synchronization convention
where v is the coordinate velocity of clock M. The limit condition of null veloc-
ity is not feasible in a real experiment. Therefore, operationally, this convention
depends on the particular trajectory of the mobile clock M, and reaches a differ-
ent synchronization than the Einstein synchronization convention, as shown in [16].
However, in special relativity, i.e. with a null background curvature, it can be shown
that both synchronization conventions are equivalent. If the spacetime geometry and
the mobile clock trajectory are sufficiently known, then in the weak-field and low
velocity approximation it is possible to use the coordinate time of clock M at events
A0 and B1 instead of its proper time, so that the convention will not depend on the
particular trajectory of the mobile clock. However it will depend on the relativistic
coordinate system chosen to calculate the coordinate time. The inaccuracy of the
time transfer operated with this convention can be assessed with the closing relation:
τ0A = limv→0 [τ1A − (τ1M − τ0M )].
Finally, we define the coordinate synchronization convention: two events P1 and
P2 of coordinates {x1α } and {x2α } are considered to be simultaneous if the values
of their time coordinates are equal: x10 = x20 (see Fig. 5). This definition follows
the definition of simultaneity adopted in special relativity in [21, 22]. It is conve-
nient to introduce three-dimensional hypersurfaces with constant time coordinate t:
t ≡ {P ∈ M, x 0P = ct}. By choosing a particular relativistic reference system we
introduce a conventional foliation of spacetime, giving the hypersurfaces of simul-
taneity. The synchronization of clocks with this convention obviously depends on the
chosen reference system. It is the most commonly used convention for the building of
timescales such as TAI and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) timescales.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 33
Indeed, this convention is very similar to what is well known in Newtonian physics
where the foliation of spacetime is absolute. For this convention to become opera-
tional it is necessary to define conventional relativistic reference systems. In special
relativity, for clocks which are at rest with respect to an inertial reference system, the
Einstein synchronization is a convenient procedure to achieve coordinate synchro-
nization of clocks.
It was proposed in [23] to build a global “coordinate time grid” on and around
the Earth, therefore realizing the idea of coordinate synchronization convention for
clocks, without any problem of transitivity. The authors proposed to take as a refer-
ence a clock on the geoid,3 i.e. to choose a conventional reference system R such
that the proper time of a clock at rest on the geoid coincides with its coordinate time
in R. We will see later that this choice is convenient because it implies a simple
link between the relativistic correction of a clock, in order to realize the coordinate
time synchronization, and its altitude. The authors in [23] detailed several opera-
tional methods of time transfer using the coordinate synchronization convention:
portable clocks, one-way and two-way synchronization with electromagnetic sig-
nals. The same authors in [24] estimated the main limitation on the determination of
coordinate time: the knowledge of the geoid.
It is interesting to note that the question of synchronization of clocks in non-
inertial reference systems raised a controversy in the 80’s, driven by the development
of Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) and the need for a global timescale
on Earth. This is reviewed in [25], where the author concludes: “In principle, the
curved Schwarzschild space cannot be imbedded in a four-dimensional flat space
without the addition of more dimensions. Thus the theoretical basis for the GPS
navigational scheme would appear to be flawed, and a new algorithm would have to
be constructed”. Indeed, coordinate time synchronization can only be theoretically
realized in approximation schemes, e.g. post-Newtonian approximation as reviewed
in [26] for GPS. A different relativistic approach to this problem has been initiated
in [27], where the idea is to give to a constellation of satellites the possibility to
constitute by itself a primary and autonomous positioning system, without any need
for synchronization of the clocks. Such a relativistic positioning system is defined
with the introduction of emission coordinates, which have been re-introduced by
several authors in the context of navigation systems [28–36].
A resolution concerning the global “coordinate time grid” was proposed by
N. Ashby at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium No. 114,
reported in [37]:
1. To adopt the coordinate time system (as approved by the Consultative Committee
for the Definition of the Second (CCDS) and the International Radio Consultative
Committee (CCIR)) as a global time scale for the Earth;
2. To continue further investigations for the determination and adjustment of the
International Atomic Time (TAI) and the Terrestrial Dynamic Time (TDT).
3 In the Newtonian sense, the geoid is the equipotential of the Earth’s gravity (Newtonian) potential,
The resolution was not adopted, but the chairman of the Scientific Organizing Com-
mittee, J. Kovalesky, considered that specialists in Celestial Mechanics and Astrom-
etry needed more time to study the problem in competent commissions of IAU.
Following this Symposium, several authors have contributed to the definition of
global coordinate times [38–42].
As the definition of coordinate timescales necessitates the definition of a four
dimensional relativistic reference system, the IAU working group had several com-
plementary tasks in hand (Resolution C2 of the IAU General Assembly in 19854 ):
1. the definition of the Conventional Terrestrial and Conventional Celestial Refer-
ence Systems,
2. ways of specifying practical realizations of these systems,
3. methods of determining the relationships between these realizations, and
4. a revision of the definitions of dynamical and atomic time to ensure their consis-
tency with appropriate relativistic theories
Moreover, the President of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) was
invited to “appoint a representative to the working group for appropriate coordina-
tion on matters relevant to Geodesy”. This work eventually led to the set of IAU
Resolutions in 1991 and 2000 that define the present reference systems.
Several approaches have been considered for the definition of relativistic reference
systems. Generalised Fermi coordinates were considered in [43–45]. However, the
use of Fermi coordinates is not adapted to self-gravitating bodies for which mass-
energy contributes to the determination of the initial metric g when solving the
Einstein equations. For this reason, harmonic coordinates are preferred and rec-
ommended for the definition and realization of relativistic celestial reference sys-
tems [46–50], where the frame origin can be centered at the center-of-mass of a
massive body. One drawback of harmonic frames is that the harmonic gauge condi-
tion does not admit rigidly rotating frames [51, chapter 8]. Other recent approaches
are based on a perturbed Schwarzschild metric [52], or on the Kerr metric [53] in the
different context of a slowly rotating astronomical object.
Following the pioneering works, a set of Resolutions was adopted at the IAU
General Assembly in Manchester in the year 2000 [54]:
• B1.3: definition of the Barycentric and Geocentric Celestial Reference Systems
• B1.4: form of the Earth post-Newtonian potential expansion
• B1.5: time transformations and realization of coordinate times in the Solar System
(uncertainty < 5 × 10−18 in rate and 0.2 ps in phase amplitude for locations farther
than a few Solar radii from the Sun)
• B1.9: definition of Terrestrial Time (TT)
We summarize here very briefly these resolutions. A relativistic reference system
is implicitly defined by giving the components of the metric tensor in this reference
system, in addition to a conventional spatial origin and orientation for the spatial
part of the frame, and a conventional time origin for the time coordinate (the time
orientation is trivial). The metric tensor is a solution of the Einstein equations in
the low velocity and weak gravitational field approximation, for an ensemble of N
The Solar System Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS), recommended
by the IAU Resolutions, can be used to model light propagation from distant celestial
objects and the motion of bodies within the Solar System. It is defined with:
2w(x ) 2w(x )2
g00 = −1 + c2
− c4
, (7)
g0i = − c43 wi (x ) , (8)
2w(x )
gi j = δi j 1 + c2
, (9)
where x ≡ {ct, x i }, with i = 1 . . . 3, w and wi are scalar and vector potentials. Its
origin is at the barycenter of the Solar System masses, while the orientation of the spa-
tial axes is fixed up to a constant time-independent rotation matrix about the origin
(a natural choice is the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) orienta-
tion which is fixed with respect to distant quasars). The coordinate time t is called
Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB). The origin of TCB is defined with respect to
TAI: its value on 1977 January 1, 00:00:00 TAI (JD = 2,443,144.5 TAI) must be 1977
January 1, 00:00:32.184.
The unit of measurement of TCB should be chosen so that it is consistent with the
SI second. An interesting discussion about timescale units can be found in [55]. As
coordinate times such as TCB are not proper times, they cannot be directly measured
by clocks. They are calculated using the corresponding metric components, e.g.
Eqs. (7)–(9) for TCB, in combination with Eq. (4), which has to be inverted. Indeed,
the basic observables to build timescales are the readings of proper times on clocks,
which are local experiments. If the clocks are realizing the SI second, then the
timescales calculated from these measurements are also in SI units, and the unit of
such time coordinate could be named “SI-induced second”.
The second relativistic reference system, recommended by the IAU Resolutions,
is the Geocentric Celestial Reference System (GCRS). It can be used to model phe-
nomenon in the vicinity of the Earth, such as its gravity field, artificial satellites
orbiting the Earth or Earth rotation. It is defined with:
36 P. Delva et al.
2V ( X) 2
2V ( X)
G 00 = −1 + c2
− c4
, (10)
G 0i = − c43 V ( X) , (11)
G i j = δi j 1 + 2Vc(2X) , (12)
≡ {cT, X i }, and V and V i are scalar and vector potentials. Note that we
where ( X)
use notation V instead of usual notation W because W is commonly used in geodesy
for the gravity potential. The frame origin is at the centre of mass of the Earth, and
the orientation of the spatial axes is fixed with respect to the spatial part of the BCRS.
The coordinate time T is called Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG). It has the same
origin and unit as TCB.
TCG is the proper time of a clock at infinity, and is not convenient because
its rate differs from the one of clocks on the ground. Therefore IAU Resolu-
tions introduced Terrestrial Time (TT), which differs from TCG by a constant rate
L G = 6.969290134 × 10−10 :
= 1 − LG. (13)
The origins of TT and TCG are defined so that they coincide with TCB in origin:
TT (resp. TCG) = TAI + 32.184 s on 1977 January 1 st, 0 h TAI. TT is a theoretical
timescale and can have different realizations, e.g. TT(BIPM), or TT(TAI) = TAI +
32.184 s. (see e.g. [56]).
Chronometric geodesy is the use of clocks to determine the spacetime metric. Indeed,
the gravitational redshift effect discovered by Einstein must be taken into account
when comparing the frequencies of distant clocks. Instead of using our knowledge
of the Earth’s gravitational field to predict frequency shifts between distant clocks,
one can revert the problem and ask if the measurement of frequency shifts between
distant clocks can improve our knowledge of the gravitational field. To do simple
orders of magnitude estimates it is good to have in mind some correspondences:
1m↔ ∼ 10−16 ↔ W ∼ 10 m2 s−2 , (14)
where 1 m is the height difference between two clocks, ν is the frequency difference
in a frequency transfer between the same two clocks, and W is the gravity potential
difference (see Sect. 4.1) between the locations of these clocks.
From this correspondence, we can already recognize two direct applications of
clocks in geodesy: if we are capable of comparing clocks to 10−16 accuracy, we can
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 37
determine height differences between clocks with one meter accuracy (levelling), or
determine geopotential differences with 10 m2 s−2 accuracy.
To the knowledge of the authors, the latter technique was first mentioned in the
geodetic literature by Bjerhammar [57] within a short section on a “new physi-
cal geodesy”. Vermeer [58] introduced the term “chronometric levelling”, while
Bjerhammar [59] discussed the clock-based levelling approach under the title “rel-
ativistic geodesy”, and also included a definition of a relativistic geoid. The term
“chronometric” seems well suited for qualifying the method of using clocks to deter-
mine directly gravity potential differences, as “chronometry” is the science of the
measurement of time. However the term “levelling” seems to be too restrictive with
respect to all the applications one could think of using the results of clock compar-
isons. Therefore we will use the term “chronometric geodesy” to name the scientific
discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth, includ-
ing its gravity field, with the help of atomic clocks. It is sometimes also named
“clock-based geodesy”, or “relativistic geodesy”. However this last designation is
improper as relativistic geodesy aims at describing all possible techniques (including
e.g. gravimetry, gradiometry, VLBI, Earth rotation, …) in a relativistic framework.
The natural arena of chronometric geodesy is the four-dimensional spacetime. At the
lowest order, there is proportionality between relative frequency shift measurements
– corrected from the first order Doppler effect – and (Newtonian) gravity potential dif-
ferences. To calculate this relation one does not need the theory of general relativity,
but only to postulate Local Position Invariance. Therefore, if the measurement accu-
racy does not reach the magnitude of the higher order terms, it is perfectly possible
to use clock comparison measurements – corrected for the first order Doppler effect
– as a direct measurement of (differences of) the gravity potential that is considered
in classical geodesy. Comparisons between two clocks on the ground generally use
a third reference clock in space, or an optical fibre on the ground (see Sect. 3.3).
In his article, Martin Vermeer explores the “possibilities for technical realisation
of a system for measuring potential differences over intercontinental distances” using
clock comparisons [58]. The two main ingredients are, of course, accurate clocks
and a mean to compare them. He considers hydrogen maser clocks. For the links he
considers a 2-way satellite link over a geostationary satellite, or GPS receivers in
interferometric mode. He has also considered a way to compare proper frequencies
of the different hydrogen maser clocks. Today this can be overcome by comparing
primary frequency standards (PFS, see Sect. 3.2), which have a well defined proper
frequency based on the transition of Caesium 133 used for the definition of the
second. Secondary frequency standards (SFS), i.e. standards based on a transition
other than the defining one, may also be used if the uncertainty in systematic effects
has been fully evaluated, and the frequency measured against PFS.
With the advent of optical clocks, it often happens that the evaluation of system-
atics can be done more accurately than for PFS. This was one of the purposes of
the European project5 of “International timescales with optical clocks” [60], where
optical clocks based on different atoms are compared to each other locally, and to
5 projects.npl.co.uk/itoc.
38 P. Delva et al.
This is an operational definition, which has been translated in the context of post-
Newtonian theory [47, 67]. In these two articles a different operational definition
of the relativistic geoid has been introduced based on gravimetric measurements: a
surface orthogonal everywhere to the direction of the plumb-line and closest to mean
sea level. The authors call the two surfaces obtained with clocks and gravimetric
measurements the “u-geoid” and the “a-geoid”, respectively. They have shown that
these two surfaces coincide in the case of a stationary metric. In order to distin-
guish the operational definition of the geoid from its theoretical description, it is
less ambiguous to give a name based on the particular technique to measure it. The
term “relativistic geoid” is too vague as Soffel et al. [67] have defined two different
ones. The names chosen by Soffel et al. are not particularly explicit, so instead of
“u-geoid” and “a-geoid” one can call them “chronometric geoid” and “gravimetric
geoid” respectively. There can be no confusion with the geoid derived from satellite
measurements, as this is a quasi-geoid that does not coincide with the geoid on the
continents [68]. Other considerations on the chronometric geoid can be found in [51,
69, 70].
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 39
Fig. 6 A photon of frequency ν A is emitted at point A toward point B, where the measured frequency
is ν B . a) A and B are two points at rest in an accelerated frame, with acceleration a in the same
direction as the emitted photon. b) A and B are at rest in a non accelerated (locally inertial) frame
in presence of a gravitational field such that g = −
Let’s consider two atomic frequency standards (AFS) A and B which deliver the
proper frequencies f A and f B . These two frequencies can be different if the two
AFS are based on different atom transitions. Following the Bureau International des
Poids et Mesures (BIPM) we name primary frequency standards (PFS) the AFS
based on the atom of Caesium 133, more commonly named Caesium Fountains.
The best PFS have a very low relative accuracy in the range 10−15 – 10−16 (see
e.g. [74]). Then, we name secondary frequency standards (SFS) the AFS which are
based on a different atom than the Caesium atoms. The Consultative Committee for
Length (CCL)-Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF) frequency
standards working group is in charge of producing and maintaining a single list of rec-
ommended values of standard frequencies for the practical realization of secondary
representations of the second.6 SFS can have a relative accuracy down to the range
10−17 – 10−18 [75–77]. See also [78, 79], where a method is presented for analysing
over-determined sets of clock frequency comparison data involving standards based
on a number of different reference transitions.
The goal of a frequency comparison between two AFS A and B is to determine the
ratio of their frequencies f A / f B . The most used technique for frequency comparison
nowadays is the transmission of an electromagnetic signal between A and B, reaching
the following formula:
fA f A ν A νB
= , (17)
fB ν A νB f B
6 See http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/mises-en-pratique/standard-frequencies.html.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 41
where ν A is the proper frequency of the photon at the time of emission t A , and ν B
is the proper frequency of the same photon at the time of reception t B . The ratio
ν A / f A is known or measured, ν B / f B is measured, while ν A /ν B has to be modelled
and calculated.
Let S(x α ) be the phase of the electromagnetic signal emitted by clock A. It can be
shown that light rays are contained in hypersurfaces of constant phase. The frequency
measured by A/B is:
1 dS
ν A/B = , (18)
2π dτ A/B
where τ A/B is the proper time along the worldline of clock A/B. We introduce the
wave vector kα = (∂α S) A/B to obtain:
1 A/B α
ν A/B = k u A/B , (19)
2π α
where u αA/B = dx αA/B /dτ is the four-velocity of clock A/B. Finally, we obtain a
fundamental relation for the frequency transfer:
νA k Auα
= αB αA . (20)
νB kα u B
This formula does not depend on a particular theory, and thus can be used to perform
tests of general relativity. It is needed in the context of chronometric geodesy in order
to calculate the gravity potential difference between two clocks for which the ratio
f A / f B is well known.
Introducing v i = dx i /dt and k̂i = ki /k0 , it is usually written as:
k̂iA v iA
νA u0 k A 1 +
= 0A 0B c
. (21)
νB u B k0 1 + k̂iB v iB
The derivative (dt B /dt A ) is affected by processes in the frequency transfer itself
and depends on the particular technique used for the frequency comparison. It is
considered in more details in Sect. 3.3.
The derivatives (dτ/dt) in (22) do not depend on the frequency transfer technique
but just on the state (velocity and location) of the emitting and receiving AFS. In
Sects. 4 and 5 we focus on the best practical determination of these terms. Indeed,
calculation of these terms is limited in accuracy by our knowledge of the Earth’s
42 P. Delva et al.
dτ 1
timescales such as TAI [56]. The ACES MWL (MicroWave Link) [94] is being
developed in the frame of the ACES (Atomic Clocks Ensemble in Space) experi-
ment [95, 96]. New techniques using two-way laser links have been developed and
operated, such as T2L2 (Time Transfer by Laser Light) [97–101], and others are in
development, such as ELT [102, 103], which is part of the ACES experiment.
Existing free space frequency transfer techniques are in the range 10−15 –10−16
for the fractional frequency accuracy and stability, with the goal of being in the 10−17
range for the ACES experiment. However, they are not sufficient for the comparisons
of optical clocks, which have fractional frequency accuracy and stability in the 10−17 –
10−19 range [76, 77, 104–107]. Therefore, phase-coherent optical links have been
developped using principally an optical fibre as a medium for the propagation [74,
75, 108, 109], attaining spectacular stability and accuracy in the range 10−19 and
below. However, phase coherent free space optical links are also being developed
[110–113]. It is not clear yet if these techniques will be able to be as good as optical
fibre techniques, mainly because of the effect of atmospheric turbulence [114–116].
In the case of propagation in free space, if we suppose that the spacetime is stationary,
i.e. ∂0 gαβ = 0, then it can be shown that k0 is constant along the light ray, meaning
that k0A = k0B . Then, from Eqs. (21) and (22) we deduce that
k̂iA v iA
dt B 1+
= c
. (24)
dt A k̂iB v iB
1+ c
The quantity dt B /dt A in Eq. (22) can be computed with several methods. Two
different approaches are presented in some detail in Appendix A of [117]: a direct
integration of the null geodesic equations, and a simpler way, which is the differ-
entiation of the time transfer function. This second method is quite powerful: a
general method has been developed to calculate the time transfer function as a Post-
Minkowskian (PM) series up to any order in G, the gravitational constant [118, 119].
See for example [120] for the calculation of the one-way frequency shift up to the 2-
PM approximation. This method does not require the integration of the null geodesic
equations. The frequency shift is expressed as integral of functions defined from the
metric and its derivatives and performed along a Minkowskian straight line.
Let A be the emitting station, with GCRS position x A (t), and B the receiving
station, with position xB (t). We use t = TCG and hence the calculated coordinate
time intervals are in TCG. The corresponding time intervals in TT are obtained by
multiplying with (1 − L G ). We denote by t A the coordinate time at the instant of
emission of an electromagnetic signal, and by t B the coordinate time at the instant of
reception. We define r A = | x A (t A )|, r B = |
x B (t B )| and R AB = |
x B (t B ) − x A (t A )|, as
well as the coordinate velocities v A = d x A /dt (t A ) and vB = d xB /dt (t B ). Then the
frequency ratio can be expressed as [117]:
44 P. Delva et al.
v 2B
νA 1− 1
c2 2
+ U E (
xB) q
= , (25)
νB 1− 1 v 2A
+ U E (
x A) q B
c2 2
where U E is the Newtonian potential of the Earth, and, if the desired accuracy is
greater than 5 × 10−17 ,
N AB ·
vA v A +(r A +r B ) N AB ·
4G M E R AB N A · vA
qA = 1 − c
− c3 (r A +r B )2 −R2AB
, (26)
N AB ·
vB v B −(r A +r B ) N AB ·
4G M E R AB N A · vB
qB = 1 − c
− c3 (r A +r B )2 −R2AB
, (27)
If the signal propagates in an optical fibre, the term (dt B /dt A ) has been calculated
up to order c−3 in [122] for one-way and two-way time and frequency transfers. The
result for one-way frequency transfer is:
dt B 1 L
∂n ∂T 1 L
∂ v · sl
=1+ + nα dl + 2 dl , (28)
dt A c 0 ∂t ∂t c 0 ∂t
where L is the total rest length of the fibre at time of emission t A , n is the effective
refractive index of the fibre, α is the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the fibre,
T is the temperature of the fibre as a function of time and location, and v and sl are
the velocity and tangent vector fields of the fibre, respectively.
Up to the second order it does not depend on the gravitational field, as for the free
propagation in vacuum. The first order term is due to the variation of the fibre length
(e.g. due to thermal expansion) and of its refractive index. For a 1000 km fibre with
refractive index n = 1.5 this term is equal to 2 × 10−13 , but this term cancels in a
two-way frequency transfer. The second order term is the derivative of the Sagnac
7 One can notice that the separation between a gravitational red-shift and a Doppler effect is specific
to the chosen coordinate system. One can read the book by Synge [121] for a different interpretation
in terms of relative velocity and Doppler effect only.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 45
effect, which is of order 10−19 or less for a 1000 km fibre. The sign of this term
depends on the direction of propagation of the signal in the fibre, such that it adds
up when doing two-way frequency transfer. Finally the neglected third order term is
of the order of 10−22 for a 1000 km fibre.
gravimetric observables, and particular care should be taken in the use of the gravime-
try dataset. This method allows the derivation of absolute potential values with about
2–3 cm accuracy in terms of heights (best case scenario, i.e., accurate GNSS posi-
tions, sufficient terrestrial data around sites of interest, and state-of-the-art global
satellite geopotential utilized). Detailed considerations about the uncertainties of the
two approaches, geometric levelling and GNSS/geoid, can be found in [81].
This reference to the geoid was very ambiguous. Indeed, the value of the gravity
potential on the geoid, Wgeoid , depends on the global ocean level which changes with
time.8 In addition, there are several methods to realize the geoid as “closest to the
mean sea level” so that there is yet no adopted standard to define a reference geoid
and Wgeoid value (see e.g. a discussion in [125]). Several authors have considered the
time variation of Wgeoid , see e.g. [126, 127], but there is some uncertainty in what is
accounted for in such a linear model. A recent estimate by Dayoub et al. over 1993–
2009 gives dWgeoid /dt = −2.7 × 10−2 m2 s−2 yr−1 , mostly driven by the sea level
change of +2.9 mm/yr. However, the rate of change of the global ocean level could
vary during the next decades, and predictions are highly model dependent [128].
Nevertheless, to state an order of magnitude, considering a systematic variation in
the sea level of order 2 mm/yr, different definitions of a reference surface for the
gravity potential could yield differences in the redshift correction of the AFS of
order 2 × 10−18 in a decade, which is of the same order than the best current SFS
accuracies [76, 77].
However, this ambiguity disappeared with the new definition of TT adopted with
IAU resolution B1.9 (2000) [54] (see Sect. 2.3). If TAI is a realization of TT then
one has to apply a relative frequency correction, or redshift correction, to the AFS
8 Here we use notation Wgeoid instead of the commonly used W0 , in order to emphasize that there
is no generally accepted conventional and unified value of the geoid gravity potential value.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 47
W0(IAU) − W
=− , (31)
effect of solid Earth tides, ocean tide, polar motion, and changes in the atmospheric
pressure are below 10−18 in fractional frequency. Moreover, tidal effects can also be
calculated with uncertainties below 10−18 in fractional frequency.
The definition of the scalar potential in the context of relativistic reference frames,
from which the redshift correction formula (31) is deduced, is coherent in the New-
tonian limit with the assumption done in classical geodesy that the Newtonian poten-
tial is regular at infinity. Therefore the GNSS/geoid method is very well adapted to
the determination of the redshift corrections in the context of relativistic reference
frames. As discussed, when using national height systems one has to calculate cor-
rections such that the assumption of regularity is fulfilled over the area covered by
the clock comparisons. This will be illustrated in detail in Sect. 5.
Finally, according to Eqs. (29) and (31), syntonizing two AFS necessitates to
determine the relative gravity potential between the locations of both clocks, while
the realization of TT necessitates the determination of the absolute gravity potential
at the location of the contributing AFS. If the redshift correction (31) is known for
two clocks, it is easy to obtain Eq. (29) in order to syntonize them. Therefore, both
the problem of syntonization and the realization of TT can be tackled by determining
the absolute gravity potential at the locations of the contributing AFS.
For the temporal variations of the gravity field W temp , one can refer to [129], where
all corrections bigger than 10−18 in relative frequency are modelled and evaluated.
The dominant effect is the gravity potential variation induced by solid Earth tides,
which can be (at most) 10−16 for clock syntonization on international scales, and
10−17 for the realization of TT. The second major contributor is the induced signal
of ocean tides. However, both solid Earth and ocean tide signals can be modelled
down to an accuracy of a few parts in 1019 .
Several other time-variable effects can affect the clock comparisons at the 10−18
level, such as solid Earth pole tides, non-tidal mass redistributions in the atmosphere,
the oceans and the continental water storage, as well as secular signals due to sea
level changes and glacial isostatic adjustment. Non-tidal mass redistribution effects
on the gravity field are strongly dependent on location and/or weather conditions. As
clock comparisons now approach the 10−18 stability, it will be necessary to develop
guidelines in order to include these effects for the syntonization of clocks and their
contribution to the realization of TT. Recent analysis of optical clock comparisons
have included temporal variations [130, 131].
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 49
This section describes geodetic methods for determining the gravity potential, needed
for the computation of the relativistic redshift corrections for optical clock observa-
tions. The focus is on the determination of the static (spatially variable) part of the
potential field, while temporal variations in the station coordinates and the poten-
tial quantities (with the largest components resulting from solid Earth and ocean
tide effects, see [129]) are assumed to be taken into account through appropriate
reductions or by using sufficiently long averaging times. This is common geodetic
practice and leads to a quasi-static state (e.g. by referring all quantities to a given
epoch), such that the Earth can be considered as a rigid and non-deformable body,
uniformly rotating about a body-fixed axis. Hence, all gravity field quantities includ-
ing the level surfaces are considered in the following as static quantities, which do
not change in time. On this basis, the static and temporal components of the gravity
potential can be added to obtain the actual potential value at time t, as needed, e.g.,
for the evaluation of clock comparison experiments.
In this context, a note on the handling of the permanent (time-independent) parts
of the tidal corrections is appropriate; for details, see, e.g., [132, 133], or [134]. The
International Association of Geodesy (IAG) has recommended that the so-called
“zero-tide system” should be used (resolutions no. 9 and 16 from the year 1983;
cf. [135]), where the direct (permanent) tide effects are removed, but the indirect
deformation effects associated with the permanent tidal deformation are retained.
Unfortunately, geodesy and other disciplines do not strictly follow the IAG resolu-
tions for the handling of the permanent tidal effects, and therefore, depending on
the application, appropriate corrections may be necessary to refer all quantities to a
common tidal system (see below and the aforementioned references).
In the following, some fundamentals of physical geodesy are given, and then
two geodetic methods are described for determining the gravity potential, con-
sidering both the geometric levelling approach and the GNSS/geoid approach
(GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite Systems), together with corresponding uncer-
tainty considerations.
Classical physical geodesy is largely based on the Newtonian theory with Newton’s
law of gravitation, giving the gravitational force between two point masses, to which
a gravitational acceleration (also termed gravitation) can be ascribed by setting the
mass at the attracted point P to unity. Then, by the law of superposition, the grav-
itational acceleration of an extended body like the Earth can be computed as the
vector sum of the accelerations generated by the individual point masses (or mass
elements), yielding
50 P. Delva et al.
r − r
b = b (r) = −G
dm , dm = ρdv , ρ = ρ(r ) , (33)
r − r
where r and r are the position vectors of the attracted point P and the source point
Q, respectively, dm is the differential mass element, ρ is the volume density, dv is
the volume element, and G is the gravitational constant. The SI unit of acceleration
is ms−2 , but the non-SI unit Gal is still frequently used in geodesy and geophysics
(1 Gal = 0.01 m s−2 , 1 mGal = 1 ×10−5 m s−2 ). While an artificial satellite is only
affected by gravitation, a body rotating with the Earth also experiences a centrifugal
force and a corresponding centrifugal acceleration z, which is directed outwards and
perpendicular to the rotation axis:
z = z( p) = ω2 p . (34)
In the above equation, ω is the angular velocity, and p is the distance vector from
the rotation axis. Finally, the gravity acceleration (or gravity) vector g is the resultant
of the gravitation b and the centrifugal acceleration z:
g = b+ z . (35)
As the gravitational and centrifugal acceleration vectors b and z both form con-
servative vector fields or potential fields, these can be represented as the gradient of
corresponding potential functions by
where W is the gravity potential, consisting of the gravitational potential VE and the
centrifugal potential Z E . Based on Eqs. (33)–(36), the gravity potential W can be
expressed as
ρdv ω2 2
W = W (r) = VE + Z E = G + p , (37)
Earth l 2
where l and p are the lengths of the vectors r − r and p, respectively. All potentials
are defined with a positive sign, which is common geodetic practice. The gravita-
tional potential VE is assumed to be regular (i.e. zero) at infinity and has the important
property that it fulfills the Laplace equation outside the masses; hence it can be rep-
resented by harmonic functions in free space, with the spherical harmonic expansion
playing a very important role. Further details on potential theory and properties of
the potential functions can be found, e.g., in [134, 136, 137].
The determination of the gravity potential W as a function of position is one of the
primary goals of physical geodesy; if W (r) were known, then all other parameters
of interest could be derived from it, including the gravity vector g according to
Eq. (36) as well as the form of the equipotential surfaces (by solving the equation
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 51
W (r) = const.). Furthermore, the gravity potential is also the ideal quantity for
describing the direction of water flow, i.e. water flows from points with lower gravity
potential to points with higher values. However, although the above equation is
fundamental in geodesy, it cannot be used directly to compute the gravity potential
W due to insufficient knowledge about the density structure of the entire Earth; this
is evident from the fact that densities are at best known with two to three significant
digits, while geodesy generally strives for a relative uncertainty of at least 10−9 for all
relevant quantities (including the potential W ). Therefore, the determination of the
exterior potential field must be solved indirectly based on measurements performed
at or above the Earth’s surface, which leads to the area of geodetic boundary value
problems (GBVPs; see below).
The gravity potential is closely related to the question of heights as well as level
or equipotential surfaces and the geoid, where the geoid is classically defined as
a selected level surface with constant gravity potential W0 , conceptually chosen to
approximate (in a mathematical sense) the mean ocean surface or mean sea level
(MSL). However, MSL does not coincide with a level surface due to the forcing
of the oceans by winds, atmospheric pressure, and buoyancy in combination with
gravity and the Earth’s rotation. The deviation of MSL from a best fitting equipotential
surface (geoid) is denoted as the (mean) dynamic ocean topography (DOT); it reaches
maximum values of about ±2 m and is of vital importance for oceanographers for
deriving ocean circulation models [138].
On the other hand, a substantially different approach was chosen by the IAG
during its General Assembly in Prague, 2015, within “IAG Resolution (No. 1) for
the definition and realization of an International Height Reference System (IHRS)”
[139], where a numerical value W0(IHRS) = 62, 636, 853.4 m2 s−2 (based on obser-
vations and data related to the mean tidal system) is defined for the realization of
the IHRS vertical reference level surface, with a corresponding note, stating that
W0(IHRS) is related to “the equipotential surface that coincides (in the least-squares
sense) with the worldwide mean ocean surface, the most accepted definition of the
geoid” [140]. Although the classical geodetic geoid definition and the IAG 2015
resolution both refer to the worldwide mean ocean surface, so far no adopted stan-
dards exist for the definition of MSL, the handling of time-dependent terms (e.g.,
due to global sea level rise), and the derivation of W0 , where the latter value can be
determined in principle from satellite altimetry and a global geopotential model (see
[141, 142]). Furthermore, the IHRS value for the reference potential is inconsistent
with the corresponding value W0(IAU) used for the definition of TT (see Sect. 3.5);
Petit et al. [124] denote these two definitions as “classical geoid” and “chronometric
geoid”, respectively.
In this context, it is somewhat unfortunate that the same notation (W0 ) is used to
represent different estimates for a quantity that is connected with the (time-variable)
mean ocean surface, but this issue can be resolved only through future international
cooperation, even though it seems unlikely that the different communities are willing
to change their definitions. In the meantime, this problem has to be handled by a
simple constant shift transformation between the different level surfaces, associated
with a thorough documentation of the procedures and conventions involved. It is
52 P. Delva et al.
clear that the definition of the zero level surface (W0 issue) is largely a matter of
convention, where a good option is probably to select a conventional value of W0
(referring to a certain epoch) with a corresponding zero level surface, and to describe
then the potential of the time-variable mean ocean surface for any given point in time
as the deviation from this reference value.
The classical and most direct way to obtain gravity potential differences is based on
geometric levelling and gravity observations, denoted here as the geometric levelling
approach. Based on Eq. (36), the gravity potential differential can be expressed as
∂W ∂W ∂W
dW = dx + dy + dz = ∇W · ds = g · ds = −g dn , (38)
∂x ∂y ∂z
where ds is the vectorial line element, g is the magnitude of the gravity vector, and
dn is the distance along the outer normal of the level surface (zenith or vertical),
which by integration leads to the geopotential number C in the form
C (i) = W0(i) − W P = − dW = g dn , (39)
P0(i) P0(i)
where P is a point at the Earth’s surface, (i) refers to the selected zero level or
height reference surface (height datum) with the gravity potential W0(i) , and P0(i) is
an arbitrary point on that level surface. Thus, in addition to the raw levelling results
(dn), gravity observations (g) are needed along the path between P0(i) and P, for
details, see, e.g., [137]. The geopotential number C is defined such that it is positive
for points P above the zero level surface, similar to heights. It should be noted
that the integral in Eq. (39) and hence C is path independent, as the gravity field is
conservative. Furthermore, the geopotential numbers can be directly linked to the
redshift correction according to Eq. (32) if one takes W0(IAU) as zero reference zero
level reference potential.
However, regarding height networks, the zero level surface and the corresponding
potential is typically selected in an implicit way by connecting the levelling to a
fundamental national tide gauge, but the exact numerical value of the reference
potential is usually unknown. As mean sea level deviates from a level surface within
the Earth’s gravity field due to the dynamic ocean topography (see Fig. 7), this leads
to inconsistencies of more than 0.5 m between different national height systems
across Europe, the extreme being Belgium, which differs by more than 2 m from
all other European countries due to the selection of low tide water as the reference
(instead of mean sea level).
Geometric levelling (also called spirit levelling) itself is a quasi-differential tech-
nique, which provides height differences δn (backsight minus foresight reading) with
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 53
explains the common understanding of this term as “height above sea level” [137].
All relevant height and gravity field related quantities, are illustrated in Fig. 7. The
orthometric height can be derived from Eq. (39) by integrating along the plumb line,
H (i)
C (i) 1
H (i) = , ḡ = (i) g dH , (40)
ḡ H 0
where ḡ is the mean gravity along the plumb line (inside the Earth). As ḡ cannot be
observed directly, hypotheses about the interior gravity field are necessary, which is
one of the main drawbacks of the orthometric heights. Therefore, in order to avoid
hypotheses about the Earth’s interior gravity field, the normal heights H N were
introduced by Molodensky (e.g. [143]) in the form
H N (i)
C (i) 1
H N (i) = , γ̄ = N (i) γ dHN , (41)
γ̄ H 0
where γ̄ is a mean normal gravity value along the normal plumb line (within the
normal gravity field, associated with the level ellipsoid), and γ is the normal gravity
acceleration along this line. Consequently, the normal height H N is measured along
the slightly curved normal plumb line [137]. This definition avoids hypotheses about
the Earth’s interior gravity field, which is the main reason for adopting it in many
countries. Indeed, the value γ̄ can be calculated analytically, as the normal gravity
potential of the level ellipsoid U is known analytically (see next section), but γ̄ is
slightly depending on the chosen reference ellipsoid. However, the normal height
does not have a simple physical interpretation, in contrast to the orthometric height
(“height above sea level”). Nevertheless, the normal height can be interpreted as the
height above the quasigeoid, which is not a level surface and also has no physical
interpretation (see [137]).
While the orthometric and normal heights are related to the Earth’s gravity field
(so-called physical heights), the ellipsoidal heights h, as derived from GNSS obser-
vations, are purely geometric quantities, describing the distance (along the ellipsoid
normal) of a point P from a conventional reference ellipsoid. As the geoid and quasi-
geoid serve as the zero height reference surface (vertical datum) for the orthometric
and normal heights, respectively, the following relation holds
where N (i) is the geoid undulation, and ζ (i) is the quasigeoid height or height
anomaly; for further details on the geoid and quasigeoid (height anomalies) see,
e.g., [137]. Equation (42) neglects the fact that strictly the relevant quantities are
measured along slightly different lines in space, but the maximum effect is only at
the sub-millimetre level (for further details cf. [134]).
Lastly, the geometric levelling approach gives only gravity potential differences,
but the associated constant zero potential W0(i) can be determined by at least one
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 55
(better several) GNSS and levelling points in combination with the (gravimetrically
derived) disturbing potential, as described in the next section. Rearranging the above
equations gives the desired gravity potential values in the form
and hence the geopotential numbers and the heights H (i) and H N (i) are fully
The gravity potential W cannot be derived directly from Eq. (37) due to insufficient
knowledge about the density structure of the entire Earth, and therefore it must
be determined indirectly based on measurements performed at or above the Earth’s
surface, which leads to the area of geodetic boundary value problems. In this context,
gravity measurements form one of the most important data sets. However, since
gravity (represented as g = |g| = length of the gravity vector g) and other relevant
observations depend in general in a nonlinear way on the potential W , the observation
equations must be linearized. This is done by introducing an a priori known reference
potential and corresponding reference positions. Regarding the reference potential,
traditionally the normal gravity field related to the level ellipsoid is employed, where
the ellipsoid surface is a level surface of its own gravity field. The level ellipsoid
is chosen as a conventional system, because it is easy to compute (from just four
fundamental parameters; e.g. two geometrical parameters for the ellipsoid plus the
total mass M and the angular velocity ω), useful for other disciplines, and also utilized
for describing station positions (e.g. in connection with GNSS or the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame – ITRF). However, today spherical harmonic expansions
based on satellite data could also be employed (cf. [134]).
The linearization process leads to the disturbing (or anomalous) potential T
defined as
TP = W P − U P , (44)
where U is the normal gravity potential associated with the level ellipsoid. Accord-
ingly, the gravity vector and other gravity field observables are approximated by
corresponding reference quantities based on the level ellipsoid, leading to gravity
anomalies g, height anomalies ζ , geoid undulations N , etc. The main advantage
of the linearization process is that the residual quantities (with respect to the known
ellipsoidal reference field) are in general four to five orders of magnitude smaller
than the original ones, and in addition they are less position dependent.
Hence, the disturbing potential T takes over the role of W as the new fundamental
target quantity, to which all other gravity field quantities of interest are related.
Accordingly, the gravity anomaly is given by
56 P. Delva et al.
∂T 1 ∂γ ∂γ (i)
g P = g P − γ Q = − + T− W0 − U 0 , (45)
∂h γ ∂h ∂h
where g P is the gravity acceleration at the observation point P (at the Earth’s surface
or above), γ Q is the normal gravity acceleration at a known linearization point Q
(telluroid, Q is located on the same ellipsoidal normal as P at a distance H N above
the ellipsoid, or equivalently U Q = W P ; for further details, see [134]), the partial
derivatives are with respect to the ellipsoidal height h, and δW0(i) = W0(i) − U0 is
the potential difference between the zero level height reference surface (W0(i) ) and
the normal gravity potential U0 at the surface of the level ellipsoid. Equation (45)
is also denoted as the fundamental equation of physical geodesy; it represents a
boundary condition that has to be fulfilled by solutions of the Laplace equation for
the disturbing potential T , sought within the framework of GBVPs. Moreover, the
subscripts P and Q are dropped on the right side of Eq. (45), noting that it must be
evaluated at the known telluroid point (boundary surface).
In a similar way, Bruns’s formula gives the height anomaly or quasigeoid height
as a function of T in the form
T W (i) − U0 T δW0(i)
ζ (i) = h − H N (i) = − 0 = − = ζ + ζ0(i) , (46)
γ γ γ γ
implying that ζ (i) and ζ are associated with the corresponding zero level surfaces
W = W0(i) and W = U0 , respectively. The δW0(i) term is also denoted as height system
bias and is frequently omitted in the literature, implicitly assuming that W0(i) equals
U0 . However, when aiming at a consistent derivation of absolute potential values,
the δW0(i) term has to be taken into consideration.
Hence, all linearized gravity field observables are linked to the disturbing poten-
tial T , which has the important property of being harmonic outside the Earth’s surface
and regular (zero) at infinity. Consequently, solutions of T are developed in the frame-
work of potential theory and GBVPs, i.e. solutions of the Laplace equation are sought
that fulfil certain boundary conditions. Now, the first option to compute T is based
on the well-known spherical harmonic expansion, using coefficients derived from
satellite data alone or in combination with terrestrial data (e.g., EGM2008; EGM –
Earth Gravitational Model [144]), yielding
n max
a n+1
T (θ, λ, r ) = T nm Y nm (θ, λ) (47)
r m=−n
cos mλ for m ≥ 0
Y nm (θ, λ) = P n|m| (cos θ ) , (48)
sin |m|λ for m < 0
G M C nm for m ≥ 0
T nm = , (49)
a S nm for m < 0
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 57
where (θ, λ, r ) are spherical coordinates, n, m are integers denoting the degree and
order, G M is the geocentric gravitational constant (gravitational constant G times
the mass of the Earth M), a is in the first instance an arbitrary constant, but is
typically set equal to the semimajor axis of a reference ellipsoid, P nm (cos θ ) are the
fully normalized associated Legendre functions of the first kind, and C nm , S nm
are the (fully normalized) spherical harmonic coefficients (also denoted as Stokes’s
constants), representing the difference in the gravitational potential between the real
Earth and the level ellipsoid.
Regarding the uncertainty of a gravity field quantity computed from a global
spherical harmonic model up to some fixed degree n max , the coefficient uncertainties
lead to the so-called commission error based on the law of error propagation, and the
omitted coefficients above degree n max , which are not available in the model, lead to
the corresponding omission error. With dedicated satellite gravity field missions such
as GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and GOCE (Gravity field and
steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer), the long wavelength geoid and quasigeoid
can today be determined with low uncertainty, e.g., about 1 mm at 200 km resolution
(n = 95) and 1 cm at 150 km resolution (n = 135) from GRACE (e.g. [145]), and
1.5 cm at about 110 km resolution (n = 185) from the GOCE mission (e.g. [146,
147]). However the corresponding omission error at these wavelengths is still quite
significant with values at the level of several decimetres, e.g., 0.94 m for n = 90,
0.42 m for n = 200, and 0.23 m for n = 360. For the ultra-high degree geopotential
model EGM2008 [144], which combines satellite and terrestrial data and is complete
up to degree and order 2159, the omission error is 0.023 m, while the commission
error is about 5 to 20 cm, depending on the region and the corresponding data quality.
The above uncertainty estimates are based on the published potential coefficient
standard deviations as well as a statistical model for the estimation of corresponding
omission errors, but do not include the uncertainty contribution of G M (zero degree
term in Eq. (47)); hence, the latter term, contributing about 3 mm in terms of the
height anomaly (corresponds to about 0.5 ppb; see [148, 149]), has to be added in
quadrature to the figures given above. Further details on the uncertainty estimates
can be found in [134].
Based on these considerations it is clear that satellite measurements alone will
never be able to supply the complete geopotential field with sufficient accuracy,
which is due to the signal attenuation with height and the required satellite altitudes
of a few 100 km. Only a combination of the highly accurate and homogeneous (long
wavelength) satellite gravity fields with high-resolution terrestrial data (mainly grav-
ity and topography data with a resolution down to 1–2 km and below) can cope with
this task. In this respect, the satellite and terrestrial data complement each other in an
ideal way, with the satellite data accurately providing the long wavelength field struc-
tures, while the terrestrial data sets, which have potential weaknesses in large-scale
accuracy and coverage, mainly contribute the short wavelength features. However,
in the future, also height anomalies derived from common GNSS and clock points
may contribute to regional gravity field modelling (see Sect. 6).
Consequently, regional solutions for the disturbing potential and other gravity field
parameters have to be developed, which typically have a higher resolution (down to
58 P. Delva et al.
1–2 km) than global spherical harmonic models. Based on the developments of
Molodensky (e.g., [143]), the disturbing potential T can be derived from a series
of surface integrals, involving gravity anomalies and heights over the entire Earth’s
surface, which in the first instance can be symbolically written as
T = M(g) , (50)
where M is the Molodensky operator and g are the gravity anomalies over the
entire Earth’s surface.
Further details on regional gravity field modelling are given in [81, 134], including
the solution of Molodensky’s problem, the remove-compute-restore (RCR) proce-
dure, the spectral combination approach, data requirements, and uncertainty esti-
mates for the disturbing potential and quasigeoid heights. These investigations show
that quasigeoid heights can be obtained today with an estimated uncertainty of 1.9 cm,
where the major contributions come from the spectral band below spherical harmonic
degree 360. Furthermore, this uncertainty estimate represents an optimistic scenario
and is only valid for the case that a state-of-the-art global satellite model (e.g. a 5th
generation GOCE model [147]) is employed and sufficient high-resolution and high-
quality terrestrial gravity and terrain data sets (especially gravity measurements with
a spacing of a few kilometers and an uncertainty lower than 1 mGal) are available
around the point of interest (e.g. within a distance of 50–100 km), see also [150,
151]. Fortunately, such a data situation exists for most of the metrology institutes
with optical clock laboratories – at least in Europe. Furthermore, the perspective
exists to improve the uncertainty of the calculated quasigeoid heights [81].
Now, once the disturbing potential values T are computed, either from a global
geopotential model by Eq. (47), or from a regional solution by Eq. (50) based on
Molodensky’s theory, the gravity potential W , needed for the relativistic redshift
corrections, can be computed most straightforwardly from Eq. (44) as
W P = U P + TP , (51)
where the basic requirement is that the position of the given point P in space must
be known accurately (e.g. from GNSS observations), as the normal potential U is
strongly height-dependent, while T is only weakly height dependent with a maximum
vertical gradient of a few parts in 10−3 m2 s−2 per metre. The above equation also
makes clear that the predicted potential values W P are in the end independent of
the choice of W0 and U0 used for the linearization. Furthermore, by combining
equation (51) with (46), and representing U as a function of U0 and the ellipsoidal
height h, the following alternative expressions for W (at point P) can be derived as
W P = U0 − γ̄ (h − ζ ) = U0 − γ̄ h − ζ (i) + δW0(i) , (52)
which demonstrates that ellipsoidal heights (e.g. from GNSS) and the results from
gravity field modelling in the form of the quasigeoid heights (height anomalies) ζ or
the disturbing potential T are required, whereby a similar equation can be derived
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 59
for the geoid undulations N . Consequently, the above approach (Eqs. (51) and (52))
is denoted here somewhat loosely as the GNSS/geoid approach, which is also known
in the literature as the GNSS/GBVP approach (the geodetic boundary value problem
is the basis for computing the disturbing potential T ; see, e.g., [152, 153]).
The GNSS/geoid approach depends strongly on precise gravity field modelling
(disturbing potential T , metric height anomalies ζ or geoid undulations N ) and pre-
cise GNSS positions (ellipsoidal heights h) for the points of interest, with the advan-
tage that it delivers the absolute gravity potential W , which is not directly observable
and is therefore always based on the assumption that the gravitational potential is
regular (zero) at infinity (see above). In addition, the GNSS/geoid approach allows
the derivation of the height system bias term δW0(i) based on Eq. (46) together with at
least one (better several) common GNSS and levelling stations in combination with
the gravimetrically determined disturbing potential T .
station coordinates provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS) or the IERS
(e.g. ITRF2008) reach vertical accuracies of about 5–10 mm (cf. [159–161]). The
uncertainty of the quasigeoid heights (height anomalies) is discussed in the previous
subsection, showing that a standard deviation of 1.9 cm is possible in a best-case
scenario. Moreover, the values are nearly uncorrelated over longer distances, with a
correlation of less than 10% beyond a distance of about 180 km [81]. Aiming at the
determination of the absolute gravity potential W according to Eq. (51) or (52), which
is the main advantage of the GNSS/geoid technique over the geometric levelling
approach, both the uncertainties of GNSS and the quasigeoid have to be considered.
Assuming a standard deviation of 1.9 cm for the quasigeoid heights and 1 cm for the
GNSS ellipsoidal heights without correlations between both quantities, a standard
deviation of 2.2 cm is finally obtained (in terms of heights) for the absolute potential
values based on the GNSS/geoid approach. Thus, for contributions of optical clocks
to international timescales, which require the absolute potential W P relative to a con-
ventional zero potential W0 (see Sect. 3.5), the relativistic redshift correction can be
computed with an uncertainty of about 2×10−18 . This is the case more or less every-
where in the world where high-resolution regional gravity field models have been
developed on the basis of a state-of-the-art global satellite model in combination with
sufficient terrestrial gravity field data. On the other hand, for potential differences
over larger distances of a few 100 km (i.e. typical distances between different metrol-
ogy institutes), the statistical correlations of the quasigeoid values virtually vanish,
which then leads√ to a standard deviation for the potential difference of 3.2 cm in terms
of height, i.e. 2 times the figure given above for the absolute potential (according
to the law of error propagation), which again has to be considered as a best-case
scenario. This would also hold for intercontinental connections between metrology
institutes, provided again that sufficient regional high-resolution terrestrial data exist
around these places. Furthermore, in view of future refined satellite and terrestrial
data, the perspective exists to improve the uncertainty of the relativistic redshift cor-
rections from the level of a few parts in 1018 to one part in 1018 or below. According
to this, over long distances across national borders, the GNSS/geoid approach should
be a better approach than geometric levelling (see also [81]).
The ITOC project ([60]; see also http://projects.npl.co.uk/itoc/) was a 3 years (2013–
2016) EURAMET joint research project funded by the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme, ERA-NET Plus. This project was done in the
context of a future optical redefinition of the SI second (see e.g. [162–165]). An
extensive programme of comparisons between high accuracy European optical
atomic clocks has been performed, verifying the estimated uncertainty budgets of
the optical clocks. Relativistic effects influencing clock comparisons have been eval-
uated at an improved level of accuracy, and the potential benefits that optical clocks
could bring to the field of geodesy have been demonstrated.
Several optical frequency ratio measurements as well as independent absolute
frequency measurements of optical lattice clocks have been made locally at the fol-
lowing NMIs (National Metrology Institutes): INRIM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca
Metrologica, Torino, Italy), LNE-SYRTE (Laboratoire national de métrologie et
d’essais – Système de Références Temps-Espace, Paris, France), NPL (National
Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK), and PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundes-
anstalt, Braunschweig, Germany), all of whom operate one or more than one type
of optical clock, as well as Caesium primary frequency standards (see e.g. [78, 106,
107, 166]). Distant comparisons have also been performed between the same labo-
ratories with a broadband version of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer
A proof-of-principle experiment has been realized to show that the relativistic
redshift of optical clocks can be exploited to measure gravity potential differences
over medium–long baselines. A transportable 87 Sr optical lattice clock has been
developed at PTB [105]. It has been transported to the Laboratoire Souterrain de
Modane (LSM) in the Fréjus road tunnel through the Alps between France and
Italy. There it was compared, using a transportable frequency comb from NPL, to
the caesium fountain primary frequency standard at INRIM, via a coherent fibre link
and a second optical frequency comb operated by INRIM. A physical model has been
formulated to describe the relativistic effects relevant to time and frequency transfer
over optical fibre links, and has been used to evaluate the relativistic corrections
for the fibre links now in place between NPL, LNE-SYRTE and PTB, as well as to
provide guidelines on the importance of exact fibre routing for time and frequency
transfer via optical fibre links (see [122] and Sect. 3.3.2).
Within the ITOC project, the gravity potential has been determined by IfE/LUH
(Institut für Erdmessung, Leibniz Universität Hannover) with significantly improved
accuracy at the sites participating in optical clock comparisons within the project
(INRIM, LNE-SYRTE, LSM, NPL and PTB). Levelling measurements and grav-
ity surveys have been performed at INRIM, LSM, OBSPARIS, NPL and PTB, the
latter including at least one absolute gravity observation at each site. These mea-
surements have been integrated into the existing European gravity database and used
for the computation of a new version of the European Gravimetric (Quasi) Geoid,
EGG2015 (see [167] and Sect. 5.3). Time-variable gravity potential signals induced
62 P. Delva et al.
by tides and non-tidal mass redistributions have also been calculated for the optical
clock comparison sites [129]. Finally, the potential contributions of combined GNSS
and optical clock measurements for determining the gravity potential at high spatial
resolution have been studied theoretically, which will be presented in Sect. 6.
Within the ITOC project, GNSS and levelling observations were performed at the
NMIs INRIM, LNE-SYRTE, NPL, and PTB, as well as the collaborator LSM (not
an NMI) to calculate the relativistic redshift corrections. First of all, some general
recommendations were developed for carrying out the measurements to ensure accu-
racies in the millimetre range for the levelling results and better than one centimetre
for the GNSS (ellipsoidal) heights (see [81]). In general, it is recommended to install
fixed markers in all local laboratories close to the clock tables to allow an easy height
transfer to the clocks (e.g. with a simple spirit level used for building construction),
and to connect these markers by geometric levelling with millimetre uncertainty to
the existing national levelling networks and at least two (better several) GNSS sta-
tions. This is to support local clock comparisons at the highest level, and to apply the
GNSS/geoid approach to obtain also the absolute potential values for remote clock
comparisons and contributions to international timescales, while at the same time
improving the redundancy and allowing a mutual control of GNSS, levelling, and
(quasi)geoid data.
The actual levelling and GNSS measurements were mainly taken by local survey-
ors on behalf of the respective NMIs, and the NMIs provided all results to Leibniz
Universität Hannover (LUH; Institut für Erdmessung) for further processing and
homogenisation. The locations of the above mentioned ITOC clock sites are shown
in Fig. 8.
The coordinates of all GNSS stations were referred to the ITRF2008 at its asso-
ciated standard reference epoch 2005.0, with three-dimensional Cartesian and ellip-
soidal coordinates being available. The geometric levelling results were based in the
first instance on the corresponding national vertical reference networks, which are
the following:
• DHHN92 is the official German height reference system; it is based on the Ams-
terdam tide gauge and consists of normal heights.
• NGF-IGN69 is the official French height reference system; it is based on the
Marseille tide gauge and also consists of normal heights. In addition, selected
levelling lines were re-observed since 2000, which lead to the so-called (NGF)–
NIREF network, differing from the old network mainly by a south-to-north trend
of 31.0 mm per degree latitude [155].
• ODN (Ordnance Datum Newlyn, established by Ordnance Survey) is the height
reference system for mainland Great Britain; it is based on the Newlyn tide gauge
and consists of orthometric heights.
• IGM is the Italian height reference system (established by Istituto Geografico
Militare); it is based on the Genova tide gauge and consists of orthometric heights.
The different zero level surfaces of the above national height systems (datum) were
taken into account by transforming all national heights into the unified European
Vertical Reference System (EVRS) using its latest realization EVRF2007 (European
Vertical Reference Frame 2007). The EVRF2007 is based on a common adjustment of
all available European levelling networks in terms of geopotential numbers, which are
finally transformed into normal heights. The measurements within the UELN (United
European Levelling Network) originate from very different epochs, but reductions
for vertical crustal movements were only applied for the (still ongoing) post-glacial
isostatic adjustment (GIA) in northern Europe; for further details on EVRF2007,
see [168]. However, as GIA hardly affects the aforementioned clock sites, while
other sources of vertical crustal movements are not known, the EVRF2007 heights
are considered as stable in time in the following.
For the conversion of the national heights into the vertical reference frame
EVRF2007, nearby common points with heights in both systems were utilized;
this information was kindly provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
(BKG) in Germany (M. Sacher, personal communication, 9 October 2015). If such
information is not available, the CRS-EU webpage (Coordinate Reference Systems
in Europe; http://www.crs-geo.eu, also operated by BKG) can be used, which gives,
besides a description of all the national and international coordinate and height ref-
erence systems for the participating European countries, up to three transformation
parameters (height bias and two tilt parameters) for the transformation of the national
heights into EVRF2007 and a statement on the quality of this transformation.
64 P. Delva et al.
where H (national) is a constant shift for each NMI site. The following offsets
H (national) were employed:
The accuracy of the above transformation depends on the accuracy of the input heights
as well as the number of identical points, giving RMS residuals of the transformation
between 2 mm (Germany) and 35 mm (Italy). A further note is necessary for the
computation of the NPL offset. The offset of −0.010 m is based on the official
EVRF2007 heights, which rely on hydrodynamic levelling (see [169]), but do not
include the 1994 channel tunnel levelling. Therefore, a first attempt was made to
consider the new channel tunnel levelling as well as the new levelling measurements
in France (NIREF, see above); this was done by starting with an offset of −0.479 m
for LNE-SYRTE, plus a correction for the NGF-IGN69 tilt between LNE-SYRTE
and Coquelle (channel tunnel entrance in France) of −0.065 m (south-north slope
= −31.0 mm per degree latitude, latitude difference = 3.105◦ [155]), plus an offset
of +0.400 m for the difference between ODN and NGF-IGN69 from the channel
tunnel levelling [170], resulting in an offset of −0.144 m for NPL. In Sect. 5.4 it is
shown that the new offset leads to a better agreement between the geometric levelling
and the GNSS/geoid approach.
Further details on the local levelling results and corresponding GNSS observations
at some of the aforementioned clock sites can be found in [81]. In general, the
uncertainty of the local levellings is at the few millimeters level, and the uncertainty
of the GNSS ellipsoidal heights is estimated to be better than 10 mm. Moreover,
care has to be taken in the handling of the permanent parts of the tidal corrections
(for details, see, e.g., [132–134]. The IAG has recommended to use the so-called
“zero tide system” (resolutions no. 9 and 16 from the year 1983; cf.[135]), which is
implemented in the European height reference frame EVRF2007 and the European
gravity field modelling performed at LUH (e.g. EGG2015, see below). On the other
hand, most GNSS coordinates (including the ITRF and IGS results) refer to the “non-
tidal (or tide-free) system”. Hence, for consistency with the IAG recommendations
and the other quantities involved (EVRF2007 heights, quasigeoid), the ellipsoidal
heights from GNSS were converted from the non-tidal to the zero-tide system based
on the following formula from [133] with
where φ is the ellipsoidal latitude, and h nt and h zt are the non-tidal and zero-tide
ellipsoidal heights, respectively. Hence, the zero-tide heights over Europe are about
3–5 cm smaller than the corresponding non-tidal heights.
The latest European gravimetric quasigeoid model EGG2015 [167] was employed
to determine absolute potential values based on Eqs. (51) and (52), as needed for
the derivation of the relativistic redshift corrections in the context of international
timescales. The major differences between EGG2015 and the previous EGG2008
model [134] are the inclusion of additional gravity measurements carried out recently
around the aforementioned ITOC clock sites [60] and the use of a newer geopoten-
tial model based on the GOCE satellite mission instead of EGM2008. The new
gravity measurements around the clock sites were carried out by LUH, taking at
least one absolute gravity observation (with the LUH FG5X-220 instrument) plus
additional relative gravity observations (relative to the established absolute points)
around all ITOC sites. The total number of new gravity points is 36 for INRIM,
100 for LNE-SYRTE, 123 for LSM, 66 for NPL, and 46 for PTB, where most of the
measurements were taken around LSM due to the high mountains and corresponding
strong gravity field variations. Overall, the purpose of the new gravity measurements
was threefold, namely to perform spot checks of the largely historic gravity data
base (consistency check), to add new observations in areas void of gravity data so
far (coverage improvement), and to serve for future geodynamic and meteorologi-
cal purposes (infrastructure improvement), with the ultimate goal of improving the
reliability and accuracy of the computed quasigeoid model.
EGG2015 was computed from surface gravity data in combination with topo-
graphic information and the geopotential model GOCO05S [146] based on the RCR
technique. The estimated uncertainty (standard deviation) of the absolute quasigeoid
values is 1.9 cm; further details including correlation information can be found in [81,
First, a consistency check between the GNSS and levelling heights at each clock site
was performed by evaluating the differences between the GNSS ellipsoidal heights
and the normal heights from levelling, computed as ζGNSS = h zt − H N (EVRF2007) ,
also denoted as GNSS/levelling quasigeoid heights (h zt is referring to ITRF2008,
epoch 2005.0, zero-tide system; H N (EVRF2007) is based on EVRF2007; see Sect. 5.2).
As the distances between the GNSS stations at each NMI site are typically only a
few 100 m, the quasigeoid at each site can be approximated in the first instance by a
horizontal plane, but a more general and better way (especially for larger interstation
66 P. Delva et al.
which should be zero in theory, but is not in practice due to the uncertainties in
the quantities involved (GNSS, levelling, quasigeoid). However, if a high-resolution
quasigeoid model is employed (such as EGG2015), the term δζ should be small and
represent only long-wavelength features, mainly due to systematic levelling errors
over large distances as well as long-wavelength quasigeoid errors. In this case, an
average (constant) value δζ (based on the common GNSS and levelling benchmarks)
can be used at each NMI site to convert all levelled heights into ellipsoidal heights
by using
h (adj) = H N (i) + ζ (i) + δζ = H N (i) + ζ + ζ0(i) + δζ , (56)
which is based on Eq. (42). This has the advantage that locally (at each NMI)
the consistency is kept between the levelling results, on the one hand, and the
GNSS/quasigeoid results on the other hand. Consequently, the final potential differ-
ences between stations at each NMI are identical for the GNSS/geoid and geometric
levelling approach, which is reasonable, as locally the uncertainty of levelling is
usually lower than that of the GNSS/quasigeoid results.
Based on the ellipsoidal heights (according to Eq. (56)) and the EVRF2007 normal
heights (based on Eq. (53)), the gravity potential values can finally be derived for
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 67
all relevant stations, using both the geometric levelling approach (Eq. (43)) and
the GNSS/geoid approach (Eq. (51) or (52)). The results from both approaches are
provided in the form of geopotential numbers according to Eq. (39) with
where the conventional value W0(IAU) = c2 L G ≈ 62, 636, 856.00 m2 s2 is used, fol-
lowing the IERS2010 conventions and the IAU resolutions for the definition of
TT (see Sect. 3.5). The geopotential numbers C are more convenient than the absolute
potential values W P due to their smaller numerical values and direct usability for the
derivation of the (static) relativistic redshift corrections according to Eq. (32). The
geopotential numbers C derived from Eq. (57) are typically given in the geopoten-
tial unit (gpu; 1 gpu = 10m2 s−2 ), resulting in numerical values of C that are about
2% smaller than the numerical height values. Regarding the geometric levelling
approach, the value W0(EVRF2007) = 62, 636, 857.86 m2 s−2 based on the European
EUVN_DA GNSS/levelling data set from [171] is utilized in Eq. (43), giving C (lev) .
For the GNSS/geoid approach according to Eq. (51) or (52), the disturbing potential
T or the corresponding height anomaly values ζ are taken from the EGG2015 model,
and the normal potential U0 = 62, 636, 860.850 m2 s−2 , associated with the surface
of the underlying GRS80 (Geodetic Reference System 1980; see [172]) level ellip-
soid, is used, resulting in C (GNSS/geoid) . Furthermore, the mean normal gravity values
γ̄ are also based on the GRS80 level ellipsoid; for further details, see [81]. Taking
all this into account, leads to the following discrepancies between the geopotential
numbers from the GNSS/geoid and the geometric levelling approach, defined in the
sense C = C (GNSS/geoid) − C (lev) :
The above results show first of all that the two approaches differ at the few decimetre
level over Europe, that the consideration of the new French and channel tunnel lev-
elling leads to a better agreement, and that the implementation of the national height
system offsets was done correctly, recalling, e.g., that the difference between the
French and German zero level surfaces is about half a metre. However, as the above
differences C are directly depending on the chosen reference potential W0(EVRF2007)
for EVRF2007, potential differences between two stations and the corresponding dis-
crepancies between the GNSS/geoid and the geometric levelling approach are dis-
cussed as well in the following. Regarding potential differences, the discrepancies
between both approaches amount to −0.106 gpu for the connection INRIM/LSM,
−0.036 gpu for INRIM/PTB, −0.092 gpu for PTB/LNE-SYRTE, −0.166 gpu for
LNE-SYRTE/NPL (−0.035 gpu based on own ODN offset, see above), as well
68 P. Delva et al.
as −0.258 gpu for PTB/NPL (−0.127 gpu based on own ODN offset, see above),
Regarding the significance of the aforementioned discrepancies in the potential
differences between both geodetic approaches (levelling, GNSS/geoid), these have
to be discussed in relation to the corresponding uncertainties of levelling, GNSS, and
the quasigeoid model. Denker et al. [81] discuss the uncertainties (standard devia-
tion) from single line levelling connections and the EVRF2007 network adjustment,
indicating a factor 2.5 improvement due to the network adjustment. The EVRF2007
network adjustment gives a standard deviation of about 20 mm for the height con-
nection PTB/LNE-SYRTE, while the corresponding standard deviations for the con-
nections PTB/NPL and LNE-SYRTE/NPL are both about 80 mm (M. Sacher, BKG,
Leipzig, Germany, personal communication, 10 May 2017), the latter being domi-
nated by the uncertainty of the hydrodynamic levelling across the English Channel.
However, these internal uncertainty estimates from the network adjustment do not
consider any systematic levelling error contributions. On the other hand, the GNSS
ellipsoidal heights have uncertainties below 10 mm, the uncertainty of EGG2015 has
been discussed above, yielding a standard deviation of 19 mm for the absolute values
and about 27 mm for corresponding differences over longer distances, and therefore
some of the larger discrepancies between the two geodetic approaches (levelling
versus GNSS/geoid) have to be considered as statistically significant. Hence, as sys-
tematic errors in levelling at the decimetre level exist over larger distances in the
order of 1000km (e.g. in France, UK, and North America; see above), it is hypoth-
esized that the largest uncertainty contribution to the discrepancies between both
geodetic approaches comes from geometric levelling (see also [81]). Consequently,
geometric levelling is recommended mainly for shorter distances of up to several ten
kilometres, where it can give millimetre uncertainties, while over long distances, the
GNSS/geoid approach should be a better approach than geometric levelling, and it
can also deliver absolute potential values needed for contributions to international
The results from the gravity potential determination from both the geometric lev-
elling and the GNSS/geoid approach are given in Table 1 for the two ITOC sites
PTB and LNE-SYRTE as typical examples; further results for the other ITOC sites
are foreseen for a separate publication, and corresponding results for further sites in
Germany are documented in [81]. Based on the discussion in the preceding section
as well as Sect. 4.4, Table 1 gives the relativistic redshift corrections only for the
GNSS/geoid approach, which can be considered as the recommended values. The red-
shift corrections are based on the conventional value W0(IAU) , following the IERS2010
conventions and the IAU resolutions for the definition of TT (see Sect. 3.5), using
equation (32). The uncertainty of the given relativistic redshift corrections based
on the GNSS/geoid approach amounts to about 2 × 10−18 (see above). All opera-
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 69
tions from the measurements to the final values of the unified relativistic redshift
corrections are summarized in the flowchart given in Fig. 9.
Finally, as the results from the geometric levelling approach and the GNSS/geoid
approach are presently inconsistent at the decimetre level across Europe, the more or
less direct observation of gravity potential differences through optical clock compar-
isons (with targeted fractional accuracies of 10−18 , corresponding to 1cm in height) is
eagerly awaited as a means for resolving the existing discrepancies between different
geodetic techniques and remedying the geodetic height determination problem over
large distances. A first attempt in this direction was the comparison of two strontium
optical clocks between PTB and LNE-SYRTE via a fibre link, showing an uncer-
tainty and agreement with the geodetic results of about 5 × 10−17 [75]. This was
mainly limited by the uncertainty and instability of the participating clocks, which
is likely to improve in the near future.
Furthermore, for clocks with performance at the 10−17 level and below, time-
variable effects in the gravity potential, especially solid Earth and ocean tides, have
to be considered and can also serve as a method of evaluating the performance of the
optical clocks (i.e. a detectability test). Recent analysis of optical clock comparisons
already included temporal variations [130, 131]. Then, after further improvements
in the optical clock performance, conclusive geodetic results can be anticipated in
the future, and clock networks may also contribute to the establishment of the Inter-
national Height Reference System (IHRS).
Table 1 Ellipsoidal coordinates (latitude, longitude, height; φ, λ, h (ad j.) ) referring to ITRF2008 reference frame (epoch 2005.0; GRS80 ellipsoid; zero-
tide system), normal heights H N (EVRF2007) based on EVRF2007, geopotential numbers based on the geometric levelling (C (lev) ) and GNSS/geoid approach
(C (GNSS/geoid) ) relative to the IAU2000 conventional reference potential W0 and differences C thereof, as well as the relativistic redshift correction based
on the GNSS/geoid approach
Station φ λ h (ad j.) H N (i) C (lev) C (GNSS/geoid)C Redshift
[◦ ] [’] [”] [◦ ] [’] [”] [m] [m] [10 m2 s−2 ] [10 m2 s−2 ] [10 m2 s−2 ] [10−16 ]
PTB, Braunschweig, Germany
PTBB 52 17 46.28177 10 27 35.08676 130.201 87.442 85.617 85.600 −0.017 −95.243
LB03 52 17 49.94834 10 27 37.63590 143.514 100.758 98.684 98.667 −0.017 −109.782
AF02 52 17 30.90851 10 27 28.21874 123.716 80.945 79.242 79.225 −0.017 −88.150
MB02 52 17 47.22270 10 27 50.49262 144.932 102.173 100.072 100.055 −0.017 −111.326
KB01 52 17 45.2 10 27 33.1 119.627 76.867 75.241 75.224 −0.017 −83.698
KB02 52 17 46.3 10 27 35.1 119.708 76.949 75.321 75.304 −0.017 −83.787
LNE-SYRTE, Paris, France
100 48 50 7.99682 2 20 8.38896 105.652 61.394 60.039 59.930 −0.109 −76.845
A 48 50 10.90277 2 20 10.55555 130.964 86.706 84.868 84.759 −0.109 −76.851
OPMT 48 50 9.31198 2 20 5.77891 122.546 78.288 76.611 76.502 −0.109 −81.712
P. Delva et al.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 71
Fig. 9 Flowchart: from measurements to the determination of a unified relativistic redshift clock
correction at European scale. It is possible to extend this chart to the worldwide scale wherever a
high quality gravimetric model of the geoid exists
Regarding the use of clocks for gravity field modelling and geoid determination,
this always implies that also precise positions of the clock points with respect to
a well-defined reference system are required. This concerns mainly the ellipsoidal
height, which should be available with the same (or lower) uncertainty than the clock-
based physical heights or potential values, such that gravity field related quantities
N = h − H or ζ = h − HN (cf. Eq. (42)) can be obtained, establishing a direct link
to the disturbing potential T (e.g. through Eq. (46)); this is exactly the same situa-
tion as a combination of GNSS and geometric levelling (so-called GNSS/levelling),
as employed since many years (e.g. [174, 175]). Consequently, always clock plus
72 P. Delva et al.
GNSS measurements are required for gravity field modelling and geoid determina-
tion. Furthermore, in view of further improved clocks at (or below) the 10−18 level, it
should be noted that an ellipsoidal height uncertainty of 5–10 mm is about the limit
of what is achievable with GNSS today, requiring static and sufficiently long obser-
vation sessions and an appropriate post-processing. Clock measurements alone are
directly equivalent to the results from geometric levelling and gravity measurements
and hence can be considered as a height (but not a geoid) determination technique; if
clocks can be compared with a (space) reference clock with known potential value,
then this could help to realize the geoid, i.e. to find its position with respect to a given
measurement point on the Earth’s surface, but this still does not mean that one would
know the coordinates of the corresponding geoid point (i.e. its ellipsoidal height or
geoid height).
Distant clock comparisons and GNSS measurements provide a new kind of geode-
tic observable, which is complementary to the classical geodetic measurements (ter-
restrial and satellite gravity field observations). We have seen in Sect. 4.3 that satellite
and terrestrial data (mainly gravity and topography) complement each other, with
the satellite data providing the long wavelength field structures, while the terrestrial
data contributes to the short wavelength features. Indeed, terrestrial data (gravity and
topography) is most sensitive to small-scale spatial variations of the gravity potential.
For this reason, insufficiently dense terrestrial data can lead to significant errors in
the determination of the geoid.
By nature, potential data are smoother and more sensitive to mass sources at large
scales than gravity data. They can complement the information given by the gravity
data in the same way as the satellite data does, but on smaller scales. Therefore they
could provide the medium wavelength field structure, in between the spectral infor-
mation of classical terrestrial data and satellite data. They could reduce the error in
the determination of the geoid where gravity data are too sparse to reconstruct the
medium wavelengths field structures. Indeed, gravity data are sometimes sparsely
distributed: the plains are generally densely surveyed, while the mountainous regions
are poorly covered because some areas are mostly inaccessible by conventional grav-
ity surveys. Clock and GNSS data nearby these inaccessible areas could reduce the
error in the determination of the geoid.
To illustrate the potential benefits of clocks and GNSS in geodesy, the determi-
nation of the geopotential at high spatial resolution, about 10 km, was investigated
in [65]. The tested region is the Massif Central in France. It is interesting because it is
characterized by smooth, moderate altitude mountains and volcanic plateaus, leading
to variations of the gravitational field over a range of spatial scales. In such type of
region, the scarcity of gravity data is an important limitation in deriving accurate
high resolution geopotential models.
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 73
6.1 Methodology
The simulations are based on synthetic data (gravity and potential/clock data) and
consist in comparing the quality of the geopotential reconstruction solutions from
the gravity data, with or without taking into account clock data. In the following,
“clock data” is considered as disturbing potential T values derived from clock and
GNSS measurements as outlined above (on the basis of Eq. (46)). The synthetic
gravity and potential data are sampled by using a state of the art geopotential model
[176, EIGEN-6C4] up to degree and order 2000 (i.e. 10 km resolution), and some
spatial distribution of points. The solutions are estimated thanks to an inversion
method, requiring a covariance model to interpolate the data, and they are compared
to a reference model. In more details, the numerical process is presented below and
sketched up in Fig. 10:
1. Step 1: Generation of the reference model of the disturbing potential T with pro-
gram GEOPOT [177], which allows to compute the gravity field related quantities
at given locations by using mainly a geopotential model. The long wavelengths
of the gravity field covered by the satellites and longer than the extent of the local
area are removed, providing centered or close to zero data for the determination
of a local covariance function. The terrain effects are removed with the help of
the topographic potential model dV_ELL_RET2012 [178];
2. Step 2: Generation of the synthetic data δg and T from a realistic spatial distri-
bution. A white noise is then added to δg and T , with a standard deviation of
0.1 m2 s−2 (i.e. 1 cm on the geoid) for clocks and 1 mGal for gravimetric mea-
3. Step 3: Estimation of the disturbing potential T from the synthetic data δg only
and then in combination with the synthetic data T on the 10-km grid using the
Least-Squares Collocation (LSC) method. In this step, a logarithmic 3D covari-
ance function is employed [179]. This model has the advantage to provide the
auto-covariances (ACF) and cross-covariances (CCF) of the potential T and its
derivatives in closed-form expressions. Parameters of this model are adjusted to
the empirical ACF of δg with the program GPFIT [180]. Note that low frequen-
cies are included in this covariance function, which were not removed as done in
step 1.
4. Final step : Evaluation of the potential recovery quality for selected data situations
by comparing the statistics of the residuals δ between the estimated values T and
the reference model T .
Let us underline that in this work, we use synthetic potential data while a network
of clocks would give access to potential differences between the clocks. We indeed
assume that the clock-based potential differences have been connected to one or a
few reference points, without introducing additional biases larger than the assumed
clock uncertainties. In order to have more realistic simulations, we should add
the noise due to uncertainty of the geometric coordinates of the clock, especially
the vertical component. This is a work in progress. However, if this error is below
74 P. Delva et al.
Fig. 10 Scheme of the numerical approach used to evaluate the contribution of atomic clocks
the accuracy of the clock, i.e. 0.1 m2 s−2 (1 cm on the geoid), it will not change the
main conclusions of this work.
The locations of the gravimetric data are chosen to reproduce a realistic distribution of
measurements. Their spatial distribution can be obtained from the BGI (International
Gravimetric Bureau) database, then under-sampled by using a data reduction process,
as plotted in blue in Fig. 11. For this test case, the clock measurements (red markers)
are put only where existing land gravity data are located and in areas where the
gravity data coverage is poor. Moreover, in order to avoid clock points to be too
close to each other, a minimal distance is defined between them.
In Fig. 12, it is shown that adding the clock-based potential values to the
existing gravimetric data set can notably improve the reconstruction of the poten-
tial T . In Fig. 12a, the 4374 gravimetric data are used as input and the dis-
turbing potential is estimated with a bias μT ≈ 0.041 m2 s−2 (4.1 mm) and a
rms σT ≈ 0.25 m2 s−2 (2.5 cm). By combining the gravimetric measurements and
the 33 potential measurements, see Fig. 12a, the bias is improved by one order of
magnitude (μT ≈ −0.002 m2 s−2 or −0.2 mm) and the standard deviation by a fac-
tor 3 (σT ≈ 0.07 m2 s−2 or 7 mm). From the comparison of Fig. 12a, b it is clear that
the pure gravimetric solution exhibits a significant trend, which may be related to
Chronometric Geodesy: Methods and Applications 75
Fig. 11 Spatial distribution of 4374 gravity data and 33 clock data used in the synthetic tests
the data collection area and covariance function used, while the additional potential
data effectively remove this trend.
Another important conclusion stemming from our simulations is that for solving
the problem of gravity field recovery, it is not required to have a dense clock network.
As shown in [65], only a very few percent of clock measurements compared to the
number of needed gravity data is sufficient. A more detailed study discussing the role
of different parameters, such as the noise level in the data, effects of the resolution
of gravity measurements and modeling errors can be found in [65].
As a result of this work, ways to optimize clock location points have begun in
order to answer to a practical question: where to put the geopotential measurements
to minimize the residuals and improve further the determination of the gravity field?
76 P. Delva et al.
Fig. 12 Accuracy of the disturbing potential T reconstruction on a regular 10-km grid in Massif
Central, obtained by comparing the reference model and the reconstructed one. In figure (a), the
estimation is realized from the 4374 gravimetric data δg only, and in figure (b) by adding 33 potential
data T to the gravity data. To avoid edge effects in the estimated potential recovery, a grid edge
cutoff of 30 km has been removed in the solutions. Figures published in [65].
7 Conclusions
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Jérôme Lodewyck (SYRTE/Paris Observa-
tory) for providing Fig. 1, and Martina Sacher (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, BKG,
Leipzig, Germany) for providing information on the EVRF2007 heights and uncertainties, the
associated height transformations, and a new UELN adjustment in progress.
This research was supported by the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) within
the Joint Research Project “International Timescales with Optical Clocks” (SIB55 ITOC), as well
as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Centre 1128
“Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors (geo-Q)”, project C04. The EMRP
is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Labex FIRST-TF and ERC AdOC (Grant No.
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Measuring the Gravitational Field
in General Relativity: From Deviation
Equations and the Gravitational
Compass to Relativistic Clock
Abstract How does one measure the gravitational field? We give explicit answers
to this fundamental question and show how all components of the curvature tensor,
which represents the gravitational field in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity,
can be obtained by means of two different methods. The first method relies on the
measuring the accelerations of a suitably prepared set of test bodies relative to the
observer. The second method utilizes a set of suitably prepared clocks. The methods
discussed here form the basis of relativistic (clock) gradiometry and are of direct
operational relevance for applications in geodesy.
1 Introduction
The measurement of the gravitational field lies at the heart of gravitational physics
and geodesy. Here we provide the relativistic foundation and present two methods
for the operational determination of the gravitational field.
In Einstein’s theory of gravitation, i.e. General Relativity (GR), the gravitational
field manifests itself in the form of the Riemannian curvature tensor Rabc d [1, 2].
This 4th-rank tensor can be defined as a measure of the noncommutativity of the
parallel transport process of the underlying spacetime manifold M. In terms of the
covariant derivative ∇a , and for a mixed tensor T c d , it is introduced via
Y. N. Obukhov
Theoretical Physics Laboratory, Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
B. Tulskaya 52, 115191 Moscow, Russia
e-mail: obukhov@ibrae.ac.ru
D. Puetzfeld (B)
Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), University of Bremen,
28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: dirk.puetzfeld@zarm.uni-bremen.de
URL: http://puetzfeld.org
Note that our curvature conventions differ from those in [2, 3], see also Tables 1 and 2
in Appendix for a directory of symbols used throughout the article. General Relativity
is formulated on a four-dimensional (pseudo) Riemannian spacetime with the metric
gab of the signature (+1, −1, −1, −1) which is compatible with the connection in the
sense of ∇c gab = 0. Therefore the curvature tensor in Einstein’s theory has twenty
(20) independent components for the most general field configurations produced by
nontrivial matter sources, whereas in vacuum the number of independent components
reduces to ten (10). As compared to Newton’s theory, the gravitational field thus has
more degrees of freedom in the relativistic framework.
The smooth tensor field gab (x c ) introduces the metricity relations on the spacetime
manifold M: an interval (“distance”) between any two close points x ∈ M and x +
d x ∈ M is defined by
ds 2 = gab d x a d x b . (2)
The metric and connection (g, ∇) underlie the formalism of Synge’s world function
[2] which plays a crucial role in the methods of measurement of the gravitational
field in GR and in its natural extensions.
A central question in General Relativity, and consequently in relativistic geodesy,
is how these components of the gravitational field can be determined in an operational
Method 1 utilizes a suitably prepared set of test bodies in order to determine all
components of the curvature of spacetime and thereby the gravitational field. This
method relies on the measurement of the acceleration between the test-bodies and
the observer. Historically, Felix Pirani [1] was the first to point out that one could
determine the full Riemann tensor with the help of a (sufficiently large) number of
test bodies in the vicinity of observer’s world line. Pirani’s suggestion to measure
the curvature was based on the equation which describes the dynamics of a vector
connecting two adjacent geodesics in spacetime. In the literature this equation is
known as a Jacobi equation, or a geodesic deviation equation; its early derivations
in a Riemannian context can be found in [4–6].
A modern derivation and extension of the deviation equation, based on [7], is
presented in the next section. In particular, it is explicitly shown, how a suitably
prepared set of test bodies can be used to determine all components of the curvature
of spacetime (and thereby to measure the gravitational field) with the help of an
exact solution for the components of the Riemann tensor in terms of the mutual
accelerations between the constituents of a cloud of test bodies and the observer.
This can be viewed as an explicit realization of Szekeres’ “gravitational compass”
[8], or Synge’s “curvature detector” [2]. In geodetic terms, such a solution represents
a realization of a relativistic gradiometer or tensor gradiometer, which has a direct
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 89
operational relevance and forms the basis of relativistic gradiometry. The operational
procedure, see Fig. 1, is to monitor the accelerations of a set of test bodies w.r.t. to
an observer moving along a reference world line Y . A mechanical analogue would
be to measure the forces between the test bodies and the reference body via a spring
connecting them.
Method 1 relies on the standard geodesic deviation equation. A modern covariant
derivation of this equation, as well as its generalization to higher orders will be
provided to make the presentation self-contained. Furthermore, we provide an explicit
exact solution for the curvature components in terms of the mutual accelerations
between the constituents of a cloud of test bodies and the observer. Our presentation
is mainly based on [7].
We base our review on [9] and pay particular attention to the construction of the
underlying reference frame. As in the case of the gravitational compass, our results
are of direct operational relevance for the setup of networks of clocks, for example
in the context of relativistic geodesy.
2 Theoretical Foundations
In this section we present the theoretical foundations for method 1 and method 2.
For method 1 we start by comparing two general curves in an arbitrary spacetime
manifold and work out an equation for the generalized deviation vector between
those two curves in Sect. 2.1.
For method 2 we first show in Sect. 2.2 how the metric along an arbitrary world
line can be expressed in terms of geometrical and kinematical parameters. This result
is then used in Sect. 2.3 to derive the frequency ratio of two clocks moving on two
general curves, again within an arbitrary spacetime manifold.
Consider two curves Y (t) and X (t˜) with general parameters t and t˜, i.e. are not
necessarily the proper time on the given curves. Now we connect two points x ∈ X
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 91
and y ∈ Y on the two curves by the geodesic joining the two points (we assume that
this geodesic is unique).
For the geodesic connecting the two general curves Y (t) and X (t˜) we have the
world function introduced as an integral
y 2
σ (x, y) := dτ (3)
η y := −σ y . (4)
D y1 D
η = − σ y1 Y (t), X (t˜)
dt dt
∂Y y2 ∂ X x2 d t˜
= −σ y1 y2 − σ y1 x2
∂t ∂ t˜ dt
d t˜
= −σ y1 y2 u y2 − σ y1 x2 ũ x2 , (5)
92 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
where in the last line we defined the velocities along the two curves Y and X . As
usual, σ y x1 ...y2 ... := ∇x1 . . . ∇ y2 . . . (σ y ) denote the higher order covariant derivatives
of the world function. We continue by taking the second derivative of (5), which
D 2 y1 d t˜
η = −σ y1 y2 y3 u y2 u y3 − 2σ y1 y2 x3 u y2 ũ x3
dt dt
d t˜
−σ y1 y2 a y2 − σ y1 x2 x3 ũ x2 ũ x3
d t˜ d 2 t˜
−σ y1 x2 ã x2 − σ y1 x2 ũ x2 2 , (6)
dt dt
−1y −1x
σ 1
x σ y2
= δ y1 y2 , σ 1
y σ x2
= δ x1 x2 . (7)
Multiplication of (5) by σ x3 y1 then yields
d t˜ −1 −1 Dσ y1
ũ x3 = − σ x3 y1 σ y1 y2 u y2 + σ x3 y1
dt dt
x3 Dσ
= K y2 u − H y1
x3 y2
. (8)
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 93
In the last line we defined two auxiliary quantities K x y and H x y – the notation
follows the terminology of Dixon. Equation (8) allows us to formally express the the
velocity along the curve X in terms of the quantities which are defined at Y and then
“propagated” by K x y and H x y . Using (8) in (6) we arrive at:
D 2 y1
η = −σ y1 y2 y3 u y2 u y3 − σ y1 y2 a y2
dt 2
Dσ y4
−2σ y1 y2 x3 u y2 K x3 y4 u y4 − H x3 y4
−σ y1 x2 x3 K x2 y4 u y4 − H x2 y4
× K x3 y5 u y5 − H x3 y5
D Dσ y3
−σ y1 x2 K x2 y3 u y3 − H x2 y3 . (9)
dt dt
dt Dσ y1 dt
ũ x3 = K x3 y2 u y2 − H x3 y1 , (10)
d t˜ dt d t˜
and inserted into (6):
D 2 y1 d t˜
η = −σ y1 y2 y3 u y2 u y3 − σ y1 y2 a y2 − σ y1 x2 ã x2 (11)
dt 2 dt
Dσ y4
−2σ y2 x3 u
y1 y2
K y4 u − H y4
x3 y4 x3
−σ y1 x2 x3 K x2 y4 u y4 − H x2 y4
× K x3 y5 u y5 − H x3 y5
2˜ y3
y1 dt d t x2 Dσ
−σ x2 K y3 u − H y3
x2 y3
. (12)
d t˜ dt 2 dt
Note that we may determine the factor d t˜/dt by requiring that the velocity along the
curve X is normalized, i.e. ũ x ũ x = 1, in which case (8) yields
d t˜ Dσ y2
= ũ x1 K x1 y2 u y2 − ũ x1 H x1 y2 . (13)
dt dt
94 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
Expansion of quantities on the reference world line The generalized (exact) devi-
ation Eqs. (9) and (12) contain quantities which are not defined along the reference
curve, in particular the covariant derivatives of the world function. We now make use
of the covariant expansions of these quantities, which read (for details, see [12]):
1 y0
σ y0 x1 = g y x1 − δ y0 y + α y y2...yk+1 σ y2 · · · σ yk+1 , (14)
1 y0
σ y0 y1 = δ y0 y1 − β y1 y2 ...yk+1 σ y2 · · ·σ yk+1 , (15)
1 y0
g y0 x1 ;x2 = g y x1 g y x2 R y y y3 σ y3
1 y0
+ γ y y y3 ...yk+2 σ y3 · · ·σ yk+2 , (16)
1 y0
g y0
x1 ;y2 = g y x1 R y y2 y3 σ y3
1 y0
+ γ y y2 y3 ...yk+2 σ · · ·σ
y3 yk+2
. (17)
α y0 y1 y2 y3 = − R y0 (y2 y3 )y1 , (18)
2 y0
β y1 y2 y3 = R (y2 y3 )y1 ,
α y1 y2 y3 y4 = ∇(y2 R y0 y3 y4 )y1 ,
β y1 y2 y3 y4 = − ∇(y2 R y0 y3 y4 )y1 ,
7 3
α y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 = − R y0 (y2 y3 |y | R y y4 y5 )y1 − ∇(y5 ∇ y4 R y0 y2 y3 )y1 , (22)
15 5
8 2
β y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 = R y0 (y2 y3 |y | R y y4 y5 )y1 + ∇(y5 ∇ y4 R y0 y2 y3 )y1 , (23)
15 5
γ y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 = ∇(y3 R y0 |y1 |y4 )y2 , (24)
1 1
γ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 = R y0 y1 y (y3 R y y4 y5 )y2 + ∇(y5 ∇ y4 R y0 |y1 y2 |y3 ) .
4 4
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 95
These results allow us to derive the third derivatives of the world function appearing
in (9) and (12), i.e. we have up to the second order in the deviation vector:
2 y0 1 1
σ y0
y1 y2 = − R (y2 y3 )y1 σ − y3
∇ y R y0 (y3 y4 )y1
3 2 2 2
− ∇ y3 R (y2 y4 )y1 σ y3 σ y4
− λ y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 σ y3 σ y4 σ y5 + O(σ 4 ), (26)
2 y0 1
σ y0 y1 x2 = g y x2 R (y y3 )y1 σ y3 − ∇(y R y0 y3 y4 )y1 σ y3 σ y4
3 4
1 y0
+ μ y1 y y3 y4 y5 σ σ σ y3 y4 y5
+ O(σ 4 ), (27)
y y 1 y0 1 y0
σ y0 x1 x2 = −g x1 g x2 R y y y3 − R (y y3 )y σ y3
2 3
1 1
+ ∇(y R |y |y4 )y + ∇(y R y3 y4 )y σ y3 σ y4
6 3 4
1 y0
+ ν y y y3 y4 y5 σ σ σ
y3 y4 y5
+ O(σ 4 ). (28)
Here we introduced a compact notation for the combinations of the second covariant
derivatives of the curvature and the quadratic polynomial of the curvature tensor (in
symbolic form, “∇∇ R + R · R”):
λ y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 = β y0 y1 y3 y4 y5 ;y2 + β y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 − 3β y0 y1 y (y3 β y |y2 |y4 y5 ) , (29)
μ y0
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 =β y0
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 − 3β y0
y1 y (y3 α |y2 |y4 y5 ) , (30)
ν y0
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 =γ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 + α y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 − 3α
y0 y0 y0
y1 y (y3 α |y2 |y4 y5 )
1 y
− R y1 y2 (y3 α y0 |y |y4 y5 ) . (31)
Substituting the coefficients of the expansions (14)–(16) we obtain the explicit (com-
plicated) expressions which we do not display here.
For the symmetrized versions of (26) and (28) we obtain
1 y0
σ y0 (y1 y2 ) = R (y y )y σ y3
3 1 2 3
1 1
− ∇(y1 R y0 |y3 y4 |y2 ) + ∇ y3 R y0 (y1 y2 )y4 σ y3 σ y4
4 3
1 y0
− λ (y1 y2 )y3 y4 y5 σ y3 σ y4 σ y5 + O(σ 4 ), (32)
y 2
σ y0 (x1 x2 ) = g (x1 g y x2 ) − R y0 (y y )y3 σ y3
96 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
1 1
+ ∇ y3 R y0 (y y )y4 − ∇(y R y0 |y3 y4 |y ) σ y3 σ y4
4 3
− ν y0 (y y )y3 y4 y5 σ y3 σ y4 σ y5 + O(σ 4 ), (33)
Furthermore we need the expansions of K x y and σ x y = − H x y :
−1x 1 y
σ 1
y2 = −g x1
y δy y2 −
R (y3 y4 )y2 σ y3 σ y4
1 y
+ ∇(y3 R y4 y5 )y2 σ σ σ
y3 y4 y5
+ O(σ 4 ), (34)
K x1 y2 = g y δ y y2 − R y (y3 y4 )y2 σ y3 σ y4
1 y
+ ∇(y3 R y4 y5 )y2 σ σ σ
y3 y4 y5
+ O(σ 4 ). (35)
From this one can derive the recurring term in (12) up to the needed order, i.e.
Dσ y2 Dσ y
K x1 y2 u y2 − H x1 y2 = g x1 y u y −
dt dt
1 1 Dσ
− R y (y3 y4 )y2 σ y3 σ y4 u y2 −
2 3 dt
1 y
+ ∇(y3 R y4 y5 )y2 u σ σ σ
y2 y3 y4 y5
+ O(σ 4 ). (36)
With these expansions at hand we are finally able to develop the deviation Eq. (12)
up to the third order.
Denote ã y1 = g y1 x2 ã x2 in accordance with the definition of the parallel propagator,
and introduce
φ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 = λ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 − 2μ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 + ν y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 . (37)
We would like to stress that the generalized deviation Eq. (38) is completely general.
In particular, it allows for a comparison of two general, i.e. not necessarily geodetic,
world lines in spacetime. Various special cases of (38) qualitatively reproduce all the
previous results in the literature, see in particular [14–20].
The above discussion of the deviation equation made clear that a suitable choice
of coordinates is crucial for the successful determination of the gravitational field.
In particular, the operational realization of the coordinates is of importance when it
comes to actual measurements.
From an experimentalists perspective so-called (generalized) Fermi coordinates
appear to be realizable operationally. There have been several suggestions for such
coordinates in the literature in different contexts [2, 21–46]. In the following we
are going to derive the line element in the vicinity of a world line, representing an
observer in an arbitrary state of motion, in generalized Fermi coordinates.
Fermi normal coordinates Following [24] we start by taking successive derivatives
of the usual geodesic equation. This generates a set of equations of the form (for
n ≥ 2)
dn xa d x b1 d x bn
= −b1 ...bn a ··· , (39)
ds ds ds
where the objects with n ≥ 3 lower indices are defined by the recurrent relation
from the components of the linear connection bc a . A solution x a = x a (s) of the
geodesic equation may then be expressed as a series
d x a
a s 2 d 2 x a s 3 d 3 x a
x = x 0+s
+ + + ···
ds 0 2 ds 2 0 6 ds 3 0
s2 0 a b c s3 0 a b c d
= q a + sv a − bc v v − bcd v v v − · · · , (41)
2 6
a 0
where in the last line we used q a := x a |0 , v a := ddsx 0 , and ... a := ... a |0 for con-
stant quantities at the point around which the series development is performed.
Now let us setup coordinates centered on the reference curve Y to describe an
adjacent point X . For this we consider a unique geodesic connecting Y and X . We
define our coordinates in the vicinity of a point on Y (s), with proper time s, by using
a tetrad λb (α) which is Fermi transported along Y , i.e.
X 0 = s, X α = τ ξ b λb (α) . (42)
Here α = 1, . . . , 3, and τ is the proper time along the (spacelike) geodesic connecting
Y (s) and X . The ξ b are constants, and it is important to notice that the tetrads are
functions of the proper time s along the reference curve Y , but independent of τ . See
Fig. 4 for further explanations. By means of this linear ansatz (42) for the coordinates
in the vicinity of Y , we obtain for the derivatives w.r.t. τ along the connecting geodesic
(n ≥ 1):
dn X 0 d Xα d n+1 X α
= 0, = ξ b λb (α) , = 0. (43)
dτ n dτ dτ n+1
In other words, in the chosen coordinates (42), along the geodesic connecting Y and
X , one obtains for the derivatives (n ≥ 2)
d X b1 d X bn
b1 ...bn a ··· = 0. (44)
dτ dτ
This immediately yields
along the connecting curve, in the region covered by the linear coordinates as defined
The Fermi normal coordinate system cannot cover the whole spacetime manifold.
By construction, it is a good way to describe the physical phenomena in a small region
around the world line of an observer. The smallness of the corresponding domain
depends on the motion of the latter, in particular, on the magnitudes of acceleration
|a| and angular velocity |ω| of the observer which set the two characteristic lengths:
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 99
Fig. 4 Construction of the coordinate system around the reference curve Y . Coordinates of a point
X in the vicinity of Y (s) – s representing the proper time along Y – are constructed by means
of a tetrad λb (α) . Here τ is the proper time along the (spacelike) geodesic connecting Y and X .
By choosing a linear ansatz for the coordinates the derivatives of the connection vanish along the
geodesic connecting Y and X
tr = c2 /|a| and rot = c/|ω|. The Fermi coordinate system X α provides a good
description for the region |X |/ 1. For example, this condition is with a high accu-
racy valid in terrestrial laboratories since tr = c2 /|g⊕ | ≈ 1016 m (one light year), and
rot = c/|⊕ | ≈ 4 × 1012 m (27 astronomical units). Note, however, that for a par-
ticle accelerated in a storage ring ≈ 10−6 m. Furthermore, the region of validity of
the Fermi coordinate system is restricted by the strength of the gravitational field in
the region close to the reference curve, grav = min{|Rabcd |−1/2 , |Rabcd |/|Rabcd,e |},
so that the curvature should have not yet caused geodesics to cross. We always assume
that there is a unique geodesic connecting Y and X .
Explicit form of the connection At the lowest order, in flat spacetime, the connection
of a noninertial system that is accelerating with a α and rotating with angular velocity
ωα at the origin of the coordinate system is
From the definition of the curvature we can express the next order of derivatives of
the connection in terms of the curvature:
∂α 00 0 = bα − aβ εβ αγ ωγ ,
∂α 00 β = − R0α0 β − εβ αγ ηγ + aα a β − δαβ ωγ ωγ + ωα ωβ ,
∂α 0β 0 = − R0αβ 0 − aα aβ ,
∂α 0β γ = − R0αβ γ + εγ αδ ωδ aβ . (48)
∂α βγ d = Rα(βγ ) d , (49)
see also the general solution given in the Appendix B of [7].
Explicit form of the metric In order to determine, in the vicinity of the reference
curve Y , the form of the metric at the point X in coordinates y a centered on Y , we
start again with an expansion of the metric around the reference curve
gab | X = gab |Y + gab,c Y y c + gab,cd Y y c y d + · · · . (50)
Of course in normal coordinates we have gab |Y = ηab , whereas the derivatives of
the metric have to be calculated, and the result actually depends on which type of
coordinates we want to use. The derivatives of the metric may be expressed just by
successive differentiation of the metricity condition ∇c gab = 0:
In other words, we can iteratively determine the metric by plugging in the explicit
form of the connection and its derivatives from above.
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 101
For the second order derivatives of metric we obtain, again using (51) in combi-
nation with (47), (48), and (52):
Note that R0βα 0 + Rα0β 0 + Rβα0 0 ≡ 0, in view of the Ricci identity. Since Rβα0 0 =
0, we thus find R0βα 0 = R0(βα) 0 .
As a result, we derive the line element in the Fermi coordinates (up to the second
ds 2 X (y 0 , y α ) = (dy 0 )2 1 + 2aα y α + 2bα y α y 0
+(aα aβ − δαβ ωγ ωγ + ωα ωβ − R0αβ0 )y α y β
+2dy 0 dy α εαβγ ωγ y β + εαβγ ηγ y β y 0 − Rαβγ 0 y β y γ
α β 1 γ δ
−dy dy δαβ − Rγ αβδ y y + O(3). (54)
by introducing a α = aα + y 0 ∂0 aα = aα + y 0 bα and ωα = ωα + y 0 ∂0 ωα = ωα + y 0
ηα which represent the power expansion of the time dependent acceleration and
angular velocity.
102 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
The results from the last section may now be used to describe the behavior of clocks
in the vicinity of the reference world line, around which the coordinates were con-
There is one interesting peculiarity about writing the metric like in (54), i.e. one
obtains clock effects which depend on the acceleration of the clock (just integrate
along a curve in those coordinates and the terms with a and ω will of course contribute
to the proper time along the curve). This behavior of clocks is of course due to the
choice of the noninertial observer, and they are only present along curves which
do not coincide with the observers world line. Recall that, by construction, one has
Minkowski’s metric along the world line of the observer, which is also the center
of the coordinate system in which (54) is written – all inertial effects vanish at the
origin of the coordinate system.
Flat case We start with the flat spacetime and switch to a quantity which is directly
measurable, i.e. the proper time quotient of two clocks located at Y and X . It is
worthwhile to note that for a flat spacetime, Ri jk l = 0, the interval (54) reduces to
the Hehl-Ni [47] line element of a noninertial (rotating and accelerating) system:
ds 2 X (y 0 , y α ) = (1 + a α y α )2 (dy 0 )2 − δαβ (dy α + εα μν ωμ y ν dy 0 )
×(dy β + εβ ρσ ωρ y σ dy 0 ) + O(3), (56)
V α := v α + εα βγ ωβ y γ , (59)
Curved case Now let us investigate the curved spacetime, after all we are interested
in measuring the gravitational field by means of clock comparison. The frequency
ratio becomes:
ds| X 1
= 1+ 2aα y α + 2bα y α y 0
ds|Y 1 − δαβ v α v β
+y α y β aα aβ − R0αβ0 − δαβ ωγ ωγ + ωα ωβ
+2v α εαβγ y β ωγ + y 0 y β ηγ − v α y β y γ Rαβγ 0
+ v α v β y γ y δ Rγ αβδ + O(3). (62)
Analogously to the flat case in (61), we introduce a shortcut for the measurable fre-
ratio in a curved background, denoting its dependence on different quantities
as C y α , y 0 , v α , a α , ωα , bα , ηα , Rαβγ δ .
Note that in the flat, as well as in the curved case, the frequency ratio becomes
independent of bα and ηα on the three-dimensional slice with fixed y 0 (since we can
alwayschoose our coordinate time parameter y 0 = 0), i.e. we have C (y α , v α , a α , ωα )
and C y α , v α , a α , ωα , Rαβγ δ respectively.
Rewriting the deviation equation We now describe the configurations of test bodies
which allow for a complete determination of all curvature components in a Rieman-
nian background spacetime. For concreteness, our analysis will be based on the stan-
dard geodesic deviation equation, as well as one of its generalizations. Our starting
point is the standard geodesic deviation equation, i.e.
D2 a
η = R a bcd u b ηc u d . (63)
ds 2
Since we want to express the curvature in terms of measured quantities, i.e. the
velocities and the accelerations, we rewrite this equation in terms of the standard
(non-covariant) derivative w.r.t. the proper time.
In order to simplify the resulting equation we employ normal coordinates, i.e. we
have on the world line of the reference test body
ab c |Y = 0, ∂a bc d |Y = Ra(bc) d . (64)
In terms of the standard total derivative w.r.t. to the proper time s, the deviation
Eq. (63) takes the form:
d2 a |Y 2 a
η = R bcd u b ηc u d . (65)
ds 2 3
However, what actually seems to be measured by a compass at the reference point Y
is the lower components of the relative acceleration. For the lower index position, in
terms of the ordinary derivative in normal coordinates, the deviation Eq. (63) takes
the form
d2 |Y 4
ηa = Rabcd u b ηc u d . (66)
ds 2 3
Explicit compass setup Let us consider a general 6-point compass. In addition to
the reference test body on the world line we will use the following geometrical setup
of the 5 remaining test bodies:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 0 0
⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
η =⎜
(1) a ⎟ , (2) ηa = ⎜ ⎟ , (3) ηa = ⎜ 0 ⎟ ,
⎝0⎠ ⎝1⎠ ⎝0⎠
0 0 1
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 0
⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
η =⎜
(4) a ⎟ , (5) ηa = ⎜ 0 ⎟ . (67)
⎝1⎠ ⎝1⎠
0 1
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 105
In addition to the positions of the compass constituents, we have to make a choice for
the velocity of the reference test body/observer. In the following we will use (m) dif-
ferent compasses, each of these compasses will have a different velocity (associated)
with the reference test body. In other words, we consider (m) different compasses
or reference test bodies, all of which are located at the world line reference point Y
(at the same time), and all these (m) observers measure the relative accelerations to
all five test bodies placed at the positions given in (67). The left-hand sides of (66)
are the measured accelerations and in the following we refer to them by (m,n) Aa .
Furthermore, we also introduced the compass index (m) u a for the velocities. In other
words, for (m) compasses and (n) bodies in one compass, we have the following set
of equations:
(m,n) |Y 4
Aa = Rabcd (m) u b (n) ηc (m) u d . (68)
What remains to be chosen, apart from the (n = 1 . . . 5) positions of bodies in one
compass, is the number (m) and the actual directions in which each compass/observer
shall move. Of course in the end we want to minimize both numbers, i.e. (m) and
(n), which are needed to determine all curvature components.
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
c10 c20 c30
⎜ 0 ⎟ (2) a ⎜ c21 ⎟ (3) a ⎜ 0 ⎟
u =⎜
(1) a ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ , u = ⎝ 0 ⎠ , u = ⎝ c32 ⎠ ,
0 0 0
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
c40 c50 c60
⎜ 0 ⎟ (5) a ⎜ c51 ⎟ (6) a ⎜ 0 ⎟
u =⎜
(4) a ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ , u = ⎝ c52 ⎠ , u = ⎝ c62 ⎠ . (69)
c43 0 c63
The c(m)a here are just constants, chosen appropriately to ensure the normalization
of the 4-velocity of each compass.
In summary, we are going to consider (m) = 1 . . . 6 compasses, each of them with
6-points, where the five reference points are always the (n) = 1 . . . 5 from (67).
Explicit curvature components The 20 independent components of the curvature
tensor can be explicitly determined in terms of the accelerations (m,n) Aa and veloc-
ities (m) u a by making use of the deviation Eq. (68) with the help of the compass
configuration given in (67) and (69). The result reads as follows:
3 (1,1) −2
01 : R1010 = A1 c10 , (70)
3 −2
02 : R2010 = (1,1) A2 c10 , (71)
3 −2
03 : R3010 = (1,1) A3 c10 , (72)
106 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
3 (1,2) −2
04 : R2020 = A2 c10 , (73)
3 (1,2) −2
05 : R3020 = A3 c10 , (74)
3 (1,3) −2
06 : R3030 = A3 c10 , (75)
3 (2,1) −1 −1 −1
07 : R2110 = A2 c21 c20 − R2010 c21 c20 , (76)
3 (2,1) −1 −1 −1
08 : R3110 = A3 c21 c20 − R3010 c21 c20 , (77)
3 (3,1) −2 −1
09 : R0212 = A0 c32 + R2010 c32 c30 , (78)
3 (2,2) −2 2 −2 −1
10 : R1212 = A2 c21 − R2020 c20 c21 − 2R0212 c21 c20 , (79)
3 (3,2) −1 −1 −1
11 : R3220 = A3 c32 c30 − R3020 c32 c30 , (80)
3 (4,1) −2 −1
12 : R0313 = A0 c43 + R3010 c43 c40 , (81)
3 (2,3) −2 2 −2 −1
13 : R1313 = A3 c21 − R3030 c20 c21 − 2R0313 c21 c20 , (82)
3 (4,2) −2 −1
14 : R0323 = A0 c43 + R3020 c43 c40 , (83)
3 (4,2) −2 −2 2 −1
15 : R2323 = A2 c43 − R2020 c43 c40 + 2R3220 c43 c40 , (84)
3 (5,3) −1 −1 1 −1 −1 2
16 : R3132 = A3 c52 c51 − R3030 c52 c51 c50
8 2
−1 −1 1 −1
−R0313 c52 c50 − R0323 c51 c50 − R1313 c52 c51
1 −1
− R2323 c52 c51 , (85)
3 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 2
17 : R1213 = (6,1) A1 c63 c62 − R1010 c63 c62 c60
8 2
−1 −1 1 −1
+R2110 c63 c60 + R3110 c62 c60 − R1212 c63 c62
1 −1
− R1313 c63 c62 , (86)
There are still 3 components of the curvature tensor missing. To determine them,
we notice that the following relation between the remaining equations is at our
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 107
3 (2,2) −1 −1 −1 −1
R0312 − R0231 = A3 c20 c21 − R3020 c20 c21 − R3121 c21 c20 , (87)
3 −1 −1 −1 −1
R0231 − R0123 = (4,1) A2 c40 c43 − R2010 c40 c43 − R2313 c43 c40 . (88)
Subtracting (87) from (88) and using the Ricci identity we find:
1 (4,1) −1 −1 1 −1 −1
18 : R0231 = A2 c40 c43 − (2,2) A3 c20 c21
4 4
1 −1 −1
+ R3020 c20 c21 + R3121 c21 c20
−1 −1
−R2010 c40 c43 − R2313 c43 c40 , (89)
1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1
19 : R0312 = (4,1) A2 c40 c42 + (2,2) A3 c20 c21
4 2
1 −1 −1
− 2R3020 c20 c21 + 2R3121 c21 c20
−1 −1
+R2010 c40 c43 + R2313 c43 c40 . (90)
Finally, by reinsertion of (87) in one of the remaining compass equations, one obtains:
3 (4,1) −1 −1 −1 3 −1 −1
20 : R3212 = A3 c20 c21 c50 c52 − (5,2) A3 c51 c52
4 4
−1 −1 −1
+R3121 c52 c51 − c50 c21 c20 + R3220 c50 c51
−1 −1
+R3020 c50 c52 c50 c51 − c20 c21 . (91)
3 (2,1) −1 −1 −1
06 : C2110 = A2 c21 c20 − C2010 c21 c20 , (97)
3 −1 −1 −1
07 : C3110 = (2,1) A3 c21 c20 − C3010 c21 c20 , (98)
3 −2 −1
08 : C0212 = (3,1) A0 c32 + C2010 c32 c30 , (99)
1 (4,1) −1 −1 1 −1 −1
09 : C0231 = A2 c40 c43 − (2,2) A3 c20 c21
4 4
1 −1 −1
+ C3020 c20 c21 + c21 c20
1 −1 −1
− C2010 c40 c43 + c43 c40 , (100)
1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1
10 : C0312 = (4,1) A2 c40 c42 + (2,2) A3 c20 c21
4 2
2 −1 −1
− C3020 c20 c21 + c21 c20
1 −1 −1
+ C2010 c40 c43 + c43 c40 . (101)
All the other components of the Weyl tensor are obtained from the above by making
use of the double-self-duality property Cabcd = − 41 abe f cdgh C e f gh , where abcd is
the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita tensor with 0123 = 1, and the Ricci identity.
See Fig. 6 for a sketch of the solution.
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 109
B(y α , v α , a α , ωα ) := (1 − v 2 ) (C − 1) − 2aα y α − y α y β aα aβ
−δαβ ωγ ω + ωα ωβ − 2v α εαβγ y β ωγ .
Analogously to our analysis of the gravitational compass [7], we may now consider
different setups of clocks to measure as many curvature components as possible. The
system in (102) yields (please note that only the position and the velocity indices are
110 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
Introducing abbreviations
3 −1 (4,3)
K 1 := c33 − B + R1010 + 2R2010 + R2020
4 1
− (R3110 + R3220 )c33 − (R1313 + 2R3132 + R2323 )c33 ,
3 3
3 −1
K 2 := c11 − (5,1) B + R2020 + 2R3020 + R3030
4 1
+ (R0212 + R0313 )c11 − (R1212 + 2R1213 + R1313 )c11 ,
3 3
3 −1
K 3 := c22 − (6,2) B + R1010 + 2R3010 + R3030
4 1
− (R2110 + R0323 )c22 − (R1212 + 2R3212 + R2323 )c22 ,
3 3
112 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
19 : R1023 = (K 3 − K 1 ) , (125)
20 : R2013 = (K 2 − K 1 ) , (126)
21 : R3021 = (K 3 − K 2 ) . (127)
See Fig. 7 for a symbolical sketch of the solution. The B’s in these equations can be
explicitly resolved in terms of the C’s
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (128)
B = 1 − c22
C −1 , (129)
B = 1 − c33
C −1 , (130)
B = 1 − c41
− c42
C −1 , (131)
B = 1 − c52
− c53
C −1 , (132)
B = 1 − c61
− c63
C −1 , (133)
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (134)
B = 1 − c22
C −1 , (135)
B = 1 − c33
C −1 , (136)
B = 1 − c52
− c53
C −1 , (137)
B = 1 − c61
− c63
C −1 , (138)
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (139)
B = 1 − c22
C −1 , (140)
B = 1 − c33
C −1 , (141)
B = 1 − c41
− c42
C −1 , (142)
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (143)
B = 1 − c33
C −1 , (144)
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (145)
B = 1 − c22
C −1 , (146)
B = 1 − c11
C −1 , (147)
B = 1 − c22
C −1 . (148)
Fig. 7 Symbolical sketch of the explicit solution for the curvature (104)–(127). In total 21 suitably
prepared clocks (hollow circles) are needed to determine all curvature components. The observer
is denoted by the black circle. Note that all (1...6) v a , but only (1...3) y a are needed in the solution
tensor, we may use a reduced clock setup to completely determine the gravitational
field. All other components may be obtained from the double self-duality property
Cabcd = − 41 εabe f εcdgh C e f gh .
+ (C2020 − 2C3132 − C2323 )c33 ,
3 −1
K 2 := c11 − (5,1) B + C2020 + 2C3020 + C3030
+ (C3030 − 2C3020 + C2020 )c11
, (159)
3 −1 (6,2)
K 3 := − c22 B + C2323 − 2C3212 − C3030
− (C3030 − 2C3212 − C2323 )c22
, (160)
10 : C1023 = (K 3 − K 1 ) , (161)
11 : C2013 = (K 2 − K 1 ) , (162)
12 : C3021 = (K 3 − K 2 ) . (163)
A symbolical sketch of the solution is given in Fig. 8.
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 115
Fig. 8 Symbolical sketch of the explicit vacuum solution for the curvature (149)–(163). In total 11
suitably prepared clocks (hollow circles) are needed to determine all curvature components. The
observer is denoted by the black circle. Note that all (1...6) v a , but only (1...3) y a are needed in the
4 Summary
Section 3.2 describes an experimental setup which we call a clock compass, in anal-
ogy to the usual gravitational compass [7, 8]. We have shown that a suitably prepared
set of clocks can be used to determine all components of the gravitational field, i.e.
the curvature, in General Relativity, as well as to describe the state of motion of a
noninertial observer.
Working out explicit clock compass setups in different situations, we have demon-
strated that in general 6 clocks are needed to determine the linear acceleration as
well as the rotational velocity, while 4 clocks will suffice in case of the velocity.
Furthermore, we prove that one needs 21 and 11 clocks, respectively, to determine
all curvature components in a general curved spacetime and in vacuum. In view
of possible future experimental realizations it is interesting to note that restrictions
regarding the choice of clock velocities in a setup lead to restrictions regarding the
number of determinable curvature components.
Our results are of direct operational relevance for the setup of networks of clocks,
especially in the context of relativistic geodesy. In geodetic terms, the given clock
configurations may be thought of as a clock gradiometers. Taking into account the
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 117
steadily increasing accuracy of clocks [50], these results should be combined with
those from a gradiometric context, for example in the form of a hybrid gravitational
compass – which combines acceleration as well as clock measurements in one setup.
Another possible application is the detection of gravitational waves by means of
clock as well as standard interferometric techniques. An interesting question is a
possible reduction of the number of measurements by a combination of different
In the previous sections, we have shown how the deviation equation as well as an
ensemble of clocks can be used to measure the gravitational field in GR. However, the
results were limited to theories in a Riemannian background. While such theories are
justified in many physical situations, several modern gravitational theories [51–53]
reach significantly beyond the Riemannian geometrical framework. In particular it is
already well-known [12, 54, 55], that in the description of test bodies with intrinsic
degrees of freedom – like spin – there is a natural coupling to the post-Riemannian
features of spacetime. Therefore, in view of possible tests of gravitational theories
by means of structured test bodies, a further extension of the deviation equation to
post-Riemannian geometries is needed.
In the following we present a generalized deviation equation in a Riemann–Cartan
background, allowing for spacetimes endowed with torsion, the presentation is based
on [56]. This equation describes the dynamics of the connecting vector which links
events on two general (adjacent) world lines. Our results are valid for any theory in
a Riemann–Cartan background, in particular they apply to Einstein–Cartan theory
[57] as well as to Poincaré gauge theory [58, 59]. Interestingly, Synge was apparently
the first who derived the deviation equation for the Riemann–Cartan geometry [60].
Let us briefly recapitulate the relevant steps which lead to the generalized deviation
equation: We want to compare two general curves Y (t) and X (t˜) in an arbitrary
spacetime manifold. Here t and t˜ are general parameters, i.e. not necessarily the
proper time on the given curves. In contrast to the Riemannian case, see Sect. 2.1,
we now connect two points x ∈ X and y ∈ Y on the two curves by the autoparallel
joining the two points (we assume that this autoparallel is unique). An autoparallel is
a curve along which the velocity vector is transported parallel to itself with respect to
the connection on the spacetime manifold. In a Riemannian space autoparallel curves
coincide with geodesic lines. Along the autoparallel we have the world function σ ,
118 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
and conceptually the closest object to the connecting vector between the two points
is the covariant derivative of the world function, denoted at the point y by σ y , cf.
Fig. 9.
At this point, the generality of our derivation of the deviation equation from
Sect. 2.1 pays of, i.e. the exact deviation equation given in Eq. 12 can be directly used
in the case in which the connecting curve is an autoparallel therefore, to recapitulate,
we have:
D 2 y1 d t˜
η = −σ y1
y y
2 3
u y2 y3
u − σ y1
a y2
− σ y1
x 2
ã x2
dt dt
−2σ y1 y2 x3 u y2 K x3 y4 u y4 − H x3 y4
−σ y1 x2 x3 K x2 y4 u y4 − H x2 y4
× K x3 y5 u y5 − H x3 y5
2˜ y3
dt d t x2 Dσ
−σ y1 x2 K x2
y3 u y3
− H y3 . (164)
d t˜ dt 2 dt
Again the factor d t˜/dt by requiring that the velocity along the curve X is normalized,
i.e. ũ x ũ x = 1, in which case we have
d t˜ Dσ y2
= ũ x1 K x1 y2 u y2 − ũ x1 H x1 y2 . (165)
dt dt
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 119
σ x σx = σ y σ y = 2σ, (166)
σ x2 σx2 x1 = σ x1 , (167)
σx1 x2 − σx2 x1 = Tx1 x2 x3 ∂x3 σ. (168)
Note in particular the change in (168) due to the presence of the spacetime torsion
Tx1 x2 x3 , which leads to σx1 x2 = σx2 x1 , in contrast to the symmetric Riemannian case,
in which σ x1 x2 = σ x2 x1 holds.1
In many calculations the limiting behavior of a bitensor B... (x, y) as x approaches
the references point y is required. This so-called coincidence limit of a bitensor
B... (x, y) is a tensor
1 We use “s” to indicate relations which only hold for symmetric connections and denote Riemannian
[σ ] = [σx ] = [σ y ] = 0, (171)
[σx1 x2 ] = [σ y1 y2 ] = g y1 y2 , (172)
[σx1 y2 ] = [σ y1 x2 ] = −g y1 y2 , (173)
[σx3 x1 x2 ] + [σx2 x1 x3 ] = 0. (174)
Note that up to the second covariant derivative the coincidence limits of the world
function match those in spacetimes with symmetric connections. However, at the
next (third) order the presence of the torsion leads to
[σx1 x2 x3 ] = Ty1 y3 y2 + Ty2 y3 y1 + Ty1 y2 y3 = K y2 y1 y3 , (175)
where in the last line we made use of the contortion2 K ab c = ab c − ab c . With the
help of (170) we obtain for the other combinations with three indices:
[σ y1 x2 x3 ] = −[σ y1 y2 x3 ] = [σ y1 y2 y3 ] = K y2 y1 y3 . (176)
and in particular
1 1
[σx1 x2 x3 x4 ] = ∇ y K y3 y2 y4 + K y4 y2 y3 + ∇ y3 3K y2 y1 y4 − K y1 y2 y4
3 1 3
+ ∇ y4 3K y2 y1 y3 − K y1 y2 y3 + π y1 y2 y3 y4 , (178)
1 1
[σx1 x2 x3 y4 ] = − ∇ y1 K y3 y2 y4 + K y4 y2 y3 − ∇ y3 3K y2 y1 y4 − K y1 y2 y4
3 3
+ ∇ y4 K y1 y2 y3 − π y1 y2 y3 y4 , (179)
1 1
[σx1 x2 y3 y4 ] = ∇ y1 K y4 y2 y3 + K y3 y2 y4 − ∇ y4 K y1 y2 y3
3 3
− ∇ y3 K y1 y2 y4 + π y1 y2 y4 y3 , (180)
1 1 1
[σx1 y2 y3 y4 ] = − ∇ y1 K y3 y4 y2 + K y2 y4 y3 + ∇ y3 K y1 y4 y2 + ∇ y2 K y1 y4 y3
3 3 3
+∇ y4 K y3 y1 y2 − π y1 y4 y3 y2 , (181)
1 1 1
[σ y1 y2 y3 y4 ] = ∇ y4 −2K y2 y3 y1 + K y1 y3 y2 − ∇ y2 K y4 y3 y1 − ∇ y1 K y4 y3 y2
3 3 3
−∇ y3 K y2 y4 y1 + π y4 y3 y2 y1 , (182)
π y1 y2 y3 y4 := K y1 y2 y K y3 y4 y + K y4 y3 y − K y1 y3 y K y4 y2 y + K yy2 y4
−K y1 y4 y K y3 y2 y + K yy2 y3 − 3K y2 y1 y K y3 y4 y + K y3 y1 y K yy2 y4
+K y4 y1 y K yy2 y3 + R y1 y3 y2 y4 + R y1 y4 y2 y3 . (183)
Again, we note the added complexity compared to the Riemannian case, in which
we have [σx1 x2 x3 x4 ] = 13 R y2 y4 y1 y3 + R y3 y2 y1 y4 at the fourth order. In particular, we
observe the occurrence of derivatives of the contortion in (178)–(182).
Finally, let us collect the basic properties of the so-called parallel propagator
g y x := e(a) ex(a) , defined in terms of a parallelly propagated tetrad e(a) , which in turn
y y
g y1 x g x y2 = δ y1 y2 , g x1 y g y x2 = δ x1 x2 , (184)
σ x ∇x g x1 y1 = σ y ∇ y g x1 y1 = 0,
σ x ∇x g y1 x1 = σ y ∇ y g y1 x1 = 0, (185)
σx = −g y x σ y , σ y = −g x y σx . (186)
With the help of (190) we are able to iteratively expand any bitensor to any order,
provided the coincidence limits entering the expansion coefficients can be calcu-
lated. The expansion for bitensors with mixed index structure can be obtained from
transporting the indices in (190) by means of the parallel propagator.
In order to develop an approximate form of the generalized deviation Eq. (164)
up to the second order, we need the following expansions of the derivatives of the
world function:
σ y1 y2 = g y1 y2 + K y2 y1 y3 σ y3 + O σ 2 , (194)
σ y1 x2 = −g y1 x2 + gx2 y K y3 yy1 σ y3 + O σ 2 , (195)
σ y1 y2 y3 = K y2 y1 y3 + ∇ y4 K y2 y3 y1 + K y1 y3 y2
− ∇ y2 K y4 y3 y1 − ∇ y1 K y4 y3 y2 − 3∇ y3 K y2 y4 y1
+ 3π y4 y3 y2 y1 σ y4 + O σ 2 , (196)
σ y1 y2 x3 = gx3 y3 K y2 y3 y1 − ∇ y3 K y2 y4 y1 + K y1 y4 y2
− ∇ y2 K y3 y4 y1 − ∇ y1 K y3 y4 y2
+ 3π y3 y4 y2 y1 σ y4 + O σ 2 , (197)
σ y1 x2 x3 = gx2 y2 gx3 y3 K y3 y1 y2
+ ∇ y2 K y4 y3 y1 + K y1 y3 y4
− ∇ y4 K y2 y3 y1 + 3K y3 y1 y2
− ∇ y1 K y2 y3 y4 + 3π y2 y3 y4 y1 σ y4 + O σ 2 . (198)
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 123
which in turn allows for an expansion of the recurring term entering (164):
Dσ y2 Dσ y
K x1 y2 u y2 − H x1 y2 = g x1 y u y − + Ty2 y3 y u y2 σ y3 +O σ 2 . (201)
dt dt
Synchronous parametrization Before writing down the expanded version of the
generalized deviation equation, we will simplify the latter by choosing a proper
parametrization of the neighboring curves. The factors with the derivatives of the
parameters t and t˜ appear in (164) due to the non-synchronous parametrization of the
two curves. It is possible to make things simpler by introducing the synchronization
of parametrization. Namely, we start by rewriting the velocity as
dY y d t˜ dY y
uy = = . (202)
dt dt d t˜
That is, we now parametrize the position on the first curve by the same variable t˜
that is used on the second curve. Accordingly, we denote
dY y
uy = . (203)
d t˜
By differentiation, we then derive
d 2 t˜ y d t˜
ay = u + ay, (204)
dt 2 dt
D y D2Y y
ay = u = . (205)
d t˜ d t˜2
Analogously, we derive for the derivative of the deviation vector
D2η y d 2 t˜ Dη y d t˜ D2η y
= + . (206)
dt 2 dt 2 d t˜ dt d t˜2
Now everything is synchronous in the sense that both curves are parametrized by t˜.
As a result, the exact deviation Eq. (164) is recast into a simpler form
124 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
D 2 y1
η = −σ y1 y2 a y2 − σ y1 x2 ã x2 − σ y1 y2 y3 u y2 u y3
d t˜2
Dσ y4
−2σ y1 y2 x3 u y2 K x3 y4 u y4 − H x3 y4
d t˜
−σ y1 x2 x3 K x2 y4 u y4 − H x2 y4
d t˜
× K x3 y5 u y5 − H x3 y5 . (207)
d t˜
D 2 y1 y3
y1 y2 Dη
η = ã y1
− a y1
+ T y y u − y1 y2 y3 y4 u y2 u y3
d t˜2
2 3
d t˜
+ K y2 y4 a − K y4 y2 ã η + O σ ,
y1 y2 y1 y2 y4
It should be understood that the last expression is contracted with u y2 u y3 and hence
the symmetrization is naturally imposed on the indices (y2 y3 ).
Equation (208) allows for the comparison of two general world lines in Riemann–
Cartan spacetime, which are not necessarily geodetic or autoparallel. It therefore
represents the generalization of the deviation equation derived in Eq. (38).
Riemannian case A great simplification is achieved in a Riemannian background,
y1 y2 y3 y4 = 2π y3 y4 y2 y1 − π y4 y3 y2 y1 − π y2 y3 y4 y1
= R y1 y3 y2 y4 , (210)
D 2 y1 s y1
η = ã y1 − a y1 − R y2 y3 y4 u
u y3 η y4 + O σ 2 . (211)
d t˜2
Along geodesic curves, this equation is further reduced to the well-known geodesic
deviation (Jacobi) equation.
Choice of coordinates In order to utilize the deviation equation for measurements or
in a gravitational compass setup [2, 7, 8, 48], the occurring covariant total derivatives
need to be rewritten and an appropriate coordinate choice needs to be made. The left-
Measuring the Gravitational Field in General Relativity … 125
D 2 ηa ◦◦ ◦
= u̇ b ∇b ηa + η a −2u b ba d ηd −u b u c cb d ∂d ηa
−u b u c ηe ∂c ba e − cb d da e − ca d bd e . (212)
Here we used η a := dηa /dt for the standard total derivative.
Observe that the first term on the right-hand side vanishes in the case of autopar-
allel curves (u̇ a := Du a /dt = 0). Also note the symmetrization of the connection
imposed by the velocities in some terms.
Rewriting the connection in terms of the contortion and switching to normal coor-
dinates [23, 24, 69–73] along the world line, which we assume to be an autoparallel,
D 2 ηa |Y ◦◦ ◦
= η a +2u b K ba d ηd +u b u c K cb d ∂d ηa
+u u ηe ∂c K ba − R c(ba) + K cb K da − K ca K bd .
b c e e d e d e
Note the appearance of a term containing the partial (not ordinary total) derivative
of the deviation vector, in contrast to the Riemannian case.
The first term in the second line may be rewritten as an ordinary total derivative, i.e.
u b u c ηe ∂c K ba e = u b ηe K bae , but this is still inconvenient when recalling the compass
equation, which will contain terms with covariant derivatives of the contortion.
Some thoughts about the operational interpretation of the coordinate choice are in
order. In particular, it should be stressed that we did not specify any physical theory in
which the deviation Eq. (207) should be applied. Or, stated the other way round, the
derived deviation equation is of completely geometrical nature, i.e. it describes the
change of the deviation vector between points on two general curves in Riemann–
Cartan spacetime. From the mathematical perspective, the choice of coordinates
should be solely guided by the simplicity of the resulting equation. In this sense, our
previous choice of normal coordinates appears to be appropriate. But what about the
physical interpretation, or better, the operational realization of such coordinates?
Let us recall the coordinate choice in General Relativity in a Riemannian back-
ground. In this case normal coordinates also have a clear operational meaning, which
is related to the motion of structureless test bodies in General Relativity. As is well
known, such test bodies move along the geodesic equation. In other words, we could
– at least in principle – identify a normal coordinate system by the local observation
of test bodies. If other external forces are absent, normal coordinates will locally
126 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
– where “locally” refers to the observers laboratory on the reference world line –
lead to straight line motion of test bodies. In this sense, there is a clear operational
procedure for the realization of normal coordinates.
Here we are in a more general situation, since we have not yet specified which
gravitational theory we are considering in the geometrical Riemann–Cartan back-
ground. The physical choice of a gravity theory will be crucial for the operational
realization of the coordinates. Recall the form of the equations of motion for a very
large class [12, 55] of gravitational theories, which also allow for additional internal
degrees of freedom, in particular for spin. In this case the equations of motion are no
longer given by the geodesic equation or, as it is sometimes erroneously postulated
in the literature, by the autoparallel equation. In such theories, test bodies exhibit
an additional spin-curvature coupling, which leads to non-geodesic motion, even
In the context of gravitational theories beyond GR, one should therefore be aware
of the fact, that for the experimental realization of the normal coordinates, one now
has to make sure to use the correct equation of motion and, consequently, the correct
type of test body. Taking the example of a theory with spin-curvature coupling, like
Einstein–Cartan theory, this would eventually lead to the usage of test bodies with
vanishing spin – since those still move on standard geodesics, and therefore lead to
an identical procedure as in the general relativistic case, i.e. one adopts coordinates
in which the motion of those test bodies becomes rectilinear.
5.4 Summary
A Directory of Symbols
1. F.A.E. Pirani, On the physical significance of the Riemann tensor. Acta Phys. Pol. 15, 389
2. J.L. Synge, Relativity: The General Theory (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1960)
3. E. Poisson, A. Pound, I. Vega, The motion of point particles in curved spacetime. Living Rev.
Relativ. 14(1), 7 (2011)
4. T. Levi-Civita, Sur l’écart géodésique. Math. Ann. 97, 291 (1927)
5. J.L. Synge, The first and second variations of the length integral in Riemannian space. Proc.
Lond. Math. Soc. 25, 247 (1926)
6. J.L. Synge, On the geometry of dynamics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 226, 31 (1927)
7. D. Puetzfeld, Y.N. Obukhov, Generalized deviation equation and determination of the curvature
in general relativity. Phys. Rev. D 93, 044073 (2016)
8. P. Szekeres, The gravitational compass. J. Math. Phys. 6, 1387 (1965)
9. D. Puetzfeld, Y.N. Obukhov, C. Lämmerzahl, Gravitational clock compass in general relativity.
Phys. Rev. D 98, 024032 (2018)
10. B.S. DeWitt, R.W. Brehme, Radiation damping in a gravitational field. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 9,
220 (1960)
11. D. Puetzfeld, Y.N. Obukhov, Covariant equations of motion for test bodies in gravitational
theories with general nonminimal coupling. Phys. Rev. D 87, 044045 (2013)
12. D. Puetzfeld, Y.N. Obukhov, Equations of motion in metric-affine gravity: a covariant unified
framework. Phys. Rev. D 90, 084034 (2014)
13. A.C. Ottewill, B. Wardell, Transport equation approach to calculations of Hadamard Green
functions and non-coincident DeWitt coefficients. Phys. Rev. D 84, 104039 (2011)
14. D.E. Hodgkinson, A modified theory of geodesic deviation. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 3, 351 (1972)
15. S.L. Bażański, Kinematics of relative motion of test particles in general relativity. Ann. H.
Poin. A 27, 115 (1977)
16. A.N. Aleksandrov, K.A. Piragas, Geodesic structure: I. Relative dynamics of geodesics. Theor.
Math. Phys. 38, 48 (1978)
17. B. Schutz, On generalized equations of geodesic deviation, in Galaxies, Axisymmetric Systems,
and Relativity, vol 17, ed. by M.A.H. MacCallum (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
1985), p. 237
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18. C. Chicone, B. Mashhoon, The generalized Jacobi equation. Class. Quantum Gravity 19, 4231
19. T. Mullari, R. Tammelo, On the relativistic tidal effects in the second approximation. Class.
Quantum Gravity 23, 4047 (2006)
20. J. Vines, Geodesic deviation at higher orders via covariant bitensors. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 47,
59 (2015)
21. E. Fermi, Sopra i fenomeni che avvengono in vicinanza di una linea oraria. Atti. Accad. Naz.
Lincei Cl, Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. Rend. 31, 21, 51, 101 (1922)
22. E. Fermi, Collected Papers, vol 1, ed. by E. Amaldi, E. Persico, F. Rasetti, E. Segrè (University
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23. O. Veblen, Normal coordinates for the geometry of paths. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 8, 192
24. O. Veblen, T.Y. Thomas, The geometry of paths. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 25, 551 (1923)
25. J.L. Synge, A characteristic function in Riemannian space and its application to the solution
of geodesic triangles. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 32, 241 (1931)
26. A.G. Walker, Relative coordinates. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. 52, 345 (1932)
27. F.K. Manasse, C.W. Misner, Fermi normal coordinates and some basic concepts in differential
geometry. J. Math. Phys. 4, 735 (1963)
28. C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco, 1973)
29. W.-T. Ni, On the proper reference frame and local coordinates of an accelerated observer in
special relativity. Chin. J. Phys. 15, 51 (1977)
30. B. Mashhoon, Tidal radiation. Astrophys. J. 216, 591 (1977)
31. W.-T. Ni, M. Zimmermann, Inertial and gravitational effects in the proper reference frame of
an accelerated, rotating observer. Phys. Rev. D 17, 1473 (1978)
32. W.-Q. Li, W.-T. Ni, On an accelerated observer with rotating tetrad in special relativity. Chin.
J. Phys. 16, 214 (1978)
33. W.-T. Ni, Geodesic triangles and expansion of the metrics in normal coordinates. Chin. J. Phys.
16, 223 (1978)
34. W.-Q. Li, W.-T. Ni, Coupled inertial and gravitational effects in the proper reference frame of
an accelerated, rotating observer. J. Math. Phys. 20, 1473 (1979)
35. W.-Q. Li, W.-T. Ni, Expansions of the affinity, metric and geodesic equations in Fermi normal
coordinates about a geodesic. J. Math. Phys. 20, 1925 (1979)
36. N. Ashby, B. Bertotti, Relativistic effects in local inertial frames. Phys. Rev. D 34, 2246 (1986)
37. A.M. Eisele, On the behaviour of an accelerated clock. Helv. Phys. Acta 60, 1024 (1987)
38. T. Fukushima, The Fermi coordinate system in the post-Newtonian framework. Celest. Mech.
44, 1024 (1988)
39. O. Semerák, Stationary frames in the Kerr field. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 25, 1041 (1993)
40. K.-P. Marzlin, Fermi coordinates for weak gravitational fields. Phys. Rev. D 50, 888 (1994)
41. D. Bini, A. Geralico, R.T. Jantzen, Kerr metric, static observers and Fermi coordinates. J. Math.
Phys. 22, 4729 (2005)
42. C. Chicone, B. Mashhoon, Explicit Fermi coordinates and tidal dynamics in de Sitter and Gödel
spacetime. Phys. Rev. D 74, 064019 (2006)
43. D. Klein, P. Collas, General transformation formulas for Fermi-Walker coordinates. Class.
Quantum Gravity 25, 145019 (2008)
44. D. Klein, P. Collas, Exact Fermi coordinates for a class of space-times. J. Math. Phys. 51,
022501 (2010)
45. P. Delva, M.-C. Angonin, Extended Fermi coordinates. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 44, 1 (2012)
46. S.G. Turyshev, O.L. Minazzoli, V.T. Toth, Accelerating relativistic reference frames in
Minkowski space-time. J. Math. Phys. 53, 032501 (2012)
47. F.W. Hehl, W.-T. Ni, Inertial effects of a Dirac particle. Phys. Rev. D 42, 2045 (1990)
48. I. Ciufolini, M. Demianski, How to measure the curvature of space-time. Phys. Rev. D 34, 1018
49. I. Ciufolini, Generalized geodesic deviation equation. Phys. Rev. D 34, 1014 (1986)
130 Y. N. Obukhov and D. Puetzfeld
50. R. Rodrigo, V. Dehant, L. Gurvits, M. Kramer, R. Park, P. Wolf, J. Zarnecki (eds.), High
Performance Clocks with Special Emphasis on Geodesy and Geophysics and Applications to
Other Bodies of the Solar System, vol. 63, Space Sciences Series of ISSI (Springer, Netherlands,
51. F.W. Hehl, P. von der Heyde, G.D. Kerlick, J.M. Nester, General relativity with spin and torsion:
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52. M. Blagojević, F.W. Hehl, Gauge Theories of Gravitation: A Reader with Commentaries (Impe-
rial College Press, London, 2013)
53. V.N. Ponomarev, A.O. Barvinsky, Y.N. Obukhov, Gauge Approach and Quantization Methods
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54. F.W. Hehl, Y.N. Obukhov, D. Puetzfeld, On Poincaré gauge theory of gravity, its equations of
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55. Y.N. Obukhov, D. Puetzfeld, Multipolar test body equations of motion in generalized gravity
theories, in Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity, vol. 179, Fundamental Theories of
Physics, ed. by D. Puetzfeld, et al. (Springer, Cham, 2015), p. 67
56. D. Puetzfeld, Y.N. Obukhov, Deviation equation in Riemann-Cartan spacetime. Phys. Rev. D
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57. A. Trautman, Einstein-Cartan theory, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, vol. 2, ed. by
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58. Y.N. Obukhov, Poincaré gauge gravity: selected topics. Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 03,
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59. Y.N. Obukhov, Poincaré gauge gravity: an overview. Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 15,
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60. J.L. Synge, Geodesics in non-holonomic geometry. Math. Ann. 99, 738 (1928)
61. W.H. Goldthorpe, Spectral geometry and S O(4) gravity in a Riemann-Cartan spacetime. Nucl.
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A Snapshot of J. L. Synge
Peter A. Hogan
Abstract A brief description is given of the life and influence on relativity theory
of Professor J. L. Synge accompanied by some technical examples to illustrate his
style of work.
1 Introduction
When I was a postdoctoral fellow working with Professor Synge in the School of
Theoretical Physics of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies he was fifty–one
years older than me and he remained research active for another twenty years. John
Lighton Synge FRS was born in Dublin on 23rd. March, 1897 and died in Dublin
on 30th. March, 1995. As well as his emphasis on, and mastery of, the geometry
of space–time he had a unique delivery, both verbal and written, which I will try to
convey in the course of this short article. But first the basic facts of his academic
life are as follows: He was educated in St. Andrew’s College, Dublin and entered
Trinity College, University of Dublin in 1915. He graduated B.A. (1919), M.A.
(1922) and Sc.D. (1926). He was Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the Uni-
versity of Toronto (1920–1925), subsequently returning to Trinity College Dublin
as Professor of Natural Philosophy (1925–1930) and then left for the University of
Toronto again to take up the position of Professor of Applied Mathematics (1930–
1943). From there he went to Ohio State University as chairman of the Mathematics
Department (1943–1946) followed by Head, Mathematics Department at Carnegie
Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh (1946–1948) before returning to Dublin to estab-
lish his school of relativity in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. He officially
retired when he was seventy–five years old.
Synge was prolific, publishing 250 papers and 11 books. In 1986 he wrote, but did
not publish, some informal autobiographical notes [1], which he described as being
for his family and descendants and to aid obituary writers, and which are deposited in
P. A. Hogan (B)
School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
e-mail: peter.hogan@ucd.ie
the library of the School of Theoretical Physics of the Dublin Institute for Advanced
Early in his career he published his first important paper: “On the Geometry of
Dynamics”, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 226 (1926), 31–106. Of this work he said [1];
“I sent a copy to T. Levi-Cività, and in return he sent me a copy of a paper by him,
just appearing. Our papers had in common the equation of geodesic deviation, now
familiar to relativists, but he had done it using an indefinite line element, appropriate
to relativity, whereas my line element was positive definite.”
2 A Scheme of Approximation
Synge placed great emphasis on working things out for oneself, writing that [2] “the
lust for calculation must be tempered by periods of inaction, in which the mechanism
is completely unscrewed and then put together again. It is the decarbonisation of the
mind.” As an illustration of this activity I give a weak field approximation scheme
published in 1970 by Synge [3] which has the advantage that it can be described
without reference to an example. This is a topic which, by 1970, had become a stan-
dard entry in textbooks on general relativity and one might be forgiven for thinking
that by then the last word had been said on it.
We first need some basic objects and notation. In Minkowskian space-time Synge
liked to use imaginary time (which some people find maddening!) and to write the
position 4–vector in rectangular Cartesians and time as
xa = (x, y, z, it) with a = 1, 2, 3, 4 and i = −1,
with the index in the covariant or lower position. The Minkowskian metric tensor in
these coordinates has components δab (the Kronecker delta). If the metric tensor of
a space–time has components of the form
G ab = L ab + Ĝ ab ,
where G ab is the Einstein tensor calculated with the metric gab and
1 1
L ab = (γab,cc + γcc,ab − γac,cb − γbc,ca ) − δab (γcc,dd − γcd,cd ) .
2 2
The energy–momentum–stress tensor of matter giving rise to a gravitational field has
components T ab . With these preliminaries Synge’s strategy is as follows:
A Snapshot of J. L. Synge 133
∗ 1
γab = γab − δab γcc (M = 0, 1, 2, . . . N ) ,
M M 2 M
H ab = T ab + (8 π)−1 Ĝ (γ ) (M = 0, 1, 2, . . . N ) ,
γab = 0 and γab = 16 π K rabs H r s (M = 1, 2, 3, . . . N ) .
0 M M−1
with Da = ∂/∂xa , Dab = ∂ 2 /∂xa ∂xb . The operator J is the inverse d’Alembertian:
1 x , t − |
f ( x − x |)
J f (
x , t) = − d3 x .
4π x − x |
Synge proved that the integrals involved in the implementation of the operator K
converge if the physical system is stationary (T ab ,4 = 0) for some period in the past.
He called this property J –convergence.
Approximations are introduced as follows: all {γab } defined above satisfy the coor-
dinate conditions
γab,b = 0 (M = 0, 1, 2, . . . N ) .
γab = −16 π J H ab
N N −1
G ab + 8 π T ab = O(k N +1 ) ,
showing that Einstein’s field equations are approximately satisfied in this sense. This
scheme was subsequently utilised for the study of equations of motion in general
relativity [4–7].
In an amusing spin-off Synge [8] constructed the following divergence–free
pseudo–tensor: first write the vanishing covariant divergence of the energy–
momentum–stress tensor in the equivalent forms
T ab |b = 0 ⇔ T ab ,b + K a = 0 .
Here K a = cba
T cb + cb
T ac is not a tensor (so the position of the index a is not
significant; bc are the components of the Riemannian connection calculated with
Q a = J K a ⇒ Q a = K a ,
(with J the operator introduced above and the Minkowskian d’Alembertian oper-
ator) and define the pseudo–tensor
τ ab = T ab + ϕab = τ ba ,
3 Lorentz Transformations
Synge gave a succinct description of his early education when he wrote [1]: “Although
there are great gaps in my scientific equipment - like Hadamard, I could never get
my teeth into group theory - I think I have ranged more widely than most. I might
easily have stuck to classical subjects in which I was well trained as an undergraduate
(dynamics, hydrodynamics, elasticity), but I wanted to take part in the new subjects,
and in due course I mastered relativity but not quantum theory.” True to this back-
ground, when considering Lorentz transformations, Synge thought of the analogy
with “the kinematics of a rigid body with a fixed point” (in [9]) and thus the construc-
tion of a general rotation in three dimensional Euclidean space in terms of the Euler
angles. For Lorentz transformations the analogy requires six transformations of an
orthonormal tetrad to another orthonormal tetrad, involving three pseudo angles (the
arguments of hyperbolic functions) and three Euclidean angles. While this perspec-
tive is interesting the resulting formalism is not well suited to discussing the detailed
effect of Lorentz transformations on the null cone. In the second edition of his text on
special relativity Synge thanked I. Robinson and A. Taub “for pointing out an error
in Chap. IV of this book as first published (1955): singular Lorentz transformations
were overlooked.”
Taub was using spinors but Robinson had encountered the singular case in a
novel way [10–12]: Robinson was interested in the Schwarzschild solution in the
limit m → +∞. Starting with the Eddington–Finkelstein form
(d x 2 + dy 2 ) 2m
ds 2 = −r 2 2 + 2 du dr + 1 − du 2
1 + 4 (x + y )
1 2 2 r
and, using a clever coordinate transformation, Robinson wrote this in the form
r2 2
ds 2 = − (dξ 2
+ dη 2
) + 2 du dr + λ 2
− du 2 , λ = m −1/3
cosh2 λξ r
136 P. A. Hogan
ds 2 = −r 2 (dξ 2 + dη 2 ) + 2 du dr − du 2
This is another (different from Schwarzschild) Robinson–Trautman [13] type D vac-
uum space–time. The metric tensor has one term singular at r = 0. This line element
can be written in the form
ds 2 = −T 4/3 (d X 2 + dY 2 ) − T −2/3 d Z 2 + dT 2
ds 2 = −r 2 (dξ 2 + dη 2 ) + 2 du dr
ξ →ξ+a , η →η+b, u →u , r →r
where a, b are real constants, constitutes a Lorentz transformation leaving only the
null direction r = 0 invariant. This is a singular Lorentz transformation (or null rota-
tion) and the example moreover shows that such transformations exist and constitute
a two–parameter Abelian subgroup of the Lorentz group.
I mentioned at the outset that Professor Synge remained research active well into
old age. To demonstrate this I want to give an example of some work carried out
when he was eighty–eight years old. For several years, starting in the early 1980s,
he and I found it convenient to correspond via letter. This allowed easy exchange
of the results of calculations before the age of email. He typed his letters, including
equations, on an ancient machine which he had used for years. The example I want
to give involves an observation due to E. T. Whittaker and to do it justice I must first
give a fairly extensive introduction.
Whittaker (in [15, 16]) was concerned with the Liénard–Wiechert electromagnetic
field of a moving charge e so we will need some notation which we can briefly
summarise as follows:
(1) Line element: ds 2 = ηi j d X i d X j = −d X 2 − dY 2 − d Z 2 + dT 2 .
(2) World line of charge: X i = wi (u) ; v i (u) = dwi /du with v i vi = +1 (⇒
v i = 4–velocity, u = arc length or proper time); a i = dv i /du = 4–acceleration ⇒
a i vi = 0)
(3) Retarded distance of X i from X i = wi (u):
A Snapshot of J. L. Synge 137
e vi
Ai = ⇒ Ai ,i = 0 = Ai ,
could be written, modulo a gauge transformation, in the form
e vi
Ai = = K i j F, j + ∗ K i j G , j ,
F = 0 and G = 0 .
P2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 2 ∂ ∂2 2 ∂
= − 20 + − (1 − 2 ai k r )
+ +2 + .
r ∂x 2 ∂ y2 ∂r 2 r ∂r ∂u∂r r ∂u
∂G e P02 ∂ki ∂ki
= x −y .
∂ Xi r (x 2 + y 2 ) ∂y ∂x
e vi
Ai = K i j F, j + ∗ K i j G , j = + η i j , j ,
= e log{r P0−1 x 2 + y 2 } .
Whittaker pointed out that this decomposition is analogous to the splitting of a plane
light wave into two plane polarised components. A notable fact is that almost every
vacuum Maxwell field can be resolved into two parts in this way. The presentation
of Whittaker’s observation in coordinates x, y, r, u facilitates the derivation of the
explicit decomposition (see [17]) for the Goldberg–Kerr electromagnetic field [18].
The second, and final, part of the introduction, to enable us to appreciate Synge’s
contribution, involves a simple proof of this decomposition of a vacuum Maxwell
field in general.
We are working in Minkowskian space–time and we shall write the line element
as given above in rectangular Cartesian coordinates and time X i = (X, Y, Z , T ) with
i = 1, 2, 3, 4. In addition we shall make use of the following basis vector fields:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
ki = + , li =− + ,
∂X i ∂Z ∂T ∂X i ∂Z ∂T
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
mi = +i , m̄ i = −i .
∂X i ∂X ∂Y ∂X i ∂X ∂Y
All scalar products (with respect to the Minkowskian metric) of the pairs of these
vectors vanish except k i li = +2 and m i m̄ i = −2. In what follows a complex self–
dual bivector satisfies: Ai j = −A ji and ∗ Ai j = i Ai j and a complex anti–self–dual
bivector satisfies: Bi j = −B ji and ∗ Bi j = −i Bi j , with the star denoting the Hodge
dual. A basis of complex anti–self–dual bivectors is given by
m i j = m i k j − m j ki , n i j = m̄ i l j − m̄ j li ,
A Snapshot of J. L. Synge 139
li j = m i m̄ j − m̄ i m j + li k j − l j ki .
Fi j + i ∗ Fi j = φ0 n i j + φ1 li j + φ2 m i j ,
(F i j + i ∗ F i j ), j = 0 ,
Wi j = Fi j + i ∗ Fi j .
Fi j = 0 at T = 0 ⇒ Fi j = 0 for all T .
Fi j = Hi j at T = 0 ⇒ Fi j = Hi j for all T .
Hi j = Fi j at T = 0 .
Proof Choose K i j = δ3i δ4 − δ3i δ4 then ∗ K i j = δ1i δ2 − δ2i δ1 and writing out Hi j =
j j j j
Fi j at T = 0 we find the following pairs of equations for the Cauchy data U, V, U,4 ,
V,4 for the wave functions at T = 0: (all equations evaluated at T = 0)
(A): (U,4 ),1 = F13 + V,23 and (U,4 ),2 = F23 − V,13 ;
(B): (V,4 ),1 = F24 − U,23 and (V,4 ),2 = −F14 + U,13 ;
(C): U,11 + U,22 = −F34 and V,11 + V,22 = −F12 .
If the equations (A) are consistent and if the equations (B) are consistent then (A),
(B) and (C) can in principle be solved for the Cauchy data. The consistency follows
from the assumption that Fi j is a Maxwell field since then (A) implies that
(U,4 ),12 − (U,4 ),21 = F13,2 − F23,1 + V,232 + V,131 = F13,2 + F32,1 + F21,3 = 0 ,
(V,4 ),12 − (V,4 ),21 = F24,2 + F14,1 − U,232 − U,131 = F24,2 + F14,1 + F34,3 = 0 ,
5 Epilogue
When visitors came to the Center for Relativity in the University of Texas at Austin,
Alfred Schild, the founder of the Center and one of Synge’s former collaborators
[22] would enthusiastically point out to them that this was where Roy Kerr found
his solution. This raises the question: what were the stand–out works produced in
Professor Synge’s school of relativity in Dublin? I discussed this with George Ellis
A Snapshot of J. L. Synge 141
Fig. 1 J. L. Synge
some time ago and we concluded that Felix Pirani’s study of the physical signifi-
cance of the Riemann tensor [23] and Werner Israel’s proof of the uniqueness of the
static black hole (uncharged [24] and charged [25]) are arguably the most profound
products of Synge’s school.
When Synge turned ninety years of age a small conference was organised in his
honour. His status within Ireland was reflected in the report in a national newspaper
which stated: “President Hillery [Head of State] attended a special event in the Dublin
Institute for Advanced Studies yesterday to wish a happy 90th. birthday to Professor
Emeritus J. L. Synge, Ireland’s most distinguished mathematician of the present
century. Although he has been retired for fifteen years, the professor, a nephew of
the playwright J. M. Synge, published three papers last year and has two more at
present in the course of publication” [Irish Times, 23rd. March, 1987].
My photograph of Professor Synge (Fig. 1) was taken in July, 1987 in my back
garden. Also present were two of Synge’s former students, Dermott Mc Crea (see [4,
5, 7] for example) and Stephen O’Brien (of the O’Brien–Synge junction conditions
[26]) together with Bill Bonnor who was visiting from the University of London.
1. J.L. Synge, Autobiography. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, unpublished (1986)
2. J.L. Synge, Relativity: The General Theory (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam,
3. J.L. Synge, Proc. R. Ir. Acad. A59, 11 (1970)
4. P.A. Hogan, J.D. McCrea, GRG J. 5, 77 (1974)
5. J.D. McCrea, G.M. O’Brien, GRG J. 9, 1101 (1977)
6. G.M. O’Brien, GRG J. 10, 129 (1979)
7. J.D. McCrea, GRG J. 13, 397 (1981)
142 P. A. Hogan
Bahram Mashhoon
Abstract Gravity gradiometry within the framework of the general theory of rela-
tivity involves the measurement of the elements of the relativistic tidal matrix, which
is theoretically obtained via the projection of the spacetime curvature tensor upon
the nonrotating orthonormal tetrad frame of a geodesic observer. The behavior of
the measured components of the curvature tensor under Lorentz boosts is briefly
described in connection with the existence of certain special tidal directions. Rel-
ativistic gravity gradiometry in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is
discussed and a gravitomagnetic beat effect along an inclined spherical geodesic
orbit is elucidated.
d 2 ξi
+ κi j ξ j + O(|ξ|2 ) = 0 , (1)
dt 2
B. Mashhoon (B)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211, USA
e-mail: MashhoonB@missouri.edu
B. Mashhoon
School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
P. O. Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran
κi j (t, x) = (2)
∂x i ∂x j
is the symmetric tidal matrix evaluated along the reference trajectory. In the Newto-
nian theory of gravitation, gravity gradiometry involves the measurement of κi j (t, x),
which is the gradient of the acceleration of gravity and can be determined, in princi-
ple, by means of Eq. (1).
The tidal matrix in Eq. (2) is independent of the test masses m a and m b as a
consequence of the principle of equivalence. The principle of equivalence of gravi-
tational and inertial masses ensures the universality of the gravitational interaction.
The modern history of the science of gravity gradiometry can be traced back to the
pioneering efforts of L. Eötvös, who employed a torsion-balance method to test the
principle of equivalence (1889–1922).
In Eq. (2), Poisson’s equation for , ∇ 2 = 4πG ρ, reduces to Laplace’s equa-
tion, ∇ 2 = 0, in the source-free region under consideration. In this case, ∇ 2 κi j = 0
and hence each element of the Newtonian tidal matrix is a harmonic function. More-
over, tidal matrix (2) is traceless; therefore, the shape of a tidally deformed test body
would generally tend to either a cigar-like or a pancake-like configuration when tides
are dominant, since the symmetric and traceless tidal matrix can in general have
either two positive and one negative or one positive and two negative eigenvalues,
In recent years, gravity gradiometers of high sensitivity have been developed;
indeed, the Paik gravity gradiometer employs superconducting quantum interfer-
ence devices [1–3]. Furthermore, gravity gradients can now be measured via atom
interferometry as well [4, 5]. Gravity gradiometry has many important practical
applications. The magnitude of a gravity gradient is usually expressed in units of
Eötvös, 1 E = 10−9 s−2 .
To extend the treatment of gravity gradiometry to the relativistic domain, it is
necessary to introduce the quasi-inertial Fermi normal coordinate system that can
provide a physically meaningful interpretation of the measurement of relative motion
within the framework of general relativity (GR). In GR, masses m a and m b follow
geodesics and a hypothetical observer comoving with the fiducial test mass m b would
set up in the neighborhood of the reference trajectory a laboratory where the motion
of m a could be monitored. Such a quasi-inertial frame is represented by the Fermi
normal coordinate system [6–8]. In our treatment of Fermi coordinates in the next
section, we employ an extended framework [9–12], since in practice nongravitational
accelerations and rotations may be present.
General Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry 145
2 Fermi Coordinates
To develop the relativistic analogs of Eqs. (1) and (2), we consider a congruence
of future-directed timelike paths representing the world lines of test masses in a
gravitational field. Next, we choose a reference path in the congruence and estab-
lish a local quasi-inertial Fermi system of geodesic coordinates in its neighbor-
hood. This is necessary in order to provide a physically meaningful interpretation
of the measurement of relative motion from the standpoint of the observer comov-
ing with the reference test mass along the fiducial world line x̄ μ (τ ). The observer
has proper time τ and carries an orthonormal tetrad frame λμ α̂ (τ ) along x̄ μ ; that
is, gμν λμ α̂ λν β̂ = ηα̂β̂ , where gμν is the spacetime metric and ηα̂β̂ is the Minkowski
metric given by diag(−1, 1, 1, 1) in our convention. Here, λμ 0̂ (τ ) = d x̄ μ /dτ is the
observer’s temporal axis and its local frame is carried along its path according to
Dλμ α̂
= φα̂ β̂ λμ β̂ , (3)
where φα̂β̂ is the observer’s antisymmetric acceleration tensor. Greek indices run
from 0 to 3, while Latin indices run from 1 to 3. The signature of the spacetime
metric is +2 and units are chosen such that c = G = 1, unless specified otherwise.
In close analogy with the electromagnetic field tensor, we can decompose the
acceleration tensor into its “electric” and “magnetic” components, namely, φα̂β̂ →
(−A, ), where A(τ ) is a spacetime scalar that represents the translational accel-
eration of the fiducial observer and (τ ) is a spacetime scalar that represents its
rotational acceleration. More precisely, the reference observer in general follows an
accelerated world line with
d 2 x̄ μ ν
μ d x̄ d x̄
+ νσ = Aμ , (4)
dτ 2 dτ dτ
Aμ = Aî λμ î (5)
and is the angular velocity of the rotation of the observer’s spatial frame with
respect to a locally nonrotating (i.e. Fermi–Walker transported) frame.
At each event x̄ μ (τ ) along the reference world line, we imagine all spacelike
geodesic curves that start out from this event and are normal to the reference world
line. These generate a local hypersurface. Let x μ be an event on this hypersurface
sufficiently close to the reference world line such that there is a unique spacelike
geodesic of proper length σ that connects x̄ μ (τ ) to x μ . We define ξ μ to be a unit
spacelike vector that is tangent to the unique spacelike geodesic at x̄ μ (τ ), so that
ξμ (τ ) λμ 0̂ (τ ) = 0. Then, to event x μ one assigns Fermi coordinates X μ̂ , where
X 0̂ := τ , X î := σ ξ μ (τ ) λμ î (τ ) . (6)
146 B. Mashhoon
are related to the local translational and rotational accelerations of the reference
observer, respectively, and
is the projection of the Riemann curvature tensor along x̄ μ on the tetrad frame of the
reference observer.
Fermi coordinates are invariantly defined and can have advantages over other
physically motivated coordinate systems such as radar coordinates [13]; therefore,
they have been applied in many different contexts. For instance, Fermi coordinates
have been employed to elucidate dynamics of astrophysical jets [14–18].
It is now straightforward to express the equation of motion of any other test mass
in the Fermi coordinate system and study the motion of the test mass relative to the
fiducial test mass that follows world line x̄ μ . This general framework is necessary
in practice, since the motion of the reference test mass may involve translational
and rotational accelerations of nongravitational origin. These are absent, however,
in the ideal case of purely tidal relative motion. To illustrate this ideal situation, let
us assume that φα̂β̂ = 0, so that the reference path x̄ μ is a timelike geodesic and the
orthonormal tetrad frame is parallel transported along the fiducial geodesic world
line, i.e. Dλμ α̂ /dτ = 0. The geodesic equation of motion of a free test particle in the
corresponding Fermi coordinates relative to the reference test mass that is fixed at the
spatial origin of Fermi coordinates can be expressed in terms of relative separation
X as
d 2 X î
+ R0̂î 0̂ ĵ X ĵ + 2 Rî k̂ ĵ 0̂ V k̂ X ĵ
dT 2
2 ˆ ˆ
+ 3R0̂k̂ ĵ 0̂ V î V k̂ + Rî k̂ ĵ lˆV k̂ V l + R0̂k̂ ĵ lˆV î V k̂ V l X ĵ + O(|X|2 ) = 0 .
This geodesic deviation equation is a generalized Jacobi equation [10] in which the
rate of geodesic separation (i.e. the relative velocity of the test particle) V = dX/dT
is in general arbitrary; however, |V| < 1 at X = 0. It is clear from Eq. (13) that all
of the curvature components in Eq. (12) can be measured from a careful study of
the motion of the test masses in the congruence relative to the fiducial observer.
Neglecting terms in the relative velocity V, Eq. (13) reduces to the Jacobi equation,
d 2 X î
+ Kî ĵ X ĵ + O(|X|2 ) = 0 , (14)
dT 2
which is the relativistic analog of the Newtonian tidal equation given by Eq. (1), and
At any event in spacetime, the Riemann curvature tensor can be decomposed into a
matter part and a part that is independent of matter; that is,
Rμνρσ = Cμνρσ + gμ[ρ Rσ]ν − gν[ρ Rσ]μ − (gμρ gνσ − gμσ gνρ ) R , (16)
where Cμνρσ is the traceless Weyl curvature tensor that represents the “free” grav-
itational field. At any point on the manifold, the Riemann tensor has in general 20
independent components, whereas the Ricci tensor has 10 independent components.
Beyond any point on the spacetime manifold, the two parts of the curvature tensor are
connected to each other via the Bianchi identity Rμν[ρσ;δ] = 0. Introducing decom-
position (16) into the Jacobi equation and employing a canonical null tetrad frame,
Szekeres has shown via the Petrov classification that the behavior of the free part of
the gravitational field can be described in terms of the superposition of a transverse
wave component, a longitudinal component and a Coulomb component [20]. The
matter part has been treated in [22]. Some of the basic astrophysical applications of
Eq. (14) have been studied in [9, 23, 24].
The Gravity Probe B (“GP-B”) experiment has recently measured the exterior
gravitomagnetic field of the Earth [25]. The gravitomagnetic field of a rotating mass
contributes to the spacetime curvature and can thus influence the relative tidal motion
of nearby test masses. In 1980, Braginsky and Polnarev [26] proposed an experiment
to measure such an effect in a space platform in orbit around the Earth, since they
claimed that such an approach could circumvent many of the difficulties associated
with the GP-B experiment. However, in 1982, Mashhoon and Theiss [27, 28] showed
that to measure the relativistic rotation-dependent tidal acceleration in a space plat-
form, the local gyroscopes that would fix the local spatial frame carried by the space
platform must satisfy the same performance criteria as in the GP-B experiment.
The achievements of the GP-B could possibly be integrated with Paik’s super-
conducting gravity gradiometer [29] in future space experiments in order to measure
the tidal influence of the gravitomagnetic field using an orbiting platform [30, 31].
We will consider the prediction of GR for the nature of the tidal matrix in such
experiments in Sect. 5.
Let us return to the main focus of relativistic gravity gradiometry, namely, the deter-
mination of the Riemann curvature tensor projected on the tetrad frame of the fiducial
observer as in Eq. (12). Taking advantage of the symmetries of the Riemann tensor,
this quantity can be represented by a 6 × 6 matrix R = (R I J ), where the indices I
and J range over the set (01, 02, 03, 23, 31, 12). Thus we can write
R= , (17)
B† S
General Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry 149
where E and S are symmetric 3 × 3 matrices and B is traceless. The tidal matrix E
represents the “electric” components of the curvature tensor as measured by the fidu-
cial observer, whereas B and S represent its “magnetic” and “spatial” components,
respectively. Imagine next an observer that is boosted with speed β in a given direc-
tion with respect to the fiducial observer at the same event in spacetime. Let R be
the Riemann curvature tensor as measured by the boosted observer. It turns out that
under the boost the elements of E, B and S in the direction parallel to the direction of
the boost are not affected, whereas those perpendicular to the direction of the boost
are enhanced by γ 2 , where γ = (1 − β 2 )−1/2 is the Lorentz factor; moreover, the
mixed elements are enhanced by a factor of γ. This circumstance is reminiscent of
the behavior of the electromagnetic field under a boost: The components of the elec-
tric field (E) and magnetic field (B) parallel to the direction of the boost remain the
same as before, while those perpendicular to the direction of the boost are enhanced
by a factor of γ.
In this way the strength of the gravitational field can be augmented by a factor of
γ 2 ; alternatively, one can say that the radius of curvature of spacetime measured by the
boosted observer is Lorentz contracted [32, 33]. In Ricci-flat regions of spacetime,
Eq. (17) simplifies, since S = −E, E is traceless and B is symmetric. Hence, the
Weyl curvature tensor with 10 independent components is completely determined
by its “electric” and “magnetic” components that are symmetric and traceless 3 × 3
These results imply that a gravity gradiometer would in general measure extremely
strong tidal forces when it moves very fast (β → 1). However, along certain excep-
tional directions in space, such as the radial direction in the exterior Schwarzschild
spacetime, tidal forces remain finite as β → 1 [32, 33]. Along such a special tidal
direction, the corresponding world line of the boosted observer approaches a null
direction in the local null cone as β → 1. In this way, special tidal directions are
associated with certain tidally nondestructive null directions in spacetime. The sig-
nificance of these null directions can be further elucidated via the invariant Petrov
classification of gravitational fields.
The Petrov classification involves the Weyl curvature tensor and provides an
invariant characterization of a gravitational field. This can be accomplished, for
instance, in terms of the principal null directions of the Weyl tensor. A vector k,
kα k α = 0, which satisfies the condition
is a principal null direction of the Weyl tensor. In a gravitational field, at least one
and at most four such null vectors exist at each event in spacetime [34, 35].
The basic mathematical connection between the special tidal directions and the
principal null directions of the Weyl tensor has been established by Beem and
Parker [36] and Hall and Hossack [37]. It turns out that in general a nondestruc-
tive null direction at a point p in spacetime is a principal null direction of the Weyl
tensor at p; moreover, it is a repeated principal null direction of the Weyl tensor at p
150 B. Mashhoon
for a real number σ at p. This means that in a Ricci-flat spacetime, or more generally
Rμν = gμν (20)
Cμνρσ N ν N σ = λ Nμ Nρ (21)
at p for a real number λ. There are at least zero and at most two such directions at
each event in Ricci-flat spacetimes.
Let us assume that the Weyl tensor vanishes at p, then a nondestructive null
direction at p exists if and only if it is a Ricci eigendirection at p. In this case, one
can have 0, 1, 2 or ∞ nondestructive null directions at p [37]. For instance, there are
no special tidal directions in any of the standard Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–
Walker cosmological models. However, every direction is a special tidal direction
in a spacetime of constant nonzero curvature, namely, de Sitter (or anti-de Sitter)
The behavior of the measured components of the Riemann curvature tensor under
boosts along special tidal directions can be determined based on the results given in
Ref. [33]. Let us consider, in particular, the Kerr gravitational field, which is of type
D in the Petrov classification. The Weyl tensor at each point in this spacetime has two
repeated principal null directions; therefore, there are two special tidal directions at
each event. For example, along the axis of rotation, the outgoing and ingoing radial
directions are the special tidal directions, see Ref. [14] for an extended treatment. In
general, along the special tidal directions in Kerr spacetime, the curvature remains
invariant under boosts (R = R); in fact, the “electric” and “magnetic” components
of the curvature can be made “parallel” such that the super-Poynting vector
v E×B
= 2 , (23)
1+v 2 E + B2
General Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry 151
renders the electric and magnetic fields parallel in the boosted frame. In the new iner-
tial frame, the Poynting vector vanishes and any boost along the common direction
of the fields leaves them invariant. The analogy between the electromagnetic field
and algebraically special gravitational fields of types D and N has been treated in
Ref. [33].
To get some idea regarding the form of the relativistic tidal matrix, it is instructive
to consider first the tidal field along stable circular orbits in the equatorial plane of
the Kerr spacetime. The exterior Kerr metric can be expressed as [38]
2 2Mr
ds 2 = −dt 2 + dr + dθ2 + (r 2 + a 2 ) sin2 θ dϕ2 + (dt − a sin2 θ dϕ)2 ,
where M is the mass of the gravitational source, a = J/M is the specific angular
momentum of the source, (t, r, θ, ϕ) are the standard Boyer–Lindquist coordinates
= r 2 + a 2 cos2 θ , = r 2 − 2Mr + a 2 . (25)
ω02 = . (27)
The circular geodesic orbit is such that at proper time τ = 0, the azimuthal coordinate
vanishes (i.e. ϕ = 0). Moreover, at this event, the initial directions of the orthonormal
triad λμ î , i = 1, 2, 3, point along the spherical polar coordinate directions. The spatial
triad then undergoes parallel propagation along the circular orbit. The resulting radial
and tangential components of the spatial frame, namely, λμ 1̂ and λμ 3̂ , respectively,
turn out to be periodic in τ with period 2π/ω0 . The difference between the orbital
frequency (26) and the Keplerian frequency ω0 leads to a combination of prograde
152 B. Mashhoon
where γ0 is given by
r02 − 2Mr0 + a 2
γ0 = . (32)
r02 − 3Mr0 + 2r02 aω0
More generally, the tidal matrix for arbitrary timelike geodesics of Kerr spacetime
has been calculated by Marck [40].
Let us next consider the tidal field along a tilted spherical orbit of fixed radial
coordinate r0 about a slowly rotating spherical mass. The exterior gravitational field
is represented by the Kerr metric linearized in the angular momentum parameter a or,
equivalently, the Schwarzschild metric plus the Thirring–Lense term. The symmetric
and traceless tidal matrix can be obtained from [39]
and 1/2
J 1 − 2 rM0 (1 + 2 rM0 )
:= −3 sin α sin η . (35)
M r02 ω0 1 − 3 rM0
Here, the angle α denotes the inclination of the orbit with respect to the equatorial
plane and η,
η := ωτ + η0 , ω= , (36)
(1 − 3 rM0 )1/2
is the angular position of the reference test mass in the orbital plane measured from
the line of the ascending node and η0 is a constant angle. For α = 0, the spherical
orbit under consideration turns into the circular equatorial orbit, = 0, reduces
at the linear order in a to γ0 and the tidal matrix agrees to first order in a with our
previous results for the equatorial circular orbit in Kerr spacetime.
6 Beat Effect
The off-diagonal terms K1̂2̂ = K2̂1̂ and K2̂3̂ = K3̂2̂ in the tidal matrix (33) represent
the beat phenomenon first pointed out in Ref. [27]. The beat effect involves frequen-
cies ω and ω0 with a beat frequency ω F := ω − ω0 . This is the frequency of the
gravitoelectric (geodetic) Fokker precession of an ideal test gyro following a circular
orbit about a spherical mass M. The tidal terms under consideration here that involve
have dominant amplitudes that are proportional to the angular momentum J and
are independent of the speed of light c.
In the work of Mashhoon and Theiss [27, 41–44], the resonance effect involving
ω and ω0 appeared in the calculation of the parallel-transported frame along the
tilted spherical orbit about a rotating mass. It resulted in a small divisor phenomenon
involving ω F . For a near-Earth orbit, the Fokker period 2π/ω F is about 105 years;
therefore, in practice the Mashhoon-Theiss effect shows up as a secular term in the
corresponding off-diagonal elements of the tidal matrix with amplitude
9 GJ 2
ω τ sin α , (37)
2 c2 r03 0
= (ω ge + ω gm ) × S , (38)
154 B. Mashhoon
3 GM G
ω ge = , ω gm = [3 (J · x) x − J r 2 ] , (39)
2 c2 r 3 c2 r 5
|x| = r and = x × v is the specific angular momentum of the gyro orbit. Here, ω ge
is the (gravitoelectric) geodetic precession frequency of the gyroscope, while ω gm is
its gravitomagnetic precession frequency. For the Earth, these precession frequencies
have been directly measured via GP-B [25], which involved four superconducting
gyroscopes and a telescope that were launched on 20 April 2004 into a polar Earth
orbit of radius 642 km aboard a drag-free satellite.
During a satellite gradiometry experiment over a period of time τ , we expect that
the spatial frame of the gradiometer would accumulate geodetic and gravitomagnetic
precession angles that are of order G M ω0 τ /(c2 r0 ) and G J τ /(c2 r03 ), respectively.
From the comparison of these angles with Eq. (37), it is clear that only the post-
Newtonian gravitomagnetic secular term survives in the calculation of the projection
of the Riemann tensor onto the tetrad frame of the gradiometer for the case of the
tilted spherical orbit. A recent detailed discussion of the beat effect is contained in
Ref. [39], which should be consulted for a more complete treatment of relativistic
gravity gradiometry in Kerr spacetime.
The results presented in the last two sections may be considered surprising and
contrary to expectations. That is, it may appear on the basis of Eq. (15) that the main
post-Newtonian terms in (Kî ĵ ) can be obtained intuitively by combining Newtonian
tides with the post-Newtonian motion of the spatial frame of the fiducial observer.
However, in practice the projection of the Riemann tensor onto the frame of the fidu-
cial observer involves detailed calculations in which the symmetries of the Riemann
tensor need to be carefully taken into account.
Finally, the results presented here can be used to find the main relativistic effects
in the motion of the Moon. Consider the nearly circular orbit of the Earth-Moon
system about the Sun. In the Fermi normal coordinate system established along this
orbit, the solar tidal acceleration −Kî ĵ X ĵ is a small perturbation on the dynamics
of the Earth-Moon system. Here Kî ĵ is essentially given by Eq. (33) and we recall
that the ecliptic has a small inclination of α ≈ 0.1 with respect to the equatorial
plane of the Sun. In this way, the main relativistic tidal effects in the motion of the
Moon relative to the Earth caused by the gravitational field of the Sun have been
determined [48–50].
7 Post-Schwarzschild Approximation
The exterior vacuum field of a spherically symmetry mass can be uniquely described
by the Schwarzschild spacetime. Small deviations from spherical symmetry can
then be treated in the post-Schwarzschild approximation scheme. This method was
employed by Mashhoon and Theiss in their investigation of the relativistic tidal
matrix for a gradiometer in orbit about a rotating mass [27, 41–44]. Thus in the
General Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry 155
8 Discussion
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156 B. Mashhoon
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Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity
Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy
Sergei Kopeikin
S. Kopeikin (B)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri,
322 Physics Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
e-mail: kopeikins@missouri.edu
URL: https://physics.missouri.edu/people/kopeikin
1 Introduction
This chapter reviews the results of our previous studies of the relativistic geoid, ref-
erence ellipsoid and equipotential surface of rotating fluid body which we conducted
over decades and published in a number of articles [1–4] and in textbook [5].
Gravitational field of the Earth has a complicated spatial structure that is also subject
to short and long temporal variations [6–8]. Studying this structure and its time evolu-
tion is a primary goal of many scientific disciplines such as fundamental astronomy,
celestial mechanics, geodesy, gravimetry, etc. The principal component of the Earth’s
gravity field is well approximated by radially-isotropic field that can be thought as
being generated by either a point-like massive particle located at the geocenter or
by a massive sphere (or a shell) having a spherically-symmetric distribution of mass
inside it. According to the Newtonian gravity law the spheres (shells) of different size
and/or of different spherically-symmetric stratifications of the mass density generate
the same radially-isotropic gravitational field under condition that the masses of the
spheres (shells) are equal. The same statement holds in general relativity where it is
known under the name of Birkhoff’s theorem [9]. The radially-isotropic component
of the Earth’s gravity field is often called a monopole as it is characterized by a single
parameter - the Earth’s mass, M. Generally speaking, the total mass M of the Earth
is not constant because of the loss of hydrogen and helium from atmosphere, gradual
cooling of the Earth’s core and mantle, energy loss due to tidal friction, the dust accre-
tion from an outer space, etc. Nonetheless, the temporal change of the Earth’s overall
mass is minuscule, Ṁ/M ≤ 10−15 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_mass], and
can be neglected in most cases. Thus, in the present chapter we consider the Earth’s
mass, M, as constant. The time variability of mass does not affect the radial isotropy
of the monopole field. It only changes its strength.
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 161
W =U +T . (1)
Notice that on the surface of rotating Earth there is also a centrifugal force besides
the force of gravity. The potential of the centrifugal force is considered as a well-
defined quantity which can be easily calculated at each point of space. Therefore,
although the potential is small compared with U , it is not included to the pertur-
bation T but considered as a part of the normal gravity field potential U that consists
of the gravitational potential V of a non-rotating Earth, and the centrifugal potential
U = V +. (2)
Positions of reference points (geodetic stations) on the Earths surface can now be
determined with precision at the level of few millimeters and their variation over
time at the level of 1 mm/year, or even better [16]. Continuous geodetic observa-
tions become more and more fundamental for many Earth-science applications at the
global and local levels like large scale and local Earth-crust deformation; global tec-
tonic motion; redistribution of geophysical fluids on or near Earths surface including
ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and the terrestrial hydrosphere; monitoring of the
mean sea level and its variability for evaluation its impact on global warming, and
many others [8]. All these important applications depend fundamentally on the avail-
ability and accuracy of the global International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS).
In addition to the above-mentioned geoscience applications, the ITRS – through its
realization by an International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), is an indispens-
able reference needed to ensure the integrity of Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS), such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and clock’s synchronization [11].
It is believed that the requirements of geoscience to measurement precision,
including the most stringent one – the mean sea level variability, are to reach the
availability of the reference frame that will be reliable, stable and accessible at the
positional accuracy down to 1 mm, and stability of 0.1 mm/year [17]. It is crucial
to reach this accuracy from both scientific and practical points of view as economy
and safety of modern society is extremely vulnerable to even small changes in sea
level [18]. Stability of the reference frame means that no discontinuity or drift should
occur in its time evolution, especially for its defining physical parameters, namely
the origin and the scale. Unfortunately, the current level of reference frame accu-
racy (based on the latest ITRF realization) is about ten times worse than the science
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 163
requirement [19]. New technological methods and theoretical models are required
to fill up this gap.
Relativistic effects of gravitational field of Earth have a fractional order of 1
ppb or about 1 cm on a geospatial scale. Albeit small, they depend globally on the
geographic position of observer and produce a systematic bias in the height mea-
surements, unless properly taken into account. It is, therefore, mandatory to switch
from the Newtonian paradigm to general theory of relativity in order to thoroughly
accommodate relativistic effects to geodesy. Nowadays, it is commonly accepted that
a network of high precision clocks and their comparison will be able to significantly
contribute to the solution of the problem of stability and accuracy of a new generation
ITRF through very precise determination of height differences and relative velocities
of clocks participating in the network [20]. In addition to the highly precise geomet-
rical coordinates of the ITRF (such as ellipsoidal heights), clock measurements will
help to consistently provide physical heights at the reference points of observatories
[21–23]. Since clocks, according to general relativity, directly measure the differ-
ence of gravitational potential this opens up a fundamentally new conceptual basis
for physical geodesy, that is, an unambiguous geoid determination and realization of
a new global dynamic reference system.
For thorough theoretical description of clock’s behaviour in gravitational field,
one has to take into account all special and general relativistic effects like gravi-
tational red shift, Doppler effect, gravitational (Shapiro) time delay, Sagnac effect,
and even Lense-Thirring effect which appears as gravitomagnetic clock effect [24,
25]. All these effects depend on clocks relative motion and strength of gravitational
field. Based on this we can solve the inverse problem to model the mass density and
height variations affecting the clock measurement, e.g., related to the solid Earth
tides. Gravitational effects associated with Earth’s rotation and tides limit the metro-
logical network of ground-based atomic clocks at fractional level 10−16 [26], and
must be accurately calculated and subtracted from clock’ readings. Further interest-
ing details in developing theoretical and technological approaches to solving this
problem can be found in the presentations of participants of ISSI-Bern workshop on
spacetime metrology, clocks and relativistic geodesy [http://www.issibern.ch/teams/
spacetimemetrology/], and in a review article [20].
This section would be incomplete without mentioning the other branches of mod-
ern geodesy which are tightly connected with the experimental gravitational physics
and fully based on the mathematical apparatus of general relativity. This includes
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) that is used as a main tool of the Interna-
tional Earth Rotation Service (IERS) for monitoring precession, nutation and wobble
(polar motion) as well as for producing the International Celestial and Terrestrial Ref-
erence Frames (ICRF and ITRF respectively). VLBI requires taking into account a
stunning number of relativistic effects which are outlined in corresponding papers
and recorded in IAU resolutions (see, e.g. [11, 27, 28]). Motion of geodetic satel-
lites must take into account a significant number of relativistic effects as well, like
geodetic precession, Lense-Thirring effect, relativistic quadrupole, relativistic tidal
effects, etc. General-relativistic model of relativistic effects in the orbital motion of
geodetic and navigation spacecraft has been worked out by Brumberg and Kopeikin
164 S. Kopeikin
[29, 30] (c.f. [31]). It was numerically analysed in a number of recent papers [32–35]
studying a feasibility of observing various relativistic effects. A particular attention
has been recently paid to experimental measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect in
the orbital motion of LAGEOS and LARES satellites [36–39]. This experimental
study is especially important for relativistic astrophysics because the Lense-Thirring
effect is considered as a main driving mechanism for the enormous release of energy
in quasars and active galactic nuclei caused by accretion of matter on a central,
supermassive Kerr black hole [40].
One of the important relativistic problem in geodesy is the description of normal
gravity field of Earth represented as the international reference ellipsoid that is used
as a reference for geodetic and gravimetric measurements. The goal of the present
chapter is to provide the reader with a solution of this problem.
In classic geodesy the normal gravity field of the Earth is generated by a rigidly
rotating bi-axial ellipsoid which is made of a perfect (non-viscous) fluid of uniform
density, ρc which value is determined from the known total mass and volume of
the Earth. In the Newtonian theory this is the only possible distribution of mass
density because any other mass distribution of rotating fluid yields the shape of the
body being different from the bi-axial ellipsoid [10, 41]. Relativistic geodesy is an
advanced branch of physical geodesy that is based on Einstein’s general relativity
which supersedes the Newtonian theory of gravity. General relativistic approach
requires reconsidering the concept of the normal gravity field by taking into account
the curvature of spacetime manifold and other post-Newtonian effects caused by
Earth’s mass.
General theory of relativity replaces a single gravitational potential, V , with ten
potentials which are components of the metric tensor gαβ , where, here and anywhere
else, the Greek indexes α, β, γ, . . . take values from the set {0, 1, 2, 3}. General rela-
tivity modifies gravitational field equation of the Newtonian theory correspondingly.
More specifically, instead of a single Poisson equation for the scalar potential V ,
general relativity introduces ten partial differential equations of the second order for
the metric tensor components. These equations are known as Einstein’s equations [5]
1 8πG
Rαβ − gαβ R = 4 Tαβ , (3)
2 c
where Rαβ is the Ricci tensor, R = g αβ Rαβ is the Ricci scalar, Tαβ is the tensor
of energy-momentum of matter which is the source of gravitational field, G is the
universal gravitational constant, and c is the fundamental speed of the Minkowski
spacetime that is equal to the speed of light in vacuum or to the speed of propagation
of weak gravitational waves.
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 165
The left part of (3) is called the Einstein tensor which is a hyperbolic differential
operator of the second order in partial derivatives applied to the metric tensor gαβ
[42]. The Einstein tensor is non-linear and, for this reason, Einstein’s equations (3)
cannot be solved exactly in the most physical situations of practical importance. In
order to circumvent this difficulty researchers resort to iterative approximations to
solve the Einstein equations. One of the most elaborated iterative schemes is called
the post-Newtonian approximations (PNA) which basics are discussed in Sect. 2 in
more detail. In many astrophysical applications (especially in gravitational-wave
astronomy) one needs to make several post-Newtonian approximations for calcu-
lating observable effects [43]. For the purposes of relativistic geodesy and celestial
mechanics of the solar system the first post-Newtonian approximation is usually
sufficient [5] though there are indications that one may soon need a second PN
approximation [44] and exact, axially-symmetric solutions of general relativity [2,
45, 46].
The problem of determination of a figure of rotating fluid body is formidably
difficult already in the Newtonian theory [41]. It becomes even more complicated in
general relativity because of non-linearity of the Einstein equations. Geophysics is
interested in finding distribution of mass density inside the Earth to understand better
its thermal behaviour and seismological response. The interior structure of the Earth is
also important for the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) to account properly
for free core nutation (FCN) in calculation of polar wobble and tidal variations of
the Earth’s rotational velocity affected by the elasticity of the Earth’s interior [11].
Geodesy does not require precise distribution of mass density inside the Earth as it
basically needs to know the surface of equal geopotential (geoid) and the gravity
anomalies in the domain being exterior to geoid. Geoid’s reconstruction from the
gravity anomalies utilizes the normal gravity field for solving the integral equations
of the Stokes -Molodensky problem [8]. As a rule, the most simple, homogeneous
distribution of mass density inside the Earth is used to model the normal gravity
field. Attempts to operate with more realistic distributions of mass inside the Earth
led to the models of the normal gravity field which turned out to be too complicated
for practical computations and were abandoned.
We emphasize that the internal density distribution and the surface of the rotating
fluid body taken for modelling the normal gravity field must be consistent with the
laws of the theory of gravitation. In the Newtonian theory the surface of the uniformly
rotating homogeneous fluid is a bi-axial ellipsoid of revolution - the Maclaurin ellip-
soid [41]. More realistic, non-homogeneous distribution of mass of the rotating fluid
does not allow it to be the ellipsoid of revolution yielding more complicated figure
having a spheroidal surface [8, 10]. Such models have less practical significance in
geodesy because of a more complicated structure of the normal gravity field.
One would think that modeling the normal gravity field in relativistic geodesy
could be achieved by finding an exact solution of the Einstein equations which New-
tonian limit corresponds to the homogeneous Maclaurin ellipsoid. Unfortunately,
the exact solutions of general relativity describing gravity field of a single body
consisting of homogeneous, incompressible fluid are currently known only for
spherically-symmetric, non-rotating configurations [47–49]. There is a certain
166 S. Kopeikin
2 Post-Newtonian Approximations
Discussion of relativistic geodesy starts from the construction of the spacetime man-
ifold for the case of a rigidly rotating fluid body having the same mass as the mass
of the Earth. We shall employ Einstein’s general relativity to build such a manifold
though some other alternative theories of gravity discussed, for example in textbook
[60], can be used as well. Einstein’s gravitational field equations (3) represent a
system of ten non-linear differential equations in partial derivatives for ten compo-
nents of the (symmetric) metric tensor, gαβ , which represents gravitational potentials
generalizing the Newtonian gravitational potential V . Because the equations are dif-
ficult to solve exactly due to their non-linearity, we resort for their solution to the
post-Newtonian approximations (PNA) [60, 61].
The PNA are the most effective in case of slowly-moving matter having a weak
gravitational field. This is exactly the situation in the solar system which makes PNA
highly appropriate for constructing relativistic theory of reference frames [27], and
for relativistic celestial mechanics, astrometry and geodesy [5, 62, 63]. The PNA are
based on the assumption that solution of the Einstein equations for the metric tensor
can be presented in the form of a Taylor expansion of the metric tensor with respect
to the inverse powers of the fundamental speed, c, that is equal to the speed of light
in vacuum and the speed of weak gravitational waves in general relativity.
Exact mathematical formulation of a set of basic axioms required for doing the
post-Newtonian expansion was given by Rendall [64]. Practically, it requires having
several small parameters characterizing the source of gravity which is often is an
isolated astronomical system comprised of extended bodies. The parameters are: εi ∼
vi /c, εe ∼ ve /c, and ηi ∼ Ui /c2 , ηe ∼ Ue /c2 , where vi is a characteristic velocity of
motion of matter inside the body, ve is a characteristic velocity of the relative motion
of the bodies with respect to each other, Ui is the internal gravitational potential of
each body, and Ue is the external gravitational potential between the bodies. If one
denotes a characteristic radius of a body as and a characteristic distance between the
bodies as R, the estimates of the internal and external gravitational potentials will be,
Ui G M/ and Ue G M/R, where M is a characteristic mass of the body. Due to
the virial theorem of the Newtonian gravity theory [53] the small parameters are not
independent. Specifically, one has εi2 ∼ ηi and ε2e ∼ ηe . Hence, parameters, εi and εe ,
characterizing the slow motion of matter, are sufficient in doing the iterative solution
of the Einstein equations by the post-Newtonian approximations. Because within the
solar system these parameters do not significantly differ from each other, we shall not
distinguish between them. Quite often we shall use notation, κ ≡ πGρc a 2 /c2 ∼ ηi ,
to mark the powers of the fundamental speed c in the post-Newtonian terms.
We assume that physical spacetime within the solar system has the metric ten-
sor denoted gαβ . This spacetime is well-approximated in case of the slow-motion
and weak-field post-Newtonian approximation, by a background manifold which is
the Minkowski spacetime having the metric tensor denoted ηαβ = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1).
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 169
Einstein’s equations admit a gauge freedom associated with the arbitrariness in choos-
ing coordinate charts covering the spacetime manifold. The gauge freedom is used
to simplify the structure of Einstein’s equations. The most convenient choice is asso-
ciated with the harmonic coordinates x α = (x 0 , x i ), where x 0 = ct, and t is the
coordinate time. The class of the harmonic coordinates is used by the International
Astronomical Union for description of the relativistic coordinates systems and for
the data reduction [11, 27] as well as in relativistic geodesy [4, 65] The harmonic
coordinates are defined by imposing the de Donder gauge condition on the metric
tensor [66, 67], √
∂α −gg αβ = 0 . (4)
Imposing the harmonic gauge greatly simplifies the Einstein equation (3) and allows
us to solve them by the post-Newtonian iterations.
Because gravitational field of the solar system is weak and motion of matter is
slow, we can solve Einstein’s equations by post-Newtonian approximations. In fact,
the first post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity is fully sufficient for the
purposes of relativistic geodesy. We focus in this chapter on calculation of the normal
gravitational field of the Earth generated by uniformly rotating ideal (perfect) fluid.
Under these assumptions the spacetime interval has the following form [5]
where the post-Newtonian expressions for the metric tensor components read
2V (t, x) 2V 2 (t, x) 1
g00 (t, x) = −1 + − +O 6 , (6a)
c2 c4 c
4V i (t, x) 1
g0i (t, x) = − +O 5 , (6b)
c3 c
2V (t, x) 1
gi j (t, x) = δi j 1 + +O 4 . (6c)
c2 c
with ρ = ρ(t, x) being the mass density, p = p(t, x) and v i = v i (t, x) – pressure
and velocity of matter respectively, and = (t, x) is the specific internal energy of
matter per unit mass. We emphasize that ρ is the local mass density of baryons per unit
of invariant (3-dimensional) volume element dV = −gu 0 d 3 x, where u 0 = dt/dτ
170 S. Kopeikin
is the time component of the 4-velocity of matter’s particle, where dτ = −ds 2 /c
is the proper time of the particle.1 The local mass density, ρ, relates in the post-
Newtonian approximation to the invariant mass density ρ∗ = −gu 0 ρ, which post-
Newtonian expression is given by [5]
∗ ρ 1 2 1
ρ =ρ+ 2 v + 3V +O 4 . (9)
c 2 c
The internal energy, , is related to pressure, p, and the local density, ρ, through the
thermodynamic equation (the law of conservation of energy)
d + pd =0, (10)
The velocity of the rigidly rotating fluid is a linear function of spatial coordinates,
v i = εi jk ω j x k , (12)
v i ∂i ρ = 0 , (13)
which is equivalent to dρ/dt = 0, and means that the linear velocity v i of the fluid
is tangent to the surfaces of constant density ρ.
1 Theminus sign in definition of the proper time appears because ds 2 < 0 due to the choice of the
metric signature shown in (6a)–(6c).
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 171
is called the second eccentricity [8], and we notice that 0 ≤ κ ≤ ∞. In terms of the
second eccentricity, the focal parameter α = bκ.
It is worth noticing that Eq. (15) looks similar to that used for definition of the
Boyer–Lindquist coordinates which have been used in astrophysical studies of the
Kerr black hole that is an exact axisymmetric solution of vacuum Einstein’s equation
[68, chapter 17]. Nonetheless, the oblate ellipsoidal coordinates, {σ, θ, φ} that we
172 S. Kopeikin
use in this chapter don’t coincide with the Boyer–Lindquist coordinates which are
connected to the original, non-harmonic, Kerr coordinates.
The volume of integration in the ellipsoidal coordinates is
d 3 x = α3 σ 2 + cos2 θ dσd , (17)
where d = sin θdθdφ is the infinitesimal element of the solid angle in the direction
of the unit vector
where ( î, ĵ , k̂) are the unit vectors along the axes of the Cartesian coordinates
(x, y, z) respectively. Notice that the unit vector x̂ is different from the unit vec-
tor of the external normal n̂ to the surface S that is given by
x = R sin cos ,
y = R sin sin ,
z = R cos . (20)
where dO = sin dd is the infinitesimal element of the solid angle in the spher-
ical coordinates in the direction of the unit vector
Comparing (15) and (20) we can find out a transformation between the oblate
elliptical coordinates, (σ, θ, φ), and the spherical coordinates, (r, , ), given by
1 + σ 2 sin θ = r sin , σ cos θ = r cos , φ=. (23)
The radial elliptical coordinate, σ and the radial spherical coordinate, r , are interre-
r 2 = σ 2 + sin2 θ . (24)
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 173
Solving (23) and (24) we get a direct transformation between the elliptical and
spherical coordinates in explicit form [6, equation (20.24)]
⎛ ⎞
r − 1 ⎝1 + 1 + 4r 2 cos 2 ⎠,
2 (r 2 − 1)2
r cos
cos θ = ⎛ ⎞. (25)
r − 1 ⎝ 4r cos ⎠
2 2
1+ 1+ 2
2 (r − 1)2
The approximate form of the relations (25) for relatively large values of the radial
coordinate, r 1, reads
sin2 sin2
σr− + ... , cos θ = cos 1 + + ... . (26)
2r 2r
The Einstein equations (7), (8) represent the Poisson equations with the known right-
hand side. The most straightforward solution of these equations can be achieved with
the technique of the Green function G(x, x ) that satisfies the Poisson equation,
where, = ∂x2 + ∂ y2 + ∂z2 , is the Laplace operator, and δ (3) (x − x ) is the Dirac
delta-function in the harmonic coordinates {x, y, z}. We need the Green function in
the oblate ellipsoidal coordinates, {σ, θ, φ}. In these coordinates the Laplace operator
1 ∂2 ∂ ∂2
≡ 2 2 (1 + σ 2 ) 2 + 2σ + 2
α σ + cos θ 2 ∂σ ∂σ ∂θ
∂ σ + cos θ ∂ 2
2 2
+ cot θ + . (28)
∂θ (1 + σ 2 ) sin2 θ ∂φ2
After substituting this form of the operator to the left side of (27), and applying
a standard procedure of finding a Green function [69], we get the Green function,
G(x, x ), in the ellipsoidal coordinates. It is represented in the form of expansion
with respect to the ellipsoidal harmonics [70, 71]
174 S. Kopeikin
G(x, x ) =
|x − x |
∞ m= (−|m|)!
⎪ ∗
⎨ α =0 m=− (+|m|)! q|m| σ p|m| (σ) Ym ( x̂ )Ym ( x̂) : (σ ≤ σ )
⎩ ∞ m=
α =0
m=− (+|m|)!
p|m| σ q|m| (σ) Ym ( x̂ )Ym ( x̂) : (σ ≤ σ).
Here, pm (u) and qm (u) are the modified (real-valued) associated Legendre func-
tions of a real argument u, that are related to the associated Legendre functions of
an imaginary argument, Pm (iu) and Q m (iu), by the following definition2
Pm (iu) = i n pm (u) , Q m (iu) = qm (u) , (30)
i +1
where i is the imaginary unit, i 2 = −1. In case, when the index m = 0 we shall use
notations, p (u) ≡ p0 (u), and, q (u) ≡ q0 (u). We shall also use special notation
for the associated Legendre functions taken on the surface of ellipsoid of rotation
having a fixed radial coordinate σ = 1/κ. More specifically, we shall simply omit
the argument of the surface functions, for example, we shall denote p ≡ p (1/κ)
and q ≡ q (1/κ). Several modified associated Legendre functions which are ubiq-
uitously used in the present chapter, are shown in Table 1.
Functions Ym ( x̂) in (29) are the standard spherical harmonics3
2 We remind that the associated Legendre functions of the imaginary argument, z = x + i y, are
defined for all z except at a cut line along the real axis, −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. The associated Legendre
functions of a real argument are defined only on the cut line, −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 [69, Section 12.10].
3 Definition of the associated Legendre polynomials adopted in the present chapter follows [72,
Sec. 8.81]. It differs by a factor (−1)m from the definition of the associated Legendre polynomials
adopted in the book [10].
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 175
where Pm (cos θ) are the associated Legendre polynomials, and the normalization
( − |m|)!
Cm ≡ (2 + 1) . (32)
( + |m|)!
The spherical harmonics are complex, Ym ( x̂) = Y,−m ( x̂), and form an orthonormal
basis in the Hilbert space, that is for |m| ≤ , |m | ≤ the integral over a unit sphere
S 2,
Ym ( x̂)Y m ( x̂)d = 4πδ δmm , (33)
G(x, x ) =
|x − x |
⎧ ∞
⎪ 1
⎪ (2 + 1)q σ p (σ) P (cos θ )P (cos θ) : (σ ≤ σ )
⎨ α =0
⎪ ∞
⎪ 1
⎪ (2 + 1) p σ q (σ) P (cos θ )P (cos θ) : (σ ≤ σ) ,
⎩ α
P (cos θ)Pm (cos θ) sin θdθ = δm . (35)
2 + 1
In what follows the following expressions are used for connecting different Leg-
endre polynomials between themselves and with the trigonometric functions,
cos2 θ = [1 + 2P2 (cos θ)] ,
sin2 θ = [1 − P2 (cos θ)] , (36)
sin θ P11 (cos θ) = − [1 − P2 (cos θ)] ,
sin θ P31 (cos θ) = − [P2 (cos θ) − P4 (cos θ)] , (37)
1 + σ 2 q11 (σ) = [q0 (σ) + q2 (σ)] ,
176 S. Kopeikin
1 + σ 2 q31 (σ) = [q2 (σ) + q4 (σ)] , (38)
in order to make transformations of integrands in the process of calculation of grav-
itational potentials.
V (x) = VN (x) + 2 V pN (x) , (39)
ρ(x ) 3
VN (x) = G d x , (40)
|x − x |
ρ(x ) 2 3 p(x ) 3
V pN (x) = G 2v (x ) + 2V (x ) + (x ) + d x , (41)
|x − x | ρ(x )
where the field point has harmonic coordinates x. In order to calculate the above
integrals we have to know the distribution of mass density ρ, pressure p, velocity v i ,
and the internal energy density of the fluid , as well as the boundary of the volume
V occupied by the fluid.
Real Earth is near equilibrium shape. Small measurable changes in shape of the
equipotential surface are from post-glacial viscous rebound, elastic adjustments to
the shifting mass from melting glaciers, plate tectonics, and other long-wavelength
geoid variations [76]. These factors are important in studying the problem of the
dynamic Earth. However, our goal in the present chapter is more pragmatic and
relates to the study of relativistic corrections in Earth’s gravity field. Therefore, we
shall neglect the dynamic changes in the distribution of masses and Earth’s shape.
According to previous studies [1, 54] the surfaces of the equal gravity potential,
density, pressure, and the internal energy coincide both in the Newtonian and the
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 177
where ρc is a constant density at the center of the spheroid, and F(x) is a homothetic
function of ellipsoidal distribution with respect to its center,
q1 x 2 + y2 z2
F(x) = A 2 + , (44)
κ a2 b2
q1 ≡ q1 (1/κ), and the constant parameter A = A() is kept arbitrary in the course
of the calculations that follow. We shall find the equations constraining the value
of the parameter A later. Such type of the density distribution has been chosen
because it is consistent with the distribution of pressure, at least in the post-Newtonian
approximation (see below). The ratio q1 /κ 2 was introduced to (44) explicitly to
make the subsequent formulas look less cumbersome. We notice that the choice of
the distribution (44) allows us to handle calculations analytically in a closed form
without series expansion while other assumptions on the mass distribution would
lead to analytical results that are more complicated than the results given in this
Distribution (44) in the ellipsoidal coordinates takes on the following form
It is worth noticing that the ellipsoidal distribution of density (45) means that the
surfaces of constant density are not the same as the surfaces of constant value of the
radial coordinate σ. The density ρ remains dependent on the angular coordinate θ
everywhere inside the ellipsoid except at its surface, where σ = 1/κ with the post-
Newtonian accuracy, and R(κ −1 , θ) = −2 . We also draw attention of the reader that
in the limiting case of vanishing oblateness, κ → 0, the post-Newtonian correction
to the density is not singular because lim κ −2 q1 = 1/3.
Distribution of pressure inside the rotating homogeneous fluid is obtained by
integrating the law of the hydrostatic equilibrium. Pressure enters calculations of
the integrals characterizing the gravitational field, only at the post-Newtonian terms.
Hence, it is sufficient to know its distribution to the Newtonian approximation which
is easily obtained by solving the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium [41, 77]
178 S. Kopeikin
p(x) = 2πGρ2c a 2 1 − 2 R(σ, θ) , (47)
where we have denoted q1 ≡ q1 (1/κ) once again. The internal energy is also required
for calculation of the integrals only in terms of the post-Newtonian order of magni-
tude. In this approximation the internal energy can be considered as constant,
(x) = 0 , (48)
in correspondence with the thermodynamic equation (10) solved for the constant
density, ρ = ρc . From now on we incorporate the constant thermodynamic energy to
the central density and will not show 0 explicitly in our calculations. Because the
fluid rotates uniformly in accordance with the law (12), we have for the distribution
of the velocity squared,
v 2 (x) = ω 2 α2 1 + σ 2 sin2 θ . (49)
All integrals are calculated over a (yet unknown) volume occupied by the rotating
fluid. The surface of the rotating, self-gravitating fluid is a surface of vanishing
pressure that coincides with the surface of an equal gravitational potential [1, 53,
54]. In classical geodesy the reference figure for calculation of geoid’s undulation is
the Maclaurin ellipsoid which is a surface of the second order formed by a rigidly
rotating fluid of constant density ρ. Maclaurin’s ellipsoid is described by a polynomial
x 2 + y2 z2
+ =1, (50)
a2 b2
where a and b are semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipsoid. We also assume
a > b, and define the eccentricity of the Maclaurin ellipsoid as
a 2 − b2
e≡ . (51)
Physically, the ellipsoidal shape of rotating, self-gravitating fluid is formed because
the Newtonian gravity potential is a scalar function represented by a polynomial of
the second order with respect to the Cartesian spatial coordinates, and the differential
Euler equation defining the equilibrium of the gravity and pressure is of the first order
partial different equation which leads to the quadratic (w.r.t. the coordinates) equation
of the level surface [41].
We shall demonstrate in the following sections that in the post-Newtonian approx-
imation the gravity potential, W , of the rotating fluid is a polynomial of the
fourth order as was first noticed by Chandrasekhar [53]. Hence, the post-Newtonian
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 179
x 2 + y2 z2
+ = 1 + κQ(x) , (52)
a2 b2
The equatorial and polar radii of the PN-spheroid should be used in the post-
Newtonian approximation instead of the equatorial and polar radii of the Maclaurin
reference-ellipsoid for calculation of observable physical effects like the normal grav-
ity force. We characterize the ‘oblateness’ of the PN-spheroid by the post-Newtonian
re2 − r 2p
≡ . (56)
It differs from the eccentricity (51) of the Maclaurin ellipsoid by relativistic correction
4 Post-newtonian definitions of mass, center of mass, and other multipole moments can be found,
for example, in [5].
180 S. Kopeikin
Fig. 1 Meridional cross-section of the PN-spheroid (a red curve in on-line version) versus the
Maclaurin ellipsoid (a blue curve in on-line version). The top panel represents the most general
case with arbitrary values of the PN-spheroid shape parameters K1 , K2 , B1 , B2 when the equatorial,
re , and polar, r p , radii of the PN-spheroid differ from the semi-major, a, and semi-minor, b, axes of
the Maclaurin ellipsoid, re = a, r p = b. The bottom panel shows the most important physical case
of B1 = K1 , B2 = K2 when the equatorial and polar radii of the PN-spheroid and the Maclaurin
ellipsoid are equal. The angle ϕ is the geographic latitude (−90◦ ≤ ϕ ≤ 90◦ ), and the angle θ is
a complementary angle (co-latitude) used for calculation of integrals in appendix of the present
chapter (0 ≤ θ ≤ π). In general, when B1 = K1 , and/or B2 = K2 , the maximal radial difference
(the ’height’ difference) between the surface of the PN-spheroid and that of the Maclaurin ellipsoid
can amount to a relatively large value of several centimeters, and even more. In case of B1 = K1 ,
B2 = K2 the radial undulation between the two surfaces is defined by the parameter B3 ≡ B, and
it does not exceed one centimeter
1 − e2
=e−κ (K2 − K1 ) + (B2 − B1 ) . (57)
PN-spheroid versus the Maclaurin ellipsoid is visualized in Fig. 1.
Theoretical formalism for calculating the post-Newtonian level surface can be
worked out in arbitrary coordinates. For mathematical and historic reasons the most
convenient are harmonic coordinates which are also used by the IAU [27] and IERS
[11]. The class of the harmonic coordinates is selected by the gauge condition (4).
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 181
ξ α = 0 . (59)
Solution of the Laplace equation which is convergent at the origin of the coordi-
nate system, is given in terms of the harmonic polynomials which are selected by
the conditions imposed by the statement of the problem. In our case, the problem
is to determine the shape of the PN-spheroid which has the surface described by
the polynomial of the fourth order (62) with yet unknown coefficients B1 , B2 , B3 .
The form of the Eq. (62) does not change (in the post-Newtonian approximation) if
the functions ξ α in (58) are polynomials of the third order. It is straightforward to
show that the admissible harmonic polynomials of the third order have the following
x 2
ξ 1 = hx + p 2
σ − 4z 2 , (60a)
ξ = hy + p 2 σ 2 − 4z 2 ,
ξ 3 = kz + q 2 3σ 2 − 2z 2 , (60c)
where h, k, p and q are arbitrary constant parameters. Polynomials (60a)–(60c) rep-
resent solutions of the Laplace equation (59). We choose ξ 0 = 0 because we consider
stationary spacetime so all functions are time-independent.
Coordinate transformation (58) with ξ i taken from (60a)–(60c) does not violate
the harmonic gauge condition (4) but it changes the numerical post-Newtonian coef-
ficients in the mathematical form of Eqs. (52) and (53)
K1 → K1 + 2h , (61a)
K2 → K2 + 2k , (61b)
B1 → B1 + 2 p , (61c)
B2 → B2 − 4q , (61d)
b2 a2
B3 → B3 − 8 p 2 + 6q 2 , (61e)
a b
Thus, it makes evident that only one out of the five coefficients K1 , K2 , B1 , B2 , B3
is algebraically independent while the four others can be chosen arbitrary. To sim-
182 S. Kopeikin
plify our calculations and eliminate the gauge-dependent terms from mathematical
equations we decide to fix the numerical values of four parameters K1 , K2 , B1 , B2 .
The constant B3 is left free. It is fixed by the condition of a hydrostatic equilibrium
of the rotating fluid body (see Sect. 7.3).
One of the most simple and attractive choice of fixing the residual gauge freedom
is K1 = K2 = B1 = B2 = 0. This choice of the residual gauge has been employed
in our papers [3, 4]. It is particularly useful for conducting calculations in the Carte-
sian coordinates. With such a choice of the coordinates the polar radius r p = b, the
equatorial radius re = a, the eccentricity of the PN-spheroid = e, and function
σ2 z 2
Q(x) ≡ B3 . (62)
a 2 b2
In the ellipsoidal coordinates it is more convenient to define the surface of the
rotating fluid by the following equation,
1 ω2 a2
σs = 1 + B 2 2 P2 (cos θ) , (63)
κ c
where B = B() is a constant arbitrary parameter which possible numerical value will
be discussed below at the end of Sect. 6.1 and in Sect. 7.3. The reason for picking up
equation of the surface of PN-spheroid in the form of (63) is a matter of mathematical
convenience. It is worth making two remarks. First, the appearance of 2 , in the
denominator in the right side of (63) does not lead to divergence as the angular
velocity of rotation ω 2 ∼ 2 . Second, Eq. (63) corresponds to the following choice
of parameters in (53):
F< (σ, θ, σ , θ ) if σ ≤ σ ,
F(x, x ) = (65)
F> (σ, θ, σ , θ ) if σ ≥ σ .
(1) in case when the radial coordinate σ of the field point x is taken inside the body
σ π
F(x, x )d x = 2πα 3
F< (σ, θ, σ , θ )(σ 2 + cos2 θ )dσ dθ
V 0 0
+2πα3 F> (σ, θ, σ , θ )(σ 2 + cos2 θ )dσ dθ
σ 0
ω2 a4 b
+2πB 2 F> σ, θ, κ −1 , θ κ −2 + cos2 θ P2 (cos θ )dθ , (66)
(2) in case when the radial coordinate σ of the field point x is taken outside the body
F(x, x )d 3 x = 2πα3 F< (σ, θ, σ , θ )(σ 2 + cos2 θ )dσ dθ
V 0 0
ω2 a4 b
+2πB F< σ, θ, κ −1 , θ κ −2 + cos2 θ P2 (cos θ )dθ . (67)
The very last integral in the right hand side of (66) and (67) is of the post-Newtonian
order of magnitude and will be treated as a post-Newtonian correction to the New-
tonian gravitational potential.
The Newtonian gravitational potential VN is given by (40) where the density dis-
tribution, ρ(x), is defined in (43) and the integration is performed over the volume
bounded by the radial coordinate σs in (63). The integral can be split in three parts:
(66) and (67). Below we provide specific details of calculations of the three terms
entering the right hand side of (68).
which can be calculated by making use of the Green function (29). Depending on
position of the field point x in space we distinguish the internal and external solutions.
The internal solution is valid for the field point x with the radial coordinate, 0 ≤ σ ≤
1/κ. With the help of the Green function (34) it reads,
VN [ρc , S] = 2πGρc α2 (2 + 1)q (σ) P (cos θ) ×
σ π
dσ σ + cos2 θ p σ P (cos θ ) sin θ dθ
0 0
+2πGρc α 2
(2 + 1) p (σ) P (cos θ) ×
1/κ π
dσ σ + cos2 θ q σ P (cos θ ) sin θ dθ . (70)
σ 0
We, first, integrate with respect to the angular variable θ and, then, with respect to
the radial coordinate σ. We also use the relation
σ 2 + cos2 θ = [ p2 (σ) + P2 (cos θ)] , (71)
that allows us to operate with the Legendre polynomials instead of the trigonometric
functions, and use the condition of orthogonality (35). Then, after substituting (71)
to (70) and making use of the normalization condition (35), we obtain
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 185
⎡ ⎤
σ 1/κ
V0 (σ) = Gρc α2 ⎣q0 (σ) dσ p2 (σ ) + dσ p2 (σ )q0 (σ )⎦ , (73)
0 σ
⎡ ⎤
σ 1/κ
V2 (σ) = Gρc α2 ⎣q2 (σ) dσ p2 (σ ) + p2 (σ) dσ q2 (σ )⎦ . (74)
0 σ
2πGρc α2
V0 (σ) = 3
κ 1 − κ 2 σ 2 + 2 1 + κ 2 arctan κ , (75)
2πGρc α2
V2 (σ) = − 3
κ + κ 3 + 2κ 2 σ 2 − 1 + 3σ 2 1 + κ 2 arctan κ . (76)
Adding up the two expressions according to (72) and making the inverse transfor-
mation from the ellipsoidal to Cartesian coordinates, we get
1 + κ2 z2
VN [ρc , S] = πGρc α 2 2
arctan κ − 2
κ3 α2
x + y − 2z
2 2
1+κ 2
+ 1− arctan κ . (77)
α2 κ 2 κ
This expression for the Newtonian potential VN [ρc ] inside the Maclaurin ellipsoid
is well-known from the classic theory of figures of rotating fluid bodies [41, 78]
(see also [4, eq. 50]). It is straightforward to check by direct differentiation that (77)
satisfies the Poisson equation VN [ρc ] = −4πGρc , in accordance with (69).
Making use of the Green function (34) we get for the field point x with the radial
ellipsoidal coordinate, σ > κ −1 , the following external solution for the Newtonian
potential of the homogeneous Maclaurin ellipsoid,
VN [ρc , S] = 2πGρc α2 (2 + 1)q (σ) P (cos θ) ×
1/κ π
dσ σ + cos2 θ p σ P (cos θ ) sin θ dθ . (78)
0 0
186 S. Kopeikin
We again integrate over the angular variable θ and, then, with respect to the radial
variable σ. It yields,
4πGρc α2
VN [ρc , S] = 3
1 + κ 2 [q0 (σ) + q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ)] . (79)
In the asymptotic regime at spatial infinity, when the radial coordinate σ is very large,
the Legendre functions have the following asymptotic behavior
1 1 2 1
q0 (σ) = + O 3 , q2 (σ) = 3
+O 5 , (80)
r r 15r r
so that the asymptotic expression for the Newtonian external gravitational potential
at large distances from the body, is
Gm N 1
VN [ρc , S] = +O 3 , (81)
r r
where the notation m N ≡ M N /α, and M N is the Newtonian mass of the Maclaurin
4πρc α3 1 + κ 2 4πρc a 2 α 4πρc a 2 b
MN = = = . (82)
3 κ 3 3 κ 3
Therefore, expression (79) can be simplified to
VN [ρc , S] = Gm N q0 (σ) + q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) . (83)
It is worth noticing that on the surface of the rotating body the two expressions for
the internal and external gravitational potential, (72) and (83) match smoothly for
the gravitational potential is a continuous function. It is also useful to remark that for
a fixed value of the fluid’s density, ρc , the normalized mass, m N , decreases inversely
proportional to the eccentricity: m N ∼ κ −1 ∼ −1 .
The surface of the Maclaurin ellipsoid is equipotential, and it is defined by equation
1 2
v + VN [ρc , S] = W0 = const. , (84)
where v 2 is defined in (49). After taking into account (36) and (83), equation of the
ellipsoid reads,
ω 2 α2
W0 = 2
1 + κ 2 [1 − P2 (cos θ)] + Gm N q0 + q2 P2 (cos θ) , (85)
where we have introduced shorthand notations q0 ≡ q0 (1/κ) and q2 ≡ q2 (1/κ).
Since the left hand side of (85) is constant, the right hand side of it must be constant
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 187
ω2 = q2 , (86)
W0 = ω 2 a 2 + Gm N q0 . (87)
Equations (86), (87) can be recast to yet another form,
3Gm N
ω2 = q2 , (88)
W0 = Gm N [q0 + q2 ] . (89)
Equation (86) yields relation between the angular velocity of rotation of the homo-
geneous fluid and oblateness of the Maclaurin ellipsoid while (87) or, equivalently,
(89) defines the gravity potential on its surface. For small values of the second eccen-
tricity κ 1, when the deviation of the ellipsoid from a sphere is very small, we can
expand the Legendre function q2 in the Taylor series, which yields the asymptotic
expression for the angular velocity
8 6
ω2 = Gπρc κ 2 1 − κ 2 + O κ 6 , (κ 1) . (90)
15 7
On the other hand, when the ellipsoid has a disk-like shape, we have κ 1, and the
asymptotic expression of the angular velocity takes on another form,
Gπρc 2 1
ω =
π− +O , (κ 1) . (91)
κ κ κ3
Equation (86) tells us that the angular velocity of rotation of the Maclaurin ellipsoid,
ω = ω(κ), considered as a function of the eccentricity, κ, has a maximum which
is reached for κ 2.52931 [78]. The maximal value of the angular velocity of the
Maclaurin ellipsoid at this point is ω 2 0.45πGρc [77] .
Contribution from the non-homogeneous part of the mass density to the Newtonian
potential is given by the integral
Gρc F(x )d 3 x
VN [δρc , S] = , (92)
c2 |x − x |
188 S. Kopeikin
where function F(x) is given in (43)–(45). Making use of (45) in the integral (92),
brings it to the form,
πG 2 ρ2c α2 b2 q1
VN [δρc , S] = A I1 (x) , (93)
where we have introduced a notation
1 R(σ , θ )d 3 x
I1 (x) ≡ . (94)
α2 |x − x |
The integral (94) is calculated with making use of the Green function (34). We
consider the internal, (σ ≤ 1/κ), and external, (σ ≥ 1/κ), solutions separately.
We, first, integrate with respect to the angular variable θ and, then, with respect to
the radial variable σ. The integrand of the above integral is
2 2
σ + cos2 θ R(σ, θ) = 5 − 3κ 2 p2 (σ) + 4 3 + κ 2 p4 (σ)
+ 5 − 3κ 2 + 8κ 2 p4 (σ) P2 (cos θ)
− 3 + κ 2 − 2κ 2 p2 (σ) P4 (cos θ) . (96)
After integration over the angular variable θ, the integral can be represented as a
linear combination of several terms,
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 189
I1 (σ, θ) = I10 (σ) + I12 (σ)P2 (cos θ) + I14 (σ)P4 (cos θ) , (97)
The external solution is obtained by making use of the Green function (34)
1/κ π
I1 (σ, θ) = 2π (2 + 1)q (σ)P (cos θ) dσ σ + cos2 θ
=0 0 0
×R(σ , θ ) p σ P (cos θ )dθ .
The result is
I1 (σ, θ) = q0 (σ) dσ 5 − 3κ 2 p2 (σ ) + 4 3 + κ 2 p4 (σ )
+ q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) dσ 5 − 3κ 2 + 8κ 2 p4 (σ ) p2 (σ )
− q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) dσ 3 + κ 2 − 2κ 2 p2 (σ ) p4 (σ ) . (105)
Contribution VN [ρc , δS] from the spheroidal deviation of the shape of the rotating
fluid from the Maclaurin ellipsoid is given by Eqs. (66), (67), where function F is
proportional to the Green function (34). More specifically,
VN [ρc , δS] = BGρc ω 2 α4 I2 (σ, θ) , (107)
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 191
⎧ 1 ∞
⎪ =0 (2 + 1)q p (σ)P (cos θ)
(π −2
⎪ × κ + cos2 θ P2 (cos θ )P (cos θ )dθ : (σ ≤ 1/κ)
⎨ 0
I2 (σ, θ) = (108)
⎪ 1 ∞
⎪ 2 =0 (2 + 1) p q (σ)P (cos θ)
⎪ (π −2
⎩ × κ + cos2 θ P2 (cos θ )P (cos θ )dθ : (σ ≥ 1/κ)
Calculation of the integral in (108) is performed with the help of (35) yielding
κ + cos2 θ P2 (cos θ )P (cos θ )dθ
2 2 1 11 12
= δ0 + + δ2 + δ4 . (109)
2 + 1 15 κ2 21 35
It yields, ⎧ 2q0 1
⎪ + κ 2 + 11 q2 p2 (σ)P2 (cos θ)
15 21
⎨ + 12q
p 4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) : (σ ≤ 1/κ)
I2 (σ, θ) = (110)
q (σ) + κ12 + 11 p2 q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ)
⎩ 15 0 21
12 p4
+ 35 q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) : (σ ≥ 1/κ)
5 Post-Newtonian Potentials
The post-Newtonian correction (41) to the Newtonian gravity potential obeys the
Poisson equation
V pN (x) = −4πGρ pN (x) , (111)
ρ pN (x) ≡ ρc 2v 2 (x) + 2VN (x) + (x) + 3 p(x) , (112)
and the functions entering the right hand side of (112) are defined by Eqs. (47)–(49)
and (72). Fock had proved (see [66, Eq. 73.26]) that for any (including a homoge-
neous) distribution of mass density the following equality holds
192 S. Kopeikin
1 2
ρ(x) v (x) + VN (x) = p(x) + ρ(x)(x) . (113)
This allows to eliminate the Newtonian gravitational potential VN from the calcula-
tion of the post-Newtonian gravitational potential V pN by solving (111).
After making use of expressions (47)–(49) and including the constant term 3 =
30 , to the constant density (re-normalizing the central density ρc ) we get in the
elliptical coordinates,
ρ pN (x) = ρc ω 2 α2 1 + σ 2 sin2 θ − 10πGρ2c b2 q1 R(σ, θ) . (115)
Integrating (111) directly with the help of the Green function (34), yields
V pN (x) = −10πG 2 ρ20 α4 I1 (σ, θ) + Gρc ω 2 α4 I3 (σ, θ) , (116)
where the integral I1 (σ, θ) has been calculated in Sect. 4.2, and I3 (σ, θ) is the integral
from function (1 + σ 2 ) sin2 θ to the post-Newtonian gravitational potential V pN . The
integral I3 (σ, θ) is performed as follows.
σ + cos2 θ (1 + σ 2 ) sin2 θ =
p2 (σ) + p4 (σ) + [1 − p4 (σ)] P2 (cos θ) − [1 + p2 (σ)] P4 (cos θ) .
Substituting (118) to (117) and integrating with respect to the angular variables we
get the internal and external solutions.
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 193
Making use of the Green’s functions (34) the internal solution of (117) takes on the
following form
σ π
I3 (σ, θ) = 2π (2 + 1)q (σ)P (cos θ) dσ σ + cos2 θ
=0 0 0
×(1 + σ 2 ) sin2 θ p σ P (cos θ )dθ
1/κ π
+2π (2 + 1) p (σ)P (cos θ) dσ σ + cos2 θ
=0 σ 0
×(1 + σ ) sin θ q σ P (cos θ )dθ ,
2 2
I3 (σ, θ) = I20 (σ) + I22 (σ)P2 (cos θ) + I24 (σ)P4 (cos θ) , (120)
I20 (σ) = q0 (σ) dσ p2 (σ ) + p4 (σ )
1/κ )
+ dσ p2 (σ ) + p4 (σ ) q0 (σ ) , (121a)
I22 (σ) = q2 (σ) dσ 1 − p4 (σ ) p2 (σ )
1/κ )
+ p2 (σ) dσ 1 − p4 (σ ) q2 (σ ) , (121b)
I24 (σ) = − q4 (σ) dσ 1 + p2 (σ ) p4 (σ )
1/κ )
+ p4 (σ) dσ 1 + p2 (σ ) q4 (σ ) . (121c)
The external solution of (117) is obtained by making use of the Green function (34)
I3 (σ, θ) = 2π (2 + 1)q (σ)P (cos θ)
1/κ π
× dσ σ + cos2 θ (1 + σ 2 ) sin2 θ p σ P (cos θ )dθ ,
0 0
which is reduced after implementing (118) and integrating over the angular variable
θ to
I3 (σ, θ) = q0 (σ) dσ p2 (σ ) + p4 (σ )
+ q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) dσ 1 − p4 (σ ) p2 (σ )
− q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) dσ 1 + p2 (σ ) p4 (σ ) . (126)
Performing the integrals over the radial variable yields the external solution
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 195
4π 1 + κ 2 2 3 − κ2
I3 (σ, θ) = q0 (σ) − q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ)
κ 5 15 21κ 2
5 + 3κ 2
− q 4 (σ)P 4 (cos θ) . (127)
35κ 2
Vector potential V i is defined above by Eq. (42). As we need it only in the post-
Newtonian approximation, the density of the fluid entering (42) can be treated as
constant ρc . Each element of a rigidly rotating fluid has velocity, v i (x) = εi jk ω j x k ,
where εi jk is the Levi-Civita symbol, so that (42) can be written as follows
where k̂ i = ω i /ω is the unit vector along z-axis which coincides with the direction
of the angular velocity vector, ω i , and the Cartesian vector Dk = {D x , D y , D z } is
given by k 3
x d x
D (x) = Gωρc
. (129)
|x − x |
Equation (131) reveals that calculation of the vector potential is reduced to calculation
of the integral in the right hand side of (130) which depends on the point of integration
and is separated into the internal and external solutions. We discuss these solutions
The internal solution is obtained for the field points located inside the volume occu-
pied by the rotating fluid. Making use of the Green function (29) we have
∞ m=+
( − |m|)!
= q|m| (σ) Ym ( x̂)
Gωρc α3 =0 m=−
( + |m|)!
dσ d σ 2 + cos2 θ 1 + σ 2 sin θ eiφ p|m| σ Ym ( x̂ )
0 S2
∞ m=+
( − |m|)!
+ p|m| (σ) Ym ( x̂)
=0 m=−
( + |m|)!
dσ d σ 2 + cos2 θ 1 + σ 2 sin θ eiφ q|m| σ Ym ( x̂ ) ,
σ S2
and perform calculations of (132) with the help of the orthogonality relation (33).
Finally, we obtain the internal solution of the potential (131) in the following form
πGωρc α3 1 + σ 2
D+ = 12(1 + σ 2 κ 4 )P11 (cos θ)
30κ 4
+ 8σ 2 κ 4 + (1 + 5σ 2 )(3 + 5κ 2 ) P31 (cos θ)
arctan κ )
− 3(1 + κ ) 4P11 (cos θ) + (1 + 5σ )P31 (cos θ)
2 2 2
eiφ . (134)
The external solution of (131) is obtained for the field points lying outside the volume
occupied by the rotating fluid. Making use of the Green functions (29), we obtain
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 197
∞ m=+
( − |m|)! 1/κ
= q|m| (σ) Ym ( x̂) dσ
Gωρc α3 =0 m=−
( + |m|)!
× d σ 2 + cos2 θ 1 + σ 2 sin θ eiφ p|m| σ Ym ( x̂ ) . (135)
After making use of (133) and integrating over the angular variables, we get
D = −2πGωρc α ⎣ q31 (σ) P31 (cos θ)
+ 3
1 + σ 2 p31 (σ )dσ
+ q11 (σ) P11 (cos θ) 1 + σ 2 σ 2 + p11 (σ )dσ ⎦ eiφ . (136)
D+ = Deiφ , (137)
(1 + κ 2 )2 1
D = −2πGωρc α3 q 11 (σ) P11 (cos θ) + q 31 (σ) P31 (cos θ) . (138)
5κ 5 6
Mass multipole moments of the external gravitational field of the rotating spheroid
are defined by expanding the scalar potential V entering g00 component of the metric
tensor (6a), in the asymptotic series for a large radial distance r in the spherical coor-
dinates. The scalar potential V takes into account the post-Newtonian contributions
from the internal energy , pressure p, the kinetic energy of rotation and the internal
gravitational energy as well as the spheroidal shape of matter distribution and its
V = VN [ρc , S] + VN [δρc , S] + VN [ρc , δS] + V pN , (140)
where the terms standing in the right hand side of this formula have been provided
above in Sects. 4 and 5. As we consider the multipolar expansion of V outside the
body, we need only the external solutions which are
V = E0 q0 (σ) + E2 q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) + E4 q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) , (145)
where the constant numerical coefficients are
1 9q1
E0 ≡ Gm N 1 + (A − 10) Gm N + 4(B + 1)ω a
2 2
, (146)
10c2 2κ
1 9q1 11 1 3
E2 ≡ Gm N 1 + 2 (A − 10) Gm N + 3B + 2
+ ω2 a2
c 28κ 42 7κ 2κ 4
1 3
+ 1− 2 ω a 2 2
, (147)
7 κ
9Gm N q1 30 35
E4 ≡ (10 − A) Gm N + B 3 + 2 + 4 ω 2 a 2
70 κ κ κ
2 5
− 3 + 2 ω2 a2 . (148)
3 κ
E2 = E0 + . (149)
Therefore, Eq. (145) takes on a more simple form,
V = E0 [q0 (σ) + q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ)] + E4 [q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) + q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ)] .
The scalar potential (150) is given in the ellipsoidal coordinates in terms of the
ellipsoidal harmonics which are the modified Legendre functions q0 (σ), q2 (σ) and
q4 (σ). The advantage in using the ellipsoidal harmonics is that it allows us to represent
the post-Newtonian scalar potential V with a finite number of a few terms only. The
residual terms in (150) are of the post-post-Newtonian order of magnitude (∼1/c4 )
which are systematically neglected.
In spite of the finite form of the expansion (150) in terms of the ellipsoidal func-
tions it is a more common practice to discuss the multipolar structure of external
gravitational field of an isolated body in terms of spherical coordinates (20). Mass
multipole moments of the gravitational field are defined in general relativity similarly
to the Newtonian gravity as coefficients in the expansion of scalar potential V with
respect to the spherical harmonics [80]. For axially-symmetric body the spherical
multipolar expansion of the scalar potential reads as follows [10, 80],
200 S. Kopeikin
* +
GM ∞ a
V = 1− J2 P2 (cos ) , (151)
R =1
where M is the relativistic mass, and J2 are the relativistic multipole moments of the
gravitational field that are defined (in terms of the spherical coordinates) by integrals
over the body’s volume
M= ρ(x) + 2 ρ pN (x) R 2 d RdO , (152)
2 1
J2 = − ρ(x) + ρ pN (x) R 2+2 P2 (cos )d RdO , (n ≥ 1) ,
Ma 2 c2
with dO ≡ sin dd is the infinitesimal element of the solid angle in the spherical
In order to read the multipole moments of the potential V out of (145) we have
to transform (145) to spherical coordinates. This can be achieved with the help of
the auxiliary formulas representing expansions of the ellipsoidal harmonics in series
with respect to the spherical harmonics. Exact transformations between ellipsoidal
and spherical harmonic expansions have been derived by Jekeli [85] for numerical
computations. However, Jekeli’s transformation lacks a convenient analytic form
and are not suitable for our purposes. Therefore, below we present a general idea
of calculation of the series expansion of the ellipsoidal harmonics in terms of the
spherical harmonics.6
The ellipsoidal harmonics are solutions of the Laplace equation and are repre-
sented by the products of the modified Legendre functions qm (σ) or pm (σ) with
the associated Legendre polynomials Pm (cos θ). We are interested in the expansion
of the th ellipsoidal harmonic q (σ)P (cos θ) in series of the spherical harmonics
which are also solutions of the Laplace equation. The most general expansion of this
type reads
An Pn (cos )
q (σ)P (cos θ) = , (154)
r n+1
where An are the numerical coefficients depending on n. As both sides of (154) are
analytic harmonic functions, they are identical at any value of the coordinates. In
order to calculate the numerical coefficients An , it is instructive to take the point with
θ = 0. At this point, we also have = 0, while σ = r , so that the expansion (154)
is reduced to
, ∞
, An
q (σ), = n+1
, (155)
6 Our method is partially overlapping with a similar development given in [10, Section 2.9].
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 201
which means that the coefficients An are simply the coefficients of the asymptotic
expansion of the modified Legendre function q (r ) for large values of its argument.
These coefficients are found by writing down the modified Legendre function q (σ)
in the left side of (155) in terms of the hypergeometric function 2 F1 (see [86, Eq.
VI-56b ])
+1 3 1
, √ F
2 1 1 + ; ; + ; −
, π ( + 1) 2 2 2 r2
q (σ), = +1 , (156)
σ=r 2 3 r +1
and equating the coefficients of the expansion to An in the right side of (155).
After applying the above procedure, we get for the first several elliptic harmonics
the following series,
(−1) P2 (cos )
q0 (σ) = + , (157)
2 + 1 r 2+1
2(−1) P2 (cos )
q2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) = − , (158)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3) r 2+1
4( − 1)(−1) P2 (cos )
q4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) = + . (159)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3)(2 + 5) r 2+1
G M = E0 , (160)
3(−1)+1 2 14 E4
J2 = 1− 2 , (n ≥ 1) (161)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3) 3c 2 + 5 E0
where the second term in the square brackets yields the post-Newtonian correction
to the Newtonian multipole moments of the Maclaurin ellipsoid which are defined
as the coefficient standing in front of the square brackets in (161).
It is convenient from practical point of view to express the relativistic multipole
moments (161) in terms of the dynamical form factor J2 of an extended body
with an arbitrary internal distribution of mass density. The dynamical form factor is
expressed in terms of the difference between the polar, C and equatorial, A, moments
of inertia,
dyn C−A
J2 = . (162)
Ma 2
202 S. Kopeikin
We follow the technique developed by Heiskanen and Moritz [10, Section 2.9]
according to which the quadrupole moment of the homogeneous ellipsoid must be
exactly equal to the dynamical form factor
J2 = J2 . (163)
It is rather straightforward to prove that in terms of the dynamical form factor equation
(161) reads
* +
3(−1)+1 2
J2 4 − 1 E4
J2 = 1 − + 5 2 + 2 , (164)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3) 3c 2 + 5 E0
where C and A are the principal moments of inertia. Equation (164) looks quite
different from (161) but the difference is illusory since the coefficient in the square
brackets of (164) is identically equal to the corresponding term in (161) because for
the model of the (almost) homogeneous spheroid accepted in the present chapter, the
C−A 2 2 E4
= 1 − , (165)
Ma 2 5 3c2 E0
that can be easily checked by direct calculation of the integrals defining the moments
of inertia. Equation (164) is a relativistic generalization of the result obtained previ-
ously by Heiskanen and Moritz [10, Equation 2-92].
Post-Newtonian equation (164) allows to calculate the multipole moments of the
normal gravity field at any order as soon as the other parameters of the spheroid
are defined. As a particular example we adopt the model of GRS80 international
ellipsoid that is characterized by the following parameters (see [8, Section 4.3] and
[11, Table 1.2]):
Corresponding (derived) values for the first and second eccentricities of GRS80 are
= 0.08181919104282 ,
κ = 0.08209443815192 .
The value of the ratio E4 /E0 can be calculated on the basis of Eq. (209) which is
derived below in Sect. 7.3 from the condition of the hydrostatic equilibrium. Making
use of the numerical values of the parameters of GRS80 model, we get
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 203
= −5.58671 × 10−7 (B − 0.0023445) , (166)
c2 E0
where B is the parameter defining in our spheroidal model a small deviation from the
shape of the Maclaurin ellipsoid. The value of this parameter can be chosen arbitrary
in the range being compatible with the limitations imposed by the post-Newtonian
approximation, say, −10 B 10. Calculating the scalar multipole moments in
our spheroidal model by means of (164) yields for the case of pure ellipsoid,
These values can be compared with the corresponding values of the GSR80 geodetic
model [8, Equation 4.77c] which does not take into account relativistic corrections,
One can see that accounting for relativistic corrections gives slightly different numer-
ical values of the multipole moments for different models of the normal gravity field
generated by rotating spheroid. Significance of these deviations for practical appli-
cations in geodynamics is a matter of future theoretical and experimental studies.
Nonetheless, already now we can state that general relativity changes the classic
model of the normal gravity field. Hence, the separation of the observed value of the
field into the normal gravity and its perturbation differs from the Newtonian theory
and has certain consequences for interpretation of the gravity field anomalies.
The spin multipole moments are defined as coefficients in the expansion of vector
potential V i with respect to vector spherical harmonics [80]
∞ m=+
V i (r, , ) = E m (r )Y E,m
(, ) + B m (r )Y B,m
(, )
=0 m=−
+R m (r )Y R,m
(, ) , (170)
204 S. Kopeikin
where E m , B m , R m are the spin multipole moments depending on the radial coor-
i i i
dinate r , and Y E,m , Y B,m , Y R,m are the Cartesian components of the three vector
spherical harmonics, Y E,m , Y B,m , Y R,m . The harmonics Y E,m and Y R,m are of
“electric-type” parity (−1) , while Y B,m have “magnetic-type” parity (−1)+1 [80].
Only the “magnetic-type” harmonics present in the expansion of the vector potential
in case of an axially-symmetric gravitational field [58], hence, we don’t consider the
“electric-type” harmonics below.
The “magnetic-type” harmonics are defined as follows [69]
LYm (, )
Y B,m (, ) = i √ , (171)
( + 1)
where L = −i x × ∇ is the operator of the angular momentum, the cross ‘×’ denotes
the Euclidean product of vectors, and ∇ is the gradient operator. The Cartesian com-
ponents (L x , L y , L z ) of the vectorial operator of the angular momentum L expressed
in terms of the spherical coordinates, are [69, Exercise 2.5.14]
∂ ∂
L x = i cos cot + sin , (172a)
∂ ∂
∂ ∂
L y = i sin cot − cos , (172b)
∂ ∂
L z = −i . (172c)
We have found in Sect. 5.3 that all of the non-vanishing components of the vector
potential V i are included to the potential V + defined in (131). This potential is
proportional to the components of the vector spherical harmonics, Y +,m ∼ L + Ym
where the action of the operator L + on the standard spherical harmonics is as follows
[69, Exercise 12.6.7]
L + Ym (, ) = ( − m)( + m + 1)Y,m+1 (, ) , (173)
which tells us that V + ∼ Y,m+1 . On the other hand, due to the fact that the angular
coordinates of the ellipsoidal and spherical coordinates coincide, = φ, and V + =
iDeiφ as follows from (131) and (137), we conclude that the multipolar expansion
(170) of V + with respect to the spherical harmonics contains only the spherical
harmonics with m = 1, that is V + = iD+ ∼ Y1 ∼ P1 eiφ . This can be seen directly
after applying the Green function in spherical coordinates and taking into account the
rotational symmetry with respect to the angle which yields Eq. (137) with function
D having the following form
* +
S2+1 a
D= sin + P2+1,1 (cos ) , (174)
2R 2 =1
2 + 1 R
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 205
S ≡ S1 = ω ρ(x)R 4 sin2 d RdO , (175)
1 ω
S2+1 = ρ(x)R 2+4 sin P2+1,1 ()d RdO, ( > 1) (176)
+ 1 Sa 2
are the absolute value of the angular momentum (spin) of the rotating spheroid and
the spin multipole moments of the higher order, and V is the volume bounded by
the surface of the Maclaurin ellipsoid. It is sufficient to perform calculation of the
integral in (175) with the constant value of density, ρ(x) = ρc . It yields
S= Ma 2 ω , (177)
which coincides with the result obtained in textbooks on classic mechanics.
Calculation of the spin multipoles S2+1 can be also performed directly but it will
be more instructive to find them out from the Taylor expansion of function D given in
the ellipsoidal coordinates by Eq. (138). It is convenient to write down this equation
by replacing the central density ρc with the total mass, M, as follows
3 (1 + κ 2 ) 1
D = − G Mω q11 (σ) P11 (cos θ) + q31 (σ) P31 (cos θ) . (178)
10 κ2 6
In order to calculate the spin multipole moments, we have to transform (178) from
the ellipsoidal to spherical harmonics. For we have in (178) the ellipsoidal harmonics
qm (σ)Pm (cos θ) with the index m = 1, and the odd index = 2k + 1, we have to
apply a slightly different approach to get the transformation formula as compared
with that employed in the previous Sect. 6.1. More specifically, because both the
ellipsoidal and spherical harmonics are solutions of the Laplace equation, we have
Bn P2n+1,1 (cos )
q2+1,1 (σ)P2+1,1 (cos θ) = , (179)
r 2n+2
where Bn are the numerical coefficients depending on n. As both sides of (179) are
analytic harmonic functions, they are identical at any value of the coordinates. In
order to calculate the numerical coefficients Bn , we take the point with θ = π/2.
√ point we also have = π/2 and cos = 0, while the radial coordinate,
At this
σ = r 2 − 1. The Legendre polynomials
(n + )
P2n+1,1 (0) = (−1)n+1 √
2 2 = (−1)n+1 (2n + 1)!! (180)
π (n + 1) 2n n!
206 S. Kopeikin
which means that the coefficients Bn are simply the √ coefficients of the asymptotic
expansion of the modified Legendre function q1 ( r 2 − 1) for large values of its
argument, r 1. These coefficients are found by writing down the modified Leg-
endre function in the left side of (181) in terms of the hypergeometric function (see
[86, Eq. VI-57b ])
3 1 5 1
, √ 2 F1 + ; + ; 2 + ; 2
, π (2 + 3) 2 2 2 r
q2+1,1 (σ),, √ = 2+2 2+2
σ= r −1
2 5 r
2 +
Comparing the coefficients of the expansion of the right side of (182) with the
numerical coefficients in the right side of (181), we can find coefficients Bn .
After applying this procedure, we get for the first two ellipsoidal harmonics the
following series expansions,
(−1) P2+1,1 (cos )
q11 (σ)P11 (cos θ) = 2 , (183)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3) r 2+2
(−1) P2+1,1 (cos )
q31 (σ)P31 (cos θ) = −24 . (184)
(2 + 1)(2 + 3)(2 + 5) r 2+2
Comparing expansion (185) with (174), we conclude that the coefficients of the
multipolar expansion of the vector potential in (174) are
15(−1)+1 2
S2+1 = , ( ≥ 1). (186)
(2 + 3)(2 + 5)
The spin multipole moments, S2+1 , are uniquely related to the mass multipole
moments, J2 , of a homogeneous and uniformly rotating Maclaurin ellipsoid as
2 + 1
S2+1 = 5 J2 . (187)
2 + 5
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 207
Relations (186) and (187) have been also derived by Teyssandier [58] by making use
of a different mathematical technique.
It is convenient to give, yet another form of the expansion (185) in terms of the
derivatives of the Legendre polynomials. To this end, we employ the relation [72,
Eq. 8.752-1]
m/2 d m P (u)
Pm (u) = (−1)m 1 − u 2 , (188)
du m
which allows us to recast (185) to the following form
⎡ ⎤
2 d P
G Ma 2 ω sin ⎣ (−1) 2 2+1 (cos ) ⎦
D= 1 + 15 .
5R 2 (2 + 1)(2 + 3)(2 + 5) R d cos
After accounting for relations (131), (137), the vector potential V i can be written
down explicitly in a vector form
⎡ ⎤
∞ a
2 d P
G (S × x)i ⎣ (−1) 2 2+1 (cos ) ⎦
Vi = 1 + 15 ,
2 R 3 (2 + 1)(2 + 3)(2 + 5) R d cos
where the angular momentum vector S = {0, 0, S}, and S is defined in (177). We
notice that a similar expansion formula given by Soffel and Frutos [44, Eq. 23] for
the vector potential has a typo and should be corrected in accordance with (190).
where, x = {x i (t)} is taken on the world line of the clock, and v i = d x i /dt =
(ω × x)i is a constant linear velocity of the clock with respect to the inertial ref-
erence frame. The ensemble of the observers is static with respect to the rotating
spheroid and represents a realization of a rigidly rotating reference frame extending
to the outer space outside the spheroid. It should be understood that the rigidly rotat-
ing observers are generally not in a free fall except of those which are at the radial
distance corresponding to the orbit of geostationary satellites. The rotating reference
frame is local - it does not go to a spatial infinity and is limited by the radial distance
at which the linear velocity equates to the speed of light, v ≤ c, that is |x| ≤ c/ω.
For the Earth this distance does not exceed 27.5 AU - a bit less than the radius of
Neptune’s orbit.
After replacing the metric (6a)–(6c) in (191) and extracting the root square, we
get the fundamental time delay equation in the post-Newtonian approximation [20]
dτ W
= 1 − 2 + O c−6 , (192)
dt c
where the time-independent function, W is given by
1 1 1 4 3 2 1
W = v2 + V + 2 v + v V − 4v i V i − V 2 . (193)
2 c 8 2 2
Function W is the post-Newtonian potential of the normal gravity field taken at the
point of localization of the clock [1, 5].
The equipotential surface is defined by the condition of the constant rate of clock’s
proper time with respect to the coordinate time, that is [2, 20, 45]
= W = const . (194)
In case of a stationary spacetime generated by a rigidly rotating body through Ein-
stein’s equations, the equipotential surface is orthogonal at each point to the direction
of the gravity force (the plumb line) [1, 2, 45, 46]. Inside the rotating fluid the equipo-
tential surface also coincides with the levels of equal density - ρ, pressure - p, and
thermodynamic energy - [1, 5].
The post-Newtonian potential, W , of the normal gravity field inside the rigidly rotat-
ing fluid body has been derived in detail in our previous publications [3, 4], and its
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 209
derivation corresponds to the internal solution for the potentials worked out in the
previous sections. The present chapter focuses on the structure of the normal gravity
field outside the rotating spheroid which is described by the external solutions of the
metric tensor coefficients discussed above.
The external solution of the scalar potential V entering (193) has been given in
(145). Vector (gravitomagnetic) potential outside the body is given by (128) or, more
V x = − sin φD , V y = cos φD , Vz = 0 , (195)
where D is given in (178). It is straightforward to show that the Euclidean dot product,
v i V i = v x V x + v y V y , entering the post-Newtonian part of W , is
v i V i = ωα 1 + σ 2 D sin θ , (196)
The rest of the terms entering expression (193) for the normal gravity potential W
v 2 = ω 2 α2 1 + σ 2 sin2 θ = ω 2 α2 1 + σ 2 [1 − P2 (cos θ)] , (198)
2 2
v 4 = ω 4 α4 1 + σ 2 sin4 θ = 8ω 4 α4 1 + σ 2
1 2 1
× − P2 (cos θ) + P4 (cos θ) , (199)
15 21 35
2 1
v 2 VN = Gm N ω 2 α2 1 + σ 2 q0 (σ) − q2 (σ)
3 5
5 18
− q0 (σ) − q2 (σ) P2 (cos θ) − q2 (σ)P4 (cos θ) , (200)
7 35
1 1
VN2 = G 2 m 2N q02 (σ) + q22 (σ) + 2q2 (σ) q0 (σ) + q2 (σ) P2 (cos θ)
5 7
18 2
+ q2 (σ)P4 (cos θ) . (201)
W (σ, θ) = W0 (σ) + W2 (σ)P2 (cos θ) + W4 (σ)P4 (cos θ) , (202)
210 S. Kopeikin
1 2 2
W0 (σ) = ω α (1 + σ 2 ) + Gmq0 (σ)
3 )
1 2 2 1 2 2 1
+ 2 ω α (1 + σ ) 2
ω α (1 + σ ) + Gm q0 (σ) − q2 (σ)
c 15 5
Gm 8 2 2 1 1 2
− 2 ω a q0 (σ) + q2 (σ) + Gm q0 (σ) + q2 (σ) , (203)
c 15 2 5
1 2 2
W2 (σ) = − ω α (1 + σ 2 ) + Gmq2 (σ)
1 2 2 2
+ 2 E4 q2 (σ) − ω 2 α2 (1 + σ 2 ) ω α (1 + σ 2 )
c 21
+Gm q0 (σ) − q2 (σ)
Gm 8 2 2 5 54
+ 2 ω a q0 (σ) − q2 (σ) − q4 (σ)
c 15 49 49
−Gmq2 (σ) q0 (σ) + q2 (σ) , (204)
W4 (σ) = E4 q4 (σ) + ω 2 α2 (1 + σ 2 ) ω 2 α2 (1 + σ 2 ) − 18Gmq2 (σ)
9 16
− Gm Gmq22 (σ) − ω 2 a 2 q2 (σ) + q4 (σ) , (205)
35 7
and we have denoted, m ≡ M/α, where M is the relativistic mass (152) that is related
to the Newtonian mass m N through Eqs. (160) and (146).
The surface of a rotating fluid body is defined by the boundary condition of vanishing
pressure, p = 0. This surface coincides with the level of the constant gravitational
potential [2, 5] that is defined by the condition,
for the value of the radial coordinate σs = σs (θ) defined above in (63). After expand-
ing the left hand side of (206) around the constant value of the radial coordinate 1/κ,
the equation of the level surface takes on the following form
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 211
2 3
γ2 ω 2 a 3 2 ω a
W̄0 − B + W̄2 − γ0 + γ2 B P2 (cos θ)
5κc2 7 κc2
1 18 γ2 ω 2 a 3
+ 2 W̄4 − B P4 (cos θ) = W0 , (207)
c 35 κ
where γ0 and γ2 are the components of the gravity force defined below in (219), and
W̄0 ≡ W0 (κ −1 ), W̄2 ≡ W2 (κ −1 ), W̄4 ≡ W4 (κ −1 ).
Because the potential is constant on the level surface the left hand side of (207)
cannot depend on the angle θ which means that the coefficients in front of the Leg-
endre polynomials, P2 (cos θ) and P4 (cos θ), must vanish. Equating,
18 γ2 ω 2 a 3
W̄4 − B=0, (208)
35 κ
108 G 2 m 2 54 2 2
q4 E4 + q1 q2 B = − G m q2 (q2 + 8q4 ) , (209)
35 κ 245
where E4 has been defined in (148), q1 = q1 (1/κ), q2 ≡ q2 (1/κ), q4 ≡ q4 (1/κ),
and we have made use of (88). Equation (209) determines the coefficient B in the
equation of the spheroidal surface (63) of the rotating fluid body as a function of the
coefficient A defining the deviation of the internal density of the fluid, ρ, from the
uniform distribution by Eqs. (43), (44).
Equating, 2 3
2 ω a
W̄2 − γ0 + γ2 B=0, (210)
7 κc2
where q0 , q1 , q2 and q4 have the same meaning as in (209) above, and the constant
coefficient B relates to E4 by means of (209). In its own turn the coefficient E4 is
given by Eq. (148).
Finally, the constant value of the gravity potential on the surface of the rotating
ellipsoid is,
γ2 ω 2 a 3
W0 ≡ W̄0 − B, (212)
or, more explicitly,
212 S. Kopeikin
G2m2 7 17 2 12
W0 = Gm(q0 + q2 ) − q0 + q0 q2 + q2 + q1 q2 B .
2c2 5 5 κ
In the small eccentricity approximation the value of the gravity potential on the level
surface is
G2 M 2 13 8B 4
W0 = Gm(q0 + q2 ) − 1+ + κ +O κ
. (214)
2a 2 c2 25 15
between TT and TCG time scales (see [20, 27] or [5, Appendix C.2, Resolution B1.9.]).
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 213
G M⊕ /2a⊕ c2 3.5 × 10−10 or, in terms of height, 2.2 mm on the Earth surface. This
is within the operational precision of current geodetic techniques. We suggest that
the significance of the post-Newtonian correction to the defining constant W0 should
be thoroughly discussed by corresponding IAU/IAGG working groups developing
a new generation of the system of the geopotential-based geodetic constants (see
discussion in [8, Section 4.3]).
The Somigliana formula in classic geodesy gives the value of the normal gravity γ i
on the reference ellipsoid [6, 8, 10]. Vector of the normal gravity is perpendicular to
the equipotential surface, and is calculated in the post-Newtonian approximation in
accordance with equation [2, 5]
∂ 1
γ i = −c2 i j log 1 − W , (215)
∂x j c2
defines transformation to the inertial frame of a local observer being at rest with
respect to the rotating frame of reference.
We are looking for the normal component, γn = n̂ i γ i , of the vector γ i in the
direction of the plumb line that is given by the unit vector n̂ defined in (19). A
particular interest represents the value of γn taken on the surface of the ellipsoid which
corresponds to the classical derivation of the formula of Somigliana [8, 10]. After
taking the partial derivative in (215), and making use of the ellipsoidal coordinates,
it reads
* 1/2 +
1 1 2 2 1 + σ2 ∂W
γn = − 1 + 2 ω α (1 + σ ) sin θ
2 2
, (217)
α 2c σ 2 + cos2 θ ∂σ
where we have introduced the following notations for the partial derivatives of the
components of the normal gravity potential
ω2 a2 γ̄2 3γ̄4
γa = 1 + κ21 + (B + 1) γ̄0 − + 2 , (224)
2c2 2 8c
γb = γ̄0 + γ̄2 + 2 . (225)
Solving these equations with respect to γ̄0 and γ̄2 we get the post-Newtonian gener-
alization of the theorem of Pizzetti [8, 78],
2b ω2 a2 1 7
γ̄0 = 1− 2
γa + γb − γ̄4 , (226)
3a 2c 3 12c2
Equations (226) and (227) coincide with the corresponding post-Newtonian formu-
lations of Pizzetti and Clairaut theorems given in our paper [3, Sections 11 and
12] after making transformation of the parameters to the new gauge defined by the
parametrization (63) of the shape of the rotating spheroid.8
Theorems Pizzetti and Clairaut are used to derive the formula of Somigliana
describing the magnitude of the normal gravity field vector in terms of the forces
of gravity measured at equator and at pole [10]. This is achieved by replacing (226)
and (227) back into (220) and expanding it with respect to 1/c2 . It results in the
post-Newtonian generalization of the formula of Somigliana,
The first term in the right side of (228) is the canonical formula of Somigliana used
ubiquitously in classic geodesy,9 and the second and third terms being proportional
to 1/c2 , are the explicit post-Newtonian corrections. It is worth noticing that the post-
Newtonian corrections to the Somigliana formula (228) are also included implicitly
to the canonical (first) term through the values of the normal gravity force at equator,
γa , and at the pole, γb , as follows from (221)–(225).
It is instructive to compare the results of the post-Newtonian formalism of the pre-
vious sections with the post-Newtonian approximations of axially-symmetric exact
solutions of the Einstein equations. There are plenty of the known solutions (see, e.g.,
[91]) and some of their aspects have been analyzed in the application to relativistic
geodesy in [44, 45]. Below, we focus on the post-Newtonian approximation of the
Kerr metric and comment on its practical usefulness in geodesy.
The Kerr metric is an exact, axisymmetric, stationary solution of the Einstein equa-
tions found by Roy Kerr [91]. The Kerr metric is a vacuum solution representing
rotating black hole. It is often assumed in relativistic mechanics that the Kerr metric
can be used to describe the external gravitational field of rotating extended body as
8 For more details about the gauge transformations of the post-Newtonian spheroid the reader is
referred to [3, Section 4].
9 One should notice that in classic geodesy the Somigliana formula is usually expressed in terms
of the geographic latitude on ellipsoid that is related to the ellipsoidal angle θ by θ = β − π/2,
and, a tan β = b tan , [10, Eq. 2-77].
216 S. Kopeikin
well. However, the exact internal solution generating the external Kerr metric has
not yet been found, and may not exist [92]. The internal Kerr solution having been
recently found by Hernandez-Pastora and Herrera [93] requires further study for
verification. Nonetheless, it is instructive to investigate the geometric properties of
the Kerr metric from the point of view of its application in relativistic geodesy. Pre-
liminary study of this problem has been performed in [44, 45]. The present chapter
focuses on the comparison of the multipolar structure of gravitational field of the Kerr
metric with that of gravitational field of rotating spheroid. Because we employed the
harmonic coordinates for description of the normal gravitational field, we will need
the Kerr metric expressed in the harmonic coordinates defined by the condition (4).
The Kerr metric in harmonic coordinates, x α = {x, y, z}, has been derived in [94, 95].
We introduce the Kerr ellipsoidal coordinates, {ς, ϑ, ϕ}, connected to the harmonic
coordinates x α by equations
x = αK 1 + ς 2 sin ϑ cos ϕ , (229a)
y = αK 1 + ς 2 sin ϑ sin ϕ , (229b)
z = αK ς cos ϑ , (229c)
which look similar but not equal to the ellipsoidal coordinates (15) for uniformly
rotating fluid body. The difference between the two types of the ellipsoidal coor-
dinates is due to the fact that the geometric meaning of the parameter α in (15) is
different from that of the Kerr parameter αK which is equal (by definition of the Kerr
geometry) to the ratio of the angular momentum, S, to mass, M, of the rotating body:
αK = S/Mc. Dimension of the Kerr parameter αK is the same (length) as one of the
parameter α = a which is used in definition (15) of the ellipsoidal coordinates in
classic geodesy. Nonetheless, the two parameters, α and αK , have different numerical
values in the most general case making the two types of the ellipsoidal coordinates
related to each other by transformation
αK 1 + ς 2 sin ϑ = α 1 + σ 2 sin θ , αK ς cos ϑ = ασ cos θ , ϕ=φ.
We can establish a connection between two parameters, αK and α, by making
use of relationship, S = I ω, that expresses the angular momentum S of rotating
extended body with its rotational moment of inertia, I , and the angular velocity of
rotation, ω. The moment of inertia can be expressed in terms of mass of the body
and its equatorial radius, I = λMa 2 , where λ is a dimensionless integral parameter
that depends on the distribution of matter inside the rotating body and is determined
by an equation of state. For example, in case of a homogeneous ellipsoid, λ = 2/5
[77, 96].
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 217
Let us now assume that the Kerr metric is generated by an extended, rigidly rotating
ellipsoid with some non-homogeneous distribution of mass density. Homogeneous
distribution of density is excluded as the multipolar expansion of gravitational field of
the Kerr metric does not coincide with that of the homogeneous ellipsoid of rotation
as we show below. Then, in accordance with definition of the Kerr parameter, we
should accept αK = S/Mc = aK , where K = λωa/c is the effective oblateness of
the extended body that supposedly generates the Kerr metric (231). Thus, parameter
αK can be equal to α = a, if and only if, = K . This condition imposes a certain
limitation on the oblateness of rotating extended body which, on the other hand,
is also a function of the rotational angular velocity and the average density, ρ, of
the body, = (ρ, ω), as follows from the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium of
the body’s matter in the rotating frame.10 It means that for a given total mass M
and oblateness of extended rotating body, its angular velocity cannot be adjusted
independently of the other parameters to make αK = α. This is because the other
parameters of the body like density, ρ, or a semi-major axis, a, must be appropriately
chosen to maintain the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium in the rotating frame.
We proceed by assuming that αK = α. At the same time, we postulate that the total
mass M and angular momentum S of the Kerr metric exactly coincide with the total
mass M and angular momentum S of rotating body. This can be always done as these
parameters are defined in terms of conserved integrals given at the spatial infinity of
asymptotically-flat spacetime [42].
In the ellipsoidal coordinates (229) the exterior solution of Einstein’s equations for
the Kerr metric reads [94, 95]
dς 2
ds 2 = − c2 dt 2 + αK
(ς + μK )2 + cos2 ϑ + dϑ2 (231)
1 + ς 2 − μ2K
2μK (ς + μK ) αK μ2K sin2 ϑdς
+ − α K sin 2
ϑdφ + cdt
(ς + μK )2 + cos2 ϑ (1 + ς 2 − μ2K )(1 + ς 2 )
μ2K dς
+ αK
sin2 ϑ (ς + μK )2 + 1 − dφ ,
(1 + ς 2 − μ2K )(1 + ς 2 )
where the Kerr mass parameter μK ≡ Gm K /c2 , and m K ≡ M/αK . The interior solu-
tion for the Kerr metric is still unknown despite of numerous attempts to find it out
[50, 82, 91, 97, 98]. Recently, a certain progress has been made by Hernandez-
Pastora and Herrera [93] who used a model of a viscous, anisotropic distribution of
mass density inside rotating body.
10 For example, in case of a rigidly rotating homogeneous perfect fluid the relation, = (ρ, ω), is
Comparing (233) with (232) allows us to recast the spacetime metric (232) to the
following form
2VK 2V 2 1 2G 2 m 2 cos2 ϑ
ds 2 = −1 + 2 − 4K + 4 2 K 2 2 c2 dt 2
c c c (ς + cos ϑ)
− 2 dtd x + 1 + 2 δi j d x i d x j ,
c c
Gm K ς
VK = , (235)
ς 2 + cos2 ϑ
1 (S × x)i VK
VKi = , (236)
2 1 + ς 2 αK 3
and S = {0, 0, S} is a vector of the total angular momentum (spin) of the body
directed along the z axis of the harmonic coordinates which coincides with the
direction of the rotational axis, S = αK Mc. Potentials VK and VKi are harmonic
functions and satisfy the Laplace equation
where the Laplace operator in the ellipsoidal coordinates is defined in (28) after a
corresponding replacement σ → ς.
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 219
The very last term in time-time component of the metric (234) is, actually, of the 2-
nd post-Newtonian order of magnitude, and can be dropped out in the post-Newtonian
approximation when comparing with the post-Newtonian metric (6) of extended
body. The thing is that the metric (234) is written in dimensionless coordinates,
while the parameter αK = S/Mc, that has been used to make them dimensionless,
includes a relativistic factor of 1/c which is the main parameter of the post-Newtonian
expansions. When we go back to the dimensional coordinates and also use the angular
momentum, S and mass M, instead of m = M/αK , we have
1 2G 2 m 2K cos2 ϑ 1 2G 2 S 2 cos2 ϑ
= , (238)
c4 (ς 2 + cos2 ϑ)2 c6 R 2 + α2 cos 2ϑ 2
where R 2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = αK2
ς + sin2 ϑ , and S = αK Mc is the angular
momentum of the rotating body. The right hand side of (238) is apparently of the order
of 1/c6 which is the post-post-Newtonian term not entering the first post-Newtonian
approximation [5].
The normal gravity field represented by the Kerr metric can be expressed in a closed
form similarly to the normal gravity field of uniformly rotating perfect fluid. Potential
W of the normal field in case of the Kerr metric is defined by formula (193) where
we have to use VK and VKi for scalar and vector gravitational potentials. We have
1 2 2 Gm K ς
W = ω αK 1 + ς 2 sin2 ϑ + 2
2 ς + cos2 ϑ
1 1 4 4 2 3 1
+ 2 ω αK 1 + ς 2 sin4 ϑ + (1 + ς 2 ) − 2λ 1 + 2
c 8 2 κ
Gm K ς 1 G mKς 2 2 2
× 2 ω 2 αK
sin2 ϑ − , (239)
ς + cos2 ϑ 2 ς 2 + cos2 ϑ 2
where λ is the parameter introduced above in Sect. 8.1, to connect the moment of
inertia of a rotating body with its mass and the equatorial radius.
Analytic comparison of the Kerr metric with an external solution of uniformly rotat-
ing ellipsoid is achieved by comparing the multipolar expansions of the correspond-
ing gravitational potentials. The multipolar expansion of the Kerr metric is obtained
220 S. Kopeikin
and a generating function for the Legendre functions of the 2-nd type [72, formula
= (2 + 1)P (v)Q (u) . (241)
u−v =0
It allows us to represent the Newtonian potential VK of the Kerr metric in the following
VK = Gm K (−1) (4 + 1)q2 (ς)P2 (cos ϑ)
= m K q0 (ς) − 5q2 (ς)P2 (cos ϑ) + 9q4 (ς)P4 (cos ϑ) + . . . . (242)
G 2 m 2K cos2 ϑ ∂VK
− VK2 + = mK . (243)
(ς 2 + cos2 ϑ)2 ∂ς
Derivative of the Legendre function q (ς) is [72, formula 8.832], [71, formula (78)]
For analytical comparison of the Kerr metric with the post-Newtonian metric gen-
erated by extended rotating body it is sufficient to compare the multipolar expansion
of potential V of the metric of the rotating body and that of VK of the Kerr metric, and
to deduce the correspondence between the parameters of the expansions [82]. Any
kind of a multipolar expansion performed in either ellipsoidal or spherical coordi-
nates can be used. Nonetheless, in theoretical practice, the comparison of multipolar
expansions of gravitational fields is usually done in spherical coordinates. We follow
this practice and introduce the spherical coordinates {, , }
Reference-Ellipsoid and Normal Gravity Field in Post-Newtonian Geodesy 221
where the angular coordinates , are the same as in (15) and the radial coordinate
is related to R by a scale transformation, R = αK so that, = (α/αK )r .
To get the multipolar expansion of potential VK we use the following expansion
ς P2 (cos )
= (−1) , (247)
ς 2 + cos2 ϑ =0
that can be easily confirmed by direct inspection for the point with angular coordinate,
θ = = 0, when ς = , and applying expansion of the elementary function
= . (248)
2 + 1 =0
K = √ , ( = 1) . (251)
This result means that the Kerr metric can imitate gravitational field of a uniformly
rotating Maclaurin ellipsoid in the quadrupole approximation. However, as soon as
the condition (251) is satisfied, the multipole moments of the higher order (octupole,
222 S. Kopeikin
c sin ϑ c sin ϑ Gm K ς
DK = √ VK = √ . (253)
2 1+ς 2 2 1 + ς ς + cos2 ϑ
2 2
sin ϑP (cos ϑ) = P2−1,1 (cos ϑ) − P2+1,1 (cos ϑ) , (254)
4 + 1
that is given in [72, formula 8.733-4], to bring (253) to the following form
Gm K c q2+2 (ς) + q2 (ς)
DK = − (−1) √ P2+1,1 (cos ϑ) . (255)
2 =0 1 + ς2
but this is exactly the same formula as (258) for = π/2 with a special value of the
polynomial P2+1,1 (0) taken from (180).
Coming back to a physical domain of the dimensional coordinates, and expressing
the Legendre polynomial, P2+1,1 in terms of the first derivative with respect to its
argument, we obtain
* +
G S sin ∞
(−1) 2 a
2 d P
2+1 (cos )
DK = 1+ K
, (260)
2 R2 =1
2 + 1 R d cos
where S = αK Mc is a spin of the body generating the Kerr metric. Comparison of the
multipole expansion (260) with (174) allows us to read out spin multipole moments,
S2+1 , of the Kerr metric,
S2+1 = (−1)+1 2
K , ( ≥ 1) . (261)
As one can see, the spin multipole moments, S2+1 , of the Kerr metric given in (261)
are significantly different from those, S2n+1 , of the homogeneous rotating ellipsoid
given in (186). Relation between spin and mass multipole moments of the Kerr
S2+1 = J2K
, (262)
does not coincide with similar relation (187) between spin and mass multipole
moments of a rotating spheroid made of homogeneous fluid. We also notice that
relation (262) corresponds to a well-known relation between Geroch-Hansen mass
and spin moments of the Kerr black hole [99, Chapter 14].
Replacing (260) to vector potential of the Kerr metric yields
* +
G (S × x)i ∞
(−1) 2 a
2 d P
2+1 (cos )
VKi = 1+ K
. (263)
2 R3 =1
2 + 1 R d cos
224 S. Kopeikin
We can compare the multipole expansion (263) of vector potential of the Kerr metric
with similar expansion (190) given for rotating spheroid. We notice that the first terms
of these expansions match exactly each other so that the angular momentum, S, of
the body generating the Kerr geometry can be equated to the angular momentum of
the rotating spheroid. As we have already equated the mass of the body generating
gravitational field of the Kerr metric to that of the spheroid, we have to conclude that
equating the angular momenta of the two bodies also requires imposing a limitation,
αK = α, or, in other words, K = . However, this equation is not compatible with
the matching condition (251) for the quadrupoles. It means that the Kerr metric is
compatible with the normal gravity field of rotating ellipsoid merely in the mass-
monopole spin-dipole approximation. This approximation is not suitable for geodetic
applications. We conclude that the Kerr metric should not be used for the purposes
of relativistic geodesy.
Acknowledgements I thank Physikzentrum Bad Honnef for hospitality and Wilhelm and Else
Heraeus Stiftung for providing generous travel support to deliver a talk at 609 WE-Heraeus-
Seminar “Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Applications” (13.03. - 19.03.2016). This work
contributes to the research project “Spacetime Metrology, Clocks and Relativistic Geodesy” [http://
www.issibern.ch/teams/spacetimemetrology/] sponsored by the International Space Science Insti-
tute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland.
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Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic
Erik W. Grafarend
Abstract I was invited to speak about anholonomity or the problem to find co-
ordinate reference systems which are differentiable. In general non-differentiable
functions like (pseudo) orthonormal reference systems are differentiable forms be-
ing not classical functions. These differentiable forms are the basis of Elie Cartan’s
“exterior calculus”. Geodetic examples are extensively reviewed in the context of
the pre-and relativistic Geodesy.
E. W. Grafarend (B)
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Geschwister Scholl Strasse 24 D, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail: grafarend@gis.uni-stuttgart.de
geodetic functions where this condition does not hold. For those functions -a type of
generalized functions- we note the characteristic property f i j − f ji = ωi j = 0.
A first geodetic example is the scalar-valued gravity potential W , the sum of the
gravitational potential U and the centrifugal potential, also called rotational potential
V . It relates to the differential dW of the gravity potential W called holonomic po-
tential to the height displacement dH - γ and the modulus of the gravity vector in
- γ
terms of dW = 2 dH . We have used here the notation of M. Planck document-
ing that “d”- is not a “perfect differential”, also called anholonomic coordinate. Such
a notion is plausible since dH - γ = 0 in a closed loop, also called ring integral. The
argument is that in a local geodetic reference frame we have to refer to the terrestrial
gravity field, a deeper argument we bring here to your attention.
“Imperfect differentials” gave raise to the notion of differential forms. Our exam-
ple refers to the differential 1-form. The modulus of the Cartesian coordinates 2
(2 norm) is called “Frobenius” integrating factor due to dH - γ = 0. Integrability
is a key property of classical functions. But p-forms are extensions towards an-
holonomity. Elie Cartan based his theory of “exterior calculus” on non-integrability.
Here we start with a review of anholonomity: before and after relativity. In Chap. 2
we begin with the geodetic inventor of generalized geodetic functions: F. R. Helmert.
Being a Geodesist, he had studied two years in Mathematics and Physics where he
took lectures at the University of Leipzig of F. G. Frobenius and H. Grassmann.
It was there that he learned about “integrability” and “differentiable forms”: he
showed that the gravity potential of rigid bodies is integrable, but geodetic heights
are not, in general. “Geodätische Kote” was his term used for potential heights.
In Chap. 2 we therefore review anholonomity, before and after Relativity. The two
reports of the Ohio State University (OSU), Department of Geodetic Science (1972,
1973) of the author build up the basis and applied to three-dimensional Geodesy
and gravity gradients. The highlights are (i) the indicator diagrams and (ii) Cartan’s
pseudo-torsion or anholonomity forms in the “natural reference system”, τi j k .
The mathematician J. Zund in his latest book [1] realized the importance of our an-
holonomity formulae. The five characteristic curvature parameters {k1 , k2 , t1 , κ1 , κ2 }
of Hotine-Marussi’s three-dimensional Geodesy were the highlights of contemporary
geodetic science. A detailed computation of the Frobenius matrix of integrating fac-
tors in terms of the five arbitrary curvature parameters was demonstrated for “natural
coordinates” holonomic { ,
, W } (astronomical longitude, astronomical latitude,
potential of gravity) and anholonomic Cartesian coordinates {X, Y, Z }. A special sec-
tion is concerned with the curvature (first curvature) and torsion (second curvature)
of field lines of the gravity field and its orthonormal “plumbline”. We document the
special role of the Marussi gauge emphasizing the central role of gauge theory, in gen-
eral. The duality between vertical and horizontal fields equipped with an orthonormal
(in Relativity “pseudo-orthonormal”) metric δi j leads to the second order differential
equation of the plumbline manifold in Marussi gauge. Basic is the proof that spher-
ical symmetric gravity fields lead to zero curvature/torsion or zero anholonomity or
“holonomic coordinates”, but not non-spherical, for instance axisymmetric gravity
field. Alternatively, a departure from non-spherical symmetry, conventionally called
“anormal potential”, “gravity disturbance”, “vertical deflections”- standard geodetic
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 231
His concept of physical heights in terms of the gravity potential W , the sum of the
gravitational potential U and the centrifugal potential V , as part of the scalar-valued
gravity field established holonomic coordinates.
What are holonomic heights, better: holonomic height dif-
ferences, what are holonomic coordinates in contrast to
anholonomic ones? Such questions we will answer!
It is worth to study the arguments of F.R. Helmert why he transformed geometric
heights or height differences called “anholonomic” or not integrable in a closed loop
to “holonomic heights” or their differences in terms of potential numbers. Metrical
heights are constructed by dividing by a constant value, for instance the Global Mean
Value of Gravity (a proposal by S. Heitz) of by the external Somigliana–Pizzetti
gravity field, the standard gravity field known to sub-nano-Gal accuracy according
to A. Ardalan and E. Grafarend [6], also called “orthometric height” (F. Sanso and
P. Vanicek [7].
Born 31 July 1843 in Freiberg/Sachsen/F.R. Helmert attended in his home-
town the “Bürgerschule”, at the age of 14 he joined the “St. Annen Schule”.
in Dresden. The started his university studies at the age 16 years in joining the
“Polytechnical School” nowadays called “Technical University Dresden”. For
his Ph.D. studies he continued working in Dresden with A. Nagel as his super-
visor. As a benefit of his excellent studies a stipend was offered to him: he chose
to study two years at the University of Leipzig, namely to study physics and
mathematics. He attended the lectures of F.G. Frobenius and read H. Grassmann
on the topic of integrable differential forms, nowadays called “Cartan calculus”.
He finished his Ph.D. studies in Dresden: “Studium über rationelle Vermessun-
gen im Gebiet der Höheren Geodäsie”. In the year 1869 he was appointed as the
“observer” at the Hamburg Observatory. His first publication of the year 1874
dealt with “Vermessung und rechnerische Ausgleichung eines Sternhaufens”.
At the age of 29 years he was appointed “full professor” at the “Polytechnis-
che Schule” nowadays called “Aachen University”. It was in Aachen where he
wrote the legendary monumental works:
(i) Ausgleichungsrechnung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate mit Anwen-
dungen auf die Geodäsie und die Theorie, 1872. (This basic work saw many
reprints within the 20th century.)
(ii) Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorien der Höheren Geodäsie, 1880
and 1884, two volumes. (This basic works was often reprinted and translated in
the 20th century.)
F. R. Helmert was from the year 1886 up to his death in the year 1917 Director
of the “Königlich Preussischens Geodätischens Institut” which was founded
in the year 1870 in Berlin from 1890 onward up to this day located at the
Telegraphenberg in the city of Potsdam . At the same time he was appointed
Full Professor to the Chair of Geodetic Sciences at the “Friedrich-Wilhelms-
Universität” in Berlin. In the year 1900 he was elected to ordinary member at
the “Prussian Academy of Sciences”, a colleague of Albert Einstein in Berlin.
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 233
During his studies in Leipzig he became acquainted with “integrating factors” and
the celebrated Frobenius Lemma: Frobenius was teaching in Leipzig at that time.
- γ - γ
dW = − dH = 0 versus dH = 0
The notion “dH”- was introduced by M. Planck: the ring integral of geometric
heights dH is not zero, illustrated by “-” and by “dH” combined to dH. - We also say
“loop integral”. In contrast, the ring integral of the differential of “potential heights”
- the closed loop integral-is zero. W is called “the Gauss-Green potential”, later on
subject to “Cartan calculus” or “differential forms”.
In a co-rotating reference system-a system rotating with the Earth- we enjoy four
types of forces:
r ot = 2
“for rigid bodies, similar to
Maxwell equations of a deforming
At first we review the contents of my OSU reports (The Ohio State University
Columbus/Ohio/USA) from the year 1972 and 1973 of 81 pages and 126 pages on
anholonomity. Second, we shortly review my contributions on the subject of field
lines of gravity, their curvature and torsion, the Lagrange and the Hamilton equations
of the plumbline. Finally, third, we present examples of anholonomity.
There are not too many books on the subject of Differential Geomathematics, Dif-
ferential Geometry, Differential Topology and Theoretical Physics where you study
“holonomity” and “anholonomity”. We advice the interested reader to consult J. A.
Schouten (1954: “Ricci Calculus”) [8] with an index on “anholonomity”) as well
as R. Cushman et al. [9] : “Geometry on non-holonomically constraint systems”,
World Scientific, New Jersey. My favorite is S. Sternberg [10]: read Chap. 6 on Car-
tan calculations in semi-Riemann geometry, in particular “frame fields and co-frame
fields”, as well as Chap. 15 on “The Frobenius theorem”, in particular pages 312–313
on “A dual formulation of the Frobenius theorem”. In this remarkable book you find
also a review of
(i) Relativity
(ii) Higgs et al.
A photo of F.G. Frobenius (1849–1917) is available on page
303 of the book by S. Sternberg [10].
My first report of the Department of Geodetic Science, No. 174, The Ohio
State University, Columbus/Ohio/USA, 81 pages, of the year 1972 treats “Three-
Dimensional Geodesy and Gravity Gradients” based on the Frobenius integration the-
orem. The anholonomity or non-integrability is due to measurements in the “natural”
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 235
coordinates into the unique coordinates astronomical longitude and latitude, and the
gravity potential by means of gravity gradients as well as the Euclidean norm of
the gravity vector as integrating factors. If we tolerate point errors of about ±10 m,
the r.m.s. error of gravity gradients for terrestrial data is found to be about ±1 E
(“Eötvös”) for point distances of about 15 km and pole free latitudes. Analogous
values are ±1 m and ±0.1 E, ±10 cm and ±0.01 E approximately. A detailed error
analysis for the Marussi transformation is given, completed by an example for a three-
dimensional net adjustment based on the Frobenius theorem and available terrestrial
gravity gradient information.
Here, we review only the first sections of the OSU report number 202, namely
∂W ∂W
(ii) X = and Y = (2.2)
∂x ∂y
∂X ∂Y ∂2W ∂2W
(iii) = or = (2.3)
∂y ∂x ∂ y∂ x ∂ x∂ y
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 237
for any closed path in the x, y-plane. Denoting the two-dimensional vector which is
defined by its components X and Y any symbol, we can apply G. Stokes theorem to
the scalar product of a two dimensional field, obtaining
∂Y ∂X
(v) dW = X d x + Y dy = − d xd y = 0 (2.5)
∂x ∂y
Since the rotor or curl ∂Y
− ∂∂Xy vanished, it is concluded that the statement dW is,
in fact, equivalent to the assumption that W is a property.
The condition for a perfect differential with n-independent variable is the van-
ishing of the n-dimensional operator “rot” or “curl” and can be represented by
n(n − 1) ÷ 2 equation of the above form. A differential of the type X d x + Y dy
is known as J. Pfaff’s differential, in general. When there are two independent vari-
able it is always possible to transform the expression X d x + Y dy into a perfect
differential by dividing it by a denominator, even it it was not one originally. With
three independent variables x, y, z and a vector differential form, the theory is more
complex. Certain requirement of integrability impose certain conditions on the vector
components. They will be found by the G. Frobenius theorem.
The integral dW = 0 for any closed path can be represented graphically in a
plane if the gradient gradW is taken along the height line. dW = −d H including
the pair acceleration = gradW and geometric height H - a mechanical and a
physical - is used in the indicator diagram, introduced by J. Watt for thermodynamics.
The path of the “L.N. Carnot” cycle 1, 2, 3 and 4 consists of four individuals. In
the left diagram of Fig. 1 12 = 34 , g23 = 41 , H12 = −H34 and H23 = −H41 must
hold, thus 12 H12 + 23 H23 + 34 H34 + 41 H41 results zero. The paths 23 and 41
are isogravitational in the central diagram of Fig. 1. In addition H12 = −H34 must
be provided. In the right diagram of Fig. 1 the path 12 and 34 are isophysical. But
23 = 41 has to be assumed, otherwise the cycle is nonintegrable. Now it is quite
obvious that d H γ = 0.
1 Indicator
diagram for
- γ =0
d W = dH
238 E. W. Grafarend
- 2γ Indicator
diagram for
dH = −1 d W = 0 1
is the well known integrating factor for height. In the next paragraph we prove the
non-integrability for the position coordinates also. We keep in mind that the indicator
diagram for an integrable pair of coordinates is perfectly symmetric (Fig. 2).
local gravity vector , the 1-axis and the 2-axis are directed towards astronomic
East and astronomic North. “•” reminds to the astronomic directions. Obviously the
3-axis coincides with the vertical axis of a perfectly leveled theodolite. Well known
are the astronomic azimuth, the vertical angle and the “infinitesimally” Euclidean
distance between two surface points as local polar coordinates. Any misclosure of
a ring polygon dx (vector differential one-form) will decide about uniqueness or
nonuniqueness of these “natural” coordinates. The coordinates are taken along the
local basis vectors e• .
dx = eW −E ωW −E + e S−N ω S−N + eV ωV (2.6)
dx = e1 ω1 + e2 ω2 + e3 ω3 (2.7)
eW −E represents the East basis vector, e S−N the North basis vector, and eV the
vertical basis vector (Fig. 3).
Orthonormality give (ei , e j ) = δi j , ωi = (dx, ei ). (, ) indicates scalar product.
Within the differential one-form dx we apply “G. Stokes’identity”, due to
dx = (e, ω) = d(e, w) = (e, τ ) = 0 (2.8)
The integral (e, τ ) has to be taken over the surface included by the ringpolygon of the
curve C. τ is the E. Cartan pseudo-torsion, often called the object of anholonomity,
and responsible for the misclosure of the closed path relative to the natural triad
(Fig. 4).
In the kernel-index G. Ricci calculus G. Stokes’ Theorem reads
dxi = eij ω j = d f mn em enk ∂ [ j ek]
240 E. W. Grafarend
where we have not separated “dead” and “living” tensor indices. [] are the per-
mutation brackets, e.g. [a, b] = ab − ba; ∂i the analytical form of grad; d f mn the
antisymmetric surface element.
I proved in (1972) that the pseudo-torsion form τ.mn i
:= em enk ∂ [ j ek]
(we apply the
Einstein summation convention over repeated indices, running 1,2,3) does not vanish
relative to the natural basis and is due to Box 1. In order to compute the object of
anholonomity (nonintegrabilitly, nonuniqueness) τ := (e• , (e• , [grad, e• ])) we have
to differentiate the components of the triad and to “strangle” twice by the same basis
vectors. The specialist in differential geometry can speculate that the pseudo-torsion
form should depend on curvature and torsion of the surface. Thus we are led to the five
characteristic quantities k1 , k2 , t1 , κ1 and κ2 which we are going to explain carefully.
, resp. refer to the astronomic longitude, latitude resp. The sign = emphasizes
that the right hand side equation holds only in the reference “•”.
End Box 1
κ1 and κ2 are the projections of the gradient grad lng in the East and North
direction. We denote gradW = where W is the real gravity potential at the
Earth’s surface (Fig. 5). The East and North components of −1 grad are
responsible for the misclosure of the third component, the heights. If and only if
const., the heights are integrable. = const. leads to κ1 = 0 and κ2 = 0. Or we
say that the vertical component of the pseudo-torsion form.
The projections κ1 , κ2 and t1 .
κ1 and κ2 are the normal curvatures in the East and North directions of any equipo-
tential surface W passing through the observation point. t1 is the geodetic torsion
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 241
of the equipotential surface in the East direction. Let us transform the vertical basis
vector e3• in the horizontal plane by grad e3• . The projections of grad e3• onto the bases
e1• and e2• are the components κ1 and κ2 (Fig. 6).
The relation to the pseudo-torsion form of the type (e• , (e• , grad e• )) and the
projection κ1 and κ2 of the type (e• , (e• , grad e• )) is quite obvious 1 ÷ κ1 and 1 ÷ κ2
can be interpreted as the curvature radii in the East and North direction. The geodetic
torsion found by
(e1• , (e2• , grad e3• )) = t1
we got a better inside in the structure of the E. Cartan pseudo-torsion if we look upon
gravity gradients.
Gravity gradients
We use the symbol ∇i called the covariant derivative. By definition the tensor of
gravity gradients is
∇∇W = M, ∇i ∇ j W = Mi j
The symbol M is applied in honor of A. Marussi [14] who first noticed the
central role of gravity gradients for Geodesy. Introducing −∇W = = e3 the
parameters of the tensor of gravity gradients depend only on ∇ and ∇e3• .
• •
−∇ ∇W = ∇( e3 ) = (∇ )e3 + ∇e3
(e1• , (e1• , M)) = − k1 (2.14)
(e2• , (e2• , M)) = − k2 (2.15)
(e1• , (e2• , M)) = − t1 (2.16)
(e1• , (e3• , M)) = − κ1 (2.17)
(e2• , (e3• , M)) = − κ2 (2.18)
With the definitions of the five projections k1 , k2 , κ1 , κ2 and t1 the relation to the
tensor M of gravity gradients are quite obvious.
If we recall the coordinates along the local natural triad x, y, z the five character-
istic curvature parameters are given in the form
• 1 ∂2W 1
k1 = − = − Wx x (2.19)
∂ x 2
• 1 ∂2W 1
k2 = − = − W yy (2.20)
∂ y 2
• 1 ∂2W 1
t1 = − = − Wx y (2.21)
∂ x∂ y
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 243
• 1 ∂2W 1
κ1 = − = − Wx z (2.22)
∂ x∂z
• 1 ∂2W 1
κ2 = − = − W yz (2.23)
∂ y∂z
− d x dz −1 Wx x
− dy dz(+ −1 Wx z tan
+ −1 Wx y ) = 0
dy = + d x d y −1 Wx y
+ dy dz −1 Wx z tan
− dy dz −1 W yy = 0
dz = − dy dz −1 Wx z
− dy dz −1 W yz = 0
We had discussed the role of the horizontal gradient of Wz = g related to the third
component z, the height H . Here we have the influence of the other components of
the gravity gradient tensor also. Their non-null causes the misclosure of the position
coordinates x and y. Thus d x, dy, dz are imperfect differentials in the sense of J.
Pfaff. The integration of coordinates between two surface points is path dependent.
Therefore we cannot find unique coordinate differences between these two points.
The way of regularization of the a priori improperly posed problem (violation of
uniqueness) is this. We have to find a coordinate system in which the pseudo-torsion
form τ vanishes. This is a necessary and sufficient condition for applying the G.
Frobenius Theorem in order to find integrating factors and a transformation from
the a priori non-unique system to a unique one. A. Marussi [14] introduced for this
reason a non-orthogonal triad by
∂x ∂x ∂x
e1 = ∂
, e2 = ∂
, e3 = ∂W
to which we refer with the symbol e•• . Of course, this is by definition a gradient
field, an integrable system. The second derivative permute, for instance
• •
e1 − ∂ e2 = (∂
∂ − ∂ ∂
)x = 0 (2.27)
Unique “state variables” are the astronomic longitude, the astronomic latitude, and
the geopotential (Fig. 7).
What are the connections between the nonunique natural coordinates which we
measure in and the unique ones? That is the question how to calculate d , d
, , dW
out of d x, dy, dz, or what is the G. Frobenius matrix, of integrating factors. From
my report (1972d, p. 38) we take the transformation
⎡ ⎤
−k1 sec
−t1 0
e• = ⎣ −t1 sec
−k2 0⎦ (2.29)
−κ1 sec
d = −k1 sec
d x − t1 sec
dy + κ1 sec
dz (2.30)
= −t1 d x − k2 dy + κ2 dz (2.31)
dW = dz (2.32)
where we have used the inverse of the G. Frobenius matrix of rank 3. The derived
transformation formulas are the most important ones of Physical Geodesy. They
explain why natural coordinate differentials are non-integrable and non-unique. The
gravity field of the Earth is involved in the transformation matrix. That explains
why geodesy has to be Physical Geodesy. Furthermore we can analyze when the
influence of gravity is excluded. This is the situation if and only if the whole tensor
of gravity gradients vanishes, emphasizing the central role of gravity gradients. In
other words, Gravity gradients are responsible for the non-uniqueness of natural
coordinates which we determine by measuring distances, vertical and horizontal
angles. Finally we rewrite the transformation in terms of gravity gradients explicitly,
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 245
• 1 1 1
d = + Wx x sec
d x + Wx y sec
dy + Wx z sec
dz (2.33)
• 1 1 1
= + Wx y d x + W yy dy + W yz dz (2.34)
dW = −dz (2.35)
firstly derived by A. Marussi [14]. What is the useful result for practice?
Firstly, we can uniquely integrate the coordinate differentials between two points
since d , d
, dW are perfect differentials. For instance the coordinate difference
between two points P and Q read
d = Q − P = −1 Wx x sec
dx + −1 Wx y sec
dy + −1 Wx z sec
Q −
P = −1 Wx y dx + −1 W yy dy + −1 W yz dz (2.37)
d W = WQ − WP = dz (2.38)
We repeat that
dx = x Q − x P , dy = y Q − y P , dz = z Q − z P (2.39)
d A = d sin
+ cot B(d
− d cos
cos A) (2.40)
246 E. W. Grafarend
d B = −d cos
sin A − d
cos A (2.41)
If ds is not the geometrical path, but the optical one, we have to replace ds by n
d s where n is the actual refractive index of the observation line.
Indicator Diagrams:
The indicator diagram for dW = dz = 0 was given in Fig. 9. Now we are
going to represent graphically the same diagrams for d = 0 and d
= 0. These
diagrams are multidimensional because d and d
are functions of dx, dy, dz. The
adjoint pairs of variables
−1 Wx x sec
, x; −1 Wx y sec
, y; −1 Wx z sec
, z;
−1 W yx , x; −1 W yy , y; −1 W yz , z;
, z
connect one physical and one mechanical variable. Their indicator diagram, is six-
dimensional, six-dimensional, and two-dimensional resp. We would like to mention
the fact that the missing Wzz inside the integrating factors is not astonishing. At
the Earth’s surface the Poisson-Laplace equation div grad W = tr M = 2ω2 holds,
explaining that Wx x and W yy are necessary and sufficient to describe Wzz = −(Wx x +
W yy ) + 2ω2 . ω represents the mean rotation speed of the Earth. Therefore only the
five independent components Wx x , Wx y , Wx z , W yy and W yz build the G. Frobenius
matrix of integrating factors.
In order to get some insight into the multidimensional indicator diagrams let us
assume Wx y = Wx z = W yz = 0. This means vanishing off-diagonal elements in the
A. Marussi tensor of gravity gradients or vanishing torsion t1 = 0 and projections
κ1 = κ2 = 0. In this case = const. and the E. Cartan pseudo-torsion results zero.
Thus the height component dz = dh is integrable and unique. Again this fact em-
phasizes the value of our knowledge about the E. Cartan pseudo-torsion of surfaces.
What is the geodetic interpretation of this result? Only k1 = 0 and k2 = 0 is a poly-
gon on an isogravitational surface (not an equipotential surface) with different vertical
axes; the East and North axes are principal curvature directions. Within the indicator
diagram (κ1 = κ2 = t1 = 0)(Wx x sec
)12 κ12 + (Wx x sec
)23 x23 + (Wx x sec
x34 + (Wx x sec
)41 x41 = 0, (W yy )12 y12 + (W yy )23 y23 + (W yy )34 y34 + (W yy )41 y41
= 0 and H12 + H34 = 0 have to be fulfilled, if we have a polygon net of four points.
The Euclidean norm = const. The constrained equations are satisfied by the
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 247
sufficient restrictions
(Wx x sec
)12 = (Wx x sec
)34 , (Wx x sec
)23 = (Wx x sec
)41 (2.42)
Of special interest is the same indicator diagram with some further restrictions:
(a) the paths 23 and 41 are isogradient, or (b) the paths 12 and 34 are isocoordinate
(Figs. 10 and 11).
We have to provide in the case (a) x12 = −x34 and in the case (b) (W yy )23 =
(W yy )41 . Another interpretation is this: In the case a) the point 2 and 3 or 1 and 4 lie
on the same gravity gradient—Fig. 9—Wx x sec
, W yy resp. But in the case (b) the
points 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 have identical position coordinates.
Finally we mention that there are a lot of other examples for “L. N. Carnot” cycles
within the indicator diagram. Special cases are k1 = 0, t1 = k1 tan
in which x is
integrable, y and z not, and κ1 = t1 = κ2 = 0 in which y is integrable, x and z not.
A singular case is
= π/2 where the E. Cartan pseudo-torsion and G. Frobenius
matrix of integrating factors are unbounded. But this is well known because we
9 Indicator diagram for
= 0, dφ =
0, d W = 0, κ1 , κ2 , t1 =
0, k1 = 0, k2 = 0
cannot find East and North at the Earth’s poles, that is, there is no singularity-free
coordinate system referring on any star-shaped surface.
The length of the gravitational field lines of the orthogonal trajectories of a family
of gravity equipotential surfaces of the plumbline between a terrestrial topographic
point and a point on a reference equipotential surface like the Geoid - also known
as the orthometric height - plays a central role in Satellite Geodesy as well as in
Physical Geodesy. As soon as we determine the geometry of the Earth pointwise by
means of a satellite GPS we are left with the problem of converting ellipsoidal heights
(geometric heights) into orthometric heights (physical heights). For the computation
of the plumbline we derive its three differential equations of first order as well as
the three geodesic equations of second order. The three differential equations of
second order take the form of a Newton differential equation when we introduce
the parameter time via the Marussi gauge on a conformally flat three dimensional
Riemann manifold and the generalized force field, the gradient of the super potential,
namely the modulus of gravity squared and taken half. In particular, we compute
curvature and torsion of the plumbline and prove their functional relationship to
the second and third derivatives of the gravity potential. For a spherically symmetric
gravity field, curvature and torsion of the plumbline are zero, the plumbline is straight.
Finally we derive the three Lagrangian as well as the six Hamiltonian differential
equations of the plumbline, in particular in their star form with respect to Marussi
With the advent of artificial satellites, in particular the satellite Global Positioning
System, high precision geometric positioning of points of the surface of the Earth
has been developed. An unsolved key problem is the transformation of heights in
geometry space, namely the ellipsoidal heights, into heights in gravity space, namely
the orthometric heights/the length of the plumbline with respect to the Geoid. The
field lines of gravity / the orthogonal trajectories of a family of gravity equipotential
surfaces/the plumblines are derived from a set of first order differential equations as
soon as we balance the horizontal/tangential field of the plumbline with the vertical
field/normal field of an equipotential surface of gravity as described by Caputo [17],
in particular with an ellipsoidal gravity field of reference, for instance.
Section two accordingly focuses on a setup of the differential equations of
first and second order of the plumbline with special reference to the transfor-
mation from the parameter arc length s to the dynamic time parameter t
according to the celebrated Marussi Gauge ([18–20]). The arc length squared
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 249
Curvature and torsion of the field lines of the gravity field, the plumbline
At the beginning let us set up the differential equations of the plumbline/the or-
thogonal trajectory with respect to a family of equipotential surfaces by means of
Box 2. The quality between horizontal and vertical fields establishes the first or-
der differential equations of the plumbline: The normalized tangent vector of the
plumbline is identical to the normalized surface vector of an equipotential surface
pointwise. The normalized surface vector of an equipotential surface agrees with
the negative gravity vector, the gradient of the gravity vector. As soon as we dif-
ferentiate the identity of the horizontal field of the plumbline and the vertical field
of an equipotential surface once more, we arrive at the second order differential
equation of a plumbline of inhomogeneous type. The inhomogeneity is generated
by the quadrupole moment in gravity space. As soon as we introduce the parameter
t in order to replace the curve arc length S via the Marussi gauge (Marussi 1979
[18], 1985 [19]) we are led to the first order differential eqs. and the second order
differential eqs. of a plumbline/orthogonal trajectory of a family of equipotential
surfaces. With respect to the Marussi gauge, the second order differential equations
of a plumbline in {R3 , gkl } coincide with the second order differential equations of a
geodesic in Newton form in the Marussi manifold {M3 , γ 2 (x)δkl } with γ 2 (x) as the
factor of conformality. Gravity squared taken half operates as a potential, accord-
ing to a proposal by Chandrasekhar et al. called superpotential: The gradient of the
superpotential γ 2 /2 operates as the force field balanced by the acceleration vector
x .
Indeed we have to explain better the duality between a curve in {R 3 , δkl }, where
the Kronecker δkl , relates to the canonical metric in a three-dimensional Euclidean
space, and a curve in {M3 , γ 2 (x)δkl }.{M3 , γ 2 (x)δkl } is an abbreviated notation for a
three-dimensional Riemannian space parameterized by three conformal coordinates
/ isometric coordinates, whose canonical metric is given by the product of the factor
250 E. W. Grafarend
of conformality γ 2 , the modulus of gravity squared, and the Kronecker δkl ,. Such a
Riemann manifold {M3 , γ 2 (x)δkl } will be called a Marussi manifold. Indeed there
are many Marussi manifolds dependent on the various representations of the gravity
field of the Earth. While the differential equations of second order generate a curve in
the chart {R3 , δkl }, at the same time this curve can be considered as a geodesic in the
Riemann manifold in terms of special coordinates, the ones of conformal/isometric
type. This conception of the curve as a geodesic will become clearer in the next
chapter. We should mention that the duality described earlier has already been applied
by Goenner et al. [22] in order to interpret Newton mechanics as geodesic flow on a
Maupertuis’ manifold.
Secondly we are going to derive the Frenet equations of the plumbline, a curve in
{R3 , δkl }, a three-dimensional Euclidean space completely covered by one chart of
Cartesian coordinates {x 1 , x 2 , x 3 }. As outlined by means of Box 3, we establish by
the Frenet frame {normalized tangent vector, normalized normal vector, normalized
binormal vector} called {f1 , f2 , f3 } (x), which is subject to the coupling to the gravity
field, thanks to the first order differential equations of the plumbline in Marussi
gauge. The derivational equations of the Frenet frame are built on the celebrated
anti-symmetric -matrix which contains as structure elements the curvature κ and
the torsion τ , also called first and second curvature of the plumbline. A straight-
forward computation of curvature and torsion of the plumbline subject to the coupling
of the gravity field. Here we took advantage of the cross product identity a × b =
a2 − b2 − a|b
2 where a indicates the Euclidean norm of the vector a as
well as a|b
the Euclidean scalar product/inner product of two vectors a and b.
Obviously the curvature κ of the plumbline is proportional to gravity gradients or
second derivatives of the gravity potential. This can be seen by means of as soon as
we apply, namely grad γ 2 /2, (∂k γ 2 )/2 = γ1 ∂k γ1 + γ2 ∂k γ2 + γ3 ∂k γ3 = ∂1 w∂k ∂1 w +
∂2 w∂k ∂2 w + ∂3 w∂k ∂3 w.
Box 2
Duality between horizontal and vertical fields in {R 3 , δi j } equipped with a
Euclidean matrix δi j
Normalized tangent vector of the plumbline is identical to the surface normal
vector of an equipotential surface 1st order differential equations
dx grad w dxk
=− ∼ = − ∂k w/ δlm ∂l w∂m w (2.45)
dS grad w dS
d2xk γ,l
+ 3 (γ 2 δ kl − γ k γ l ) = 0 (2.46)
dS 2 γ
Marussi gauge
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 251
= grad w , dx =
−1 x (2.47)
fist order differential equation of the plumbline in Marussi gauge
x = −grad w (2.48)
xk − 21 ∂k γ 2 = 0 (2.50)
End Box 2
In contrast, the torsion τ of the plumbline is proportional to the second deriva-
tives of the gravity vector or the third derivatives of the gravity potential. Such a
result is motivated by the identity γ,i2j /2 = γk,i j γk + γ(k,i) γ(k, j) = (∂i ∂ j ∂k w)∂k w +
(∂i ∂k w)(∂i ∂k w). Finally as a corollary we report the result that curvature and torsion
of the plumbline amount to zero if the gravity field has spherical symmetry. Or we
may say that κ0 = 0, τ0 = 0, if the gravity field w0 (x, y, z) = w0 (r ) depends only
on the radial coordinate r . This result gave the motivation for a decomposition of
curvature and torsion κ = κ0 + δκ, τ = τ0 + δτ subject to κ0 = τ0 = 0 in terms of
the gravity field γ = γ0 + δγ the normal gravity field γ0 = γ0 (r ) and the disturbing
gravity field {δγ (λ, ϕ, r )} which depends on the lateral variation of lengthy spherical
coordinates. Since the representations δκ, δτ are lengthy, we drop them here.
Box 3
Curvature and torsion of the plumbline in {R3 , δi j } equipped with a Euclidean
metric δ. The Frenet frame as the natural triad of the plumbline
f 1 :=
x − x | f 1 f 1
f 2 :=
x − x | f 1 f 1
x − x | f 1 f 1 − x | f 2 f 2
f 3 :=
x − x | f 1 f 1 − x | f 2 f 2
subject to
f 1 = κ S f 2 (2.55)
f 2
= −κ S f 1 + τ S f 3
f 3 = −τ S f 2 (2.57)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
f 1 0 ω12 0 f1
⎣ f ⎦ = ⎣ −ω12 0 ω23 ⎦ ⎣ f 2 ⎦ (2.58)
f 3 0 −ω23 0 f3
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
f 1 0 κ S 0 f1
⎣ f ⎦ = ⎣ −κ S 0 τ S ⎦ ⎣ f 2 ⎦ (2.59)
f 3 0 −τ S 0 f3
γ,12 j γ j (γ2 γ,32 − γ3 γ,22 ) + γ,22 j γ j (γ3 γ,12 − γ1 γ,32 ) + γ,32 j γ j (γ1 γ,22 − γ2 γ,12 )
γ 2 δ kl γ,k2 γ,l2 − (δ kl γk γ,l2 )2
κ0 = 0, τ0 = 0, if w0 (x, y, z) = w0 (r ) (2.63)
End Box 3
Instead, thirdly, we compute by means of Box 4 the plumbline in a spherically
symmetric gravity field subject to Marussi gauge. Let us depart from the first order
differential equations of a plumbline subject to Marussi gauge. Indeed by means
of we restrict the gravity field to be spherically symmetric: the gravity potential
w(x, y, z) = f (r ) has been chosen to be a function of the radial coordinate only. The
appropriate coordinate system in which to solve the first order differential equations is
the spherical coordinate system {λ, ϕ, r }. We have used the forward transformations
Cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates in order to represent the first
order differential equations of the plumbline subject to Marussi gauge in spherical
coordinates, to prove λ = 0, ϕ = 0 and r = − f (r ), a result collected in the
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 253
corollary. Finally as an example we have chosen the potential and the gravity field of
a homogeneous, massive sphere in the inner zone A and the outer zone B in order to
solve the ordinary differential equation of the radial component of the plumbline. The
function r = r0 exp gm/R s (t− t0 ) is a representation of the solution of r = − f (r )
in case 1, R > r , while r = 3 r03 + 3 gm(t − t0 ) in case 2, R < r . For R = r , both
solutions agree with each other. gm denotes the product of the gravitational constant
g and the mass m of the homogeneous, massive sphere.
Box 4
Computation of a plumbline in a spherical symmetric gravity field. Marussi gauge.
x = − ∂w
x = −grad w ⇔ ⎣ y = − ∂w
∂y (2.64)
z = − ∂w
dw ∂r xk df
∂k w = = f (r ) , f (r ) := (2.66)
dr ∂ x k r dr
forward transformation: Cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates
λ = ar ctan(y/x) + − 21 sgn(y) − 21 sgn(y)sgn(x) + 1 π, λ ∈ {R|0 ≤ λ < 2π }
φ = ar ctan( √ 2z 2 ), φ ∈ {R| − π/2 < φ < +π/2}
x +y
representation of the first order differential equation of the plumbline in spherical
coordinates d tan λ = x x+y dλ = −yd x+xdy
2 2
2 x2
1 r2
d tan φ = ((x 2
+ y 2
)dz − zxd x − zydy) = dφ (2.68)
(x 2 + y 2 )3/2 x 2 + y2
x = − f (x) rx
= − f (r ) ⇔ ⎣ y = − f (r ) ry
xk (2.69)
z = − f (r ) rz
254 E. W. Grafarend
λ = (−yx + x y ) (2.70)
x2 + y2
1 1
φ = (−zx x − zyy + (x 2 + y 2 )z ) (2.71)
(x + y ) 2
2 2 1/2
r = (x x + yy + zz ) (2.72)
λ = (y f (r )x/r − x f (r )y/r ) = 0 (2.73)
x 2 + y2
1 1
φ = (zx f (r )x/r + zy f (r )y/r − (x 2 + y 2 ) f (r )z/r ) (2.74)
(x + y ) 2
2 2 1/2
r 2 r = −(x 2 f (r ) + y 2 f (r ) + z 2 f (r )) = −r 2 f (r ) (2.75)
λ = 0, φ = 0, r = − f (r ), i f w(x, y, z) = f (r ) (2.76)
gm gm
grad w0 (r ) = −er H (R − r ) 3
r − er H (r − R) 2 (2.80)
R r
gm k gm
− ∂k w0 = H (R − r ) 3
x + H (r − R) 3 x k = x k (2.81)
R r
gm gm
λ = 0, φ = 0, r r = r 2 (H (r − r )) 3
+ H (r − R) 3 (2.82)
R r
if w(x, y, z) = w0 (r )
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 255
r = r0 exp gm
(t − t0 ) (2.83)
Case2: r > R : r = gm
⇒ r 2 dr = gmdt ⇒
3 r03
⇒ r3 − 3 = gm(t − t0 ) ⇒
⇒ 13 r 3 = 13 r03 + gm(t − t0 ) ⇒
r= r0 + 3gm(t − t0 )
3 3
End Box 4
Finally we illustrate by the solution of the first order differential eqs. of the
plumbline subject to Marussi gauge, namely the bundle of straight lines with the
mass center as the focal point for a spherically symmetric gravity field. For a more
realistic gravity field in the crust of the Earth, Svensson in Grafarend [23] has com-
puted a sample plumbline in the Alpes by a Runge–Kutta numerical computation
of the solution of the first order differential equation of the plumbline in Marussi
gauge and a gravity field given by a set of homogeneous massive spheres around
the plumbline representing the local gravity field. Reference is made to Fig. 12.
In addition, by Fig. 13 we illustrate the computation of a realistic plumbline at the
Fig. 13 Computation of a realistic plumbline at a mountain point in the Alpes according to Svensson
in Grafarend [23]
Fig. 14 Computation of a realistic plumbline at the mountain point Jungfraujoch at the Swiss
Alpes by Hunziker (1960, p. 151), departure from a straight line projection onto the reference Fig.
13 mm/30.8 mm in the North/West direction
frame is the coframe ωβ which consists of 4 covectors, also called one-forms. Let us
decompose frame and coframe with respect to local frames
eα = f αi ∂i ∼ ωβ = f j d x j (3.1)
The matrices f αi and f j are called Frobenius matrices of integrating factors.
Duality is defined by
f iα f αj = δi f iα f βi = δβα
and (3.2)
We refer to the review of Blagojevic, M., Garecki, J., Hehl, F.W. and Obukhov,
Y.N. [3]: The matrices f i .α are called frame components or tetrad components.
Conventionally, in Relativity vectors in an orthonormal or pseudo-orthonormal
frames are labeled {1, 2, 3, 4} underlining the fundamental difference between e4 ,
the negative length g44 = g(e4 , e4 ) = −1 and ea , a ∈ {1, 2, 3} which have positive
lengths gaa = g(ea , ea ) = +1. We call a vector timelike if g(u, u) < 0, spacelike if
g(u, u) > 0 and null of lightlike if g(u, u) = 0. The components of the metric tensor
with respect to the pseudo-orthonormal frame eα are represented by
⎡ ⎤
1 0 0 0
∗ ⎢0 1 0 0⎥
gαβ := ⎢ ⎣0 0 1
⎥ (3.3)
0 0 0 −1
The star equal sign indicates that this equation holds only in this specific frame,
the pseudo-orthonormal one.
Null frames
l := √1 (e1
+ e2 ), n := √1 (e1
− e2 )
m := √1 (e3
+ ie4 ), m := √1 (e3
− ie4 )
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 259
“*” as well as “**” indicate that these identities hold only in this special frame of
gμν (u, u) jμ jνν ωμ ων = gμ ν (u (u), u (u) ωμ ων (3.9)
half-null frame “l, π ”
Let us begin with the first case: for all μ, ν ∈ {1, 2} we assume gμν = diag(1, 1)
and g(l, l) = g(n, n) = 0 or g1 1 = g2 2 = 0 as well as g(l, n) = g(n, l) or g1 2 =
g2 1 a result which we call “symmetry of the metric”.
260 E. W. Grafarend
Given gμν = diag(1, 1) and g(l, l) = g(n, n) = 0 or g1 1 = g2 2 = 0.
Find g(l, n) = g(n, l) or g1 2 = g2 1
Since g(l, l) = g(n, n) or g1 1 = g2 2 = 0 which holds by definition of the half-
null frame we are left with the problem to construct g(l, n) = g(n, l) or g1 2 = g2 1 .
Please, note
l := √1 (e1 + e2 ),
n := √1 (e1 − e2 )
ω1 := √1 (ωe1 + ω2 ),
ω2 := √1 (ωe1 − ω2 )
e1 = √1 (l
+ n), e2 =√1 (l − n)
ω1 = √1 (ω
+ ω2 ), ω2 = √12 (ω1 − ω2 )
(ω1 )2 = 21 (ω1 )2 + 2ω1 ω2 + (ω2 )2
(ω2 )2 = 21 (ω1 )2 + 2ω1 ω2 + (ω2 )2
g(l, l) = g(n, n) = 0 ⇐⇒ (ω1 )2 = (ω2 )2 = 0
(ω ) + (ω2 )2 = 2ω1 ω2 (ω1 )2 = ω1 ω2 , (ω2 )2 = ω1 ω2
1 2
half-null frame “m, m”
Let us continue with the second case: for all μ, ν ∈ {1, 2} we define gμν =
diag(+1, −1) and g(m, m) = g(m, m) = 0 or g3 3 = g4 4 = 0 as well as
g(m, m) = g(m, m) or g3 4 = g4 3 a result which we call “symmetry of the pseudo-
Given gμν = diag(+1, −1) and g(m, m) = g(m, m) = 0 or
g3 3 = g4 4 = 0
Find g(m, m) = g(m, m) or g3 4 = g4 3
Since g(m, m) = g(m, m) = 0 or g3 3 = g4 4 = 0 by definition of the half-null
frame we are left with the problem to construct g(m, m) = g(m, m) or g3 4 = g4 3 .
Please, note
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 261
m := √1 (e3 + ie4 ),
m := √1 (e3 − ie4 )
ω3 := √1 (ωe3 + iω4 ),
ω4 := √1 (ωe3 − iω4 )
e3 = √1 (m
+ im), e4 = √1 (m
− im)
ω3 = √1 (ω3
+ ω2 ), ω4 = √1 (ω3
− iω4 )
(ω3 )2 − (ω4 )2 = 21 (ω3 ) + iω4 (ω3 + i(ω4 )+
+ 21 (iω3 ) + ω4 (iω3 + (ω4 )
g(m, m) = g(m, m) = 0 ⇐⇒ (ω3 )2 = (ω4 )2 = 0
(ω3 )2 − (ω4 )2 = −2ω3 ω4
Here, i is the imaginary part and over-bar means complex conjugation. The total
transformation leads to the Lorentz metric in a Newnan–Penrose null frame
eα := (l, n, m, m) :
in detail
⎡ ⎤
0 0 0 0
⎢1 0 0 0⎥
gμ ν =⎢
⎥ (3.15)
0 1 −1 ⎦
0 0 −1 0
Such a frame is very well suited for investigating gravitating waves as well as
electromagnetic waves. M. Blagojevic, J. Garecki, F.W. Hehl and Yu.N. Obukhov
[3] developed alternatively Real Null Coframes to which we refer. Here we adopted
the title Real null coframes in General Relativity and GPS type coordinates from M.
Blagojevic et al. [3].
262 E. W. Grafarend
4 Examples
Our first example relates to Killing vectors of symmetry, in particular of the ellipsoid-
of-revolution and the sphere. Second, we study anholonomity, namely the influence
of the local vertical in computing geodetic networks in the form of three dimensional
Geodesy. Our example discusses the misclosure of a triangular network observed
by scaled distance measurements. The local vertical in gravity space depends on
astronomic longitude and astronomic latitude. In detail, we present the analysis of a
triangular network in the range of (i) 25 m and (ii) 500 m. The structure of this network
causes miscloser in the range of (i) 1 mm and (ii) 300 mm. Anholonomity influences
these misclosers. Third, we analyze anholonomity as the problem of integrability or
differential forms. The tool in treating problematic orthonormal frames of reference
is “exterior calculus”, here introduced of analyzing the 2-sphere with respect to two
frames of reference.
First question
Let a transformation group act on the coordinate transformation of a surface-
of-revolution. What are the transformation groups which leaves the first differential
invariant ds 2 of a surface-of-revolution equivariant or form invariant? Answer 1: The
transformation group which leaves the first differential invariant ds 2 , also called “arc
length”, equivariant is the one-dimensional rotation group R3 (longitude), a rotation
“around the 3-axis” of the ambient space {R3 , δi j }. The 3-axis establishes the Killing
vector of symmetry.
The proof
Our proof for the “Answer 1” is outlined in Box 5. First, we present a parameter
representation of a surface-of-rotation defined by {u, v} in a equatorial frame -of-
reference and defined by {u ∗ , v ∗ } in a rotated equatorial frame-of-reference. Second,
we follow the action of the rotation group R3 () ∈ S O(2). Third, we generate the
forward and backward transformations
{e1 , e2 , e3 |0} → {e1∗ , e2∗ , e3∗ |0} as well as
{e1∗ , e2∗ , e3∗ |0} → {e1 , e2 , e3 |0} of
orthogonal base vectors which span the three-dimensional Euclidean ambient space.
Fourth, we fill in the backward transformation of bases into the first parameter
representation of the surface-of-revolution and compare with the second one. In
this way, we find the “Kartenwechsel”, [change form one chart to another chart]
{u ∗ = u − , v ∗ = v}. Fifth, we compute the first differential invariant ds 2 of the
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 263
surface-of-revolution, namely the matrix of the metric G = diag[ f 2 , f 2 + g 2 ].
{ f, g} are representations of the parameters describing the surface-of-revolution
given by the formula (4.1) and (4.2) in Box 5! “Cha-Cha-Cha” leads us via the
Jacobi map J to the second representation d ∗2 of the first differential invariant which
turns out to be equivariant or form invarinat. Indeed, we have shown that under the
action of the rotation group ds 2 = ds ∗2 . Sixth, we identity e3 as the Killing vector
of the symmetry of the surface of revolution.
Coordinate transformation
v = v ∗ , x(u, v) = x(u ∗ , v ∗ )
u∗ = u − ω
Arc length (first differential invariant): ds = 2
[du, dv]Jx∗ Jx
264 E. W. Grafarend
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
Du x Dv x
− f sin u f cos u 2
⎣ ⎦ ⎣
⎦ ∗ f 0
Jx = Du y Dv y = f cos u f sin u , G := Jx Jx =
0 f 2+g2
Du z Dv z 0 g
Killing vector of symmetry (rotational axis):
1st version: 2nd version:
ds 2 = f 2 du 2 + ( f 2 + g 2 )dv 2 ds ∗2 = f ∗2 du ∗2 + ( f ∗ 2 + g ∗ 2 )dv ∗2
u ∗ = u − , v ∗ = v ⇔ du ∗2 = du 2 , dv ∗2 = dv 2 (4.7)
ds 2 = f 2 du 2 + ( f 2
+ g 2 )dv 2 = f 2 du ∗2 + ( f 2
+ g 2 )dv ∗2 = ds ∗2
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
0 0
e3 = [e1 , e2 , e3 ] ⎣ 0 ⎦ ∼ ⎣ 0 ⎦ (4.8)
1 1
End Box 5
Second question
x(u ∗ , v ∗ ) = e1∗ cos v ∗ cos u ∗ + e2∗ cos v ∗ sin u ∗ + e3∗ sin v ∗ (4.10)
e1 = e1∗ (cos γ cos β) − e2∗ (sin γ cos α + cos γ sin β sin α + e3∗ (sin γ sin α +
cos γ sin β cos α),
e2 = e1∗ (sin γ cos β) + e2∗ (cos γ cos α + sin γ sin β sin α + e3∗ (− cos γ sin α +
sin γ sin β cos α),
e3 = e1∗ (− sin β) + e2∗ (cos β sin α) + e3∗ (cos β cos α).
Coordinate transformations:
x(u, v) = x(u ∗ , v ∗ )
e1∗ f 1 (α, β, γ |u, v) + e2∗ f 2 (α, β, γ |u, v) + e3∗ f 3 (α, β, γ |u, v) (4.13)
+ (cos γ cos α + sin γ sin β sin α) cos v sin u + cos β sin α sin v, (4.14)
tan u ∗ = , sin v ∗ = f 3 (4.15)
End Box 6
The proof
First, we present a parameter representation of the sphere defined by {u, v} in
a equatorial frame-of-reference and defined by {u ∗ , v ∗ } in a oblique frame-of-
reference generated by the three-dimensional orthogonal group S O(3). Second,
the action of the transformation group S O(3) is parametrized by Cardan an-
gles {α, β, γ }, namely a rotation R1 (α) by around the 1 axis, a rotation R2 (β)
around the 2-axis, and a rotation R3 (γ ) around the 3-axis. Third, we transform
forward and backward the orthonormal system of base vectors {e1 , e2 , e3 |0} and
{e1∗ , e2∗ , e3∗ |0}, which span the three-dimensional Euclidean space, the ambient
space of the sphere Sr2 . {e1 , e2 , e3 |0} establish the conventional equatorial frame-
of-reference, but {e1∗ , e2∗ , e3∗ |0} at the origin the meta-equatorial reference frame.
Fourth, the backward transformation is substituted into the parameters representation
of the placement vector e1r cos v cos u + e2 r cos v sin u + e3r sin v ∈ Sr2 , such that,
e1∗ f 1 (α, β, γ |u, v) + e2∗ f 2 (α, β, γ |u, v) + e3∗ f 3 (α, β, γ |u, v) is a materialization
of the “Kartenwechsel”. In this way, we are led to tan α ∗ = f 2 / f 1 and sin v ∗ = f 3
, both functions of the parameters {α, β, γ } ∈ S O(3) of longitude u and the lat-
itude v. Fifth, as soon as we substitute “Cha-Cha-Cha”, namely the diffeomor-
phism {du, dv} → {du ∗ , dv ∗ } by means of the Jacobi matrix J in the first dif-
ferential invariant ds ∗2 , namely the matrix of the metric G = diag[r 2 cos2 v, r ],
we are led to the first representation ds 2 of the first differential invariant of
form-invariant: ds 2 = r 2 cos2 vdu 2 + r 2 dv 2 = r 2 cos2 v ∗ du ∗2 + r 2 dv ∗2 . Indeed we
have shown that under the action of the three-dimensional rotation group, namely
R(α, β, γ ) = R1 (α)R2 (β)R3 (γ ), ds 2 = ds ∗2 . Sixth, we identify the three Killing
vectors {e1 , e2 , e3 } or [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] and [0, 0, 1], respectively, the symmetry of
the sphere Sr2 . For more details refer to two volume book E. Grafarend, R.J. You R.
Syffus (2012)
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 267
Why is the influence of the terrestrial gravity potential and its gravity field so
It is worth while to study the gravity field and the shape of the figure of the Earth
more accurate.
Model Assumptions
First assumption
The figure of the Earth is assumed to be described to be the sphere of constant
radius r0 , the radius of its boundary.
Second assumption
Inversion w0 −→ r0
We depart form the assumption that geodetic measurements are able to yet infor-
mation of the potential values on the spherical surface. The terrestrial potential w0
with respect to the simple Earth model could be easily converted into the Earth r0 ,
w0 = gmr0−1 −→ r0 = gmw0−1
Inversion γ0 −→ r0
We depart from the assumption that geodetic measurements of type gravity gradi-
ent/of type first derivative of gravity or of type second derivative of the potential, are
able to get information of relative gravity data on the spherical surface. The terrestrial
values γ0 = w0 with respect to the simple Earth model could be easily inverted in
the Earth radius, namely
√ −1/3
γ0 = w0 = 2gmr0−3 −→ r0 = 3 2gmγ0
We have seen that for a simple Earth model (i) homogeneous mass distribution,
(ii) spherical Earth - there is no integrability problem. But the real Earth has a
heterogeneous, inhomogeneous, latitude and longitude dependent mass distribution
and the figure and the gravity filed is neither spherical nor ellipsoidal, but irregular!
There is the argument for small anholonomity.
Typical for surveying problems in local networks, for instance “deformation net-
works”, is the adjustment in horizontal as well as vertical parts. Mainly planar geode-
tic nets are treated exclusively in the surveying literature. The influence of change in
the local vertical is neglected. But the local vertical is the reference direction in po-
sitioning instruments especially in LPS (“Local Positing Systems”): Local networks
are typically anholonomic since the local vertical due to irregular mass distribution
varies form point to point, not being reflected by planar networks.
At first we take reference to the local moving reference frame systematically called
• instrumental errors
• central error
• null point systematic errors
• refractional effects
• relativistic effects of first order.
Fig. 15 Triangular network {Pα , Pβ , Pγ |0}, placement vector at the origin O local vertical ,
E3 (Pα ), E3 (Pβ ), E3 (Pγ ), α , β , γ local gravity vectors
between target points and station points {Pα , Pβ , Pγ }, in particular the relative po-
sition vectors X αβ := X β − X α , X βγ := X γ − X β , and X γ α = X α − X γ . Figure
15 illustrations the triangular network {Pα , Pβ , Pγ |0} with respect to vectors at the
origin 0 and the local verticals E3 (Pα ), E3 (Pβ ) and E3 (Pγ ) in a closed loop as well
as local gravity vectors. It is a common practice to represent the relative position
vector in an orthogonal local horizontal frame of reference.
Consult Fig. 16: Commutative diagram where we illustrate the moving horizontal
reference frames, namely moving relative to the fixed equatorial reference frame
“freely transported to the point {Pα , Pβ , Pγ }”.
fixed moving
orthonormal orthonormal
reference reference
frame frame
{F•1 , F•2 , F•3 } {E∗1 , E∗2 , E∗3 }
We have denoted the fixed equatorial frame of reference by {F•1 , F•2 , F•3 } as well
as the moving horizontal frame of reference by {E∗1 , E∗2 , E∗3 }.
270 E. W. Grafarend
Fig. 16 Commutative
diagram: moving horizontal
reference systems Eα versus
fixed equatorial reference
Our point of view is “operational”! We start from observations: It is a custom
to begin with the “Earth rotation” as all planets rotate: unfortunately the polar axis
is moving, the effects are called polar motion (POM) and Length of day (LOD).
Traditionally, we define the Mean Rotation Axis by averaging over time, for instance
over a year, over ten years or a decades or centuries. There are daily data available
from the International Earth Rotation Service, in particular for POM and LOD, also
for time. Various excitation mechanisms are studied, worth mentioning “atmospheric
tides”, tides of the solid part as well as the fluid part (sea tides), also the core-mantle
coupling and Earth Quakes.
The background of the other base vectors F•1 and F•2 in the equatorial plane,
orthonormal to the base vector F•3 is also fascinating: it takes reference to the Green-
wich zero meridian fixed to date it. In the center of time and space we define the
origin of the fixed equatorial triad or 3-leg. A parallel transparent to the center of the
Earth, we fix the Greenwich base vector F•1 as well as the orthogonal base vector F•2
orthonormal to F•1 and F•2
We have only discuses up to now the “fixed equatorial frame of reference”
{F•1 , F•2 , F•3 |0}. What is the definition of the “moving horizontal frame of reference”
{F∗1 , F∗2 , F∗3 |0} or {E∗1 , E∗2 , E∗3 |P}? A theodolite and a leveling instrument measure
the local physical vertical as well as local physical horizontal plane. With respect
to the so called “orientation unknown” the local vertical as well as the local hori-
zontal plane at the station point Pα we measure the modulus of the gravity vector
= grad W by gravimetry as well as astronomic latitude φ and astronomic
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 271
longitude , the spherical coordinate of the gravity vector. The moving horizontal
frame of reference at placement Pα is defined by {F∗1 , F∗2 , F∗3 |0} or {E∗1 , E∗2 , E3 |P}∗
in particular
• F∗1 orthogonal to the vector in the horizontal plane “orienta-
tion unknown”
• F∗2 orthogonal to the vector in the horizontal plane, orthog-
onal to F∗1 and F∗3
• F∗3 = E∗3 = (Pα ) ÷ α (Pα )
• E∗1 orthogonal to the vector in the horizontal plane, define
azimuth and vertical angle
• E∗2 orthogonal to the vector define azimuth and vertical angle
• E∗3 = F∗3 = (Pα ) ÷ α (Pα )
The various definitions of reference frames {E∗1 , E∗2 , E∗3 |P} or {F∗1 , F∗2 , F∗3 |P} as
well as {E•1 , E•2 , E•3 |0} or {F•1 , F•2 , F•3 |0} become more obvious when we study the
observations from a station point Pα to a target point Pβ , for instance. We introduce a
new index, also called “a dummy index”, for instance, Pαα versus Pβα . It is indicating
that both reference frames P at the points Pα and Pβ are the same! How to do this?
We apply parallel transport from Pα and Pβ of the reference frame attached to P! In
the Euclidean space in terms of three-dimensional Geodesy we think in terms of the
Euclidean Axiom 5 of the embedding space. Concretely we connect the orthonormal
reference frame {F∗1 , F∗2 , F∗3 |P} freely transported from O −→ P compared to the
orthonormal reference frame {F∗1 , F∗2 , F∗3 |P}
denotes the “orientation unknown” typically for the chosen theodolite ori-
gin in the horizontal plane. The 3 parameters ( ,
, ) with in R( ,
, ) :=
R3 ()R2 ( π2 −
)R3 ( ) refer to Euler angles astronomical longitude , the com-
pliment of astronomical latitude
and the “orientation unknown” . Let us use the
transformation {F•1 , F•2 , F•3 |0} to {E•1 , E•2 , E•3 |0} reminding us the definition of dw
namely the dot.
With respect to the moving horizontal reference system we are able now to rep-
resent the relative vector “station point to target point” on the surface of the Planet
Aαβ denotes the southern azimuth form the station point X α to the target point
X β . The horizontal direction is abbreviated by Hαβ , namely form the point X α or
Pα to the point X β . The orientation are unknown at the point X α or Pα is called α .
The vertical direction directed upwards was denoted by the letter Bαβ . Finally, Sαβ
abbreviated the oblique distance. Figures 18 and 19 illustrate the relative position
vector in the moving frame of reference in the horizon. Please, note X βα = X αβ
because of different frames of reference.
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 273
Due to the parallel transport of frames of reference, namely E∗α (X β ) := Eβ∗ and
E∗ (X α ) : E∗ , the reference frames enjoy the inequality Eα∗ := Eβ∗ , in consequence
α γ α
→ E∗
= R ( α ,
α , 0)RTE ( γ ,
γ , 0)
E∗ E
274 E. W. Grafarend
The Heitz notation places the indicies {α, β, γ } on top of the kernel symbol. This
notation is needed to identify the reference frame attached to the point where we
Taylor expansions
β = α + βα ,
β =
α +
γ = α + γ α ,
γ =
α +
γ α
as well as
cos β = cos( α + βα ) = cos α cos βα − sin α sin βα = cos α − βα sin α
sin β = sin( α + βα ) = sin α cos βα − cos α sin βα = sin α − βα cos α ,
cos γ = cos( α + γ α ) = cos α cos γ α − sin α sin γ α = cos α − γ α sin α
sin γ = sin( α + γ α ) = sin α cos γ α − cos α sin γ α = sin α − γ α cos α ,
R E ( α , α , 0)R E ( γ , γ , 0) = ⎣ sin
1 cos
α ⎦ ,
− cos
α 1
namely the sum of (i) a unit matrix I and of (ii) antisymmetric matrix (Fig. 20)
⎡ ⎤
0 − sin
α −
A := ⎣ sin
α 0 cos
α ⎦ = −AT .
− cos
α 0
β −→ α
⎡ β ⎤ ⎡ α ⎤
∗ ∗
⎢ X βα ⎥ X αβ
⎢ β∗ ⎥ ⎢ α ⎥
⎢ Y ⎥ = R E ( β ,
β , 0)RTE ( α ,
α , 0) ⎢ ∗ ⎥
⎣ Yαβ ⎦ =
⎣ βα ⎦ α
β ∗
Z αβ
⎡ α ⎤ ⎡ α ⎤
∗ ∗
X αβ X αβ
⎢ α ⎥ ⎢ α ⎥
= (I + A ) ⎢ ∗ ⎥ ⎢ ∗ ⎥
⎣ Yαβ ⎦ = (I − A) ⎣ Yαβ ⎦ (5.9)
α α
∗ ∗
Z αβ Z αβ
⎢ A βα = H βα + = Arctan Y ÷ X
βα βα
⎢ β β
⎢ Bβα := Vβα = Arctan β Z βα ∗2
÷ X ∗2
+ Y ∗2 (5.10)
⎢ βα βα
⎣ β β β
∗2 ∗2 ∗2
Sβα = X βα + Yβα + Z βα
α α α
. ∗
− sin
α X αβ ∗
+Yαβ ∗
− cos
α Z αβ
Aβα = Hβα + β = Arctan ∗
X αβ + sin
α Yαβ +
Z αβ
. ∗
α X αβ ∗
− cos
α α Yαβ ∗
− α Z αβ
Bβα := Vβα = Arctan
α α α α α α (5.11)
∗2 ∗2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
X αβ +Yαβ −2 cos
α Yαβ Z αβ +2
X αβ Z αβ
α α α
∗2 ∗2 ∗2
Sβα = Sαβ = X αβ + Yαβ + Z αβ
276 E. W. Grafarend
End Box 7
Box 8: Transformation of rectangular and curvilinear coordinate differences
in two reference systems of the gravity space, Case two
⎡ β
X βγ = Sβγ cos Aβγ cos Bβγ
⎢ (5.12)
⎣ Y βγ = Sβγ sin Aβγ cos Bβγ
Z βγ = Sβγ sin Bβγ
α −→ β
⎡ α β β β
X βγ = X βγ − αβ sin
α Y βγ −
αβ Z βγ
⎢α β β
⎢ (5.13)
⎣ Y βγ = αβ sin
α X βγ − αβ cos
α Z βγ
α β β β
Z βγ =
αβ X βγ − αβ cos
α Y βγ + Z βγ
αβ := β − α
αβ :=
β −
(Taylor expansion)
β β
⎢ A βα = H βα + = Arctan Y βα ÷ X βα
⎢ β β β
⎢ Bβα = Vβα = Arctan Z βγ 2
÷ 2
X βγ + Yβγ2 (5.14)
⎣ β β β
Sβα = X βγ 2
+ Yβγ2
+ Z βγ
α α α
. − αβ sin
α X βγ + Y βγ − αβ cos
α Z βγ
Aβγ = Hβγ + β = Arctan α α α
X βγ + αβ sin
α Y βγ +
αβ Z βγ
α α α
. −
αβ X βγ + αβ cos
α Y βγ + Z βγ
Bβγ = Vβγ = Arctan
α α (5.15)
α α α α
X βγ +Yβγ
−2 αβ cos
α Y βγ Z βγ +2
αβ X βγ Z βγ
α α α
Sβα = 2
X βγ + Yβγ
+ Z βγ
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 277
⎛ ⎞
α α α α α
. Y βγ ⎜ X βγ Z βγ ⎟ Y βγ Z βγ
Aβγ = Hβγ + = Arctan α −⎜
α + α
α cosα ⎠ αβ − α α
X βγ 2 + Y2
X βγ 2 + Y2
X βγ
βγ βγ
α α α
. Z βγ Y βγ X βγ
Bβγ = Vβγ Arctan + cos
α αβ −
αβ (5.17)
α α α α α α
2 + Y2
X βγ X 2 + Y2 X 2 + Y2
βγ βγ βγ βγ βγ
End Box 8
Obviously, the Euclidean distance is independent of the choice of the reference
frame. The results is in contrast to the analysis of the observed directions of type
horizontal and vertical. The observational equations for horizontal and vertical direc-
tions contain three orientation angles, indeed the classical orientation unknown β at
the station point Pβ , or Pβ as well as the longitudinal and latitudinal difference αβ ,
αβ or αγ ,
αγ between the horizontal reference system of the station point and
those points which we chose as reference points in a triangular network. In addition,
we have modeled the coordinate differences between station point and target point.
End Box 9
End Box 10
β γ
X βγ = +50 m − 0.22 mm, X γ α = −80 m + 0.17 mm
β γ
Y βγ = −50m − 0.23 mm, Y γ α = +20 m − 0.36 mm
β γ
Z βγ = +15 m − 0.04 mm, Z γ α = −20 m − 1.03 mm
α β
X αβ + X βγ +γ X γ α = 0 : −0.22 mm + 0.17 mm = −0.05 mm
α β
Y αβ + Y βγ +γ Yγ α = 0 : −0.23 mm − 0.35 mm = −0.59 mm
α β
Z αβ + Z βγ +γ Z γ α = 0 : −0.04 mm − 1.03 mm = −1.07 mm
End Box 11
Have a look at the triangular network of the Fig. 21. Box 10 reviews the transfor-
mation of the frame of reference at the point P β and P γ to the frame of reference
at out datum point P α . In addition, Box 11 summarizes the misclosures of the order
of under 1mm. For our second example, we start again with a triangular geodetic
network between the points {Pα , Pβ , Pγ } in the horizontal frame at the point Pα . The
three holonomity conditions for our 500 m local network to zero, see Box 12. In ad-
dition, we assumed vertical deflection variation of the order of 2 − 5 for longitude
and latitude of approximate latitude
α = 48.782◦
Box 12: 500 m local network
α α α
X αβ = +500m, X βγ = +800m, X γ α = −1300m,
α α α
Y αβ = +500m, Y βγ = −800m, Y γ α = +300m,
α α α
Z αβ = +50m, Z βγ = +150m, Z γ α = −200m,
αβ = 25“ ∼ 12.12 × 10−5 R AD
αβ = −15“ ∼ − 7.27 × 10−5 R AD
αγ = −15“ ∼ − 7.27 × 10−5 R AD
αγ = −45“ ∼ − 2.18 × 10−4 R AD
α = 48.788◦
280 E. W. Grafarend
End Box 12
End Box 13
End Box 14
Box 13 reviews the transformation of the frame of reference at the points P β and
P to the frame of reference at the datum point P α . In addition, Box 14 summarizes
the misclosure of the order 250 mm. The results speak for themselves. For observation
in the range of kilometers (3rd order networks) these effects cannot be neglected.
Anholonomity in Pre-and Relativistic Geodesy 281
Box 16: Cartan’s first structure equations, displacement vector of the surface
of the sphere Gaussian frame of reference versus Cartan frame of reference,
∂v1 ∂u
σ du
=: σ , du :=
σ2 dv
if σ = A du , then dC σ = d A ∧ du
End Box 16
First, we span the tangent space-here denoted {g1 , g2 }- as well as the normal space-
here denoted {g
3 }
in honor
C.F. Gauss (Mathematician, Geodesist, Physicist). The
L 2 − nor
as well as the unweighted scalar product < g1 , g2 >, in
= 1 prove orthogonality of the vectors of the tangent space elements,
but miss normality. That is done by defining the Cartan 2-frame denoted by {e1 , e2 }
which is orthonormal. We have collected the details in Box 15.
282 E. W. Grafarend
ω1 = r cos vdu, ω2 = r dv
∂ω1 ∂ω2
− = −r sin v = 0 for v = 0 (5.18)
∂v ∂u
The result
1 is no. Such a result is typical for anholonomity.
Let us collect the differential
ω du
form is the column vector, in contrast the column vector du as well as
ω2 dv
the matrix
End Box 17
Finally, we dig into the definition of the Cartan derivative. We ask what is the
measure of anholonomity or what is the three-index-symbol of anholonomity. Please,
for a fast information consult Box 17 at this end. In the case of spherical coordinates
of type longitude and latitude, we can represent the Cartan derivative by dC ω =
[− r1 tan v w 2 ∧ w 1 ]
6 Final Comments
At this end, we want to illustrate the intimate relation between Geodesy and Physics:
Our target is the anholonomity problem in the classical and relativistic
gravity field including numerical examples. It applies for relativistic Real
Null Frames and coframes, applying for instance for GPS. It is a measure
how well the assumed physical and geometric field fits a sphere or an
ellipsoid or an irregular boundary of the planet Earth.
We come back to the recommendation of the International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics (IUGG) to adopt the International Reference Ellipsoid as early as
1924. The International Gravity Formula in terms of the axisymmetric, non-harmonic
Somigliana–Pizzetti gravity field was accepted as early as 1930 and recommended
by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
Ever since geodesists did hesitate to use it, but instead the spherical symmetric for
99% the spherical symmetric Newton’s gravitational field which is harmonic outside
the spherical Earth of constant radius. Series expansions to degree/order 7200 are
284 E. W. Grafarend
40. A. Marussi, Dalla geodesia classica alla geodesia in tre dimensioni. Bollettini di Geodesia e
Scienze Affini, anno XVIII, 485–495 (1959)
41. A. Marussi, The tidal field of a planet and the related intrinsic reference systems. Geophys.
J. R. Astron. Soc. 56, 409–417 (1979)
42. A. Marussi, Intrinsic geodesy (a revised and edited version of his 1952 lectures by J.D. Zund),
Technical report, Report No. 390, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio
State University, Columbus (1988)
43. B.H. Chovitz. Hotine’s mathematical geodesy, in IV Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
(1969), pp. 159–172
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Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental
Approach to Physics
Bartolomé Coll
Abstract The recent concept of relativistic positioning system (RPS) has opened
the possibility of making Relativity the general standard frame in which to state any
physical problem, theoretical or experimental. Because the velocity of propagation
of the information is finite, epistemic relativity proposes to integrate the physicist
as a truly component of every physical problem, taking into account explicitly what
information, when and where, the physicist is able to know. This leads naturally to the
concept of relativistic stereometric system (RSS), allowing to measure the intrinsic
properties of physical systems. Together, RPSs and RSSs complete the notion of
laboratory in general relativity, allowing to perform experiments in finite regions
of any space-time. Epistemic relativity incites the development of relativity in new
open directions: advanced studies in RPSs and RSSs, intrinsic characterization of
gravitational fields, composition laws for them, construction of a finite-differential
geometry adapted to RPSs and RSSs, covariant approximation methods, etc. Some
of these directions are sketched here, and some open problems are posed.
1 Introduction
As everyone knows, General Relativity is a theory of the gravitational field but, also
and primarily, a theory of the space-time. During the last century, it has been largely
proved experimentally that the gravitational field, as well as the space-time, is better
described by it than by Newtonian theory.
Nevertheless, by natural reasons, the environments in which most of the experi-
ments have taken place have been either static (e.g. Earth surface), or stationary (e.g.
I want the organizers of this seminar, Dirk Puetzfeld and Claus Lämmerzahl, to know how much I
appreciated their inviting me to talk about my ideas on this subject. It is also a pleasure to thanks
the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung for their kind hospitality.
B. Coll (B)
Relativistic Positioning Systems, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
University of Valencia, c/ Dr. Moliner 50, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
e-mail: bartolome.coll@uv.es
1 The differential operator associated to the n(n + 1)/2 Einstein equations is not hyperbolic, but
degenerate. Nevertheless, because n of these equations (constraint equations) are involutive with
respect to the other n(n − 1)/2 ones (evolution equations), one can supplement this last system with
n suitable additional equations (coordinate conditions). It is the differential operator of this new
system of n(n + 1)/2 equations for the metric coefficients which may be made hyperbolic with a
suitable choice of coordinate conditions (for example, with harmonic ones).
2 The influence domain for an initial instant (local spatial hypersurface) is the domain where the
solution exists and is unique for every initial (Cauchy) data on this initial instant.
3 Retrodictive, as opposed to predictive, means here that one cannot but verify afterwards that the
physical quantities measured in the influence domain agree with the initial data received at or after
the cusp of this domain.
4 In Newtonian physics, the contents of the three-dimensional space at every instant is supposed
known or knowable at that instant, so that the evolutive equations describe the dependence in time
of this three-dimensional contents.
5 Epistemic relativity was first presented at the GraviMAS FEST workshop, in honor of Lluís Mas,
suggested the idea of epistemic relativity. This is why relativistic stereometry and epistemic relativity
were conceived conjointly.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 293
2 Epistemic Relativity
Being the best theory of the space-time in which all the physical phenomena take
place, relativity ought to be able to describe any physical experiment in terms of its
proper, relativistic, concepts, regardless of the quantitative evaluation of the experi-
ment for which, in many cases, Newtonian calculations could suffice.
Also, being the best theory of the gravitational field, relativity ought to propose
experiences and methods of measurement of general gravitational fields.
But today, such descriptions or proposals are conspicuous by their absence. In
fact, we do not know how to do them. Thus it seems evident that relativity needs to
develop a proper experimental approach to the physical world.
Fortunately, we already know the conceptual basic ingredients for such a develop-
ment. Before to describe them, the idea of a ‘relativistic experimental approach’
needs to be more explicit.
In relativity, a large number of scientific works analyze physical and geometrical
properties of the space-time, but
• do not integrate the physicist as a part of them, and
• forget implicitly that
– information is energy,
– neither the density of energy, nor its velocity of propagation can be infinite in
8 Some subjects related to epistemic relativity have been the object of interesting developments (e.g.
the pertinent information, to record and to analyze it and to perform the actions and computations
needed for the problem in question. For short, we shall refer to any of them as ‘it’.
294 B. Coll
of an omniscient10 god ! For these reasons, we shall say that such works belong to
ontic relativity.11
Ontic relativity is necessary to develop a relativistic experimental approach (and
even sufficient in static, stationary, periodic or almost periodic gravitational fields!),
but it is also generically insufficient.
Let us remember that the statement of any problem in general relativity implies:
• to describe it directly in the space-time, by means of intrinsic relativistic objects, i.e.
by means of worldlines and worldtubes (the analogs to the histories or evolutions
of the instantaneous objects of Newtonian theory),
• to banish generically the use of any physical extended present (due to high precision
clocks or regions of non-constant inertial or gravitational fields).
The works in relativity that, in addition:
• integrate the physicist as an element of the problem considered,
• concern physical properties that the physicist can measure, and
• take into account explicitly what information, when and where, the physicist is
able to know,
will be considered as characterizing epistemic relativity.12
Paradoxically, until now a very few number of relativistic problems have been
solved explicitly under these assumptions.
The main objective of epistemic relativity is to provide the physicist with the knowl-
edge and protocols necessary to make relativistic gravimetry (chronometry in arbi-
trary directions) in any unknown space-time environment (Fig. 1).
This is the first and unavoidable step to develop experimental relativity as the
natural scientific approach to the physical world.
The basis of relativistic gravimetry are Einstein equations, and these equations
need a precise mathematical model of the space-time. The adequacy of this mathe-
matical model and the physical space-time that it describes implies a one-to-one cor-
respondence between the points of the model and the physical events they describe.
And because in the mathematical model points are precisely identified (by their
coordinates), we need to know how to locate the events in the physical space-time.
What else do we need in epistemic relativity? In fact, what we need is to transform
the space-time region of physical interest in a (finite) laboratory.
But, what is a laboratory in relativity? In fact, a reflection on this matter shows
that any laboratory, regardless of the specificity of its measurement devices, has to
provide us with:
In general, to locate an object is to identify the place it takes up. To locate with
accuracy objects of any size (avoiding vagueness such as near of, inside of, etc.),
we need to assign a proper name to every event of the space in question. A locating
system is a system of assignation of proper names to the events of a space.
In particular, because the space-time is a continuum, the assignation of a proper
name to every one of its events has to be done with numbers. And because it is a
296 B. Coll
four-dimensional continuum, every proper name has to be done with four numbers.
So that, specifically, in (a region of) the space-time, a locating system is a system of
assignation of four numbers to every one of its events.
In physics, the devices for assigning four numbers to every event may be con-
structed with different materials and be based in different physical properties, so
that their specific construction and protocols of use give raise to different locating
The set of tetrads of numbers generated in a region by a locating system consti-
tutes (a physical realization of) a coordinate system. On the other hand, in topological
manifolds, a coordinate system in a region R may be extracted from a local chart (R,
ϕ) by means of the coordinate functions associated to ϕ, where ϕ is a homeomor-
phism from R to the associated linear space. We see that, mathematically, locating
systems are represented by homeomorphisms ϕ. Thus, a locating system in a finite
region R of the space-time, may be seen as the physical construction of a local chart
or, conversely, a local chart may be seen as a mathematical idealization of a locating
13 It is to be noted, because frequently forgotten, that the local charts on a differentiable manifold may
be structural, i.e. belonging to the atlas defining its differentiable structure, or not. Only in the first
case, the region R has to be an open set. Nonstructural local charts may be of lesser differentiable
class than structural ones. In particular, they may be simply continuous, although in this case, the
natural frame being absent, one may be lead to complete the local chart with an independent field
of vector tetrads in order to construct a basis for the tensor algebra.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 297
Fig. 2 A reference system allows one observer to know the coordinates of the events of the region.
A positioning system allows every event of the region to know its proper coordinates
We have just seen that, among all locating systems, the real positioning systems
offer the performances of being passive and immediate. These performances are
still insufficient for us, because the main objective of epistemic relativity is to make
relativistic gravimetry in an unknown space-time environment.
Because the space-time environment is unknown, the locating system has also
to be generic, that is to say, able to be constructed in regions of any space-time.14
And because the main objective is to make relativistic gravimetry, it has also to be
(gravitation-) free, i.e. able to be constructed without the previous knowledge of the
space-time metric.
Relativistic positioning systems are the real, generic and free positioning systems
of the space-time.
The construction of relativistic positioning systems is unexpectedly simple. A
clock may be seen as a continuous generator of numbers, namely the time that it
displays at every instant. Broadcasting this time by means of an electromagnetic
signal, every event receiving the signal will know this number at the instant of recep-
tion. And because the proper name of every event of the space-time consists of four
numbers (its coordinates), four clocks arbitrarily distributed will provide every event
reached by the four signals with such numbers. It is thus easy to see that: Four clocks
broadcasting their times constitute a relativistic positioning system15 (see [3]). The
14 It is understood that such regions have the appropriate accessibility characteristics to make
15 Generically. Some distributions of clocks may associate same coordinates to different events,
16 Or fourfold. Generically there does not exist a privileged synchronization of the form time =
constant in relativistic positioning systems, but emission coordinates being constituted by four times
τ A , one could say that there exist four synchronizations τ A = constant.
17 Euphemism for “Newtonian defaults”.
18 The pseudo-ranges are only considered as parameters able to calculate conventional coordinates
on the Earth surface (WGS84, ITRS or others). The appellation ‘GPS coordinates’ refers to these
conventional coordinates provided by the GPS.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 299
Fig. 3 An auto-locating
system allows any user to
know its proper trajectory in
emission coordinates, but
also the trajectories of the
clocks of the system (here a
two-dimensional scheme)
19 Thegrid G of emission coordinates is the Cartesian product of the segments [τ A ] of the times
broadcast by the relativistic positioning system: G ≡ [τ 1 ] × [τ 2 ] × [τ 3 ] × [τ 4 ].
300 B. Coll
Fig. 4 In absence of a
gravitational field, a user of
an auto-locating system is
able to know its trajectory
and that of the clocks in the
grid of emission coordinates.
If it also knows the
acceleration of one of the
clocks during one
echo-interval AB, then it
knows its acceleration and
those of the two clocks along
all their trajectories
This theorem is very interesting because of the following fact: the algorithm that
proves it in absence of a gravitational field may be as well applied in presence of it.
Of course, in this case it will provide a wrong acceleration along all the three tra-
jectories excepting on the starting echo-interval of the clocks. But the importance of
this fact is that the difference between these wrong accelerations (calculated as if the
gravitational field were absent) and the true accelerations (measured by accelerom-
eters along the world-lines of clocks and user in the gravitational field), is all the
dynamical effect that the gravitational field produces on the auto-locating system and
the user. Thus, it is a complete, although relative (to the choice of echo-interval),
gravimetric measure.
Unfortunately, this fundamental Theorem 3.4.1 is only know in two-dimensional
space-times. It is of crucial importance for the theory of relativistic positioning
systems and for all its near-future applications (Earth surface, RNGSS, Deep Space
Navigation) to have its four-dimensional generalization. But this problem remains
open. As in the two-dimensional case, the starting point is
• the explicit knowledge of the coordinate transformation between the emission
coordinates of four arbitrarily accelerated clocks and inertial coordinates, and
• the explicit knowledge of the metric in emission coordinates.
Fortunately, the solution to these problems is already known. If the world-lines
γ A (τ A ), A = 1, . . . , 4, of four emitters with respect to inertial coordinates are known,
we can evaluate the quantities
ea ≡ γa − γ4 , a ≡ (ea )2 , χ ≡ ∗(e1 ∧ e2 ∧ e3 )
H ≡ ∗(1 e2 ∧ e3 + 2 e3 ∧ e1 + 3 e1 ∧ e2 ) , y∗ ≡ i(ξ)H
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 301
y2 χ
x ≡ κ(τ R ) = γ4 + y∗ + ∗
(y∗ . χ) + ε̂ (y∗ . χ)2 − y∗2 χ2
where ε̂ is the orientation of the position system with respect to the user.
Theorem 3.4.3 In terms of the above transformation x = κ(τ R ) and the world-lines
x = γ A (τ A ), the contravariant components of the metric, g AB (τ R ), in the emission
coordinates {τ R } are given by:
g AB (τ R ) = ,
μ A μB
AB ≡ (γ A − γ B )2 , μ A ≡ (κ − γ A ) . γ̇ A .
20 The field of light-cones defines all the possible coordinate hypersurfaces of the coordinate systems
associated to all the possible relativistic positioning systems. Accordingly, the particular trajectories
of the clocks select the specific ones for the auto-locating system and, consequently, its region of
validity or domain of definition in the grid.
302 B. Coll
Fig. 5 An observer,
determined by its unit
velocity, projects its past
light-cone on its celestial
21 The time broadcasted by every clock may be any convenient time, not necessarily its proper time,
Fig. 7 Relativistic
stereometric systems are the
causal duals of relativistic
positioning systems
There exists interesting papers on relativistic vision but they are very different in
strategy, starting hypothesis and definition of ‘eye’, and their number is very small.
It would be worthwhile to analyze and classify them, and specially to select those
related to hypergon eyes.
But almost none of them consider the invariants of the observed figures. The
study of these invariants is important for positioning as well as for stereometry. For
example, any set of four events in the space-time (four stars in the sky or four material
points of a system), that are seen on a circle of the celestial sphere of an observer,
will be seen also on a circle, by any other observer at the same event, whatever be
their relative velocity at the event (Fig. 6). In addition, the relative velocity of such
two observers may be obtained by comparison of the relative positions on the circle
of the four points as seen by them.23
From the point of view of the space-time geometry, relativistic stereometric sys-
tems are the causal duals of relativistic positioning systems: the four observers (resp.
four clocks) of the relativistic stereometric system (resp. relativistic positioning sys-
tem) receive (resp. broadcast) the signals emitted by the event to be analyzed (resp.
the signals received by the event to be located). As a consequence, every geomet-
ric result on one of these systems generates another geometric result for the other
system, by a simple change of time orientation (Fig. 7).
Relativistic stereometric systems are conceived to obtain the intrinsic properties
of physical systems but, in their basic structure, they are also locating systems. As
locating systems, the coordinates of every event are the (four) times of reception by the
(four) observers of the signal emitted by the physical system at this event. According
to the properties considered in Sect. 3.2, relativistic stereometric systems are active,
23 In principle, a suitable choice of stars, in e.g. Hipparcos star catalogue, could help a spacecraft in
the Solar system to estimate its velocity with respect to the Barycentric Celestial Reference System.
304 B. Coll
Fig. 8 A two-dimensional
relativistic stereometric
system measuring the proper
frequency f of a material
retarded and virtual locating systems, in contrast with the passive, immediate and
real properties of relativistic positioning systems. As we have seen in Sect. 3.2, the
active, retarded and virtual properties of relativistic stereometric systems are not
the best as locating systems but, nevertheless, they are well adapted to the principal
function of relativistic stereometric systems, because the intrinsic properties of a
physical system cannot be obtained but by active, retarded and virtual ways. Thus,
relativistic stereometric systems not only describe the intrinsic properties of events
but also locate them.24
24 Of course, by broadcasting their proper times, a relativistic stereometric system may also act as
a relativistic positioning system. But because of their dual ways of working, I believe it is clearer,
for the moment, to study them separately.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 305
Denoting by v12 the relative scalar velocity of C1 and C2 at the instants of reception
of the Doppler frequencies, one can prove:
Theorem 4.2.1 In terms of the relative scalar velocity v12 of the observers C1 and
C2 of a relativistic stereometric system at the instant of reception of the Doppler
frequencies f 1 and f 2 from a material point C, the proper frequency f of the material
point at the instant of emission is given by:
1 + v12
f 2 = f1 f2 . (2)
1 − v12
Of course, if the material point is dragged by one of the observers of the system,
say f = f 2 , expression (2) coincides with the first of (1).
The Doppler frequencies also allow to know the relative velocities of the material
point C at the instant of emission of the signal with respect to the observers C1 and C2
at the instants of its reception. By elimination of f from every one of the expressions
(1) and (2), one has:
Theorem 4.2.2 The relative velocities v1 and v2 of the material point C at the instant
of emission of the signal with respect to the observers C1 and C2 at the instants of
its reception are given by:
√ √
f 2 1 + v12 − f 1 1 − v12
v1 = √ √ , (3)
f 2 1 + v12 + f 1 1 − v12
√ √
f 1 1 + v12 − f 2 1 − v12
v2 = √ √ . (4)
f 1 1 + v12 + f 2 1 − v12
The above results depend on the Doppler frequencies f 1 and f 2 but also on the
quantity v12 , the scalar velocity of one of the observers of the relativistic stereometric
system with respect to the other at the instants at which they receive the Doppler
25 Thereis no matter here what instant-identifier is used: a clock associate to the point, measuring
any time, non-necessarily proper, a flash, or any other pertinent one.
306 B. Coll
1 − ν12
v12 = . (5)
1 + ν12
Now if, for short, we call an epistemic theorem an ‘epistem’, the above two
theorems in this geodesic case become respectively:
Epistem 1 In terms of the frequencies f 1 and f 2 received by a relativistic stereo-
metric system {C1 , C2 } from a material point C and of the relative frequency ν12
of the proper time of the observer C1 with respect to the geodesic observer C2 , the
proper frequency f of the material point C is given by:
f1 f2
f2 = . (6)
f 2 − f 1 ν12 f 1 − f 2 ν12
v1 = , v2 = . (7)
f 2 + f 1 ν12 f 1 + f 2 ν12
These results are very simple, but show roughly the way of working with stere-
ometric systems in epistemic relativity. Of course, the problem of determining the
proper distances to its neighboring elements of a material point cannot be considered
in a two-dimensional space-time, because there the celestial sphere of an observer
reduces to two opposite points. It is evident that this work has to be extended and
generalized in three and four dimensions. It remains an open problem.
For example, for the Schwarzschild case, the direct procedure would be
• to calculate in Schwarzschild coordinates the equations of the field of light-cones,
• to model in these coordinates the world-lines of the clocks of the positioning
system, parameterized with their proper time,
• to select with both results the four families of light-cones emitted by the clocks
or, in other words, to obtain the transformation from emission coordinates to the
Schwarzschild ones,
• to solve for the inverse transformation,
• to transform the Schwarzschild metric components in emission metric components,
• to compare them with the experimental values obtained in these emission coordi-
Every one of these items presents non-negligible difficulties and can introduce
specific uncertainties. It results in a hard and long procedure.
For this reason, to compare the experimental value of the gravitational field
obtained in emission coordinates with a given solution of Einstein equations, it may
be better to characterize intrinsically the solution and to check if the experimental
data verify this characterization.
We understand here by intrinsic characterization of a metric, a set of necessary and
sufficient local conditions on some of the concomitants of the metric that characterize
it, its sources an their position, regardless of the coordinate system.
The idea is that an observer, from the sole measure of the gravitational field and
its variations in a local region, is able to know the masses that produce it as well as
its positions with respect to it.
The intrinsic characterization of individual metrics is, apart from some trivial
cases, a relatively recent problem. I would like to draw attention on the pertinence
not only of its development for all exact solutions of Einstein equations of physical
interest, but also of its extension to the usual approximate solutions in experimental
applications. By the reason above indicated, I believe this characterization to be the
simplest and shortest way to identify gravitational fields in epistemic relativity.
The idea to characterize individual metrics intrinsically originates some years ago
as part of a general project of IDEAL solution of problems, somehow similar in spirit
to that of classic Greek mathematicians but of vivid actuality for the problems we
were concerned, where the acronym stands for
• Intrinsic (depending only of the concepts mentioned in the statement of the prob-
• Deductive (not involving inductive or inferential methods or arguments),
• Explicit (expressing the elements of the solution non implicitly) and
• Algorithmic (giving the solution as a flow chart with a finite number of steps).
The first solution intentionally obtained under the IDEAL spirit was that of the
point particle in Newtonian gravity ([7]). I cite it here because the solution to its
relativistic analog, the Schwarzschild gravitational field, in contrast with an extended
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 309
opinion but like many other generic problems,26 admits simpler expressions than that
of Newtonian physics.
The intrinsic characterization of the Schwarzschild gravitational field is due to J.
Ferrando and J.A. Sáez ([8]). Denoting by Riem the Riemann tensor, by tr and i(.)
the trace operator and the interior product respectively, and by ∧ the exterior product
(considering the metric g as a double 1-form), they introduce the two scalars:
1 2 1
σ≡ tr Riem 3 , α≡ g(dσ, dσ) + 2σ , (8)
12 9 σ2
These quantities may be evaluated for any gravitational field, and involve the gradient
of a function of Riem, a third variation of the metric.
Their first result is:
Theorem 5.1 A vacuum metric g, Ric(g) = 0, is the Schwarzschild metric if, and
only if, the three scalars σ, α and θ are strictly positive,
waves, shock, detonation and deflagration waves in hydrodynamics, and some others.
310 B. Coll
Fig. 10 An observer that measures the gravitational field in a local space is able to know the masses
that produce them as well as their positions
obtains the intrinsic expression in terms of the invariant α of the radial codirection
−dr of the mass, allowing the physicist to know its direction, distance and value.
Also, on the event horizon r = 2m one would find α = 2σ and, as (8) shows, also
g(dσ, dσ) would vanish. Furthermore, as proven also in [8], the time-like direction
of static evolution of the gravitational field, i.e. its integrable Killing vector field ξ,
is given by:
ξ = −σ − 3 √
. (14)
Q(x, x)
These results already allow us to appreciate the interest of local intrinsic character-
izations of gravitational fields. But they are far from being only the characterization
of the simplest gravitational field. The scalars σ, α and θ, in (8) and (10), and the
tensors S and Q, in (9), may be evaluated in any gravitational field and their com-
parison with relations (11) and (12) will give us an information that we would study
in detail, in particular if the gravitational field in question may be well described as
a Schwarzschild perturbation.
At present, the intrinsic characterization of some other classes of vacuum exact
solutions of Einstein equations are known, in particular Kerr metric (see [9] and
references therein). We need to extend these results and, specially, develop these
techniques for approximate solutions.
The above expressions, simple for a theoretical physicist, may seem complicated
for an experimental one. They need to be broken down in measurable terms so as to
conceive the devices and procedures to measure them. But there is no doubt that the
questions that local intrinsic characterizations of metrics allow to decipher, deserve
a deeper study.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 311
Fig. 11 A constellation C of
satellized clocks around a
mass M, every tetrad of them
working as an auto-locating
system, recording the data set
of all the signals emitted
and received between them
6 Finite-Differential Geometry
Suppose now that we know the constellation C and the data set , and that we
want to obtain the mass M. At present the only way we know to tackle the problem is
the above model, but for this scenario it is heavy and unadapted to the starting point,
the data set . Indeed, consists of time-like distances (geodesic time intervals
between any two events on the world-line of every clock) and null distances (light
links between every pair of clocks), that is to say, of values of the distance function
between pairs of events causally separated. For this reason, any direct method to
model this scenario would start with the obtainment, from the data set , of the
metric distance function by means of a suitable interpolation method. This is part of
the adequate mathematical instrument that we would be able to develop for obtaining
the mass M. But it is still insufficient.
The objective of finite-differential geometry is to study finite and interchangeable
versions of the ingredients of differential geometry (metric, connection, curvature).
Because for general relativity the basic ingredient is the metric g, and that its finite
version, the distance function, already poses problems, we shall consider it here.27
It is well known that the finite version of the metric g is the distance function
D(x, y), or its half-square (x, y), the Synge’s world-function,
(x, y) ≡ D(x, y)2 , (15)
given by
1 dγ dγ
(x, y) = g , dλ , (16)
2 0 dλ dλ
27 This notion of finite-differential geometry was first presented as part of a lesson at the International
School on Relativistic Coordinates, Reference and Positioning Systems, Salamanca, 2005. The
mathematical results also appeared in [1].
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 313
where Greek indices correspond to coordinates at the point x and Latin ones at the
point y.
Mathematically, distance spaces, i.e. manifolds endowed with a distance function,
are well known,28 but their link with differential geometry have not been sufficiently
An important obstruction for the interchangeability between the differential and
the finite concept is that the most part of distance functions are not geodesic distance
functions of any metric.
It is known that, when a distance function D(x, y) is the geodesic distance function
of a metric, this metric may be obtained as minus the limit y → x of the mixed first
derivatives of the half square (Synge’s world function) of the distance function.29
If this limit is applied to an arbitrary distance function, it may give rise to a zero,
degenerate or regular metric. But, even when this metric is regular, the distance
function D(x, y) will not be generically the geodesic distance function of it.
Suppose, in our physical case, that the interpolated distance function from the data
set is at least of differentiability class 2. We can obtain a metric from the above
limiting process, but this metric will depend strongly30 on the interpolation method
used, for which we have no control. For this and other applications, to discern if a
distance function is a geodesic distance function of a metric, it would be convenient
to have an IDEAL31 criterion involving solely the distance function, without any
limiting process.
I solved this problem some years ago. Let us introduce the following quantities
of the first and second derivatives of the distance function D(x, y):
Vmn ≡ αλμν Dλ Dmμ Dnν , V aα ≡ amn αλμν D Dλ Dmμ Dnν , (18)
Vα V aα
Dα ≡ , D aα ≡ 3 . (21)
Then, we have:
28 The concept is due to Fréchet. Haussdorff named them ‘metric spaces’ (‘metrischer Raum’) but
Theorem 6.1 (Structure theorem for geodesic distance functions) The necessary
and sufficient condition for a distance function D(x, y) to be the geodesic distance
function of a metric, is that its derivatives verify:
D ρ Dabcρ + D ρ D mσ (Damρ − D n Dmnρ Da )Dbcσ = 0 (22)
where the subscripts denote partial derivatives and D a and D aα are the quantities
just defined.
In our physical case, these are the constraints to be imposed directly to any inter-
polated distance function on the data set . Once these equations verified at the
suitable degree of precision, one has to extract the metric from this distance function
without any limiting process. I solved this problem together with the above one. The
result is:
Theorem 6.2 (Metric of a geodesic distance function) In terms of the partial deriva-
tives Dα , Daα and Dabα of a geodesic distance function, the contravariant compo-
nents g αβ of the metric at the point x, are given by
g αβ = D α D β + D aα D bβ Dabγ D γ , (23)
Coming back to our physical case, (23) would give us the metric in the region of the
constellation. Then, the intrinsic characterization method of Sect. 5, once generalized
to perturbations of Schwarzschild gravitational field, would give us the mass M that
satellizes the constellation C and generates the data set .
Theorems 6.1 and 6.2 give to the distance function D(x, y) the interchangeable
character with its differential homologue, the metric g(x), that our finite-differential
geometry requires.32 But finite-differential geometry has to be developed in many
other directions. Among them, perhaps the more urgent ones are the development of
methods of interpolation and approximation of distance functions.
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad”, MICINN-FEDER project FIS2015-64552-P.
32 On a metric manifold a distance function is generically local (normal geodesic domain), so that
a (global) metric cannot be generically interchanged by a sole distance function, but by a suitable
atlas of normal geodesic domains with distance functions submitted, in the intersection of charts,
to compatibility conditions. In our case, nevertheless, the constellation C is contained clearly in a
normal geodesic domain. Anyway, what we want here is to show the interest of the concept.
Epistemic Relativity: An Experimental Approach to Physics 315
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2. B. Coll, J.J. Ferrando, J.A. Morales-Lladosa, Positioning systems in Minkowski space-time:
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3. B. Coll, Elements for a theory of relativistic coordinate systems. Formal and physical aspects, in
Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2000 on Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism
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4. B. Coll, J.M. Pozo, Relativistic positioning systems: the emission coordinates. Class. Quantum
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5. B. Coll, J.J. Ferrando, J.A. Morales-Lladosa, Positioning in a flat two-dimensional space-time:
the delay master equation. Phys. Rev. D 82, 084038 (2010)
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problem and observational data. Phys. Rev. D 86, 084036 (2012)
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8. J.J. Ferrando, J.A. Sáez, An intrinsic characterization of the Schwarzschild metric. Class. Quan-
tum Grav. 15, 1323 (1998)
9. J.J. Ferrando, J.A. Sáez, An intrinsic characterization of the Kerr metric. Class. Quantum Grav.
26, 075013 (2009)
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics
Measurements to Probe the Gravitational
1 Introduction
The current paradigm to describe the gravitational interaction is the General theory
of Relativity (GR) published by Einstein in 1915. Since 1915, this theory has been
extremely successful making several predictions that were all verified observation-
ally. Nowadays, the domain of application of GR is extremely large: (i) at small scales
like for clocks comparison, time transfer, construction of time references, (ii) at the
scale of the Solar System where GR needs to be taken into account to describe the
motion of planets, of the Moon and of satellites, (iii) at the galactic scale to describe
the galactic dynamics and also the motion of stars orbiting our Galactic Center, and
(iv) at the cosmological scales to describe the behavior of the Universe and to explain
large scales observations. In spite of the overwhelming success of these theory in
describing much of the macroscopic observed universe, a number of open issues,
both theoretical and experimental remain.
First of all, on the theoretical side, GR is a classical field theory while the other
interactions from Nature are described within the framework of the Standard Model
of particles physics, which is based on a quantum field theory. As such, GR is
fundamentally incomplete since it does not include any quantum effects. Moreover,
most physicists agree that GR and the Standard Model are only effective field theories
that are low-energy approximation of a more fundamental and more general theory
that would provide a unified description of all the fundamental interactions. Most
attempts to derive such a theory that would unify the Standard Model with GR leads
to deviations either in the Standard Model, either in the gravitational sector, either
in both. These deviations occur at a level that is in general not predicted and not
On the observational side, several galactic observations cannot be explained within
the frameworks of GR and of the Standard Model. In the most adopted paradigm, a
new type of cold matter called Dark Matter (DM) is introduced. So far, DM has not
been directly detected despite a large effort like e.g. with particles accelerator. The
nature of this elusive type of matter is therefore still completely unknown. Note that
while the introduction of new particles to explain DM correspond to a modification
of the Standard Model, it has also been suggested that DM could be the result of a
modification from GR (this is the case for the MOND theory for example, see e.g.
[1]). In addition, for some model of DM, the occupation number of the corresponding
field will be relatively high and the particle will actually behave as a classical field.
This is the case for some model of ultra light bosonic DM. In that case, DM can also
be interpreted as a classical modification from GR.
In addition to DM, large scale observations like the temperature fluctuations of the
cosmic microwave background, the redshift-distance measurements from Supernova
Ia or baryonic acoustic oscillations have shown that our Universe undergoes a phase of
accelerated expansion that is attributed to Dark Energy (DE). In the simplest scenario,
DE is attributed to a cosmological constant whose fine-tuned value is completely
unexplained. A lot of modifications of GR have been suggested to provide a more
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 319
elegant solution to DE by introducing at least a new dynamical field that would cause
our Universe to accelerate (see e.g. [2]).
All these considerations have pushed the scientific community to confront GR to
a wide number of experiments searching for tiny deviations that would be the hint
of a new physics and that would guide the construction of new models of unification
theory, of DM and of DE. So far, despite measurements that are more and more
accurate, Einstein’s theory has passed all the observational tests with flying color (see
e.g. [3]). As already mentioned above, none of the alternative theory of gravitation
developed is making a clear prediction for the actual level at which a deviation
will become detectable. This property makes the search for new physics particularly
difficult but also very exciting. These last decades, searches for deviations from GR
have become a very active field of research. In particular, outstanding performance
provided by the development of technology developed for geodesy or geophysics
have been used to develop new high-accuracy fundamental physics experiments.
The goal of this communication is to give several successful examples of mea-
surements and experiments that have been developed in the context of geodesy and
geophysics and that have been used in order to search for new physics. The range
of measurements that will be considered is relatively large. Amongst other, we will
consider several laboratory experiments like the comparison of very accurate atomic
clocks or atomic gravimetry. Best present day clocks reach relative uncertainties in
the low 1018 range and progress is rapid with no obvious hard limit in sight. Amongst
the applications of the comparison of high stable clocks is geodesy and the measure
of the gravitational potential (see e.g. [4]) the experimental study of fundamental
physics, and in particular the two fundamental theories mentioned above (GR and
standard model). Gravimeters on the other hand are mainly used to measure the grav-
itational acceleration for geophysics purposes but have also found an application in
testing GR.
At larger scales, GNSS satellites but also satellite laser ranging have been widely
used in geodesy. In particular, they are used to derive high-precision models of Earth’s
gravity field. Both these techniques have also been used successfully to test the theory
of GR with an impressive accuracy. In addition, Very Long Baseline Interferometry,
used in particular to monitor the Earth’s rotation has also been successfully used to
probe the deflection of electromagnetic signals from quasar by the Sun.
Section 2 from this communication is devoted to the description of the different
measurements and experiments that have been developed in the context of geodesy
or geophysics and that have found an application in fundamental physics. Section 3
will present the theoretical background of GR, several alternative frameworks that
allow scientists to search for deviation from GR and how measurements made using
geodesic techniques have led to constraints on these alternative frameworks. We will
also focus on the theoretical implications of such constraints. It is impossible to
review all the alternative theories of gravitation and their constraints. In this com-
munication, we will therefore select a couple of them that are very important and/or
quite recent to illustrate this interplay between geodesy/geophysics and fundamental
320 A. Hees et al.
physics. We hope this will motivate more interactions between these two communi-
ties to develop more and more accurate experiments that would potentially lead to
the discovery of a tiny deviation from GR that would be the sign of new physics.
The goal of this section is to give a brief overview of several different measurements
that have been developed in the context of geodesy or geophysics and that have found
some application in fundamental physics.
2.1 Gravimetry
Gravimetry is the measurement of the local gravitational (plus inertial due to the
Earth’s rotation) acceleration g experienced by an observer on the Earth. More gen-
erally, accelerometry measures the local acceleration experienced by an observer,
whatever its origin (gravitational or inertial). Simply speaking a gravimetric mea-
surement consists of “dropping” an object and measuring its acceleration using a
ruler and a clock. In modern gravimetry the ruler is replaced by a laser whose wave-
length is ultimately referenced to an atomic clock and to the SI definition of the meter
and the second, thus providing an absolute measurement of local acceleration is SI
Classical absolute gravimeters use falling corner cubes and laser interferome-
try to determine the local acceleration [5]. More recently these instruments have
become rivaled by gravimeters based on atom interferometry, that use falling atoms
in quantum superpositions with lasers as the read-out of their acceleration [6]. Best
absolute gravimeters reach uncertainties in the low 10−8 m/s2 . Additionally relative
gravimeters and accelerometers measure time-variations of local acceleration, but
not its absolute value, using in general electrostatic devices and readout (possibly
superconducting). Such relative accelerometers are widely used is space missions
Gravimeters and accelerometers, whether relative or absolute, have been widely
used in geodesy and geophysics (on ground and in space) for many decades. They
provide the bulk of data that is used for the determination of the geopotential and
numerous other applications. As described below, they have also been widely used
in fundamental physics, in particular for tests of the universality of free fall, which
is one of the foundations of general relativity.
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 321
2π(E e − E g )
ν= , (1)
where E e and E g are the exited and ground state energies of the atom/ion, and
is the reduced Planck constant. As all atoms/ions of a given isotope are identical,
an atomic clock is thus a universal time piece, delivering the same proper time
up to technical imperfections. The best atomic clocks are presently approaching
impressive uncertainties of one part in 1018 [7–11] in fractional frequency which
makes them some of the most accurate measurement devices ever built. They can be
compared inside the same laboratory or over large distances using the exchange of
electromagnetic signals in free space and via satellites, or through cables or optical
fibers. The realization of such links, especially over large distances and with an
uncertainty compatible with the best clocks is a major challenge today and a subject
of active research [12].
Because of their exceptional stability and accuracy, and the fact that they are
the basic building block of any space-time measurement, atomic clocks have been
used in fundamental physics for many decades and some of those applications will be
discussed in detail below. But more recently they have started to also be studied in the
context of what has become known as “chronometric geodesy”, the determination of
geopotential differences between two distant locations using the comparison of two
clocks [4, 13, 14]. Their measured frequency difference then provides a measurement
of the geopotential difference at the two locations via the gravitational redshift of
general relativity. A fractional uncertainty of 1 × 10−18 on such a measurement
corresponds to an uncertainty of 0.1 m2 /s2 in geopotential difference or 1 cm in
height, which is comparable to the best present geopotential models obtained from
gravimetry and satellite geodesy.
In 1964, NASA carried out the first laser ranging to a near-Earth satellite. Since that
time, ranging precision has improved by a factor of a thousand from a few meters
to a few millimeters, and more satellites equipped with corner cubes have been
launched. During the subsequent decades, the first objectives of dedicated Satellite
Laser Ranging (SLR) experiments (for example, STARLETTE, STELLA, LAGEOS)
were to produce high accuracy orbitography of those satellites and, consequently, to
study in details the Earth gravity field, i.e. the solid Earth. SLR technique is also used
322 A. Hees et al.
in altimeter missions mapping the ocean surface, for mapping changes in continental
ice masses, for topography.
With a measurement accuracy better than the part-per-billion level, GR must be
considered by adding additional perturbations to the orbit dynamics, corrections to
the light-time computation and more fundamental aspects of the definition of the
geocentric reference frame. While these effects are significant, they are generally
not large enough to provide competitive tests of GR with those available from lunar
laser ranging and other Solar System tests. An important exception, however, is
the relativistic prediction of the Lense-Thirring orbit precession, i.e. the effect of
frame-dragging on the satellite orbit due to the spinning Earth mass. Using the two
LAGEOS satellites, [15, 16], Ciufolini and collaborators were able to detect at the
level of 10% this effect. In 2012, a new mission, completely passive with 92 corner
cubes, called LARES has been launched to improve this determination[17].
On August, 20th 1969, after ranging to the lunar retro-reflector placed during the
Apollo 11 mission, the first LLR echo was detected at the McDonald Observatory in
Texas. Currently, there are five stations spread over the world which have realized
laser shots on five lunar retro-reflectors. Among these stations four are still operating:
Mc Donald Observatory in Texas, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur in France, Apache
point Observatory in New Mexico and Matera in Italy while one on Maui, Hawaii
has stopped lunar ranging since 1990. Concerning the lunar retro-reflectors three are
located at sites of the Apollo missions 11, 14 and 15 and two are French-built array
operating on the Soviet roving vehicle Lunakhod 1 and 2.
LLR is used to conduct high precision measurements of the light travel time of
short laser pulses emitted at time t1 by a LLR station, reflected by a lunar retro-
reflector and finally received at time t3 at a station receiver. The data are presented as
normal points which combine time series of measured light travel time of photons,
averaged over several minutes to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio measurement
of the lunar range at some characteristic epoch. Each normal-point is characterized
by one emission time (t1 in universal time coordinate – UTC), one time delay (tc
in international atomic time – TAI) and some additional observational parameters as
laser wavelength, atmospheric temperature and pressure etc.
LLR measurements are used to produce the Lunar ephemeris but also provide a
unique opportunity to study the Moon’s rotation, the Moon’s tidal acceleration, the
lunar rotational dissipation, etc [18]. In addition, LLR measurements have turn the
Earth-Moon system into a laboratory to study fundamental physics and to conduct
tests of the gravitation theory.
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 323
Modeling and understanding the motion of planets and minor bodies in the Solar
System has been a long active field of research. This is important to understand the
formation of our Solar System [REF NEEDED?], to successfully develop interplan-
etary space-missions, to predict an hypothetical “rendez-vous” between the Earth
and an asteroid, to detect and quantify the presence of Dark Matter in our Solar Sys-
tem [19], etc…In addition, the analysis of the motion of the planet Mercury around
the Sun was historically the first evidence in favor of GR with the explanation of
the famous advance of the perihelion in 1915. From there, planetary ephemerides
have always been a very powerful tool to constrain GR and alternative theories of
Currently, three groups in the world are producing planetary ephemerides: the
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory with the DE ephemerides [20–26], the French
INPOP (Intégrateur Numérique Planétaire de l’Observatoire de Paris) ephemerides
[27–32] and the Russian EPM ephemerides [33–37]. These analyses use an impres-
sive number of different observations to produce high accurate planetary and asteroid
trajectories. The observations used to produce ephemerides comprise radioscience
observations of spacecraft that orbited around Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn,
flyby tracking of spacecraft close to Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune and opti-
cal observations of all planets.
The first part of GR, the EEP, published in 1911 by Einstein [40], gives gravitation
a geometric nature. This principle implies that gravity can be identified to space-
time geometry which is described mathematically by a symmetric order 2 tensor, the
space-time metric gμν . More precisely, the EEP implies that there exists only one
space-time metric to which all matter minimally couples to (see [41]). In practice,
this means that the equations of motion for matter can be derived from the action of
the Standard Model of particles in which the Minkowski metric ημν is replaced by
the space-time metric gμν
Smat = d 4 x −g Lmat , gμν , (2)
where g is the determinant of the space-time metric and Lmat , gμν is the standard
Lagrangian for matter depending on the matter fields .
From a theoretical point of view, this part of Einstein theory allows one to derive the
effects of gravitation from the space-time curvature. In particular, this implies that test
bodies follow geodesic from this space-time. Furthermore, ideal clocks will measure
the quadratic invariant of the space-time metric dτ 2 = −gμν d x μ d x ν . Similarly, the
propagation of electromagnetic waves is governed by Maxwell equations in which
standard derivatives are replaced by covariant derivatives [42]. At the geometric optic
approximation, this implies that light rays are described by null geodesics.
From a phenomenological point of view, three aspects of the EEP can be tested
(see [3, 43]): (i) the Universality of Free Fall (UFF), (ii) the Local Lorentz Invariance
(LLI) and (iii) the Local Position Invariance (LPI). Furthermore, the Schiff conjecture
stipulates that any complete, self-consistent theory of gravity that embodies the UFF
necessarily embodies the two other parts of the EEP: the LPI and the LLI (see e.g.
[3]). Nevertheless, no complete proof of this conjecture has been proposed and some
counter-examples are known (see the discussion in Sect. 2.1.1 of [3]).
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 325
The EEP allows one to derive the effects of gravitation from the space-time metric
gμν . In order to have a complete theory, one needs to give a prescription to determine
the form of this metric. In GR, the form of the metric is determined by solving the
Einstein field equations
1 8πG
Rμν − gμν R + gμν = 4 Tμν , (3)
2 c
where Rμν and R are the Ricci tensor and scalar curvature from the metric, G the
gravitational constant, c the speed of light in vacuum, Tμν the stress-energy tensor and
the cosmological constant. These equations characterize the dynamic of space-time
geometry essentially described in the left part of the equation and the matter/energy
content in this space-time essentially described by the stress-energy tensor. In other
words, this set of equations describes how space-time is curved by the presence of
matter and energy.
The Einstein field equations can be derived by means of a variational principle
from the Einstein–Hilbert action (see [44])
c4 √
Sgrav = d 4 x −g (R − 2) . (4)
The total action which describes completely the GR theory is the sum Sgrav + Smat
which makes GR an extremely simple theory from a conceptual point of view. It
is also interesting to mention that due to the Lovelock theorem, the Einstein field
equations are the only second order equations that can be derived from a least-
principle action based on the space-time metric (and its derivatives) in a 4 dimensional
Riemannian space (see [45, 46]). Following this theorem, alternative (metric) theories
of gravitation will always imply one of the following (see [2]):
• The existence of new fields in addition to (or instead of) the space-time metric.
• The existence of higher order derivatives of the metric in the field equations.
• To work in a space-time with higher dimension than 4.
• To give up locality.
If the EEP specifies how different types of mass-energy react to gravitation, the
Einstein field equations govern how gravitation is generated by matter and energy. A
modification of the Einstein–Hilbert action will lead to different field equations that
can be reflected in differences in space-time geometry. From an experimental point of
view, it is of prime importance to search for metric deviations that would be produced
by any deviations from GR. The class of metric theories of gravitation is huge and it is
particularly difficult to analyze observational data in a general framework. So far, two
frameworks have been widely used to analyze data: the parametrized post-Newtonian
(PPN) formalism (see [3, 43]) and the fifth force formalism (see [47–51]). As we
326 A. Hees et al.
shall see in Sect. 4.2, these two formalisms have been very precisely constrained with
observations at Solar System scales.
Nevertheless, it is useful to analyze experimental results in new extended frame-
works. Indeed, even if observations lie very close to GR when analyzed within the
PPN or fifth force framework, this does not mean that this has to be true in any
other framework. The existing frameworks indeed cover a limited set of alternative
theories of gravity (see [52, 53]). For example, a formalism aiming at considering
violation of Lorentz invariance in the gravity sector has been develop within the SME
framework (see [54–57]). In this formalism, an expansion at the level of the action
is performed which naturally leads to a post-Newtonian metric that differs from the
PPN one. Other examples of theories not entering the PPN or fifth force frameworks
are given by the MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) phenomenology which
produces a quadrupolar deviation from the Newton potential in the Solar System
[58, 59], by the post-Einsteinian Gravity (PEG, see [60, 61]), by the parametrized
post-Newtonian-Vainshteinian formalism [62], by Horndeski’s gravity [63], by mas-
sive tensor-scalar theories, … Currently, only few data analysis are exploring these
formalisms or theories.
The UFF states that the motion of a test body is independent of its composition. It
has been constrained by various experiments. Precise tests of the UFF compare the
free fall accelerations, a1 and a2 , of two different test bodies 1 and 2 falling in the
gravitational field sourced by a body S. A succinct phenomenological parametrization
for the test of the UFF takes the form (see [3, 43]).
a a1 − a2 mP mP
η= =2 ≈ − , (5)
a S;1−2 a1 + a2 mA 1 mA 2
where m P and m A are the passive and active masses of each body. This empirical
formulation is quite generic and it is interesting to test the UFF by using different
types of test bodies. The most thoroughly tested and known version of this principle
is attributed to Galileo Galilei and consider two macroscopic test bodies of different
compositions falling in the same gravitational field. This version is currently tested
at the impressive level of 10−13 with torsion balances [51, 64–66]. In addition,
LLR observations also provide a wonderful tool to test the UFF by searching for a
differential acceleration between the Moon and the Earth with respect to the Sun.
Formally, search for a breaking of the UFF using extended objects like the Earth
and the Moon tests a combination of the Einstein Equivalence Principle and of the
Strong Equivalence Principle (see e.g. [67]). Such a violation of the UFF will lead
to a polarization of the Moon’s orbit as notice by Nordtvedt [68]. Analyzes of LLR
observations described in Sect. 2.4 has also provided a constraint on the UFF at the
level of 10−13 on η [69, 70]. Very recently, new infrared observations from the Grasse
station [71] has allowed to measure the range to the Moon during the new and the
full Moon periods, when the signature from a breaking of the UFF is maximal. This
lead to the best LLR constraint on the UFF between the Moon and the Earth (in the
field of the Sun) given by: η = (−3.8±7.1)×10−14 [67].
Finally, very recently, the first results of the MICROSCOPE space mission has
been released. The MICROSCOPE project consists in performing a test of the UFF
between two macroscopic bodies in space. The main advantage of performing this test
in space comes from the fact that the free fall time baseline can be increased signifi-
cantly compared to what is achievable on Earth. An analysis of the first dataset from
this mission gave η = (−1 ± 9 (stat) ± 9 (syst)) × 10−15 [72]. This result, which
has been interpreted for different theoretical models (see [73, 74]), is expected to be
improved by roughly an order of magnitude with the full data of the mission.
More recently, the UFF has been tested by comparing the acceleration measured
by a macroscopic mass with respect to the acceleration measured by a microscopic,
quantum system and also by comparing the accelerations measured by two differ-
ent microscopic quantum systems. This has been achieved using atom interferom-
etry which provided a measurement of the local gravitational acceleration g (see
328 A. Hees et al.
Sect. 2.1). The current constraints on the UFF between macroscopic and micro-
scopic systems are at the level of 10−9 [75]. Similar constraints using two different
types of atom interferometers have provided constraints at the level of 10−9 as well
[76–78]. Furthermore, some modified theories of gravitation predict a violation of
the UFF between bodies with different spins (see as examples [79–84], and refer-
ences therein). Therefore, the UFF has also been tested by considering atoms with
different spins and the related constraints are at the level of 10−7 [85]. One can
wonder if anti-matter falls any differently than standard matter. Tests of the UFF
using anti-hydrogen atoms are currently on-going at CERN with the AEgIS [86] and
GBAR [87] experiments.
Predictions of a violation of the UFF between a black hole and standard matter
has also been recently predicted and tested for a very particular case of Galileon
theory by using astrophysical observations [88, 89].
Finally, the question of the validity of the UFF in the Dark sector remains com-
pletely open. Since dark matter has not been directly detected so far, tests of the EEP
in the dark sector are model dependent. A lot of models introduced a long range
interaction in the dark sector usually leading to a fifth force experienced either by
standard matter or by Dark Matter (see [90–93]). This hypothetical fifth force has
been constrained using various astrophysical observations (see for examples [92–98],
and references therein). More recently, a model of Dark Matter coupled to a scalar
field has been proposed by Damour et al. [99] and predicts a violation of the EEP
between Dark Matter and standard matter. Initially introduced as a model leading to
a time variation of the gravitational constant G, it has been shown that the violation
of the EEP in the Dark sector can naturally produce Dark Energy [100–102]. This
violation of the EEP has recently been constrained using galactic observations by
Mohapi et al. [103].
The UFF is certainly the first observational principle upon which the gravitation
theories (Newton’s theory and later GR) have been built. As described in this section,
testing the UFF can be performed using a wide various of test bodies and take various
forms. In particular, observations that are used for geodesic purposes (LLR, atomic
interferometry) gives some of the best current constraints. Considering that this
principle is at the heart of the gravitation theory, testing its experimental validity
is crucial and several projects aimed at improving the current searches for a UFF
is a feature of relativity stating that the outcome of any local non gravitational exper-
iment is independent of the velocity and orientation of the apparatus (see e.g. [3]).
While completely integrated into special relativity, the effort to test LLI has recently
increased. Indeed, it is often believed that models of quantum gravity will produce
violations of Lorentz invariance. These models usually introduce a fundamental
length (the Planck length). Since this length is not Lorentz invariant, in most scenar-
ios, a breaking of Lorentz symmetry at some level is produced (see the discussion in
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 329
Sect. 2.1.2 from [3] or [104]). Several formalisms have been used to test Lorentz sym-
metry. The simplest one predicts anisotropies in the speed of light, often parametrized
by the c2 -formalism (see e.g. [3]). Such a violation requires the existence of a privi-
leged reference frame.
A violation of the LLI would produce a shift in the energy levels of a particle,
which depends on the orientation of the quantization axis and the quantum number
of the state. The “clock anisotropy” experiments verify that this shift is null. The first
experiments of this type were done by [105] and [106]. The cooling of atoms and
trapped ions then permitted to limit collision effects, which further increased the accu-
racy of the experiments [107–109]. Other methods exist to test the LLI. For example,
Michelson–Morley type experiments and its numerous variants (see e.g. [110] for a
review): let’s cite the famous [111] experiment, which used a Fabry–Perot interfer-
ometer, and the experiments comparing the frequencies of electromagnetic cavities
with each other, or with atomic clocks [112, 113].
Another widely used formalism to test Lorentz Invariance (LI) is called the
Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl (RMS) framework [114–117] in which a modification of
the kinematic Lorentz transformation is parametrized by functions which depend
on the relative velocity w between a preferred frame – usually taken as the cosmic
microwave background – and the observer frame. The three classical LI tests are
the Michelson–Morley, Kennedy–Thorndike, and Ives–Stillwell experiments (see
e.g. [114]); they are second-order tests as the LI violating signal depends on w2 /c2 ,
where w = |w| and c is the velocity of light in vacuum [116]. With the advent of
heavy-ion storage rings, Ives–Stillwell type experiments gave until recently the best
constraint on α, the time dilation parameter of the RMS parametrization. A limit of
|α| 8.4 × 10−8 was found using 7 Li+ ions prepared in a storage ring to 6.4% and
3.0% of the speed of light [118]. The experiment described in [119] uses 7 Li+ ions
confined at a velocity of 33.8% of the speed of light. When neglecting higher order
RMS parameters, the constraint on the LI violating parameter is |α| 2.0 × 10−8.
First-order tests in w/c are based on the comparison of clocks [115, 120]. Compar-
ing atomic clocks on-board GPS satellites with ground atomic clocks, [121] obtained
the constraint |α| 10−6 .
A recent test within the RMS framework is based on comparison of four optical lat-
tice clocks using Sr atoms, two located at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, France [122,
123], one at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany [124, 125], and one at NPL, Teddington,
UK [126]. These clocks are connected by two fibre links, one running from SYRTE
to PTB operated in June 2015 [127], and one from SYRTE to NPL operated in June
2016. In a simplified set-up, an optical clock comparison using a phase noise com-
pensated fibre link can be described as a two-way frequency transfer between two
observers A and B (see e.g. [128–132]). By searching for a daily variation of the
frequency difference these four strontium optical lattice clocks, [133] improve upon
all previous tests of RMS time dilation parameter with |α| 1.1 × 10−8 .
More recently, a very wide formalism has been developed to consider hypothet-
ical violation of Lorentz symmetry in all fields of physics. Contrarily to the RMS
framework, this formalism is dynamical. This framework has been named Standard
Model Extension (SME) and contains an impressive number of parameters encod-
330 A. Hees et al.
ing hypothetical deviations from the Standard Model of particles or from GR (see
e.g [134–137], and references therein). A number of these SME coefficients have
been constrained by various experiments (for a review of the current constraints
on SME parameters, see [138]). It is worth mentioning that in the matter-sectors,
atomic clocks and gravimetry has been used to constrain some SME coefficients (see
as examples [113, 139, 139–142]). The SME formalism has also been developed in
the gravitational sector to model deviations from Einstein’s theory at the level of the
gravitational part of the action. This part of the SME formalism will be developed
in Sect. 4.2.4.
Local Position Invariance (LPI) stipulates that the outcome of any local non-
gravitational experiment is independent of the space-time position of the freely-
falling reference frame in which it is performed [3]. This principle is mainly tested
by two types of experiments: (i) search for variations in the constants of Nature and
(ii) redshift tests.
The question of the constancy of the constants of Nature was first addressed by
Dirac. This question is driven by the principle of reason: what could be the reasons
behind the specific values of the constants of Physics? (see the discussion in Sect. 2
of Damour [143]). This argument led to many developments of new theories where
the constants of physics become dynamical entities. In parallel, many observational
investigations try and search for any space/time evolution of the constants of Physics
Amongst all the observations performed, atomic clocks have an important role
leading to currently some of the best constraints currently available. In particular,
linear drifts in the evolution of the fine structure constant α, in the ratio μ between the
mass of the electron and the mass of the proton and in the ratio between the mass of the
light quarks (up and down) and the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) energy scale
3 . Several groups in the world have pursued effort to constrain such hypothetical
linear drifts: at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris [145], NIST [146], Berkeley [147],
NPL [148], PTB [149], …The current constraints on a linear drift variation of the
three constants (fine structure constant, ratio between the mass of the electron and
the mass of the proton and ration between the mass of the light quarks and the QCD
energy scale) are at the level of 10−16 per year. Note that astrophysical observations
also constrain variations of the constants of Nature [144] and furthermore, these
observables can be related to other cosmological observables like the evolution of
the cosmic microwave background temperature, spectral distortion of the cosmic
microwave background and violation of the cosmic distance-duality relation (see for
example [150–152]).
In addition to temporal variations of the constants of Nature, one can search for
spatial variations. Regarding this, atomic clocks have also been widely used to search
for a variation of the constants of Nature with respect to the gravitational potential of
the Sun. The idea is to compare two clocks working on different atomic transitions
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 331
and therefore sensitive differently to the different constants of Physics, located at the
same place and search for periodic variations in their frequencies comparison. Several
groups in the world have been measuring this effect which is now constrained at the
level of 10−6 : the SYRTE [145], the USNO [153], Berkeley [147], NIST [154],…
The second way to test the LPI is to measure the gravitational redshift. The
gravitational redshift is a consequence of the EEP predicted by A. Einstein, 1911.
It was observed for the first time by Pound and Rebka in 1959 [155]. A simple and
convenient formalism to test the gravitational redshift is to introduce a new parameter
αred defined through [3]
ν U
= (1 + αred ) 2 (6)
ν c
where ν is the difference between the observed frequency of the same signal mea-
sured in different locations in the gravitational potential U . The parameter αred van-
ishes when the EEP is valid. The best constraint on αred is at the level of 10−4 and
has been obtained in 1976 by comparing the frequency of two clocks: one onboard
a rocket and the other one on Earth [156]. An improvement on this constraint is
expected in the near future by using observations of GNSS satellites Galileo V and
VI. These two satellites were launched on August, 30th 2014. Because of a technical
problem, the launcher brought them on a wrong, elliptic orbit which makes them dif-
ficult to use for GNSS purposed. Nevertheless, the eccentricity of the orbit induces
a periodic modulation of the gravitational redshift, which combined with the good
stability of recent GNSS clocks can be used to test the gravitational redshift to a
very good level of accuracy [157]. Contrary to the GP-A experiment, it is possible to
integrate the signal on a long duration, therefore improving the statistics. A thorough
study of the statistical and systematic uncertainties has shown that a constraint on
αred at the level of 10−5 can be achieved with a year of data [157]. The main limitation
for this experiment comes from systematic effects that have the same signature than
the redshift signal. These systematics are mainly due to orbital mismodelling and in
particular due to mismodelling of the solar radiation pressure. Nevertheless, Delva
et al. [157] have shown that a year of data leads to a decorrelation between the two
On the mid-term, the Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) project [158]
that aims at comparing atomic clocks on the international space station (ISS) with
atomic clocks on Earth will provide a test of the redshift test at the level of 10−6 . The
ACES payload is expected to be launched on board of the ISS in 2018 for a duration
between 18 months up to 3 years. The payload includes the first cold atom clock in
space, PHARAO, consisting of a Cs clock and of a H-maser. Another key element is
the microwave link (MWL) that uses radio in a two-way configuration to compare
space to ground clocks at unprecedented stability and accuracy. The test of the EEP
is only one of the scientific objective of ACES. In addition, the measurement of
the gravitational redshift can be used to measure gravitational potential differences
between different clock locations, which is a new type of geodetic measurements
using clocks called chronometric geodesy [4, 159–162].
332 A. Hees et al.
In the longer term, several future space missions have been proposed to further
improve the test of the gravitational redshift. One example is the SpaceTime Explorer
and QUantum Equivalence Space Test (STE-QUEST) space mission [163], a M-
class mission proposal that was pre-selected by the European Space Agency in 2010
together with four other missions for the cosmic vision M3 launch opportunity. It
carries out tests of different aspects of the Einstein Equivalence Principle using atomic
clocks, matter wave interferometry and long distance time/frequency links, providing
fascinating science at the interface between quantum mechanics and gravitation that
cannot be achieved, at that level of precision, in ground experiments. STE-QUEST
will test the UFF at a level of 10−15 , two orders of magnitude better than the best
present result using macroscopic test-objects, and at least 6 orders better than present
UFF tests in the quantum regime. It will also improve best present results on redshift
tests (in the field of the Earth, Sun, and Moon) by up to 4 orders of magnitude.
Finally, let us mention that all these redshift tests are performed in a low gravi-
tational field in the Solar System. A “strong” field version of this test was recently
performed by measuring the gravitational redshift from the star S0-2 orbiting the
supermassive black hole in our Galactic Center, Sagittarius A* [98, 164–166].
Motivated by the unsuccessful searches for a Dark Matter particle at high energy,
models of light scalar DM have recently gained a lot of attention in the scientific
community (see e.g. [167–189] and references therein). In those models, a light
scalar field is introduced in addition to the standard space-time metric and to the
standard model fields. Such scalar fields are also ubiquitous in theories with more
than 4 dimensions, and in particular in string theory with the dilaton and the moduli
fields [190–194].
Such models have been shown to produce nice galactic and cosmological predic-
tions for very low masses of the scalar field ranging from 10−24 to 10−22 eV [169, 173,
174, 182–184, 186, 187, 189]. Because of the high occupation numbers in galactic
halos, the scalar field can be treated as a classical field for masses eV [169, 181]
and this model of DM is actually a particular tensor-scalar modification of GR which
can break the Einstein Equivalence Principle through the coupling between the scalar
field and standard matter. The full action for this model writes
c3 4 √ μν
c2 m 2ϕ
( j)
( j) de dg( j) β3 A 2 ( j) (1)
Lint =ϕ j
F −
F − dm i + γm i dg m i ψ̄i ψi . (8)
4μ0 2g3 i=e,u,d
where αEM is the electromagnetic fine structure constant, m j are the fermions (elec-
tron and quarks up, down and strange) masses, 3 is the QCD mass scale 3 and
the superscripts (i) indicate the type of coupling considered (linear for i = 1 and
quadratic for i = 2).
At the cosmological level, this scalar field will oscillate at a frequency ω that is
directly related to its mass m ϕ through ω = c2 m ϕ /
In addition, at the cosmological level, it can be shown that this scalar field can be
interpreted as a perfect fluid whose mean pressure vanishes, making it a good DM
candidate. Under the assumption that the DM is made completely by one mode of
this scalar field, the amplitude of the scalar oscillations are directly determined by
the DM energy density through
c6 m 2ϕ ϕ20
ρϕ = . (11)
4πG2 2
In addition, the coupling of the scalar field with the standard model fields will
exhibit signatures that can be searched for using different types of measurements.
These signatures depend highly on the type of coupling considered.
Linear coupling: When the coupling between standard matter and the scalar field is
linear in the Lagrangian from Eq. (8), the scalar field will be the sum of two distinct
contributions: (i) a static Yukawa contribution, which is characteristic of massive
334 A. Hees et al.
gauge boson and which is independent of the identification of the scalar field to dark
matter and (ii) an oscillating contribution which is identified as dark matter.
The Yukawa interaction is a generic feature appearing in most theories that intro-
duce a new massive gauge boson. Measurements of the UFF are particularly sensitive
to such a modification of the 2-body interaction. The best current measurements of
the UFF on Earth have been done by the Eöt-Wash laboratory [65, 66]. This consists
of a measurement of the differential acceleration between two test masses at the
Earth’s surface. Two types of pairs of tests masses have been used: (i) Be versus Ti
and (ii) Be versus Al. For each of these pairs of test masses, a violation of the UFF in
the field of the Earth, in the field of the Sun and in the field generated by the galactic
dark matter distribution has been searched for. It is possible to reinterpret these con-
straints in terms of the coefficients that appear in the Lagrangian from Eq. (8) [196].
Note that in order to probe the UFF at very short distances, the Eöt-Wash group also
performed an experiment where they made a body of Uranium rotate around the test
masses to search for a violation of the UFF in the gravitational field of that body
[64]. This measurement also has the advantage of being sensitive to different linear
combinations of the matter-scalar coupling coefficients. For this particular experi-
ment, the test masses are made of Cu and Pb and the 238 U source is located 10.2 cm
from the test masses. Figure 1 shows the upper limit on the various coefficients that
parametrize the interaction between the scalar field and the standard model fields.
In addition to the Yukawa 2-body interaction, if the scalar field is identified as
DM, it will oscillate and these oscillations will be reflected in the time evolution of
the constants of Nature because of the scalar/matter coupling. This is a signature
of the Einstein Equivalence Principle that can be searched by comparing atomic
transitions frequencies using atomic clocks as described in Sect. 2.2. Recently, this
model has been constrained by three different teams: (i) using Dysprosium (Dy)
atomic transitions at Standford [198], (ii) using the dual Cs/Rb atomic fountain
from SYRTE [197]. These three searches constrain the scalar/matter linear coupling
constant for a range of scalar mass m ϕ between 10−24 and 10−12 eV as shown on
Fig. 1.
The clocks are most powerful for low scalar field masses while UFF experiments
become more interesting at larger masses. The UFF measurements start to deter when
the interaction length scale of the Yukawa interaction
λϕ ∼ 1/m ϕ is of the same order of the distance between the body that generate grav-
itation and the test masses. That is why, although the measurements from MICRO-
SCOPE are one order of magnitude better than the ones on Earth (which is reflected
for low masses), for larger masses, the corresponding upper limit falls quickly because
of the altitude of the satellite while Earth experiments are more powerful to probe
short Yukawa interaction length.
Note that the so-called natural couplings — usually defined as coupling of the
order of unity — are excluded for scalar field masses m ϕ up to ∼10−5 eV for de(1) ,
up to ∼10−4 eV for dm̂(1) − dg(1) and up to 10−5 eV for dm(1)e − dg(1) .
Quadratic coupling: The phenomenology arising in the case of a quadratic coupling
between the scalar field and the standard model fields is quite different from the one
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 335
Fig. 1 Upper limit (at 95% confidence level) on the various scalar/matter coupling coefficients in
the case of a linear coupling between matter and the scalar field. The SYRTE Cs/Rb analysis is from
[197], the Dy analysis is presented in [198], the UFF measurement around Earth between Be and
Ti is from [65], the UFF measurement between Cu and Pb in the gravitational field of a 238 U body
is from [64], MICROSCOPE’s result is presented in [72, 73]. The constraints derived from clock
measurements assumed that the scalar field comprises all local DM while the UFF constraints do
not rely on this assumption
that arises in the case of the linear coupling. In particular, it can be shown that no
Yukawa interaction is present in that case, making it a big difference with respect to
the linear interaction [199]. There is still an oscillatory mode that can be identified
as DM but the amplitude of the oscillation will be impacted by the presence of
other bodies and is now dependent on the distance to bodies, leading to a very rich
phenomenology. In particular, the mode of the scalar field that can be identified as
DM writes
m ϕ c2 G MA
ϕ(2) (t, x) = ϕ0 cos t + δ 1 − s (2) , (12)
c2 r
where s (2)
A depends on the scalar/matter couplings and on the compactness of the
body A. It has been shown that the case of large couplings or large compactness
336 A. Hees et al.
While the previous section is devoted to searches of Dark Matter with laboratory mea-
surements, these have also some implications at the cosmological level. For example,
a coupling between a scalar field and the electromagnetic part of the Lagrangian such
that the electromagnetic part of the action writes
1 √
SEM = − d 4 x −g 1 − de(1) ϕ Fμν F μν + q p Aμ d x μ , (13)
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 337
Fig. 2 Upper and lower (MRA) limits (at 95% confidence level) on the scalar/electromagnetic cou-
pling coefficients de in the case of a quadratic coupling between matter and the scalar field. Similar
figures for the other coupling coefficients can be found in [196]/ The constraints have been derived
using the following measurements: the SYRTE Cs/Rb data from [197], the Dy measurements from
[198], the UFF measurement around Earth between Be and Ti from [65] and the MICROSCOPE’s
result presented in [72]. Note that the dashed line is not an actual constraint but an estimate of the
potential sensitivity that would be obtained by searching for an oscillating violation of the UFF
within MICROSCOPE data
where q p is the electric charge of a particle interacting with the EM field. As men-
tioned in the previous section, this type of coupling has implications on atomic clocks
and on the universality of free fall. In addition to these effects, four cosmological
observables are modified (with respect to GR) and are intimately related to each
other in this class of theories (see [151]): (i) temporal variation of the fine struc-
ture constant, (ii) violation of the distance-duality relation, (iii) modification of the
evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and (iv) CMB
spectral distortions. It is worth to insist on the fact that the derivation relies only on
the matter part of the action and not on the gravitational part. This means that our
results apply to a very wide class of gravitation theories. In a Friedman–Lemaître–
Robertson–Walker space-time, the expressions of the four observables are given by
the following expressions:
• temporal variation of the fine structure constant. A straightforward identification
in the action leads to
α α(z) − α0
= = de(1) (ϕ(z) − ϕ0 ) (14)
α α0
their number is not conserved due to an exchange with the scalar field (see [202]).
Therefore, the expression of the angular diameter distance (D A ) is the same as
in GR but this leads to a modification of the distance-luminosity expression (D L )
(see also [202]) and hence to a violation of the cosmic distance-duality relation:
D L (z) de(1)
η(z) = = 1 + (ϕ(z) − ϕ0 ) . (15)
D A (z)(1 + z)2 2
• spectral distortion of the CMB. Using the same approach as the one sketched in the
last item, one can show that the evolution of the CMB radiation leads to deviations
from its black body spectrum. When this deviation is parametrized by a chemical
potential μ, one can show that its expression at current epoch is given by
To summarize, a coupling between the scalar field and EM implies that the four
observables are intimately linked to each other through the relations
α T (z)
de(1) [ϕ(z) − ϕ0 ] = = 2 [η(z) − 1] = 8.33 −1 , (18a)
α T0 (1 + z)
α(z CMB ) T (z CMB )
μ = 0.47 = 0.94 [η(z CMB ) − 1] = 3.92 − 1 . (18b)
α T0 (1 + z CMB )
These relations hold for all theories whose matter part of the action can be cast in the
form of the action (13). This class of theories is very large and includes all metric
theories. These relations imply also that if a deviation of the EEP is observed around
Earth, it is likely to have cosmological counterparts as well, which would be an
excellent check to confirm any observed deviations. On the other hand, it also shows
that local measurements can have cosmological interpretation.
As an example, several parametrizations of the distance-duality relationship have
been considered in the literature: η(z) = η0 , η(z) = 1 + η1 z, η(z) = 1 + η2 1+z z
η(z) = 1 + η3 ln(1 + z) and for the evolution of the CMB temperature T (z) =
(1 + z)1−β . Assuming that the theory of gravitation is described by the multiplicative
coupling introduced in Eq. (13) (which is a large class of theories including GR),
we can use the relations from Eq. (18) to transform observational constraints on one
type of observations into constraints on another type. As an example, we use the con-
straint from optical clocks from [146] (α̇/α = (1.6 ± 2.3) × 10−17 yr−1 to constrain
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 339
The action from Eq. (7) with a vanishing potential (i.e. a massless scalar field) has
also been studied in the context of the acceleration of the cosmic expansion (see
e.g. [203, 204] and references therein). In this case, it is useful to work with the
cosmological energy density and pressure associated with the scalar field and it can be
shown that the Dark Energy equation of state is given by (see[204]) wϕ = −1 + 23 ϕ
where ϕ = 3H 2 c2ϕ . This equation allows one to derive an expression that makes the
connection between the temporal evolution of α to cosmological variables [205]
α̇ (1) 3
= −d H ϕ0 (1 + wϕ0 ) . (19)
α 0 e 0
This relation is very useful in order to combine data in a global analysis. For example,
[205] uses atomic clocks constraints on α and cosmological observations (Super-
novae Ia and Hubble parameter measurement) in order to constrain the parameters
for this Dark Energy model. In particular, it is shown that one type of observations
only would not constrain this model at all but that it’s really the combination of local
measurements with astrophysical observations that is useful. It is also remarkable
to see in that context the importance of local measurements that have been devel-
oped in the context of metrology and geodesy and to appreciate the impact of such
measurements into a completely different field: cosmology.
The SME framework is a wide framework that aims at parametrizing all possible
violation of Lorentz symmetry in all sectors of physics. A part of this framework
aims at parametrizing violations of the EEP by modifying the matter action as
SMatter = dλ c −m −(gμν + 2cμν )u μ u ν − (aeff )μ u μ , (20)
where the particle’s worldline tangent is u μ = d x μ /dλ [55]. The fields cμν and (aeff )μ
are new dynamical fields whose kinematic terms are unspecified. In the linearized
340 A. Hees et al.
gravity limit, the motion of test masses depend only on the background value (or
vacuum expectation value) of these fields (the background values will be denoted by
a bar). The coefficients c̄μν and (āeff )μ are species dependent, therefore leading to
the three facets of the EEP.
The c̄μν coefficients have been widely constrained by different laboratory experi-
ments including atomic clock measurements [139–142, 206] and optical cavity [207,
On the opposite, the (āeff )μ components are less constrained. The temporal com-
ponent is currently only constrained through redshift test [141]. Superconducting
gravimeters have recently been used to measure the spatial components [209] at the
level of 10−5−−−6 GeV. The idea is to search for periodic variation in the gravita-
tional acceleration. The main difficulty from such measurements come from tidal
effects that produce similar signatures and that needs to be removed carefully. A
recent reanalysis of LLR observations have provided constraints two orders of mag-
nitude more stringent [210] and are currently the best constraints on these parameters.
Note that a reanalysis of the MICROSCOPE measurements within the context of the
SME would provide an improvement on these constraints [211]. Such an analysis is
currently on-going.
4.1.8 Conclusion
There exist several frameworks to test the form of the space-time metric, the second
building block of General Relativity. The two most famous ones are the parametrized
post-Newtonian formalism (PPN) and the fifth force formalism. Nevertheless, these
two formalisms do not cover all the extensions from GR (see e.g. [60, 61]) and it
is useful to analyze experimental results in new extended frameworks. Indeed, even
if observations lie very close to GR when analyzed within the PPN or fifth force
framework, this does not mean that this has to be true in any other framework. In
addition, a framework that would allow a direct comparison between local tests of
GR and cosmological observation has not been developed so far and still needs to
be developed.
In this section, we will review recent constraints obtained for different frameworks
used to probe the form of space-time geometry.
where φ N is the Newtonian potential and γ and β are the PPN parameters. These
parameters take the value of 1 in GR and my deviate from 1 in alternative theories.
The PPN formalism was historically the first one developed and therefore was
extensively constrained by several different types of observations. The best constraint
on the γ parameter was obtained by measuring precisely the Shapiro time delay with
the Cassini spacecraft when it was cruising between Jupiter and Saturn in 2003 and
is given by (see [212])
γ − 1 = (2.1 ± 2.3) × 10−5 . (22)
This constraint has been confirmed by measuring the light deflection around the Sun
using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (see [213, 214]), by using radioscience
observations of spacecraft orbiting Mars (see [215]) or Mercury (see [31]).
342 A. Hees et al.
φ=− 1 + αe−r/λ , (23)
where α is the strength of the interaction and λ a characteristic length scale. The idea
is to constrain the couple of parameters (α, λ). An impressive number of experiments
and observations have also been used to constrain this formalism at various scales:
at Solar System scales by using planetary ephemerides analyses [215], Lunar Laser
Ranging observations [217], ranging measurements of LAGEOS satellite around
Earth [50]. At lower distances, several geophysical observations have been used to
constrain a hypothetical fifth force. A short distances, torsion balances provide the
best constraints. For λ ≤ µm, it becomes extremely hard to constrain the strength
of the interaction because of several quantum noise sources (like e.g. the Casimir
effect). The current limit on the Yukawa parameters are summarized in Fig. 3. In
conclusion, the fifth force formalism is very well constrained except at very low and
very large distances where deviations can still be searched for.
Fig. 3 95% upper confidence limit on the strength |α| of the Yukawa interaction as a function of
the interaction length scale λ. Several geodesic techniques have provided the best current limit on
the Yukawa interaction. The red curves are limits that are expected from the Gaia mission. The
purple curve is a limit obtained around the supermassive black hole from our Galactic Center [98]
below a certain length scale or the k-mouflage mechanism [228] which is due to
non-linearity in the scalar field kinetic term in the action. While these mechanisms
strongly reduced the deviations from GR in the static limit, allowing these theories
to pass the standard Solar System tests of gravity, it has been shown that in some
cases, the temporal variation of the gravitational constant will not be screened and
will be a perfect signature to search for and to constrain such theories [229]. That
argument shows that constraining an hypothetical Ġ is highly important.
So far, only linear variation of the gravitational constant has been searched for. The
best measurements of Ġ/G are at the level of 10−13 yr−1 from Lunar Laser Ranging
[230] and from planetary ephemerides [32, 215], both these important measurements
relying on techniques developed for geodesy.
[235, 236] and noncommutative quantum field theory [237]. Furthermore, Lorentz
violations may also arise in the context of string field theory models [238].
The SME framework is built by considering an expansion at the level of the action
by introducing a series of terms that violate Lorentz symmetry [54]. At the lowest
order, this action can be written as
L = LEH + h μν s̄ αβ Gαμνβ + . . . , (24)
where LEH is the standard Einstein–Hilbert term, Gαμνβ is the double dual of the Ein-
stein tensor linearized in h μν (with h μν = gμν − ημν ). The Lorentz-violating effects
in this expression are controlled by the 9 independent coefficients in the traceless and
dimensionless s̄ μν [54]. These coefficients are treated as constants in asymptotically
flat cartesian coordinates. The ellipses represent additional terms in a series includ-
ing terms that break CPT symmetry for gravity; such terms are detailed elsewhere
[239–242] and are part of the so-called nonminimal SME expansion. Note that the
process by which one arrives at the effective quadratic Lagrangian (24) is consistent
with the assumption of the spontaneous breaking of local Lorentz symmetry.
Several measurements have been used to search for a breaking of the Lorentz
invariance and to constrain the SME parameters. Amongst them, measurements ded-
icated to geodesy and geophysics are the most important ones like e.g.: atomic inter-
ferometry [243, 244], gravimetry [209, 245], planetary ephemerides [246], very long
baseline interferometry [247], lunar laser ranging [210, 248, 249]. Table 1 summa-
rizes the order of magnitude of the constraints on the SME coefficients from the pure
gravity sector that have been obtained using the techniques mentioned in Sect. 2.
More informations about these constraints and about other constraints can be found
in the reviews [56, 57].
Table 1 Order of magnitude of the constraints on the pure gravitational SME coefficients derived
from measurements that are related to geodesy and geophysics
Experiments s̄ T T s̄ T J s̄ J K
Atom interferometry [244] – ∼10−5 ∼ 10−9
Gravimeters [209] – ∼10−7 ∼ 10−9
Gravimeters [245] – – ∼10−10
Planetary ephemerides [246] – ∼10−8 ∼ 10−10
Lunar laser ranging [249] – ∼10−9 ∼ 10−11
VLBI [247] 10−4 – –
Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gravitational Interaction 345
where the unit vector ei points toward the galactic center and Q 2 is a parameter
that depends directly on the MOND interpolating function ν and on the MOND
acceleration scale a0 . Values of this parameter for different interpolating functions
are given in [58, 59, 254].
The interesting point is that this modification of gravitation does not enter the
fifth force or the PPN formalisms and it can be used efficiently to detect or constrain
the MOND phenomenology. A recent analysis based on the Saturn ephemeris (see
Sect. 2.5) obtained mainly from the radio tracking data of the Cassini spacecraft
(between 2004 and 2013) led to a constraint on Q 2 given by [26]
This constraint on MOND theory is the best currently available on Solar System
scales. When combined with galactic rotation curves observations, this analysis nar-
rows down the possible interpolating functions allowed to only one class of function
as shown in [254].
As such, this local constraint does not constraint the MOND theory. What is
interesting is to combine this local constraint with astrophysical measurements of
galactic rotation curves. Indeed, several classes of interpolating function ν have
346 A. Hees et al.
been used to explain the behavior of galactic rotation curves. Using observations
of 27 galactic rotation curves (using data from [255]), fitting them with different
MOND phenomenology and combining this analysis from the Solar System leads to
a very stringent constraint on the MOND phenomenology. Indeed, all but one class of
interpolating function is excluded by this combined analysis [254]. This result shows
the power of combining multi-scales measurements and once again how geodesic
measurements can help to improve our understanding of fundamental physics, even
at a totally different scale in our Universe.
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358 A. Hees et al.
Bruno Hartmann
1 Introduction
B. Hartmann (B)
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
e-mail: brunohartmannjr@gmail.com
Fig. 1 a Count unit weights m u on balance scale b count rulers along straight line
its dimension (standard weight, standard length etc.). A basic measurement requires
knowledge of the method of comparison (of a particular attribute of both bodies),
we write “>”, “=” or “<”, and of the physical concatenation method. Obviously the
way of concatenation (piling weight units, placing meter sticks along straight line,
coupling impulse units etc.) generally depends on the type of measure. One simply
writes the formal symbol “+”. Our physical foundation will specify the underlying
tangible operations. We will describe an approach how space-time in Sect. 2, iner-
tial mass and momentum in Sect. 3, and energy in Sect. 4 can be introduced as an
observable and measurable concept. We will derive the exact mathematical relations
between these physical quantities in the end.
2 Kinematics
First we outline Helmholtz program for measuring relativistic motion [5]. We define
a spatiotemporal order “longer than” by the practical comparison, whether one object
or process covers the other. Without one word of mathematics Alice can manufac-
ture uniform running light clocks “L” and place them literally one after the other
or side by side “L + L” and then count, how many building blocks one needs to
assemble a regular grid which covers the measurement object (Fig. 2a). These are
the elementary measurement operations. From their structure and overlap we derive
mathematical relations, e.g. for two different observers Alice and Bob the formal
Lorentz transformation (Fig. 2b).
Fig. 2 a Count regular layout of light clocks L b intrinsic operations by Alice and Bob
we know something certain. For the motion of light this holds much more than for
any other process. By local comparison with classical rulers and clocks the light
propagates in a uniform, isotropic and straight way. The motion of light provides a
universal reference for any intrinsic observer.
Let Alice construct a light clock L with two nearby mirrors in a rigid frame.
Between both mirrors the light constantly oscillates back and forth (vertical sequence
in Fig. 2a). Each tick of her reference device covers the same standard distance sL
and because of the light principle each successive tick takes the same standard time
tL .1 We use the light clock as a new measurement unit. The width of the light clock
represents unit length sL and each tick a unit time tL .
1 One replaces the traditional rulers and clocks by new light clocks because they approximate the
aspired ideal of uniform running more precisely. Contemporary metrology regards the speed of
light c as an invariant natural constant and introduces optical clocks as a frequency standard. The
definition of the standard length sL is based on a given standard duration tL and the universal speed
of light c.
Basic dimensions (unit length, unit time etc.) are “arbitrarily chosen constant reference mea-
sures” [8]. Contemporary metrology refers to the standard duration tCs of a Cesium period and the
speed of light c. On paper one defines the atomic second secSI := 9192631770 · tCs as a multiple
of that standard duration (to match the calendrical second). This defines a standard distance, which
light propagates in one atomic second of flight. Then one defines the standard meter, again on paper,
as a certain fraction of that distance 299792458 · mSI := (c · secSI ). These new SI units are more
practical. Now everyone can reproduce the SI second and meter from invariant natural processes
(Cs-period and speed of light) and fixed numerical factors (to match the traditional prototypes, that
refer to a tropical year and to a platinum-iridium standard bar from the international bureau of
weights and standards, that are not accessible and change in time!).
Operationalization of Basic Relativistic Measurements 363
2.2 Quantification
In the measurement Alice joins together light clock ticks one after another until
the sequence covers e.g. the waiting interval from a starting moment A1 to an end
in moment A (Fig. 2a). Consider a swarm of identically constituted light clocks.
Alice can place ticking light clocks literally side by side. By letting their inner
light rays overlap all light clocks tick synchronized. This connection (dashed line
in Fig. 2a) represents Alice simultaneous straight measurement path AO towards
the distant event O. From solely congruent building blocks Alice assembles a grid
which covers larger objects or processes, e.g. the relative motion of Bob or the
light ray from A1 to O. In both segments of her material model Alice counts the
number n of congruent ticks and the number l of congruent clocks. Alice measures
the spatiotemporal interval A1 O
t A 1 O = n · tL (1)
s A 1 O = l · sL
by the number of measurement units and their dimension (standard duration tL and
width sL ).
By inspection of the regular pattern of light clocks (Fig. 2a) one counts for
the outgoing light ray (t, s) A1 O = (n · tL , 2n · sL ) and for the returning light ray
(t, s)O A2 = (n · tL , −2n · sL ) the same distance units and duration units (n the num-
ber of ticks from A1 to A resp. from A to A2 , 2n the number of clocks sitting side
by side along AO). Both measured values are proportional. In standard light clock
dimensions the velocity of light has the value c(L) := 2n n
= 2. For any given duration
tc the light ray travels a distance
sc = 2 · · tc . (2)
For a light clock built so that tL := secSI and (2 · sL ) =: 299792458 · mSI (defini-
tion SI-meter) we express the speed of light in conventional SI-units c = 2 · stLL =
299792458 · sec m
. For the outgoing and the returning light ray we measure the same
velocity cout = cin because our measurement unit, the light clock is build from two-
way light cycles on equal footing.
Alice can express her direct measurement of the spatiotemporal interval A1 O (by
literally covering the object with a layout of measurement units) with the help of
t A1 A = 21 · t A1 A2
(2) 1 c
( t A1 O , s A1 O ) = ·t , ·t (3)
2 A1 A2 2 A1 A2
364 B. Hartmann
in terms of measuring just the round trip waiting times t A1 A2 . That corresponds to the
familiar principle of laser ranging measurements, by sending a light ray in moment
A1 to a distant object O and waiting until the reflection returns in A2 (Fig. 2a). We
derive that basic equation from direct measurements (1) of the outgoing and returning
light ray.
We utilize a reference process, which represents two dimensions (the length and
the duration of the light cycle between two mirrors). Alice and Bob manufacture
their own light clocks and place them intrinsically until the measurement object is
covered. Along the measurement paths everyone counts the number of ticks and of
clocks. The relation between these numbers that is the Lorentz transformation.
Let one more observer Bob measure the distant object O. By connecting his light
clocks in an intrinsically timelike resp. spacelike way Bob constructs his straight
simultaneous measurement path to the object BO (dashed line in Fig. 2b). He can
also determine his simultaneity lines from symmetric round trip signaling times. For
the moments of departure B1 and arrival B2 of a light signal reflected from an event
(anywhere on line BO) that is simultaneous to the event B one counts the same
number of light clock ticks t B1 B = t B B2 in Fig. 2b. That corresponds to Einstein’s
convention of synchronizing distant clocks. Alice and Bob conduct the same intrinsic
operations with light clocks. Though the results are not identical. Alice constructs
simultaneity lines AO with different orientation than Bob’s simultaneity lines BO
(dashed lines in Fig. 2b).
Let Alice and Bob measure the same spacetime interval PO. Without restricting
generality both measure a segment of the moving object O, let all start from the joint
moment P. Figure 3 shows the interrelation of their laser ranging measurements:
a the clock ticks until Alice A1 sends out the light signal
b + b the ticks until the reflection from Bob B1 returns in A2
d + d the ticks until the reflection from the object O returns in A3
m the clock ticks until the coinciding light signal passes Bob B1
n + n the ticks until the reflection from the object O returns to Bob B2 .
From his round trip signaling durations m, n Bob measures for the moving object
(B) (3)
tPO = m+n
sPO =c·n .
Alice measures for the same object from her laser ranging durations a, d
tPO = a+d
sPO = c·d .
Operationalization of Basic Relativistic Measurements 365
Fig. 3 coinciding light rays in the laser ranging measurements by Alice and Bob
366 B. Hartmann
With the laser ranging durations a, b Alice also measures the relative motion of Bob
= a+b
sP B
= c·b .
Now we only need to find the connection between Bob’s light clocks readings
m, n and Alice measurements a, b, d. We find one relation from the similar triangles
P B1 A2 and P B2 A3 (the light rays are pairwise parallel or coincide)
m m+n+n
= .
a+b+b a+d +d
For the second relation we interpret the two triangles P A1 B1 and P B1 A2 as a cali-
bration procedure by which Alice and Bob compare their light clocks L(A) and L(B) :
Let Alice send two light signals at the moments P and A1 towards Bob. He receives
both signals at the moments P and B1 . Vice versa let Bob send two light signals
at the moments P and B1 towards Alice. She receives both signals at the moments
P and A2 . According to the relativity principle both configurations are intrinsically
similar. Alice and Bob determine the same ratio between the duration for receiving
both signals (heard from the other) and the duration of the sending interval (measured
by themselves)
m ! a+b+b
= .
a m
After successive substitution (details in appendix of [5]) we can express Bob’s
spacetime measurements of the moving object (t, s)(B)
in terms of Alice two mea-
surements of the moving object (t, s)(A)
and of the relative motion of Bob (t, s)(A)
PB 1
(A) (A)
where Alice determines Bob’s relative velocity from v B := sP t . We derive the
Lorentz transformation between the spacetime measurements of Alice and Bob. That
is a strictly physical approach to physics where initially mathematics must remain
outside - and then every step where mathematics is introduced requires an extra jus-
tification. In the same way we develop Helmholtz program for direct measurements
of interactions.
Provided the classical measurement practice we get Galilei kinematics. In ana-
lyzing the measuring of moving objects Einstein discovered the additional need to
Operationalization of Basic Relativistic Measurements 367
establish a physical connection between clocks at different locations and speeds. Our
intrinsic operations with light clocks represent the classical metric locally (Euclidean
geometry). For the connection Einstein chose the universal motion of light. By includ-
ing the (local) light principle and the relativity principle we derive Poincare kine-
matics. Our locally regular grid of light clocks can potentially spread out into every
direction. It represents our metric connection between distant measurements.
In local laser ranging practice the accelerations of an object are negligible com-
pared to the enormous speed of light. For larger configurations though effects accu-
mulate for example in the twin paradox [5]. One ought to keep the clocks and rulers
in an inertial reference frame. We conclude the discussion of kinematics with a brief
remark on the principle of inertia that also connects to the following discussion of
dynamics. In practical experimentation one probes the effects of certain sources on a
given object. When those actions become reproducible one can utilize the knowledge
for building and steering machines [9]. We identify the action of external forces on
a given body by changes in its state of motion - relative to other objects that are not
effected by systematic changes of the source. One can examine a given process with
the reference to the “relatively fixed” stars or one can mount the reference instru-
ments to the rigid ground of Earth, whose enormous mass will practically not be
effected by systematic changes of the source. One can also provide local reference
devices on a microscopic scale. In portable electronic devices one can increasingly
find microelectromechanical systems with integrated accelerometers, i.e. an intrin-
sic detector that measures proper acceleration resp. inertial motion. Thus, for all
practical purposes the selection of a (sufficiently) inertial reference is well defined.
Then one can apply the principle of inertia: “Every body with no forces acting on it
remains - as judged from the lab - in a state of rest or of uniform rectilinear motion”
Our goal is to also define impulse, inertial mass (and later energy) as a basic observ-
able that can be measured directly. Momentum can be seen as a power to overrun
other objects in collisions. We define a direct comparison method. Let two generic
bodies a and b run into each other with initial velocities va resp. vb . According to
Galilei (in [11]) object a has “more momentum than” object b if in an head-on colli-
sion test a overruns b (they collide, stick together and move in a’s initial direction).
We symbolize this case with p [a] > p [b]. In a special case they can come to rest;
then their momentum is the same p [a] = p [b]. We remark that the comparison of
inertial mass is a special case where the initial velocities of the colliding bodies must
be the same. Sommerfeld [12] gives essentially the same definition by the reverse
process: “Impulse means (with regards to direction and magnitude) that kick, which
is capable of generating a given state of motion from the initial state of rest.”
For quantification we want to generate that kick from a certain number k of
congruent standard kicks. In physics didactics one uses the example of a cannon
368 B. Hartmann
which is shooting snowballs at an object. With every shot the velocity of the object
decreases. One counts the momentum units until the object stops. This gives an
intuitive idea of a direct impulse measurement. We define suitable reference objects
for these observables. We provide standard bodies with a standard velocity. Then we
construct such a collision machinery: The generic particle collides with a swarm of
standard momentum carriers. We count how many impulse units one must connect
in order to reproduce the same impact. Then we can quantify the impact of any given
object O as a number k times the impulse of our reference bodies. Formally we
write the measurement result p[O] = k · pu . Similarly we determine the mass and
velocity by independent measurement procedures. A quantitative description of the
collision machinery leads to the basic equation between momentum, inertial mass
and velocity. We derive the momentum-velocity relation.
We define standard bodies and springs as sufficiently constant reference objects for
“impact” and “capability to do work”. Consider a reservoir of standard bodies with
the same mass (Note that we can test this through head-on collisions.) and standard
springs S with the same capability to do work (We can test this by catapulting stan-
dard bodies). For our measurements in entire mechanics we refer to two elementary
standard processes:
1. Let a particle pair of two standard bodies with the same mass m 1 = m 2 and
standard velocities ±vS in opposing directions compress a spring that stays at
rest (Fig. 4 t1 ).
2. Let the compressed spring that remains at rest catapult two initially resting stan-
dard objects into opposite directions (Fig. 4 t2 ).
Hence standard particles with a standard momentum equal in magnitude but opposite
in direction compress a standard spring. Vice versa, the standard spring S turns
standard particles with a standard mass into standard momentum carriers. The initial
and final state of that inelastic collision (of irrelevant internal structure) are well-
If Alice couples the compression and decompression of her spring then the particle
pair, which initially flew towards each other, will instantly be catapulted apart (Fig. 4
from t0 to t2 ). Alice generates an eccentric elastic collision between bodies of the
same mass. If Bob drives by with the same horizontal velocity, he will see the same
process as an elastic transversal collision (Fig. 4 Bob). One particle kicks in from
below and rebounds antiparallel. The other particle moves on with the same velocity
v into a slightly deflected direction. The kinematics is well-defined by the symmetry
(collision of two equivalent bodies) and by the relativity principle (the view from a
moving observer). For any given initial velocity v and transversal impact velocity w
one determines, with Feynman’s trick [13], the deflection angle α
Operationalization of Basic Relativistic Measurements 369
Fig. 4 t0 : A spring is compressed by particles moving in opposite directions. t1 : After the process
the compressed spring has capability to do work. t2 : Decompression of the charged spring. Alice
observes a symmetric collision. The same process appears as a transversal kick when Bob drives
by with the same horizontal velocity to the left
α vx2
1− c2
sin = ·w . (5)
2 v
Vice versa for a given angle one can determine the necessary velocity v.
recoil particles must have the same radial velocities w := · v1 and are aligned at
diametrically opposed locations. Finally, in order to link the collision of one particle
from left and two particles from right we match the deflection angles α1 = 2 · α2 .
This leads, after substitution (5), to a relation between the initial velocities v1 and v2 .
One can generalize the construction for the collision of 1 + z particles in the same
By refinement of the radial kicks one can construct a similar model for the elastic
head-on collision between two generic bodies: Let one standard body with mass m
(from left) and a rigid composite of z standard objects with equal masses m 1 = m 2 =
· · · = m z (from right) collide and rebound off of one another with reversed velocities.
We symbolize only the velocity changes of the standard particles
v(m) = u , v1 = · · · = vz = v ⇒ v(m) = −u , v1 = · · · = vz = −v .
Then in Poincare kinematics one can derive [14], that the initial velocities satisfy the
relation u v
= −z · . (6)
1 − vc2
2 2
1 − uc2
We do not presuppose how the velocities of two generic objects change in an elas-
tic collision. The trick is to mediate their direct interaction by steering a process
with an external reservoir. The model is built from one elementary collision process
between standard elements which must behave in a symmetrical way. From the geo-
metric layout we derive the relation (6) between the amount of matter and the impact
3.3 Quantification
(direct) (Congr.)
p [a] = p1 + · · · + p1 =: l · p1
we measure “how many times” larger the momentum of particle a is than the impulse
p1 of one reference body.
372 B. Hartmann
In the same way we measure the inertia m of the body a with an equally massive
aggregate of standard elements m i and the latter according to the congruence principle
(direct) (Congr.)
m [a] = m1 + · · · + m1 =: z · m1
In the collision model we can count the coinciding numbers of standard elements.
When we build the model in Galilei kinematics we probe one standard particle
with the mass m and the velocity n · v1 . Then we find the same number n of impulse
units. Here we measure the momentum p[m] = n · p1 . For an aggregate of z standard
particles m i , i = 1, . . . , z with the same velocity one can conduct the collision model
z times. Thus we count that z times more impulse units have the same impact. We
measure the momentum p[m 1 , . . . , m z ] = z · n · p1 .
This leads to the general theorem: The particle a with mass m a = z · m 1 (m 1 a
standard mass) and velocity va = n · v1 (v1 the standard velocity) has a momentum
p [a] = z · n · p1 .
The equation between these physical quantities looks more familiar in the numerical
p [a] m a va
= · .
p1 m 1 v1
In Galilei kinematics the magnitude of the impulse equals the magnitude of the mass
times the magnitude of the velocity.
In Poincare kinematics we conduct the same direct impulse measurement. We
assemble the collision test model from well-defined radial kicks (Fig. 5). In the
relation (6) between the impact velocities w, vi and the particle number z appear
additional Lorentz terms γ. For a given particle a with the velocity v one counts the
number of impulse units, that generate the same impact. This leads to the relativistic
relation between momentum and velocity [14]
p [a] = {γ · m · v} · p1 .
4 Energy
the process and the “raw material” on which work is done. We regard energy as
a capability of one source or system to do work against another system. One also
knows what is meant if one source has more capability to do work (lift more weights,
grind more corn, generate more heat etc.) than another. Leibniz and Helmholtz give a
more precise physical definition. One source S has more energy than another source
T if, until complete exhaustion, the work of S exceeds the work of T on the same
test system [15]. Formally we write E [S] > E [T ].
We focus on the kinetic form of energy which is associated with slowing down the
motion of a body. When the body stops this form of energy is exhausted. According
to Papadouris, Constantinou [1] (p. 209) we measure the kinetic energy possessed by
a moving object by exploring “the extent of damage that it could cause” by colliding
with certain other objects. We construct a machinery which functions for a direct
measurement, a calorimeter model. The measurement process works as follows: A
calorimeter absorbs a given object, stops it and generates a swarm of standard energy
sources (Fig. 6). We will count how many standard springs S an incoming object with
vinitial can compress before it stops (vend = 0). Finally we derive the kinetic energy-
velocity equation.
We illustrate the measurement process with an example. Consider the elastic head-on
collision (3.2) between one fast standard particle with the mass m and an aggregate
of 9 elements with the standard mass m i , i = 1, . . . , 9. For a drive-by observer the
incident particle kicks the resting aggregate into motion and rebounds with reduced
velocity to the left (Fig. 7 t1 ). From those deceleration kicks we build our calorimeter
model. On the left we place again a suitable number of 7 reservoir elements into
the way, such that they get kicked out with the same standard velocity. The incident
particle successively rebounds with reduced velocity (Fig. 7 t1 to t5 ) until it stops
inside the calorimeter. On the left side of the calorimeter we kick 7 + 3 reservoir
elements into motion. On the right side we generate 9 + 5 + 1 impulse carriers with
the same standard velocity. Thus, for a particle with velocity 5 · v we mobilize a total
of 25 initially resting reservoir elements. We kick 10 particle pairs with the same
374 B. Hartmann
standard velocity out of both sides of the calorimeter and 5 single recoil particles.
We symbolize the velocities in the initial and final state
v(m) = 5 · v , v1 = · · · = v25 = 0 ⇒
v(m) = 0 , 10 pairs with vi = v and v j = −v , 5 particles with vk = v .
When we absorb the same standard particle with a higher velocity, we have to couple
more suitable deceleration kicks, that happen before the five collisions t1 to t5 in
Fig. 7. We mobilize more reservoir elements and create more standard particle pairs
and impulse carriers.
4.2 Quantification
Now we interpret the model from a physical perspective. The direct comparison
methods specify the physical meaning of our reference objects as units for energy
and momentum. The standard impulse carrier m with v(m) = v S represents the unit
of momentum p1 . It also has an energy, namely one half of the energy of the stan-
dard spring, because one particle pair can compress one standard spring Sect. 3.1.
The calorimeter output (7) has the same capability to do work as the incident par-
ticle, because our calorimeter model is reversible. This is plausible because each
building block is essentially an elastic head-on collision and because one can steer
the complete process in both ways.
Hence the kinetic energy E[a] of the incident particle a is completely transformed
into potential energy of the absorber material; therein every spring S carries the same
standard energy. According to the congruence principle
(direct) (Congr.)
E [a] = E[ S
+ ·
· · + S ] =: k · E [S]
k times
we measure “how many times” larger its kinetic energy is than the potential energy
of one standard spring S. We quantify the energy as a certain number k of reference
units times the dimension of the reference objects.
In the calorimeter model we can count the coinciding numbers of activated stan-
dard springs, reservoir elements, and velocity units. We will now derive the relation
between these physical quantities. This step leads to the basic dynamical equations.
In the example in Fig. 7 one can count the absorption effect for one standard
particle with the mass m and the velocity n = 5 times the standard velocity v. In
Operationalization of Basic Relativistic Measurements 375
Fig. 7 An incident particle with the mass m comes to rest by a series of collisions with initially
resting elements with standard masses m i on the left and right side of a calorimeter. The deceleration
kicks at t1 to t5 bring particle m with velocity 5 · v to rest. We generate 7 + 3 particle pairs with
vi = v and v j = −v and 2 + 2 + 1 impulse carriers with vk = v
376 B. Hartmann
E [a] = · z · n 2 · E [S] .
For the proof we build the calorimeter in Galilei kinematics. Then for every step of
right and left collisions we can add the extracted energy-momentum carriers and the
successive deceleration. We derive the relation between these physical quantities in
When we build the same model in Poincare kinematics, then we saw that for the
individual deceleration kicks additional Lorentz terms appear (6). Now we construct
the deceleration-cascade with suitable fragments of standard particles, so that they all
get kicked out again with the same standard velocity on both sides of the calorimeter.
Then we can integrate all fragments of congruent energy and momentum units for
the entire deceleration and thus derive the basic dynamical equations
E kin [a] = m · c2 · (γ − 1) · E [S]
p [a] = {m · γ · v} · p1
and from them all the rest of relativistic dynamics (details see [14]).
5 Discussion
empirical meaning to the assertions of the theory, Weyl represented the axiomatic
view (that measurement instruments ought to be regarded as solutions to differential
equations) while Pauli “denied the very possibility of applying a single conceptual
model to the theory and to the measurement instruments that verify it”; Einstein took
a stance in between [17]. The main idea of protophysics [6] is that physics does not at
the same time provide a theory of its measurement units. A theory of measurements
in the foundation of physics therefore also implies a systematization of measurement
conventions and norms, which the instruments must obey [15].
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D. Fortus, J. Krajcik, K. Neumann, J. Nordine, A. Scheff (Springer, Heidelberg, 2014), pp. 153
2. D. Hammer, Student ressources for learning introductory physics. Am. J. Phys. 68, 52 (2000)
3. C. Gerthsen, H. Vogel, Gerthsen Physik (Springer, Berlin, 1995)
4. H.V. Helmholtz, Zählen und Messen, erkenntnistheoretisch betrachtet. Philosophische Vorträge
und Aufsätze, ed. by H. Hörz, S. Wollgast (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1971), pp. 109
5. B. Hartmann, Operationalization of Relativistic Motion (Kinematics) (2012), arXiv:1205.2680
6. P. Janich, Das Maß der Dinge: Protophysik von Raum Zeit und Materie (Suhrkamp, 1997)
7. A. Einstein, Grundzüge der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (Springer, Berlin, 2002)
8. J. Wallot, Grössengleichungen Einheiten und Dimensionen (Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig,
9. H. Hertz, Einleitung zur Mechanik. Zur Grundlegung der theoretischen Physik, ed. by R.
Rompe, H.-J. Treder (Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1984), pp. 82
10. R.U. Sexl, H.K. Urbantke, Relativity, Groups, Particles - Special Relativity and Relativistic
Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics (Springer, Berlin, 2001)
11. H. Weyl, Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science (Princeton University Press, Prince-
ton, 1949), p. 139
12. A. Sommerfeld, Mechanik (Verlag Harry Deutsch, Thun, 1994), pp. 4
13. R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Mainly Mechanics,
Radiation and Heat (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Boston, 1977), pp. 4–1–4–8
14. B. Hartmann, Operationalization of Relativistic Energy-Momentum. Dissertation, Humboldt-
University, urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-100233941 (2015), pp. 115–138
15. O. Schlaudt, Messung als konkrete Handlung - Eine kritische Untersuchung über die Grund-
lagen der Bildung quantitativer Begriffe in den Naturwissenschaften (Verlag Königshausen &
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16. B. Hartmann, Operationalization of Basic Observables in Mechanics (2015). arXiv:1504.03571
17. M. Giovanelli, But one must not legalize the mentioned sin: phenomenological vs. dynamical
treatments of rods and clocks in Einstein’s thought. Stud. Hist. Philos. Mod. Phys. 48, 20–44
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used
in Future Navigation Systems?
Hernando Quevedo
Abstract We argue that the curvature generated by a gravitational field can be used to
calculate the corresponding metric which determines the trajectories of freely falling
test particles. To this end, we present a method to compute the metric from a given
curvature tensor. We use Petrov’s classification to handle the structure and properties
of the curvature tensor, and Cartan’s structure equations in an orthonormal tetrad
to investigate the differential equations that relate the curvature with the metric.
The second structure equation is integrated to obtain the explicit expression for
the connection 1−form from which the components of the orthonormal tetrad are
obtained by using the first structure equation. This opens the possibility of using the
curvature of astrophysical objects like the Earth to determine the position of freely
falling satellites that are used in modern navigation systems.
1 Introduction
One of the most important practical applications of general relativity is the Global
Positioning System (GPS), the most advanced navigation system known today. It
consists essentially in a set of artificial satellites freely falling in the gravitational field
of the Earth. To determine the location of any point on the Earth by using the method
of triangulation, it is necessary to know the exact position of several satellites at a
given moment of time. This means that the path of each satellite must be determined
as exact as possible. In fact, due to the accuracy expected from the GPS, specially
H. Quevedo (B)
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
AP 70543, 04510 Mexico, DF, Mexico
e-mail: quevedo@nucleares.unam.mx
H. Quevedo
Dipartimento di Fisica and ICRANet, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,
00185 Rome, Italy
H. Quevedo
Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics, Kazakh National University,
Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
for navigation purposes, it is necessary to take into account relativistic effects for
the determination of the satellites trajectories and the gravitational field of the Earth.
This method is therefore essentially based upon the use of the geodesic equations of
motion for each satellite. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the fact that according
to special and general relativity clocks inside the satellites run differently than clocks
on the Earth surface. Indeed, it is known that not taking relativistic effects into account
would lead to an error in the determination of the position which could grow up to
10 kilometers per day.
The curvature seems to be an alternative way to determine the position of any
point on the surface of the Earth. Indeed, if we could measure the curvature of
the spacetime around the Earth, and from it the corresponding metric, one could
imagine that the determination of the position of the satellites could be carried out
in a different way. Maybe this method could be more efficient and more accurate. To
this end, it is necessary to measure the curvature of spacetime. Several devices have
been proposed for this purpose. The five-point curvature detector [1] consists of four
mirrors and a light source. By measuring the distances between all the components
of the detector, it is possible to determine the curvature. Another method uses a
local orthonormal frame which is Fermi-Walker propagated along a geodesic [2]. A
gyroscope is directed along each vector of the frame so that the relative acceleration
will allow the determination of the curvature components. The gravitational compass
[3] is a tetrahedral arrangement of springs with test particles on each vertex. Using
the geodesic deviation equation, from the strains in the springs it is possible to infer
the components of the curvature. More recently, a generalized geodesic deviation
equation was derived which, when applied to a set of test particles, can be used to
measure the components of the curvature tensor [4].
It seems therefore to be now well established that the curvature can be measured by
using different devices that are within the reach of modern technology. The question
arises whether it is possible to obtain the metric from a given curvature tensor. This
is the problem we will address in this work. In Sect. 2, we study a particular matrix
representation of the curvature tensor which allows us to calculate its eigenvalues in
a particularly simple way. Petrov’s classification is used to represent the curvature
matrix in terms of its eigenvalues. In Sect. 3, we use Cartan’s formalism to derive all
the algebraic and differential equations which must be combined and integrated to
determine the components of the metric from the components of the curvature. As
particular examples, we present the Schwarzschild, Taub-NUT and Kasner metrics
with cosmological constant. All the components of the metric are found explicitly in
terms of the components of the curvature tensor. It turns out that for a given vacuum
solution it is possible to find several generalizations which include the cosmological
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used in Future Navigation Systems? 381
There are several ways to represent and study the properties of the curvature tensor.
Here, we will use a method which is based upon the formalism of differential forms
and the matrix representation of the curvature tensor. The reason is simple. Imagine
an observer in a gravitational field. Locally, the observer can introduce a set of four
vectors ea to perform measurements and experiments. Although it is possible to
choose the direction of each vector arbitrarily, the most natural choice would be to
construct an orthonormal system, i.e., ea ⊗ eb = ηab = diag(+1, −1, −1, −1). Of
course, the observer could also choose a local metric which depends on the point.
Nevertheless, the choice of a constant local metric facilitates the process of carrying
out measurements in space and time. This choice is also in the spirit of the equivalence
principle which states that locally it is always possible to introduce a system in which
the laws of special relativity are valid. The set of vectors ea can be used to introduce
a local frame ϑa by using the orthonormality condition ea ϑb = δab , where is the
internal product. The set of 1-forms ϑa determines a local orthonormal tetrad that is
the starting point for the construction of the formalism of differential forms which
is widely used in general relativity.
There is an additional advantage in choosing a local orthonormal frame. General
relativity is a theory constructed upon the assumption of diffeomorphism invariance,
μ μ
i.e, it is invariant respect to arbitrary changes of coordinates x → x such
μ with
that J = det ∂x ∂x μ
= 0. Once a local orthonormal frame ϑa is chosen, the only
freedom which remains is the transformation ϑa → ϑa = aa ϑa , where aa is a
Lorentz transformation, satisfying the condition aa a b = ηab . This means that the
diffeomorphism invariance reduces locally to the Lorentz invariance, which is easier
to be handled.
In the local orthonormal frame, the line element can be written as
ϑa = eaμ d x μ . (2)
The components eaμ are called tetrad vectors, and can be used to relate tetrad com-
ponents with coordinate components. For instance, the components of the metric are
given in terms of the tetrad vectors by gμν = eaμ ebν ηab . The exterior derivative of the
local tetrad is given in terms of the connection 1−form ωab as [5]
Since the local metric is constant, the above expression vanishes, indicating that the
connection 1−form is antisymmetric. Furthermore, the first structure equation
can be used to calculate all the components of the connection 1−form. Finally, the
curvature 2−form is defined as
ab = dω ab + ω ac ∧ ω cb (5)
in terms of a connection. In this differential form representation, the Ricci and Bianchi
identities can be expressed as
The curvature 2−form can be decomposed in terms of the canonical basis ϑa ∧ ϑb
ab = R abcd ϑc ∧ ϑd , (7)
where R abcd are the components of the Riemann curvature tensor in the tetrad repre-
It is well known that the curvature tensor can be decomposed in terms of its
irreducible parts which are the Weyl tensor [6]
Wabcd = Rabcd + 2η[a|[c Rd]|b] + Rηa[d ηc]b , (8)
the trace-free Ricci tensor
E abcd = 2η[b|[c Rd]|a] − Rηa[d ηc]b , (9)
and the curvature scalar
Sabcd = − Rηa[d ηc]b , (10)
where we use the following convention for the components of the Ricci tensor:
01 → 1 , 02 → 2 , 03 → 3 , 23 → 4 , 31 → 5 , 12 → 6 . (12)
This correspondence can be applied to all the irreducible components of the Riemann
tensor given in Eqs. (8)–(10). Then, the bivector representation of the Riemann tensor
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used in Future Navigation Systems? 383
R AB = W AB + E AB + S AB , (13)
W AB = , (14)
N −M
E AB = , (15)
Q −P
I3 0
S AB = − 12
. (16)
0 −I3
R = W + E +S, (17)
W = M + iN , (18)
E = P +iQ , (19)
S = 12
R I3 . (20)
Tr(W ) = 0 , W T = W . (21)
Rab − Rηab + ηab = −κTab , (22)
we find that
R = 4 + κT , T = η ab Tab , (23)
S= (4 + κT ) diag(1, 1, 1) , (25)
⎛ ⎞
T − T00 + 21 T T12 − i T03 T13 + i T02
κ ⎝ 11
E= T12 − i T03 T22 − T00 + 21 T T23 − i T01 ⎠ , (26)
T13 − i T02 T23 + i T01 T33 − T00 + 21 T
satisfies Einstein’s equations identically. Thus, we see that the matrix W has only
ten independent components, the matrix E is hermitian with nine independent com-
ponents and the scalar piece S has only one component.
The energy-momentum tensor determines completely only the trace-free Ricci
tensor and the scalar curvature. The Weyl tensor contains in general ten independent
components. However, since the local tetrad ϑa is defined modulo transformations
of the Lorentz group S O(3, 1), we can use the six independent parameters of the
Lorentz group to fix six components of the Weyl tensor. Accordingly, we can use the
eigenvalues of the matrix W to write the four remaining parameters in the form
⎛ ⎞
a1 + ib1
W =⎝ ⎠ .
a2 + ib2 (28)
−a1 − a2 − i(b1 + b2 )
In fact, this is the most general case of a Weyl tensor, and corresponds to a type
I curvature tensor in Petrov’s classification. If the eigenvalues of the matrix W are
degenerate, then a2 = a1 = a and b2 = b1 = b and therefore
⎛ ⎞
a + ib
W =⎝ ⎠ ,
a + ib (29)
−2a − 2ib
Our aim now is to show that for a given curvature tensor it is possible to integrate
Cartan’s equation in order to compute the components of the metric. To this end, it is
necessary to rewrite Cartan’s equations so that the dependence on the spacetime coor-
dinates becomes explicit. First, let us introduce the components of the anholonomic
connection abc by means of the relationship
ω ab = abc ϑc , (30)
and the condition abc = −bac . Then, from the definition of the connection 1−form,
we obtain
ea[μ,ν] = abc e[νb eμ]c , (31)
which represents a differential equation for the components of the tetrad vectors eaμ .
Here, the square brackets denote antisymmetrization. On the other hand, the exterior
derivative of the curvature 2−form yields
dab = R bcd,μ eeμ + 2R ab f d fec ϑe ∧ ϑc ∧ ϑd , (32)
which together with
1 f
dab = R bed af c ϑe ∧ ϑc ∧ ϑd , (33)
leads to the following equation
1 a
R = ab[d,|μ| ecμ + abe e[cd] + ae[c e|b|d] , (35)
2 bcd
which can be considered as a system of partial differential equations for the compo-
nents of the connection with the components of the curvature and the tetrad vectors
as variable coefficients.
To integrate Cartan’s equations we proceed as follows. First, we consider the 20
particular independent equations (35) together with the 18 equations which follow
from Eq. (34). The idea is to obtain from here all the 24 anholonomic components
of the connection abc . Then, this result is used as input to solve the 24 independent
386 H. Quevedo
equations which follow from Eq. (31). This procedure leads to a large number of
equations which are complicated to be handled. They have been analyzed with some
detail in [7]. Here, we will limit ourselves to quoting the some of the final results
obtained previously.
4 Type D Metrics
Consider a type D curvature tensor with eigenvalue a + ib, and suppose that
i.e., we assume that the curvature depends on only one spatial coordinate. Further-
more, it is well known that type D spacetimes can have a maximum of four Killing
vector fields. Then, we will consider spacetimes with two Killing vector fields which
can be taken along the coordinates x 0 and x 1 ; consequently,
gμν,0 = gμν,1 = 0 , gμν,0 = . (37)
∂x 0
This means that the only relevant spatial direction should be x 3 . Therefore, we can
use the diffeomorphism invariance of general relativity in order to bring four metric
components into any desired form. We then assume that
dϑ3 = 0 , (40)
which implies that six components of the tetrad vectors vanish, namely,
This means that we now have a system of only ten components of eaμ that are
unknown. On the other hand, the vanishing of the exterior derivative of ϑ3 implies
3[ab] = 0 , (42)
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used in Future Navigation Systems? 387
which drastically simplifies the set of differential equations for the components of
the connection. A detailed analysis of the resulting equations shows that it is conve-
nient to consider particular cases which are obtained for different choices of some
components of the connection. In fact, it turns out that the choices
121 = 0 , 123 = 0 (44)
lead to completely different solutions which we will analyze in the following sub-
It is then possible to show that with these simplifying assumptions, we can inte-
grate the set of partial differential equations. Several arbitrary functions arise in the
tetrad vectors which can then be absorbed by means of coordinate transformations.
where m = 0, 1, α and C 0ṁ are arbitrary real constants and F 02̇ and F 12̇ are non-zero
functions of the coordinate x 2 . It is then possible to find a coordinate system in which
the above tetrad vector components lead to the line element
388 H. Quevedo
2M 2 dr 2
ds = α −
− r dt 2 − − r 2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 ) , (49)
r 3 α − r − 3 r 2
where P and C are arbitrary real constants. It is then possible to show that the result
of the integration leads to a line element of the form
dr 2 dθ2
ds 2 = 1 (dt + 2C cos θdφ)2 − − (r 2 + C 2 ) 2 sin2 θdφ2 + , (51)
1 2
P 2
1 = (r + C )
2 2
(r − C 2 ) − 2Mr − (r 2 + C 2 )2 , (52)
C 3
P 4
2 = + C 2 . (53)
C 3
Different choices of the parameters P and C lead to different particular solutions
of Einstein’s equations. For instance, the choice
4 2
P = l 1 − l , C =l (54)
corresponds to the Taub-NUT metric with cosmological constant [8], where l is the
NUT parameter. Furthermore, the choice
P = kl 1 − l 2 , C = l , k = −1, 0, +1 (55)
where c1 , c2 , etc. are dimensionless constants. Another example is obtained for the
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used in Future Navigation Systems? 389
P = l , C = l c1 + c2 l 2 + c3 2 l 4 + · · · . (57)
All these examples generalize the Taub-NUT metric to include the cosmological
constant. In principle, all of them should represent different physical configurations
since they all differ in the behavior of the Weyl tensor. This opens the possibility of
analyzing anti-de-Sitter spacetimes which are equivalent from the point of view of
the scalar curvature, but different from the point of view of the Weyl curvature.
We conclude that in the particular case analyzed here the method presented above
can be used to generate new solutions of Einstein’s equations with cosmological
leads to a set of algebraic and differential equations which can be integrated com-
pletely for a curvature tensor with only gravitomagnetic components, i.e.,
R = a(x 3 ) diag(1, 1, −2) + diag(1, 1, 1) . (59)
Indeed, after applying a series of coordinate transformations, the corresponding line
element can be expressed as
|a0 | (a0 )2
ds 2 = dt 2 − dr 2
|3a0 − 2 |2/3 2|a0 |(3a0 − 2 )
− 1
(d X 2 + dY 2 ) , (60)
|3a0 − 2 |2/3
a0 = a + <0, (61)
and the prime represents derivation with respect to r = x 3 . Here we see that the metric
can be calculated immediately from the gravitoelectric component of the curvature
a(r ). Several particular metrics can be written down. We quote only the metric that
follows from the eigenvalue
a = − 2β − , (62)
r 3
where γ and β are real constants. For this case, we obtain
390 H. Quevedo
−1 2(β−1) 2
ds 2 = γ − 6 r 2β r −2β/3 dt 2 − 29 β 2 γ − 6 r 2β r dr
−r 4β/3 (d X 2 + dY 2 ) . (63)
In the limiting case = 0, we obtain for each value of β a particular case of the
Kasner metric [10]. In general, the above line element represents a generalization
of the Kasner space which includes the cosmological constant. We see that in this
particular case we have chosen a curvature eigenvalue which contains the cosmo-
logical constant explicitly. This has been done in order to obtain a simple expression
for the Kasner metric with . However, one can always change in the function a(r )
the term containing the cosmological constant, in order to obtain different solutions.
The simplest spacetime would correspond to the one in which the Weyl tensor does
not depend on the cosmological constant, i.e.,
a=− , (64)
r 2β
for which we obtain the generalized Kasner metric
− r 2β + 2 2β 2 γ 2
ds =
2/3 dt 2
2 dr
− r 2β + r 2(2β+1) − 2β + 2 − 3γ +
r 2β
− 3γ
d X + dY 2 . (65)
− r 2β +
This particular choice seems to be more complicated than the solution (63); however,
from a physical point of view it corresponds to the simplest choice in which the Weyl
tensor is not affected by the presence of the cosmological constant.
We see that it is possible to obtain several generalizations of the Kasner metric
with cosmological constant and, in principle, each of them should correspond to a
different physical configuration.
5 Conclusions
In this work, we presented a method to calculate the components of the metric tensor
from the components of the Riemann curvature tensor. We use the formalism of
differential forms and Cartan’s structure equations in order to calculate explicitly
the algebraic and differential equations that relate the components of the local tetrad
vectors with the components of the connection 1−form and the curvature 2−form.
We integrate the differential equations for the case of a type D curvature tensor in
Petrov’s classification which is characterized by only one complex eigenvalue. We
found that for a given curvature eigenvalue, it is possible to obtain different metrics,
depending on some assumptions made for the components of the connection 1−form.
For the computation of explicit examples, we assume that the curvature eigenvalue
Can Spacetime Curvature be Used in Future Navigation Systems? 391
depends on only one spatial coordinate. This simplifies the set of differential equa-
tions and allows us to carry out the integration completely. We obtain as concrete
examples two classes of spacetimes. The first class contains the Schwarzschild met-
ric, the Taub-NUT metric and several generalizations which include the cosmological
constant. The second class contains a family of particular Kasner spacetimes with
cosmological constant.
The main result of the present work is that is possible to obtain the metric from
the curvature. Furthermore, we found that for any given vacuum spacetime, we can
apply the procedure presented in this work to obtain different generalizations which
include the cosmological constant. This means that solutions of Einstein’s equations
with cosmological constant are not unique. The main physical difference between
different spacetimes with cosmological constant is reflected in the Weyl tensor which
behaves differently for each metric.
The concrete examples of curvature analyzed in this work involve terms with
gravitoelectric monopole (mass parameter) and gravitomagnetic monopole (NUT
parameter) only. In the case of an astrophysical gravitational source, a more realistic
situation involves higher mass and angular momentum multipole moments. It is then
easy to see that if we consider the Weyl tensor in the form
W =− diag(1, 1, −2) , (66)
r 2n+1
the integration of the structure equations can be performed in a way similar to the
one used to obtain the Schwarzschild and the Taub-NUT metrics. The explicit metric
components can be computed by using the general formula presented here and in [7].
The resulting metric will contain the parameters m n which correspond to higher mass
multipole moments. In this way, one could generate exact solutions with a prescribed
set of multipoles. In a realistic situation, for instance in the case of the Earth, one
would need only a limited number of moments m n , whose values can be from the
measurement of the curvature components.
To take into account higher gravitomagnetic moments, it will be probably nec-
essary to generalize the method presented here. Indeed, the presence of rotational
moments implies that the curvature must depend on at least two spatial coordinates (a
radial and an angular coordinate). In addition, it will probably necessary to consider
not only type D, but also type I Weyl tensors. In this case, we need to construct
a more general method than the one presented here. However, if we fix the angu-
lar coordinate and consider, for instance, the equatorial plane of the gravitational
source, the curvature will depend only on the radial distance and it will be possible
to consider a Weyl tensor of the form
m n + i jn
W =− diag(1, 1, −2) , (67)
r 2n+1
392 H. Quevedo
where the parameters jn represent the multipoles of the curvature generated by the
rotation of the source. Of course, this would be only an approximation of a real-
istic compact object since the dependence on the angular coordinate is completely
neglected. However, since in the case of an object like the Earth, the deviations
from spherical symmetry due to rotation are very small, one could expect that this
equatorial plane approximation would lead results with a good degree of accuracy.
We conclude that the method presented in this work can be used, in principle,
to generate particular metrics, describing the gravitational field of realistic compact
objects. It would be interesting to investigate this problem in detail in the case of
the Earth, to study the possibility of developing new navigation systems by using as
input the curvature of the spacetime around our planet.
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the UNAM-DGAPA-PAPIIT, Grant No.
Abstract The motion of a compact body in space and time is commonly described
by the world line of a point representing the instantaneous position of the body. In
General Relativity such a world-line formalism is not quite straightforward because
of the strict impossibility to accommodate point masses and rigid bodies. In many sit-
uations of practical interest it can still be made to work using an effective hamiltonian
or energy-momentum tensor for a finite number of collective degrees of freedom of
the compact object. Even so exact solutions of the equations of motion are often not
available. In such cases families of world lines of compact bodies in curved space-
times can be constructed by a perturbative procedure based on generalized geodesic
deviation equations. Examples for simple test masses and for spinning test bodies
are presented.
1 Here and in the following we use natural units in which the speed of light c = 1.
World-Line Perturbation Theory 395
where the Einstein tensor G μν is specified by the space-time geometry, and the
energy-momentum tensor Tμν describes the physical degrees of matter. Irrespective
of the precise background geometry the Bianchi identities for the Einstein tensor
require the energy-momentum tensor to be divergence-free:
∇μ T μν = 0. (2)
For a compact body with mass m moving as an approximate point mass along a world
line ξ μ (τ ) parametrized by the proper time τ the effective energy-momentum tensor
is [4]
T (x) = √ dτ ξ˙μ ξ˙ν δ 4 (x − ξ(τ )), (3)
with the overdot denoting a derivative w.r.t. proper time.2 Its divergence vanishes if
the world line is a geodesic:
∇μ T μν
=√ dτ ξ¨ν + μλν (ξ)ξ˙μ ξ˙λ δ 4 (x − ξ(τ )) = 0. (4)
Neglecting the back reaction of the compact body is allowed if the contributions of
the test body to the geometry of space time are too small to be of interest. As an
illustration take the local background geometry to be that of flat Minkowski space-
(0) (0) ν
gμν = ημν and μλ = 0. (5)
In particular we can then choose to work in the local inertial frame in which the body
is at rest:
T00 = mδ 3 (x), Ti0(0) = Ti(0)
j =0 i, j = (1, 2, 3). (6)
Taking into account these energy-momentum source terms, the solution of the Ein-
stein equation is modified to first order to read
gμν = ημν + h μν , (7)
2 In
this paper the delta function is defined as a scalar density of weight 1/2 such that
d 4 y f (y) δ 4 (y − x) = f (x).
396 J.-W. van Holten
∂ μ h μν = ∂ν h μμ ,
the Einstein equation simplifies further to
h μν − ημν h λλ = −16πG Tμν
, (9)
It follows that the geometry near the test body deviates strongly from flat space on
the scale of its Schwarzschild radius, and it can be considered as a near point-like
object only as long as the external curvature is comparatively small on this scale.
Actually to first order in G the geometry specified by the line element (11) coin-
cides with that of Schwarzschild space-time in isotropic co-ordinates:
2 4
μ ν 2r − Gm Gm
gμν d x d x = − dt + 1 +
dr2 . (12)
2r + Gm 2r
In hindsight it is not such a surprise that the test-particle approximation is the limit of
a black-hole geometry, as it is well-known that the standard black-hole space-times
are exact vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations characterized by a finite number
of parameters like mass, spin and electric charge, in which respect they resemble test
bodies. The difference is of course that their action on the space-time geometry has
been fully taken into account to the extent that –in contrast to test particles– their
energy-momentum tensor has been absorbed completely in the space-time curvature,
i.e. it has become part of the Einstein tensor in Eq. (1).
This description of a test body as an object with a finite numer of degrees of free-
dom to which one can assign at any moment a representative position has considerable
mathematical advantage: to such a body we can associate a finite-dimensional phase
space in which the evolution of the system is described by a simple curve. This orbit
is generated by a hamiltonian H depending on a finite number of phase-space vari-
ables including position and momentum. As by construction it neglects the finite size
and gravitational back reaction of the body, it is of course an effective hamiltonian,
its validity restricted by the test-body limit.
The effective hamiltonian dynamics of a massive test body with no other degrees
of freedom, like spin or charge, and an energy-momentum tensor of the form (1) is
straightforward to construct. The phase space is spanned by the position variables
ξ μ (τ ) and the momentum variables πμ (τ ), with the usual equal proper-time canonical
Poisson brackets
{ξ μ , πν } = δνμ . (13)
ξ˙μ = {ξ μ , H } = g μν πν , π̇μ = πμ , H = ∂μ g νλ πν πλ . (15)
m 2m
By simple algebra these equations can be rewritten in the form
reproducing the geodesic equation derived earlier from the energy-momentum tensor
In this hamiltonian frame work it is easy to find constants of motion, simplify-
ing the solution of the geodesic equation. There is at least one universal constant
independent of the specific metric gμν , the hamiltonian itself:
H =− ⇔ gμν ξ˙μ ξ˙ν = −1. (17)
It establishes the usual relation between proper time and co-ordinate time. Other
constants of motion depend on the symmetries of the background space-time, as
implied by Noether’s theorem. For example a quantity
As an example in static space-times the kinetic energy E of the test body is a constant
of motion:
αμ = (−1, 0, 0, 0) ⇒ E = −πt . (20)
E = −m ηtt ξ˙t = m = γm, (21)
where γ is the time-dilation factor.
In spherically symmetric geometries, such as Minkowski, Schwarzschild and
Freedmann–Lemaitre type cosmological space-times, all three components of angu-
lar momentum are conserved:
J3 = πϕ .
Here the momenta (πr , πθ , πϕ ) are defined w.r.t. a polar co-ordinate frame (r, θ, ϕ)
such that the hamiltonian is given by
2m H = −g tt
(t, r )πt2 +g rr
(t, r )πr2 + g (t, r ) πθ2 + . (23)
sin2 θ
Clearly if the metric components gμν are time independent the system is both static
and spherically symmetric, and energy and angular momentum are all conserved.
This holds in particular for Minkowski and Schwarzschild space-time.
The standard metric of Schwarzschild space-time in Droste co-ordinates for an
object with mass M can be obtained from the isotropic co-ordinate representation
(12) by the co-ordinate transformation
GM 2
r̄ = r 1 + , (24)
Replacing r̄ → r we can then write the hamiltonian for a test body in Schwarzschild
space-time as
World-Line Perturbation Theory 399
πt2 2G M 1 πϕ2
2m H = − + 1− πr + 2 πθ +
2 2
, (26)
1 − 2Gr M r r sin2 θ
which is a special instance of a static hamiltonian of the type (23). The conservation
of kinetic energy then holds in the form
E 2G M dt
ε≡ = 1− . (27)
m r dτ
Rotating the co-ordinate system such that the plane of the orbit is at constant θ = π/2,
we have J1 = J2 = πθ = 0 and
J3 dϕ
≡ = r2 . (28)
m dτ
In addition the universal constant of motion H = −m/2 implies that
dr 2G M 2
= ε2 − 1 − 1+ 2 . (29)
dτ r r
Observe that these equations reproduce Keplers third law for circular orbits:
dϕ GM 4π 2 3
= ⇒ T2 = R ,
dt R3 GM
where T is the orbital period measured by the clock of a distant observer keeping
co-ordinate time t, and the radial co-ordinate R is determined by the orbital circum-
ference through the relation L = 2π R.
3 Geodesic Deviations
In most space-time geometries general exact solutions of the geodesic equation are
difficult to obtain, and when they are available they are often expressed in terms of
non-elementary transcendental functions [5]. However given one particular geodesic
400 J.-W. van Holten
curve it is possible to find approximate solutions for arbitrary nearby geodesics using
the geodesic deviation equation and its higher-order generalizations [6, 7]. This
procedure can also be explained in terms of the Schild ladder construction [8, 9], for
which next-to-leading order corrections can be obtained using the results reviewed
in this section.
In terms of the tangent vector u μ = ξ˙μ the geodesic equation (16) reads
Dτ u μ = u̇ μ + λν u λ u ν = 0. (31)
ξ μ (τ , σ) = ξ μ (τ ) + σn μ (τ ), (32)
ξ μ = σn μ , u μ = Dτ ξ ν = σ Dτ n μ . (33)
For this displacement to respect the geodesic equation (31) to first order in σ we
Dτ u μ = Dτ u μ + [, Dτ ] u μ = σ Dτ2 n μ − Rλνκ u λ u κ n ν = 0. (34)
2 ξ μ = σn μ ≡ σ 2 m μ = 0. (35)
World-Line Perturbation Theory 401
μ 1 2 μ μ
ξ μ (τ , σ) = ξ1 (τ ) + σn μ (τ ) + σ m − λν n λ n ν + · · · (36)
Using the properties of the vector field n it is straightforward to generalize the
derivation of Eq. (34) and show that (n μ , m μ , ...) are solutions of a hierarchy of
deviation equations [6]
Dτ2 n μ − Rλνκ u κ u λ n ν = 0,
μ μ μ
Dτ2 m μ − Rλνκ u κ u λ m ν = ∇ρ Rκνλ − ∇κ Rρλν u κ u λ n ρ n ν
+4Rκνλ u κ n ν Dτ n λ ,
r (τ , σ) = ξ0r (σ) + ξnr (σ) cos nω(σ)τ , (38)
ϕ(τ , σ) = ξ0 (σ)τ + ξnϕ (σ) sin nω(σ)τ .
The coefficients ξn (σ) and the fundamental frequency ω(σ) are computed order by
order in σ by solving the hierarchy of deviation equations (37). Of course the terms
of order σ 0 represent the parameters of the circular parent orbit we encountered in
Eq. (30):
1 ϕ GM 1
ξ0t (0) = , ξ0r (0) = R, ξ0 (0) = 3
. (39)
1− 3G M R 1 − 3G M
402 J.-W. van Holten
μ μ μ 1 2 μ
ξ0 (σ) = ξ0 (0) + σρ1 + σ ρ2 + · · · ,
μ μ 1 2 μ
ξ1 (σ) = σn 1 + σ n2 + · · · , (40)
μ 1 2 μ
ξ2 (σ) = σ m2 + · · · ,
each ξn (σ) contributing only terms of order σ n and higher, whilst the angular fre-
ω(σ) = ω0 + σω1 + · · · (41)
also depends on the order of approximation, reflecting the anharmonicity of the non-
μ μ μ
circular deviations. The explicit expressions for the coefficients ρn , n n and m n for
n = 1 and n = 2 and the expressions for the frequencies ω0 , ω1 are summarized in
Appendix B for the restricted case ρrn = 0. This restriction implies, that we compare
the non-circular orbits to a fixed circular orbit, although in general one might wish
to adapt the circular reference orbit order by order in σ to improve convergence. The
expressions for the unrestricted case can be found in Ref. [13].
Observe that the deviations are bound and periodic as long as the angular fre-
quency ω is real. For R < 6G M Eq. (77) in the appendix shows that it develops an
imaginary part, indicating exponential run-away behaviour. Thus the circular orbit
with R = 6G M is the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) for a simple test body
in Schwarzschild space-time.
Finally from the solutions of the geodesic deviations we can evaluate the constants
of motion ε and for the non-circular orbits by substitution of the solutions for dt/dτ
and dϕ/dτ including first and second order deviations into the expressions (27) and
(28). The resulting constants of motion are then also written as a series expansion in
the deviation parameter σ. Up to and including second order deviations the result is
1 2 1
ε(σ) = ε0 + σε1 + σ ε2 + · · · , (σ) = 0 + σ1 + σ 2 2 + · · · , (42)
2 2
where ε0 and 0 are the energy and angular momentum per unit of mass for circular
R − 2G M G M R2
ε0 = √ , 0 = . (43)
R(R − 3G M) R − 3G M
In the restricted case ρr1 = 0 the first-order corrections vanish: ε1 = 1 = 0, but the
second-order corrections do not:
World-Line Perturbation Theory 403
G M R 2 − 9G M R + 6(G M)2
ε2 = − ,
2R 7/2 (R − 3G M)3/2
√ (44)
3 G M (R − 2G M)(R − 7G M)
2 = − .
2R 2 (R − 3G M)3/2
The most important aspect of these expressions is that all dependence on the proper
time has disappeared and therefore they are true constants of motion indeed. This is
a strong consistency check on the results listed in Appendix B.
One of the useful aspects of the perturbative construction of orbits by the method
of geodesic deviations is that they provide explicit and accurate expressions for the
position of the test body as a function of the evolution parameter (proper time).
Most results in the literature describe the time-dependence of the orbits only in an
implicit way. The explicit time-dependent representation of the orbits of a test body
in Schwarzschild space-time is especially useful in the computation of the emission
of gravitational waves by extreme mass ratio (EMR) binaries: systems consisting of
a compact stellar object, like a white dwarf, neutron star or stellar-mass black hole
orbiting a supermassive black hole such as found in the center of many galaxies.
Gravitational wave emission by EMR binaries has been studied in detail in Ref. [14].
μν = − √ εμνκλ u κ Sλ + u μ Z ν − u ν Z μ , (45)
with Sμ and Z μ representing the proper spin and mass dipole components, respec-
tively. The decomposition (45) can be inverted to get
Sμ = −g εμνκλ u ν κλ , Z μ = μν u ν . (46)
As mentioned both vectors are space-like by construction:
S · u = 0, Z · u = 0. (47)
Hence each contains only three degrees of freedom, their time components vanishing
in the rest frame u = (1, 0, 0, 0). From these expressions it is inferred directly that
under the group of three-dimensional spatial rotations and parity transformations in
the rest frame Z is a real vector, whereas S actually is an axial pseudo-vector.
To obtain equations of motion for a spinning body we follow the same route as for
a non-rotating body starting from an energy-momentum tensor and rederiving the
results from an effective hamiltonian. Following [19] the energy-momentum tensor
is taken to have support on a world line ξ μ (τ ) with
T μν
=m dτ u μ u ν √ δ 4 (x − ξ(τ ))
1 1
+ ∇λ dτ u μ νλ + u ν μλ √ δ 4 (x − ξ(τ )).
2 −g
μ 1 κλ μ ν
m Dτ u μ = u̇ μ + λν u λ u ν = Rκλ ν u ,
2 (49)
Dτ μν ˙ μν + u λ μ κν + u λ λκν μκ = 0.
= λκ
{ξ μ , πν } = δνμ , πμ , πν = κλ Rκλμν ,
μν , κλ = g μκ νλ − g μλ νκ − g νκ μλ + g νλ μκ .
These brackets have several important features. First, they define an algebra with
structure functions rather than structure constants. Moreover these structure func-
tions encode all of the usual space-time geometry: the metric, the connection and
the Riemann curvature tensor. In addition the properties of these geometric objects
guarantee that the Jacobi identities for cyclic triple brackets are satisfied by this
Poisson-Dirac algebra without specifying the dynamics of the system. Therefore the
bracket algebra is consistent independently of the choice of hamiltonian. In particular
the free hamiltonian (14):
1 μν
H= g [ξ] πμ πν ,
generates the same equations of motion (49) as derived from the energy-momentum
tensor, providing in addition the identification of πμ with the kinetic momentum (16):
πμ = mgμν u ν .
To solve the equations of motion (49) it is again convenient to first identify constants
of motion. In this case there are 3 universal constants of motion, independent of the
specific geometry: the hamiltonian itself:
H =− ,
as long as it is proper-time independent; and two spin invariants:
I = gμκ gνλ μν κλ = S 2 − Z 2 ,
D= −g εμνκλ μν κλ = S · Z .
Clearly I is a real scalar whilst D is a pseudoscalar under three-dimensional spatial
rotations and parity transformations.
In addition there may exist other constants of motion connected with symmetries
of the background space time. The construction in Eqs. (18), (19) based on the pres-
ence of Killing vectors can be generalized immediately to include spin [21, 22], as
follows: a quantity
J [ξ, π, ] = αμ [ξ] πμ + βμν [ξ] μν (52)
406 J.-W. van Holten
Observe that the symmetric part of βμν vanishes by construction as a result of the
Killing condition; this property also implies the identity
and the total angular momentum based on the Killing vectors of invariance under
As for the spinless test bodies we can orient the co-ordinate system such that the
z-axis coincides with the direction of the total angular momentum:
J = (0.0, J ), J = mr 2 u ϕ + r r ϕ . (57)
The total spin J is now composed of the contributions from orbital angular momen-
tum and from spin in the z-direction. The contributions in the perpendicular directions
must then cancel. This is expressed by the conditions
World-Line Perturbation Theory 407
r θ = −mr u θ , θϕ = cotan θ. (58)
As a transverse component of spin must be compensated by a transverse component
of orbital angular momentum, the spin proper can precess only if the orbital angular
momentum precesses as well. Orbits can therefore be strictly planar if and only if
the spin and orbital angular momentum are permanently aligned.
With that restriction it is still possible to find planar and even circular orbits. They
necessarily require all θ-components of the spin tensor to vanish:
tθ = r θ = θϕ = 0, (59)
1 tr t 2
u − 1 = u t (R − 3G M)u t 2 − R ,
1 rϕ 3 ϕ2
ϕ R 2 ϕ2
2G M + R u = (R − 2G M)Ru 1 − −3 R u .
m GM
ξ μ = δξ μ , u μ = δu μ + δξ λ λν u ν ,
μν = δ μν + δξ λ λκ κν + δξ λ λκν μκ .
Note that there is no a priori relation between the variations ξ μ and μν , but all
variations are linked by the first-order world-line deviation equations
Dτ ξ μ = u μ ,
μ 1 ρσ 1
Dτ u μ − Rνκ λ u κ u λ ξ ν = Rρσμν u ν + ρσ Rρσμν u ν
2m 2m
1 ρσ
+ ∇λ Rρσμν u ν ξ λ ,
Dτ μν = Rκλσ σν + Rκλσν μσ u κ ξ λ .
Here we will consider in particular planar non-circular orbits. The special conditions
(59) then still apply. The only new degrees of freedom are the radial velocity u r
and the mass dipole moment tϕ which become non-zero. Above we observed that
for circular orbits the parameters ε and η, representing energy and total angular
momentum per unit of mass of the test body, can be varied independently even
for circular orbits, e.g. by adjusting z-component of the spin. Therefore there is
always a circular orbit with the same ε and η as the non-circular orbit we wish to
construct. For simplicity we will take this circular orbit as the reference orbit. Then
the covariant deviation equations (64) for near-circular orbits in Schwarzschild space-
time reduce to a set of homogeneous linear differential equations for the deviations
as functions of proper time τ . Now as the spin-tensor deviations are independent
of the orbital deviations there are actually two independent types of solutions of the
coupled deviation equations. Indeed, the first-order approximation for the world lines
of spinning bodies takes the form
t (τ ) = u t τ + σ+ n t+ sin ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− n t− sin ω− (τ − τ− ),
ϕ ϕ
ϕ(τ ) = u ϕ τ + σ+ n + sin ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− n − sin ω− (τ − τ− ),
r (τ ) = R + σ+ n r+ cos ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− n r− cos ω− (τ − τ− ),
tr (τ ) = 0tr + σ+ N+tr cos ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− N−tr cos ω− (τ − τ− ),
rϕ rϕ rϕ
r ϕ (τ ) = 0 + σ+ N+ cos ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− N− cos ω− (τ − τ− ),
tϕ tϕ
tϕ (τ ) = σ+ N+ sin ω+ (τ − τ+ ) + σ− N− sin ω− (τ − τ− ),
World-Line Perturbation Theory 409
where σ± are the two independent expansion parameters for the different devia-
tion modes, which are characterized by fundamental angular frequencies ω± . The
μ μν
corresponding amplitudes are denoted by (n ± , N± ) for the orbital and spin-tensor
deviations respectively. The explicit expressions for the frequencies and amplitudes
are collected in Appendix C.
Finally the lowest order terms 0tr and 0 for the spin tensor components are the
circular-orbit values satisfying equations (62), and τ± are constants of integration,
one for each type of deviation, which fix their initial values. For a complete derivation
of these results I refer to Ref. [20].
In Sect. 3 it was shown that for radial co-ordinates R < 6G M the deviations from
circular orbits show exponential runaway behaviour. Therefore R = 6G M is the
innermost stable circular orbit. In the case of spinning particles we can similarly
investigate the solutions (65) of the equations for deviations from circular orbits
for instabilities and determine the existence of an ISCO for different values of the
z-component of spin per unit of mass
R r ϕ
σ= ,
which is the spin-contribution to η.
The stable deviations (65) are characterized by real-valued angular frequencies
ω± . If any one of these frequencies develops an imaginary part runaway behaviour
sets in and the circular orbits become unstable. The frequencies themselves are given
by the expressions (80) in Appendix C:
= A ± A2 − 4B ,
where A and B represent long expressions in terms of the parameters of the circular
reference orbit. For ω± to be real the square root on the right-hand side must be real,
and the whole expression must be nonnegative as it represents a real square. This
results in the following inequalities
A ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ 4B ≤ A2 . (66)
These conditions are plotted in Fig. 1 as a function of the radial co-ordinate R and
the orbital angular momentum
= R 2 u ϕ = η − σ,
410 J.-W. van Holten
Fig. 2 ISCO radius R as function the spin parameter σ. The dashed line represents the values of
R for which the orbital angular momentum reaches its minimum
The motion of test bodies has been modeled so far using the minimal hamiltonian (14).
However, it is not difficult to construct more complicated hamiltonians to model test
bodies with additional interactions such as spin-curvature couplings. As the Dirac-
Poisson brackets (50) are closed and model independent the equations of motion
can be derived in straightforward fashion for any such extended hamiltonian. For
example, one can include Stern–Gerlach type of interactions as discussed in Refs. [18,
20, 23]. In this case the extended test-body hamiltonian is
1 μν κ
H= g [ξ] πμ πν + Rμνκλ [ξ] μν κλ . (67)
2m 4
πμ = mgμν u ν ,
1 κλ μ ν κ κλ ρσ
m Dτ u μ = Rκλ ν u − ∇μ Rκλρσ , (68)
2 4
Dτ μν = −κ ρσ Rρσ λ λν + Rρσν λ μλ .
As in the minimal case these equations can also be derived by requiring the vanishing
of the covariant divergence of a suitable energy-momentum tensor [19]
412 J.-W. van Holten
μν κ 1
T μν = Tmin + ∇κ ∇ λ dτ μλ κν + νλ μκ √ δ 4 (x − ξ(τ ))
4 −g
κ 1
ρσ μ
+ dτ Rρσλ λν + Rρσλν λμ √ δ 4 (x − ξ(τ )).
4 −g
Here Tmin is the energy-momentum tensor (48) of a spinning test body with minimal
Remarkably all conservation laws for spinning bodies we derived in the minimal
case carry over to the case with Stern–Gerlach interactions. In particular any constant
of motion (52), (53) associated with a Killing vector αμ is also conserved by the
Stern–Gerlach terms in the hamiltonian:
J, Rμνκλ μν κλ = 0. (70)
For example, in a static and spherically symmetric background like Schwarzschild
or Reissner–Nordstrøm space-time the kinetic energy E and the angular momentum
3-vector J given by Eqs. (55) and (56) are again conserved.
This form of non-minimal hamiltonian dynamics predicts some interesting effects.
In particular, as the hamiltonian is a constant of motion which by evaluation in
a curvature-free region is seen to be expressed in terms of the inertial mass by
H = −m/2, the hamiltonian constraint gets modified to read
g μν πμ π ν + Rμνκλ μν κλ + m 2 = 0. (71)
Then the four-velocity is no longer normalized to be a time-like unit vector; instead
the time-like unit vector tangent to the world line actually is
nμ = 1/2 . (72)
1+ 2m
Rμνκλ μν κλ
this is seen to imply that the spin-curvature coupling represents an additional source
of gravitational time-dilation. A similar effect related to spinning particles interacting
with electromagnetic fields was conjectured in Refs. [24, 25].
World-Line Perturbation Theory 413
8 Final Remarks
The motion of test bodies carrying a finite number of relevant degrees of freedom
like momentum, spin or charge can be represented by world lines in space-time to the
extent that we can assign them a well-defined position and that their back reaction
on space-time geometry can be neglected. Convenient position co-ordinates are not
necessarily those of a center of mass (or for that matter a center of charge) in the
local rest frame, as the example of spinning test bodies shows. In that case we find
it preferable to associate the world line of free particles with the line on which the
spin tensor is covariantly constant. The mass dipole moment can then be taken to
represent the effective position of the mass with respect to that world line.
This is also clear from the corresponding energy-momentum tensor which receives
contributions from both the spin proper and the mass dipole. In a next step this can
be used to compute the back reaction of the test body on the space-time geometry as
discussed in the simple example in Sect. 1. In general this procedure also includes
determining the self-force and the gravitational waves emitted by test bodies in the
specific background under discussion [14, 26].
As another application it has been shown in the literature how the motion of test
bodies can be used to reconstruct the geometry of space-time [11]. Simple geodesic
motion of a sufficient number of test bodies allows one to determine the curvature
at a point in space by measuring the geodesic deviations in its neighborhood. By
including higher-order corrections as in Eqs. (36), (37) one could also determine the
derivatives of the curvature to obtain the curvature in a region around the point of
interest. As Eq. (64) show, an alternative method is to measure first-order world-line
deviations of spinning test bodies, which also depend on the gradient of the Riemann
curvature tensor.
Fig. 3 The world line of the center of mass of two equal masses (e.g., a binary star system) in
circular orbit with respect to a stationary observer on the axis of orbital angular momentum is
represented by the line x = 0. The world line of the center of mass with respect to an observer in an
inertial frame (t , x ) moving at constant velocity along the x-axis is represented by the oscillating
curve labeled CM
The coefficients for the deviations of bound equatorial orbits w.r.t. parent circular
orbits have been calculated for Schwarzschild space-time up to second order; with the
restriction ρr1 = ρr2 = 0 explained in the main text one gets the following results [6]:
World-Line Perturbation Theory 415
a. Secular terms:
3G M R + GM
ρt1 = 0, ρt2 = ,
2R (R − 3G M)3/2
ϕ ϕ 3 G M (R − 2G M) (R + G M)
ρ1 = 0, ρ2 = .
2R 7/2 R (R − 3G M)3/2
1 (R − 2G M) (R − 7G M)
m r2 = − , (76)
R2 R − 6G M
ϕ 1 (R − 2G M) (5R − 32G M)
m2 = .
2R 5/2 (R − 6G M)3/2
d. Angular frequency:
G M R − 6G M
ω0 = , ω1 = 0. (77)
R 3 R − 3G M
ϕ μ
In the non-restricted case with ρr1 = 0 also the coefficients ρt1 , ρ1 , n 2 and ω1 all
become non-zero as well [13].
The first-order planar deviations of circular orbits of spinning particles for constant
energy and total angular momentum in Schwarzschild space-time are expressed con-
veniently in terms of the following combinations of orbital and spin parameters [20]
416 J.-W. van Holten
2(R − G M) t 2ε G Mu ϕ
α= u − , β=− ,
R(R − 2G M) R − 2G M mR
2R − 5G M ϕ G Mη G M(R − 2G M) t
γ= u + 3 ,ζ=− u, (78)
R(R − 2G M) R (R − 2G M) m R4
2(R − 2G M) G Mη
κ=− ε, λ = 2Ru ϕ − ,
R2 R2
2(R − 3G M) 2(R − 4G M) t 2G M ϕ
μ=− 3
+ 3
εu + u ϕ 2 + ηu ,
R R R3
(R − G M)(R − 3G M) G Mmη
ν = mu ϕ + 2 ,
R − 2G M R (R − 2G M)
(R − G M)(R − 3G M) m Rε
σ= mu t − ,
G M(R − 2G M) GM
= A ± A2 − 4B ,
A = μ − ακ − βν − γλ − ζσ, (80)
n r± = ω± (βκ + ζλ),
World-Line Perturbation Theory 417
mω± R 2 2G M 2m R GM
N±tr = 1− n t± + 1− u t − ε n r± ,
rϕ ϕ m 2 ϕ
r (82)
N± = −mω± Rn ± − η + R u n±,
N ± = ω±
− μ + ακ + γλ).
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On the Applicability of the Geodesic
Deviation Equation in General Relativity
Abstract Within the theory of General Relativity, we study the solution and range of
applicability of the standard geodesic deviation equation in highly symmetric space-
times. In the Schwarzschild spacetime, the solution is used to model satellite orbit
constellations and their deviations around a spherically symmetric Earth model. We
investigate the spatial shape and orbital elements of perturbations of circular refer-
ence curves. In particular, we reconsider the deviation equation in Newtonian gravity
and then determine relativistic effects within the theory of General Relativity by com-
parison. The deviation of nearby satellite orbits, as constructed from exact solutions
of the underlying geodesic equation, is compared to the solution of the geodesic
deviation equation to assess the accuracy of the latter. Furthermore, we comment on
the so-called Shirokov effect in the Schwarzschild spacetime and limitations of the
first order deviation approach.
1 Introduction
Applications in space based geodesy and gravimetry missions require the precise
knowledge of satellite orbits and possible deviations of nearby ones. In such a con-
text, one of the satellites may serve as the reference object and measurements are
performed w.r.t. this master spacecraft. GRACE-FO, the successor of the long-lasting
GRACE mission, aims at measuring the change of the separation between two space-
crafts with some 10 nm accuracy [1, 2]. The change of this distance is then used to
obtain information about the gravitational field of the Earth, i.e. to measure the New-
tonian multipole moments of the gravitational potential, and to deduce information
about the mass distribution and its temporal variations.
There are two basic equations that govern Newtonian gravitational physics; the field
equation, also known as Poisson’s equation
ẍ μ = −∂ μ U (x) , (1b)
where the (x μ ) = (x, y, z) are Cartesian coordinates and the overdot denotes deriva-
tives w.r.t. the Newtonian absolute time t. Here and in the following, Greek indices
are spatial indices and take values 1, 2, 3. The field Eq. (1a) relates the Newtonian
gravitational potential U to the mass density ρ and introduces Newton’s gravita-
tional constant G as a factor of proportionality. Outside a spherically symmetric
(and static) mass distribution, i.e. in the region where ρ = 0, we obtain as a solution
of the Laplace equation U = 0:
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 421
U (r ) = −G M/r , (2)
where M is the mass of the central object, obtained by integrating the mass density
over the three-volume of the source, and r is the distance to the center of the gravi-
tating mass. The equation of motion (1b) describes how point particles move in the
gravitational potential given by U .
We now recall the derivation of the Newtonian deviation equation, see, e.g., Ref. [4]
and references therein. For a given reference curve Y μ (t) that fulfills the equation
of motion we construct a second curve X μ (t) = Y μ (t) + η μ (t) and introduce the
deviation η. This second curve shall be a solution of the equation of motion as well
(at least up to linear order, as we will see below). Hence, we get
Ẍ μ = Ÿ μ + η̈ μ = −∂ μ U (X ) = −∂ μ U (Y + η) . (3)
For small deviations we linearize the potential around the reference object with
respect to the deviation,
U (X ) = U (Y + η) = U (Y ) + η ν ∂ν U (Y ) + O(η 2 ) . (4)
Thereupon, the first order deviation equation in Newtonian gravity becomes (spatial
indices are raised and lowered with the Kronecker delta δνμ )
η̈ μ = −[∂ μ ∂ν U (Y )] η ν =: K μ ν η ν . (5)
Due to the symmetry of the situation we can, without loss of generality, restrict the
reference curve to lie within the equatorial plane that is defined by ϑ = π/2. Apply-
ing the coordinate transformation x a → x̃ a from Cartesian to spherical coordinates,
Eq. (5) turns into
422 D. Philipp et al.
where (η̃ μ ) = (ηr , η ϑ , η ϕ ) are the components of the deviation in the new coor-
dinates and (∂˜μ ) = (∂r , ∂ϑ , ∂ϕ ). These are three equations for the three unknown
components of the deviation. All angular terms can be eliminated by appropriate
combinations of these equations and a straightforward but rather lengthy calculation
yields the system of differential equations
η̈ ϑ = − η̇ ϑ − + ηϑ , (8a)
R R3 R
2G M
η̈r = ˙2+ ηr + 2 Ṙ ˙ + R¨ η ϕ + 2R
˙ η̇ ϕ , (8b)
R 3
2 Ṙ ϕ 2 ˙ r R̈ GM ¨
η̈ = − η̇ − η̇ − ˙
+ 3 − η ϕ − ηr ,
where the quantities represented by capital letters (R, ) are in general functions of
time t and describe the trajectory of the reference object, along which the system
(8) must be solved. In geodesy, the quantity K μ ν = 0 and the Eq. (5) are known in
the framework of gradiometry. However, we did not find the system of differential
equations (8), describing the Newtonian deviations from a general reference curve,
published elsewhere in this form.
One particular case is the deviation from a circular reference orbit with constant radius
R. This special situation was already considered by Greenberg [5], who derived (only)
the oscillating solutions. However, in [4] the full solution for this case can be found.
In the following we briefly summarize the results in a form that we will use later
to compare to the relativistic results. The azimuthal motion of the reference orbit is
described by
˙ =
⇒ (t) = t =: K t . (9)
R3 R3
The quantity K is the well known Keplerian frequency and leads to the Keplerian
¨ ≡
orbital period 2π/ K . For the circular reference orbit, the conditions R̈ = Ṙ =
0 hold, and the system (8) yields three ordinary second order differential equations
of which the last two are coupled (see Eqs. (29), (33) and (34) in [5] for comparison)
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 423
η̈ ϑ = −2K η ϑ , (10a)
η̈ = 2R K η̇ +
32K η ,
R η̈ ϕ = −2 K η̇r . (10c)
The first equation for the deviation in the ϑ-direction describes a simple harmonic
oscillation around the reference orbital plane and is decoupled from the remaining
ones. The general real-valued solution is given by
C(5) C(6)
η ϑ (t) = cos K t + sin K t . (11a)
The parameters C(5) and C(6) are the amplitudes of the two fundamental solutions
(normalized to the reference radius R) and the deviation component η ϑ oscillates
with the Keplerian frequency K . In [5], Greenberg derived the oscillating solutions
for the remaining two equations. However, the general solution, cf. [4], is given by
In GR, the equation of motion for structureless test bodies takes the form of the
geodesic equation
424 D. Philipp et al.
D2 η a (s)
= R a bcd (Y ) Ẏ b η c Ẏ d + O(η 2 ) , (15)
ds 2
up to the linear order in the deviation and its first derivative, along the reference
curve. This is the well-known geodesic deviation or Jacobi equation, in which R a bcd
denotes the curvature of spacetime. For more details on its systematic derivation, in
particular its possible generalizations, and an overview of the literature see Ref. [8].
From Eq. (15), we infer that the deviation η a will have a non-linear time dependence
if and only if the spacetime is curved. For vanishing curvature, the deviation can
only grow linearly in time as in the Newtonian situation for K μν = 0. The Newtonian
quantity K μν that measures second derivatives of the gravitational potential is replaced
by the curvature tensor in GR.
In the following, we will focus on the solutions of Eq. (15) in the case of timelike
geodesics that may correspond to satellite orbits around the Earth. In particular, we
are going to assume an orthogonal parametrization, see Sect. III in [8], in which the
deviation is orthogonal to the velocity along the reference curve ηa Ẏ a = 0 – cf. Fig. 1
for a sketch. We will further assume the reference curve Y a to be a circular geodesic
and construct orbits out of its perturbation.
Fig. 1 Sketch of the deviation of two nearby geodesics Y a and X a = Y a + η a . Here we depict the
case of the orthogonal correspondence – in which the deviation vector η a is chosen to be orthogonal
to the four-velocity Ẏ a along the reference geodesic
we use spherical coordinates (x a ) = (t, r, ϑ, ϕ) and choose units such that the speed
of light c and Newton’s gravitational constant G are equal to one. The angles ϑ
and ϕ are the usual polar and azimuthal angles as in spherical coordinates and the
radial coordinate r is defined such that spheres at a radius r have area 4πr 2 . In these
coordinates, the reference geodesic shall be represented by (Y a ) = (T, R, , ).
Due to the symmetry of the spacetime we can, without loss of generality, assume that
the reference geodesic is confined to the equatorial plane. Thus, we have ≡ π/2
and ˙ = ¨ = 0. For geodesics in the considered spacetime there exist constants of
motion that correspond to the conservation of energy E and angular momentum L,
see for example [9]. Since the metric (16) does neither depend on the time coordinate
t nor on the angle ϕ, i.e. ∂t and ∂ϕ are Killing vector fields, the constants of motion
are given by
The general solution of the first order geodesic deviation equation (15) in the
spacetime (16) was given by Fuchs [10] in terms of first integrals, which remain
to be solved. Unfortunately, this solution is not applicable to the simplest case of
the deviation from a circular reference geodesic. The condition Ṙ = 0 causes sin-
gularities in terms ∼1/ Ṙ that appear in the equations. Shirokov [3] was the first
426 D. Philipp et al.
to derive periodic solutions for the deviation from circular reference geodesics in
Schwarzschild spacetime. In [11, 12] the solution for Schwarzschild spacetime and
circular reference geodesics was given in terms of relativistic epicycles. However,
another possible way to obtain the full solution for circular reference geodesics in the
more general spacetime (16) is to refer the system of differential equations (15) to a
parallel propagated tetrad along the reference curve. The solution of the equations in
this reference system is then projected on the coordinate basis [13]. This method is
of direct relevance for relativistic geodesy, since it allows to describe the deviation
as observed in the comoving local tetrad, i.e. by an observer with an orthonormal
frame who is located at the position of the reference object. We will use the results
of this method here.
The motion along the circular reference geodesic with radius R in the equatorial
plane can be described using the constants of motion E and L from Eq. (17):
(s) = s =: s , (18a)
T (s) = Ṫ s = s. (18b)
After some lengthy calculations one arrives at the solution of the deviation equation
using the result of Fuchs [13]
η t (s) = √ f (s) , (19a)
A L 2 + R2
ηr (s) = √ √ g(s) , (19b)
AB L 2 + R 2
C(5) C(6)
η ϑ (s) = cos s + sin s , (19c)
√R R
L 2 + R2
η ϕ (s) = f (s) , (19d)
where the two proper time dependent functions f (s) and g(s) are given by
(k 2 − )
f (s) = (C (2) cos ks − C (3) sin ks) + √ C(1) s + C(4) , (20a)
g(s) = C(1) + C(2) sin ks + C(3) cos ks , (20b)
2A A − A 3A
k 2 :=
+ , (20c)
2 AB(2 A − A R) 2 AB R
2 A
:= . (20d)
The prime denotes derivatives w.r.t. the radial coordinate and the metric functions
A = A(R), B = B(R) are to be evaluated at the reference radius R. Furthermore,
for a circular geodesic the constants of motion (17) can be expressed by
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 427
2 A2 R 3 A
E2 = , L2 = . (21)
2 A − A R 2 A − A R
In GR, the Schwarzschild spacetime serves as the simplest model of an isolated and
spherically symmetric central object and might be used as a first order approximation
of an astrophysical object like the Earth.1 The metric functions in Eq. (16) are then
given by
A(r ) = 1 − , B(r ) = A(r )−1 . (22)
The constants of motion E and L as well as the remaining quantities k and are
uniquely defined by the radius R of the circular reference geodesic
4m m(R − 6m)
= , k2 = ,
R3 R 3 (R − 3m)
(R − 2m)2 m R2
E2 = , L2 = . (23)
R(R − 3m) R − 3m
We should mention that the mass of the Earth in the units that we use is m ≈ 0.5 cm.
The parameters C(1,...,6) will be used to model different orbital scenarios. Using the
constants in Eq. (23), we can simplify the solution (19) for the case of Schwarzschild
spacetime. We find2 :
η (s) =
f (s) , (24a)
R − 2m
ηr (s) = g(s) , (24b)
C(5) C(6)
η ϑ (s) = cos s + sin s , (24c)
f (s)
η ϕ (s) = , (24d)
where the two functions f (s) and g(s) are given by
1 Planets do not possess any net charge, therefore we do not consider charged solutions like, for
example, the Reissner–Nordstrøm spacetime.
2 W.r.t. Eq. (19) we have slightly redefined the constant parameters C
(1,...,6) in a way such that
ηr (s) = g(s). This is always possible since all coefficients preceding the functions f (s) and g(s)
in (19) are constant because the reference radius R is constant.
428 D. Philipp et al.
R 3 R − 2m
f (s) = 2 C(2) cos ks − C(3) sin ks − C(1) s + C(4) ,
R − 6m 2 R − 3m
g(s) = C(1) + C(2) sin ks + C(3) cos ks . (25b)
Notice that the function f (s) contains, besides periodic and constant parts, a term
that grows linearly with the reference proper time s for C(1) = 0. This contribution
is not bounded and will, thus, limit the validity of the framework since we work with
the first order deviation equation, i.e. the deviation η a is assumed to be small and
only contributions up to first order were considered. We observe that in the general
relativistic solution of the first order deviation equation two distinct frequencies
m R − 6m R − 6m
k= = K , (26a)
R3 R − 3m R − 3m
m R R
= = K . (26b)
R3 R − 3m R − 3m
In the Newtonian limit these two frequencies coincide and yield the Keplerian fre-
quency K . Figure 2 shows the difference − k between both frequencies for
reference radii that correspond to satellite orbits from 100 km to 3.6 · 104 km above
the surface of the Earth. It is worthwhile to note that the general relativistic solution
Fig. 2 The difference between the frequencies and k, which appear in the solution of the
deviation equation, is shown for reference radii that belong to satellite orbits around the Earth. The
frequency difference is of the order of some 10−12 Hz, which yields a period difference in the range
of 10–30 µs. We consider as the mean Earth radius R⊕ = 6.37 · 103 km
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 429
(24), (25) approaches the correct Newtonian limit (11) for c → ∞. Studying the
difference allows to uncover relativistic effects in the following. Observe that the
normalization of the reference four-velocity yields
˙ 2 = (1 − 2m/R)Ṫ 2 − r 2 2 = 1
(1 − 2m/R) Ṫ 2 − R 2 (27)
⇒ Ṫ = . (28)
R − 3m
Hence, Kepler’s third law holds perfectly well for circular orbits in the Schwarzschild
spacetime when the orbit is parametrized by coordinate time.
In this section, we study the applicability of the first order deviation equation (15)
in Schwarzschild spacetime to describe the motion of a test body that is close to
a given circular reference geodesic. Its worldline is determined by a small initial
perturbation of that reference curve, described by the solution (24). In the following,
we investigate the shape of the perturbed orbits as well as physical and artificial
effects, which are present in the solution.
To describe different orbital configurations we have to examine the impact of the
parameters C(1,...,6) on the perturbed orbit. A proper way to do this is to investigate the
impact of each parameter separately since the different effects can be superimposed
in this linearized framework. Here, we extend the brief analysis that was done in
Ref. [4]. The connection between the parameters C(i) and the orbital elements of the
perturbed orbit are summarized in Table 1. Hence, for a specific orbital configuration
that is to be modeled we can determine the parameters that must be taken into account
from the table and describe that satellite configuration within the framework of the
geodesic deviation equation using the solution (24).
The following sections are named after the geometric shape of the perturbed orbits,
caused by the choice of the respectively considered parameter(s). All orbits that we
discuss in the following are shown in Fig. 3.
430 D. Philipp et al.
Table 1 The initial position and velocity of the test body that follows the perturbed orbit X a .
Choose one parameter that shall be the only non-zero one, then the initial state can be read off from
the table. For combinations of different parameters the effects can be superimposed. We list the
orbital elements such as eccentricity e, semi-major axis a, the ascending node a (longitude), the
inclination i, distance to the perigee d p , distance to the apogee da and the argument of the perigee
ω. For the definitions of these orbital elements see Fig. 5. When two values are given, the orbital
element depends on the sign of the respective parameter
= 0: C(1) C(2) C(3) C(4) C(5) C(6)
r(0) R + C(1) R R + C(3) R R R
ϑ(0) π/2 π/2 π/2 π/2 π/2 + C(5) /R π/2
ϕ(0) 0 δω(2) 0 C(4) /R 0 0
ṙ (0) 0 C(2) k 0 0 0 0
ϑ̇(0) 0 0 0 0 0 C(6) /R
ϕ̇(0) + δω(1) +
k δω(3)
e 0 C(2) /R C(3) /R 0 0 0
a R + C(1) R R R R R
a 0 0 0 0 π/2(2 − sgn C(5) ) π/2(1 + sgn C(6) )
i 0 0 0 0 C(5) /R C(6) /R
dp R + C(1) R − C(2) R − C(3) R R R
da R + C(1) R + C(2) R + C(3) R R R
ω 0 3π /(2k) ; π /k ; 0 0 0 0
π /(2k)
Shape: Circular Elliptical Elliptical Circular Circular, inclined Circular, inclined
If we set all parameters but C(1) equal to zero, the perturbed orbit remains in the
reference orbital plane and has still a circular shape. This perturbed orbit is given by
r = R + ηr = R + C(1) , (30a)
3 m C (1)
t (s) = Ṫ s + η t (s) = Ṫ s − Ṫ s =: Ṫ + δt(1) s, (30b)
2 R − 3m R
3 R − 2m C(1)
ϕ(s) = s + η ϕ (s) = s − s =: ( + δω(1) ) s. (30c)
2 R − 3m R
The reference and the perturbed orbit are shown in Fig. 3 for one reference period
and a chosen reference radius of 5000 km above the surface of the Earth. As one
would expect, a positive radial perturbation C(1) yields a smaller azimuthal frequency,
ϕ̇ = + δω(1) < , as compared to the reference motion. The frequency and
radial perturbations are related via
δω(1) 3 R − 2m C(1)
=− , (31)
2 R − 3m R
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 431
Fig. 3 The solid line (black) shows the circular reference orbit, whereas the dashed line (green)
shows the perturbed orbit as calculated with the solution of the deviation equation for: only C(1) = 0
(top, left), only C(2) = 0 (top, middle), only C(3) = 0 (top, right), a combination of both such
that initially r (0) = R, ṙ (0) = 0 (bottom left) and a pendulum orbit as the result of an inclined
perturbation using only C(5) (bottom middle) and C(6) (bottom right). We have marked the respective
positions Yn on the reference orbit and X n on the perturbed orbit for reference proper time values
s = n/4 · 2π/ . We used a reference radius of R = R⊕ + 5000 km and a mean Earth radius
R⊕ = 6.37 · 103 km.eps
such that they are not independent. Since we work with the first order deviation equa-
tion, we have to ensure that the radial perturbation is indeed small, i.e. C(1) /R 1.
This is related to upper bounds for C(1) that need to be chosen in a proper way.
For a satellite orbit of about 104 km above the surface of the Earth, the normalized
perturbation is C(1) /R ≈ 10−7 m−1 C(1) . Hence, the allowed values for C(1) strongly
depend on the chosen reference radius and given upper bounds for the radial pertur-
bation. For various values of the reference radius - ranging from Low Earth Orbits
(LEO) to geostationary ones - and the parameter C(1) , we show the magnitude of the
normalized radial perturbation C(1) /R in Fig. 4. To decide whether the description
of a satellite configuration within the framework of the first order deviation equation
is useful or not, one has to define the reference radius and the maximal radial pertur-
bation for the desired scenario. The value C(1) /R can then be estimated from Fig. 4
and if it fulfills the condition C(1) /R 1 the solution may give a simple and useful
After a full azimuthal period on the reference orbit, s = 2π/ , and the perturbed
orbit is not yet closed since ϕ(2π/ ) = 2π. The deficit angle α is given by
δω(1) R − 2m C(1)
α = ϕ (2π/ ) − 2π = 2π = −3π . (32)
R − 3m R
432 D. Philipp et al.
Fig. 4 The magnitude of the normalized radial perturbation C(i) /R as a function of C(1,2,3) and
the reference radius R. The lines represent surfaces of constant C(i) /R. We use a mean Earth radius
R⊕ = 6.37 · 103 km
This angle may correspond, in principle, to an observable quantity and the relation
can be solved for m explicitly,
R(3C(1) π + αR)
m= , (33)
3(2C(1) π + αR)
to obtain an estimate for the relativistic mass monopole of the central object. Thus,
the mass can be obtained from the measurement of the deficit angle, assuming the
situation can be prepared with initially known reference radius R and radial distance
C(1) between both orbits. Also the deviation of a test object from the center of mass
within a hollow satellite might be used for such a measurement.
The two parameters C(2,3) cause elliptical perturbations in the (reference orbital
plane) if we neglect the influence of all other parameters, i.e. if C(1,4,5,6) = 0. If we
choose to have C(2) = 0, the perturbed orbit is described by
r (s) = R + ηr (s) = R + C(3) cos ks = R + C(3) + O s 2 , (34a)
t (s) = Ṫ s + η (s)
2R m
= Ṫ s − C(3) sin ks
R − 2m R − 6m
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 433
=: Ṫ s + δt(3) sin ks = (Ṫ + δt(3) k) s + O s 2 (34b)
R C(3)
ϕ(s) = s − 2 sin ks
R − 6m R
:= s + δω(3) sin ks = ( + δω(3) k) s + O s 2 . (34c)
For an elliptically perturbed orbit of this kind, the eccentricity e and the semi major
axis a can be linked to the radial perturbation via
e= , a = R. (35a)
We can as well calculate the distance to the perigee d p and apogee da that are related
to the radial perturbation
and confirm that the semi major axis is half of the sum of the two distances as it should
be. Using these relations the spatial shape of the perturbed orbit can be represented
in a familiar way as
The eccentricity of the perturbed orbit e = C(3) /R is shown in Fig. 4. If for a specific
satellite mission the maximal allowed eccentricity is given, we can read off upper
bounds for the parameter C(3) from Fig. 4, or, vice versa: we can model an orbit with
a given (small) eccentricity by choosing the necessary value for C(3) .
The difference between the effects of the two parameters C(2,3) is just a phase
difference, i.e. a spatial rotation of π/2 of the perturbed orbit within the reference
orbital plane. For the case that only C(2) = 0, the perturbed orbit is described by
r (s) = R + ηr (s) = R + C(2) sin ks = R + C(2) ks + O s 2 , (37a)
t (s) = Ṫ s + η (s)
2R m
= Ṫ s + C(2) cos ks
R − 2m R − 6m
=: Ṫ s + δt(2) cos ks = Ṫ s + δt(2) + O s 2 , (37b)
R C(2)
ϕ(s) = s + 2 cos ks
R − 6m R
=: s + δω(2) cos ks = s + δω(2) + O s 2 . (37c)
434 D. Philipp et al.
Both elliptical orbits are shown in Fig. 3 and the spatial rotation as the difference
between the effects of C(2) and C(3) is obvious. These orbits look closed after one
reference period, but they are not (recall that the frequencies and k are just slightly
different). After one reference period s = 2π/ we get
r (2π/ ) = R + C(3) cos = r (0) , (38a)
ϕ(2π/ ) = 2π + δω(2) sin = ϕ(0) + 2π . (38b)
However, the difference between the two frequencies is in the range of some 10−12 Hz
and the periods differ by about 10–25 µs for reference radii in the range from LEO
to geostationary orbits. The radial motion has an actual period of s = 2π/k, i.e. this
amount of reference proper time elapses from one perigee to the next. Hence, we get
Another kind of elliptical orbits can be constructed via the combination with a circular
perturbation. For example, we use a combination of both, C(1) and C(3) , to arrive at
a perturbed orbit that initially fulfills r (0) = R , ϕ(0) = (0) = 0 and ṙ (0) = 0.
Hence, the perturbed orbit is initially as close as possible to the reference orbit - cf.
Fig. 3. To construct it we need to choose C(3) = −C(1) . The perturbed orbit is then
described by
For this orbit type we find the eccentricity and semi major axis to be
e= , a = R + C(1) ⇒ C(1) = ae , (41)
R + C(1)
and this allows to recast the radial motion, again, in the familiar way
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 435
The parameter C(4) causes an offset in the azimuthal motion, i.e. a constant phase
difference between the reference and perturbed orbit. When only C(4) = 0 the per-
turbed orbit is the same as the reference orbit, but the two test bodies are separated
by a constant angle. The perturbed motion is then described by
r = R, (44a)
t (s) = Ṫ s + η (s) = Ṫ s +
C(4) , (44b)
R − 2m
ϕ(s) = s + η ϕ (s) = s + , (44c)
where the constant azimuthal separation is determined by the value of C(4) /R.
The two parameters C(5) , C(6) incline the orbital plane with respect to the reference
plane. If only C(5) = 0 we obtain a circular orbit with radius r = R and azimuthal
motion ϕ(s) = s, but with the polar motion given by
π C(5)
ϑ(s) = + cos s . (45)
2 R
Hence, C(5) /R determines the maximal inclination between the two orbital planes. If
only C(6) = 0 instead, there are just little changes: the cos( s) becomes sin( s)
and the difference between the effects of these two parameters is simply related to a
spatial rotation.
436 D. Philipp et al.
Fig. 5 A sketch of the two orbital planes including the orbital elements of the perturbed orbit X a
Combining the results of the last section we can link all parameters C(1,...,6) to the
initial position and velocity of the test body that follows the perturbed orbit. The initial
quantities r (0), ϑ(0), ϕ(0) and ṙ (0), ϑ̇(0), ϕ̇(0) are summarized in Table 1 together
with the resulting orbital elements of the perturbed orbit. The orbital elements are
introduced in the sketch shown in Fig. 5.
where a is the orbit’s semi-major axis. Figure 6 shows this precession of the perigee
for different reference radii ranging from LEO to geostationary orbits. The result
(46) is the same as shown in Ref. [14] and was also derived in [13] as well.3 Up to
linear order in m/a we obtain the well-known result
ϕ = + O (m/a)2 , (47)
3 Notethe misprint in Eq. (4.14) in [13], where actually the inverse value of the correct result is
shown and we assume this to be simply a typo.
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 437
Fig. 6 The perigee shift per orbit in 10−3 arcs for the elliptically perturbed orbit with either C(3) = 0
or C(2) = 0 (left) This orbit is shown in Fig. 3 in the middle of the upper row
6πGm 6πm
ϕ = ≈ (1 + e2 + e4 + · · · ) , (48)
a(1 − e )
2 a
for the precession of the perigee in the case of small eccentricities. For the second kind
of an elliptically perturbed orbit that is described by Eq. (40) we obtain according to
Eq. (43)
2π( + δω(1) )
ϕ = − 2π
R R − 2m R C(1)
= 2π − 1 − 3π . (49)
R − 6m R − 3m R − 6m R
The first term resembles the previous result for the perigee precession where the
parameter C(1) was set equal to zero and we recover this result in the limit. Up to
linear order in e and m/a the result reads
6πm m
ϕ = 1− 1+ e + O e2 , (m/a)2 , (50)
a 2a
and depends on the eccentricity, whereas in the first case the result was independent
of the perturbation parameters.
It should be mentioned that in the Newtonian solution (12) no perigee precession
is present since there is only one frequency, the Keplerian frequency K , involved.
438 D. Philipp et al.
In Newtonian gravity (at least for a spherically symmetric potential) the Kepler
ellipses are closed. Hence, as it is well-known, the precession of an elliptical orbit
is a relativistic effect. It is recovered in the framework of the first order geodesic
deviation equation due to the appearance of a second frequency in the relativistic
The redshift z between two standard clocks that show proper times s and s̃ is
ν d s̃
1+z = = . (51)
ν̃ ds
Using the solution of the first order deviation equation, we can derive a formula for
the redshift between the clocks transported along the reference and deviating orbit
as follows. Along the orbit X a (s), the constant of motion E X related to the energy is
2m dt 2m dt ds
EX = 1 − = 1− . (52)
r (s̃) d s̃ r (s) ds d s̃
Hence, we obtain for the redshift using the solution t (s) and r (s) of the first order
deviation equation
d s̃ 2m Ṫ + η̇ t (s)
z+1= = 1−
ds r (s) EX
R mR ˙
+ f (s)
2m R − 3m R − 2m
= 1− , (53)
R + g(s) EX
where the functions f (s) and g(s) are given by Eq. (25) and E X is fixed by the initial
conditions of the deviating orbit, i.e. by the choice of parameters C(i) .
1 2m
z+1= 1−
EX R + C(1) + C(2) sin ks + C(3) cos ks
× + λ(1) + λ(2) sin ks + λ(3) cos ks , (54)
R − 3m
√ √
3 m(R − 2m) mR
λ(1) =− C(1) , λ(2,3) = −2 √ C(2,3) . (55)
2 R(R − 3m)3/2 (R − 2m) R − 6m
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 439
This result yields a comparatively simple model for the redshift between the two
satellites and is accurate as long as the orbital deviation is small.
For two circular orbits with radii R and R + C(1) , we recover the correct result to
first order in C(1) /R. The redshift becomes
C(1) 3m
z= . (56)
R 2(R − m)
Note however, that terms related to Doppler effects are not present here, since we do
not consider signals (light rays) send from one orbit to the other. Hence, the formula
for the redshift contains only the part related to time dilation effects.
For a circular orbit in the equatorial plane with radius r = R + C(1) , the exact
azimuthal frequency is given by
m R + C(1)
ωϕ = . (57)
(R + C(1) )3 R + C(1) − 3m
Expanding this result w.r.t. the small quantity C(1) /R 1 in a Taylor series, we find
for the azimuthal frequency
440 D. Philipp et al.
m R 3 R − 2m m R C(1)
ωϕ = −
R3 R − 3m 2 R − 3m R3 R − 3m R
(0) (1)
= =:δω(1) =:δω(1)
15 (R − 2m)2 + 4/5m m 2
R C(1)
8 (R − 3m) 2 R3 R − 3m R
+ O C(1) /R . (58)
The quantities δω(1) are defined as shown above. The superscript denotes the order
of expansion and the subscript denotes the connection to the radial perturbation C(1) .
The 0th order contribution is given by , the azimuthal frequency for a circular
orbit with radius R - cf. Eq. (26). Restricting ourselves to first order contributions
we can compare the approximation (58) to the solution of the first order deviation
equation (30)
+ δω(1) ≡ + δω(1) . (59)
Hence, the approximation up to linear order in C(1) /R is exactly the result that
appeared in the solution of the first order deviation equation - cf. Eq. (30). Therefore,
the error that we make using this result is dominated by the second order term
(2) (2)
δω(1) . We show the relative error δω(1) /ωϕ in Fig. 7 and conclude that even for a
radial separation of some 10 km between the reference and perturbed orbit this
error is less than 0.1%. Using the expansion in Eq. (58), we estimate the error that
remains at the next order, i.e. using also second order contributions in the frequency
expansion. Then, the error is dominated by the third order term and about two orders
of magnitude smaller. One can show that the quantity δω(1) /ωϕ , shown in Fig. 7,
is also the dominating error term for the conserved quantity L that corresponds
to the angular momentum of the perturbed orbit, since the frequency and angular
momentum are related by L = r 2 ωϕ .
Using the expansion (58), we can write down the solution of the nth order deviation
equation for a circular perturbation in the reference orbital plane. The perturbed orbit
is then described by
r = R + C(1) , (60a)
(1) (n)
ϕ = + δω(1) + · · · + δω(1) s, (60b)
(k) 1 d k ωϕ C(1)
δω(1) = . (60c)
k! d(C(1) /R)k R
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 441
Fig. 7 The dominating term δω(1) /ωϕ in the frequency error. This relative error is made using the
solution of the first order deviation equation to describe a circular perturbed orbit with initial radial
distance C(1) to a reference orbit with radius R. Hence, the solution of the first order deviation
equation gives the correct result up to a few parts in one hundred
Table 2 Error in the distance between reference and perturbed orbit after one complete reference
period. We compare the distance as modeled with Eq. (60), up to 4th order, with the distance
constructed from two exact circular orbits with radii and frequencies (R, ) and (R + C(1) , ωϕ ).
The table shows the values for the two different reference radii, 1000 km and 36000 km above
Earth’s surface. Bold marked values correspond to cm accuracy level when using the respective
approximation order
Radial separation Error (m)
C(1) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
R = R⊕ + 1000 km
10 km 159 0.25 4 · 10−4 6 · 10−5
50 km 3955 31 0.24 0.002
100 km 15700 249 3.8 0.06
150 km 35000 535 19 0.43
R = R⊕ + 36000 km
10 km 27 0.007 10−5 10−5
50 km 690 0.95 0.001 5 · 10−5
100 km 2760 7.6 0.02 5 · 10−5
150 km 6206 26 0.1 0.0015
Table 2 shows the error that is made when modeling the distance between the ref-
erence orbit and the circular perturbed orbit after one complete reference period.
To calculate the error we used the result above and compared it with the distance
442 D. Philipp et al.
as calculated from two exact circular orbits with radii and frequencies (R, ) and
(R + C(1) , ωϕ ).
To judge the accuracy of the elliptical orbits constructed with the solution (34), we
compare them to exact solutions of the geodesic equation. In both cases we have
to use identical initial conditions, i.e. the constants of motion E and L have to be
the same. The exact orbit can either be constructed as a numerical solution of the
geodesic equation, or by using analytic solutions in terms of elliptic functions.
We choose as initial conditions for eccentricity, distance to the perigee and argu-
ment of the perigee
The relative error in the radial and azimuthal motion is shown in Fig. 8 for ten orbital
periods. The mean error in the radial deviation is positive, whilst the mean phase
error is negative. Lowering the eccentricity by a factor of 10 yields relative errors that
decrease two orders of magnitude. The analysis shows that the errors scale roughly
as e2 , which is the expected behavior since terms that are quadratic in the eccentricity
are neglected in this framework and contribute to second order deviations.
Pendulum orbit constellations are of special interest for satellite geodesy missions.
Hence, we should give an idea of how accurate the modeling of these constellations
can be done using the solutions (45) of the first order geodesic deviation equation.
Equation (45) describes a circular orbit with unchanged radius that is inclined w.r.t
the reference orbit. Thus, all constants of motion are the same but the orbital planes
differ. In this solution, the amplitude C(6) /R of the ϑ-oscillation gives the inclination
of the perturbed orbit. Since we work with first order perturbations, this amplitude
has to be small. For a reference radius of GRACE-type, 500 km above Earth’s surface,
and an inclination of 1◦ the error is about 100 marcs. For two orbital periods, we
show in Fig. 9 the relative error for an even higher inclination of 5◦ . As can be seen
in the figure, the error in the ϑ-motion is periodic with zero mean value and standard
deviation around 0.1 % for this situation.
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 443
Fig. 8 Relative error in the radial and azimuthal motion compared to the exact solution for 10
periods (10 T ). The mean value (solid line) and range of one standard deviation around the mean
(dashed lines) are shown
Fig. 9 Relative error in the ϑ-motion that is made using the solution (45) of the first order deviation
equation, which describes a pendulum orbit constellation with an inclination of 5◦ between both
orbital planes. The mean value (solid line) and one standard deviation around the mean (dashed
lines) are shown as well
second orbit is, of course, confined to a plane as well but this orbital plane is inclined
w.r.t. the first one. Define the line of nodes as the spatial intersection of these two
planes, i.e. the connection between the points where the second orbit crosses θ = π/2.
Since each of the two orbits is confined to its orbital plane, the line of nodes remains
unchanged for an arbitrary number of revolutions.
We will now describe these two orbits using the solution (24) of the first order
deviation equation. The circular reference orbit with radius R defines the equatorial
plane. We choose C(2,...,5) ≡ 0. Hence, only the parameters C(1,6) describe the shape
of the perturbed orbit. As our analysis in the previous sections has shown, C(1)
causes a constant radial perturbation and C(6) inclines the perturbed orbital plane.
This perturbed orbit is described by
r = R + C(1) , (62a)
ϕ(s) = ( + δω(1) ) s , (62b)
ϑ(s) = π/2 + sin s . (62c)
The line of nodes is determined by two successive intersections of the ϑ-motion with
the equatorial plane. This happens for s = nπ/ , n = 0, 1, 2 . . .. For these values
we get
Thus, from one orbit to the next the line of nodes shifts by an amount of
2πδω(1) R − 2m C(1)
n := = −3π . (64)
R − 3m R
For C(1) /R = 1% this corresponds to about −5◦ . Since a precession of the line of
nodes must not happen in Schwarzschild spacetime, we have to carefully analyze this
kind of “effect”. As we have shown in the expansion of the exact azimuthal frequency
(58) for a circular orbit with radius R + C(1) , is its 0th order and δω(1) its 1st
order approximation. The approximation order in the frequency of the ϑ-motion in
(62) is one less than the order in the ϕ-motion, because the amplitude C(6) /R of the
ϑ-motion is already of first order. Hence, when using higher order deviation solutions
up to jth order, the orbit will be given by
r = R + C(1) , (65a)
(1) ( j)
ϕ = ( + δω(1) + · · · + δω(1) ) s , (65b)
(1) ( j−1)
ϑ = π/2 + C(6) sin( + δω(1) + ··· + δω(1) ) s , (65c)
and subsequently the shift of the line of nodes after one orbit is
( j)
n = (1) ( j−1)
. (66)
+ δω(1) + · · · + δω(1)
( j)
Since δω(1) is the jth term in the Taylor expansion (58) we notice that n → 0 for
j → ∞. Hence, the shift of the line of nodes vanishes in the limit of infinite accuracy
and is simply an artifact of the linearization/approximation (Fig. 10).
In [3] a new effect in the context of the standard geodesic deviation equation
in Schwarzschild spacetime was reported. This effect was also studied in several
follow-up works [21–25], in particular generalizations to other spacetimes than
Schwarzschild were given and Shirokov’s effect was compared to the influence of the
oblateness of the Earth that causes similar perturbations of the reference geodesic.
In the following we critically reassess the derivation, meaning, and physical mea-
surability of Shirokov’s effect. Shirokov [3] did only consider periodic solutions
of the standard geodesic deviation equation in Schwarzschild spacetime. The solu-
tion that is given in the work [3] is obtained in the framework presented here for
C(1,3,4,5) = 0. Only the parameters C(2,6) are involved. According to the previous
analysis of the shape of the perturbed orbit this corresponds to an elliptical orbit in
an inclined orbital plane. This orbit is given by, cf. Eq. (21) in [3],
446 D. Philipp et al.
Fig. 10 The reference and perturbed orbit for three reference periods. We have marked one endpoint
of the line of nodes X n after n elapsed reference periods. The precession of the perturbed orbital
plane is clearly visible
ϕ = ϕ(s = 2π/ ) − 2π = δω(2) cos . (68)
This shift was not mentioned in the work by Shirokov, but is indeed present in the
solution. However, Shirokov noticed correctly that in (67) the r , ϕ and θ oscillations
have different frequencies and, thus, different periods
Tr = Tϕ = 2π/k , (69a)
Tϑ = 2π/ . (69b)
Linearized in m/R around the Keplerian value TK = 2π/ K = 2π R 3 /m, we
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 447
Tr = Tϕ = TK 1 − , (70a)
Tϑ = TK 1 + . (70b)
It is by no means obvious why this linearization should be necessary, but it was used
in [3]. Of course, for the Earth m/R is a very small quantity when R corresponds
to radii above the surface, but the geodesic deviation equation works well even
close to black holes, were m/R might be large [12]. However, Shirokov concludes
that, due to the different periods of ϑ and r oscillations, the distance R (ϑ − π/2)
to the equatorial plane, in which the reference orbit lies, is different from 0 after
(several) radial oscillations and this is a new effect of GR. Shirokov imagines a
satellite that moves on the reference orbit and rotates around the axis perpendicular
to the equatorial plane with its orbital period, i.e. 2π/ . Placed within this satellite
a small test mass shall follow the perturbed orbit and the different frequencies of
oscillations in the ϑ and r direction can be observed.
Since each orbit in Schwarzschild spacetime is confined to its orbital plane, the
ϑ and ϕ frequencies have to be equal for exact orbits. Otherwise the line of nodes
would shift. The difference in these periods that Shirokov discovered is a result of
the approximation. However, the r and ϕ periods can be different, which leads to
the perigee precession for elliptical orbits. Hence, the r and ϑ periods can also be
different for elliptical orbits to allow for a perigee precession within an inclined
orbital plane. This is exactly what the approximate solution (67a) of the first order
deviation equation describes: an elliptical orbit with perigee precession in an inclined
orbital plane. The exact solution for this orbit would describe an elliptical orbit in
an inclined but fixed orbital plane that shows perigee precession within this orbital
plane. The solution (67a) is simply the first order approximation of this situation.
Since the radial and the polar period are different, one would observe the object to be
above or below the equatorial plane after (several) radial periods. This is nothing but
a precessing ellipse in the inclined orbital plane. Hence, Shirokov’s “new” effect is
not new at all, it is the first order approximation of the well-known perigee precession
– discovered by Einstein already in 1916 [15] – in an inclined plane. Furthermore,
as we have shown, this is mixed with the artifact of a precessing line of nodes due to
the linearized framework.
We conclude that Shirokov’s effect is no new effect but the first order description
of the perigee shift for an elliptical orbit in an inclined orbital plane.
5 Conclusions
We have shown how to describe orbits using the solution of the first order deviation
equation for circular reference geodesics. In particular, we employ the Schwarzschild
spacetime as the simplest approximation for the Earth to investigate relativistic
448 D. Philipp et al.
satellite orbits and orbit deviations. We describe the shape of all perturbed orbits
and connect free parameters in the general solution to the orbital elements of the
perturbed orbit. Using this description, one can now apply the solution of the first
order deviation equation to model any orbit that is specified in terms of its orbital ele-
ments. We have uncovered artificial effects that are due to the linearized framework.
For elliptical orbits with small eccentricities the perigee precession was derived as a
purely relativistic effect, which is absent in the Newtonian solution of the deviation
problem. The solution of the first order deviation problem in Schwarzschild space-
time has shown that such an approximate description must be handled with care. The
line of node precession, which is forbidden in Schwarzschild spacetime, will mix in
the context of Kerr spacetime with the Lense-Thirring effect that causes a similar
Reconsidering the so-called Shirokov effect we uncovered its origin. Rather than
being a new feature of GR, we identified it as the relict of the approximate description
of a well-known perigee precession.
The comparison of perturbed orbits – based on the solution of the geodesic devi-
ation equation – to exact solutions of the underlying geodesic equation has shown,
that higher order deviation equations should be used to model modern satellite based
geodesy missions.
In (simple) spacetimes, for which analytic solutions of the geodesic equation are
available, one can estimate the accuracy of the approximate description to any order.
In more realistic spacetimes numerical methods will become necessary.
In conclusion, already at the present level of accuracy applications in geodesy
and gravimetry require the use of higher order deviation equations. Such equations
will become indispensable for the description of future high precision satellite and
ground based measurements.
In the following we summarize our conventions, and collect some frequently used
formulas. A directory of symbols used throughout the text can be found in Table 3.
The signature of the spacetime metric is assumed to be (+, −, −, −). Latin indices
i, j, k, . . . are spacetime indices and take values 0 . . . 3. For an arbitrary k-tensor
Ta1 ...ak , the symmetrization and antisymmetrization are defined by
On the Applicability of the Geodesic Deviation Equation in General Relativity 449
T(a1 ...ak ) := Tπ {a ...a } , (71)
k! I =1 I 1 k
T[a1 ...ak ] := (−1)|π I | Tπ I{a1 ...ak } , (72)
k! I =1
where the sum is taken over all possible permutations (symbolically denoted by
π I{a1 . . . ak }) of its k indices.
The covariant derivative defined by the Riemannian connection is convention-
ally denoted by the nabla or by the semicolon: ∇a = “;a ”. Our conventions for the
Riemann curvature are as follows:
14. C. Misner, K. Thorne, J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco, 1973)
15. A. Einstein, Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Annalen der Physik 354, 769
16. A.R. Forsyth, Note on the central differential equation in the relativity theory of gravitation.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 97(682), 145 (1920)
17. W.B. Morton, LXI. The forms of planetary orbits on the theory of relativity. Lond. Edinb.
Dublin Philos. Mag. J. Sci. 42(250), 511 (1921)
18. E. Hackmann, C. Lämmerzahl, Complete analytic solution of the geodesic equation in
Schwarzschild (anti-)de Sitter spacetimes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 171101 (2008)
19. E. Hackmann, C. Lämmerzahl, Geodesic equation in Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter space-
times: analytical solutions and applications. Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008)
20. E. Hackmann, V. Kagramanova, J. Kunz, C. Lämmerzahl, Analytic solutions of the geodesic
equation in axially symmetric space-times. Europhys. Lett. 88, 30008 (2009)
21. A. Nduka, On Shirokov’s one new effect of the Einsteinian theory of gravitation. Gen. Relativ.
Gravit. 8, 347 (1977)
22. Yu.S. Vladimirov, R.V. Rodichev, Small oscillations of test bodies in circular orbits in the
Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics (Shirokov’s effect). Sov. Phys. J. 24, 954 (1981)
23. W. Zimdahl, Shirokov effect and gravitationally induced supercurrents. Exp. Tech. Phys. 33,
403 (1985)
24. L. Bergamin, P. Delva, A. Hees, Vibrating systems in Schwarzschild spacetime: toward new
experiments in gravitation? Class. Quantum Gravity 26, 18006 (2009)
25. W. Zimdahl, G.M. Gilberto, Temperature oscillations of a gas in circular geodesic motion in
the Schwarzschild field. Phys. Rev. D 91, 024003 (2015)
Measurement of Frame Dragging with
Geodetic Satellites Based on Gravity
Field Models from CHAMP, GRACE
and Beyond
1 Introduction
R. König (B)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, c/o DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling 82234, Germany
e-mail: koenigr@gfz-potsdam.de
URL: http://www.gfz-potsdam.de
I. Ciufolini
Dip. Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
I. Ciufolini
Centro Fermi, Roma, Italy
ing the Earth there is a drift of the node and perigee of its orbit due to the rotation
of the Earth, this is the so-called Lense-Thirring (LT) effect. Frame-dragging plays
a key role in some high-energy astrophysics phenomena, such as the mechanism
of emission of jets from active galactic nuclei and quasars [3]. Frame-dragging of
the particles of the accretion disk around a central rotating black hole can explain
the constant orientation of these jets for periods of time that can reach millions of
years. Frame-dragging enters the dynamics of the coalescence of two black holes
producing gravitation waves as observed by LIGO in 2015 [4]. The idea to measure
frame-dragging by means of two laser-ranged satellites, i.e. tracked by Satellite Laser
Ranging (SLR), with supplementary inclinations was first proposed by [5]. The first
rough observation [6] was based on the EGM96 gravity field model [7] and SLR
tracking to LAGEOS-1 [8] and LAGEOS-2 [9]. Later on [10] presented a break-
ing result where again SLR data to the satellites LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 were
combined but the analysis was based on the by then newly available gravity field
model EIGEN-GRACE02S [11] from the GRACE space mission [12]. Reference
[10] estimated an accuracy of the recovery of the node drift due to frame-dragging
of about 10%. This accuracy estimate was deduced from a thorough assessment of
all possible modelling errors in Precise Orbit Determination (POD).
These results are based on the orbit determination software GEODYN [13] of
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA of the United States
of America (USA). In order to rule out programming errors, the experiment was
repeated by independent orbit determination software packages, one being EPOS-OC
[14] by the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, and
one being UTOPIA [15] by the Center for Space Research (CSR) at the University
of Texas at Austin, USA. GFZ used some recent GRACE gravity field models to
analyze LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 data over the period 2000–2011 with EPOS-
OC [16]. In summary the LT precession is recovered with a mean deviation from the
GR prediction of about 8%. CSR tested a multitude of gravity field models using
UTOPIA and SLR tracking to LAGEOS-1 and -2 over the years 1992–2006 [17].
They conclude that based on GRACE gravity field models the LT effect can be
confirmed at the 8–12% level. So with both software packages the 10% accuracy
claim by [10] can be endorsed.
In the following we describe the satellite missions that are involved in this type
of analysis, on the one hand the SLR tracked satellites used to measure the LT
node drift, on the other hand the satellite missions dedicated to measure the Earth’s
gravity field which is the pre-requisite for POD of the previous. We then have a
glance at the major error source of the LT measurement, the C(2,0) term of the
gravity field models. In particular we look into the effect of its variation in time
and the impact thereof on the LT measurement by analyzing an extended period of
LAGEOS observations with EPOS-OC. Finally we adopt some gravity field models
that are generated either with or without LAGEOS data in order to rule out possible
influences on the LT measurement by the fact LAGEOS being part of the gravity
field model development.
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 455
2 Satellite Missions
Geodetic satellites are sphere satellites with low area-to-mass ratio that are tracked
by SLR. The most important one being LAGEOS-1 (see Fig. 1), launched in 1976
for geodetic and geophysical applications and his twin, LAGEOS-2, launched in
1992 into a different inclination. In 2012 the LAser RElativity Satellite (LARES)
was launched (see Fig. 2). The LARES mission [18] is particularly designed to mea-
sure frame dragging with the goal to achieve the 1% accuracy in combination with
the LAGEOS satellites. The orbit characteristics of these missions are compiled in
Table 1. Table 1 also shows the area-to-mass ratio of the satellites. The smaller this
number the smaller the disturbing accelerations by drag of the upper atmosphere,
solar radiation pressure and other non-conservative forces. Indeed LARES has the
smallest area-to-mass ratio of all artificial satellites ever send into orbit. In the fol-
lowing we are not going to use LARES data as the mission duration is yet too short
at the time of conducting this experiment. Later on a very first result with LARES is
published by [19] indicating an accuracy of 5%.
Gravity field missions seek for exploring the gravity field of the Earth and its
variations in time. The orbit is lower than that of the geodetic satellites, the lower
the orbit the more sensitive to the gravity signal. However the lower the orbit, the
higher the nuisance perturbations inserted by the non-conservative forces. The first
dedicated mission that immediately led to a quantum leap in the accuracy of the
derived gravity field models is CHAMP (see Fig. 3) in service from 2000 to 2005.
CHAMP was equipped with an on-board two-frequency GPS receiver and a Laser
Retro-Reflector (LRR) for POD, a three-axes accelerometer to measure the nuisance
forces and a star camera to measure the attitude of the satellite for precise reduction
of the antenna offsets. Already in 2002 the two GRACE twin satellites (see Fig. 4)
were launched. In addition to the equipment as that on CHAMP, the distance between
the two satellites was measured with μm precision by an inter-satellite microwave
link. This allowed another leap in accuracy, but more important, the recovery of
the variations in time of the gravity field which in turn had dramatic impacts on
science in the fields of hydrology and cryology. GRACE was designed for a five
years lifetime but stayed in duty for impressive 15 years. GOCE (see Fig. 5) was
launched in 2010 into the very low altitude of 220 km with the goal of an increased
resolution of the static field. The satellite had ion thrusters to keep the spacecraft
free of nuisance forces in flight direction. The gravity measurements were done by
a three-axes gradiometer, an ensemble of six accelerometers working in differential
mode. The gravity campaign took some 6 months only, but it delivered a geoid with
1 cm accuracy at 100 km resolution. The orbit characteristics of these missions are
compiled in Table 2.
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 457
As said, the gravity field missions are necessary to establish the gravity field
models that are used in POD of the geodetic satellites for the recovery of the node
observations. CHAMP and GRACE are the important missions to establish the long
to medium wavelength part or the low to medium degree harmonic coefficients of
the gravity field model. GOCE is particularly meant to improve the short wavelength
part or the higher degree harmonic coefficients. For POD of the LAGEOS satellites
just the coefficients up to degree about 20 play a role. From linear theory just the
even degree zonal coefficients influence the node drift, that’s why their errors disturb
the LT node observation. The by far largest contribution is due to C(2,0), the next
one, due to errors in C(4,0), is already smaller by about four orders of magnitude.
The idea by [5] to measure the frame dragging effect on the LAGEOS satellites
by observing the node drift with the help of SLR tracking is displayed in Fig. 6.
It shows the two sources acting on the nodes of two LAGEOS-type satellites with
complementary inclinations. The LARES 2 satellite, approved by the Italian Space
Agency (ASI), is under construction for a launch in 2019–2020. It will realize the
idea of two laser-ranged satellites with supplementary inclinations [20].
The major drift of the node of an orbit is induced by the C(2,0) term of the spherical
harmonic expansion of the gravity field. The C(2,0) term is also called J2 term (with
C(2,0) = −J 2) or the quadrupole moment of Earth’s inertia. The C(2,0) node drift
can be written in first order approximation as:
3nC2,0 ae2
˙ C2,0 =
cos(i) (1)
2a 2 (1 − e2 )2
where n is the orbital period, ae is the Earth’s radius, a is the semi-major axis of the
orbit, e its eccentricity, and i its inclination. The LT node drift reads:
˙ LT =
a 3 (1 − e2 )3/2
where J is the angular momentum of the rotating body (the Earth). The sign of the
C(2,0) drift depends on the inclination of the orbit. So in Fig. 6 the drifts of the nodes
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 459
of the two complementary orbits point in opposite direction. The LT effect however
does not depend on inclination, so it points for both orbits in the same direction. Once
the node observations of both orbits are combined, the nodal drifts due to C(2,0) will
cancel but the drifts due to LT will add. By this not only the comparatively large
numbers of the C(2,0) drift vanish but also the errors of the C(2,0) term are ruled out.
The drifts induced due to LT and C(2,0) are given for the geodetic satellites in Table 3.
The error of the C(2,0) term of current days gravity field models sizes at about
10−8 , so it is subject to erroneous node drifts at the order of the LT effect. Therefore
measuring the node drift of one satellite alone can not reveal the LT effect. This is
depicted in Figs. 7 and 8 where the node measurements from LAGEOS-1 and -2 are
drawn as points. The analysis, done with EPOS-OC, spans the years 2000–2011 and
is based on the EIGEN-6C gravity field model [21]. Eventually the node observations
are accumulated to yield the node drift drawn as line in each graph. If there was no
error in the C(2,0) term, the line should show the LT drift. However as one can see,
the drifts behave different for the two satellites and are far from the expected LT
If we now take out the time variable part of C(2,0) in EIGEN-6C, the behaviour
of the node changes completely as can be seen in Fig. 9 for LAGEOS-1 and Fig. 10
for LAGEOS-2. The differences of the drifts in Figs. 7 and 9 and those in Figs. 8 and
10 are purely owned to the time variable part of C(2,0) being modeled or not.
The LT drift can finally be observed when the two node observations of the two
satellites are combined. Figure 11 displays the combined node observations and the
460 R. König and I. Ciufolini
Fig. 7 Node observations and drift from LAGEOS-1, EIGEN-6C, obtained by the use of EPOS-OC
Fig. 8 Node observations and drift from LAGEOS-2, EIGEN-6C, obtained by the use of EPOS-OC
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 461
Fig. 9 Node observations and drift from LAGEOS, EIGEN-6C static, obtained by the use of
Fig. 10 Node observations and drift from LAGEOS-2, EIGEN-6C static, obtained by the use of
462 R. König and I. Ciufolini
Fig. 11 Combined node observations and drift from LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2, EIGEN-6C,
obtained by the use of EPOS-OC
node drift based on EIGEN-6C, Fig. 12 those based on EIGEN-6C static where the
C(2,0) variation in time has been omitted. A regression of the drift lines yields 6.9%
deviation from the predicted combined LT drift of 48.2 mas/a in case of EIGEN-
6C and 3.5% in case of EIGEN-6C static. Therefore it can be concluded that the
errors in C(2,0) can effectively be taken care of if the node observables of the two
LAGEOS satellites are combined. This holds even true for the cases considering the
time variable part of C(2,0) or not. The remaining deviations are well within the error
margin of 10% given by [10].
By measuring the LT node drift this way, the important question arises whether
the usage of SLR observations to the LAGEOS satellites in the generation of the
gravity field model could influence the result. In order to answer this, we repeat the
above analysis with an extended period of LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 data from
2000 to 2013 and base it on an ensemble of models that either have used LAGEOS
data for their generation or not.
The gravity field models with LAGEOS data are the EIGEN-6C, the EIGEN-
6Sp.34, and the EIGEN-6C3. The “C” in the model name denotes “combined” models
meaning satellite data are combined with surface gravity data. So EIGEN-6C is based
on LAGEOS data plus GRACE data spanning the period January 2003 to June 2009,
and GOCE data from November 2009 to June 2010. Finally the satellite data are com-
bined with DTU2010 global gravity anomalies. The EIGEN-6Sp.34 is the inhouse
naming of the official ESA GOCE gravity field model GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R3
and a static, satellite only solution. Besides on LAGEOS it is based on GRACE data
from January 2003 to June 2009, and on GOCE data from November 2009 to April
2011. The EIGEN-6C3 relies besides on LAGEOS on GRACE data from February
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 463
Fig. 12 Combined node observations and drift from LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2, EIGEN-6C
static, obtained by the use of EPOS-OC
2003 to September 2012, on GOCE data from November 2009 to May 2013, in com-
bination with DTU2010/12 global gravity anomalies and the DTU12 geoid over the
oceans and the EGM2008 geoid over the continents. The LT measurements based
on these models are compiled in Table 4. In mean the deviation from the theoretical
LT drift is about 4%.
Now we repeat this experiment with gravity field models free of LAGEOS data.
These are the EIGEN-GRACE02S, the EIGEN-GRACE03S, and the EIGEN-51C.
The EIGEN-GRACE02S is one of the first GRACE-only models with five months
of data out of the period August 2002 to August 2003. EIGEN-GRACE03S is also
a GRACE-only model with more data out of the time span February 2003 to July
2004. The EIGEN-51C is generated from data of the CHAMP mission and from
GRACE data spanning October 2002 to September 2008 combined with DNSC08
global surface gravity anomalies. The LT measurements based on these models are
compiled in Table 5. In mean the deviation from the theoretical LT drift is about 10%.
In summary, in both trials, measuring the LT effect based on gravity field models
464 R. König and I. Ciufolini
generated with or without LAGEOS data, the accuracy of 10% claimed by [10] is
4 Summary
We repeat the frame dragging measurements as done by [10] with GFZ’s indepen-
dent orbit determination software EPOS-OC applied to a longer analysis period of
LAGEOS-1 and -2 data from 2002 to 2013. Firstly we demonstrate that the LT node
drift analyzing just one satellite is hidden behind the drift induced by errors in the
C(2,0) term of modern gravity field models. Once the node observations of the two
LAGEOS satellites are combined, the LT node drift can clearly be seen. Then we
adopt a suite of gravity field models that either had employed LAGEOS data in their
generation or not. In summary all results indicate that the LT drift can be recovered
with a deviation from the theoretical drift of 10%.
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8. R.L. Spencer, LAGEOS - a geodynamics tool in the making. J. Geol. Educ. 25(2), 38–42 (1977)
Measurement of Frame Dragging with Geodetic Satellites … 465
I. Ciufolini (B)
Dip. Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
e-mail: ignazio.ciufolini@gmail.com
I. Ciufolini · C. Paris
Centro Fermi - Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”,
Rome, Italy
A. Paolozzi · G. Sindoni
Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
E. C. Pavlis
Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET), University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, MD, USA
R. Matzner
Theory Group, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
R. König
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ,
c/o DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling 82234, Germany
J. Ries
Center for Space Research, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
V. Gurzadyan
Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics, Alikhanian National Laboratory,
Yerevan, Armenia
LARES (LAser RElativity Satellite) and LARES 2 are two space missions of the
Italian Space Agency (ASI) aimed at accurate tests of General Relativity (GR) and
fundamental physics and other measurements of space geodesy and geodynamics.
The LARES satellite was launched on 13 February 2012 by the VEGA launcher
of the European Space Agency (ESA) [1, 2]. LARES is tracked by the laser
ranging stations of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) [3]. It is a spherical
satellite, covered with 92 retro-reflectors. The LARES semimajor axis is ∼ = 7820 km,
its orbital eccentricity ∼
= 0.0008, and its orbital inclination ∼
= 69.5◦ . LARES, with
LAGEOS (LAser GEOdynamics Satellite) [4], a NASA satellite launched in 1976,
and LAGEOS 2, of ASI and NASA, launched in 1992, and with the Earth’s gravi-
tational field models by the GRACE mission (2002), of NASA and DLR (German
Aerospace Center) [5], has allowed a test of an intriguing prediction of General
Relativity, known as frame-dragging (see Sect. 2), with accuracy of about 5%. Such
accuracy can be increased with longer periods of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)
observation of LARES, LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2 to eventually reach an accuracy
of approximately 2% in testing frame-dragging. The LARES 2 satellite of ASI, to
be launched at the end of 2019-beginning of 2020, is aimed to provide a test of
frame-dragging with about 0.2% accuracy.
2 Frame-Dragging
though we may not rotate at all with respect to an asymptotic inertial frame, i.e. with
respect to the distant “fixed” stars.
In GR, a current of mass-energy generates an additional contribution to the grav-
itational field, which in weak-field and slow-motion is called gravitomagnetic field
because of its formal analogy with electrodynamics. The gravitomagnetic field exerts
a torque on a gyroscope in a way formally similar to a magnetic field exerting a torque
on a magnetic needle in electrodynamics. Indeed, frame-dragging of a gyroscope has
a formal analogy with the Larmor effect, i.e. the change of orientation of a magnetic
dipole by a magnetic field generated in electrodynamics by an electric current [6, 7,
The Lense-Thirring effect is the frame-dragging perturbation of the orbital ele-
ments of a satellite in the weak gravitational field of a slowly rotating body, published
in 1918 by Lense and Thirring [13, 14]. The rate of change of the nodal longitude
˙ = 3 2J 2 3/2 , where J is the angular momentum of the
of the satellite is given by a (1−e )
rotating body, is the nodal longitude of the satellite, a its semimajor axis and e its
orbital eccentricity.
LARES is a passive, spherical laser-ranged satellite (see Fig. 1). It was designed
to approach as closely as possible an ideal test particle [2] and such objective was
achieved by minimizing its surface-to-mass ratio; reducing the number of its parts;
avoiding any protruding component; using a non-magnetic material; and avoiding
the painting of the satellite surface. LARES is made of a non-magnetic tungsten
alloy [2], it has a total mass of 386.8 kg and a diameter of 36.4 cm. Its final mean
density is 15317 kg/m3 which makes LARES the single known orbiting object in the
solar system with the highest mean density and the artificial satellite with the lowest
470 I. Ciufolini et al.
surface-to-mass ratio. The satellite was built using one single piece of tungsten alloy,
thus reducing thermal contact impedences and the onset of thermal gradients. Indeed,
temperature gradients on the LAGEOS satellites produce thermal thrust and a tiny
but not negligible orbital perturbation.
4 LARES Results
The measurement of frame-dragging with the two LAGEOS satellites was obtained
in 2004–2010 using the two observables provided by the two rates of the nodal
longitude of LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2 to determine two unknowns (see: method in
[23, 24]): the frame-dragging effect and the uncertainty in the Earth’s quadrupole
moment, J2 (the even zonal harmonic of degree two) [25]. The even zonals are the
spherical harmonics of the Earth’s gravitational potential expansion of even degree
and order zero. The largest secular drifts of the nodal longitude of an artificial satellite
are due to the Earth’s even zonal harmonics and by far the largest node shift is due
to the Earth’s quadrupole moment, J2 [25]. To test frame-dragging we either need to
perfectly determine the Earth’s even zonal harmonics or devise a method to eliminate
the propagation of their uncertainties into the satellites’ nodal rates, which led to the
use of the two LAGEOS satellites to eliminate the uncertainties produced by J2 .
Tests of General Relativity with the LARES Satellites 471
The idea of the LARES space experiment is to use its orbital data together with
those of the two LAGEOS satellites to get three observable quantities, i.e. the nodal
rates of the three satellites [23, 26]. Then these three observables can be used to
solve for the three unknowns: frame-dragging and the two uncertainties in the two
even zonal harmonics of lowest degree, i.e. J2 , and J4 (the spherical harmonics of
degree 2 and 4 and order 0). Using this method the two largest sources of uncertainty
in the nodal drifts of the satellites are eliminated, thus providing an accurate test of
frame-dragging within an uncertainty of a few percent [1].
In [1] we reported our orbital analysis of the laser-ranging data of the LARES,
LAGEOS, and LAGEOS 2 satellites from 26 February 2012 to 6 September 2015.
These laser-ranging data were collected from more than 30 ILRS stations all over the
world. We processed approximately one million normal points of LARES, LAGEOS,
and LAGEOS 2. The laser-ranging normal points were processed using NASA’s
orbital analysis and data reduction software GEODYN II, using the 2016 state-
of-the-art Earth gravity field model, GGM05S [27]. GGM05S is an Earth gravity
model based on approximately 10 years of GRACE data. It describes the Earth’s
spherical harmonics up to degree 180. The models in GEODYN II include Earth
tides, solar radiation pressure, Earth albedo, thermal thrust, lunar, solar and planetary
perturbations, and Earth rotation.
The orbital residuals of a satellite provide a measurement of the orbital per-
turbations which are not included (unmodeled) or are modeled with some errors
(mis-modeled) in the data reduction. They represent the obser ved orbital elements
of the satellite minus the computed ones. In our analysis, by far the largest part
of the residuals of the nodal rates of LARES, LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2 are due
to the errors in the Earth’s even zonal harmonics and to the Lense-Thirring effect
which, in our analysis, was not included in the models of GEODYN II. The theoreti-
cal value of the Lense-Thirring effect predicted by General Relativity is about 118.4
milliarcsec/year on the LARES node, and about 30.7 milliarcsec/year and about 31.5
milliarcsec/year, respectively on the LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2 nodes. In our analysis
we used three observables, i.e. the three nodal rates of LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2 and
LARES, and we were then able to eliminate the uncertainties in their nodal rates due
to the errors in the values of even zonal harmonics J2 and J4 of the GGM05S model.
Our method of analysis was able to eliminate the uncertainties in the nodal rates of
the three satellites due to the contribution of the long and medium period tides to the
harmonics J2 and J4 .
We finally fitted our residuals with a secular trend and with the six largest tidal
signals of LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2, and LARES and found the result: μ = (0.994 ±
0.002) ± 0.05, where μ is our experimental value of frame-dragging normalized to
its GR value (i.e. the theoretical prediction of GR is here 1), 0.002 is the formal
1-sigma error and 0.05 is our conservative estimate of the systematic errors due to
the uncertainties in the Earth gravity field model GGM05S and to the other error
In Fig. 2 we show our experimental value of frame-dragging obtained by fitting
a secular trend together with the six known periodical terms, corresponding to the
largest tidal signals observed on the satellite’s nodes. In the figure the six fitted peri-
472 I. Ciufolini et al.
Fig. 2 The solid black line represents the experimental value of frame-dragging obtained by fitting
the cumulative combined nodal residuals (the red dots) of LARES, LAGEOS, and LAGEOS 2 with
a linear trend and six periodical terms. These six fitted periodical terms, corresponding to the six
main tidal perturbations observed in the orbital residuals, are removed in the figure both from the
residuals and from the fitting curve where only the secular trend is shown [1]
odical terms are removed both from the residuals and from the fitting curve that shows
only the secular trend. The six tidal signals were identified both by analytical calcu-
lations [1] of the main tidal perturbations of the nodes of the three satellites and by a
Fourier analysis of the observed residuals. Some periodical signals obtained with the
Fourier analysis of the residuals of the nodes correspond to the main nongravitational
The systematic errors affecting our measurement of frame-dragging with LARES,
LAGEOS, and LAGEOS2 are mainly due to the errors in the even zonal harmonics of
GGM05S with degree strictly larger than four. To evaluate this source of systematic
errors, we tripled the published calibrated errors of each even zonal coefficient of
GGM05S, where a calibrated error includes both the statistical and the estimated
systematic errors. This technique to multiply by a factor two or three the calibrated
errors is a standard method in space geodesy to place an upper bound to the real errors
in the Earth’s spherical harmonics. We then propagated these tripled errors into the
nodal rates of LARES, LAGEOS, and LAGEOS 2 and finally found a systematic error
of about 4% in our test of frame-dragging due to the Earth’s even zonal harmonics
[1, 28, 29].
Other smaller sources of systematic errors are due to long and medium period
tidal perturbations and to nongravitational effects either un-modeled or mis-modeled.
Nevertheless, we included in our analysis the main tidal and nongravitational pertur-
bations, such as the direct radiation pressure from the Sun and the Earth radiation,
i.e. the albedo. However, the systematic errors due to the tidal and nongravitational
Tests of General Relativity with the LARES Satellites 473
The main sources of systematic errors in the LARES 2 experiment are: orbital injec-
tion errors coupled with the uncertainties in the even zonal harmonics; non-zonal
Earth harmonics and tides; solar and Earth radiation pressure (albedo), satellites’
eclipses, thermal drag and errors in the determination of the satellites’ orbital ele-
ments [31–34]. Each of these error sources was estimated to produce an error of
approximately 0.1%, therefore the overall RSS error was estimated to be at the level
474 I. Ciufolini et al.
Fig. 3 The concept of the LARES 2 space experiment to test frame-dragging. Two laser-ranged
satellites, LARES 2 and LAGEOS, with supplementary inclinations [23, 35–39] (see also: [40])
and the same semimajor axes, will provide the most accurate test of frame-dragging. Indeed, the
classical precessions of the nodes of LARES 2 and LAGEOS will be equal and opposite (and thus
their modeling uncertainty can be eliminated in the data analysis) whereas frame-dragging of their
nodes is equal for the two satellites, both in size and sign
of 0.2%. Other smaller perturbing effects will give a negligible contribution to the
RSS error. Such error budget of the LARES 2 experiment was also supported by a
number of Monte Carlo simulations and covariance analyses [32]. Here we briefly
describe the main error sources, for detailed error analyses we refer to [31–34].
• Orbital injection errors The idea of the LARES 2 experiment is to have two
laser-ranged satellites with supplementary inclinations to eliminate the error due
to the uncertainties in the Earth’s even zonal harmonics and thus to accurately test
frame-dragging of their nodes (see Fig. 3) [35, 36]. LARES 2 will have an inclination
supplementary to that of LAGEOS. However, no launch vehicle can achieve an orbit
for LARES 2 with an inclination exactly supplementary to that of LAGEOS and
with exactly the same semimajor axis. Thus, since the cancellation of even zonal
uncertainties will not be perfect, there will be a systematic error in the measurement
of frame-dragging proportional to the uncertainty in the quadrupole moment times
the deviations of inclination and semimajor axis from the LARES 2 ideal orbital
elements. However, thanks to the space missions GRACE and to the recent GRACE
Follow-On, the knowledge of the Earth gravity field has dramatically improved, so
a 3-sigma orbital inclination injection error of the new launch vehicle VEGA C will
induce a fractional error of only about 10−3 in the test of frame-dragging due to
Tests of General Relativity with the LARES Satellites 475
the inclination to a very small level that, when propagated into the nodes of LARES
2 and LAGEOS, will introduce an error of no more than 0.1% in our test of frame-
The mass and radius of LARES 2 are chosen to minimize its cross-sectional-to-
mass ratio and thus to minimize its nongravitational perturbations. Its mass will be
about 300 kg and its radius will be about 21.2 cm. LARES 2 must have the same
semimajor axis of LAGEOS but its orbital inclination must be supplementary to that
of LAGEOS. The eccentricity of LARES 2 must be zero in order to minimize the
nongravitational perturbations of its node. The maximum deviations of the orbital
parameters of LARES 2 from these optimal values are determined by the requirement
of a 0.1% error (due to the non-perfect elimination of the even zonal harmonics
uncertainties.) In summary the LARES 2 orbital parameters must be:
• Semimajor axis 12270 km ± 20 km.
• Inclination 70.16◦ ± 0.15◦ (supplementary to that of LAGEOS).
• Orbital eccentricity: between 0 and 0.0025.
Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) provides the most accurate definition of the origin of
the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and is comparable with VLBI
in the definition of its scale. The orbits of the Global Navigation Satellite System
Tests of General Relativity with the LARES Satellites 477
(GNSS) satellites use reference frames based on the ITRF frame and the ITRF will
realize the United Nations (UN), “Global Geodetic Reference Frame (GGRF)”, the
standard for all applications. This is accomplished with the LAGEOS and LAGEOS
2 SLR satellites, designed for cm level accuracy. (Nevertheless today objectives are
1 mm accuracy and 0.1 mm/yr stability.) LARES has provided the third SLR target,
with improved specifications, and has enhanced the previous status. Nevertheless,
even with LARES we do not yet have the ideal “SLR Constellation”, in comparison
with the GNSS one, with a number of LARES-type spacecraft. Indeed, a number of
LARES-like satellites, together with LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2 and LARES, will provide
a large number of SLR observations with a number of SLR targets above the horizon
of each ground station. The forthcoming launch of LARES 2 will give the fourth
satellite of the SLR Constellation. LARES 2 was designed to reach submillimeter
ranging accuracy. With LARES and LARES 2 added to the SLR constellation we
will for instance improve the mean site position and the Earth Orientation Parameters
(Polar Motion and Length-of-Day). Finally, in addition to the improved determination
of the ITRF, and thus indirectly of the GNSS accuracy, the enhancement of the SLR
Constellation with LARES and LARES 2 will improve the estimation of terrestrial
geophysical parameters, such as the secular evolution of low degree zonal harmonics,
the terrestrial tides and the elastic properties of the Earth.
8 Conclusions
ASI’s LARES satellite, launched in February 2012, has already provided tests of
General Relativity and fundamental physics, including a 5% test of frame-dragging, a
fundamental and intriguing prediction of General Relativity. Using a longer period of
SLR observation of LARES, LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2, it will be possible to get a test
of frame-dragging with approximately 2% accuracy with relevant implications for
fundamental physics too. ASI’s LARES 2 satellite is scheduled for launch at the end
of 2019-beginning of 2020. Using LARES 2 and LAGEOS, it will be possible to reach
a 0.2% test of frame-dragging together with other relevant tests and determinations
in fundamental physics, space geodesy and geodynamics.
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