Aadhaar Updation Form
Aadhaar Updation Form
Aadhaar Updation Form
Date: _____________
The Branch Manager
HDFC Bank Ltd., Branch: ____________
Sub: Updation of Aadhaar Number and PAN in all accounts / relationships with HDFC Bank (New & Existing a/cs)
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, _________________________________________________________ , hereby submit my below mentioned Aadhaar number and PAN
as issued by Government of India, to HDFC Bank and voluntarily give my consent to link them to all my accounts / relationships
(existing and new) maintained with HDFC Bank in my individual capacity and / or as an authorized signatory in non-individual
accounts. I am enclosing a copy of my duly self-attested Aadhaar card / e-Aadhaar / PAN for your reference.
I authorise HDFC Bank to map my Aadhaar number at NPCI to enable me to receive Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from Government of
India in my below mentioned Savings account. I understand that if more than one Benefit transfer is due to me, I will receive all Benefit
Transfers in this account.
I, holder of the above stated Aadhaar number, hereby voluntarily give my consent to HDFC Bank to obtain and use my Aadhaar
number, Name and Fingerprint/Iris and my Aadhaar details to authenticate me with UIDAI as per Aadhaar Act, 2016 and all other
applicable laws.
HDFC Bank has informed me that my Aadhaar details and identity information would only be used for demographic authentication,
validation, e-KYC purpose, OTP authentication including; for availing banking services, operation of my accounts / relationships and
for delivery of subsidies, benefits and services and / or any other facility relating to banking operations.
HDFC Bank has informed that my biometrics will not be stored / shared and; will be submitted to Central Identities Data Repository
(CIDR) only for the purpose of authentication.
I have been given to understand that my information submitted to the bank herewith shall not be used for any purpose other than
mentioned above.
I also authorize HDFC Bank to link and authenticate my Aadhaar number to all my accounts / relationships with the Bank as may be
opened in future in addition to those mentioned below.
I will not hold HDFC Bank or any of its officials responsible in case of any incorrect information provided by me.
Please also link my above mentioned Aadhaar number to my other accounts / relationships with HDFC Bank as under:
Yours faithfully,
Customer Signature
Customer Name: __________________________