Unique ldentification Authority of India fd Aadh¡ar QR RR u agg fodl www.uidaigovin t
eof io:/ Enrolment No.: 0000/00112/74208 To
Jason John Augustine
SIO Getil Augustine. 403-404 Gadgil Niwas CHS, Pipeline Road, Vakola, VTC: Mumbai, PO: Santacruz (East), Distict: Mumbai Suburban, State: Maharashtra, 3TUTR PIN COde: 40005S, Mobile: 9819347751 Aadhaar s prool of identy, not of dtzenship or date of birth (DOB). DOB is based on informatlonsupported by proof ol DOB docurmeni specifled in regulations, ubmitted by Aadhar number holder. This Aadhaar leter should be verdfled through elther online authentication by UIDA-appointed authentication agency or QR code scanning using mAadhsar or Aadhaar QR Scanner app availabe in app stores or using secure OR code reader app available on ww.uldai.gov.in. Aadhaar is unique and secre. Documents lo support identty and address should be updated in Aadhaar after every 10 years from date of enrolment for Aadhaar. Aadhaar helos you avall ol variousGovermment and Non Govemment benefits/services. 3T4T 3ITITT h|GF/Your Aadhaar No. : B Koep your mobile number and email id updaled in Aadhaar. Download mAadhaar app to avail of Aadhaar sarvices. 2588 3078 0907 B Use the feature of Lock/Unkock Aadhaarfbiometrics to ensure VID : 91O8 2107 7583 0761 security when not using Aadhaarbiometrics. Entities seekingAadhaar are obligated to seek consent.
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Government of India 3TTt Unique ldentification Authority of lndia AADHAAR
Jason John Augustine
HrteDOB: 23/122006 4 400055 go MALE Address: BSo Genol Augustine .. 403-404 Gadgil Niwas CHS, Pipeline Road, Valkola, Mumba, PO: Santacruz (Easi),DiST: Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra 460055 Aadhaar s proof of dentty, not of detaenship or dateeof of blrth. t should be used with verification (online authentication, or scanning eeXAL) 2588 3078 0907 2588 3078 0907 VID:9108 2107 7583 0761 HIA HTUTT, AIT 3ioT holpuldel.gov.in | www.uldal.gov.in