Subject Code Theory of Metal Cutting
Subject Code Theory of Metal Cutting
Subject Code Theory of Metal Cutting
UNIT - 1
Mechanics of Metal Cutting: Mechanism of chip formation, Orthogonal &
Oblique cutting, Determination of shear plane angle, forces on the chips,
forces in orthogonal cutting, merchant circle diagram and analysis, co-
efficient of friction, power & energy relationship, velocity relationship,
shear-strain, factors affecting forces and power, types of chips, built-up
edge, problems.
8 Hours
UNIT - 2
MEASUREMENT OF CUTTING FORCES: Reasons for measuring cutting
forces, Classification of cutting force dynamometers – mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, optical, inductance, piezoelectric, and strain gage
type dynamometers, Dynamometers for lathe, drilling, and milling,
Calibration of dynamometers.
7 Hours
UNIT - 3
TOOLS WEAR, TOOL LIFE: Mechanisms of tool wear, Sudden, gradual wear,
crater wear, flank wear, tool failure criteria, tool life equations, effect of
process parameters on tool life, tool life tests – conventional &
accelerated, tool wear measurement, machinability index
6 Hours
UNIT - 4
GEOMETRY OF CUTTING TOOLS: Single point and multi point cutting tools,
tools in hand nomenclature, tool point reference systems, tool angle
specifications – ISO and ASA systems, conversion from one system to
another. Recommended tool angles, Effect of cutting parameters on tool
6 Hours
materials, types of tool materials – carbon tool steels, high speed steels,
cast alloys, cemented carbides, ceramics, diamonds, sialon, CBN, UCON,
recommended cutting speeds for the above tools, tool & die steels – air,
water, oil hardening of tools and their applications.
7 Hours
UNIT - 6
THERMAL ASPECTS IN METAL CUTTING: Heat sources in metal cutting,
temperature in chip formation, temperature distribution, experimental
determination of tool temperatures.
6 Hours
UNIT - 7
CUTTING FLUIDS: Basic actions of cutting fluids, properties of cutting
fluids, selection of cutting fluids, application of cutting fluids, filtration of
fluids, recommended cutting fluids.
6 Hours
UNIT - 8
ECONOMICS OF MACHINING: Introduction, elements of total production
cost, optimum cutting speed and tool life for minimum cost, optimum
cutting speed and tool life for maximum production, problems.
6 Hours
1. Fundamentals of metal cutting and machine tools- B.L.Juneja
and G.S.Sekhon. Willy Eastern Limited – 1987.
2. Metal Principles-1st Edition, M.C.ShawOxford and I.B.H.,
3. Principles of metal cutting- Sen & Bhattacharya New central
book Agency – 1969.
4. Metal Cutting and Tool design- Dr. B.J.Ranganath Vikas
Publishing house - 1993