Austin Sports Medicine
Austin Sports Medicine
Austin Sports Medicine
Research Article
There are several eccentric muscle actions during the match, CK is described as a physiological marker for muscle restructuring,
such as jumping and sudden stops [1]. According [2], the eccentric that is, when intensively trained, there is a predisposition to
actions cause increased muscle damage and an increased number occur muscle fatigue, understood as the reduced capacity of the
of micro lesions, complicating the recovery. It should also be neuromuscular system to generate power [6], requiring a longer
considered different workloads due the positions and roles in the field recovery time, since no rest induce to overtraining, identified when
(goalkeepers, center backs, full backs, holding midfielders, midfielders the pause between the next training or competition is insufficient [7].
and strikers), respecting the training specificity principle [3]. To determine the exercise intensity, studies indicate that levels
It important being able to assess and identify the variables: above 975 U/L of creatine kinase would indicate muscular disorders,
Intensity, volume, effectiveness and frequency of competitive where a possible overtraining and an increased risk of injury may
actions, individually (biological individuality), contribute on making be installed [8]; in other studies values of 1492U/L pointed out for
technical, tactical and strategic decisions for soccer players in training increased risk of injury [9].
and in competitive actions. Specifically in the competitive actions, Understanding about the CK action is of huge importance for the
knowing the covered distance in each position and their different training periodization, as this variable will give an assessment of the
intensities, contribute on building adequate and specific training physical weariness indicating if the athlete is fit or not to compete,
models, consequently improving performance during game play [4]. preserving this player in alleged occasions of potential injury will
For this purpose, various methods are investigated over time benefit the team.
in order to minimize training mistakes, such as the use of lactate As such informations becomes necessary in order to establish a
analysis, electromyography and Mechanomyography (MMG), with cause/effect relation between the total covered distance, total covered
the intend of evaluate variations that occur in muscle before and distance in high intensity and the position on the pitch with CK
during fatigue installation. Recently the plasma concentrations of levels in professional soccer athletes of Criciuma Esporte Clube team,
Creatine Kinase (CK) has been described and used as a marker for having as dependent variables the type of competition during the year
muscular fatigue [5], due the low cost and peak release that occurs 2014, Catarinense’s State First Division League and the Brasilian’s
between 24 and 48 hours after physical exercise session [6]. May First Division League, as host or visitor for the game site.
Austin Sports Med - Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2018 Citation: Marcio de JF, Pizzolo RB, Gabriel IR, Esmeraldino C and Roever L. Relationship between Total
Submit your Manuscript | Percurred Distances in High Intensity with Physical Weariness on Soccer Athletes. Austin Sports Med. 2018;
Marcio et al. © All rights are reserved 3(1): 1023.
Marcio de JF Austin Publishing Group
This research is characterized as a field’s study, exploratory, Figure 2: Total covered distance compared to field positions.
assessing the data collected from a soccer club during one year. In TCD = Total Covered Distance. Difference between full-backs and strikers.
terms of data analysis already collected by the club, and because they
were professional athletes with a contract, it was not necessary to
submit to the ethics committee. NSHI *#
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Host 80 46 33
Number of stimulus at high intensity 0,54
Visitor 70 49 33
Brasileiro 80 64 35
Number of stimulus at high intensity 0,00
Catarinense 70 28 17
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Table 3: Interconnection between various variables of volume and match intensity, and CK between players.
CK L. After 24h (U/L) -, 126 , 092 -, 160 -, 058 -, 035 -, 023 -, 017 , 072
GS: Game Site: KC: Kind of Competition; FP: Field Position; TCD: Total Covered Distance; HISN: High Intensity Stimulus Number; THICDm: Total High Intensity
Covered Distance meters; THICD%: Total High Intensity Covered Distance Percentage; HIAD: High Intensity Activity Distance; CK L. After 24 hours: CK levels after
24 hours.
the competitive period of the Uefa Euro 2008, where higher values Analysing the behaviour of CK levels after 24 hours of the last
were attributed to midfielders (10905m) followed by the full-backs match, and CK have been described and used as a muscle fatigue
(10274m), positions in which many attack/defense transitions marker [5], its low cost and its peak release occurring from 24 to 48
happen, obtaining higher numbers compared to the other positions. hours after exercise [2,19]. Compared to variable when evaluated host
Attackers and defenders covered smaller distances than the other (689.2U/L) and visitor (603.5U/L), was presented values higher than
positions, corroborating the study of [10], fact caused due to larger the study of [5], observed 17 athletes during a competitive season,
roam actions over short distances [12,14], And by the fact that both with values of 388.2U/L, when measured between 36 and 48 hours
positions do not require attack-defense transitions, with moments after exercise. The table one represents no significant difference, the
during the matches that athletes remaining static. [15-17], add is, the athletes did not suffer from different adaptations for playing in
that the play style and position influence on the different physical different locations, and with the physical wear and tear of traveling,
demands of players. with similar values of serum CK levels.
One of the comparisons analyzed is the amount of stimulus at Reviewed CK variable in different competitions of the year,
high intensity, typically in a soccer match occurs approximately 1000- Catarinense (683U/L) and Brazilian (620U/L), seen in (Table 2), it
1500 direction changes, performing back, diagonal, side and straight appears that there was also no significant difference [20]. Evaluated
line sprints [18]. Comparing this variable in actions taken in straight 16 football players in a friendly game between 24 and 48 hours after
line with match site, is observed in the table one that there was no the match, it was observed an increase in CK 800U/L, corroborating
significant difference when host 46 actions and 48 actions when results of Catarinense´s championship and demonstrating values
visitor. higher than the Brazilian league. The reduction of CK along the
competitive year can be attributed to an adaptation of skeletal muscle
Comparing the variable with the positions on the field, the full- subjected to physiological stress [21].
backs performed larger amounts of stimulation compared to the
other positions, with significantly difference in the holding-midfielder However, in controversy, studies have shown different results
position, shown in Figure Three. It may be related to the need and [22], showed no decrease in CK for five months in a football league
requirement of the position to attack and defend, recomposing the [23], showed no decrease over three months.
´-1defense when the team performed the attack, and supporting CK values when measured between the positions shown in Figure
offensive actions when it was located at the back, demanding multiple one, were not found significance levels. The full-back position showed
high-intensity stimulus. higher values than the other positions (733,7U/L), as the center-backs
Analysing the activities at high intensity, on the variable total had lower values (525,4U/L). The average of all positions showed
distance in high intensity in meters were observed values when values of 650U/L, not corroborating the study of [24], found values of
host and visitor of 593 and 632 meters respectively [3], found lower 493U/L of CK during a season with Brazilian players. Several factors
results in Spain’s soccer players, averaging 337 meters. The results can interfere with CK values, such as ethnicity, amount of muscle
show no significant differences, so the athletes tend to have similar mass, ambient temperature [23], Genetics [24]; training adaptation
performance. [25].
Now regarding the comparison between the Brazilian and According to literature, the more intense the exercise, the
Catarinense´s championship, the data shows average values of 744.3 higher the plasma levels of CK, the lateral position and the Brazilian
and 458.3 meters respectively. The excessive increase on the distance championship had significantly higher values for the intensity
covered at high intensity in the Brazilian championship may be due variable, however, no significant differences while at the CK level. In
to the importance of the competition, and the athlete’s trainability, general, the evaluated results are related to skeletal muscle adaptations
standing in the middle of the season and better physically conditioned. of athletes acquired during the season.
When evaluated by position, full-backs showed significantly higher Placed the analysis of the study, we understand the need of the
values than attackers, midfielders, holding-midfielders and center- teams to know the actions taken by the athletes and the different
backs, making it the most intense position and subject to have greater CK levels in competition to further prescribe an appropriate and
physical stress and muscle fatigue. effective training to athletes. We emphasize as limitations of the
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Austin Sports Med - Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2018 Citation: Marcio de JF, Pizzolo RB, Gabriel IR, Esmeraldino C and Roever L. Relationship between Total
Submit your Manuscript | Percurred Distances in High Intensity with Physical Weariness on Soccer Athletes. Austin Sports Med. 2018;
Marcio et al. © All rights are reserved 3(1): 1023.
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