Background Hamstrings injuries are common in sports and the reinjury risk is high. Despite the extensive literature on
hamstrings injuries, the effectiveness of the different conservative (i.e., non-surgical) interventions (i.e., modalities and
doses) for the rehabilitation of athletes with acute hamstrings injuries is unclear.
Objective We aimed to compare the effects of different conservative interventions in time to return to sport (TRTS) and/or
time to return to full training (TRFT) and reinjury-related outcomes after acute hamstrings injuries in athletes.
Data Sources We searched CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science
databases up to 1 January, 2022, complemented with manual searches, prospective citation tracking, and consultation of
external experts.
Eligibility Criteria The eligibility criteria were multi-arm studies (randomized and non-randomized) that compared conserva-
tive treatments of acute hamstrings injuries in athletes.
Data Analysis We summarized the characteristics of included studies and conservative interventions and analyzed data for
main outcomes (TRTS, TRFT, and rate of reinjuries). The risk of bias was judged using the Cochrane tools. Quality and
completeness of reporting of therapeutic exercise programs were appraised with the i-CONTENT tool and the certainty of
evidence was judged using the GRADE framework. TRTS and TRFT were analyzed using mean differences and the risk of
reinjury with relative risks.
Results Fourteen studies (12 randomized and two non-randomized) comprising 730 athletes (mostly men with ages between
14 and 49 years) from different sports were included. Nine randomized studies were judged at high risk and three at low
risk of bias, and the two non-randomized studies were judged at critical risk of bias. Seven randomized studies compared
exercise-based interventions (e.g., L-protocol vs C-protocol), one randomized study compared the use of low-level laser
therapy, and three randomized and two non-randomized studies compared injections of platelet-rich plasma to placebo or
no injection. These low-level laser therapy and platelet-rich plasma studies complemented their interventions with an exer-
cise program. Only three studies were judged at low overall risk of ineffectiveness (i-CONTENT). No single intervention
or combination of interventions proved superior in achieving a faster TRTS/TRFT or reducing the risk of reinjury. Only
eccentric lengthening exercises showed limited evidence in allowing a shorter TRFT. The platelet-rich plasma treatment did
not consistently reduce the TRFT or have any effect on the risk of new hamstrings injuries. The certainty of evidence was
very low for all outcomes and comparisons.
Conclusions Available evidence precludes the prioritization of a particular exercise-based intervention for athletes with
acute hamstrings injuries, as different exercise-based interventions showed comparable effects on TRTS/TRFT and the risk
of reinjuries. Available evidence also does not support the use of platelet-rich plasma or low-level laser therapy in clinical
practice. The currently available literature is limited because of the risk of bias, risk of ineffectiveness of exercise protocols
(as assessed with the i-CONTENT), and the lack of comparability across existing studies.
Clinical Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42021268499 and OSF (https://osf.io/3k4u2/).
616 J. Afonso et al.
We included studies reporting at least one of the primary Assessments were planned for the primary outcomes TRTS,
outcomes: TRTS, TRFT, or occurrence of hamstrings rein- TRFT, reinjuries, and new hamstrings injuries. Data on second-
jury or new hamstrings injury. Secondary outcomes were ary outcomes (pain, strength, strength endurance, power, bal-
defined in the data items but were not used as eligibility ance/stability, sprinting, ROM, pre-bilateral and post-bilateral
criteria. and anteroposterior asymmetries, and adverse effects frequency,
type, and severity), study characteristics (e.g., sample size and
2.2.5 Study Design study design), participant demographics (e.g., age and sex), and
sports participation (e.g., sport and competitive level) were also
Only original randomized and non-randomized multi-group collected. We collected diagnostic characteristics relative to the
study designs, with at least ten participants per group [47, criteria and methods used as reported by the included studies to
48], published in any language or date, were accepted. determine acute hamstrings injury, imaging techniques applied,
number of physicians assessing the images, and specific muscles
2.3 Information Sources injured (i.e., semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femo-
ris long head or short head). The programming details of the
Initial searches were conducted on 31 August, 2021, and interventions were defined for exercise-based interventions (e.g.,
updated on 1 January, 2022, in CINAHL, Cochrane Library, length, weekly frequency, intensity, sets, repetitions, movement
618 J. Afonso et al.
types, and muscle actions) and for PRP-based interventions (e.g., Each domain can be classified as having a low or high risk
number and timing of injections, specific contents, and related of ineffectiveness. The specific criteria used to reach the
information to the PRP-based procedures). The criteria used decisions are detailed in the original publication [52]. Two
for progressing in rehabilitation (e.g., time based and/or goal authors (JA and RA) conducted the data collection and a
based) and to decide on TRTS/TRFT, co-interventions, funding third author (RJF) arbitrated in case of disagreements. If the
sources, and competing interests were recorded. Two authors studies cited other sources to provide relevant information,
(JOJ and JGC) independently collected data and a third author those publications were viewed.
(FMC) arbitrated in case of disagreements.
2.9 Data Synthesis and Analysis
2.6 Risk of Bias of Individual Studies
Demographic data were not pooled because of inconsist-
Parallel randomized studies were judged at low risk, ent and incomplete reporting. Risk-related and continuous
some concerns, or high risk of bias in five domains using variables were treated as risk ratios and mean differences,
Cochrane’s Risk of Bias tool, version 2 (RoB 2) [49]: rand- respectively. Standardized mean differences were planned,
omization process, deviations from intended interventions but not calculated, as continuous variables used the same
(intention-to-treat analysis), missing outcome data, measure- units, and we did not pool the data from different studies.
ment of the outcome, and selection of the reported result. Although a pooled quantitative synthesis was not feasible,
Non-randomized studies were judged at low risk, mod- we computed the between-group mean differences or rela-
erate risk, or critical risk of bias in seven domains using tive risk for each study within each outcome. Findings were
Cochrane’s Risk of Bias In Non-Randomized Studies of reported narratively because of the very low number of stud-
Interventions (ROBINS-I) [50]: confounding, selection of ies per comparison and their clinical heterogeneity precluded
the participants, classification of interventions, deviations us from reliably performing a quantitative synthesis. The
from intended interventions, missing data, measurement of planned quantitative analyses can be viewed in the pre-reg-
outcomes, and selection of the reported result. istered protocol (https://osf.io/3k4u2/).
The risk of bias was judged at outcome (grouped according
to domains, such as reinjuries) and study levels (presenting 2.10 Certainty of Evidence
the worst-case scenario per study). In the absence of a pre-
registered protocol, the risk of bias in selection of the reported Two authors (JA and RA) judged the certainty of evidence
result was judged, at least, as has having some concerns (RoB using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Devel-
2) or moderate risk (ROBINS-I). Two authors (JA and SRR) opment and Evaluation (GRADE) [53] and disagreements
independently judged the risk of bias, while a third author were resolved by consensus. Four of five GRADE dimen-
(RA) arbitrated when needed. The overall summaries of risk sions were judged [54, 55]: risk of bias, inconsistency, indi-
of bias judgments were plotted by the main outcome. rectness, and imprecision. The risk of publication bias was
not judged because of an insufficient number of studies per
2.7 Data Management comparison to perform this analysis. Further details on the
criteria for judging certainty of evidence can be viewed in
If multiple measurements were available in the included the ESM, and the originally planned assessments are avail-
studies, the information provided in the current review refers able in the study protocol (https://osf.io/3k4u2/).
to the interventions’ endpoint (unless otherwise stated).
When data were exclusively provided in figures, two authors
(JA and SRR) independently extracted the data using the 3 Results
validated software WebPlotDigitizer version 4.4 [51], and
both values are presented in the relevant tables. 3.1 Study Selection
2.8 Quality and Completeness of Therapeutic Database searches returned 20,644 records, from which
Exercise Program Reporting 12,311 were duplicates, and additional searches (included
studies’ reference lists, snowballing citation tracking,
This item judged seven domains using the international expert consultations, and updated database searches)
Consensus on Therapeutic Exercise and Training (i-CON- did not yield any new studies. Following the titles and
TENT) tool [52]: patient selection, qualified supervisor, abstracts screening, 19 records required a full-text analy-
type and timing of outcome assessment, dosage parameters sis, from which five were excluded because of not ful-
(frequency, intensity, time), type of exercise, safety of the filling participants [56, 57] or outcomes [58–60] eligi-
exercise program, and adherence to the exercise program. bility criteria. Fourteen studies were deemed eligible
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries 619
for inclusion [24, 36–41, 57, 61–67], one study [66] was 3.3 Study Characteristics and Results
complemented by previously published information [68],
and another [63] had an erratum [69] and a pre-published 3.3.1 Publication Details, Funding, and Competing
protocol [70]. Further details on study selection are shown Interests
in Fig. 1 and in the ESM.
The studies were published between 2004 and 2020, and
3.2 Risk of Bias of Individual Studies five (35.7%) had pre-registered and/or pre-published pro-
tocols [38, 39, 63, 64, 66]. Studies were performed mostly
Twelve parallel randomized studies were included in the in Europe (France, Greece, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain,
current review [24, 36, 38–40, 61–67], with one study [63] and Sweden) [36, 40, 41, 61, 62, 65, 66], followed by North
including an erratum [69] and another [66] a letter to the America (USA) [24, 37, 67], Asia (Malaysia, Qatar) [63,
editor [68] that were considered for judging the risk of bias. 64], Oceania (Australia) [38], and South America (Brazil)
Nine studies (75.0%) [24, 36, 40, 61–63, 65–67] and three [39], and no study was performed in Africa. Funding sources
studies (25.0%) [38, 39, 64] were judged at an overall high were reported in nine studies (64.3%) [24, 37, 38, 61–64, 66,
and low risk of bias for all primary outcomes, respectively. 67] and unreported in three [36, 41, 65], with two studies
The study-level assessment (based on the worst-case sce- reporting no funding [39, 40]. Eight studies (57.1%) dis-
nario for each study) and the percentages for each domain played no competing interests [38–40, 61, 62, 64, 67] or
are displayed in Fig. 2a and b. Two non-randomized studies none beyond the public funding [63], while three studies
[37, 41] were judged at an overall critical risk of bias for all (21.4%) did not address this item [24, 36, 65]. Three stud-
primary outcomes (see Fig. 2c). A more detailed description ies had potentially relevant competing interests [37, 41, 66]
of am outcome-based and domain-based risk of bias judg- although one of them stated the opposite [66]. More detailed
ment is provided in the ESM. information is provided in the ESM.
Fig. 1 PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 2020 flow diagram
620 J. Afonso et al.
Askling et al. (2013) [61] Initial sample: n = 75 Global: NR Hamstrings Soccer, mainly (unreported percent-
Dropouts: none L-protocol: 25 ± 5 years (median: 24, None in the same leg in the previous age) from the two highest divisions
range: 16–37) 6 months in Sweden. Elite vs non-elite (unclear
C-protocol: 25 ± 6 years (median: 25, Lower limb (non-hamstring) if this refers to the division): n = 67
range: 15–37) NR (89.3%) vs n = 8 (10.7%)
Male (n = 69, 92.0%) and female
(n = 6, 8.0%) In each group: 8.0%
female, 92.0% male
Askling et al. (2014) [62] Initial sample: n = 56 Global: NR Hamstrings Track and field (n = 46 sprinters and
Dropouts: none L-protocol: 21 ± 4 years (median: 19, None in the same leg in the previous n = 10 jumpers). Ranked among the
range: 15–29) 6 months top 20 in each discipline indoors and/
C-protocol: 19 ± 3 years (median: 18, Lower limb (non-hamstring) or outdoors
range: 15–29) NR
Male (n = 38, 67.9%) and female
(n = 18, 32.1%). In each group:
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries
Study (year) Sample size Age and sex Previous injuries Sports and competitive level
Hamilton et al. (2015) [64] Initial sample: n = 90 Global: NR Hamstrings Athletics (n = 4), basketball (n = 2),
Dropouts: n = 5 lost to primary out- PRP: 26.6 ± 5.9 years (median 26.3, Supposedly, it was an exclusion decathlon (n = 1), soccer (n = 66),
come analysis; n = 4 lost at 2-month range: 21.2–31.4) criterion, but the authors report futsal (n = 8), handball (n = 3),
follow-up; n = 7 lost at 6-month PPP: 25.6 ± 5.8 years (median 24.9, previous hamstrings injuries in all hockey (n = 2), physical coach foot-
follow-up range: 22.1–29.3) groups: PRP (n = 19, 63.3%), PPP ball (n = 1), squash (n = 1), volleyball
No injection: 25.5 ± 5.7 years (n = 15, 50.0%), and non-injection (n = 1), weightlifting and bodybuild-
(median 24.3, range: 20.7–29.4) (n = 15, 50.0%) ing (n = 1)
Only male Lower limb (non-hamstrings) Professional athletes (n = 87), “com-
NR petitive” athletes (n = 3)
Hickey et al. (2020) [18] Initial sample: n = 43 Global: NR Hamstrings Australian rules football (n = 32), other
Dropouts: none Pain-free group: 27.4 ± 5.2 years. Pain-free: n = 16 (72.7%) had a previ- (n = 11). Competitive level: NR
Range: NR ous hamstrings injury
Pain-threshold: 24.9 ± 5.3 years. Pain-threshold: n = 14 (66.7%) had a
Range: NR previous hamstrings injury
Only male Lower limb (non-hamstrings)
None with other causes of posterior
thigh pain (e.g., hamstrings tendi-
nopathy, low back pain)
Malliaropoulos et al. (2004) [65] Initial sample: n = 80 Global: 20.5 ± unreported years. Hamstrings Presumably, track and field (as this
Dropouts: NR Range: NR None Federation provided the ethics
One daily session: 20.6 ± 3.7 years. Lower limb (non-hamstring) approval). Competitive level: NR
Range: NR Free medical history for hamstrings,
Four daily sessions: 20.3 ± 3.3 years. lumbar spine, or lower-extremity
Range: NR injuries
Male (n = 52, 65.0%). Female (n = 28,
Medeiros et al. (2020) [39] Initial sample: n = 24 Global: NR Hamstrings Soccer (n = 14), futsal (n = 5), Ameri-
Dropouts: n = 2 (n = 1 per group) LLLT: 30.4 ± 7.1 years. Range: NR NR can football (n = 2), track and field
Placebo: 28.0 ± 7.4 years. Range: NR Lower limb (non-hamstrings) (n = 2), rugby (n = 1) Amateur
Only male NR
Mendiguchia et al. (2017) [40] Initial sample: n = 54 Global: NR Hamstrings Semiprofessional soccer
Dropouts: n = 6 Individualized: 24.0 ± 4.4 years. None in the same leg in the previous
Range: NR 6 months
General: 22.9 ± 6.0 years. Range: NR Lower limb (non-hamstrings)
Only male None who had experienced extrinsic
trauma to the posterior thigh or
chronic hip, knee, leg, ankle, foot,
or lumbopelvic injuries
J. Afonso et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Study (year) Sample size Age and sex Previous injuries Sports and competitive level
Reurink et al. (2015) [66] Initial sample: n = 80 Global: NR Hamstrings Soccer (n = 57), field hockey (n = 12),
Dropouts: none for primary outcome PRP: 28 ± 7 years. Range: NR PRP: n = 27 (65.9%). Ipsilateral: track and field (n = 4), American
analysis. n = 7 dropouts at 1-year Placebo: 30 ± 8 years. Range: NR n = 24 (58.5%) football (n = 3), fitness (n = 2), cricket
follow-up PRP: Male (n = 39, 95.1%) and Placebo: n = 23 (59.0%). Ipsilateral: (n = 1). [1 missing in the placebo
female (n = 2, 4.9%) n = 18 (46.2%) group]
Placebo: male (n = 37, 94.9%) and Lower limb (non-hamstring) PRP: competitive (n = 30, 73.2%) and
female (n = 2, 5.1%) Previous ipsilateral hamstrings ante- recreational (n = 11, 26.8%)
rior cruciate ligament-graft harvest- Placebo: competitive (n = 29, 74.4%)
ing (no injury but of importance): and recreational (n = 10, 25.6%)
PRP group: n = 5 (12.2%) Unclear definition of recreational and
Placebo group: n = 2 (5.1%) competitive
Sherry and Best (2004) [24] Initial sample: n = 28 Global: NR Hamstrings Multi-sports (n = 11), softball (n = 3),
Dropouts: n = 4 (n = 3 in intervention, PATS: 23.2 ± 11.1 years. Range: None with chronic hamstrings triathlon (n = 1), tennis (n = 1),
n = 1 in comparator) 15–49 years injuries nor previous hamstrings sprinter/jumper (n = 4), soccer (n = 4)
STST: 24.3 ± 12.4 years. Range: injuries in the same leg Competitive level: NR
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries
IQR interquartile range, NR non-reported, LLLT low-level laser therapy, PATS progressive agility and trunk stabilization, PPP platelet-poor plasma, PRES progressive running and eccentric
strengthening, PRP platelet-rich plasma, SD standard deviation, STST hamstrings stretching and strengthening
624 J. Afonso et al.
85.0–94.0% [61, 62] and 76.0–100.0% [61, 62] of sprinting- (but the information for the latter was unclear [37]), and
type injuries, respectively. The specific muscles injured were two studies focusing only on TRTS [39, 67]. Terminology
not reported in five studies [24, 40, 64–66]. varied, sometimes even within the same study (e.g., return
to play, full return to sports, return to full training, return
3.3.5 Interventions, Comparators, and Co‑interventions to full participation in the training process). Eleven studies
(78.6%) assessed reinjuries and/or new injuries, from which
Seven randomized studies compared different therapeutic six studies reported reinjury rates < 5.0% [36, 37, 39, 41, 61,
exercise-based interventions, particularly the L-protocol 62]. Details are presented in the ESM.
(focused on the lengthening phase of the hamstrings actions)
versus the C-protocol (focused on the hamstrings actions 3.3.8 Secondary Outcomes
shortening phase) [61, 62], pain-free versus pain-threshold
exercise [38], single versus four stretching daily sessions Few studies reported pre-intervention to post-intervention
[65], multimodal individualized exercise versus a general changes in strength and ROM [39, 67], bilateral asymmetries
exercise program [40], progressive agility and trunk stabili- [66, 67], and pain [36, 66]. Overall, no between-group dif-
zation (PATS) versus hamstrings stretching and strengthen- ferences could be detected for secondary outcomes. Adverse
ing (STST) [24], and PATS versus progressive running and effects (beyond new hamstrings injuries or reinjuries) were
hamstrings eccentric strengthening (PRES) [67]. A single unreported in six studies (42.9%) [24, 39, 40, 61, 62, 65]. In
randomized trial compared low-level (LLLT) to placebo the remaining studies, there were either no adverse effects
laser therapy [39]. Three randomized studies compared PRP to report or these were mostly minor and/or isolated cases.
to placebo injections [36, 66] or no injection [63], one trial A detailed account is provided in the ESM.
compared all these three conditions [64], and the two non-
randomized trials compared PRP injections to no injection 3.4 Narrative Synthesis
[37, 41]. A complete description is reported in Tables S4
and S5 of the ESM. 3.4.1 Studies Comparing Therapeutic Exercise‑Based
The intervention length was not predetermined in any Interventions
study and rehabilitation was progressive and stepwise
depending on goal-based criteria to progress (which could Therapeutic exercise-based interventions were diverse,
be assessed through TRTS and/or TRFT). Commonly, daily with only a few comparisons available for each program.
[36] and weekly [24, 61–64, 67] assessments were per- Two studies compared the L-protocols and the C-protocols
formed, or even prior to every rehabilitation session [38, [61, 62], with one study [62] also including a running and
39]. Follow-up (when existing and described) ranged from stationary cycling program. The L-protocol compared
4 to 12 months after return to full sports training [24, 41, with the C-protocol showed faster TRFT (28 ± 15 days vs
61, 62, 66, 67], but was unclear in two studies [37, 65]. All 51 ± 21 days [61]; 49 ± 26 days vs 86 ± 34 days [62]), but
studies included therapeutic exercise as intervention or co- data were compromised because of a risk of selection (rand-
intervention (the details of each intervention and compara- omization) and detection bias. All negative-MRI participants
tor, including information dosage, is shown in the ESM). were purposely allocated to the L-protocol, with implica-
tions for the recovery time: in one study [61], negative-MRI
3.3.6 Quality and Completeness of Therapeutic Exercise participants had an average TRFT of 6 days, and four of the
Program Reporting 11 soccer players recovered within 5 days of injury and did
not even perform the L-protocol. In the other study [62],
The completeness and quality of exercise and physical reha- the negative-MRI participants returned after 15 days, com-
bilitation protocols were appraised for all studies as either pared with 45 days for the other participants. Moreover, the
interventions or co-interventions (Fig. 3). Overall, only three assessors were unblinded to the intervention and the authors
studies (21.4%) were judged with a low risk of ineffective- explicitly stated that this knowledge could have influenced
ness in all seven domains [38, 39, 64]. The remaining 11 the Askling H test, which determined discharge to return to
studies (78.6%) had a high risk of ineffectiveness in two [40, sport. Therefore, the evidence from these two studies is asso-
63, 66, 67], three [24, 61, 62], four [65], five [36, 41], or six ciated with important methodological problems that could
domains [37]. A detailed analysis is provided in the ESM. have influenced the results. One reinjury (0.8%) [61] and two
reinjuries (3.6%) were registered [62] in the C-protocol, and
3.3.7 Primary Outcomes none in the L-protocol.
Two studies analyzed the PATS [24, 67], with one com-
Eleven studies (78.6%) assessed TRFT [24, 36, 38, 40, 41, paring PATS to PRES (based on running and eccentric
61–66], with one study assessing both TRTS and TRFT strengthening) [67]. Both intervention and comparator were
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries 625
Study Patient Dosage of the Type of the exercise Risk of ineffectiveness Type and timing of Safety of the Adherence to the
selection exercise program program in Qualified supervisor outcome assessment exercise program exercise program
Askling et al. Low High Low High Low Low High
(2013) [61]
Askling et al. Low High Low High Low Low High
(2014) [62]
Bezuglov et al. Low High High High Low High High
(2019) [36]
Bradley et al. Low High High High High High High
(2020) [37]
Guillodo et al. Low High Low High High High High
(2015) [41]
Hamid et al. Low Low Low High Low Low High
(2014) [63]
Hamilton et al. Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
(2015) [64]
Hickey et al. Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
(2020) [18]
Malliaropoulos Low Low High High High Low High
et al. (2004)
Medeiros et al. Low Low Low Low Low Low Low
(2020) [39]
Mendiguchia et Low High High Low Low Low Low
al. (2017) [40]
Reurink et al. Low High Low Low Low Low High
(2015) [66]
Sherry and Best Low Low Low High High Low High
(2004) [24]
Silder et al. Low Low Low High Low Low High
(2013) [67]
home based and performed daily (with only one weekly including a running-based program and the L-protocol [40],
supervised session guaranteed and poor adherence-related with no description of the general rehabilitation components
measures). No differences were detected in TRTS between or the running program specifications. There were no differ-
PATS and PRES groups, but one versus three reinjuries ences in TRFT, but there were fewer reinjuries in the indi-
(6.3 vs 23.1%) were registered in the PATS and PRES vidualized group versus the general rehabilitation group
groups, respectively. The other study [24] compared PATS (n = 1, 4.0% vs n = 6, 25.0%). Finally, one study applied a
to STST (based on hamstrings stretching and concentric, strength-based exercise program (combined with running)
eccentric, and isometric strengthening), again in a mostly performed at different pain-threshold intensities (0 and ≤ 4
home-based setting with very poor control of adherence. out of a ten-point scale) [38]. No differences were found in
The PATS group had a shorter TRFT (22.2 ± 8.3 days ver- TRFT between groups and two reinjuries were registered
sus 37.4 ± 27.6 days), but a closer analysis raised concerns, in each group (9.1% and 9.5% in the pain-free and pain-
as 72.0% of participants in the PATS groups had a grade 2 threshold groups, respectively).
injury versus only 36.0% of participants in the STST group. In summary, few studies have assessed each exercise
These baseline differences suggest problems with the ran- program type (e.g., PATS and L-protocol), relevant heter-
domization process. Furthermore, the authors planned an ogeneity was observed regarding their study populations,
intention-to-treat analysis, but instead performed a per-pro- diagnosis and criteria for progressing in rehabilitation, and
tocol analysis, suggestive of bias due to selective reporting. methodological problems associated with these studies were
This study also presented an outlier value of reinjuries in the detected. Currently, the available evidence does not allow
STST group (n = 7, 63.6%) versus a single reinjury (7.7%) us to confidently assume or suggest a superiority of one
in the PATS group. exercise program over another in terms of TRTS/TRFT or
A single study compared one versus four daily sessions reinjuries.
of hamstrings static stretching [65]. The single daily session
group took longer to return to training than the other group 3.4.2 Studies Comparing PRP Injections to Placebo
(15.1 ± 0.8 days vs 13.3 ± 0.7 days) and, although this dif- or Control
ference was statistically significant, in absolute values there
was only a 2-day difference in recovery time. Reinjuries Two randomized studies compared PRP to placebo injec-
were not reported, and the study [65] was judged at a high tions [36, 66], one contrasted PRP with no injection [63],
risk of bias in all domains and a high risk of ineffectiveness and another compared the three conditions [64]. Because the
in several i-CONTENT domains (type of exercise program, three studies comparing PRP to placebo injections [36, 64,
qualified supervisor, type and timing of outcome assessment, 66] were very heterogeneous (regarding participants, injury
and adherence to the exercise program). diagnosis, injection contents and dosages, and co-interven-
One study compared an individualized and multifactorial tions), a quantitative pooled synthesis was not accomplished.
criteria-based algorithm to a general rehabilitation protocol Most studies applied a single PRP injection [36, 63, 64] and
626 J. Afonso et al.
one study [66] applied two injections 5–7 days apart, with bias. Overall, the evidence on PRP injections is contentious
dosages varying from 3 to 8-mL single applications [36, 63] and they may not result in a faster TRTS/TRFT or reduced
to 1-mL injections in three sites [64, 66]. Injection platelet reinjury rates than placebo injections or no injection.
count varied from unreported [63, 64, 66] to 700,000 per
1 mL [36] and activation agents varied from none [63, 64] 3.4.3 Single Study Assessing Low‑Level Laser Therapy
to 20 µL per mL of plasma [36] (or were unreported [66]).
Placebo injections also varied in content (0.9% NaCl [36], One study compared three weekly sessions of LLLT (60 s
isotonic saline solution [66], platelet-poor plasma [64]), and 30 J per site, 850-nm wavelength, and continuous fre-
quantity (1–2 [36, 64, 66]), dosage (8 mL or 3 × 1 mL [36, quency) to placebo LLLT (with the device turned off), both
64, 66]), activating agents (unreported [36, 66] and no agent supplemented by a rehabilitation exercise program focused
used [64]), and number of injection sites (single to three on hamstrings strength, trunk stabilization, and agility [39].
locations [36, 64, 66]). There were no differences between the groups in TRTS,
A shorter TRFT was observed in the PRP group compared TRFT was not assessed, and no reinjuries were reported.
with the placebo group (11.4 ± 1.2 days vs 21.3 ± 2.7 days) Lack of imaging techniques (such as MRI or ultrasound) to
in one study [36] and no reinjuries were registered; informa- confirm diagnosis may have resulted in the inclusion of low-
tion was insufficient to assess baseline differences between grade or unequal injuries, potentially influencing recovery
groups. Another study showed a faster TRFT in the PRP time. Conversely, the study [39] was judged at low risk of
group than in the platelet-poor plasma group (median 21 bias in all domains and at low risk of ineffectiveness in all
vs 27 days and interquartile range 16–33 vs 19–33) [64]. i-CONTENT domains.
Both groups sustained two reinjuries (6.7% and 8.0%) at
the 2-month follow-up, with an additional reinjury in the 3.5 Certainty of Evidence
platelet-poor plasma group at the 6-month follow-up. Last,
there were no differences in TRFT between PRP and placebo Three studies reported TRTS [37, 39, 67], 11 studies referred
injections in a third study [66]. In this study, at the 1-year to TRFT [24, 36, 38, 40, 41, 61–66], and 12 studies identi-
follow-up, 10 and 11 players (27.0% and 30.0%), respec- fied reinjuries or new injuries [24, 36–41, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67].
tively, in the PRP and placebo groups sustained a reinjury. The reduced number of studies for each comparison (one
One study reported faster TRFT (26.7 ± 7.0 vs to three studies), the high risk and critical risk of bias, the
42.5 ± 20.6 days) when comparing PRP to no injection serious inconsistency, and the high imprecision resulted in a
groups [63], but there were important baseline differences very low certainty of evidence for all outcomes and compari-
between the groups (particularly the fact that 42.9 vs 78.6% sons analyzed. Therefore, no current recommendation can be
of participants had reinjuries and 57.1 vs 78.6% of them provided based on existing evidence (Table 2 synthesizes the
had biceps femoris injuries, respectively). A study with main findings, including the GRADE judgments).
three groups (PRP, placebo, no injection) showed a faster
TRFT with PRP injection versus placebo (platelet-poor
plasma) [64]; however, the same study reported no differ- 4 Discussion
ences between PRP and the group taking no injections. This
study [64] also reported two reinjuries in each group at the The high incidence of hamstrings injuries and their associ-
2-month follow-up (with an additional reinjury in the no ated financial costs and performance losses [14–17] require
injection group at the 6-month follow-up). effective rehabilitation protocols to facilitate return to sport
The two non-randomized cohort studies compared PRP and reduce the reinjury risk. We systematically reviewed 14
to no injection [37, 41]. One study [37] applied one to three studies (n = 730) that assessed the impact of different con-
leukocyte-poor PRP injections and both groups engaged in servative rehabilitation strategies to treat acute hamstrings
poorly defined physiotherapy and physical therapy protocols. injuries on the TRTS/TRFT and reinjuries.
There were no differences in the TRTS and in the number of
days off, and each group sustained one reinjury. The authors 4.1 What Does the Current Literature Tell Us?
mentioned lost games, but this may have been affected by
match scheduling or coaching decisions. The other non-ran- Based on the existing evidence, it is unclear which con-
domized cohort trial [41] compared a single PRP injection servative approaches are more effective in allowing a faster
to no injection, with both groups engaging in unclear physi- TRTS/TRFT or reducing the reinjury risk. Our results sup-
otherapy protocols and exercise programs with undisclosed port the findings of a previous systematic review [33] where
dosage. There were no differences in TRFT and there were the authors did not find any effect of the PRP interventions
no reinjuries to report. Both non-randomized studies were and reported limited evidence for exercise-based interven-
judged at high risk of ineffectiveness and at critical risk of tions. In our systematic review, we included six new studies
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries 627
Table 2 Synthesis and certainty of evidence regarding the effects of conservative interventions on time to return to sport, time to return to full
training, and reinjuries
Outcome Study (year) Intervention Comparator Estimate RoB i-Content Grade
MD/RR (95% CI)
Time to return to sport Silder et al. (2013) [67] PATS (n = 13) PRES (n = 12) 3.60 (− 3.94 to 11.14) Very low certaintya,b,c
(3 studies) 25.2 ± 6.3 days 28.8 ± 11.4 days
Bradley et al. (2020) PRP (n = 30) No injection (n = 39) 3.20 (− 6.68 to 13.08) Very low certaintya,b,c
[37] 22.5 ± 20.1 days 25.7 ± 20.6 days
Medeiros et al. (2020) LLLT (n = 11) Placebo LLLT (n = 11) 0.70 (− 9.08 to 10.48) Very low certaintya,c
[39] 23.1 ± 9.1 days 23.8 ± 12.6 days
(12–41 days) (11–45 days)
Time to return to full Askling et al. (2013) L-protocol (n = 37) C-protocol (n = 38) 23.00 (14.58 to 31.42) Very low certaintyb,d,e
training [61] 28.0 ± 15.0 days 51.0 ± 21.0 days
(11 studies) (8–58 days) (12–94 days)
Askling et al. (2014) L-protocol (n = 28) C-protocol (n = 28) 37.00 (20.78 to 53.22)
[62] 49.0 ± 26.0 days 86.0 ± 34.0 days
(18–107 days) (26–140 days)
Hickey et al. (2020) [18] Pain-free exercise Pain-threshold exercise 2.00 (− 4.47 to 8.47) Very low certaintya,c
(n = 22) (n = 21)
15 daysf (95% CI 13 17 daysf (95% CI 11 to 24)
to 17)
Malliaropoulos et al. 4 × /day stretching 1 × /day stretching (n = 40) − 1.80 (− 2.13 to − 1.47) Very low certaintya,b,e
(2004) [65] (n = 40) 13.3 ± 0.7
15.1 ± 0.8
Mendiguchia et al. Individualized, multifac- General rehabilitation, − 2.20 (− 7.98 to 3.58) Very low certaintya,b,c
(2017) [40] torial criteria-based running-based program,
algorithm (n = 24) and L-protocol (n = 24)
25.5 ± 7.8 days 23.3 ± 11.7 days
Sherry and Best (2004) PATS (n = 13) STST (n = 11) 15.20 (− 1.45 to 31.85) Very low certaintya,b,c
[24] 22.2 ± 8.3 days 37.4 ± 27.6 days
(10–35 days) (10–95 days)
Bezuglov et al. (2019) PRP (n = 20) Placebo (n = 20) 9.90 (8.56 to 11.24) Very low certaintyc,h,i
[36] 11.4 ± 1.2 days 21.3 ± 2.7 days
Reurink et al. (2015) PRP (n = 41) Placebo (n = 39) 0.00 (− 8.22 to 8.22)
[66] 42 daysf (IQR 30–58) 42 daysf (IQR 37–56)
(19–105 days)g (14–149 days)
Hamilton et al. (2015) PRP (n = 28) Placebo (PPP) (n = 30) 6.00 (− 0.38 to 12.38)
[64] 21 daysf (IQR 16–33) 27 daysf (IQR 19–33)
Guillodo et al. (2015) PRP (n = 15) No injection (n = 19) 1.90 (− 7.77 to 11.57) Very low certaintyb,c,i
[41] 50.9 ± 10.7 days 52.8 ± 15.7 days
Hamid et al. (2014) [63] PRP (n = 12) No injection (n = 12) 15.80 (2.77 to 28.83)
26.7 ± 7.0 days 42.5 ± 20.6 days
Hamilton et al. (2015) PRP (n = 28) No injection (n = 27) 4.00 (− 1.93 to 9.93)
[64] 21 daysf (IQR 16–33) 25 daysf (IQR 20–30)
New hamstrings inju- Askling et al. (2013) L-protocol (n = 37) C-protocol (n = 38) 0.34 (0.01 to 8.14) Very low certaintyb,c
ries or reinjuries [61] 0/37 (0.0%) 1/38 (2.6%)
(12 studies)
Askling et al. (2014) L-protocol (n = 28) C-protocol (n = 28) 0.20 (0.01 to 3.99)
[62] 0/28 (0.0%) 2/28 (7.1%)
Hickey et al. (2020) [18] Pain-free exercise Pain-threshold exercise 0.96 (0.15 to 6.17) Very low certaintya,c
(n = 22) (n = 21)
2/22 (9.1%) 2/21 (9.5%)
628 J. Afonso et al.
Table 2 (continued)
Outcome Study (year) Intervention Comparator Estimate RoB i-Content Grade
MD/RR (95% CI)
Mendiguchia et al. Individualized, multifac- General rehabilitation, 0.17 (0.02 to 1.28) Very low certaintya,b,c
(2017) [40] torial criteria-based running-based program,
algorithm (n = 24) and L-protocol (n = 24)
1/24 (4.2%) 6/24 (25.0%)
Sherry and Best (2004) PATS (n = 13) STST (n = 11) 0.12 (0.02 to 0.84) Very low certaintya,b,e
[24] 1/13 (7.7%) 7/11 (63.6%)
Silder et al. (2013) [67] PATS (n = 13) PRES (n = 12) 0.31 (0.04 to 2.57) Very low certaintya,b,c
1/13 (7.7%) 3/12 (25.0%)
Bezuglov et al. (2019) PRP (n = 20) Placebo (n = 20) 1.00 (0.02 to 48.01) Very low certaintyc,d,h
[36] 0/20 (0.0%) 0/20 (0.0%)
Reurink et al. (2015) PRP (n = 37) Placebo (n = 36) 0.89 (0.43 to 1.82)
[66] 10/37 (27.0%) 11/36 (30.6%)
Hamilton et al. (2015) PRP (n = 26) Placebo [PPP] (n = 28) 0.72 (0.13 to 3.96)
[64] 2/26 (7.7%) 3/28 (10.7%)
Bradley et al. (2020) PRP (n = 30) No injection (n = 39) 1.30 (0.08 to 19.95) Very low certaintyb.c,d
[37] 1/30 (3.3%) 1/39 (2.6%)
Guillodo et al. (2015) PRP (n = 15) No injection (n = 19) 1.25 (0.03 to 59.60)
[41] 0/15 (0.0%) 0/19 (0.0%)
Hamilton et al. (2015) PRP (n = 26) No injection (n = 29) 0.74 (0.13 to 4.11)
[64] 2/26 (7.7%) 3/29 (10.3%)
Medeiros et al. (2020) LLLT (n = 11) Placebo LLLT (n = 11) 1.00 (0.02 to 46.41) Very low certaintya,c
[39] 0/11 (0.0%) 0/11 (0.0%)
CI confidence interval, IQR interquartile range, LLLT low-level laser therapy, MD mean difference, PATS progressive agility and trunk stabiliza-
tion, PPP platelet-poor plasma, PRES progressive running and eccentric strengthening, PRP platelet-rich plasma, RoB risk of bias, RR risk ratio
for sustaining a reinjury or new injury, STST hamstrings stretching and strengthening
Automatically judged at very low certainty because of a single study being available for this comparison
Downgraded by two levels because of a high risk of bias in all the studies and/or due to critical risk of bias
Downgraded by two levels if there was also no clear direction of the effects
Downgraded by one level because of clinical and/or statistical heterogeneity
Downgraded by one level because of < 800 participants for the comparison
Median value
One participant still had not returned at day 182 and this player was censored from the analysis
Downgraded by one level because of a high risk of bias in more than half of the studies
Downgraded by two levels because of clinical and statistical heterogeneity
i-CONTENT: first row, from left to right: risk of ineffectiveness in patient selection, dosage of the exercise program, type of the exercise pro-
gram, and qualified supervisor. Second row, from left to right: risk of ineffectiveness in type and timing of outcome assessment, safety of the
exercise program, and adherence to the exercise program. indicates a low risk of ineffectiveness, indicates a high risk of ineffectiveness
Risk of bias: indicates a low risk of bias, indicates a high risk of bias, indicates a critical risk of bias
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries 629
[36–41] and excluded two studies that did not meet the eli- injury location, especially if affecting the intramuscular
gibility criteria for population [56] and outcomes [58]. In tendon, may change the length of recovery [29, 30, 79], the
contrast to the previous systematic review [33], we consid- evidence is still preliminary and it is unclear how conserva-
ered that the reduced number of studies for each comparison tive interventions could be adapted.
and their clinical heterogeneity advised against performing a Very recent clinical practice guidelines [80] maintained
meta-analysis; we thus avoided pooling data from different that moderate-level evidence supports faster TRTS/TRFT
studies and reported the between-group differences for each with interventions focusing on eccentric training, added to
study and described them in a narrative manner. stretching, general strengthening, stabilization, and pro-
When comparing different exercise-based interventions, gressive running programs. Likewise, the guidelines [80]
it is unclear which exercise modalities are more effective reported moderate-level evidence in support of PATS in
(although there is some support for eccentric training) and addition to stretching, general strengthening, and “func-
even less is known concerning dose–response relationships, tional” exercises to reduce reinjury risk after an acute ham-
which aligns with the main findings of the previous review strings injury. The results of our systematic review do not
[33]. Also aligned with this review [33], the effectiveness of fully support either of these claims and, with the scarce and
PRPs and placebo injections remains unclear. Independent limited available data, no recommendations can be made on
of participants’ age, sex, sport background, or injury char- which is the best rehabilitation strategy for acute hamstrings
acteristics (e.g., severity, anatomical location, and etiology), injuries.
no recommendations on the best rehabilitation strategy can Notwithstanding the limitations discussed above and
be provided based on current knowledge for TRTS/TRFT the very low certainty of evidence, some clinical findings
and reinjuries. may temporarily guide clinical practice: (1) adding eccen-
The literature has devoted considerable attention to the tric lengthening exercises seems superior to conventional
incidence of hamstrings injuries and reinjuries [3, 4, 7, 12] stretching and strengthening exercises for returning sooner
as well as to their financial and performance-related costs to full training [61, 62], but these findings are from a single
[14–17]. The literature has also extensively focused on the research group and require confirmation by replication stud-
primary prevention of hamstrings injuries [5, 71–76], but ies; (2) no intervention was superior in reducing the rein-
their number continues to grow [2, 77], and thus we assumed jury risk, thus no intervention should be prioritized over
that many studies would be found focusing on rehabilitation any other for purposes of secondary prevention; and (3) PRP
strategies. However, only 14 studies fulfilled eligibility crite- did not consistently allow a faster TRFT or reduce the rein-
ria (12 randomized and two non-randomized with 730 par- jury risk and therefore seems to add no value in accelerating
ticipants), with a maximum of three studies per comparison. recovery from hamstrings injuries.
Most randomized studies (75.0%) were judged at high risk of
bias, both non-randomized studies (100.0%) were judged at 4.2 Are We Comparing the Same Things?
critical risk (i.e., above serious risk), and 78.6% of the exer-
cise programs were judged at high risk of ineffectiveness. Our systematic review highlighted extensive heterogeneity
These findings corroborate the poor reporting of exercise in intervention and comparators (including mode, dosage
interventions in the context of hamstrings injury rehabilita- and supervision of the exercise programs, and content and
tion that was recently highlighted by a scoping review [78]. dosages of PRP and placebo injections) and outcome reg-
The GRADE judgments denoted very low confidence in the istration. Even within a single group of the same study, the
existing published data. ranges of TRTS/TRFT exhibited extreme interindividual
These findings emphasize it is not possible to deter- variation, which may be partially related to interindividual
mine which are the most effective conservative interven- variations in hamstrings anatomy and physiology [31], but
tions for recovery after acute hamstrings injuries. Studies also to age. Indeed, the age range within a single study was
have focused mostly on exercise-based interventions and on as wide as 14–49 years [24]. As older players are at a higher
comparing PRP to placebo or no injection (with exercise as risk of injury than their younger counterparts [81, 82], inves-
a co-intervention). The benefits of adding PRP to exercise tigating and comparing samples with large age variations
interventions remain unclear (conflicting findings) and the may affect the results. Moreover, because women comprise
most appropriate exercise modalities and dosages are not only a minority of the studied samples (~ 10%), it is currently
yet known. Although rehabilitation should be customized to unclear if there are relevant sex-related differences that can
individual needs, it is unknown whether the most appropri- affect the recovery process and/or the risk of reinjury.
ate conservative interventions may vary depending on injury The competitive level was not reported uniformly
mechanism, injury classification and severity, type of sport, across studies, a problem that creates difficulty performing
competitive level, sex, age, or other individual character- between-study comparisons and to which a recent solution
istics. Although it has been hypothesized that the specific has been proposed [83]. Still, it could be easily identified
630 J. Afonso et al.
that the competitive level in the included studies ranged from sports participation [89, 90], further research on hamstrings
amateur practitioners to professional athletes. Comparing injuries rehabilitation focusing on women is needed. We fur-
rehabilitation processes between very distinct competitive ther identified several features that require more detailed
levels is tricky, as there are other factors that can come into reporting in future studies: (1) explicitly report previous
play, such as higher motivation from professional players or hamstrings injuries or their absence, as well as surgeries
their easier access to high-quality resources and rehabilita- involving hamstrings autografts; (2) different hamstrings
tion. The pressure on an early return to competition may be muscles may be injured differently (mechanisms, conse-
superior at the highest levels, considering the performance quences, recovery) and proper reporting of which muscles
and financial stakes. Of note, nearly 50% of research on were injured is advised; (3) provide means and standard
the topic is focused on soccer, followed by track and field deviations (or medians and interquartile ranges, when appro-
(~ 22%) and American football (~ 10%), with only scarce priate) for participants’ age and preferably also the range;
information on return to sports and reinjury risk being avail- (4) use the i-CONTENT tool [52] to more completely report
able for other sports. on the exercise-based interventions; (5) openly monitor and
With regard to secondary outcomes, nearly nothing is report adverse effects; and (vi) assess pre-intervention to
known about how effective these interventions are for other post-intervention changes in secondary outcomes (such as
relevant variables such as strength, ROM, bilateral and strength and ROM), providing measures of assessment reli-
anteroposterior asymmetries, balance, power, speed, endur- ability and reporting the smallest worthwhile changes.
ance, and adverse effects. Even exercise-based interventions Future research should strive to reduce the risk of bias by
largely neglected these outcomes or assessed them as solely following simple procedures: (1) pre-register or pre-publish
post-intervention values. Recent clinical practice guidelines the research protocols; (2) describe how randomization was
further underline the need to evaluate the ability to walk, achieved, explicitly state whether allocation sequence was
run, and sprint [80]. concealed and attempt to guarantee balanced baseline val-
The included studies also varied considerably with ues for the most relevant variables (e.g., using minimization
respect to injury classification systems, diagnostic and inclu- techniques when randomizing the participants); (3) attempt
sion criteria, criteria for returning to sport, and assessments to equate the intervention and comparator dosages; (4)
timing, contributing to clinical heterogeneity and making ensure proper supervision and monitoring of adherence and/
between-study comparisons very difficult, as had been pre- or compliance; in largely home-based interventions, strate-
viously pinpointed elsewhere [84]. The sheer diversity of gies such as regular texting, daily logs, and video calls may
classification systems denotes a lack of agreement and con- help to improve compliance; (5) blind the outcome assessors
sistency across studies and may contribute to increasing the to eliminate the risk of detection bias; and (6) provide data
heterogeneity of findings, which is further exacerbated by on the inter-assessor reliability of outcome measurement
mixing grade I and II injuries and MRI-positive with MRI- or, when applicable, measures of error for the used devices
negative participants. The absence of imaging in some stud- (e.g., coefficient of variation, typical error of measures).
ies, although justified by the authors, cannot completely rule Research on conservative intervention to treat acute ham-
out avulsion or complete rupture, which was an exclusion strings injuries in athletes has been continuing at a slow
criterion of our review. pace. There is a clear need for more homogeneous studies
Different sports have specific physical demands and may to allow comparisons and achieve a valid pooled estimate of
require different rehabilitation protocols. Perhaps the time TRTS/TRFT and reinjuries. To reliably compare the rein-
has come for a complete and more definitive international jury risk across different conservative interventions, studies
consensus on the classification of hamstrings injuries, diag- with a very large sample size are needed, but these studies
nostic criteria, and criteria for return to full training. Finally, are not easy to conduct in real-world club-based sports. We
more than half of the studies mixed participants with and need combined efforts from several clubs implementing the
without previous hamstring injuries, which represents a rel- same conservative strategies to increase the comparability
evant confounder for the results of the interventions, as the and statistical power before clinical practice guidelines can
history of a hamstrings injury greatly increases the risk of be reliably established. Because we are performing a living
having a reinjury [75, 82, 85, 86]. systematic review, future updates will reveal changes to the
status quo.
4.3 Room for Improvement: Priorities for Future
Research 4.4 Limitations
Although men are up to 60.0% more likely to sustain ham- The inclusion of non-randomized trials may be interpreted
strings injuries than women [3, 87, 88], they comprise 90% as a weakness of our systematic review, but these trials
of the research sample. With the rapid increase in female were analyzed separately from randomized trials and so we
Conservative Interventions After Acute Hamstrings Injuries 631
provide a more complete picture without mixing the find- included in the review, as none of those studies had been
ings from two fundamentally different study designs. Fur- excluded based on that criterion; (2) the remaining changes
thermore, randomized trials are not always feasible, espe- were properly identified in the methods (e.g., absence of
cially with high-level athletes. As previously mentioned, quantitative synthesis).
some studies lacked imaging to confirm diagnosis, and thus
complete rupture or avulsion could not be completely ruled
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
out. Despite planned at the protocol stage, we opted to not tary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01783-z.
perform a meta-analysis or network meta-analysis because
of the wide clinical heterogeneity in populations, interven- Acknowledgements José Afonso, Jesús Olivares-Jabalera, Ricardo
tions, comparators, and other methodological features of the Fernandes, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Sílvia Rocha-Rodrigues, João
Gustavo Claudino, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Cristina Valente,
studies (including how the outcomes were assessed), which Renato Andrade, and João Espregueira-Mendes thank Professors Gus-
precluded us from confidently pooling the data from dif- taaf Reurink, Jack Hickey, and Noel Pollock for their role as external
ferent studies and is coherent with Cochrane’s guidelines experts: they verified our eligibility criteria and the list of included
[45]. Still, to provide useful information, we calculated the studies, providing additional suggestions of potentially relevant studies.
between-group mean differences and relative risks for each
study within each outcome and provide a narrative summary Declarations
that is supported with a best evidence synthesis using the Funding There was no financial or non-financial support for this
GRADE framework. review. There were no funders or sponsors in the review.
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* José Afonso Delegação da Covilhã, Instituto de Telecomunicações,
jneves@fade.up.pt Covilhã, Portugal
* Renato Andrade Tumor & Microenvironment Interactions Group,
randrade@espregueira.com INEB-Institute of Biomedical Engineering, i3S-Instituto de
Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto,
Jesús Olivares‑Jabalera
Porto, Portugal
Group of Research, Innovation and Technology
Ricardo J. Fernandes
Applied to Sport (GSporTech), Multi-user Laboratory
of the Department of Physical Education (MultiLab
Filipe Manuel Clemente of the DPE), Department of Physical Education, Center
Filipeclemente@esdl.Ipvc.pt for Health Sciences, Federal University of Piauí,
Teresina, Piauí, Brazil
Sílvia Rocha‑Rodrigues
silviadarocharodrigues@gmail.com Department of Physical Education, Center for Health
Sciences, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil
João Gustavo Claudino
claudinojg@ufpi.edu.br Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences Laboratory, School
of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences,
Rodrigo Ramirez‑Campillo
Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile
Clínica Espregueira - FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence,
Cristina Valente
Porto, Portugal
Dom Henrique Research Centre, Porto, Portugal
João Espregueira‑Mendes
espregueira@dhresearchcentre.com School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
1 ICVS/3B’s-PT Government Associate Laboratory,
Centre of Research, Education, Innovation, and Intervention
Braga/Guimarães, Portugal
in Sport (CIFI2D), Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, R.
Dr. Plácido da Costa 91, 4200‑450 Porto, Portugal 3B’s Research Group Biomaterials, Biodegradables
2 and Biomimetics, Headquarters of the European Institute
Sport Research Lab, Football Science Institute, Granada,
of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine, University of Minho, AvePark, Parque de
Department of Physical and Sports Education, Sport Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, Barco,
and Health University Research Institute (iMUDS), 4805 017 Guimarães, Portugal
University of Granada, Granada, Spain 16
Research Center in Sports Performance, Recreation,
Porto Biomechanics Laboratory (LABIOMEP), University Innovation and Technology (SPRINT), Melgaço, Portugal
of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer, Instituto Politécnico de
Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal