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CPS 227994 (MSDS 10299) ments for glassware corrosion with results equivalent to
new coolants and also passed the ASTM D 4340 Alumi-
HAVOLINE EXTENDED LIFE ANTI-FREEZE/COOL- num Hot Surface Test for new coolant. Havoline
ANT Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant represents the next
Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant is a single- generation of universal engine coolants. This coolant is
phase, ethylene glycol type universal automotive engine suitable for a five year or 150,000 miles service life in
coolant based on a Texaco’s patented long life organic automotive applications.
corrosion inhibitor system. Note: These products are not to be used to protect the
inside of potable water systems against freezing
CPS 227995 (MSDS 10307)
ANTI-FREEZE/COOLANT Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant is manufac-
Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze delivers unsur- tured from ethylene glycol and a highly effective long
passed automotive cooling system protection for up to 5 term corrosion inhibitor package based on carboxylate
years or 150,000 miles. Its patented carboxylate inhibi- technology. This inhibitor system eliminates the need for
tors, first to receive General Motor’s DEX-COOL silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrites, nitrates and
approval, provide excellent corrosion protection and heat amine additives traditionally used for this purpose.
transfer, extend water pump life, and improve compo- The replacement of these inhibitors is significant for
nent durability. water pump life because many of these conventional
inhibitors have been shown to be abrasive to water
PRODUCT APPLICATION pump seals. In comparison field tests with conventional
coolants in taxi fleets, Havoline Extended Life Anti-
Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant is a univer- Freeze/Coolant significantly reduced the need to replace
sal engine coolant that incorporates patented organic water pumps during the 100,000 mile test.
acid corrosion inhibitor technology. This coolant meets
both ASTM D 3306 for automotive service and ASTM D In addition to fleet tests, this product has also been
4985 for heavy-duty diesel service. It is a nitrite-, nitrate-, tested by a major manufacturer of water pump seals,
phosphate-, silicate-, borate and amine-free formulation and has been found to be more compatible with the
which uses Texaco’s patented carboxylate technology to seals than any other coolant tested.
provide maximum protection of the six basic metal alloys
found in most heat transfer systems. Since the coolant BENEFITS
contains no phosphates or silicates, hard water deposits
in the cooling system are almost eliminated. The low In service Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant
level of abrasive dissolved solids in Havoline Extended provides:
Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant results in improved water pump • Meets GM 6277M--GM’s Long Life Coolant specifica-
seal life. tion
The life of a coolant in an automobile engine is limited by • 5 year or 150,000 mile service interval
the corrosion protection ability of the corrosion inhibitors. • Provides effective, long term corrosion protection for
The main corrosion inhibitors in Havoline Extended Life aluminum, brass, cast iron, steel, solder and copper
Anti-Freeze/Coolant have been shown to remain above
• Protects against winter freeze up and minimizes the
95% of their original concentration after 150,000 miles in
chance of summer boil over
automobiles. This allows much longer intervals between
coolant changes without worrying about loss of corrosion • Compatible with water pump seal materials and mini-
protection. mizes the formation of abrasive dissolved solids
• Storage stable for at least eight years
Used Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant was
tested in laboratory controlled corrosion tests for new • No silicate dropout or gel formation during use or stor-
coolants after it had already been in service for more age
than 100,000 miles. The used Havoline Extended Life • 100% biodegradable in its pure unused form
Anti-Freeze/Coolant passed the ASTM D 1384 require-

©2002-2003 Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A Inc. All rights reserved. 5 February 2003
Havoline® Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant — Continued

• Excellent heat transfer properties A comparison of ChevronTexaco’s extended life coolant

• Nitrite-, borate-, phosphate-, nitrate- and amine-free with traditional coolants is shown below:
• Outstanding hot surface aluminum protection
• Superior protection in high operating temperatures Traditional
Extended Life
• Compatible with conventional antifreeze. Dilution with Anti-Freeze/
conventional antifreeze will reduce extended life ben- Coolant
efits. ChevronTexaco recommends that this product
Typical pH 8.3 10.5
not be diluted by more than 10% with conventional
coolants. Typical RA (mL) 6.0 12.0

This long life coolant has low pH and RA relative to tradi-

PRODUCT RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPROVALS tional coolants. The pH change profile in service is a
Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant is recom- more important performance measure than the RA level.
mended for use in the cooling systems of all types of Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant shows a
automotive engines. This product meets ASTM D 3306 typical pH reduction of less than 1.5 units in
for automotive service and ASTM D 4985 for heavy-duty 100,000-mile fleet tests compared with a pH reduction of
diesel service. up to 3 units for traditional coolants.

Havoline Extended Life Prediluted 50/50 Anti-Freeze/ The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) has
Coolant meets ASTM D 4656 for automotive preblend eliminated minimum RA Level requirements in both key
and ASTM D 5345 for heavy-duty preblend. antifreeze specifications: ASTM D 3306 for automotive
and ASTM D 4985 for heavy-duty engines. This action
Note: For optimum year round protection against freez- by the ASTM acknowledges that coolants that are not
ing, boiling, and corrosion, a 50 percent Havoline based on phosphate and borate can provide excellent
Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant solution (1 part anti- corrosion protection for cooling system metals.
freeze/1 part water) is recommended. For maximum pro-
tection against freezing in extremely cold areas, a 60 Recommended Dilutions for Havoline Extended Life
percent solution (3 parts anti-freeze/2 parts water) can Anti-Freeze/Coolant
be used. Concentrations greater than 67 percent or less
than 40 percent are not recommended. Boiling Protection, °C (15 lb pressure cap) 129.4
50% 1:1 (1 part antifreeze/1 part water)

PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Freezing Protection, °C

40% 2:3 (2 parts antifreeze/3 parts water -24.4
Traditional phosphate and borate containing coolants 50% 1:1 (1 part antifreeze/1 part water) -36.7
exhibit high pH and reserve alkalinity (RA) when com- 60% 3:2 (3 parts antifreeze/2 parts water) -52.2
pared with Texaco’s Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/
Coolant. This comparison can not be used to make con- Notes
clusions about relative corrosion protection since the
For optimum year round protection against freezing, boil-
definition of RA is based upon the buffering curve of
ing and corrosion, a 50 percent Havoline Extended Life
inhibitors that are not present in the coolant. Its unique
Anti-Freeze/Coolant solution (1 part antifreeze/1 part
corrosion inhibitor system is designed to protect alumi-
water) is recommended. For maximum protection
num and other system metals at lower pH levels than
against freezing in extremely cold areas a 60 percent
conventional coolants.
solution (3 parts antifreeze/2 parts water) can be used.
RA is defined as the amount, in milliliters (mL), of 0.1 Concentrations greater than 67 percent or less than 50
normal hydrochloric acid required to reduce the pH of 10 percent are not recommended.
ml of antifreeze to 5.5.
Havoline Extended Life Prediluted 50/50 Anti-Freeze/
Coolant should be used as manufactured. No dilution is
Always dispose of used coolant in accordance with local,
state, and federal guidelines.
Because this product is silicate free, Havoline Extended
Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant can be stored at least 8 years
with no problem.

©2002-2003 Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A Inc. All rights reserved. 5 February 2003
Havoline® Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant — Continued


Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant The primary limiting factor in the shelf life of a coolant is
silicate instability. Since silicate will eventually polymer-
CPS Number 227994 ize to silicate gel, all traditional coolants have a shelf life
of about 18 months. Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/
MSDS Number 10299 Coolant is silicate-free and therefore can be stored for at
Appearance Orange least 8 years without a problem, provided the integrity of
Specific gravity 15/15°C 1.130 the container is maintained.

Freezing point, °Ca ASTM D -36.7 For information on the safe handling and use of these
1177 products, refer to their Material Safety Data Sheets. For
more information and availability, call 1-866-688-8890.
pHb ASTM D 8.3
Reserve alkalinityc ASTM D 6.0
Silicate, %d None
a. 50 vol % aqueous solution
b. 1:2 dilution with water
c. as received
d. as anhydrous alkali metasilicate

Typical test data are average values only. Minor variations which do not affect
product performance are to be expected in normal manufacturing.

Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant ASTM D

1384 Glassware Corrosion Test

Weight loss,
ASTM Limit
mg per coupon*
Copper 10 max 2
Solder 30 max -2
Brass 10 max 2
Steel 10 max -1
Iron 10 max -3
Aluminum 30 max 4

* Negative indicates net gain

©2002-2003 Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A Inc. All rights reserved. 5 February 2003
Havoline® Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant — Continued

©2002-2003 Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A Inc. All rights reserved. 5 February 2003

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