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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
Investigating the Effect of Process Parameters on Surface Roughness Indicators
Produced by End Milling Operation When End Milling Solid Material AISI D3
Tool Steel

Bheem Singh Rajpoot

Assistant Professor,
Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, Govt.
Engineering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India,

Abstract:- Machining parameters such as speed, feed and depth of cut play a vital role in machining the given work piece to the required shape.
These have a major effect on the quality as well as on quantity of production, cost of production and production rate; hence their judicious
selection assumes significance. A study of surface roughness and cutting force during end milling on this material will be quite useful. In the
present work the 2 level full factorial design has been selected for development of prediction models as well as for the optimization of milling
parameters for minimum surface roughness and minimum cutting forces. An effort has also been made to investigate the effect of end milling
parameters on surface roughness indicators end milling of AISI D3 tool steel.
This work concluded that feed is the most significant and influential machining parameter that affect the surface roughness indicator (Ra, Rq and
Rt) followed by depth of cut. The cutting speed has insignificant influence on the surface roughness parameters. The mathematical models
developed clearly show that surface roughness indicators increases with increasing the feed rate but decreases with increasing the cutting speed.
The results of ANOVA and the confirmation runs verify that the developed mathematical models for surface roughness parameters
shows excellent fit and provide predicted values of surface roughness that are close to the experimental values, with a 95 per cent confidence
level. The percentage error between the predicted and experimental values of the response factor during the confirmation experiments are within
5 per cent.
The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of process parameters on surface roughness indicators produced by end milling operation
when end milling solid material AISI D3 tool steel. The end milling operation was carried out using various cutting parameters by using a
cutting insert. Machining data of surface roughness indicators were tabulated by using surface roughness measurement apparatus. A Surface
Roughness Tester (Stylus equipment) measuring instrument was used to process the measured profile data.


I. INTRODUCTION more cheaply, quickly and simply by controlling the path of

This chapter presents the importance of surface quality in a standard cutting tool.
metal machining. Machining parameters such as speed, feed In the manufacturing industries, various machining
and depth of cut play a vital role in machining the given processes are adopted for removing the material from the
work piece to the required shape. These have a major effect work piece to obtain finished product. Among various
on the quality as well as on quantity of production, cost of machining operations milling is widely used metal removal
production and production rate; hence their judicious processes.
selection assumes significance. The selected machining Milling is the basic machining process in which a
parameters should yield desired quality on the machined surface is generated by progressive chip removal. The work
surface while utilizing the machining resources such as piece is fed into a rotating cutting tool. Sometimes, the
machine tool and cutting tool to the fullest extent possible, workpiece remains stationary and the cutter is fed into the
consistent with the constraints on these resources. work. Often, the desired surface is obtained in a single pass
Machining is the most widespread metal shaping process of the cutter or the work. This process is widely used for
used in manufacturing industry. Worldwide investment in mass production because of its ability to produce a surface
metal-machining processes continues to increase year after with good surface finish.
years. The machining is more costly than other production Surface finish is one of the most important
process, viz. casting, molding, and forming etc, but it is parameters to determine the quality of product. It is the one
often justified for precision requirement. Another reason for of the critical performance parameter that has an appreciable
its popularity is the versatility complicated free-form shapes effect on several mechanical properties of machined parts
with many features, over a large size range, can be made such as fatigue behaviour, corrosion resistance, creep life,
etc. It also affects other functional attributes of machined
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
parts like friction, wear, light reflection, heat transmission, Several factors influence the surface roughness during the
lubrication, electrical conductivity, etc. Hence, achieving the milling operation. These can be categorized as controllable
desired surface quality is of great importance for the factors (spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut and nose
functional behaviour of the mechanical parts. The challenge radius) and uncontrollable factors (tool geometry and
in accurately modelling the surface roughness lies in the fact material properties of both tool and work piece). Figure 1
that the cutting process is very complex due to the many shows the set of parameters that influence the surface
highly interlinked variables influencing the surface finish. roughness obtained on the workpiece during machining.
During the machining, machining conditions play a
significant role in governing the performance of machining.

Fishbone diagram with the parameters that affect surface roughness

It has long been recognized that the machining conditions, II EQUIPMENTS AND TECHNIQUES
such as feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut affect the A. CNC End milling
performance of the operation to a greater extent. These End milling operation was carried out on a HMT VMC 400
parameters should be selected to optimize the economics of Machining Centre, Make-India. The CNC Machining centre
machining operations. So it can be achieved by equipped with continuously variable spindle speed up to
mathematical modelling of performance as a function of 6000 rpm, and 7.5kW motor drive was used for
machining conditions using design of experiments (DOE). experimentation. The major machining operations that can
be carried out are milling, drilling, boring etc. The cutter
used in this study was end ball nose cutter having 18 mm
Table I Technical specification of LEADWELL V40 Machining Centre

Model No. VMC 400

Spindle speed (Max) 6000
Spindle motor power 7.5 kW
X- axis 420 mm
Y- axis 400 mm
Z- axis 420 mm
Table size (L*W) 650 X400 mm
Rapid rate 20 m/min
Positioning accuracy ± 0.005mm
Repeatability ± 0.003mm

IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
B. Cutting inserts C. Work piece
Coated carbide tool performs better than uncoated carbide The machining experiments were performed on AISI D3
tools. On this basis, commercially accessible PVD coated steel. All the pieces used in experimentation were Length: -
carbide insert was used for end milling. The inserts were 200mm, Breadth: - 50mm, Thickness:-10mm as shown in
manufactured by Taegu Tec, India Pvt. Ltd. The ISO
D. Coolant
designation of cutting insert is AXMT0903R05 EML (85◦
Coolant has been used in all the experiments. SUPERCUT
rhombus-shaped insert with 0.5 mm nose radius).
cutting oil by SHELL COMPANY has been used in the ratio
of 20:1 i.e. 20 litres of water and 1 litre of cutting oil in it.
Physical properties of cutting oil are summarized in Table.

Table II. Physical properties of SUPERCUT- cutting oil

Appearance Amber clear liquid

Solubility in water Soluble giving stable milky emulsion
Storage stability Good
pH of 5% conc. 9.1

E. Design of Experiments
independent parameters for end milling i.e. cutting speed,
Number of experiments required, mainly depends on the feed rate and depth of cut on surface roughness indicators.
approach adopted for design of experiment. Thus, it is
important to have a well designed experiment so that The machining parameters and their levels are shown in
number of experiments required can be minimized. In the Table. Complete design layout for experiments with
present work, the design suggested by 2 level full factorial experimental results is summarized in Table III. Total
design has been implemented to analyze the effect of three fourteen experiments constitute 23factorial point and six
centre point.

Table III. Factors and levels of independent variables according to response surface methodology

Factors Symbol Units Levels

Feed rate A mm/tooth 0.05 1.5
Depth of cut B mm 0.1 0.5
Speed C m/min 100 200

Table IV. Complete design layout with measurement results

A:Feed B:Depth of C:Speed Surface roughness indicators
Std Run
(mm/tooth) cut (mm) (m/min) (microns)
Ra Rq Rt
1 9 0.05 0.1 100 1.27 1.424 9.43
2 5 1.5 0.1 100 3.121 3.7452 10.5
3 7 0.05 0.5 100 1.62 1.944 10.12
4 1 1.5 0.5 100 3.696 4.6352 11.152
5 2 0.05 0.1 200 0.671 0.9052 7.82
6 11 1.5 0.1 200 1.983 2.5796 8.628
7 8 0.05 0.5 200 0.856 1.072 8.021
8 10 1.5 0.5 200 2.114 2.9368 9.651
9 14 0.775 0.3 150 1.762 2.2144 10.72
10 4 0.775 0.3 150 1.893 2.0716 10.186
11 6 0.775 0.3 150 1.713 2.1556 10.162
12 13 0.775 0.3 150 1.696 1.972 10.014
13 3 0.775 0.3 150 1.795 2.254 10.114
14 12 0.775 0.3 150 1.837 2.3044 10.211
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
F. Surface Roughness Measurement For surface roughness analysis, the results from the
Surface roughness is defined as the finer irregularities of the performance of the end milling operation produced as per
surface texture that usually result from the inherent action of experimental plan was input into Design Expert 8.0.4
the machining process or material condition. There are many software for further analysis.
parameters used related to surface roughness in literatures.
In this study, surface roughness of finish-turned work pieces ANOVA Analysis for average surface roughness (Ra)
was measured by making use of a portable surface Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the
roughness tester (Surf coder SE 1200) and the collected data to investigate the main effect of cutting speed,
measurements were repeated three times. Cut-off length for feed rate, depth of cut together with their two-level
roughness measurements was set to be 0.8 mm. interaction effect on surface roughness as measured by
surface roughness tester.
III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In order to provide a good model, test for
Results and Analysis significance of the regression model, test for significance on
The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of individual model coefficients and test for lack of fit need to
process parameters on surface roughness indicators be performed. An ANOVA table regularly used to conclude
produced by end milling operation when end milling solid the tests performed. Table shows the ANOVA table for
material AISI D3 tool steel. The end milling operation was average surface roughness (Ra) in End milling operation
carried out using various cutting parameters by using a after transformation by Box-Cox plot using natural log
cutting insert. Machining data of surface roughness (generated by the Design Expert software). The variables
indicators were tabulated by using surface roughness from the model were chosen using half normal graph of
measurement apparatus. A Surface Roughness Tester effect.
(Stylus equipment) measuring instrument was used to
process the measured profile data.

Table V. ANOVA for selected factorial model

Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares Df Square Value Prob > F
Model 7.829289 5 1.565858 121.9156 < 0.0001 significant
A-Feed 5.276376 1 5.276376 410.8115 < 0.0001
B-Depth of cut 0.19251 1 0.19251 14.98858 0.0047
C-Speed 2.083861 1 2.083861 162.2466 < 0.0001
AC 0.230181 1 0.230181 17.92159 0.0029
BC 0.04636 1 0.04636 3.609537 0.0940
Residual 0.10275 8 0.012844
Lack of Fit 0.074681 3 0.024894 4.434316 0.0712 not significant
Pure Error 0.028069 5 0.005614
Cor Total 7.932039 13
Std. Dev. 0.11333 R-Squared 0.987046
Mean 1.859071 Adj R-Squared 0.97895
C.V. % 6.096078 Pred R-Squared 0.936526
PRESS 0.503479 Adeq Precision 39.83236

As per the result in the Table the model F value of 121.91 variables that are A, B, C, have certain values of P value. As
depicts that the model generated is significant. Also the per the rule if the P value of the parameters is less than 0.05,
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
it is not significant and is negligible. This suggests that the Feed * Speed - 7.61250E-003 * Depth of cut * Speed
effect on the average surface roughness of all parameters is 4.2
significant. So, the above equation can be used to find out the value of
The P value of Lack of fit is also not significant the surface roughness and it also shows how the roughness
with a value of 0.0712. It implies that the chances that the is depending upon the various parameters. This model can
model doesn’t fit are insignificant. Also the predicted R be now used to study within the specified limits of the
value 0.9365 is also in agreement with the adjusted R value variables.
which is 0.9789. Also the adequate precision value is Now, we start doing the analysis of the average
39.832, which is greater than the desirable value of 4, which surface roughness value on the different factors.
justifies the correctness of model. This model can be used to Graphs show the behaviour pattern of average
navigate the design space. surface roughness with machining parameters. These figures
Mathematical models in terms of coded factors: are showing the sole effect of these factors on the average
Ra = 1.86 + (0.81*A) + (0.16*B) – (0.51 * C) – (0.17 * A surface roughness.
* C) + (0.076 *B * C) 4.1 It is seen that the average surface roughness
Mathematical models in terms of actual factors decreases with the cutting speed and increases with the feed
Ra = +1.40284 + 1.82207 * Feed + 1.91750 * Depth of cut rate and depth of cut in end milling operation.
- 4.29728E-003 * Speed - 4.67931E-003 *

IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33

Graphs show the variation of average surface level (+1) with ▲ mark of the cutting speed. This figure
roughness when there is an interaction between the two shows that either it is low level or high level average surface
factors i.e. A & C which are feed rate and cutting speed. roughness increases with the increasing of feed rate.
When these two interact with each other what effect they Even when the Feed rate is high then also the
have on the average surface roughness can be seen here. average surface roughness shows a decrease with increasing
Here two curves can be seen. One is when the cutting speed speed.
is at low level (-1) with ■ mark and the other is at higher

IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
Graphs show the cubical graph that shows the Graphs show the behaviour pattern of peak to
effect on average surface roughness at a simultaneous time valley height surface roughness with machining parameters.
due to three major factors, which are: These figures are showing the sole effect of these factors on
• Cutting speed (on the axis inside the plain of the peak to valley height surface roughness.
paper) It is seen that the peak to valley height surface
• Feed rate (on the horizontal axis) roughness decreases with the cutting speed and increases
• Depth of cut (on the vertical axis) with the feed rate and depth of cut in end milling operation.

IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33

Graphs show the cubical graph that shows the 7. Various combinations of machining parameters during
effect on peak to valley height surface roughness at a end milling of AISI D3 tool steel. The minimum
simultaneous time due to three major factors, which are: surface roughness parameters Ra (0.6271 microns), Rq
• Cutting speed (on the axis inside the plain of (0.8234microns), and Rz (7.9928 microns) have been
paper) obtained at cutting speed 200 m/ min and feed rate 0.05
• Feed rate (on the horizontal axis) mm/tooth and depth of cut 0.10 mm.
• Depth of cut (on the vertical axis) 8. If the cutting speed is high then surface roughness
indicators decreases at all the feed rate what we have
IV. CONCLUSIONS taken in the model range and at all the depth of cut in our
From the analysis of all the graphs and models generated by range.
the software Design Expert, we have to following 9. If the feed rate is increased the surface roughness
conclusion:- indicators are increase within all the permissible range of
1. Out of three parameters, feed seems to be the most values of all the factors.
significant and influential machining parameter that 10. When we increase the depth of cut the surface
affect the surface roughness indicator (Ra, Rq and Rt) roughness indicators also increases at all the values of
followed by depth of cut. factors within the permissible range of model.
2. The cutting speed has insignificant influence on the 11. In the interaction curve, it has been seen that roughness
surface roughness parameters. increases even when there is an interaction between the
3. The mathematical models developed clearly show that cutting speed and feed rate. It shows the dominance of
surface roughness indicators increases with increasing speed factor.
the feed rate but decreases with increasing the cutting 12. When cutting speed and depth of cut interact together,
speed. the surface roughness also increases. It may be due
4. The results of ANOVA and the confirmation runs verify to combined effect of the speed as well as depth of cut
that the developed mathematical models for surface both alone also cause the roughness to increases.
roughness parameters shows excellent fit and provide 13. When feed rate and depth of cut interact together the
predicted values of surface roughness that are close to roughness tends to increase. However, at
the experimental values, with a 95 per cent confidence too low feed rate at 0.10 mm/rev the roughness is
level. almost increasing with the depth of cut.
5. The percentage error between the predicted and
experimental values of the response factor during the V FUTURE SCOPE
confirmation experiments are within 5 per cent. In this dissertation, mathematical modelling and
6. The model can be used for direct evaluation of surface optimization has been attempted for average surface
roughness indicators under roughness and material removal rate. The work can be
extended to consider more response variables like cutting
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 25 – 33
forces, tool wear etc. Also, more machining parameters such
as coolant concentration, tool angles etc can be introduced
to have a better insight in to the process. Response such as
tool life, power consumption can be added in this work.

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IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org

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