Response Surface Methodology in CNC Turning-A Review

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The need for selecting and implementing optimal machining conditions and most suitable cutting tools has been felt
very important over few decades.Surface roughness has become the most significant technical requirement and it is
an index of product quality. In order to develop a surface roughness model and optimize, it is essential to understand
the current status of work in this area. A good surface finish is desired in order to improve the properties, fatigue
strength, corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal of the product. The manufacturing industries specially are
focusing their attention on dimensional accuracy and surface finish. In order to obtain optimal cutting parameters to
achieve the best possible surface finish, manufacturing industries have resorted to the use of handbook based
information and operators experience. This traditional practice leads to improper surface finish and decrease in the
productivity due to sub-optimal use of machining capability. This causes high manufacturing cost and low product
quality .Surface roughness is mainly a result of process parameters such as tool geometry (i.e. nose radius, edge
geometry, rake angle) and cutting conditions (feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut) .Surface roughness is harder to
attain and track than physical dimensions are, because relatively many factors affect surface roughness. Some of
these factors can be controlled and some cannot. Controllable process parameters include feed, cutting speed, tool
geometry, and tool setup. Other factors, such as tool, work piece and machine vibration, tool wear and degradation,
and work piece and tool material variability cannot be controlled as easily. The important cutting parameters
considered for discussion here are cutting speed, feed and depth of cut.. Since these cutting parameters will decide
about the type of chips which we expect at the time of machining of a single constant material thus we have to
analyze them for no such built-up edge chips formation. Optimization of cutting parameters is usually a difficult
work where the following aspects are required:
1. Knowledge of machining.
2. Empirical equations relating the tool life, forces, power, surface finish, etc., to develop realistic constrains,
Specification of machine tool capabilities.
3. Development of an effective optimization criterion, knowledge of mathematical and numerical optimization


Turning is a machining process in which a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helical toolpath by
moving more or less linearly while the workpiece rotates. The tool's axes of movement may be literally a straight
line, or they may be along some set of curves or angles, but they are essentially linear (in the nonmathematical
sense). The turning process requires a turning machine, workpiece, fixture, and cutting tool. The workpiece is a
piece of pre-shaped material that is secured to the fixture, which itself is attached to the turning machine, and
allowed to rotate at high speeds. The cutter is typically a single-point cutting tool that is also secured in the machine,
although some operations make use of multi-point tools. The cutting tool feeds into the rotating workpiece and cuts
away material in the form of small chips to create the desired shape. Turning is used to produce rotational, typically
axi-symmetric, parts that have many features, such as holes, grooves, threads, tapers, various diameter steps, and
even contoured surfaces. Parts that are fabricated completely through turning often include components that are used
in limited quantities, perhaps for prototypes, such as custom designed shafts and fasteners. Turning is also
commonly used as a secondary process to add or refine features on parts that were manufactured using a different
process. Due to the high tolerances and surface finishes that turning can offer, it is ideal for adding precision
rotational features to a part whose basic shape has already been formed.Cutting parameters-In turning, the speed and
motion of the cutting tool is specified through several parameters. These parameters are selected for each operation
based upon the workpiece material, tool material, tool size, and more.Cutting feed - The distance that the cutting
tool or workpiece advances during one revolution of the spindle, measured in inches per revolution (IPR). In some
operations the tool feeds into the workpiece and in others the workpiece feeds into the tool. For a multi-point tool,
the cutting feed is also equal to the feed per tooth, measured in inches per tooth (IPT), multiplied by the number of
teeth on the cutting tool. Cutting speed - The speed of the workpiece surface relative to the edge of the cutting tool
during a cut, measured in surface feet per minute (SFM). Spindle speed - The rotational speed of the spindle and the
workpiece in revolutions per minute (RPM). The spindle speed is equal to the cutting speed divided by the
circumference of the workpiece where the cut is being made. In order to maintain a constant cutting speed, the
spindle speed must vary based on the diameter of the cut. If the spindle speed is held constant, then the cutting speed
will vary. Feed rate - The speed of the cutting tool's movement relative to the workpiece as the tool makes a cut. The
feed rate is measured in inches per minute (IPM) and is the product of the cutting feed (IPR) and the spindle speed
(RPM). Axial depth of cut - The depth of the tool along the axis of the workpiece as it makes a cut, as in a facing
operation. A large axial depth of cut will require a low feed rate, or else it will result in a high load on the tool and
reduce the tool life. Therefore, a feature is typically machined in several passes as the tool moves to the specified
axial depth of cut for each pass. Radial depth of cut - The depth of the tool along the radius of the workpiece as it
makes a cut, as in a turning or boring operation. A large radial depth of cut will require a low feed rate, or else it will
result in a high load on the tool and reduce the tool life. Therefore, a feature is often machined in several steps as the
tool moves over at the radial depth of cut.


CNC stands for Computerized Numerical Control. A CNC machine uses a stream of digital information (code) from
a computer to automatically execute a series of machining operations that CNC machines offer to increase
productivity and flexibility. CNC technology was developed in the United States in the 1950's for the United States
Air Force by metalworking machine tool builders. It was a major advance in the ability of machines to reproduce
complex part machining steps more accurately without human intervention or variability.


A CNC machine uses mathematics and coordinate systems to process information of what to move, to where, and
how fast. Most CNC machines are able to move in three controlled directions at once. These directions are called
axes. The axes are given simple names such as X, Y and Z (based on the Cartesian coordinate system).A CNC
machine must be able to communicate with it and the machinist to operate. A computer numeric control unit sends
position commands to motors. The motors must talk back to the control that, indeed, they have acted correctly to
move the machine a given distance. The ability of CNC machines to move in three (or more) directions at once
allows them to create almost any desired pattern or shape. All of this processing happens very fast.No human can
control the movements of a machine as precisely as a CNC. These machines work with very small units of measure.
A CNC is able to drill a hole at one end of the worktable, move to the far corner and return to make the same hole
again with only a few ten-thousandths of an inch error. The accuracy of a CNC can be explained this way: take a
hair off your head and slice it the long way six times. The sliver you have left is about the margin of error with the

3. Response Surface Methodology

RSM is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques that are useful for modeling and analysis of problems
in which a response of interest is influenced by several variables and the objective is to optimize this response[5]
.RSM can be defined as a statistical method that uses quantitative data from appropriate experiments to determine
and simultaneously solve multi-variable equations correlating the dependent parameters(response) such as cutting
force, power consumption, surface roughness, tool life with independent parameters (input variables). Cutting
speed, feed rate and depth of cut, in a turning process. The graphical representations of these equations are called
response surfaces, which can be used to describe the individual and cumulative effect of the input variables on the
response and to determine the mutual interactions between the input variables and their subsequent effect on the
response. In design optimization using RSM, the first task is to determine the optimization model, such as the
identification of the interested system measures and the selection of the factors that influence the system measures
significantly. To do this, an understanding of the physical meaning of the problem and some experience are both
useful. After this, the important issues are the design of experiments and how to improve the fitting accuracy of the
response surface models. DOE techniques are employed before, during, and after the regression analysis to evaluate
the accuracy of the model.RSM also quantifies relationships among one or more measured responses and the vital
input factors. The work which initially generated interest in the package of technique was by box and Wilson in
1951.RSM can be used in the following ways:
(1) To determine the factor levels that will simultaneously satisfy a set of desired specifications,
(2) To determine the optimum combination of factors that yields a desired response and describes the response near
the optimum,
(3) To determine how a specific response is affected by changes in the level of the factors over the Specified levels
of interest,
(4) To achieve a quantitative understanding of the system behavior over the region tested,
(5) To predict product properties throughout the region, even for a factor combinations not actually run,
(6) To find the conditions necessary for process stability (insensitive spot).

To generate contour surface [2]

Response surface methodology, or RSM, is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques in which a
response of interest is influenced by several variables and the objective is to optimize this response. For example,
suppose that a chemical engineer wishes to find the levels of temperature (x1) and pressure (x2) that maximize the
yield (y) of a process. The process yield is a function of the levels of temperature and pressure, y = f (x1, x2) +e
Where e represents the noise or error observed in the response y. Then the surface represented by h= f (x1, x2),
which is called a Response surface. We usually represent the response surface graphically, where h is plotted versus
the levels of x1 and x2. To help visualize the shape of a response surface, we oftenplot the contours of the response
surface as well. In the contour plot, lines of constant response are drawn in the x1, x2 planes. Each contour
corresponds to a particular height of the response surface. Objective is to optimize the response

Fig2: To generate contour surface

In RSM, polynomial equations, which explain the relations between input variables and response variables, are
constructed from experiments or simulations and the equations are used to find optimal conditions of input variables
in order to improve response variables. For the design of RSM, many researchers have used central composite
design (CCD) for their experiments. CCD is widely used for fitting a second-order response surface. CCD consists
of cube point runs, plus center point runs, and plus axial point runs. The three factors speed, feed rate, depth of cut,
selected in the screening experiment, will be used in CCD. The process can be studied with a standard RSM design
called a Central composite design (CCD). The factorial portion is a full factorial design with all factors at three
levels, the star points are at the face of the cube portion on the design which correspond to value of -1. This is
commonly referred to as a face centered CCD. The center points, as implied by the name, are points with all levels
set to coded level 0, the midpoint of each factor range, and this is repeated six times. Twenty experiments to be
performed. For each experimental trial, a new cutting edge to be used. The latest version of the Minitab or Design
Expert may be used to develop the experimental plan for response surface methodology. The same software can also
be used to analyze the data collected.


The various steps involved in rsm are shown in flowchart as follow [6]
Fig3: Steps in Response Surface Methodology (RSM).


Young Kug Hwang and Choon Man Lee[3] presented a paper to predict the cutting force and surface roughness, to
select the optimal cutting parameters, and to analyze the effects of cutting parameters on machinability. Fractional
factorial design and central composite design were used for the experiment plan. Cutting force and surface
roughness according to cutting parameters were measured through the external cylindrical turning based on the
experiment plan. The measured data were analyzed by regression analysis and verificationexperiments were
conducted to confirm the results. From the experimental results and regression analysis, this research project
suggested the experimental equations, proposed the optimal cutting parameters, and analyzed the effects of cutting
parameters on surface roughness and cutting force in the MQL and wet turning processes.They used a two-level
fractional factorial design to selectthe major parameters affecting the characteristics considereding their experiment.
A central composite design from response surface method was used to analyse the effects of cuttingconditions on the
characteristics and to find the optimalcutting parameters in MQL and wet machining. The cutting force was
measured and recorded through a Kistlertype 9257B dynamometer, a charge amplifier and PCsoftware. The surface
of the machined workpieces, definedthrough the Ra value, was measured using a Mitutoyo testerwith cut-off value,
sampling length, and evaluation length according to KS standards. Surface roughness was measured as a
characteristic value.Five factors, which were selected based on previous experiments and references, were
investigated in a 25-1 design withthe objective of learning how these factors affect surface roughness. The five
factors shown in table 1. Each factor was run at two levels. For the design of RSM, central composite design (CCD)
was used in this experiment. CCD is widely used for fitting asecond-order response surface. CCD consists of cube
pointruns, plus center point runs, and plus axial point runs. The four factors shown in table 2, were selected in the
screening experiment, were used in CCD.Conclusions were
(1) Using fractional factorial design, nozzle diameter, cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut were found as the
parameters affecting thesurface roughness of the MQL turning.
(3) When considering surface roughness and cutting force atthe same time in the MQL turning process, the optimal
combinationof cutting parameters to maximize the machinabilitywas as follows: nozzle diameter of 6mm, cutting
velocity of361m/min, feed rate of 0.01mm/rev, and depth of cut of 0.1mm. In the case of the wet turning process,
the optimal combination of cutting parameters consisted of nozzle diameterof 6mm, cutting speed of 394m/min, feed
rate of0.02mm/rev, and depth of cut of 0.1mm.
(4) According to the experiment results, cutting speed anddepth of cut showed opposite effects on cutting force and
surface roughness. Therefore, cutting conditions should be setunder a clear standard because the optimal
combination ofcutting conditions could be different depending on machinability.
(5) If we consider only surface roughness and cutting force, MQL turning has more advantages than wet turning.

Table1. Experimental conditions for fractional factorial design

Table 2. Experimental conditions for central composite design

Ali riza motorcu [4] uses the response surface methodology to investigate the effects of main cutting parameters
such as cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on the surface roughness when turning AISI 1050 carbon steel.
Machining tests were carried out with uncoated ceramic (KY1615) and coated ceramic cutting tools (KY4400).
Optimal machining conditions for the desired surface finish were determined. The adequacy of the second order
developed model was analyzed by using analysis of variance. The experimental results indicated that the feed rate
was the dominant factor, followed by the depth of cut. The cutting speed showed the minimal effect on the surface
roughness. It could be seen that the KY1615 tool produced a better surface roughness than the KY4400 tool. It was
shown that average surface roughness’ of Ra values were about 2.515 μm, 2.984 μm for the KY1615, KY4400
cutting tools, respectively. Furthermore, the analysis of variance for the second-order model indicated that squares
terms were significant on the roughness, but interaction terms of cutting parameters were insignificant for both
cutting tools. To develop a second-order model, a design consisting of 18 experiments was conducted. Details of the
model and design are given elsewhere (Sahin and Motorcu, 2004; Motorcu, 2006). 18 experiments constitute 23
factorial designs with an added center point repeated four times, the added center point being used to estimate pure
error. An augment length of 2 was chosen depending on the capacity of the center lathe. The augments point consists
of three levels for each of the independent variables denoted by -2, -1, 0, +1, +2. The RSM was adopted to
investigate the effects of machining factors such as cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on the surface
roughness when turning the AISI 1050 carbon steel. The feed rate was the dominant factor, followed by the depth of
cut. The cutting speed showed the minimum effect on the surface roughness. Furthermore, it could be seen that the
KY1615 cutting tool produced a better surface roughness than that of the KY4400 tool. The average surface
roughness, Ra values were about 2.515 μm, 2.984 μm for the KY1615, KY4400 cutting tools, respectively. It was
found that it was appropriate when machining the mild steel with ceramic based cutting tools under high speed
conditions. Moreover, the ANOVA showed that the quadratic effects were significant on the roughness while the
interactions terms of cutting parameters were statistically insignificant for both cutting tools.

Table 3. Analysis of variance for machining the AISI 1050 steels by the KY1615 and KY4400 cutting tool
Vipin and Harish Kumar [10] used Response surface methodology for their investigations. The surface roughness
models were developed for turning leaded gun metal under dry conditions. The models were developed in terms of
cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut obtained experimentally. The effects of cutting variables (cutting speed,
feed and depth of cut) on surface roughness had been investigated by Central composite Design. The first- order
model was developed by an experimental design consisting of 12 experiments. Twelve experiments constitute Eight
experiments (23 factorial designs) and Four experiments (an added centre point repeated four times) as shown in
Fig.2. This was done to predict the ‘b’ parameters as used in the Equation. The blocks provide the confidence
interval of the parameters and help in the analysis of variance. A second-order model was developed by adding six
augment points to the factorial design. Depending on the capacity of the machine, an augment length of ±1 was
chosen. The augment points consist of three levels for each of the independent variables denoted by -1, 0, 1. These
six experiments were repeated twice to develop the second-order model. The resulting 12 or 24 experiments form
the central composite design with 23 designs. Regression analysis was successfully used to develop the surface
roughness model. The surface roughness equation showed that the feed is the main influencing factor on the surface
roughness, followed by cutting speed and depth of cut in the operation model. Increasing any of these three cutting
variables increases the surface roughness. Dual-response contours provided useful information about the maximum
attainable surface roughness for a given metal removal rate as a function of all three independent cutting variables.

Fig4: Cube
Srinivasan A. et al [8] used RSM to model the machinability evaluation through the response surface methodology
in machining of homogenized 10% micron Al2O3 LM25 Al MMC manufactured through stir casting method. The
combined effects of three machining parameters including cutting speed (s), feed rate (f) and depth of cut (d) on the
basis of three performance characteristics of tool wear (VB), surface Roughness (Ra) and cutting Force (Fz) were
investigated. The contour plots were generated to study the effect of process parameters as well as their interactions.
RSM model were developed for predicting tool life, surface roughness and cutting force. The optimized cutting
condition that gives lower surface finish and cutting force when machining micron MMCs had identified, Cutting
speed ‘V’ 100 m min-1, Feed ‘f’ 0.1 mm/rev and Depth of cut ‘a’ 0.10 mm .The surface roughness improves with
increase of the cutting speed whilst increasing feed adversely affects the surface roughness. The tool wear increases
with increase of the cutting speed, the feed and the depth of cut. Among the machining parameters cutting speed had
the most dominant effect on tool wear. The cutting force almost linearly varies with feed. At low cutting speed the
cutting force was higher and the interactions of cutting speed with feed and depth of cut with feed dominantly
affects the cutting forces. The machining parameters for turning process were optimized using Taguchi’s technique
for minimizing the tool wear, surface roughness and cutting force. The developed model had been validated
experimentally and exhibit low values of error

Fig. 5: Effect of cutting speed on Tool wear with varying feed rate

Fig. 6: Effect of cutting speed on surface roughness with varying feed rate
M. Aruna and V. Dhanalaksmi [1] used Inconel 718, a nickel based super-alloy accounting for about 50% by weight
of materials used in an aerospace engine, mainly in the gas turbine compartment. This is owing to their outstanding
strength and oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures in excess of 5500 C. machiningis a requisite operation in
the aircraft industries for the manufacture of the components especially for gas turbines. This paper is concerned
with optimization of the surface roughness when turning Inconel 718 with cermet inserts. Optimization of turning
operation is very useful to reduce cost and time for machining. The approach was based on Response Surface
Method (RSM). In their work, second-order quadratic models were developed for surface roughness, considering the
cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut as the cutting parameters, using central composite design. The developed
models were used to determine the optimum machining parameters. These optimized machining parameters were
validated experimentally, and it was observed that the response values were in reasonable agreement with the
predicted values. The experiment was performed by using a PMT –TNS-25 CNC lathe. Inconel 718 cylindrical rod
is considered as the work piece material. Titanium carbide based cermet inserts (Triangular) were used as the cutting
tool. The consequences of the experimental data is used for predicting the outcome of assorted input machining

M. Naga PhaniSastry and. K. Devaki Devi [7] have presented a paper which was concerned with the effect of
turning process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut) on the metal removal rate and surface
roughness as responses or output parameters. Response surface methodology (R.S.M), determine and present the
cause and effect of the relationship between true mean response and input control variables influencing the response
as a two or three dimensional surface. R.S.M had been used for designing a three factor with three level central
composite factors design in order to construct statistical models capable of accurate prediction of responses. The
results obtained shows that the application of R.S.M can predict the effect of machining parameters on MRR and
surface roughness. A case of straight CNC turning of aluminum bar using HSS tool was being considered. The
predicted optimal setting ensured minimization of surface roughness and maximization of MRR (Material Removal
Rate). Optimal result was verified through confirmatory test. The roughness is measured by surface roughness meter
(Stylus Type) and the force is measured by dynamometer .The results were then recorded to analyze the effect of
different parameters and their levels on surface roughness and MRR. The model for three different parameters
namely speed, feed and depth of cut for turning process in CNC LATHE on aluminium material were developed
using response surface method(RSM).The second order models had been validated with the analysis of variance. It
was found that the feed and depth of cut had more significant effect while speed had less significant effect on MRR
and feed and depth of cut had equal significance on surface roughness (Ra).

Fig. 7: Plots for Surface Roughnesss (Ra) and MRR

Alexandru,[9] have presented a paper where in order to find out a mathematical relation of
polynomial second degree type which describe, in finish turning of hardened 205 Cr115 steel, the roughness
parameter Ra dependence on cutting edge wear, depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed, a factorial design
methodology was used. The experimental tests were done according to a composed, central, four-factor five-level
factorial program. The established second degree polynomial relationship for the Ra calculus as a function of the
cutting conditions and the flank wear approximate in a satisfactory way the studied phenomena. The main influence
on the surface roughness was exerted by the feed rate and flank wear.The interactions of some parameters as feed
rate and flank wear had a great influence on the roughness values of the machined surface. Karin Kandananond [7]
used Design of Experiment for the determination of Empirical Model for Surface Roughness in Turning Process.
This process was performed in the final assembly department at a manufacturing company which supplies fluid
dynamic bearing (FDB) spindle motors for hard disk drives (HDDs). The work pieces used were the sleeves of FDB
motors made of ferritic stainless steel, grade AISI 12L14. A 2k factorial experiment was used to characterize the
effects of machining factors, depth of cut, spindle speed and feed rate on the surface roughness of the sleeve. The
results show that the surface roughness was minimized when the spindle speed and feed rate were set to the highest
levels while the depth of cut was set to the lowest level. Even though the results from this research were process
specific, the methodology deployed can be readily applied to different turning processes. As a result, practitioners
have guidelines for achieving the highest possible performance potential. The purpose of this research is to quantify
the effect of depth of cut, spindle speed and feed rate on surface roughness of the FDB sleeve in HDD. The factorial
design was utilized to obtain the best cutting condition which leads to the minimization of the surface roughness.
The half normal plot and ANOVA indicate that the feed rate (C) is the most significant factor followed by spindle
speed (B) and feed rate (A). Moreover, it was interesting to note that there are interactions among these three factors
with the highest order term, ABC. Regarding the model validation, the regression model developed proves accuracy
and has the capability to predict the value of response within the limits of factors investigated. After the optimal
cutting condition is implemented, the surface roughness was significantly reduced about 8 percent. In addition to the
factorial design experiment, the RSM and Taguchi design were proved to be potential methodologies to develop an
empirical model and optimize the surface roughness of the metal work pieces.


On the basis of the experimental results and derived analysis by earlier researchers the studies may be concluded as
below [6]:
 The surface roughness is continuously improved with the increase in cutting speed, but increase in feed rate
and depth of cut causes a significant deterioration of surface roughness.
 The results obtained using the Response Surface Methodology provides a systematic, efficient and easy-to-
use approach for the cutting process optimization.
 Significance of interactions and square terms of parameters is more clearly predicted in Response surface
 The Response surface methodology shows significance of all possible combinations of interactions and
square terms.
 Response surface methodology technique requires almost double Time for conducting experiments as that
needed for Taguchi technique.
 Response surface methodology technique can model the response in terms of significant parameters, their
interactions and square terms which is not provided by other technique.
 3D surfaces generated by Response surface methodology can help in visualizing the effect of parameters on
response in the entire range specified
 Optimization plot is a special feature which can be obtained from Response surface methodology. Thus
Response surface methodology is a better tool for optimization and can better predict the effect of
parameters on response.

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