Online Learning Project Lesson
Online Learning Project Lesson
Online Learning Project Lesson
Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others
and working effectively in teams locally and globally. Students:
a. use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in
ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (creating original data and or producing original
products as a result of engaging in a project): Students are creating their own original work based on
the knowledge they’ve learned in class.
c. Higher-order thinking: Students achieve the highest order of thinking, which is create because they
are creating their own piece of writing using their own opinions on a topic.
d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care about their product: KidPub is a
publishing website for writing, so the students and teachers on there care about writing and enjoy
talking about it with others.
Spring 2018_SJB
Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities
Spring 2018_SJB