FandI Subj105 200004 Exampaper
FandI Subj105 200004 Exampaper
FandI Subj105 200004 Exampaper
1. Write your surname in full, the initials of your other names and your
Candidate’s Number on the front of the answer booklet.
Faculty of Actuaries
105—A2000 Institute of Actuaries
1 In the context of a pension scheme, explain the term “prospective service
benefit” and state one example. [2]
Derive the values of y and t to which this estimate applies. State clearly any
assumptions used. [2]
3 Mortality levels for a certain country have been studied at national and
regional level. Explain the circumstances under which a particular region
may have an Area Comparability Factor of 0.5. [2]
5 A life insurance company sells an annual premium whole life assurance policy
with benefits payable at the end of the year of death. Expenses are incurred at
the start of each year, and claim expenses are nil.
6 1
Calculate A30: 30:30 using A1967–70 mortality and interest of 4% per annum. [3]
7 A pension scheme provides a pension of 1
of final pensionable salary for each
year of service, with a maximum of 2
of final pensionable salary, upon
retirement at age 65.
Final pensionable salary is defined as average annual salary over the 3 years
immediately preceding retirement.
A member is now aged exactly 47 and has 14 years of past service. He earned
£40,000 in the previous 12 months.
Calculate the expected present value now of this member’s total pension on
retirement, using the symbols defined in, and assumptions underlying, the
Formulae and Tables for Actuarial Examinations. [3]
8 The random variables Tx and Ty represent the exact future lifetimes of two
lives aged x and y respectively.
R|a if max{ Tx ,T y } ≤ n
g(T) = S|a
if max{ Tx ,T y } > n
T max{ Tx ,T y }
(i) Describe the benefit which has present value equal to g(T). [2]
9 Define the term “asset share” in the context of a with-profit policy. [3]
Calculate the number of people who are sick after exactly 10 years. [3]
The mortality and sickness of the policyholders are described by the following
multiple state model, in which the forces of transition depend on age.
H = healthy S = sick
µx νx
D = dead
p xgh,t is defined as the probability that a life aged x who is in state g(g = H, S
or D) is in state h at age x + t (t ≥ 0 and h = H, S or D). The force of interest is
Express in integral form, using the probabilities and the various forces of
transition, the expected present value of one such policy at its commencement.
A pension of £10,000 per annum payable during the lifetime of the spouse, but
ceasing 30 years after the death of the member if that is earlier. All payments
are made on the anniversary of the member’s retirement.
Calculate the expected present value of the spouse’s benefit in the case of a
female member retiring now on her 60th birthday, who has a husband aged
exactly 64.
14 (i) Discuss the suitability of the crude death rate, the standardised
mortality rate and the standardised mortality ratio for comparing
(ii) The following table gives a summary of mortality for one of the
occupational groups and for the country as a whole.
Calculate the crude death rate, the standardised mortality rate and the
standardised mortality ratio for Occupation A. [4]
[Total 10]
15 An insurer issues 15 year term assurance policies to lives aged exactly 50 who
have provided satisfactory answers on a basic medical questionnaire. The sum
assured of £100,000 is payable at the end of the year of death during the policy
term. The policy includes an option at the end of the term which allows
policyholders to convert their policy to a whole life policy for the same sum
assured (payable at the end of the year of death). The premiums payable for
this whole life policy are the office’s standard premium rates, irrespective of
the health of the policyholder effecting the option.
The insurer calculates annual premiums for all products using A1967–70
Select mortality and 4% per annum interest, with an expense allowance of 5%
of all premiums.
(i) Describe:
(a) the North American method and
(b) the conventional method
for pricing mortality options. [5]
(ii) Using the conventional method calculate the extra annual premium the
insurer should charge above that for a term assurance policy with no
option. [5]
95% of each premium is invested in units at the offer price. The bid price is
95% of the offer price. Premiums payable in the first two years are invested in
capital units which are subject to a management charge of 6% per annum.
Subsequent premiums are invested in accumulation units for which the
management charge is 1% per annum. Management charges are deducted at
the end of each year from the bid value of units before benefits are paid.
Capital units are actuarially funded using factors of A61+t :4 −t calculated using
A1967–70 Ultimate with 5% per annum interest for t = 0, 1, 2 and 3.
The company uses the following assumptions to profit test this contract:
(i) Using a risk discount rate of 12% per annum calculate the expected net
present value of the profit on this contract. [12]
17 A man aged exactly 30 effected a 35 year with profit endowment assurance for
a sum assured of £50,000. Level annual premiums are payable throughout the
policy term, ceasing on earlier death. The sum assured, with attaching
bonuses, is payable at the end of the year of death, or on maturity. Compound
reversionary bonuses vest at the end of each policy year.
(i) Show that the premium (to the nearest £1) is £990 per annum using the
following basis:
(ii) The random variables Tx and Kx represent the exact future lifetime and
the curtate future lifetime of a life aged x, respectively. Using Tx , Kx or
both, express, in stochastic form, the gross future loss random variable
for this policy at duration t, where t is an integer and 0 < t < 35. Use
those elements of the basis set out in part (i) as needed. Assume bonus
declarations have been in line with the original bonus loadings. [3]
(iii) Immediately before the 11th premium is due, and just after the 10th
bonus has brought the sum assured plus accumulated bonuses to
£60,000, the policyholder wishes to convert the policy to a non-profit
whole life policy, with premiums of an unchanged amount payable until
Using the mortality and interest elements of the premium basis set out
in part (i), and allowing for renewal expenses of 2.5% of all future
premiums as well as an alteration expense of £100, calculate the revised
sum assured. [6]
(iv) State one other consideration, if any, that the office should take into
account before completing the alteration in (iii), and explain why they
should do so. [2]
[Total 18]