Examination: Subject CT5 - Contingencies Core Technical
Examination: Subject CT5 - Contingencies Core Technical
Examination: Subject CT5 - Contingencies Core Technical
1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer
2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the
4. Attempt all 14 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.
Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.
In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the Formulae
and Tables and your own electronic calculator from the approved list.
© Faculty of Actuaries
CT5 A2010 © Institute of Actuaries
1 Explain what the following represent:
(a) l[ x ]+ r
(b) n|m q x
(c) dx
3 Calculate the standardised mortality ratio for the population of Urbania using the
following data:
4 A life insurance company offers an increasing term assurance that provides a benefit
payable at the end of the year of death of 10,000 in the first year, increasing by 100 on
each policy anniversary.
Calculate the single premium for a five year policy issued to a life aged 50 exact.
CT5 A2010—2
6 You are provided with the following extract from a life table:
x lx
50 99,813
51 97,702
52 95,046
7 A company is about to establish a pension scheme that will provide an age retirement
benefit of n/60ths of final pensionable salary where n is total number of years of
service. Final pensionable salary is the average salary in the three years before
An employee who will become a member of the pension scheme is currently aged 55
exact has and will be granted exactly 20 years of past service. The employee’s salary
in the year before the valuation date was £40,000.
(i) Calculate the present value of benefits for this member (including future
service). [3]
Pension Scheme from the Formulae and Tables for Actuarial Examinations
[Total 6]
8 100 graduates aged 21 exact decide to place the sum of £1 per week into a fund to be
shared on their retirement at age 66 exact.
(i) Show that each surviving member can expect to receive on retirement a fund
of approximately £7,240. [4]
One of the survivors uses the accumulated fund to buy a weekly annuity payable for
10 years certain. After 10 years the annuity is payable at two-thirds of the initial level
for the rest of life.
(ii) Calculate the weekly amount of the annuity on the basis used in part (i). [2]
[Total 6]
μx μx
Dead (D)
(i) Derive the dependent probability of a life currently Active and aged x retiring
in the year of age x to (x + 1) in terms of the transition intensities. [2]
(ii) Derive a formula for the independent probability of a life currently Active and
aged x retiring in the year of age x to (x + 1) using the dependent probabilities.
[Total 6]
10 The decrement table extract below is based on the historical experience of a very large
multinational company’s workforce.
Recent changes in working conditions have resulted in an estimate that the annual
independent rate of withdrawal is now 75% of that previously used.
Calculate a revised table assuming no changes to the independent death rates, stating
your results to one decimal place. [7]
11 Thiele’s differential equation for the policy value at duration t (t > 0), tVx , of an
immediate life annuity payable continuously at a rate of £1 per annum from age x is:
t V x = μ x +t × t V x − 1 + δ× t V x
(i) Derive this result algebraically showing all the steps in your working. [5]
CT5 A2010—4
12 On 1 January 2005, a life insurance company issued 1,000 10-year term assurance
policies to lives aged 55 exact. For each policy, the sum assured is £50,000 for the
first five years and £25,000 thereafter. The sum assured is payable immediately on
death and level annual premiums are payable in advance throughout the term of this
policy or until earlier death.
The company uses the following basis for calculating premiums and reserves:
(i) Calculate the net premium retrospective reserve per policy as at 31 December
2009. [6]
(c) Give examples of how the terms of the policy could be altered so as to
remove this disadvantage.
There were, in total, 20 deaths during the years 2005 to 2008 inclusive and a further 8
deaths in 2009.
(iii) Calculate the total mortality profit or loss to the company during 2009. [3]
[Total 12]
Level premiums of £4,000 per annum are payable yearly in advance throughout the
term of the policy or until earlier death. 95% of the premium is allocated to units in
the first policy year, 100% in the second and 105% in the third. A policy fee of £50 is
deducted from the bid value of units at the start of each year. The units are subject to
a bid-offer spread of 5% on purchase. An annual management charge of 1.75% of the
bid value of units is deducted at the end of each policy year.
Management charges are deducted from the unit fund before death, surrender and
maturity benefits are paid.
If the policyholder dies during the term of the policy, the death benefit of 125% of the
bid value of the units is payable at the end of the policy year of death. On maturity,
100% of the bid value of the units is payable.
The policyholder may surrender the policy only at the end of the first and second
policy years. On surrender, the bid value of the units less a surrender penalty is
payable at the end of the policy year of exit. The surrender penalty is £1,000 at the
end of the first policy year and £500 at the end of the second policy year.
The company uses the following assumptions in carrying out profit tests of this
Rate of growth on assets in the unit fund 5.5% per annum in year 1
5.25% per annum in year 2
5.0% per annum in year 3
Rate of interest on non-unit fund cash flows 4.0% per annum
Mortality AM92 Select
Initial expenses £200
Renewal expenses £50 per annum on the second and third
premium dates
Initial commission 15% of first premium
Renewal commission 2.0% of the second and third years’
Rate of expense inflation 2.0% per annum
Risk discount rate 7.0% per annum
For renewal expenses, the amount quoted is at outset and the increases due to inflation
start immediately. In addition, you should assume that at the end of the first and
second policy years, 12% and 6% respectively of all policies still in force then
surrender immediately.
(ii) Calculate the expected present value of profit for the policy if the company
assumed that there were no surrenders at the end of each of the first and
second policy years. [3]
[Total 16]
CT5 A2010—6
14 A life insurance company issues a 30-year with profits endowment assurance policy
to a life aged 35 exact. The sum assured of £100,000 plus declared reversionary
bonuses are payable on survival to the end of the term or immediately on death if
(i) Show that the quarterly premium payable in advance throughout the term of
the policy or until earlier death is approximately £616.
Pricing basis:
At the end of the 25th policy year, the actual past bonus additions to the policy have
been £145,000.
(ii) Calculate the gross prospective policy reserve at the end of that policy year
immediately before the premium then due.
CT5 A2010—7