Human Resources Annual Report: Division of Administration & Finance 2013-14
Human Resources Annual Report: Division of Administration & Finance 2013-14
Human Resources Annual Report: Division of Administration & Finance 2013-14
Human Resources
Mission Statement
HR supports and upholds UCF’s goals
by fostering a positive and engaging work
environment while identifying and responding to
the changing needs of our diverse community.
Vision Statement
UCF Human Resources will serve as a steward
for excellence and leadership through:
• Organizational effectiveness
• Innovative HR solutions
• Recruitment, retention, and enrichment
• Exceptional quality of services
• Building collaborative partnerships
Executive Summary
The goals of the Human Resources Department is to help UCF achieve its strategic mission, while ensuring
employees are engaged and motivated to help the university succeed. HR’s success will be measured by our ability
to align and integrate processes with the strategic mission. We can do this by identifying issues and executing
corrective measures effectively.
In moving forward, HR has targeted its operational initiatives to align to the UCF Strategic Plan by initially
identifying ways to leverage and develop technology as a means to cut costs and improve internal efficiencies. In
the coming year, HR will use its resources and staff to become a more active, consulting partner for the university.
July 1, 2014
Human Resources put into action a new process: making contingent hires pending the results of a background check,
which enabled management to fill critical positions faster to meet business needs, gives new employees the option to
start sooner, and to be competitive with the private sector on hiring offers.
The College of Medicine Human Resources office formed a Wellness Committee and established a “walk with the
Doc” each Thursday at noon to engage employees and provide opportunities to educate employees on health and
wellness topics.
Human Resources’ Leave Administration section transitioned to the new third-party administrator, AmeriSys, for
Workers’ Compensation medical case management to improve case management for the 242 Workers’ Compensation
actions filed during the year.
Human Resources offered over 4,000 UCF employees, at all levels, a wide range of training opportunities throughout
the year in order to build on their professional competencies, increase their knowledge, and improve their skill set so
as to contribute to UCF’s mission and enhance their individual opportunities for future growth.
The OD&Training Section delivered training to 3,830 employees.
The Benefits Section hosted the 2014 Retirement Series providing eight different workshops for
242 employees (a 60% increase), highest in our history.
The Benefits Section joined with Aetna Health to coordinate 12 Employee Assistance Program workshops,
which increased employee engagement and provided education on various subjects, all with easy access to
our HR off-campus location.
The Health Care Compliance Section of HR held 13 Affordable Care Act (ACA) information sessions for
colleges/departments, providing training and oversight to ensure a smoother transition when implementing
business process changes necessary to comply with federal and state health-care reform.
Human Resources helped our community during the 2013 United Way campaign by collecting 88.7 pounds of food,
toiletries and school supplies for the Knights Helping Knights Pantry, and we raised $1,816.97 through seven internal
fund-raising events in the department during October and November (almost triple the amount we raised in 2012 and
second place in the Administration and Finance division).
The Human Resources Department met their University Assessment goal by conducting three workshops focused on
diversity training for all HR Staff members. Participants practiced skill building and developing ways to respect and
appreciate differences in the ways people function, which translates into better working relationships, improved
teamwork and better communication.
July 1, 2014
The Human Resources Department created a new section to focus specifically on the implementation of the ACA
health-care reform law at the university, providing a central point of contact to communicate between employees,
colleges/departments, state agencies, and plan administrators, as well as creating modifications in PeopleSoft for state
reporting purposes.
Human Resources' Benefit Section partnered with Liberty Mutual, the Gabor Agency, Capital Insurance, TIAA-
CREF, and VALIC to host the 2014 Retirement Series providing eight different workshops for 242 employees (a
60% increase).
Human Resources partnered with the Gabor Insurance Agency to establish the Gabor Agency Scholarship fund for
students of UCF Employees, awarding two $2,500 scholarships annually to UCF students who are the children of full-
time university employees.
Human Resources partnered with UCF Athletics, UCF Continuing Education, UCF Foundation, UCF Alumni
Association, UCF Recreation & Wellness Center, and the DeVos Sport Business Management Program to offer a full-
day leadership conference at the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center, with 220 attendees.
Worked with the PIC (Process Improvement Committee) to update the Salary Supplement Request Form to include
the UCF Foundation’s requirements, which eliminated additional paperwork and reduced departmental efforts to
request funding.
Cost Effective
The Benefit Section redesigned reports for the Division of Retirement which ensured proper service credit for
employees, reduced the number of errors, and saved the university departments on employee DROP participants’ pay
outs during this fiscal year due to the delay on the day they begin paying the higher contribution rate required for
DROP participants.
The Human Resources Department reinstituted the Special Pay Plan (SPP) for eligible university employees, allowing
the maximum tax advantages for leave pay outs, and saving approximately $86,440 dollars to the university and
affecting 55 employees.
At no additional cost to the university, the Human Resources Department transitioned from manual to the electronic e-
mail notifications for W-4 exempt status which reduced processing time, allowed employees longer time to complete,
and used the current system to reset any employee who did not meet the annual February 15th deadline, resulting in a
university cost savings of work hours.
Human Resources’ HRIS Section succeeded in keeping PeopleSoft production operating efficiently while opening
345 requests from customers to implement ACA production issues, security, and report processing.
Human Resources streamlined processes and encouraged the use of technology by eliminating forms, automating
manual processes, implementing online training, providing access to information 24/7 on the website, and reducing
times the employee may be away from work:
The Payroll Section modified the Direct Deposit Form to align with the Employee Self-Service form which
requires less employee information.
July 1, 2014
The Health Care Compliance Section created a new online benefit orientation for OPS employees to educate
staff on the state’s process of determining eligibility and benefit options available.
The Records Section created and distributed an online ePAF Originator and I-9 training course allowing
department end-users to complete the course on their own schedule and obtain faster security access.
Other Accomplishments
The Human Resources Department successfully implemented expanded benefits in compliance with the Federal
Affordable Care Act (ACA) legislation and changes to Florida state law, effective January 1, 2014. Approximately,
752 (11%) out of 6,593 active OPS employees were identified as eligible. As of November 2013, 193 OPS employees
enrolled for benefits which began January 1, 2014.
The Human Resources Department spent 1,500 staff hours conducting audits on 9,402 old paper-based I-9 forms for
errors while working with colleges/departments to correct 981 paper forms (as required under federal regulations) to
avoid potential penalty fees for I-9 errors and compliance with electronic I-9s.
The Human Resources Compensation section conducted a university-wide review of UCF lower paid USPS
classifications (those classifications with minimum starting salaries of $26,000 or lower) and implemented resulting
market based salary increases. Approximately 695 USPS employees were identified and received a 1.5% salary
increase based on market data. HRIS worked to have these new rates programmatically loaded into PeopleSoft,
improving efficiency and ensuring accuracy.
July 1, 2014