Strength-Weakness-Opprotunity-Threat (Swot) Analysis To Enhance Productivity of Batik Industry Centre in East Java Province Indonesia
Strength-Weakness-Opprotunity-Threat (Swot) Analysis To Enhance Productivity of Batik Industry Centre in East Java Province Indonesia
Strength-Weakness-Opprotunity-Threat (Swot) Analysis To Enhance Productivity of Batik Industry Centre in East Java Province Indonesia
It is acknowledged that the struggle faced by the batik industry, particularly in the Province of East
Java, dealing with growth challenges caused by several factors: less attractive design, the
conventional use of manual handling, and less governmental-institutional support. The purpose of this
study is to analyze the performance of centers of Batik industry in Sampang, Trenggalek and Tuban
Regencies highlighting their related-production quality and quantity. The location selection of batik
production centers is based on coordination with Department of Industry and Trade in each area.
Data is collected through surveys and interviews. This study concludes several things. There are six
production system elements analyzed in this research included technology (production capacity of
batik), funding, raw material, human resources, marketing, and pattern design.
Batik is one of the original Indonesian technique in cloth dyeing, using wax to cover specific patterns so they will
not receive the colour. Batik is not only an art, but also a craft, which become more popular as one of the creative
industry sectors. UNESCO inscribed Indonesian Batik on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
of Humanity in 2009 (Bungin, 2005). In the present the needs of market and production of batik are very high not
only in the form of cloth, but also various crafts.
The development of batik craft centers in East Java has not been as encouraging as in Central Java Province. Batik
craft centers in East Java include Madura, Malang, Jombang, Tulungagung and Kediri Regencies. Among these
areas, the region of Madura experiences rapid development with its center in Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep
Subdistrict. The various centers of East Java batik nowadays have been trying to develop designs with various
innovative batik products, but the results achieved have not been maximized.
The fundamental weakness faced by handicraft centers in East Java is the lack of development of batik design and
still the traditional production technology used. Both of these have an impact on low product competitiveness due to
the small production capacity and the sluggish innovation of existing batik patterns. Apart from the technological
aspects of the institutional aspects involved in the development of batik SMEs are also not developed as well as in
the region of Central Java. Institutional role should be able to accelerate the ability of batik artisans in improvisation
of design and technology adoption, improvement of production efficiency, expansion of marketing network and
efficiency of promotion media for all artisans in batik craft area. The aim of this study was to find out the qualitative
Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis of some batik industry centres in East Java Province,
This research is limited to evaluation and planning of solution strategy in the scope of component of batik
production system such as Technology (Low production capacity), Capital (Low capital interest), Raw material
(Low availability and High price), Human resource (Lack of skillful batik-dyeing process), Marketing (Weak
partnership system), and Design (Motive predominantly by natural resources, cultural motif has not yet emerging).
Research is also limited to recommendations to companies not until implementation. This research uses qualitative
method with Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis and quantitative calculation with scoring
method. There are nine owners of batik SMEs in Sampang, Trenggalek and Tuban Regencies as rrespondents. This
The sampling techniques used was purposive sampling, a data collection with a technique of sampling collection
from data resources considered mastering material expected so that can ease the research process (Sugiyono, 2014).
Data collection methods used was semi-structured interview and observation. Observation is a data collection
method that can be used to collect the data which can be observed by the researcher (Bungin, 2005).
Through the researcher's consideration, respondents chose to help this research are those having Small and Medium
Enterprise (widely known as UKM in Bahasa) in Batik production to get information on internal and external
environment condition of the company. Another consideration to decide the point of the main weakness, strength,
opportunity, and threat until the solution alternative determination was done with a discussion between researcher
and respondents.
craftsman is generation.
getting low) Weakness Younger generation interest in working at batik production sector
is low, the reasons influencing are income and prestige to prefer
work at a factory.
Opportunity Younger generation skill is directed into the semi-printed
technique so that the production capacity is high, and the old
generation craftsmen are directed into the batik tulis which the
price is relatively expensive.
Challenges UKM consciousness to the importance of craftsman's skill
development and the compensation to the performance given.
5. Marketing (Not Strength The needs of batik have an increase dispositional with the
developed yet a existence of strengthening from the local government and
tough partnership society's consciousness.
system) Weakness UKM skillfulness to perform low-market development, the vast
majority depend on traditional marketing system
Opportunity Establishing a mutual market institutional to facilitate batik
marketing from various regions
Challenges The difficult to meet related side (departments) entrepreneur to
build a mutual marketing network for UKM.
6. Design (Most of Strength A culture to create a natural resources-based batik design has
the pattern is existed at all of the UKMs
dominated by Weakness There is no more batik with cultural design produced in East
Human resources, Java
typical pattern of Opportunity Regional cultural utilization to develop batik in East Java
culture does not
Challenges Has not mastered yet cultural exploration technique that can be
appear yet)
applied for batik design.
There is not yet an education and training of local cultural-based
batik design development
2.1. SMEs Condition Analysis and Solution Strategy Planning with SWOT Analysis
Through consideration of researchers and respondents, the analysis of the condition of SMEs Batik using SWOT
both from the internal and external aspects of the company with qualitative way will produce research variables.
Formulation of alternative solution also obtained from qualitative method that is with discussion between researcher
with respondent and consider research variable. Hence, the alternative formulation of the solution will be divided
into four categories containing of combinations of two aspects: SO (Strength-Opportunity), ST (Strength-Threat),
WO (Weakness-Opportunity), and WT (Weakness-Threat). Explanation of the comparison matrix is among others
(Rangkuti, 2006):
a. SO strategy is based on the company's way of thinking, by utilizing all the power to seize and take
advantage of opportunities as much as possible
b. Strategy ST is made by using the strength of the company to overcome the threat.
c. WO strategy is applied based on the utilization of existing opportunities by minimizing the weaknesses
owned by the company.
d. WT strategy is based on activities that are defensive and try to minimize the weaknesses of the company
and avoid threats.
weaknesses and threats so that alternative solutions will become more in line with the company's ability to be
realized. The results of alternative formulated solutions can be seen in Table 2 below.
Fifteen alternative solutions are formulated on the basis of root causes such as low-cost traditional batik production
because of relying on human skills, stamp techniques and high-speed printing speeds, but selling low-price products,
not dominating the market (relatively small product demand), most craftsmen rely on sales system with cash
payment, the absence of workshop materials raw materials capable of serving the quantity and continuity high, and
low prices, the job requires skill and perseverance that is meticulous, low income workers, image of batik work for
younger generation decreased, business between SMEs and traders (distributors), batik motifs obtained by self-
taught and modeled, mostly patterned SDA, not many local cultural motives, depending on the trend / model real
needs market, and very few batik motifs that get Patent. The root of the problem is used as a reference in the
formulation of alternative solutions so that the alternatives formed can minimize the existing problems and even
eliminate them.
Ease of
0,2 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 3 3
Affordable Cost 0,5 4 3 5 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 5
Resources 0,3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 3 5 3 4 3 2
Total Weight 1 4,5 3,7 4,5 4,2 4,2 2,2 3,8 3,8 3,8 2,5 4,2 4,2 3,5 3,0
Priority Rank 1 4 1 2 2 8 3 3 3 7 2 2 5 6 4
The total weight value for each criterion is one. The values of each criterion include the ease of implementation of
0.2; affordability of the cost of 0.5 and the effectiveness of the use of resources 0.3. Criteria with the greatest weight
is the affordability of costs, it is because cost is a very important factor for the company because it must be through
consideration and adjustment with the ability of the company (Iwantono, 2011). The solution priority scale of
problems in Batik SMEs centre development can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4: Priority Scale Of Problem Solution In A Center Of UKM Engaged In Batik Development
Based on SWOT analysis, the highest priority to do are Integrated technology will enhance production capacity to
decrease product price and Cultural studies will result in an artifact and add design alternative or batik pattern with
local typical culture nuance.
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