Analysis of Mechanical Seals For High-Speed Centrifugal Gas Compressors
Analysis of Mechanical Seals For High-Speed Centrifugal Gas Compressors
Analysis of Mechanical Seals For High-Speed Centrifugal Gas Compressors
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4 authors, including:
Emmanuel E. Anyanwu
Federal University of Technology Owerri
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Abstract: A study aimed at seal selection efficiency for centrifugal pumps in the oil and gas industry is
presented. A detailed analysis of mechanical seals in use in exploration and production activities of the oil and
gas sector was undertaken. The approach of analysis was using seal design equations as mathematical models
for simulating the performance of the mechanical seal. The results showed a mechanical seal with balance value
of 0.5, an increased surface area between mating surfaces; provided with a flush system to enhance cooling,
and with seal face gap of 50 mm or less between the mating surfaces for minimal or zero leakage. The obtained
results can aid the industries in seal selection and seal manufacturers in seal specifications.
Corresponding Author: K.N. Nwaigwe, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal University of Technology,
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Mechanical seals first appeared (in a crude form) at for seal oil systems from new installations (Shell
the turn of the century. Turbine designers were looking Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij, 1991). The prime
for a more positive sealing device. A more sophisticated motivation for the introduction of dry gas seals instead of
form is shown in a patent dated 1913 (Wilkinson, 1913). using the traditional seal oil arrangement has been on the
The inventor shows a so-called double-seal with cooling grounds of safety. Information from both manufacturers
in the seal chamber and mentions the concept of seal and users indicates that over 70% of all centrifugal
balance. The seal is considered of the controlled leakage compressor operational faults are attributable to lube and
type. There is no axial mechanical loading device such as seal oil systems. These problems can lead to fires and
a spring to keep the faces in intimate contact. By 1919 a leakage of toxic gas, both with major safety and
patent appeared in which springs were shown (Doran, environmental implications. A seal oil system involves
1919). They push a ring-shaped piece against a shaft significant hardware, is often difficult to troubleshoot, and
shoulder. The inventor calls it packing for steam turbines, provides a weight and space impact, which may be
although in present-day terminology it is a single- important in an offshore environment. A dry gas seal
mechanical end face seal. In the late 1920’s designers and system for a new installation is less expensive and user
engineers particularly in the refrigeration and automotive experience to date indicates that the systems are at least as
fields began demanding more positive sealing devices reliable as oil systems, but have a much lower risk of fire
(Schmitz, 1947). The mechanical seal responded to the or gas leakage.
Therefore justification of dry gas seals on new
challenge. By 1945 its reputation had been established.
installations can also be made on the basis of capital
Pump manufacturers and the chemical industry have
developed a great demand for such a seal. Recent studies savings, especially if carried out in conjunction with
include Seals classification by Schoenherr (1965), Shaft magnetic bearings as the complete compressor lube oil
Sealing Systems (Shell Internationale Petroleum system can be eliminated. On existing machines with seal
Maatschappij, 1991) and Dry Gas Seals (Shell oil systems, retrofit of dry gas seals can be difficult to
Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij, 1991). justify unless serious reliability problems exists with the
High-speed centrifugal compressors are characterized seal oil system which cannot easily be resolved, or there
by Froude numbers greater than unity. Froude number are possible major consequences resulting from a gas
(Fr) is the ratio of stream velocity to the velocity of leakage. Dry gas seals are now considered standard for all
propagation of wave. The objective of this research is to new EP equipment purchases. Detailed analyses of
study mechanical seals with a view to predicting the mechanical seals for high speed gas centrifugal
performance of seals in its operating conditions in a High- compressors will therefore, help the compressor engineer
Speed Centrifugal Gas Compressor. select an appropriate seal.
Frequent failure of mechanical seals used in gas The need to design seals that can withstand the high
compressors, particularly high-speed centrifugal operating speeds gas compressors run in, while properly
compressors, and the need to correct this trend is posing eliminating gas leakages motivated this research. The
enough challenges to design engineers. Considering that analysis problem will be studied using seal design
these compressors run at high velocities, and being radial equations as mathematical models for predicting the
in nature, there is frequent and constant interaction performance of industrial mechanical seals using
between the seals and the shroud in one case and the back simulation.
plate in the other. Another major reason is the need to
eliminate leakages in gas compressors. A proper design of FORMULATION AND SOLUTION
mechanical seals will help achieve this objective. Seals
are primarily meant to eliminate leakages. The sealing surfaces are perpendicular to the shaft,
The compressor shaft seal is designed to prevent the with contact between the primary and mating rings to
process gas from escaping along the shaft to atmosphere. achieve a dynamic seal. The primary ring is flexibly
In non-toxic and non-hazardous environments, a labyrinth mounted in the seal head assembly, which usually rotates
seal is utilized which allows a small leakage of gas to the with the pump shaft, and the mating ring is usually fixed
atmosphere. In the EP environment with the hazard of to the pump gland plate. Each of the sealing planes is
allowing hydrocarbons escape to the atmosphere, a seal lapped flat to eliminate any visible leakage. Wear occurs
arrangement is utilized to contain the process gas within at the seal faces from sliding contact between the primary
the compressor. The traditional method has used one of and mating rings. The amount of wear is small, as a film
two types of seal, which require the injection of sealing of the liquid sealed is maintained between sealing faces.
oil at a pressure greater than that of the gas pressure in the Normally the mating surfaces of the seal are of dissimilar
sealing chamber. However, the recent developments in materials and held in contact with a spring. The preload
dry gas seals have effectively eliminated the requirement from the spring is required to produce the initial seal. The
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Opening forces:
Hydraulic force:
C Testing shows that sometimes there is a film of liquid Fig. 5: Percentage Balance of Seal Face
between the faces, sometimes there is only vapor,
sometimes there is nothing at all, and sometimes install a sleeve inside the seal to reduce the closing area
there is a combination of all three. This means that if and thereby reduce the closing force. Figure 4 explains
there is liquid or vapor between the faces, it is under the phenomena:
pressure trying to force the lapped faces apart. The The 10 Kg/cm2 is now pushing on only 3 cm2 because
stationary face (B) cannot move because it is being the inner sleeve is attached to the shaft and cannot move.
held by gland "G", but the spring loaded face (A) will The opening force remains the same. The numbers look
respond to this force. like this:
Using Fig. 3, if we assume a straight line or linear C 10 Kg/cm2 x 3 cm2 = 30 Kg. Closing
pressure drop across the seal faces, we would get an C 5 Kg/cm2 x 6 cm2 = 30 Kg. Opening
average of:
5 Kg/cm2 x 6 cm2 = 30 Kg of force trying to open the seal We have eliminated the hydraulic forces from acting
faces. to open or close the seal faces. This leaves only the spring
force to close the seal and the hydrodynamic and
centrifugal forces to try to open the seal faces.
C Centrifugal force is acting on the spring loaded face
The final design solved the problem of balancing the
(A) trying to spin it perpendicular to the rotating
other forces and linearity by overbalancing the closing
hydraulic forces to compensate for:
C Stationary face (B) is not perpendicular to the shaft
because it is referenced against the stuffing box face
C The nonlinear pressure drop across the seal faces.
which is a casting that is not perpendicular or square C The hydrodynamic opening forces
to anything. A gasket located between the gland and C Centrifugal opening force.
the stuffing box further compounds the problem.
Testing has shown that a surface speed of 25 m per Figure 5 shows the final result:
sec centrifugal force is powerful enough to open most Seventy percent (70%) of the seal face area is
mechanical seal faces (McNally, 2004). exposed to the hydraulic closing force instead of the fifty
C Seal faces are lapped to within three helium light percent (50%) shown in the previous drawing. This is the
bands or slightly less than one micron. This slight standard 70-30 balance used by most mechanical seal
waviness is enough to generate hydrodynamic lifting companies. The seal designer can increase or decrease the
forces as we try to compress non-compressible liquid percentage of over balance by changing the stepped
that is trapped between the lapped faces. sleeve diameter. This is done to:
While two forces are acting to close the seal faces, C Decrease the face loading for low specific gravity
three forces are acting to open the seal faces. If the fluids and higher speed shafts.
closing forces are the greater forces the seal will generate C Increase the face loading for higher viscosity liquids.
heat that is often destructive, but always a waste of energy
and pump efficiency. If the opening forces are the greater All that was required to hydraulically balance the seal
forces the seal will leak and that is never desirable. was the simple low cost sleeve, but it is this additional
A balanced seal, by definition, balances these cost that is keeping the original equipment manufacturer
opening and closing forces so that the seal will not get hot from adopting the design as his standard. The "bottom
and it will not leak. Since the hydraulic closing forces line" is that with an un-balanced seal design you either
were twice the opening forces (10 kg/cm2 vs. 5kg/cm2) we suffer the consequences of adding heat to the stuffing box
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
b vs Ph 900 Fsp vs Pf
1.4 Linear (b vs Ph) Linear (Fsp vs Pf)
1.2 700
1.0 600
0.6 Y2= 0.011x+0.454
R = 0.907 300 Y = 50x-3599.5
0.4 2
200 R=1
0.0 0
-100 -50 0 Ph 50 100 70 75 80 85 90
-0.2 Pf
Fig. 6: Seal Balance/Hydraulic Pressure (b vs Ph) Fig. 10: Seal Spring Load/Seal Face Pressure (Fsp vs Pf)
b vs Pf 900 Fsp vs PV
1.4 Linear (b vs Pf) Linear (Fsp vs PV)
1.2 700
1.0 600
0.6 Y2= 0.011x+0.4667
R=1 300 Y = 2x-3600
0.4 2
0.2 100
0.0 0
-50 0 50 100 1800 1900 2000 2100 2300
-0.2 Pf PV
Fig. 7: Seal Balance/Seal Face Pressure (b vs Pf) Fig. 11: Seal Spring Load/Power per unit area (Fspvs PV)
b vs PV Ao vs Psp
Linear (b vs PV) Linear (Ao vs Psp)
1.0 40
0.8 30
0.6 20
0.4 Y2= 0.004x+0.4667
R=1 Y = -8.1772x+72.076
10 2
R = 0.9602
0.0 0
0 2 4 6 8
-2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000
Fig. 8: Seal Balance/Power per unit area (b vs PV) Fig. 12: Seal Face Area/Mechanical Pressure (Ao vs Psp)
b vs Psp 60 Ao vs Pf
Linear (Fsp vs Psp) Linear (Ao vs Pf)
600 40
400 30
300 Y2= 50x
R=1 20
Y = -8.1772x+366.46
10 2
R = 0.9602
0 5 10 15 20
Psp 38 39 40 41 42 43
Fig. 9: Seal Spring Load/Mechanical Pressure (Fsp vs Psp)
Fig. 13: Seal Face Area/Seal Face Pressure (Ao vs Pf)
From Fig. 8, power per unit area is also lowest for a
balanced seal at b = 5.0. For an unbalanced seal (b = increases. Therefore care must be taken to ensure that a
100% or slightly more), power per unit area requirement balanced seal is used so as to relieve the face pressure on
is very high. the seal. However, the face pressure similarly increases
From Fig. 9, as seal spring load increases the due to the increasing mechanical pressure (Fig. 10). Also
mechanical pressure for a seal or spring pressure power per unit area increases (Fig. 11).
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
60 Ao vs PV h vs Q
Linear (Ao vs PV) Poly.(h vs Q)
40 140
20 80
Y = -0.3272x+366.54
10 2 60
R = 0.9599
40 Y2= -3E-20x2+4E-09x+30.835
0 R = 0.9743
960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 20
-5E+10 0 5E+10 10E+11
Fig. 14: Seal Face Area/Power per unit area (Ao vs PV) Q
Poly. (Gpm)
Fig. 17: Seal Face Gap/Seal Leakage (h vs Q)
7.00E+03 120 P vs Q
6.00E+03 Linear (P vs Q)
5.00E+03 100
4.00E+03 Y = -0.0147x2+10.765+491.74
2 80
3.00E+03 R = 0.0968
2.00E+03 P 60
0.00E+03 40
-1.00E+03 0 200 400
600 800 1000
Y = 1E-09x-5E-14
20 2
Fig. 15: Cooling Flowrate/Temperature Rise (Gpm vs T)
Qp vs Qnet 0 5E+10 5E+11
Linear (Qp vs Qnet) Q
Fig. 18: Pressure Difference/Seal Leakage (P vs Q)
From Fig. 12 and 13, as seal face area is reduced, the
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
temperatures. Due to the poor cooling rate, heat removal balanced cartridge seals with the needed characteristics.
at high temperatures is usually lower than the heat Various types and their characteristics have been
generation rate hence the seal is likely to fail. Seal highlighted. The selection now depends on intended use
flushing is usually a way of reducing heat generation and and desired results.
increasing cooling at seal faces. Since failure is a common phenomenon in seal usage,
From Fig. 17, it can be seen that the gap between the care must be taken in designing the seal for flushing and
seal faces is unique at 50 and 100 mm. These values cooling. Similarly, temperature requirements should be
represent a balanced and an unbalanced seal respectively. carefully studied before seal selection.
At 50 mm gap, the leak rate is very low whereas it is
relatively higher at 100 mm. the implication is that a REFERENCES
balanced seal is less likely to leak. Similarly as pressure
change and radius ratio increases, as seen in Fig. 18, the Doran, J.H., 1919. U.S. Patent 1,315,822. September 9.
seal leakage increases. Therefore, it is best to exert low U.S.A.
pressure changes between the inner and outer diameters of Lobanoff, V.S. and R.R. Ross, 1992. Centrifugal Pumps:
the seal; and to ensure very little differences between the Design and Application. 2nd Edn., Gulf Publishing
outer and inner radii of the seal face. Company, London.
Below is a table of regression equation and R2 values McNally, I., 2004. Mechanical Seal Hydraulic Balance
of the various plots. (Online paper). The World Wide Web. Retrieved
From Table 1, it can be seen that the mathematical from:
models that generated the above plots are reliable from 01.html, (January 11, 2005).
the standpoint of the error in the regression. The only Netzel, J.P., 1986. Centrifugal Pump Mechanical Seals in
exception is Eq. (3.11), which has a very high degree of Pump Handbook. In: Igor, J.K., C.K. William, H.F.
error. It is difficult to say that the model is completely Warren and P.M. Joseph, (Eds.), Title. 2nd Edn.,
unreliable as it could be subjected to other reliability tests; McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA.
however from the standpoint of error analysis, it is safe to Schmitz, C.E., 1947.Mechanical Seals. Crane Packing
say that the model is not reliable. Co. Ltd., USA.
Schoenherr, K., 1965. Design Terminology for
CONCLUSION Mechanical End Face Seals. SAE paper No. 650301.
Schoenherr, K., 1963. Materials in End Face Mechanical
From the above analysis, a seal with balance value of Seals. ASME paper No. 63-WA-254.
0.5, increased surface area, provided with a flush system Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij B.V., 1991.
to enhance cooling and seal face gap of 50 mm or less for Production Hand Book. Facilities and Maintenance,
minimal or zero leakage respectively is recommended. Netherlands, Vol. 9.
According to API 610 and 682, mechanical seals suitable Wilkinson, J., 1913.U.S. Patent 1,063,633. June 13,
for high speed centrifugal gas compressors must be U.S.A.
designed to allow for safe sealing of the gas and
reduce/eliminate contamination of the sealed gas. Figure (16) available with file but not mentioned any
Similarly, leakages should be minimized by using where in results description.