Torque Sensor

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Tribology Transactions, 52: 47-58, 2009

Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-397X online

DOI: 10.1080/10402000802163017

Design and Development of a Test Setup for Online Wear

Monitoring of Mechanical Face Seals Using a Torque
Depatment of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai - 400076, India
Downloaded By: [Indian Institute of Technology] At: 17:16 10 March 2011

Online condition monitoring technique helps to detect the the housing to the atmosphere is prevented by mechanical con-
root cause of failure of any machine. The present article de- tact between the tapered rotating shaft and the mating seal face.
scribes a design of the online failure monitoring facility for me- The continuous mechanical contact is retained with the help of a
chanical face seals. The experimental test facility is to operate the spring. In both the rotary joint arrangements (Figs. 1(a) and 1(b))
seal (i.e., carbon-graphite) in real conditions of fluid pressure, a secondary seal is employed to guide the rotating shaft and bear
its weight.
temperature, and misalignment, which occur in an industrial en-
Mechanical face seals are often designed considering the hy-
vironment. The developed test setup consists of two proximity
drostatic (Lipschitz (1)), the hydrodynamic (Etsion and Pascovici
displacement sensors (accuracy 2 µm), one fiber-optic sensor
(2)), or the squeeze (Etsion and Michael (3)) lubrication mech-
(accuracy 10 µm), one accelerometer (3.97 mV/ms−2 ), and one anism. Such lubrication mechanisms, if properly achieved, may
non-contact torque sensor (accuracy 0.05 N.m). To validate the provide infinite seal life. However, the expected seal life is gener-
test facility, a typical conical carbon graphite (C = 59.195%, ally in the range of two to ten years, considering the uncertainty
O = 4.625%, and Sb = 36.18%.) mechanical face seal (outer in the strength of the seal materials, unforeseen operating condi-
dia = 82 mm and inner dia = 63 mm) for a rotary joint used in tions, etc. However, unpredictable seal failures, with the seal life
steam/hot water was selected. The root cause of failure of such equal to 2 days to 2 months, have been observed in industries.
seals has been identified. Finally, recommendations have been Such seal failures cause direct (leakage of fluid, loss of prepared
made that provide some assistance to design the mechanical face material in paper industry, etc.) as well as indirect (downtime cost,
seal. maintenance cost, reputation of company, etc.) losses. Two types
of seal failures, observed within two months after the installation
KEY WORDS of new seal rings, are shown in Fig. 2. On a few occasions failures
were repetitive and required the replacement of seal rings every
Conical Face Seal; Dry Lubrication of Stainless; Seal Misalign-
15 days. Such unpredictable life (two days, two months, or two
ment; Carbon Graphite Seals
years) of the same seal may occur due to improper design, wrong
assembly, or incomplete operating instructions.
INTRODUCTION In the present study, an experimental test facility has been de-
veloped to investigate the effect of the rotational speed (40 rpm
A mechanical face seal is an important component of a vari-
to 800 rpm), the steam pressure (0 to 12 bars), and the angular
ety of rotary joints and pumps, which are used in chemical, textile,
misalignment on the seal life. Online failure of the seal has been
petrochemical, and process industries. Two typical mechanical face
perceived by continuous monitoring of frictional torque exerted
seal arrangements in rotary joint are shown in Fig. 1. The main
by the seals on the rotating shafts. The main aim of the devel-
function of these rotary joints (sketched in Fig. 1) is to supply steam
oped setup is to find out the root cause of the seal failure so that
from a stationary pipe to the rotating drum used in the paper indus-
corrective actions can be suggested.
try. The main difference between Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) is the siphon
arrangement, which is required to take out the condensate from
the drying drum. In X-assembly (Fig. 1a) only one pair of the con-
ical shaft-seal interface is used, while in Y-assembly (Fig. 1b) two To simulate the industry environment in a laboratory, the test
pairs of such interfaces are used. In both the configurations the setup requires:
face seals are fixed to the housing, and the steam-leakage from r A variable-speed motor, which can run continuously for hours.
The control of the rotational speed is essential to accelerate
Manuscript received December 14, 2007
Manuscript accepted April 22, 2008 the wear of the seals. Generally, accelerated wear depends on
Review led by Jim Netzel the lubrication mechanism. If the seal interface is dry, then

Fig. 1—Construction of rotary joints.

increasing the rotational speed will accelerate the wear rate. sensors. Choy, et al. (6) used acoustic sensors to diagnose the
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However, if the mechanism is hydrodynamic lubrication, then health of mechanical seals. To measure the film thickness and
decreasing the rotational speed will enhance the wear rate. A thermal distortions, Doust and Parmar (7) used miniature ca-
3-phase 2-HP AC 750 rated rpm motor with a forced cooling pacitance probes and thermocouples. In the present study, two
system has been selected to run the experiment continuously eddy current proximity sensors (Bentley Nevada, Model 3300
for hours. A variable-frequency (1 to 200 Hz) drive system XL NSv) have been chosen to indicate the variation in the ax-
(Toshiba, VF-A7, Japan) to manage the motor speed has been ial position of the shaft relative to the stationary seal ring. A
chosen. With the help of the frequency drive, the motor shaft charge amplifier unit (B & K type 4366 and type 2635, respec-
can be operated in the range of 30 rpm to 3000 rpm. tively; Denmark) has been selected to measure the change in
r A supply source having control of the flow rate, the pressure, the vibration level, which can provide an indication of initi-
and the temperature. The regulation of supply conditions of ation of seal failure. To measure the number of rotations and
fluid to be sealed is essential to simulate the extreme industry the rotational shaft speed, a cycle counter (Selectron RC102-A;
conditions. For example, seals of a rotary joint used in the paper Mumbai, India) has been engaged. In addition to these regular
industry operate under 4–12 bar steam pressure. Similarly, the sensors, a torque sensor (Lorenz, Model DR-2513) is selected
operating temperature may vary from 110 to 160 degrees centi- to detect the instantaneous values of torques at various angu-
grade. A steam boiler, having control of the flow and pressure lar positions of the shaft running in mechanical contact of the
of steam, has been selected for the present study. seal face. In the authors’ view, seal failures shown in Fig. 2 may
r Sensors to measure uniform wear, misalignment, the temper- have happened due to the misalignment. To assure chances of
ature, the pressure, the acceleration, and the dynamic friction misalignment, micrographs of cracked primary seal, as shown
force. Anderson, et al. (4) used a piezoelectric shear transducer in Fig. 3, were taken through an electron microscope. These
to diagnose the contact condition of the seal interface. To detect micrographs (Fig. 3) show nonuniform wear of the seal surface
the position of the rotating mating ring relative to the station- interfaced with the shaft. Major wear near the crack indicates
ary primary ring, Sehnal, et al. (5) used eddy current proximity very high localized loading. Such nonuniform loading occurs

Fig. 2—Seal failures of primary and secondary seals of rotary joints used in the paper industry.
Online Condition Monitoring Technique 49

for two reasons. One reason is the excessive radial clearance between the contacting cylindrical surfaces at different angu-
between the primary seal and the shaft, and the other reason lar positions of complete rotation. A non-contact-type torque
is the angular misalignment between the seal and the shaft sensor may be the best to register such dynamic variations in
axes. Tolerance of the seal and the shaft did not indicate a the coefficient of friction. Further, any breakage and/or crack
chance of radial clearance between them; therefore, it was de- on the seal ring will change the loading pattern exerted on the
cided to assume misalignment as a key failure mechanism. The seal surface. On cracking, the seal surface is subjected to ex-
misalignment in rotating parts varies the frictional resistance tra bending and direct shear loads. In addition, the stiffness of
Downloaded By: [Indian Institute of Technology] At: 17:16 10 March 2011

Fig. 3—Photomicrographs of cracked primary seal indicating maximum wear near crack, moderate wear at 90 degrees, and minimum wear at 180 degrees
phase from of crack.
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Fig. 4—Model of test rig.

the seal near the crack will be lower and that portion will pro- ing structure provides a main common reference platform for the
vide smaller resistance to the shaft movement. The change in rotary joint and the driving motor. To create the misalignment
stiffness and the load pattern immediately will alter the torque condition, slots are provided along the radial direction in the base
resistance offered by the seals. Therefore, the torque measure- plate. In addition, misalignment can be introduced by tilting the
ment may be a very reliable diagnostic tool to detect the seal axis of the shaft by inserting the packing (thin metallic sheets of
failure. To measure the misalignment, a dial gauge setup has known thickness) between the base plate and the rotary joint as
been arranged. shown in Fig. 5.
r A data acquisition system to convert analog data to digital To test the performance of seals in the steam and the water en-
data with required resolution. For the present study, a mutli- vironment, the rotary joint has been connected to the boiler using
channel 1-MHz NI-DAQ-7 data acquisition system has been a piston valve, the pressure-regulating valve, the moisture separa-
chosen. tor, etc., as shown in Fig. 6. This figure illustrates that to control the
r Computer hardware and software to access and process the steam pressure, a pressure-regulating valve, along with two pres-
data. Suitable software to process the collected data is essen- sure gauges, has been used. Such arrangement of pressure gauges,
tial. In the present study a Matlab code has been written to one before the supply and another after the pressure-regulating
perform the synchronous cycle averaging to reduce the noise valve, helps to maintain the exact pressure required during the
and provide meaningful data. testing. To regulate the dryness of steam a moisture separator
module consisting of a sight glass, a thermodynamic trap, and a
diffuser has been used. To extract the condensate from the rotary
joint, a separate condensate removing system, which utilizes the
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP help of a float trap, has been used.
The experimental test facility has been developed to operate A schematic of the total setup is shown in Fig. 7. Photograph
the seal (i.e., carbon-graphite) in real conditions of fluid pressure, of the developed setup is shown in Figs. 8 and 9. In the present
temperature, and misalignment (by tilting the axis of rotary joint), experimental study, carbon-graphite seals having a conical (cone
which occur in the industrial environment. In order to get a prior angle = 45◦ ) mating face geometry, as shown in Fig. 1, with an
idea about the probable difficulties that may arise during fabri- outer and an inner diameter of 82 mm and 63 mm, respectively,
cation of the test rig, a 3-D solid-model (Fig. 4) of the setup was have been used. The corrosion-resistant stainless steel shaft works
made. Figure 4 shows that the base plate along with the support- as one of the seal rings. The hardness of the stainless steel shaft is

Fig. 5—Procedure to create misalignment in the rotary joint.

Online Condition Monitoring Technique 51

Fig. 6—Steam connection diagram for test rig.

slightly higher (78 HRB), which makes the shaft more resistant to
abrasive wear compared to the carbon-graphite (C G) seal ring.
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Therefore, the C G seal ring acts as a sacrificial element. EDAX

element analysis indicates that a carbon-graphite seal contains Fig. 8—Developed setup.
C = 59.195%, O = 4.625 weight percentage, and Sb = 36.18%.
The use of antimony (∼ 36 weight percentage) in carbon-graphite each operating condition have been recorded using a computer-
seals increases the heat transfer rate and decreases the changes of ized data acquisition system. Two hundred and fifty-six data points
thermal cracking of the graphite seals. from each sensor for each rotation have been acquired.

The operating conditions in the paper industry change accord- ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
ing to the process requirement, which in turn imposes different Figure 11 provides the comparison between torque resisted
lubrication conditions—i.e., full film, mixed, or dry running—on by seals of X- and Y-assemblies. This figure illustrates the rel-
the seal interface. For example, the seal interface experiences dry atively constant frictional torque exerted by X-assembly, while
running for about an hour during startup. Then the steam is passed fluctuations in torque is resisted by Y-assembly. This comparison
inside the dryer. The steam pressure gradually increases and then points toward an inherent misaligned tendency of Y-assembly, due
reaches the steady condition, which leads to hydrostatic lubrica- to which torque fluctuations occur. The clearance (10 microns to
tion of the seal interface. During shutdown once again for almost 140 microns) fit between the two shafts, as shown in Fig. 12, al-
one hour dry running is experienced by the seal interface. This lows misalignment to happen in the Y-assembly. Further, Fig. 11
practice is generally being followed in paper industries. In ad- shows a slight increase in the torque with an increase in the ro-
dition, the assembly of a rotary joint may induce misalignment, tational speed from 60 rpm to 120 rpm. The average torque from
which in turn does not allow the hydrostatic lubrication of the X-assembly is 4.3 N.m when the shaft rotates at 60 rpm, while
seal interface even in full pressure steady steam condition. There- 4.4 N.m average torque resistance occurs when the shaft of X op-
fore, to simulate the real industry environment for the seal in- erates at 120 rpm. The average value of the torque resisted by
terface, experiments were planned for Assembly-X (Fig. 1a) and Y-assembly is 9.4 and 11.0 N.m when the shaft rotates at 60 rpm
Assembly-Y (Fig. 1b) in the sequence depicted in Fig. 10. and 120 rpm, respectively.
The output data from the torque sensor, the displacement sen- To validate the measured torque results, it is better to derive the
sor, and the accelerometer for ten rotations of the shaft under coefficient of friction and compare it with the established results.
The expression for the coefficient of friction between the mating
faces of the shaft and the seal in the rotary joint, as shown in Fig.
13, can be expressed as (Shigley and Mischke (8)),

3 T r2 − r22
µ= sin α 13 [1]
2W r1 − r32

where T is the experimentally determined frictional torque in N.m,

W is the spring force exerted on the seal surfaces in N, α (= 45◦
in the present study) is the cone angle, r1 (= 41 mm in the present
study) is the outer radius of the seal, and r2 (= 31.5 mm in the
present study) is the inner radius of the seal. Substituting the values
of the geometric parameters,

µ = 19.4 [2]
Fig. 7—Schematic of test setup. W
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Fig. 9—Arrangement of sensors.

Fig. 10—Sequence for experiments.

Online Condition Monitoring Technique 53
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Fig. 11—Comparison of torque measured during operation of X (srj) and Y (rrj) assemblies under aligned conditions.

The spring force depends on the geometry of the spring and the Figure 14 illustrates the torque variation in the X-assembly
pre-compression. In the present study, a close and ground ended misaligned by 0.014 radians. The values of the maximum, av-
helical spring, made of spring material SS302, having a wire di- erage, and minimum torques equal to 7.2 N.m, 6.0 N.m, and
ameter (d) = 6 mm, and a total number of turns (N) = 5, has 5.1 N.m, respectively, have been observed in the misaligned X-
been used. In the case of the Y-assembly, mean coil diameter assembly operating at 60 rpm. To compare these results and
(D) = 82 mm, free length = 123 mm, and pre-compression = implement a trend analysis technique, a synchronous time av-
63 mm has been used. This spring imposes an axial load equal eraging technique may be useful. To employ this technique in
to 426 N on the seal interface. In the case of the X-assembly the the present study, data obtained from fiber-optic displacement
mean diameter of spring = 100 mm, free length = 132, and pre- sensor (Philtec, Type RC-90) have been used. Figure 15 demon-
compression = 86 mm has been used. Therefore, the spring applies strates the displacement and torque data. Sharp peaks of displace-
321 N of the axial load to close the shaft on the seal surface. On ment readings indicate the end of the previous cycle and start of
substituting the values of W and T, the coefficient of the friction the new cycle. Using these data, a trend analysis can easily be
for the X-assembly at 60 rpm is µ60X = 0.26. Similarly, µ120X = made.
0.27, µ60Y = 0.43, and µ120Y = 0.50 can be obtained using Eq. [2]. The trend analyses for X- and Y-assemblies have been plotted
Figure 1b shows that there are two seal interfaces in the case of in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively. Figure 16 illustrates an increase in
the Y-assembly; therefore, the coefficient of friction for the sin- the torque fluctuation with an increase in the time duration of the
gle seal surface will halve. In other words, µ60Y for single surface misaligned dry condition. This torque fluctuation is an indication
= 0.215, and µ120Y for single surface will be 0.25. These values of seal wear. Figure 17 notifies the torque fluctuations of the Y-
of the coefficient of friction for carbon-graphite versus stainless assembly. One major difference between the torque behavior of X
steel under dry running conditions are reasonable (Jones (9)). and Y observed from Figs. 16 and 17 is the progressive flattening of
Hence, the torque sensor provides a reliable torque resisted by seal the peak torque of Y-assembly. This indicates the progressive wear
interfaces. of the seal. Finally, the curve for t = 55 min in Fig. 17 demonstrates
Downloaded By: [Indian Institute of Technology] At: 17:16 10 March 2011

Fig. 13—Axially loaded mechanical seal.

data. One possible reason is the mixing of circumferential and ax-

ial displacements. Due to misalignment, the displacement sensor
observes the cyclic variation in the data. In addition, axial wear of
the seal affects the displacement readings. Superposition of axial
and circumferential displacement makes it difficult to conclude the
seal failure. However, data from the torque sensor show a definite
trend, which can be related to seal wear. The main advantage of
the torque sensor is that it can be connected to the rotating parts,
and its magnetic pick-up provides reliable data without usage of
any slip-ring arrangement. In the present study, the torque sensor
connects the motor with the rotary joint and any geometric vari-
ation at the seal interface is immediately reflected in the torque
data. Based on the torque data, shown in Figs. 16 and 17, it can be
stated that X-assembly experiences mild wear even in misaligned
dry conditions, while seals of Y-assemblies undergo thorough se-
vere wear and breakage under a dry misaligned condition. With
such intuitions, the assemblies of Y and X were opened. The pho-
tographs of seals are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. A photograph of the
shaft in Fig. 18 indicates polishing wear, which probably occurred
due to wear debris of carbon graphite seals. The breakage of the
secondary seal and the pitting of the primary seal is also shown
Fig. 12—Clearance fit between shaft 1 and shaft 2 of Y-assembly. in Fig. 19. These photographs validate the seal failure estimated
from torque data of Fig. 17. Based on the photographs shown in
Fig. 18, it can be said that the present study illustrates the possi-
the major variation in torque behavior, which is an indication of bility of seal failure of Y-assemblies within 3 h of operation. Such
seal failure. failures generally occur under dry and misaligned conditions. The
dry conditions are enforced at the start and at the shutdown of the
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS dryer by process industries. Therefore, avoiding the dry condition
In the present article, the main emphasis has been given to is almost impossible; however, the time duration of such dry con-
seal failure caused by misalignment. To online monitor the fail- ditions can be minimized to enhance the seal life. Changing seal
ure of the mechanical seal, three types of sensors—accelerometer, material (Blau and Martin (10)) (such as silicon nitride or silicon
torque sensor, and displacement sensors—have been used. The carbide) in place of carbon graphite may reduce the wear rate in
observed accelerometer readings do not provide any conclusive dry conditions. However, the present research indicates misalign-
study. One possible reason for such failure is the location of ment as one of the factors affecting the wear rate of the seal. There-
the sensor. The accelerometer was mounted on the stationary fore, the major recommendation of the present research work is
housing at one particular location, while the Y-assembly has four to minimize the misalignment as far as possible. As the present
(two primary and two secondary) seal interfaces. Displacement design of the Y seal assembly uses two shafts having a clearance
readings from proximity sensors also could not provide conclusive fit, the misalignment is inherent in the seal assembly. Introducing a
Online Condition Monitoring Technique 55

Fig. 14—Torque characteristics of X assembly operating at 60 rpm under misalignment of 0.014 radians.
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Fig. 15—Displacement and torque data for misaligned X assembly operating at 60 rpm.

Fig. 16—Trend analysis of X assembly operating at 240 rpm under dry misaligned condition.
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Fig. 17—Trend analysis of Y assembly operating at 240 rpm under dry misaligned condition.

Fig. 18—Photographs of shaft, primary seal, and secondary seal of Y-assembly after 30,000 operating cycles.
Online Condition Monitoring Technique 57
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Fig. 19—Photographs of primary and secondary seals of X-assembly after 30,000 operating cycles.

major single shaft in place of two shafts and modifying correspond- rius, Goettingen, Germany) of 420 g capacity with an accuracy of
ingly the design of the Y-assembly will provide better seal life. 0.001 g. Wear loss data are listed in Table 1. In this table, PM stands
Figure 19 shows mild wear scars on the primary seal of X- for “primary seal motor side,” SM stands for “secondary seal mo-
assembly. These wear marks indicate the misalignment operation tor side,” PB stands for “primary seal boiler side,” and SB stands
experienced by the seal interface. This photograph validates the for “secondary seal boiler side.” The sliding distance has been cal-
mild progressive wear concluded by the torque data plotted in culated using the π *D*N formula, where N is the number of cycles.
Fig. 16. Quantification of wear loss is performed by measuring the Wear loss data clearly indicate that the seals of the Y-assembly ex-
weight of the seal rings using a weighing machine (CP 423 S, Sarto- perience a high wear rate compared to the seals of the X-assembly.

The present research work is aimed at the development of a
TABLE 1—WEAR LOSS DATA FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SEALS test setup that emulates the conditions dealt with by mechanical
Type Type Number Sliding Weight face seals. Two commonly used rotary joints containing face seals
Test of of of Distance Loss have been investigated. The conclusions of the present research
Number Joint Seal Cycles in mm in mg work are
1 Y PM 30,322 6,906,304.6 101 r A torque sensor, with an appropriate data acquisition and anal-
SM 5,691,747.5 —
ysis system, predicts the seal failure with authenticity.
PB 6,906,304.6 97 r Misalignment is the root cause of failure of face seals used in
SB 5,691,747.5 —
2 Y PM 30,590 6,967,345.7 76 Y-assemblies.
r The developed test setup can predict the failure of seals under
SM 5,742,053.8 21
PB 6,967,345.7 77 various rotational speeds, lubrication mechanisms, and spring
SB 5,742,053.8 20 loads.
3 Y PM 30,368 6,916,781.8 69
PB 6,916,781.8 70
The authors wish to express their appreciation to Forbes Mar-
SB 5,700,382.1 22
shall Company for supporting this work through a research grant.
4 X PM 31,317 7,132,931.2 28
SM 5,878,519.1 —
5 X PM 34,755 7,915,988.9 33 (1) Lipschitz, A. (1989), “Dynamic Performance of the Stepped Hydrostatic
SM 6,523,866.6 26 Circumferential Gas Seal,” Tribology Transactions, 32(2), pp 189–196.
6 X PM 36,703 8,359,676 32 (2) Etsion, I. and Pascovici, M.D. (1996), “Hydrodynamic Effects on the Boil-
SM 6,889,526 23 ing Interface in a Misaligned, Two-Phase, Mechanical Seal—A Qualitative
Study,” Tribology Transactions, 39(4), pp 922–928.

(3) Etsion, I. and Michael, O. (1994), “Enhancing Sealing and Dynamic Per- (7) Doust, T.G. and Parmar, A. (1986), “An Experimental and Theoretical
formance with Partially Porous Mechanical Face Seals,” Tribology Trans- Study of Pressure and Thermal Distortions in a Mechanical Seal,” Tribology
actions, 37(4), pp 701–710. Transactions, 29(2), pp 151–159.
(4) Anderson, W. B., Jarzynski, J. and Salant, R.F. (2001), “A Condition Monitor (8) Shigley, J.E. and Mischke, C.R. (2003), Mechanical Engineering Design (in
for Liquid Lubricated Mechanical Seals,” Tribology Transactions, 44(3), pp SI Units), 6th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, India.
479–483. (9) Jones, G.A. (2004), “On the Tribological Behaviour of Mechanical Seal Face
(5) Sehnal, J., Sedy, J., Zobens, A. and Etsion, I. (1983), “Performance of the Materials in Dry Line Contact, Part I. Mechanical Carbon,” Wear, 256, pp
Coned-Face End Seal with Regard to Energy Conservation,” Tribology 415–432.
Transactions, 26(4), pp 415–429. (10) Blau, P.J. and Martin, R.L. (1994), “Friction and Wear of Carbon-Graphite
(6) Choy, F.K., Polyshchuk, V., Braun, M.J. and Lu, M. (1999), “A New Method Materials against Metal and Ceramic Counterfaces,” Tribology Interna-
in Acoustic Health Monitoring in Mechanical Seals,” Tribology Transac- tional, 27(6), pp 413–422.
tions, 42(1), pp 46–52.
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