Comprehensive Evaluation 01, 2013

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1st Comprehensive Assessment

Chapter # 1,2,3,9,10,11,12,13,14

Name ID #

31 October,
Assigned RPO / Discipline Date

Passing Marks 80 %
Marks Obtained



Part 01: Passing is 22 correct answers out of 28

1. Which of the following is applicable for non planar defects?

a. they are always repaired
b. their existence will result in the removal of the entire weld
c. they are not usually as significant as planar defects
d. they can only be detected using radiography

2. Which of the following is most likely to cause a burn through

a. root gap too small
b. travel speed too fast
c. root face too small
d. all the above

3. Incomplete root fusion in a single V butt weld may be caused by…….

a. linear misalignment
b. the root gap being too large
c. root faces being too small
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

4. A solid inclusion in a weld may be….

a. entrapped slag
b. entrapped gas
c. lack of inter-run fusion
d. all of the above

5. Which of the following would be classed as a planar imperfection?

a. a lack of side wall fusion
b. a slag inclusion
c. linear porosity
d. root concavity

6. If a Welding Inspector detects a type of imperfection not allowed by the Application Standard, he must
a. request further NDT
b. reject the weld
c. prepare a concession request
d. only reject the weld if he considers it to be harmful

7. Which of the following is a non-planar imperfection?

a. A weld centerline crack
b. A HAZ crack
c. A Crater crack
d. Linear porosity

8. For TIG welding, what benefit does a current slope-out device have?
a. it reduces tungsten spatter
b. it reduces the risk of crater cracking
c. it reduces the risk of arc strikes
d. it reduces the inter-pass temperature

9. Which of the following would be classed as the most serious type of defect?
a. a buried linear slag inclusion
b. buried lack of inter-run fusion
c. surface breaking lack of sidewall fusion
d. surface porosity

10. Visual examination has revealed the presence of a longitudinal crack running down the center of a
submerged arc weld bead. This could be due to:
a. the use of damp flux
b. the specified pre-heat temperature has not been used
c. the arc voltage used was too high
d. the weld bead was very deep and narrow

11. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications on a radiograph?
a. Slag inclusions and copper inclusion
b. Tungsten inclusions and excessive root penetration
c. cap undercut and root piping
d. excessive cap height and incomplete root penetration

12. On a radiograph, the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a single-V-butt weld is:
a. a dark straight line with a light root
b. a dark root with straight edges
c. a dark uneven line following the edge of the root
d. none of the above lack of root fusion can not be seen on a radiograph

13. When welding a double V butt weld with the submerged arc welding process the presence
of center line porosity may be due to \:
a. damp flux
b. contamination on the weld preparations
c. incorrect flux depth
d. all of the above

14. When welding with the MIG welding process using pure argon as the shielding gas on carbon steel,
which of the following problems are likely to occur?
a. Copper inclusions and excessive cap heights
b. excessive root penetration and porosity
c. slag inclusions and crater pipe
d. lack of fusion and poor cap profiles

15. Which of the following defects is unlikely to be found by visual inspection

a. linear misalignment
b. undercut
c. overlap
d. linear slag inclusion

16. Which defect would you expect to obtain in TIG welds in non-deoxidized steel?
a. undercut
b. porosity
c. tungsten inclusion
d. linear misalignment

17. Which of the following defects do you not expect to find by visual examination of completed welds?
a. linear slag inclusion
b. undercuts
c. overlap
d. linear misalignment

18. When the TIG welding austenitic stainless steel pipe. Argon gas backing is called for.
This is to:
a. prevent oxidation
b. prevent under bead cracking
c. prevent porosity
d. control the penetration bead shape

19. Incomplete root fusion weld certainly be caused by:

a. linear misalignment
b. incorrect tilt angle
c. differing root face widths
d. all of the above

20. Slag inclusion would occur with:

a. MMA
b. MIG
c. SEW
d. both a & b

21. The planar defect is:

a. incomplete fusion defects
b. slag inclusion
c. incomplete penetration
d. both a & c

22. MIG welding tends to be susceptible to lack of fusion problems. This is because of:
a. poor maintenance of equipment
b. incorrect setting
c. poor inter-run cleaning
d. all of the above

23. Weave technique may give rise to:

a. better profiles
b. improved toe blending
c. improved ripple shape
d. all of the above

24. With reference to a root penetration bead, you could certainly assess:
a. root fusion & penetration
b. root concavity
c. burn through
d. all of the above

25. Overlap in welds could be influence by:

a. poor welding technique
b. welding process
c. welding position
d. all of the above

26. Which of the following may be classed as a more serious defect:

a. slag inclusion
b. fusion defects (inter-run)
c. fusion defects (surface)

27. Porosity is caused by:

a. Entrapped slag in the solidifying weld
b. Entrapped gas in the solidifying weld
c. Entrapped metallic inclusions in the solidifying weld
d. none of the above
28. The serious defects
a. planar
b. cracks
c. lack of fusion
d. All of the above

Part 2.: Passing is 34 correct answers out of 42

1. An MMA electrode classified as E7018 is:

a. a basic low hydrogen electrode containing iron powder
b. a rutile electrode containing iron powder
c. a cellulose electrode suitable for welding in all positions
d. a basic electrode depositing weld metal with yield strength of at least 70,000 psi
e. both a and d

2. In EN 499, what does the number 50 represent in the following electrode classification?
E 50 3 1Ni B 160 0 1 H5
a. a minimum of 50 N/mm2 yield strength
b. a minimum of 500 N/mm2 tensile strength
c. a minimum 50000 psi yield strength
d. a minimum of 50000 psi tensile strength
e. none of the above

3. Which of the following statement may be considered correct when dealing with agglomerated fluxes?
1. easy addition of additive
2. they're less hygroscopic than other types
3. flaky appearance
4. need to bake, prior to their use
5. less dust tendency

a. statements 1 & 4 are correct

b. answer 1 & 3 are correct
c. answer 4 & 5 are correct
d. statements 1, 2, 4 and 5 are correct

4. What is the main constituent of a rutile electrode?

a. cellulose
b. titanium dioxide
c. calcium carbonate
d. asbestos

5. What does the 70 represent on a E7010 AWS classified electrode?

a. 70 N/mm2 minimum U.T.S.
b. 70 N/mm2 maximum U.T.S.
c. 70,000 psi minimum U.T.S.
d. 70,000 psi minimum yield strength

6. Which of the following is not an inert gas?

a. argon
b. xenon
c. carbon dioxide
d. helium

7. Why is a welding arc shielded?

a. to eliminate hydrogen
b. to retard the cooling rate of the weld
c. to eliminate the atmosphere
d. to ensure maximum heat input

8. Why is it preferable to use basic coated electrodes on attachment fillet welds on high pressure pipes?
a. high penetration in comparison with cellulose electrodes
b. low penetration in comparison with cellulose electrodes
c. neat profile
d. for a defect - free weld

9. Which of the following electrodes is classified to BS EN 499?

a. E 38 3 2Ni R
b. E 6013
c. E 7018 - G
d. E 50 33 B

10. Which type of electrode is used for vertical - down welding (stove-pipe welding) of pipeline girth welds?
a. rutile
b. cellulose
c. high recovery rutile
d. all of the above

11. The three main types of MMA electrodes that are used for welding C & C/Mn steels are…….
a. basic, cellulosic and rutile
b. neutral, cellulosic and rutile
c. basic, cellulosic and neutral
d. rutile, low hydrogen and basic

12. MMA electrodes, with the flux covering removed, should not be used as filler rods for TIG welding
a. welding costs will be much higher
b. the rod diameter will be too large
c. the weld metal composition may wrong
d. the rods will too short

13. The chemical composition of weld metal deposited by a C/Mn steel MMA electrode is controlled mainly
a. the core wire composition
b. the transfer of alloying additions from the flux covering
c. the transfer of iron powder from the flux covering
d. dilution from the base material

14. Silicon is added to steel and the covering of MMA electrodes, for the purpose of……..
a. de-oxidation
b. improving strength
c. improving toughness
d. giving better resistance to hydrogen cracking

15. The compulsory part of the coding system used for electrodes manufactured to EN 499 must include .
a. the covering type and positional capability
b. the covering type and preferred polarity
c. the covering type and minimum strength
d. the covering type and maximum hardness

16. Which type of SAW flux requires careful control of storage, issue and handling to avoid moisture pick-
a. neutral
b. agglomerated
c. fused
d. they are all about the same

17. Which gas is the most suitable shielding gas for GMAW of 304L and 316L stainless steels?
a. 100% argon
b. 70% argon + 30% He
c. argon + 20% hydrogen
d. argon + 1% O2

18. Which is the most suitable shielding gas for GMAW of aluminum?
a. 100% CO2
b. 100% argon
c. 80% argon + 20% O2
d. 98% argon + 2% O2

19. Which of the following AWS A5.1 electrodes has a rutile covering……….
a. E 6010
b. E 7016
c. E 7018
d. E 6013

20. What type of covering will an electrode have that is suitable for welding 60mm C/Mn steel and can give
good weld metal toughness at -50C……..
a. rutile
b. basic
c. cellulosic
d. choice will defend on the welding position

21. To ensure that low hydrogen electrodes have very low moisture content, a typical baking
temperature would be:
a. 120C – 240C
b. 350C – 450C
c. 450C – 500C
d. 200C – 300C

22. Cellulosic electrodes are characterized by:

a. being used for joints requiring high toughness
b. being giving very high hydrogen weld metal
c. having deep penetration characteristics
d. both b & c

23. The flux covering on a MMA electrode:

a. generates slag and gas to protect the molten weld pool from contamination by air
b. adds elements to strengthen and toughen the weld
c. contains arc stabilizing compounds
d. all of the above

24. Basic coated electrodes have which of the following properties

a. high mechanical properties may be used to produce welds of high deposition rates and
to produce welds of low hydrogen content
b. friable slag, high mechanical strength, and to produce welds of a low hydrogen content
c. low hydrogen content welds, good stop/start properties and high strength
d. low carbon content welds, friable slag and high strength31. What does the 70 represent on an
25. E7010 AWS A5.1 classified electrode?
a. 70 N/mm2 minimum ultimate Tensile Strength
b. 70 joules minimum impact strength
c. 70,000 psi minimum yield strength
d. 70,000 psi minimum Tensile Strength

26. Cellulose electrodes have which of the following properties?

a. viscous slag, large volumes of shielding gas and UTS values above 90,000 psi
b. large volumes of shielding gas, high spatter contents and hydrogen levels less than 15 ml
per 100g of weld metal deposited
c. large volumes of shielding gas, hydrogen contents greater than 15 ml per 100g of weld metal
deposited and should never be baked
d. high spatter contents, high deposition and large volumes of gas shield

27. From the following electrode coding in BS EN 499, E50 3 1Ni B 140 0 1 H5, what does the
3 represent
a. a minimum charpy value of a 30 joules
b. a minimum impact value of 47 joules
c. a minimum impact temperature of -30C at a given Joule value
d. none of the above

28. Which of the following is applicable to electrode efficiency?

a. the mass of metal deposited as a percentage of the mass of core wire melted
b. iron powder electrodes have efficiencies above 100%
c. electrodes of high efficiencies tend to produce welds of a smooth flat profile
d. both a & b
e. all of the above

29. E6013 electrode would most probably used for welding:

a. low pressure pipe work
b. high pressure pipe work
c. vertical down welding on storage tanks
d. in a situation where low hydrogen welds are specified

30. Flux cored wires may be advantages over solid wires because:
a. higher deposition
b. lower hydrogen contents in the deposited welds
c. easy addition of alloying elements
d. both a & c
e. all of the above

31. Which of the following electrodes and current types may be used for the TIG welding of nickel and its
a. cerium electrode, DC -ve
b. zirconium electrode, AC
c. thorium electrode, DC +ve
d. all of the above may be used

32. In a semi-automatic welding process, which of the following shielding gas/gas mixtures would normally
give the deepest penetration on steel?
a. 100% argon
b. 100% CO2
c. 75% argon + 25% CO2
d. all of the above would give the same depth in penetration
33. Hydrogen controlled electrodes were developed principally for:
a. the prevention of porosity
b. the prevention of cracking
c. the enhancement of arc voltage
d. their case of arc starting

34. When hydrogen control is specified for a MMA welding project the electrode would normally be:
a. cellulosic
b. iron oxide
c. acid
d. basic

35. You would with certainty recognize a hydrogen controlled flux covered electrode from its
a. color
b. length
c. trade name
d. AWS A5/BS499 code marking

36. You noticed MMA welding electrodes are being used as filler wire, for TIG welding. You would object
a. it is too expensive
b. the wire would be too thick
c. the weld metal composition may be wrong
d. the wire is too short

37. The weld metal deposits of MMA electrode achieves its mechanical strength through?
a. the core wire
b. the flux coating
c. gas shield
d. type of current used

38. Submerged arc fluxes can be supplied in two forms; these are?
a. sintered and agitated
b. agitated and fused
c. fueled and agglomerated
d. fused and agglomerated

39. The type of SAW flux is more resistance to moisture absorption:

a. fused
b. agglomerated
c. basic
d. all of about the same resistance

40. A basic electrode would normally:

a. have superior mechanical properties
b. require baking before use
c. not be used on low carbon steel
d. both a & b

41. Which of the following is not an inert gas?

a. argon
b. xenon
c. carbon dioxide
d. helium

42. Which electrodes are very susceptible to causing porosity in the deposited weld if long arc employed?
a. basic
b. cellulosic
c. rutile
d. none of the above

Part 03: Passing is 23 correct answers out of 29

1. A welding process where the welding plant controls the travel speed and the arc gap, but under
constant supervision using a shielding gas mixture of 80% argon - 20%
carbon dioxide is termed:
a. A manual MAG process
b. A semi-automatic MAG process
c. A mechanized MIG process
d. A mechanized MAG process

2. When measuring the welding parameters with the MMA welding process for the purpose of approving
welding procedure, the Welding inspector should measure the voltage:
a. as close to the welding arc as possible
b. anywhere along the welding cable
c. always from the voltmeter on the welding plant
d. as near to the welding terminals as possible

3. In arc welding process, which of the following is the correct term used for the amount of weld metal
deposited per minute?
a. filling rate
b. deposition rate
c. weld deposition
d. weld duty cycle

4. For SAW, what is the effect of raising arc voltage but keeping with all other parameters the same?
a. the weld bead width will increase
b. the depth of penetration will increase
c. the weld bead width will decrease
d. the depth of penetration will decrease

5. When GMAW welding in dip transfer mode (short-circuiting mode) spatter can be reduced by…
a. using inductance
b. using 100% CO2
c. using Ar + 30% He
d. increasing the stick-out length

6. The spray transfer mode of GMAW is characterized by…….

a. giving deep penetration
b. being suitable for positional welding
c. giving excessive spatter
d. all of the above

7. The main reason why the use of semi-automatic dip transfer MIG/MAG welding is prohibited for some
high-integrity application is because……
a. it may produce a lot of spatter
b. the weld metal toughness is always poor
c. it very often gives lack of sidewall fusion defects
d. wire feeding problems mean there are usually far too many stop-start regions
8. Consumable guide welding is:
a. a narrow gap TIG welding process
b. a variant of electro-slag welding
c. a weld with a pre-placed fusible insert for controlled root penetration
d. a narrow gap SAW process

9. In the SAW process, the use of excessive high voltages would result in?
a. insufficient flux melting
b. excessive flux melting
c. slag removal difficulties
d. excessive spatter

10. Which of the following welding process uses a resistive heating system to achieve weld metal
a. MMA
b. resistance spot welding
c. electro-slag
d. friction welding

11. Which of the following processes joins metals plastically?

a. friction welding
b. resistance welding
c. arc welding
d. plasma welding
e. all of the above

12. What type of power source characteristic is required for a manual process?
a. constant voltage
b. flat characteristic
c. drooping characteristic
d. none of the above

25. The inclusion of an inductance in the welding circuit when using MIG/MAG welding process is:

a. control the rate of spatter in the dip transfer mode

b. it enables the welder to weld in position with the spray transfer mode
c. it allows for thicker filler wires to be used (2.6 - 3.6mm diameter)
d. it allows full control over droplet size in the spray transfer mode

13. In a MMA welding process, which of the following statements are false?
a. an arc gap, remains constant even if as usual the welder varies the position of the electrode
b. a voltage, which remains almost constant even if as usual the welder varies the arc gap
c. a current, which remains almost constant even if as usual the welder varies the arc gap
d. b & c
e. all of the above

14. When considering the MIG/MAG welding process which of the following metal transfer modes would be
the best suited to the welding of thick plates over 25mm, flat welding position
a. dip transfer
b. pulse transfer
c. spray transfer
d. globular transfer

15. For a given voltage and current settings on a MMA welding plant, when the arc length is shortened,
which of the following will be most affected?
a. the current will increase
b. the current will decrease
c. the voltage will decrease
d. the voltage will increase

16. What is the purpose of a rectifier in a welding sets electrical circuit?

a. to keep the arc stable when using low current settings
b. to convert AC current to DC current
c. to convert DC current to AC current
d. to initiate the arc at start up

17. Which of the following welding process uses a resistive heating system to achieve weld metal
deposition ?
a. MMA welding
b. SAW
c. Electro slag welding
d. Spot welding

18. MMA welding of alloy steels is more likely to be performed with:

a. rutile electrodes
b. cellulosic electrodes
c. iron powder electrodes
d. basic hydrogen controlled electrodes

19. If submerged welding to be used to make butt welds, which would you be most critical of:

a. the root gap tolerance

b. the angle of penetration
c. the root face width
d. the gas cut finish

20. In MMA welding, what parameter is used for the control of penetration into the base material?

a. voltage
b. welding speed
c. iron powders in the coating
d. current

21. In MAG/CO2 welding, which parameters give the greatest control of weld appearance during dip
transfers or short-circuiting welding?
a. wire stick-out length
b. amperage
c. wire feed speed
d. inductance

22. In MMA welding, the slag produced can be varied to suit the welding position; which type of slag would
be required for welding in the HV position?
a. fluid
b. viscous
c. none of the above
d. semi fluid

23. In submerged arc welding, the use of excessively high voltage would result in?
a. insufficient flux melting
b. excessive flux melting
c. slag removal difficulties
d. spatter

24. For dip transfer (or short circuiting) mode of metal transfer, inductance has the effect of:
a. reducing spatter
b. reduces the rate of droplet transfer
c. increasing penetration depth
d. both a & b

25. In friction welding, is the metal at the interface in the?

a. liquid state
b. solid state
c. plastic state
d. elastic state

26. Repair welding is often more difficult than production due to:
a. the material being ingrained with-in service contaminates
b. restricted access with the repair area
c. the possible position of the weld
d. any of the above

27. When referring to MIG welding, the shielding gas could be:
a. argon
b. argon + 1% oxygen
c. argon + 20% CO2
d. none of the above

28. When referring to TIG welding, the shielding gas could be:
a. argon + hydrogen
b. argon + helium
c. argon + nitrogen
d. all of the above

29. Submerged arc utilities:

a. deep penetration characteristic
b. high deposition rate on DC+
c. flat (P.A.) welding only

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