EQ Engg 4
EQ Engg 4
EQ Engg 4
Two approaches to seismic design
Dynamic analysis
In a dynamic analysis, the overall building and storey
stiffnesses and rigidities are calculated.
A specific design earthquake, including magnitude and
loading history, is selected and applied to a
mathematical model (consisting of lumped masses,
damping and spring stiffness) of the building.
Comments on “dynamic analysis”
The solution may rest heavily on vibrational theory,
finite element analysis and other advanced structural
techniques requiring computer analysis.
The building itself may be too simple or too
standardized to warrant the rigorous approach of the
design analysis.
Conversely, the building may be too complex and have
too many degrees of freedom to model mathematically.
In the initial design phases, the member sizes and
locations may not be known, making it difficult to
estimate stiffnesses and rigidities.
The dynamic approach is inappropriate when the
design earthquake is not known. 4
Static analysis
Simple harmonic motion
Ideal vibrational systems that consists of springs and
Masses and that are not acted upon by external
Disturbing forces (after an initial displacement) are
known as simple harmonic oscillators.
During steady-state motion, such oscillator move in a
Repetitive sinusoidal pattern known as simple harmonic
Simple harmonic motion is characterized by the
Absence of a continued disturbing force and a lack of
Frictional damping.
Examples of simple harmonic oscillator
A slab supported
A pendulum on two massless
A mass
on a frictionless cantilever springs
hanging on
pivot an ideal spring
Simple harmonic motion(contd…)
The number of variables needed to define the position
Of all parts of a system is known as the degree of
Stiffness and flexibility
Natural period and frequency
The time for a complete cycle of oscillation of an
SDOF system is known as the natural period, T, usually
Expressed in seconds.
k F
m x st m
Damping is the dissipation of energy from an
Oscillating system, primarily through friction. The kinetic
Energy is transformed into heat. All structures have their
Own unique ways of dissipating kinetic energy, and in
Certain designs, mechanical systems known as dampers
Can be installed to increase the damping rate.
Oscillator with damping
There are several sources of damping.
Fdamping cv
The coefficient,c, is known as the damping coefficient.
Damping ratio
An oscillating system with a small amount of damping
Will continue to oscillate, although the amplitude of the
Oscillation will decay. Many cycles and a long time may
Elapse before the system eventually reaches the
Motionless equilibrium position. This type of system is
known as an underdamped system.
Damping ratio(contd…)
A system which has a large amount of damping, when
Displaced, seems to “hang in space” taking an extremely
Long time to return to motionless equilibrium position.
This system is known as “overdamped system.
Damping ratio(contd…)
c critical
Damping ratio of buildings
The exact damping ratio, , of an actual structure is
Difficult to determine. Available data on actual structures
Suggest the values given in table. There is little evidence
To support damping ratios in real structures that exceeds
d 1 2
Forced system
A forced system is an oscillatory system that is
supplied energy on a regular, irregular, or random basis.
The force that supplies the energy is known as a
forcing function. Forcing functions can be constant(I.e., a
step function), applied and quickly removed(I.e., an
impluse function), sinusoidal or random.
Examples of forced system
An example of a regularly forced system is a flexible
floor supporting an out-of-balance motor. When turning,
the motor will generate a force at a frequency
proportional to the motor’s rotational speed. An example
of a randomly forced system is a structure acted on by
wind or seismic forces. In this case, there is little or no
regularity to the applied forces.
Forced system(contd…)
It is not significant whether a lateral force (e.g.,seismic
force or wind) is applied to a building directly or whether
the base moves out from under the building(e.g., as in
an earthquake). In the latter case, the equivalent lateral
force is an inertial force, but it is just as effective at
displacing the building relative to its base as any direct
force is.
The system response (I.e., the behaviour of a building)
to a force depends on the nature of the forcing function.
Unfortunately, earthquakes are never simple sinusoids
and buildings have more than a single degree of
freedom, so the determination of system response is
time-consuming and complex.Computers and numerical
techniques, however, greatly simplify the analysis. 25
Magnification factor
When a sinusoidal forcing function with the form
F(t)=Psinft is applied to a system with stiffness k, the
steady state response will be of the form of equation
x ( t ) sin f t
Examples of resonance(contd…)
Impulse response-undamped system
Seismic energy is applied to a structure in a
nonregular manner. A Fourier analysis can be used to
analyse the structure response, it is also possible to
break the irregular seismic loading into a series of short
duration rectangular impulses. An impulse is a force,F,
that is applied over a duration, dt, that is much less than
the natural period,T, of the structure. The product Fdt is
1.0 for a unit impulse.
From equation, the same response will be achieved
from all short duration impulses (sine, rectangular,
square, triangular, random, etc.) that has the same
value of Fdt . Notice that the response is sinusoidal even
though the loading is not
Fdt sin t (undamped )
Multi degree of freedom systems
A system with several lumped masses, such as a
building with multiple concrete floors supported by steel
columns is multi degree of freedom(MDOF) system.
A MDOF system has as many ways of oscillating as
there are lumped masses. These “ways” are known as
Each mode has its own characteristics mode shape
and natural frequency of vibration, each being some
multiple of the previous mode’s frequency.
The mode with the longest period is known as the first
or fundamental period. Higher modes have higher
frequencies (smaller periods), and the period decreases
rapidly from the fundamental mode. 31
Multi degree of freedom systems(contd…)
For example, for a typical high rise building with a
uniform plan view and a moment resisting frame, the
decrease is in the order of 1, 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9 and so on.
Response of MDOF
Response of MDOF(contd…)
Since the lower modes dominate, the response
spectra for MDOF systems are similar to those of SDOF
systems. For short periods(e.g., less than 1s), the
MDOF response is usually slightly less than the first
mode SDOF systems. For periods exceeding 1s, the
response usually slightly exceeds SDOF response.
m i ij
m i
x S d
Participation factor(contd…)
Fx mS a kSd