Tatute: Cademy of Uropean Ublic AW

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1. Objective

The objective of the Academy of European Public Law (hereafter,

the “Academy”) is to train young legal scientists, jurists and
practitioners in the reasoning and philosophy of different
European National Public Law systems as well as in the
divergences among them.

2. Description

i. The Academy holds one regular session annually. The

regular annual session of the Academy is a three-week intensive
course in European Public Law. The study sessions are divided
into 3 periods. During each period a specific theme of Public Law
is discussed. One academic of the highest scientific standard
teaches in each of the periods, alone or in collaboration with a
colleague. The annual Reunion of the European Group of Public
Law (hereafter, the EGPL) is usually held during one of the three
periods of the Academy. Academy students can also benefit from
the knowledge and the scientific potential brought to the Annual
Reunion by the members of the Group.

ii. Extraordinary sessions of the Academy may be organised

throughout the year, in countries and premises other than the
headquarters of the Academy with the collaboration of local
higher education institutes.

iii. The Academy also offers 1-week seminar courses

monthly. Academics of high scientific merit are invited to deliver
lectures on topical matters pertaining to National Public,
European, Comparative, International Law.
Special rules, described in statutes and rules of procedure, may
apply in different activities of the Academy.
3. Organisation

i. The Directorate of the Academy, composed of the

Director and the Deputy Director, has the overall supervision of
the Academy.

ii. The European Public Law Center (hereafter, the EPLC)


offers administrative and secretarial support to the managing body

of the Academy.

4. Programme

i. The Director and the Deputy Director select the lecturers and
the subject-areas that are discussed and taught. The Academy
Directorate, assisted by the EPLC staff, ensures that the necessary
scientific and teaching material is available to the participants.

ii. The programme of activities of the Academy of European

Public Law is announced officially in the Academy website. The
EPLC, under the instructions of the Academy Directorate, ensures
the widest possible publicity of the Academy activities.

5. Working Languages

Lectures and Seminars are conducted in one of the official

languages of the EU. The EPLC ensures that appropriate
translation services are offered, when needed.

6. Registration and Participation

Participation in Academy seminars and related activities is open

to interested parties, irrespective of professional and/or
educational background. Information on the terms and conditions
of participation, including registration fees and other expenses,
where applicable, are announced on the Academy official
website. The EPLC, under the instructions of the Academy
Directorate, ensures the widest possible publicity of the terms and
conditions for participation.

7. Facilities

Participants can benefit from the use of facilities provided by the

EPLC, namely

i. Access to the European Library of Public Law that is

located in the EPLC premises. The Administration of the Library
decides on the opening hours and every related matter and assists
participants of the Academy who wish to make use of the Library

ii. Accommodation;

iii. IT facilities;


iv. Office facilities.

Facilities are made available to participants upon request and on

the basis of availability. The EPLC offering these facilities may
institute charges for their availability.

8. Certificates and Diplomas

i. Academy participants receive a certificate of attendance, if their

participation is considered as satisfactory. Attendance is

ii. Those students who wish to participate in the regular session of

the Academy for a second year and prepare a dissertation are
awarded, on the condition of the successful completion of the
second year of attendance, a diploma equivalent to a master’s
course degree, as they have completed a total of 240 hours of
lectures and moots.

9. Publication

Lectures delivered are published in the official website of the

Academy. The Academy Directorate, in collaboration with the
EPLC Directorate and its editions dept, may decide to publish
specific lectures in special volumes.

10. Code of Conduct

Academy participants are expected to behave in an orderly

manner both during lectures and seminars and throughout the
duration of the Academy course. They are expected to participate
actively in the lectures and seminars. They should make prudent
use of the facilities provided to them by the EPLC (library,
accommodation, computer and internet access etc). Any damages
that cannot be justified by the regular use of these facilities may
be bourn by the students themselves.

Failure to comply with these conditions may result to disciplinary

measures, which can amount from simple reprimand to expulsion
from the Academy.

11. Finances

i. Registration fees and fees for the use of the facilities

offered by the EPLC are decided by the EPLC Directorate and its
financial dept.


ii. Academics invited to lecture at the Academy receive a fee.

iii. Registration, travel and subsistence costs are covered for

participants of the Academy, in accordance with the terms and
conditions of European or national, public or private, financing
schemes, including grants, scholarships and sponsorships. Failure
to comply with the terms and conditions of any available
financing scheme results in the participant having to cover the
costs of participation through own means.

12. People with special needs

Priority is given to ensuring that people with special needs have

all necessary conditions to attend the Academy course.

13. Equality clause

The Academy Directorate, in close co-operation with the EPLC

take all the necessary measures to ensure equal opportunities of
access and equal consideration to both sexes.

14. Revision of the Programme and Statutes of the Academy

The Academy Directorate, in collaboration with the EPLC

Directorate decide on the amendments and revisions of the
Academy statute and programme, with a view to maintaining an
efficient structure for the Academy and to offering first-class
courses, from a scientific, educational and managerial point of

Signed by

Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis Prof. Luis Ortega Alvarez

EPLC Director Academy Director


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