Astm D1599 PDF
Astm D1599 PDF
Astm D1599 PDF
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 1599 – 99 (2005)
5.4 Leakage at the end closure or fracture of the specimen in fittings, a metal band not extending more than one third of the threaded or
the immediate vicinity of the end closure shall be considered as socket depth, may be used: When the mode of failure of a piping system
an invalid test item, not a failure. is to be determined, no reinforcement shall be used.
D 1599 – 99 (2005)
NOTE 6—If additional data can be obtained by continued pressurization 11.1.3 Pipe dimensions, including nominal size, minimum
after failure (as defined in Section 5), it is the tester’s prerogative to do so wall thickness, and average outside diameter. For reinforced
but is beyond the scope of this method. thermosetting pipe, wall thickness and outside diameter shall
9.2 Procedure B: be reinforced dimensions only. Unreinforced thicknesses shall
9.2.1 Prepare the test specimen in the same way as de- also be reported. For fittings, report nominal size and schedule,
scribed in Procedure A (9.1.1 to 9.1.2). or pressure rating.
9.2.2 Increase the pressure uniformly and continuously, 11.1.4 Type of end closure used, that is, free or restrained,
measuring the time. To determine that the specimen complies 11.1.5 Number of specimens tested.
with a minimum burst requirement the specimen shall burst 11.1.6 Test temperature.
between 60 and 70 s, or the minimum burst pressure shall be 11.1.7 Test environment, including conditioning time.
reached or exceeded between 60 and 70 s. 11.1.8 Purpose of the tests. Refer also to 6.1 and 7.2.3.
11.1.9 Failure pressure and failure time (Procedure A or B)
10. Calculation or minimum pressure reached and time to reach minimum
10.1 Calculate the pipe hoop stress as follows: pressure (Procedure B) for each specimen.
S 5 P ~D 2 t!/2t for outside diameter controlled pipe 11.1.10 For pipe, calculate the average maximum stress and
the standard deviation.
11.1.11 Type of failure for Procedure A (bursting, cracking,
S 5 P ~d 1 t!/2t for inside diameter controlled pipe splitting, weeping, leaking).
11.1.12 Date of test.
12. Precision and Bias 3
S = hoop stress, psi (or MPa),
P = internal pressure, psi (or MPa), 12.1 Precision3—Based on a mini laboratory round-robin
D = average outside diameter, in. (or mm). For reinforced conducted on 2-in. medium density polyethylene pipe, the
thermosetting pipe, outside diameter shall not include precision (one standard deviation) of this test method for
nonreinforced covers, medium density polyethylene pipe is as follows:
d = average inside diameter, in. (or mm), and 12.1.1 Within-laboratory, 63 % (repeatability).
t = minimum wall thickness, in. (or mm). For reinforced 12.1.2 Between-laboratory, 66 % (reproducibility).
thermosetting pipe use minimum reinforced wall thick- 12.2 Bias—Data obtained using this test method are be-
ness. lieved to be reliable, since accepted techniques of analysis are
used. However, because no referee method is available, no bias
NOTE 7—An alternative method for calculating the hoop stress of
statement can be made.
reinforced pipe is given in the Annex of Specification D 3517.
13. Keywords
11. Report
13.1 burst pressure; plastic fittings; plastic pipe; plastic
11.1 The report shall include the following:
tubing; short-term hydrostatic pressure
11.1.1 Complete identification of the specimens, including
material, manufacturer’s name and code number, type, source,
and previous history. 3
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
11.1.2 Procedure used, either A or B. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: F 17-1038.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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